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A Primer For The

To my W v e d m s and culteagues.
Who should Read
This Book?

7% booksurveys She fie/dofpmms i n s h m n b h n and qmns the

door to uRdem2nding ifsprrMp/esand uses. It d k m i k the e / e m b
of ptvc# nxltrol simpJvand with homey m p t e s so soat a a&+
t~&niw/pwson mn understand its e m & / princtples. It dm
desm'lws #e bas& of m m m m Eypes ofinstrumen&. TAe
dim- He imporfatxi? ofp- aontroland itsp/m ri7 ~ o &
p/an h r managing a company. IF~~ m engirreen'mand
managerWl mns~dmtions for hsbumenr Systems.

R e a d I n g & M w l l r m t m a k e ~ a ~ t l i l ~ ~ @
but you w7fm /-&a rOE;jr/Bngevina~nge&d. Al/eastyw
w7/ be able to ask more of O k @bt questom You m y a/- find tAe
sub- very li7terest,;?s.

Thk Book may also & us& in ~kra/w?cw/r's as an inWmtim to

the ABG of process mntrd. 73e book maybe useti,/ ,Ip p l e -such
as s / # m n fw macNnery w m 5 or el~cmca/ or safe@ e n g i i -
u h s e mmm wiib p m s instwrnennlation is i&enb/ or passing.

7 7 lnfbmMm
~ in Htk Book app//esto wide spechum of indus&t'es
A r d F M Engnewrnewrng
Pmess: M; metal refinii and mani&Wring; power gemmtlon;
rubber; p h a m a m t i w ~p&/eum; g/as; &x!r/ee;
wkrworks; sewage treatment; heating; ventilating and air-
It Is a branch of Enginerlng whlch deals with the measurement, monitoring, display of the
warious kinds of energy exchanges which takes place during ffie process mans.

It is the technology #at uses Instruments to measure or m W tfre characteristics: Pressure,

Level, Flow, Tempwature, etc of the materials.


Is a devlm, whi& is used to measure, monitor, display, &, of the process varfables.
Q, What are the proc?eff variable?
1) Fbw 2) Rressure 3) fempemture 4) Level5 ) Quality

Q, Define all the pmce, variables and state their units of measurement
Row: kglhr, It./min, gallmin, rn3/hr, ~ r n ~ / (gases)
Pressure: Farce acting per unit area P = FiA
Units: Bar, Pascal, kg/cm2, Pounds per inch square (psl)
Level: Is the difference ktween two heights-
Units: Meters, millimeters, centimeters, iW and yard
Temperature: It is the degree of hotness and coldness of a M y .
Units: Degrees Centigrade OC, Degrees Fahrenheit T
Quality: It deals with analysis.
pH, O/oCOL,?hot conductivity, viscosity

Q. What are the prlrnav elements used for flow measurement?

The primary elements used for flow measurements are:

1) Orifice M a w
2 ) Vmturi Tubes
3) Pitot Tubes
4) Annubars
Q. What are the different Types of orifice and state their uses?
1) Comnbic 2) Segmental 3) Eccentric
Conmtnc The concentric orifice plate is used for ideal liquids as well as
gases and steam sawace. This orifice has a hole concentric and hence

W n t r i r Ofice - The e n t r i c orifice plate has a h i e eccenbk The use

of this is made for viscous and sluny flow measurement.

Segmental O r i h has a hole in the form of segment of a drcle. This is
used for colloidal and slurry flow measurement.

Q. How do you identify an orifice in the pipelines?

An orifice tab is welded on the orifice prate, which extends out of the line
giving an indication of the orifice plate.

Q. Why is the orifice Qb provided?

The orifioe tab is provided due to the following reasons:
1) Indication of an orifice plate in a line.
2) The orifice diameter is marked on it.
3) The material of the orifice plate.
4) The tag number of the orifice plate.
5 ) The mark of the inlet of an orifice.
Q. What is the Bernoulli's theorem and where it is applicatde?
Bemulli's m r n states that ?he total energy of a liquid flowing from
one point to another remains constant". It is applicable for non-
compressible liquid.

Q. How do you identify the High Pressure (H.P.) side or inlet of an orifice plate in line?
The marking is always done on the M.P. slde or che orifie tab, which also
give an indimtion of the high pressure of the line.

Q. How do you calibrate a P.P. Transmitter?

The following steps are to k taken while olibmting:
1) Adjust zero of the hnsrnitter~
2) Static Pressure Test: Give equal pressure on both sldes of the bansmttter.
Vent H.P. and LP. sides a little and close. Zero should not shift. It is
shifting carry out static alignment Static pressure = 130% line pressure.
3) Vaaurn Test: apply qua1 amount of vacuum on both sides. The zero
should not shiR
4) Calibrating prooedure:
a) Give 20 psi. air supply to the transmitter.
6) Vent the LP. slde to the atmosphere.
c)~ Connect output of the instrument to a standard t@ gauge. Adjust
d) Apply required pressure to high-pressure side of the mnsrnitter and
adjust the span.
e) Adjust zero again if necessary.

Q,What is the seal llquld used for filling impulse lines on crude and v i m u s liquids?

Q. What is Ohm's Law?

Ohms Law states that current flowing through a conductor is imretWy
proportional to the resistance and directly proportional to the voltage.

Current: I = VlR Resistance: R = V/I Voltage: V = I R

Q. How do you cam out piping for a differential pressure flow on transmitter on liquids,
gas, and steam services?Why?
On liquid lines the transmitter is mounted below the orifice plate b u s e
liquids have a property of self-dmining.

Uauid Lines:

Primary isolation

On gas service, the transmitter is mountd above the orifice plate h u s e

gases have a property of self-venting and secondly m u s e of condensate
Gas Service:

On steam rervim the transmim is mounted below the orifitz plate with
condensate pots. The pols should be at the same l e d .

Steam Servioe:

\ Condensate
Q, Draw and explain any flow control loop.


Orifice ; ; Vatve

8 lalaion Valve
Q.-.- Pressure

Q. An operator tells YOU that flow Indication is more, how wwld you start m n g ?
1) First flush the bansrnitkr. flush both the impulse lines. Adjust the zero
by equalizing if necessav. If, howwer, the indication is more then
2) C k k LP. side. If that is dear, then
3) Check the leaks on L,P. side, if not
4) Calibrate the transmitter.

Q. How do you zero check a differential transmitter?

Close one of the valves either M.P or LP. side. Open the equalizing w k .
The output should read zero.

Q. How would you glycol filling or fills seal liquids in seal poEs? Draw and explain.
Anwet-. a
The procedure for glycol filling is:
1) aose the primary isolation valves.
2) Open the vent on the seal pots.
3) Drain the used glycol if present.
4) Connect a hand pump on LP. side while filling the H.P. side with glyal.
5 ) Keep the equalizing valve open.
6) Keep the LP. side valve dosed.
7) Start purnpitq and fill glycol.
8) Do the same for LP. side by connecting pump to H.P. slde, keeping
equalizer open and H.P. side isolation valve do&.
93 Close the saai pot vent mlves,
10) aose equalizer valve.
11) Open both the primary isolation valves.

Q. How do you calculate new factor from new range using old factor dd range.
New Factor -
+ New Range
Old Factor - Old Range
Flow - K Range
Q - F a m r X Unit Row
New Factor - (Old Fadmr / Old Range) X New Range

Q. How will you vent air In the D.P. cell? What if seal pots are u d
1) Air is vented by opening the vent plugs on a liquld sewlce transmitter.
2) On senrice where seal pb are used, isolate the primary isolation
v a k and open the vent valves. Fill the line from the tmnsmltter drain
plugs with a pump.

Q,Why is flow measured in square root?

Row varies directly as the square mt of differential pressure. Since this
flow mries as the square mt of differential pressure, the p n does not
directly indicate ffow. The flow can be d&mlned by taking the square
root of the pen. Say the pen reads 50% of the chart.

Q. What is absolute pressure?

Absolute prewre is the tobl pressure in ffie system.
Absolute pressure = Gauge Pressure + Atmospheric pressure

Q. What is the maximum m u m ?

The maximum vacuum is 760 mmHg.
Q,What is absolute pressue?
Absolute pressure is the total pressure present in the
Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric presure.

Q.What is vacuum?
Any pressure below atmospheric pressure is vacuum.

Zero Vacuum

Atm. = 760rnm Hg Zeto Gauge

Zero Absolute ------------------------ Max. Vacuum = 760 mm Hg

Q. What are the primary elements For measuring pressure?

The primary elements for measuring pressure are:
1) Bourdon tube Types: 'C'type, spiml, helix
2 ) Diaphragm Best suited for law-pressure measurements.
3) Capsule Two circular diaphragms are welded together to form a
pressure capsule. Material used are Phosphor-Bronze, Ni-span stainless
4) Bellows is one piece, collapsible, seamless metalllc unit wlth deep
folds formed from very thin walled tubing. Materials used are brass,
Phosphor-bronze, stainless steel used for high pressure.
5) Pressure springs - pressure springs of helical or spiral shape are used
for measuring high pressures.

The above are known as elastic deformation pressure elements.

Q. How will you calibrate an absolute pressure bdnmitter using vacuum manometer
range 0400 rnm absolute? (mm Hg) / rnp = 760 rnm Hg.
1) Connect the air supply to the transmitter.
33 Connect vacuum pump with k m f F to the manometer.
4) Apply 760 mrn vacuum (or nearest) and adjust zero.
5 ) Apply 360-rnm vacuum adjust span. 760 360 = 400 mm absolute.
Q. You are given a rnercurj manornekr range 0 - 760 mm. A transmitter or line reads
710-rnm abs. A vawurn gauge reads 60-rnm vacuum. The test manometer reads 50
mm vacuum,. Which of the two is correct?

The hansrnittw is correct becsause 760 - 50 = 710 mm abs.
Q. Why is an Indined manometer used?
Inclined manometer is used to

Q.What is the principle of a pressure gauge?

Pressure works on HooKs Law
Principle: Measuring the sbess in an elastic m a i m .

Q. Draw and explain a pressure gauge. What is the use of the hairspring?
The parts of the pressure gauges are:
1$ 'C' burdon tuk
2) Connecting link
3) Sector gear
4) Pinion gear
5 ) Hair spring
6) Pointer
7) Dial
Po~nt UES of hair spring:
a) to eliminate any play in the linkages
b) it serves as mntrolling torque

Pressure or

Q. Briefly explains the tiierent methods of level measurement.

There are two ways of level measurements, dlrect and Indirect
Direct Lwel Measurement:
1) BobandTape

2) Sight glass: This consists of a gmduatd glass tube mounted on the

side of the vessel. As the lwel of the fluid in the vessel increasing,
glass level also increasing.

Jndirect Level measurement:

I) Pressure gauge: This is t f
x simplest method. A pressure is located at
the zero level of the liquid in the vessel. Any rise in level causes an
increase of pressure, which can be measured by a gauge.
2) Purge system: In this method a pipe is installed vertically with the
open end at zero level. The otfier end of the pipe is connected to a
regulated air supply and to a pressure gauge. To make a Iwel of
measurement the air supply is adjusted so that premre is slightly
higher than the pressure due to height of the liquid. Ills is
accomplished by regulating the air pressure until bubbles can be s e n
slowly leaving the open end of the pipe.

Air supply


The methods a h are suitable for open tank applications. When a liquid is in
a p r a e vessel, the liquid column pressure on't be used unless the vessel
pressure is balancedl out. This is done through the use of differential pressure
Differential Ressure Meters:
Connections are made at the v e s d top and m o r n , and the two columns of
the D.P. meter. The tog m n n d o n is made to the LP. column of the meter
and #e bottom to H.P. column of the meter. The difference in pressure in the
vessel is balanced out, since it is fed to both the column of the meter, The
difference detected by the meter will be due only ta the changing level of the
Dis~lacerT v ~ eLevel Measurement:
The level trol is one of the most common instruments used for meamring
level in dosed tanks. This instrument works on Archimedes' Principle. The
displacer is immersed in the liquid due to which there is loss of welght
depending on specific gravity of the liquid. This displacer hangs freely of a
knife-edge bearing to which is connected the torque tube. The torque tube
undergoes an angular rotary motion, which is transmitted to the pneumatic or
electronic counterpart at the other end.

Q. Explain how you wlll level wlth a differential pressure transmitter?

DP Transmitter

The botbm connection of the v e t is mnnedted t~ high-pressure side of the


Differme in Pressure = H X d
This difference in pressure is applied to H.P. side of the hnsmitter and

Q. How is D.P.transmitter applied to an o p n tank?


Max. Level

Span = (x) [Sp. Gravity)

Zero Suppression = ly) (Sp Gravity)

On an open tank level measurement the L.P. side is vented to atmosphere.

Whatever pressure act is on the H.P. side which is a measure of level.
Q. How Is D.P, transmitter applfed to a dose tank7


Span = (x) (Sp. Gravity)
Zero Suppression = Cyl (Sp Gravity) _._I ._._


I n dose tank *e bottom of the tank is connecked to the high pressure side of
the transmitter and top of the tank is conneztd t~ LP. side of the
transmitter. In this way the vessel pressure is Galanced.

Q.What is zero elevation and suppressjon?

It is when zero point of the dsired Fevel range Is below or a b e the
bansrnitter datum line.

-..-..-..,..,..--. Y
Datum tine

Transmitter mnge = H X d
Zero elevation - H X d

I H M lea
~ I I
Span = Ix) (Tank Sp. Gravity)
Zero Suppression = (d) (leg Sp.
Gravity)- (y) (tank Sp. Gravity)

Trammitter range = H X d
Zero suppresion = H X d
The LP. leg may m t a i n a sealing liquid.

Q.What is purge level -rn?

Answer: Air supply



This method is also known as bubbler method of level measurement, A pipe is

installed verhcally with its open end at the z m Iwel, The other end of the
pipe is connected to a regulated air supply and to a pressure gauge or to D.P.
To make a lwel measurement, the air supply is adjusted so that pressure is
slightly higher than the pressure created by me height of the liquid. Thls is
accomplished by regulating the air pressure until bubbles can be seen slowly
leaving the open end of the pipe. The gauge then measures the air pressure
needed to overcome the pressure of the Irquid.

Differential Pressure = AP = H X d

Use: For corrosive liquld where the transmitter cannot be d l d y connected

to the process, e.g., Acids and some organic liquld.
Q. Explain the working level trol.
The level is used for measuring level of liquids in a dose vessel,
Principle: It work- on Archimedes' principles "the Foss in weight of a h d y
immersed! in a liquid is equal to the amount of liquid displamd by the body".
The level bol basically consist of the folowing:
1) Disnlacer: I t consists of a cylindrical shape pipe sealed and filled inside
with sand or wme weight The purpose of this Is to convwt change in
level to primary motion. The variation in buoyancy resulting from a
~ net weight of the displacer increasing or
change In liquid level v a r i the
decreasing the load on the torque arm. This change is directly
proportional to change in level and specific gravity of the liquid,
2) m: Amplifies pressure variations at the node.
3) Reversins Arc: It is used for the following purposes
a) motion t a k ~ f f f r o m
torque tube
b) Means of reversing control action
c) Adjustment for speCific gravity
4) Prowrtional Unit: Converts primary motion to a proporlional output
5) Control Settina Unit: Provides a means of mrying the set point.
k working of an el-nic
Q, Explain t level trol.

The variation in buoyancy resulting from a change in liquid level varies the net
weight of the displacer, increasing or decreasing the load on the torque am.
This change is directly proportional to the change in level and specific gmily
of the liquid. The resulting torque t u k movement varies the angular motion
of the rotor in the (RVDT) Rotary Variable Difference transformer providing a
voltage change proportional lo the rotor displacement, which is converted and
amplrfied to a DC power.

Q. How wlll you reverse action of a level trol?

The reversing arc s e w as motion take-off a m from the torque tube. It is
provided with a slot on each side of the center OS that link a n be mnRected
either for reverse or direct acbon.
Q. What Is interface Iwel? How do you calculate it?
When a v e d is filled with two liquids or two different spedf~cgravity's the
level measurement is referred to as Interface Level.

Density d -------+--

.- ..- ..-..- ..-..-..-.
H = displacer length
- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .
Density D

Interface Level = M(D-d)

On a level set the difference of two specific gravities,

Q. Now will yw mlbrate a level trol In the field?


-web Transmitter

Tank - ..-..- ..- ..-. .- ..- ..-

-. -. -. -. -. . Transparent PVC
-" -..-..-..-..*

1) First d m both #e primary isolation ~k and drain the liquid inside the
2) Adjust the zero to get the 0% output.
3) Connect a transparent WC tube to the drain p i n t as shown in hook-up.
4) Fill it to the center of the top flange.
5) Adjust the spmfic gravity or span adjustment (electronic l e d )
6) Fill it up to 50 %. Check linearity.
Q. How will you mlibrate an interbe level td?
On an intwbce level trof there are two liquids of two different &tic
I) The level will be zero when it is full of lighter liquid.
H = displacer length
D = specific gravity of lighter fluid
2) The level will be 100% when it is full of heavier liquid.
100% level = H X D
'D = specific gravity of heavier liquid
Callbration with water:
1) Fill H X d lwel with water. Adjust to zero
2) Fill H X D level with water. Adjust specific gravity or span.
3) Check linearity.

Q. How wlll you apply wt-test calibration to a level troll

WPtest callbration method:
a) Remove the dlsplacer from the torque arm.
b) Apply equivalent weight on the torque arm that is qua1 50 weight of the
displacer. Adjust zero output
c) For span
Loss in welght = Wt of float - w t of the float immersed in liquid
Loss in weight = wt of float - volume X d
Span weight = (wt of float - loss in wt)
r = radius ofthe displam
h = height of the displacer
d) Apply quivalent wt equal to the (wt of flwt loss in wt}. Adjust span to
get POO% output)
e ) To check linearity, apply average of the two weights,

Q. What will happen if the displacer has fallen down while in line?
The output will be maximum.

Q. What will happen if that displacer has hole in it while in line?

The output will be minimum.

Q. What is the use of suppression and elevation?

Suppression and elevation are used on level application where,
a) Transmitters are not mounted on same level
b) Wet leg condensate vapors are present.
Q. What are the limitations of the level kc117
The limitations of a level trol are that it cannot be used for lengths more than
72 inches.

Q. How will you commission a D.P. hnsmitter in the field in a pressurized vessel?


- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- . "Seal liquid
- .-.- .- .- .- .
- .- .- .- .- .-
W + DPtransmitter

1) Close both the isolation valves. Vent the H.P. side.

2) Open the L.P. side vent valve.
3) Fill it with the waling liquid.
4) Adjust zero with suppression spring. Ressure mated by the sealing liquid
(h X d) will now be canceled out.
5) Close the t . P side vents valve.
6 ) Open both the isolation valves.

Q. How will you check zero of a level D.P. hnsmitter white in line?
1) Close both the isolation mlves.
2) Open the vent valve on LP. leg and H.P. leg drain.
3) Check and adjust zero if necessary.

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