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a float which can be attached to a level indicator.

The float displaces

its own weight of liquid as follows:

Float weight = buoyant force (6.10)

where L = specific weight of the liquid

d = diameter
h = immersion depth of the float
When the float is used to measure one or more feet of liquid depth,
any change in h due to large changes in g L will have minimal effect on
the measured liquid depth.
Displacers must never be completely submerged when measuring
liquid depth and must have a specific weight greater than that of the
liquid. Care must also be taken to ensure that the displacer is not
corroded by the liquid and the specific weight of the liquid is constant
over time. The temperature of the liquid may also have to be monitored
to make corrections for density changes. Displacers can be used to
measure depths up to about 3 m with an accuracy of 0.5 cm.
Capacitive device accuracy can be affected by the placement of the
device, so the manufacturers installation instructions must be
followed. The dielectric constant of the liquid should also be regularly
monitored. Capacitive devices can be used in pressurized containers
up to 30 MPa and temperatures up to 1000C, and measure depths up
to 6 m with an accuracy of 1 percent.
Pressure gauge choice for measuring liquid levels can depend on a
number of considerations, which are as follows:
1. The presence of particulates that can block the line to the gauge
2. Damage caused by excessive temperatures in the liquid
3. Damage due to peak pressure surges
4. Corrosion of the gauge by the liquid
5. Differential pressure gauges are needed if the liquid is under
6. Distance between the tank and the gauge
7. Use of manual valves for gauge repair
Differential pressure gauges can be used in pressurized containers up
to 30 MPa and temperatures up to 600C to give accuracies of 1
percent, the liquid depth depends on its density and the pressure gauge
Bubbler devices require certain precautions when being used. To
ensure a continuous air or gas supply, the gas used must not react with
the liquid. It may be necessary to install a one way valve to prevent the
liquid being sucked back into the gas supply lines if the gas pressure is
lost. The bubbler tube must be chosen so that it is not corroded by the
liquid. Bubbler devices are typically used at atmospheric pressure,
accuracies of about 2 percent can be obtained, depth depends on gas
pressure available, and so forth.

Terjemahan :

Pada gambar desain yang biasa digunakan untuk pelampung melekat

pada indikator ketinggian. Pelampung menngantikan gaya berat
cairannya seperti berikut ini :

Perbedaan tekanan gauge bisa digunakan pada pemberi an tekanan

mengandung lebih dari 30 Mpa and temperatur lebih dari 600C untuk
memberikan keakuratan sebesar 1%, kedalaman cairan bergantung
pada densitas dan tekanan gauge yang digunakan.
Alat pembuat gelembung memerlukan tindakan pencegahan tertentu
ketika digunakan. Untuk memastikan persediaan air dan gas secara
kontinyu, gas yang digunakan tidak bereaksi dengan cairan. Itu
mungkin dibutuhkan untuk memasang katup satu arah untuk
mencegah cairan terhisap kembali ke tempat persediaan gas jika
tekanan gasnya hilang. Pipa alat pembuat gelembung harus dipilih
sehingga tidak terkorosi oleh cairan. Alat pembuat gelembung secara
khusus digunakan pada tekanan atmosfer, keakuratannya sekitar 2%
dari yang diperoleh, kedalaman pada gas bergantung pada tekanan
yang tersedia, dan lainnya.

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