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- - - - - -

Tin t/ hu
Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d
Denotes an absence of, Ancient Greek -/- Apathy (th ), Analgia (khng
a-, an- Vng mt hoc k c
without (a-/an-), without, not au n)
ab- away from i t Latin Abduction (bt cc)
Latin (abdmen),
Of or relating to the
abdomin(o)- Lin quan ti bng abdomen, fat around Abdomen (bng)
the belly
cardiac (lin quan ti tim),
-ac, -acal pertaining to Lin quan n... Greek - (-akos) hydrophobiac (k c i lc vs
acanthocyte (1 loi tb mu c
Ancient Greek
acanth(o)- thorn or spine Gai/ ct sng gai chng li vi sinh vt) ,
(akantha), thorn
acanthoma (khi u biu b)
acoumeter (thit b o nhy
acous(io)- Of or relating to hearing Lin quan ti Nghe (acoustikos), of or for
of tai), acoustician
Greek (akron), acroosteolysis (hoi t t xa
Cc, trn cng, im
acr(o)- extremity, topmost highest or farthest ngn tay), acromegaly (bnh
xa nht hoc cao nht
point xng to do tuyn yn)
-acusis Hearing Lin quan ti nghe (acoustikos), of or for paracusis ( khuyt tt v nghe)
-ad toward, in the direction of Hng ti Dorsad ( hng pha sau lng)
increase, adherence, Tng, chuyn ng v, Adduction ( i su vo phn su
ad- Latin
motion toward, very rt... ca c th)
Adenocarcinoma ( hnh nh l
Ancient Greek ,
aden(o)-, Lin quan ti Tuyn ung th m tuyn), adenology
Of or relating to a gland - (adn, aden-), an
aden(i)- ^^ (nghnh tuyn hc), adenotome
acorn; a gland
(dng c ct b hch adenoid)
Of or relating to fat or Lin quan ti m m Latin (adeps, adip-), Adipocyte ( T bo m, to
fatty tissue hay cht bo fat thnh m m)
Of or relating to adrenal Lin quan ti Tuyn adrenal artery (ng mch tuyn
adren(o)- Latin
glands thng thn thng thn)
Greek ,
-aemia (BrE) blood condition Mu Anaemia ( thiu mu)
without blood
Aerosinusitis (hnh nh ngha l
aer(o)- air, gas Kh Greek ,
vim xoang)
Sensation Cm gic Greek Anesthesia (gy t)
-al pertaining to Lin quan n... Latin -alis abdominal (thuc bng)
Denoting a white or pale
alb- Trng hoc nht Latin albus, white Albino (bch tng)
alge(si)- Pain au Greek Analgesic (gim au)
-algia Pain -- Greek Myalgia(chng nht gn)
alg(i)o- Pain -- Greek --
Denoting something as Alloantigen (khng nguyn k
Khc nhau hoc b Ancient Greek
allo- different, or as an m ha trn cng 1 locus cc
sung nhau (allos), another, other 1
addition (other or sinh vt cng loi),
diferent) allopathy(diu tr bng cch
ngn chn cc triu chng)
Denoting something as
Latin (ambi-, ambo),
ambi- positioned on both sides; 2 pha, 2 mt Ambidextrous (thun c 2 bn)
both, on both sides
Describing both of two
Pertaining to the
amnio- membranous fetal sac Lin quan ti mng i Greek Amniocentesis (chc i)
amph-, amphismela ( 1 loi dao gii
on both sides 2 bn Greek (amphi)
amphi- phu dng k c 2 mt)
an- not, without K c, k Greek Analgesia ( thuc gim au)
Anaplasia ( s thay i c tnh
ana- back, again, up Lp li, quay li Greek
ca tb, xra trong u c tnh)
an(o) Anus Hu mn Latin
Andrology (nam hc), android
andr(o)- pertaining to a man Lin quan ti nam gii Greek , -
(ging ngi)
Mch mu( a, ng ra
phi thuc v ng Angiogram (biu x-quang of
angi(o)- blood vessel Greek
mch mi ng ch mch mu)
Anisotropic (c tnh k ging
Describing something as Ancient Greek nhau nhng hng khc
aniso- Bt bnh ng
unequal (ansos), unequal nhau), anisocytosis ( bnh thay
i kch thc hng cu)
Ancient Greek
ankyl(o)-, Denoting something as Ankylosis ( cng khp, bt
Quanh co hoc cong (anklos),
ancyl(o)- crooked or bent ng khp)
crooked, curved
Describing something as
Latin (nt), before, in antepartum (giai on trc
ante- positioned in front of Pha trc, trc
front of sinh)
another thing
Describing something as
Ancient Greek Antibody (khng th),
anti- 'against' or 'opposed to' Chng, i, nghch
(anti), against antipsychotic (chng lon thn)
separated from, derived Tch ra t, chuyn n Apoptosis ( ci cht c chu
apo- Ancient Greek
from t.... trnh)
archinephron (nguyn thy ca
arch(i,e,o) first, primitive u, nguyn
Of or pertaining to a Nam tnh, lin quan ti
arsen(o)- Greek (arsein)
male; masculine n ng
Ancient Greek
(artra), a
Of or pertaining to an Lin quan ti ng Artery (ng mch), Arteriole
arteri(o)- wind-pipe, artery (used
artery mch (mao mch)
distinctly versus a
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti chi, Ancient Greek
arthr(o)- Arthritis (vim khp)
joints, limbs khp (arthros), a joint, limb
articul(o)- joint Khp Latin articulum Articulation (khp xng)
bilary tract (h thng ng tit
-ary pertaining to Lin quan ti.... Latin -arius
gia mt v rut)
Greek ,
-ase enzyme Enzyme Lactase
Myasthenia gravis (Hi chng
-asthenia weakness Yu Greek,
yu c)
imperfect or incomplete Pht trin k hon ton atelocardia (tim pht trin k y
development hoc y )
Fatty deposit, soft Atherosclerosis ( x va ng
Ather(o)- Mm, va
gruel-like deposit mch)
-ation process Qu trnh Latin Lubrication ( bi trn)
an atrium (esp. heart atrioventricular (Lin quan ti
atri(o)- Tm nh
atrium) tm nh v tm tht of tim)
aur(i)- Of or pertaining to the ear Lin quan ti tai Latin (auris), the ear Aural (cm nhn bng tai)
aut(o)- self T Greek - Autoimmune ( t min dich)
aux(o)- increase; growth Tng, pht trin auxocardia (bnh tim to)
Of or pertaining to the
axill- armpit [uncommon as a Lin quan ti nch Latin (axilla), armpit Axilla ( t y hc of nch)
Azothermia (Bnh tng nhit
azo(to) nitrogenous compound Hp cht cha Nito
do hm lng nito trong mu)


Tin t/
Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d
Hu t
Of the glans penis or Greek - balanos, Balanitis (Quy u dng
balano- Quy u
glans clitoridis acorn, glans vt)
bi- twice, double Nh, hai Latin Binary ( Nh phn)
bio- Life Sinh, sng Ancient Greek Biology ( Sinh hc)
Blastomere ( Mt trong
blast(o)- germ or bud Mm, chi Greek nhng tb k to ra do s
phn ct hp t)
Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek Blepharoplast ( ht c
blephar(o)- Lin quan ti m mt
eyelid (blpharon), eyelid bn of trng roi)
Latin (brachium), from Brachiopod (Loi tay
brachi(o)- Of or relating to the arm Lin quan ti Tay Ancient Greek cun), brachiate (ong
(brachin), arm a tay nh kh)
Ancient Greek
Indicating 'short' or less brachycephalic (Bnh
brachy- Ch ngn hoc t (brachys), short, little,
commonly 'little' u rng thp)
Ancient Greek Bradycardia (Nhp tim
brady- 'slow' Chm
(bradys), slow thp, nh hn 60)
Bronchiolitis obliterans
bronch(i)- bronchus Ph qun (Vim tiu ph qun tc
Of or pertaining to the Buccolabial (Lin quan
bucc(o)- Lin quan ti m Latin (bucca), cheek
cheek ti vng m mi)
bursa (fluid sac between Bursitis ( Vim bao hot
burs(o)- Bao hot dch Latin
the bones) dch)


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

Capillus ( lng
trn c th, c
capill- Of or pertaining to hair Lin quan ti tc, lng Latin (capillus), hair
bit l tc trn
Pertaining to the head (as a Lin quan ti u (ton Latin (caput, capit-), the
whole) b) head
Greek Carcinoma (Ung
carcin(o)- Cancer Ung th
(karkinos), crab thu biu m)
Ancient Greek Cardiology ( Tim
cardi(o)- Of or pertaining to the heart Lin quan ti tim
(karda), heart hc)
Latin (carpus) < Ancient
Greek (karps),
Carpopedal (Lin
wrist; NOTE: This root
carp(o)- Of or pertaining to the wrist Lin quan ti c tay quan ti c tay
should not be confused
hoc chn)
with the mirror root
carp(o)- Anh-Anh fruit.
Cataract (c
cata- down, under Di Greek (kata)
thy tinh th)
Hydrocele (Sng
Ancient Greek
-cele pouching, hernia Thot v, sng, khi u au dng ti dch
tinh hon)
surgical puncture for Phu thut c thng Ancient Greek
-centesis (Chc ly nc
aspiration ht kh hoc dch (kentsis)
Of or pertaining to the head Ancient Greek Cephalocentesis(
cephal(o)- Lin quan ti u
(as a whole) (kphal), the head Ly dch no ty)
Ancient Greek ,
Of or pertaining to the cornu; Ceratoid (dng
cerat(o)- Lin quan ti sng - (kras, kerat-), a
a horn sng)
Of or pertaining to the Latin (cerebellum), little Cerebellum (Tiu
cerebell(o)- Lin quan ti ti no
cerebellum brain no)
Cerebrology (No
cerebr(o)- Of or pertaining to the brain Lin quan ti no Latin (cerebrum), brain
Of or pertaining to the neck, Lin quan ti c, c t Latin (cervix, cervc-), Cervicodorsal
the cervix cung neck, cervix (gy)
chem(o)- chemistry, drug Thuc, ha cht Greek
(Ha tr)
Ancient Greek , Chiropractor (Bc
chir(o)-, cheir(o)- Of or pertaining to the hand Lin quan ti tay - (cheir, cheiro-), s chuyn khoa
hand chnh hnh)
Ancient Greek
Chlorophyll (Dip
chlor(o)- Denoting a green color Biu th mu lc (chloros), green,
Cholaemia (Suy
Ancient Greek
chol(e)- Of or pertaining to bile Lin quan ti mt gim chc nng
(chol), bile
Ancient Greek

Of or pertaining to the Cholecystectomy
cholecyst(o)- Lin quan ti ti mt (cholkstis), gallbladder
gallbladder (Ct ti mt)
< (chol), bile, gall
+ (kstis), bladder
cartilage, gristle, granule, Ancient Greek s (Hi chng to
chondr(i)o- Sn, xng sn, ht...
granular (chondros) si trong m lin
chrom(ato)- color Mu Ancient Greek Hemochromatosis 5
(Hi chng c th
hp th qu nhiu
st, bnh di
Bacteriocidal (Tc
-cidal, -cide killing, destroying Tiu dit, hy Latin
nhn dit khun)
Of or pertaining to the cilia, Lin quan ti lng mao, < Latin (cilium), eyelash;
cili- Ciliary (Lng mi)
the eyelashes; eyelids lng mi, m mt eyelid
Denoting something as Ch ci xung quanh ci Circumcision (Ct
circum- Latin (circum), around
'around' another khc bao quy u)
cis- on this side Pha ny Latin (cis)
osteoclast ( TB
Clast Break Ph v Greek
tiu xng)
Coenzymes (Enz
lin kt vi 1 tiu
co- with, together, in association Lin kt, vi,.. Latin
phn k phi
Colonoscopy (Ni
col-, colo-, colono- Colon Lin quan ti i trng
soi i trng)
Ancient Greek
Colposcopy (Soi
colp(o)- Of or pertaining to the vagina Lin quan ti m o (klpos), bosom, womb;
c t cung)
hollow, depth
com- with, together Vi, cng Latin
(Ch ra nguy him
Contra Against Chng li Latin
hoc tc dng
cor- with, together -- Latin
Ancient Greek
Corectomy (Phu
cor-, core-, coro- Of or pertaining to eye's pupil Lin quan ti con ngi (kr), girl, doll; pupil of
thut con ngi)
the eye
Commotio cordis
Of or pertaining to the heart (Tim ngng p
cordi- Lin quan ti tim Latin (cor, cordi-), heart
[Uncommon as a prefix] do 1 tc ng
mnh vo tim)
Applied to processes and
parts of the body describing B phn c th k m t
cornu- Latin (corn), horn
them likened or similar to nh sng
Lin quan ti xng Costochondral
cost(o)- Of or pertaining to the ribs Latin (costa), rib
sn (sn sn)
Of or relating to the hip, Lin quan ti mng, Coxitis ( Vim
cox- Latin (coxa), hip
haunch, or hip-joint khp mng khp hng)
Latin (cranium) <
Ancient Greek Craniology (
Belonging or relating to the
crani(o)- Lin quan ti hp s (krnion), the cranium, Nghnh nghin
skull, bones enclosing cu hp s)
the brain
Endocrine (Ni
-crine to secrete Tit ecrine
Cryoablation (Ct
cry(o)- Cold Lnh Greek b m bng nhit
siu lnh)
cutane- Skin Da, b Latin cutis
(di da)
Cyanopsia (1
Ancient Greek ,
Ch mu xanh cyan ( chi bnh m mu,
cyan(o)- Denotes a blue color (kanos,
tit mu ny trn google) nhn tats c thnh
kyneos), blue
mu xanh)
cycl- circle, cycle Vng Greek (kuklos)
Biu th 1 vt cong, mt Ancient Greek Cyphosis
Denotes something as bent
cyph(o)- dng khc khng ph (kphs), bent, (=Kyphosis, g
(uncommon as a prefix)
bin ca kyph(o)- hunchback lng)
Cystotomy ( Phu
Of or pertaining to the urinary Lin quan ti bng Ancient Greek
cyst(o)-, cyst(i)- thut ct bng
bladder quang (kstis); bladder, cyst
Cytokine (
Proteins k TB
cyt(o)- Cell Tb Greek tit ra truyn
t tn hiu vs TB
Leukocyte (Bch
-cyte Cell -- Greek


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

Dacryorrhea (chy
dacryo- Tear Nc mt Greek
nhiu nc mt)
Dactylology ( Ngn
Lin quan ti ngn tay, Ancient Greek
dactyl(o)- Of or pertaining to a finger, toe ng c ch cho ng
ngn chn (dktylos), finger, toe
cm ic)
de- away from, cessation Xa, chm dt Latin de-
Latin (dens, dentis),
dent- Of or pertaining to teeth Lin quan ti rng Dentist (Nha s)
Ancient Greek ,
dermat(o)-, - (drma, Dermatology (Da
Of or pertaining to the skin Lin quan ti da
derm(o)- dmat-), skin, human liu)
Arthrodesis (c nh
-desis Binding Buc, gi, c nh Greek (desis)
Dextrocardia (Tt tim
dextr(o)- right, on the right side Bn phi Latin dexter
bnh phi)
Diplopia (chng nhn
di- Two 2 Greek -
di- apart, separation Tch, tho Latin
Ancient Greek (di), Diastasis (giai on
dia- (same as Greek mean) Xuyn, ct qua,...
through, during, across gia of 1 nhp tim)
dif- apart, separation -- Latin
Of or pertaining to the finger Latin (digitus), finger,
digit- Lin quan ti ngn tay Digit (ngn tay, chn)
[rare as a root] toe
polydipsia (Hi
Suffix mean "(condition of)
-dipsia Kht chng kht nc qu
dis- separation, taking apart -- Latin dis- Dissection (Bc tch)
dorsal (lng),
Of or pertaining to the back Lin quan ti Lng Latin (dorsum), back Dorsocephalad (v
phi sau u)
duodenum, twelve: upper part
of the small intestine (twelve Duodenal atresia
duodeno- T trng Latin duodeni
inches long on average), (Hp t trng)
connects to the stomach
Quyn lc, sc mnh, Greek
dynam(o)- force, energy, power
nng lng (dunamis)
Vulvodynia (au mn
-dynia Pain au
tnh m h)
Dysphagia (chng
dys- bad, difficult Ti t, kh Greek -
kh nut)


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

-eal pertaining to Lin quan ti... Latin
ec- out, away Ra xa Greek - (ek-)
Ectopic pregnancy
ect(o)- outer, outside Bn ngoi Greek
(Thai ngoi t cung)
Bronchiectasis (Gin
-ectasis, -ectasia expansion, dilation M rng, dn Ancient Greek
ph qun)
Denotes a surgical
operation or removal Phu thut ct b 1 hay ton Ancient Greek Mastectomy (Ct b
of a body part. b (ectom), excision v)
Resection, excision
Hematemesis (Nn ra
-emesis vomiting condition Nn, i Greek
blood condition Greek -, without Anemia (Bnh thiu
-emia Trng thi, tnh trng mu
(AmE) blood mu)
Of or pertaining to
Lin quan ti no, xem thm Ancient Greek Encephalogram (No
encephal(o)- the brain. Also see
Cerebro (enkphalos), the brain )
Denotes something Ancient Greek - Endocrinology (Ni
endo- Ch ci bn trong
as 'inside' or 'within' (endo-), inside, internal tit hc)
Eosin comes from Eos, the Eosinophil
Greek word for 'dawn' and granulocyte (Thiu
eosin(o)- Red Mu
the name of the Greek ht bt thng bch
Goddess of the Dawn. cu c ht trong mu)
Of or pertaining to Ancient Greek Gastroenterology (
enter(o)- Lin quan ti rut
the intestine (nteron), intestine Rut hc ??? O.o)
Ancient Greek - (epi-), Epistaxis (chy mu
[Same as Greek
epi- Bn ngoi, trc, trn before, upon, on, outside, cam),, epidural
Mean: on, upon]
outside of (ngoi mng cng)
Of or pertaining to Ancient Greek -
Episiotomy (Ct
episi(o)- the pubic region, the Lin quan ti vng m h (epsion), the pubic area,
taanngf sinh mn)
loins loins; vulva
Ancient Greek Erythrocyte (hng
erythr(o)- Denotes a red color Ch mu
(erythros), red cu)
gullet (AmE) Thc qun Greek
esthesio- sensation (AmE) Cm gic Greek
Eukaryote ( Nhn
eu- true, good, well, new ng, tt, mi Greek
Exophthalmos (Li
ex- Out of, away from Ra khi, i t, li ra ngoi Latin
Denotes something Ancient Greek - (exo-), Exoskeleton (B
exo- Bn ngoi ci khc
as 'outside' another outside of, external xng ngoi)
Extradural hematoma
extra- outside Ngoi Latin (Tch t mu ngoi
mng cng trn no)


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

Latin (facis), the
faci(o)- Of or pertaining to the face Lin quan ti mt Facioplegia (T lit mt)
face, countenance
Fibroblast (Si nguyn
fibr(o) fiber Si
filli- fine, hair like Nh tc
Hnh thnh tnh t ch
Used to form adjectives Latin (forma), form, Cuneiform (Dng hnh
-form, -iform c hnh dng, hnh
indicating 'having the form of' shape gai)
A hollow or depressed area; Khu vc, knh, rnh fossa ovalis (M tnh
fossa Latin (fossa), ditch, pit
trench or channel trng rng mch hin)
Of or pertaining to the Latin (frns, front-), Frontonasal (ch xng
front- Lin quan ti trn
forehead the forehead trn v mi)


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

Galactorrhea ( Bnh tit
galact(o)- milk Sa Greek , - sa nam gii hoc ph
n cha con)
Ancient Greek Gastric bypass ( Mt
Of or pertaining to the
gastr(o)- Lin quan ti d dy (gastr), -, phu thut ct b 1 phn
stomach, belly d dy)
(1) Endogen ( Cy mt
(1) Denotes the sense l mm, mc nh nng
1. Ch sinh ra t, Ancient Greek -
'born in, from' (2) lng bn trong n)
-gen trong... (-gens) < -
Denotes the sense 'of a (2) Heterogenous (
2. Ch 1 loi nht nh (gen-nein), to be born khng tng t, k ng
certain kind'
Formative, pertaining Hnh thnh, lin quan ti Cardiogenic shock (Sc
-genic Greek
to producing sn xut tim)
Genu valgum ( nghin
Of or pertaining to the
genu- Lin quan ti u gi Latin (gen), knee vo pha bn trong of
Of or pertaining to the
gingiv- Lin quan ti nu Latin (gingva), gum Gingivitis ( Vim nu)
Ancient Greek
Denoting a grey or Ch mu xanh xm hoc Glaucoma ( Bnh tng
glauc(o)- (glaukos), grey,
bluish-grey colour xm nhn p)
Ancient Greek ,
Of or pertaining to the
gloss(o)-, glott(o)- Lin quan ti li (glssa, gltta), Glossology ( Thit hc)
gluco- glucose -- Greek , sweet
Glycolysis (ng
glyco- sugar ng
Gnathodynamometer (
Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek
gnath(o)- Lin quan ti hm Thit b o sc mnh
jaw (gnthos), jaw
diagnosis (chun on),
-gnosis knowledge Hiu bit Greek
prognosis (tin lng)
seed, semen; also,
gon(o)- Ht, tinh dch, sinh sn Ancient Greek Gonorrhea (Bnh lu)
Bn thu hay hnh nh
-gram, -gramme record or picture Greek (gramma) Angiogram ( Mch )
(Biu )
Ancient Greek -
instrument used to Dng c thu d liu (-grapha), written, Electrocardiograph (
record data or picture hay hnh nh drawn, graphic My in tim)
Angiography (Chp
-graphy process of recording Qu trnh thu ghi
ng mch)
Gynecomastia (Ri lon
gyn(aec)o- (BrE),
woman Ph n Greek , - pht trin v to bt
gyn(ec)o- (AmE)
thng nam gii)


Tin t/Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

Lang thang trong tm Classical Latin to Hallucinosis (bnh
halluc- to wander in mind
tr wander in mind o gic)
Latin (hma) < Ancient
hemat-, haemato- Of or pertaining to Hematology (huyt
Lin quan ti mu Greek , -
(haem-, hem-) blood hc)
(haima, haimat-), blood
hema or hemo- blood (AmE) Mu Greek malignancy (Mu c
hemangi or hemangio- blood vessels M mu
Ancient Greek - Cerebral hemisphere
hemi- one-half 1/2
(hmi-), "half" (Bn cu no)
Ancient Greek ,
Of or pertaining to the Hepatology (gan
hepat- (hepatic-) Lin quan ti gan - (hpar, hpato-),
liver hc)
the liver
Denotes something as
Ch ci khc trong 2 Ancient Greek
'the other' (of two), as Heterogeneous
heter(o)- ci, ci thm vo, ci (hteros), the other (of
an addition, or (Khng ng nht)
khc two), another; different
Hyperhidrosis (Bnh
hidr(o)- sweat M hi Greek -
tng m hi)
hist(o)-, histio- tissue M Greek Histology (M hc)
Ancient Greek Homeopathy (Vi
home(o)- similar Tng t
(homoios) lng ng cn)
Denotes something as Ancient Greek -
Ch 1 vt ging 1 ci Homosexuality (
hom(o)- 'the same' as another (homo-), the same,
khc hoc ph bin ng tnh)
or common common
Of or pertaining to the Incorrect Etymology <
Ch vai (hoc c khi Humerus (x.cnh
humer(o)- shoulder (or [rarely] Latin (umerus),
cnh tay trn) tay)
the upper arm) shoulder
Hydrophobe (sc
hydr(o)- water Nc Greek
cng b mt)
Denotes something as Ancient Greek
Hypertension (Cao
hyper- 'extreme' or 'beyond Cc, qu k bnh thng (hyper), over, above;
huyt p)
normal' beyond, to the extreme
Denotes something as Duwois mc bnh Ancient Greek ()- Hypovolemia (gim
'below normal' thng (hypo-), below, under khi lng mu)
Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek Hysterectomy (Ct
hyster(o)- Lin quan ti t cung
womb, the uterus (hystra), womb b t cung)


Tin t/ Hu
Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d
-i-asis condition Tnh trng Greek - Mydriasis (Gin ng t)
Of or pertaining to
medicine, or a physician Ch y hc, bc si (tin Ancient Greek
iatr(o)- [uncommon as a prefix; t t ph bin, hu t (itrs), healer, Iatrochemistry (Ha y)
common as as suffix, see -iatry ph bin hn) physician
Denotes a field in Ancient Greek
-iatry medicine of a certain body Chuyn khoa (itrs), healer, Psychiatry (Tm thn)
component physician
-ic pertaining to Lin quan n Greek - (-ikos) Hepatic artery (ng mch gan)
Ovarian follicle (Bung trng
-icle small Nh Latin
organized knowledge, T chc nghin cu, Latin -ica < Greek <
-ics Obstetrics (Sn khoa)
treatment iu tr -
Greek , idios,
idio- self, one's own T.. Idiopathic (t pht)
"one's own"
Ileocecal valve (van 1 ng
ileo- ileum Hi trng Greek mch hi trng, cha hc,
on k ra)
Infrahyoid muscles (c di
infra- below Di Latin
mng, 4 c)
Interarticular ligament(dy chn
inter- between, among Gia, trong s Latin
gian sn)
Intracranial hemorrhage (xut
intra- within Trong Latin
huyt ni s)
Ipsilateral hemiparesis (yu na
ipsi- same Ging Latin
ngi cng bn)
irid(o)- iris Mng mt Greek Iridectomy ( Ct mng mt)
Ancient Greek
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti x.ct,
ischio- (ischin), hip-joint, Ischioanal fossa ( h chu)
ischium, the hip-joint khp hng
-ism condition, disease Tnh trng, bnh Dwarfism (Ln)
Hemiballismus ( co tht c, hay
-ismus spasm, contraction Co tht Greek -
xy ra chi trn)
Denoting something as Ancient Greek
iso- Ch 1 ci j bng Isotonic (ng trng)
being 'equal' (sos), equal
Pathologist ( Nh nguyn cu
-ist one who specializes in Ngi chuyn v... Greek - (-istes)
bnh hc)
-ite the nature of, resembling Bn cht, ging nh... Greek - Hermaphrodite (Lng tnh)
-itis inflammation Vim Tonsillitis (Vim amidan)
Pericardium (mng ngoi of
-ium structure, tissue Cu trc, m
isch- Restriction Hn ch, thiu Greek Ischemia (Thiu mu cc b)


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

kal/i potassium Kali
Eukaryote (Nhn
karyo- nucleus Ht nhn Greek , "nut"
Keratoscope (Thit
kerat(o)- cornea (eye or skin) Gic mc Greek b kim tra
cong gic mc)
Kinesthesia (nhn
kin(e)-, kin(o), thc v chuyn
movement Chuyn ng Greek
kinesi(o)- ng trong khng
koil(o)- hollow Trng rng Greek (koilos)
kyph(o)- humped Bu, g Greek (cong vo ct


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anha Anh-Vit T gc V d

Labiodental (thuc v
labi(o)- Of or pertaining to the lip Lin quan ti mi Latin (labium), lip
Lacrimal canaliculi
lacrim(o)- tear Nc mt Latin
(ng l)
lact(i)-, lact(o) milk Sa Latin Lactation (Cho con b)
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti sn, Ancient Greek
lapar(o)- Laparotomy (M bng)
abdomen-wall, flank bng, hng (lapr), flank
Of or pertaining to the
Ancient Greek ,
larynx, the lower throat Lin quan ti thanh
laryng(o)- - (lrynx, Larynx (Thanh qun)
cavity where the voice qun
laryng-), throat, gullet
box is
Lateral pectoral nerve
latero- lateral Bn Latin
(Tk ngc bn)
Leiomyoma (khi u
lei(o)- smooth Mn, trn Greek
lnh tnh c trn)
Epilepsy (bnh ng
-lepsis, -lepsy attack, seizure Tn cng,, bt gi Greek kinh), narcolepsy
(chng ng r)
lept(o)- light, slender Nh, mnh Greek (leptos)
Ancient Greek
leuc(o)-, leuk(o)- Denoting a white color Biu th mu trng Leukocyte (Bch cu)
(leukos), white, bright
Of or pertaining to the Linguistics (Ngn ng
lingu(a)-, lingu(o)- Lin quan ti li Latin (lingua), tongue
tongue hc)
lip(o)- fat Bo Greek Liposuction (Ht m)
lith(o)- stone, calculus , gii Greek Lithotripsy (tn si)
log(o)- speech Pht biu Greek
Denotes someone who Biu th ngi nghin Ancient Greek
pathologist (bc s gii
-logist studies a certain field: cu -logy ca ngnh (logists),
phu bnh)
-logy studier, practitioner
Denotes the academic Biu th s nghin cu, hematology (huyt
Ancient Greek o
-logy study or practice of a hc tp of 1 ngnh hc), urology (Tit
(logos) study
certain field; The study of nht nh niu)
Lymphedema (ph bch
lymph(o)- lymph Bch huyt Greek ,
lys(o)-, -lytic dissolution Gii th Greek Lysosome
-lysis Destruction, separation Ph hy, tch Greek Paralysis (t lit)


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

Macrophage (i thc
macr(o)- large, long Ln, di Greek
Osteomalacia (long
-malacia softening Lm mm, Greek
Of or pertaining to Latin (mamma), breast; Mammogram (chp
mamm(o)- Lin quan ti v
the breast udder x-quang v)
Of or pertaining to
mammill(o)- Lin quang ti nm v Latin (mammilla), nipple
the nipple
Of or pertaining to
manu- Lin quan ti bn tay Latin (manus), hand Manufacture (Sn xut)
the hand
Ancient Greek
Of or pertaining to (masts), breast, women's Mastectomy (Ct b
mast(o)- Lin quan ti v
the breast breast; man's pectoral v)
Splenomegaly (Lch
megal(o)-, enlargement M rng, pht to ra Greek
Ancient Greek ,
melan(o)- black color Mu en - (melas, melano-), Melanin
black; dark
erythromelalgia (cm
gic au nhi nh b
melos extremity Cui Ancient Greek
bng, tng nhit v
mn )
Meningitis (Vim
mening(o)- membrane Mng Greek , -
mng no)
merocrine (tit cc TB
m khng lm tuyn b
mero- part 1 phn, b phn Greek (meros), part
h hi), meroblastic(s
phn tch 1 phn)
Ancient Greek
mes(o)- middle Gia Mesoderm (Trung b)
(mesos), "middle"
meta- after, behind Sau Greek Metacarpus ( tay)
instrument used to Sphygmomanometer
-meter Dng c o, tnh Greek
measure or count (My o huyt p)
-metry process of measuring Qu trnh o Greek - Optometry (Kim nh)
Pertaining to
conditions or Trng thi hoc dng c t Ancient Greek Metrorrhagia (bng
instruments of the cung (mtr), womb, uterus huyt)
denoting something
Ancient Greek Microscope (Knh hin
micro- as small, or relating Nh
(mikros), small vi)
to smallness
mon(o)- single n Greek mononucleosis ( n
Morphology (Hnh thi
morph(o)- form, shape Dng, hnh Greek
muscul(o)- muscle C Latin system (H thng c
Ancient Greek , -
Of or relating to
my(o)- Lin quan ti c (mys, my-), muscle; Myoblast (TB tin c)
mouse; mussel
Onychomycosis (Nm
myc(o)- fungus Nm Greek , -
mng tay, chn)
myel(o)- Of or relating to Lin quan ti ty xng Ancient Greek Myeloblast (TB cha
bone marrow (myelon), marrow; trng thnh trong ty
bone-marrow xng , l tin thn of
bch cu ht)
Myringotomy (Phu
myring(o)- eardrum Mng nh Latin myringa thut ct b dch hay
thot m mng nh)
Myxoma (U nim, u
myx(o)- mucus Cht nhy Greek


Tin t/ Hu
Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d
narcolepsy (chng ng
narc(o)- numb, sleep Ng, t Greek
Nasal ( thuc v mi,
nas(o)- Of or pertaining to the nose Lin quan ti mi Latin (nsum), nose
Necrotizing fasciitis
necr(o)- death Cht Greek
(Hoi t gn chn)
Neoplasm (U mi hnh
neo- new Mi Greek
Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek
nephr(o)- Lin quan ti thn Nephrology
kidney (nephrs), kidney
Of or pertaining to nerves Lin quan ti thn kinh Latin (nervus), tendon;
and the nervous system hay h thng thn kinh nerve; Cognate with the
nerv- Nerve (Thn kinh)
[Uncommon as a root: (Khng ph bin bng Greek (neuron)
neuro- mostly always used] neuro-) (see below)
Ancient Greek Neurofibromatosis ( Hi
neur(i)-, Of or pertaining to nerves
-- (neuron), tendon, sinew; chng u mm di da v
neur(o)- and the nervous system
nerve trong h thn kinh)
Normocapnia (Trng thi
normo- normal Bnh thng Latin CO2 trong mu mc
bnh thng)


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

Of or pertaining to the Oculist (Bc s nhn
ocul(o)- Lin quan ti mt Latin (oculus), the eye
eye khoa)
Ancient Greek ,
Of or pertaining to orthodontist ( Bc s
odont(o)- Lin quan ti Rng - (odos, odont-),
teeth chnh rng)
Stomatodynia (au
odyn(o)- pain au Greek
khoang ming)
gullet Cun hng Greek
oesophago- (BrE)
Sarcoidosis ( Hi chng
nh hng nhiu c
-oid resemblance to Tng ng vi Greek -
quan khc nhau, dn ti
u ht)
ole small or little Nh, t Latin
Denoting something as
Ancient Greek Oligotrophy (suy dinh
olig(o)- 'having little, having Ch ci nh, t, vi
(oligos), few dng)
Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek
om(o)- Lin quan ti vai Omoplate (x.vai)
shoulder (mos), shoulder
-oma (singular), Sarcoma(U m lin kt),
tumor, mass, collection Khi u, khi lng Greek -
-omata (plural) Teratoma( u lan)
Ancient Greek
Of or pertaining to the
omphal(o)- Lin quan ti rn (omphals), Omphalotomy
navel, the umbilicus
navel, belly-button
onco- tumor, bulk, volume U, ln Greek Oncology (U hc)
Ancient Greek < ,
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti mng - (nyx, Onychophagy (thi quen
nail (of a finger or toe) tay, chn nycho-), nail; claw; cn mng tay)
Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek ,
Oogenesis(s hnh thnh
oo- an egg, a woman's egg, Lin quan ti trng - (n, o-), egg,
v pht trin ca trng)
the ovum ovum
Neoclassical Greek
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti bung
oophor(o)- (ophron), Oophorectomy
woman's ovary trng
ovary, egg-bearing
Ancient Greek
Of or pertaining to the Ophthalmology (Nhn
ophthalm(o)- Lin quan ti mt
eye khoa)
(ophthalms), the eye
Middle French
(optique) < Greek
Of or relating to
Lin quan c tnh ha (optiks);
optic(o)- chemical properties of Opticochemical
hc of mt) Cognate with Latin
the eye
oculus, relating to the
Of or pertaining to the
or(o)- Lin quan ti ming Latin (s, or-), mouth Oral (ming)
orchi(o)-, orchid(o)-, Greek (orkhis, Orchiectomy,
testis Tinh hon
orch(o)- orkhi-) Orchidectomy
Ancient Greek
Denoting something as Ch n nhng ci Orthodontist (Bc s
orth(o)- (orthos), straight,
straight or correct ng v thng chnh rng)
correct, normal
a condition, disease or Tnh trng, bnh tt
-osis Greek - Psychosis (tm thn)
increase hoc tng
osseo- bony Xng Latin
ossi- bone - Latin -
ost(e)-, oste(o)- bone - Greek Osteoporosis (Long 1 9
Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek , -
ot(o)- Lin quan ti tai Otopathy (bnh of tai)
ear (ous, t-), the ear
-ous pertaining to Lin quan ti Latin -osus
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti bung
ovari(o)- Latin (varium), ovary Ovariectomy
ovaries trng
Of or pertaining to the Latin (vum), egg, Ovogenesis (Qu trnh
ovo-, ovi-, ov- Lin quan ti trng
eggs, the ovum ovum hnh thnh giao t ci)
oxo- addition of oxygen B sung Oxi Greek
sharp, acid, acute, Nt, acid, cp tnh,
oxy- Greek
oxygen oxy...


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

pachyderma (da dy bt
pachy- thick Dy Greek
Of or pertaining to the eyelid Latin (palpebra),
palpebr- Lin quan ti m mt Palpebra (m mt)
[uncommon as a root] eyelid
Denoting something as Ancient Greek ,
Ch 1 ci j hon panophobia (bnh s mi
pan-, pant(o)- 'complete' or containing - (pas, pan-), all,
ton, cha mi th th)
'everything' every
Latin (papilla),
Of or pertaining to the nipple Lin quan ti nm
papill- nipple; dimunitive of Papillitis (vim nm)
(of the chest/breast) (v hoc ngc)
papula (see below)
Latin (papula),
Indicates papulosity, a small
Nt nh, cao, sng pimple, pustle; a Papulation (s hnh thnh u
papul(o)- elevation or swelling in the
ty trn da, mn nht small elevation or nht)
skin, a pimple, swelling
swelling in the skin
Ancient Greek
para- alongside of, abnormal Bn cnh, bt thng
-paresis slight paralysis T lit nh Greek hemiparesis (lit na ngi)
Parvovirus (vius nh, thuc
parvo- small Nh Latin parvus
loi Parvoviridae)
path(o)- disease Chng, bnh Greek Pathology (Bnh hc)
Ancient Greek sociopathy (Ri lon giao
Denotes (with a negative
-pathy Bnh, ri lon (pathos), suffering, tip), neuropathy (Ri lon
sense) a disease, or disorder
accident thn kinh)
ped-, -ped-, Of or pertaining to the foot; Pedoscope (my o kch
Lin quan ti chn Latin ps, pd-, foot
-pes -footed thc chn)
hip bone Xng hng, chu Latin Pelvis (Khung chu)
-penia deficiency Thiu Greek osteopenia (Thiu xng)
Lin quan ti dng
peo- Of or pertaining to the penis Greek (peos) Peotomy
Ancient Greek
Denotes something relating (pepts)
Ch s tiu ha,
-pepsia to digestion, or the digestive cooked, digested < Dyspepsia (Ri lon tiu ha)
ng tiu ha
tract. (pss) I boil,
cook; digest
per- through Thng qua Latin
Denoting something with a Ch 1 vt v tr
Ancient Greek
peri- position 'surrounding' or xung quanh hay vng Periodontal (Nha chu)
(peri), around
'around' another quanh vt khc
Nephropexy (phu thut c
-pexy fixation C nh, sa Greek
nh thn)
Phacolysis (phu thut ct c
Hnh, dng thu thy tinh th),
phaco-, phako lens-shaped Greek
knh phac(/k)ometer (dng c o
cong thy tinh th)
Ancient Greek
Forms terms denoting
-phage, Biu th s n ung (phaga) eating <
conditions relating to eating Sarcophagia (n tht)
-phagia hoc n (phagein) to
or ingestion
-phago- eating, devouring n, nut Greek - phagocyte (thc bo)
Forms nouns that denote a
Ch ngi n Ancient Greek
person who 'feeds on' the Lotophagi (Ngi n hoa
phagist-: mt yu t hoc mt (phagists)
first element or part of the sen)
phn eater; see -phagia
Forms nouns that denotes Ch vic n mt yu Ancient Greek Anthropophagy (Tnh n tht
-phagy 21
'feeding on' the first element t hoc mt t (phagia) eating; see ngi)
or part of the word -phagia
Greek Aphallia (Nam sinh ra thiu
phallo- phallus Tng dng vt
(phallos) dng vt)
pharmaco- drug, medication Thuc Greek Pharmacology (Dc)
Ancient Greek
Of or pertaining to the , -
Lin quan ti c
pharyng(o)- pharynx, the upper throat (phrynx, phryng-), Pharyngitis (Vim hng)
cavity throat, windpipe;
Hemophilia (Chng mu kh
-phil(ia) attraction for Thu ht vi... Greek
Ancient Greek ,
Phlebography (Tnh mch
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti tnh - (phleps,
phleb(o)- ) , Phlebotomy (Chch tnh
(blood) veins, a vein mch phlebo-),
blood-vessel, vein
S hi thi qu, nhy arachnophobia (chng s
-phobia exaggerated fear, sensitivity Greek
cm nhn)
Phonograph (My quay a) ,
phon(o)- sound m thanh Greek
symphony (Bn giao hng)
Of or pertaining to light or its
chemical properties, now Lin quan ti nh Ancient Greek ,
phos- historic and used rarely. See sng, xem t gc - (phs, pht-), Phosphene (PH3)
the common root phot(o)- phot(o)- bn di light
Ancient Greek ,
Lin quan ti nh Photopathy (Mt bnh l lin
phot(o)- Of or pertaining to light - (phs, pht-),
sng quan ti nh sng)
piri- Pear L, hnh l Latin pirum, pear Piriformis (c hnh l)
Phrenic nerve (thn kinh
honh) , schizophrenia (tm
phren(o)-, the mind Tm, ngh Greek , -
thn phn lit) , diaphragm
(c honh)
Hnh thnh, pht Achondroplasia (Chng ri
-plasia formation, development Greek
trin lon to sn)
Phu thut chnh sa, rhinoplasty (nh dng li
-plasty surgical repair, reconstruction Greek
xy dng li mi)
paraplegia (suy yu hoc mt
-plegia paralysis T lit Greek
cm gic chi di)
pleiomorphism (a hnh trn
pleio- more, excessive, multiple Nhiu, a, hn Greek pleion
1 kiu gen)
Latin (pleura) from
pleur(o)-, Lin quan ti mng Ancient Greek Pleurogenous (thuc mng
Of or pertaining to the plera
pleur(a) phi (pleurn), phi)
rib, side of the body
-plexy stroke or seizure t qu, thu gi Greek Cataplexy (t qu)
Ancient Greek
, -
pneum(o)- Of or pertaining to the lungs Lin quan ti phi Pneumonia (vim phi)
pneumon-), lung <
wind, spirit
pneumat(o)- air, lung Kh, phi Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek ,
pod-, -pod-, Of or pertaining to the foot, Lin quan ti bn
- (pos, pod-), Podiatry (bn chn hc ;))
-pus -footed chn
-poiesis production Sn xut hematopoiesis (To mu)
Ancient Greek
polio- Denoting a grey color Ch mu xm Poliomyelitis (bnh bi lit)
(polis), grey
Denotes a 'plurality' of Ch s nhiu ca 1 Ancient Greek Polymyositis (vim c,
something vt (polys), much, many thng i km vs vim da)
por(o)- pore, porous Rng, xp
Ancient Greek
Porphyroblast ( 1 loi khong
porphyr(o)- Denotes a purple color Ch mu tm (porphra),
vt mu tm)
Postoperation (sau phu
Denotes something as 'after' Ch 1 vt pha sau 1 Latin (post), after,
post- thut) , Postmortem (sau khi
or 'behind' another vt khc behind
Medieval Latin (pre-)
Denotes something as
Ch 1 vt trc 1 < (Classical) Latin
pre- 'before' another (in [physical] Prematurity (Sinh non)
vt khc (pr), before, in front
position or time)
presby(o)- old age Gi Greek Presbyopia (Vin th)
Ch 1 vt u tin
Denotes something as 'first' Latin prmus, first,
prim- hay quan trng Primary (Tiu hc)
or 'most-important' most important
Denotes something as Ancient Greek
Procephalic (mt trc of
pro- 'before' another (in [physical] -- (pro), before, in front
position or time) of
proctology (ngnh nghin
proct(o)- anus, rectum Hu mn, trc trng cu i trng, trc trng, hu
Greek (prosopon), Prosopagnosia (k c kh
prosop(o)- face Khun mt
face, mask nng nhn ra khun mt)
Ancient Greek
Denotes something as 'first' (prtos), Protoneuron (Neuron u tin
prot(o)- --
or 'most important' first; principal, most tin trong 1 phn x ngoi vi)
Denotes something false or
pseud(o)- Ch sai hoc gi Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek
psych(e)-, Psychology (tm l hc),
Of or pertaining to the mind Lin quan ti thc (psych), breath, life,
psych(o) psychiatry (tm thn)
Lateral pterygoid plate (Mt
pterygo- Pertaining to a wing Lin quang ti cnh Greek cnh j trn, hc
lt tht wa' h ch nh)
psor- Itching Nga Psoriasis (Vy nn)
falling, drooping, downward Apoptosis (Ci cht c chu
-ptosis T, ri xung, r
placement, prolapse trnh)
(a spitting), spitting, Phun, kht, ho ra
hemoptysis, the spitting of mu.... C ngun gc
-ptysis Hemoptysis (ho ra mu)
blood derived from the lungs t phi hoc ng ph
or bronchial tubes qun
Latin (pulmo,
pulmon-, pulmn-, usually
Of or relating to the lungs. Lin quan ti phi Pulmonary (phi)
pulmo- used in plural), a
Ancient Greek Pyelonephritis ( Vim b
pyel(o)- pelvis Trong x.chu
(pyelos) thn)
Pyometra (Vim rut tha
pyo- pus M Greek
cp tnh ng vt, nh ch)
pyro- fever St Greek , Antipyretic (H st)


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

quadr(i)- four T, 4 Latin quadriceps (c t u)

Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

radio- radiation Bc x Latin radiowave (sng radio)
re- again, backward Lp li, thoi, ti Latin relapse (ti pht)
rect(o)- rectum Trc trng Latin
Of or pertaining to the
ren(o)- Lin quan ti thn Latin (rnes), kidney renal (thn)
reticul(o)- net Li Latin reticulocyte (hng cu li)
retro- backward, behind Thoi, sau Latin retroversion (s o ngc)
rhabd(o)- rod shaped, striated Hnh que Greek rhabdomyolysis (tiu c vn)
rhachi(o)- spine Gai Greek rachialgia (au ct sng)
Ancient Greek ,
Of or pertaining to the
rhin(o)- Lin quan ti mi - (rhs, rhno-), rhinoceros (t gic 1 sng)
Denoting a rose-red Ancient Greek
rhod(o)- Ch mu thm rhodophyte (to )
color (rhdon), rose
-rrhage burst forth N, v Greek - Hemorrhage (xut huyt)
-rrhagia rapid flow of blood Mu chy nhanh Greek -
-rrhaphy surgical suturing Khu (phu thut) Greek
-rrhea (AmE) flowing, discharge Chy, x Greek - Diarrhea (Tiu chy)
-rrhexis rupture V Greek
-rrhoea (BrE) flowing, discharge -- Greek - Diarrhoea
Lin quan ti ht
Of or pertaining to the Rubrospinal ( nhn xm nh
rubr(o)- nhn of no ( cht Latin (ruber), red
red nucleus of the brain thp bn, thp trc...)
xm chng???)


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

Ancient Greek
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti ng n , -, Salpingectomy (ct ng
fallopian tubes trng (slpinx, salpingo-) n trng)
trumpet (literally)
Of or pertaining to Latin (sanguis,
sangui-, sanguine- Lin quan ti mu Sanguine (lc quan)
blood sanguin-), blood
sarcoma (Vim m lin
sarco- muscular, fleshlike C, nh tht Greek , -
schist(o)- split, cleft Tch, hm ch
Ancient Greek ;
Denoting something Irregular formation of Schizophrenia (tm thn
schiz(o)- Ch chia ra, 2 mt
'split' or 'double-sided' the verb ph lit)
(schizein), to cut, split
atherosclerosis (X va
scler(o)- hardness Cng Greek
ng mch)
Multiple sclerosis ( 1 loi
-sclerosis hardening of the skin Da x cng Greek
vim x cng ph bin)
scoli(o)- twisted Xon scoliosis (vo ct sng)
-scope instrument for viewing Dng c xem xt Greek - stethoscope ( ng nghe)
use of instrument for S dng cng c nghe
-scopy Greek - endoscopy (ni soi)
viewing nhn
semi- one-half, partly 1 na, 1 phn Latin
sialagogue ( 1 loi tho
Nc bt, tuyn nc
sial(o)- saliva, salivary gland Greek (sialos) dc kch thch s tit
nc bt)
sigmoid(o)- sigmoid, sigmoid colon Sigma, xoang sigma Greek
sinistr(o)- left, left side Bn tri Latin
Of or pertaining to the Latin (sinus), a curve,
sinus- Lin quan ti xoang Sinusitis (Vim xoang)
sinus bend, bay
sito- food, grain Thc n, ng cc Greek
somat(o)-, somatico- body, bodily Thn, c th Greek
Spasmodic dysphonia (au
spasmo- spasm Cn Greek tht c, c th gy ra mt
sperma-, spermo-, Greek Spermatogenesis (sinh
semen, spermatozoa Tinh dch, tinh trng
spermato- (sperma) tinh)
viscera Ni tng Greek
splen(o)- spleen L lch Greek , - Splenectomy
Greek /
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti ty , Spondylitis (vim ct
spine, the vertebra sng, t sng (spndylos / sng)
sphndylos), the spine
Denoting something as Latin (sqmsus), full
squamos(o)- Ch vy Squama (vy)
'full of scales' or 'scaly' of scales; scaly
-stasis stop, stand Dng, ng Greek
-staxis dripping, trickling Nh git Greek
Denoting something as
'narrow in shape' or Ch vt nhn mi tn, Ancient Greek
sten(o)- Stenography (Tc k)
pertaining to hp (stenos), narrow; short
abnormal narrowing in a S thu hp bt thng Ancient Greek Stenosis (hp) , Restenosis
blood vessel or other trong mch mu hoc (stenos), narrow; short (hp mch mu)
tubular organ or cc ng ca 1 c quan
structure hay cu trc
Of or pertaining to the
Lin quan ti ngc, Ancient Greek
upper chest, chest, the
steth(o)- ngc trn, khu vc (stthos), chest, Stethoscope (ng nghe)
area above the breast
trn v v di c cuirass
and under the neck
stheno- strength, force, power Sc mnh, quyn lc Greek
stomatognathic system (h
stom(a) mouth Mm, ming Greek
thng ming v hu)
Ancient Greek ,
Of or pertaining to the Stomatogastric (lin quan
stomat(o)- Lin quan ti ming - (stma,
mouth ti ming v d dy)
stomat-), mouth
colostomy (phu thut to
-stomy creation of an opening Ct, khoan, to l Greek -
hu mn gi)
subcutaneous tissue (m
sub- beneath Bn di Latin
di da)
in excess, above, superior vena cava (tnh
super- Vt, trn Latin
superior mch ch)
supraorbital vein (mt tnh
supra- above, excessive Trn Latin mch trn u m qun
Indicates similarity,
likeness, or being
together; Assimilates Synalgia (au 1 phn c
sy, syl-, sym-, syn-, Ancient Greek -
before some consonants: Tng t, cng. ng th do tn thng 1
sys- (syn), with, together
before l to syl-, s to sys-, vng khc)
before a labial
consonant to sym-.


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

Denoting something as Ch nhanh, nhanh Ancient Greek Tachycardia (tim p
fast, irregularly fast bt thng (tachys), fast, quickly nhanh)
Hypertension (cao huyt
-tension, -tensive pressure p sut, p lc Latin
Cng nhc, cng
tetan- rigid, tense tetanus (un vn)
Ancient Greek Intrathecal (bn trong ct
thec- case, sheath V bc
(theke) sng)
Of or pertaining to a
Ancient Greek Theleplasty (hot ng vs
thel(e)-, thel(o)- nipple [uncommon as a Lin quan ti nm v
(thl), a teat, nipple nm v gi)
Denoting something as Ancient Greek
Ch lin quan ti
thely- 'relating to a woman, (thlys), female, Thelygenous
ph n
feminine' feminine
Ancient Greek Hydrotherapy (cha bnh
Therap(o)- treatment Cha
(therapea) bng nc)
Ancient Greek
therm(o)- heat Nhit
Of or pertaining to the
thorac(i)-, Latin (thrx) <
upper chest, chest; the
thorac(o)-, Lin quan ti ngc Ancient Greek Thorax (ngc)
area above the breast and
thoracico- (thrax), chest, cuirass
under the neck
Ancient Greek
Thrombus (huyt khi),
Of or relating to a blood Lin quan ti mu (thrmbos),
thromb(o)- Thrombocytopenia(gim
clot, clotting of blood ng, ng mu lump, piece, clot of
huyt cu)
thyr(o)- thyroid Tuyn gip Greek -
Greek: "thymos," dysthymia (ri lon cm
thym(o)(ia)- emotions Cm xc spirit, soul; courage; xc do tht vng, trm
breath, mind, emotions cm)
-tic pertaining to Lin quan ti Greek -
toco- childbirth Sinh Greek
-tome cutting instrument Dng c ct Greek
act of cutting; incising,
-tomy Hnh ng ct, rch Greek - Gastrotomy (ct d dy)
tono- tone, tension, pressure Cng thng, p lc Greek
-tony tension Cng thng Greek -
Topical anesthetic (gy m
top(o)- place, topical Ni, ti ch Greek
ti ch)
tort(i)- twisted Xon Latin tortus Torticollis (vo c)
Toxoplasmosis (mt loi
tox(i)-, tox(o)-,
toxin, poison c Greek bnh do protoxoan, c th
gay suy gim min dch)
trache(o)- trachea Kh qun Greek Tracheotomy
Ancient Greek Tracheloplasty (Phu thut
Of or pertaining to the
trachel(o)- Lin quan ti c (trchlos), sa cha c t cung bng
neck nha)
Denoting something as
Ch a, chuyn Latin (trns), across,
trans- moving or situated Transfusion (truyn)
qua, vt qua through
'across' or 'through'
Ancient Greek ,
trich(i)-, trichia, Of or pertaining to hair, Lin quan ti lng, Trichocyst(Lng roi ca
()- (thrx,
trich(o)- hair-like structure cu trc dng lng vk, virus)
trich(o)-), hair
-tripsy crushing Nghin, p nt Greek Lithotripsy (tn si)
-trophy nourishment, Nui dng, pht Greek -, Pseudohypertrophy (tng
development trin kch thc m k ph i)
Tympanocentesis (phu
tympan(o)- eardrum Mng nh Greek
thut c mng nh)


Tin t/ Hu t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d

Nodule (mt vt nh
-ula, -ule small Nh Latin cm gic khi
ultra- beyond, excessive Xa, nhiu Latin
Of or pertaining to the navel, Latin (umbilcus), Umbilical ( thuc v
umbilic- Lin quan ti rn
the umbilicus navel, belly-button rn)
Of or pertaining to the nail, a Lin quan ti mng, Latin (unguis), nail, Unguiform (dng
claw vut claw mng)
Unilateral hearing
un(i)- one 1, c Latin (unus)
loss (suy gaimr thnh
Of or pertaining to urine, the
Lin quan ti h bi
urinary system; (specifically) Ancient Greek
ur(o)- tit, tnh cht ca nc Urology
pertaining to the physiological (ouron), urine
chemistry of urine
uri(c)-, urico- uric acid Greek
Latin (rna), urine <
Of or pertaining to urine, the Lin quan ti nc Uriniferous (vn
urin- Ancient Greek
urinary system tiu, h thng tit niu chuyn nc tiu)
(ouron), see above.
Of or pertaining to the uterus Latin (uterus), womb,
uter(o)- Lin quan ti t cung Uterus (t cung)
or womb uterus


Tin t/ Hu
Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc Examples
Of or pertaining to the Latin (vgna), sheath,
vagin- Lin quan ti m o Vagina (m o)
vagina scabbard
Varicose (sng, xon bt
varic(o)- swollen or twisted vein Sng ho xon mch Latin varix
vasoconstriction (co
vas(o)- duct, blood vessel ng dn, mch mu Latin
vasculo- blood vessel Mch mu Latin vsculum
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti tnh
(blood) veins, a vein (used mch, thng k s Latin (vna),
ven- Vein
in terms pertaining to the dng trong h thng blood-vessel, vein
vascular system) ton hon)
Of or pertaining to the belly; Lin quan ti bng, cc
Latin (venter), the belly, Ventrodorsal (ko di t
the stomach cavities khoang d dy, t cung
the stomach; the womb bng ra lng)
Latin (venter), the
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti tm tht,
ventricles of the heart, Cardiac ventriculography
ventricul(o)- ventricles; any hollow vng trng bn trong c
the ventricles of the (Biu tm tht)
region inside an organ quan
anteversion (nghing bt
Quay, cun xon, r, thng v pha trc of 1
-version turning Latin versi
ngot, thay i c quan) , retroversion (s
o ngc)
Of or pertaining to the Lin quan ti bng Latin (vsca), bladder;
vesic(o)- Vesica (bng i)
bladder quang, bng i blister
Latin (viscera), internal
Of or pertaining to the organs; plural of
viscer(o)- Lin quan ti ni tng Viscera (ni tng)
internal organs, the viscera (viscerum), internal


Tin t/ Hu
Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d
Denoting a yellow color, an Ch mu vng, vng bt Ancient Greek Xanthopat
abnormally yellow color thng (xanths), yellow hy
xen(o)- Foreign, different L, khc Greek (xenos), stranger
ghp ly t
loi khc)
xer(o)- dry, desert-like Kh Greek (xeros), dry a (kh

Tin t/ Hu
Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d
-y condition or process of iu kin, tnh trng, qu trnh Latin -ia < Greek (phu

Tin t/ Hu
t Anh-Anh Anh-Vit T gc V d
ng vt, cuc sng of ng
zo(o)- animal, animal life Greek
zym(o)- fermentation, enzyme Ln men, enz Greek


B phn T Anh gc Hy Lp T Anh gc Latin Ngha

Abdomen lapar(o)- abdomin- Bng
Aorta aort(o)- aort(o)- ng mch ch
Arm brachi(o)- - Cnh tay
Armpit - axill- Nch
Artery arteri(o)- - ng mch
Back - dors- Lng
Big toe - allic- Ngn ci
Bladder cyst(o)- vesic(o)- Bng quang
Blood haemat-, hemat- (haem-, hem-) sangui-, sanguine- Mu
Blood clot thromb(o)- - Mu ng
Blood vessel angi(o)- vascul-, vas- Mch mu
Body somat-, som- corpor- Thn, c th
Bone oste(o)- ossi- Xng
Bone marrow, marrow myel(o)- medull- Ty xng
Brain encephal(o)- cerebr(o)- No
Breast mast(o)- mamm(o)- V
Chest steth(o)- - Ngc
Cheek - bucc- M
Ear ot(o)- aur(i)- Tai
Eggs, ova oo- ov- Trng
Mt, gc khc:
Eye ophthalm(o)- ocul(o)-
optic(o)- [French]
Eyelid blephar(o)- cili-; palpebr- M mt
Face prosop(o)- faci(o)- Mt
Fallopian tubes salping(o)- - ng n trng
Fat, fatty tissue lip(o)- adip- M m
Finger dactyl(o)- digit- Ngn tay
Forehead - front(o)- Trn
Gallbladder cholecyst(o)- fell- Ti mt
Genitals, sexually undifferentiated gon(o)-, phall(o)- - B phn sinh dc
Gland aden(o)- - Tuyn
Glans penis or clitoridis balan(o)- - Qui u
Gums - gingiv- Nu
Hair trich(o)- capill- Lng, tc
Hand cheir(o)-, chir(o)- manu- Bn tay
Head cephal(o)- capit(o)- u
Heart cardi(o)- cordi- Tim
Hip, hip-joint - cox- Mng
Horn cerat(o)- cornu- Sng
Intestine enter(o)- - Rut
Jaw gnath(o)- - Hm
Kidney nephr(o)- ren- Thn
Knee gon- genu- u gi
Lip cheil(o)-, chil(o)- labi(o)- Mi
Liver hepat(o)- (hepatic-) jecor- Gan
Loins, pubic region episi(o)- pudend- Tht lng
Lungs pneumon- pulmon(i)- (pulmo-) Phi
Marrow, bone marrow myel(o)- medull- Ty xng
Mind psych- ment- Tm
Mouth stomat(o)- or- Ming
Muscle my(o)- - C
Nail onych(o)- ungui- Mng
Navel omphal(o)- umbilic- Rn
Neck trachel(o)- cervic- C 32
Nerve; the nervous system neur(o)- nerv- Thn kinh, h TK
Nipple, teat thele- papill-, mammill- Nm v
Nose rhin(o)- nas- Mi
Ovary oophor(o)- ovari(o)- Bung trng
Pelvis pyel(o)- pelv(i)- X.Chu
Penis pe(o)- - Dng vt
Pupil (of the eye) cor-, core-, coro- - Con ngi
Rib pleur(o)- cost(o)- Sn
Rib cage thorac(i)-, thorac(o)- - Lng ngc
Shoulder om(o)- humer(o)- Vai
Sinus - sinus- Xoang
Skin dermat(o)- (derm-) cut-, cuticul- Da
Skull crani(o)- - Hp s
Stomach gastr(o)- ventr(o)- D dy
Testis orchi(o)-, orchid(o)- - Tinh hon
C hng khoang
Throat (upper throat cavity) pharyng(o)- -
Throat (lower throat cavity/voice C hng khaong
laryng(o)- -
box) di
Thumb - pollic- Ngn tay ci
Tooth odont(o)- dent(i)- Rng
Tongue gloss-, glott- lingu(a)- Li
Toe dactyl(o)- digit- Ngn chn
Tumour cel-, onc(o)- tum- Khi u
Ureter ureter(o)- ureter(o)- Niu qun
Urethra urethr(o)-, urethr(a)- urethr(o)-, urethr(a)- Niu o
Urine, urinary System ur(o)- urin(o)- Nc tiu, bi tit
Uterine tubes sarping(o)- sarping(o)- ng dn trng
Uterus hyster(o)-, metr(o)- uter(o)- T cung
Vagina colp(o)- vagin- m o
Vein phleb(o)- ven- Tnh mch
Vulva episi(o)- vulv- m h...
Womb hyster(o)-, metr(o)- uter(o)- T cung
Wrist carp(o)- carp(o)- Ct tay


Mu T Anh gc Hy Lp T Anh gc Latin Ngha

Black melano- nigr- en
Blue cyano- - Lam
gray, grey polio- - Xm
Green chlor(o)- vir- Lc
Purple porphyr(o)- purpur-, purpureo- Tm
Red erythr(o)-, rhod(o)- rub-, rubr-
red-yellow cirrh(o)- - vng
White leuc-, leuk- alb- Trng
Vng, gc khc: jaun -
Yellow xanth(o)- flav-



M t T Anh gc Hy Lp T Anh gc Latin Ngha
Sai, xu, k
bad, incorrect cac(o)-, dys- mal(e)-
chnh xc
bent, crooked ankyl(o)- prav(i)- Cong, vo
Big mega-, megal(o)- magn(i)- Ln
Biggest megist- maxim- Ln nht
broad, wide eury- lat(i)- Rng
Cold cry(o)- frig(i)- Lnh
Dead necr(o)- mort- Cht
Equal is(o)- equ(i)- Bng
False pseud(o)- fals(i)- Sai
female, feminine thely- - N tnh
Flat platy- plan(i)-
good, well eu- ben(e)-, bon(i)- Tt
Great mega-, megal(o)- magn(i)- Tuyt
Hard scler(o)- dur(i)- Cng
Heavy bar(o)- grav(i)- Nng
Hollow coel(o)- cav(i)-
Huge megal(o)- magn(i)- Khng l
incorrect, bad cac(o)-, dys- mal(e)- --
Bt bnh
Irregular poikil(o) -
large; extremely large mega- magn(i)- Ln
Largest megist- maxim- Ln nht
Long macr(o)- long(i)- Di
male, masculine arseno- vir- Nam tnh
Narrow sten(o)- angust(i)- Hp
New neo- nov(i)- Mi
normal, correct orth(o)- rect(i)- bnh
Old paleo- veter- Gi
Sharp oxy- ac- Sc
Short brachy- brev(i)- Ngn
Small micr(o)- parv(i)- (rare) Nh
Smallest - minim- Nh nht
Slow brady- tard(i)- Chm
Fast tachy- celer- Nhanh
Soft malac(o)- moll(i)- Mm
Straight orth(o)- rect(i)- Thng
Thick pachy- crass(i)- Dy
varied, various poikilo- vari- a dng
well, good eu- ben(e)- --
wide, broad eury- lat(i)- --

- - - - - -

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