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Soft Solution Equipment Base 1 1

Machine Foundation
1 Addendum to STQ 1503
ISBN 81-901030-7-5 NavigationIrrigation Pump Shed- Pump foundation
2 Machine Foundation - Design - Natural frequency of foundation soil system & amplitude check
3 References Barkan's formula to determine value of Az Cycles (f)/m v/s amplitude curves
4 Foundation parameters & n 2.5 mm for 2900 rpm
5 Length Breadth Depth Concrete Foundation weight Machine m' EUCS Natural Frequency
6 L B D Density Concrete Soil weight Mass(Total) cu cu*A n
7 m m m kg/m^3 kg kg kg kg kg/m^2 (cu*A/m)^1/2
8 1.6 1.6 0.35 2500 2240 358.4 990 365.79 7680 19661 7.331362139
9 m^3 0.896 Pump 395 by equation 1.0855 27788 8.715972306
10 Pump 395 [cu=1.13-E/(1-^2)/a^.5] Reference
11 cu' determined by both methods Method Vessel 100
12 By' Elastic-Area' equation 1 Frame 100 Since' foundation soil system' amplitude is within limits, the foundation is safe in vibration
13 By 'soil bearing' table consideration 2
14 Sand Silt
15 Soil E Coefficient A Cu [cu=1.13-E/(1-^2)/a^.5]
16 Kg/cm^2 poisson's ratio
poisson's ratio
in equation cm^2 Kg/cm^2
17 2000 0.35 0.4 1.13 25600 1.085484
18 L Foundation length m
19 B Foundation breadth m
20 D Foundation depth m
21 cu Soil elastic uniform compression coefficient for 10 m^2 foundation area 3 to 5 Kg/cm^2
22 A Foundation area m^2
23 n Natural frequency of foundation soil system vibration
24 m Operating frequency of machine vibration
25 Operating frequency of machine vibration/Natural frequency of foundation soil system vibration
26 Soil density kg/cm^3
27 Po Exciting force produced vertically on machine kgmf

PEng Suraj machine foundation-irrigation pump 17.6.2001 4:06 AM10/14/2017

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