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1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................4
1.1. LOMCE............................................................................................................... 4
1.2. The Basic Integrated Competences ...................................................................5
2. CONTEXT ................................................................................................................. 6
2.1. Specific context of the school..............................................................................6
2.2. Reading plan.......................................................................................................7
2.3. Information and Communications Technology Plan.............................................7
2.4. Characteristics of the groups in terms of learning................................................7
2.5. Prioritisation of needs..........................................................................................8
2.6. Timetable of classes............................................................................................9
2.7. Extra-curricular and complementary activities...................................................10
3. CURRICULAR DESIGN...........................................................................................11
3.1. Curriculum......................................................................................................... 11
3.2. Objectives.......................................................................................................... 11
3.3. Basic Competences..........................................................................................13
3.3.1. Basic Competences in this subject.............................................................17
3.3.2. Basic Competences via Oxford Rooftops ..................................................19
3.4. Contents............................................................................................................ 20
3.5. Methodology......................................................................................................24
3.5.1. Teaching methodology ...............................................................................24
3.5.2. Methodology de Oxford Rooftops...............................................................26
3.5.3. Teaching material and resources ...............................................................30
3.5.4. Activities.....................................................................................................31
3.5.5. Organisation of time, groups and space.....................................................33
3.5.6. Means of attending to the diversity of students...........................................34
3.6. Assessment.......................................................................................................36
3.6.1. Assessment procedures.............................................................................37
3.6.2. Assessment resources...............................................................................37 Assessment criteria..............................................................................37 Assessable learning standards............................................................39 Rbrica de evaluacin de competences..............................................41
3.6.3. Elements of assessment............................................................................43
4. PROGRAM OF UNITS.............................................................................................49
Starter Unit - Welcome to Park Street......................................................................50

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Unit 1 - In the park....................................................................................................55
Unit 2 - By the river...................................................................................................61
Unit 3 - In the city.....................................................................................................67
Unit 4 - At the party...................................................................................................74
Unit 5 - At the carnival..............................................................................................80
Unit 6 - At the picnic.................................................................................................86
5. TIMING OF THE UNITS..........................................................................................97
Starter Unit - Welcome to Park Street......................................................................99
Unit 1 - In the park..................................................................................................106
Unit 2 - By the river.................................................................................................120
Revision story - City Adventures 1..........................................................................134
Unit 3 - In the city...................................................................................................136
Unit 4 - At the party.................................................................................................150
Revision story - City Adventures 2..........................................................................165
Unit 5 - At the carnival............................................................................................168
Unit 6 - At the picnic...............................................................................................182
Revision story - City Adventures 3..........................................................................196
Festivals - Halloween.............................................................................................198
Festivals - Christmas..............................................................................................200
6. Annex I: Assessment rubric by competences...................................................202
Starter Unit - Welcome to Park Street....................................................................202
Unit 1 - In the park..................................................................................................204
Unit 2 - By the river.................................................................................................206
Unit 3 - In the city...................................................................................................208
Unit 4 - At the party.................................................................................................210
Unit 5 - At the carnival............................................................................................212
Unit 6 - At the picnic...............................................................................................214
General Assessment..............................................................................................216
7. Anexo II: Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia CEF.....................................218
7.1. The Portfolio in our project..............................................................................218
7.2. Global asssessment .......................................................................................219
7.3. End-of-year Self-Assessment .........................................................................220

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1.1. LOMCE

The advantages and opportunities offered by the current Education Law (LOE),
modified by Law 8/2013, of December 9, for the Improvement of Educational Quality
(LOMCE), the increasingly pluricultural demands and needs of our society, along with
the guidelines established by the Council of Europe in the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages, are three key elements reflected in the
Oxford Rooftops project

With a clear commitment to education and learning where students learn English via
motivating activities of a recreational nature which in a natural and unconscious
manner allow for the acquisition of the foreign language, and which incorporate the
challenge of increasing the capacity of students to perceive the knowledge of a foreign
language not only as just another subject but as the discovery of an outside world for
which all of us are partly responsible, there is emphasis on interaction in class in order
to develop an sense of awareness of social norms and values, within the
psychopedagogical principles that form the basis of the curricular design for the stage
of Primary Education.

The aim of our project is, firstly, to ensure that students acquire all the competences
established by the LOMCE concentrating, logically, upon competence in linguistic
communication and with particular emphasis upon social and civic competences,
learning to learn and sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. In addition, to
incorporate the list of transversal elements, also cited by the LOMCE, into the learning
process. Needless To say, Reading comprehension, oral and written expression,
audiovisual communication and TIC, will be worked on intensely throughout the
process, but there will also be a place in the learning of the foreign language for the
promotion of equal opportunities, non-discrimination, real equality between men and
women and the prevention of domestic violence, the prevention and peaceful
resolution of conflict in all spheres, the rejection of any kind of violence, racism or
xenophobia, respect for the victims of terrorism, sustainable development and the
environment, the dangers of sexual exploitation and abuse, situations of risk in the
use of TIC, protection against emergencies and catastrophes, development of the
entrepreneurial spirit, physical activity and a balanced diet, improvements in
coexistence and the prevention of road accidents.

This project takes into account such significant and evident changes as globalisation,
which makes practically obligatory the command of a second foreign language, and
the impact of new technologies, directly affecting students when it comes to learning,
communicating or performing a task. Elements which have become, respectively, a
priority and a crucial tool in the learning process, not only during the stage referred to
in this document, but throughout life.

In this project, teachers must create the necessary conditions for learning, paying
particular attention to diversity in the ability and expectations of each student and the
quest for the development of the talent of each one. They will prepare and organise
work, helping towards its development; coordinate actions; encouraging positive

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 4

attitudes towards the English language and culture, catching and developing the
students interest in the new and creativity, intervening actively and thoughtfully, and
treating mistakes as a sign of progress. Students, meanwhile, must participate actively
in their learning progress, being, as defined by the LOMCE, the centre and raison
dtre of education.

1.2. The Basic Integrated Competences

Society today, ever more heterogeneous and global, demands a competent type of
citizen, who knows what he/she is doing and does it creatively and autonomously.

In the area of foreign language learning, this training, necessarily continuous,

constitutes a process of social and emotional construction of knowledge in which there
is a permanent interaction between body, mind, reason and emotions.

In a process of continuous learning , based on the acquisition of competences,

students, through the knowledge they have acquired, must be able to apply what they
know to specific situations, that is, put into practise and demonstrate the knowledge,
abilities and attitudes they possess to resolve different challenges in different contexts.

It is worth highlighting the combined character of learning via competences: students,

through what they know, must show what they know how to apply, but also that they
know how to be and to behave. In this fashion we see how a competence integrates
the different contents worked on in the classroom (concepts, procedures and attitudes),
an example of integral formation of the student. In short, we are acknowledging that the
school not only prepares students in terms of technical and scientific knowledge, but
also prepares them to be citizens, which involves demonstrating a series of social, civic
and intellectual attitudes which imply respect for others, responsibility and cooperation.

Our project reflects and integrates the different cultural elements -objectives, learning
standards and competences- for the teaching of the foreign language, as well as
criteria and indicators of competences for assessment of the acquisition of the
competences and the fulfilment of objectives in the subject.

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2.1. Specific context of the school

1st Year of Primary Education English



Town/city Province Post Code

Composition of foreign language department


Distribution of students

Year N of students N of groups

Characteristics of students

(The department describes them according to the three criteria listed below:

Of the different groups
Of one group

(Basic objectives for their treatment will be listed. There will also be prioritisation of needs and
strategies to be used and the scheduling.)

Profile of the school

(Delete as appropriate)

Social level High Medium Low Mixed

Zone Urban centre Suburbs Town Rural
N of integration

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 6

2.2. Reading plan
We suggest the following activities to develop reading competence in English:

Students reading texts aloud.

Reading groups inside and outside the classroom.
Graded reading at home related to the language and/or theme of unit. Includes a
table indicating the recommended books for each tem (to be completed by teachers).

1st Term 2nd Term 3rd Term

2.3. Information and Communications Technology Plan

(To be completed by teachers)

Objectives: Encourage learning of the foreign language.

Acquire technological and communicative skills.
Facilitate access to information in digital format.
Research and compare information.
Make appropriate use of internet and social networks.
Use of social networks, email, messages, etc.
Create documents in digital format.
Download and share resources.
Resources: Internet connection
Computer room
Computers, tablets, netbooks, laptops
Programmes / Web pages
Applications: Wikis
Word processors
Google sites
Social networks

2.4. Characteristics of the groups in terms of learning

(Delete as appropriate)

Group A
They enjoy learning whilst playing or Participates ting in recreational activities.
They find it easy/difficult to reveal creativity and imagination.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 7

It is easy/difficult to stimulate their curiosity.
They like/dislike expressing their feelings.
They show ability/inability to organise and analyse their own learning.
They are/are not aware of the advantages of working collaboratively in class.
They express themselves in coherent/incoherent and correct/incorrect fashion in their own
They need/do not need to understand all the words in a text to understand it
They like/dislike reading at home.

Group B
They enjoy learning whilst playing or Participates ting in recreational activities.
They find it easy/difficult to reveal creativity and imagination.
It is easy/difficult to stimulate their curiosity.
They like/dislike expressing their feelings.
They show ability/inability to organise and analyse their own learning.
They are/are not aware of the advantages of working collaboratively in class.
They express themselves in coherent/incoherent and correct/incorrect fashion in their own
They need/do not need to understand all the words in a text to understand it
They like/dislike reading at home.

Group C
They enjoy learning whilst playing or Participates ting in recreational activities.
They find it easy/difficult to reveal creativity and imagination.
It is easy/difficult to stimulate their curiosity.
They like/dislike expressing their feelings.
They show ability/inability to organise and analyse their own learning.
They are/are not aware of the advantages of working collaboratively in class.
They express themselves in coherent/incoherent and correct/incorrect fashion in their own
They need/do not need to understand all the words in a text to understand it
They like/dislike reading at home.

Group D
They enjoy learning whilst playing or Participates ting in recreational activities.
They find it easy/difficult to reveal creativity and imagination.
It is easy/difficult to stimulate their curiosity.
They like/dislike expressing their feelings.
They show ability/inability to organise and analyse their own learning.
They are/are not aware of the advantages of working collaboratively in class.
They express themselves in coherent/incoherent and correct/incorrect fashion in their own
They need/do not need to understand all the words in a text to understand it
They like/dislike reading at home.

2.5. Prioritisation of needs

(to be completed by teachers)

General needs

Specific needs of the different groups

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 8

Group A...................

Group B.......................

Group C.......................

Group D.......................

Specific individual needs

Group A Student.......................

Group B Student.......................

Group C Student.......................

Group D Student.......................

Strategies to be employed
(to be completed by teachers)

a) Regarding students.......................

b) Regarding teaching staff.......................

c) Regarding parents/tutors/families.......................

2.6. Timetable of classes

Teachers name and position:

TIME Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Teachers name and position:

TIME Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 9

Teachers name and position:

TIME Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Teachers name and position:

TIME Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

2.7. Extra-curricular and complementary activities

(Note here the extra-curricular and/or complementary activity: sport, art, reinforcement, etc.)

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

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3.1. Curriculum

The definition of curriculum reflected in article 6 of the Organic Law 8/2013, of

December 9 for the improvement of educational quality is as follows: curriculum
understood as the regulation of the elements determining the teaching and learning
processes for each subject.

The curriculum will comprise the following elements:

a) The objectives of each subject and educational phase: references related to the
targets must achieve by the end of the educational process, as a result of the learning-
teaching experiences intentionally planned to this end.

b) The competences, or capacity to apply in an integrated manner the specific

contents of each subject and educational phase, in order satisfactorily to perform
activities and efficiently resolve complex problems.

c) The contents, or sets of knowledge, abilities, strategies, skills and attitudes that
contribute towards the achievement of the objectives of each subject and educational
phase and to the acquisition of competences.
The contents are ordered into subjects, which are classified into material, spheres,
areas and modules according to the subjects, educational stages or programmes in
which students participate

d) The teaching methodology, which includes both the description of teaching

practice and the organisation of teachers work.

e) The Assessment criteria of the degree of acquisition of competences and the

fulfilment of objectives of each subject and educational stage: assessment references
that define what is to be evaluated, what students must achieve, in terms of both
concepts and procedures or attitudes. They respond directly to what the subject seeks
to achieve...

f) Standards and results of assessable learning: details of the assessment criteria

which enable one to define the results of learning and specify via actions what students
should know and know how to do in each subject. They should allow grading of
performance or achievement. They must be observable, measurable and assessable
as they contribute to and facilitate the design of standardised and comparable tests.

3.2. Objectives

The demands and needs of 21st-century society have brought changes to the school
environment, preparing students to live in an increasingly international, multicultural
and multilingual and technologically more advanced. Our country has a commitment as
member of the EU in to the promotion of knowledge of other community languages, as
is reflected in one of the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy. Meanwhile, the Council of

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 11

Europe in the Common European Framework of Reference for learning foreign
languages, establishes guidelines for both learning languages and assessing
competence in a speakers different languages. These guidelines have been a key
reference for the preparation of this curriculum.

The basic curriculum establishes that Primary Education contributes towards

developing in children the capacities enabling them to:

a) Know and appreciate values and norms of coexistence, learn to work in keeping with
these, prepare for the active exercise of citizenship and respect human rights, as well
as the pluralism inherent in a democratic society.

b) Develop habits of individual and team work, of effort and responsibility in study, and
attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and
creativity in learning, and entrepreneurial spirit.

c) Acquire habits for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflict, which enable
them to behave autonomously in the family and domestic sphere, and in the social
groups in which they move.

d) Know, understand and respect different cultures and differences between people,
equal rights and opportunities for men and women and non-discrimination against
people with disabilities.

e) Know and use the Spanish language appropriately and, if it exists, the co-official
language of the Autonomous Community and develop reading habits.

f) Acquire in at least one foreign language basic communicative competence in order to

express and understand simple messages and negotiate everyday situations.

g) Develop basic mathematical competences and begin to resolve problems requiring

the execution of elementary operations of calculation, geometric knowledge and
estimations, and apply these to everyday situations.

h) Know the basic aspects of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, geography, history
and Culture.

i) Begin to use, for learning, Information and communication technology developing

critical faculties regarding messages they receive and prepare

j) Use different artistic representations and expressions and begin to construct visual
and audiovisual proposals.

k) Value hygiene and health, accept ones own body and that of others, respect
physical differences and use physical education and sport as means of promoting
personal and social development.

l) Know and value those animals closest to humans and adopt behaviour conducive to
their care.

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m) Develop their affective capacities in all aspects of their personality and in their
relationships with others, as well as an attitude against violence, prejudiced of any kind
and sexist stereotypes.

n) Encourage road safety and attitudes of respect that contribute towards preventing
traffic accidents.

3.3. Basic Competences

Educational reform, following the recommendations of the European Parliament and

the Council of December 18, 2006, and of the UNESCO and OCDE amongst others, is
based upon the strengthening of learning through competences, as a complement of
learning of contents. In the definition which the Organic Law for the improvement of
educational quality (LOMCE) issues for the curriculum, we find the elements that
determine the processes of learning and teaching which include the Basic
Competences. New focuses are proposed in learning and assessment, which
represents an important change directed towards students assimilating and being able
to do, particularly with regard to the Basic Competences that are considered to be of
prime significance with respect to the development of students.

As opposed to an educational model focused on the acquisition of more or less

theoretical knowledge, often disconnected, an educational process directed towards
action, based on the acquisition of competences, emphasises, fundamentally, the
acquisition of essential, practical and integrated knowledge, knowledge that must be
demonstrated by students (it is something more than functional training). In short, a
competence is the capacity put into practice and proven to integrate knowledge, skills
and attitudes to resolve problems and situations in diverse situations. Put graphically
and succinctly, this has been defined as putting into practice acquired knowledge,
knowledge in action, in other words, mobilising knowledge and skills in a particular
situation (real and different from the context of learning), activating resources or
knowledge the students possess (although they do not think they do because they
have been forgotten).

There is an aspect to be emphasised, training in competences favours learning

throughout life, addressing the constant renewal of knowledge produced in any area of
knowledge. The academic formation of the student occurs in the place of education
over a limited number of years, but the need for personal and/or professional formation
never ends, so a formation in digital competence, for example, will permit access to this
instrument to gather the information needed at any given moment (obviously, after
analysing its quality). If we bear in mind too that very often it is impossible to deal in
depth with all the contents of the curriculum, it is clear that the student must be trained
in this competence, that of learning to learn.

In our educational system the Basic Competences required by students of obligatory

education in order to face the challenges of personal and professional life are
considered to be as follows:

Competence in linguistic communication.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 13

Mathematical competence and Basic Competences in science and technology.
Digital competence.
Learning to learn.
Social and civic competences.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
Cultural awareness and expressions.

But what do we understood by each of these competences? In brief, and reflecting

what is most significant in the school curriculum, each of them contributes the following
to students personal and intellectual formation:

Competence in linguistic communication

This is a very complex competence. It is linked to communicative action within certain

social practices, in which the individual, as well as producing, also receives messages
with different objectives. It involves setting out upon a path of knowledge, inside and
outside school, and cultural enrichment and constitutes a permanent learning objective,
with reading regarding as the principal means of extending learning and this

The individual, via the use of language as an instrument of communication, puts into
practice a series of attitudes and values such as respect for the norms of coexistence,
the exercise of citizenship, the development of a critical spirit, respect for human rights
and pluralism, resolution of conflicts, the development of affective capacities in all
spheres, interest in learning and acknowledgement of the skills inherent to this
competence as a source of pleasure.

Competence in linguistic communication comprises five components: linguistic,

pragmatic-discursive, socio-cultural, strategic and personal, which are manifested in
different dimensions in communicative interaction.

Mathematical competence and Basic Competences in science and


Mathematical competence involves the capacity to apply mathematical reasoning and

tools to describe, interpret and predict different phenomena in their context. It requires
knowledge of numbers and basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical
expression and reasoning to produce and interpret information, to know more about
quantitative and special aspects of reality and to resolve problems relate with everyday
life and the working world. Its acquisition means, In short, establishing a profound
relationship between conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge, involved in the
resolution of a specific mathematical problem.

This competence includes a series of attitudes and values based on discipline, respect
for data and truth. The spheres integrated within mathematical competence are those
referring to numbers, algebra, geometry and statistics

Basic Competences in science and technology offer an approach to the physical world
and responsible interaction within it. They contribute to the development of scientific

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 14

thought and enable the individual to identify, consider and resolve situations in
everyday life, to address the challenges and problems typical of scientific and
technological activities.

The development of these competences requires a variety of scientific knowledge

related to physics, chemistry, biology, geography, mathematics and technology, which
derive from concepts, processes and interconnected situations; as well as certain skills
enabling one to use and manipulate technological tools, data and scientific processes
to achieve an objective.

The attitudes and values integrated in these competences are related to the
assumption of ethical criteria, interest in science, support for scientific research, the
appreciation of scientific knowledge and responsibility regarding the conservation of
natural and ecological resources, as well as the adoption of an appropriate attitude to
achieve a healthy mental and physical life in natural and social surroundings.

Digital competence

Involves the creative, critical and safe use of information and communication
technology. It means adaptation to the changes introduced by new technologies and
the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and attitudes to be competent in a digital

It requires knowledge of the main IT applications, and the development of various skills
related to accessing information, its processing and use for communication, the
creation of contents, security and the resolution of problems in different contexts.

The individual needs to make habitual use of the technological resources available with
the aim of resolving real problems in an efficient manner, as well as evaluating and
selecting new sources of information and technological innovations, as they appear,
according to their usefulness for accomplishing specific tasks or objectives.

The acquisition of this competence also requires attitudes and values which enable the
user to adapt to the new needs established by technology, its appropriation and
adaptation to ones ends and the capacity to interact socially around them. In addition,
digital competence involves participation and team work, and motivation and curiosity
regarding learning and improved use of technology.

Learning to learn

This competence involves, on the one hand, making a start in learning and, on the
other, being able to continue learning in autonomous fashion, a fundamental aspect of
permanent learning.

Learning to learn includes a variety of knowledge and skills which require reflection and
awareness regarding the very processes of learning, so the processes of knowledge
become the object of knowledge and one must learn how to implement them correctly.

The key attitudes and values in the acquisition of this competence are interest in
learning and the confidence to achieve the goals of learning.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 15

Social and civic competences

These competences involve the ability and capacity to use knowledge of and attitudes
to understand the social reality of the world we live in and exercise democratic
citizenship in an increasingly plural society.

Social competence is related to personal and collective well-being and requires the
acquisition of knowledge enabling one to understand and analyse codes of conduct
and appropriate behaviour for coexisting in society.

The fundamental elements of this competence are the capacity to communicate

constructively in different contexts and self-assurance, integrity and honesty.

Civic competence is based on the critical knowledge of the concepts of democracy,

justice, equality, citizenship and civil rights.

Fundamental in this competence are: the ability effectively to interact in the public
sphere, showing solidarity towards an interest in the problems of the community,
respect for human rights, equality, the appreciation and comprehension of different
religions and cultures.

The development of these competences involves facing conflict with ethical values and
exercising citizens rights and duties with an attitude of solidarity and responsibility.

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

This competence refers to the capacity to transform ideas into actions, which means
acquiring awareness of a situation and opting with ones own criteria and implementing
those initiatives necessary to develop the option chosen and assume responsibility for
it, both in a personal and the social or professional sphere

The acquisition of this competence is fundamental in the formation of entrepreneurial

citizens, contributing thus to the culture of enterprise.

This competence requires knowledge related to the ability to recognise opportunities

existing for personal, professional and commercial activities; and certain skills like the
capacity for analysis, planning, organisation, management, decision-making, resolution
of problems, leadership, critical thought, assessment and self-assessment.

It requires the development of attitudes and values like a predisposition to act

creatively and imaginatively, self-knowledge and self-esteem, independence, interest
and effort, and entrepreneurial spirit.

Awareness and cultural expressions

This competence involves knowing, appreciating, understanding and critically

evaluating different cultural and artistic manifestations, using them as a source of
enjoyment and personal enrichment and considering them to be part of ones countrys
cultural heritage.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 16

This knowledge which grants access to different examples of cultural heritage at every
level. It includes specification of culture and other artistic-cultural manifestations of
everyday life. It incorporates basic knowledge of the main techniques, resources and
convention s of different artistic languages and identification between artistic
manifestations and society.

The acquisition of this competence implements skills like the application of different
thinking abilities in order to understand, value, feel and enjoy different artistic
manifestations. It involves, also, personal attitudes and values of interest, recognition
and respect for these and for the conservation of heritage.

3.3.1. Basic Competences in this subject

We will now list the most important aspects of our project, subject to what daily
educational practice may recommend at any given time:

Competence in linguistic cmmunication:

The study of a foreign language contributes to the development of this competence in

direct fashion, completing, enriching and filling with new comprehensive and
expressive nuances this general communicative capacity. Competence in linguistic
communication refers to the use of language as an instrument of oral and written
communication, of representation, interpretation and comprehension of reality, of
construction and communication of knowledge and organisation and self-regulation of
thought, emotions and conduct.

Mathematical competence and Basic Competences in science and


Using numbers and their basic operations, symbols and forms of mathematical
expression and reasoning to produce and interpret information, to know more a about
quantitative and spatial aspects of reality and to resolve problems related to daily life.
Part of mathematical competence is the ability to interpret and express with clarity and
precision information, data and arguments.

Scientific and technological competences, starting with knowledge of nature, of

concepts, fundamental scientific methods and principles and technological products
and processes, as well as comprehension of the impact of science and technology
upon nature allow for better understanding of the advances, limitations and risks of
scientific theories, applications and technology upon societies in general. Part of these
Basic Competences is the use of technological tools and machines, and scientific data
to achieve objectives based on trials.

Digital competence

Digital competence provides immediate access to an incessant flow of information

which increases day by day. Knowledge of a foreign language offers the possibility of
using new technology creating real and functional communicative contexts. This

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 17

competence consists in having the ability to look for, obtain, process and communicate
information and transform it into knowledge.

Competence in learning to learn

Learning a foreign language is considerably enhanced by the inclusion of contents

directly related with the reflection upon learning itself, so each child how to learn better
and which strategies make them more effective.
This involves awareness of those capacities that come into play in learning like
attention, concentration, memory, comprehension, linguistic expression and motivation
to succeed amongst others.

Social and civic competences

Languages help speakers to communicate socially, but they are also a vehicle of
cultural communication and transmission. Learning a foreign language involves the
knowledge of cultural traits and facts linked to different communities of speakers of the
This fact favours the comprehension of the social reality in which one lives, respect,
the acknowledgement and acceptance of cultural differences and behaviour, promotes
tolerance and integration and helps one to understand and appreciate both identifying
characteristics and differences.

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

The decisions that provoke reflection upon learning itself favour autonomy.
Insofar as autonomy and personal initiative often involve other people, this
competence makes necessary social skills in order to relate, cooperate and
work in a team: putting oneself in anothers place, valuing the ideas of others,
dialogue and negotiation, the necessary assertiveness to let others know of
ones own decisions, and working in a cooperative and flexible manner. The
sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit involve the capacity to imagine,
undertake, develop and evaluate individual or collective actions or projects with
creativity, confidence, responsibility and critical sense. It requires, then, the
ability to prepare in advance or prepare new ideas, seeking solutions and
putting them into practice.

Cultural awareness and expressions

Learning a foreign language collaborates in the development of this competence if the

linguistic models used contain, albeit with the limitations of this stage, linguistic
productions with a cultural component. This is, therefore, a competence both
expression and communication and perception, understanding and enrichment with
different realities and productions from the world of art and culture.
This competence incorporates basic knowledge of the main skills, resources
and conventions of different artistic languages such as music, literature, the
visual and dramatic arts, or the different forms of the so-called popular arts.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 18

3.3.2. Basic Competences via Oxford Rooftops

Competence in linguistic communication:

All Oxford University Press books provide a wide variety of activities that encourage
real communication in the classroom, with systematic development of written and oral
skills and many opportunities to personalise.
In Oxford Rooftops students use the language as an instrument of written and oral
communication, developing this competence in all the units.

Digital competence:
This competence is developed in all the units of Oxford Rooftops via:
Use of the iPack in all the lessons for presentation and revision of the
vocabulary, grammar and Phonetics, watching the animated version of the
songs, stories and films / videos and blogs, and participation in the games to
consolidate the contents.
The Oxford Online Learning Zone and resources in the web of Oxford
University Press Espaa with interactive practice, video, audio material for the
dictations in the WB, etc.
The digital books available for Oxford Rooftops.

Social and civic competences:

In each of the units there are activities which encourage good behaviour and respect
for others and suitable conduct in different situations.
In all the units students learn about a values theme with the theme of the unit,
Community Values, with which students reflect and become aware of good
behaviour and there is promotion of self-assurance, positive attitude, tolerance
and respect:
Unit 1: We share.
Unit 2: We like animals.
Unit 3: We are attentive and considerate.
Unit 4: We keep fit.
Unit 5: We are good friends.
Unit 6: We eat healthily.
The stories, meanwhile, promote social habits like cooperation and respect for
others, teamwork, appreciation of the opinions of others, etc.
The activities in pairs, like practising the short dialogues, encourage social
relations between students, cooperation and teamwork.

Cultural awareness and expressions:

All the units in Oxford Rooftops offer the possibility of developing this competence via
cultural lessons related to aspects of British culture:
Unit 1: visualise and read a story about a visit to the park: At the park.
Unit 2: they visualise and read a story about a walk by the river: By the river.
Unit 3: they visualise and read a story about a walk through the city: In the

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 19

Unit 4: they visualise and read a story about a birthday party: My birthday
Unit 5: they visualise and read a story about my dance group: My dance
Unit 6: they visualise and read a story about a fruit farm: At the fruit and
vegetables farm.
All the units offer the possibility of expression via sketches, songs, pictures, cut-outs
and representations in both the students book and the activity book.

Learning to learn:
All the units in Oxford Rooftops offer the possibility of developing this competence via
activities of repetition, activities of prediction, playing memory and logic games,
categorising vocabulary, and reflecting upon ones own progress with the Self

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit:

The sense of initiative is another of the competences taken into account within the
different levels of Oxford Rooftops, as the method helps students to acquire self-
confidence, by taking the initiative to perform activities and put them into practice in
real life

Mathematics, science and technology:

Different activities worked on throughout the students book help to develop these
competences. The intercurrricular lessons work on contents directly related to maths or
science like:
Unit 1: they learn about geometrical shapes (mathematics).
Unit 2: they learn about the life cycle of frogs (Natural Sciences).
Unit 3: they learn about Road safety (Social Sciences).
Unit 4: they learn about peoples growth (Natural Sciences).
Unit 6: they learn about a fruit tree, a cherry tree (Natural Sciences).

3.4. Contents

The contents constituting this subject and this course, have been grouped into:
comprehension and production (expression and interaction) of oral and written texts.
These four blocks, related to two specific centres of attention: oral and written
language, reflect the constituent elements of the linguistic system, the functioning and
relationship and the social and cultural dimension of the foreign language.

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

1. Comprehension strategies of oral texts:

- Mobilisation of expectations, identification of keys and inferences, checking and
reformulating hypotheses.

2. Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: social conventions, norms of courtesy;

non-verbal language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 20

3. Communicative functions:
- Greetings and introductions.
- Expression of agreement or disagreement.
- Description of people and objects.
- Requesting and offering information, help, objects, permission.
- Establishing and maintaning communication.

4. Syntactic-discursive structures:
- Expression of relations of logic: conjunction (and).
- Affirmation (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)).
- Exclamation (e.g. I love salad!).
- Negation (negative sentences with not), No (+ negative tag).
- Interrogation (What, how many).
- Expression of time: present (simple present); future (going to).
- Expression of aspect: punctual (simple tenses).
- Expression of modality: ability (can); obligation (have (got) to; imperative);
permission (can).
- Expression of existence (there is/are); entity (nouns and pronouns, articles,
demonstratives); quality ((very +) Adj.).
- Expression of quantity (singular/plural; cardinal numerals up to two digits;
ordinal numerals up to one digit. Quantity: many, some, more. Degree: very).
- Expression of space (prepositions and adverbs of location, position) Here,
there, on, in, under.
- Expression of time: divisions (e. g., summer).
- Expression of manner (Adv. of manner, e. g. slowly, well).

5. High frequency written lexicon (reception) related to personal identification, gender,

parts of the body; items of clothing; family and friends; school and class, pets and other
animals; activities of daily life; the home, rooms and objects; games ; weather and
Information and communication technology.

6. Patterns of sounds, accents, rhythms and intonation.

Block 2. Production of oral texts: expression e interaction

1. Production strategies of oral texts:

- Planning, execution and control via linguistic, paralinguistic and paratextual

2. Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: social conventions, norms of courtesy;

non-verbal language.

3. Communicative functions:
- Greetings and introductions.
- Expression of agreement or disagreement.
- Description of people and objects.
- Requesting and offering information, help, objects, permission.
Establishing and maintaining communication

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 21

4. Syntactic-discursive structures:
- Expression of relations of logic: conjunction (and).
- Affirmation (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)).
- Exclamation (e.g. I love salad!).
- Negation (negative sentences with not), No (+ negative tag).
- Interrogation (What, how many).
- Expression of time: present (simple present); future (going to).
- Expression of aspect: punctual (simple tenses).
- Expression of modality: ability (can); obligation (have (got) to; imperative);
permission (can).
- Expression of existence (there is/are); entity (nouns and pronouns, articles,
demonstratives); quality ((very +) Adj.).
- Expression of quantity (singular/plural; cardinal numerals up to two digits;
ordinal numerals up to one digit. Quantity: many, some, more. Degree: very).
- Expression of space (prepositions and adverbs of location, position) Here,
there, on, in, under.
- Expression of time: divisions (e. g., summer).
- Expression of manner (Adv. of manner, e. g. slowly, well).

5. High frequency written lexicon (reception) related to personal identification, gender,

parts of the body; items of clothing; family and friends; school and class, pets and other
animals; activities of daily life; the home, rooms and objects; games ; weather and
Information and communication technology.

6. Patterns of sounds, accents, rhythms and intonation.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

1. Comprehension strategies for written texts:

- Mobilisation of expectations, identification of keys and inferences, checking and
reformulating hypotheses.

2. Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: social conventions, norms of courtesy;

non-verbal language.

3. Communicative functions:
- Greetings and introductions.
- Expression of agreement or disagreement.
- Description of people and objects.
- Request and provide information, help, objects, permission.
- Establishment and maintenance of communication.

4. Syntactic-discursive structures:
- Expression of logical relationships: conjunction (and).
- Affirmation (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)).
- Exclamation (e.g. I love salad!).
- Negation (negative sentences with not), No (+ negative tag).

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 22

- Interrogation (What, how many).
- Expression of time: present (simple present); future (going to).
- Expression of aspect: punctual (simple tenses).
- Expression of modality: capacity (can); obligation (have (got) to; imperative);
permission (can).
- Expression of existence (there is/are); entity (nouns and pronouns, articles,
demonstratives); quality ((very +) Adj.).
- Expression of quantity (singular/plural; cardinal numerals up to two digits;
ordinal numerals up to one digit. Quantity: many, some, more. Degree: very).
- Expression of space (prepositions and adverbs of location, position) Here,
there, on, in, under.
- Expression of time: divisions (e. g., summer).
- Expression of manner (Adv. of manner, e. g. slowly, well).

5. High frequency written lexicon (reception) related to personal identification, gender,

parts of the body; items of clothing; family and friends; school and class, pets and other
animals; activities of daily life; the home, rooms and objects; games ; weather and
Information and communication technology.

6. Graphic patterns and basic spelling conventions.

Block 4. Production of written texts: expression and interaction

1. Production strategies of written texts:

- Planning, execution and control via linguistic, paralinguistic and paratextual

2. Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: social conventions, norms of courtesy;

non-verbal language.

3. Communicative functions:
- Greetings and introductions.
- Expression of agreement or disagreement.
- Description of people and objects.
- Requesting and offering information, help, objects, permission.
- Establishing and maintaining communication.

4. Syntactic-discursive structures:
- Expression of relations of logic: conjunction (and).
- Affirmation (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)).
- Exclamation (e.g. I love salad!).
- Negation (negative sentences with not), No (+ negative tag).
- Interrogation (What, how many).
- Expression of time: present (simple present); future (going to).
- Expression of aspect: punctual (simple tenses).
- Expression of modality: ability (can); obligation (have (got) to; imperative);
permission (can).

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 23

- Expression of existence (there is/are); entity (nouns and pronouns, articles,
demonstratives); quality ((very +) Adj.).
- Expression of quantity (singular/plural; cardinal numerals up to two digits;
ordinal numerals up to one digit. Quantity: many, some, more. Degree: very).
- Expression of space (prepositions and adverbs of location, position) Here,
there, on, in, under.
- Expression of time: divisions (e. g., summer).
- Expression of manner (Adv. of manner, e. g. slowly, well).

5. High frequency written lexicon (production ) related to personal identification,

gender, parts of the body; items of clothing; family and friends; school and class, pets
and other animals; everyday activities; the home, rooms and objects; games ; weather
and Information and communication technology.

6. Graphic patterns and spelling conventions.

3.5. Methodology

3.5.1. Teaching methodology

The methodological bases that inspire our work are as follows:

The starting point of learning for students is their first prior knowledge; focusing
on what is familiar and near to the student but with an element of fantasy to achieve the
balance between security/well-being and interest/imagination. Students can transfer
concepts and strategies acquired so as to thus construct meanings and attribute sense
to what they learn (beginning with what they know and formulating hypotheses to
prepare rules that help to interiorise the new system). This encourages their personal
growth, development and socialisation.
Communicative situations that include humour and play motivate students and
facilitate learning; for this reason it is important to bear in mind the importance of the
songs and stories, the characteristics of the characters, the illustrations and even the
sound effects on the recordings.

Children learn in different ways and at different speeds; that is why our project is
designed to be used flexibly so that all group members may participate and find
activities in which they can apply knowledge and aptitudes, facilitating the development
of ones own sense of achievement and progress attained day by day. In our project
there is always support for those children who require it, always bearing in mind those
cases in which progress does not respond to programmed objectives, as well as cases
in which students excel n the attainment of objectives and, in the absence of
programmed activity, lose motivation and interest in the foreign language. To address
these possible situations we include both extension activities, for more advanced
students, and reinforcement activities, for those who might on occasions fall behind.
These activities do not appear in the Class Book. They are explained in the Teachers
Guide and may be of considerable use to the teachers daily work.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 24

Childrens learning is greater and of higher quality if based on activity; they need
to exercise their capacity to act. Each unit in our project provides a wide range of
activities and teaching resources. In our project the student is the centre of the
teaching-learning process but his/her constructive activity depends on the teachers
intervention This intervention must be active and reflexive and adjusted to the students
level, having to: initiate input of the language, help the individual to interact with others,
assess the childrens performance, provide feedback, contextualise activities and
provide the student with comprehensible meanings, provide communication strategies,
strengthen learning strategies already acquired and allow for mistakes.

Consider progress but also error as something natural in the learning process.
Error occurs as evidence of the dynamism underlying comprehension and of gradual
control of the new communicative system. In our Project we understand that errors are
made when children anticipate how the language is going to function or when they
transfer rules from their mother tongue in a natural process of acquisition. But it is
important to distinguish between error and equivocacin. Errors are systematic
mistakes owing to poor or limited knowledge of the language. These errors will be
corrected at the end of the oral exchanges, in groups and via accessible language and
always bearing in mind that they do not suddenly disappear, but take time. La
equivocacin is an occasional mistake due to a lack of attention en at a given moment,
which may happen to a native speaker. It is not worth correcting these mistakes
because they are not relevant in the teaching-learning process.

Assessment of individual and group progress of students in learning is an

important factor in ensuring the quality of the latter; in our project there is an
Assessment Notebook with photocopiable assessment sheets for each unit which
enables the teacher to make notes regarding the progress of each student. It is
conceived in such a way that teachers can easily adapt it to their specific needs.

Globalised learning generates the development of reality as a whole in students.

Our Project takes this situation into account by offering activities interrelated with the
other areas of the curriculum, beginning with childrens knowledge of themselves and
then the exploration of the world around them; their home, their school, their
environment and their society in general. This development is reflected in the themes
of each unit, which relate to the other areas of the Curriculum: Natural Sciences, Social
Sciences, Artistic Education, Mathematics, Physical Education, etc.

Permanent learning. There is no knowledge acquired exclusively in one particular

subject and which is only valid for that subject (above all in and for this subject). With
all that students learn in different subjects (and not only at school) they acquire a stock
of culture and information to last for all their lives, which they should be able to use at
particular moments and in different situations (language is, in this sense, paradigmatic).
For this reason, the Basic Competences maybe achieved, if not in all, certainly in most
school subjects, and also because of this in all subjects it is possible to use and apply
these competences, regardless of where they have been learnt (transversality). Being
competent should be a guarantee of having acquired certain elements of learning, but
will also enable one to achieve others, both within school and outside, a guarantee of
permanent learning (or, in this case, of being able to communicate in very diverse

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 25

situations, some of which students themselves may not yet imagine themselves having
to encounter).

3.5.2. Methodology de Oxford Rooftops

The methodology of our Project is developed as follows:

Oxford Rooftops is a series of 6 levels that provides the perfect combination between
digital and printed content to ensure optimum performance by the class and the
students total commitment.

Oxford Rooftops is developed in the context of a fictitious city, Rooftops, based on the
city of Oxford, where the characters live. In levels 1 and 2 we will share in the lives of
the children who live in a residential area, attend Rooftops primary school, visit nearby
places like the park and participate in social events like carnival or a picnic. In levels 3
and 4, the stories take place in a more commercial area and we share in the lives of
the children whose families are involved in local businesses. In levels 5 and 6, the
residents of Rooftops will be accompanied by children from other countries on an
Exchange programme, through whom we will be able to compare the life of this typical
British city and other regions of the UK with other parts of the world.

The contents of the lessons in Oxford Rooftops are organised in such a way that each
of the three main components, iPack, Class Book and Activity Book, contributes value
in a particular way. The three sources are used systematically when they will prove
most beneficial. The iPack is a very effective tool for introductions, so it is used at the
beginning of the lessons to introduce concepts, which are practised and consolidated
with the Class Book and later completed with the with the Activity Book. This
sequence will be maintained throughout all the levels, and levels 3 and 4 of Oxford
Rooftops include an extra step, using the iPack again, between the Class Book and the
Activity Book.

Vocabulary and grammar

In Oxford Rooftops 1 eight key words of vocabulary are introduced in lesson 1 of each
unit, and four or five words more in lesson 6. All the vocabulary is grouped into
semantic fields related with the theme of each unit. It is presented with a cartoon and
the unit story featuring the course characters and via the iPack. Subsequently it is
revised and practised in a variety of digital games, oral comprehension activities and
highly motivating communication activities.

There is also the introduction of four words related to the inter- curricular themes.

Each unit of Oxford Rooftops 1 introduces and practises two key structures, the first,
via the iPack in lesson 2 with the cartoon song, and the second, in lesson 5 with the
unit story.


Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 26

The focus of Oxford Rooftops 1 contributes towards the development of the four skills
(reading, writing, listening and speaking) in a coordinated manner and integrated within
the teaching of contents.

The iPack, Class Book and Activity Book work is combined to develop skills together.
Through a variety of entertaining tasks with a very systematic methodology, students
progress from practising oral comprehension to practising oral expression; from
practising oral expression to practising written comprehension and from practising
written comprehension to practising written expression.

Songs and rhymes

The childrens actual experience with the music is becoming more and more an audio-
visual experience, so the iPack becomes the ideal method for students to enjoy songs.
The songs also embrace a wide variety of musical genre, specially designed to include
the diversity of musical styles enjoyed by children in real life.

Each unit of Oxford Rooftops 1 introduces an animated song in lesson 2 featuring the
course characters and providing context for the first grammatical structure of the unit
and practice for the vocabulary introduced in lesson 1. Later there is a revision song
which recycles the two lexical groups and the two structures studied.

Rhymes offer invaluable support for the practice of vocabulary and grammar, as they
include much repetition, and their use of rhythm is very helpful for memorising. Oxford
Rooftops 1 presents a rhyme that covers the first lexical group of the unit. A second
rhyme is introduced to listen to while sticking the stickers in the Class Book.

Cultural contents
From the beginning of each unit the children are immersed in British culture by
witnessing the lives of the characters in the town of Rooftops. The vocabulary, and the
cartoons in the story bring to life the details and customs of everyday British life.

In lesson 3, with the cultural film, students witness the daily activity of real British
children in a real British city or its suburbs. These lessons make aware of belonging to
a global community and invite them to reflect upon the culture they are learning about
via the language, and to compare it with their own, whilst helping to develop social and
civic competences and cultural awareness and expressions.

In lesson 4, via a typical social exchange, students again encounter cultural aspects of
English-speaking countries, with frequently used everyday language.

Moreover, at the end of the Class Book there are two additional units, devoted to
festivals to expand learning of intercultural content.

Civic values and contents

The Oxford Rooftops material focuses on civic values which bond together a
community: helping one another, looking after those in need, meeting to organise local
events like a party or a neighbourhood picnic. In this way, Oxford Rooftops supports
and offers a community model integrated by good citizens.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 27

The acquisition of civic values is a crucial element of the Oxford Rooftops series. In
level 1, lesson 4 introduces the value to be focused upon in the unit. The Community
values section is related to the theme and contents of the cultural video in lesson 3,
and also with the commonly used language from lesson 4. It integrates sociocultural
aspects of learning and reinforces self-esteem, as well as positive attitudes, tolerance
and respect for others.
In the Activity Book there is an activity which also aims to awaken the childrens
awareness of an appropriate civic activity. Here they are asked to identify positive
attitudes, and other less desirable ones, in a comic strip representing different social
situations, ten to be discussed.

Through the stories the students share in the adventures of the characters in Rooftops.
They play an important role with regard to the development of language, given that
they revise the first block of vocabulary and key grammatical structures and at the
same time introduced the second block and grammatical structure in context.

Initial contact with the story is via the iPack, with a fun game, in the form of a riddle,
which when completed reveals the title of the story, and which may subsequently be
used to make predictions about the story, contributing to the development of reading
and writing

After the game, students are immersed in the world of Rooftops enjoying an animated
version in the iPack.
After the introduction in the iPack, students remember the story in the Class Book, this
time in greater detail observing the cartoons and listening to the audio. The cartoons in
the Class Book are used for a fun revision of vocabulary asking students to find the
objects hidden in the story. Next, students can evaluate the story in the activity Story
club, which helps them to become more autonomous in their learning.

Finally, in the Activity Book they have the opportunity to consolidate and personalise
the theme of the story making a creative contribution to the world in which it takes

Intercurricular themes
In lesson 7 of each unit of Oxford Rooftops, there is an opportunity to transfer English
to introduce contents belonging to other areas of the curriculum: Social and natural
Sciences, art, music and mathematics. In this way concepts worked on in other
subjects are consolidated and students learn to establish practical connections
between the contents of other areas and the structures and vocabulary they are
learning in English, transferring the skills acquired in one area to another.

The intercurricular concept is introduced via the iPack with a presentation using slides
and subsequently consolidated and practised in the Class Book via comprehension
and oral expression activities, and in the Activity Book, via activities reading-writing
activities, presenting the children with a cognitive challenge.


Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 28

Oxford Rooftops introduces its own programme of synthetic phonetics, based on the
programme Letters and Sounds of the UK Ministry of Education, and slightly modified
so students learn to read the language most used in English class.

At the start of the phonetics lesson, the iPack is used to introduce the sounds to study
in the unit. Students are familiarised with the pronunciation of the letters, and also with
their written form. Next, the iPack provides additional receptive practice via fun
interactive game, called Stepping Stones, in which the children have to listen to and
identify both the sounds and the letters that represent them. A third activity in the iPack
shows how these sounds, along with others from previous units, can be combined to
form words.
After consolidating the contents of the iPack in the Class Book activities, students put
into practice what they have learnt, combining the sounds themselves to decipher and
read words.
Students can already read a short story by themselves, specially created for phonetic

Oxford Rooftops 1 provides one phonetic story per unit in the Phonics Reader that
accompanies the Activity Book. These are stories which the children will be able to
almost completely decipher, as they will have learnt the patterns of sounds and letters
necessary to read them. These are illustrated and humorous stories, and therefore
highly motivating. The stories are also available in the iPack, in electronic format. They
can be used, for example, to revise the sounds already studied at the start of each

The Teachers Resource CD-ROM provides printed material (phonetic minicards and
photocopiable sheets of the sounds and their combinations) to continue practising with.

Oxford Rooftops attaches considerable importance to recycling and Revision of the
language throughout the course. In level 1 there is systematic recycling of all the key
language in all the units and via very varied contexts

In addition to recycling in each unit, there is revision at the end of each term via the
revision stories City Adventures, available in both the iPack and the Class Book. They
reflect the vocabulary and grammar from the two previous units in a story featuring new
characters who live in a different world.

There is additional optional revision in the Teachers Guide and in the Teachers
Resource CD-ROM with the reinforcement and extension sheets.

External exams
The contents and skills of Oxford Rooftops have been developed bearing in mind the
demands of the GESE Trinity and Cambridge English: Young Learners exams.

3.5.3. Teaching material and resources

The following material and digital resources are included:

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 29

The iPack, with presentations and practical material to be used with the interactive
white board or the laptop and projector. It includes an animate presentation of the first
block of vocabulary featuring the characters from the course, the presentation of a
song contextualising the first block of grammar , cultural film with real British children
in their environment, a clip of everyday language, the animated version of the story
featuring the characters from the course, introducing and contextualising the second
block of vocabulary and grammar; a sequence of slides introducing the Intercurricular
theme; introductory material and Practise the Phonetics; the animated version of the
song to revise and consolidate the contents of the unit; activities and interactive games;
pages of the Class Book and Activity Book as classroom reference and support; the
digital version of the material included in the Teacher's Resource Pack and revision
games for the end of each unit and term.

The textbook used is Oxford Rooftops by Oxford University Press. Students have the
Class Book with an introductory unit which introduces the characters and context of the
course, six units with nine lessons in each, two pages of material about festivities and
three revision stories in the form of comic stories featuring animals (City Adventures); a
mini cultural book per unit and a picture dictionary. They also have the Activity book,
with seven pages of activities and additional practice from the revision stories and the
festivities pages and also the Phonics Readers with six stories, graded in difficulty, to
practise reading common sounds and collocations in the learning of English as a
foreign language.

The teacher has the Teachers Guide, with detailed teaching notes for each lesson ,
suggestions for initial, final and extra activities, cultural notes, the answers to the
students activities, transcriptions of the listenings, references to the Basic
Competences, wordcards, references to the worksheets and an ideas bank with
suggestions for games and activities, explanations of the games in the iPack; the
Teacher's Resource CD-ROM with worksheets for additional vocabulary and grammar
practice to reinforce and extend the main contents of the worksheets from the units, on
festivities, extra stories, intercurricular themes and the worksheets on festivals and the
cultural films; assessment material and the portfolio, the unit tests, notes on the Basic
Competences and the listening and solutions for all the worksheets. The audio CDs
with all the songs, stories, listenings, the listening tests and the Phonics Reader.

There is also the Teacher's Resource Pack with 103 flashcards, 115 wordcards, the
story cards, a Rooftops city poster and another about classroom language

And finally, the resources on the Oxford Online Learning Zone website for students with
interactive practice, to be used at home or in the classroom; the resources on the
Oxford Premium website for teachers with all the material online, and the digital books
available for Oxford Rooftops.

The multimedia resources mentioned (iPack, Teacher's Resource CD-ROM, the

website and the digital books) completely integrate the use of ICT in the classroom,
enabling teachers to adapt the best digital solutions for the students or centre being

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 30

3.5.4. Activities

Start of lesson activities

This is a case of activating students prior knowledge in the new themes to be
worked on or revising those already covered. This is normally achieved via
brainstorming or revision activities, via games, communicative exchanges with the
aid of flashcards, posters, songs, etc.

Of lesson development
Each unit includes different kinds of activities that appeal to multiple intelligences
and are designed to facilitate the acquisition, establishment, evolution and
improvement of the various skills that make up a large part of the competence in
the English language. These activities son:

Vocabulary related to the diverse conceptual fields developed in a teaching

unit (Vocabulary).
Reading and comprehension of texts (Reading).
Grammatical structures (Grammar).
The sounds studied (Pronunciation).
Comprehension and oral expression of all aspects of the language
(Listening and Speaking).
Written comprehension and expression (Writing).

Of reinforcement and extension

The Project is based on the acknowledgement that in every class there are
students with different styles and rhythms of learning and different levels of
motivation, while seeking the goal of every student participating in the learning
process with maximum satisfaction and achieving success in accordance with their
level and interest.
The diversity of exercises and activities used in the material enables all students to
find something appropriate to their style and pace of learning.

Some of these activities act as an extension for those students without difficulties,
and others offer reinforcement for those who require it.
The activities referred to are as follows:

Optional activities in the iPack.

Optional activities in the Teachers Guide.
The activities recommended in the Teachers Resource CD-ROM:
- Worksheets: reinforcement, extension and consolidation activities
based on the different sections studied in the unit: Reinforcement,
Extension, Culture, Story, Cross-curricular, Phonics and Song.
The activities recommended in the Activity Book.

Of development of Basic Competences

Some activities contribute more specifically to the development of various Basic
Competences, including:

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 31

Interactive activities
Activities on the IWB
Activities based on different supports
Activities of research or case studies
Group activities
Interpretation of data, graphs, etc.
Cultural texts, songs, rhymes, etc.
Activities working on emotions

Of evaluation
The evaluation of learning in primary education will be continuous and global
and will take into account the students progress in the in the combined
areas of the curriculum. The teacher will evaluate both students learning
and their level of achievement of the competences as well as teaching
processes and their own teaching..
The evaluation activities may be classified in different levels:

Activities of formative assessment, where the teacher will evaluate the

continuous work of students and measure their progress via observation and
checking completion of activities like:
- Exercises in the Activity Book
- Revision Stories (CB and AB)

Summative Assessment Activities with the completion of the various

assessment activities referred to in Oxford Rooftops (Teacher's Resource
- Unit tests 1-6 (Standard - Challenge)
- End-of-term 1-3 (Standard - Challenge)
- End-of-year test (Standard - Challenge)

Self-assessment and self-study activities, in which students are initiated

in strategies of self-assessment of their knowledge and skills:
- Self-evaluation of each unit (AB).
- Self-assessment activity about the unit story (Story club, CB).

These types of activities, which would include: cultural excursions, seeing plays in
English, celebrating typical Anglo-Saxon festivals etc., will be prepared by the staff
in each schools English department.

Outings and activities common to the whole school or to various groups

(Note here any educational or recreational-educational scheduled.)

Participating Participating Term/ Description of Outings/ Observations

Groups Teachers Dates activities

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3.5.5. Organisation of time, groups and space
Time, understood as that which is dedicated to teaching in the centre, is a fundamental
and limited resource in the learning of a subject. The program recommended in this
document should be adapted by individual teachers according to their timetables and
the pace of their classes.

With regard to students, the teacher may employ different criteria in order to group
(Delete as appropriate)
Human resources
Support teachers
In alphabetical order
Flexible groups (specify what type and why)
Small groups for reinforcement inside/outside classroom
Students with different sensorial needs in different groups

When performing tasks, completing activities, projects, etc. the organisation of students
is carried out depending on the type of interaction occurring at that moment in class:
Individual work
Group work

The resources available to teachers and the available spaces in which to develop
learning processes are, nowadays, increasingly varied.

As a result, learning contexts are also more diverse. Teachers can implement activities
and projects that involve different settings:
The school
The community
The family context

The classroom is no longer the only space in which to teach a subject. Each school has
a series of spatial resources both material and virtual exploitation of which furnishes
the different scenarios in which the subject is taught:
Language laboratory
Virtual classroom
IT Room Audiovisual Room
Auditorium - Theatre

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For the use of common spaces, the teacher will note down in observations when, how
and why these spaces are used for English classes:

Inside the classroom, space may be distributed according to different criteria:

Distribution of desks into rows
Distribution of desks into a U
Specific corners: classroom library, transversal themes, games, craftwork, etc.

A very important role is played by the incorporation of ICT into education, providing
diverse martial resources which offer teachers the possibility of designing their classes
in a personalised manner and adjusting to the needs of each and every moment:
Radiocassete/ CD player
Video camera Audio recorder
Computers (PC, laptops, netbooks, tablets, ...)
Internet (WiFi, others...)
(Note here any observation regarding when, how and why these resources are used.)

Beyond material and spatial resources, mention must be made of cognitive

processes which play a part in students learning phases. These processes which
make possible the incorporation of knowledge one wishes to transmit to students very
complex. From the attention necessary to prepare to receive information to the
memorisation that permits access to this information when it is needed, the following
processes, amongst others, take place:

3.5.6. Means of attending to the diversity of students

One of the elements most reinforced by the LOE and still stressed by the LOMCE is
attention to diversity. It is clear that the same educational activity practised upon the
same group of students produces different effects depending on the knowledge and
previous experience of each of them, their intellectual capacity, and their degree of
interest and motivation regarding teaching.

This is why, on many occasions, we must modify or adapt contents or methodology so

all students can attain established objectives. Similarly, we should offer extension

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activities for more receptive or capable students. Attention to diversity must be
practised in both directions. For this reason, these differences must always be attended
to, presenting the same activities in different ways based on the activities proposed in
the students book and activity book. Teachers should calibrate to whom they direct
certain activities or others and be aware at all times of these differences, not only when
evaluating, but also when teaching and planning the teaching-learning process.

Oxford Rooftops offers reinforcement and extension activities that allow for
individualised attention to students, depending on their needs and rhythm of learning.
In our project we include ideas in all the lessons so teachers may respond to the
diverse situations that arise in the classroom.

In the material for teachers, the Teachers Guide, and Teachers Resource CD-ROM
we recommend reinforcement and extension activities for students as well as notes for
the teacher, teaching tips, to address the different needs of students.

Anticipated criteria and procedures to perform appropriate curricular

adaptations for students with special educational needs
(Here the department will describe and detail the criteria and specific procedures if necessary.
Those departments that do not have this type of student should delete this section)

The adaptations will focus on:

1. Time and rhythm of learning

2. More personalised methodology
3. Reinforcing learning techniques
4. Improving procedures, habits and attitudes
5. Increasing the guided approach
6. Curricular enrichment
7. Assessment adapted to the needs of these students

a) For students with high intellectual capacity: extension contents and material will
be facilitated appropriate to the needs of these students enabling them to develop their
capacities to the full.

b) For students who join the educational system late: the necessary reinforcement
measures will be adapted to facilitate their integration in school and the recovery of lost
time so they may continue to benefit fully from their studies.

c) For students with specific learning difficulties: measures of both schooling and
attention will be adopted. For students with a disability, there will be flexibility and
methodological alternatives. For students with serious learning difficulties, priority will
be given to contents regarding procedure and attitudes, seeking social integration,
given the impossibility of sufficient progress in conceptual contents. It is necessary to
insist n instrumental contents or material regarded as such.

When adaptations are insufficient we have curricular diversification, by means of which

a student may cease to follow the main body of the course and employ that time in
other educational activities, either those offered as optional , or specially designed
activities, which may take place inside or outside school. These students would at all

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times have as reference the general objectives of this stage of education, but would
access them via different contents and activities.

3.6. Assessment

Student learning must be assessed systematically and periodically, both to measure on

an individual basis knowledge and competences acquired and to introduce in the
educational process any necessary changes (when learning does not respond to what,
a priori, is expected of students).

If we assume that the Basic Competences involve real application and practice of
knowledge, habits and attitudes, the way of checking or evaluating whether the student
has acquired the is to reproduce situations that are as real as possible, and in these
situations it is normal for students to resort to that accumulated baggage (all kinds of
contents) but to respond, above all, to practical situations.

Assessment by competences enables assessment of both the fulfilment of objectives

in the subject, and the degree of acquisition of the Basic Competences. Some criteria
are specifically linked to concepts, and others, ideally to procedures and not attitudes.

Depending on the objective we seek when evaluating, we have various modalities,

such as Summative assessment, performed at different moments of the course that
we tend to identify with the termly and yearly evaluation (ordinary and extraordinary,
when appropriate). There will be other assessments, like initial (not graded) and final
and, above all, continuous or formative, which takes place throughout the teaching-
learning process, immersed within it, and which emphasises, thus, the directing and
diagnostic nature of teaching.

There will also be individualised assessment of all students at the end of 3rd of
primary education in which students must demonstrate their degree of acquisition of
competences in linguistic communication and mathematics. At the end of 6th year of
primary education they must also show their degree of acquisition of the Basic
Competences, as well as the achievement of objectives in this phase.

The results of individualised assessment will be expressed in levels and in a report

submitted to parents or tutors, of an informative and guiding nature. The level obtained
will be indicative of students learning and progress, so if inadequate it will be
necessary to apply appropriate means or measures.

As well as assessing students progress, the teachers work will be evaluated, and
therefore included in the evaluation process of the teaching programmes and their
indicators in each schools proposal for teaching.

3.6.1. Assessment procedures

Adhering to different criteria, the curriculum proposes a series of tools that allow us to
undertake the assessment process in the classroom. In the case of formative

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assessment, this will be observation and systematic monitoring of the student, in other
words, taking into consideration all his/her productions, be they on an individual or
group basis: written work, oral presentations and debates, classroom activities, reading
and summaries, research, attitude to learning , accuracy in expression and self-
assessment amongst others. And those of summative assessment, termly written tests
and resits (and at the end of the year, if the student has not passed any subject, and
extraordinary, in the case of failure in the ordinary end-of-year exams). In any case, the
assessment processes will vary, so they can be adapted to the flexibility demanded by
the evaluation.

The curriculum also establishes Assessment criteria and Assessable learning

standards for subject and course which enable evaluation of the achievement of
objectives in the subject. With regard to assessment by competences, given that
these are very generic, they need to be made more precise, expressed in detail to
serve as a reference for educational action and to demonstrate the students real
competence, and this is what we have termed Indicators. For reference purposes, the
following session includes the complete list of both assessment criteria and the
indicators of Basic Competences.

3.6.2. Assessment resources Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria established by the curriculum for the first year of primary
education in the area of foreign language, organised into four main blocks:
comprehension and production (expression and interaction) of oral and written texts,
are as follows:

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

- Know and know how to apply the most appropriate basic strategies for
comprehension of overall meaning, essential information or the main points of
the text.

- Identify basic, specific and significant sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects,

about everyday life (habits, timetables, activities, celebrations), and social
conventions (norms of courtesy), and apply the knowledge acquired regarding
these to an adequate comprehension of the text.

- Identify the general meaning and a limited repertoire of vocabulary and of

expressions in very short and simple oral texts , with predominance of simple
structures and very common lexicon, articulated clearly and very slowly and
transmitted via voice or technical means, about themes related to personal
experiences, needs and interests in very predictable everyday contexts always
with visual backing, the possibility of repetition and an important contextual

- Identify the main communicative function of the text (e.g. request for
information, an order, an offer), as well as the basic discursive patterns (e.g.
conversational beginning or end, or points in a narration).

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- Recognise a limited repertoire of oral high frequency lexicon related to
everyday situations and related to their own experiences and interests.

- Identify basic patterns of sounds, accents, rhythms and intonation and

recognise the general meanings and communicative intentions related to

Block 2. Production of oral texts: expression e interaction

- Know and know how to apply basic strategies to produce very short and
simple oral texts, using, e.g.., prefabricated formulae and language or
memorised expressions or with the aid of gestures.

- Know basic sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, and apply the

knowledge acquired regarding these to an adequate oral production in the
context, respecting the most elemental communicative conventions.

- Interact in very basic fashion, using very simple linguistic and non-verbal
techniques(e.g.. gestures or physical contact )to start, maintain or conclude a
brief conversation fulfilling the main communicative aim of the text (e.g.. a
greeting, congratulations).

- Produce very short and simple oral texts, using for example. memorised
expressions or with the aid of gestures.

- Participate in a very basic manner in very brief and very simple conversations
that require a direct exchange of information about very familiar themes, using
mainly very simple and isolated expressions and sentences of very frequent
use with repetition and the interlocutor's collaboration essential to continue the

- Know and Use a limited repertoire of oral high frequency lexicon related to
everyday situations and specific habitual themes related to ones own interests,
experiences and needs.

- Imitate a very limited repertoire of basic patterns of sounds, accents, rhythms

and intonation

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

- Know and know how to apply the most appropriate basic strategies for
comprehension f the overall meaning, essential information or the main points
of the text.

- Identify basic, specific and significant sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

and apply the knowledge acquired regarding these to an adequate
comprehension of the text.

- Identify the theme and general meaning in texts, both printed and digital, very
short and simple, with predominance of simple structures and very high

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 38

frequency lexicon, about very familiar and everyday themes, with rereading,
some clarifications and strong visual and contextual support essential.

- Recognise frequently used symbols (p. e. , @, , etc.) e Identify the

general meanings and communicative intentions related to them.

- Identify the main function or communicative functions text (e.g. congratulations,

a request for or offer of information) and a limited repertoire of their most
common exponents, as well as the basic discursive patterns (e.g.. start and end
of a letter, or the points of a schematic description).

- Recognise a limited repertoire of high frequency lexicon related to everyday

situations and specific and habitual themes related to their own interests,
experiences and needs.

Block 4. Production OF WRITTEN TEXTS: expression e interaction

- Know and apply basic strategies to produce written texts very short and
simple, p. e. copying very typical words and sentences to achieve desired
communicative functions.

- Know basic specific sociocultural and sociolinguistic and apply them to a

written production in context, respecting the basic norms of courtesy

- Construct very short and simple texts, made up of simple isolated sentences,
to speak of oneself or one's immediate surroundings, using a repertoire of
mainly icon-based codes for communication.

- Know and Use a limited repertoire of high frequency lexicon related to

everyday situations and specific and habitual themes related to ones own
interests, experiences and needs. Assessable learning standards

Learning standards in this course have been organised into four main blocks:
comprehension and production (expression e interaction) of oral and written texts
.Below we detail the law:

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

- Understands the essence of the teachers messages and instructions

regarding normal classroom activity.

- Participates in daily routines (days of the week, month, and weather, etc.) and
understands the relevant vocabulary.

- Understands essential information in very short and very simple conversations

in which he/she participates, dealing with familiar topics such as, for example,
one self, the family, the class, pets, very basic description of objects, using non-
verbal language to improve comprehension.

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- Understands the basic formulae of social relations (greetings, introductions,
thanks, apologies).

- Understands the teachers questions about basic information (name, age),

ones body, objects, pets and animals, ones family and in general about the
topics covered in class

- Distinguishes between the beginning and end of a conversation.

Block 2. Production of oral texts: expression e interaction

- Imitates and repeats the teachers expressions used in class

- Makes very short and simple presentations, previously prepared and

rehearsed, about everyday or interesting themes (introducing oneself and other
people; giving basic information about oneself) using very simple structures.

- Respects the rules of oral interaction.

- Responds appropriately in communication situations (greetings, very simple

questions about oneself, asking for or offering objects, etc.).

- Knows and uses expressions related to family or cultural celebrations.

- Participates face to face in conversations establishing social contact

(greetings and farewells, introductions).

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

- Locates familiar words in the visual material used for routines (calendar,
expressions about the weather) or in class books (title, page number etc.).

- Uses picture dictionaries

- Correctly matches written words with the corresponding picture

- Uses Information and communication technology to start reading.

Block 4. Production of written texts: expression and interaction

- Copies simple words and expressions worked on orally.

- Writes letters or cards congratulating somebody using a model, copying some

basic words and including pictures or photographs.

- Prepares very simple posters following a model. Rubrick of assessment of competences

In Annex I of this document we include a template called Rubric of assessment of

competences for each unit and for the whole year which enables us to evaluate the

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degree of acquisition of the Basic Competences indicating the grading level achieved
by each student.

The rubric indicates each of the Basic Competences followed by a break-down in

indicators. The template corresponding to each unit includes only those competences
and indicators specifically developed in that unit; whilst the template recommended for
overall assessment includes all the competences and all their indicators. When
assessing with the rubrics, we recommend grading, firstly, each of the indicators or
those upon which the teacher has focused, thus obtaining a global vision of the
competence to assess it subsequently.

In the assessment process, we have identified five levels of grading, and to record
them we recommend the following qualitative scale ordered from low to high:
Insuficiente (IN): No conseguido; Suficiente (SU): Conseguido con nivel bajo en los
diferentes mbitos; Bien (BI): Conseguido con nivel medio; Notable (NT): conseguido
con nivel alto, and Sobresaliente (SB): Conseguido totalmente. To apply the grading
criteria these levels must be applied to the Assessment criteria detailed for the area of
foreign language

In order to evaluate students, teachers need a series of instruments that enable them
to obtain specific data. In the template we recommend the instruments we regard as
most suitable for the obtention of this data, such as: observation, written test, oral test,
class notebook, and portfolio. El profesor podr modificar la plantilla sustituyendo o
incluyendo otros instrumentos que haya empleado.

Los INDICATORS en los que se han desglosado las Basic Competences, que
incluimos en la plantilla, and que nos permiten demostrar la competence real del
alumno para esta materia and este curso son los que indicamos a continuacin:

1. Competence in linguistic communication (CL)

CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about familiar themes of interest.
CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously, about familiar themes of interest.
CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some specific details with the help of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic and paralinguistic elements.
CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc. with correct intonation and pronunciation.
CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges about familiar themes in easily predictable
communication situations.

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CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion about familiar and interesting themes
CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific goal.
CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a specific goal.


CMCT1. Counts to 10
CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
CMCT3. Relates fundamental elements and resources with people's lives
CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions to understand the world around us.
CMCT5. Identify some species of living creatures.
CMCT6. Identifica caractersticas de diferentes etapas de la vida de las personas.

3. Digital competence (CD)

CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.

4. Learning to learn (AA)

AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using picture dictionaries.
AA2. Uses basic comprehension strategies like grasping the gist in oral texts with the aid of linguistic and
non-linguistic elements of the context.
AA3. Use basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for help, accompanying communication with
gestures, etc.

5. Social and civic competences (SC)

SC1. Participates in and enjoys game s and sketches adjusting performance to relationship with
SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of communication with other people.

6. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit (SIEE)

SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the foreign language.
SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn better.

7. Cultural awareness and expressions (CEC)


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CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon world.
CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with his/her voice.
CEC4. Participates in and enjoys game s and sketches.

3.6.3. Elements of assessment

There is a relationship between different elements of the curriculum which play a part in
the assessment process: Assessment criteria, learning standards and basic
competences and indicators. In the following table we reflect upon these elements
following the organisation into four blocks: comprehension and production (expression
e interaction) of oral and written texts.

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Block 1: Comprehension of oral texts

Estndares de learning Assessment criteria CCBB INDICATORS - Competences

Understands the essence of teachers Know and know how to apply the most appropriate CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about familiar
messages and instructions regarding basic strategies for comprehension of overall meaning, SC themes of interest.
typical classroom activity. essential information or the main points of the text. CD
CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
CEC about familiar themes of interest.
Participates in daily routines and Identify basic, specific and significant sociocultural and
Understands associated vocabulary. sociolinguistic aspects, regarding everyday life and social
CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
conventions, and apply the knowledge acquired regarding specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
Understand essential information in very these to an adequate comprehension of the text. elements of the context.
short and simple conversations in which
student participates, about familiar Identify the general meaning and a limited repertoire of CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, accentuation
themes and using non-verbal language to vocabulary and de expressions in very short and simple and intonation of expressions that appear in habitual
improve comprehension. oral texts, about related themes in very predictable communication contexts.
everyday contexts.
Understands the basic formulae of social SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
relations. Identify the main communicative function of the text, as
well as the basic discursive patterns.
SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
Understands the teachers questions communication with other people.
about basic information, ones body, Recognise a limited repertoire of oral high frequency
objects, pets and animals, ones family lexicon related to everyday situations and habitual and CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
and in general about the topics covered specific themes
in class CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in
Distinguish between basic patterns of sounds, accents, the Anglo-Saxon world.
Distinguishes between the beginning rhythms and intonation and Recognise the general
and end of a conversation meanings and communicative intentions related to them.

Block 2: Production of oral texts: Expression and interaction

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 44

Estndares de learning Assessment criteria CCBB INDICATORS - Competences
Imitates and repeats the teachers Know and know how to apply basic strategies to very CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic and
expressions used in class short and simple monological or dialogical oral texts SC paralinguistic elements.
Makes very short and simple Know basic sociocultural and sociolinguistic, and apply CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc. with
presentations, about everyday or the knowledge acquired to an appropriate oral production correct intonation and pronunciation.
interesting themes using very simple in the context.
CEC CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
Interact in very basic fashion, Using very simple linguistic
Respects the rules of oral interaction. or non-verbal techniques to start, maintain or conclude a CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges about
brief conversation fulfilling the main communicative aim of familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Responds appropriately in the text. situations.
communication situations.
Very short and simple monological or dialogical oral SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
Knows and uses expressions related to texts adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
family or cultural celebrations.
Participate in a very basic manner in very brief and very SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
Participates face to face in conversations simple conversations that require a direct exchange of communication with other people.
establishing social contact. information about very familiar themes.
CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
Know and Use a limited repertoire of oral high frequency
lexicon related to everyday situations and habitual and SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
specific themes foreign language.

Imitate a very limited repertoire of basic patterns of SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
sounds, accents, rhythms and intonation better.

AA1. Uses basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using

picture dictionaries.

AA2. Uses basic comprehension strategies like grasping the

gist in oral texts with the aid of linguistic and non-linguistic
elements of the context.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 45

Estndares de learning Assessment criteria CCBB INDICATORS - Competences
AA3. Uses basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for
help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc.

CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with

his/her voice.

CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.

Block 3: Comprehension OF WRITTEN TEXTS

Estndares de learning Assessment criteria CCBB INDICATORS - Competences

Locates familiar words in the visual Know and know how to apply the most appropriate CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
material used for routines or in class basic strategies for comprehension of the overall meaning, SC about familiar and interesting themes
books. essential information or the main points of the text. CD
CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in oral
Use picture dictionaries Identify basic, specific and significant sociocultural and fashion about familiar themes of interest
sociolinguistic aspects and apply the knowledge acquired
Correctly matches written words with the to an adequate comprehension of the text. CEC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
corresponding picture communication with other people.
Identify the theme and general meaning in texts, both
Use Information and communication printed and digital, very short and simple, with CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
technology to start reading. predominance of simple structures and very high
frequency lexicon, about very familiar and everyday SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
themes. foreign language.

Recognise frequently used symbols e Identify the SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
general meanings and communicative intentions related to better.
AA1. Uses basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
Identify the main function or communicative functions text

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 46

Estndares de learning Assessment criteria CCBB INDICATORS - Competences
and a limited repertoire of their most common exponents, picture dictionaries.
as well as the basic discursive patterns.
CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in
Recognise a limited repertoire of high frequency lexicon the Anglo-Saxon world.
related to everyday situations and specific and habitual

Block 4: Production OF WRITTEN TEXTS: Expression e interaction

Estndares de learning Assessment criteria CCBB INDICATORS - Competences

Copies simple words and expressions Know and apply basic strategies to produce written texts CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
worked on orally. very short and simple. SC goal.
Writes letters or cards congratulating Know basic and significant sociocultural and CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a specific
somebody using a model, copying some sociolinguistic aspects and apply them to a written goal.
basic words and including pictures or production appropriate in the context
photographs. CEC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
Construct very short and simple texts, made up of simple, communication with other people.
Prepares very simple posters following isolated sentences, to speak of oneself or one's immediate
a model surroundings, using a repertoire of mainly icon-based CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
codes for communication.
SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
Know and Use a limited repertoire of high frequency foreign language.
lexicon related to everyday situations and specific and
habitual themes related to ones own interests, SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
experiences and needs. better.

AA1. Uses basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 47

Estndares de learning Assessment criteria CCBB INDICATORS - Competences
picture dictionaries.

CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in

the Anglo-Saxon world.

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This programme and scheduling is a temporal sequence model of learning for 1st year
of Primary Education, a total of 68 hours per course.

The elements we have included in each of the units, to show how the educational
process will be developed, in the case of the programming are the standards of
learning, the linguistic contents corresponding to each unit, the assessment criteria, the
Basic Competences and the indicators which specify the development of each basic

In the case of the scheduling, we have included the objectives worked on in each
lesson , the activities, indicating the type of activity in question, be it of the start of the
lesson , of development, of attention to diversity (reinforcement and extension), of
assessment, of development of competences or for the development of intercurricular
themes; the Basic Competences and los indicators that specify the development of the
latter, as well as the necessary resources in each of the sessions.

This is a guiding and extendable programme, with countless optional possibilities

proposed in the Teachers Guide and Teachers Resource CD-ROM. The teacher may
introduce these activities when he/she sees fit, depending on the needs and attitude of
students, bearing in mind pace of learning individual and collective and teaching
hours available.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 49

Starter Unit - Welcome to Park Street

Understands the essence of Comprehension strategies: initial Know and know how to apply the most CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced
teachers messages and contact with the lexicon and appropriate basic strategies for SC previously, about familiar themes of interest.
instructions regarding typical grammar watching the cartoon comprehension of overall meaning, essential CD
classroom activity. versions in the iPack of the information or the main points of the text. CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences,
CEC introduced previously, about familiar themes
vocabulary and the song.
CMCT of interest.
Participates in daily routines Identify basic, specific and significant
and Understands associated Sociocultural and sociolinguistic sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, AA
CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and
vocabulary. aspects: they listen to introductions regarding everyday life and social identifies some specific details with the help
and greetings. conventions, and apply the knowledge of linguistic and non-linguistic elements of
Understand essential acquired regarding these to an adequate the context.
information in very short and Communicative functions: they comprehension of the text.
simple conversations in which identify numbers, colours and CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound,
student Participates, about classroom objects. Identify the general meaning and a limited rhythm, accentuation and intonation of
expressions that appear in habitual
familiar themes and using repertoire of vocabulary and de expressions
communication contexts.
non-verbal language to Syntactic structures: I'm (Anna). in very short and simple oral texts, about
improve comprehension. I'm (6). related items in very predictable everyday SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
contexts. sketches adjusting performance to
Understands the basic High frequency lexicon: Numbers: relationship with classmates.
formulae of social relations. 110. Colours: black, blue, brown, Identify the main communicative function of
green, orange, pink, purple, red, the text, as well as the basic discursive SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Understands the teachers white, yellow. Classroom patterns. instrument of communication with other
questions about basic material: bag, crayon, pen, pencil, people.
information, ones body, rubber. Greetings: Hello! Recognise a limited repertoire of oral high
CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
objects, pets and animals, Goodbye! Im (Nizzy). frequency lexicon related to everyday
foreign language.
ones family and in general situations and habitual and specific themes
about the topics covered in Patterns of sounds, accents, CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
class rhythms and intonation: The Identify basic patterns of sounds, accents, manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
sounds a, e, i, o, u. A chant and a rhythms and intonation and Recognise the

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 50

Distinguishes between the general meanings and communicative world.
beginning and end of a song (Park street! Hello!). intentions related to them.
conversation CMCT1. Counts to 10

CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.

AA2. Uses basic comprehension strategies

like grasping the gist in oral texts with the
aid of linguistic and non-linguistic elements
of the context.


Imitates and repeats the Production strategies: They Know and know how to apply basic CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use
teachers expressions used in accompany communication with strategies to very short and simple SC of linguistic and paralinguistic elements.
class gestures and mime to be monological or dialogical oral texts CD
understood. CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters,
Makes very short and Know basic sociocultural and short poems, etc. with correct intonation and
simple presentations, about Sociocultural and sociolinguistic sociolinguistic aspects, and apply the pronunciation.
everyday or interesting aspects: they participate in knowledge acquired to an oral production CEC
themes using very simple different games in pairs, groups or appropriate in the context CMCT CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
structures. with the whole class. They ask and
answer about name and age. Interact in very basic fashion, Using very CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral
Respects the rules of oral simple linguistic or non-verbal techniques to exchanges about familiar themes in easily
interaction. Communicative functions: they say start, maintain or conclude a brief predictable communication situations.
colours and classroom objects. conversation fulfilling the main
Responds appropriately in communicative aim of the text. SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
communication situations. Syntactic structures: I'm (Anna). sketches adjusting performance to
I'm (6). Very short and simple monological or relationship with classmates.
Knows and uses expressions dialogical oral texts
related to family or cultural High frequency lexicon: Numbers: SC2. Values the foreign language as an
celebrations. 110. Colours: black, blue, brown, Participate in a very basic manner in very instrument of communication with other
green, orange, pink, purple, red, brief and very simple conversations that

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 51

Participates face to face in require a direct exchange of information people.
conversations establishing white, yellow. Classroom about very familiar themes.
social contact. material: bag, crayon, pen, pencil, CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
rubber. Greetings: Hello! Know and Use a limited repertoire of oral foreign language.
Goodbye! Im (Nizzy). high frequency lexicon related to everyday
situations and habitual and specific themes SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
Patterns of sounds, accents, regarding learning the foreign language.
rhythms and intonation: they Imitate a very limited repertoire of basic
reproduce the sounds a, e, i, o, u. patterns of sounds, accents, rhythms and SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
they recite the vocabulary chant intonation help one learn better.
and sing the song from the unit
(Park Street! Hello!). AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
such as using picture dictionaries.

AA3. Use basic strategies of interaction,

such as asking for help, accompanying
communication with gestures, etc.

CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and

melody with his/her voice.

CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games

and sketches.

CMCT1. Counts to 10


Locates familiar words in the Comprehension strategies: they Know and know how to apply the most CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously
visual material used for match the content of the text with appropriate basic strategies for SC in oral fashion familiar and interesting
routines or in class books. the illustrations. comprehension of overall meaning, essential CD themes.
information or the main points of the text.
Sociocultural and sociolinguistic CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 52

Use picture dictionaries Identify basic, specific and significant AA previously in oral fashion about familiar
aspects: they identify Greetings sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects and CEC themes of interest
Correctly matches written and introductions. apply the knowledge acquired to an CMCT
words with the corresponding adequate comprehension of the text. SC2. Values the foreign language as an
picture Communicative functions: they instrument of communication with other
read colours and classroom Identify the theme and general meaning in people.
Use Information and objects. texts, printed and digital, very short and
communication technology to simple, with predominance of simple CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
start reading. Syntactic structures: I'm (Anna). structures and very high frequency lexicon, foreign language.
I'm (6). about very familiar and everyday themes.
SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
High frequency lexicon: Numbers: Recognise frequently used symbols e regarding learning the foreign language.
110. Colours: black, blue, brown, Identify the general meanings and
green, orange, pink, purple, red, communicative intentions related to them. SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
white, yellow. Classroom help one learn better.
material: bag, crayon, pen, pencil, Identify the main function or communicative
rubber. Greetings: Hello! functions text and a limited repertoire of their AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
Goodbye! Im (Nizzy). most common exponents, as well as the such as using picture dictionaries.
basic discursive patterns.
Graphic patterns and spelling CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
conventions: they identify the Recognise a limited repertoire of high manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
graphemes a, e, i, o, u. frequency lexicon related to everyday world.
situations and specific and habitual themes.
CMCT1. Counts to 10


Copies simple words and Production strategies: they Know and apply basic strategies to produce CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and
expressions worked on orally. complete games in the iPack with written texts very short and simple. SC with a specific goal.
the vocabulary. They write words CD
Writes letters or cards Know basic sociocultural and CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 53

congratulating somebody and sentences following a model. sociolinguistic and apply them to a written SIEE and with a specific goal.
using a model, copying some production appropriate in context CMCT
basic words and including Sociocultural and sociolinguistic AA SC2. Values the foreign language as an
pictures or photographs. aspects: They trace words and Construct very short and simple texts, instrument of communication with other
sentences describing classroom composed of simple isolated sentences to people.
Prepares very simple objects. speak of oneself or one's immediate
posters following a model surroundings using a repertoire of mainly CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
Communicative functions: they icon-based codes for communication. foreign language.
trace the words of vocabulary
about colours, classroom objects Know and Use a limited repertoire of high SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
and los numbers. frequency lexicon related to everyday regarding learning the foreign language.
situations and specific and habitual themes
Syntactic structures: I'm (Anna). related to ones own interests, experiences SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
I'm (6). and needs. help one learn better.

High frequency lexicon: Numbers: CMCT1. Counts to 10

110. Colours: black, blue, brown,
green, orange, pink, purple, red, CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
white, yellow. Classroom
material: bag, crayon, pen, pencil, AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
rubber. Greetings: Hello! such as using picture dictionaries.
Goodbye! Im (Nizzy).
CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
Graphic patterns and spelling manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
conventions: they identify the world.
Graphic patterns of the sounds a,
e, i, o, u. CEC2. Creates simple works of art.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 54

Unit 1 - In the park

Understands the essence of Comprehension strategies: initial Know and know how to apply the most CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced
teachers messages and contact with the lexicon and appropriate basic strategies for SC previously, about familiar themes of interest.
instructions regarding typical grammar watching the cartoon comprehension of overall meaning, essential CD
classroom activity. versions in the iPack of vocabulary, information or the main points of the text. CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences,
CEC introduced previously, about familiar themes
songs and stories
CMCT of interest.
Participates in daily routines Identify basic, specific and significant
and Understands associated Sociocultural and sociolinguistic sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, AA
CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and
vocabulary. aspects: they listen to a story regarding everyday life and social identifies some specific details with the help
about a trip to the park (The park conventions, and apply the knowledge of linguistic and non-linguistic elements of
Understands essential story), a video about everyday acquired regarding these to an adequate the context.
information in very short and language and a text about comprehension of the text.
simple conversations in which geometrical shapes. CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound,
student participates, about Identify the general meaning and a limited rhythm, accentuation and intonation of
expressions that appear in habitual
familiar themes and using Communicative functions: repertoire of vocabulary and de expressions
communication contexts.
non-verbal language to description of toys, adjectives, in very short and simple oral texts, about
improve comprehension. possessions and geometrical related items in very predictable everyday SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
shapes. contexts. sketches adjusting performance to
Understands the basic relationship with classmates.
formulae of social relations. Syntactic structures: Ive got a Identify the main communicative function of
(skateboard). Its (blue and black). the text, as well as the basic discursive SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Understands the teachers Its (big). This ball is for you. This patterns. instrument of communication with other
questions about basic ball is for me. people.
information, ones body, Recognise a limited repertoire of oral high
CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
objects, pets and animals, High frequency lexicon: Toys: ball, frequency lexicon related to everyday
foreign language.
ones family and in general bike, book, doll, kite, scooter, situations and habitual and specific themes
about the topics covered in skateboard, skipping rope; CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
class Adjectives: big, small, old, new; Identify basic patterns of sounds, accents, manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
Geometrical shapes: circle, rhythms and intonation and recognise the

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 55

Distinguishes between the general meanings and communicative world.
beginning and end of a rectangle, square, triangle (clave); intentions related to them.
conversation Numbers 1-10; pencil, bag, rubber; CMCT3. Match elements and fundamental
colours (revision). resources to peoples lives.

AA2. Uses basic comprehension strategies

Patterns of sounds, accents,
like grasping the gist in oral texts with the
rhythms and intonation: The initial aid of linguistic and non-linguistic elements
sound /b/. The sounds s, t, p, n. of the context.
Some chants (Stick, stick, stick;
vocabulary chants) and some
songs (Let's play in the park; I've
got a ball).


Imitates and repeats the Production strategies: they Know and know how to apply basic CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use
teachers expressions used in familiarise themselves with the strategies to very short and simple SC of linguistic and paralinguistic elements.
class context of the unit talking about monological or dialogical oral texts CD
their toys. They accompany CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters,
Makes very short and communication with gestures to Know basic and significant sociocultural short poems, etc. with correct intonation and
simple presentations, about make themselves understood. and sociolinguistic aspects, and apply the pronunciation.
everyday or interesting knowledge acquired to an oral production CEC
themes using very simple Sociocultural and sociolinguistic appropriate in the context CMCT CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
structures. aspects: they repeat simple
phrases and they participate in Interact in very basic fashion, Using very CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral
Respects the rules of oral different games in pairs, groups or simple linguistic or non-verbal techniques to exchanges about familiar themes in easily
interaction. with the whole class. start, maintain or conclude a brief predictable communication situations.
conversation fulfilling the main
Responds appropriately in Communicative functions: they communicative aim of the text. SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
communication situations. describe objects in photographs sketches adjusting performance to
(toys, geometrical shapes), their Very short and simple monological or relationship with classmates.
Knows and uses expressions possessions. dialogical oral texts
related to family or cultural SC2. Values the foreign language as an

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 56

celebrations. Participate in a very basic manner in very instrument of communication with other
Syntactic structures: Ive got a brief and very simple conversations that people.
Participates face to face in (skateboard). Its (blue and black). require a direct exchange of information
conversations establishing Its (big). This ball is for you. This about very familiar themes. CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
social contact. ball is for me. foreign language.
Know and Use a limited repertoire of oral
High frequency lexicon: Toys: ball, high frequency lexicon related to everyday SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
bike, book, doll, kite, scooter, situations and habitual and specific themes regarding learning the foreign language.
skateboard, skipping rope;
Adjectives: big, small, old, new; Imitate a very limited repertoire of basic SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
Geometrical shapes: circle, patterns of sounds, accents, rhythms and help one learn better.
rectangle, square, triangle (clave); intonation.
Numbers 1-10; pencil, bag, rubber; AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
colours (revision). such as using picture dictionaries.

Patterns of sounds, accents, AA3. Use basic strategies of interaction,

rhythms and intonation: they say such as asking for help, accompanying
the initial sound /b/. They say the communication with gestures, etc.
sounds s, t, p, n and combine
them to form words (tin, pot, pet, CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and
sit). They recite the vocabulary melody with his/her voice.
chants and sing the songs in the
unit (Let's play in the park; I've got CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games
a ball). and sketches.

CMCT1. Counts to 10


Locates familiar words in the Comprehension strategies: they Know and know how to apply the most CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously
visual material used for match the content of the text with appropriate basic strategies for SC in oral fashion familiar and interesting
routines or in class books. the illustrations. They break down comprehension of overall meaning, essential CD themes.
the words into individual sounds

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 57

Use picture dictionaries and combine them to read information or the main points of the text. SIEE CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced
complete and different words. AA previously in oral fashion about familiar
Correctly matches written Identify basic, specific and significant CEC themes of interest
words with the corresponding Sociocultural and sociolinguistic sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects and
picture aspects: they identify the apply the knowledge acquired to an SC2. Values the foreign language as an
vocabulary on the stickers and adequate comprehension of the text. instrument of communication with other
Use Information and match it with the pictures. people.
communication technology to Identify the theme and general meaning in
start reading. Communicative functions: names texts, both printed and digital, very short and CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
of toys, descriptive adjectives, simple, with predominance of simple foreign language.
geometrical shapes, expression of structures and very high frequency lexicon,
possession. The story Nat and about very familiar and everyday themes. SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
Pat. regarding learning the foreign language.
Recognise frequently used symbols e
Syntactic structures: Ive got a Identify the general meanings and SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
(skateboard). Its (blue and black). communicative intentions related to them. help one learn better.
Its (big). This ball is for you. This
ball is for me. Identify the main function or communicative AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
functions of the text and a limited repertoire such as using picture dictionaries.
High frequency lexicon: Toys: ball, of their most common exponents, as well as
bike, book, doll, kite, scooter, the basic discursive patterns. CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
skateboard, skipping rope; manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
Adjectives: big, small, old, new; Recognise a limited repertoire of high world.
Geometrical shapes: circle, frequency lexicon related to everyday
rectangle, square, triangle (clave); situations and specific and habitual themes. CMCT1. Counts to 10
Numbers 1-10; pencil, bag, rubber;
colours (revision). CMCT3. Match fundamental elements and
resources with peoples lives.
Graphic patterns and spelling
conventions: they identify the
sound b- content in bike, book.
They identify the sounds s, t, p, n

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 58


contained in the words tin, pot, pet,



Copies simple words and Production strategies: they Know and apply basic strategies to produce CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and
expressions worked on orally. complete games in the iPack with written texts very short and simple. SC with a specific goal.
the vocabulary. They write words CD
Writes letters or cards and sentences following a model. Know basic sociocultural and sociolinguistic CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models
congratulating somebody aspects s and apply them to a written and with a specific goal.
using a model, copying some Sociocultural and sociolinguistic production appropriate in the context.
basic words and including aspects: They prepare and
AA SC2. Values the foreign language as an
pictures or photographs. personalise a cultural mini-book. Construct very short and simple texts, made CEC instrument of communication with other
They trace words and sentences up of isolated sentences, for speaking about people.
Prepares very simple describing toys and possessions. themselves and their immediate
posters following a model environment, Using a repertoire of icon- CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
Communicative functions: they based codes for communication. foreign language.
trace the words of vocabulary
about toys, geometrical shapes, Know and Use a limited repertoire of high SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
description of objects and frequency lexicon related to everyday regarding learning the foreign language.
description of their possessions. situations and specific and habitual themes
They draw and colour the toys and related to ones own interests, experiences SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
geometrical shapes. and needs. help one learn better.

Syntactic structures: Ive got a CMCT1. Counts to 10

(skateboard). Its (blue and black).
Its (big). This ball is for you. This CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
ball is for me.
AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
High frequency lexicon: Toys: ball, such as using picture dictionaries.
bike, book, doll, kite, scooter,
skateboard, skipping rope; CEC1. Recognises certain cultural

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 59

manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
Adjectives: big, small, old, new; world.
Geometrical shapes: circle,
rectangle, square, triangle (clave); CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
Numbers 1-10; pencil, bag, rubber;
colours (revision).

Graphic patterns and spelling

conventions: they identify the
graphic patterns of the sound b-
(bike, book) and of the sounds s, t,
p, n in the words tin, pot, pet, sit.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 60

Unit 2 - By the river

Understands the essence of Comprehension strategies: initial Know and know how to apply the most CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced
teachers messages and contact with the lexicon and appropriate basic strategies for SC previously, about familiar themes of interest.
instructions regarding typical grammar watching the cartoon comprehension of overall meaning, essential CD
classroom activity. versions in the iPack Del information or the main points of the text. CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences,
CEC introduced previously, about familiar themes
vocabulary, songs and Stories.
CMCT of interest.
Participates in daily routines Identify basic, specific and significant
and Understands associated Sociocultural and sociolinguistic sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, AA
CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and
vocabulary. aspects: they listen to a story regarding everyday life and social identifies some specific details with the help
about a walk by the river (The river conventions, and apply the knowledge of linguistic and non-linguistic elements of
Understand essential story), a video about everyday acquired regarding these to an adequate the context.
information in very short and language and a text about frogs. comprehension of the text.
simple conversations in which CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound,
student Participates, about Communicative functions: Identify the general meaning and a limited rhythm, accentuation and intonation of
expressions that appear in habitual
familiar themes and using description of animals, repertoire of vocabulary and of expressions
communication contexts.
non-verbal language to characteristics of animals and life in very short and simple oral texts, about
improve comprehension. cycle of frogs. Description of las related items in very predictable everyday SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
preferencias sobre los animales. contexts. sketches adjusting performance to
Understands the basic relationship with classmates.
formulae of social relations. Syntactic structures: Its a Identify the main communicative function of
(mouse). A blue (body). Blue the text, as well as the basic discursive SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Understands the teachers (legs). Whats your favourite patterns. instrument of communication with other
questions about basic animal? My favourite animals (a people.
information, ones body, dog). Recognise a limited repertoire of oral high
CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
objects, pets and animals, frequency lexicon related to everyday
foreign language.
ones family and in general High frequency lexicon: Animals: situations and habitual and specific themes
about the topics covered in bird, cat, dog, fish, frog, horse, CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
class mouse, rabbit. Parts of the body Distinguish between basic patterns of manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
of an animal: body, legs, nose, sounds, accents, rhythms and intonation and

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 61

Distinguishes between the recognise the general meanings and world.
beginning and end of a tail. Frogs: eggs, head, mouth, communicative intentions related to them.
conversation tadpole (clave); Colours; scooter, CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific
ball, doll (revision). concepts and notions to understand the
world around us.
Patterns of sounds, accents,
CMCT5. Identify some species of living
rhythms and intonation: The initial creatures.
sound /d/. The sounds c, m, r, h.
Some chants (Stick, stick, stick; AA2. Uses basic comprehension strategies
chants de vocabulary) and some like grasping the gist in oral texts with the
songs (By the river, by the river; aid of linguistic and non-linguistic elements
You and me). of the context.


Imitates and repeats the Production strategies: they Know and know how to apply basic CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use
teachers expressions used in familiarise themselves with the strategies to very short and simple SC of linguistic and paralinguistic elements.
class context of the unit talking about monological or dialogical oral texts CD
their favourite pets and animals CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters,
Makes very short and They accompany communication Know basic sociocultural and short poems, etc. with correct intonation and
simple presentations, about with gestures to make themselves sociolinguistic aspects, and apply the pronunciation.
everyday or interesting understood and with the sounds knowledge acquired to an oral production CEC
themes using very simple made by the animals. appropriate in the context CMCT CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
Sociocultural and sociolinguistic Interact in very basic fashion, Using very CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral
Respects the rules of oral aspects: they repeat simple simple linguistic or non-verbal techniques to exchanges about familiar themes in easily
interaction. phrases and they participate in start, maintain or conclude a brief predictable communication situations.
different games in pairs, groups or conversation fulfilling the main
Responds appropriately in with the whole class. communicative aim of the text. SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
communication situations. sketches adjusting performance to
Communicative functions: describe Very short and simple monological or relationship with classmates.
Knows and uses expressions animals and their characteristics. dialogical oral texts
related to family or cultural They ask and answer about their SC2. Values the foreign language as an

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 62

celebrations. Participate in a very basic manner in very instrument of communication with other
favourite animals. Describing the brief and very simple conversations that people.
Participates face to face in life cycle of frogs require a direct exchange of information
conversations establishing about very familiar themes. CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
social contact. Syntactic structures: Its a foreign language.
(mouse). A blue (body). Blue Know and Use a limited repertoire of oral
(legs). Whats your favourite high frequency lexicon related to everyday SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
animal? My favourite animals (a situations and habitual and specific themes regarding learning the foreign language.
Imitate a very limited repertoire of basic SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
High frequency lexicon: Animals: patterns of sounds, accents, rhythms and help one learn better.
bird, cat, dog, fish, frog, horse, intonation
mouse, rabbit. Parts of the body AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
of an animal: body, legs, nose, such as using picture dictionaries.
tail. Frogs: eggs, head, mouth,
tadpole (clave); Colours; scooter, AA3. Use basic strategies of interaction,
ball, doll (revision). such as asking for help, accompanying
communication with gestures, etc.
Patterns of sounds, accents,
rhythms and intonation: CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and
reproducing the initial sound /d/. melody with his/her voice.
They reproduce the sounds c, m, r,
h and combine them to form words CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games
(cat, mat, rat, hat). They recite the and sketches.
vocabulary chants and sing the
songs from the unit (By the river, CMCT1. Counts to 10
by the river; You and me).


Locates familiar words in the Comprehension strategies: they Know and know how to apply the most CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously
visual material used for match the content of the text with appropriate basic strategies for SC in oral fashion familiar and interesting
the illustrations. They break down comprehension of overall meaning, essential

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 63

routines or in class books. the words into individual sounds information or the main points of the text. CD themes.
and combine them to read SIEE
Use picture dictionaries complete and different words. They Identify basic, specific and significant AA CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced
read texts to identify the unit sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects and previously in oral fashion about familiar
Correctly matches written lexicon. apply the knowledge acquired to an themes of interest
words with the corresponding adequate comprehension of the text.
picture Sociocultural and sociolinguistic SC2. Values the foreign language as an
aspects: they identify the Identify the theme and general meaning in instrument of communication with other
Use Information and vocabulary on the stickers and texts, both printed and digital, very short and people.
communication technology to match it with the pictures. simple, with predominance of simple
start reading. structures and very high frequency lexicon, CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
Communicative functions: a story about very familiar and everyday themes. foreign language.
about colours, description of
animals, parts of the body of Recognise frequently used symbols e SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
animals and their characteristics. Identify the general meanings and regarding learning the foreign language.
La story Run! Run! communicative intentions related to them.
SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
Syntactic structures: Its a Identify the main function or communicative help one learn better.
(mouse). A blue (body). Blue functions text and a limited repertoire of their
(legs). Whats your favourite most common exponents, as well as the AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
animal? My favourite animals (a basic discursive patterns. such as using picture dictionaries.
Recognise a limited repertoire of high CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
High frequency lexicon: Animals: frequency lexicon related to everyday manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
bird, cat, dog, fish, frog, horse, situations and specific and habitual themes. world.
mouse, rabbit. Body parts of an
animal: body, legs, nose, tail. CMCT1. Counts to 10
Frogs: eggs, head, mouth, tadpole
(clave); Colours; scooter, ball, doll CMCT5. Identify some species of living
(revision). creatures.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 64


Graphic patterns and spelling

conventions: they identify the
sound- contained in doll, dog.
They identify the sounds c, m, r, t
contained in the words cat, mat,
rat, hat.


Copes simple words and Production strategies: they Know and apply basic strategies to produce CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and
expressions worked on orally. complete games in the iPack with written texts very short and simple. SC with a specific goal.
the vocabulary. They write words CD
Writes letters or cards and sentences following a model. Know basic sociocultural and CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models
congratulating somebody sociolinguistic aspects and apply them to a and with a specific goal.
using a model, copying some Sociocultural and sociolinguistic written production appropriate in the
basic words and including aspects: They prepare and context
AA SC2. Values the foreign language as an
pictures or photographs. personalise a cultural mini-book. CEC instrument of communication with other
They trace words and sentences Construct very short and simple texts, people.
Prepares very simple describing animals and ones body. composed of simple isolated sentences, for
posters following a model speaking of themselves and their immediate CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
Communicative functions: they environment, using a repertoire of icon- foreign language.
trace the words of vocabulary based codes for communication.
about animals, parts of the body, SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
colours and the life cycle of frogs Know and Use a limited repertoire of high regarding learning the foreign language.
-They draw and colour animals and frequency lexicon related to everyday
boats situations and specific and habitual themes SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
related to ones own interests, experiences help one learn better.
Syntactic structures: Its a and needs.
(mouse). A blue (body). Blue CMCT1. Counts to 10
(legs). Whats your favourite
animal? My favourite animals (a CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 65

CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific
dog). concepts and notions to understand the
world around us.
High frequency lexicon: Animals:
bird, cat, dog, fish, frog, horse, CMCT5. Identifies some species of living
mouse, And rabbit. Animal body creatures
parts: body, legs, nose, tail.
Frogs: eggs, head, mouth, tadpole AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
(clave); Colours; scooter, ball, doll such as using picture dictionaries.
CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
Graphic patterns and spelling manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
conventions: they identify the world.
graphic patterns of the sound d-
(doll, dog) and of the sounds c, m, CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
r, h in the words cat, mat, rat, hat.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 66

Unit 3 - In the city

Understands the essence of Comprehension strategies: initial Know and know how to apply the most CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced
teachers messages and contact with the lexicon and appropriate basic strategies for SC previously, about familiar themes of interest.
instructions regarding typical grammar watching the cartoon comprehension of overall meaning, essential CD
classroom activity. versions in the iPack of the information or the main points of the text. CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences,
CEC introduced previously, about familiar themes
vocabulary, songs and Stories.
CMCT of interest.
Participates in daily routines Identify basic, specific and significant
and Understands associated Sociocultural and sociolinguistic sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, AA
CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and
vocabulary. aspects: they listen to a story regarding everyday life and social identifies some specific details with the help
about a visit to the museum (The conventions, and apply the knowledge of linguistic and non-linguistic elements of
Understand essential museum story), a video about acquired regarding these to an adequate the context.
information in very short and everyday language and a text comprehension of the text.
simple conversations in which about Road safety. CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound,
student Participates, about Identify the general meaning and a limited rhythm, accentuation and intonation of
expressions that appear in habitual
familiar themes and using Communicative functions: terms repertoire of vocabulary and de expressions
communication contexts.
non-verbal language to related with means of transport in very short and simple oral texts, about
improve comprehension. and description of means of related items in very predictable everyday SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
transport; actions; orders regarding contexts. sketches adjusting performance to
Understands the basic Road safety. relationship with classmates.
formulae of social relations. Identify the main communicative function of
Syntactic structures: I can see a the text, as well as the basic discursive SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Understands the teachers (motorbike). I can see a (purple) patterns. instrument of communication with other
questions about basic (bike). (Dont) eat / run / shout / people.
information, ones body, walk. Stop! Look! Listen! Cross! Recognise a limited repertoire of oral high
CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
objects, pets and animals, Let's sit down! Let's stand up! frequency lexicon related to everyday
foreign language.
ones family and in general situations and habitual and specific themes
about the topics covered in High frequency lexicon: Transport: CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
class bus, car, helicopter, lorry, Distinguish between basic patterns of manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
motorbike, plane, and taxi, train: sounds, accents, rhythms and intonation and

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 67

Distinguishes between the recognise the general meanings and world.
beginning and end of a Actions: walk, run, eat, shout; communicative intentions related to them.
conversation Road safety: stop, look, listen, CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific
cross; Expressions of concepts and notions to understand the
world around us.
courtesy: Please, Thank you!
Sorry! (Key). cat, dog, bike, book,
AA2. Uses basic comprehension strategies
tail, legs, ball, big, head; Colours like grasping the gist in oral texts with the
(revision). aid of linguistic and non-linguistic elements
of the context.
Patterns of sounds, accents,
rhythms and intonation: The initial
sound /t/. The sounds b, d, g, l, ll,
v, w. Some chants (Stick, stick,
stick; vocabulary chant) and some
songs (In the city; in the museum).


Imitates and repeats the Production strategies: they Know and know how to apply basic CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use
teachers expressions used in familiarise themselves with the strategies to very short and simple SC of linguistic and paralinguistic elements.
class context of the unit talking about monological or dialogical oral texts CD
how they go to school. They CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters,
Makes very short and accompany communication with Know basic sociocultural and sociolinguistic short poems, etc. with correct intonation and
simple presentations, about gestures to make themselves aspects and meanings, and apply the pronunciation.
everyday or interesting understood and with the sounds knowledge acquired to an oral production CEC
themes using very simple made by means of transport. appropriate to the context. CMCT CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
Sociocultural and sociolinguistic Interact in very basic fashion, Using very CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral
Respects the rules of oral aspects: they repeat simple simple linguistic or non-verbal techniques to exchanges about familiar themes in easily
interaction. phrases to describe guess and start, maintain or conclude a brief predictable communication situations.
make suggestions, and they conversation fulfilling the main
Responds appropriately in participate in different games in communicative aim of the text. SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
pairs, groups or with the whole sketches adjusting performance to

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 68

communication situations. Very short and simple monological or relationship with classmates.
class. dialogical oral texts
Knows and uses expressions SC2. Values the foreign language as an
related to family or cultural Communicative functions: describe Participate in a very basic manner in very instrument of communication with other
celebrations. means of transport, give positive brief and very simple conversations that people.
and negative orders, and make require a direct exchange of information
Participates face to face in suggestions about the actions of about very familiar themes. CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
conversations establishing sitting down and getting up. foreign language.
social contact. Know and Use a limited repertoire of oral
Syntactic structures: I can see a high frequency lexicon related to everyday SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
(motorbike). I can see a (purple) situations and Imitate a very limited regarding learning the foreign language.
(bike). (Dont) eat / run / shout / repertoire of basic patterns of sounds,
walk. Stop! Look! Listen! Cross! accents, rhythms and intonation. SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
Let's sit down! Let's stand up! help one learn better.

High frequency lexicon: Transport: AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
bus, car, helicopter, lorry, such as using picture dictionaries.
motorbike, plane, taxi, train:
Actions: walk, run, eat, shout; AA3. Use basic strategies of interaction,
Road safety: stop, look, listen, such as asking for help, accompanying
cross; Expressions de communication with gestures, etc.
courtesy: Please, Thank you!
Sorry! (key). cat, dog, bike, book, CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and
tail, legs, ball, big, head; Colours melody with his/her voice.
CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games
Patterns of sounds, accents, and sketches.
rhythms and intonation:
reproducing the initial sound /t/.
They reproduce the sounds b, d, g,
l, ll, v, w and combine them to
form words (van, bull, dog, bag,

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 69


wet). They reproduce the

vocabulary chants and sing the
unit songs (In the city; In the


Locates familiar words in the Comprehension strategies: they Know and know how to apply the most CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously
visual material used for match the content of the text with appropriate basic strategies for SC in oral fashion about familiar and interesting
routines or in class books. the illustrations. They break down comprehension of general meaning, CD themes.
the words into individual sounds essential information or the main points of
Use picture dictionaries and combine them to read the text. CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced
complete and different words. They previously in oral fashion about familiar
Correctly matches written read texts to identify the unit Identify basic, specific and significant
CEC themes of interest
words with the corresponding lexicn. sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects and CMCT
picture apply the knowledge acquired to an SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Sociocultural and sociolinguistic adequate comprehension of the text. instrument of communication with other
Use Information and aspects: they identify the Identify the theme and general meaning in people.
communication technology to vocabulary on the stickers and texts, both printed and digital, very short and
start reading. match it with the pictures. simple, with predominance of simple CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
structures and very high frequency lexicon, foreign language.
Communicative functions: a story about very familiar and everyday subjects.
about the visit to a museum, SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
description of means of transport, Recognise frequently used symbols and regarding learning the foreign language.
actions and rules of Road safety. Identify the general meanings and
The story the picnic. communicative intentions related to them. SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
help one learn better.
Syntactic structures: I can see a Identify the main function or communicative
(motorbike). I can see a (purple) functions text and a limited repertoire of their AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
(bike). (Dont) eat / run / shout / most common exponents, as well as the such as using picture dictionaries.
walk. Stop! Look! Listen! Cross! basic discursive patterns.
Let's sit down! Let's stand up!

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 70

Recognise a limited repertoire of high CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
High frequency lexicon: Transport: frequency lexicon related to everyday manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
bus, car, helicopter, And lorry, situations and specific and habitual themes. world.
motorbike, plane, and taxi, train:
Actions: walk, run, eat, shout;
Road safety: stop, look, listen,
cross; Expressions de
courtesy: Please, Thank you!
Sorry! (key). cat, dog, bike, book,
tail, legs, ball, big, head; Colours

Graphic patterns and spelling

conventions: they identify the
sound- contained in taxi, train.
They identify the sounds b, d, g, l,
ll, v, w contained in the words van,
bull, dog, bag, wet.


Copies simple words and Production strategies: they Know and apply basic strategies to produce CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and
expressions worked on orally. complete games in the iPack with written texts very short and simple. SC with a specific goal.
the vocabulary. They write words CD
Writes letters or cards and sentences following a model. Know basic specific and significant CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models
congratulating somebody sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects and and with a specific goal.
using a model, copying some Sociocultural and sociolinguistic apply them to a written production
basic words and including aspects: They prepare and appropriate for the context.
AA SC2. Values the foreign language as an
pictures or photographs. personalise a cultural mini-book. CEC instrument of communication with other
They draw and colour a mask, a Construct very short and simple texts, people.
Prepares very simple means of transport and a poster composed of simple independent sentences,
posters following a model about class rules. to talk about oneself or one's immediate CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
surroundings, Using a repertoire of mainly

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 71

iconic codes for their communicative foreign language.
Communicative functions: they function.
trace the words of vocabulary to SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
describe means of transport, Know and Use a limited repertoire of high regarding learning the foreign language.
actions and road safety rules. frequency lexicon related to everyday
situations and specific and habitual themes SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
Syntactic structures: I can see a related to ones own interests, experiences help one learn better.
(motorbike). I can see a (purple) and needs.
(bike). (Dont) eat / run / shout / CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
walk. Stop! Look! Listen! Cross!
Let's sit down! Let's stand up! CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific
concepts and notions to understand the
High frequency lexicon: Transport: world around us.
bus, car, helicopter, lorry,
motorbike, plane, And taxi, train: CMCT5. Identify some species of living
Actions: walk, run, eat, shout; creatures
Road safety: stop, look, listen,
cross; Expressions de AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
courtesy: Please, Thank you! such as using picture dictionaries.
Sorry! (key). cat, dog, bike, book,
tail, legs, ball, big, head; Colours CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
(revision). manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
Graphic patterns and spelling
conventions: they identify the CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
graphic patterns of the sound t-
(taxi, train) and of the sounds b, d,
g, l, ll, v, w in the words van, bull,
dog, bag, wet.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 72

Unit 4 - At the party

Understands the essence of Comprehension strategies: initial Know and know how to apply the most CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced
teachers messages and contact with the lexicon and appropriate basic strategies for SC previously, about familiar themes of interest.
instructions regarding typical grammar watching the cartoon comprehension of overall meaning, essential CD
classroom activity. versions in the iPack of the information or the main points of the text. CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences,
CEC introduced previously, about familiar themes
vocabulary, songs and stories.
CMCT of interest.
Participates in daily routines Identify basic, specific and significant
and Understands associated Sociocultural and sociolinguistic sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, AA
CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and
vocabulary. aspects: they listen to a story regarding everyday life and social identifies some specific details with the help
about a birthday party (The party conventions, and apply the knowledge of linguistic and non-linguistic elements of
Understands essential story), a video about everyday acquired regarding these to an adequate the context.
information in very short and language and a text about growing. comprehension of the text.
simple conversations in which CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound,
student participates, about Communicative functions: Identify the general meaning and a limited rhythm, accentuation and intonation of
expressions that appear in habitual
familiar themes and using description of members of the repertoire of vocabulary and de expressions
communication contexts.
non-verbal language to family, actions and stages of in very short and simple oral texts, about
improve comprehension. growth. related themes in very predictable everyday SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
contexts. sketches adjusting performance to
Understands the basic Syntactic structures: This is my relationship with classmates.
formulae of social relations. (dad). I / He / She can (dance / Identify the main communicative function of
jump / sing / skip). How old are the text, as well as the basic discursive SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Understands the teachers you? patterns. instrument of communication with other
questions about basic people.
information, ones body, High frequency lexicon: Family: Recognise a limited repertoire of oral high
CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
objects, pets and animals, aunty, brother, dad, grandma, frequency lexicon related to everyday
foreign language.
ones family and in general grandpa, mum, sister, uncle. situations and habitual and specific themes
about the topics covered in Actions: dance, jump, sing, skip. CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
class Growth: crawl, smile, talk, write Identify basic patterns of sounds, accents, manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
(clave); car, lorry, walk, run, shout, rhythms and intonation and Recognise the

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 73

Distinguishes between the general meanings and communicative world.
beginning and end of a train, bus, frog, horse (revision). intentions related to them.
conversation CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific
Patterns of sounds, accents, concepts and notions to understand the
world around us.
rhythms and intonation: The sound
//. The sounds j, f, k, ck, x, z.
CMCT6. Identifica caractersticas de
Some chants (Stick, stick, stick; diferentes etapas de la vida de las
vocabulary chant) and some songs personas.
(This is my happy family; This is
my sister). AA2. Uses basic comprehension strategies
like grasping the gist in oral texts with the
aid of linguistic and non-linguistic elements
of the context.


Imitates and repeats the Production strategies: they Know and know how to apply basic CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use
teachers expressions used in familiarise themselves with the strategies to very short and simple SC of linguistic and paralinguistic elements.
class context of the unit talking about monological or dialogical oral texts CD
distant family types. They CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters,
Makes very short and accompany communication with Know basic and significant sociocultural and short poems, etc. with correct intonation and
simple presentations, about gestures to make themselves sociolinguistic aspects, and apply the pronunciation.
everyday or interesting understood. knowledge acquired to an oral production CEC
themes using very simple appropriate in the context. CMCT CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
structures. Sociocultural and sociolinguistic
aspects: they repeat simple Interact in very basic fashion, Using very CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral
Respects the rules of oral phrases to introduce the family, simple linguistic or non-verbal techniques to exchanges about familiar themes in easily
interaction. talk about age, say what they can start, maintain or conclude a brief predictable communication situations.
do; and they participate in different conversation fulfilling the main
Responds appropriately in games in pairs, groups or with the communicative aim of the text. SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
communication situations. whole class. sketches adjusting performance to
Very short and simple monological or relationship with classmates.
Knows and uses expressions Communicative functions: They dialogical oral texts

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 74

related to family or cultural Participate in a very basic manner in very SC2. Values the foreign language as an
celebrations. introduce the family, They ask and brief and very simple conversations that instrument of communication with other
answer about age and describe require a direct exchange of information people.
Participates face to face in ability about very familiar themes.
conversations establishing CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
social contact. Syntactic structures: This is my Know and Use a limited repertoire of oral foreign language.
(dad). I / He / She can (dance / high frequency lexicon related to everyday
jump / sing / skip). How old are situations and habitual and specific themes SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
you? regarding learning the foreign language.
Imitate a very limited repertoire of basic
High frequency lexicon: Family: patterns of sounds, accents, rhythms and SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
aunty, brother, dad, grandma, intonation. help one learn better.
grandpa, mum, sister, uncle.
Actions: dance, jump, sing, skip. AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
Growth: crawl, smile, talk, write such as using picture dictionaries.
(clave); car, lorry, walk, run, shout,
train, bus, frog, horse (revision). AA3. Use basic strategies of interaction,
such as asking for help, accompanying
Patterns of sounds, accents, communication with gestures, etc.
rhythms and intonation:
reproducing the sound //. They CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and
reproduce the sounds j, f, k, ck, x, melody with his/her voice.
z and combine them to form words
(jet, rocket, zip, fox, kitten). They CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games
reproduce the vocabulary chants and sketches.
and sing the unit songs (This is my
happy family; This is my sister). CMCT6. Identifica caractersticas de
diferentes etapas de la vida de las


Locates familiar words in the Comprehension strategies: they Know and know how to apply the most CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 75

visual material used for match the content of the text with appropriate basic strategies to understand SC in oral fashion familiar and interesting
routines or in class books. the illustrations. They break down overall meaning, essential information or the CD themes.
the words into individual sounds main points of the text. SIEE
Use picture dictionaries and combine them to read CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced
complete and different words. They Identify basic, specific and significant previously in oral fashion about familiar
Correctly matches written read texts to identify the unit sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects and themes of interest
words with the corresponding lexicon. apply the knowledge acquired to an
picture adequate comprehension of the text. SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Sociocultural and sociolinguistic instrument of communication with other
Use Information and aspects: they identify the Identify the theme and general meaning in people.
communication technology to vocabulary on the stickers and texts, both printed and digital, very short and
start reading. match it with the pictures. simple, with predominance of simple CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
structures and very high frequency lexicon, foreign language.
Communicative functions: a story about very familiar and everyday themes.
about a birthday party, description SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
of family members, of actions and Recognise frequently used symbols e regarding learning the foreign language.
phases of growth. The story The Identify the general meanings and
ticket. communicative intentions related to them. SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
help one learn better.
Syntactic structures: This is my Identify the main function or communicative
(dad). I / He / She can (dance / functions of the text and a limited repertoire AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
jump / sing / skip). How old are of their most common exponents, as well as such as using picture dictionaries.
you? the basic discursive patterns.
CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
High frequency lexicon: Family: Recognise a limited repertoire of high manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
aunty, brother, dad, grandma, frequency lexicon related to everyday world.
grandpa, mum, sister, uncle. situations and specific and habitual themes.
Actions: dance, jump, sing, and CMCT6. Identifica caractersticas de
skip. Growing: crawl, smile, talk, diferentes etapas de la vida de las
write (clave); car, lorry, walk, run, personas.
shout, train, bus, frog, horse

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 76


Graphic patterns and spelling

conventions: they identify the
sound// contained in mum,
brother. They identify the sounds j,
f, k, ck, x, z contained in the words
jet, rocket, zip, fox, kitten.


Copies simple words and Production strategies: they Know and apply basic strategies to produce CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and
expressions worked on orally. complete games in the iPack with written texts very short and simple. SC with a specific goal.
the vocabulary. They write words CD
Writes letters or cards and sentences following a model. Know basic specific sociocultural and CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models
congratulating somebody sociolinguistic aspects and apply them to a and with a specific goal.
using a model, copying some Sociocultural and sociolinguistic written production appropriate in the context.
basic words and including aspects: They prepare and
AA SC2. Values the foreign language as an
pictures or photographs. personalise a cultural mini-book. Construct very short and simple texts, CEC instrument of communication with other
They trace words and sentences composed of simple independent sentences, people.
Prepares very simple describing family members and to talk about oneself or one's immediate
posters following a model what they can do. surroundings, Using a repertoire of mainly CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
iconic codes for their communicative foreign language.
Communicative functions: they function..
produce descriptions of family SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
members and ability. Know and Use a limited repertoire of high regarding learning the foreign language.
frequency lexicon related to everyday
Syntactic structures: This is my situations and specific and habitual themes SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
(dad). I / He / She can (dance / related to ones own interests, experiences help one learn better.
jump / sing / skip). How old are and needs.
you? CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.

High frequency lexicon: Family: CMCT6. Identifica caractersticas de

aunty, brother, dad, grandma, diferentes etapas de la vida de las

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 77

grandpa, mum, sister, uncle.
Actions: dance, jump, sing, skip. AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
Growing: crawl, smile, talk, write such as using picture dictionaries.
(clave); car, lorry, walk, run, shout,
train, bus, frog, horse (revision). CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
Graphic patterns and spelling world.
conventions: they identify the
graphic patterns of the sound // CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
(mum, brother) and of the sounds
j, f, k, ck, x, z in the words jet,
rocket, zip, fox, kitten.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 78

Unit 5 - At the carnival

Understands the essence of Comprehension strategies: initial Know and know how to apply the most CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced
teachers messages and contact with the lexicon and appropriate basic strategies for SC previously, about familiar themes of interest.
instructions regarding typical grammar watching the cartoon comprehension of general meaning, CD
classroom activity. versions in the iPack of the essential information or the main points of CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences,
CEC introduced previously, about familiar themes
vocabulary, songs and stories. the text.
CMCT of interest.
Participates in daily routines
and Understands associated Sociocultural and sociolinguistic Identify basic, specific and significant AA
CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and
vocabulary. aspects: they listen to a story sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, identifies some specific details with the help
about carnival (The carnival story), regarding everyday life and social of linguistic and non-linguistic elements of
Understand essential a video about everyday language conventions, and apply the knowledge the context.
information in very short and and a text about drawing faces. acquired regarding these to an adequate
simple conversations in which comprehension of the text. CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound,
student participates, about Communicative functions: rhythm, accentuation and intonation of
expressions that appear in habitual
familiar themes and using description of clothes, description Identify the general meaning and a limited
communication contexts.
non-verbal language to of sensations, instructions about repertoire of vocabulary and expressions in
improve comprehension. clothes. very short and simple oral texts, about SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
related items in very predictable everyday sketches adjusting performance to
Understands the basic Syntactic structures: I'm wearing a contexts. relationship with classmates.
formulae of social relations. (yellow) (T-shirt). I'm / He's / She's
(happy). Put your shoes) on! Take Identify the main communicative function of SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Understands the teachers (your cap) off!. the text, as well as the basic discursive instrument of communication with other
questions about basic data, patterns. people.
ones body, objects, pets and High frequency lexicon: Clothes:
CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
animals, ones family and in cap, dress, jacket, shoes, skirt, Recognise a limited repertoire of oral high
foreign language.
general about the topics sunglasses, trousers, T-shirt. frequency lexicon related to everyday
covered in class Sensations: happy, hungry, sad, situations and habitual and specific themes CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
thirsty, tired. Pictures of faces: manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
Distinguishes between the angry, ill, scared, tired (clave); ball, Identify basic patterns of sounds, accents,

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 79

beginning and end of a rhythms and intonation and Recognise the world.
conversation car, cat, walk, book, scooter, general meanings and communicative
grandma, mum, helicopter, plane intentions related to them. CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific
(revision). concepts and notions to understand the
world around us.
Patterns of sounds, accents,
AA2. Uses basic comprehension strategies
rhythms and intonation: The initial like grasping the gist in oral texts with the
sound /h/. The sounds dr, fr, sk, sl, aid of linguistic and non-linguistic elements
sw, y. Some chants (Stick, stick, of the context.
stick; vocabulary chant) and some
songs (Today's the Carnival!; I'm
wearing a jacket).


Imitates and repeats the Production strategies : they Know and know how to apply basic CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use
teachers expressions used in familiarise themselves with the strategies to very short and simple SC of linguistic and paralinguistic elements.
class context of the unit talking about monological or dialogical oral texts CD
carnivals and other public holidays CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters,
Makes very short and They accompany communication Know basic and significant sociocultural short poems, etc. with correct intonation and
simple presentations, about with gestures to make themselves and sociolinguistic aspects, and apply the pronunciation.
everyday or interesting understood . knowledge acquired to an oral production CEC
themes using very simple appropriate in the context CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
structures. Sociocultural and sociolinguistic
aspects: they repeat simple Interact in very basic fashion, Using very CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral
Respects the rules of oral phrases about clothes, sensations simple linguistic or non-verbal techniques to exchanges about familiar themes in easily
interaction. and feelings; and they participate start, maintain or conclude a brief predictable communication situations.
in different games in pairs, groups conversation fulfilling the main
Responds appropriately in or with the whole class. communicative aim of the text. SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
communication situations. sketches adjusting performance to
Communicative functions: Very short and simple monological or relationship with classmates.
Knows and uses expressions description of clothes, sensations, dialogical oral texts
related to family or cultural feelings; giving instructions about SC2. Values the foreign language as an

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 80

celebrations. Participate in a very basic manner in very instrument of communication with other
clothes. brief and very simple conversations that people.
Participates face to face in require a direct exchange of information
conversations establishing Syntactic structures: I'm wearing a about very familiar themes. CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
social contact. (yellow) (T-shirt). I'm / He's / She's foreign language.
(happy). Put your shoes) on! Take Know and Use a limited repertoire of oral
(your cap) off!. high frequency lexicon related to everyday SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
situations and habitual and specific themes regarding learning the foreign language.
High frequency lexicon: Clothes:
cap, dress, jacket, shoes, skirt, Imitate a very limited repertoire of basic SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
sunglasses, trousers, T-shirt. patterns of sounds, accents, rhythms and help one learn better.
Sensations: happy, hungry, sad, intonation.
thirsty, tired. Pictures of faces: AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
angry, ill, scared, tired (clave); ball, such as using picture dictionaries.
car, cat, walk, book, scooter,
grandma, mum, helicopter, plane AA3. Use basic strategies of interaction,
(revision). such as asking for help, accompanying
communication with gestures, etc.
Patterns of sounds, accents,
rhythms and intonation: CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and
reproducing the initial sound /h/. melody with his/her voice.
They reproduce the sounds dr, fr,
sk, sl, sw, y, and combine them to CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games
form words (frog, skip, slug, swim, and sketches.
drum, yes). They recite the
vocabulary chants and sing the
songs in the unit (Today's the
Carnival! I'm wearing a jacket).


Find familiar words in the Comprehension strategies: they Know and know how to apply the most CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously
visual material used for match the content of the text with appropriate basic strategies for SC in oral fashion familiar and interesting

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 81

routines or in class books. the illustrations. They break down comprehension of general meaning, CD themes.
the words into individual sounds essential information or the main points of SIEE
Use picture dictionaries and combine them to read the text. AA CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced
complete and different words. They previously in oral fashion about familiar
Correctly matches written read texts to identify the unit Identify basic, specific and significant themes of interest
words with the corresponding lexicon. sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects and
picture apply the knowledge acquired to an SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Sociocultural and sociolinguistic adequate comprehension of the text. instrument of communication with other
Uses Information and aspects: they identify the people.
communication technology to vocabulary on the stickers and Identify the theme and general meaning in
start reading. match it with the pictures. texts, both printed and digital, very short and CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
simple, with predominance of simple foreign language.
Communicative functions: a story structures and very high frequency lexicon,
about carnival; description of the about very familiar and everyday themes. SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
clothes they are wearing; regarding learning the foreign language.
description of sensations and Recognise frequently used symbols and
feelings. The story Slug and Frog. Identify the general meanings and SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
communicative intentions related to them. help one learn better.
Syntactic structures: I'm wearing a
(yellow) (T-shirt). I'm / He's / She's Identify the main function or communicative AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
(happy). Put your shoes) on! Take functions text and a limited repertoire of their such as using picture dictionaries.
(your cap) off!. most common exponents, as well as the
basic discursive patterns. CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
High frequency lexicon: Clothes : manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
cap, dress, jacket, shoes, skirt, Recognise a limited repertoire of high world.
sunglasses, trousers, T-shirt. frequency lexicon related to everyday
Sensations: happy, hungry, sad, situations and specific and habitual themes.
thirsty, tired. Pictures of faces:
angry, ill, scared, tired (clave); ball,
car, cat, walk, book, scooter,
grandma, mum, helicopter, plane

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 82



Graphic patterns and spelling

conventions: they identify the
sound h- contained in happy,
hurray. They identify the sounds
dr, fr, sk, sl, sw, y, contained in
the words frog, skip, slug, swim,
drum, yes.


Copies simple words and Production strategies: they Know and apply basic strategies to produce CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and
expressions worked on orally. complete games in the iPack with written texts very short and simple. SC with a specific goal.
the vocabulary . They write words CD
Writes letters or cards and sentences following a model. Know basic specific and significant CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models
congratulating somebody sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects and and with a specific goal.
using a model, copying some Sociocultural and sociolinguistic apply them to a written production
basic words and including aspects: They prepare and appropriate to the context
AA SC2. Values the foreign language as an
pictures or photographs. personalise a cultural mini-book. CEC instrument of communication with other
They trace words and sentences Construct very short and simple texts, made people.
Prepares very simple describing clothes , sensations and up of simple, isolated sentences, to speak of
posters following a model feelings; instructions about getting oneself or one's immediate surroundings, CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
dressed ad undressed using a repertoire of mainly icon-based foreign language.
codes for communication
Communicative functions: they SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
describe clothes and sensations. Know and Use a limited repertoire of high regarding learning the foreign language.
frequency lexicon related to everyday
Syntactic structures: I'm wearing a situations and specific and habitual themes SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
(yellow) (T-shirt). I'm / He's / She's related to ones own interests, experiences help one learn better.
(happy). Put your shoes) on! Take and needs.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 83

CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
(your cap) off!.
CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific
High frequency lexicon: Clothes: concepts and notions to understand the
cap, dress, jacket, shoes, skirt, world around us.
sunglasses, trousers, T-shirt.
Sensations: happy, hungry, sad, AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
thirsty, tired. Pictures of faces: such as using picture dictionaries.
angry, ill, scared, tired (clave); ball,
car, cat, walk, book, scooter, CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
grandma, mum, helicopter, plane manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
(revision). world.

Graphic patterns and spelling CEC2. Creates simple works of art.

conventions: they identify the
graphic patterns of the sound h-
(happy, hurray) and of the sounds
dr, fr, sk, sl, sw, and in the words
frog, skip, slug, swim, drum, yes.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 84

Unit 6 - At the picnic

Understands the essence of Comprehension strategies: initial Know and know how to apply the most CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced
teachers messages and contact with the lexicon and appropriate basic strategies for SC previously, about familiar themes of interest.
instructions regarding typical grammar watching the cartoon comprehension of general meaning, CD
classroom activity. versions in the iPack del essential information or the main points of CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences,
CEC introduced previously, about familiar themes
vocabulary, songs and Stories. the text.
CMCT of interest.
Participates tees in daily
routines and Understands Sociocultural and sociolinguistic Identify basic, specific and significant AA
CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and
associated vocabulary. aspects: they listen to a story sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, identifies some specific details with the help
about picnics (The picnic story), a regarding everyday life and social of linguistic and non-linguistic elements of
Understand essential video about everyday language conventions, and apply the knowledge the context.
information in very short and and a text about a fruit tree. acquired regarding these to an adequate
simple conversations in which comprehension of the text. CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound,
student Participates, about Communicative functions: rhythm, accentuation and intonation of
expressions that appear in habitual
familiar themes and using description of food, fruit , Identify the general meaning and a limited
communication contexts.
non-verbal language to information about a country fair repertoire of vocabulary and of expressions
improve comprehension. and description tastes and in very short and simple oral texts, about SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
preferences related items in very predictable everyday sketches adjusting performance to
Understands the basic contexts. relationship with classmates.
formulae of social relations. Syntactic structures: I like (apples).
I don't like (olives). Here's a (tree). Identify the main communicative function of SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Understands the teachers Do you like (apples)? Yes, I do. / the text, as well as the basic discursive instrument of communication with other
questions about basic No, I don't. patterns. people.
information, ones body,
CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
objects, pets and animals, High frequency lexicon: Comida: Recognise a limited repertoire of oral high
foreign language.
ones family and in general apples, cakes, eggs, olives, frequency lexicon related to everyday
about the topics covered in sandwiches, sausages, situations and habitual and specific themes CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
class strawberries, tomatoes. Fruit: manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
cherries, grapes, oranges, Distinguish between patterns of sounds,

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 85

Distinguishes between the accents, rhythms and intonation and world.
beginning and end of a peaches, pears. Cherry: Recognise the general meanings and
conversation branches, buds, flowers, fruit communicative intentions related to them. CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific
(clave); skirt, cap, dress, shoes, concepts and notions to understand the
world around us.
dad, grandpa (revision).
AA2. Uses basic comprehension strategies
Patterns of sounds, accents, like grasping the gist in oral texts with the
rhythms and intonation: the final aid of linguistic and non-linguistic elements
sound /iz/. The sounds pl, qu, st, of the context.
str, nd, ng, nt, lk, mp. Some
chants (Stick, stick, stick; chant de
vocabulary) and some songs
(Come to the picnic; I don't like


Imitates and repeats the Production strategies: they Know and know how to apply basic CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use
teachers expressions used in familiarise themselves with the strategies to very short and simple SC of linguistic and paralinguistic elements.
class context of the unit talking about monological or dialogical oral texts CD
picnics. They accompany CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters,
Makes very short and communication with gestures to Know basic and significant sociocultural and short poems, etc. with correct intonation and
simple presentations, about make themselves understood. sociolinguistic aspects, and apply the pronunciation.
everyday or interesting knowledge acquired to an oral production CEC
themes using very simple Sociocultural and sociolinguistic appropriate in the context. CMCT CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
structures. aspects: they repeat simple
phrases about food and tastes; Interact in very basic fashion, Using very CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral
Respects the rules of oral and they participate in different simple linguistic or non-verbal techniques to exchanges about familiar themes in easily
interaction. games in pairs, groups or with the start, maintain or conclude a brief predictable communication situations.
whole class. conversation fulfilling the main
Responds appropriately in communicative aim of the text. SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
communication situations. Communicative functions: sketches adjusting performance to
description of food, fruit and fruit Very short and simple monological or

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 86

Knows and uses expressions dialogical oral texts relationship with classmates.
related to family or cultural trees; description of tastes and
celebrations. preferences. Participate in a very basic manner in very SC2. Values the foreign language as an
brief and very simple conversations that instrument of communication with other
Participates face to face in Syntactic structures: I like (apples). require a direct exchange of information people.
conversations establishing I don't like (olives). Here's a (tree). about very familiar themes.
social contact. Do you like (apples)? Yes, I do. / CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
No, I don't. Know and Use a limited repertoire of oral foreign language.
high frequency lexicon related to everyday
High frequency lexicon: Comida: situations and habitual and specific themes SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
apples, cakes, eggs, olives, regarding learning the foreign language.
sandwiches, sausages, Imitate a very limited repertoire of basic
strawberries, tomatoes. Fruit: patterns of sounds, accents, rhythms and SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
cherries, grapes, oranges, intonation. help one learn better.
peaches, pears. Cherry:
branches, buds, flowers, fruit AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
(clave); skirt, cap, dress, shoes, such as using picture dictionaries.
dad, grandpa (revision).
AA3. Use basic strategies of interaction,
Patterns of sounds, accents, such as asking for help, accompanying
rhythms and intonation: communication with gestures, etc.
reproducing the final sound /iz/.
They reproduce the sounds pl, qu, CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and
st, str, nd, ng, nt, lk, mp and melody with his/her voice.
combine them to form words
(quick ant, strong ant, nest, milk, CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games
plum, jump, pond). They recite the and sketches.
vocabulary chants and sing the
songs from the unit (Come to the CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific
picnic; I don't like eggs). concepts and notions to understand the
world around us.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 87

Locates familiar words in the Comprehension strategies: they Know and know how to apply the most CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously
visual material used for match the content of the text with appropriate basic strategies for SC in oral fashion familiar and interesting
routines or in class books. the illustrations. They break down comprehension of general meaning, CD themes.
the words into individual sounds essential information or the main points of
Use picture dictionaries and combine them to read the text. CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced
complete and different words. They previously in oral fashion about familiar
Correctly matches written read texts to identify the unit Identify basic, specific and significant CEC themes of interest
words with the corresponding lexicn. sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects and CMCT
picture apply the knowledge acquired to an SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Sociocultural and sociolinguistic adequate comprehension of the text. instrument of communication with other
Use Information and aspects: they identify the people.
communication technology to vocabulary on the stickers and Identify the theme and general meaning in
start reading. match it with the pictures. texts, both printed and digital, very short and CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
simple, with predominance of simple foreign language.
Communicative functions: a story structures and very high frequency lexicon,
about picnics, a text describing about very familiar and everyday themes. SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
food, fruit trees, tastes and regarding learning the foreign language.
preferences. The story the ants. Recognise frequently used symbols e
Identify the general meanings and SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
Syntactic structures: I like (apples). communicative intentions related to them. help one learn better.
I don't like (olives). Here's a (tree).
Do you like (apples)? Yes, I do. / Identify the main function or communicative AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
No, I don't. functions text and a limited repertoire of their such as using picture dictionaries.
most common exponents, as well as the
High frequency lexicon: Comida: basic discursive patterns. CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
apples, cakes, eggs, olives, manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
sandwiches, sausages, Recognise a limited repertoire of high world.
strawberries, tomatoes. Fruit: frequency lexicon related to everyday
cherries, grapes, oranges, situations and specific and habitual themes. CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific
peaches, pears. Cherry tree: concepts and notions to understand the
branches, buds, flowers, fruit

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 88

world around us.
(clave); skirt, cap, dress, shoes,
dad, grandpa (revision).

Graphic patterns and spelling

conventions: they identify the
sound/iz/ contained in
sandwiches, sausages. They
identify the sounds pl, qu, st, str,
nd, ng, nt, lk, mp contained in the
words quick ant, strong ant, nest,
milk, plum, jump, pond.


Copies simple words and Production strategies: they Know and apply basic strategies to produce CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and
expressions worked on orally. complete games in the iPack with written texts very short and simple. SC with a specific goal.
the vocabulary. They write words CD
Writes letters or cards and sentences following a model. Know basic significant sociocultural and CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models
congratulating somebody sociolinguistic aspects and apply them to and with a specific goal.
using a model, copying some Sociocultural and sociolinguistic an appropriate written production
basic words and including aspects: They prepare and
AA SC2. Values the foreign language as an
pictures or photographs. personalise a cultural mini-book. Construct very short and simple texts, CEC instrument of communication with other
They trace words and sentences composed of simple isolated sentences, for people.
Prepares very simple describing food and tastes and speaking about oneself, using a repertoire of
posters following a model preferences mainly icon-based codes for communication. CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
foreign language.
Communicative functions they Know and Use a limited repertoire of high
describe food, fruit and fruit trees; frequency lexicon related to everyday SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
they describe their preferences in situations and specific and habitual themes regarding learning the foreign language.
food. related to ones own interests, experiences
and needs. SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
Syntactic structures: I like (apples).

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 89

help one learn better.
I don't like (olives). Here's a (tree).
Do you like (apples)? Yes, I do. / CMCT1. Counts to 10
No, I don't.
CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
High frequency lexicon: Comida:
apples, cakes, eggs, olives, CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific
sandwiches, sausages, concepts and notions to understand the
strawberries, tomatoes. Fruit: world around us.
cherries, grapes, oranges,
peaches, pears. Cherry tree: AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
branches, buds, flowers, fruit such as using picture dictionaries.
(clave); skirt, cap, dress, shoes,
dad, grandpa (revision). CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
Graphic patterns and spelling world.
conventions: they identify the
graphic patterns of the sound /is/ CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
(sandwiches, sausages) and of the
sounds pl, qu, st, str, nd, ng, nt,
lk, mp in the words quick ant,
strong ant, nest, milk, plum, jump,

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 90


Understands the essence of Comprehension strategies: initial Know and know how to apply the most CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced
teachers messages and contact with the lexicon and appropriate basic strategies for SC previously, about familiar themes of interest.
instructions regarding typical grammar watching the cartoon comprehension of general meaning, CD
classroom activity. versions in the iPack del essential information or the main points of CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences,
CEC introduced previously, about familiar themes
vocabulary and the songs the text.
AA of interest.
Participates in daily routines
and Understands associated Sociocultural and sociolinguistic Identify basic, specific and significant CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and
vocabulary aspects: they listen to vocabulary sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, identifies some specific details with the help
related to Halloween and regarding everyday life and social of linguistic and non-linguistic elements of
Understand essential Christmas conventions, and apply the knowledge the context.
information in very short and acquired regarding these to an adequate
simple conversations in which Communicative functions: comprehension of the text. CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound,
student Participates, about description of objects and rhythm, accentuation and intonation of
expressions that appear in habitual
familiar themes and using costumes related to Halloween and Identify the general meaning and a limited
communication contexts.
non-verbal language to Christmas repertoire of vocabulary and de expressions
improve comprehension. in very short and simple oral texts, about SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
Syntactic structures: Who is it? Im related items in very predictable everyday sketches adjusting performance to
Understands the basic a (bat). Its a (yellow) (star). contexts. relationship with classmates.
formulae of social relations.
High frequency lexicon: Identify the main communicative function of SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Understands the teachers Halloween: bat, ghost, monster, the text, as well as the basic discursive instrument of communication with other
questions about basic pumpkin, rat, And witch. patterns. people.
information, ones body, Christmas: carrot, mince pie,
CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
objects, pets and animals, present, stocking, star, tree. Recognise a limited repertoire of oral high
foreign language.
ones family and in general frequency lexicon related to everyday
about the topics covered in Patterns of sounds, accents, situations and habitual and specific themes CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
class rhythms and intonation: some manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
songs (A party for Halloween; Distinguish between basic patterns of

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 91

Distinguishes between the sounds, accents, rhythms and intonation and world.
beginning and end of a Happy Christmas). Recognise the general meanings and
conversation communicative intentions related to them. AA2. Uses basic comprehension strategies
like grasping the gist in oral texts with the
aid of linguistic and non-linguistic elements
of the context.
Imitates and repeats the Production strategies: they Know and know how to apply basic CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use
teachers expressions used in familiarise themselves with the strategies to very short and simple SC of linguistic and paralinguistic elements.
class context of the unit talking about monological or dialogical oral texts CD
what they know about festivals. CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters,
Makes very short and They accompany communication Know basic and significant sociocultural and short poems, etc. with correct intonation and
simple presentations, about with gestures to make themselves sociolinguistic, and apply the knowledge pronunciation.
everyday or interesting understood. acquired to an oral production appropriate in CEC
themes using very simple the context. CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
structures. Sociocultural and sociolinguistic
aspects: they repeat simple Interact in very basic fashion, Using very CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral
Respects the rules of oral sentences about Halloween and simple linguistic or non-verbal techniques to exchanges about familiar themes in easily
interaction. Christmas and they participate in start, maintain or conclude a brief predictable communication situations.
different games in pairs, groups or conversation fulfilling the main
Responds appropriately in with the whole class. communicative aim of the text. SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and
communication situations. sketches adjusting performance to
Communicative functions: they Very short and simple monological or relationship with classmates.
Knows and uses expressions describe objects related to dialogical oral texts
related to family or cultural Halloween and Christmas. SC2. Values the foreign language as an
celebrations. Participate in a very basic manner in very instrument of communication with other
Syntactic structures: Who is it? Im brief and very simple conversations that people.
Participates face to face in a (bat). Its a (yellow) (star). require a direct exchange of information
conversations establishing about very familiar themes. CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
social contact. High frequency lexicon: foreign language.
Halloween: bat, ghost, monster, Know and Use a limited repertoire of oral
pumpkin, rat, witch. Christmas: high frequency lexicon related to everyday SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 92

situations and habitual and specific themes regarding learning the foreign language.
carrot, mince pie, present,
stocking, star, tree. Imitate a very limited repertoire of basic SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
patterns of sounds, accents, rhythms and help one learn better.
Patterns of sounds, accents, intonation.
rhythms and intonation: they sing AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
the songs A party for Halloween; such as using picture dictionaries.
Happy Christmas.
AA3. Use basic strategies of interaction,
such as asking for help, accompanying
communication with gestures, etc.

CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and

melody with his/her voice.

CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games

and sketches.
Locates familiar words in the Comprehension strategies: they Know and know how to apply the most CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously
visual material used for match the content of the text with appropriate basic strategies for SC in oral fashion familiar and interesting
routines or in class books. the illustrations. comprehension of general meaning, CD themes.
essential information or the main points of
Use picture dictionaries Sociocultural and sociolinguistic the text. CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced
aspects: they identify the previously in oral fashion about familiar
Correctly matches written vocabulary of festivities and match Identify basic, specific and significant
CEC themes of interest
words with the corresponding them with pictures sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects and
picture apply the knowledge acquired to an SC2. Values the foreign language as an
Communicative functions: adequate comprehension of the text. instrument of communication with other
Use Information and description of objects and people.
communication technology to costumes related to Halloween and Identify the theme and general meaning in
start reading. Christmas texts, both printed and digital, very short and CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
simple, with predominance of simple

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 93

structures and very high frequency lexicon, foreign language.
Syntactic structures: Who is it? Im about very familiar and everyday themes.
a (bat). Its a (yellow) (star). SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity
Recognise frequently used symbols e regarding learning the foreign language.
High frequency lexicon: Identify the general meanings and
Halloween: bat, ghost, monster, communicative intentions related to them. SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
pumpkin, rat, witch. Christmas: help one learn better.
carrot, mince pie, present, Identify the main function or communicative
stocking, star, tree. functions text and a limited repertoire of their AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
most common exponents, as well as the such as using picture dictionaries.
Graphic patterns and spelling basic discursive patterns.
conventions. CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
Recognise a limited repertoire of high manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
frequency lexicon related to everyday world.
situations and specific and habitual themes.


Copies simple words and Production strategies: they Know and apply basic strategies to produce CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and
expressions worked on orally. complete games in the iPack with written texts very short and simple. SC with a specific goal.
the vocabulary. They write words CD
Writes letters or cards to and sentences following a model. Know basic and significant sociocultural CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models
congratulate somebody using and sociolinguistic aspects and apply them and with a specific goal.
a model, copying some basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic to a n appropriate written production
words and including pictures aspects: they prepare cut-outs
CEC SC2. Values the foreign language as an
or photographs. related with the festivities and Construct very short and simple texts, instrument of communication with other
describe them. made up of simple isolated sentences, for people.
Prepares very simple speaking about oneself or one's immediate
posters following a model Communicative functions they environment using a repertoire of mainly CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the
describe objects related with the icon-based codes for communication. foreign language.
Know and Use a limited repertoire of high SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 94

frequency lexicon related to everyday regarding learning the foreign language.
Syntactic structures: Who is it? Im situations and specific and habitual themes
a (bat). Its a (yellow) (star). related to ones own interests, experiences SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which
and needs. help one learn better.
High frequency lexicon:
Halloween: bat, ghost, monster, AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn,
pumpkin, rat, witch. Christmas: such as using picture dictionaries.
carrot, mince pie, present,
stocking, star, tree. CEC1. Recognises certain cultural
manifestations present in the Anglo-Saxon
Graphic patterns and spelling world.
CEC2. Creates simple works of art.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 95


Approx. Timing
UNIT Approx. N Sessions Notas and observaciones
(45 mins por session )*

Welcome to Park Street 4 4-6 horas*

1 In the park 9 9-11 horas*

2 By the river 9 9-11 horas*

City Adventures 1 2 2-4 horas*

3 In the city 9 9-11 horas*

4 At the park 9 9-11 horas*

City Adventures 2 2 2-4 horas*

5 At the carnival 9 9-11 horas*

6 At the picnic 9 9-11 horas*

City Adventures 3 2 2-4 horas*

Festivals 4 4-6 horas*

TOTAL e.g approx 68 68-90 horas*

Extra activities programmed by the centre

*Each centre will have to adapt this program to its own situation and timetable

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 96

This is a schedule adaptable to the profile of the group -class as it can simultaneously be used with students who have difficulty
learning languages, as well as worth those with more advanced knowledge. Asimismo, es adaptable a los propios gustos e iniciativas
del profesor/a and sus alumnos/as, and la propia evolucin del curso.

The following table shows the nomenclature for the different elements which make up the scheduling of the units.

Written Comunicacin
CE CL PA Profesor alumno AB Activity Book ACC Access Language laboratory
comprehension lingstica
Comprehensio Matemtica, cientfica
CO CMCT TI Individual work CB Class Book IDE Identification IT room
n oral and tecnolgica
Expression Comprehensio
EE CD Digital competence TG Group work TG Teachers Guide COMP Aula taller
escrita n
TR Teachers Resource
EO Oral expression AA Aprender a aprender TP Pairwork REP Reproduction Aula virtual
Teachers Resource
IO Interaction oral SC Sociales and cvicas TRP REF Reflection Library
Sense of initiative and
TD All skills SIEE iPack Interactive materials CONX Connection Auditorium
entrepreneurial spirit
Cultural awareness and
CEC SINT Sntesis Gimnasio

CREA Creation Patio

MEM Memorization

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 97

Starter Unit - Welcome to Park Street

Unit Starter - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1

Objetives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Practise the Greetings and introductions. SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
Participation in the game Hello (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.43
CB p.2
Familiarise oneself with the Explanation of the city of Rooftops with the Rooftops City SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the AB p.2
context. Poster. Comparison with the students city. foreign language. CD
Introduce the key vocabulary: Introduction of the vocabulary with the cartoon in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Rooftops City
Hello! I'm Nizzy. I'm 6. (Vocabulary animation). language. Poster
Goodbye! Numbers 1-10.
Practise the vocabulary playing who lives here? in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Introduction of the vocabulary with the flashcards in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
(optional) language.
Identify the numbers. Listen to the vocabulary in the CD indicating the numbers in the CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
book illustration (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Reproducir los numbers. Listen to the recording counting the number of strikes and CMCT CMCT1. Counts to 10
saying the number (Listen and say the number).
Memorise the vocabulary via Listen to and recite a chant with the street numbers (Listen and CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc.
repetition. chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.
Listen to a recording, indicating the characters that speak and CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
repeating what they hear (Listen, point and repeat). about familiar themes of interest.
Draw a picture and show it to the class saying name and age SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
(Draw. Show and say). better.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise tracing the numbers of the balloons and CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
lesson via writing and reading completing the text of the speech bubbles. Write the number goal.
activities. corresponding to the pigeon (Trace and write. Find and write
the number).
Finish the lesson. Identification of the number of things on the poster Rooftops SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
City. Participation in the game Let's count! (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 98

Unit Starter - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Post-it covering one of the numbered SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
doors on the poster. adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.44
CMCT1. Counts to 10 CB p.3
Say the numbers 1-10, missing one for students to identify it CMCT AB p.3
(optional) CD
Rooftops City
Introduce the vocabulary Introduction of the animated version of the song Park Street! CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Poster
(colours): black, blue, brown, Hello! in the iPack (Song animation). language. Flashcards
green, orange, pink, purple,
red, white, yellow.
Practise the vocabulary playing Colour the door in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Introduction of the new vocabulary with the flashcards in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
iPack (optional) language.
Practise the vocabulary via oral Listen to the song indicating in the picture (Listen and point). CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
comprehension. accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Practise the oral expression. Second Listen to the song and reproduction (Listen and sing). CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
and paralinguistic elements.
Listen to the numbers of the houses saying the colour of the CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
corresponding door (Listen and say the colour). familiar themes of interest.
Completion of an SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
activity tracing the numbers of the doors and colouring the adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
doors according to the illustration. Communicative exchange in
pairs saying the numbers and playing guess the door (Trace.
Look and colour. Say. Play).
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise tracing the words and the numbers and CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
lesson. colouring the picture of the street using the doors as a code for
the colours (Trace. Look and colour).
Finish the lesson. Revision of the l vocabulary saying the colours of the doors in SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
the poster and on the flashcards. Participation in the game adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
getting up if they are wearing something of the colour
mentioned (optional)

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 99

Unit Starter - Session 3 (45') - Lesson 3

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Listen to and repeat the animated version of the song with the CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic iPack
flashcards. Listen to the song del vocabulary , sitting in a circle, and paralinguistic elements. TG p.45
with the flashcards, they stand up when they hear their CB p.4
flashcard and say what they are (optional) AB p.4
Introduce the vocabulary Introduction of the new vocabulary with the flashcards in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Flashcards
(classroom objects): bag, iPack, repeating several times so students remember. language.
crayon, pen, pencil, rubber.
Practise the vocabulary. Practise the vocabulary playing Snap! in the iPack (Game). CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Listen to the recording indicating the objects in the picture and CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
saying the vocabulary (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Listen to lthe numbers saying the corresponding words (Listen SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
and say the word). foreign language.
Practise the vocabulary. Join the dots to complete the pictures, discovering classroom CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
objects and colouring them according to the key.
Participation in a game guessing objects by their colour (Join CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
the dots. Look and colour. Say. Play).
Do an AB exercise colouring the puzzle according to coloured CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
points discovering the objects. Choose the correct word
corresponding to each colour (Colour and find. Circule).
Do an AB exercise joining the halves of each picture and CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
tracing the words (Match and trace). goal.
End the lesson. Participation in the game Mystery items con los classroom SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
objects and in the game Kim's game with the flashcards adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 100

Unit Starter - Session 4 (45') - Lesson 4: Phonetics

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Silent words (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.46
CB p.5
Introduce the pronunciation of Introduction of the short vowel sounds with the flashcards CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.5
the sounds a, e, i, o, u. Phonetics in the iPack (Phonics flashcards). language. CD
Practise oral expression of the Participation in the game Stepping stones in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
sounds. 1).
Combine sounds to read new Introduction to the combination of sounds playing Phonics CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
words. blending in the iPack (Game 2). language.
Reinforce the sounds and their Listen to and reproduce the sounds indicating the vowels CEC CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
written form. (Listen, point and repeat). his/her voice.
Listen to the sounds following the path from stone to stone, with CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the pencil; reproduction of the route they have followed to the accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
end (Listen, follow and say). habitual communication contexts.
Listen to the chant matching the sounds with the pictures and CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the words. accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
Second listening and reproduction of the chant. habitual communication contexts.
Participation in a game guessing the sound of the word CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc.
pronounced (Listen and match. Listen again and chant. Say with correct intonation and pronunciation.
and play).
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise finding and colouring the objects in the CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
lesson. picture; tracing the words for the objects and writing the goal.
quantity in the square (Find and colour. Trace, count and write).
Do an AB exercise tracing the vowels, matching them with the CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
pictures and completing the words (Trace. Match and write the goal.
Finish the lesson. Participation in the games Air drawing and Whispers to SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
consolidate the unit vocabulary (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Phonics sounds worksheet accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
- Phonics blending practice worksheet habitual communication contexts.
- Phonics mini-cards

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 101

Unit 1 - In the park

Unit 1 - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1: Vocabulary

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral exchange talking about toys. SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
Participation in the game Mime (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.47
CB p.6
Introduce the key vocabulary1 Introduction of the vocabulary with the animation in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.6
(toys): ball, bike, book, doll, (Vocabulary animation). language. CD
kite, scooter, skateboard,
skipping rope. Practise the vocabulary playing Silhouette match in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Introduction of the vocabulary with the flashcards in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
(optional) language.
Identify the vocabulary. Listen to the vocabulary in the CD indicating the toys in the CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
picture in the book (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Reproduce the vocabulary. Listen to the numbers of the toys saying the vocabulary CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
corresponding to each number (Listen and say the word). familiar themes of interest.
Listen to a chant and stick the Listen to the chant of the activity Stick, stick, stick... while CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
stickers. sticking the stickers corresponding to the pictures of the toys accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
(Sticker time. Listen and stick). habitual communication contexts.
Memorise the vocabulary via Listen to and repeat a chant with the names of the toys (Listen CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc.
repetition. and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise matching the toys with the ones in the SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
lesson via writing and reading picture, then colouring them and circling the ones they have better.
activities. (Match and colour the toys. Circle your toys).
Finish the lesson . Revision of the l vocabulary recordando los toys que tena SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
cada personaje en la animacin. Participation in the game True adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
or not true? (optional)

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 102

Unit 1 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2: Grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Stop with the flashcards (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.48
CB pp.7, 74
Introduce the grammatical Introduction of the grammatical structure and consolidation of CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.7
structure 1: I've got a the vocabulary with the animated version of the song Let's play language. CD
(skateboard). in the park in the iPack (Song animation). Flashcards
Practise the grammatical Practise the structure playing Which toy? in the iPack (Game). CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Check understanding of the Listen to the song identifying the pictures in the book for each CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
grammatical structure. verse. accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and reproduction observing the pictures103 CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
(Listen and point. Listen and sing). and paralinguistic elements.
Practise the grammatical Listen to and repeat a text numbering the pictures as they are CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
structure via oral mentioned (Listen and number). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
comprehension. elements of the context.
Practise the oral expression. Completion of an activity following the paths, drawing the toys SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
and saying the words for each Participation in a game guessing adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
the person who has each toy (Follow, find and draw. Say. Play).
Consolidate the vocabulary . Completion of the picture dictionary from unit 1 in the CB AA AA1. Uses basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
(Picture Dictionary picture dictionaries.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise tracing the words and ticking them (Trace CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
lesson via writing and reading and tick). goal.
Do an AB exercise reading and tracing the words and drawing CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
the missing toys (Trace and draw the missing toys).
Finish the lesson . Revision of the l vocabulary recordando los toys que tena SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
cada personaje en la animacin. Participation in the game adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
What's missing? (optional)
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Reinforcement worksheet 1 foreign language.
- Extension worksheet 1
- Song worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 103

Unit 1 - Session 3 (45') - Lesson 3: Culture

Objetives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Listen to and repeat the song de la lesson 2. Oral exchange CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic iPack
talking about their favourite toys (optional) and paralinguistic elements. TG p.49
CB pp.8, 87
UK culture: Learn about Watch the cultural film at the park about a visit to a park, in the CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present CD
aspects of British culture. iPack, indicating the toys as they are mentioned (Culture film). in the Anglo-Saxon world. Tijeras
Recycle the contents of Observe the photos saying the toys they see (Look and say the CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges Stapler
lessons 1 and 2 in the context toys). about familiar themes in easily predictable communication
of the real world. situations.
Listen to a recording numbering the pictures (Listen and CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
number). about familiar themes of interest.
Develop reading, writing and Preparation of the cultural mini-book cutting out the pages, CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present
fine motor skills. stapling them together and writing their name on it (Make your in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Personalise mini-book. Read the mini-book looking at the photos. Realizacin de un CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
dibujo sobre ellos mismos in the parque and sus toys. oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game de la comba, con una cuerda real o SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
imitando la accin. Participation in the game Kim's game with adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
the wordcards (optional)
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Culture worksheet foreign language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 104

Unit 1 - Session 4 (45') - Lesson 4: Everday language, values and pronunciation

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral interaction remembering the toys that appeared in the AA AA3. Uses basic strategies of interaction, such as asking iPack
cultural film (optional) for help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc. TG p.49
CB p.9
Introduction of everyday Revision of the cultural film commenting on what they CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.8
language in context: This ball remember and seeing it again (Culture film). language. CD
is for you. This ball is for me.
ball, bike, book, scooter, Watch the video of everyday language in the iPack (Everyday CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
skipping rope, Ive got a language film). language.

Listen to the text in the CD, indicating the photographs in the SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
book and repeating the language of everyday use (Listen, point foreign language.
and repeat).
Practise oral expression. Listen to the recording looking at the pictures and marking the CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
correct option (Listen, look and tick). about familiar themes of interest.
Practise the oral expression. Act out the scene from the book with the language studied in CL CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
the lesson (Act out a scene).
Community Values: Oral exchange talking about the importance of sharing, why it is SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
Understand the importance of important, when it is difficult, etc. (We share). communication with other people.
Be aware of community values. Do an AB exercise observing the picture and colouring the CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
children who share things (Colour the children sharing).
Do an AB exercise observing the picture and marking the words CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
for the objects that appear in it (Look and tick the words in the familiar and interesting themes.
Practise an English sound in Do an AB exercise listening to a chant and marking the CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the context of the unit: bike, corresponding picture (Listen and tick). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
book. habitual communication contexts.
Do an AB exercise listening to and reciting the chant (Listen CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc.
again and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game Mime miming the toys and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
expressions (optional). adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 105

Unit 1 - Session 5 (45') - Lesson 5: Story

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Flashcard story prediction (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.50
CB pp.10-11
Introduce the story. Participation in the game Jigsaw in the iPack to describe the CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. AB p.9
title of the story (Game). CD
Introduce the grammatical Visualisation of the story the park story in the iPack (Story CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
structure 2: It's (blue and animation). language.
black). It's (big).
Listen to the story . Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
book (Listen). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
elements of the context.
Revise the vocabulary . Location of the objects in the picture in the illustrations story, SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
circling them and saying the words (Review. Find and circle. foreign language.
Evaluate the story . Evaluation of the story choosing and colouring the number of SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
stars according to how much they liked it (Story club. Look and better.
Revise the comprehension of Do an AB exercise matching the pictures with the hats, CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
the story via an activity. according to the story, and colouring the hats (Match. Colour
the hats).
Remember, consolidate and Do an AB exercise drawing themselves with their favourite hat SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
personalise the story. from those in the story (Draw yourself in your favourite hat from foreign language.
the story).
Finish the lesson . Participation in the games Who is it? and Where's the story? SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
with all the class (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 106

Unit 1 - Session 6 (45') - Lesson 6: Vocabulary and grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Reveal (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.51
CB p.12
Revise the story and use the Answer the questions about the story from the previous lesson CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.10
grammar in context: Its (big, to check what students remember and visualise story again to language. CD
new, old, small) doll, kite, Ive revise their answers (Story animation). Flashcards
got a Wordcards
Practise the vocabulary and Practise vocabulary and grammar playing Pairs in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
grammar via a game. (Game).
Introduction of the new vocabulary with the flashcards in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
iPack (optional) language.
Practise oral expression. Listen to the vocabulary in the CB the elements in the picture in CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
the book (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Listen to the numbers and say the vocabulary corresponding CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
to each number (Listen and say the word). familiar themes of interest.
Practise oral expression. Listen to un text identifying the number of the kite CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
corresponding to each sentence (Listen and say the number). about familiar themes of interest.
Participation in a game in pairs in which one student says a CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
sentence and the other says the number of the corresponding
kite (Say. Play).
Do an AB exercise colouring the object of each pair according CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
to the adjective and the colour of the adjective (Look and
Do an AB exercise tracing the pictures and sentences and CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
writing the corresponding number in each box (Draw and trace. specific goal.
Look and number).
Finish the lesson . Participation in the games Opposites saying the opposite and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
Pairs with the flashcards and wordcards (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Reinforcement worksheet 2 foreign language.
- Extension worksheet 2
- Story worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 107

Unit 1 - Session 7 (45') - Lesson 7: Intercurricular content

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Please. Introduction of the theme of SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
the lesson drawing a picture of a house on the board using adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.52
geometric shapes. CB p.13
AB p.11
Intercurricular theme: Learn Introduction of the Intercurricular theme Shapes in the form of a CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
contents of other subjects via slide show in the iPack (Cross-curricular introduction). language.
the foreign language
(Geometrical shapes):
Practise the comprehension Observation of the pictures n the book, they listen to the CD CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
and oral expression of the recording indicating the photos (Look. Listen and point). about familiar themes of interest.
intercurricular vocabulary.
Listen to the recording, indicating the photographs in the book SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
and repeating the intercurricular vocabulary (Listen, point and communication with other people.
Extend the practice completing Completion of an activity tracing lines to complete the pictures CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
the activity in pencil. and colouring them according to the key. Ending indicating and
saying the vocabulary (Complete. Find and colour the shapes.
Point and say).
Practise the written expression Do an AB exercise observing the sequence and drawing the CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
of the vocabulary. next element (Look and draw).
Develop the intercurricular skill. Do an AB exercise counting the number of geometrical shapes CMCT CMCT1. Counts to 10
and colouring the picture with the colours indicated for each
figure (Count the shapes and colour).
Personalise the contents of the Do an AB exercise drawing a picture using geometric shapes CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
lesson. and colouring it (Draw a shape picture).
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game Air drawing guessing the figures that SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
are drawn in the air (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Cross-curricular worksheet foreign language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 108

Unit 1 - Session 8 (45') - Lesson 8: Phonetics

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Whispers (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.52
CB p.14
Introduce the pronunciation of Introduction of the sounds with the flashcards Phonetics in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
the sounds s, t, p, n contained iPack (Phonics flashcards). language. Phonics
in: sit, tin, pet, pot. Reader
Practise oral expression of the Participation in the game Stepping stones in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
sounds . 1).
Combine sounds to read new Introduction to the combination playing Phonics blending in CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
words. the iPack (Game 2). language.
Reinforce the sounds and their Listen to and reproduce the sounds indicating the letters(Listen, CEC CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
written form. point and repeat). his/her voice.
Listen to the sounds following the path from stone to stone, CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
with the pencil; reproduction of the route they have followed accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
to the end (Listen, follow and say). habitual communication contexts.
Reproduction of the sounds of the letters and Participation in CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
the game Stepping stones in the book saying alternative routes
(Say and play).
Practise the combination of Deciphering of the words breaking them down into sounds then CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
sounds to read the words. reading them as complete words. Repetition of the activity in accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
pairs indicating finally the corresponding picture (Blend and habitual communication contexts.
read aloud. Point).
Improve reading via the Read the story Nat and Pat in the Phonics Reader encouraging CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
phonetic method. students to pronounce the sounds , one by one and then familiar and interesting themes.
combine them to read the words of the picture book(Read your
Finish the lesson . Participation in the games First sounds and Wordshapes SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
(optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, TR CD-ROM
the unit contents . - Phonics sounds worksheet accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
- Phonics blending practice worksheet habitual communication contexts.
- Phonics mini-cards

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 109

Unit 1 - Session 9 (45') - Lesson 9: Revision

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral interaction discussing what they most liked in the unit and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
what they found easiest/most difficult. Participation in the game adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.53
Memory chain (optional) CB p.15
AB p.12
Consolidate the unit Watch the animated version of the revision son gin the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
vocabulary and grammar. (Review song animation). language.
Revise the contents of lessons Participation in the game Rooftops review in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
1 and 2. 1).
Revise the contents of lesson Participation in the game Snap! in the iPack (Game 2). CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Practise the comprehension Listen to the revision song indicating the elements they know in CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
and oral expression via a song the book illustrations (Listen and point.). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and reproduction of the revision song(Listen CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
and sing). and paralinguistic elements.
Have a model for the following Observe the picture and listen to the recording following it in the CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
activity. book (Listen and read). oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Personalise the unit contents Complete the activity drawing their favourite toy, writing a SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
simple text and commenting on it with a classmate or in front of better.
the class (Draw. Show and say).
Revise the unit vocabulary Do an AB exercise encontrando las words en la sopa de letras CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
and escribindolas debajo de cada objeto (Look, circle and goal.
Do an AB exercise reading the sentences and circling the CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
correct option (Read and circle). oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Completion of the exercise in the AB tracing the words of the CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
speech bubble in the text and drawing and louring the missing
object (Trace, draw and colour).

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 110

Assess ones own progress. Completion of the Self Evaluation de la unit in the AB (Look SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
and tick your favourite activity). foreign language.
Finish the lesson . Participation in the games Missing words and Snap! Watch the SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
classs favourite video again (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic TR CD-ROM
the unit contents . - Song worksheet and paralinguistic elements.
Summative assessment. Completion of the Unit 1 Test. Todas TR

Develop digital competence. Online Learning Zone: CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign PC / Tablet
Free use of the Internet activities suggested for the unit. language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 111

Unit 2 - By the river

Unit 2 - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1: Vocabulary

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral exchange talking about animals and pets. SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
Imitation of the sounds of the animals they know(optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.55
CB p.16
Introduce the key vocabulary1 Introduction of the vocabulary with the animation in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.13
(animals): bird, cat, dog, fish, (Vocabulary animation). language. CD
frog, horse, mouse, rabbit.
Practise the vocabulary playing What's missing? in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Introduction of the vocabulary of animals with the flashcards in CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
the iPack (optional) language.
Identify the vocabulary . Listen to the vocabulary in the CD indicating the animals in CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
the picture in the book (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Reproduce the vocabulary . Listen to the sounds made by each animal saying the CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
corresponding animal (Listen and say the word). familiar themes of interest.
Listen to a chant and stick the Listen to activity chant Stick, stick, stick whilst sticking the CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
stickers. stickers corresponding to the pictures of the animals (Sticker accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
time. Listen and stick). habitual communication contexts.
Memorise the vocabulary via Listen to and repeat a chant with the names of the CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems , etc.
repetition. animals(Listen and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise trazando la silueta de los animales and CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
lesson via writing and reading colorendolos; numeracin en los recuadros segn la clave del
activities. dibujo (Draw. Look and colour. Look and number).
Finish the lesson . Oral interaction remembering the character who saw each SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
animal in the vocabulary animation , watching it again. adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Participation in a game imitating the sounds of the animals

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 112

Unit 2 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2: Grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Mime and Hidden picture (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.56
CB pp.17, 74
Introduce the grammatical Introduction of the grammatical structure and consolidation of CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.14
structure 1: It's a (bird). the vocabulary with the animated version of the song By the language. CD
river, by the river in the iPack (Song animation).
Practise the grammatical Practise the structure playing Listen up! In the iPack (Game). CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Check understanding of the Listen to the song identifying the pictures in the book for each CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
grammatical structure. verse. accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and reproduction observing the pictures of the CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
animals (Listen and point. Listen and sing). and paralinguistic elements.
Practise the grammatical Listen to and repeat a text numbering the pictures of the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
structure via oral animals as they are mentioned (Listen and number). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
comprehension. elements of the context.
Practise the oral expression. Completion of an activity colouring the animals in the picture CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
according to coloured dots. Reproduction de los names taking CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges
turns with a classmate . Participation in a game guessing the about familiar themes in easily predictable communication
animal according to the colour indicated (Colour and find the situations.
animals. Say. Play).
Consolidate the vocabulary . Completion of the picture dictionary from unit 2 in the CB AA AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
(Picture Dictionary picture dictionaries.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise observando el dibujo and escribiendo el CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
lesson via writing and reading nmero correspondiente a cada animal en los recuadros (Look familiar and interesting themes.
activities. and number).
Do an AB exercise reading and tracing words and marking the CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
correct option for each picture (Trace. Look and tick). oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Finish the lesson . Revision of the l vocabulary indicating the river and the animals SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
in the poster. Participation in the games Find it first! and True or adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
not true (optional)

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 113

Unit 2 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2: Grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Reinforcement worksheet 1 foreign language.
- Extension worksheet 1
- Song worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 114

Unit 2 - Session 3 (45') - Lesson 3: Culture

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Listen to and repeat the song de la lesson 2. Oral exchange CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic iPack
talking about going for walk(optional) and paralinguistic elements. TG p.57
CB pp.18, 85
UK culture: Learn about Watch the cultural film By the river about a walk by a river, in CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present CD
aspects of British culture. the iPack, indicating the animals as they are mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon world. Tijeras
(Culture film). Stapler
Recycle the contents of Observation of the photos saying animals seen in them (Look CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges
lessons 1 and 2 in the context and say the animals). about familiar themes in easily predictable communication
of the real world. situations.
Listen to a recording numbering the pictures (Listen and CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
number). about familiar themes of interest.
Develop reading, writing and Preparation of the cultural mini-book cutting out the pages, CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present
fine motor skills. stapling them together and writing their name on it (Make your in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Personalise mini-book. Read the minibook looking at the photos. Realizacin de un CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
dibujo sobre ellos mismos junto al ro and su animal favorito. oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Finish the lesson . Revision of the los animales que aparecieron in the video. SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
Participation in the game Mini-book guessing the animal adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
vocabulary (optional)
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Culture worksheet foreign language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 115

Unit 2 - Session 4 (45') - Lesson 4: Everday language, values and pronunciation

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Exchange of questions and answers with the flashcards about CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges iPack
the poster of classroom language. about familiar themes in easily predictable communication TG p.57
Revision of the los animals that appeared in the cultural situations. CB p.19
video(optional) AB p.15
Introduction of everyday Revision of the cultural film commenting on what they CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Flashcards
language in context: Whats remember and seeing it again (Culture film). language. Poster of
your favourite animal? My classroom
favourite animals (a dog). Watch the video of everyday language in the iPack (Everyday CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
language film). language. language

Listen to the text in the CD, indicating the photographs in the SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
book and repeating the language of everyday use (Listen, point foreign language.
and repeat).
Practise oral expression. Listen to the recording matching the pictures of the children CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
with their favourite animals (Listen and match). about familiar themes of interest.
Practise the oral expression. Practise the questions and answers about the children in the CL CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
picture and their favourite animals (Ask and answer).
Community Values: We like Oral exchange talking about the importance of caring for SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
animals animals, treating them well and with respect (We like animals). communication with other people.
Be aware of community values. Do an AB exercise colouring the children being kind to the CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
animals (Colour the children being kind to animals).
Do an AB exercise observing the picture and circling the animal CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
word that appears in it (Look and circle the animal in the familiar and interesting themes.
Practise an English sound in Do an AB exercise listening to a chant and marking the CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the context of the unit: doll, corresponding picture (Listen and tick). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
dog. habitual communication contexts.
Do an AB exercise listening to and reciting the chant (Listen CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc.
again and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.
Finish the lesson . Preparation of a survey about animals drawn in the cultural CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
miniboom and exhibiting he results with a bar chart(optional)

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 116

Unit 2 - Session 5 (45') - Lesson 5: Story

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Flashcard story prediction (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.58
CB pp.20-21
Introduce the story. Participation in the game Jigsaw in the iPack to discover the CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. AB p.16
title of the story (Game). CD
Introduce the grammatical Visualisation de la stories the river story in the iPack (Story CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Flashcards
structure 2: A blue (body). Blue animation). language. Wordcards
Listen to the story . Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
book (Listen). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
elements of the context.
Revise the vocabulary . Location of the objects in the picture in the illustrations story, SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
circling them (Review. Find and circle). foreign language.
Evaluate the story . Evaluation of the story choosing and colouring the number of SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
stars according to how much they liked it (Story club. Look and better.
Revise the comprehension of Do an AB exercise connecting the characters with the boats, CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
the story via an activity and according to the story colouring the boats and tracing the CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
Practise the reading and sentences (Match. Colour the boats. Trace). specific goal.
Remember, consolidate and Do an AB exercise colouring Fergus as he appears in the story SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
personalise the story. when he is covered with paint (Look and colour Fergus). foreign language.
Finish the lesson . Participation in the games Where's the story? with all the class SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
and a Kim's game with the wordcards (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 117

Unit 2 - Session 6 (45') - Lesson 6: Vocabulary and grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Memory chain with the flashcards SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
and a Pairs with the flashcards and wordcards (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.59
CB p.22
Revise the story and use the Answer the questions about the story from the previous lesson CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.17
grammar in context: A blue to check what students remember and visualise story again to language. CD
(body). Blue (legs). revise their answers (Story animation). Flashcards
Practise the vocabulary and Practise vocabulary and grammar playing Make a picture in the CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. Wordcards
grammar via a game. iPack (Game).
Introduction of the new vocabulary with the flashcards in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
iPack (optional) language.
Practise oral expression. Listen to the vocabulary in the CB indicating parts of the body CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
of the dog in the picture in the book (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Listen to the numbers and say the parts of the body CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
corresponding to each number (Listen and say the word). familiar themes of interest.
Practise oral expression. Listen to a text identifying the animal described (Listen and say CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
the animal). about familiar themes of interest.
Participation in a game in pairs in which one student describes CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
an animal and the other guesses it (Say. Play).
Do an AB exercise looking at the pictures, marking the missing CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
part and completing the picture by drawing it (Look and tick familiar and interesting themes.
what's missing. Draw).
Do an AB exercise tracing the description, writing the result and CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
colouring according to the description (Trace and write. Read specific goal.
and colour).
Finish the lesson. Participation in a game imitating the sounds of animals and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
following the teachers instructions(optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Reinforcement worksheet 2 foreign language.
- Extension worksheet 2
- Story worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 118

Unit 2 - Session 7 (45') - Lesson 7: Intercurricular content

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Kim's game. Introduction to the SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
theme of the lesson introducing the sound of a frog so students adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.60
guess and say what they know about frogs CB p.23
AB p.18
Intercurricular theme: Learn Introduction of the Intercurricular theme Frogs in form of slide CMCT CMCT5. Identifies some species of living creatures. CD
contents of other subjects via show in the iPack (Cross-curricular introduction).
the foreign language (Frogs):
Natural Sciences.
Practise the comprehension Look at pictures in the book, they listen to the recording on the CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
and oral expression of the CD and point out the photos (Look. Listen and point). about familiar themes of interest.
intercurricular vocabulary.
Listen to the recording, indicating the photographs in the book SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
and repeating the intercurricular vocabulary (Listen, point and communication with other people.
Extend the practice completing Completion of an activity drawing the different stages of the CMCT CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions
the activity in pencil. frog's life cycle, indicating and saying the l vocabulary (Look to understand the world around us.
and draw. Point and say).
Practise the written expression Do an AB exercise numbering the pictures in correct order CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
of the vocabulary. (Number the pictures in order).
Develop the intercurricular skill. Do an AB exercise tracing the words and connecting them with CMCT CMCT1. Counts to 10
the correct picture from the frog's life cycle (Trace and match).
Personalise the contents of the Do an AB exercise drawing and colouring a frog and naming SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
lesson. the parts they know (Draw a frog)? foreign language.
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game Describe it! Using the photos in the CMCT CMCT5. Identifies some species of living creatures.
book so students guess the stage in the frog's life cycle
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Cross-curricular worksheet foreign language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 119

Unit 2 - Session 8 (45') - Lesson 8: Phonetics

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Wordshapes and a Silent words SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
(optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.60
CB p.24
Introduce the pronunciation of Introduction of the sounds with the flashcards Phonetics in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
the sounds c, m, r, h contained iPack (Phonics flashcards). language. Phonics
in cat, mat, rat, hat. Reader
Practise oral expression of the Participation in the game Stepping stones in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
sounds. 1).
Combine sounds to read new Introduction to the combination playing Phonics blending and CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
words. a Phonics match in the iPack (Game 2). language.
Reinforce the sounds and their Listen to and repeat f the sounds indicating the letters (Listen, CEC CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
written form. point and repeat). his/her voice.
Listen to the sounds following the path from stone to stone, with CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the pencil; say the route they have followed till the end (Listen, accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
follow and say). habitual communication contexts.
Reproduction of the sounds of the letters and participation in CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
the game Stepping stones in the book saying alternative routes
(Say and play).
Practise the combination of Decipher the words cat, mat, rat, hat breaking them down into CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
sounds to read the words. sounds then reading them as complete words. Repetition of accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
activity in pairs indicating finally the corresponding picture habitual communication contexts.
(Blend and read aloud. Point).
Improve reading via the Read the story Run! Run! in the Phonics Reader encouraging CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
phonetic method. students to pronounce the sounds, one by one and then familiar and interesting themes.
combine them to read the words of the picture book (Read your
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game I hear with my little ear with the words SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
studied in the unit (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Phonics sounds worksheet accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
- Phonics blending practice worksheet habitual communication contexts.
- Phonics mini-cards

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 120

Unit 2 - Session 9 (45') - Lesson 9: Revision

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral interaction discussing what they most liked in the unit and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
what they found easiest/most difficult. Participation in the game adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.61
Picture race (optional) CB p.25
AB p.19
Consolidate the unit Watch the animated version of the revision song You and me in CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
vocabulary and grammar. the iPack (Review song animation). language.
Revise the contents of lessons Participation in the game Rooftops review in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
1 and 2. 1).
Revise the contents of lesson Participation in the game Rooftops review in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
6. 2).
Practise the comprehension Listen to the revision song indicating the elements they know in CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
and oral expression via a song the book illustrations (Listen and point.). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and reproduction of the revision song(Listen CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
and sing). and paralinguistic elements.
Have a model for the following Observe the picture and listen to the recording following it in the CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
activity. book(Listen and read). oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Personalise the unit contents Complete the activity drawing their favourite animal, writing a SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
simple text and commenting on it with a classmate or in front of better.
the class (Draw. Show and say).
Revise the unit vocabulary Do an AB exercise completing the crossword(Look and write). CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
Do an AB exercise joining the dots, reading the sentences , CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
colouring as described and completing the last sentence (Join oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
the dots. Read and colour. Write).
Assess ones own progress. Completion of the Self Evaluation of the unit in the AB (Look SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
and tick your favourite activity). foreign language.
Finish the lesson. Participation in the games Join in the song and Snap! Watch SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
the classs favourite video again (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Song worksheet and paralinguistic elements.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 121

Unit 2 - Session 9 (45') - Lesson 9: Revision

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Summative assessment. Completion of the Unit 2 Test. Todas TR
Completion of the Term 1 Test. CD-ROM

Develop digital competence. Online Learning Zone: CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign PC / Tablet
Free use of the Internet activities suggested for the unit. language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 122

Revision story - City Adventures 1

City Adventures 1 - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Flashing a card and Snap! with the SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
flashcards and wordcards from units 1 and 2 (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.63
CB pp.26-27
Introduce the story Visualisation of the story City Adventures 1 in the iPack with the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.20
option 'Listen only'. Clicking on one of the frames, ask the language. CD
students what was happening in the story. Flashcards
Revise the vocabulary and la Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some Wordcards
grammar from units 1 and 2 in book, pausing and asking comprehension questions. (Listen to specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
the context of a story. the story). elements of the context.
Do an AB exercise tracing the pictures and the animal words CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
Observation of the words colouring each animal in the picture, familiar and interesting themes.
(Draw and trace. Look and number).
Do an AB exercise completing the sentences and marking CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
opinions with a tick or cross according to the illustration (Trace. specific goal.
Look at animal 1 and 2. Read and tick or cross).
Revision of the vocabulary playing Picture race! in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
(Game). language.
Revise the sounds s, t, p, n, c, Revision of the sounds playing Phonics match in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
m, r, h (Game). language.
Finish the lesson. Participation in the game Hidden picture with the flashcards SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
and wordcards from units 1 and 2(optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches. TG, p.63
the unit contents. - Optional activity, choosing one or several frames from the
story and acting them out in small groups

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 123

City Adventures 1 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Kim's game and I spy with the SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
flashcards and wordcards from units 1 and 2 (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.64
CB pp.26-27
Revise the vocabulary and Revision of the story City Adventures 1 in the iPack discussing CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.21
grammar from units 1 and 2 in what they remember and clicking on the picture frames to language. CD
the context of a story. revise their answers. Flashcards
Listen to the story. Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some Wordcards
book. Participation in the game Who is it? (Listen to the story). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
elements of the context.
Do an AB exercise colouring the pictures according to the key, CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
completing the sentences tracing and writing and circling the oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
correct option from the three pictures for each sentence (Look
and colour. Trace and write. Read and circle).
Do an AB exercise completing the words in the picture with the CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
letters of the sounds they have learnt (Look and write). goal.
Revision of the vocabulary playing Three in a row in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
(Game). language.
Revise the sounds s, t, p, n, c, Revision of the sounds playing Phonics match in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
m, r, h (Game). language.
Finish the lesson. Participation in the game whats that tune? with the songs from CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
units 1 and 2(optional) accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches. TG, p.64
the unit contents. - Optional activity, choosing one or several frames from the
story and acting them out in small groups

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 124

Unit 3 - In the city

Unit 3 - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1: Vocabulary

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral exchange talking about means of transport, commenting SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
how they go to school adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.65
Imitation of the sounds of the means of transport they know, CB p.28
saying the corresponding word (optional) AB p.22
Introduce the key vocabulary1 Introduction of the vocabulary with the animation in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
(transport): bus, car, helicopter, (Vocabulary animation). language.
lorry, motorbike, plane, taxi,
train. Practise the vocabulary playing Listen up! in the iPack (Game). CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.

Introduction of the vocabulary of means of transport with the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
flashcards in the iPack (optional) language.
Identify the vocabulary. Listen to the vocabulary in the CD indicating the means of CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
transport in the book illustration (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Reproduce the vocabulary. Listen to the numbers of the means of transport saying the CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
vocabulary corresponding to each number (Listen and say the familiar themes of interest.
Listen to a chant and stick the Listen to the chant from the activity Stick, stick, stick... while CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
stickers. they stick the corresponding stickers onto the pictures of the accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
means of transport (Sticker time. Listen and stick). habitual communication contexts.
Memorise the vocabulary via Listen to and repeat a chant with the names of the means of CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc.
repetition. transport (Listen and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise numbering the means of transport and CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
lesson via writing and reading colouring them according to colours of the keywords (Look and
activities. number. Look and colour).
Finish the lesson . Oral interaction remembering the character who saw each SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
means of transport in the animation of the vocabulary, watch it adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
again. Participation in the game Traffic lights (optional)

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 125

Unit 3 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2: Grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Describe it and Mystery items with SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
toy vehicles (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.65
CB pp.29, 75
Introduce the grammatical Introduction of the grammatical structure and consolidation of CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.23
structure 1: I can see a... the vocabulary with the animated version of the song In the city language. CD
in the iPack (Song animation). Flashcards
Practise the grammatical Practise the structure playing Dot to dot in the iPack (Game). CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. Vehculos de
structure. juguete
Check understanding of the Listen to the song identifying the pictures in the book for each CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
grammatical structure. verse. accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and reproduction observing the pictures of the CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
means of transport (Listen and point. Listen and sing). and paralinguistic elements.
Practise the grammatical Listen to and repeat a text numbering the pictures of the means CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
structure via oral of transport as they are mentioned (Listen and number). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
comprehension. elements of the context.
Practise the oral expression. Completion of an activity locating the means of transport in CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
the puzzle and writing the numbers next to them. Reproduction CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges
of the names taking turns with a classmate. Participation in a about familiar themes in easily predictable communication
game guessing the means of transport according to the number situations.
indicated (Look, find and write. Say. Play).
Consolidate the vocabulary. Completion of the picture dictionary from unit 3 in the CB AA AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
(Picture Dictionary picture dictionaries.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise colouring the puzzle according to colours of CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
lesson via writing and reading the dots and writing the words for each colour (Colour and
activities. write).
Do an AB exercise tracing the words and drawing a car in the CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
space; reading a voice bubble and drawing a lorry in the space; oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
looking at the picture and writing the corresponding sentence
(Trace and draw. Read and draw. Look and write).
Finish the lesson. Revision of the vocabulary indicating the means of transport SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
and the different places in the poster. Participation in the games adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Find it first! and Flashing a card using I can see a... (optional)

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 126

Unit 3 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2: Grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Reinforcement worksheet 1 foreign language.
- Extension worksheet 1
- Song worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 127

Unit 3 - Session 3 (45') - Lesson 3: Culture

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Listen to and repeat the song from lesson 2. Oral exchange CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic iPack
talking about visiting the city in some means of transport, and paralinguistic elements. TG p.66
showing the corresponding flashcards or wordcards (optional) CB pp.30, 83
UK culture: Learn about Visualisation of the cultural film In the city about a walk through CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present Tijeras
aspects of British culture. a city, in the iPack, indicating the means of transport as they are in the Anglo-Saxon world. Stapler
mentioned (Culture film). Flashcards
Recycle the contents of Observation of the photos saying the means of transport that CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges Wordcards
lessons 1 and 2 in the context they see in them (Look and say the transport). about familiar themes in easily predictable communication
of the real world. situations.
Listen to a recording numbering the pictures (Listen and CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
number). about familiar themes of interest.
Develop reading, writing and Preparation of the cultural mini-book cutting out the pages, CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present
fine motor skills. stapling them together and writing their name on it (Make your in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Personalise mini-book. Read the mini-book looking at the pictures. Realizacin de un CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
dibujo sobre ellos mismos en la ciudad and su medio de oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
transporte favorito.
Finish the lesson . Revision of the vehicles that appeared in the video. SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
Participation in the game Mini-book guesses about the adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
vocabulary of means of transport (optional)
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Culture worksheet foreign language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 128

Unit 3 - Session 4 (45') - Lesson 4: Everday language, values and pronunciation

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Play the game Please with the instructions Open your books! CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges iPack
Close your books!, etc. about the poster of classroom about familiar themes in easily predictable communication TG p.67
language. situations. CB p.31
Revision of the los means of transport that appeared in the AB p.24
cultural video with the flashcards, saying the order in which CD
they appear(optional) Flashcards
Introduction of everyday Revision of the cultural film commenting on what they CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign classroom
language in context: Lets remember and seeing it again (Culture film). language. language
stand up! Lets sit down!
Watch the film of everyday language in the iPack (Everyday CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
language film). language.
Listen to the text in the CD, indicating the photographs in the SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
book and repeating the language of everyday use (Listen, point foreign language.
and repeat).
Practise oral expression. Match the pictures in the two columns. Listen to the recording CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
checking the answers (Match. Listen, check and say). about familiar themes of interest.
Practise the oral expression. Choose one of the scenes and performance in small groups CL CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
(Choose a scene. Act it out).
Community Values: We are Oral exchange talking about the importance of being attentive SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
attentive and considerate. and considerate towards others (We are thoughtful). communication with other people.
Be aware of community values. Do an AB exercise colouring the pictures of the children doing CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
good deeds (Colour the thoughtful actions).
Do an AB exercise observing the picture and marking the words CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
for the objects that appear in it (Look and tick the words in the familiar and interesting themes.
Practise an English sound in Do an AB exercise listening to a chant and marking the correct CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the context of the unit: taxi, picture (Listen and tick). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
train. habitual communication contexts.
Do an AB exercise listening to and reciting the chant (Listen CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc.
again and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.
Finish the lesson . Participation again in the game Please adding more SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
instructions (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 129

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 130
Unit 3 - Session 5 (45') - Lesson 5: Story

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Flashcard story prediction (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.68
CB pp.32-33
Introduce the story . Participation in the game Jigsaw in the iPack to describe the CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. AB p.25
title of the story (Game). CD
Introduce the grammatical Visualisation of the story The museum story in the iPack (Story CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Flashcards
structure 2: (Dont) eat / run / animation). language. Wordcards
shout / walk.
Listen to the story . Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
book (Listen). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
elements of the context.
Revise the vocabulary . Location of the objects in the picture in the illustrations story , CEC CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
circling them and numbering them (Review. Find and circle. his/her voice.
Evaluate the story . Evaluation of the story choosing and colouring the number of SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
stars according to how much they liked it (Story club. Look and better.
Revise the comprehension of Do an AB exercise numbering the pictures in the order they CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
the story via an activity and appear in the story. Read the text in the box ticking what familiar and interesting themes.
Practise the reading and appears in the story frames (Number the pictures in order.
writing. Look, read and tick).
Remember, consolidate and Do an AB exercise drawing their own mask and describing the CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
personalise the story colours (Draw a mask).
Finish the lesson . Participation in the games Where's the story? with the whole SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
class and Pairs with the flashcards and wordcards (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 131

Unit 3 - Session 6 (45') - Lesson 6: Vocabulary and grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Memory chain with the flashcards and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
a Hidden picture saying I can see... (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.69
CB p.34
Revise the story and use the Answer the questions about the story from the previous lesson CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.26
grammar in context: (Dont) eat to check what students remember and visualise story again to language. CD
/ run / shout / walk. revise their answers (Story animation). Flashcards
Practise the vocabulary and Practise vocabulary and grammar playing Snap! in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. Wordcards
grammar via a game. (Game).
Introduction of the new vocabulary with the flashcards in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
iPack (optional) language.
Practise oral expression. Listen to the vocabulary in the CB indicating the actions in the CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
book illustration (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Listen to the numbers and say the action verbs corresponding CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
to each number (Listen and say the word). familiar themes of interest.
Practise the oral expression. Listen to a text identifying the actions described (Listen and say CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
the number). about familiar themes of interest.
Ding number in a game in pairs in which one student says an CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
action and the other says the corresponding number (Say.
Do an AB exercise following the line from each person and CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
writing the corresponding action (Follow and write). goal.
Do an AB exercise tracing the prohibition and preparing a CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
poster about class rules (Trace. Make a poster for your class.
Draw and write).
Finish the lesson . Participation in the games Please with the new contents of the SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
lesson and a Kim's game with the wordcards (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Reinforcement worksheet 2 goal.
- Extension worksheet 2
- Story worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 132

Unit 3 - Session 7 (45') - Lesson 7: Intercurricular content

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Traffic lights. Introduction of the SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
lesson theme talking about how to cross a road adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.70
CB p.35
Intercurricular theme: Learn Introduction of the Intercurricular theme Read safety in the form CMCT CMCT3. Match the fundamental elements and resources AB p.27
contents of other subjects via of a slide show in the iPack (Cross-curricular introduction). with the peoples lives CD
the foreign language (Road
safety): Social Sciences.
Practise the comprehension Observation of the pictures in the book, they listen to the CD CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
and oral expression of the recording and indicate the pictures (Look. Listen and point). about familiar themes of interest.
intercurricular vocabulary.
Listen to la recording, indicating the photographs in the book SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
and repeating the intercurricular vocabulary (Listen, point and communication with other people.
Extend the practice completing Completion of an activity numbering the pictures in correct CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
the activity in pencil. order (Number the pictures in order).
Completion of a drawing the correct symbols on the pictures CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
and saying the correct instructions for each (Draw and colour.
Develop the intercurricular skill. Do an AB exercise numbering the pictures and writing the CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
instructions in the correct order (Number the pictures in order.
Write the words in order).
Personalise the contents of the Do an AB exercise colouring the children in the picture who SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
lesson cross properly, and drawing themselves crossing safely (Look better.
and colour the children crossing safely. Draw yourself crossing
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game Opposites using negative instructions CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Cross-curricular worksheet goal.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 133

Unit 3 - Session 8 (45') - Lesson 8: Phonetics

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Wordshapes and as the word? SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
(optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.70
CB p.36
Introduce the pronunciation of Introduction of the sounds with the flashcards Phonetics in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
the sounds b, d, g, l, ll, v, w iPack (Phonics flashcards). language. Phonics
contents en: van, bull, dog, Reader
bag, wet.
Practise oral expression of the Participation in the game Stepping stones in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
sounds. 1).
Combine sounds to read new Introduction to the combination of sounds playing Phonics CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
words. blending and a Phonics match in the iPack (Game 2). language.
Reinforce the sounds and their Listen to and repeat the sounds indicating the letters (Listen, CEC CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
written form. point and repeat). his/her voice.
Listen to the sounds following the path from stone to stone, with CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the pencil, saying the route they have followed to the end accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
(Listen, follow and say). habitual communication contexts.
Reproduction of the sounds of the letters and Participation in CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
the game Stepping stones in the book saying alternative routes
(Say and play).
Practise the combination of Deciphering of the words van, bull, dog, bag, wet, breaking CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
sounds to read the words. them down into sounds then reading them out as complete accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
words. Repetition of the activity in pairs indicating finally the habitual communication contexts.
corresponding picture (Blend and read aloud. Point).
Improve reading via the Read the story the picnic in the Phonics Reader encouraging CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
phonetic method. students to pronounce the sounds, one by one and then familiar and interesting themes.
combine them to read the words of the picture book (Read your
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game Blending circle with the words SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
studied in the unit and iPack as reference (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Phonics sounds worksheet accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
- Phonics blending practice worksheet habitual communication contexts.
- Phonics mini-cards

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 134

Unit 3 - Session 9 (45') - Lesson 9: Revision

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral interaction discussing what they most liked in the unit and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
what they found easiest/most difficult. Participation in un game adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.71
with the flashcards or wordcards following instructions CB p.37
(optional) AB p.28
Consolidate the unit Watch the animated version of the revision song in the museum CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Flashcards
vocabulary and grammar. in the iPack (Review song animation). language. Wordcards
Revise the contents of lessons Participation in the game Rooftops review in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
1 and 2. 1).
Revise the contents of lesson Participation in the game Rooftops review in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
6. 2).
Practise comprehension and Listen to the revision song indicating the elements they know in CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
oral expression via a song the book illustrations (Listen and point.). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and reproduction of the revision song (Listen CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
and sing). and paralinguistic elements.
Have a model for the following Observe the picture and listen to the recording following it in the CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
activity. book (Listen and read). oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Personalise the unit contents Complete the activity drawing their favourite means of SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
transport, writing a simple text and commenting on it with better.
classmate or in front of the class (Draw. Show and say).
Revise the unit vocabulary Do an AB exercise completing the word search and writing the CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
words (Look, circle and write).
Do an AB exercise writing the sentences for each illustration CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
(Look and write). specific goal.
Assess ones own progress. Completion of the Self Evaluation de la unit in the AB (Look SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
and tick your favourite activity). foreign language.
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game Missing words with the songs or SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
rhymes from the unit. Watch the classs favourite video again adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Song worksheet and paralinguistic elements.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 135

Unit 3 - Session 9 (45') - Lesson 9: Revision

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Summative assessment. Completion of the Unit 3 Test. Todas TR

Develop digital competence. Online Learning Zone: CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign PC / Tablet
Free use of the Internet activities suggested for the unit. language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 136

Unit 4 - At the party

Unit 4 - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1: Vocabulary

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral exchange talking about families and different kinds of SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
families adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.73
Participation in the game Hello (optional) CB p.38
AB p.29
Introduce the key vocabulary1 Introduction of the vocabulary with the animation in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
(family): aunty, brother, dad, (Vocabulary animation). language. Flashcards
grandma, grandpa, mum,
sister, uncle. Practise the vocabulary playing Guess who! in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Introduction of the vocabulary of the family with the flashcards CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
in the iPack (optional) language.
Identify the vocabulary . Listen to the vocabulary in the CD indicating family members in CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
the book illustration (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Reproduce the vocabulary . Listen to the numbers of family members saying the vocabulary CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
corresponding to each number (Listen and say the word). familiar themes of interest.
Listen to a chant and stick the Listen to the chant of the activity Stick, stick, stick... while CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
stickers. sticking the stickers corresponding to the members of the family accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
(Sticker time. Listen and stick). habitual communication contexts.
Memorise the vocabulary via Listen to and repeat a chant with names of family members CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc.
repetition. (Listen and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise numbering family members according to the CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
lesson via writing and reading illustration and drawing and colouring the right hat on each familiar and interesting themes.
activities. afterwards (Look and number. Draw and colour the hats).
Finish the lesson . Oral interaction remembering the order in which Oscar's family SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
was introduced in the animation of the vocabulary, seeing it adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
again. Participation in the game Hello with the flashcards of the
family (optional)

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 137

Unit 4 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2: Grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Reveal and Hidden picture with the SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
flashcards and wordcards de the family (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.73
CB pp.39, 75
Introduce the grammatical Introduction of the grammatical structure and consolidation of CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.30
structure 1: This is my... the vocabulary with the animated version of the song This is my language. CD
(aunty). happy family in the iPack (Song animation). Flashcards
Practise the grammatical Practise the structure playing Silhouette match in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. Wordcards
structure. (Game).
Check understanding of the Listen to the song identifying the pictures in the book for each CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
grammatical structure. verse. accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and reproduction observing the pictures of the CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
family (Listen and point. Listen and sing). and paralinguistic elements.
Practise the grammatical Listen to and repeat a text numbering the pictures of family CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
structure via comprehension members as they are mentioned (Listen and number). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
oral. elements of the context.
Practise oral expression. Completion of an activity finding family members in the puzzle CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
and writing the numbers of the balloons next to the right faces CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges
Reproduction of the names taking turns with a classmate. about familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Participation in a guessing game saying the number of the situations.
balloon (Look and number. Say. Play).
Consolidate the vocabulary . Completion of the picture dictionary from unit 4 in the CB AA AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
(Picture Dictionary picture dictionaries.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise completing the sentences according to the CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
lesson via writing and reading numbers in the picture (Look and write). goal.
Do an AB exercise tracing and writing the sentences (Look, CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
trace and write). specific goal.
Finish the lesson . Revision of the vocabulary indicating the different places and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
family members in the poster. Participation in the games Find it adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
first! And Flashing a card using the structure this is my...

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 138

Unit 4 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2: Grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Reinforcement worksheet 1 specific goal.
- Extension worksheet 1
- Song worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 139

Unit 4 - Session 3 (45') - Lesson 3: Culture

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Listen to and repeat the song de la lesson 2. Oral exchange CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic iPack
talking about birthday parties(optional) and paralinguistic elements. TG p.74
CB pp.40, 81
UK culture: Learn about Watch the cultural filmMy birthday party about a birthday party, CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present CD
aspects of British culture. indicating family members as they are mentioned (Culture film). in the Anglo-Saxon world. Tijeras
Recycle the contents of Observation of the photos saying family members they see in CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges Stapler
lessons 1 and 2 in the context them (Look and say the family members). about familiar themes in easily predictable communication Flashcards
of the real world. situations. Toys
Listen to a recording numbering the pictures (Listen and CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
number). about familiar themes of interest.
Develop reading, writing and Preparation of the cultural mini-book cutting out the pages, CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present
fine motor skills. stapling them together and writing their name on it (Make your in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Personalise mini-book. Read the mini-book looking at the pictures. Draw a picture of SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
themselves at their birthday party, with a birthday cake and the better.
correct number of candles.
Finish the lesson . Participation in typical party games, like Musical chairs with the SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
vocabulary song and Pass the parcel with toys or unit adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
flashcards (optional)
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Culture worksheet oral fashion about familiar themes of interest

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 140

Unit 4 - Session 4 (45') - Lesson 4: Everday language, values and pronunciation

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Exchange of questions and answers with the flashcards about CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges iPack
the poster of classroom language, using the expression How do about familiar themes in easily predictable communication TG p.75
you say this in English?. situations. CB p.41
Revision of the characters who appear in the cultural video AB p.31
also saying the order in which they appear (optional) CD
Introduction of everyday Revision of the cultural film commenting on what they CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Poster
language in context: How old remember and seeing it again (Culture film). language. classroom
are you? Im (6). language
Watch the video of everyday language in the iPack (Everyday CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
language film). language. Flashcards

Listen to the text in the CD, indicating the photographs in the SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
book and repeating the language of everyday use (Listen, point foreign language.
and repeat).
Practise oral expression. Listen to the recording matching the pictures of the children CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
with their birthday cakes and drawing the correct number of about familiar themes of interest.
candles (Listen and match. Draw).
Practise the oral expression. Practise the questions and answers about their age, writing the CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges
results on the board (Ask and answer). about familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Community Values: We keep Oral exchange talking about the importance of keeping fit, the SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
fit. benefits of doing sport or active games (We're active). better.
Be aware of community values. Do an AB exercise colouring the pictures of the children who CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
keep fit (Look and colour the active children).
Do an AB exercise observing the picture and ticking the words CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
that appear in it (Look and tick the words in the pictures). familiar and interesting themes.
Practise an English sound in Do an AB exercise listening to a chant and marking the CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the context of the unit: mum, corresponding picture (Listen and tick). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
brother. habitual communication contexts.
Do an AB exercise listening to and reciting the chant (Listen CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc.
again and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 141

Unit 4 - Session 4 (45') - Lesson 4: Everday language, values and pronunciation

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Finish the lesson . Participation in the game Musical chairs using the vocabulary CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
song. Oral exchange asking each other their age and going to
the board to draw candles on a cake(optional)

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 142

Unit 4 - Session 5 (45') - Lesson 5: Story

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Flashcard story prediction (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.76
CB pp.42-43
Introduce the story. Participation in the game Jigsaw in the iPack to discover the CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. AB p.32
title of the story (Game). CD
Introduce the grammatical Visualisation of the story The party story in the iPack (Story CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Flashcards
structure 2: He / She can animation). language. Wordcards
(dance / jump / sing / skip).
Listen to the story. Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
book (Listen). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
elements of the context.
Revise the vocabulary. Location of the objects in the picture in the illustrations in the SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
story, circling them (Review. Find and circle). foreign language.
Evaluate the story. Evaluation of the story choosing and colouring the number of SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
stars according to how much they liked it (Story club. Look and better.
Revise the comprehension of Do an AB exercise numbering the scenes according to the CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
the story via an activity and order of the story and circling the correct option of the oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Practise the reading and sentences (Number the pictures in order. Read and circle).
Remember, consolidate and Do an AB exercise drawing their own birthday party and CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
personalise the story. completing the sentence with their age (Draw your party). SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
Finish the lesson. Participation in the games Where's the story? with all the class SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
and a Kim's game with the wordcards (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 143

Unit 4 - Session 6 (45') - Lesson 6: Vocabulary and grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Memory chain with the flashcards SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
and a Missing words using the structure He / She can... adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.77
guessing the words (optional) CB p.44
AB p.33
Revise the story and use the Answer the questions about the story from the previous lesson CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
grammar in context: He / She to check what students remember and visualise story again to language. Flashcards
can (dance / jump / sing / revise their answers (Story animation). Wordcards
Practise the vocabulary and Practise vocabulary and grammar playing Pairs in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
grammar via a game. (Game).
Introduction of the new vocabulary with the flashcards in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
iPack (optional) language.
Practise oral expression. Listen to the vocabulary in the CB indicating the action verbs in CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
the book illustration (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Listen to the numbers and say the actions corresponding to CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
each number (Listen and say the word). familiar themes of interest.
Practise the oral expression. Listen to a text identifying the number of the photos that are AA AA2. Uses basic comprehension strategies like grasping
described (Listen and say the number). the gist in oral texts with the aid of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Participation in a game in pairs in which one student describes CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
the action and another says the number (Say. Play).
Practise written expression Do an AB exercise joining the two parts of the drawing and CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
writing the action (Match and write). goal.
Do an AB exercise writing the name of the characters, tracing CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
the sentences and circling the correct one according to the specific goal.
picture and writing the sentence for the last picture (Who is it?
Write. Trace and circle. Write).
Finish the lesson. Participation in the game Please with the new contents from SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
the unit and a Mime saying He/She can... guessing (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Reinforcement worksheet 2 goal.
- Extension worksheet 2
- Story worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 144

Unit 4 - Session 7 (45') - Lesson 7: Intercurricular content

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Pairs with the wordcards. Introduction SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
of the lesson theme talking about growing and getting older adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.78
about whether they have older siblings or cousins, etc. CB p.45
AB p.34
Intercurricular theme: Learn Introduction of the Intercurricular theme Growing up in the form CMCT CMCT6. Identifica caractersticas de diferentes etapas de CD
contents of other subjects via of a slide show in the iPack (Cross-curricular introduction). la vida de las personas.
the foreign language (Growth):
Natural Sciences.
Practise the comprehension Observation of the pictures in the book, they listen to the CD CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
and oral expression of the recording indicating the photos (Look. Listen and point). about familiar themes of interest.
intercurricular vocabulary.
Listen to the recording, indicating the photographs in the book SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
and repeating the intercurricular vocabulary (Listen, point and communication with other people.
Extend the practice completing Observation of the large pictures, circling the corresponding CMCT CMCT6. Identifica caractersticas de diferentes etapas de
the activity in pencil. small picture; indicating and saying what they can do. Listen to la vida de las personas.
the actions described in the audio and act out with mime (Look
and circle. Point and say. Listen and do).
Practise the written expression Do an AB exercise numbering the pictures according to the CMCT CMCT6. Identifica caractersticas de diferentes etapas de
of the vocabulary. order of the things the children can do as they grow older (What la vida de las personas.
do children do first? Number the pictures in order).
Develop the intercurricular skill. Do an AB exercise drawing oneself at different ages, or sticking SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
photos, and writing what they could do at that age (Draw better.
yourself for your album. Write).
Finish the lesson. Participation in the game True or not true the pictures in the AA AA3. Use basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for
book; and a Mime using the actions studied in the lesson help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Cross-curricular worksheet oral fashion about familiar themes of interest

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 145

Unit 4 - Session 8 (45') - Lesson 8: Phonetics

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game whats the word? and a Silent sounds SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
(optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.79
CB p.46
Introduce the pronunciation of Introduction of the sounds with the flashcards Phonetics in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
the sounds j, f, k, ck, x, z iPack (Phonics flashcards). language. Phonics
contained in: jet, rocket, zip, Reader
fox, kitten.
Practise oral expression of the Participation in the game Stepping stones in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
sounds. 1).
Combine sounds to read new Introduction to the combination of sounds playing Phonics CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
words. blending and a Phonics match in the iPack (Game 2). language.
Reinforce the sounds and their Listen to and reproduce the sounds indicating the letters CEC CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
written form. (Listen, point and repeat). his/her voice.
Listen to the sounds following the path from stone to stone, with CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the pencil; reproduction of the route they have followed to the accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
end (Listen, follow and say). habitual communication contexts.
Reproduction of the sounds of the letters and Participation in CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
the game Stepping stones in the book saying alternative routes
(Say and play).
Practise the combination of Deciphering of the words jet, rocket, zip, fox, kitten breaking CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
sounds to read the words. them down into sounds then reading them as complete words. accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
Repetition of the activity in pairs indicating finally the habitual communication contexts.
corresponding picture (Blend and read aloud. Point).
Improve reading via the Read the story The ticket in the Phonics Reader encouraging CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
phonetic method. students to pronounce the sounds, one by one and then familiar and interesting themes.
combine them to read the words of the picture book (Read your
Finish the lesson. Participation in the game I hear with my little ear with the words SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
studied in the unit (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Phonics sounds worksheet accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
- Phonics blending practice worksheet habitual communication contexts.
- Phonics mini-cards

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 146

Unit 4 - Session 9 (45') - Lesson 9: Revision

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral interaction discussing what they most liked in the unit and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
what they found most easy/difficult. Participation en un game adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.79
with the flashcards following the teachers instructions(optional) CB p.47
AB p.35
Consolidate the unit Watch the animated version of the revision song This is my CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
vocabulary and grammar. sister in the iPack (Review song animation). language.
Revise the contents of lessons Participation in the game Rooftops review in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
1 and 2. 1).
Revise the contents of lesson Participation in the game Snap in the iPack (Game 2). CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Practise the comprehension Listen to the revision song indicating the elements they know in CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
and oral expression via a song the book illustrations (Listen and point.). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and reproduction of the revision song (Listen CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
and sing). and paralinguistic elements.
Have a model for the following Observe the picture and listen to the recording following it in the CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
activity. book (Listen and read). oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Personalise the unit contents Completion of the activity drawing a family member doing n SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
activity, writing a simple text and commenting on it with a better.
classmate or in front of the class (Draw. Show and say).
Revise the unit vocabulary Do an AB exercise completing the crossword with family CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
members from the picture and identifying the missing member
(Look and write. Who's missing? Write).
Do an AB exercise completing the sentences according to the CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
picture and circling the correct option; writing the missing specific goal.
sentence too (Look, circle and write).
Assess ones own progress. Completion of the Self Evaluation de la unit in the AB (Look SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
and tick your favourite activity). foreign language.
Finish the lesson. Participation in the game Join in the song. Watch the classs SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
favourite video again (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Song worksheet and paralinguistic elements.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 147

Unit 4 - Session 9 (45') - Lesson 9: Revision

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Summative assessment. Completion of the Unit 4 Test. Todas TR
Completion of the Term 2 Test. CD-ROM

Develop digital competence. Online Learning Zone: CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign PC / Tablet
Free use of the Internet activities suggested for the unit. language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 148

Revision story - City Adventures 2

City Adventures 2 - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Copy me with the actions from units SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
3 and 4 and Reveal with the flashcards and wordcards from adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.81
units 3 and 4 (optional) CB pp.48-49
AB p.36
Introduce the story Revision of the la primera parte de la story comentando lo que CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
recuerdan. Visualisation of the story City Adventures 2 in the language. Flashcards
iPack with the option 'Listen only'. Clicking on one of the Wordcards
frames, ask students to describe what happened in the story.
Revise the vocabulary and Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
grammar from units 3 and 4 in book, pausing and asking comprehension questions (Listen to specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
the context of a story. the story). elements of the context.
Do an AB exercise finding the words in the chain and circling CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
them (Read and circle). familiar and interesting themes.
Do an AB exercise finding the differences between the two CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
pictures and circling them; completing the sentences and specific goal.
circling the correct option between the two pictures for each
sentence (Circle the differences in picture B. Write and circle).
Revision of the vocabulary playing Picture race! in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
(Game). language.
Revise the sounds b, d, g, l, ll, Revision of the sounds playing Phonics match in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
v, w, j, f, k, ck, x, z (Game). language.
Finish the lesson. Participation in the game Pictionary with the wordcards from SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
units 3 and 4 (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches. TG, p.81
the unit contents. - Optional activity, choosing one or several frames from the
story and acting them out in small groups

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 149

City Adventures 2 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Pairs and Please with the flashcards SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
and wordcards from units 3 and 4 (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.82
CB pp.48-49
Revise the vocabulary and Revision of the la story City Adventures 2 in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.37
grammar from units 3 and 4 in discussing what they remember and clicking on the story language. CD
the context of a story. frames to check their answers Flashcards
Listen to the story. Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some Wordcards
book. Participation in the game Wrong lines (Listen to the specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
story). elements of the context.
Do an AB exercise mirando la ilustracin and completando las CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
words (Look and write). goal.
Do an AB exercise completing the sentences according to the CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
illustration(Look and write). specific goal.
Revision of the vocabulary playing Three in a row in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
iPack (Game). language.
Revise the sounds b, d, g, l, ll, Revision of the sounds playing Phonics match in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
v, w, j, f, k, ck, x, z (Game). language.
Finish the lesson. Participation in the game Missing words with the songs from CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
units 3 and 4 (optional) accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches. TG, p.82
the unit contents . - Optional activity, choosing one or several frames from the
story and acting them out in small groups

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Unit 5 - At the carnival

Unit 5 - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1: Vocabulary

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral Exchange talking about carnivals and bank holidays. SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
Participation in the game Let's count! (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.83
CB p.50
Introduce the key vocabulary1 Introduction of the vocabulary with the animation in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.38
(clothes ): cap, dress, jacket, (Vocabulary animation). language. CD
shoes, skirt, sunglasses, Flashcards
trousers, T-shirt Practise the vocabulary playing What's missing? in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Introduction of the vocabulary of items of clothing with the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
flashcards in the iPack (optional) language.
Identify the vocabulary. Listen to the vocabulary in the CD indicating the items of CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
clothing in the book illustration(Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Reproduce the vocabulary. Listen to the numbers of the items of clothing saying the CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
vocabulary corresponding to each number (Listen and say the familiar themes of interest.
Listen to a chant and stick the Listen to the activity chant Stick, stick, stick... while sticking the CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
stickers. stickers to the pictures corresponding to the items of clothing accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
(Sticker time. Listen and stick). habitual communication contexts.
Memorise the vocabulary via Listen to and repeat a chant with the names of the items of CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems , etc.
repetition. clothing (Listen and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise colouring the items of clothing according to CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
lesson via writing and reading the key and discovering the hidden word under each picture, goal.
activities. circling it and writing it (Read and colour. Circle and write).
Finish the lesson. Oral interaction remembering the item of clothing worn by each SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
character in the vocabulary animation, watch again. adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Participation in the game Stop! with the flashcards de la clothes

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 152

Unit 5 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2: Grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Mime and Pairs (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.84
CB pp.51, 76
Introduce the grammatical Introduction of the grammatical structure and consolidation of CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.39
structure 1: I'm wearing (a)... the vocabulary with the animated version of the song todays language. CD
the Carnival! In the iPack (Song animation). Flashcards
Practise the grammatical Practise the structure playing Guess! in the iPack (Game). CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Check understanding of the Listen to the song identifying the pictures in the book for each CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
grammatical structure. verse. accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and reproduction observing pictures of the CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
items of clothing (Listen and point. Listen and sin). and paralinguistic elements.
Practise the grammatical Listen to and repeat a text numbering the items of clothing as CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
structure via oral they are mentioned (Listen and number). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
comprehension. elements of the context.
Practise the oral expression. Completion of an activity drawing the other half of each CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
character. Reproduction of the names of clothing taking turns CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges
with a classmate. Participation in a game guessing the person about familiar themes in easily predictable communication
wearing the clothing described (Look and draw. Say. Play). situations.
Consolidate the vocabulary. Completion of the picture dictionary from unit 5 in the CB AA AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
(Picture Dictionary picture dictionaries.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise looking at the picture and writing sentences CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
lesson via writing and reading describing what each character is wearing (Look and write). specific goal.
Do an AB exercise drawing oneself at carnival and writing a SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
description of what one is wearing (Draw yourself at the better.
carnival. Write).
Finish the lesson. Revision of the l vocabulary indicating the different place and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
items of clothing in the poster. Participation in the games Find it adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
first! and Mime with the flashcards de la clothes (optional)

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 153

Unit 5 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2: Grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Reinforcement worksheet 1 specific goal.
- Extension worksheet 1
- Song worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 154

Unit 5 - Session 3 (45') - Lesson 3: Culture

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Listen to and sing the song from lesson 2. Oral exchange CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic iPack
talking about uniforms(optional) and paralinguistic elements. TG p.85
CB pp.52, 79
UK culture: Learn about Watch the cultural film my dance group about a dance group, in CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present CD
aspects of British culture. the iPack, indicating items of clothing as they are mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon world. Tijeras
(Culture film). Grapadora
Recycle the contents of Look at the pictures saying what items of clothing can be seen CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges
lessons 1 and 2 in the context (Look and say the clothes). about familiar themes in easily predictable communication
of the real world. situations.
Listen to a recording numbering the pictures (Listen and CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
number). about familiar themes of interest.
Develop reading, writing and Preparation of the cultural mini-book cutting out the pages, CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present
fine motor skills. stapling them together and writing their name on it(Make your in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Personalise mini-book. Read the mini-book looking at the pictures. Draw a picture of a CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
uniform for ones school, colouring it.
Finish the lesson. Creation of a fashion show, parading and describing what one SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
is wearing.. Creation of a school uniform voting for the best adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
design (optional)
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Culture worksheet specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
elements of the context.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 155

Unit 5 - Session 4 (45') - Lesson 4: Everyday language, values and pronunciation

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Exchange of questions and answers with the expressions CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges iPack
Can I borrow a pencil? Yes, here you are. etc. about the poster about familiar themes in easily predictable communication TG p.85
of classroom language. situations. CB p.53
Revision of the items of clothing that appeared in the cultural AB p.40
video(optional) CD
Introduction of everyday Revision of the cultural film commenting on what they CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Poster
language in context: Put remember and seeing it again (Culture film). language. classroom
your on! Take your off! language
See the video of everyday language in the iPack (Everyday CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
language film). language.
Listen to the text in the CD, indicating the photographs in the SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
book and repeating the language of everyday use (Listen, point foreign language.
and repeat).
Practise oral expression. Completion of an activity following the labyrinth between the CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
pictures practising the expressions Put on / Take off. Listen to about familiar themes of interest.
the recording and revise the answers (Follow and say. Listen
and check).
Practise oral expression. Representacin de las ilustraciones de la actividad mediante CL CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
mmica (Act out a scene).
Community Values: We are Oral exchange talking about friendship, if it is important, what SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
good friends. happens when it breaks, how it can be repaired, etc. (We're communication with other people.
Be aware of community values. Do an AB exercise colouring the children who behave like good SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
friends (Look and colour the good friends). foreign language.
Do an AB looking at the illustration and ticking the words that CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
appear in the drawing (Look and tick the words in the picture). familiar and interesting themes.
Practise an English sound in Do an AB exercise listening to a chant and marking the CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the context of the unit: happy, corresponding picture (Listen and tick). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
hooray. habitual communication contexts.
Do an AB exercise listening to and reciting the chant (Listen CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc.
again and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 156

Unit 5 - Session 4 (45') - Lesson 4: Everyday language, values and pronunciation

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Finish the lesson. Participation in a game about friendship and in the game SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
Please using the structures from the lesson (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 157

Unit 5 - Session 5 (45') - Lesson 5: Story

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Flashcard story prediction (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.86
CB pp.54-55
Introduce the story. Participation in the game Jigsaw in the iPack to discover the CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. AB p.41
title of the story (Game). CD
Introduce the grammatical Visualisation of the story The carnival story in the iPack (Story CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Flashcards
structure 2: Hes / Shes animation). language. Wordcards
(happy / hungry / sad / thirsty /
Listen to the story . Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
book (Listen). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
elements of the context.
Revise the vocabulary . Location of the objects in the picture in the illustrations story , SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
circling them and saying them (Review. Find and circle. Say). foreign language.
Evaluate the story . Evaluation of the story choosing and colouring the number of SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
stars according to how much they liked it(Story club. Look and better.
Revise the comprehension of Do an AB exercise ordering the scenes according to the story , CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
the story via an activity and reading the speech bubbles and joining them with the oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Practise the reading and corresponding scene(Number the pictures in order. Read and
writing. match).
Remember, consolidate and Do an AB exercise drawing the dancers clothes and ticking the CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
personalise the story . clothes the have drawn (Draw clothes on the dancer. Read and
Finish the lesson . Participation in the games Where's the story? with all the class SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
and a True or not true with the flashcards of the items of adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
clothing (optional)

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 158

Unit 5 - Session 6 (45') - Lesson 6: Vocabulary and grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Describe it and Who is it? SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
(optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.87
CB p.56
Revise the story and use the Answer the questions about the story from the previous lesson CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.42
grammar in context: (Hes / to check what students remember and visualise story again to language. CD
Shes) happy / hungry / sad / revise their answers (Story animation).
thirsty / tired.
Practise the vocabulary and la Practise vocabulary and grammar playing Snap! in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
grammar via a game. (Game).
Introduction of the new vocabulary with the flashcards in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
iPack (optional) language.
Practise oral expression. Listen to the vocabulary in the CB indicating the sensations in CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
the book illustration(Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Listen to the numbers and say the sensations corresponding to CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
each number (Listen and say the word). familiar themes of interest.
Practise oral expression. Listen to a text, identifying the sensation described (Listen and CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
say the number). about familiar themes of interest.
Participation in a game in pairs in which one student describes CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
a sensation and the other guesses the number (Say. Play).
Do an AB exercise completing the sentences with the CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
sensations according to the picture (Look and write). goal.
Do an AB exercise tracing the pictures and sentence and CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
writing the missing sentences and then ticking the picture specific goal.
describing how they feel (Draw and write. Tick how you feel).
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game Mime with the new contents from the SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
unit and in another game passing a ball and with the passer adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
representing the sensation described (optional)
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a TR CD-ROM
the unit contents . - Reinforcement worksheet 2 specific goal.
- Extension worksheet 2
- Story worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 159

Unit 5 - Session 7 (45') - Lesson 7: Intercurricular content

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in a game saying some sensations but miming AA AA3. Use basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for iPack
others so students identify the mistakes. Preparation of a list help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc. TG p.88
about possible indicators of sensations. CB p.57
AB p.43
Intercurricular theme: Learn Introduction of the Intercurricular theme Drawing faces in the CMCT CMCT5. Identify some species of living creatures. CD
contents of other subjects via form of a slide show in the iPack (Cross-curricular introduction).
the foreign language (draw
faces): Art.
Practise the comprehension Observation of the pictures in the book, they listen to the CD CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
and oral expression of the recording , indicating the photos (Look. Listen and point). about familiar themes of interest.
intercurricular vocabulary.
Listen to the recording, indicating the photographs in the book SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
and repeating the intercurricular vocabulary (Listen, point and communication with other people.
Extend the practice completing Completion of an activity completing the drawings , CL CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches.
the activity in pencil . indicating and describing emotions or feelings and
representing through mime the feelings and sensations
described in the recording (Draw and complete. Point and say.
Listen and do).
Practise the written expression Do an AB exercise completing the faces of the characters in CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
of the vocabulary . the drawing and completing the phrases according to their specific goal.
feelings (Look and draw. Write).
Develop the intercurricular skill Do an AB exercise drawing the face of how they feel and the CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
and personalise the contents of other face of a friend, circling He or she and completing the
the lesson . sentences (How do you feel today? Draw you and draw your
friend. Circle and write).
Finish the lesson . Participation in the games Picture race and Mime using the SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
sensations from the unit (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art. TR CD-ROM
the unit contents . - Cross-curricular worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 160

Unit 5 - Session 8 (45') - Lesson 8: Phonetics

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Silent words and Whispers SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
(optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.89
CB p.58
Introduce the pronunciation of Introduction of the sounds with the flashcards Phonetics in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
the sounds dr, fr, sk, sl, sw, iPack (Phonics flashcards). language. Phonics
and contents en: frog, skip, Reader
slug, swim, drum, yes
Practise oral expression of the Participation in the game Stepping stones in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
sounds . 1).
Combine sounds to read new Introduction to the combination of sounds playing Phonics CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
words. blending and a Phonics match in the iPack (Game 2). language.
Reinforce the sounds and their Listen to and reproduce the sounds indicating the CEC CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
written form. letters(Listen, point and repeat). his/her voice.
Listen to the sounds following the path from stone to stone, CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
with the pencil; reproduction of the route they have followed accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
to the end (Listen, follow and say). habitual communication contexts.
Reproduction of the sounds of the letters and Participation in CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
the game Stepping stones in the book saying alternative routes
(Say and play).
Practise the combination of Deciphering of the words frog, skip, slug, swim, drum, yes CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
sounds to read the words. breaking them down into sounds then reading them as accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
complete words. Repetition of the activity in pairs indicating habitual communication contexts.
finally the corresponding picture (Blend and read aloud. Point).
Improve reading via the Read the story Slug and Frog in the Phonics Reader CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
phonetic method. encouraging students to pronounce the sounds , one by one familiar and interesting themes.
and then combine them to read the words of the picture
book(Read your reader).
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game First sounds with the words studied SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
in the unit (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, TR CD-ROM
the unit contents . - Phonics sounds worksheet accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
- Phonics blending practice worksheet habitual communication contexts.
- Phonics mini-cards

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 161

Unit 5 - Session 9 (45') - Lesson 9: Revision

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral interaction discussing what they most liked in the unit and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
what they found most easy/difficult. Participation in the game adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.90
Picture race (optional) CB p.59
AB p.44
Consolidate the unit Watch the animated version of the revision song Im wearing a CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
vocabulary and grammar. jacket in the iPack (Review song animation). language.
Revise the contents of lessons Participation in the game Rooftops review in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
1 and 2. 1).
Revise the contents of lesson Participation in the game Rooftops review in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
6. 2).
Practise the comprehension Listen to the revision song indicating the elements they know in CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
and oral expression via a song the book illustrations (Listen and point.). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and reproduction of the revision song(Listen CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
and sing). and paralinguistic elements.
Have a model for the following Observe the picture and listen to the recording following it in the CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
activity. book(Listen and read). oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Personalise the unit contents Completion of the activity drawing themselves with their SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
favourite clothes, writing a simple text and commenting on it better.
with classmate or in front of the class (Draw. Show and say).
Revise the unit vocabulary Do an AB exercise ordering the letters to form words about CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
items of clothing and completing the sentences about the
pictures (Look and write).
Do an AB exercise drawing and colouring the clothes they are CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
wearing and writing their description, including the colours specific goal.
(What are you wearing today? Draw and write).
Assess ones own progress. Completion of the Self Evaluation of the unit in the AB (Look SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
and tick your favourite activity). foreign language.
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game Memory chain. Watch the classs SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
favourite video again (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic TR CD-ROM
the unit contents . - Song worksheet and paralinguistic elements.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 162

Unit 5 - Session 9 (45') - Lesson 9: Revision

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Summative assessment. Completion of the Unit 5 Test. Todas TR

Develop digital competence. Online Learning Zone: CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign PC / Tablet
Free use of the Internet activities suggested for the unit. language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 163

Unit 6 - At the picnic

Unit 6 - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1: Vocabulary

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral exchange talking about los picnics. SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
Participation in the game Count and say (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.91
CB p.60
Introduce the key vocabulary1 Introduction of the vocabulary with the animation in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.45
(comida): apples, cakes, eggs, (Vocabulary animation). language. CD
olives, sandwiches, sausages, Flashcards
strawberries, tomatoes. Practise vocabulary playing What's missing? in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Introduction of the vocabulary of food with the flashcards in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
iPack (optional) language.
Identify the vocabulary . Listen to the vocabulary in the CD indicating los food in the CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
book illustration(Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Reproduce the vocabulary . Listen to los numbers of the toys saying the l vocabulary CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
corresponding to each number (Listen and say the word). familiar themes of interest.
Listen to a chant and stick the Listen to the activity chant Stick, stick, stick... whilst sticking the CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
stickers. pictures corresponding to the pictures of the food (Sticker time. accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
Listen and stick). habitual communication contexts.
Memorise the vocabulary via Listen to and repeat a chant with the names of food (Listen CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems , etc.
repetition. and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise rodeando con un crculo las words de la CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
lesson via writing and reading cadena, trazando los dibujos and escribiendo las words debajo
activities. de cada ilustracin (Circle and draw. Write).
Finish the lesson . Oral interaction remembering the character carrying each food SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
in the animation of the vocabulary , watch again. Participation adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
in the game Flashing a card with the flashcards of the food

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 164

Unit 6 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2: Grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Reveal and Mystery item with plastic SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
food optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.91
CB pp.61, 76
Introduce the grammatical Introduction of the grammatical structure and consolidation of CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.46
structure 1: I like.... the vocabulary with the animated version of the song Come to language. CD
the picnic in the iPack (Song animation). Alimentos de
Practise the grammatical Practise the structure playing Guess! in the iPack (Game). CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. plstico
structure. (optional)

Check understanding of the Listen to the song identifying the pictures in the book for each CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
grammatical structure. verse. accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and observing pictures of food (Listen and CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
point. Listen and sing). and paralinguistic elements.
Practise the grammatical Listen to and repeat a text numbering pictures of food as it is CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
structure via oral mentioned (Listen and number). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
comprehension. elements of the context.
Practise the oral expression. Completion of an activity following the lines of the maze and SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
drawing the food on the plates. Reproduction de los names communication with other people .
taking turns with a classmate . Participation in a game
guessing the character who likes this food acceding to the
description (Follow and draw. Say. Play).
Consolidate the vocabulary . Completion of the picture dictionary from unit 6 in the CB AA AA1. Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
(Picture Dictionary picture dictionaries.
Reinforce language learnt in Do an AB exercise observing the drawing, numbering the CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
lesson via writing and reading character sand writing sentences about the food they like specific goal.
activities. (Look, number and write).
Finish the lesson . Revision of the vocabulary indicating the different places, SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
characters and foods in the poster. Participation in the games adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Find it first! and True or not true (optional)
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a TR CD-ROM
the unit contents . - Reinforcement worksheet 1 specific goal.
- Extension worksheet 1
- Song worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 165

Unit 6 - Session 3 (45') - Lesson 3: Culture

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Listen to and sing the song from lesson 2. Oral exchange CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic iPack
talking about growing fruit and vegetables (optional) and paralinguistic elements. TG p.92
CB pp.62, 77
UK culture: Learn about Watch the cultural film At the fruit and vegetables farm about CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present CD
aspects of British culture. growing fruit and vegetables on a farm, in the iPack, indicating in the Anglo-Saxon world. Tijeras
the food as it is mentioned (Culture film). Grapadora
Recycle the contents of Look at the photos saying the food they see in them (Look and CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges
lessons 1 and 2 in the context say the food). about familiar themes in easily predictable communication
of the real world. situations.
Listen to a recording numbering the pictures (Listen and CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
number). about familiar themes of interest.
Develop reading, writing and Preparation of the cultural mini-book cutting out the pages, CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present
fine motor skills. stapling them together and writing their name on it (Make your in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Personalise mini-book. Read the mini-book looking at the pictures. Draw a picture of CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
their favourite food and a picnic scene.
Finish the lesson . Draw a picture of their favourite picnic food, moving around the SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
class saying what they like and looking for a classmate who adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
likes the same. Participation in the game Mini-book guesses
about food vocabulary (optional)
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some TR CD-ROM
the unit contents . - Culture worksheet specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
elements of the context.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 166

Unit 6 - Session 4 (45') - Lesson 4: Everday language, values and pronunciation

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Observation of classroom language poster and act out CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. iPack
mealtime scene using the structures It's lunchtime! I like Ive TG p.93
finished! CB p.63
Revision of the food that appeared in the cultural AB p.47
video(optional) CD
Introduction of everyday Revision of the cultural film commenting on what they CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Poster of
language in context: Do you remember and seeing it again (Culture film). language. classroom
like apples / bananas / language
carrots / eggs / olives / Watch the video of everyday language in the iPack (Everyday CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
strawberries? Yes, I do. / No, I language film). language.
dont. I like apples, eggs,
strawberries, tomatoes
Listen to the text in the CD, indicating the photographs in the SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
book and repeating the language of everyday use (Listen, point foreign language.
and repeat).
Practise oral expression. Listen to the recording, ticking or crossing each illustration and SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
drawing a happy or sad face next to each depending on better.
whether or not they like the food (Listen and tick or cross. Draw
a smiley face or sad face for you).
Practise the oral expression. Practise the questions and answers about food (Ask and CL CL3.1. Participates in very controlled oral exchanges
answer). about familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Community Values: We eat Oral exchange talking about the importance of eating healthily, SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
healthily. having a balanced diet, etc. (We eat healthy food). communication with other people .
Be aware of community values Do an AB exercise colouring the healthy food in the picture CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
. (Colour the healthy food).
Do an AB exercise observing the picture and marking the food CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
in it (Look and tick the words in the picture). familiar and interesting themes.
Practise an English sound in Do an AB exercise listening to a chant and marking the CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the context of the unit: corresponding picture (Listen and tick). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
sandwiches, sausages. habitual communication contexts.
Do an AB exercise listening to and reciting the chant( Listen CL CL2.2. Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems , etc.
again and chant). with correct intonation and pronunciation.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 167

Unit 6 - Session 4 (45') - Lesson 4: Everday language, values and pronunciation

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Finish the lesson . Preparation of a survey about food likes, discussing the results. CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
Participation in the game Please (optional)

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 168

Unit 6 - Session 5 (45') - Lesson 5: Story

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Flashcard story prediction (optional) SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.94
CB pp.64-65
Introduce the story . Participation in the game Jigsaw in the iPack to discover the CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. AB p.48
title de la story (Game). CD
Introduce the grammatical Visualisation of the story The picnic story in the iPack (Story CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Flashcards
structure 2: I like / I dont like animation). language.
(cherries / grapes / oranges /
peaches / pears).
Listen to the story . Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
book (Listen). specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
elements of the context.
Revise the vocabulary . Location of the objects in the picture in the illustrations in the SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
story , circling them(Review. Find and circle). foreign language.
Evaluate the story . Evaluation of the story choosing and colouring the number of SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
stars according to how much they liked it (Story club. Look and better.
Revise the comprehension of Do an AB exercise ordering the scenes according to the order CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
the story via an activity and of the story reading the speech bubbles and adding them to the oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Practise the reading and corresponding scene(Number the pictures in order. Read and
writing. match).
Remember, consolidate and Do an AB exercise dibujndose en la escena de picnic con los SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
personalise the story . alimentos que les gustara comer and escribiendo los names better.
de los alimentos (Draw yourself at the picnic. Write).
Finish the lesson . Participation in the games Where's the story? with all the class SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
and Opposites (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 169

Unit 6 - Session 6 (45') - Lesson 6: Vocabulary and grammar

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Remember the film and Who is it? SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
(optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.95
CB p.66
Revise the story and use the Answer the questions about the story from the previous lesson CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.49
grammar in context: I like / I to check what students remember and visualise story again to language. CD
dont like (cherries / grapes / revise their answers(Story animation). Flashcards
oranges / peaches / pears). Wordcards
Practise the vocabulary and Practise vocabulary and grammar playing Pairs in el iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. Mixed
grammar via a game. (Game). fruit(optional)

Introduction of the new vocabulary with the flashcards in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
iPack (optional) language.
Practise oral expression. Listen to the vocabulary in the CB indicating the fruit in the CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
book illustration(Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Listen to the numbers and say the fruit corresponding to each CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
number (Listen and say the word). familiar themes of interest.
Practise oral expression. Complecin de la tabla segn la audicin. Realizacin de su CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
dibujo completando la tabla segn sus gustos sobre las frutas about familiar themes of interest.
(Listen and tick or cross. Draw and complete for you).
Participation in a game in pairs in which one student describes CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
a character's tastes and the other guesses who it is (Say. Play).
Do an AB exercise colouring the fruit according to the key, CMCT CMCT1. Counts to 10
counting the pieces of each type and writing the number and
the fruit (Colour, count and write).
Do an AB exercise completing sentences about the pictures CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
and drawing themselves nd completing sentence s about specific goal.
themselves (Look and write. Draw for you and write).
Finish the lesson . Participation en un game catando frutas a ciegas and diciendo SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
su sabor and si les gusta o no. Complecin of a tabla sobre los better.
resultados (optional)
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a TR CD-ROM
the unit contents . - Reinforcement worksheet 2 specific goal.
- Extension worksheet 2
- Story worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 170

Unit 6 - Session 7 (45') - Lesson 7: Intercurricular content

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Give out flashcards and wordcards of fruit to students so they CMCT CMCT3. Match fundamental elements and resources with iPack
form groups according to different categories. Introduction of peoples lives. TG p.96
the lesson theme talking about fruit CB p.67
AB p.50
Intercurricular theme: Learn Introduction of the Intercurricular theme A cherry tree in form of CMCT CMCT5. Identify some species of living creatures. CD
contents of other subjects via a slide show in the iPack (Cross-curricular introduction). Flashcards
the foreign language (a cherry Wordcards
tree): Natural Sciences.
Practise the comprehension Observation of illustrations in the book, they listen to the CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
and oral expression of the recording, indicating the photos (Look. Listen and Pont). about familiar themes of interest.
intercurricular vocabulary.
Listen to the recording, indicating the photographs in the book SC SC2. Values the foreign language as an instrument of
and repeating the vocabulary intercurricular (Listen, point and communication with other people.
Extend the practice completing Completion of an activity drawing the different phases of the CMCT CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions
the activity in pencil. cherry tree, indicating and saying the vocabulary (Look and to understand the world around us.
draw. Point and say).
Practise the written expression Do an AB exercise numbering the pictures in the correct order CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
of the vocabulary. (Look and number the pictures in order).
Develop the intercurricular skill. Do an AB exercise writing sentences about the pictures (Look CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
and write). specific goal.
Personalise the contents of the Do an AB exercise drawing the plant their favourite fruit grows CMCT CMCT4. Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions
lesson. on and completing the speech bubble (What's your favourite to understand the world around us.
fruit? Draw the plant and write).
Fins the lesson. Participation in the game Count and say using the vocabulary SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
from the lesson and a Traffic lights (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Cross-curricular worksheet specific goal.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 171

Unit 6 - Session 8 (45') - Lesson 8: Phonetics

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the game Silent words and a I hear with my SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
little ear (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.97
CB p.68
Introduce the pronunciation of Introduction of the sounds with the flashcards Phonetics in the CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
the sounds pl, qu, st, str, nd, iPack (Phonics flashcards). language. Phonics
ng, nt, lk, mp contained in: Reader
quick ant, strong ant, nest,
milk, plum, jump, pond.
Practise oral expression of the Participation in the game Stepping stones in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
sounds. 1).
Combine sounds to read new Introduction to the combination of sounds playing Phonics CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
words. blending and a Phonics match in the iPack (Game 2). language.
Reinforce the sounds and their Listen to and reproduce the sounds indicating the letters CEC CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
written form. (Listen, point and repeat). his/her voice.
Listen to the sounds following the path from stone to stone, with CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
the pencil; reproduction of the route they have followed to the accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
end (Listen, follow and say). habitual communication contexts.
Reproduction of the sounds of the letters and Participation in CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
the game Stepping stones in the book saying alternative routes
(Say and play).
Practise the combination of Deciphering of the words quick ant, strong ant, nest, milk, plum, CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
sounds to read the words. jump, pond breaking them down into sounds and then reading accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
them as complete words. Repetition of the activity in pairs habitual communication contexts.
indicating finally the corresponding picture (Blend and read
aloud. Point).
Improve reading via the Read the story The ants in the Phonics Reader encouraging CL CL4.1. Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
phonetic method. students to pronounce the sounds, one by one and then familiar and interesting themes.
combine them to read the words of the picture book (Read your
Finish the lesson. Participation in the game Blending circle with the words SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
studied in the unit (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 172

Unit 6 - Session 8 (45') - Lesson 8: Phonetics

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Phonics sounds worksheet accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
- Phonics blending practice worksheet habitual communication contexts.
- Phonics mini-cards

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 173

Unit 6 - Session 9 (45') - Lesson 9: Revision

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral interaction discussing what they most liked in the unit and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
what they found most easy/difficult. Participation in the game adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.98
Hidden picture (optional) CB p.69
AB p.51
Consolidate the unit Watch the animated version of the revision song I don't like CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
vocabulary and grammar. eggs in the iPack (Review song animation). language.
Revise the contents of lessons Participation in the game Rooftops review in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
1 and 2. 1).
Revise the contents of lesson Participation in the game Rooftops review in the iPack (Game CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
6. 2).
Practise the comprehension Listen to the revision song indicating the elements they know in CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
and oral expression via a song the book illustrations (Listen and point.). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Second listening and reproduction of the revision song (Listen CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic
and sing). and paralinguistic elements.
Have a model for the following Observe the picture and listen to the recording following it in the CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
activity. book (Listen and read). oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Personalise the unit contents Complete the activity drawing their favourite food, writing a SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
simple text and commenting on it with classmate or in front of better.
the class (Draw. Show and say).
Revise the unit vocabulary Do an AB exercise completing the word search, writing the CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
word under each picture and drawing a smiling or sad face
depending on whether they like the food (Circle and write. Draw
smiley face and or face for you).
Do an AB exercise drawing two foods they like and two they SIEE SIEE2. Identifies personal aspects which help one learn
don't and completing the sentences (Draw 2 foods you like and better.
2 foods you don't like. Write).
Assess ones own progress. Completion of the Self Evaluation de la unit in the AB (Look SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
and tick your favourite activity). foreign language.
Finish the lesson. Participation in the game Whispers. Watch the classs favourite SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
video again (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 174

Unit 6 - Session 9 (45') - Lesson 9: Revision

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.1. Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Song worksheet and paralinguistic elements.
Summative assessment. Completion of the Unit 6 Test. Todas TR
Completion of the Term 3 Test. CD-ROM
Completion of the End of year test.

Develop digital competence. Online Learning Zone: CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign PC / Tablet
Free use of the Internet activities suggested for the unit. language.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 175

Revision story - City Adventures 3

City Adventures 3 - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Find the word and Word dictation SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
with the vocabulary from units 5 and 6 (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.99
CB pp.70-71
Introduce the story Revision of the previous episodes discussing what they CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.52
remember Visualisation of the story City Adventures 3 in the language. CD
iPack with the option 'Listen only'. Clicking one of the frames,
ask students to describe what is happening in the story.
Revise the vocabulary and la Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
grammar from units 5 and 6 in book, pausing to ask comprehension questions (Listen to the specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
the context of a story. story). elements of the context.
Do an AB exercise completing the labels according to the CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
illustration and colouring the clothes according to the sentences specific goal.
(Look and write. Read and colour).
Do an AB exercise writing the numbers next to each description CL CL4.2. Reads simple sentences introduced previously in
according to the illustration (Look, read and number). oral fashion about familiar themes of interest
Revision of the vocabulary playing Picture race! in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
(Game). language.
Revise the sounds dr, fr, sk, Revision of the sounds playing Phonics match in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
sl, sw, y, pl, qu, st, str, nd, (Game). language.
ng, nt, lk, mp
Finish the lesson. Participation in the game Opposites with the structure like / I SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
don't like and the vocabulary from units 1-6 (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches. TG, p.99
the unit contents. - Optional activity, choosing one or several frames from the
story and acting them out in small groups

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 176

City Adventures 3 - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Word race with the flashcards and SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches iPack
wordcards from units 5 and 6, and Describe it with the adjusting performance to relationship with classmates. TG p.99
vocabulary from units 1-6 (optional) CB pp.70-71
AB p.53
Revise the vocabulary and la Revision of the la story City Adventures 3 in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign CD
grammar from units 5 and 6 in discussing what they remember and clicking on the story language. Flashcards
the context of a story. frames to check their answers Wordcards
Listen to the story. Listen to the story on the CD following it with the pictures in the CL CL1.3. Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
book. Participation in the game Missing words (Listen to the specific details with the help of linguistic and non-linguistic
story). elements of the context.
Do an AB exercise following the lines and writing the words CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
(Follow and write). goal.
Does an AB exercise completing the text according to the table CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a
(Look and write). specific goal.
Revision of the vocabulary playing Three in a row in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
(Game). language.
Revise the sounds dr, fr, sk, Revision of the sounds playing Phonics match in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
sl, sw, y, pl, qu, st, str, nd, (Game). language.
ng, nt, lk, mp
Finish the lesson . Participation in the game Join in the song with the songs from CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
units 5 and 6 (optional) accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL2.3. Participates in simple sketches. TG, p.100
the unit contents . - Optional activity, choosing one or several frames from the
story and acting them out in small groups

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 177

Festivals - Halloween

Halloween - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral exchange talking about the celebration of Halloween. CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present iPack
Participation in the game Mime (optional) in the Anglo-Saxon world. TG p.101
CB p.72
Introduce the vocabulary of Introduction of the vocabulary with the animation in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.54
Halloween: bat, ghost, (Vocabulary animation). language. CD
Halloween, monster, pumpkin,
rat, witch. Practise vocabulary playing Halloween guess! in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Introduction of the vocabulary with the flashcards in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
(optional) language.
Identify the vocabulary . Listen to the vocabulary in the CD indicating the elements of CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
Halloween in the book illustration (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Cantar una cancin de Listen to and repeat the song A party for Halloween! (Listen CEC CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
Halloween. and sing). his/her voice.
Listen to the recording saying which person is going to dress up CL CL1.2. Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
as each Halloween creature or object (Listen and play 'Who is about familiar themes of interest.
Trace the silhouettes and say the words (Complete and say). CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present
in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Dibujar un disfraz. Realizacin de un dibujo de un disfraz de Halloween real o CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
imaginario, describindolo (Draw).
Do an AB exercise colouring the costumes according to the key CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
(Look and colour).
Do an AB exercise drawing the other half of the pictures and CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
ticking the right word (Draw. Trace and tick).
Finish the lesson . Revision of the vocabulary remembering which person was SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
wearing which costume Participation in the game Traffic lights adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 178

Halloween - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Participation in the games Hello and Who is it? (optional) CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. iPack
TG p.102
Revise the vocabulary about Revision of the vocabulary with the animation in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign TR CD-ROM
Halloween: bat, ghost, (Vocabulary animation). language. Tijeras
Halloween, monster, pumpkin, Goma /
rat, witch. Practise vocabulary playing Halloween guess! in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
(Game). palitos para las
Prepares r una manualidad Preparation of a monster mask, decorate it, cutting it out and CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
de Halloween. attaching elastic or a stick Participation in the game Who is it?
with the mask on guess who is wearing it.
Finish the lesson. Celebracin of a pequea fiesta de Halloween. Participation in CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present
the game Join in the song (optional) in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Reinforcement worksheet specific goal.
- Extension worksheet
- Song worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 179

Festivals - Christmas

Christmas - Session 1 (45') - Lesson 1

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Oral exchange talking about Christmas CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present iPack
Participation in the game Let's count (optional) in the Anglo-Saxon world. TG p.103
CB p.73
Introduce the Xmas Introduction of the vocabulary with the animation in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign AB p.55
vocabulary: carrot, mince pie, (Vocabulary animation). language. CD
present, star, stocking, tree,
Im... Practise vocabulary playing Christmas dot to dot in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Introduction of the vocabulary with the flashcards in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign
(optional) language.
Identify the vocabulary. Listen to the vocabulary in the CD indicating the elements of CL CL1.1. Identifies words, introduced previously, about
Christmas in the book illustration (Listen, point and repeat). familiar themes of interest.
Cantar una cancin de Listen to and repeat the song Happy Christmas! (Listen and CEC CEC3. Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
navidad. sing). his/her voice.
Listen to los numbers saying the corresponding words (Listen SIEE SIEE1. Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
and say the word). foreign language.
Trace the silhouettes and say the words (Complete and say). CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present
in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Listen to and do a colour Listen to a dictation colouring the pictures according to the CL CL1.4. Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm,
dictation. recording (Listen and colour). accentuation and intonation of expressions that appear in
habitual communication contexts.
Do an AB exercise colouring the picture as they choose and CMCT CMCT2. Resolves simple problems.
completing the key according to colours of their pictures
(Colour the picture. Complete the ley).
Do an AB exercise identifying the pictures and writing the name CL CL5.1. Writes words based on models and with a specific
of each object (Find and write). goal.
Finish the lesson. Write a thank you letter to Father Christmas. Participation in CEC CEC1. Recognises certain cultural manifestations present
the game Pass the parcel (optional) in the Anglo-Saxon world.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 180

Christmas - Session 2 (45') - Lesson 2

Objectives Activities CCBB INDICATORS Resources

Start the lesson. Practise the greeting Happy Christmas! The whole class CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches. iPack
Participation in a game of guessing the vocabulary (optional) TG p.104
Revise the vocabulary related Revision of the vocabulary with the cartoon in the iPack CD CD1. Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign Tijeras
to Halloween: bat, ghost, (Vocabulary animation). language. Cuerda
Halloween, monster, pumpkin,
rat, witch. Practise vocabulary playing Christmas dot to dot in the iPack CEC CEC4. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.
Prepares r una manualidad Preparation of a cut-out Christmas star, decorating it, cutting it CEC CEC2. Creates simple works of art.
de Navidad. out and attaching a piece of string. Exhibit the stars in the
Finish the lesson. Act out giving and receiving a Christmas present. Participation SC SC1. Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
in the game Missing words (optional) adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Revise, consolidate and extend Reinforcement and extension activities: CL CL5.2. Writes sentences based on models and with a TR CD-ROM
the unit contents. - Reinforcement worksheet specific goal.
- Extension worksheet
- Song worksheet

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 181

6. Annex I: Assessment rubric by competences

Starter Unit - Welcome to Park Street

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t


Identifies words, introduced previously, about familiar

themes of interest.
Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
about familiar themes of interest.
Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
specific details with the help of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, accentuation
and intonation of expressions that appear in habitual
communication contexts.
Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic and
paralinguistic elements.
Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc. with
correct intonation and pronunciation.
Participates in simple sketches.
Participates in very controlled oral exchanges about
familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
about familiar and interesting themes

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 182

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Reads simple sentences introduced previously in oral

fashion about familiar themes of interest
Writes words based on models and with a specific
Writes sentences based on models and with a
specific goal.
Counts to 10
Resolves simple problems.
Matches fundamental elements and resources with the
life of the people.
Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions to
understand the world around us.
Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
picture dictionaries.
Uses basic comprehension strategies like grasping the
gist in oral texts with the aid of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Use basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for
help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc.
Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 183

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Values the foreign language as an instrument of

communication with other people.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
foreign language.
Identifies personal aspects which help one learn better.
Cultural awareness and expressions
Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in
the Anglo-Saxon world.
Creates simple works of art.
Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
his/her voice.
Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 184

Unit 1 - In the park

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t


Identifies words, introduced previously, about familiar
themes of interest.
Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
about familiar themes of interest.
Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
specific details with the help of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, accentuation
and intonation of expressions that appear in habitual
communication contexts.
Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic and
paralinguistic elements.
Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc. with
correct intonation and pronunciation.
Participates in simple sketches.
Participates in very controlled oral exchanges about
familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
about familiar and interesting themes

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 185

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Reads simple sentences introduced previously in oral

fashion about familiar themes of interest
Writes words based on models and with a specific
Writes sentences based on models and with a
specific goal.
Counts to 10
Resolves simple problems.
Matches fundamental elements and resources with the
life of the people.
Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions to
understand the world around us.
Identify some species of living creatures.
Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
picture dictionaries.
Uses basic comprehension strategies like grasping the
gist in oral texts with the aid of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Use basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for
help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 186

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Participates in and enjoys games and sketches

adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Values the foreign language as an instrument of
communication with other people.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
foreign language.
Identifies personal aspects which help one learn better.
Cultural awareness and expressions
Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in
the Anglo-Saxon world.
Creates simple works of art.
Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
his/her voice.
Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 187

Unit 2 - By the river

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t


Identifies words, introduced previously, about familiar
themes of interest.
Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
about familiar themes of interest.
Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
specific details with the help of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, accentuation
and intonation of expressions that appear in habitual
communication contexts.
Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic and
paralinguistic elements.
Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc. with
correct intonation and pronunciation.
Participates in simple sketches.
Participates in very controlled oral exchanges about
familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
about familiar and interesting themes

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 188

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Reads simple sentences introduced previously in oral

fashion about familiar themes of interest
Writes words based on models and with a specific
Writes sentences based on models and with a
specific goal.
Counts to 10
Resolves simple problems.
Matches fundamental elements and resources with the
life of the people.
Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions to
understand the world around us.
Identify some species of living creatures.
Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
picture dictionaries.
Uses basic comprehension strategies like grasping the
gist in oral texts with the aid of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Use basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for
help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 189

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Participates in and enjoys games and sketches

adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Values the foreign language as an instrument of
communication with other people.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
foreign language.
Identifies personal aspects which help one learn better.
Cultural awareness and expressions
Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in
the Anglo-Saxon world.
Creates simple works of art.
Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
his/her voice.
Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 190

Unit 3 - In the city

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t


Identifies words, introduced previously, about familiar
themes of interest.
Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
about familiar themes of interest.
Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
specific details with the help of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, accentuation
and intonation of expressions that appear in habitual
communication contexts.
Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic and
paralinguistic elements.
Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc. with
correct intonation and pronunciation.
Participates in simple sketches.
Participates in very controlled oral exchanges about
familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
about familiar and interesting themes

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 191

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Reads simple sentences introduced previously in oral

fashion about familiar themes of interest
Writes words based on models and with a specific
Writes sentences based on models and with a
specific goal.
Counts to 10
Resolves simple problems.
Matches fundamental elements and resources with the
life of the people
Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions to
understand the world around us.
Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
picture dictionaries.
Uses basic comprehension strategies like grasping the
gist in oral texts with the aid of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Use basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for
help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc.
Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 192

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Values the foreign language as an instrument of

communication with other people.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
foreign language.
Identifies personal aspects which help one learn better.
Cultural awareness and expressions
Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in
the Anglo-Saxon world.
Creates simple works of art.
Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
his/her voice.
Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 193

Unit 4 - At the party

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t


Identifies words, introduced previously, about familiar
themes of interest.
Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
about familiar themes of interest.
Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
specific details with the help of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, accentuation
and intonation of expressions that appear in habitual
communication contexts.
Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic and
paralinguistic elements.
Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc. with
correct intonation and pronunciation.
Participates in simple sketches.
Participates in very controlled oral exchanges about
familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
about familiar and interesting themes

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 194

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Reads simple sentences introduced previously in oral

fashion about familiar themes of interest
Writes words based on models and with a specific
Writes sentences based on models and with a
specific goal.
Counts to 10
Resolves simple problems.
Matches fundamental elements and resources with the
life of the people.
Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions to
understand the world around us.
Identifica caractersticas de diferentes etapas de la
vida de las personas
Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
picture dictionaries.
Uses basic comprehension strategies like grasping the
gist in oral texts with the aid of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Use basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for
help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 195

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Participates in and enjoys games and sketches

adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Values the foreign language as an instrument of
communication with other people.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
foreign language.
Identifies personal aspects which help one learn better.
Cultural awareness and expressions
Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in
the Anglo-Saxon world.
Creates simple works of art.
Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
his/her voice.
Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 196

Unit 5 - At the carnival

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t


Identifies words, introduced previously, about familiar
themes of interest.
Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
about familiar themes of interest.
Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
specific details with the help of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, accentuation
and intonation of expressions that appear in habitual
communication contexts.
Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic and
paralinguistic elements.
Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc. with
correct intonation and pronunciation.
Participates in simple sketches.
Participates in very controlled oral exchanges about
familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
about familiar and interesting themes

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 197

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Reads simple sentences introduced previously in oral

fashion about familiar themes of interest
Writes words based on models and with a specific
Writes sentences based on models and with a
specific goal.
Counts to 10
Resolves simple problems.
Matches fundamental elements and resources with the
life of the people.
Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions to
understand the world around us.
Identify some species of living creatures.
Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
picture dictionaries.
Uses basic comprehension strategies like grasping the
gist in oral texts with the aid of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Use basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for
help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 198

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Participates in and enjoys games and sketches

adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Values the foreign language as an instrument of
communication with other people.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
foreign language.
Identifies personal aspects which help one learn better.
Cultural awareness and expressions
Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in
the Anglo-Saxon world.
Creates simple works of art.
Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
his/her voice.
Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 199

Unit 6 - At the picnic

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t


Identifies words, introduced previously, about familiar
themes of interest.
Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
about familiar themes of interest.
Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
specific details with the help of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, accentuation
and intonation of expressions that appear in habitual
communication contexts.
Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic and
paralinguistic elements.
Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc. with
correct intonation and pronunciation.
Participates in simple sketches.
Participates in very controlled oral exchanges about
familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
about familiar and interesting themes

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 200

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Reads simple sentences introduced previously in oral

fashion about familiar themes of interest
Writes words based on models and with a specific end.
Writes sentences based on models and with a
specific goal.
Mathematical, scientific and technological
Counts to 10
Resolves simple problems.
Matches fundamental elements and resources with the
life of the people
Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions to
understand the world around us.
Identify some species of living creatures.
Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
picture dictionaries.
Uses basic comprehension strategies like grasping the
gist in oral texts with the aid of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Use basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for
help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc.
Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 201

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Values the foreign language as an instrument of

communication with other people.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
foreign language.
Identifies personal aspects which help one learn better.
Cultural awareness and expressions
Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in
the Anglo-Saxon world.
Creates simple works of art.
Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
his/her voice.
Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 202

General Assessment

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t


Identifies words, introduced previously, about familiar
themes of interest.
Identifies simple sentences, introduced previously,
about familiar themes of interest.
Grasps the gist of oral texts and identifies some
specific details with the help of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Recognises aspects of sound, rhythm, accentuation
and intonation of expressions that appear in habitual
communication contexts.
Sings a song making appropriate use of linguistic and
paralinguistic elements.
Recites chants, tongue twisters, short poems, etc. with
correct intonation and pronunciation.
Participates in simple sketches.
Participates in very controlled oral exchanges about
familiar themes in easily predictable communication
Reads words introduced previously in oral fashion
about familiar and interesting themes

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 203

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t

Reads simple sentences introduced previously in oral

fashion about familiar themes of interest
Writes words based on models and with a specific
Writes sentences based on models and with a
specific goal.
Mathematical, scientific and technological
Counts to 10
Resolves simple problems.
Matches fundamental elements and resources with the
life of the people
Applies very basic scientific concepts and notions to
understand the world around us.
Identify some species of living creatures.
Identifica caractersticas de diferentes etapas de la
vida de las personas.
Uses the digital medium to learn the foreign language.
Use basic strategies to learn to learn, such as using
picture dictionaries.
Uses basic comprehension strategies like grasping the
gist in oral texts with the aid of linguistic and non-
linguistic elements of the context.
Use basic strategies of interaction, such as asking for
help, accompanying communication with gestures, etc.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 204

C Co
o nse
n gui
s do
C o
e con
o n
g niv
n s
N u el
s e
o i alto
e g
Cu d
g u
Wr Pr ad c o
ui i
ittt ue er (Ot
ser rtf d d
en ba no ros n c
vac oli o o
tes or de ) s o
in o c t
t al cla e n
o o
se g
n t
u n
ni a
i i
v l
d v
el m
o e
b e
aj n
o t


Participates in and enjoys games and sketches
adjusting performance to relationship with classmates.
Values the foreign language as an instrument of
communication with other people.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
Shows interest and curiosity regarding learning the
foreign language.
Identifies personal aspects which help one learn better.
Cultural awareness and expressions
Recognises certain cultural manifestations present in
the Anglo-Saxon world.
Creates simple works of art.
Reproduces patterns of rhythm and melody with
his/her voice.
Participates in and enjoys games and sketches.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 205

7. Annex II: Common European Reference Framework CEF

7.1. The Portfolio in our project

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) is a description of linguistic
competence in six levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. The contents of English for primary
correspond approximately with the first two. The indicators have been drawn up to help both
students and teachers normalise assessment processes.
The texts, tasks and functions of the text book have been carefully selected to include the linguistic
skills underlined in the lower levels of the CEF.
The Portfolio, proposed by the Council of Europe, is a folder kept by students in which they detail
their experiences with regard to languages and language learning

This includes the student's mother tongue, as well as any other language he/she has had contact
with. The portfolio comprises the following elements:

A linguistic biography:
A list in which students evaluate their linguistic skills in terms of what they can do: What I
can do.
Tools to help students identify their learning style and their objectives.
A list of learning activities to perform outside class.

Un pasaporte lingstico
A global evaluation of the student's linguistic skills based on the indicators of the CEF.
A brief report about language learning both inside and outside the classroom.
Una lista de certificados and ttulos.

Un dossier lingstico:
A collection of the student's work, from written tasks to recordings and projects.

In synthesis the biography details daily experiences in the in using and learning the language, the
passport summarises these experiences and the dossier is the evidence of the experiences

In the Teachers Resource CD-ROM there are photocopiable material and evaluation sheets for
each unit for students to complete a biography of language learning, with particular reference to
the contents of the student's book.
When students have completed these sheets, the teacher will collect them and keep them to be
returned at the end of the year. At that stage, teachers will be asked to consult the CEF indicators
and to decide the level attained by students during the year in general terms.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 206

7.2. Global asssessment

Name: ____________________________
Nationality: ________________________
Mother tongue: _____________________
Date: ______________________________

Assessment of the different skills in the foreign language. Tick () or cross (x) for each level A1 or
A2 according to the description of each skill.

A1 A2

A1 A2
Listening Is able to identify words of normal usage Is able to understand the most usual
and simple sentences about oneself, sentences and vocabulary about themes of
ones family and ones immediate personal interest (like very basic personal and
surroundings when spoken to clearly and family information, shopping, place of
slowly. residence, profession). Puede captar la idea
principal de mensajes and anuncios sencillos,
breves and claros.
Reading Is able to understand well-known names, Is able to read very short and simple texts.
words and very simple sentences, for Can find specific and predictable information in
example, in adverts and posters or simple everyday texts like adverts, menus and
catalogues. timetables and understands short, simple
personal letters.
Conversation Is able to interact in a simple way if the Is able to communicate in simple, habitual
(Oral other person is prepared to repeat or tasks that require an exchange of simple and
interaction) rephrase what they have said more direct information about everyday themes and
slowly and help him/her formulate what activities. Can undertake very brief social
they are trying to say. Knows how to ask exchanges, despite normally not being able to
and answer simple questions about understand enough to maintain a conversation
matters of immediate need or everyday oneself
Speaking Is able to use simple expressions and Is able to begin a series of expressions and
(Oral sentences to describe the place where sentences to describe in simple terms ones
production) one lives and the people one knows. family and other people, their living conditions,
their formation and their current or most recent
Writing Is able to write short, simple postcards, Is able to write short and simple notes and
for example, to send congratulations. messages related to issues of immediate
Knows how to fill in forms with personal need. Can write a very simple personal letter,
data, for example their name, nationality for example thanking somebody.
and address in a hotel register.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 207

7.3. End-of-year Self-Assessment

Name: ___________________________
Nationality: _______________________
First language: ____________________
Date: ____________________________

Evaluate your language ability in each skill area. Read the descriptions of language skills for levels
A1 or A2. Then put ticks () or crosses (x) in the table.

A1 A2

A1 A2
Listening I can recognise familiar words and very I can understand phrases and the highest
basic phrases concerning myself, my frequency vocabulary related to areas of most
family and immediate concrete immediate personal relevance (e.g. very basic
surroundings when people speak slowly personal and family information, shopping,
and clearly. local area, employment). I can catch the main
point in short, clear, simple messages and
Reading I can understand familiar names, words I can read very short, simple texts. I can find
and very simple sentences, for example specific, predictable information in simple
on notices and posters or in catalogues. everyday material such as advertisements,
prospectuses, menus and timetables and I can
understand short simple personal letters.
Conversation I can interact in a simple way provided I can communicate in simple and routine tasks
(Oral the other person is prepared to repeat or requiring a simple and direct exchange of
interaction) rephrase things at a slower rate of information on familiar topics and activities. I
speech and help me formulate what Im can handle very short social exchanges, even
trying to say. I can ask and answer though I cant usually understand enough to
simple questions in areas of immediate keep the conversation going myself.
need or on very familiar topics.
Speaking I can use simple phrases and sentences I can use a series of phrases and sentences to
(Oral to describe where I live and people I describe in simple terms my family and other
production) know. people, living conditions, my educational
background and my present or most recent
Writing I can write a short, simple postcard, for I can write short, simple notes and messages
example sending holiday greetings. I can relating to matters in areas of immediate need.
fill in forms with personal details, for I can write a very simple personal letter, for
example entering my name, nationality example thanking someone for something.
and address on a hotel registration form.

Oxford Rooftops 1 Oxford University Press 208

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