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CHAPTER 1 Matter in Motion

1 Measuring Motion

National Science
BEFORE YOU READ Education Standards
After you read this section, you should be able to answer PS 2a
these questions:
What is motion?
How is motion shown by a graph?
What are speed and velocity?
What is acceleration?

What Is Motion?
Look around the room for a moment. What objects STUDY TIP
are in motion? Are students writing with pencils in their Describe Study each graph
notebooks? Is the teacher writing on the board? Motion carefully. In the margin
next to the graph, write a
is all around you, even when you cant see it. Blood is sentence or two explaining
circulating throughout your body. Earth orbits around the what the graph shows.
sun. Air particles shift in the wind.
When you watch an object move, you are watching it
in relation to what is around it. Sometimes the objects
around the object you are watching are at rest. An object
that seems to stay in one place is called a reference
point. When an object changes position over time in
relation to a reference point, the object is in motion. READING CHECK
You can use standard reference directions (such as 1. Describe What is the
north, south, east, west, right, and left) to describe an purpose of a reference point?
objects motion. You can also use features on Earths
surface, such as buildings or trees, as reference points.
The figure below shows how a mountain can be used as a
reference point to show the motion of a hot-air balloon.

2. Identify What is the
xed reference point in the

The hot-air balloon changed position relative to a reference point.

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Interactive Textbook 1 Matter in Motion
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SECTION 1 Measuring Motion continued

How Can Motion Be Shown?

In the figure below, a sign-up sheet is being passed
around a classroom. You can follow its path. The paper
begins its journey at the reference point, the origin.

3. Identify What is the
origin, or reference point, of
the paper?
The path taken by a eld trip sign-up sheet.

The figure below shows a graph of the position of the

sign-up sheet as it is passed around the class. The paper
moves in this order:
1. One positive unit on the y-axis
2. Two positive units on the x-axis
3. Two negative units on the y-axis
4. Three negative units on the x-axis
The graph provides a method of using standard
STANDARDS CHECK reference directions to show motion.
PS 2a The motion of an object
can be described by its position,
direction of motion, and speed.
That motion can be measured 3
and represented on a graph.

4. Identify What is the

shortest path that the
paper could take to return Desks
to Owens desk? The paper 3 1 1 3
cannot move diagonally.

The position of the sign-up sheet as
it of
The position moves through
the sign-up sheetthe
as itclassroom.
moves through the classroom.

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Interactive Textbook 2 Matter in Motion
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SECTION 1 Measuring Motion continued

What Is Speed?
Speed is the rate at which an object moves. It is the Critical Thinking
distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel 5. Explain The average
that distance. Most of the time, objects do not travel at a ight speed of a bald eagle
is about 50 km/h. A scientist
constant speed. For example, when running a race, you has measured an eagle
might begin slowly but then sprint across the finish line. ying 80 km/h. How is this
So, it is useful to calculate average speed. We use the possible?
following equation:
total distance
average speed
total time
Suppose that it takes you 2 s to walk 4 m down a
hallway. You can use the equation above to find your
average speed:
average speed
2 m/s Math Focus
2s 6. Calculate Suppose you
walk 10 m down a hallway
Your speed is 2 m/s. Units for speed include meters in 2.5 s. What is your average
per second (m/s), kilometers per hour (km/h), feet per speed? Show your work.
second (ft /s), and miles per hour (mi/h).

How Can You Show Speed on a Graph?

You can show speed on a graph by showing how the
position of an object changes over time. The x-axis shows
the time it takes to move from place to place. The y-axis
shows distance from the reference point.


7. Apply Concepts Suppose
the dog walks at a constant
speed the whole way. On the
graph, draw a line showing

that the dog walks at a
A graph of position versus time also shows the dogs speed during his walk. The constant speed during the

more slanted the line, the faster the dog walked.


Suppose you watched a dog walk beside a fence. The
graph above shows the total distance the dog walked in
10 s. The line is not straight because the dog did not walk
the same distance in each second. The dog walked slowly
for 2 s and then quickly
for 1 s. From 3 s to 5 s, the dog
did not move.

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Interactive Textbook 3 Matter in Motion
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SECTION 1 Measuring Motion continued

The average speed of the dog is:

total distance walked 7 m
average speed .07 m/s
total time 10 s

What Is Velocity?
Suppose that two birds leave the same tree at the same
time. They both fly at 10 km/h for 5 min, then 5 km/h for
10 min. However, they dont end up in the same place. Why
The birds did not end up in the same place because
they flew in different directions. Their speeds were the
same, but because they flew in different directions, their
velocities were different. Velocity is the speed of an object
READING CHECK and its direction.
8. Analyze Someone tells The velocity of an object is constant as long as both
you that the velocity of a car speed and direction are constant. If a bus driving at
is 55 mi/h. Is this correct?
Explain your answer.
15 m/s south speeds up to 20 m/s south, its velocity
changes. If the bus keeps moving at the same speed but
changes direction from south to east, its velocity also
changes. If the bus brakes to a stop, the velocity of the bus
changes again.
The table below shows that velocity is a combination
of both the speed of an object and its direction.
Say It Speed Direction Velocity
Share Experiences Have you 15 m/s south 15 m/s south
ever experienced a change
20 m/s south 20 m/s south
in velocity on an amusement
park ride? In pairs, share an 20 m/s east 20 m/s east
experience. Explain how the 0 m/s east 0 m/s east
velocity changedwas it a
change in speed, direction, or Velocity changes when the speed changes, when the
both? direction changes, or when both speed and direction
change. The table below describes various situations in
which the velocity changes.
Situation What changes
Raindrop falling faster and faster
Runner going around a turn on a track direction
Car taking an exit off a highway speed and direction
Train arriving at a station speed
Baseball being caught by a catcher speed
TAKE A LOOK Baseball hit by a batter
9. Identify Fill in the empty
boxes in the table. speed and direction

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SECTION 1 Measuring Motion continued

10. Identify Is the cyclist
accelerating? How do you
1 m/s 2 m/s 3 m/s 4 m/s 5 m/s

This cyclist moves faster and faster as he peddles his bike south.

What Is Acceleration?
Acceleration is how quickly velocity changes. An
object accelerates if its speed changes, its direction
changes, or both its speed and direction change.
The units for acceleration are the units for velocity
divided by a unit for time. The resulting unit is often
meters per second per second (m/s/s or m/s2).
Looking at the figure above, you can see that the speed
increases by 1 m/s during each second. This means that
the cyclist is accelerating at 1 m/s2.
An increase in speed is referred to as positive
acceleration. A decrease in speed is referred to as
negative acceleration or deceleration. READING CHECK
Acceleration can be shown on a graph of speed 11. Explain What happens
versus time. Suppose you are operating a remote control to an object when it has
car. You push the lever on the remote to move the car negative acceleration?
forward. The graph below shows the cars acceleration
as the car moves east. For the first 5 s, the car increases
in speed. The cars acceleration is positive because the
speed increases as time passes.
For the next 2 s, the speed of the car is constant. This
means the car is no longer accelerating. Then the speed
of the car begins to decrease. The cars acceleration is
then negative because the speed decreases over time.

A Graph Showing Acceleration

6 Math Focus
12. Interpret Graphs Is the
Speed (m/s)

slope positive or negative

when the cars speed
3 increases? Is the slope
2 positive or negative when the
1 cars speed decreases?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)

The graph of speed versus time also shows that the acceleration of the car was
positive and negative. Between 5 s and 7 s, it had no acceleration.

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Section 1 Review NSES PS 2a

acceleration the rate at which the velocity motion an objects change in position relative to
changes over time; an object accelerates if its a reference point
speed, direction, or both change velocity the speed of an object in a particular
speed the distance traveled divided by the time direction
interval during which the motion occurred

1. Identify What is the difference between speed and velocity?

2. Complete a Graphic Organizer Fill in the graphic organizer for a car that starts
from one stop sign and approaches the next stop sign. Use the following terms:
constant velocity, positive acceleration, deceleration, and at rest.

3. Interpret a Graph Describe the motion of the skateboard using the graph below.
Write what the skateboard does from time = 0 s to time = 40 s.

Position Verses Time for a Skateboard


Position (m)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (s)

4. Calculate Theph07ci_mot000108a
graph above shows that the skateboard went a total distance of
80 m. What was the average speed of the skateboard? Show your work.

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Interactive Textbook 6 Matter in Motion
M Forces, Motion, and Energy Answer Key
4. average speed total distance traveled
Chapter 1 Matter in Motion total time
average speed _____
40 s
1. When an object changes position over time
in relation to a reference point, the object is
in motion.
1. direction and size
2. the mountain
2. balanced forces
3. Owens desk
3. Arrow pointing right is the size of both small
4. one positive unit on the y-axis and then one
arrows combined.
positive unit on the x-axis, or one positive
unit on the x-axis and then one positive unit 4. The rope would not move. The forces would
on the y-axis be balanced.
5. Average speed does not mean constant 5. The motion of the object will not change.
speed. At times the bird flies faster, and at 6. It will change its motion.
times it flies more slowly.
total distance Review
6. average speed _____________
total time 1. Net force is the total force acting on an
10 m 4 m/s
_____ object. If all of the forces balance each other
average speed
2.5 s out, there is no net force.
7. a straight diagonal line from 0,0 to the point 2. You push down on pedals, you push the han-
10 s, 7 m dle bars in either direction, and your weight
8. No, velocity needs a direction. pushes down on the seat.
9. Situation What changes
3. 10 N to the right, 13 N down
Raindrop falling faster and speed
4. The object on the left will move or acceler-
faster ate to the right. The object on the right will
Runner going around a direction move or accelerate down.
turn on a track 5. Balanced forces have a net force of 0 N, and
Car taking an exit off a speed and direction the object will not change its motion. If the
highway net force is other than 0, the force is unbal-
Train arriving at a station speed anced and the object will change its motion.
Baseball being caught by speed
a catcher
Baseball hit by a batter speed and direction OPPOSES MOTION
Answers will vary. speed and direction 1. Friction is a force that opposes the motion
10. Yes, his speed is increasing. between two surfaces that touch.
11. It slows down. 2. Usually, the hills and valleys are very tiny.
12. positive for increasing speed, negative for 3. The ball on the rough surface will stop first
decreasing speed because of greater friction, or a greater
unbalanced force.
Review 4. when the force that is applied to an object at
1. Speed is the rate at which an object moves, rest causes the object to move
but velocity is the rate at which an object 5. A lubricant makes the surfaces smoother by
moves in a particular direction. filling up the valleys and coating the hills.
2. From left to right: at rest, positive accelera- 6. to reduce friction
tion, constant velocity, deceleration 7. Make surfaces rougher and increase the
3. The skateboard starts at rest and speeds up force between two surfaces.
for 15 s. It stops for 5 s. It speeds up for
10 s. Then it turns around and speeds back
to its starting point.

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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 81 Forces, Motion, and Energy

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