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Engineering geology assessment

of El-Rabweh landslide, south-east

of Amman City, Jordan
Ali El-Naqa

Abstract The paper focuses on the geological and Mots cles Glissements Pluie Actions
geotechnical characteristics of the area of the El- anthropiques Indice RMR Coefcient Q
Rabweh landslide, south-east of Amman City. From Jordanie
the topography, geology and climate of the area, it is
apparent that the landslide has taken place mainly
due to the presence of a quarry, the actual slide
occurring during the abnormally wet winter of 1991/
1992. The stability of the landslide area has been
assessed using limit equilibrium analysis and stere- Introduction
onets. The shear strength parameters were both
determined by direct shear measurements and cal- The study area (El-Rabweh landslide) is located to the
culated from the RMR and Q values obtained using south-west of Jabal Al-Naser, east of Amman City, Jordan
extensive eld data. (Fig. 1). The topography is characterised by steep south-
west-trending slopes in which a vertical quarry some 30 m
Resume Cet article presente les caracteristiques high has been cut. As a consequence, the disturbed mass
geologiques et geotechniques du glissement de El- poses an enormous danger to the residents of the buildings
Rabweh, au sud-est de la ville d'Amman. L'examen both at the top and on the lower parts of the El Rabweh
de la topographie, la geologie et la climatologie de la landslide.
zone indique clairement que le glissement a eu lieu The landslide occurred during heavy rainfall in the winter
principalement a cause de la presence d'une car- of 1991/1992. The engineering geological assessment of the
riere, durant la saison d'hiver 1991/1992, particu- slope stability was based on the discontinuity mapping
lierement humide. La stabilite de la zone de conducted on the rock exposures both within the landslide
glissement a ete evaluee d'apres la theorie des itself and in its vicinity. The results were interpreted with
equilibres limites et en utilisant la projection the aid of stereographic projection techniques. In addition,
stereographique. Les parametres de resistance au a geotechnical investigation of the landslide was under-
cisaillement ont ete a la fois obtenus par des essais taken including boreholes and laboratory tests to establish
de cisaillement direct et calcules a partir des valeurs the shear strength parameters for the soft materials. Other
des coefcients RMR et Q resultant de nombreuses tests, such as particle size analysis, Atterberg limits, uni-
donnees de terrain. axial compressive strength and direct shear tests were also
Keywords Landslides Rainfall Man-induced
RMR/Q system Jordan

Topography and climate

The study area is surrounded by hilly mountainous ter-
Received: 13 July 1999 / Accepted: 2 December 2000 rain to the south, east and west. As a consequence, surface
Published online: 17 May 2001 water drains inward to the Wadi Huneikin (Fig. 1). It then
Springer-Verlag 2001 ows to the north-north-west where it joins the seil
Amman, the main water course in the area. The mor-
phology of the study area is largely articial due to
A. El-Naqa quarrying. The area of interest has a predominantly
Hashemite University, Institute of Lands,
Water and Environment, Mediterranean climate characterised by hot dry summers
Department of Water Management and Environment, and cool to cold rainy winters. The annual rainfall is re-
P.O. Box 150459, Zarqa 13115, Jordan lated to the orographic effects of the topography and
e-mail: hence decreases eastwards. The mean annual rainfall for

DOI 10.1007/s100640100111 Bull Eng Geol Env (2001) 60:109116 109

A. El-Naqa

Fig. 1
Location of the study area

Table 1
Long-term average monthly rainfall and the corresponding amount
Local geology
measured in winter 1991/1992
The eld survey of the exposed rocks within the landslide
Month Long-term average Rainfall in Percent of and in the surrounding area was undertaken to establish
rainfall (mm) 1991/1992 (mm) normal (%)
the different lithological, geological and structural fea-
October 6.9 4.7 68 tures. The eld examination also provided an opportu-
November 28.4 35 123 nity to appreciate the geotechnical characteristics of the
December 49.1 166.4 33 landslide area and to collect samples for laboratory
January 62.6 112.1 179
February 57.3 200.0 349 testing. The study area can be divided into two parts:
March 48.5 15.7 32 the unstable landslide area and the stable area around the
April 13.6 10 73 abandoned quarry to the south-east and east of the
May 3.2 6 192 landslide. The topography of the landslide itself is rela-
Total 269.6 549.9
tively irregular, the difference in elevation between the
highest and lowest points being some 11 m. In the area
of the landslide the bedrock is covered by immature soils
and colluvium with a thickness of 0.20.3 m. These re-
the last 20 years as recorded at the nearest rain-measuring cent deposits consist of angular fragments of chert and
station (Amman airport) is some 270 mm. In 1991/1992, limestones.
the measured rainfall was approximately 550 mm, the The different bedrocks exposed in the area are shown on
largest recorded precipitation for the last 60 years. the general geological map (Fig. 2). The Wadi Sir For-
Table 1 shows the long-term average monthly rainfall, the mation (A7) is the oldest (Tournian age) and is exposed
rainfall in 1991/1992 and indicates this as a percentage of over much of the southern part of the area. It consists of
the mean long-term conditions. This high intensity of thickly bedded, strong, white, micro-crystalline lime-
rainfall in 1991/1992, particularly in December, January stone, although at the top of the abandoned quarry the
and February 1992, triggered numerous landslides and beds are thin to medium (100300 mm) and in places are
exacerbated other forms of ground failure in different interdigitated with clayey marls approximately 50 mm
parts of Jordan. thick.

110 Bull Eng Geol Env (2001) 60:109116

Engineering geology assessment of El-Rabweh landslide

Fig. 2
Generalised geological map of the study area

The Wadi Sir Formation is overlain by the Wadi Ghu- Geotechnical investigation
dran Formation (B1). This is of Tournian-Campanian The investigation undertaken can be summarised as follows:
age and consists of approximately 20 m of interbedded
1. Geotechnical mapping including the geology of the area
marls, chalky marls and chalk. The lowest bed, some
together with the geometry of the landslide and struc-
1 m thick, is a greenish grey, occasionally red, clay-like
tural features of the rock masses.
material. The Amman Formation (B2) of Campanian age
2. Sub-surface investigations using boreholes with de-
is the most widespread bedrock unit in the study area.
tailed geotechnical logging in order to identify the soil
This formation consists predominantly of limestones,
and rock formations at depth and to obtain quantitative
silicied limestones, chert, phosphate-bearing strata and
data to be used in the stability analysis.
impure limestone.
3. Geotechnical mapping of the discontinuities and char-
In the study area the alluvial and supercial deposits
acterisation of the rock mass by means of engineering
which overlie the Amman Formation can be separated
into three main types: (1) articial ll materials con-
4. Field tests such as the Schmidt hammer rebound test
sisting of silty clay with gravels and cobble-sized frag-
and point load test to measure the intact strength of the
ments of limestones and cherts, believed to be builders'
rock and shape tracer tools to determine the co-efcient
rubble; (2) alluvial deposits laid down from ood waters
of roughness.
and consisting of silty clays with gravel and cobble-sized
5. Laboratory testing, including moisture content, Atter-
fragments of limestone; and (3) the in situ red-brown
berg limits, grain size analysis, unconned compressive
oxidised Mediterranean soils in which there are gravel
strength and direct shear strength measurements.
and cobble-sized fragments of the underlying limestone
bedrock. The sub-surface investigation involved drilling four bore-
The northerly dip of the different rock formations holes in the area of the landslide (Fig. 2). Boreholes 1 and
varies between 16 and 25, being steepest in the vicinity 4 were drilled at the top of the landslide and extended to a
of the landslide. Small faults are present within the depth of 40 m while boreholes 2 and 3 at the toe of the
Wadi Sir Formation. The rock formations are jointed slide extended to only 15 m (Remal Consulting Engineers
and fractured, the Amman Formation in particular be- 1994). The deeper boreholes penetrated rock formations
ing characterised by a high intensity of fractures and B1 in the upper part of the landslide and A7 in the lower
joints. part while boreholes 2 and 3 at the toe of the landslide

Bull Eng Geol Env (2001) 60:109116 111

A. El-Naqa

encountered only the A7 Formation. No free water was Wadi Sir Formation (A7) where 105 measurements were
encountered in any of the four boreholes. taken.
In order to obtain the most appropriate parameters, The discontinuity survey was carried out along a hori-
samples were tested both for their in situ moisture zontal scan line on the rock face with the length ranging
content and in a saturated condition. The natural mois- from 410 m. The processing of the data was carried out
ture contents ranged from 0.5% in the limestones to 27% using the computer program STEREO (RockWare Inc.
in the marly limestone. As shown in Table 2, the liquid 1990). The orientation data are provided as poles to great
limits vary between 30 and 60% and the plastic limits circles plotted on the lower hemisphere in Fig. 4. This
between 17 and 36%, with the plasticity index ranging shows that the concentration of the joints is relatively
from 9 to 24 for the silty clay, marl and ne portion of scattered in the Wadi Sir (A7) rock mass (Fig. 4a). The
the marly limestone. When the liquid and plastic limits major set of joints (K1) is dipping north-eastwards at 50/
are plotted on a Casagrande plasticity diagram (Fig. 3), a 57. The second set dip towards the south-east at 130/78.
number of the samples fall below the A-line, which The K3 set dip north-west at 240/62 while the K4 set
indicates that 60% of the materials can be classied as have a similar orientation (210/72). The random distri-
ML-CL (silty-clay) with low plasticity, 20% as ML-OL bution of the joint systems within the Wadi Sir Forma-
(silt-organic silty clay with low plasticity ranging between tion indicates an absence of interrelationships between
30 and 50%) and 20% as MH-OH (silt-clays with high the joint distribution and the joints recorded in the Wadi
plasticity >50%). The inconsistency of the Atterberg Ghudran Formation (B1) in which the main landslide
limits and the clay fraction or the silt/sand fraction is due occurred.
to variations within the lithology. Figure 4b demonstrates that the joint system of the B1
Unconned compressive strength (UCS) tests were un- (Wadi Ghudran) rock mass has three main sets. The major
dertaken on clay, marl, marly limestone and limestone sets show a south-south-east dip (K1, 190/60) and south-
samples and gave values ranging from 0.32 MPa for the west (K2, 240/62) direction, while the third set (K3) is
silty clay to 43.8 MPa for the limestone. In addition, direct restricted to a westerly direction (280/30). The joints in
shear tests were carried out on samples from boreholes 1 the A7 limestone are marked with slickensided surfaces.
at 18 m and 4 at 31 m using stress ranges of 100300 kPa. Most of the joint openings are inlled with calcite, except a
The test results for the clayey marl material indicated that joint zone at the southern boundary of the landslide where
the friction angle (/) decreased from 24 in the natural the openings sometimes reach 100 mm.
condition to 11 in the saturated condition, while the co-
hesion dropped from 40 kPa in the natural condition to
5 kPa in the saturated state.

Discontinuity analysis
In the area investigated the main structural features
identied were joints, faults, dipping strata and slicken-
sided surfaces. The geometry of these surfaces was mea-
sured in the eld and recorded on stereographic nets. Two
sets of measurement were made: (1) in the Wadi Ghudran Fig. 3
(B1) exposed in the side slope of the landslide area where Plasticity chart for classication of ne-grained soils from Atterberg
252 measurements were taken; and (2) in the underlying limits using the unied classication system

Table 2
Grain size analysis and Atterberg limits of representative samples. n.d. Not determined; LL liquid limit; PL plastic limit; PI plasticity index
Borehole Depth Lithology Water content Sand Silt Clay LL PL PI
no. (m) (%) (%) (%) (%) (wl) (wp) (Ip)

1 2.6 Crushed marlstone 15 25 61 15 32 17 15

1 4.9 Silty clay 17 15 73 12 30 21 9
1 6.9 Marlstone n.d. 20 70 10 34 18 16
1 8.5 Weak marl n.d. 11 56 33 46 24 22
1 22.8 Chalky marl 3 15 76 9 40 27 13
3 7.5 Silty clay 9 11 48 41 60 36 24
3 11.2 Clayey marl n.d. 18 71 11 44 23 22
4 27.4 Marlstone 26 10 74 16 43 30 13
4 28.1 Silty marlstone 27 5 53 42 56 36 20
4 33.0 Marlstone with clay marl 16 12 84 4 35 26 9

112 Bull Eng Geol Env (2001) 60:109116

Engineering geology assessment of El-Rabweh landslide

Rock mass characterisation condition, the groundwater and the orientation of the
discontinuities. The RMRs for the Wadi Ghudran landslide
The rock masses studied were evaluated according to the material (B1) and the Wadi Sir (A7) stable material are
geomechanical classication systems of Barton et al. summarised in Table 3. It will be noted that the B1 ma-
(1974), who proposed the Q system, and the rock mass terial, composed mainly of chalky marl, has a RMR of 42
rating (RMR) system, proposed by Bieniawski (1989). The while the A7 material has an RMR of 62, suggesting a good
RMR uses six main parameters: the UCS of the intact rock, to very good quality rock.
the RQD, the discontinuity spacing, the discontinuity

Table 3
Classication of rock masses according to Bieniawski's geomechanics
classication system
Parameter Wadi Ghudran Wadi Sir
(B1) (A7)

1. Intact strength rating 2 7

2. RQD rating 3 17
3. Spacing rating 10 8
4. Discontinuity conditions
4.1 Length rating 6 6
4.2 Aperture rating 1 4
4.3 Roughness rating 3 3
4.4 Filling rating 2 2
4.5 Weathering rating 5 5
5. Groundwater 10 10
6. Orientation of discontinuity 0 0
RMR 42 62
Class Fair Good
Cohesion of rock mass (kPa) 210 310
Friction angle () 26 36

Table 4
Classication of rock masses according to Barton Q system
Parameter Wadi Ghudran Wadi Sir
(B1) (A7)

1. RQD 25 85
2. Joint set number (Jn) 9 15
3. Joint roughness number (Jr) 3 3
4. Joint alteration number (Ja) 0.75 0.75
5. Joint water reduction number (Jw) 0.66 0.66
6. Stress reduction factor (SRF) 1.0 1.0
Fig. 4a, b Q value 7.3 15.0
Stereonet diagram of mapping discontinuities in a the Wadi Sir (A7) Class Fair Good
rock mass and b Wadi Ghudrain (B1) rock mass

Fig. 5
Geological cross section used in the stability

Bull Eng Geol Env (2001) 60:109116 113

A. El-Naqa

The Q system evaluates the rock quality (Q) on the basis of: sion and deformation modulus). These represent intrinsic
RQD, joint set number (Jn), joint roughness number (Jr), characteristics of the rock masses, which then depend on
joint alternation number (Ja), joint water reduction (Jw) the structural condition. The cohesion can be determined
and stress reduction factor (SRF). The results are shown in from the following relationship:
Table 4 and again indicate B1 to be only a fair quality rock
but a good quality rock for the Wadi Sir material. C 5  RMRb kPa
where RMRbis the basic RMR which is not corrected for
discontinuity orientation.
The angle of internal friction can be derived from the
Shear strength parameters following relationship (Bieniawksi 1989):
of the rock masses / 5 RMRb =2
The derived values for friction and cohesion are given in
The RMR can be used to derive the shear strength and Table 3. These values were used to assess the kinetic fail-
deformation of the rock masses (i.e. friction angle, cohe- ure conditions of the rock mass encountered on the site of
the landslide.
Table 5
Geotechnical properties of different materials involved in stability
Material type cd
Stability analysis
Chalky marl 17 23 20 20 Different methods can be used to assess the stability of
Marl 14 18 15 20 rock and/or soil slopes the selection of a suitable method
Clayey marl 22 27 5 11 being primarily a function of the availability of geotech-
Chalk and marly limestone 17 23 210 26 nical data. In the present study, two methods were used to
Marly limestone 26 27 310 36
check the accuracy of the analysis: the analytical method

Fig. 6
The most critical failure surfaces generated
by computer under a dry and b saturated

114 Bull Eng Geol Env (2001) 60:109116

Engineering geology assessment of El-Rabweh landslide

Fig. 7 Limit equilibrium method

Stereonet diagrams of discontinuities and stability assessment of rock The modelling of the slope stability was undertaken using
the computer program PC-STABL5 (Achilleos 1990). In the
using limit equilibrium techniques and the stereographic slope modelling, the slope geometry, loadings, geotechnical
projection technique. properties of the materials and groundwater conditions

Bull Eng Geol Env (2001) 60:109116 115

A. El-Naqa

should be dened to assess the stability conditions (Nash The factors of safety of the block and wedge sliding given
1987). An attempt is made to undertake analysis in terms of above have been calculated using the mathematical models
shear strength and geometrical parameters. A geological of Hoek and Bray (1981), hence they cannot be directly
cross section representing the slope in the landslide area was compared with the stereonet assessment.
used for the assessment of the stability (Fig. 5). The shear
strength parameters were obtained from the direct shear test
on samples from the potential shear. The shear strength Conclusions
values are given in Table 5. As no indication of the
groundwater was obtained during the drilling of the bore- From eld observations, investigation and geotechnical
hole, the ground was assumed to be unsaturated, although it mapping, the main causes of instability in the studied area
was decided to establish a factor of safety assuming satu- of the El Rabweh landslide are as follows:
rated conditions.
The factor of safety was determined using the Bishop and 1. Excavation of material in a quarry to provide con-
the simplied Janbu methods. A circular slip surface was struction material, which weakened the support at the
assumed in the analysis. With the PC-STABL5 program, toe of the hill slope.
ten critical failure surfaces can be determined from which 2. The presence of vertical and oblique discontinuities
the user can choose the most critical surface, i.e. that which reduce the shear strength to a low value.
which has the lowest factor of safety. A number of different 3. The geotechnical characteristics of the friable marls
computer runs were carried out to calculate the factor of which formed the landslide material which in part have
safety under dry and saturated conditions (Fig. 6). Under suffered tectonic deformation.
dry conditions the factor of safety was found to be 1.096 4. The outward dip of the beds into the quarry face,
while under saturated conditions the slope had a factor of providing an obvious situation for potential failure.
safety of only 0.96. This supports the contention that in the 5. The percolation of water during the rainy season into
dry state the slope is marginally stable but that it becomes the joints and fractures which have dilated due to the
unstable in wet conditions. reduction of stress when the toe of the hill was removed
during the quarry.
Stereographic projection
The stability was also checked using stereographic pro- In view of the type of mechanism, it is advised that:
jection, with the shear strength parameters of the rock 1. The excavation of materials in the quarry area should
mass derived using Bieniawski's geomechanical system as be minimised.
described above. The geometrical analyses of potential 2. The construction of new buildings in the vicinity of the
failure models were based on congurations obtained landslide should be avoided.
during the eld examination. The stereonet analysis of the 3. The percolation of storm and foul water into the frac-
structural data revealed the possible direction of failure. tures or joints should be prevented by collecting them
The graphical stereographic techniques proposed by in a drainage system.
Markland (1972) and Hoek and Bray (1981) were adopted 4. A means of supporting the toe should be provided, such
to determine the kinematic feasibility failure condition. as a retaining wall or gabions.
The principle of this analysis is based on the comparison
of the dip and dip direction of the intersection line of the
wedge-planes with that of the slope angle and the surface
friction angle of the discontinuities. The various discon- References
tinuity sets were plotted as poles and as great circles on the
Achilleos E (1990) Computer program and user guide for PC-
Schmidt net. With this study it was possible to examine the STABL5 M. Joint Highway Res Project 88/19. School of Civil
potential instability that would result due to plane and Engineering, Department of Highways, Purdue University, West
wedge failures and to calculate the factor of safety. In the Lafeyette, Indiana
analysis, it was assumed that the dip direction and dip Barton N, Lien R, Lunde J (1974) Engineering classication of rock
values of the slope face were 240/75. masses for the design of tunnel support. Rock Mech 6:189236
Figure 7 shows the stable and unstable areas with respect Bieniawski ZT (1989) Engineering rock mass classication. Wiley,
to the discontinuity orientation and slope face directions Chichester
Hoek E, Bray JW (1981) Rock slope engineering, 3rd edn. Insti-
(free face). It can be seen that it would be kinematically tution of Mining and Metallurgy, London
possible for rock sliding within the B1 rock mass to take Markland JT (1972) A useful technique for estimating the stability
place along the discontinuity planes 1, 2 and 3 with factors of rock slopes when the rigid wedge sliding type of failure is
of safety of 0.31, 0.28 and 0.92 respectively. Wedge failure expected. Imp Coll Rock Mech Res Rep 19:110
is also feasible along intersection planes I12, I13 and I23 Nash N (1987) A comparative review of limit equilibrium meth-
towards the south-west, which have factors of safety of ods of stability analysis. In: Anderson MG, Richards KS (eds)
0.36, 0.04 and 1.35 respectively. For the A7 rock mass, the Slope stability. Wiley, New York, pp 1175
Remal Consulting Engineers (1994) Geotechnical investigation of
potential block sliding is likely to take place along plane 3, El-Rabweh landslide. Internal Report, Remal Consulting Engi-
where the factor of safety is only 0.52. Wedge sliding is neers, Amman
also kinematically feasible along the intersection planes I23 RockWare Inc. (1990) STEREO: a computer program for orien-
and I34 with factors of safety of 1.38 and 0.99. tation analysis. User manual. RockWare Inc., Golden, Colorado

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