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Form 1 Band 1 Name: _____________________________________ Class:_________

a) Fill in the blanks with the words given below

Thank you happy birthday sorry sick birthday party

Dear Sameon,
______________ for inviting me to your ___________. However, I am __________ I am
unable to come tomorrow because I am ________. I would like to wish you _________!

b) Introduce yourself to the class by completing the sentences below

1) My name is ______________________________________
2) I live in _______________________________
3) My birthday is on _______________________
4) My favourite singer is ___________________
5) I go to school by/on _____________________

c) Write a short paragraph about yourself below. Introduce yourself to your partner.

d) Answer all questions.

Identify the long and short vowels.

a. Too-to c. Beat-bit

b. Feet-fit d. Beans-bins

Long vowels Short vowels

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