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National Human Development Report


CC BY-NC 2017
Programa das Naes Unidas para o Desenvolvimento PNUD EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Casa da ONU, Setor de Embaixadas Norte, Quadra 802, Conjunto C, lote17
Braslia, DF, Brasil

The intrinsic value of sports and physical is expressed in its most effective form through
activities (SPAs) is already well-established, just activities practiced in ones free time; these ac-
like their relation to good health, sociability, tivities should also be understood as part of the
cognition, productivity, and quality of life as a social rights of each and every citizen.
whole. Even so, most people are not involved In this way, the report categorizes sports
with these practices. This National Human De- and physical activities as the following: ac-
velopment Report assumes that SPAs have the tivities that demand significant involvement of
potential to enrich our lives and increase the the body, as well as movement or physical ef-
freedom of choice of every individualthey are fort that are performed predominantly without
rights, not duties. As a result, we strongly advo- economically productive objectives, granting
cate for governments to adopt public policies various values and meanings (often overlap-
consistent with the importance of SPAs for hu- ping) linked to dimensions of health, physical
man development, as well as prescribe similar aptitude, competition, sociability, fun, risk and
initiatives for the private sector and civil society excitement, catharsis, relaxation, and physical
organizations. beauty, among others1.
While not ignoring the large variety of SPAs The analyses conducted from the data avai-
that have to do with transportation, domestic lable about the practice and organization of
work, and work activities, this report focuses SPAs in Brazil led this report to propose six cent-
on activities that take place in ones spare time, ral principles for organizing action in the area
in the context of leisure, and traces their rela- so as to increase and refine the involvement of
tion to human development. One should un- people in SPAs:
derstand that the character of liberty, which is
Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano Nacional - Movimen- central to the concept of human development,
to Vida: Atividades Fsicas e Esportivas para Todas as Pessoas:
2017. Braslia:
PNUD, 2017.
392 p.: il., grfs. color.

ISBN: 978-85-88201-49-1

1. Atividades Fsicas e Esportivas. 2. Desenvolvimento Humano.

3. Educao Fsica. 4. Escolas Ativas. 5. Promoo da Sade. 6. Ob-
jetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel. 7. Brasil. I. Programa das
Naes Unidas para o Desenvolvimento. II. Ttulo.

CDU 796:316



1. SPAs are a dimension of human development when the 2. Policies that promote SPAs, and strategies to improve and refine participation in
decision to perform them has, at its base, a free and them, should be elaborated and implemented from a perspective of the right to
conscious decision that is not limited by a lack of free time, access SPAs and the responsibility for the current situation. They should come
material and financial resources, and/or opportunities. from a perspective of what is intended for the future, and be shared between
the population, the public sector, private initiatives, and the third sector.

Moving is a valuable ability for human devel- Three conditions are understood as being Public policies are societys principal tool to One simple way to advocate for the imple-
opment and is expressed by means of various central to defining the degree of liberty pre- influence the creation of capabilities. Existing mentation of public policies and other initiatives
operations (walking, dancing, playing sports, sent in peoples choices regarding the practice policies in various areas, during periods of both about sports and physical activities is to show
playing, riding bikes, etc.) with different mea- of SPAs. The first of them is time, that is, the di- crisis and stability, can increase or reduce the their clear returns in terms of human develop-
nings for people in their lives. Everyone has the rect relation between being able to choose one opportunities on offer for people choosing the ment indicators. The link between participating
potential to move and perform SPAs; there- of these activities and the free time available to type of life they want and value. In addition to in sports and physical activities and the human
fore, this capacity should be guaranteed and do it. Second, the necessity of material and fi- governments, civil society through NGOs, com- development of the Brazilian population can be
enriched during ones entire life so that every- nancial conditions for the practice of SPAs also munity associations, unions, religious groups, in- seen in the relation between the percentage
one develops this potential and benefits from stands out. The availability of resources, in or- digenous organizations, business associations, of the population that participates in SPAs and
it (with agency) to give their lives more worth der to benefit from either private options or the and professional associations, among others states Municipal Human Development Index
and quality. availability of public material conditions (which also intervene in the choice and implementa- (MHDI). Positive variations can be seen between
There is a multiplicity of SPA activities, as well range from sports equipment to lighting and tion of new courses of public action. the percentage of the population that partici-
as of meanings attributed to these activities by public security), is indispensable for participat- For SPAs, it is no different: policies and initia- pates in SPAs and MHDI: as the percentage of
people. Without looking to establish a hierar- ing in SPAs. The third has a symbolic and cultur- tives from a wide variety of actors should co- the population that participates in sports and
chical relation between more utilitarian reasons al character: the value of being active is intrin- incide with the way services and opportunities physical activities in Brazilian states increases,
(such as health benefits) and personal environ- sically related to local cultural dynamics, which are offered to people. The organization of the those states MHDI does as well.
ment reasons (such as pleasure), this report impactand many times limitthe types of National Conferences of Sports in 2004, 2006,
argues for the importance of building the ob- SPAs that people see as valuable activities. The and 2010, is an example of an initiative that built Graph RE.1 Percentage of the population that participates
jective and symbolic conditions for SPAs to be idea here is that the value of certain practices a space of public dialogue for the discussion of in sports and physical activities and the Municipal Human
accessible to everyone for a wide variety of rea- is determined by an individuals free and con- sports-related policies. The participation of all Development Index (MHDI) of Brazilian states in 2015
sons. SPAs should therefore be effectively treat- scious decision, affected as little as possible by interested parties allowed for the creation of

ed as choices, as autonomous as is possible. cultural or media imposition. virtuous cycles of development anchored in a
respect for diversity and social justice.
The distinctive characteristic of initiatives
based on a focus on human development is
recognizing the multi-dimensionality of hu- 0,9

man life and, in accordance with this, promoting DF

the search for well-being in all aspects simul- SP

taneously. As a result, new SPAs policies and ini- SC

tiatives should include, in the name of multi-di- 0,8 RJ PR RS

mensionality, sectors traditionally associated RR

with human development (health, education, AP
economics), and other relevant sectors (secu- BA

rity, environment, human rights, etc.), as well as 0,7 RO PA SE

the question of popular participation in deci- MA

sion-making processes.
30 40 50 60
% participating



3. The existing framework of inequity in Brazil in regard
to access to SPAs should provide an opportunity to
adopt measures that increase and refine participation
in SPAs, especially among less-advantaged groups.

Even though it is complex to come up with As a result, there exist clear relationships be- Graph RE.2 Profile of participants in sports and physical activities, in Brazil
one percentage to measure how many people tween the possibility of a person participating
participate in SPAs in Brazil (because figures can in SPAs and the social group to which he/she 80

% participating
vary significantly depending on the parameters belongs, segmented by indicators such as sex,
used, such as the frequency of participation, ref- race, age, education, monthly household per 72,5% 72,2%
erence period, quantity of time, etc.), it is pos- capita income and combinations thereof. These 70
sible to draw one general conclusion: the per- indicators, in different forms and proportions, 69,8%
centage is low, around 30% or less. In addition, affect the possibility of participating in SPAs as
existing disparities in Brazil in terms of race, much as the frequency of participation, the way 63,2%
gender, economic situation, level of education, in which that participation happens, and the 60
etc. are also reflected in the problem of acces- motivations that lead to it. The data analyzed 56,7%
sing SPAs in the country. Characteristics like be- reinforce the understanding that participating 53,6%
ing young, male, white, and of high educational in SPAs is not restricted only to the sphere of 50 48,6%
and socioeconomic levels are frequently linked individual decision-making, but is also a prod-
to higher levels of participation in SPAs, where- uct of how society structures collective life. This 43,6%
as characteristics such as being elderly, female, means that advising individuals to participate 41,3%
black, and of low educational and socioeconom- more in SPAs, without creative effective op- 40 39,4% 37,8%
ic levels are frequently linked to lower levels of portunities for them to engage in them or ad-
participation. dressing the social conditioners that limit their
involvement, will encounter great difficulties in 30
27,2% 29,6% 27,6%
changing the situation.
22% 21,7% 24,2%
Age group
% 15 to 17 years % 18 to 24 years % 25 to 39 years % 40 to 59 years 60 or more years

Brazil Men earning more than 5 times the minimum wage

Black Women earning more than 5 times the minimum wage
White Men earning less than the minimum wage
Women earning less than the minimum wage

Source: National Sample Survey of Households (PNAD, 2015).



4. It is necessary to broaden the understanding of SPAs as a tool for improving
health: the focus should be on promoting health, and not just on treating or
preventing diseases. Cooperation between the level of individual choice and
the level of collective choice should guarantee this new mode of operation.

SPAs have traditionally been understood as Maintaining our focus on encouraging the Figure RE.1 Example of promoting sports and physical activities for health, as inter-
an important strategy for preventing and treat- involvement of the population with SPAs, this connected and dynamic processes Fonte: adaptado de Rtten e Gelius, 2011.
ing diseases. There is significant scientific evi- report presents some possible strategies for
dence of the positive relationship between par- doing so. These strategies are generally orga-
ticipating in SPAs and bone, mental, neurological, nized within three main approaches: Reinforces
and cardiovascular health, and more recently, Informational and mass-media campaigns:
with cognitive performance as well2. Estimates strategies to change community attitudes
show that around 5% of premature deaths in and knowledge levels through mass-media

the country are derived from physical inactivity. campaigns (messages and advertisements

Studies also analyze the impact on the produc- in newspapers, radio, and television) or mes- Agency Structure

Individual level

raging environme
tivity of people and public spending on health. sages to incentivize participation in SPAs in Participating in Public places
In 2013, 15% of the Unified Health Systems (SUS) strategic environments, such as schools and
Operative level physical activity for participating
in leisure time in physical
costs for hospitalizations were calculated to workplaces. activity
have been attributable to physical inactivity3. Behavioral and social: strategies to teach

Consequently, this report recognizes the abilities to change and maintain behaviors
undeniable links between SPAs and health and (such as individual counseling) and creating
understands that it is necessary to strengthen social and organizational environments that
and broaden the understanding of their roles facilitate these changes (such as planning
D e ve l o p s
in this area. To do this, we propose focusing goals for the adoption of healthy behavior in
on the promotion of health, and not only the the school community).
treatment and prevention of diseases. We un- Environmental and community-focused poli- Creates Reinforces
derstand health from a systemic perspective, cies: multiple strategies for decision-making
relating the promotion of SPAs and health in that look to improve the accessibility, conve- Strengthens
inter-connected and dynamic processes that nience, and security of places for performing
mutually reinforce one another. SPAs, allied with actions of a physical, orga-
As a result, to make it possible to reach our nizational, and educational character (for ex-

objective of increasing the number of partic- ample, inter-sectoral coordination, physical

Agency Structure

munity action
ipants in SPAs, it is necessary to think about changes in the environments for performing

-promoting polic
Community Guidelines, laws,
policies at the levels of agency (the capacity of SPAs and the encouragement of educational
Level of participation budgets
individuals to act) and structure (a collection strategies for the improvement of aspects collective choice
of rules and resources that is produced by the such as accessibility and security).

agency of individuals). In other words, policies

should not only be focused on elements rela-
ted to agency (participating in SPAs, community
participation, etc.), but also on those related to
structure (places in which one can participate in
SPAs, laws, budgets, etc.) so that individual and Facilitates

collective behavior can act together to promote

health. Source: Adapted from Rutten and Gelius, 2011



5. Schools need to become Active Schools so that students have
significative and pleasant experiences that are capable of
making them SPAs participants for their entire lives.

Schools have a central role in building the Graph RE.3 Distribution of public and private Talking about Active Schools does imply
knowledge and habits of the population regard- schools in Brazil on the Scale of Active Schools talking only about normative aspects, chang-
ing SPAs. Therefore, it will only be possible to ing laws and rules, and physical education in
increase and refine the involvement of the pop- schools. In order to build an Active School, one
ulation with SPAs if there is a different approach must advocate in favor of SPAs for the entire
in schools. This report presents an Active School school community (administrators, teachers,
proposal that is based in the problematization staff, students, families) both inside and outside
of the distribution of time in school, as well as the school, using the following basic tenets:
the architectural and furniture arrangements of Encouraging and celebrating movement in
school spaces, the rules of conduct in schools, the school as an expression of individuality
and the relevance of SPAs to the human develop- and a way to build social relations.
ment of students. Considering the daily necessities of phys-
The proposition of Active Schools, defended ical activity for children and young people
from a perspective of human development, has given the evidence of its relation to health,
to do with making the school a place in which well-being, and development.
movement is understood as a valuable human Promoting the experience and learning of
ability in peoples lives. Therefore, it should be es- and about SPAs in order to permit the auton-
tablished as a central opportunity to be guaran- 38,56% Insufficient omy and liberty of the school community in
teed in school life. In order for this to happen, regard to individual and social performance
it should permeate all routines, time, and space 49,60% Elementary about practices regarding the body in ones
so that people have the freedom to be active life and community.
on the way to their full level of human develop- 11,29% Intermediate Guaranteeing the democratic participation
ment. of the school community in the effort to
0,52% Advanced
Looking to make the situation in the Brazilian make the school more active.
school system more concrete, this report pro- 0,03% Full
poses a Scale of Active Schools (EEA) to measure
the quality of being active of schools. The scale
Source: UNDP-INEP, 2017, about Active Schools
ranges from the Insufficient level, which char-
acterizes schools with very precarious cond-
itions for the promotion of SPAs, to the Full lev-
el, which characterizes schools with a culture To address this situation, this report empha-
and infrastructure instituted in the value and sizes that: 1) there exists a vital latent condi-
promotion of SPAs. Among the various results tionthat children and young people are ac-
shown by the scale, as well as the analysis of na- tivewhich is a very useful jumping-off point
tional studies on the subject, it stands out that for thinking about how to give opportunities for
only 0.55% of Brazilian schools can be consi- more movement in schools; and 2) many adapt-
dered Active Schools (at the Full and Advanced ations can be made in school architecture
levels), while 38.56% of schools are at the Insuf- in order to help increase the possibilities of
ficient level. movement.

6. A new vision for the National Sports system is necessary Figure RE.2 Vision of the New National Sports System Sports
one that invests in improving conditions so that everyone for every stage of life: The young, adults, and elderly
can always participate whenever they choose to do so.
Sports for every stage of life: The young, adults, and elderly

Target Population
Learning about sports for young
people and adults, and recovery

The Brazilian population understands that As a result, and in accordance with the National
the public authorities must invest in SPAs4. Conferences of Sports, this report advocates for
The focus, however, should be the population the country to build a new National System of

Learning how to play sports

in general and not only high-performance Sports that is composed of an open and decen-

Sports Fundamentals
sports. There is still, in the public sector, a wide- tralized structure that allows for the implemen-
sports, physical

A Life with Sports

ly disseminated idea that investment in high- tation of intersectoral policies to encourage
performance sports, through the emergence of SPAs. This system must furthermore guarantee activity
sports heroes, incentivizes the population in the existence of democratic mechanisms of
general to participate in SPAs. Evidently, sports participation, with robust practices of monitor-
heroes are inspirations for many people, not ing, evaluation, transparency and social control. Com
only to take up new forms of sports, but also in The strengthening of the National System of pet
terms of discipline, willpower, and overcoming Sports is seen as a necessary element for guar- e sp
adversity. They are subjects of pride and some- anteeing the right to sports, as exhibited in the orts
times make a difference because, in some cases, Federal Constitution, whose determination is
people began to participate in sports in which that public encouragement should be principal-
they had not before, widening their repertoire. ly directed toward the educational practice of
This vision, however, must be widened toward a sports. The Constitution also values the encour- Specializing Improving High-
new National System of Sports that recognizes agement of leisure as a form of social promo- in sports in sports performance 5
that encouraging high-performance sports and tion, and given this, strengthens the importance Sports Education Excellence in sports Age progression
promoting sports and physical activities for ev- of participative sports, with actions directed at Children and Adolescents 80 years or more
eryone have different logics, but must be treat- peoples entire life cycles, allowing for a variety
Source: Ministry of Sports. Proposal of the National System of Sports, 2015.
ed in an integrated and complementary way, of activities. From this perspective, encourag-
without one taking precedence over the other. ing sports should hinge on its most democratic
In general, public investment does not have, manifestation, which satisfactorily attends to
as an objective, reducing the inequality in access the needs of the population, improving their
to SPAs among social groups. On the contrary, it conditions of life, whether through school or refining participation in SPAs could be funda- NOTAS
tends to worsen it. Traditionally, most public in- leisure activities. mental for promoting the ODS, just as promot- 1 As such, occupational sporting and physical
vestment has been concentrated in young peo- Since September 2015, when the 2030 Agen- ing the ODS could be decisive for increasing and activities conducted by athletes and other
professionals, as well as domestic employees,
ple, men, and in people who are already involved da for Sustainable Development, with its 17 Ob- refining the involvement of people with SPAs. are not the object of reflection for this report.
in sports (athletes), while the sectors that most jectives of Sustainable Development (ODS), was In this situation, with changes that become 2 REZENDE et al., 2015.
need the support of the public authorities are launched, the world has had a new milestone necessary on both the global and national le- 3 BIELEMANN et al., 2015.
4 BGE, 2017.
those who receive the least of it, such as is the for global development. vel, the SPAs can and should increasingly be-
5 In the current system, all investments are
case with the elderly, women, and non-athletes. This report sees SPAs as being part of this come the object of both reflection and actions concentrated in this light blue section.
The current National System of Sports (SND), agenda, whether as a central element for reach- planned from the perspective of human devel-
whose mission is to promote participation in ing Objective 3 (Health and Well-being), or as an opment. It is fundamental for people to be able
high-performance sports, receives almost all instrument to help reach other objectives, such to get involved, through a free and conscious
public resources that are directed towards SPAs, as those related to education, social inequality, decision, with activities that they have every
even though it represents only 7.6% of the total culture, leisure, or even basic necessities and reason to value, thereby increasing their capa-
Brazilian population that participates in SPAs. social protection. As a result, increasing and bilities and possibilities of choice.




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