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w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e .

c o m November 2013 Spectroscopy 28(11) 1

Focus on Quality
An Integrated Risk Assessment
for Analytical Instruments
and Computerized Laboratory
A risk assessment is presented for determining the amount of qualification and validation work
required to show that instruments and computerized laboratory systems are fit for their intended
C. Burgess and R.D. McDowall

R isk management is one of the new requirements for

the pharmaceutical industry following the publica-
tion of the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA)
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for the 21st
Century (1) and the International Conference on Har-
USP <1058>. The USP general chapter is currently under
revision and ideally the revised version will be fully com-
patibility with the GAMP 5 guidelines and good practice
guides (46). In the meantime, however, users are left with
a question: Do I follow USP <1058> or GAMP 5? We shall
monization (ICH) Q9 on Quality Risk Management (2). answer this question here.
How much qualification and validation work is required in
connection with a regulated task is dependent on a justi- Some Problems with USP <1058>
fied and documented risk assessment. The United States In November 2010, there was an American Association
Pharmacopoeia (USP) General Chapter <1058> (3) on ana- of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) meeting in New Or-
lytical instrument qualification (AIQ) has an implicit risk leans, Louisiana, where the status of <1058> was debated.
assessment in that it classifies instrumentation used in a That same month Bob published some of his thoughts
regulated laboratory into one of three groups: A, B, or C. about the advantages and disadvantages of that general
The chapter defines the criteria for each group, but leaves it chapter (7). The advantages consisted of the classification
to individuals to decide how to operate the classification in of instruments and systems, which was also its greatest
their own laboratories. disadvantage, as it was too simplistic. Simply saying that
Software is pervasive throughout the instruments and an instrument fit into group B ignored the possibility that
systems in groups B and C, as acknowledged by <1058> there were in-built calculations that needed to be verified
(3). From a software perspective, Good Automated Manu- because of 21 CFR 211.68(b) requirements (8) or that some
facturing Practice (GAMP) 5 Good Practice Guide (GPG) instruments enable users to build their own programs.
for Validation of Laboratory Computerized Systems (4) Furthermore, the approach to software for group C sys-
is widely recognized within the industry and by regula- tems was nave as it placed the responsibility for valida-
tors, but it is not consistent with some of the elements of tion on the supplier rather than the user. Chapter <1058>
2 Spectroscopy 28(11) November 2013 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m

Table I: Increased granularity of existing USP <1058> instrument groups groups depending on its use. Intended
use is also an essential part of our risk
USP <1058> Group Suggested Qualification and Validation Approach
assessment presented in this column.
Group A (Apparatus)
However, the current weakness
No measurement or calibration requirements of the overall risk-based approach
Compliance by observation is the way in which software is as-
No user defined qualification or calibration requirements
sessed. Software is pervasive in group
Group B (Instruments) B instruments and group C systems.
Type 1: Instrument
Qualification of the instrument operating parameters Chapter <1058> currently references
Implicit validation of software functions through the the FDA guidance document, General
qualification of the instrument
Principles of Software Validation (9).
Qualification of the instrument operating parameters This guidance was written primarily
Type 2: Instrument Implicit validation of software functions through the
with embedded qualification of the instrument for medical device software, which is
calculations Explicit verification of the calculations used by individual neither configured (modified to the
laboratory business process by vendor supplied
Qualification of the instrument operating parameters tools) nor customized (writing soft-
Type 3: Instrument Implicit validation of instrument software functions ware macros or modules that are in-
with user-defined through the qualification of the instrument
tegrated with the application). Given
program capability User-defined programs require specification and
verification that they work as intended that many analytical instruments and
Group C (Systems)
systems are configured or customized,
this guidance does not fit well in a
Qualification of the instrument using the control software
Type 1: Low Documents user types and corresponding access privileges
regulated GXP laboratory environ-
complexity system System life cycle for nonconfigurable software or ment.
configurable software used with default settings In January 2012, we published a
Qualification of the instrument using the control software stimulus to the revision process in
Type 2: Medium Document user types and corresponding access privileges the on-line version of Pharmacopeial
complexity system Document software configuration Forum (13), in which we proposed an
System life cycle validation for configurable software
update for USP <1058>. In our pro-
Qualification of the instrument using the control software posal, instrument qualification was
Documents user types and corresponding access privileges
Type 3: High
Document software configuration integrated with computerized system
complexity system validation rather than being two
System life cycle validation for configurable software
Specification and verification of the custom modules or separate activities. This would pro-
macros vide regulated laboratories with the
opportunity to reduce the amount of
also referenced the FDA guidance for and validation of instruments and work and avoid potential duplication.
industry entitled General Principles computerized laboratory systems (The In this publication, we included a risk-
of Software Validation (9), which was GAMP GPG uses the term laboratory assessment flow chart for determining
written primarily for medical devices; computerized system in contrast to the the amount of work to perform to
the configuration and customization more common term of computerized qualify analytical instruments and,
of software is not mentioned tehre. laboratory system; however the two where appropriate, validate the soft-
terms are equivalent.) We have a paper ware functions and applications. From
GAMP Good Practice Guide for soon to be published that maps the the comments received, we updated
Laboratory Systems Updated two approaches and shows that they the flow chart. We present it here as a
The publication of the first edition of are very similar despite some differ- simplified method for classifying the
the GAMP Good Practice Guide for ences in terminology (12). apparatus, instruments, and systems
Validation of Laboratory Computer- in your laboratory.
ized Systems (5) had some problems. Progress Updating USP <1058>
However, in the recently published The original basis of USP <1058> was Why an Integrated Risk
second edition (6), the good practice the 2004 AAPS white paper Analyti- Assessment Approach?
guide was aligned with GAMP 5 (4) cal Instrument Qualification, which The basic risk assessment model in
and was updated to be risk-based focused on a risk-based approach to <1058> is the classification of any
(as reflected in the new title). Col- AIQ by classifying apparatus, instru- item used in a laboratory into group
laboration with us during the writing ments, and systems depending on the A, B, or C based on a definition of in-
enabled both the good practice guide laboratorys intended use. The defini- tended use. This is generally a sound
and the new draft of USP <1058> (11) tion of the intended use is the key part approach, because apparatus (group
to be more closely aligned and have of the process, because the same item A), instruments (B), or systems (C)
a unified approach to qualification could be classified in any of the three are easily classified. However, there is
w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m November 2013 Spectroscopy 28(11) 3

a weakness in that the level of granu-

larity currently offered by <1058> is
insufficient to classify the variety and AIQ and CSV risk
assessment: Define
permutations of instruments (B) and intended use and
records generated

systems (C) used in combination with

software in the laboratory today. 1. GMP

Therefore the risk assessment pre-

sented in this column is to provide a 2. Is it only
means of software?

1. Unambiguously differentiating 3.

between apparatus (group A) and Instrument or


instruments (group B) based on

functionality. Yes
4. Is it an
Instrument? No

2. Linking software elements with No


the various types of instrument Group B

Group C
(group B) and systems (group C) No
Group C

as current instrumentation is more system

complex that the simplistic use 5. Calcs or

6. System

of groups B and C in the current No calculations or User-defined Low High

version of USP <1058>. This will user programs programs complexity complexity

identify subgroups within groups

Embedded Medium
calculations complexity

B and C.
No GMP Group B Group B Group B Group C Group C Group C
Item 2 is a fundamental nonpe- relevance
Group A
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3

dantic difference and is necessary

for determining the proper extent of
Figure 1: Schematic of an integrated analytical instrument qualificationcomputerized system
qualification or validation for a spe-
validation (AIQCSV) risk assessment.
cific instrument or system. Effective
risk management ensures that the ap-
propriate amount of qualification and system. The issue then becomes one around six decision points shown in
validation is performed relative to the of system scope creep; because of that, Figure 1.
stated intended use of an instrument the intended use of a given instrument This process flow is simpler than
or system. It does not leave a compli- needs to be reviewed regularly to en- one we originally published (11) and
ance gap for an inspector or auditor to sure that it is still current. This is best therefore it is easier to understand.
find. Furthermore, verification of cal- undertaken during a periodic review. The process consists of a preparation
culations is a necessary requirement phase followed by six decision stages
of complying with US GMP regula- Approach to Risk Assessment and is completed by a sign off by the
tions, specifically 21 CFR 21.68(b) (8). We propose that a simple hierarchical owner with quality unit or quality
This is omitted in the current version risk assessment model be used to de- assurance approval. If required, this
of <1058>. termine the extent of qualification or risk assessment can be adapted eas-
validation required to ensure fitness ily to focus only on groups A, B, and
Subdivision of Groups B and C for purpose under the actual condi- C to exclusion of nonGMP relevant
As mentioned earlier in this column, tions of use within the laboratory. Our instruments and software; the choice
software is pervasive throughout the proposed model splits the USP <1058> is yours. However, we have chosen to
instruments in group B and systems groups B and C categories into three present a comprehensive risk assess-
in group C. subcategories each, as is shown in ment to cover the majority of items
It is our contention that subgroups Table I. used in a regulated laboratory.
exist within groups B and C due solely
to the software present and how it is Integrated Risk Assessment Preparation:
used. The subgroups in groups B and Assessment Approach Describe Item and Define
C are shown in Table I. The fundamental idea is to provide an Intended Use
We stress that this subclassification unambiguous assignment of category Preparing for a risk assessment is an
is important only when these features that is documented in a qualifica- administrative process and begins
are used (that is, intended use). Oth- tion and validation statement that is with describing the item using sup-
erwise, if the features are present but completed at the end of the risk as- plier, model, serial number, software
not used, then they are not relevant sessment. The process flow for this name, and version or firmware ver-
to the overall qualification or valida- risk-assessment model is based on 15 sion (as applicable). If required you
tion approach for the instrument or simple, closed (yes or no) questions can also add the owner and, if appro-
4 Spectroscopy 28(11) November 2013 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m

priate, the department and location 2. Shipment of material, such as data 7 is yes then the organizations vali-
of the item as well as an inventory or loggers? dation procedures for computerized
asset number if available. 3. Nonclinical laboratory studies in- systems should be followed. Again,
The next, and most important, part tended for submission in a regula- this question is included to ensure
of this preparation phase is to describe tory dossier? completeness of coverage of the risk
the intended use of the item. This is 4. Clinical investigations including assessment questionnaire for all
the key to the whole risk assessment. supply of clinical supplies or phar- laboratory instruments, systems, and
It is essential to be as accurate as pos- macokinetics? software.
sible and also to indicate if there are 5. Generation of, submissions to, or If the answer to question 7 is no,
any records created by the use of the withdrawal of a regulatory dos- then it is necessary to determine if
item (for example, paper printouts or sier? the item is apparatus (group A) as
electronic records). The intended-use 6. Backup, storage, or transfer of opposed to instruments and systems
statement should also indicate if the electronic records supporting any (USP <1058> group B or group C).
item will be connected to the network of the above?
or will stand alone. If all responses are no then Step 3: Is the Item an Apparatus (in
Some people may consider simpli- qualification and validation are not Group A)?
fying the intended use statement, but necessary because the item has no The third step in the risk assessment
this is the most important part of this GxP function and is documented as is to differentiate between apparatus
stage. Failure to define the intended requiring no qualification or valida- and instrumentation or systems. USP
use adequately means that the only tion. This is highly unlikely to happen <1058> defines group A as standard
person who is fooled is you. Ensure within a GMP-regulated quality con- apparatus with no measurement capa-
that the intended use is defined well. trol laboratory. However, if the labo- bility or user requirement for calibra-
For example, if an instrument has ratory is on the boundary between tion (3). Therefore, we ask three closed
90% of its work involved in research research and development there may questions (questions 810) to identify
and only 10% with GxP work, it is nat- be some interesting issues to man- items of apparatus:
ural to focus on the research element. age. If the majority of work is carried 8. Is there any measurement capabil-
However, it is the 10% of the GxP out for research and a minority of the ity of the item?
work that is critical and determines work for development (say a 90:10 split 9. Is the item user calibrated after
the overall level of control required. of activities) do we focus on the 90% purchase?
or the 10%? Because there is a high 10. Does the use of the item require
Step 1: Determine GMP Relevance probability that the 10% will end up in more than observation?
The first stage of the risk assessment a regulatory dossier, we need to focus If the answer to each question is
is to determine if the item is carrying on the 10% to ensure the instrument no, then the item is classified as USP
out GMP work. For the sake of com- and any software output are correct. <1058> group A. On the other hand, if
pleteness of the risk-assessment model Furthermore, if procedures developed one or more answers are yes, then we
we have included the possibility of using the instrument or system are to move to step 4.
laboratory instrumentation and sys- be transferred to other laboratories
tems being present that are not used later in the lifecycle, we need to ensure Step 4: Is the Item an Instrument (in
for regulatory purposes. Based on the the item is under control and the out- Group B) or a System (in Group C)?
intended-use statement from the prep- put is verified. Group B includes standard equipment
aration stage, we ask the six closed and instruments providing measured
questions (questions 16). These have Step 2: Is the Item values as well as equipment control-
been taken from the Society for Qual- Standalone Software? ling physical parameters (such as
ity Assurance (SQA) Computer Vali- At step 2 only one closed question is temperature, pressure, or flow) that
dation Initiative Committee (CVIC) asked (question 7) to determine if the need calibration. In contrast, group
risk assessment questionnaire (14). item is standalone software: C systems include instruments and
This questionnaire posed 15 closed 7. Is the item only software that per- computerized analytical systems,
questions to determine if a comput- forms a GxP function or creates where user requirements for function-
erized system carried out any GxP GxP records? ality, operational, and performance
activities. We have taken only the rel- This question should be applied limits are specific for the analytical
evant laboratory questions and used not only to recognized software ap- application. These systems typically
them in this <1058> risk assessment. plications such as statistical software are controlled by a standalone com-
The questions asked are related to or a laboratory information manage- puter with specific software for in-
what is the item used for. Is the item ment system (LIMS), but also Excel strument control and data acquisition
used for (Microsoft) spreadsheets and Access and analysis (3). To determine which
1. Testing of drug product or API for (Microsoft) databases used within the items belong in these two groups, at
formal release? laboratory. If the answer to question step 4 two closed questions are asked
w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m November 2013 Spectroscopy 28(11) 5

(questions 11 and 12):

11. Does the item measure values or
control physical parameters re-
quiring calibration? 5 High High High
12. Is there a separate computer for
control of an instrument and data

acquisition? Low or

If both answers are yes then the 4 Medium Medium
item is considered a system and falls
under USP <1058> group C. However,
if the answer to question 12 is no Low or
3 Low Low
then the item is considered an instru- medium
ment and falls under USP <1058>
group B. The exact group B instru- Low Medium High
ment subclassification (I, II, or III) is
determined by asking three further Record impact
closed questions regarding customiza-
tion and configuration in step 5. Figure 2: Subclassification of USP <1058> group C systems by software category and record
Step 5: Group B Instrument
Subclassification cess could be controlled by a standard Guide Compliant Part 11 Records and
At step 5 the three remaining ques- operating procedure so that user- Signatures (see reference 15 for this
tions are asked (questions 1315) to defined programs developed after the classification). Second, the complex-
determine the subcategory of group initial qualification can be validated ity of the system is determined by the
B that the instrument belongs to (see on the operational system. Ideally, nature of the software used to control
Table I). The closed questions are as the user defined programs should be the instrument and to acquire, pro-
follows: controlled to prevent change by un- cess, store, and report results. Here,
13. Are there any built-in calcula- authorized persons or without change we use the GAMP 5 software classifi-
tions used by the instrument that control. It is possible that Type 3 in- cation (5).
cannot be changed or configured? struments could also have embedded
14. Can you configure the built-in calculations, where the answer to Q14 Determination of Record Impact
calculations in the instrument? was also yes, which would result in The GAMP Part 11 guide (15) identi-
15. Can you write a user-defined pro- these calculations being verified the fies three types of records generated
gram with the instrument? same way as Type 2 instruments. in the pharmaceutical industry:
Group B, Type 1 instruments are Let us return to the intended use High impact: Records typically have
indicated only if question 13 is an- statement in the preparation step dis- a direct impact on product quality,
swered yes because this is an instru- cussed earlier. The instrument may be patient safety, or could be included
ment without any calculations or the capable of performing embedded cal- in a regulatory submission for ex-
ability for the user to define programs. culations or have the ability for users ample, batch release, stability stud-
Therefore, only qualification of the to define programs. However, if these ies, method validation records
instruments functions is required to functions are not intended to be used, Medium impact: Records typically
demonstrate its intended purpose. then they do not need to be verified. have an indirect impact on product
Group B, Type 2 instruments are Hence, you can see the importance of quality or patient safety for ex-
designated if the answers to questions the intended use statement that was ample, supporting records such as
14 and 13 are yes and to question written in the preparation stage of the calibration, qualification, or valida-
15 is no. Therefore, in addition to assessment. tion records
qualification of the instrument the Low impact: Records typically have
embedded calculations need to be Step 6: Group C System a negligible impact on product qual-
verified in the way that they are used Subclassification ity or patient safety and are used to
by the laboratory. As noted in Table I, there are three support regulated activities but are
Group B, Type 3 instruments are types of group C systems that need to not the key evidence of compliance
classified if the answer to Q15 is yes be differentiated. System complexity for example, plans for qualifica-
and the remaining two answers are for systems in group C is determined tion or calibration activities (15)
no. This type of instrument requires by two factors. The first is the im- Note that most of the records gener-
qualification of the instrument plus pact of the records generated by the ated in a QC laboratory will typically
specification and verification of any system. Our risk assessment uses the be high impact. However, in an ana-
user defined programs. The latter pro- scheme in the GAMP Good Practice lytical development laboratory there
6 Spectroscopy 28(11) November 2013 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m

may be more of a mixture of high- to cations that are either category 3 low complexity systems, using an
low-impact records. In this case, the or 4. SOP for validation or qualification
worst case scenario should be taken to of simpler systems could be an easier
avoid understating the risk offered by Determination of Group C Complexity and more efficient approach (16). Fig-
the system. When the impact of the records gen- ure 2 can also be used in a different
erated by the system and the software way, to identify the risk elements in
Determination of category or categories has been deter- the different software components of
GAMP Software Category mined, it is compared with the grid a system. Components with custom
The subclassification of USP <1058> in Figure 2 to determine the system software require more control than
group C systems is completed by complexity. This will also determine those that are configured compared
determining the GAMP software the amount of qualification and vali- with those that are not configured.
category or categories that are used dation work required. The system life cycle to be fol-
to control the instrument and acquire As presented in Figure 2, there are lowed and the documented evidence
and process data from it (4). The three three types of systems possible in required for qualification of instru-
categories that we consider in this group C: ments and validation of the software
portion of the risk assessment are Group C, Type 1 system: A low should be defined in a validation plan
Category 3: Nonconfigurable soft- complexity laboratory computerized or SOP. The details of this are outside
ware in which the software cannot system where the instrument is con- the scope of this column, and readers
be changed to alter the business trolled by category 3 software that should refer to existing approaches
process automated. There is limited generates low-, medium-, or high- (4,6).
configuration such as establishing impact records or unconfigured
and managing user types and the category 4 software that generates Summary
associated access privileges of each low-impact records. In this column we have presented a
one, report headers, and location of Group C, Type 2 system: A medium comprehensive risk assessment pro-
data storage of records. However, complexity system consists of an cess for classifying apparatus, instru-
this limited configuration does not instrument controlled by category ments, and computerized laboratory
change the business process auto- 4 configurable software generating systems used in regulated laborato-
mated by the software. low-, medium-, or high-impact re- ries. The intention is to demonstrate
Category 4: Configurable software cords. An alternative classification clearly that an integrated approach to
that uses tools provided by the sup- for a laboratory computerized system analytical instrument qualification
plier to change the business process with category 3 software that gener- and, where appropriate, computer-
automated by the application. The ates high-impact records is that the ized system validation, is more ef-
tools can include entering a value system can be medium complexity. ficient than separating the two tasks.
into a field (such as reason for Group 3, Type 3 system: A high The risk assessment also ensures that
change within an audit trail), a but- complexity system is one with an laboratories qualify or validate all
ton to turn a function on or off, or a instrument controlled by category intended use functions in an item and
supplier language. In the latter case, 4 software that has category 5 soft- aims to minimize regulatory exposure
the configuration should be con- ware modules or macros. It can gen- from omitting work.
sidered under custom software. erate low-, medium-, or high-impact
Category 4 with category 5 custom records. It is the incorporation and References
modules or macros: In this case, use of the custom or category 5 (1) US Food and Drug Administration,
we have the configurable software software that makes the system high Guidance for Industry: Good Manu-
above, but with either custom complexity, because this software is facturing Practices for the 21st Cen-
modules programmed in a widely unique and needs more control. tury (FDA, Rockville, MD, 2002).
available language or macros for The approach to the control of (2) International Conference on Harmo-
automating the operation of the these systems is through a combina- nization, ICH Q9, Quality Risk Man-
application that are devised and tion of qualification of the analytical agement (ICH, Geneva, Switzerland,
written by the users using tools instrument with the validation of 2008).
within the application. Category 5 the application software (that is, an (3) General Chapter <1058> Analytical
is the highest risk software because integrated approach). The controlling Instrument Qualification in United
it is typically unique to a labora- document for this work is either a States Pharmacopeia 36 National
tory or an organization. We will standard operating procedure (SOP) Formulary 31 (United States Pharma-
not consider custom applications or a validation plan. Because of the copeial Convention, Rockville, Mary-
in this risk assessment because the wide variation of systems, the first land, 2012).
overwhelming majority of systems option would be a validation plan for (4) ISPE, Good Automated Manufactur-
used in the regulated laboratory high and most medium complexity ing Practice (GAMP) Guide, version
are commercially available appli- systems. For some medium and most 5 (International Society of Pharma-
w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m November 2013 Spectroscopy 28(11) 7

ceutical Engineering, Tampa, Florida,

(5) ISPE, GAMP Good Practice Guide Val-
idation of Laboratory Computerized
Systems, 1st Edition (International
Society of Pharmaceutical Engineer-
ing, Tampa, Florida, 2005).
(6) ISPE, GAMP Good Practice Guide: A
Risk Based Validation of Laboratory
Computerized Systems, 2nd Edition
(International Society of Pharma-
ceutical Engineering, Tampa, Florida,
(7) R.D. McDowall, Spectroscopy 25(11),
2429 (2010).
(8) Current Good Manufacturing Practice
Regulations for Finished Pharma-
ceutical Goods, in 21 CFR 211.68(b)
(U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC, 2008).
(9) US Food and Drug Administration,
Guidance for Industry, General Prin-
ciples of Software Validation (FDA,
Rockville, MD, 2002).
(10) R.D. McDowall, Spectroscopy 26(12),
1417 (2012). R.D. McDowall
(11) Proposed revision to United States is the Principal of
Pharmacopeia <1058> Analytical McDowall Consulting
Instrument Qualification in United and the director of
States Pharmacopeia (United States R.D. McDowall Limited,
Pharmacopeial Convention, Rock- and the editor of the
ville, Maryland, 2013). Questions of Quality
(12) L. Schuessler, M.E. Newton, P. Smith, column for LCGC Europe, Spectroscopys
C. Burgess, and R.D. McDowall, sister magazine. Direct correspondence to:
Pharm. Tech., in press.
(13) C. Burgess and R.D. McDowall, Phar-
macopeial Forum 38(1), 2012. Chris Burgess is
(14) Computer Validation Initiative Com- the Managing Director of
mittee of the Society of Quality As- Burgess Analytical Con-
surance, Computer Risk Assessment sultancy Limited, Barnard
(Society of Quality Assurance, Char- Castle, County Durham,
lottesville, Virginia, circa 1997). UK. He has over 40 years
(15) ISPE, GAMP Good Practice Guide, A experience as an analyti-
Risk Based Approach to Compliant cal chemist including 20 years working in
Electronic Records and Signatures, the pharmaceutical industry and 20 years
(International Society of Pharma- as a consultant. Chris has been appointed
ceutical Engineering, Tampa, Florida, to the United States Pharmacopoeias
2005). Council of Experts 2010 to 2015 and is
(16) R.D. McDowall, Quality Assurance a member of the USP Expert Panel on
Journal 12, 6478 (2009). Validation and Verification of Analytical

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