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5 Grand Challenge

Standard One: The Nature of Technology - Students will develop an understanding of the
nature of technology.

Standard Three: Engineering Design and Development - Students will demonstrate

knowledge of and apply the engineering design process to develop solutions to problems.

Stage 1 Desired Results

Big Idea(s):
Robots can be programmed to autonomously complete tasks.

Essential Question(s):
Why do engineers utilize the Engineering Design Journal (EDJ)?
How is the Systems Model used to solve problems?
Why is it important to use precise calculations in programming a robot?
How would an autonomous vehicle impact a local community?

Student Objective(s):
Students will apply their knowledge of robots and the design process in order to solve a
design challenge.

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s):
Students will complete:
1. Engineering Design Journal (EDJ)
2. Automated Snow Removal Challenge
3. Reflections (possible ways for students to explain how they would redesign or what they
would do differently to improve results.

Other Evidence:
1. Teacher observation of the process
2. Peer evaluation
3. Regular check of the Engineering Design Journal (EDJ)

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Total Time:4 to 6 50 minute class periods
Teacher will show the first 45 seconds of the Autonomous Snow Plow Competition
1. Students will be given the 1.5 SR Autonomous Snow Removal worksheet,
Engineering Design Journal (EDJ) (1.5 SR and 1. 5 SR EDJ Scoring Tool
a. Students may be given 1. 5 SR EDJ Scoring Tool.
b. Students may use an bound line paper, graph paper, blank paper, digital, EDJ
booklets from the CTE office or other materials as their EDJ.
2. The teacher will guide the students in starting their EDJ.
3. The students will read the challenge as a group and begin filling out their EDJ (Identify
the problem).
4. Students will research (using notes of past programs) to brainstorm possible programs
for solving the Grand Challenge.
5. Students will write the steps of their program (design) in the EDJ to document their
a. Do not allow students to use the VEX IQ robots during this process. They
should be only coding, not testing each step. Remind them that they cannot
take over city roads all the time to test.
b. Teachers will identify testing days and times.
c. Suggestions: Students should model their program by using their partner as
their automated snow removal device. The student will walk the programmed
d. Students will test and evaluated their automated snow removal device
e. Students will redesign the program and continue with the design until the
automated snow removal device is working properly
NOTE: Teachers will review the EDJ as a formative assessment. See 1. 5 SR EDJ Scoring
Tool for scoring.

Students will turn in their EDJ for teacher review.
Students will answer questions on 1.5 SR Reflections

Students can take part with the 2014 Vex challenge

Students will turn in their EDJ for teacher review.
Students will answer questions on 1.5 SR Reflections
Exit Ticket: How would an autonomous snow plow impact a local community?

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