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Concept for a nuclear powered submarine tanker

Submarine Tankers
By Vito L. Russo,1 Member,Harlan Turner, Jr., 2 Member,and
Frank W. Wood, 3 AssociateMember

This paper is a report of a study of the technical feasibility of submarine tankers ranging
in deadweight from 20,000 to 40,000 tons and in speed from 20 knots to a little over 40
knots. It is in no sense an economic analysis. General arrangements of the smallest
and slowest and of the largest and fastest of the designs studied are presented as well
as the principal dimensions and characteristics of 23 other designs between these two
extremes, all of which are considered to be technically feasible. Limiting the draft of
large cargo submarines to permit access to harbors in the loaded surface condition
requires a departure from the optimum submarine form. To avoid, at the same time,
excessive beam or length a rectangular section is suggested. The results of model tests
to evaluate the resistance and directional stability of such forms are summarized. The
paper develops the approach to calculation of volumes, weights, scantlings, tank capaci-
ties, trim, power, and form parameters of submarine tankers. It emphasizes the im-
portance of propulsion-machinery arrangements on the size and general arrangements of
these vessels. It also describes briefly some of the systems that are peculiar to sub-

1 Deputy Chie[, Office of Ship Construction, Maritime 3 Naval Architect, Design Department, General Dy-
Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washing- namics Corporation, Electric Boat Division, Groton, Conn.
ton, D. C.
2 Technical Assistant to Design Manager, General Presented at the Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y.,
Dynamics Corporation, Electric Boat Division, Groton, November 17-18, 1960, of The Society of Naval Architects
Conn. and Marine Engineers.
Introduction tural practice, would be very large ships, requir-
IT should be postulated at the outset that over- ing extremely large power. In order to maintain
seas transportation of people, goods, and products, some sort of architectural feasibility such cargo
which originated in the unrecorded past, will carders would require nuclear propulsion, exten-
continue in the foreseeable future to serve the sive use of light alloys, and similar measures which,
needs of commerce between nations. in combination with size, would price these ships
In the past few decades, a new mode of trans- out of proportion to their economic capability, at
portation has entrenched itself in overseas com- least with the technology now available.
merce. Modem airlines perform an efficient, In addition to increases in the speed of cargo
rapid, and increasingly reliable passenger service ships, the fierce competition for ocean traffic will
in direct competition with passenger ships. The demand improvements toward more mechaniza-
beginning of air freight is already here; and, based tion, more automation, and ~herefore more com-
upon past performance and the known .potential plex cargo carriers. These trends, which are to-
of air transportation, it is prudent to assume that day very much present and very active in all the
water transportation will soon meet keen competi- maritime centers of the world, have brought about
tion in securing high-paying premium package great emphasis on maritime research as a means
freight. for maintaining the competitive position of ocean
Air service will grow, and by its very presence water transportation by giving better service
will impose new conditions which water transpor- through better ships conducive to more profitable
tation must consider and resolve in order to com- operation.
pete. In our country a number of shipbuilders and
The basic ingredient of overseas commerce is ship operators are involved in many phases of
still ships, which will still carry the great bulk of maritime research. The Society, through the
cargoes moving in international trade for the fore- Technical and Research Committees, has been
seeable future. instrumental in organizing a considerable amount
From the beginning of waterborne commerce, of research spanning a wide range of maritime
ships have lifted and moved peoples and cargoes interests.
from port to port. The range of activity of ships For several years the Maritime Administration
has extended from protected waters, to open seas, has conduc.ted research in many aspects of ship
to oceans, and the type and size of ships have design and ship operation. Significant results
changed correspondingly. have been reported periodically in the Trans-
Advances in the sciences and engineering, and actions of the Society; the present paper is an-
the demands of peoples, commerce, and war, have other one in this series of technical reports to the
contributed to the evolution of ships from rudi- shipping industry.
mentary river craft to supediners. Basically, ~VIarAd initiated the project discussed here in a
however, ships have thus far maintained the speculative sort of w.ay: If our quest for higher
fundamental concept of floating vessels, encJosing sea speeds is headed for insurmountable situations
a volume greater than the displaced water, and with displacement-type vessels, what other avenue
thereby being capable of lifting and carrying pas- or avenues are available to circumvent these
sengers and cargoes. difficulties and what sort of results can be pre-
The tempo of modern commerce puts a con- dicted by exploring these avenues? Basically,
siderable premium on speed at sea, as well as on in these speculative questions is the beginning of
land and in the air. Speed, relatively high speed, MarAd research activities in submarine and
is a very expensive characteristic for conventional hydrofoil types of commercial vessels and may be
ships. As the speed of surface ships is pushed up, the beginning of other projects in other types of
we get nearer and nearer to an hydrodynamic craft as new ideas and new possibilities develop.
barrier brought about by excessive wave-making Of course, there is nothing new in the submarine
resistance. In terms of modern speeds, this bar- ship concept. Submarines have been built, by
rier is not too far away from the present practice. most of the world's navies for years, and this type
If we consider a sustained sea speed of 20 knots as of war craft has already reached a high level of
the present-day maximum operating speed for engineering performance. With the advent of
general cargo ships, we can approximately assume nuclear propulsion the submarine has come even
that doubling of this speed would place us right more into its own, and. more advanced designs
against the hydrodynamic barrier referred to. and higher degrees of performance are already
Cargo ships of speeds around 40 knots, con- here or in the process of being engineered into
ceived as extrapolations of present naval architec- actual construction.

694 Submarine Tankers

Basic Design Considerations this is to abandon .the body of revolution (mini-
The military submarine is unquestionably a mum resistance) form and resort to other forms
highly efficient vehicle for the task assigned to it; basically rectangular or elliptical, whereby the
it is not, however, a suitable prototype for im- necessary volume is obtained by maintaining the
mediate and direct extrapolation to a commerc~l draft and inerea'sing the beam and length.
submarine. From a commercial viewpoint, the The difficulties and limitations implied in the
military submarine is too small in displacement, considerations briefly sketched in the foregoing
carries an insignificant amount of pay load; is very are considerably affected by the nature and den-
complex in an engineering sense, and is altogether sity of the cargoes contemplated for submarine
too expensive mostly byreason of these limitations. service. The lower the cargo density the larger
At the outset, it can be agreed that in order to the submarine and the magnitude of engineering
have any commercial merit by comparison with a n d operational problems. Dry cargo, which
displacement vessels, a 'cargo-carrying submarine must be contained in pressure hulls and moved in
must have large displacement, and be engineered and out through large openings in these hulls,
on a much simpler basis than is usual for military complicates greatly the basic configuration, the
craft. Nuclear power is a natural type of power proportions, and the structural design of a sub-
for underwater propulsion, and therefore this marine ship.
commercial submarine study has been based upon Obviously these problems are considerably xe-
nuclear propulsion. dueed if the cargo is oil cargo. A submarine
By running a ship underwater with sufficient tanker does require a minimum pressure hull to
submergence, we can eliminate wave making, and contain living spaces, machinery spaces, and so on,
there lies the great incentive. The submergence plus pressure hulls to provide for density varia-
of the vessel increases the wetted surface and, at tion of the cargo. The cargo can be pumped in
low speeds, this increase more than offsets the and out without need of introducing structural
gain in wave resistance. As the speed goes up, discontinuities. Finally, the density of the cargo
however, the submarine will show superior results; can approach that of sea water, and variations in
and at high speeds the submarine should offer a density are predictable and can be prescribed
decided advantage over the displacement ship within practical limits. The amount of water
from a resistance viewpoint. The other significant ballast, the displacement-deadweight ratio, and
advantage of submerged ships is that these ships the over-all dimensions of the submarine, are
are removed from the effects of bad weather and reduced to a minimum.
can be scheduled with more regularity in any It seemed evident that in order not to compli-
service. The advantages of this mode of trans- cate unduly the first feasibility study of a com-
portation in war time are self-evident. Possi- mercial submarine, it was desirable to base this
bility of navigation under the polar cap and ac- study on submarine tankers. To encompass a
cess to regions not accessible to surface vessels range of commercial utility, it was further decided
might, in the future, prove advantageous also that the feasibility study should consider cargo
from a commercial viewpoint. variations in the range of bunker fuels to gasoline
There are obviously many features on the other (61 API).
side of the ledger. Structurally, a submarine As just mentioned the hydrodynamically opti-
must resist water pressure; by comparison with a mum hull form for a submarine of large size may
surface vessel for the same deadweight, the sub- have such large draft that operational difficulties
marine must have a much greater displacement. are unacceptable. The alternative is to use non-
The prevalent design practice for military subma- circular sections, either rectangular or elliptical.
rines is based on hulls having body of revolution For low to inoderate speed and capacity the draft
shape; this gives a minimum resistance form and can be held within a selected limit in this way.
is satisfactory for comparatively small craft. Departing from the ideal body of revolution will
At large displacements, the diameter of the opti- increase the resistance and power at the desired
mum form submarine hull may range up to 100 speed. As the size and speed of submarines of
ft and more. It is immediately evident that the limited draft are increased, at some point the
draft of water required to accommodate such proportions will become impractical, the power
ships at building and repair yards, at dry docks, at will become prohibitive, and, therefore, a relaxa-
loading and unloading stations, and so on, will tion in the permissible draft must be accepted.
present great operational difficulties. A way With the draft restriction eased, offshore load-
around these difficulties is to prescribe that a ing and discharging of cargo is possible, but dry-
study on commercial submarines shall be based docking must still be considered. For drydocking,
upon a given maximum draft. A corollary to the draft of the ship without cargo is the control-

Submarine Tankers 695

the corollary lack of data on required appendages.
As part of this research study, an experimental
program was set up at the Davidson Laboratory
to obtain experimental data on appendages and
resistance. This paper contains the experimental
data developed there.
Finally, it was necessary to set up quantitative
limits to be covered by the feasibility study. It
is agreed that, on the basis of present-day condi-
tions, there is no demand for movement of petro-
leum products by high-speed submarine nuclear
.~__~WITH GASOLINE CARGO-" tankers. On the other hand, submarine tankers
could render possible, from an engineering view-
point, a type of service which would be impractical
with displacement-type vessels. The advantage
of the submarine is at high speed, and therefore
the feasibility study was oriented toward speed
limits which start with the present-day maximum
(20 knots) and extended to approximately double
this speed. In conjunction with these speed
limits, it was prescribed that the feasibility study
should cover a range of cargo deadweight from
20,000 tons to 40,000 tons. Because of the as-
sumption of nuclear power, no limits of range were
It is realized that there is no demand for 40
--~---'~FW'~UI~FUEL CARGO knots speed in the oil trade. I t could even be
granted that a submarine mode of transportation
at such speeds would be uneconomical, unproven,
difficult to man and manage, and so on. The
fact remains, however, that based on the technol-
ogy available today, and the research study de-
scribed in this paper, it could be possible, from an
engineering viewpoint, to design an optimum sub-
marine tanker which could carry 40,000 tons of oil
products at about 37 knots with installed power
of about 2,50,000 shp. A displacement ship could
not do this job; even designing beyond present
limits, the surface (nuclear) ship of this dead-
weight and speed would require approximately
twice that amount of power or more. Even if one
considers that these numbers are gross approxi-
A A K L A ~ mations, there is enough incentive indicated to
recommend further work to define better the
Fig. 1 Schematic sectional views showing method of
accommodating various cargo densities engineering feasibility of submarine tankers, leav-
ing other questions of operation, economics, and
so on, in abeyance for the time being.
ling factor. Since this is less than loaded draft,
another type of design m a y become feasible. Volume
This is a body of revolution lengthened by the in- Archimedes' principle states that a floating
sertion of a cylindrical section of parallel middle body displaces its own weight and a submerged
body to get the same volume with less diameter body displaces its own volume. While a surface
than the ideal body. ship must satisfy only the first condition, a sub-
Power estimates for submarine bodies of rec- merged submarine must satisfy both requirements
tangular sections were handicapped for lack of in all conditions of loading and in all densities of
experimental data on the controllability charac- water to be encountered. Hence, volume is as im-
teristics of submarines with such hull forms and portant as weight in submarine design.

696 Submarine Tankers

In order to obtain an economical weight-volume
balance with cargoes lighter than water, it is
desirable that the noncargo volume be kept as
small as possible. Any weight deficit must be
overcome by the addition of high-density ballast
or, preferably, by increasing the structural weight,
and the lighter the cargo, the heavier the vessel.
It is to be noted t h a t the maximum deadweight/
displacement ratio obtainable with an unmanned,
unpropelled submarine tanker cannot exceed the
specific gravity relative to salt water of the cargo
for which it is designed.
For the return trip, a submarine tanker must
carry an amount of salt water ballast exactly equal
to the cargo deadweight. This is accomplished
by dividing the cargo tanks into two types; main
cargo tanks (MCT's) of capacity equal to the dead-
weight in salt water ballast, and variable cargo
tanks (VCT's) which, together with the main tanks,
carry the desired deadweight of the specified
cargo. When carrying cargoes of densities inter-
mediate between gasoline and salt water, the main
tanks are filled while the variable tanks carry only
the amount necessary to reach the deadweight
capacity. The three conditions are illustrated in
Fig. 1. If it is contemplated that cargoes heavier
than water might also be carried, then the main
tanks should be sized on the basis of the heavier
cargo, as ballast can always be added in the vari-
able cargo tanks as necessary to balance. Fig. 2 Schematic sectional views showing method of
accommodating cargo expansion and contraction
The main cargo tanks, being always full of cargo
or ballast, can be equalized with sea pressure,
and therefore need only be of comparatively light
construction. The variable cargo tanks must, of water in the expansion tank as a result of compres-
course, be made pressure resistant. I t can be sion or thermal shrinkage of the cargo, Fig. 2.
seen that a submarine designed for heavy oil 2 A decrease in the buoyant volume of the
exclusively would require smaller, and hence pressure hull due to compression or thermal shrink-
lighter, variable cargo tanks than one designed for age of the structure.
gasoline. This saving in weight, along with a 3 An increase in buoyancy due to the increase
reduction in fixed ballast, could be translated into in sea-water density.
a substantially greater cargo deadweight in the
same size submarine. Variations of water density with salinity will
On the other hand, a submarine tanker could not also be encountered, and it is the usual practice
submerge if filled with a cargo of lower density to allow for a range of density from 63.6 to 64.3
than that for which it was designed. Therefore, pcf. Consumption of food, stores, lube oil and
61 API gasoline was selected as the basis for the fresh water also must be compensated. These
design of the tankers discussed in this paper. changes in relative weight are offset by adding or
One ton of this gasoline occupies 49 c u f t as com- discharging an equivalent amount of salt-water
pared with 35 c u f t for a ton of salt water. Allow- ballast from pressure resistant variable ballast
ing 5 per cent for structure, fixed ballast, and so on, tanks (VBT's).
the cargo-tank volumes required for three selected The variable ballast tanks are designated as for-
deadweights are as given in Table 1. ward trim, after trim, and auxiliary; the trim
As a submarine tanker goes deeper or enters tanks being used primarily to adjust the moment
colder water, it will become relatively heavier as a while the auxiliary tanks, located near the center
net result of the following effects: of buoyancy, take care of the major portion of the
weight adjustment. Of course, the trim tanks
1 An increase in the amount of compensating may be made large enough to accommodate the

Submarine Tankers 697

Table 1 Compartment Volumes
Deadweight (toffs) 20000 30000 40000
Main cargo tanks, eu ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735000 1102500 1470000
Variable cargo tanks, eu ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295000 442500 590000
Total cargo volume, eu ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030000 1545000 2060000
Cargo expansion tanks, (ind. in main cargo tap'y),
eu ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (28700) (43100) (54400)
Variable ballast tanks, eu ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50000 70000 90000
Crew, stores, access and operating spaces, cuft . . . . . 70000 80000 90000
Cargo pump room, cuft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40000 60000 80000
".Free flooding, eu ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10000 15000 20000
Net volume (exclusive of main ballast and machin-
ery spaces) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200000 1770000 2340000

total variable baUast requirements and the auxil- condition m a y also govern the a m o u n t of main
iary tanks omitted. ballast required. I n this connection, arrange-
As a minimum, the variable ballast tanks need merits can be m a d e to convert some main cargo
only be large enough to accommodate consump- tanks to hallast tanks should access to certain har-
tion of stores, changes in sea-water density, and bors require t h a t the draft be less than the de-
pressure effects on the cargo and pressure hun. signed draft.
T e m p e r a t u r e changes in the cargo will be gradual I n all of the designs covered b y this paper, the
and m a y be balanced b y transferring cargo from reserve buoyancy, i.e., the main ballast-tank
the variable cargo tanks to the cargo expansion capacity, has been m a d e a b o u t 10 per cent of the
tanks or vice versa. T h e t e m p e r a t u r e of the pres- surface displacement. This provides adequate
" sure hull ~ill always be higher than the surround- freeboard for surface operation in and out of har-
ing liquid because of the internal heat generation. bors. F o r the 20-knot vessels, it also satisfies the
However, for the purpose of establishing volume requirement of a o n e - c o m p a ~ m e n t standard of
requirements, it has been assumed t h a t all varia- subdivision, b u t for some of the higher speed ves-
tions will be handled b y the variable ballast tanks. sels, the engine room is so large t h a t either more
Based on a test depth of 1000 ft, a t e m p e r a t u r e bulkheads or more reserve b u o y a n c y would be
differential of 60 deg F, the usual range of sea required to m e e t this standard.
water salinity, and allowing for 350 tons of con- An allowance should be m a d e for some free
sumables, the variable ballast and cargo expan- flooding spaces, particularly a t the bow for a
sion-tank volumes are as given in T a b l e 1. T h e navigating sonar, and a t the stern around control
derivation of these values is contained in the Ap- surface operating mechanisms. One per cent of
pendix. the cargo volume has been included for this pur-
T h e normal surface condition is defined as t h a t pose.
condition from which the submarine will submerge T h e normally dry spaces such as the crew's
at neutral b u o y a n c y and zero trim when the quarters,, storerooms, operating spaces, passage-
main ballast tanks ( M B T ' s ) are flooded, and thus ways, p u m p rooms and machinery spaces m u s t all
is considered u s a corollary of the submerged be contained within the pressure hull along with
condition. T h e reserve buoyancy, or emerged the variable cargo and variable ballast tanks.
volume, in the surface condition is therefore equal T h e volumes of these spaces v a r y in a n u m b e r of
to the volume of the main ballast tanks, and the different ways; crew's quarters and storerooms
center of b u o y a n c y of the emerged volume will be according to the size of the crew; passageways
in the same vertical line as the center of gravity and operating spaces such as control room, stern
of the main ballast. I t is noted t h a t the sub- room, and windlass room according to ship size;
marine m u s t always float a t the same waterline p u m p room with cargo volume and discharge rate;
in the normal surface condition regardless of cargo and machinery spaces with ship size and speed or
loading or the density of the sea water. Being power. T h e particular pressure-hull diameter
always full when submerged, the main ballast chosen will also h a v e a large influence on the
tanks need not be constructed to resist sea pres- volume of these spaces.
sure. W i t h the exception of machinery spaces, which
For a o n e - c o m p a r t m e n t flooding standard, the will be quite large in the higher powered vessels,
volume of the main ballast tanks should be equal the total volume of these spaces will be less t h a n
to the volume of the largest, normally d r y com- 10 per cent of the gross volume of the vessel so
partment. A limit on the draft in the surface t h a t variations from the assumed volumes found

698 Submarine Tankers

necessary as the design is developed will not affect Power and Form
the size of the vessel appreciably. The results The general expression for power is the same
of arrangement studies indicate that the volumes for submarines and surface ships; viz,
listed in Table 1 are reasonable for establishing
the gross volumes required. r 8 SCt
E H P = '/2p 550 - - 0"00872V8SC~ (2)'
For the purpose of establishing gross volume, it
is assumed t h a t the volume of the machinery and, in the same manner as in surface ship design,
spaces is proportional to the shaft horsepower. it is assumed t h a t
The specific volume (cu ft/shp) to be used depends
on such" things as pressure-hull diameter, number .c, = G + a G + c, (3)
of shafts, multiplicity of units, shaft speed, steam where the frictional resistance coefficient, Ct, is
conditions, and so on. An arrangement study in
obtained from the Schoenherr formulation
considerable detail for a single-serew, 35,000-shp
plant in a 35-ft-diam hull resulted in a machinery 0.242
-- log,0 (R Ct) (4)
volume of about 151,000 c u f t , giving a specific
volume of 4.32 cu ft/shp. An arrangement of a
60,000-shp package in a 35-ft-diameter hull re- The roughness allowance, ACt, is a dimension-
sulted in a volume of 159,000 c u f t for a specific less factor which accounts for the excess of the
volume of 2.65 cu ft/shp. One of these plants resistance of the full-sized ship over the resistance
was intended for each shaft of multiple-screw predicted from model tests. In addition to foul-
ships, and therefore, did not require as much du- ing and the condition of the paint, it allows for
plication of components to obtain reliability. such surface irregularities as sea chests, plate
Although a considerable amount of engineering edges, doublers, and weld reinforcements. For the
and drafting effort went into this arrangem.ent, it is purpose of this study a value of 0.0004, as currently
believed t h a t the specific volume would increase accepted for surface merchant ships, has been
to about 3.00 cu ft/shp if it were developed in com- assumed. In order to obtain this in a submarine
plete detail. A third arrangement consisting of tanker, it will probably be necessary to provide
four 60,000-shp units in a single pressure hull for housing or fairing of such items as bitts, chocks,
64 ft diam produced ~ volume of about 881,000 cleats, capstans, and the like, and to make life
cu ft giving a specific volume of 3.67 cu ft/shp. lines or hand rails portable.
As a result of these studies, the following specific The residual-resistance coefficient, C,, for sur-
volumes were used to obtain preliminary machinery face vessels is a complex quantity generally con-
and gross volumes: sidered to be composed of three parts:
1 A constant portion of relatively small
(a) Single-screw plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.32 magnitude, dependent upon the hull form.
(b) Twin-screw plants in one pressure 2 A portion which is a measure of the natural
hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 wave-making attributes of the bow and stern
(c) Quadruple-screw plants in one pres- and which increases rapidly with speed.
sure hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.67 3 A portion which reflects the interference
(d) Multiple screw ships, each plant in a effects of the bow and stern wave trains and is de-
separate pressure hull . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 pendent upon the speed/length ratio.
The coefficient for a submarine consists of only
Thus, in addi-tiqn to needing an approximate the constant portion 1, which is dependent upon
power, a general concept of the power-plant ar- hull form. This is true, of course, only when the
rangement is necessary in order to arrive at the submarine is submerged about four diameters to
gross volume requi~d.. For a specified speed, this avoid disturbing the surface. Consequently,
requires t h a t hull form and tentative d!mensions while C, and, hence, Ct of a weft-designed subma-
be established. rine will be comparable to a surface ship at low
In summary, the volume equation for 10 per speeds, they will certainly be less at speeds where
c.ent reserve buoyancy is the surface ship is generating waves to any ap-
Vr = 1.1 Vs = 1.1 (Cl q- C2 SHP) (1) preciable extent.
The wetted surface of a submarine, however,
where Vr and Va are the gross submerged and will be greater than t h a t of a surface ship of equal
surface displacement, respectively; Cl is the displacement, and will be even greater on the
total volume of all spaces except main ballast basis of equal deadweight. There will be some
and machinery, as given in Table 1; and C2 is
the machinery-space specific volume. 4 I n s e a w a t e r a t 59 F.

Submarine Tankers 699

(or entrance and run) of such length and shape as

r will provide minimum resistance, he obtains the

required volume by .adding sufficient parallel
body. The envelope volume, then, is given by
V~ = VB + Ve = A (CeB LE + Le) (5) 5
_ I . I_ J ,woo and the bare-hull wetted surface by
s = C (G. + (6)
Substituting these in equations (1) and (2)
n- 30,000 1.1 (C1 + C, SHP) -- A (Cex L z -t- Lp) (7)
EHP.. = 0.00872 nG (C8,, L . + L,.)C, (8)
Three eases have been investigated:
1 Circular section without parallel body, no
limit on dimensions.
2 Circular section with p~rallel body, maxi-
mum diameter limited to 80 ft.
~ ~ I 10~o0 3 Rectangular section with parallel body,
20,000 DWT TANKERS depth limited to 40 ft.
- I
Circular Hull Without Parallel Body
The' circular section hull without parallel body
io 12 14 16 18 20 22 has, as far as is known by the authors, the least
Fig. 5 Comparison o f p o w e r requirements o f a surface resistance; that is, the best combination of wetted
tanker "and an optimum form submarine tanker each surface and form drag. The form selected for
designed to carry 20,000 dwt at 20 knots this study has the following characteristics:
Length to diameter ratio, L I D . . . . . . . . 7.0
Position of maximum section . . . . . . . . . 0.4L
speed, though, at which the product of wetted Prismatic coefficient,
surface and total resistance coefficient, and thus C , = Vr/(~r/4)D2L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6
power, will be equal because of the rapid increase Wetted-surface coefficient,
of surface ship Cr with speed. Above this speed, Cs = S/~rDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 7374
the submarine will have a distinct advantage. Residual resistance coefficient, Cr . . . . . 0. 00007
As an example, Fig. 3 shows the speed-power The length-to-diameter ratio can be varied over
curves for a surface tanker and a submarine tanker a rather wide range of values without affecting
of good hydrodynamic form, both designed to the total resistance very much. A smaller L / D
carry 20,000 dwt at a speed of 20 knots. In this might be better from the point of view of bare-
particular case, the crossover occurs just above hull resistance, but the smaller appendage drag
the design speed at about 21 knots. It is realized and better propulsive efficiency of a more slender
that, if the surface tanker were designed for a body more than counterbalance the effect of the in-
higher speed, it would be longer and finer so that creased wetted surface. The precision of the esti-
the power upswing due to wave making would be mated value of residual-resistance coefficient is
deferred for a few more knots, but there is a limit not too critical because, in any reasonably well-
to the amount of fining that can be done, and the shaped body of revolution, it is small compared to
submarine becomes increasingly favorable at the roughness allowance. For this particular hull
speeds above 25 knots. Of course, for speeds form ( L / D = 7), the bare hull EHP, from equation
higher than the design speed, both types would (8), is
have to be increased in displacement to accommo- EHPBa = 0.1414 V3D2C~ (9)
date larger power plants.
With wave making eliminated and C~ constant Assuming a propulsive coefficient (PC) of 0.70
a~ndindependent of speed, speed/length ratio is not for the purpose .of establishing a first approxima-
a factor in submarine design, and the designer has tion to ship size, and allowing 15 per cent for ap-
more freedom in his choice of length. By'selecting s Subscripts E and P designate ends (bow and stern)
a maximum section together with a bow and stern and parallel body, respectively.

700 Submarine Tankers

400 55 60 65 70 75 BO 85 90 95 IO0 IO5 IIO 115
'l ' I' 'l I 'I ' '
a 300 _ FOR AN ASSUMED RC.=0.70 I
z I [**~ / /
(n LEGEND ~ / " &/ /
f- /
! ~ ]/ /
ttO't'S .....
/ --'"7
09 tO0

I ._ Z_.O__KNOTS__...~,

o 400
/ ?'
r... 900 I000

Fig. 4 P a r a m e t r i c curves for body o f r e v o l u t i o n h u l l s w i t h a n d w i t h o u t parallel b o d y

pendages and 10 per cent service margin, the shaft ularly in the larger sizes, since not only will it be
horse-power required is necessary to 10ad and discharge such ships off shore,
1 . 1 X 1.15
but in addition there are no existing drydocking
SHP - EHPBH -- 0.2555V3D2Ct facilities capable of taking a vessel drawing much
over 40 ft of water.
The volume equation for this particular hull form, C/rcular Hulls with Parallel Body
from equation (7), becomes The diameter of the circular section hulls may be
C1 Jr C2SHP reduced and the required volume obtained by add-
n 3 - (11)
3.00 ing parallel body, thus increasing length, wetted
As shown in Fig. 4, equations (10) and (11) surface, and power. Using the same form for the
can be plotted as curves of SHP versus diameter ends and making the same assumptions relative to
or length using speed as a parameter for equation appendage power (15 per cent), service margin
(1.0)-and ~leadweight for equation (11). The (10 per cent), and propulsive coefficient (70 per
intersections of-these two sets of curves thus give cent), the volume and power equations, from equa-
the desired solutions (length, diameter, and tions (7) and (8), become
SHP) for specified speeds and deadweights. Vr = VB Jr Vv = 0.7854D 2 (0.6 L~ Jr Lp) .
It is noted that the maximum diameters and = 1.1 (Ct Jr C~SHP) (12)
the surface drafts of the resulting ships are quite
large. With 10 per cent reserve buoyancy, the. S l i p = 0.0495 V3D (0.7374 L~ Jr L~) C, (13)
draft in the normal surface condition will be about
80 per cent of the maximum diameter. For in- where
stance, the 40,000-dwt, 40-knot ship has a maxi- LB + Lv = L, and LB = 7D
mum diameter of about 105 ft and will draw
about 84 ft of water in the normal surface condi- For any specified diameter, deadweight, and
tion. (loaded). In the light surface, condition-it will speed, a. solution may be obtained in the same
draw about 50 ft of water. Therefore, these manner as the previous case. Curves for a maxi-
optimum hull ships may not be practical, partic- mum diameter of 80 ft are included in Fig. 4. It

Submarine Tankers 701


A.R 90 80 70 60 50 40

9'o so .0
Fig. 5 Lines plan of parent form rectan~

will be seen t h a t length becomes impractical in the ratios for the purpose of model tests. Fig. 5
larger and faster vessels as diameter is reduced. shows the lines o f . t h e BID = 2.0 model. T h e
wetted surface coefficients obtained from these
Rectangular Hulls lines are as follows:
From the practical point of view, a draft in the
normal surface condition (loaded) in the order of B/D 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
36 ft is about the most t h a t can be accepted with Cs~ 0.722 0.736 0.750 0.765
present channel limitations and pier facilities.
With 10 per cent reserve buoyancy, this limits the
depth of the hull to around 40 ft, and, in order to T h e area of the maximum section is obtained
keep the ship length within reason, the beam must from the formula
be increased. This entails a departure from the A = BD -- 0.86R 2 (14)
body of revolution hull form.
Rather than investigate the intermediate ellip- and the girth of this section, allowing for a 21/2-ft-
tical section, the authors have elected to use a rec- high rectangular fairing for vent piping, is
tangular section because, for a given depth and G = 2 (B -b D - 0.86R + 2.5) (15)
volume, the beam a n d / o r length will be less than
for any other shape. T h e corners of the rectangu- Assuming a propulsive coefficient of 0.70 and
lar section are rounded at a radius (R) to ease the allowing 25 per cent for appendages and 10 per
flow. cent for service margin, the shaft-horsepower
T h e following constants were adopted for the equation for this series is
family of vessels discussed in this paper; 1.1 X 1.25
4.0 = 0.7
R/~/BD0.14 = = 0.0171ING (Cs~ LB-{-Lp) C, (16)
Cpx = V~/LzA = 0.60 T h e simultaneous solutions of equations (7) and
A curve of sectional areas was developed and (16) for a depth (D) of 40 ft with beam as a param-
lines plans drawn for four different b e a m / d e p t h eter are shown in Figs. 6, 7 and 8. These charts

702 Submarine Tankers

Upper & Lower Tangen+

Vent Fairing Side

40 30 20 I0 5 F.R

Curve of Areos

Top of Vent F~iring /

Side Temcjen~


Side Tangent"

40 30 ~o IO 5 F.P.

B I D = 2.0, P M B ~- 6 0 p e r c e n t

have been prepared with the simplifying assump- of a 20-knot, 20,000-ton-deadweight tanker with
tion t h a t the bare hull Cr is 0.0001 regardless of the draft of about 35 ft 6 in. or less.
amount of parallel body or the beam-depth ratio. 2 T o obtain enough additional, parametric
Because the parametric charts, Figs. 4, 6, 7 data to facilitate the future design of a draft-
and 8, are based upon estimates of volume require- limited vessel of different capacity a n d / o r speed.
ments, no variation of Cr with proportions, and an The parent form selected for the series of models
assumed propulsive coefficient of 0.70, it is em- was identical with a 20,000-dwt, 20-knot prelimi-
phasized t h a t they are only for the purpose of nary design which had been worked out in consider-
roughing out a design. Using the results of able detail. This design had been given the
model tests described in the next section, the de- Maritime Administration designation S5-N-MA-
signer can correct the power calculations for de- 48a. T h e principle dimensions of this vessel
partures from the parent form. were:
Length BP, ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565.
Model Tests
Beam, ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Since no resistance data were available on sub- Depth, ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
merged rectangular-section form.s, it was necessary Draft, normal surface condition, ft-in . . . . . 35-6
to conduct model tests to determine resistance and
the effect of variations in proportions. T h e model scale was 1:120. Thus the parent
' A program of model tests of" submarine tanker model was 56.5 in. long.
hulls was carried out at the Davidson Laboratory T h e appendages make a major contribution to
of Stevens Institute of Technology [1]. 6 When the resistance of a submarine; therefore, it i~
this program was planned, two objectives were important to design them well. T h e control sur-
given primary consideration, viz: faces must be big enough for directional stability,
b u t they should not be any bigger than necessary.
1 T o optimize as quickly as possible t_he form T h e stability coefficients cannot be predicted
accurately on familiar submarine forms without
s N u m b e r s in b r a c k e t s d e s i g n a t e R e f e r e n c e s a t t h e e n d
model tests. On the unfamiliar rectangular form,
of t h e paper. the .need for such tests was thus quite apparent.

Submarine Tankers 703



0 200
/, / / 20,000 DWT

400 500 600 700 800 900 I000

i J 30,000
40 DWT
Fig. 6 Parametric curves for 20,000 dwt rectangular
hulls---D = 40 ft

Davidson Laboratory carried out the directional

stability tests on the Laboratory's rotating-arm 500 600 700 800 900 I000 I100
facility. LENGTH (FT)
The advantages and disadvantages of small Fig. 7 Parametric curves for 30,000 dwt rectangular
models have been discussed many times. In the hulls---D = 40 ~
submarine-tanker program, the advantages ap-
peared to outweigh the disadvantages. Rea-
sonably good data on a parametric series of forms Table 2 Data for Models Tested
were needed more than high precision on a single PMB,
form. Even with small models, it was desirable to Form B/D percent Scale
conserve time and money by varying only those l 1.0 60.2 1:120
2 1.5 60.2 1:120
parameters which could be expected to have a 3 2.0 53.1 1:128.1
significant effect on the power required. Propor- 4 2.0 60.2 1:120.1
5 2.0 65.4 1:113.6
tions outside the range of practical arrangements 6 2.5 60.2 1:120
did not need to be tested.
Models with four "different b e a m / d e p t h ratios
and three different lengths of parallel middle body With fuller ends, the length of the parent form
were tested, Table 2. could have been reduced a little, thus effecting a
Forms 1, 2, 4 and 6 aU had the same length reduction in wetted surface. Assuming that the
and the same crave of sectional areas. F o r m 4 resulting saving in frictional E H P would not
was the parent form. Forms 3 and 5 had the have been entirely offset b y an increase in resid-
same ends as the parent, but the length of parallel uary E H P , there still would have been a strong
middle body was altered b y substituting blocks of possibility t h a t the thrust deduction would have
different length. This, of course, made the dis- been so much higher t h a t little, if any, saving in
placements of models 3 and 5 different from the S H P would have resulted. Since Davidson
parent. When the test data were expanded to Laboratory is not equipped to make self-propul-
ship size, different scale factors were used on these sion tests with large models, any experiments with
two models to make the displacements of each of fuller ends would have been inconclusive with re-'
them the same as all of the others. spect to SHP. Therefore, it was decided not to

704 Submarine Tankers

change the lines of the ends unless the residuary 500
resistance of the parent should prove to be un-
expectedly high.
All of the models had rectangnlar sections with
rounded corners. H a d the residuary resistance
of these models proved to be high, it was planned 400
to test an alternate form with elliptical sections.
However, the residuary resistance of the parent
form was found to be so low that no room was left
for significant improvement. Furthermore, the
elliptical section for equal draft would be so much
wider tha ~ wetted surface would be greater than 300 -. :/
on the parent form.
The sequenc ~ of model tests was as follows: =
1 A preliminary stability investigation of the o
parent hull (form 4) was carried out with the ro- 0_0
taring-arm facility in Davidson Laboratory T a n k
No. 2. This study was undertaken with various 2oc / ~OKTS
sizes of thin-plate rudders and stern diving planes. 40,000 DWT
The results of these tests were extrapolated to 40 FT DEPTH
establish a set of approximate empirical equations
which expressed the hydrodynamic derivatives
and hence the stability indices ~ 61 and 63 in terms
of the fin sizes and hull dimensions of the series of ,oo
forms under consideration. These equations were
then used to determine the sizes of fins, both rud-
ders and stern planes, required b y all of the models
to achieve the desired indices ffl ---~ 6 3 - ~ --0.3.
2 The resistance of the bare hull# was meas- o
ured in the straight towing tank (Davidson T a n k ~oo 600 700 800 SO0 lOOO I10O
No. 3) to determine E H P .
3 The required rudders and diving planes Fig. 8 Parametric curves for 40,000 dwt rectangular
were installed on all models as well as the "sail," hulls--D = 40 h
i.e., the bridge fairwater. The resistance of the
fully appended models was then measured in T a n k amounted to about 36 per cent of the bare hull
No. 3 to determme the E H P of the complete E H P on the parent ship and roughly the same
ships. a m o u n t on the other forms. The excessive drag
4 Models 1, 3 and 4 were tested for directional was believed to be due in part to the thickness and
stability with their streamlined appendages. orientation of the twin rudders. This was con-
These tests were considered necessary because the firmed b y substituting thir/ner rudders 9 with the
simplifying assumptions and skimpy data from the leading edges towed outboard 2, 4 and 6 deg rela-
preliminary tests could not be regarded as a firm tive to the trailing edges. The residual-resist-
basis for sizing the fins. ance coefficient for the parent form with the orig-
The resistance added b y the sail was found to be inal rudders, based on total surface, was 0.00059.
so small that it was not necessary to change the With the thinner rudders at various angles, C,
size of sail to suit the different scale of models 3
came down as follows:
and 5.
The increased resistance due to stern append- Angle, deg : C,
ages was considered excessive. Appendage E H P 0 0.00045
2 0.00040
4 0.00037
6 0.00046
7 The stability indices a~ and a3 used by Davidson
Laboratory for motions in the horizontal and vertical
planes, respectively, indicate that an initial disturbance of For the best case tested, it will be seen t h a t total
the vessel under consideration will damp to 1/e in -- 1/~ E H P had dropped from 136 to 124 per cent of bare
lengths traveled by the vessel.
a A small appendage along the deck at the centerline
of all models to serve as a fairing for vent piping was con-
sidered part of the bare hull. 0 Thickness/chord ffi 0.09.

Submarine Tankers 705

Table 3 Full-Size Results and Calculations, for Constant Full-Size Volume and 20 Knots
Form a B/D cent X S, L, R. C, CI, Ct, EHP
1-a 1.0 60 120 119472 565 1.4g 100 0.00073 0.00146 0.00259 21620
1-b 109357 0.00021 0.00207 15830
2-a 1.5 60 120 122790 565 1.49 X 109 0.00054 0.00146 0.00240 20590
2-b 112563 0.00008 0.00194 15270
3-a 2.0 53 128.1 120341 512.7 1.35 X l0 g 0.00063 0.00148 0.00251 21110
3-b 111785 0.00025 0.00213 16670
4-a 2.0 60 120 126978 b65 1.49 X 109 0.00059 0.00146 0.00245 21740
4-b 117678 0.00009 0.00195 16030
4-m 126978 0.00037 0.00223 19800
5-a 2.0 05 113.6 1326b0 615.1 1.62 X 109 0.00073 0.00144 0.00257 23820
5-b 122791 0.00006 0.00150 16320
6-a 2.5 6() 120 132559 565 1.49 X l0 g 0.00052 O.00146 0.00238 22050
6-b 123892 0.00007 0.00193 10720
6G = fully-appended hull. b -- bare hull. m -- modified rudders.

hull E H P . A further reduction in E H P might be

.obtained b y increasing the spacing between the EFFECT OF B/D EFFECT OF PMB
PMB = 6 0 % BID 2.0
rudders and b y using thinner sections on the driv- $XlO "4
(FT 2)
ing planes. 15
Unfortunately,. the rotating-arm tests on the S
three fully appended models indicated instability. XlO-3
20 +10
T h e methods suggested to reduce appendage drag
[Cr)sx tO 3
would also improve stability. However, some in- OR EHP
(Ct)t X i0 3
crease in area might still be necessary. This 15 3 "5
leaves k small range of uncertainty in E H P predic-
J tot)s (Ct)s
tions based upon the tests conducted to date.
tO 2 JO
Nevertheless, the available data are considered to
b e adequate for preliminary design. If the con-
t r a c t design of a submarine tanker is undertaken, 5 I
of course, a larger model should be tested for direc- t,)s (Cr)s
tional stability as well as for resistance and propul-
sion. 0 1.0 2~ 3,0 40 50 60 70
Although the model with modified rudders has |B/D) PER CENT OF LENGTH
n o t been retested for directional stability, it seems
reasonable to assume t h a t a small increase in fin Fig. 9 Bare hull m o d e l results for rectangular hulls o f
equal volume at a speed o f 20 knots
area will be required b u t t h a t the resulting power
increase can be matched b y a decrease due to re-
finements of the appendage design. Thus, for
cient C, is nearly constant for b e a m / d e p t h ratios
preliminary design of submarine tankers with rec-
tangular sections, a reasonable allowance for all from 1.5 to 2.5, inclusive. Cr is higher for B / D =
appendages is 25 per cent of the E H P of the bare 1.0. Wetted surface increases as BID increases.
These effects combine to m a k e E H P m i n i m u m at
hull. This allowance has been used for such de-
B/D = 1.5.
signs elsewhere in this paper.
2 (7, decreases rapidly as length of parallel
Results of all of the model tests for E H P ex-
middle b o d y increases until P M B reaches a b o u t
panded to the full size of the parent ship 1 are
60 per cent of the length of the hull. Thereafter
given in Table 3. T h e effects of the most sig-
C, decreases slowly as P M B increases. W e t t e d
nificant form p a r a m e t e r s studied; i.e., b e a m / d e p t h
surface increases as P M B increases. These effects
ratio and parallel middle body, are illustrated in
Fig. 9. combine to m a k e E H P m i n i m u m a t a b o u t 60 per
cent P M B .
F r o m the results of the model tests assuming
3 F o r the p a r e n t ship (S5-N-MA48a), the pro-
c o n s t a n t displacement, several general conclu-
portions selected appear to be the best t h a t can be
sions can be drawn:
obtained with the desired deadweight, speed, and
1 T h e bare-hull residual-resistance eoeffi-
limited draft.
4 T h e assumption t h a t the effects of parallel
~oSS-N-MA48a, 20,000 dwt, 20 knots. middle b o d y will be independent of BID is a logi-

706 Submarine Tankers

Table 4 P o w e r , Dimensions a n d Principal Characteristics o f Submarines I n v e s t i g a t e d

20000-dwt v e s s e l s
Speed, knots .20 . 20- , 42.3 42.0 31.4
Rec- Rec- Rec-
Section Circle Circle tangle Circle Circle tangle Circle Circle tangle
Parallel body, %L . . . . . . . . 0 59.5 0 58.0 0 17.6 58.6
Length, ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525 555 560 570 620 680 580
Beam, f t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.5 diam 80 79.0 diam 90 88.5 diam 80.0 dlam 90
4O 40 40
Depth, f t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surface displ, tons . . . . . . 36600 38000 42800 43600 59400 59500 44500
Submerged displ, tons... 40300 41800 47100 47900 65400 65500 45000
DWT/surf dlspl . . . . . . . . . . . 0.546 0.527 0.467 0.460 0.337 0.336 0.490
EHP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14300 19700 51600 71600 172500 176500 83000
SHP, trial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16900 27400 68600 95400 218000 218000 109000
EH P/SH P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.846 0.720 0.752 0.750 0.790 0.810 0.760
SliP, service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18600 30200 75500 105000 240000 240000 120000
No. of screws . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 2 4 4 2
RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 100 150 150 150 150 150
Prop diam, f t . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.8 26.1 19.8 22.6 21.0 21.0 23.0
SH P/shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18600 30200 37750 52500 60000 60000 60000
Mach vol/gross vol . . . . . . 0.057 0.089 0.18 0.19 0.39 0.39 0.21
Speed X DWT/serv SliP. 21.5 13.2 7.95 5.72 3.55 3.50 5.23

30000-dwt v e s s e l s
Speed, knots 20 . r 30 - 40.0 39.4 32.3
Rec- Rec- Rec-
Section Circle Circle tangle Circle Circle tangle Circle Circle tangle
Parallel body, %L . . . . . . . . 0 11.8 60.8 0 20.0 55.5 0 30.5 57.0
Length, f t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 635 650 625 700 625 670 805 650
Beam, ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 85.5 diam 80.0 diam 100 89.5 diam 80.0 dlam 120 96.0 diam 80.0 dlam 120
Depth, ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 40 40
Surface displ, tons . . . . . . . 53700 53700 56000 61300 62200 62800 75600 75800 65900
Submerged displ, t o n s . . . 59100 59100 61600 67400 68400 69100 83200 83400 72500
DWT/Surf displ . . . . . . . . . . 0.559 0.559 0.536 0.490 0.483 0.478 0.396 0.396 0.455
EHP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18300 18800 27200 64700 68500 97000 171000 178500 124000
SHP. trial . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22100 23000 38900 87200 90200 128000 218000 218000 163500
EHP/SHP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.830 0.820 0.700 0.743 0.760 0.760 0.785 0.820 "0.760
SHP, service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24300 25300 42800 95000 99200 141000 240040 240000 180000
No. of screws . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 3
RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 150
Prop diam, f t . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.3 25.5 28.2 21.1 21.4 22.5 21.1 21.1 23.7
SHP/shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24300 25300 42800 48000 49.600 47000 60000 60000 60000
Mach vol/gross vol . . . . . . . 0.053 0.053 0.085 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.30 0.30 0.21
Speed X DWT/serv SHP. 24.7 23.7 14.0 9.38 9.07 6.38 5.00 4.92 5.39

40000-dwt v e s s e l s
-20 , 30 38.2 37.4 30.6
Speed, knots
Rec- Rec- Rec-
Section Clrcle Circle tangle Circle Circle tangle Circle Circle tangle
26.8 60.6 0 33.3 64.1 0 39.8 64.4
Parallel body, %L . . . . . . . . 0
Length, f t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660 765 710 680 840 780 715 930 785
Beam, f t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.5 diam 80.0 diam 120 98.0 diem 80.0 diem 120 102.5 diem 80.0 diem 120
40 40 40
Depth, f t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surface displ, tons . . . . . . . 70600 70600 73300 80000 80500 81800 92000 92200 82400
Submerged displ, t o n s . . . 77700 77700 80600 88000 88600 90000 101200 101400 90700
DWT/surf, displ . . . . . . . . . . 0.566 0.566 0.546 0.500 0.497 0.489 0.435 0.434 0.486
170000 181000 , 124000
EHP ..................... 21800 23400 32900 76500 84800 115500
26800 29300 48400 104400 110000 152000 218000 218000 163500
SHP, trial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EHP/SHP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,813 0,800 0,680 0,732 0,770 0,760 0.778 0.830 0.760
29500 32000 53300 115000 121000 168000 240000 2.40000 180000
SHP, service . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No. of screws . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 3
RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 150
Prop diam, ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.5 27.0 29.4 22.1 22.2 23.6 21.1 21.2 23.8
SHP/shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29500 32000 53300 57500 60500 56000 60000 60000 60000
Mach vol/gross vol . . . . . . . 0.049 0.049 0,079 0,15 0.15 0.17 0.25 0.25 0.17
Speed X DWT/serv SHP. 27.1 25,0 15.0 10.5 9.92 7,15 6.37 6.23 6.80

cal and useful extrapolation, b u t it should be re- minimum hull depth that can be used. Opposing
m e m b e r e d t h a t the P M B variations were tested this, a draft limit, together with a limit on re-
only on the hull with . B / D = 2.0. serve buoyancy, will determine the maximum
depth of hull. When these two requirements
Influence o f M a c h i n e r y A r r a n g e m e n t on Ship Size conflict, the draft limitation must be relaxed.
The final selection of dimensions must be based The diameter of the engine room is governed
on the geometry of the noncargo pressure hull, by the main turbine-reduction gear-condenser
especially that part containing the machinery. complex. The size of these units for a given
The pressure hull should be cylindrical to with- power depends on such considerations as steam
stand sea pressure, and, since it must fit inside the conditions, condenser vacuum, propeller RPM
outer envelope, its diameter will control the and the arrangement of the turbine cylinders.

Submarine Tankers 707



MCT No.15
I I II iHl
A~P. 550 500 450 400 350
I'I'o" 20'0" 35'0'

_ MCT.N,o.ll(P) MCTNo.I~
~ ~ EngineRm ~]-~--~-~ Reaclor
A ] <:
~,~,,.~ : : .
_ _
. . . . .: -:- , -. , - -.--~ - - a ~ - - .' . . J , ~, :
L " ' F
~r ,-,o '," ""
---= [, r,
'-........r.p.~2 o--] ,.-,.--, ,..,_, ,, .... :.~=::=
MBT IMC(Fs~i MCTNoJ3(S} MCTNo.12(S)v-MCTNo.II($) 4CTNo.|C
N'3CS)I . . . . . . . .
vcT~'141 VCT No. 13(S) VCT No.I:~ (S) VCT No.II(S) 'CT No.lO

Fig. l O ( a ) General arrangement i

With the diaineter thus established, the various In order to keep the pressure-hull diameter at a
components must be located relative to one an- minimum for the limited draft ships, it was con-
other in some logical arrangement, and this will ceived that the power plant for each shaft would
have considerable influence on compartment be contained in its own cylinder and considered
length. as a complete unit or package by itself. T h e
The reactor-compartment diameter depends arrangement study of a 60,000-shp package indi-
on the number and size of reactor vessels and cated that it could be contained in a 35-ft-diam
steam generators; one reactor will require a cylinder. This is compatible with the 40-ft outer
larger diameter than two for the same power out- hull depth. B y the same token, it is evident t h a t
put. Of course, two reactors will require a longer two such units will require a beam of about 80 ft;
cylinder. The length of compartment required three units, 120 ft; and four units, 160 ft. Since
for each reactor is a function of the coolant pipe a b e a m / d e p t h ratio of 4.0 is rather impractical,
configuration as determined by thermal-stress 180,000 shp, or three 60,000-shp units, is about the
considerations. upper limit of power that can be accommodated
In general, marine power plants have not ex- in vessels limited to drafts in the order of 36 ft.
ceeded 70,000 shp per shaft. W h i l e higher Although admittedly the pressure-hull plating
power turbines could, without doubt, be built, will be quite thick, the 64-ft diam required for a
the problems involved in shafting the propellers four-shaft, 240,000 shp plant in one cylinder can
for such. powers do not offer much incentive. be accommodated in the unlimited draft and
Perhaps some as yet untried method of propul- 80-ft-diam circular hulls.
sion may be developed which will raise the upper
limit, but to arrive at a realistic arrangement it Specific Vessels
'"Lr'" W#S necessary to use known components. The The authors have prepared Table 4 to show the
upper limit Of power per shaft was established at power, dimensions, and other characteristics of
60,000 shp for the purpose of this study. the three different types of vessels for each of the

708 Submarine Tankers

/Discharge Manifold
l ~


Falrlng I I/ .I" MI
'~' o, [ ~ )No3 I ~ ~' : "

? ]l |
Pumproom. ~llc,pt~ cry,,
Q,rs Ga,te,
m VCT" ~:I VCTro.e V C T ~
; I I~MCTN'81 [~]TNEllMCTN'6 IMB]'tI~':I ] MCTN'5 IMI:TN[~'I ,,CTNo.3I HCTNo.?- METN~-I.I, Une ]1
--.., l,,,,w*~l~.B=se
2GO ?00 150 I00 50 F.v
i I I I I I
~5'0" ZG'O" Inner Hull Diarneers Z6'O" tZ'O" 16'0"

nks fCTN~gB
"(P) N~B(P) (P) VCTNa5A VCTNoA(K VCTNo.3(P:
I'ks Cofl.ITks.
j.cTRocP) MCTI~
,~ cI~,~.EI':~]~I;IO~
~" FanRm..]' II -~1 'I 'h'"" (o)
" I1~ ]_ .~ No.3():VCTNo.Z VCTNo.1 i -
,, ~,, H S
- - - [

Pump Room o o I == I =
TksTks ~ g ( S ) 4CT~I~8(S)MCTN~?(S)MCTR~G($1 NIBTNo.Z(S: ~CTN~5(S)14CTNo.4(S)MCTNo.3($)
MBTNo.t(S) Y
=nks VCTNo.9B VCTNo.gA VCT ~CTNo.l(S)VCTNo.6(S)VCTNo.5B VCTNo.5AVCTNo.4{S VCTNo.3($)
(8) (S) No.8CSI (S) (s)

A48a--20,000 dwt, 35,000 shp

three parametric deadweights and for speeds of reader's point of view. Some of the more signifi-
20 and 30 knots and also for the speed correspond- cant conclusions are the following:
ing to the maximum power for each type. In 1 The hull with'circular sections and without
arriving at these characteristics, the following parallel middle body, having a length-to-diameter
corrections have been made to the powers and ratio of about 7 to 1, is hydrodynamically the best
dimensions obtained from Figs. 4, 6, 7 and 8: of the three types considered. It therefore re-
Length--adjusted to the nearest 5 ft to provide quires the least power for a given speed. How-
the required displacement. ever, except in the smaller sizes, the draft is ex-
Diameter of circular hulls--adjusted to the cessive even in the light condition. Drydocking
nearest half foot. would be impossible for most of the vessels of
Displacement--adjusted to provide a machinery this type. In the loaded condition, their large
volume corresponding to the corrected service draft would exclude them from most harbors.
shaft horsepower using the appropriate specific 2 The introduction of parallel middle body to
volume. the hulls with circular sections makes it possible
EHP of rectangular hulls--calculated using to reduce the maximum diameter considerably
C, adjusted for BID and PMB in accordance with with only a very modest increase in the power re-
model tests. quired. In the examples selected for this type
Trial SHP--calculated using propeller efficiency of hull, the maximum diameter is 80 ft. If the
obtained from Troost B5.60 series and estimated pressure hull is located in the correct longitudinal
values of wake fraction, thrust deduction and rela- position, these hulls will float on an even keel in
tive rotative efficiency. the light condition; i.e., without cargo and
Service SHP--trial SHP plus 10 per cent. ballast. Those having a deadweight/surface
A comparison of the characteristics of the displacement ratio of about 0.43 or greater can
various designs covered in Table 4 will lead to thus be drydocked in existing docks. It will be
many different conclusions, depending upon the seen that the vessels of maximum power and

Submarine Tankers 709

IG'O'DIo, G;rder-Web "Pl,
V rVcal Si~f
FIg.4"(MS'~j--"I p;~Ixi4'll!li"
+c~ rtga~'xG'Pl 2'Pl.CmS)$he # Z'x i'P CMS)
Vet+leo1 Stiff
Web~.pL_rlg.S~i,(HTS)t i-. ~ , ; , < , + + 1
Girder-W~b "Pl. L l U U U U Girder-Web I'PI.
"] I ~{:t4TS) 11"" O ~ I f ~#,(I I II II II Illll~ FIg's;I-('MS)
i I , Ver,t; u St ff

l A l/io , iGlrdlr.Web/ ~ 0
,~l ; ,
i . ~ Swash Bhci
_~ II ! I V I I il~ILI,~I~ l~l~s~l: .m~i, ~

~-,, .!,.'/:__.
Ver+ieal Still I i I =__~ 4i'0"
w.+,.,,.-,,,.,~,.--kl-J~ l,+~.-t---;- lis) I I ', I j o/ . ~ 1
~ PI.CM$)
7 . . . . I
'"" <"+'XAGI ! 1"~ ~ P'i<>

'e,";+$.'~-b'/fl II II II ! ! ~1111 I ~ ' I ''+-'+"
, ,"g.IO~I~'(HT$)!
I i '
.... ~ 1 1 1 ~ +111 IIloll i ! III1~ HT+)I J /
~'' g i i i l ~
IO'x4~35.3Lb L CUt I
r+~%~""'Fr~. 1 I?,FTi3~ ...,o,. ._i
"from lS"xd'x4Z.'ll.bE ~ Girder-~',~b'll~Pl. $ ' t ~ I ! L Pl.CM5) Verat;colfiirde r / $ I I $
31"Frame SpcclngCMS) FIg.4"(MS) I'PLCMS) ~+"PLCMS) PI.(M5) (T~teicol) I Web~" PI- Ylg.4"('XS) - GircleP- Webl" PI.-Rg.8;l[" PL(HT$) l
BHD 325 I~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50'0"Beom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d
LOOKINGFWD 81 TYPICAL WING BHOS $CQntfingi not I.abeledSire to
LOOKINGFWD Typlcl Web Frame of Aux. Mschlne 3pace
SCcn~:I;ngsnot LaboledS;m ~o Bhd 325



MCT No.10 .
MalnCoolonl ~
~ w

VCT No,10

Noi.l.0.,~. -

VCT "" " VCT No,tO



Aux.Tank Aux.Tank~ Aux.Tank



C004 le-
I~P"~ _'~-~%---01

I . , ~ . , ; c P,on+

G A u Tank


Fig. 10(b) General arrangement and structural sections:of SS-N.MA48a--20,000 dwt, 55,000 shp
20,000 or 301000 tons deadweight do not satisfy tanks must be in the same fore-and-aft location
this requirement, but the high-powered 40,000- as the center of buoyancy of the emergedvolume.
dwt vessel and all of the lower powered ones do It is desirable that the submarine surface about
satisfy it. on an even keel. although a slight trim b y - t h e
3 The hulls with rectangular section have stern is usually acceptable.
reasonable operating draft in the surface condi- 2 The center of gravity of the variable cargo
tion, loaded or light. However, they pay a rather tanks should be in the same fore-and-aft location
heavy price in power as compared to the circular as the center of gravity of the main cargo tanks
hulls. so that the ship will have the same balance in the
4 The top speed for submarine tankers which ballast condition as when loaded with cargo.
are feasible to build and to drydock at the present 3 The longitudinal center of gravity of the
state of technology is in the neighborhood of 40 cargo expansion tanks should be about the same as
knots. A hull of circular or nearly circular sec- the center of the main cargo tanks so that ex-
tion with parallel middle body would be required. pansion and contraction of the cargo does not
5 The top speed for rectangular-form sub- affect the trim.
marine tankers with draft limited to about 36 ft 4 The longitudinal center of the auxiliary
in surface condition, loaded, is not much above 30 tanks should be about the same as the center of
knots. This conclusion is based upon the authors' the cargo expansion tanks so that changes in the
opinion that 180,000 shp is the upper limit for amount of compensating water in the expansion
present day feasibility in such hull forms. It tanks may be offset by adjusting the amount of
should be noted that in the smallest (20,000 dwt) water in the auxiliary tanks without having to use
vessel of the series, this limit is 120,000 shp be- the trim tanks.
cause the addition of a third screw in this vessel 5 The cargo collecting tanks should be abreast
requires a beam/length ratio which results in an of the cargo pump room so that the pump suction
impossible arrangement and such high E H P lines are as short as possible.
that no appreciable increase in speed could be Before undertaking a general arrangement,
obtained. rough arrangement studies of such spaces as the
6 High deadweight and relatively low speed crew's quarters, control room, engine room,
pay off in transport momentum per horsepower reactor compartment, and cargo pump room
(i.e., DW T x speed/SHP) in submarines just as should be made in enough detail to establish the
they do in surface tankers. High deadweight diameter and length of their cylinders. As al-
and/or low power also improves the deadweight/ ready noted, the machinery arrangement study
displacement ratio and reduces the light-ship must be started as soon as the approximate power
draft, thereby facilitating drydocking. is known because the size of the machinery com-
partments will have considerable bearing on the
General Arrangement dimensions of the ship.
As in any preliminary ship design, having estab- The arrangement of the noncargo pressure hull
lished dimensions, hull form, and power, the next can then be established and its volume and center
step is to subdivide the hull into the various of gravity determined. The location of the pres-
compartments and tanks. sure hull relative to the outer hull can then be
During the development of the preliminary adjusted fore and aft to obtain the cargo and
general arrangement, it may be found that some ballast centers desired.
spaces require more or less volume than originally The variable cargo tanks may be incorporated
provided in the volume equation. Such changes as extensions of the main pressure hull and as
will be reflected as changes in the cargo volume. separate cylinders abreast of the main hull. In
If it is found that the cargo volume is much more the single-cylinder rectangular ships, they are
or mdch less than specified, the parallel body best located in the corners where the heavy plating
length may be changed to suit and the power re- can contribute most effectively to hull girder
evaluated. Adequate margin should be provided strength, although this can only be done in way
for such things as access trunks, passageways, of the parallel body.
shaft alleys, sumps, sanitary tanks, compressed The boundaries of the main ballast tanks are
air flasks, and so on, as well as structure and fixed located to suit volume and trim requirements.
ballast. I'n general, any nonpressure tanks may be des-
There are a few desirable objectives which ignated as either main ballast or main cargo at
should be kept in mind when locating the various this stage of design. The difference between the
compartments. These are as follows: two occurs mainly in the piping systems. In
1 The center of gravity of the main ballast fact, all main cargo tanks can be used as main

Submarine Tankers 711

Re~rac'mble Discharge Han~fold
Ven4"l. Has~
Escape Trunk

--' '


, 1.. , , t"'"i "c''+
A.P. g00 850 800 "750 ~00 650 / ] 600 550 500
Exp..Tk,--JC olLTk.
| '0" I
I-/'0" 33'0" 33'0" 36'0" 39'0" 42'0" "43'0" 44'0" 54'0" 64'0"

AfarPump Rm.
I I \ ~ ........ ---------=+~--:,~~--J J A'I _J I I I

I \o " ~
I vc, ~o I
- - - , - I .VCTIg
. IVCTte
. .
. . .
I 5~ho++ iA,,,,y/ I
. . ,,---
~ .saaeJ
-F -'I

Afi" Access ~ C . ~ $ . hip ~Sh~p ~Ship

Coll. TR. N o . 5 , ~ ~ W e H No.4

Fig. 11 G e n e r a l a r r a n g e m e n t o 4 0 , 0 0

ballast tanks in the ballast condition if the re- strength point of view, the outer hull of a sub-
quired venting, flooding, and blowing systems marine tanker may be made lighter than a com-
and sufficient air capacity are provided. parable surface ship beeause of the elimination of
While the authors wish that arrangement plans wave bending moments, this argument is academic
o.f all the vessels of Table 4 could have been in- in the ease of low-density cargo designs. The
cluded, this would be an overwhelming project. problem with which the designer is faced is the
A preliminary design, of the 20 knot, 20,000-dwt balancing of the weight-volume equation by the
rectangular vessel has been completed and given judicious alloeation of weight among pressure
the designation S5-N-MA48a. Considerable hull, outer hull, and ballast. It may be solved
work has been done on the 240,000-shp, 40,000- by the cut-and-try method of designing the struc-
dwt, 80-ft-diam ship. The general arrangement ture for certain assumed criteria, calculating the
plans.of these vessels are shown in Figs. 10 and resulting struetural weight, and then determining
11. Since these plans were prepared prior to whether the ballast needed to balance is reason-
having the results of the model tests, the 20,000- able. In this case the test depth is considered the
dwt tanker shown here has a 35,000-shp plant. variable; but, of course, there is a practical limit
to the thickness of the pressure hull from the
Structure, Weights, and Stability aspect of fabrieation. If the resulting test depth
While it is true that, from a longitudinal is too modest, as may be the ease with the large-

712 Submarine Tankers

Re~rac#able Re,rateable .Hcts,s
Venal MasJf _ ~ & Periscopes
Spiral Stairs, F ~
I Ill I I IO'Sch~
~e M'71':::~ l ~l. ~ I i ': 'dT::~%:;~ 4~~:1

spoo, _I_ Ivo,:,l,c-r=l,,c,-, 7-I

reea lan~ 4CT 2

tx.Dia,Otrter" Shell 800 Coll.Tk. ~ Exp.Tk.

- - Dia.lm~er Hull t
' ,
40 O"
' - 20' ,u.
?.50Ton Air Contr. Uni~s
/ Reserve
/ FeedTonk ColI.Tk.Ho.Z /Exp.Tk.No.2

r- ~,~, o Io o Io -I I I

---Lo olo ol I
~'--~-bEH~ / lor~o~po~rOql VCTS k ~J "vJIGL,r s PVCTSI veT4

tl..v3 II I I /q V I I f l ~ I I I --
,:o,,.',,,.,'o., '",p.',',,.','o.,
0111~ I
14,0006a1.Per Day Evapora~rs -~. Ship ~ ~. Ship
Passge2< ~ Passage./~ ~ x ~ iral S,=irs

' c J r lr - II~ F ~~ W /14-4-SCenm

6enerar l~ ~il
% ~-t-}-~FWdlPurnp
." ~Pr.ssurizer ~., ~ l J Rrn"
Exp.Tk.No.l" "Exp.Tk.No.2
},000 shp, 80-ft-diam submarine tanker

diameter, high-powered circular hulls, the use of give the crew time to blow main ballast in the
high-strength steels such as H 80 may be neces- event of collision on or near the surface. It is
sary. also about the limit of depth at which salvage
Although there is no need for a commercial of the vessel would be practical.
submarine tanker to operate at a depth greater Fig. 10 shows typical cross sections developed
than that necessary to eliminate surface interac- for the S5-N-MA48a design on the basis of the
tion, the pressure, hull should be designed for a foregoing criteria. The calculated steel weight
somewhat greater depth to permit recovery from is 11,880 tons, requiring the addition of about 2250
a momentary loss of control. tons of fixed ballast to bring this ship to diving
Main ballast tank structure must be designed trim. This ballast amounts to about 5 per cent
to withstand the air pressure required to blow of the submerged displacement and. about 15 per
ballast out against sea pressure at the bottom of cent of the light-ship weight
the tank. - Escape compartment bulkheads should In a submerged submarine, BM is zero and,
be designed to maintain watertight integrity hence, G must be below B. With the center of
at the maximum depth at which rescue operations buoyancy at the axis, the center of gravity must
are considered feasible. Other watertight bulk- therefore be below the axis. As most submarines
heads are designed to hold at 200 to 300 ft. This are nearly symmetrical about the horizontal
is considered sufficient to localize flooding and plane through the axis, it thus becomes important

Submarine Tankers 713"

.i P. . . . ~,s..... ~ - - - ~ [ So!!.Co,*.~ne l 3 rd,Sc 4~h.0ff.
I E.r ~"-~ : ' = Diesel
~Ran Di~ssl 0 '
m. F.O.
, Eng,r"-r ) ,~ "-~" i "-'f I I ~-CONTROLRkL~.J Office

-- _ , , C )

H I-~. I Ih~d+o'~T-I , - - - , ~Immmr"os+i-- ~" Is~. 2nd

"+I + ,II 11 l I Rm. ~ [ ~ l r = l [ ~ l Ol I.I II I F 3





t i 1 . . . .
lHedic.a! ~ ~,Ship~ Dry 1Or,yin91 Diesel

+I . l~---~--~-[ng. Xoinf. H. . . . . . . ~Hae1nis l e - - - ~ m p H ..... --~ /_ ~ Y" L

~ Lkn!l ~ s
t ~ v.] ..Ji~

I p.O. .
Ii . _ _ L .i. F..' ~ . ~ . ~.,,~. . - ~- . .~.;.
r..~ . ...... ~ . ~_

Fig. 12 Crew's quarters arrangement o f S S - N - M A 4 8 a - - 1 9 oS~cers and 57 m e n

to kee p heavy weights such as machinery as low is estimated to be only 0.1 ft. With all ballast
as possible. When this does not provide the installed at the keel, the submerged BG becomes
desired stability, the center of gravity must be 1.1 ft. This is considered satisfactory, but a close
lowered by increasing the scantlings of the bottom check of weights would have to be kept during the
structure or b y the installation of sufficient ballast detail design stage to insure t h a t the a m o u n t of
at the keel Reduction of other weights, includ- ballast is not seriously decreased.
ing topside structure, m a y be necessary when the With the rectangular hull ships, G M in the
ballast required to balance the displaced volume is surface condition is more than adequate, as it is
insufficient. in surface tankers; it is estimated to be 13.5 ft
During design and construction, it is customary in the case of the SS-N-MA48a design. With
to hold some weight in reserve for development. circular hums, however, the metacenter is at the
This reserve is considered as ballast located at axis in the surface condition as is the center of
the axis for bookkeeping purposes. Such as re- buoyancy when submerged. Consequently, G M
mains upon completion of the vessel is installed surface and B G submerged are about the same.
as fixed ballast as low as possible with a resulting
increase in BG. Therefore, the fixed ballast is Accommodations and Ship Control
considered as divided into two parts; t h a t re- T h e arrangement of the crew's quarters and
quired for stability, and the remainder considered contro] room developed for the S5-N-MA48a
as reserve. design is shown in Fig. 12. Accommodations
In the case of the SS-N-MA48a design, the BG are provided for 19 officers and 37 men plus a
submerged with all ballast considered as reserve four-berth hospital and two spare berths in the

"/14 Submarine Tankers

M r Cond. Fan 8
11 Cooling Coil ~ ~]
II / 3 0 0 Kw Set ~ I
~Jl ~ ~ Switchboard iill lilll I

-- 3bO'KW Set" ~3(}0 KW St~ Rea'~r PIor~" --

./ ~ Starter Speed Regulator FW & .SW Heat - - ~
/ \ Guardroil~ Exchanger _ [ _ _

[ geaeroHng
III 11 Io'oL'll
III / * I ' P ' T T T L I
I Honfforlng ('--"
/ FeedTcmk ~l -,, ,,, ,'r-~, k I I \', ~ m
,, <over..od~ / ~'s~,rw.,,~ \~'~,, \ /
\ / [ N ,oweo~eve, /~.~,,, \ ~___

- .
~o~r-- I I I .I
I_ I ) ~
I ! I Si'eom Plant
h " ~"
- - " iv ivY. I ,

. ~
1 Supervisors I
I i I

/" ~
\ , (()) I / ' ~ Desk ~ ~ i I . -

('Overhead) I Hydroullc ~_ /" ~" - -
/ I can+tale I--- /\
X / Elec+rlCPlan+
\.. _~,// 300 KWSet 300 I~W Set Control
Swi'~hboord Speed Regulo'~r

300 KW HG

300KW Set" ~ I Lavafor), 8c \

Sfartev .... ~ l Shower ~
Air Canal. Fan ~ ,/
Cooling Call

Fig. 15 (a) Plan view of engine room intermediate level of SS-N-MA48a--BS,000shp

wardroom. While somewhat more austere than sidexed necessary, bow planes are not contem-
currently provided in most surface tankers, the plated.
quarters do meet minimum Coast Guard require- The ballast-control panel contains the controls
ments and are more elaborate than those provided and instruments for operation of the main ballast
in military submarines. vent and blow systems and the trim system as well
The control room is the center of ship opera- as indicator lights to show the status of access
tion when submerged. In addition to the peri- hatches, air induction valve, and so on. The
scope station and navigating center, it includes snorkel and antenna masts are also raised and
the diving and steering station, and ballast- lowered hydraulically from this station.
control panel. The ship may be planed to the surface and main
The diving and steering station has an instru- ballast expelled by low-pressure blowers taking
ment panel containing the engine-order telegraph, air directly from the atmosphere through the air-
rudder and plane angle indicators, gyro compass induction valve. Alternatively, it may be sur-
repeater, and depth and rate-of-depth-change faced by partially blowing out the main ballast
gages. The single stick control column, similar with high-pressure air stored in flasks.
to that used ih aircraft, operates both rudders The surface search radar, radio direction finder,
and diving planes. An automatic pilot may be and radio whip antennas are installed on tele--
incorporated for course and depth control. Since scoping masts to permit operation at periscope
accurate depth control at low speed is not con- depth, as well as on the surface. One periscope,

Submarine Tankers 715

H.P.Air ComprQssor i ~ ~ .
Up ~--q

I Haln CondenseP I j

k',: .-.
,I ,-.
tillX I c:a
~. -c-,r ~;,m~
I ~ ) ~, i i ( &~ :1 ~ "1 "
tl,~- ',I ,k - I,.,P fl I-1 ~ _ Ji~ , ,'.J, ,

[ ~- ....
/ II'iaoGPI3
. _
, +,<o+=/
I , / /
\ II I
7--=--_ _:z~- . . . .

s.~,~. ,o~ ,--I-~'k.OU ..

pl li'lg
JJ \~ /
/ ~
~ ~
I--1.i Ii ~ ", ~
/ / r
L- -_ ,--'P
~ I' ,,oinL.O.To.ko~o|Y ~ I ' ~ / ,
II I ll!C~l i \ / 1-41 JI - '1 " - . /"
I I Pro e er I II] I I ~,/ I ]k JL . ] Hain L.O.Tankage I
I-i e I U-I I I V I ~l-~XmnL.~ I " \-" I
"1 I 5ha~ I Ill I /~ I rl-~--~ Pumps I . ~ I
I I I II] I Maln Reducion Geop I zr xr / ._ j
U I IIl'~l / I / \ ~ a I / / ~ I
' '" V~ , / , I k ]~ II .- ~ i
I I ~ \ I .c~---=~
''~' ....... -'~--~:~
I , / \ ~ / 1 1 I! / ~ ,,,
I ~ I I Hain LO.Coolep ~ I I I I! /" Hain Condensae Pumps, "~ iI
J I ~ " -- ~ I I I Ill-._______X_ . . . . . "/ . . . . . ,.,i,._"~lI
.r~ ...... _r . . . . J- -~ ~---- r--- I
dTr , ii
I I ,"-~
--'l !,, I l i
t.L!_l Ig-~
,, I
"~ "~
, ,, I

Aux.Circ. Jl I I - \ ~ /1 r-- ~-~ =r:--~ r-,

W. Pumps "' ] l/ ".I I II ( } ( 3 ', l
\ ~ 'L 1 1 II "~ "-" ',!
i Ho,. Condenser I I

J~J I H.P.AlrCompressor
, --tilling_
_ _ ~

Fig. 13 (b) Plan view of engine

an active navigating sonar, fathometer, and generated b y turbine-driven generator sets. T h e

bathythermograph are also provided. main feed and main circulating water pumps are
For surface operation, the ship m a y be conned turbine driven. These pump turbines exhaust to
from the bridge located in the top of the fair- a deaerating feedwater heater. The main coolant
water or "sail." The usual surface navigating pumps and all other power-plant auxiliaries are
instruments and a pressure-proof speaker are motor driven.
provided at this station. The reactor plants were developed from discus-
sions with Westinghouse Commercial Atomic
Machinery Plant
Power Division. T h e pressure-vessel outlines
All the power plants used in this study consist were established b y a core design based on com-
of one or more pressurized-water-type reactors mercial nuclear power-plant practice rather than
generating steam at 425 psig saturated at the b y naval designs. In addition, the following
steam generator outlet. Steam is utilized in assumptions were made:
extraction-type single-casing or cross-compound 1 Full-power operation 90 per cent of the time.
turbines and exhausts to condensers rated at 5 in. 2 Refueling half the core every 12 months and-
Hg abs back pressure at full power in 65 F sea rearranging the remaining half at the same time
water. Power is transmitted to the propeller via to permit more complete burn-up of the fissionable
a reduction gear. Auxiliary electrical power is material.

716 Submarine Tankers

/I I% WaferTankNo.
(.Air Cond.Condenser

Feed" " . ~
~Air Cond Receiver/
r I r r

Suct.Valve I ~" _

Disch.Valve f ReserveFeed

/~'Wafer TankNo.3 Oeaerafir~g
~Reserve Feed
~ ~ WTank aNo.Z
Exchanger /
~~ r e r

MainCirc.W. l Disch.Valve Trim Pump~

__---L -- ----

Air Cond.Receiver7
.--L=,-=.I CoolingColl . ?

Reserve Feed

,level of SS-N-MA48a--55,000 shp

3 Four per cent enrichment (96 per cent The main reduction gear is of the double-re-
natural uranium, 4 per cent U2~). The high duction, locked-train type. The K-factor for the
enrichment and large excess reactivity of naval first reduction is 125 and the K-factor for the
reactors to permit quick startups is not considered second reduction is 100. These design factors are
to be worth the high fuel cost for merchant higher than present merchant ship practice and
vessels. lower than present naval practice but are neces-
The cpolant pressure is approximately 2500 sary to keep the gear within acceptable over-aU
psig. Coolant velocity in the main loops is in the dimensions.
order of 35 fps. Coolant pressure is maintained The 240,000-shp propulsion plant consists of
within predetermined limits by an electrically four separate 60,000-hp units. Each plant in
heated pressurizer with a steam expansion dome. this arrangement cofisists of a single 60,000-hp
For vessels with one shaft and for vessels with cross-compound turbine driving a shaft through a
each plant in a separate cylinder, a plant consist- locked-train, double-reduction gear. The LP tur-
ing of 2 single-cylinder turbines driving a single bine exhausts to a separate single-pass, two-tube-
shaft through a reduction gear has been used. In bundle condenser. The single-pass condenser
this design, each turbine exhausts to a separate is required for this plant because the condenser
condenser. Asseciated with each turbine and heads and shell diameter would be excessively large
condenser is a ship's service turbine-generator set. with a two-pass design. The cross-compound ar-

Submarine Tankers 717





m m m

SEA__~ . , J CARSO
SEA WATER BOX ~"~-"~_~__~,TER PUMP SEA WATER "O ~ - S ' t E t - ~ P

Fig. 14 Simplified cargo-system diagram showing Fig. 15 Simplified cargo-system diagram showing
arrangement for accommodating expansion and con- tanks being discharged in series
traction of cargo during voyage

2 The explosive hazard can be reduced by the

rangement has been used in this case because the elimination of petroleum vapor in the main cargo
compartment diameter is not a limitation. tanks after discharging the cargo.
The six 2500-kw turbine-generator sets in this 3 Corrosion of the main cargo-tank structure
plant are arranged on separate condensers, two to can be reduced since these tanks are always full
a condenser. Full-power ship's service load is of cargo or water.
estimated to be 10,000 kw, and four of the 2500 kw On the other side of the ledger is the big dis-
turbine-generators sets with their two associated advantage of disposing of the dirty ballast at the
condensers can handle the total ship's service loading port. It would perhaps be necessary to
load. build a tank farm to take the ballast discharged
In a submerged submarine, heat cannot be and separate the petroleum residue from the
dissipated to the atmosphere by a ventilating sys- water. However, it will take in the order of 8 h r
tem as in a surface ship, and all of the heat loss of surface operation to ballast to diving trim or
from the power plant, as well as the personnel to deballast prior to loading if the vessel is not
air-conditioning load, must be accommodated by compensated at the dock.
the air-conditioning plant. Consequently, a rela- The whole system presupposes, of course, t h a t
tively large amount'of air-conditioning refriger- a definite cleavage plane will be obtainable be-
ation capacity is required in all these designs as tween the cargo and ballast or that only slight
compared to a surface ship. intermixing will occur at the interface. This may
The arrangement of the machinery spaces of be a problem with heavier oils such as bunker C
the 35,000-shp plant developed for the 20,000-dwt and crudes.
tanker shown in Fig. 10 is included as Fig. 13.
In-Transit Condition
Cargo-Handling System Fig. 14 is a simplified diagram showing the
Except for having to accommodate expansion line-up of the proposed system to accommodate
and contraction of the cargo in the main cargo cargo expansion and contraction in transit.
tanks and the necessity of keeping these tanks full The function of the head tank, located in the sail,
at all times when submerged, the cargo-handling is to maintain a positive head on the main cargo
system need not be much different from that tanks when the vessel is on the surface. It is
provided on surface tankers. However, a system kept filled by an orificed line from the auxiliary
can be provided which will permit simultaneous sea-water cooling system. The bottom of the
ballasting or deballasting as the cargo is dis- expansion tank is connected to the sea through
charged or loaded, and such a system will be the head tank. The top of the expansion tank
described herein. and of each main cargo tank is .connected to the
The advantages of this self-compensating sys- bottom of the next tank in series. Thus, as the
tem are: cargo expands, it flows from the bottom of one
I The vessel will be ready to dive immediately tank to the top of the next, forcing water over-
upon leaving port. board through the head tank.

718 Submarine Tankers


['~,~,"~T,%~EDHA"E ~ 'WIO~NA~Xs~"----"~
- ................ L~.~:.~.E.T?..%..

Go~Icl,N G TAN,,S TAN,,

Fig. 16 Simplified cargo-system diagram showing Fig. 17 Simplified cargo-system diagram showing
tanks being discharged in parallel arrangement for discharging ballast

Discharging Cargo able tanks by sea pressure, allowing the air in the
With the system fined up as described for the in- tanks to compress.
transit condition, cargo may be discharged by
simply dosing the line from the expansion tank to Mixed Cargoes
the head tank, taking suction from the top of the The cargo tanks may be divided into four groups
collecting tank with the main cargo pump, and each with its own set of variable cargo tanks,
forcing water into the bottom of the expansion expansion tank, collecting tank and pumps so that
tank using the main cargo booster pump. This four different cargoes may be carried at the same
arrangement is indicated in Fig. 15. time. The groups would be cross connected to
If desired, water may be pumped in and cargo provide the utmost flexibility.
pumped out of each tank individually or simul-
taneously as shown in Fig. 16. Pumps, Valves, and Level Indicators
Cargo also may be discharged without com- All pumps will be turbine driven. All valves
pensation by opening the vents and using the low in tanks will be operated remotely from the pump
suctions. room or access passageways. The location of the
ballast-cargo interface in the expansion and
Discharging Ballast collecting tanks may be indicated by Fielden or
Dirty ballast may be discharged prior to loading Liquidometer type liquid-level gages. Visible
cargo or for drydocking using both main and and/or audible alarms also may be provided to
booster pumps by opening the vent lines, dosing indicate when water enters the collecting tank
the high suctions and opening the low suctions as during cargo discharge.
shown in Fig. 17.
Loading Cargo On the surface, air is drawn in through the main
Cargo may be loaded with or without ballast air-induction valve in the fairwater and dis-
aboard by reversing the foregoing procedures and charged through the bridge access trunk. When
by-passing the main cargo pump. submerged, air is recirculated and conditioned to
maintain the ambient temperature at 78 F with
Variable Cargo Tanks 50 per cent relative humidity in the living spaces
The variable cargo tanks are filled and emptied and 100 F in the machinery spaces. A concentric
in the conventional surface-ship manner using ventilation induction and exhaust snorkel will
either the main cargo or booster pumps. Sepa- permit changing air in the vessel at periscope
rate variable cargo pumps could also be provided. depth. Air-purification equipment'such as COs
In the event it is necessary to transfer cargo scrubbers, a CO-H2 burner, and oxygen stored in
between the main and variable tanks enroute, the flasks also may be provided to permit continuous
cargo may be pumped from the variable tanks, submerged operation for 30 days.
bleeding air into these tanks from the high-pres- The cargo pump room is ventilated by an inde-
sure air system, or it may be forced into the vail- pendent exhaust system during cargo-handling

Submarine Tankers 719

operations. The system takes air near the bottom surface condition. Wildcats are driven by a
of the pump room and discharges up a telescoping hydraulic motor located in the windlass room.
mast terminating in a flame attester. Air dis- To obtain maximum speed submerged, all deck
placed from the cargo tanks when loading cargo mooring fittings such as chocks, bitts, and capstans
will also be. discharged up this mast through the are intended to be retracted or hinged to stow
cargo vent system. below the main deck. Life lines and stanchions
will be portable. A safety track is provided for
crew members who must be on deck when entering
Vertical access trunks from the main deck to the and leaving port.
pressure hull are provided to the crew's quarters,
cargo pump room, and engine room. An access Conclusion
trunk is provided from the control room to the The authors have attempted to show the limi-
bridge. Two other trunks are also provided, one tations of submarine tankers which could be
near each end of the ship, for access to the windlass built today and what such vessels would look
room and" stern room. The location of these two like. With this approach, the paper is devoid
trunks should be such that the topside hatch is of any "wild blue yonder" concepts.
above water in the normal surface condition. Complete automation, eliminating the crew
entirely, even taking the cargo pumps off the vessel
Sanitary System
and installing their equivalent at the discharge
All sanitary system drains are lead to sanitary terminals, would not reduce the volume 10 per
tanks. These tanks are pressure resistant. cent.
When necessary, they are emptied by blowing with The only developments which would make a
air from the high-pressure air system. great difference in the size or speed of these
Rescue and Salvage Arrangements vessels would be either a great reduction in the
volume occupied by the machinery or a great
The test depth of these designs is assumed to deal more power in" the volume allotted, together
be around 1000 ft, and the collapse depth will be with some method of efficiently converting the
somewhat greater. However, the possibility of power to thrust without noticeably increasing the
rescue and/or salvage operations at such depth is diameter of the propulsive mechanism. In this
extremely remote. On the other hand, the proba- respect, it is not believed that the use of some
bility of loss while cruising submerged is also other type reactor plant, such as gas-cooled cycle,
remote; the greatest danger lies in loss of control would make a significant difference. What is
during the initial dive and in collision with other needed is the development of some sort of direct-
vessels when surfacing. Both diving and surfac- energy-conversion system.
ing maneuvers are usually conducted relatively
close to shore where the depth of water is such References
that escape, rescue, and salvage are possible and 1 "Model Tests of a Series of Submarine
facilities available. Tanker Forms," Stevens Institute of Tech-
Two of the access trunks are fitted for free- nology, Part I q " D r a g , " by R. L. Van Dyck,
ascent escape and removal of the crew by standard Davidson Laboratory Letter Report No. 781,
navy rescue chambers. Two marker buoys are Part II--"Stability," by H. Dugoff, Davidson
provided. Laboratory Letter Report No. 783.
Salvage air connections are provided at the
2 Michiya Shigemitsu, "Nuclear Powered
main deck for each compartment and tank. They
Submarine Tanker," Second United Nations
are suitably marked for diver identification by
International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of
Atomic Energy, 1958.
Inflatable life rafts may be provided if neces-
sary. 3 J. A. Teasdale, "Characteristics and Per-
formance of Nuclear Powered Submarine Cargo
Ground Tackle and Mooring Equipment Vessels," Trans. North East Coast Institution of
The anchor-handling arrangement, is subject to Engineers and Shipbuilders, vol. 75, 1958-1959.
further development. It is contemplated that 4 W . R . Anderson, "TheArctic as a Sea Route
anchors be of the mushroom type housing in of the Future," National Geographic. Magcizine,
pockets in the bottom of the ship. Wildcats January 1959. .
should be located in a free-flooding pocket just 5 A. I. McKee, "Submarine Naval Architec-
under and accessible from the main deck in the ture," New England Section, SNAME, April 1948.

720 Submarine Tankers

In the following discussion, it is assumed t h a t PdV.
the vessel will be designed for a test depth, z, of $nVe = -- 2Est (2.5-2#) = - - 0.0020V~ (cu ft)
1000 ft and a temperatur.e change, T, of 60 F
(90 F to 30 F). P
It is also assumed t h a t the pressure-hull thick- ~ATp -- SA~p -- 35Ew (Vr -- VB) --
uess/diameter ratio, t/d, is 0.007. 0.0000384 (Vr -- VB) (tons)
Effects of Pressure, Temperature, and Salinity.
' ~Var = a o T V o = - - 0.036Vo" ( c u f t )
~Vap = Eo - 0.00306 Ve (cu ft)
SVHr = 3 a s T V a = --0.00117VH (cu ft)


A area of maxi'mum section, sq ft Va = main cargo t a n k volume, c u f t

B= maximum beam of rectangular hulls, ft VH = pressure hull volume, cu ft
~ = gross submerged volume less main ballast and VL = volume of crew, stores, access, and operating
machinery space volumes, cu ft spaces and cargo pump room, c u f t
machinery space specific volume, cu f t / S H P V~ = machinery space volume, en ft
C,= total resistance coefficient
Ve = gross submerged (envelope) volume of parallel
Ct= frictional reAistance coefficient
middle body of ship, en ft
ACI= roughness coefficient V s = displaced volume, normal surface condition,
C,= residual resistance coefficient
Cp= prismatic coefficient of ship
VT = gross submerged (envelope) volume, c u f t
Ceg = prismatic coefficient of ends of ship
wet'ted surface coefficient of ship s ffi change in submergence depth, ft
C.qB = wetted surface coefficient of ends of ship ao = coefficient of cubic expansion of gasoline ffi
8 = diameter of pressure hull, in. 0.0006, ft3/ft 8 deg F
D = maximum diameter of circular ships or maxi- a s - - c o e f f i c i e n t of linear expansion of steel =
mum depth of rectangular ships, ft 0.0000065, f t / f t deg F
D W T = cargo deadweight, tons 8aT ffi change in 'mass density of salt water with
bulk modulus of gasoline ffi 145,000 psi temperature, lb.sec2/ft4
E a = modulus of elasticity of steel -- 30,000,000 psi BTs = change in density of water with sarmity, pet
R w = bulk modulus of water ffi 330,000 psi ~VGP ffi change in gasoline volume with pressure, c u f t
I~.HP = effective horsepower SVGT ffi change in gasoline volume with temperature,
EHPBH = bare hull effective horsepower cuft
gffi gravity acceleration = 32.17 ft/sec 2 ~/Hp = change in pressure huh volume with pressure,
Gffi girth of the maximum section, ft neglecting effect of frames, c u f t
L f f i length between perpendiculars, ft 8VHT = change in pressure hull volume with tempera-
total length of ends of ship, ft ture, c u f t
Leffi length of parallel middle body, ft ~h~e = change in main ballast weight with pressure,
P = pressure change -- 0.444z, psi tons
P M B = parallel middle body BAsT = change in main ballast weight with tempera-
R f f i corner radius of rectangular hulls, ft ture, tons
R = Reynolds number BATe = change in envelope buoyancy with pressure,
S = bare hull wetted surface, sq ft tons
S H P -- shaft horsepower
6Avr = change in envelope buoyancy with temperature,
t = pressure hull thickness, in.
T change in temperature, deg F
BATs = change in envelope buoyancy with salinity,
ship speed, fps
V = ship speed, knots
v ~ = variable cargo t a n k volume, en ft A = model scale factor
VB= main ballast t a n k volume, cu ft # ffi Poisson's ratio = 0.30
VE = gross submerged (envelope) volume of ends of p -- mass density of sea water, lb sec~/ftl
ship, c u f t ffi stability index

Submarine Tankers 7"21

Table 5 Expansion-TankVolumes Assuming there will be 350 tons of consumables,
Deadweight, Expansion-tank Salt-water Vv = 0.03906 Vo -t- 0.00317 V~ -- 0.00834 (Vr
tons volume, cuft capacity, tons
-- VB) ~u 0.01093 Vz ~ 12,250
20000 28700 820
30000 43100 1230 and, since
40000 54400 1640
V~ = VB q- Vo q- VH

~ATT "-- ~ABT = --

SP~g0( V ~ -
224"---' V~) = this reduces to

0.0002 (Vr -- VB) (tons) Vv = .0.04165 V~ -{- 0.00576 VH ~-

(~Pr ---- pg0o -- p~o ffi 1 . 9 8 0 9 - 1.9948 ---- --0.0139) 0.01093VB W 12, 250
F o r 10 per cent reserve buoyancy,
V~ = 0.1 (V~ + V , )
~Ar~ -- 2240 - 0.000312 VT (tons) and hence

(87a = 6 4 . 3 - 63.6 -----0.7) Vv = 0.04274 Va -{- 0.00685 Va + 12,250

Cargo ExpansionTanks B u t since

T h e cargo expansion tanks should accommodate V~ = V v + V A W V L - I - V ~
the change in volume of the cargo in the main
cargo tanks resulting from pressure and temper- then
ature changes. Hence, the m i n i m u m volume of v~ = 0.043 va + 0.007 (v~ + vL + v x )
the expansion tanks is 0.03906 Vo, and, for the + 12,350
selected deadweights, is as given in Table 5.
Using the values of Vo, V.A, and V,. given in
Variable Ballast Tanks Table 1, and assuming a r b i t r a r y values of the
T h e variable ballast tanks m u s t be of sufficient t e r m 0.007 VM, since machinery volume is
capacity to compensate for the net effect of unknown a t the outset of a design, the variable
pressure, t e m p e r a t u r e and salinity as well as ballast-tank volumes required for the selected
consumables. deadwe!ghts are as given in T a b l e 6.

Table 6 Variable Ballast Tank Volumes

Deadweight, tons . . . . . . . 20000 30o00 40000
0.043 V~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31600 47400 63200
0.007 Vx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2100 3150 4200
0.007 VL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 950 1200
0.007 VM (assumed) . . . . 3250 6150 9050
Consumables . . . . . . . . . . . 12350 12350 12350
Vv (cll ft) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50000 70000 90000

Dr. George C. Manning, Member: This p a p e r is discussed b e justified f r o m the standpoint of
the kind of complete and logical s t u d y which I economics. Nevertheless, this remains simply a
would expect from m y personal knowledge of the conjecture until a s t u d y is made. .4.U of us who
high capabilities of the authors. I t presents so h a v e some background of experience can re-
clearly such a large number of the requirements m e m b e r m a n y projects which are physically
of an excellent preliminary design t h a t I .think I possible b u t cannot be justified from financial
shall m a k e it required reading for the students considerations. I think it is too bad t h a t tlle
who are exposed to m y course in this subiect. authors did not include an economic s t u d y to
Although no economic study has been included, complete t h e i r excellent "technical studies, and
I doubt very m u c h t h a t now, or in the forseeable I hop.c t h a t this omission m a y be cured in reply
future, will the building of such .ships as t h o s e to this discussion.

722 Submarine Tan.kers

Royden H. Rogers, Member: This p a p e r presents water from the head t a n k during intransit condi-
in a concise manner the solutions to some of the tions would be prohibited in m a n y areas. N o
m a j o r technical problems t h a t are encountered mention is m a d e of the installation of relief valves
when designing submarines for handling bulk on the cargo tanks in case a t a n k is isolated in-
petroleum" products. advertently from the other series of connected
T h e authors state t h a t the roughness allowance tanks. We would also anticipate stripping prob-
value mentioned in their paper is set at 0.0004 lems as the last of the cargo would be mixed with
as this is a currently accepted value for merchant water in the collecting t a n k to form an emulsion
ships. T h e y further state t h a t to approach this due to agitation at the suction beUmouth.
factor on a submarine it will be necessary to house Except for national defense purposes, it is h a r d
or fair external fittings, chocks, and so on. We for m e to conceive how a submarine tanker carl
find t h a t on our 'large tankers this roughness b e justified. Of course, if oil is ever discovered
allowance is more in the order of 0.0002 as a in commercial quantities in the polar regions then.
m a x i m u m so the submarine tanker will, compara- a submarine tanker might be the only w a y t o
tively speaking, be at a greater disadvantage as m o v e the product. I realize the authors s t a t e
far as the roughness factor is concerned t h a n the they h a v e not a t t e m p t e d to evaluate the operating~
authors contemplate. problems or financial aspects of the submarin~
On the question of longitudinal strength, the" tanker. Unfortunately, it is one of the things
a u t h o r s state t h a t the question of whether the t h a t is u p p e r m o s t in commercial operation.
hull of the submarine tanker m a y be lighter than Over and above the initial costs of the submarine
a comparable surface ship because of the elimina- itself, large shore-side expenditures will be
tion of wave bending moments is academic in the required for berthing, cargo shore connections,
case of low-deasity cargo designs. Other papers d i r t y ballast facilities, stores handling, and so on.
on the general subject of submarine tankers have I t would be interesting if the authors could give
emphasized this possible comparative reduction of a n y approximate construction costs for one or
scantlings of a submarine versus a surface vessel as two of the designs described in the paper. F o r
a distinct advantage. Personally, I believe t h a t a quick, economic evaluation I should like to
scantlings to handle a n y surface stresses encount- compare the o p t i m u m submarine t a n k e r men-
ered should always be incorporated in a com- tioned at the beginning of the paper with an 84,000
mercial submarine vessel in case propulsion dwt class of tanker m y c o m p a n y is building
machinery or other equipment failure required in Europe. T h e submarine will carry 40,000
surfacing at sea. This, of course, is not quite as dwt at 37 knots on 250,000 shp. Our tankers
serious a problem in a multiple-screw vessel as in a will carry 84,000 dwt at 161/~ knots on 26,500
single-screw vessel. I would appreciate knowing shp. I n other words, the surface ship carries
the authors' thinking on this point. twice as much cargo at one half the speed a t
Although I realize t h a t space is at a p r e m i u m one tenth of the power.
within the presssure hull of a submarine, the The authors are to be congratulated on their
quarters shown on the authors' general arrange- paper. I t is a v e r y comprehensive s t u d y on t h e
" m e a t plan, although equivalent to standards of a a r t of designi~ig a submarine tanker and a wel-
naval submarine, are certainly a long way from come addition to the .literature on this subject.
those being furnished merchant seamen on new con- t h a t has been forthcoming since the a d v e n t of
struction. N a v a l vessels are frequently berthed nuclear propulsion.
in port for long periods, which enables a crew to
get relief from confined quarters, whereas, Prof. Harry Benford, Member: A highly imagina-
tankers come and go on a change of tide and it is tive paper such as the one under discussion is
doubtful, in m y mind, whether a crew would certain to generate a flood of comments so I
accept such compact quarters for two or three shall confine m y remarks to two points. T h e
months at a time. If not, then substar/tial first is to question the s t a t e m e n t t h a t the pro-
additional costs will be incurred for relief crews. posed crew quarters meet m i n i m u m Coast G u a r d
T h e satisfactory functioning of the cargo sys- requirements. T h e absence of cofferdams be-
t e m is predicated on little or no intermixing of tween oil cargo tanks and .the accommodation
the interface of the water and oil. We doubt spaces (to say nothing of machinery spaces)
t h a t this would be the case and are of the opinion is a practice I should hesitate to recommend.
t h a t the t y p e of cargo system would result in This point is sure to be argued b y others more
delivery of a considerable a m o u n t of contaminated qualified t h a n I, so I shall m o v e on to the second
cargo which would not be acceptable to the point.
consignee. T h e discharge of oil-contaminated The authors h a v e deliberately steered clear

Submarine Tankers 723~

Table 7 Economic Comparisons-of Submarine an'd Conventional Tankers
(All costs are in thousands of dollars)
Voyage ~------Coastwise--------~ ~-----Long Ocean------:..
Round trip ~--~38(D--------~ ~--~24000--------.
Type Conv. Sub. Conv. Sub.
Deadweight, tons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20000 20000 80000 40000
Sea speed, knots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 20 16 37.4
SHP, normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8000 30200 20000 240000
Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 4
Cost of hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5100 12000 11700 23100
Cost of machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2600 10100 4100 57100
Invested cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7700 22100 15800 80200
Cargo per year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563000 685000 383000 424000
Income per year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1604 1950 5725 6340
Oper. costs per yr:
Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 505 597 4200
Wages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 452 393 775
Maint. and repair . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 190 160 550
Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 337 180 1200
Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 220 154 204
Amortization. . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . 617 1765 1265 6420
Total annual costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1636 " 3469 2749 13349
Ton-miles per year, (10)6.... . . . . 1067 1300 4600 5080
Mils per ton-mile . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 1.53 2.67 0.60 2.63
Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. 00 I. 74 I. 00 4.48
Nominal pay-off period, years... 13.1 90.0 3.73 (loss)

of t h e q u e s t i o n of economics b u t h a v e disclosed Table 8 Unit Costs of Various Modes of T r a n s p o r t a

e n o u g h facts to allow a n outsider, such as myself, Cents
to m a k e r e a s o n a b l e e s t i m a t e s of t h e dollars in- per ton-
volved. I h a v e t a k e n t h e l i b e r t y of so d o i n g 1VIode mile Ratio
a n d in T a b l e 7 give t h e p r i n c i p a l findings. If Air transport (current) . . . . . . . . . . 26 433
Air transport (projected goal) . . . . 8.5 142
m y a s s u m p t i o n s are too far amiss, p e r h a p s t h e Highway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 88.3
a u t h o r s will b e m o v e d to r e s p o n d w i t h m o r e Railroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 29.2
a c c u r a t e estimates. Barge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.15 19.2
Conventional cargo ship . . . . . . . . . 0.90 15.0
M y s t u d y c o m p a r e s each of two proposed Unitized, semi-automated cargo
s u b m a r i n e s w i t h c o n v e n t i o n a l t a n k e r s of equiv- ship..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50 8.33
Nuclear submarine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.26 4.33
alent trade-route suitability. The 20-knot 25,000-dwt Great Lakes ore
20,000-dwt s u b m a r i n e is considered s u i t a b l e for carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.16 2.67
a s h o r t coastwise v o y a g e a n d is c o m p a r e d w i t h 20,000-dwt tanker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15 2.50
50,000-dwt ore carrier . . . . . . . . . . . 0.14 2.33
a c o n v e n t i o n a l t a n k e r of t h e s a m e d e a d w e i g h t 80,000-dwt tanker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.06 1.00
b u t m o r e n o r m a l speed (16 k n o t s ) . T h e 37.4- a Figures represent approximate operating costs, includ- "
k n o t 40,000-dwt s u b m a r i n e a p p e a r s b e s t suited ing amortization but not profit, for U.S. built and operated
cargo vehicles. Units are long tons and nautical miles.
for long voyages a n d is c o m p a r e d w i t h a n 80,000-
d w t c o n v e n t i o n a l t a n k e r of 16 knots, c a r r y i n g
6 N o m i n a l pay-off period excludes a m o r t i z a t i o n
c r u d e oil f r o m t h e P e r s i a n Gulf to P h i l a d e l p h i a
as a n o p e r a t i n g cost.
via t h e C a p e of G o o d Hope.
7 I n c o m e is based o n U S M C flat rates.
T h e following a s s u m p t i o n s are m a d e :
T h e following conclusions m a y b e d r a w n :
1 N u c l e a r m a c h i n e r y c o n s t r u c t i o n costs are 1 T h e s m a l l s u b m a r i n e w o u l d h a v e u n i t op-
d o u b l e t h e costs of c o n v e n t i o n a l m a c h i n e r y of e r a t i n g costs a b o u t 75 p e r c e n t h i g h e r t h a n those
t h e s a m e horsepower. of a c o m p a r a b l e c o n v e n t i o n a l t a n k e r . I t s r a t e .
2 T h e n u c l e a r p l a n t s are of a n a d v a n c e d t y p e of r e t u r n w o u l d l~robably b e t o o - l o w to r e p a y
w i t h a t o t a l fuel cost of 2.5 mils per shphr. t h e i n v e s t m e n t w i t h i n t h e life of t h e ship.
3 S u b m a r i n e consCruction a n d o p e r a t i n g costs 2 T h e large fast s u b m a r i n e w o u l d h a v e u n i t
are slightly higher t h a n t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g costs o p e r a t i n g costs 400 to 500 p e r c e n t g~eater t h a n
in a c o n v e n t i o n a l ship of equal weight. T h i s those of a large e o n v e n t i o r i a l tanke~. F r e i g h t
is aside f r o m e x t r a costs of n u c l e a r o p e r a t i o n . r a t e p r e m i u m s of t h e s a m e m a g n i t u d e w o u l d b e
4 B u n k e r oil costs $2.50 p e r bbl. r e q u i r e d to m a t c h t h e p r o f i t a b i l i t y of i n v e s t m e n t
5 Ships are U.S. b u i l t a n d operated. i n t h e slower n o r m a l ship.

724 Submarine Tankers

I do not care to leave the impression that the mental importance, and a satisfactory solution
apparently poor economic potential of cargo is mandatory before any real progress can be
submarines means that the authors have wasted made in this mode of transportation. The dis-
their time. On the contrary, such broad studies posal of thousands of tons of dirty ballast on
are prerequisite to economic analysis and are, every trip is a problem that should not be dis-
in themselves, stimulating and useful in pointing missed lightly.
up needed areas of development. They may Even though no attempt has been made to
also lead to new trade possibilities. Paper studies evaluate the economics of this design concept,
of advanced ship types are not expensive and and rightly so, one can hardly fail to recognize
should be pursued as a matter of policy. the fact that a large submarine tanker will cost
Finally, for what it may be worth, I should somewhere in the neighborhood of ten times the
like to point out that the estimated unit trans- amount .of its surface competitor, and that t hi s.
portation costs for nuclear submarine tankers payment is essentially for an increased speed
compare quite favorably with unit costs for vari- of about twelve knots. In essence then, this
"ous other modes of transport, Table 8. writer comes to the conclusion that until we
achieve a real "break through" in power plant
David Mylrea, Member: The authors are to be design, commercial submarine tankers will remain
congratulated on the comprehensive and masterful a subject of academic interest only.
handling of this all-important aspect of marine Perhaps, in view of this situation, it would
transportation. They have effectively removed be wise to investigate an intermediate possibility.
this concept from the field of pure conjecture The recent tankers of 50,000 to 65,000 tons dead-
and landed it on the hard foundation of reality. weight have proved their economic worth. The
The writer is completely in accord with the greatest single factor which limits the trend to
initial .assumptions made. The inherent ad- even larger' vessels is draft, which is controlled
vantage of these undersea cargo carriers lies in by the channel "depth of our harbors. If we
the possibility of transporting /arge quantities would open the door completely to the concept
at high speed below the surface, where the re- of off-shore loading and unloading, perhaps we
sidual resistance is a minimum. By the same would find that our surface tankers have an un-
token, hydrofoils will eventually find their "niche" suspected potential.
transporting light cargoes at very high speed in It is a weU-known fact that depth is the least
protected waters, and there is no advantage to expensive dimension of a t a n k e r . . If our draft
be gained by considering these various types limitation is removed, we can go to abnormally deep
in anything other than their natural element. ships which will give us increased cargo dead-
Perhaps the most important single contribution weight at minimum cost in steel and power.
of this paper is that, in the final analysis, it is the These big, deep .ships can be made considerably
size and space requirements of present-day ma- "~iner" than. their present-day counterparts,
chinery which create the most severe limitations. which will give them better seakeeping qualities.
The success of this type of craft is consequently The superstructure can be designed to take the
dependent, not, as one might suspect, on hydro- impact of a moderate amount of "green water,"
dynamic considerations primarily, but on ma- and with the wheel well down below the surface
chinery development. The thought expressed they can be driven harder without ill effect.
in the authors' conclusion concerning the need Just for the sake of comparison, we have chosen
for "the development of a direct energy conversion a 60,000-dwt tanker and worked up rough sets
system" is.most heartily endorsed. of dimensions, which tend to indicate the ad-
Another factor which stands out in this study vantages of unlimited draft. The 60,000
is the additional power required to overcome "tonner'" was chosen simply because vessels of
the resistance of the appendages. The 25 per lessdr deadweight are only moderately, hampered
cent additional EHP, over and above the bare by draft limitations, and thus do not serve to
hull resistance, tends to offset the initial advantage" illustrate the point quite as effectively.
gained by getting below the surface, and as a No attempt was made to optimize these ships,
consequence is worthy of future consideration. since we require only representative dimensions
The proposed cargo-handling system upon to illustrate the point.
which hinges so many important considerations, If the draft is limited to 37 ft 6 in., for example,
including the scantlings of the main cargo tanks, a tanker should be approximately 800 ft X 115 ft
is a trifle suspect, even though the reasons for X 57 ft 6 in. to carry 60,000.tons at 16.5 knots
the proposal are certainly well founded. This with 20,000 normal SHP.
aspect of submarine tanker operation is of ftmda- If the draft is not limited, our ship can be 750

Submarine Tankers 725

ft X i08 ft X 55 ft and carry the same pay load crossover point for a ship of A/(L/100) a = 50
at a draft of 4 1 f t 3 in. In this case the S H P at VIA I/' ---- 6.5. This corresponds to a speed
required is only 19,000 for 16.5 knots. A much of 34 knots for a ship of 20,000 tons displacement
more economical ship! Both of these vessels and 38 knots for a ship of 40,000 tons displace-
would have a block of about 0.800. ment. Hence, it is quite probable t h a t the 40-
If we now want to push this vessel up to 30 knot submarines, particularly the 20,000-dwt
knots, and again, we are not restricted in draft, ships, might require less power t h a n the best
we would choose dimensions which provide mini- practical surface ship design, if such speed should
m u m residual resistance. A 60,000-ton tanker ever be needed.
can attain a speed of 30 knots with 150,000 SHP, In any case, it should be noted t h a t the sub-
if we choose a block coefficient of about 0.530. marine is faced with several great handicaps for
This tanker would be 800 ft )< 120 ft X 78 ft, with economical operation--it must utilize nuclear
a corresponding draft of 60 ft. She would make power, it must incorporate a complex and ex-
25 knots with only 60,000.SHP. pensive structure, and it must involve m a n y
Thus we see, t h a t a surface vessel .can compete complications and costs in outfit and equipment
~eryfavorably with a submarine, even at the higher in order to operate submerged.
speeds contemplated, if we merely remove the Considering now the resistance of different
draft limitations. submarine forms, it is explained in the paper
I t is our belief t h a t this particular concept t h a t forms with circular sections in general have
has not received sufficient attention. the lowest resistance. But for practical use,
where draft or depth is limited, rectangular sec-
Prof. Edward V. Lewis, Council Member: This tions are most suitable. This results in flattened
paper is an interesting presentation of an unusual forms, such as t h a t shown in Fig. 5. I t is in-
type of ship. However, attention ig called to teresting to find, in making calculations for mini-
the authors' statements: " I t is agreed that, on mum wetted surface of rectangular section forms
the basis" of present-day conditions, there is no of constant depth and displacement, t h a t wetted
demand for movement of petroleum products area decreases as beam is increased and length
by. high-speed submarine tankers . . . . The reduced. In fact, this trend continues until
advantage of the submarine is at high speed . . . beam equals length, well beyond the range of
I t is realized t h a t there is no demand for 40-knot practical proportions. Furthermore, as flatness
speed in the. oil trade." With this important increases the afterbody slopes are considerably
reservation made at the outset, one is free to reduced, which should lead to decreasing residuary
discuss the submarine tanker as an interesting (eddy) resistance.
technical problem. Considering the Davidson Laboratory re-
One of the critical questions raised in the pape.r sistance results presented in Fig. 9, it will be
is the crossover point in speed at which the elimi- noted t h a t the trend of E H P with B/D follows
nation of the submarine's wavemaking resistance wetted surface, S, until B/D -- 1.0 is reached.
offsets the increase in wetted surface. Fig. 3 At this value of B/D Cr is noticeably higher.
shows a crossover at 21 knots for ships designed Apparently this is the result of steeper slopes in
for 20 knots. The paper states, " I t is realized the afterbody resulting from the change in section
t h a t if the surface tanker were designed for a shape, with length and displacement held con-
higher speed, it would be longer and finer so that stant. Steeper slopes might be expected to cause
the power upswing due to wavemaking would some separation of flow at the stern, which would
be deferred for a few more knots, but there is a account for the resistance i n c r e a s e . . H o w e v e r ,
limit to the amount of fining that can be done, a word of caution should be offered regarding the
and the submarine becomes increasingly favorable conclusion that E H P is a minimum at exactly
at speeds-above 25 knots." Later it is stkted BID = 1.5: (a) This conclusion depends greatly
t h a t "the top speed for rectangular-form sub- on the results of one model test at B / D = 1.0
marine tankers with draft limited to about 36 ft "(Form l-b). Slight experimental errors could surface condition, loaded, is not much above change the picture appreciably. (b) Whenever
30 knots." I t is the writer's opinion t h a t in this separation occurs there are questions regarding
25-30 knot range, a properly designed surface scaling from model to full size. These questions
hull will still show a power advantage over the arise whether the model is large or small. In
submarine. For example, Davidson 11 showed a general one expects separation to occur sooner
on a model than on the ship itself, and hence
11K. S. M. Davidson, "Ships," 9th International Con- it is quite possible t h a t the optimum BID is
gress of Applied Mechanics, Brussels, 1956. less than 1.5.

726 Submarine Tankers

Similar comments apply to the trends with a parametric study made some time ago. Power
parallel middle body shown in Fig. 9. In addi- requirements were determined for a number of
tion, there is in this case no indication of the hulls, of constant displacement and speed and
reason for the increased E H P at P M B = 53 of varying dimensions. The curves show t h a t
per cent. The stern slopes are identical for all up to a point as length is increased power require-
models, and therefore one would not expect much ments are reduced. The ship I have selected
variation in C,. Hence, the conclusion t h a t is not quite at the point of minimum resistance
minimum E H P occurs at P M B -- 60 per cent but is p r e t t y much at the mean u p t u r n of the
should be considered approximate. curve. T o reach the point of minimum resistance,
T h e foregoing remarks apply to the bare hull. it would be necessary to increase the length
When appendages are added, scale-effect prob- another 220 ft to save only 20,000 hp. T h e sur-
lems again arise. I t is quite possible t h a t the face ship would be 1230 ft in length, 98 ft beam
appendage resistance of the full-size ship would and 43 ft draft. This vessel would make 40
be appreciably less than predicted by model tests. knots on 322,000 shaft horsepower installed.
The authors have presented a most interesting Whenever high speeds are mentioned the subject
account of an unusual type of ship. I t is to of planing craft and hydrofoils inevitably arises.
b e hoped that the possible military applications Skene's "Elements of Yacht Design," 1945
of the submarine-tanker concept will not be edition, contains coefficients leading to power
overlooked. requirements for planing hulls. On this. basis,
it turns out t h a t a hull similar to a fast runabout
Harry B. Stover, Associate Member: Fig. 3 of the type would require about eleven million horse-"
paper shows speed-power curves for a surface power to drive 80,000 tons at 40 knots. A large
tanker and submarine and indicates t h a t above step-hydroplane type could do the job for about
about 21 knots the submarine has the advantage. eight and one half million horsepower.
T h e authors state that if the surface tanker were Hydrofoils can probably be built with lift-drag
designed for higher speed, it would be longer and ratios of about 9. On this basis a hydrofoil
finer and the crossing point would be higher. I would require about three and a half million
thought it would be of interest to compare the horsepower to maintain a speed of 40 knots.
situation at 40 knots and at the same time look In all cases except for planing hulls a pro-
at the possibilities of using other types such as pulsive coefficient of 0.66 has been assumed and
planing hulls and hydrofoils. no margins have been provided. The powering
In the interests of brevity, I shall limit the coefficients used for planing hulls resulted in
discussion to 40,000-dwt, 40-knot vessels and installed horsepower and in this case the margins
will be concerned only with power requirements. are not known.
All other considerations such as cargo density, In summary the installed powers for 80,000
personnel requirements, draft limitations, and tons displacement at 40 knots are as follows.
so on will be omitted.
In each case it was assumed t h a t the weight Shaft
of ship itself would equal the deadweight and horsepower
thus the total displacement to be propelled would Submarine--optimum shape . . . . . . . . . . 253,000
Surface--displacement type . . . . . . . . . . . 322,000
be 80,000 tons. Surface--large runabout type . . . . . . . . . 11,100,000
Although 80,000 tons displacement might seem Surface--large step hydroplane type... 8,600,000
high, ships designed for such speeds are large and Surface---hydrofoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,690,000
v e r y heavy. The surface ship would have to
be more than 1200 ft long. For the submarine I t was somewhat of a .surprise to me to discover
the displacement is actually less than that given that the conventional surface ship and submarine
in Table 4 of the paper for the 40,000-ton, 38.2 would require nearly the same power. If con-
knot design. Planing hulls and hydrofoils of ventional margins were added the submarine
such size are so far beyond anything known t o d a y would be favored since it could do with smaller
t h a t data are not available. I t is likely, however, allowances. The planing hulls are completely
t h a t they would be somewhat lighter. out of the picture and the hydrofoil requires ten
Using data from the paper, I estimate that a times as much power as either the submarine or
submarine of circular hull without parallel middle corLventional ship.
body o.f this displacement would be 660 ft long
and 95 ft diam. This hull would require 253,000 Peter M. Kimon, Associate Member: T h e subject
shaft horsepower for a speed 40 knots. of submarine tanker design is rather intriguing
For the surface ship, data were obtained from and, althoug h its practical application might

Submarine Tankers 727

seem remote at present, it might become a reality tanks serve a useful purpose, or are they perhaps
in the not too distant future. inherited from the military submarine? Are
Economic considerations do present one of the they necessary in maintaining one-compartment
most significant single objections to the com- flooding standard? Are they needed for ex-
mercial acceptance of this mode of transportation tensive voyages while the submarine is surfaced ?
by the oil industry:.. I t would appear then, t h a t Are they required for surfacing at a fast rate?
any increase in deadweight for a submarine of Before answering these questions, it should be
a given configuration would be a welcome eco- remembered t h a t the submarine tanker is a v e r y
nomic saving. Having this goal in mind, it special and a very expensive suggested way of
should be emphasized t h a t a tanker submarine oil transportation, and as such, it would justify
should be designed to carry cargo oil of specific a v e r y special effort in reducing the size of any
volume no higher t h a n the one likely to be used, noncargo-carrying spaces. T h e authors state:
so long as it remains a volume-controlled design. " F o r the return trip, a submarine tanker must
For such a design the deadweight is approximately carry an amount of salt water ballast exactly
inversely proportional to the oil specific volume. equal to the cargo deadweight." Unintentionally
If instead of designing for gasoline of specific perhaps, this statement b y the authors suggests
volume 49 cu f t / t o n (61 API) we would design t h a t the main ballast tanks form part of the cargo
for heavy oil of, say, 42 cu f t / t o n (34 API) for deadweight. If in fact t h a t were the case and
a given size submarine, a cargo deadweight in- the main ballast tanks were made convertible,
crease' of 7/42 or about 17 per cent would be m.ain water ballast or cargo oil, then the available
obtained. cargo deadweight would be substantially higher
T h e authors must have been well aware of the b y an amount of the order of 10-15 per cent.
advantages of designing for lower specific volumes Since the ratio of the total cargo oil volume
when they state: " I t can be seen t h a t a submarine outside the pressure hull to the volume of the
designed for heavy oil exclusively would require variable cargo tanks would have to be maintained
smaller, and hence lighter, variable cargo tanks constant for a design of a given density, rearrange-
than one designed for gasoline. This saving in ment of the main and variable cargo tank volumes
weight, along with a reduction in fixed ballast would be necessary. More specifically, the main
could be translated into substantially greater cargo tanks together with the convertible tanks
cargo deadweight in the same size submarine." would occupy a slightly smaller volume than was
I t would be desirable to add to the foregoing occupied previously b y the main ballast tanks
sentence the following words: "provided it re- and main cargo tanks. This decrease in volume
mains a volume-controlled design." I t would would be added to the variable cargo tanks.
appear t h a t with a number of designs presented T h e submarine then could submerge .from the
in Table 4 the ballast margin is quite small, so normal surface condition b y either flooding the
as to make any increase in deadweight with de- main ballast tanks with salt water or b y the addi-
creasing specific volume questionable. T h e tion of cargo oil in the variable cargo tanks and
authors seem to verify this when "they infer main ballasttanks. T h e one-compartment flood-
that the 2250 tons of fixed ballast left over for the ing standard could be maintained by making the
20-knot 20,000-dwt rectangular hull design is weight of the cargo oil in the main ballast tanks
about the minimum required for intact stability. equal to the weight in salt water of t h e l a r g e s t
In this connection it is felt that estimates of light normally dry compartment.
ship weight (exclusive of fixed ballast) for the I t is anticipated t h a t a set of small capacity
designs presented in Table 4 would add to main ballast tanks would be provided exclusively
the value of this paper. For the same designs, the for salt-water ballast. T h e r e s e r v e buoyancy
authors' opinion as to the minimum fixed-ballast of such tanks might be on the order of 1 per cent
requirements for stability considerations would of the surface displacement, sufficient to emerge
be of interest. The combination of light ship the sail and all other superstructure associated
weight and minimum fixed ballast would be very with cargo oil loading and discharging" arrange-
useful in defining the lower limit of cargo specific ments.
volume to be considered in submarine tanker A comparison of the authors' 20-knot 30,000-
designs. dwt ton circular cross section submarine and a
The authors have arbitrarily accepted and similar one with convertible man ballast tanks in-
used throughout their study main ballast t~tuk dicates an approximate deaclweight increase of 11
capacities approximately equal to 10 per cent of per cent. Similar results would be obtair/ed for a
the surface displacement. Is this a desirable rectangular hull. Table 9 compares the affected
assumption? If this is so, do these large ballast volumes of the two designs. A third column

728 Submarine Tankers

Table 9 Modification to 20-Knot 30,000-DWT Circular Hull Section Submarine
design ------proposed versions-----,
Cargo oil specific volume cu ft/ton . . . . . . . 49 (gasoline) 40 (gasoline) 42 (crude oil)
Deadweight, tons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80000 33300 38800
Main cargo tanks, eu ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1102500 961000 1203000
Variable cargo tanks, cuft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442500 490000 285000
Convertible ballast tanks (salt water or
cargo oil), cuft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264000 227000
Main ballast tanks (salt water only),
cuft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189000 19000 19000
Increase in deadweight over original
design, p e r c e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 20

indicates some further increase in deadweight improvement in hull efficiency, and perhaps also
.due to change of oil specific volume I t has in relative rotative efficiency, as parallel body is
been assumed that a sufficient amount of fixed added to the hull. If such is the case, then the
ballast could be removed without affecting ad- decrease in propuls!ve coefficient at 20 knots
versely the stability. remains unexplained.
Of course, it is realized that several additional According to Tabl~ 4, the propulsive coefficients
problems of draft, freeboard, and cargo handling of rectangular hulls at speeds higher than 20
would have to be solved before a scheme such knots are constant and equal to 0.760 (with one
as the one proposed should be considered seriously. exception as noted above). I t appears t h a t this
Finally, I wish to thank the authors for their m a y also be a result of changing hull efficiencies.
unusual and interesting presentation. The writer would be most interested in any
information which the authors can give in ex-
Marinos S. Costeletos, Associafe Member: I n view planation of the foregoing variations.
of the recent world-wide interest in the feasibility
of submarine vessels for the carriage of oil, the John Posnakoff, Associate Member: T h e specula-
authors are to be congratulated for this thorough tion of oil transportation with nuclear-powered
study, which is a valuable addition to the existing submarine tankers resulted in the almost simul-
literatur~ on the subject. taneous undertaking of feasibility studies in three
T h e writer has one comment concerning the countries more than 2 years ago. F r o m the
hull and relative rotative efficiencies which were results published it appears t h a t the study made
used in Table 4. by Electric Boat is the most vigorous one and
If we take a straight look at Table 4 of the because of its parametric nature it establishes
paper, we will observe the following variations good foundations for any economic study t h a t
of the propulsive coefficient with apparent pro- may be undertaken in the future if the incentive
peller loading (EHP/serew/V3D 2) for increasing arises.
deadweight and at approximately constant ship Such incentive will most likely, if ever, arise
speed. from military or national prestige rather than
Circular Hulls Without Parallel Body. The commercial grounds since the merit of the sub-
propulsive coefficient for all speeds decreases with. marine tanker as it has been demonstrated through
t h e s e studies appears to lie in areas t h a t are be-
increasing propeller loading.
yond the range of present commercial marine
Circular Hulls With Parallel Body. For those practice and concern.
a t speeds of 20 knots, the propulsive coefficient However, even though all limitations attributed
decreases; for all higher speeds it increases with to the submarine tanker are justified under present
increasing propeller loading. beliefs and attitudes, the future picture m a y be
Rectangular Hulls. For those at speeds of considerably different, giving the fullest possible
20 knots, the propulsive coefficient decreases; merit to underwater transportation.
for all higher speeds (with the exception of the T h e inevitable future demand for an. increase
o n e designed for 20,000 dwt and 3 0 knots) it of the transport momentum could be a good
remains constant with increasing propeller load- incentive to consider such high speeds t h a t will
ing. make the submarine a most attractive solution.
The behavior of the propulsive coefficient for Bearing this in mind the writer wishes to express
circular hulls with parallel body at speeds higher his views on some of the already much discussed
than 20 knots can be explained if we accept an pros and cons of the submarine tanker.

Submarine Tankers 729

The inevitable necessity of .off-shore loading a more realistic comparison between the sub-
and unloading facifities for the hydrodynamically marine and surface tanker would be accom-
best submarine designs may soon cease being a plished when each Speed-SHP curve is established
drawback since such facilities are already being by connecting the poifits designating individual
established, not only to accommodate the recent designs of equal deadweight, designed for various
trends to larger supertankevs but also to facilitate speeds.
loading or unloading under weather conditions Using available characteristics for surface
which make shore docking impossible. tankers of conventional power I~ and the same
Di-ydocking m a y be accomplished even with design characteristics set forth in the paper (sub-
the present-day limitations if the structural weight marine tankers of circular hull with no parallel
is kept to a mini.mum, compensating for the weight middle body; propulsive coefficient of 0.80 from
deficit by use of high-density, easily removable T a b l e 4), the S H P characteristics were developed
ballast. Using ballast rather than structural for submarine and surface tankers of D W T ca-
material is certainly cheaper and in addition to pacifies 10,000-50,000 tons designed for speeds
the aforementioned ease of drydocking, through from 10-24 knots at 2-knot intervals. Thus th~
its removal an increase in D W T m a y be realized break-even speeds for each D W T was established,
for cargoes of densities higher than the design. Fig. 18 of this discussion. The break-even line
For example, the S5-N-MA48a detailed design which passes through these break-even points
of a 20,000-dwt submarine tanker has an estimated has an upward increasing slope indicating t h a t
steel coefficient of 0.563. This is almost twice for higher D W T the break-even speed becomes
as much as the corresponding Japanese design higher.
(reference 2 of the paper). Although the $5 For the surface tankers the total D W T was
design has .the volumetric capacity to carry 25 used and it is felt t h a t if the exact cargo D W T
per cent more cargo D W T if it carried crude oil, was known that would certainly lower the values
it cannot realize even half of it by removal of the of the break-even speeds. A further possible
permanent ballast. lowering of the break-even speeds could be real-
A lighter hull structure and more removable ized if, instead of conventional tankers, nuclear
ballast could permit the realization of such a surface tankers were used for the comparison.
potential gain. "(Some permanent ballast will In this graph the power curve of the 30,000-
always have to be retained as governed by sta- D W T Japanese submarine tanker (reference 2
bility requirements.) Further reduction in light of the paper) is plotted and, although this would
ship weight m a y result from potential improve- be valid only at the design speed, it is of interest
ments in nuclear power plants. to see t h a t the S H P requirements in this case
While these weight improvemeflts may have exceed that of the corresponding American design
little merit for aviation gasoline where the upper b y as much as 15 per cent.
limit of D W T / A coefficient is 0.715 for a sub- In addition, the 47,000-DWT submarine tanker
marine barge, they are significant for higher of British design (reference 3 of the paper) is
density cargoes such as crude oil where the upper shown. "This seems to compare very optimis-
limit of D W T / A approaches 0.920. In all cases, ticaUy with the corresponding American design.
however, as with N a v y submarines it is volume I t was felt also t h a t some available data on
rather than weight considerations which will feasible designs of surface nuclear tankers should
govern the size of the submarine tanker. be included. T h e T7-N-52a design of M A R A D
The'reduction therefore of the noncargo volume which has approximately 43,000 cargo D W T
to a minimum will make the submarine tanker capacity seems to compare unfavorably with
a more attractive proposition. The following the corresponding submarine tanker. For its
noncargo spaces m a y .be considered for reduction design speed of 18.3 knots it requires almost 25
in size, thus increasing the cargo volumetric per cent more power than the corresponding
capacity: submarine tanker.
1 Main ballast tanks from 10 to 5 per cent A somewhat similar graph of break-even speeds
of surface displacement if off-shore loading and for submarine and surface tankers designed for
unloading is considered. equal displacement is shown in Fig. 19 which is
2 Machinery room: As nuclear power plants reproduce.d from an unpublished M.I.T. thesis.18
are perfected it is possible to reduce further the
specific volumes. ~ H. Benford, "Engineering Economy in Tanker De-
I t is assumed t h a t the curve presented in Fig. 3 sign," TRANS.SNAME, vol. 65, 1957.
as John Posnakoff and Theodore Efstathiou, "'The
of the paper is only a sample of the many t h a t Feasibility of the Submarine Tanker," unpublished M.I.T.
may have been drawn. The writer feels t h a t thesis, May 26, 1958; supervised by Prof. J. H. Evans.

730 Submarine Tankers

50 ""

45 - - SUblTankers Cp=0.6 L/B=7.0
.... Surf. TankeP~ (Conven~]onal),
Oa'~ based o n H, B e n ~ o r , d
EncJ'r's Econ. in Tank Des.
A Japanese Z9~550 DWT Sub.Ta~ker (Ae~.~)
40 ~t BrH'ish, Teasdole 4"/,000 DWT Sub. TankeP

. 35

Harad (Prop.) T 7-N-B2a--

43~000 DWT T a n k e r


r.- z5


/ /./

S,000-DWT Diesel Power~ Sub.Tanker

J.H. H~c Cur'i'hy:
"The Pr'a,c|ca b|li't'~ o~ a ta't"l e.
Submarine Tan kee-"

IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Speed V, Knofs
Fig. 18 Comparison of power requirements for surface and submarine tankers

Two break-even speed lines are shown; one requirements for SHP as well as for SHP/DWT.
for equal SHP and one for equal SHP/DWT. The writer has also made several calculations
For .speeds above the first line the submarine for establishing the parameters of submarine
is superior to' the surface tanker in terms of SHP tankers of equal deadweight capacities and power
while for speeds above the second line the sub- as those of .successful surface tankers now in
marine is superior to the surface tanker in terms operation, using design characteristics set forth
of SHP/DWT. in the paper (circular hull, no PMB, and propul-
Of interest is the intersection of these two break- sive coefficient = 0.80). The results favor the
even lines at a displacement of 37,500 tons and a submarine in most cases, indicating that the
speed of 15.5 knotg indicating the region where break-even speeds above which the submarine
both surface and submarine tankers have equal tanker is superior to its surface equivalent may

Submarine Tankers 731


A +his Poln~ Sub TankeP a n d

Surface T a n k e r have s o m e I
~. SHP a n d SHP/OWT
I~H-P] I~HP_-I
L ~ _ J Sub= ]D~W'~_JSur'face Tanker
For Speeds above (~) ~rhe Submarine is Supermr
o ~rhe Surface Tanker" or same 5HP a n d A . -
12 For Speeds above ( ~ the Submarine is Superior
+o ~he Sur+aceTankeP or same SHWDWTand & . - - -

1 Sub-Tanker L/D-8; Cp=0.65~ C~rculor Hull

Sure'ace Tanker: D a Q based on HlBenfard 12
20 4O re0 80 100 120
I 140 160~10a
Bulk P!spIocemen A-Tons of 2?.40 Lb

Fig. 19 ApproxJm=te SHP and S H P / D W T "break-even speed" lines

very well be in the region of present adopted crew of 56 men quoted for the SS-N-MA48a design
speeds of 15 to 20 knots. would compare for an equivalent surface nuclear-
The authors must be congratulated for their powered tanker.
effort to put in a summary form all the data which 6 As a conclusion the writer has left aquestion,
were gathered from this study. Undoubtedly the answer to which m a y very well place the
much had to be omitted to keep the presentation submarine tanker in an even more unfavorable
within reasonable limits. Some questions come status: Have the authors considered what the
to mind which m a y have been covered in dis- attitude of the classification societies, will be
carded material and it would be much appreciated toward the requirement of eofferdamming prac-
if the authors would be kind enough to answer tically the entire pressure hull which is surrounded
the following: b y cargo ?
1 For studies of surface tankers with a pres-
surized-water-reactor (PWR) nuclear plant a Dr. F. H. Todd, Member: I have been greatly in-
coefficient of 285 lb/shp has been used for the terested in reading this paper, as I have just
propulsion plant. How does this compare with recently given one on the same subject before
the figure used for the submarine study ? the 3rd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
2 Of the volumetric coefficients, what portion organized b y the Office of Naval Research in
is allotted for the reactor compartment alone ? Holland in September. 1. Because of the theme
3 For single-reactor nuclear power plants of t h a t Conference, m y paper was confined largely
that have not been engaged in successful service to the hydrodynamic features of the problem,
it will be required by classification societies to and it is to these that I wish to devote m y re-
provide an auxiliary take-home power of a b o u t marks t o d a y .
5 per cent of maximum SHP. Has this been The authors state t h a t the submarine, at low
taken into consideration ? speeds, will have greater resistance than the
4 W h a t is the depth for which the model tests surface ship, because the absence of .wave-making
were simulated? The model tests made at the resistance at such speeds is more than offset
Experimental T a n k of Sannders-Roe Ltd. in b y the increase in wetted surface. However,
England showed t h a t at large depths the LID there is a third factor to take into account, the
ratio and the position of the maximum section form resistance, and with a modem, body-of-
from the nose have minor influence on total E H P . revolution shape, this can be considerably less
Were similar results obtained from the model
z4 F. H. Todd, "Submarine Cargo Ships and Tankers,"
tests at Davidson Laboratory? 3rd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Seheveningen,
5 I t would be of interest to know how the Holland, September 19-22, 1960.

732 Submarine Tankers

140 _

~ Russo ET AL



' GO


~. .^ ,~_ ~ v ~ . lO ~

ZO - r -

I I 1 I I I
20 40 60 80 I00 120 I0 I(~0
Submer'ged Displa,men in Tons-Thousatads
EHP Cur,ves for, Submarine Tanker.s
Fig. 20 EHP curves for submarine tankers

than that for the surface ship, and m y own esti- of this discussion. I t will be seen t h a t their
mates suggest "that the submarine and surface values of E H P are always somewhat higher than
ship of equal deadweight will have practically those of the present writer, which is largely ac-
the same resistance at low speeds, the submarine counted for by the fact that they made a greater
showing to greater and greater advantage as the allowance of 25 per cent. for appendage resistance.
speed is increased. In m y paper I estimated the T h e y also estimated the E H P from rood.el, tests on
E H P for circular and elliptical section submarines submarines having rectangular sectib-ias (with
having a length-to-diameter ratio of 7 and sub- rounded corners) and beam-to-depth ratios vary-
merged displacements ranging from 25,000 up ing from 2 to 1 to 3 to 1, Table 4. These result~
to 150,000 tons. The circular hulls had ex- and those of the ~vriter for elliptical-section sub-
cessively deep drafts, and the elliptical hulls marines are also shown in Fig. 20. At 20 knots,
were taken to have a beam-to-depth ratio of and allowing for the difference in appendage
4 to 1 to reduce the drafts to more reasonable allowance, there is little to choose between the
figures. Estimates for intermediate values can two forms, b u t at 30 knots the E H P for the rec-
be interpolated linearly. The figures are based tangular forms appears to be increasing more
upon the A T T C 1947 line with a "roughness" rapidly with increase in displacement than does
allowance of +0.0004 and an appendage allowance that for the elliptical hulls. This is no d o u b t
of 20 per cent. due to the fact t h a t in going from a displacement
The authors have also mad~ estimates for of 47,900 tons to 90,000 tons the beam-to-depth
circular-section submarines of the same propor- ratio has changed from 2 to 1 to 3 to 1. For
tions, a n d the results are compared in Fig. 20 elliptical sections of ratio less than 4, the E H P

Submarine Tankers 733

Table 10 Comparison of Tankers of Constant Deadweight = 93,750 Tons
Type .............. ,---------Surfaee~ .Submarine
D e a d w e i g h t , A.. 0.75 - - 0.60
A, tons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125000 '---------. - 156250-
Cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.80 0.70 0.60
CP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - " __ __ 0.60 = 0.60 ~
L a p , ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885 921 962 828 828
B, ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 141.7 148 118.3 236.6
d, ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.3 47.2 49.3 118.3 59.15

V, k n o t s . . . . . . . . . :. 15.5 21.9 28.5 15.5 21.9 28.5 15.5 21.9 28.5

:EHP~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15180 45300 110000 13780 37800 81050 20100 55150 118100
No. of screws . . . . . . . 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 4 " 4
D H P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21080 73300 194000 20680 73400 169300 30200 115300 247200
" S t r e a m l i n e d b o d y of r e v o l u t i o n , c i r c u l a r sections, l e n g t h / d i a m e t e r r a t i o = 7.0.
As above, b u t w i t h e l l i p t i c a l sections of b e a m / d e p t h r a t i o = 4.0.
" E H P based on A T T C 1947 line p l u s 0.0004

values would,, of course, be less than those shown,

and would give a more favorable comparison with l
those for the rectangular-section design. Decldwelgh+=93~'/50Tons I
. T h e authors have confined themselves to a
study of the feasibility of designing and building
submarine tankers and have, perhaps wisely,
200 / =

not entered into the controversial field of the

relative merits of such ships as compared with
surface tankers. This is, however, an important
question i n m a n y people's minds today and per-
haps a few remarks on this aspect of such ships
are in order.
In m y paper already referred to I attempted
to make some such comparison from the resistance
and propulsion point only, and gave figures for ,4 --
I~. ~ - .

surface and submarine tankers haCqng deadweights

ranging from 18,750 tons to 93,750 tons. T h e
former represents the smallest ship for which
nuclear propulsion plant would seem practicable
today, the latter is about the size of the largest
surface tankers so far built. In 'making the
comparison certain assumptions had to be made.
1 The surface ships for a given deadweight
were made larger and finer with increasing speed,
the relation between block coefficient and speed-
length ratio being given b y

- 2 (1.06 -- C8)
x/L 0
15 20 25 30
2 The E H P values' for the surface ships were Spaed V in Knos
based on Series 60 models. F i g. 21 Comparison of delivered horsepower f o r sur-
3 For both surface and submarine ships the face and submarine tankers
number of propellers was based on a maximum
power absorption of 40,000 dhp per screw.
4 For twin and quadruple-screw ships, sub- ably too high, but it was desired not to penalize
marine and surface, additional appendage allow- the submarine too heavily. T h e resulting power
ances of 10 and 20 per cent were made, respec- comparison and ship particulars are shown in
tively, for bossings, brackeM, and shafts. Table 10 herewith, while curves of D H P are shown
5 The ratio of deadweight to displacement in Fig. 21 f o r . t h e largest ships of 93,750 tons
was assumed to be 0.60 for submarine and 0.75 deadweight. Similar data for other deadweights
for surface tankers The former figure is prob- can be found in the writer's p a p e r . "

734 Submarine Tankers

I t is seen t h a t in smooth-water conditions, designer. The development of a successful ship
there is practically no difference between the of this kind will involve much research, develop-
surface and circular submarine tankers until ment and money, and it is certainly none too
the speed exceeds 22 or 23 knots. At 28.5 knots early to initiate research projects; the authors
the submarine requires some 121~ per ce~.t less are to be congratulated on the way they have
power. In service, of. course, the surface surveyed the problems and the great amount of
ship will also have to contend with rough seas data which they have provided to the profession
and wind, and so will require more power or will for further study.
have to run at reduced speed, whereas the sub-
marine can avoid all bad weather. But the J. G. Robinson, 1~ Visitor: The authors emphasize
cir.eular submarine has a depth of 118 ft, and if that their paper is a technical feasibility study
this is reduced to 59 ft by making the sections for a submarine tanker and in this respect they
elliptical, then the resultant ship at 28.5 knots have made a good case.
requires 27 per cent more power than the surface The provision of variable cargo/bal!.ast tanks
ship, and the latter has then a substantial margin seems a practical method of dealing with both
in hand to cope with weather. expansion and contraction of cargo, and differ-
There are, or course, marly operational prob- enees in specific gravities.
lems involved in the running of large submarine The rectangular cross section of the submarine
t a n k e r s - - t h e difficulties of building, drydoeking, is preferred for operational reasons and a t 36
loading and unloading, obtaining skilled crews ft loaded surface draft the vessel should have
and keeping up "their esprit-de-corps, the limita- no difficulty in approaching most of the existing
tions on the use of Suez and Panama Canals, at terminals nor passing through the Suez Canal.
least in their present form, the provision of The optimum operating draft is not specifically
adequate directional stabilit3/and control, and the mentioned, b u t "submerged about four diameters"
fact that quite an appreciable part of the voyage, is quoted. This is taken to mean an under-keel
at least when approaching Western European draft of 4 X 40 + 40 - 200 ft (where 40 ft is
or Persian ports, will be in waters less than 600 hull depth). I t can therefore, be assumed t h a t
ft deep, which means that large submarines would a de~th of at least 45 fathoms is the" absolute
have to carry out this part of the v.oyage at slow minimum for operational benefits at full speed.
speed on the surface, where the streamlined body- As the bed of the waterway is not flat, great
of-revolution hull is very .resistful at anything care would have to be exercised in the voyage
but low speeds--for no one could contemplate routing and in fact such operational depth of
driving such ships at 35 knots submerged in such water may only be available over a few conven-
waters! This fact, together with the risk of tional trading routes.
having to surface at sea because of power failure The authors state, " . . . . . it should be pos-
or other reasons and the need to load and unload sible t o . . . design an optimum submarine
at deep, offshore terminals, means that the sub- tanker which could carry 40,000 tons of oil prod-
marine may, from time to time, have to cope with uets at about 37 knots with installed power of
rough seas in the same way as surface ships, and about 250,000 shp. A displacement vessel could
this may require longitudinal strength of the not do this job."
same order. If the problem is merely one of transporting a
The outcome of this discussion points to the given amount of oil per annum from A to B, then
fact that from a commercial point of view there is a surface vessel of, for example, 85,000 tons at
little attraction in" submarine tankers so long as 171/~ knots with approximately 28,500 slap would
we restrict our thoughts to speeds within the transport the same quantity. The relative eco-
limits for which economic surface vessels can be nomies of the two alternatives do not require
designed. However, if we wish to go be~yond further comment.
these speeds then the submarine would be the T h e use of high4ensile steels is briefly men-
only answer for the carriage of the world's bulk tioned and I would agree that there would seem
cargoes. Something of the magnitude of the to be a clear ease for the introduction of such
tasks facing.the designer of such submarines may materials; the majority of such steels, however,
be realized when it is remembered that the largest require some form of pre and post heat-treatment.
submarine built to date is the USS Triton, with Have the authors any views on the handling of
a length of 447 ft and a displacement of 5900 tons. such materials on very large structures ?
I t is a big step from this to tankers of the order
of 60,000 to 80,000 tons, posing formidable prob- is SheU Tankers, Limited, Ibex House, Minories, Lon-
lems, but also presenting a great challenge to the don, England.

Submarine Tankers 735

Reverting again to the service operating depth in over-ail propulsive coefficient of 0.813 for a
of a submarine tanker, I would imagine that there circular sectioned hull at 20k against 0.680] for
is an economic balance between operating depth, the rectangular section to take one example.
structural weight, and speed. A small reduction Admittedly, the circular form should have a
in operating depth would reduce the pressure little higher efficiency b u t the difference here
on hull scantlings pro rata with only a modest showri is a gross exaggeration.
increase in residual (wave-making) resistance. Other aspects of the power approximations
As regards the maximum power/shaft of 60,000 might be examined.
shp--while I accept this figure as "being realistic (a) How can the residual resistance of a
for the purposes of the s t u d y - - I have the im- square sectioned hull possibly be worse than t h a t
pression t h a t there m a y be some difficulty in of a rectangular one ?
propeller design and particularly in propeller (b) Is the resistance of the stern, appendages
longevity with operation in this deep "solid unduly influenced b y scale effects ?
water." (c) Was the resistance of circular sectioned
I was interested in comparing the total volume hulls determined using the same model technique
of a 40,.000-ton submarine--given b y the authors as t h a t on the rectangular hulls ?
as 81,800 85 = 2,860,000 cu f t - - w i t h the total Our reason for mentioning these points is t h a t
enclosed volume of a 40,000-ton surface tanker. we d o not believe that it would require 80 per
Using the British gross tonnage as a measure of cent more power to drive a rectangular hull of
volume, with the necessary small corrections, good form in comparison with "the ideal solid of
one obtains a figure of 2,825,000 cu ft. revolution. The difference is too much.
Further, a comparison of engine-room volumes Unlike the authors, we.believe t h a t a surface
on the same basis gives: Submarine single-crew ship could be designed to carry 40,000 tons of
plant 4.32 cu ft/shp; surface vessel approximately oil at 37 knots with 250,000 shp if:
20 cu ft/shp. There would seem to be food for (a) All the resources of m o d e m technology
thought here. were available.
In conclusion, I find the paper to be stimulating, (b) Economics were thrown out of the window.
with a practical approach to the problem and (c) Draft were not restricted.
only wish that some reference might have been (d) Money was made available for the use of
made about such factors as capital cost, hull an enthusiastic design team.
preservation, caliber of operating personnel and In other words, all.we think is necessary is the
those items which would enable the shipowner same facilities accorded the authors. For ex-
to assess whether it would, within the next dec- ample, to drive 80,000 tons displacement at 37
ades, be possible to construct and operate eco- knots, we have only to achieve an Admiralty
nomically such craft. coefficient on S H P of 375 to attain our goal;
Finally, I would congratulate the authors on a very high figure b y existing passenger ship
this most interesting study. standards, but one would hesitate to say it was
E. E. Bustard, Foreign Affiliate Associate Member: At this stage, it m a y not be fair to ask how the
This paper is the best we have seen on this subject authors propose to deal with the problem of
and the authors have done an excellent job of moving the after control surfaces in the vessels
highlighting the possibilities in the range con- shown in Figs. lO(a) and 11. No provision ap-
sidered. Inevitably in a sketchy study of this pears to have been made for this and for the larger
kind there are one or two weak spots which would vessel this equipment would be much larger
come into focus in a more detailed study. than anything so far engineered in this line. To
The method of determining E H P / S H P in accommodate the control machinery, it would
Table 4 as outlined in the text is not very sound, probably be necessary to move the rudders and
in m y opinion, and the results will bear me out. hydroplanes forward somewhat or else, the form
Instead of just estimating E H P / S H P , the authors could hardly follow the ideal shape shown.
have estimated four components of E H P / S H P None of the foregoing affects the broad con-
and derived the E H P / S H P therefrom. As all clusions, namely, that the project is technically
these separate estimates are subject to a margin feasible though economically quite unattractive.
of error, we have in multiplying them together
achieved what I will call "error to the fourth R. L. Townsin, Foreign Affiliate Associate Member:
power." The spread is thus greater than it should One can understand and admire the manner in
be and not as reliable as it would be with the which the authors have dealt with a design prob-
cruder approach. This accounts for differences lem in advance of our time but restrained them-

736 Submarine Tankers

selves as far as possible to proved present-day ence in deadweight-to-displacement ratio might
technical achievements. T h e specification for result from a design requiring all the cargo to be
the investigation appears to have been free enough within a pressure hull? Perhaps this paper should
for the authors not to be restricted to a tanker not be left without reference to the first published
design for a specific duty. The possible duties design for a submarine tanker, presented before
of submerged cargo carriers can perhaps be classi- a local section of this Society some five years
fied under three headings: ago, le which came under the first heading as a
(a) Strategic service; i.e., clandestine trans- clandestine fleet oiler. Here the conclusion was
port and trading, particularly in time of war. that for strategic reasons the design might be
(b) Opening up trade routes inaccessible to practicable but as economic transport the sub-
surface vessels; viz., under the polar ice.'cap. merged tanker was unsuitable. No doubt more
(c) High-speed transport in direct competition will be heard of submarine transport and in the
with surface vessels. meanwhile this paper provides most excellent
M a n y o.f the basic requirements have an entirely design experience.
different emphasis under each of these three
headings and in particular the comparison of J. A. Teasdale, 17 Visitor: T h e reading of this
transport cost per ton-mile between submarine paper has afforded me the utmost pleasure and I
and surface vessel is of much less importance would like to record m y appreciation of the effort
under the first two headings than under the last. which has obviously gone into the technical ap-
Will the authors agree t h a t the resulting designs proach and for the excdlent presentation of t h e
for these three services might be entirely different? results.
Studying this paper as if it were an investiga- The authors state early in the paper t h a t they
tion concerned only with .the last heading, one is are not setting out to consider the economics of
led to the conclusion that only a near optimum underwater trade routes and it is refreshing to
form for a low drag-to-volume ratio is likely to read about and study practical designs o f a sub-
yield an effective competitor for the surface marine tanker instead of the rather vague at-
vessel, a conclusion which m a y also be drawn tempts at design which have been made by vari-
from reference [31 of this paper. These con- ous authors performing economic studies.
clusions are drawn against a background of cur- Having praised the excellence of the practical
rent values for the power-to-weight ratio of pro- design it m a y seem contradictory to raise one or
pelling machinery, but as the authors hint de- two points in this respect and hope for enlighten-
velopments such as those in magnetohydrody- ment. An appendage allowance of 2 5 per. cent
namics might radically alter the picture in the of the E H P of the bare hull has been proposed
future. Even so the large draft of a competitive and this value is considerably higher than t h a t
submarine cargo vessel will always cause diffi- which this contributor would have anticipated.
culties if existing docking facilities are to be used. Perhaps the authors have stipulated a high stand-
If one is unwilling to relinquish the attractions ard of dynamical stability, necessary for a military
of submerged high-speed transport, can the sub- submarine but which m a y be relaxed somewhat
marine design be coupled with the desigll of, for a commercial submarine. I t m a y be t h a t
say, floating dock facilities or added buoyancy the difference in fin area between a stable form
cradles at terminal ports ? and one which is unstable is so fine t h a t there
Frequent docking of these vessels would clearly is negligible change in appendage resistance.
be a m a t t e r of great importance since the penalty Have the authors any views on what would be a
from g fouled hull is so very much greater than reasonable appendage allowance for a form with
for a surface vessel, the resistance being entirely a circular or elliptical cross section? While on
of viscous origin. Have the authors considered the subject of power absorption has any allowance
the rate of decrease of speed due to probable been made for the power loss due to course keep-
fouling on various routes ? ing?
Considering the designs under the second With regard to the question of longitudinal
heading the results are .more encouraging but strength the statement t h a t wave bending mo-
whether petroleum products would be an im- ments are eliminated in a submarine tanker is
portant item for this type of trade route is a m a t t e r based on the assumption t h a t the vessel need
for debate. Can the authors suggest what differ- never surface in adverse sea conditions. This
is perhaps a dangerous presumption since emer-
10j. H. McCarthy, "The Practicability of a Large Sub-
marine Tanker," New York Metropolitan Section 17Assistant Naval Architect, Furness Shipbuilding Co.,
SNAME, 1955. Ltd., Haverton Hill, U. K.

Submarine Tankers ' 737

geneies may occur which could force the sub- 500
marine to the surface no matter what the ~veather.

John B. Parkinson, Member: Some ten years ago, Reciprocaing- Englne,, ,~

an interesting philosophical approach to the I00 A|r~rai" J / ,
speed-power relationships of various vehicles
was contributed b y O. GabrieUi and Th. yon 50 - /
Karman in a paper, " W h a t Price Speed. ''la By
compiling known installed horsepowers per ton
for everything from bicycles to transonic
bombers, the authors determined a tentative -- 20,000 DWT /
lower limit line for this parameter as a function Shbrnar~ne T~t~keps ]
5 /
of speed. The line, the position of which was 0
established primarily b y the best surface ships
and aircraft, provides a convenient reference 20,000 DWT /~X, "
8urt~ceZankerS\.ll/- Gtabrie
\ tll-von Kctrmctn
in evaluating new types of water or air vehicles ~l Lim~'l" Line
against man's best efforts in'this direction. While Co,~o c-,d//
installed power is by no means the whole story, Ships C 3 . ~ f
it has a strong influence on most other factors such Vlctory , ~ ' .
as initial and maintenance costs, people required L~berov:.x;
'for operation, and even overhead expenses. ",7/
I t was thought interesting, therefore, to com- 0.1 I /I I I I
pare the estimates of power required for the large 5 I0 50 I00 ..~00
clean submarines developed in the present paper Maxlrnum Sp~ed~ Knos
with the Gabrielli-von Karman limit line and the Fig. 22 C o m p a r i s o n o f s u b m a r i n e p o w e r requirements
shaft horsepower provided for familiar merchant-
type vessels as shown in Fig. 22 of this discussion.
Because of the scope of the plot and the resulting
need for logarithmic scales, the differences between extraordinarily useful means of transportation
the submarine tanker designs do not alter the up to the highest available speeds.
picture and the 20,000 deadweight-ton circular- T h e differences between the ships and the.sub-
section submersible with no parallel body was marines are surprisingly small. However, t h e
selected as representative. The data for surface data do not reflect the dependence of the ships
tankers with the same deadweight capacity were on the sea state and weather or the corresponding
taken from a paper b y Prof. H a r r y Benford. TM freedom of the submerged craft from a generally
Those for the cargo ships came from a recent unfavorable surface environment.
tabulation in the Maritime Reporter and those The authors have been professionally above
for the aircraft from the original Gabrielli-von reproach i n recognizing the limitations of the
Karman compilation. concept they have dealt with and in scrupulously
The figure shows that t h e estimates for the avoiding any "wild blue yonder" implications
submarine tanker lie close to and more or less in their evaluations. F r o m the very basic con-
parallels the classic reference line up to the highest side.ration discussed here, they have made a
speed investigated (42.3 knots). Considering material contribution to the important and some-
its inherent freedom from rough seas and the what awesome research problem of advanced
fact that surface vessels depart rapidly from the ship types, a problem t h a t continually confronts
optimum line above 25 or 30 knots because of the profession and the Technical and Research
wave resistance, the advanced submarine thus committees of the Society.
appears to occupy a unique position in the vehicM
spectrum and does not appear to pay an inordinate Authors' Closure
price for its speed. I t is noted t h a t the com-
mercial airplane continues to approach the limit The authors wish to t h a n k all the discussers
line up to a speed of 300 knots or so, and t h a t for the friendly interest they have shown and for
like the m.erchant ship it has proven to be an the generous efforts they have made to contribute
to the potential usefulness of the paper through
their discussions.
18 3"Ieckanical Engineering, October, 1950.
19 " E n g i n e e r i n g E c o n o m y in T a n k e r D e s i g n , " TRANS. Professor Manning and Mr. Rogers have both
S N A M E , vol., 65, 1957. expressed a definite interest in having an economic
738 Submarine Tankeis
analysis to supplement the technical feasibility accommodations shown in the paper are far more
study. Others have also hinted rather strongly lavish than those of any military submarine, b u t
t h a t such a supplement is needed. Fortunately it must be admitted t h a t they excel those of
for the authors, Professor Benford has furnished modern tankers in only one respect, namely,
in his discussion an economic analysis which freedom from pitch and roll.
presents the inevitable conclusion clearly and Mr. Stover's comparison of fast submarine
concisely. The authors have never been under tankers with other types of vessels of equal speed
a n y illusion regarding the competitive position is a valuable addition to the paper. As he noted,
of commercial submarines visa vis surface vessels his assumption of displacement of the submarine
under present circumstances. However, the value is on the low side. Also his propulsive coefficient
of stealthy vehicles in wartime is quite evident. is rather low for the submarine. Extrapolating
The primary purpose of a study, like the subject from Table 4, one finds that these approximations
one is to identify and correlate the important cancel each other so that the power required
factors that bear on the problem, and perhaps without margin is almost exactly in agreement
to point the way to profitable avenues of research. with Mr. Stover's estimate. If Mr. Stover had
Mr. Rogers has pointed out t h a t the roug.hness made his comparison at a smaller deadweight,
allowance for large surface tankers is likely to the submarine would have compared even more
b e closer to 0.0002 than to the value 0.0004 used favorably with the surface ship. This fact was
in the paper. The authors do not agree that this pointed out b y Mr. Posnakoff and was mentioned
should be interpreted as a disadvantage of s u b - in one of Professor Lewis's comments. The reason
marines, but rather t h a t it indicates that the is simply that the economical speed of surface
value used throughout the paper is too conserva- vessels increases as the size of the vessel increases.
tive, at least for large vessels. With careful Professor Benford and Mr. Posnakoff have
attention to details there is no reason to doubt expressed misgivings about the absence of coffer-
t h a t the top of the submarine hull can be made dams between cargo oil tanks and manned spaces.
.as smooth as the bottom. I t is certainly easier The statement in the paper that the quarters
t o maintain in good condition. meet minimum Coast Guard requirements was
The authors concur with Mr. Rogers' con- intended to apply only to the living spaces and
.clusions regarding scantlings. T h e y do not accommodations for the crew and officers. If
agree with the ideu exlSressed b y Shigemitsu the construction of merchant submarines should
in reference [2] that the structure of a submarine be seriously contemplated, a number of questions
tanker can be lighter than the structure of an would have to be resolved with the Coast Guard
equivalent surface tanker. If the submarine is and with the.classification societies. In addition
designed to be able to carry gasoline, the structure to cofferdams, these include lifeboats, ground
can be made even heavier than that of a combat tackle, and scantlings. Regarding cofferdams,
submarine, which does not carry buoyant cargo. at present all t h a t can be said is that leaks are
Of course, some of the weight needed to submerge very improbable in welded joints in 'plates as
.can be in the form of fixed ballast, but it is para- thick as those of a pressure hull in a submarine.
.sitic in this form, contributing neither to the cor- Flaws occur in individual passes of weld, but
rosion allowance nor to the strength. t h e y do not penetrate the whole thickness.
The "problem of mixing of cargo with sea water The authors conchr with Professor Lewis's
was recognized and stated in the paper as well as note of caution regarding the interpretation of
in Mr. Rogers' comments and those of Mr. model test results, especially with respect to
Mylrea. The diagrams of cargo-handling sys- optimum b e a m / d e p t h ratio and per cent parallel
t e m s presented in the paper were simplified for middle body as well as with respect to scale effect
clarity. More complete diagrams have been on appendages.. However, the authors must
.drawn. However the problem of contamination confess they were gratified to find that the model
-of heavy crude oils is admittedly a tough one. tests tended so strongly to confirm two points:
Lighter oils have better natural cleavage, and the 1 T h a t the proportions selected for practical
system of traps can be correspondingly simpler. arrangement of the parent form are p r e t t y good
B y loading the ship as a surface ship would be hydrodynamically.
loaded and by pressing up the tanks only after 2 T h a t the effects of moderate departures
loading is complete, it should be con- from the parent form can be predicted largely
fine the contamination to the expansion tank. on the basis of wetted surface.
The tanker operator's view of submarine ac- Mr. Kimon has discussed two ways to increase
commodations as expressed by Mr. Rogers is the paying deadweight without enlarging the
~rery interesting to the authors. Actually the -outer hull of a submarine tanker. The paper

Submarine Tankers 739

states that cargo tanks can be converted to ballast a research project for high-speed displacement
to reduce draft. The converse is also true if ships. At present, the hydrodynamic aspects
greater draft is acceptable. The choice of the of this problem are under study; and model testing
amount of water ballast to be carried thus depends beyond the range of available "Series" work is
upon draft and freeboard desired in surface con- now in progress for resistance, propulsion, and
dition. I t also depends upon the standard of seakeeping. When these results are available,
subdivision required. I t might be argued that a more adequate comparison of submarine and
the pressure hull is so well protected from collision displacement-type, high-speed ships will be pos-
by the surrounding tanks that subdivision is not sible.
important. It might also be argued that in an In high-speed, oil-fueled surface tankers a very
emergency cargo could be blown from one or more large part of the total deadweight would be taken
tanks to obtain, reserve buoyancy. All of these up by fuel; and, therefore, the cargo deadweight
factors would have to be considered in a detailed would be much iess. If Dr. Todd was referring
design. Since it is at best a somewhat arbitrary to cargo, deadweight when he assumed a ratio
choice, the authors used 10 per cent reserve buoy- of deadweight to displacement of 0.75 for surface
ancy throughout the paper to make the designs tankers, it is logical to suppose that he was think-
as consistent as possible forready comparison. ing of nuclear propulsion.
Another method suggested by Mr. Kimon to In the paper the allowance for appendages on
increase.paying deadweight is to design the sub- hulls of rectangular section is 25 per cent of the
marine for heavier oil cargo instead of gasoline. bare hull EHP. For hulls with circular sections
This point was covered very briefly in the paper the allowance is only 15 per cent. Apparently
because it was felt that the sacrifice in versatility this distinction was not emphasized enough be-
of the submarine could not be justified. It is cause Dr. Todd, Mr. Teasdale, and others over-
admittedly a premium carrier and would certainly looked it. However, it makes it even more dif-
be used for premium cargo whenever possible. ficult to explain why Dr. Todd's E H P values are
To build such a vessel that would be unable to so much lower than those given in the paper.
carry aviation fuel in wartime would be a poor Fifteen per cent allowance for appendages on a
investment from the point of view of national submarine of circular section would be optimistic
defense. for a combatant submarine, but on the big tan-
As Mr. Kimon has noted, designing for heavier kers the bridge fairwater is much smaller relative
cargo might cause the limiting factor to be to the size of the hull. The justification of the
switched from volume to weight. This situation 25 per cent allowance on the rectangular forms has
could be corrected to some extent by reducing been explained in the paper.
the operating depth of the submarine and by For the reasons given under the heading "Model
the use of high-tensile steel. Both of these Tests," the authors favor rectangular sections
changes would permit reduction of the weight over elliptical sections. Dr: Todd's comparison
of the pressure hull. of E H P of elliptical hulls with rectangular hulls
Dr. Todd's discussion is a valuable contribution would have beefi much less favorable to ellipses if
to the paper inasmuch as it adds. to the hydro- he had used the same ratio of length to d.epth.
dynamic information for submarine forms. Mr. Robinson raises many practical points,
The authors recognize that the assessment of some of which have been made by other discussers,
submarine performance versus that which is and all of which must necessarily be considered
possible with surface ships is an indispensable in further studies of submarine ships.
complement of the paper urlder discussion. As It can be taken as axiomatic that the trans-
stated, the advantage of the submarine ships portation by sea of bulk products from an un-
begins to show up at speeds h.igher than those limited storage place of production to an un-
prevailing in the present design practice. It limited storage place of consumption will be
is our feeling that a direct extrapolation of present most economical at sea speeds where the "slow"
practice to estimate the characteristics and per- large vessel has all the advantages.
formance of high-speed surface vessels does not As stated repeatedly, the submarine tanker
lead to an adequate comparison. For instance, shows advantage at very high speed; and there
the design of a high-speed displacement vessel is no demand for such speeds. The paper has
should consider not only minimum resistance dealt with this question in a quantitative manner
but also the ability to perform satisfactorily and gives an approximate idea. of the type and
in a seaway. Mr. N~ylrea's discussion does much size Of" ship and power required to obtain high
to clarify this point. speeds.
The Maritime Administration has under wa~: The authors believe that the 37-knot, 40,000-

740 Submarine Tankers

bwt submarine tanker shown in Fig. 11 i.s typical of screws. Thus propulsive coefficient follows
of the largest and fastest vessels of this kind t h a t the trend of propeller efficiency, decreasing with
are feasible to build with present-day technology. increased loading.
T h e outer hull diameter of 80 ft is about the limit The' circular hulls with parallel body all have
for drydocking because the light draft would be the same afterbody. In the single-screw, 20-knot
about 40 ft. T h e 240,000-shp power plant is not hulls the large propeller of the longer hull benefits
quite the most powerful marine installation to less from the'wake, and the P C is therefore less.
date; b u t considering the steam conditions of the In the multiple-screw, higher speed hulls, on the
nuclear plant, it is comparable" in size to the big- other hand, the trend is reversed because the
gest. Perhaps the most restrictive factor, how- wake gain from greater length more than offsets
ever, is the large diameter of the pressure hull, the reduced propeller efficiency due to greater
which would require the use of high-strength, alloy loading. Th.e thrust deduction is less sensitive
steel in thick sections. Mr. Robinson .has asked to length than the wake fraction.
for~the authors' views on handling of such mate- T h e rectangular hulls all have-the same depth,
rial. A complete answer would be a whole paper but the narrower ones have steeper buttocks.
in itself, b u t it might suffice to say t h a t the Thus the wider ones tend to have lower thrust
authors believe the fabrication would be feasible, deductions. Regardless of the number of screws
though preheat would be required, and the weld- on these hulls, the screws are behind rather than
ing would be a rather troublesome job. outboard; therefore smaller screws benefit more
Comparisons made between submarine tankers from the wake than larger ones do. This tends
and surface tankers have assumed nuclear fuel to favor the larger number of screws unless the
for the former and fossil fuel for the latter. T o advantage is canceled by increased R P M . In-
this extent, these comparisons reflect the present creased parallel body length also tends to increase
disadvantage of nuclear ship propulsion. This wake fraction and hull efficiency.
may be only a transient condition; improvements The authors were on'less firm ground in pre-
in nuclear power ~ould alter the situation con- dicting wake fractions and thrust deductions
siderably. for the ectangular hulls than they were for the
Mr. Robinson notes the difference in specific round ones, therefore, when the predicted hull
machinery volume between the nuclear submarine efficiency seemed high, it was arbitrarily reduced
and the conventional tanker and expresses the to 0.760 to be conservative..
opinion that there is food for thought. We feel The following are answers to Mr. Posnakoff's
that this could apply both ways. When one specific questions:
considers the disproportion between the size 1 T h e weight estimates made for the vessels
of the steam-generating plant and the turbine shown in Figs. 10 and 11 indicate that the sum of
which uses this steam in a modern ship's power Marad weight accounts 20 through 29 would re-
plant, one could wonder whether progressive sults in specific machinery weights of 120 and 90
engineering in heat exchangers could not reduce lb per shp, respectively.
the volume requirements of a conventional ship's 2 The reactor compartment specific volumes
power plant. used in the study are:
Mr. Costeletos has asked for an explanation
of the variations of propulsive coefficients in Single-screw plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.91
Twin-screw plant.s in one hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.88
Table 4. The propellers in aU cases were from Quadruple-screw plants in one hull . . . . . . . . . . 0.86
Troost's standard series, so the rather mysterious Multiple-screw plants in separate hulls . . . . . . 0.77
trends can be explained in terms of hull efficiencies.
The authors have plotted wake fraction and These are in the order of 20 to 25 per cent of the
thrust deduction in a number of different ways machinery volume and are the basis of the last
in an .attempt to discover the most significant paragraph of the paper.
parameters, using data from models of naval sub- 3 While the components have not been labeled
marines having circular or nearly eircular sections. in Fig. 10 (a), a close study of Figs. 10 (a) and
T h e available data showed the least scatter when (b) shows that a battery, a diesel generator, and an
single-screw hull effieiencies were plotted against emergency propulsion motor have been provided
propeller diameter over the square root of wetted in the S5-N-MA48a design for take-home power.
surface and when twin-screw hull effciencies were 4 All tests at the Davidson Laboratory were
plotted against length over hull diameter. made with the axis of the hull 24 in.. below the
T h e circular hulls without parallel body are water surface (see Table 3 for scale of models).
geometrically similar, therefore huU efficiencies 5 The breakdown of the complement of S5-N-
do not vary greatly except with change in number MA48a is given in Fig. 12. Two electronics offi-

Submarine Tankers 741

cers and two air-conditioning engineers have been would be predicted from the model tests. Further-
provided over and above what would normally more, the stern appendages tend to increase'
be required for an equivalent surface tanker. propulsive efficiency by straightening the flow
Mr. Bustard has expressed the opinion that into the propellers.
the method used to estimate E H P / S H P is un- The authors certainly agree with Mr. Townsin's
sound. Whether he is correct could be deter- remark that the design of a submarine tanker will
mined only by self-propelled model "tests, but the be influenced by the type of service for which it is
parametric trends have been explained in the au- intended. For example, the depth and draft will
thors' reply to Mr. Costeletos. be affected by such factors as clearance under ice,
Mr. Bustard has asked how the resistance of depth of water over the whole route, and so on.
a square-sectioned huU can be worse than that As has been mentioned in the paper and in the
of a rectangular one. Since the. hulls being discussions, the design can be improved if the
compared have the same sectional areas, the minimum specific gravity for cargo to be carried is
squfire hull has steeper buttocks. This factor well known. Lacking this information, one must
accounts for its higher residuary resistance. make the variable cargo tanks big enough to
Possibly a modification of the lines of the after- accommodate very light cargo.
body might improve the square hull. The authors have allowed 10 per cent margin in
Mr. Bustard has raised the question discussed power for fouling, weather, sea temperature,
by Professor Lewis regarding the influence of and so on. This is substantially less than the
seale effects on stern appendage resistance. The usual margin in surface vessels, but it is by no
authors agree with Professor Lewis that full-sized means the result of sophisticated operational
vessels may have less appendage resistance than analysis.

742 Submarine Tankers

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