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There was a need to deposit prayer if any person or any believer is to

purchase anything from the heavens.

Prayer then is the currency of the kingdom of heaven and without a real prayer life
your deposits in heaven are very little so when you face problems there will be no
currency in your prayer bank account to cover for the miracle you need.

There was a need to deposit prayer if any person or any believer is to

purchase anything from the heavens.

Prayer then is the currency of the kingdom of heaven and without a real prayer life
your deposits in heaven are very little so when you face problems there will be no
currency in your prayer bank account to cover for the miracle you need.

There was a need to deposit prayer if any person or any believer is to

purchase anything from the heavens.

Prayer then is the currency of the kingdom of heaven and without a real prayer life
your deposits in heaven are very little so when you face problems there will be no
currency in your prayer bank account to cover for the miracle you need.

There was a need to deposit prayer if any person or any believer is to

purchase anything from the heavens.

Prayer then is the currency of the kingdom of heaven and without a real prayer life
your deposits in heaven are very little so when you face problems there will be no
currency in your prayer bank account to cover for the miracle you need.

There was a need to deposit prayer if any person or any believer is to

purchase anything from the heavens.

Prayer then is the currency of the kingdom of heaven and without a real prayer life
your deposits in heaven are very little so when you face problems there will be no
currency in your prayer bank account to cover for the miracle you need.

There was a need to deposit prayer if any person or any believer is to

purchase anything from the heavens.

Prayer then is the currency of the kingdom of heaven and without a real prayer life
your deposits in heaven are very little so when you face problems there will be no
currency in your prayer bank account to cover for the miracle you need.

There was a need to deposit prayer if any person or any believer is to

purchase anything from the heavens.

Prayer then is the currency of the kingdom of heaven and without a real prayer life
your deposits in heaven are very little so when you face problems there will be no
currency in your prayer bank account to cover for the miracle you need.

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