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Architect’s Guide to Climate Design: ‘A Method fer Checking Design in Relation to Climate By Prof, Froilan L. Hong, FUAP Published by UAP Diliman Chapter ‘AdMajorem Del Gloria, Philippine Copyright 199 by Arch. olan I Hong, FUAP under the tile” Method For Checking Design In Relafen TeClinate” tine Joreptine A, Layuts on cover an pages 23,48, 9,10 13,17 18.19,20.25, usenet Arch: Mary Cha Sy Untied Architects ofthe Philippines Diitman Chaptee (UAP Diliman nd26, Paipine Copyright 1999 ‘Chapt Opinions expressed by the author are ot nessa hoe of UAP Diliman Chapter. The dawns ables, data Ceietie blormation contained inthis work have bosn culled from te author's experiences and have ben SRRRREP the nator fom mamerous eouree includ industy standards, manwfecturesBieatare and pose sepsataties which were belived tobe elisble: However, neither te oath ner the UAP Duman Pree pamantocstueaccuracy or completes: fay information published beri, ad neler te aster nor ‘Se bab Diliman Chapter challbesexpansilefornyrerors omissions, or damages arising outof tse of is iortigon touter person or propery whether tet or onzectintnl and howsoever aring, THs Wor is ‘eblnhed wi the understanding the he outhor ane the UAP Dusan Chapter are providing iforpato, but Eignotatempling to fender echifectucelor oer proessienlsorvies, Ueuchservicesarrequied theese ‘fanapproprntand competent professional should besoaght vary 1999, Pinta and bound by Trolka Pes. Pret Elton Jaunry 1999, Fist Prntng 1000 copies only a ra Hong, FUAP /UAP Diliman Chap it TABLE OF CONTENTS u PAGE 1.0 WORLD CLIMATES 1 Taree 12 Coa Temperate So 13 Warm Temperate {La Tropieal snd SubTopic 15 Equatorial, 220 TROPICALDESIGN 1 a {30 FURTHER CLASSIICATION OF TROPICAL, SUBTROPRALS&EQUATOMALCUMATES = 1 > 449 CHARACTERISTICSOPTROPICALCLIMATES 2 "El Warm-Humia 12 natDey 15 Composite 134 Nacroaic Cline = 50 ELEMENTSOFCUMATENEEDEDINDESIGN 4 51. Dry Bulb Temperature 8) Relative rsmity ~ © Peeiptation 4 Shy © Wind (60 cLOMATICZONESFOR BUILDING 5 1 ConvertZone 70 METHIODFOR DETERMINING COMFORT20NF_ 6 = {Lo RANGESOF COMFORT CONDTHONS 8 ‘99 HEATFLOWTHROUGHWALIS @ ROOFS " - 100 WORK EXAMPLE ” - mo TINELAG 28 120 WIND, PREVAILING BREEZES - {eAIRMOVEMENT 3 {80 METHOD FOR CHECKINGDESIGN INRELATION TOCLIMATE 32 ‘Mo UGH &uGHTINGDESIGN @ 180 CASE STUDY o Prepared by ‘bh Augst Lian Arc, RingerManalang Acie Grd Clinate Design reore re ret 20 cr 30 10 WORLD CLIMATES i 1 Arctic Example: Iceland, Greenland, Northern Russia and China 12001 Temperate ‘Example: NW. Europe, Canada, and parts of North America 13 Warm Temperate Bxample: Mediterranean Counties 14 Tropical and Sub-Tropical - Example: Middle East, Northern India, parts of Turkey 1.3 Equatorial Example: Those countries lying just above or be- tow the equator, Southeast Asean Coun- tries, Central Africa and the Amazon Basin in South America ‘TROPICAL DESIGN 2.1 This is concerned with countries where discomfort due to heat and humidity are the dominant problems. Tropical Designis applicable to Tropical land sub-tropical climates and Equatorial Climates ‘covering the Southeast Asian Counties, FURTHER CLASSIFICATION OF TROPICAL, ‘SUB-TROPICAL & EQUATORIAL CLIMATES $3.1 For convenince these maybe divided into six (6 categories, OF these three (3) are major and three (@)are minor types, a. Warm Humid ‘Tropical Island SRG uplands - - Architects Gide! Climate Design ‘role Hong, FUAP/ UAP Diliman Chapter 40 CHARACTERISTICS OF TROPICAL CLIMATES 41 Worm Humid 42 DBT. High emperoture during the day, low diurnal change RH relatively igh Proipitation-henwy sine eapecily during Sky - Cloudy-and glaring Ground tester vegetation ‘Hot Dry DBT: Very high temporatare during the day an beas highs 50°C during the hot season). {itge chara rongeCan be qitelowin winter RH- Low and very low humidities. Fairly constant throughout the yee Precipitation - Often aw or very low Sky Little oro cloud, Cold and nonglaing sky. Ground sparse and often bare. Very high flare rom ground. Rich soll which only Scisice wate Example: Baghdad Composite This isa mitre of worm emia td. thas 1/3 to 2/3 ratio of moonson period. Can fet que cold in winter Bsomple: Delht ‘Macro and Micro Climate distinction must bemade between macoand miro climate Macro climate isthe climate ofa gion and/ Grthe entire county. Tt provides the basis pot which aero-climatecan be estimated Micro-climate isthe climate of a siteand its Immediate environs. There are many factors thatcontbate to thiistncio, for istane, the location of fills rivers steama and laken, the postion of buidings and tres, whether thesite ison the coast r inland ina own orin therural ares, whether thelocaton is sbove sealevel ete ArdiesCuie to Climate Design 4, Some micro-limate phenomend a ‘Land/sea breeze Courtyards Evaporative cooling ‘Orientation Slope of land | Hekpaeim elation to alt movement Tainfall and temperature 0. ELEMENTS OF CLIMATE NEEDS INDESIGN LEMENTS erent climate ick are Ie ‘concern of the Architect are ~ . Dy Bulb Temperature (DBD ONE, the oe Da Ball Te te verperare of te a measueren Cle excludes AY. 7A Sorat Te is always messed in the ~ shade. ‘the instrument for measuring (152, silvered. The oer ks measured nF OF 7 >, Relative Humidity (RED _The amount of Wate inthe ait nstrument for measuring iit anYBOT ES Insta ein may fous, TRE ores AE Be moneern ourselves with ate ep Temperature (WET) °F OF" TRatative Hiumnidty (RE) in % «¢ Bescipitation-Thisie mainly rainfall buteoul Instrument a rain EAUBE measured ininehes ‘or centimeters 4h Shy This could be, ether cloud cover ST ig 1/8 of 1/10 or of sky menor itconld be measured 18 HOM ofsunshine “e Wind- The dretion, frequeney end force of wrintind throughout the Yeas spirmert-vaneaverometerfr SEMPER Tr thermometer fr TOW Spee : rn L Hong, FUAP UA Dinan Cher ce ea _ ob a ceeo re CLIMATIC ZONES FOR BUILDING 61 COMFORT ZONE 6:14 The range conditions under which most people feet comfortable sa function of a number of variables. Carl Mahoney has suggesteda relationship between the conte ofthe comfort zoneand theannwal mean temperature, Ifthe annual mean temperature is below 10°C, then thecomfort zone centreis 20" E:T, (CO) and above this a relationship: ee = Tat 172 4 Where: Tec is the centre of the comfort zone ero ‘And; Tamisthe annual mean temp. °C) 61.2 The range of the comfort zone will increase in dry ‘and continental climates where the annal range, igher. Again Carl Mahoney suggested a fonahip as shown in Table 3. Tablet ‘Annual dry bulb ‘Comfort Zone range of average range affective monthly maxiznum remperature and minimom below 15, Bee 415 15.25, 25.35, 35.50 above 50 613 The results can be corrected to the nearest 1/21. (°C) upwards. Incold — conditions the recent proposals __ forestablishinga comfort zone by M.A, Humphreys and J Nicol are suitable. Archtet Caide fo Climate Design 2 eC ATES ER yo erwop YOR perenne comrort ZONE 7.1 FORMULAFOR DETERMINING COMFORT u Zen . u ‘Tam (Annual Mean Dry (Highest DBT of Year Gaptemperntan) stoves DBTofves) =f LJ 2 i ie ‘Where: Tam «Annual Mean DBT yu Bat 2 Byybulompentue Be > Gaver ofConfon u 2ne n u or climates having Tim above 10°C u (lec = Tam + 2 ‘ u 79 Forosubliing te Range of Be Conlon | [J on ute towing te TaDLE? ou anal DBT Range | Comfonzoneange(CEN | |i Betis 23 13-16 30 J ip 33 bom % 8 4s 4 33 3 33-38 55 ra a8 & 0 8 . ‘owes % J u 7A nbwayocaretiotenearent/2Cabmiete wae area uy FrilenL Hong, FUAP/UAP Ditiman Chapter LL) a rs ene en ee TABLES "TEMPERATURE CONVERSION TABLES Tenpartare “Temperature c Tending 7 < Tending sort Cort ae 7 = a S Wa ma 1 8 in By wa 37 2 S56 us 5 wor et 3 a4 3 56 tas 36 ‘ 302 Bo a ts 280 5 no Ma 58 Bee as 6 es 139 & Iba 3 5 ae 36 0 toa 3 6 tea i & 8 was 5 2 36 @ 188 wa 0 sa wa 6 isa “a0 a as we a 12 Su a Be 163 & 90 cae 3 ssa 183 “ 08 _ 300 a 52 Ba a as aa 8 580 a0 a see Cae 6 fan is 8 Mee cas ” ae a n 1580 238 % si 22 n 1553 ie » een na n ters cor 2 so Ba B teas ion z os B3 mu 152 2356 2 nS 23 5 1670 2500 2 as a 56 183 sar a me Bo ” 0s, fie 3 mo Bs % tae cert 2 was a 5 a in > me a & 60 aes % ea pa a ws te » 2 ba a we in x eo a3 s isa 036 a a Be st tea ol 2 Be ea a 450 086 3 ct 0 a eb perf 3 Ba m5 a 186 1@ s 380 Sa « 0s 2 % 58 37 2 isn 2 2 oae 2 So isto 33 3s noe 8 a ‘958 ae 3 12 33 a 6 A o tos so 2 1904 500 a 1538 Sea * m2 S36 a 7s 30 = 230 en 8 i098 355 % mas sor 4 a2 361 a es ia 6 130 367 5 ea i & ies oa % 02 is 2 166 sho 100 220 w | #8 ts So io B00 oa ° 102 eo to 280 soo 2 imo so | > 0 es 0s a 1s fo. 0 20 mai 2 135 ‘tts Cat Ts Cale ] | 8.0 RANGES OF COMFORT CONDITIONS 8.1 The activities and the clothing that people wear will affect the production of heat from the body. In warm and hot climates profuse sweating will accompany strentious exercise. However, the discomfort due to slight sweating in sedentary activities may be more uncomfortable and disturbing as it interrupts concentration. Thecomfortzone-riteia given above are for such sendentary activities. 82. As many researchers have pointed out, ranges of ‘comfort conditions and indexes of environmental warmth have a limited degree of accuracy. IF this is. so theré is some advantage in choosing a scale uch as effective temperature andl Carl Mahoney's range for simplicity, even if this methods may suffer from. increased accuracy. 83. The comfort zone is then compared with the mean, maximum (day) and minimum (night) effective temperature foreach month to find outif the climate ‘scomforteble or uncomfortable, Itis not enough to find ovt if the climate is too hot oF cold, itis also nnocessary to find out the various features which sre associated with discomfort. 84 Ifthe climate is found to be comfortable then the requsements for maintaining these conditions can belistd ie exclude solarradiniion which will ease ‘cooling effect. But ifthe month is uncomfortably hotor cold ten theclimate must be examined to see what measuze are needed to achieve comfortable conditions. For example if there isa high diurnal temperature range associated with hot days then thermal storage inthe walls and roof will moderate internal conditions. Ifhotnights are associated with Jow humidities then out-loor sleeping is comfortable a the body can lose heat by out-going relation to the cold night sky ril L ong, FUAP /UAP Diliman Chapter CePeEteer eek eree cee re ee 85 TABLES givesa list of ome indications forchiatm desig L INDICATOR ‘CONDITIONS Thermal storage (high thermal ‘When the difference betwean aver- i capacity) age maximum and minimum tem- perature during the month is over 10°C and there is medium or low humidity ‘Air movement (at body level to When conditions are hot and the ‘encourage evaporation from the humidity is over 75% It is still kin) needed when the humicity is over 50% and the temperature range is less than 10°C. (Air movement is, Me also beneficial when average tem- - - peratures‘are comfortable but fu ‘midities are above 75%) oor Slee When night temperatures are un- ane ‘comfortably hot and the humidity ] is below 50%. cool season ‘When day temperatures fll below ] thecomfort zone. ‘The provision of heating but will Hea P ng | ad provably be required as day Ismperotires drop below 10°C - 15°C depending. on resources and ] Le etter actors ~ ‘86 The monthly indications have to be analyzed to find ae SO 1 snoptimu solution fo he whole year Sometimes itis possible to design different spaces which are sed at different ties ofthe year, or day. More often itis necessary to design one space with characteristics Which give maximum comfort throughout the year. 817 Recommendations to achieve comfort can be made for s.great number of espects from space between i buildings, building form, down to detail aspects of i design. One important aspect is the size and i protection of openings in walls. The way in which 5 al theindicatorscan be used todetermine window sizes in tropical and subtropical climates is shown in Table 3 F | | dre Cede 5 \ 88 TABLES Indicators ‘Recommendations Reason No thermal storage | Large openings For air movement but required or month | 40-80% of north easily shaded from sun ‘only and nocool or | and south walls land bright overcast sky cold season Up to5 months Medium openings | Airmovement- lightly thermal storage 25-40% of wall {ess important required From6-10months | Small openings Increased area of wall thermal storage 20.30% of wall area |__ for thermal storage T1A2 months of Very smal openings. | Small window for limited thermal storage 15-20% of wallares. | ventilation and minimum ] with short cool from sun solar heat gain, plentiful eason reflected sunlight: ] 11-12 months of ‘Medium openings Larger window for better z thermal storage 25-10% of wall, lighting and solar hest with temperatures | area sain 89 Window size affects air movement, the amount of thermal storage in the surrounding wall solar heat [gain. Window size must also beconsidered with other Factors such as glazed area, orientation, shading, Duilding form 810 Another very important aspect is the thermal Characteristic of roofs anc walls. In hot climates the ‘absorption of the surface and the insulation of the construction have to be considered together. 0 ‘roles Hong, FUAP /UAP Dian Chapter {11 Thesol-air temperature of surface is the hypothetical temperature of the utdoor air in contact with 2 shaded wall or roof which would give the same rate (fheat transfer ae exists with the actual outdoor a fempersture and incident solar radiation andl given by the formelas fa Xro Equation 1 = Soraitempeatine es Sratemeeeeso = AaSRis FORE, edition ts) = Seneca 7 anx: £812 The'beat flow though a construction where tie outdoor airs elzeulaing freely through the balling | asin the warm humid tropics. | Q= UA (Testa) Equation 2 . where Q = Rate of heat transfer due to radiation U = "Ur valve A = Aco so Q=Ulro Subatuting in E92 ute est How prt ares (9 = Q/) is considered then TELE a as? fa value ofr taken tobe 05 then grsUxs t 81 o/s the solar heat factor the percentage of ncent solarradiation whichis transmitted through a ll or roof assuming equal air in temperatures on both sides. u 8.24 Another important thermal characteristics the time Jag, the time taken for a variation in temperature to pass from the outside to the inside of a wall'or roof when subject to diurnal temperature variations. 8.15 The following table shows how standards of thermal performance relate to the indicators. Taties Indicators Recommendation sons Eigh oe ayn | Toyzeduce thermal stor Bont when femal ‘Solar Hest factor g age which will give une is required ‘max. Time Lag internal con- storage is reqe _3 hours max, Sitons atnight Heavy Wall ‘To store heat for those YH outs when the | Beet ttorart | oni I See malstorageis required | Timetag 8 hours min, | pereaterendcole ng Be Light Root Ty To72 months when eit | Solareat fctorg/! | sation tovreduce nest eorerentersauesage | ess than 4 max Foo diel Sola athe Samed . fee FB Lmondsofar move | Higheeng we jueves aalntan amelie | Bee esa: | beatae fair movement and 0-5 fronth of thermal storage BS Sonsns of thermal ‘storage and 6-12 months ‘of ternal storage [ess than 3% mae be reduces and internal ie ing less than 3| Restbuile upmay occur 20 “me lg wil give coer larheatfactorg/t | daysardl water nights less and ifSaye are too cool or Fime Tag more than 8] —highBaretoowarm then hows Sultloor spaces can be used, 2 i Rafones: JM Gone - Lecture notes prepzed for the BouwcentanyIntoraatonsl FEduenion Raters, 1972, Dr. Otto Koengshergey, Carl Mahoney sud Martin Bean Clits and Wel 1, Design of Low Cost Housing & Community Fac te, United Nations, New York, 197 ‘Carl Manney- Letra ste prepara forthe Development Pain Unt University College, London MA Humphreys and TE Nicol malCiee DIS, Current paper 1/14/71, Water. MA Humphueys and JE Nico op. cit . ‘rien L Hg, FUAP /UAP Dita Chapter at an early stage from d ‘combinations as shown'n Table 7, Table a a. Large Openings Light oat Light walls a ] a a a a a a 1. Medium openings | Light roo! Heavy Walls a sicamopenings | warmoaieeaee | Borat | o ij Archie Gui t Chnate Design & Medium openings 4. Small openings a Weil insulate Heavy Walls | alalis: RESTA £816 This method of obtaining design recommendations climatic data wil give the designer an idea of what factors to deal with san early stage ‘Since the method is responsive to ‘minor changes in climate it can be used to find modifications in design which are nevded when 4 standard design isto be used in different perts of a lasge countiy. “The establishment of dinate ene fo tng sv yop courte hng been developed by the DBU, London and the Bouvecehtzunn Rotterdam ainony others 8.17 The recommendations for window size and thermal characteristics give a number of possible €. Small openings Heavy roof Heavy wal & Yeysmatt openings | Heavy mot Heavy wal | Henyroeh | Heavy walle | ad wu uo Data for Temperature Gractient Max, Radiation = 600 W. /m? Absorptvity 30 Wall as described before Ait Tern, = 2, Method te calculate sol air temperature Sol air=20-+ 6.0003 x0.05 =20+5 =20C ‘To draw the temperature gradient, ite necessary to draw a graph. The vertical axis represents temperature, The horizontal axis represents resistance. The outside air temperature is the sol air temperature. ‘The inside ait ‘temperature is assumed to be the external air temperature (a useful approximation in well vehtilated lightweight consteuction). A straight lineisdraven between the twa temperatures since 1econstruction is proportional the fallin temperature ace to the resistance, ‘The chart can then be redrawn with the same vertical axis, but the horizontal axis is drawn to scale. 1 Air (external) 2 =) External surface 3 Rendering, 4 = Brick 5 = Plaster 6 Internal Surface 7 = Ait (intemal) Front Hyg FUAP/UAP Dina Caper ‘Data for Time Lag Graph ‘Temperature range = 10-20°C. Solair temp, (max) = 29°C. Step. Sketch diumal range on graph with vertical temperature axis and time horizontal. Step 2, Add sol alr temperature (caleulate at 2-he intervals), = Step3. Drawaline at the average temperature approximately 1/3 or difference between min. temperature and max, sola, Step 4. Internal effect is 1 time lag later T Step 5. Internal effect is difference from ave. times decrement factor (A) Step 6, Sketch internal effec. Step 7. Compare result with comfort requirements and room use | his ie ona Dae 5 TIME (a. 2 PROM TIME LAG CALCULATOR | Thicnan of cenietee of haovy metal Inesscons Forth aut tnt og (eaycontcton 14s. light comacten 09 fn) heen econ J-Heay mati conte, ek or sone or other hey ochaletamae teats a-Flnry mata con with 780em.of lghveight stron te oul (eal dena sa 4: fly mala cone ih em of expended pl Spnencon he uid ight wep oul) Read down vray oh tenes of hen material rege ao find desenentonthesgpthandoae st * 1 Pn Hog FLAP /UAP Dinan her 90 HEATFLOW THROUGH WALLS AND ROOFS 94 HEAT TRANSFER Heat transfer in buildings may take place in four (2) different ways, 9.11 Conduction Conduction te fo of et ough By eater form ware erences font with enh other The moonteriest whieh iStondocte tongh sold water wil tp Gat contctigs Have the tothe eter otters hough nth ome tnt ren sated fo aunt difocrce toe | pera int {Systm ntraton) seso i Reto inetd Conductivity x metor (thickness) Se ‘Conductivity (K value) = W/m sc, | the abit ofa material to sess the flow of heat 1 ismeasured by the resistivity. The unitsare:__ mec, W Forany given material Resistivity = Conducting For a paiticular thickness of material the resistance to heat transfer is found by multiplying the resistivity by the thick- | Resitance = Resistivity x thickness (metres) ‘Arcitside t Cmate Design wv rir sn cee ES TE PORE 91.2 Convection Convection the transfer of heat from one place to other bythe low of molecule from one place to ‘nother. The love of heat in lcs (aquls o goss) a tes be by natal convention that iove™ nen ofthe molecules asa result ofthe heat energy they possess (he. hot air sing) or force conve {log Ehlch resus nem the movement of Suds by aps, fans of other movement caused by exter. fal ices, Te sate of How of heal due teeta condition is usually measured by the conctactanee ofa surface oran alr movement to a bullding con: The writs are Watts/ay °C Conachon 94.3 Radiation Radiation ithe tranaer of energy through space by electromagnetic waves. Raciation th tbrough sir and the rate of transfer of ener Uspontlent ofthe temperature of the air. Fhe rate of radiation transfer is measszed in Watts per Squaremetce. Therote of flow of radiant heat ftom the sun can be found! ffom the radiation overlay when ft placed over the sun path clagraim 1.4] Beaporation and Condensation Isobe absorbed or given out when ma- terns alter thei tte, that i ifom gas to gu tidand vice veroe The evapo 2% 2 ? andfrom guid tos ation of water abuorbs energy to change te water irom liquid to vapour This cooling eet can be | wad buildings by afranging pools Tountains, planting or simply sprinklin Evaporation Sore water on the ground. All these methods are foun. Portion in hot dry climates where water will evaporate ana Sondonsction readily 9.2 CHOOSING ROOF AND. WALL MATERIALS FOR COMFORT IN HOT CLIMATES bi 921 Ih Northern Buropean and American climates Where cold winters are the main thermal problem, standards have been developed for the insulation which has to be provided t9 achieve comfortable Concitions with economy. In climates where heat isthe dosninant problem, care mustbe taken when choosing wal and fooling materials in ofler t0 achieve comfortable conaltons. 6 ‘rilas, Hong, FUAP/UAP Dilan Chapter ee ee ee ee ee 923 ‘This article suggests two stonan’s which should be considered when choosing materials for com- fort in hot tropical and sub-tropical climates, ‘heist major ference between the heat asin ‘Eecoldcimatesand fen gainin wanmones that the bet lows contend neh anc of tino tent nse the bung te so 2, Inolaton's meesued asthe ita src of transsson of hat per et aren-the “vale ut hent gen inthe opis is cue only tsar iat he sua oe ot aa net thelughar temperatures, Het osincald crates spect wh tare are high winds whi be cde anes trny inte sate Bok Shot nates fest pine ae fghest when tere tre low wind spesde and esha wtnetered ticpirand mote to thebulding strc ‘This mesng thet the values used for Heat transfer gy 16 om 2 3 5 a & : £ 20 # Bo. 2 Bs = 208 g g 2 & § a % 2 & z 3 35 oe 40 2 Me 2 po 13 ag mh BP ecole 1. Drawalineeonnecting average max. temp. (right hand sels) with aver nin. ap (left hand scale) for the selected month, Call this line’A’. 2. Select lower limit of comfort zone on temp. scale and project horizontally to intersect linea’ 3. > From intersection projec vertically io Time Heating Scile"(kop) ad! Time Cooling scale (bottom) and read off times of clay between which solar shading is necessary This ealeulator is accurate only between latitude 20°N andl 30° ‘Arce Ge oChinat Design a LIGHT AND LIGHTING DESIGN .0INTRODUCTION 1.2 The base wits wed in lighting design. 4, Luminous intensity ~ the light giving power of 2 source unit: carsdelas (ed) b, Laminous flux a measure af the fléw of light unit: tamens (Im) Illumination - the light falling on a unit avea of surface unit: lumens persqan. (mn) 1.2 Choosing a standard of light to fit the task. See sttached hand out for recommended ithtmination, 13 Calculating the light required or the light available. There different dosiga conditions. a. Overcast or cloudy sky (temperature climate, warm-humid climate or rainy season in a ‘composite climate) b, Reficctu sunlight (hot dry desertetimate, summer ina mediterranean climate) ©. Artificial lighting and PS.A.L.. (Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting of interiors) 14 Quantity of light alone is not enough. Quality is aso important, Factors suel as contiast, glare, direction, colour and colour renctering must be considered, @ Foxlon Hang, FUAP/UAP Dili Chapter EET UPAR rogeee ai eee OOK i ; | 2.0. THE OVERCAST SKY 21 The overeat sky has « numberof properties which Ive becn measured and snsardbed shichave sd (Beskalat height evel in ntl oom a. The light distribution varies according to the angular altitude, b. ‘Thelight from thesky falling on toan unobstructed ssutface can be chosen 5000 lina for northern urape. 20,000 in m? for warm huni climates 22 The percentage of ight from overs shy eeaching 4 Pont within room is known aoa daylight ace ‘The daylight factor should not drop below 2.3% depending on the type of work, ete 22 The svight factor is calculated by sliogs a. Thedliroct shy component: light direct om the sky ‘consideration rent: light seflectea troae the window ont the point ‘hatructions oitahd tunder consideration. The internally reflected component: light reflected! cof surfaces withia the room NOTE: a, aand bare found using Daylight Protractor b,c is found using tables, Art ede Chae Pon 3.0 REELECTED SUNLIGHT 3.1. The light falling onto a worksurface when there is direct sunlight, ie no clouds, comes from: a, Direct sunlight b. Direct from biue sky ©. Rellected off abstractions and ground surfaces ‘outside the room Reflected off surfaces within the room a. Direct sunlight isto be avoided as it causes glare problemsand discomfort clue to the heat radiation, », Isa very small proportion ofthe light, & Bven glare from reflected sunlight can cause dis- comfort if surface are very ight. 3.2 Ifthe following factors are known then the interior illumination can be found from tables. a The window anv 1b. The ates of internal surfaces The average reflectance of internal surfaces dl, The luminance of the sky. ‘2. The luminance of the ground suriace due to san light. £ The angle of obstruction of louvres etc, used to ex- lade direct sunlight. 4.0 ARTIFICIALLIGHTING 4.1 The method of designing an artificial lighting instal~ lation, 4. Select the level of llumination required. b. Select type of iting required @ Calealate spacing and mounting height for ad- esque ight distribution, 4, Calculate number of tings for adequate ium ration levels. e Cheek precious stages. Check other factor: * glare colour an colou rendering = fiainfenance an lamp ie. = dieedon snd efecioh atthe 1 Working pane heat output ee Fra Hong, FUAP/ UP Dinan Caper ge e a Ee 5 = e bd = rE Ee Ee z Fr Ee & & eee ahaa adda INSTRUCTIONS ON THE USE OF THE BRS DAYLIGHT PROTRACTOR . 10 INTRODUCTION - 1.1 The protractoris used to find the ‘daylight factor’. This is the the rato of daylight illumination ata point on a given plane dueto light received direc or indirectly ont a sky of known (or assumed) luminance distribution to the illumination on = horizantal plane ‘Hue to the unobstructed hemisphiereof thissky. Dorset Sunlight is excluded for both values of illumination 2.0 PROCEDURE Slep1) Take @ plan and section of the building ot Zoom ta be tested: Drawings should show thickness of walls, external projections andl external obstructions. Scale not important bat as much vetail as possible should be shown, Siep2. For each point to be tested draty on plan the lines ooh the elges ofthe windove to the reference point On, sect dng the ‘erence plane fa Working eight 73 om for {Sbies 90 om fot benebes seal feghu Se fot kfown) and from the point on te plone ‘draw lines tothe herd end ill ofthe window Siep3. Place the “angle of elevation’ scale on the reference plane and note. 2) The average angle of elevation (estimate) 2).The, sky component toe long ca vindows aun * Step4, —” Place the protractor onthe plas 30 that she bace line 5 parallel with the window Find the semiscifealar tine whieh conesponds to the esthnated angie of Slevnisn Aa together he correction actors ontheleftandighto!thesemicircuarscle ‘re Gite taClnate Design Siep5, The valueof thesky component for the window (tep9) should Be malipled ye Correction favor a obtain te corected dest Skycomponent (OSC). Step Steps 2t05 should be use only forthe area oy whic can be sear iom the seferaice cin? Steps 2105 shosld be repented for the Bren af cbstruction ontaide the window Ihe ean be seen from the reference poi ‘The value Gaylegat fnctor for the, azea of obstruction should be smultiplied by 01 (ERC) Step7, —_Inacutionto the fight meaching the reference point through the window some light is folcceed oe eli and walls, Hs Known as the internally flected component ae} * 4) Recon or choose floor reflection factor (10.20.98 40%) ') Record orehoose wall reflection factor (20, » He aerboy a (9) Caleulote window area asa percentage of ? Gefinoracen mee ) See table 1 for internally reflected componctt Step 8. Add thelist sky component + externally reflected component “hema reflested component to find day light factor Finally, check tg see i light level is adequate forthe task, from table 2: i ee — os gta ong PLA / CAP Dil Chapter Ee RB 5 & e & = e & e & E e eS F | = e Pe i eer ee ee ee ae Methods of Checking Design In elation ~ to Climate APPLICATION 17 oo som Ss ALTITUDE AND AZIMUTH OF THE SUN ( Manila ) ‘SOURCE + PAcasa/caB/cos COD Be RIN Sedtember V4, 1998 68 Ot et tems me tof the na sled einations, sean A Sour: PAGASAY CAB/ CDS oops e18September 198 EEEEEIITIPPPP Perr eee DECLINATION OF THE SUN AT EACH DAY OF THE YEAR. Sours PAGASA/CAI/CDS seb 8 hepa ee ee ee a cruruca, Sou neway FROM THE ELEVATION ORANG wabow OPEANG » 9.6m X 2.60 = 648 59, IRA OF HE OU! "SE an SS ATION ELEVATION COMPUTATION oe ABEA_OF OPENING. roe sano = MAO OBOE 0 RN OF HLL i” x fro 15-35 54m. ” 20 fan = 07224 0 amo = m2 3 9 _ © eecumie wast se cng me fmm eam a ehhh hha ysv9¥d : “30unos “ONIGVHS NAS Ns SUN GRAPHICAL SCALE ok ee ed ee ey g i a i Ze = TON SONU vis 8 = HLAWNZY “ONIGVHS NOS NMS. Wd 00% Rg UE ASAE! b SNIGVHS NAS ~ NAS KI ORR TR RRR ee oe a a a aa TWOS TWOHAWYD —— HIYON ~— ONIISYD MOGVHS EU HIG 4 /CLIMATOLOGICAL NORMALS station: {00-SCIENCE GARDEN, QUEZONCITY tonarrune: ; tt i SS apes coma a ae a a= a a 5 cs Sa SR aI | Fi AR 5 4 A A SOURCE! PAGASA/CAB/CDS wil Series Adinroe AGASA) VA CLIMATOLOGICAL EXTREMES) STATION SCIENCE GARDEN, ELDAR. QUEZON-ETO rama eet z rT Ss PRP OSA | aT POY aC fe ey Sel aca at reg ee ele Re Ces grea foo) a eee erent ent et sna oman er rl Peal esl sae te SRC CR : eee Ge ce eee Zi c (2) peseeyer 180 SOURCE: PAGASA/CABIC ne Knope Cpl ond Arama! Serica Ase ENGASA Sen 7% Pores REP PP TDP Pe ee eo 86-16 Ms < 44 9960 Sa9/evO/vOKe! + So¥NOS TILE o-a |e ear gpg dig. /P\ Ad ainjeiedway CL) pa EW OHA Ta) woEaR AHS VIVG SILYWITD aD DRO NAOHDDNEDS= a ce eee eee ee ee oo wat at og S6°£1-8 me: 44 preD suo/aro/vvaNa + spanOs LHS VVC SLLYWID o @ oe o ® ® iy © 7 a SEG aa * om) oy Se@ee faery | exon ewatas | sow [am | aw | am | mw oun Jawan | semen . 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FOU Ear ean YemoALY To ME HEME SEE GOR) MOE com oA (Gry feo CF Ted OF Ne WES Sa AS ER odd by + Rsnalang September 15,1986 & rE a E gE gE E gE & gE & & & = Ee & & & & COMFORT ZONE below ts 2 Tee plore LS 35 “Topher io 25 Formula for determining Comfor Zone % scTam (Annual Metn DBT) = Highest DBT of Year + Lowest DBT of Year 2 Where ‘Tam ~ Annual Mees DBT DBT = Dry Bulb Temperate i Tee = Crnterof Confort Zone belo 13 as ss “o 9 10 - 1. lain slr lation al ‘SgUmIEAT AS’ 04RD "= Boow/SaM o.26 Pae-paneD 7 Room sets Ta oF Dy eZ el tar Z 8} cone wa y a see Tass One st > Ws - + a Po Be, aig rove FF 3] Bee cor = 2520 oro cou aooew [i] > fone Hh axe Se ovine 8a i SHARD 3 U-MALUE a DETAILED SECTION A sae Ts ete COMPUTE oR THE SL-AR TOWERING Te = 346 (OTST TEP. OF THE OY he = SOLA TEPER = tay 040) Fee atin wt com) Tea = To + Xo = Ep.t ro = Exlemat sucloce resistance (0.07) Tao = 345 + (080) (600) (007) a = 5560 oa 23 4s 0 rUPHAL SCALE EXECUTE HOUSE (aaa by hong 5-16-08 ; cas eeuen pI et hooris Sits + rte ten bcs end ened ora «| eS REST ‘ota 0 a (GOTTED Lf) 4 RWS | 8 8 Gee Toss Detais | CemPaner [oaip| tae | ome — ve Oe | fs e030 | a7 [ent] 8 IAT (cerPister foots] tae | aoe 2 HT rene rewono | LT an a) ig) me. FL 87 cer wmeru avo eer RESTA (a) BY 0% wh 2 BE fgtne tSemn) 007, fomesr PUSTERED Tota. ny a8 i Taye Rye 019 + 0193 = 0385 SAID 3x UMA . cotcuae rm wie AED cr | = eee DETAILED SECTION A oars sour i CALCULATE SOLAR. HEAT FACTOR (OF METAL, ROOF [ome xg [Rossin eae] vsrenans | myx [RESSIr [Res i 200 _| onan Cay 076 Pyvoed [one] 725] _a1e0 Tom Ry | 0386 RESSTINGE OF METAL ROOF = 0386 CET TERN, AND EXTER RESISTANCE (Ry) o. Ea. Resierce (Hot Sesan) = 0050 out Tom. R= 0155 75 wEieRS oave 5K so erlore, I is ecient Eps Ry 0385 + aS = 0590 CALCULATE FOR “UP VLE 350 if ue se sore 20 teen, I eonanded to Shode a eat eo, 5 0 xe by tng 516-90 Bp ‘TABLE OF CONDUCTANCES AND RESISTANCE OF SURFACE AND CAVITIES [ral Ses ——— [wae oor, ling Fa owe [es eeling. er ilw a lUsdeie asec? [Secale — fei Sexe laa are — a feat = 1 ors ra] | ai a ST [Hersey = af aviy x Dow dowa Tas] ay re Rot vig with sonia 250{ 28] 3.9] a feeling ental Wt tm ew TABLE OF CONDUCTANCES AND RESISTANCE OF SURFACE MATERIALS ie Fe aed [aberoseren Sed Tey 250] asi] ase] ai Distal | ase} os] 13 eek re | ef 1g) oe] sa lessee oto] 140] —e1] a) ea Paar ar (Renctreg, Sind come) zo ossa} oz] | a Iisa iagel —t55el ol 1239 Fiber iivood iil —oea] esol ea ree ase as) a ABSORPTIVITY OF SURFACE FOR SOLAR RADIATION ! ik Ue, con Sona Ta FYlow and bat backs aa 359 —w 470 [Whe oc ee ik eand goa oo 30 ioe, pred 00s aa "Window ote [Dal rs ape Poll tran conser 039050 [igh polite sosinun, tm, iialor cheatin |e 30-w-aae—| Jour indus [ces Not shat te oe ration ug sure tion ind fom ama bck ‘hich en be exrned ner of aarp. Us epi ce sonia a SOLAR HEAT FACTOR CALCULATOR devised by JM. EVANS AA’ if + 7 iw oF ER_ RESISTANCE os} 15 20 25 30 35 40 45. 5 ? -S1/R__TRANSMITIANCE ‘ir 10 oF trorenionce © v ABSORPTIMITY = Ae rl Wr 1 ime L Codd by © RTM 9-17-98 n A tne ee rem eee att

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