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I hereby declare that this thesis is my original work

and it has been written by me in its entirety.
I have duly acknowledged all the sources of
information which have been used in the thesis.

This thesis has also not been submitted for any

degree in any university previously.

Koh Fu Hai Alan
July 2013


The author wishes to express appreciation to the late Associate Professor

Luo Siao Chung and Professor Chew Yong Tian for their valuable guidance

as supervisors.

Many thanks also go to the staff of the NUS fluid mechanics laboratory and

workshop, especially to Mr James Ng for machining the small parts of the

model and Mr Looi Siew Wah for fixing the old computer for the load cell.


SUMMARY .................................................................................................. VII

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... VIII

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... IX

LIST OF SYMBOLS..................................................................................... XII


1.1 Mechanism of Ground Effect................................................................. 1

1.2 History .................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Literature Review .................................................................................. 7

1.3.1 Analytical Methods ......................................................................... 8 Flat Ground, Image Method, 3D .............................................. 8 Wavy Ground, Image Method, 3D ......................................... 13

1.3.2 Computational Methods ............................................................... 14 RANS, Moving Ground, 2D ................................................... 14 Vortex Lattice Method, 3D ..................................................... 15

1.3.3 Experimental Methods ................................................................. 18 Image Method, 3D ................................................................. 18 Flat Plate, 3D ........................................................................ 23 Flat Plate, 2D, Pressure Distribution...................................... 27 Moving Ground, 3D, Pressure Distribution ............................ 34

1.4 Objectives ........................................................................................... 38

1.5 Scope and Organisation of the Thesis ................................................ 39


2.1 Wind Tunnel ....................................................................................... 40

2.1.1 Velocity Profile in the y-z plane .................................................... 41

2.2 Flat Plate ............................................................................................ 42

2.3 Caution in Simulation of the Ground in Ground Effect Experiments .... 43

2.4 Definition for h/c .................................................................................. 47

2.5 Investigated range of and h/c........................................................... 47

2.6 Temperature, Dynamic Pressure and Reynolds Number .................... 47

2.7 Model .................................................................................................. 48

2.8 Measurement of lift ............................................................................. 50

2.9 Measurement of drag .......................................................................... 50

2.10 Measurement of pressure ................................................................. 52

2.11 Load Cell .......................................................................................... 52

2.12 Manometer ....................................................................................... 54

2.13 Challenges in Measurement ............................................................. 55

2.13.1 Drift in Load Cell Datum ............................................................. 55

2.13.2 Downstream Pressure Gradient ................................................. 55

2.13.3 Blockage Effects ........................................................................ 56


3.1. Pressure Distribution.......................................................................... 57

3.1.1 Reynolds number Effect on Aerodynamic Coefficients ................. 57

3.1.2 Aerodynamic Coefficients at Reynolds number of 200000 ........... 60

3.1.3 Pressure Distribution at = 0O and 2O ......................................... 67

3.1.4 Pressure Distribution at = 4O to 8O ............................................ 71

3.2. Lift and Drag ...................................................................................... 77

3.2.1 Datum 3D Lift and Drag ............................................................... 78

3.2.2 Lift and Drag coefficients from Pressure Distribution .................... 80

3.2.3 Effect of on Lift and Drag coefficients vs. h/c............................. 81

3.2.4 Effect of h/c on Lift and Drag coefficient vs. .............................. 84

3.3 Uncertainty ......................................................................................... 86


4.1 Effective camber ................................................................................. 92

4.2 Effective angle of attack ...................................................................... 93

4.3 Behaviour of Air below the wing .......................................................... 94

4.4 Ground effect on circulation on a wing ................................................ 95

4.5 Drag .................................................................................................... 96

4.6 Changes in Lift and Drag for a 2D airfoil in Ground Effect ................... 97

4.6.1 Effects of a Flat Moving Ground on lift and drag ........................... 98

4.6.2 Effects of a Flat Stationary Ground on lift and drag ...................... 99

4.7 Changes in Lift and Drag for a Finite Wing in Ground Effect ............. 100


5.1 Concluding Remarks......................................................................... 101

5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................ 102

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................... 104


A Summary of WIG Vehicles ................................................................ 108

B Summary of Experimental data from NACA TN 67 ............................ 117

C Summary of Experimental Data from NASA TN D926 ....................... 125

D Summary of Experimental Data from Chawla, Edwards and Franke . 135

E Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed and Sharma ................ 138

F Summary of Experimental Data from Kwang, Ho and Hee ................ 142

G Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed .................................... 145

H Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed, Takasaki and Kohama149

I Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various

Reynolds number .............................................................................. 153

J Calculated Lift and Drag of finite NACA 4415 wing ........................... 165

K Load cell Characteristics ................................................................... 170

L Drawings of the Model ...................................................................... 192

M Downstream Pressure Profile............................................................ 196

N Y-Z Plane Velocity Profile ................................................................. 200

O Wind Speed and Effect of Tube Length............................................. 208

P Approximating the Leading Edge Pressure Reading from Pitot Reading

. ........................................................................................................ 209

Q Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Pressure ...................... 210

R Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Force ........................... 220

S Uncertainty in Force Measurements.................................................. 227

T Preparation of Wind Tunnel Test Section .......................................... 229

U Preparation of Model ......................................................................... 230

V Preparation of Other Equipment........................................................ 231

W Formulas ........................................................................................... 232

X Corrections to Data ........................................................................... 236


Ground effect is the increase of lift and reduction of drag, on a lift generating

body in flight at heights of one chord or less above the ground. This beneficial

effect has been harnessed for development of ground effect vehicles since in

the early 1900s. To date, large-scale commercial production of ground effect

vehicles has not taken place. The literatures consists of investigations

reporting ground effect with increased lift and reduced drag, but do not

discuss the mechanisms behind changes in lift and drag. Most ground effect

research was carried out with the image method or the flat plate method to

simulate the ground. Only one recent work used the moving belt method to

simulate the ground. Due to limited laboratory resources in this study, wind

tunnel experiments were carried out with a flat plate simulating the ground.

Pressure distributions, lift and drag forces were obtained from a finite wing of

NACA 4415 section with aspect ratio 2.51. The experiments were carried out

at positive angles of attack from 0O to 8O in ground effect. As the wing

approached the ground, suction reduced on the upper surface when in ground

effect than without ground effect and air was slowing down under the wing.

The resulting higher pressure developing under the wing was the main cause

of improved lift at all angles of attack as ground clearance decreased. Drag

reduction was mainly due to suppressed formation of wing tip vortices, which

reduced the induced drag component. The circulatory lift contribution

decreased slightly due possibly to smaller effective camber as streamlines

straightened out about the wing. However, without a moving belt facility for

ground simulation, the effect of the ground on circulation about the wing is still

debatable. Generally, ground effect over a flat plate, translated the CL- curve

upward and CD- curve downward.


Table 3.1 Comparing estimated cl to Abbott and Doenhoff data for similar at
various Reynolds number ................................................................... 63


Figure 1.1 Changes in WIG vehicles Gross Weight. ...................................... 4

Figure 1.2 Changes in WIG vehicles Cruising Speed. .................................... 5

Figure 1.3 Measured and calculated drag polar curves near the ground. ........ 9

Figure 1.4 Gradient of Lift coefficient vs. for a 2D flat plate airfoil in ground
effect..................................................................................................... 11

Figure 1.5 Variation of CL|=0 and CL/ with respect to h/b. ........................ 12

Figure 1.6 Variation of CL with CDi, induced drag. ......................................... 13

Figure 1.7 Span wise loading of a planar wing (aspect ratio 4) at 3 sweep
angles. .................................................................................................. 16

Figure 1.8 Effect of ground proximity on CL of rectangular wings.. ................ 17

Figure 1.9 Lift to DragINDUCED ratios for rectangular wing of maximum 4%

camber.................................................................................................. 17

Figure 1.10 CL vs. (varying h/c) for wing with USA 27 section. .................. 20

Figure 1.11 CD vs. (varying h/c) for wing with USA 27 section. .................. 20

Figure 1.12 L/D vs. h/c (varying ) for wing with USA 27 section. ................. 21

Figure 1.13 CL vs. (varying h/c) for wing with modified Glenn Martin 21
section. ................................................................................................. 22

Figure 1.14 CD vs. (varying h/c) for wing with modified Glenn Martin 21
section. ................................................................................................. 22

Figure 1.15 L/D vs. h/c (varying ) for wing with modified Glenn Martin 21
section. ................................................................................................. 23

Figure 1.16 CL vs. (varying h/c) for swept wing with NACA 4415 section. .. 24

Figure 1.17 CD vs. (varying h/c) for swept wing with NACA 4415 section. . 25

Figure 1.18 L/D vs. h/c (varying ) for swept wing with NACA 4415 section. 25

Figure 1.19 CL vs. (varying h/c) for wing with NACA 6409 section. ............ 26

Figure 1.20 CD vs. (varying h/c) for wing with NACA 6409 section............. 27

Figure 1.21 L/D vs. h/c (varying ) for wing with NACA 6409 section. .......... 27

Figure 1.22 cl vs. (varying h/c) for airfoil with NACA 0015 section. ............ 28

Figure 1.23 cd vs. (varying h/c) for airfoil with NACA 0015 section............. 29

Figure 1.24 l/d vs. h/c (varying ) for airfoil with NACA 0015 section. ........... 29

Figure 1.25 Ram pressure on the lower surface at = 7.5O, at h/c 0.02 to
0.80. ..................................................................................................... 30

Figure 1.26 A small pocket of suction on the lower surface at = 0O, at h/c
0.015. ................................................................................................... 31

Figure 1.27 cl vs. h/c and cd vs. h/c for a airfoil with NACA 4415 section. ..... 32

Figure 1.28 Pressure distribution for a airfoil with NACA 4415 section.......... 34

Figure 1.29 cl vs. h/c and cd vs. h/c for a wing with NACA 4412 section. ...... 35

Figure 1.30 Pressure distribution for a wing with NACA 4412 section. .......... 37

Figure 2.1 Schematic of wind tunnel. ............................................................ 40

Figure 2.2 Vertical velocity profile obtained at 4 positions. ............................ 41

Figure 2.3 Horizontal velocity profile obtained at 1 position on each sidewall42

Figure 2.4 Desired velocity profile at the ground. .......................................... 43

Figure 2.5 Overall wing and straight wing tips............................................... 49

Figure 2.6 Streamwise pressure tap location along center line. .................... 49

Figure 2.7 Determining the drag of the supports. .......................................... 51

Figure 2.8 Checking load cell in the z direction for force. .............................. 53

Figure 2.9 Checking the load cell in the x direction for force. ........................ 53

Figure 2.10 Checking the load cell in y direction for torque. .......................... 54

Figure 3.1 Section cl vs. for NACA 4415 airfoil (in box).............................. 58

Figure 3.2 Section cd vs. cl for NACA 4415 airfoil (in box). ............................ 59

Figure 3.3 Pressure distribution curves at approximately the same but at

various Reynolds number. .................................................................... 62

Figure 3.4 3D Plots of cp vs. x/c vs. for the Lower (a) and Upper (b) Surface
of a NACA-4415 Aerofoil Section and Re = 200000. ............................. 64

Figure 3.5 3D Plots of cp vs. x/c vs. for the Lower (a) and Upper (b) Surface
of a NACA-4415 Aerofoil Section and Re = 400000. ............................. 65

Figure 3.6 3D Plots of cp vs. x/c vs. for the Lower (a) and Upper (b) Surface
of a NACA-4415 Aerofoil Section and Re = 600000. ............................. 66

Figure 3.7 CP (upper) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 0O. .................................. 69

Figure 3.8 CP (lower) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 0O. .................................. 70

Figure 3.9 CP (upper) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 2O. .................................. 70

Figure 3.10 CP (lower) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 2O. ................................ 71

Figure 3.11 CP (upper) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 4O. ................................ 73

Figure 3.12 CP (lower) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 4O. ................................ 73

Figure 3.13 CP (upper) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 6O. ................................ 74

Figure 3.14 CP (lower) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 6O. ................................ 74

Figure 3.15 CP (upper) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 8O. ................................ 76

Figure 3.16 CP (lower) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 8O. ................................ 77

Figure 3.17 Expected CL and CD vs. curve for AR 2.51 NACA 4415 wing
without ground effect............................................................................. 79

Figure 3.18 Expected L/D for AR 2.51 NACA 4415 wing without ground effect.
............................................................................................................. 80

Figure 3.19 cl vs. h/c and CL vs. h/c at various . ......................................... 82

Figure 3.20 cd vs. h/c and CD vs. h/c at various . ........................................ 83

Figure 3.21 cl vs. and CL vs. at various h/c.. ........................................... 84

Figure 3.22 Graphs of cd vs. and CD vs. at various h/c. .......................... 86

Figure 3.23 Percentage increase in CL compared to relative uncertainty in CL

vs. h/c ................................................................................................... 89

Figure 3.24 Percentage change in CD compared to relative uncertainty in CD

vs. h/c ................................................................................................... 89

Figure 3.25 Percentage increase in L/D compared to relative uncertainty in

L/D vs. h/c............................................................................................. 90

Figure 4.1 Circulation about an airfoil in ground effect over a moving belt. ... 99

Figure 4.2 Circulation about an airfoil in ground effect over a flat plate. ...... 100


English symbols

a0 Gradient of 2D incompressible lift coefficient vs angle of attack

acomp Gradient of 3D compressible lift coefficient vs angle of attack

AoA Angle of Attack (used only in figures)

AMF Model frontal area

ATS Cross sectional area of test section.

A,B,X General symbols for measured or calculated quantities

AR Aspect ratio

b wing span

c wing chord

cl 2D lift coefficient

cd 2D drag coefficient

CD 3D drag coefficient

CDi 3D induced drag coefficient

CL 3D lift coefficient

cp 2D pressure distribution

CP 3D pressure distribution

D 3D drag

L 3D lift

l/d 2D lift to drag ratio

L/D 3D lift to drag ratio

h height of wing above ground measured from trailing edge.

h/b ratio of height to span, used for highly swept wings.

h/c ratio of height to chord also referred to as ground clearance.

k Coverage factor

M Free stream Mach number

n Parameter that determines the type of probability distribution

N Number of samples

U Free stream speed

x coordinate on axis parallel to the wings chord

x Tolerance

x/c chord wise station, normalised by c.

y coordinate on axis perpendicular to the wings chord

Greek symbols

Angle of Attack

f refers to the 3 trailing edge flap settings.

le refers to the leading edge flap setting.

F General symbol for measured force

ratio of h/c OR relative uncertainty only in uncertainty analysis.

t Blockage correction

Kinematic viscosity

standard deviation



In flight without ground effect, drag on a finite wing at subsonic speed arises

from three sources. Drag arises from skin friction, from pressure differences

about the wing and from induced drag. The finite span of a wing causes wing-

tip vortices to form, causing down wash behind and ahead of the wing. Down

wash deflects the oncoming air downward, reducing the local effective angle

of attack. The local resultant force tilts aft due to reduced effective angle of

attack. This resultant force contributes a rearward component to drag, which

is the induced drag. Improvements to lift also increase induced drag.

Ground effect is about increased lift with reduced drag, which a wing

experiences when flown within the height of a wing's chord above ground.

When a wing is flown within ground effect, the formation of wing-tip vortices is

suppressed as the wing gets close to the ground. Consequently, as the down

wash reduces, the oncoming flow deflects downward by a smaller extent.

Reduction of the local effective angle of attack is less and the local resultant

force contributes a smaller rearward component. The resulting local induced

drag component is reduced, which lowers the overall drag of the wing.

Concurrently, as the local effective angle of attack reduction is less across the

whole wing, the wing generates more lift. These two changes deliver a higher

lift to drag ratio, hence greater aerodynamic efficiency when flying in ground


Additional lift may also be generated via ram pressure at small clearances

from the ground. Above a certain angle of attack, the lower surface of the

wing and the ground form a 2D convergent passage with a small gap at the

trailing edge. This causes the moving air below the wing to slow down and

generate corresponding higher pressure. The passage under the wing can be

described as 2D since the variation across the span caused by down wash

has minimised.

Such wings are usually designed with a flatter lower surface to avoid creating

a 2D convergent and divergent passage between a wing's lower surface and

the ground. This avoids the throat area, which increases flow velocity but

reduces pressure. Such suction below the wing offsets the total suction found

above the wing and decreases the lift.


Wing in Ground (WIG) effect has been studied since the time of the Wright

brothers maiden flight. Ollila [1] mentioned that the Wright brothers were

gliding in ground effect about a foot off the ground. Another contemporary

aviation pioneer was Frenchman, C. Ader, who experimented unsuccessfully

with his Avion-3 winged launches around 1900.

Ollila [1] observed that early efforts to utilize ground effect were motivated by

development of vehicles for skimming across open country covered in snow,

marshes, swamps or open waters in North America, Scandinavia and Russia.

Unfortunately, the later success of large-cargo-plane developments reduced

interest in larger WIG vehicles. Interest in WIG vehicles revived again in

1970s, fuelled by the energy crisis. By 1980, the idea of harnessing ground

effect for transportation of military and civilian cargo captured the attention of

transport planners. In 2006, Rozhdestvenskys [2] review contained a detailed

section on potential military applications for WIG vehicles. A discussion on

classification and certification of WIG vehicles by various regulatory

authorities was also carried out.

Both reviews credit the Finnish engineer Toivo Kaario for developing the first

WIG vehicle. Toivo Kaario wanted to design a high-speed snow sledge and

this vehicle was the first successful attempt that deliberately used ground

effect to go faster. The vehicles ram wing enabled the vehicle to skim over

snow in the Finnish Lapland. The first design in 1935 carried a single crew at

12 knots using a 16-hp reciprocating engine. By 1962, Kaarios Aerosani

No.8 was ready and carried a crew of 2 at 43 knots. At about the same time,

an American doctor, Dr W.R. Bertelson wanted to visit homebound patients in

his rural area of practice. His efforts paid off when he successfully built his

ram wing, GEM-3 in 1963. GEM-3 carried 4 crewmembers at 70 knots using a

150-hp reciprocating engine.

A simple summary of selected WIG projects that resulted in at least a fully

developed experimental vehicle is presented in Figures 1 and 2. Missing

details of speed or weight were gleaned from Sinitsyn & Maskalik [3], Yun et.

al. [4], Advance Research Projects Agency (ARPA) Wingship Investigation

volume 1 and 3 [5]. The remaining details are in the appendix.

Gross Weight, Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW) and All Up Weight are

sufficiently similar weight definitions. These were selected for comparison

against the year of development or design [Figure 1.1]. The weight can be

used as a reasonable indicator of the overall size of the WIG vehicle. A large

vehicle with a large cargo space is expectedly heavy. However, payload

fraction and fuel fraction are dependent on construction materials and these

fractions improve as material advances take place. Stronger and lighter

materials have the potential to decrease the empty weight fraction.

Cruising speed of the vehicle was also selected for comparison with its year

of development or design [Figure 1.2]. An increase of cruising speed can

approximately indicate that the WIG vehicles design is increasingly

aerodynamically efficient for the same engine thrust. A sustainable high

Continuous Cruising speed also indicates that the power plants selected for

WIG vehicles have been adapted sufficiently for continuous sea level

operation in a marine environment, hopefully faster than current large ocean

going vessels or at efficiencies similar to current large transport aircraft.

Weight changes over the years for

Fully Developed Vehicles & Concepts within the same development group
Weight [kg]

CSSRC, China
MARIC, China
1.0E+05 Toivo Kaario, Finland
Dr A Lippisch, Germany
Hanno Fischer, Germany
1.0E+04 Techno Trans, Germany
Prof Syozo Kubo, Japan
CLST, Russia
Gen D Synitsin, Russia
1.0E+03 RE Alexeev, Russia
HoverWing 20 (IMO cert.)
WSH-500 (IMO cert.)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Figure 1.1 Changes in WIG vehicles Gross Weight. 1

Speed changes over the years for
Fully Developed Vehicles & Concepts within the same development group
Cruising Speed [km/h]

CSSRC, China
MARIC, China
Toivo Kaario, Finland
400 Dr A Lippisch, Germany
Hanno Fischer, Germany
300 Techno Trans, Germany
Prof Syozo Kubo, Japan
CLST, Russia
Gen D Synitsin, Russia
RE Alexeev, Russia
100 HoverWing 20 (IMO cert.)
WSH-500 (IMO cert.)
1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Figure 1.2 Changes in WIG vehicles Cruising Speed. 2

Generally, WIG technology to date is predominantly experimental and is only

beginning to demonstrate potential commercial viability in small passenger

ferries. Each successful group of WIG vehicles grew from a single crew to

small-crew vehicles, and to presently large WIG vehicle concepts. The data is

divided into groups of related designs. Across most designs, there are no

large and fast (approximately 500 km/h) passenger or cargo/payload WIG

vehicles in the production stage [Figures 1 and 2]. Only 3 Orlyonok vehicles

were in service with the Russian navy as reported by M. Halloran and S.

O'Meara [6]. Russias Spasatel for rescue work in open sea is probably the

largest (approximately 400 ton) vehicle that is close to production, but is likely

still incomplete [4].

An examination of the developments listed above also shows a fast shift from

small WIG craft to numerous conceptual large WIG vehicles. These claim to

improve maritime transport either by increased speed, by greater range or by

fuel efficiency. Clearly, other benefits of large WIG vehicles include improved

stability in rough weather since the WIG vehicles chord length being larger

than the variations in wave heights [5,6]. This translates to more consistent

height above ground and more consistent aerodynamic gains.

The two IMO registered designs however have reached the threshold of

commercial production. In May 2011, a 91% completed WSH-500 prototype

(47 passengers and 3 crewmembers) was granted certification by Lloyd's

Register with IMO number 9590436. This project hopes to find a potential

customer in the Greek ferry market [7]. A fully built Hoverwing 20 (20

passengers and 3 crewmembers) prototype has completed successful sea

trials and certification by Germanischer Lloyd's as a commercial WIG craft

Type A about the same time. This design of WIG vehicle has gained interest

in the Indonesian market [8].

The military potential of WIG vehicles has not gone unnoticed. In 1994, ARPA

Wingship investigation [5] discussed the feasibility of very large military WIG

vehicles. Volume 1 of [5], among other things, concluded that large WIG

vehicles are able to handle rough sea states better and automatic feedback in

stability and control are crucial for long duration flights. However, the overall

costs are similar to available heavy airlift transport. Volume 3 of [5] elaborated

on several technical hurdles. The high take-off power necessitates more

engines for takeoff than for cruising. This drives up the fuel fraction, reduces

the payload fraction and increases the drag. The main culprit is hump drag,

experienced when getting out of the water. High lift wing sections and plan

forms that can sustain high loading at low speed in ground effect may enable

WIG vehicles to avoid hump drag by getting out of contact with water at low

speed. This may subsequently reduce the high power take-off power


The size of WIG vehicle which the military considers more useful than the

current technology, such as the C-5 galaxy transport plane, is about 10 times

heavier than Spasatel, reaching 5000 tons. There are also no intermediate

size WIG vehicles between the current large WIG vehicles and the 5000-ton

design, offering little confirmation of the feasibility of such large WIG designs.

Interestingly, Volume 3 of [5] does not consider aerodynamics or flight control

and stability as developmental areas, citing foreseeable maturity of CFD

codes to simulate ground effect and maturity in flight controls as found in X-31

experimental plane.

Halloran and OMeara [6] writing for the DSTO in 1999, noted that the

improved ift to drag ratio may be eroded by a necessary larger tail, larger

control forces and a strengthen hull against waves, which is heavier. They

also suggested that the first achievable benefit might be a WIG vehicle faster

than conventional sea vessels. Large WIG vehicle development is

sandwiched between perceived high developmental cost and uncertain

operational cost and performance.


As commercial development of WIG vehicles rests mainly on the improved lift

to drag ratio obtainable from flight in ground effect, the mechanisms behind

improved lift and reduced drag were investigated. Previous works have

attempted to describe ground effect analytically, computationally and


1.3.1 Analytical Methods

Analytical methods used to describe ground effect fall into two groups.

Initially, the wing was modeled as flying over a flat ground. Subsequently, as

WIG vehicles began to be considered as a possible maritime transport, the

effect of a wavy ground was incorporated into the analysis. Flat Ground, Image Method, 3D

Wieselsberger [9] investigated ground effect in 1921, wanting a more

accurate determination of drag that airplanes experienced during their take-off

and landing phases. The span-wise lift distribution was considered elliptical. A

vortex band, composed of many elementary vortices, went out from the

trailing edge of this wing. The presence of this vortex band affected only the

vertical component of the on-coming air, giving the on-coming air a downward

velocity component. The induced downward velocity component at any span

wise station on the wing was the integral of the downward contribution by

each elementary vortex. The method of images was used to simulate the

ground, with one wing on each side of the ground.

A set of simple equations was developed to calculate the ground effect drag

polar curve using the drag polar curve in normal flight. These equations

demonstrated reduced local downward deflection of the on-coming air when a

wing is flown near the ground. After integrating the local effects, the wing

experienced less induced drag. The calculated drag polar in ground effect

compared favorably to the experimental data obtained near ground for a

monoplane model with fuselage and tail [Figure 1.3]. Measured and

calculated CL and CD in ground effect agreed till CL=1.2. The ratio of height-

above-ground to chord, h/c, was 1.2. The experiment was carried out at only

this height above the ground. There was no assessment of the suitability of

the method of images used to simulate the ground in the experiment. Apart

from less induced drag, changes in lift and drag caused by other sources

were not considered.

Figure 1.3 Measured and calculated drag polar curves near the ground. Drag polar for
unlimited space is included for comparison. Drag reduced when in ground effect.
Figure reproduced from [9] with highlights and labels added. 3

In 1970, Widnall and Barrows [10] proposed an analytical solution for a two-

dimensional and a three-dimensional wing in ground effect. Their solution was

confined to flat and thin airfoils, where the airfoil thickness was small

compared to the ratio of height to chord. In developing their two dimensional

analytical solution, they used a simplification stating that when an airfoil is

flown very close to the ground, the two-dimensional flow between the ground

and airfoil becomes effectively one-dimensional, a channel flow.

By casting the perturbations in appropriate powers of angle of attack, ,

height to chord ratio, =h/c and /, they proceeded to solve the ground effect

problem using the method of matched asymptotic expansions for the velocity

potential of the flow. The method of images was used to set up the ground in

two-dimensional flow. The flow surrounding the airfoil was divided into the

following 4 regions. A) The outer flow above the wing. B) The channel flow

below the wing. C) The flow around the leading edge. D) The flow around the

trailing edge. The velocity potential of each region was determined and

matched to the adjacent region at large distances from the wing, where the

disturbance caused by the wing is minimal.

The final velocity potential surrounding the wing was used to determine the

pressure distribution on both upper and lower surfaces of the wing. The

pressure distribution, based on velocity potential to the third order, was in

good agreement with the numerical linearised thin airfoil solution which used

the Glauert series with 6 terms and 19 down wash control points. As h/c

decreased, the agreement improved. As h/c increased, the analytical solution

gave slightly more lift. The channel flow region shrank while the leading and

trailing edge flow solutions almost overlapped, creating a slightly higher-

pressure region. The product of the gradient of lift vs. angle of attack and

height to chord ratio, cl/ was plotted against h/c. These curves show clear

increases in the gradient of the cl vs. curves as h/c reduced [Figure 1.4].

The cl curves agreed better with the numerical linearised thin airfoil solution

when higher-order terms are included in velocity potential. As this analysis is

2D, cl has replaced CL.

Figure 1.4 Gradient of Lift coefficient vs. for a 2D flat plate airfoil in ground effect.
Below the free stream limit, gradient of cl- is less than 2. These methods predict
steeper cl- curves as h/c reduces indicating cl gains in ground effect. Figure
reproduced from [10]. 4

In the analytical solution for 3D flow, the wings planform was confined to an

elliptical half with straight trailing edge. The CL/ vs. h/c curves show similar

result as in the 2D case. In regions away from the edges, the three

dimensional solution, to first order, gives a good lift prediction compared to

the numerical linearised thin airfoil solution. While this analytical solution

compared sufficiently well with a numerical solution, there was no comparison

with experimental results obtained via the method of images. Widnall and

Barrows [10] also did not assess the suitability of method of images in

simulating the ground.

In the quest for efficient supersonic flight, an aircrafts wing design typically

has a low aspect ratio and is highly swept to keep within the Mach cone.

Aircraft with such designs still transit the low speed regime during take-off and

landing, but do so at higher angles of attack to compensate for lower speed.

In 1979, Coe and Thomas [11] investigated theoretically and experimentally

the ground-induced effects on low-aspect ratio highly swept delta wing. The

highly swept wing was modeled by a planar vortex lattice representation and

the method of images was used to simulate the ground. The unified subsonic,

transonic, supersonic vortex lattice method was used to obtain their

theoretical results. Their results showed excellent agreement between

theoretical CL and experimental CL until a ground clearance of 30% of

wingspan (h/b>0.3) and at various angles of attack [Figure 1.5]. When h/b <

0.3, the theoretical and experimental data showed only similar overall trends.

Height above ground has been normalized against span instead of chord, as

this is a highly swept delta wing.

Figure 1.5 Variation of CL|=0 and CL/ with respect to h/b. WB; f = 20 /20 /20 ; le
= 30 . WB: model with wing body configuration. f refers to the 3 trailing edge flap
settings. le refers to the leading edge flap setting. CL increases as h/b reduces.
Figure reproduced from [11]. 5

In predicting the reduction of induced drag, for a given h/b, the theoretical

model showed greater reduction in induced drag than the experimental results

[Figure 1.6]. This was similarly observed for the total drag. The theoretical

model incorporated 100% leading edge suction to prevent flow separation,

while only 70% suction was present at the leading edge of the experimental

model. The planar representation of the fuselage also contributed to variation

between theoretical and experimental results.

Figure 1.6 Variation of CL with CDi, induced drag, determined for theoretical model.
WB; f = 20 /20 / 20 ; le = 30 . Induced drag reduces as h/b reduces. Figure
reproduced from [11]. 6 Wavy Ground, Image Method, 3D

Theoretical models tend to consider that the clearance between the WIG

vehicle and the ground as constant, implying a flat ground. Wang [12] used

the method of matched asymptotic expansions to study a wing in very close

proximity to a curved or wavy ground instead. The flow surrounding the

aerofoil was divided into 4 regions, similar to Widnall and Barrows [8]. Velocity

potential was determined for each region and the solutions expanded to 3rd

order. However, improvements in L/D ratios were not examined. Comparisons

to Widnall and Barrows [8] are outside the scope of this present work.

1.3.2 Computational Methods

Computational methods used also fall into two main groups. The

computationally intensive Navier Stokes equations can be solved efficiently

for simplified cases such as 2D flow over an airfoil with todays computational

power. On the other hand, the simpler vortex lattice method is quick and still

equally effective in describing even the 3D flow over a wing. RANS, Moving Ground, 2D

In 2007, Abramowski [13] used a commercial numerical software, Fluent to

investigate the viscous flow surrounding a 2D airfoil. This airfoil was a

combination of NACA 0015 on the upper surface and a Munk M15 on the

lower surface, resulting in an airfoil with a flat bottom. The free stream speed

was 30m/s with Reynolds number 2.1x106. Compressibility effects were

neglected, as Mach number was 0.1. The ground was set to move at the

same speed as the free stream flow. The 2D Reynolds Average Navier

Stokes (RANS) equations were used with the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence

model to describe the flow. The equations were applied over finite volumes

from a grid of unstructured quad elements. A second order up wind

discretisation of the SIMPLE algorithm was applied to couple velocity and

pressure. The coefficient of pressure plots of the airfoil showed increasing

suction over the upper surface, at approximately x/c = 0.3, as h/c decreased.

As minimum cp decreased, more lift was generated over the upper surface of

the airfoil. There was no discussion on drag experienced by this 2D airfoil in

ground effect.

14 Vortex Lattice Method, 3D

In 2003, Kornev and Matveev [14] used a commercial software AutoWing to

simulate the aerodynamic performance of a small WIG vehicle. AutoWings

code comprised many sub-models such as hydrodynamics of transition in

water, planing on a stepped surface, aerodynamics in the ground effect,

unsteady hydro-aerodynamics, wind wave effects and the simulation of

motion. The nonlinear vortex lattice method formed the core of the hydro-

aerodynamic sub-model.

Kornev and Matveev [14] began with a mathematical model describing the 3D

motion of the WIG vehicle with nonlinear equations. The wake surface and

wing surfaces were described by panel methods. The authors assessed that

panel methods were sufficiently robust to handle critical design problems and

subsequently, the Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) was selected as the trade off

between accuracy and computational effort.

Hydrodynamic and aerodynamic inputs were determined from the nonlinear

equations of motion and VLM, and fed into stability analysis. Stability analysis

identified a range of parameters and regimes for safe and unsafe handling.

For example, in a given range of height and WIG vehicle pitch, the stable and

unstable flight regimes were identified. The favorable range of center-of-

gravity positions relative to aerodynamic centre at altitude, to aerodynamic

centre in pitch, to height and to pitch was also determined. The WIG vehicles

gust response was also investigated. Lastly, thrust inputs when transiting from

hydroplaning to ground effect was presented. These results taken together

indicated a range of control inputs for safe handling. These inputs were built

on aerodynamic coefficient values derived from VLM applied to a WIG

vehicle. However, there was no comparison of AutoWings computational

output with experimental data.

In 2011, Suh, Jung and Ho [15] proved in limited fashion that CFD and

experimental data compared favourably. They applied the Vortex Lattice

Method to a thin wing flying close to the ground. The wings surface was

divided into panels with vortex rings were distributed over the panels. The

leading segment of each bound vortex was located on the quarter chord point

of each panel. The collocation points were located at third-quarter chord of

each panel. Freely moving vortex rings represented the wake. This numerical

approach produced results that compared well with other numerical and

experimental data. However, the simulation of ground was not specified. The

span wise lift loading for swept wings were computed and compared well with

Katzs [16] experimental results which was based on automotive lifting

surfaces [Figure 1.7].

Figure 1.7 Span wise loading of a planar wing (aspect ratio 4) at 3 sweep angles,
compared to experimental results from Katz [16]. At centre of wing, 2y/b = 0. Figure
reproduced from [15]. 7

The computed lift coefficient, at various aspect ratios was then compared with

Fink and Lastingers [17] experimental results and Maskews [18] numerical

results, from code VSAERO applied to a Glenn Martin 21% thick, non

symmetrical airfoil [Figure 1.8].

Figure 1.8 Effect of ground proximity on CL of rectangular wings, compared to

experimental results from Fink and Lastinger [17] and numerical results from Maskew
[18]. Figure reproduced from [15]. 8

Lift to induced drag ratios were compared with numerical results of Day and

Doctors [19] [Figure 1.9].

Figure 1.9 Lift to DragINDUCED ratios for rectangular wing of maximum 4% camber,
compared to numerical results from Day and Doctors [19]. Figure reproduced from
[15]. 9

Experimentally, a DHMTU wing was tested in a wind tunnel with a fixed flat

plate that simulated the ground. The wing moved in the vertical direction to

vary the ground clearance. As the ground clearance reduced, CL increased.

However, only lift coefficients from their own experimental work were

compared to their theoretical work. Their results indicated that lift determined

from CFD came close to experimental values within the confines of Suh et. al.


1.3.3 Experimental Methods

Experimental methods in this literature review fall into three groups, namely

the image method, the flat plate method, and the moving belt method. The

image method uses two models mirrored in the ground plane. The flat plate

method involves an elevated plate that sets up mostly free stream flow below

the wing or airfoil but with only a thin boundary layer. The moving belt is the

most faithful replication of flight in ground effect. The ground and the free

stream move together at free stream speed. Image Method, 3D

In 1921, Raymond [20] noted that the proximity of the ground led to increased

lift coefficient, allowing planes to reduce their landing speeds. Two methods to

simulate the ground were studied. Initially, a flat plate was used but since the

plate was stationary with respect to the wing, the results were considered less

practical. The next ground simulation was the image method, consisting of 2

identical wings, one reflecting the other in the ground plane. The ground plane

was imaginary, composed of air, and taken to move at close to free stream

speed between the wings. The image method incurs no energy is loss to skin

friction as compared to the stationary flat plate method. Three wings with the

following airfoil sections were used, which are the Martin 2, RAF 15 Special,

and an approximate USA 27. Only data from Martin 2 and USA 27 airfoils

were examined in this work, as these airfoils were of similar thickness to the

NACA 4415. The tests were conducted at angles of attack from 4O to 16O

and at h/c from 0.25 to 2.0. At h/c 2.0, the airfoil was considered as tested

Outside of Ground Effect (OGE), and h/c was set to OGE. The flow was 3D

and the Reynolds number was approximately 64000.

From the USA 27 wing used in the image method, CL increased across the

tested range of angles of attack. The greatest CL increase was at small angles

of attack (4O to 8O) [Figure 1.10], and CL tapered off as angle of attack

increased. At high angles of attack (12O), CD decreased the most [Figure

1.11]. At h/c = 0.5, both the flat plate and image method gave similar

increases in CL curve, till high angles of attack, where likely trailing vortices

disturbed the plane of symmetrical airflow between the wings. However,

depending on the airfoil, each method gave a different CD curve, but reduced

drag was still observed h/c decreased. The CL values obtained from image

method and flat plate method generally increased consistently across the

whole range of tested angles of attack for the U.S.A. 27-section wing. The

Martin 2 wing also showed similar trends in CL and CD. However, since it was

tested at 8O to 16O, drag values at small were not available and at 16O, the

symmetrical flow was likely disturbed, causing much higher drag. The

remaining details are in the appendix.

CL vs alpha
USA 27 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various h/c


0.5 1.00

2 4 6 8 10 12 14
AoA [deg]

Figure 1.10 CL vs. (varying h/c) for wing with USA 27 section. Data reproduced from
[20]. OGE refers to h/c = . 10

CD vs alpha
USA 27 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various h/c


0.04 1.50

0.03 0.75

2 4 6 8 10 12 14
AoA [deg]

Figure 1.11 CD vs. (varying h/c) for wing with USA 27 section. Data reproduced
from [20]. OGE refers to h/c = . 11

L/D vs h/c
USA 27 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various AoA



AoA 4
AoA 8
AoA 12

OGE 12


0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00

Figure 1.12 L/D vs. h/c (varying ) for wing with USA 27 section. Data reproduced
from [20]. OGE refers to h/c = . 12

For both wings with Martin 2 and USA 27 sections, maximum L/D was

obtained at small angles of attack and near the ground [Figure 1.12]. No

pressure distributions were presented in NACA TN67. The flow between the

models of the image method was not checked to see if it was at free stream

velocity at the ground plane.

In 1961, Fink and Lastinger [17] tested thick highly cambered rectangular plan

form wings with various aspect ratios in ground effect. All wings had Glenn

Martin 21 airfoil section but with a modified bottom from x/c 0.3 onwards. The

chord was 30cm. Tests were conducted using the image method, with the

model at angles of attack from 8O to 12O and h/c from 0.042 to 1.0. The flow

was 3D and Reynolds number was 490000.

As this present work involves a wing of aspect ratio of 2.51, only the results

from aspect ratio 2 and 4 Glenn Martin 21 wings at positive angles of attack

were examined further. As the wings approached the ground, CL- slope

increased and CL values increased [Figure 1.13]. Especially near the ground,

CD reduced gradually to almost the minimum possible CD, indicating that the

induced drag contribution has reduced [Figure 1.14]. CD reduced the most at

high angle of attacks. The CL curves from aspect ratio 2, at various h/c,

rotated about = 0O, CL = 0.55 on the CL vs. plot. This observation follows

the analytical models in section but contrasts clearly with Raymond

[20], where there was no sign of the gradient of CL vs. curves increasing

when using the image method.

CL vs AoA
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image Method | AR2 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various h/c

1.2 OGE
1.0 1.000
0.8 0.835

0.4 0.340
0.2 0.170
0.0 0.080
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

AoA [deg]

Figure 1.13 CL vs. (varying h/c) for wing with modified Glenn Martin 21 section.
Data reproduced from [17]. 13

CD vs AoA
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image Method | AR2 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various h/c

0.12 0.835

0.08 0.340
0.06 0.170

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
AoA [deg]

Figure 1.14 CD vs. (varying h/c) for wing with modified Glenn Martin 21 section.
Data reproduced from [17]. 14

L/D vs h/c
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image method | AR2 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various AoA



16 2

12 8

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 1.15 L/D vs. h/c (varying ) for wing with modified Glenn Martin 21 section.
Data reproduced from [17]. 15

For a wing with a Glenn Martin 21 modified section, maximum L/D was also

obtained at small angles of attack and near the ground [Figure 1.15]. While

the image method was selected to avoid the boundary layer build up on a flat

plate, flow between models of the image method was not checked to see if it

was at free stream velocity at the ground plane. The mechanism by which

CL and CD changed was also not examined. No pressure distribution readings

were presented in NASA TN D926. Flat Plate, 3D

In 1990 , Chawla, Edwards and Franke [21] tested a wing of aspect ratio 2.33

with NACA 4415 airfoil section. The wings leading edge was swept

backwards 17.3O and the trailing edge was straight. A flat plate simulated the

ground. The flow was 3D and Reynolds number was approximately 400000,

assuming an ambient temperature of 25OC.

From the test data with endplates and mid plates mounted on the airfoil,

estimated data for a clean airfoil was obtained by reducing the data from

endplates and mid plate by the ratio of coefficients between clean airfoil to

airfoil with endplates and mid plate. It was shown that as h/c decreased, CL

increases [Figure 1.16] while CD increased gradually [Figure 1.17]. The

maximum L/D was found at = 0O with at h/c 0.5 [Figure 18], with little

change in L/D as h/c reduced. Pressure distributions obtained showed the

complete upper surface seeing more suction, while the lower surface seeing

increased pressure as the ground approached. This occurred for all tests


Their finding on drag is directly opposite of the two previous works (Raymond

[20], Fink and Lastinger [21], in section, where CD reduced.

CL vs AoA (Adapted Data)

NACA 4415 | Flat plate method | AR2.33 | Re 402000 | Various h/c

0.70 h/c
0.60 2.35

0.40 0.25
0 5 10 15 20 25
AoA [deg]

Figure 1.16 CL vs. (varying h/c) for swept wing with NACA 4415 section. Data
reproduced from [21]. 16

CD vs AoA (Adapted Data)
NACA 4415 | Flat plate method | AR2.33 | Re 402000 | Various h/c




0.35 h/c
0.30 2.35

0.20 0.25



0 5 10 15 20 25
AoA [deg]

Figure 1.17 CD vs. (varying h/c) for swept wing with NACA 4415 section. Data
reproduced from [21]. 17

L/D vs h/c (Adapted Data)

NACA 4415 | Flat Plate method | AR2.33 (sweep 17.54 deg) | Re 402000 | 0-25 deg


5.0 5
4.0 20

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Figure 1.18 L/D vs. h/c (varying ) for swept wing with NACA 4415 section. Data
reproduced from [21]. 18

A possible reason for the increased drag is that the flow is made almost 2D by

the end and mid plates. The induced drag is already reduced to a minimum

and ram pressure build up below the wing increases the drag. However, these

drag changes were not examined further.

In 2008, Kwang, Ho and Hee [22] investigated a wing with NACA 6409

section of various aspect ratios. The flow was 3D and at Reynolds number

340000. The airfoil was tested at angles of attack from 0O to 8O in 2O steps

and h/c from 0.025 to 0.300. A flat plate simulated the ground. Only the data

from aspect ratio 2 wing without end plates was analyzed further in this work.

At all tested angles of attack, CL increased gradually and the CL curves

generally translated upwards with almost the same slope [Figure 1.19] as h/c

decreased. The CD values reduced at all tested angles of attack, the largest

reduction at 8O, indicating that the induced drag component is vanishing

[Figure 1.20]. These observations are similar with previous works cited,

except Chawla et. al. The mechanism by which CL and CD changed was also

not examined in detail.

CL vs AoA
NACA 6409 | Flat plate method | AR2 | Re 340000 | Various h/c


0.80 h/c
0.70 0.300
0.60 0.200

0.50 0.100


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]

Figure 1.19 CL vs. (varying h/c) for wing with NACA 6409 section. Data reproduced
from [24]. 19

CD vs AoA
NACA 6409 | Flat plate method | AR2 | Re 340000 | Various h/c


0.07 h/c

0.06 0.300
0.05 0.200

0.04 0.100


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]

Figure 1.20 CD vs. (varying h/c) for wing with NACA 6409 section. Data reproduced
from [24]. 20

L/D vs h/c
NACA 6409 Flat Plate method | AR2 | AoA 0 to 8 deg | Re 340000 | Various AoA



20 4

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Figure 1.21 L/D vs. h/c (varying ) for wing with NACA 6409 section. Data reproduced
from [24]. 21

The maximum L/D was obtained at low ground clearance and small angles of

attack [Figure 1.21], similar to previous works except Chawla [21]. Kwang and

co-workers also carried out smoke trace visualization that showed the wing tip

vortices could not form fully when near the ground. Flat Plate, 2D, Pressure Distribution

In 2004, Ahmed and Sharma [23] investigated a symmetrical airfoil, NACA

0015 at Reynolds number 240000. The flow was 2D as the airfoil spanned the

tunnel walls. This implied L/D improvements were mainly from increased cl

and no possible contribution from reduced induced drag. This airfoil was

tested at angles of attack from 0O to 10O in 2.5O steps. Ground clearance

varied from 0.083 to 0.8. A flat plate simulated the ground.

At these tested angles of attack, cl improved as h/c is reduced. The

improvement in cl was largest below h/c 0.2 [Figure 1.22]. At zero , cl

increased 20 times as h/c reduced to 0.083. At other angles of attack, cl

improved by 50% to 90%. As h/c reduced, the cl slope translated upwards.

While cd decreased across the tested range of angles of attack [Figure 1.23],

the greatest drop in cd occured at 10O, the overall trend being surprisingly

similar to [20] NACA TN 67 and [17] NASA TN D 926, since this was 2D flow.

The maximum l/d occurred at = 7.5O at h/c 0.05, in contrast to the smaller

in previous works, noting that this work is 2D and that this airfoil has no

camber [Figure 1.24].

cl vs alpha
NACA 0015 | Flat plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | Various h/c


1.200 h/c



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
AoA [deg]

Figure 1.22 cl vs. (varying h/c) for airfoil with NACA 0015 section. Data reproduced
from [23]. 22


cd vs alpha
NACA 0015 | Flat plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | Various h/c



0.020 0.80
0.018 0.60

0.014 0.30
0.012 0.10


0 2 4 6 8 10
AoA [deg]

Figure 1.23 cd vs. (varying h/c) for airfoil with NACA 0015 section. Data reproduced
from [23]. 23

l/d vs h/c
NACA 0015 | Flat Plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | Various AoA

60 0.0
50 2.5

40 5.0
30 7.5
20 10.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Figure 1.24 l/d vs. h/c (varying ) for airfoil with NACA 0015 section. Data reproduced
from [23]. 24

From pressure distributions in [23], the lower surface generally experienced

ram pressure once above moderate angles of attack (about 7.5O) and this

pressure increased when closer to the ground [Figure 1.25]. At small and

low ground clearances, a small pocket of suction was found at the narrowest

point in the passage under the airfoil [Figure 1.26]. Also at small angles of

attack, without ground effect, the pressure distributions on the lower surface

become similar to the upper surface pressure distribution, since the airfoil is

symmetrical [Figure 1.26]. At all angles of attack, the shape of the upper

surface pressure distribution did not change [Figures 25 and 26]. Ground

effect caused only a small gain in upper surface suction near the leading edge

[Compare maximum suction on upper surfaces in Figure 25 and 26].

Ahmed and Sharma [23] gave the following explanation for the pocket of

suction under the airfoil. In a certain range of angle of attack, the wing and the

flat ground set up a 2D passage under the airfoil that converges then

diverges. The flow accelerates and a pocket of suction is set up below the


As the airfoil approached the ground, Ahmed and Sharma [23] suggested the

leading edge stagnation point shifted towards the lower surface and the

resulting higher pressure below the airfoil moved more air around the leading

edge to the upper surface. However these were not explained further.

cp vs x/c
NACA 0015 | Flat plate | 2D | Re 240000 | AoA 7.5deg | Various h/c


-1.5 h/c
lower 0.02
-1.0 upper 0.02
lower 0.05
upper 0.05

lower 0.25
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 upper 0.25
0.0 lower 0.80
upper 0.80


Figure 1.25 Ram pressure on the lower surface at = 7.5 , at h/c 0.02 to 0.80, cp is
positive over the complete lower surface. Upper surface pressure distribution almost
collapses into a single curve. Airfoil with NACA 0015 section. Data reproduced from
[23]. 25

cp vs x/c
NACA 0015 | Flat plate | 2D | Re 240000 | AoA 0.0deg | Various h/c

-1.0 lower 0.085
upper 0.085
-0.5 lower 0.150
upper 0.150

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 lower 0.250
0.0 upper 0.250
lower 0.850
0.5 upper 0.850


Figure 1.26 A small pocket of suction on the lower surface at = 0 , at h/c 0.015. At
h/c 0.80, upper and lower surface pressure distribution are similar. Airfoil with NACA
0015 section. Data reproduced from [23]. 26

In 2012, Luo and Chen [24] also investigated the pressure distributions about

a wing, with NACA 0015 section. Their experiments were also conducted in

ground effect, confirming the observations made by Ahmed and Sharma [23].

The flow was 2D at Reynolds number 1.872x105.

Luo and Chens [24] work showed more clearly that the leading edge

stagnation point moved onto the lower surface as the angle of attack

increased. The pressure distributions at various h/c and at angle of attack

12O, showed that the forward stagnation point was at x/c 0.05. The existence

of a convergent divergent passage was seen in the pressure distribution on

the flat plate. A pocket of suction occurred where the gap was narrowest,

caused by small angles of attack. There was no vortex attached to the ground

plate since no other stagnation points were detected. The upper surface

pressure distributions were shown to be mainly dependent on angle of attack

and h/c reduction caused only small gains in suction. However, the

mechanism by which cl and cd changed was not examined in detail.

In 2005, Ahmed [25] also conducted experiments on a NACA 4415 airfoil in

ground effect using a flat plate for ground simulation. This work was

conducted at Reynolds number 2.4x105 and flow was 2D since the airfoil

spanned wall to wall within the wind tunnel.

In general, there was a watershed angle of attack = 2.5O, above which cl

values increased with decreasing h/c. The watershed h/c where ground effect

became clearer was below h/c 0.7. Both cl and cd values increased as angle

of attack increased and h/c decreased [Figure 1.27].

cl vs h/c
NACA 4415 | Flat Plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | AoA 0 to 10 deg


1.200 2.5

1.000 7.5


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
(a) cl vs. h/c

cd vs h/c
NACA 4415 | Flat Plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | AoA 0 to 10 deg


0.030 0

0.025 5.0
0.020 10


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
(b) cd vs. h/c

Figure 1.27 cl vs. h/c and cd vs. h/c for a airfoil with NACA 4415 section. Data
reproduced from [25]. 27

Below = 2.5O, both lower and upper surfaces saw reduced pressure when

the ground approached, resulting in little change in cl. Pressure could reduce

since a convergentdivergent passage was formed below the wing at 3O

and less. However, above 5O, the approaching ground caused pressure to

rise on the lower surface and increased suction over the upper surface,

generating clear increases in cl.

There was no induced drag in this experiment and cd values remained

relatively constant as h/c decreased till 0.2. Once below h/c = 0.2, cd clearly

increased. To gain a favorable l/d, angles of attack must be greater than 2.5O

and h/c below 0.7 for a 2D wing over a flat plate ground.

The cp results were presented for = 0O to 10O in steps of 2. 5O. On the upper

surface, from x/c = 0 to 0.5, suction always increased uniformly at all angles

of attack as ground clearance decreased. On the rearward half of the upper

surface, there was little change in pressure profile. On the lower surface, as

h/c decreased, pressure decreased for = 2.5O and below. However,

pressure increased as h/c decreased for = 5O and above [Figure 1.28].

From the experimental works review to this point, when approaching a ground

simulated by the flat plate method, the largest increase in CL took place at

smaller angles of attack, and the largest reduction in CD took place at larger

angles of attack (section and The CL- curves generally

translate upwards while CD- shifts downwards. For a 3D flow, small angles

of attack with low h/c give maximum L/D ratios. 2D flow investigations (section also report increases in cl, but is not conclusive about cd. Results

obtained with the image method of ground simulation generally increased the

slope of CL- curves (section Analytical methods using the image

method also give steeper cl- curves (section

(a) Pressure distribution for = 2.5

(b) Pressure distribution for = 7.5

Figure 1.28 Pressure distribution for a airfoil with NACA 4415 section. Figures taken
from [25]. 28 Moving Ground, 3D, Pressure Distribution

In 2007, Ahmed, Takasaki and Kohama [26] experimentally investigated a

finite wing of NACA 4412 section with end plates, operating in ground effect

over a moving belt. The end plates extended forward and rearward of the

wing and also till almost touching the moving belt. This gave the wing

effectively a 2D flow over a moving ground. The Reynolds number was

3.0x105 and the 2D flow was intentional. Since the flow was effectively 2D, the

lift and drag coefficients obtained would be denoted by cl and cd instead of CL

and CD. Similarly, pressure coefficient would be denoted by cp.

From the cl values obtained, there seemed be a watershed ground clearance,

h/c = 0.6, below which ground effect became clearer and a watershed angle

of attack = 6O, above which cl increased when h/c decreased [Figure 1.29].

cl vs h/c
NACA 4412 | Moving ground method | AR4 (end plates) | Re 300000 | AoA 0 to 10

1.600 h/c
1.000 4

0.800 6

0.600 8
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

(a) cl vs. h/c

cd vs h/c
NACA 4412 | Moving ground method | AR4 (end plates) | Re 300000 | AoA 0 to 10

0.025 h/c
0.020 0

0.005 10

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

(b) cd vs. h/c

Figure 1.29 cl vs. h/c and cd vs. h/c for a wing with NACA 4412 section. Data
reproduced from [26]. 29

From 0O to 6O, at each , as h/c decreased, there was loss in suction over the

upper surface, which was not fully compensated by rise in pressure on the

lower surface. However, as increased from 0O to 6O, the increasing lower

surface pressure rise eventually equally compensated the loss in suction on

the upper surface by = 6O.

Above = 6O, decreasing h/c gives overall increased lift at each angle of

attack. The loss of suction on the upper surface was more than compensated

by pressure rise on the lower surface, giving overall increase of lift. Noting

that this flow is almost 2D due to the end plates, and that airfoil sections are

different, this loss in suction over the upper surface contrasted with

Abramowski [13], whose simulation showed increased suction on the upper

surface of a wing in ground effect over a moving ground.

The cd increased for all angles of attack as h/c decrease. As there was

effectively no induced drag in this experiment, drag increases came mainly

from the combination of skin friction drag and increased pressure under the

wing. There was no favourable l/d gain from ground effect as drag increased

with h/c. The lift increases shown were insufficient for this wing to obtain a

favourable l/d gain when operating in effectively 2D flow.

The cp results were presented for = 0O, 4O, 8O and 10O. On the upper

surface, as h/c decreased, suction decreased. On the lower surface, as h/c

decreased, pressure increased and also by larger amounts as increased

from 0O to 10O. Eventually, the extent of pressure increase on the lower

surface compensated the reducing suction of the upper surface. The pressure

profile is determined mainly by and to a smaller extent, h/c [Figure 1.30].

(a) Pressure distribution for = 4 (b) Pressure distribution for = 8

(c) Pressure distribution for = 10

Figure 1.30 Pressure distribution for a wing with NACA 4412 section. Figures taken
from [26]. 30

In terms of experimental methods in the above recent works, the flat plate

method and the moving belt method produced clearly different changes in

cp,UPPER over the upper surface, while h/c decreased. A moving ground caused

less suction over the upper surface, while a fixed ground caused more

suction. On the lower surface, a moving ground and a fixed ground caused

cp,LOWER to rise. As the airfoils are different, and pressure arises from several

sources, it is not a straight forward to deduce the flow physics. However, the

consistent mechanism that causes greater lift in both moving ground and

stationary ground experiment is the increase in lower surface pressure.

Since the above cp plots vary smoothly from x/c = 0.0 to 1.0, for small angles

of attack without leveling off, there is no flow separation over the upper

surface for the range of angles of attack examined.

The upper surface is exposed to free air. The absence of an additional solid

boundary nearby leaves a flow structure similar to that in the free air case.

The main changes are reduction or increase in suction on the upper surface,

seen from pressure distributions of the upper surface from Ahmed and

Sharma [23], Luo and Chen [24], Ahmed [25] and Ahmed, Takasaki and

Kohama [26]. On the lower surface, the final lift contribution is the combined

effect of the forward stagnation point movement, the build up of ram pressure

as the ground approached and the changes in circulation. This makes it

impossible to determine the contribution of each factor from the cp plots. The

geometry change from converging-diverging passage to converging passage

alone does not determine the lower surfaces lift contribution.

As a fuller explanation of the mechanism behind the flow surrounding a wing

flying in ground effect is lacking, it is reasonable to identify the causes of lift

and drag changes in ground effect and study how the type of ground

simulation affects the flow around a wing. Though previous works used finite

wings, the pressure distribution changes and ground effect were not

explained together.


This work aims to suggest a more comprehensive explanation for the

changes in lift and drag when a finite wing with NACA 4415 section operates

in ground effect, taking into account the effect of ground simulation.

To that end, an experiment, with a finite span wing of NACA 4415 airfoil

section was flown in ground effect to demonstrate the above. A flat plate

simulated the ground, due to laboratory resource constraints.

It can be determined, from the obtained experimental data, possible causes

for change in lift and drag of a finite span wing of NACA 4415 airfoil section

when in ground effect, and at various angles of attack with the other

parameters, such as Reynolds number, being kept approximately constant.


Chapter 2 describes the experimental methods used to obtain pressure

distributions, lift and drag of a finite aspect ratio NACA 4415 wing in ground

effect. In particular, the ground is simulated by a flat plate. The experiments

will be conducted at only positive angle of attacks in the linear region of the

NACA 4415 section aerodynamic data. The selected positive linear range of

angles of attack is from 0O to 8O. In chapter 3, the experimental results are

compared to existing data to demonstrate the validity of the experimental

setup. The results would focus on the changes caused by ground effect. In

chapter 4, the discussion examines possible underlying mechanisms behind

the ground effect and suggests possible explanations for the increase in lift

and drag in ground effect, taking into account the type of ground simulation

used. Lastly, chapter 5 gives the concluding remarks and some

recommendations for improving the conduct of the experiment.



The wind tunnel used in this set of experiments was of a no-return suction

type design (EMF0511, located at Fluid Mechanics Laboratory at ground level

of NUS workshop 2). The suction fan was located at the exhaust end and was

mounted directly to a DC motor. Adjusting the frequency used in the process

of conversion of AC to DC current controls this DC motors operating speed.

This fan is simply mounted and there is no recorded attempt at balancing the

fan to reduce vibrations. The motor and fan part of the wind tunnel is relatively

heavy and rests on dampers to isolate the motor and fan from the ground.

However, prolonged usage has reduced the damping effectiveness of the

dampers. Some vibrations are transmitted to the test section when the wind

tunnel is in operation.

Figure 2.1 Schematic of wind tunnel. 31

The down stream suction fan section expands over a distance of 12m,

starting from a 1.0m by 0.6m rectangle (width by height) and blending

gradually to a circle of diameter 2m before the motor and fan section. The test

section is 2.0m long with a constant rectangular cross section of 1.0m width

by 0.6m height. The contraction section begins at 2.4m by 1.46m at the

intake, reducing smoothly to 1.0m by 0.6m in 3.5m [Figure 2.1].

2.1.1 Velocity Profile in the y-z plane

The velocity profile in the y-z plane was obtained by moving a pitot static tube

across the tunnel to measure wind speed. The velocity profile shows a

relatively uniform flow in the free stream region [Figure 2.2 and 2.3].

Considering the condition of the wind tunnel, a maximum speed of about

20m/s was used in this set of experiments. Further details are in the appendix

for velocity profile.

Vertical Velocity Profile


Distance from Floor [cm]

Position S-CL
Position P-CL
Position S-WT
Position P-WT


0 5 10 15 20 25
U velocity [m/s]

Figure 2.2 Vertical velocity profile obtained at 4 positions. 2 near the tunnel centre line
(CL) and 2 at the wing tips (WT). S-starboard, P-port side. 32

Horizontal Velocity Profile


Distance from PS wall [cm]

location SB
location PS
0 5 10 15 20 25
U velocity [m/s]

Figure 2.3 Horizontal velocity profile obtained at 1 position on each sidewall. SB-
starboard, PS-port side. 33


The flat plate was a large sheet of Perspex with holes cut for the wings

support. The leading and trailing edges for the plate were chamfered with the

slanted sides facing away from the model. A better alternative for the flat

plates edge is an elliptical edge with the major axis aligned to the flow

direction. This reduces the possibility of separated flow at the leading edge of

the flat plate, as the streamlines are able to more smoothly pass over and

under the leading edge. The board extended one chord length ahead and

behind the wing, following the set up in Ahmed [25]s work. This ground board

can be tilted away from the model to account for the displacement caused by

the boundary layer. However, since the boundary layer build up is thin by the

end of the model, the flat plate was left at horizontal. The main contention with

the flat plate method is that the adjacent layer of fluid on the plate is not

drawn away with the plate, compared to the moving belt method.



In studying ground effect, the ideal experimental set up has a ground that

moves at the same velocity as the free stream, as in natural flight conditions

[Figure 2.4]. To this end, the moving belt method provides the most faithful

replication of this situation. However, this solution is technically complex and

a few other simpler solutions have been sought instead.

Figure 2.4 Desired velocity profile at the ground. 34

An initial simple idea is the image method. It was inspired by potential flow

where a solid boundary can be represented by a mirror image. This approach

is practically simple, except that a second model is required and both models

need to be re-positioned identically at every change in ground clearance and

angle of attack. However, as the ground clearance decreases, the flow

between the model resembles flow into a converging passage. Since the wind

tunnel air also flows around the models, the flow between the models does

not always resemble uniform flow at the free stream speed at the centre line

dividing both models. This limits the validity of the results as ground clearance


Another more complicated approach relies on suction to remove the boundary

layer buildup. Suction removes the lower speed flow of the boundary layer

leaving only the uniform free stream flow. Equally complicated is blowing

additional air to speed up the flow near the ground to achieve uniform flow.

The practical difficulties are obtaining correctly applied suction or blowing and

the complexity of the vacuum or blowing system. Once again, the final

velocity profile at the ground may not faithfully replicate natural flow

conditions. The extraction of energy by suction or addition by blowing alters

the total energy content of the flow and possibly changes the flow structures

around the wing or airfoil.

Another simpler method is the use of a flat plate or elevated ground. A thin

board is placed underneath the model, parallel to the free stream flow. This

plate starts a suitable distance ahead of the model such that the flow is

uniform before reaching the model and the final boundary layer build up at the

end of the model still remains small. The plate ends at a suitable distance aft

of the model such that the flow returns to uniform velocity profile, not affected

by the end of the plate. This method is technically simpler than the image

method, suction or blowing. It does give uniform flow almost to the plate

surface since the boundary layer is thin, almost replicating the desired flow

condition. However when, ground clearance decreases to a small gap, this

thin boundary layer does affect the aerodynamic behaviour of the airfoil. The

constraint that the flat plate method poses on the streamlines between the

model and plate is not the same as that by the moving belt method.

A typical moving belt system consists of suction before the moving belt.

Suction removes the thin boundary layer that has built up. Other methods

have been used by Fago et. al. [32]. The belt is set to move at free stream

speed. Consequently, the velocity profile is uniform till the belt surface. The

belts speed is matched to the free stream speed, for example, using a motor

with fine speed control taking with inputs from a pitot static tube connected to

an electronic pressure transducer. Other issues are maintaining the belt flat

with suction while running the belt at high speed over the rollers.

Fago et. al. [32] have noted the controversy in discussions about ground

simulation methods. The above mentioned ground simulation methods have

been used by various works which have reported good agreement between

experimental and on road tests, although there are some exceptions. Fago et.

al. [32] highly recommend the moving ground method but noted the

technically complexity attending it. They reported that the next best method is

the elevated ground, which produced similar drag results to the moving

ground down to a height of 25 mm above ground, in their experimental set up.

Lift results varied between the methods from 5 to 45 mm above ground.

Therefore, clearly the effects from the type of ground simulation are present in

the flow when ground clearance reduce, especially so when the lift forces

arise from circulation about the airfoil and ram pressure below the airfoil.

In studying ground effect via computational efforts, Barber at. al. [33] used a

commercial solver CFX4 to determine the flow field around a 2D NACA 4412

airfoil in ground effect. The Continuity and Navier Stokes equations were

closed with the RNG k- turbulence model. The Van Leer higher order

scheme was used for discretisation. They implemented four different ground

conditions under the airfoil. A) The image method, which is the same as the

experimental one mentioned earlier. B) The "slip" condition, where zero shear

stress and zero normal velocity were enforced on the ground plane. This

condition gives an almost consistent velocity profile at the ground plane but

this speed may not be the free stream speed. C) The stationary ground as in

the experimental elevated ground. D) Lastly, the moving ground at free

stream speed.

The cl values obtained from all four simulations with different grounds were

very similar till h/c 0.2. From h/c 0.2 to 0.05, the stationary ground cl tapered

off and decreased. The other ground conditions gave cl values that increased

by similar amounts. Overall, all cl values were greater than the free air case.

The drag values were about 50 times smaller than lift and the difference in cd

from each ground simulation would greatly affect the subsequent l/d ratio.

From h/c 1.0 to 0.2, cd decreased gradually as the ground approached. Lower

than h/c 0.2, only the stationary ground cd continued to decrease. The cd from

other ground simulations increased relatively quickly back to almost the same

value at h/c 1.0. Therefore in a 2D simulation, the stationary ground already

gives clearly different cl and cd values.

Since these comparisons were made with 2D simulations, these changes in cl

and cd are more due to ram pressure under the wing and not a reduction in

induced drag. There was neither inference into the actual flow conditions

under the airfoil nor an explanation how well these calculations reflect the

actual flow under the airfoil.

Before moving further, it is useful to note that an agreement between methods

has not been achieved. The technically simpler elevated ground compares

well with the more complex moving ground for drag until the ground clearance

reduces till h/c 0.25. Concurrently, the simulated stationary ground -

equivalent to the elevated ground, compares well to the simulated moving

ground in lift until the ground clearance reduces till h/c 0.25. Therefore, when

h/c is smaller than 0.25, a further experimental look into the flow surrounding

a wing in ground effect over a stationary elevated ground is recommended.


Ground clearance has been defined by most researchers as the height of the

trailing edge above the ground. The ratio of h/c is then ground clearance to

chord. This definition has been used on works discussing wings or airfoils with

straight trailing edges.


The prior works reviewed in section 1.3 have shown beneficial ground effect

taking place clearly in the positive range of angles of attack. The linear portion

of this range of positive angles of attack was selected to simplify the analysis.

In the linear portion, conversion of 2D aerodynamic data to 3D aerodynamic

data is possible. In this present work, the selected linear range of positive

angles of attack is from 0O to 8O. The investigated range of h/c is from 0.05 to



This set of experiments was conducted in a workshop environment with no

temperature control. The density of air was determined from the ambient

temperature and the equation of a curve fitted to the air density values found

in Munson, Young and Okiishi [35]. Kinematic viscosity was determined in a

similar way. Ambient temperature was determined from a simple wall

mounted thermometer.

The dynamic pressure used at each experimental run varied with

temperature. In order to maintain a narrow range of Reynolds number, an

expected difference in water column height (on a manometer) was calculated

and the tunnel speed was adjusted till the pitot and static manometer tubes

gave a very close reading to the expected difference in water column height.

The dynamic pressure was then determined from the pressure difference

represented by the actual difference in height of water column.

The Reynolds number range in these experiments was between 202000 to

210000. The main limitation was the wind tunnel safe operating speed, which

was about 20m/s. The Reynolds number Re in this work is defined as:

U c
Re =

where U is the free stream velocity, c is the chord of the wing and is the

fluid kinematic viscosity.


The wing studied in this present work has the NACA 4415 section with chord

of 0.175m and finite span of 0.44m [Figure 2.5(a)]. This gave a range of

Reynolds number between 202000 to 210000, with the free stream speed at

about 20m/s and ambient temperature of about 30OC. The plan form area was

fixed at S = 0.077m2 (0.175m by 0.440m). The wing was straight with taper

ratio one. The wing was constructed from light softwood. The middle section

came in two halves, top and bottom. There are wing tip attachments

accommodating winglets of a few different cant angles. In this present work,

only straight wing tip attachments were used [Figure 2.5(b)]. This airfoil has

been studied extensively and allows efficient comparisons of the results.

a) Complete wing with straight wing tips.

b) Right and Left straight wing tips.

Figure 2.5 Overall wing and straight wing tips. 35

A pair of supports below the wing rigidly connected the wing to the load cell

for force and torque measurements. Pressure taps ran along the centre line at

intervals of 0.1 from x/c 0 to 0.8 on both upper and lower surfaces [Figure

2.6]. Rubber tubings connected the pressure taps to an external bank of


Figure 2.6 Streamwise pressure tap location along centerline. 36

The finite span enabled an investigation into the 3D effects of flow around a

wing in ground effect while the pressure taps gave insight into changes in

circulation and the effects of ram pressure on the wing.


The Lift on the wing was measured in two methods, with the load cell and

calculated from the pressure distribution. The load cell method gave the 3D-

lift coefficient while the pressure distribution method gave the 2D-lift

coefficient. The model and its supports were mounted only onto the load cell.

The z-axis of the load cell was aligned perpendicular to the free stream flow.

The load cell then measured directly this component of the aerodynamic

resultant force as the lift on the wing. The lift was then read directly from the

load cells z-direction output. From the pressure taps along the centre line of

the wing, the pressure distribution vs. x curve was obtained. The area

enclosed within the pressure distribution vs. x plot was the lift force.

The coefficient of lift was determined from both lift measurements methods

and normalised against dynamic pressure and reference area. Both these

coefficients were then compared against the 3D CL derived from Abbott and

Doenhoff [27]s 2D data. Abbott and Doenhoff [27]s 2D data at Reynolds

number 3x106 was adjusted for a lower Reynolds number range of about

200000 and the finite span of the wing in this present work.


The drag on the wing was also measured by the same two methods, similar to

lift. The load cell method gave the 3D-drag coefficient. The x-axis of the load

cell was aligned parallel to the free stream flow. However, the drag measured

in the x-direction included the drag experienced by the supports below the

wing. The drag contributed by the supports should ideally be determined with

the wing mounted close to the supports but not touching the supports. This

maintains the interference effect between the wing and supports. However,

owing to the complexity of the additional fixtures that must be hidden inside

the original supports, the drag of the supports were determined by measuring

the drag experienced by only the supports in the free stream flow.

The drag of the supports was determined with the ground board at various

heights [Figure 2.7]. The drag of the support was found to be very consistent

and independent of the ground board height.

Figure 2.7 Determining the drag of the supports. 37

The drag on the wing was then determined by removing the drag of the

supports and applying buoyancy correction. This buoyancy correction is due

to stream wise pressure differences about the wing and not density difference

in the vertical direction. Hence the drag of the wing cannot be determined with

certainty in view of the interference between the wing and the support.

Drag was also determined from the pressure distribution. The area enclosed

within the pressure distribution vs. y plot was the 2D drag that does not factor

in skin friction drag. Despite the difference between drag from pressure

measurements and force measurements, both were converted into drag

coefficients and compared against the 3D CD derived from Abbott and

Doenhoff [27]. The 3D CD was derived with the same considerations as CL.


Pressure readings also provided a way to detect changes in circulation about

a wing. This allowed one to differentiate the lift contribution made by

circulation and lift from ram pressure below the wing. They were also an

alternative source of lift and drag data. Static pressure readings were

obtained from the pressure taps along the wings centre line. The pressure

distribution on the wing is the difference between these wing static pressure

readings and the free stream static pressure. The pressure values are

calculated from the height of the liquid in the columns of the manometer.


A Gamma model load cell from ATI Industrial Automation was used to

measure force and torque readings. The load cells force outputs in x and z

directions were checked individually, against applied masses and found to

give a relatively consistent gradient value close to 1. The masses were placed

directly on the load cell in the z-direction check [Figure 2.8].

Figure 2.8 Checking load cell in the z direction for force. 38

In the x-direction check, the load cell was mounted on a stiff platform, which

was placed on its side to suspend the load cell on its side. Masses were hung

on the load cell via a holder, which was the first mass [Figure 2.9].

Figure 2.9 Checking the load cell in the x direction for force. 39

TorqueY (pitching) readings were checked by loading masses onto an end

of a beam, which was mounted on the load cell. [Figure 2.10]

Figure 2.10 Checking the load cell in y direction for torque. 40

In the z direction, the measured force was on the average 101.25% of the

applied force. In the x direction the measured force was on the average

102.56% of the applied force. Since the measured forces in the z and x

directions were close the corresponding applied forces, no further correction

was carried out on the measured forces. Of the three force readings, only

readings in the z and x direction were taken for further calculation. Torque

readings were recorded to monitor that the amounts of roll, yaw and pitch the

model experienced were acceptable. None of the torque readings were used

for further calculation.


An inclined manometer of 40 tubes was used to measure pressure readings

from the pressure taps. As the model was regularly taken out of the wind

tunnel for adjusting the angle of attack, a more efficient method was sought to

disconnect the 38 tubes from the pressure taps. Phasing the tube location

with the tube number on the manometer was a tedious task. Tubes from the

model were connected to a multi-tube quick-disconnect joint then to the

manometer. Since the two halves of the quick-disconnect joint could only be

aligned in a fixed manner, phasing was maintained.


2.13.1 Drift in Load Cell Datum

The load cell used had no clear temperature compensation capability.

Readings were taken over a short duration to reduce the effect of a drifting

datum. A typical cycle of measurement consisted of taking a baseline reading,

a test reading where the wind tunnel was running and a second baseline

reading, all carried out over the shortest practical duration. Greater

differences in baseline readings were found when the measurement cycle

was long and that contributed to the difficulty in determining the baseline for

the measurement. Fortunately, the drift in baseline could be considered linear

with time between baseline readings, especially when the time difference is

small. The final baseline used was a value between both baseline readings.

Eventually, each reading was taken over 2 minutes or 7500 samples

according to the load cells data acquisition program. Further details on the

checks carried out on the load cell and its specification are in the appendix.

2.13.2 Downstream Pressure Gradient

As this wind tunnel test section had a constant rectangular cross section from

start to end, a boundary layer gradually built up on each wall, reducing the

free stream cross sectional area. The free stream flow sped up to maintain

continuity. The pressure gradient was determined by measuring the static

pressure along the wall. This pressure gradient was used with buoyancy

correction, according to the method in Barlow, Rae and Pope [34]. Further

details are in appendix for downstream pressure profile and appendix for


2.13.3 Blockage Effects

Maskells methods found in [34], make adjustments to the CD values of the

model tested. However, much difficulty surrounded measuring the actual CD

value of the model. An approximate blockage correction method equation

10.22 of [34] was used instead,

t =

where t is the blockage correction, AMF is the models frontal area and ATS is

the test section cross sectional area.

This blockage correction method accounted for a small flow speed increase

due to the part of the flow being blocked by the model and its supports. The

flow speeds up around the model and its supports to maintain continuity in the

wind tunnel. As a result, the free stream speed that the model experienced

has increased. The blockage correction was the percentage increase applied

to the free stream speed, causing a corresponding increase in the free stream

dynamic pressure.



Due to the limitation of the wind tunnel, the free stream speed was about

20m/s, giving the experimental data a Reynolds number range of 202000 to

210000. The published pressure distributions about a NACA 4415 airfoil at

Reynolds number between 200000 to 3x106 were then compared to

determine a suitable datum pressure distribution at Reynolds number 200000.

This datum was used to establish the validity of the pressure distribution data

obtained at h/c 1.0 at Reynolds number 200000 at angles of attack 0O, 4O and


To distinguish between 3D coefficients and 2D coefficients, uppercase letters,

CL, CD and CP indicate 3D coefficients and lowercase letters cl, cd and cp

represent the 2D coefficients.

3.1.1 Reynolds number Effect on Aerodynamic Coefficients

Data for the NACA 4415 airfoil section was available from Abbott and

Doenhoff [27] at Reynolds number 3.0x106, 6.0x106 and 9.0x106. These were

obtained at a maximum Mach number of 0.17, which would reduce the cl-

gradient by only 1.46% when accounting for compressibility. Effectively, this

data described incompressible 2D flow. The cl vs. curves, obtained at these

3 Reynolds number, coincided for 20O 0O. Once > 0O, the cl curves

fanned out very gradually till = 8O [Figure 3.1]. Since the differences

between the cl curves were very small, it is reasonable to infer that cl was

independent of Reynolds number over the linear section for each curve for

Reynolds number from 3.0x106 to 9.0x106. The corresponding pressure

distributions were also inferred as independent of Reynolds number in the

same range.

Figure 3.1 Section cl vs. for NACA 4415 airfoil (in box). Figure reproduced from [27].

However, the 2D drag polar (cd vs. cl) curves from Abbott and Doenhoff [27]

showed that the flow at each Reynolds number produced its own, though

similar, drag polar even while cl values did not differ much across these

Reynolds numbers [Figure 3.2]. As Reynolds number decreased, each drag

polar shifted higher (more drag). As the present work was carried out at

approximately Reynolds number 2.02x105 to 2.10x105, so pressure

distributions, cl and cd values need to be extrapolated to the smaller Reynolds

number as a datum for comparison.

Figure 3.2 Section cd vs. cl for NACA 4415 airfoil (in box). Figure reproduced from
[27]. 42

The coefficients obtained in Abbott and Doenhoff [27] were from 3-ft width by

7.5-ft height wind tunnel.

3.1.2 Aerodynamic Coefficients at Reynolds number of 200000

From Abbott and Doenhoff [27], cl was independent of Reynolds number,

implying that the pressure distribution about the airfoil varied little as Reynolds

number decreased from 9.0x106 to 3.0 x106. Once the pressure distribution

about the NACA 4415 airfoil can be determined to be similar from Reynolds

number 3.0x106 down to 200000, the 2D coefficients from Abbott and

Doenhoff [27], can be used at Reynolds number 200000 for conversion to 3D

coefficients. Since the investigated range of angles of attack is 0O to 8O, the

pressure distributions at 0O, 4O and 8O and between Reynolds number

200000 to 3.0x106 were selected for comparison.

Three works studying the NACA 4415 airfoil section at lower Reynolds

number ranging from 3.5x105 to 1.0x106 were used to determine the validity of

extrapolating Abbott and Doenhoffs [27] cl values to Reynolds number

2.0x105 in the present work. These works were used to show that the 2D

pressure distributions about NACA 4415 airfoil were similar at various

Reynolds numbers at similar angles of attack [Figure 3.3]. The area enclosed

was the 2D lift coefficient and it was sufficiently similar [Table 1]. Coefficient of

Drag was not estimated from these pressure distributions, as the skin friction

components were absent.

From NACA TR 832 [28], the pressure distributions were obtained at Mach

number 0.3 and Reynolds number 1.0x106. The flow was still considered

incompressible and was 2D. At = 0O, the cl (from area enclosed) based on

pressure distribution was estimated (by Trapezium rule) to be 0.4219.

Compared to cl values from Abbott and Doenhoff [27], there were some

differences, which were considered acceptable, since the main difference in

experimental setups was the height above the airfoils [Table 1]. NACA TR

832 [28] reported a test section height to chord ratio of 7 while Abbott and

Doenhoff [27] used a ratio of 3.25. Data from NACA TR 832 [28] was

analysed the same way for = 4O and = 8O.

NASA TM X-2225 [29] presented the pressure distributions for NACA 4415

section wing at three Reynolds numbers, approximately 3.5x105, 5.25x105

and 9.0x105. The flow in this present work was 3D with a maximum Mach

number of 0.2. The wing was mounted on a fuselage and measurements

were taken near the fuselage. For = 0O, the pressure distribution curves

enclosed areas of 0.341 to 0.358 as Reynolds number increased from

3.5x105 to 9.0x105. The cl values are 10.2% to 14.6% lower, respectively than

Abbott and Doenhoffs [27] cl = 0.400. Similar analysis was done for = 4O

and = 8O. The lower cl values indicate that small 3D effects were present,

but overall the flow at that part of the wing is sufficiently 2D.

Pressure distributions from NACA TR 832 [28] and NASA TM X-2225 [29] at

similar and varying Reynolds number were plotted together. These plots at

three different angles of attack showed that at each similar the pressure

distributions were not dependent on Reynolds number [Figure 3.3].

Experimentally pressure distributions from this present work were also

included for comparison.

cp vs x/c
NACA 4415 | approx. AoA 0 deg | Various Re


Re no.
L 1,000,000
-1.5 U 1,000,000
L 895,013
-1.0 U 895,013

L 537,388
-0.5 U 537,388
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 L 345,444
0.0 U 345,444
EXPT 200,000

(a) = 0

cp vs x/c
NACA 4415 | approx. AoA 4 deg | Various Re


Re no.
L 1,000,000
-1.5 U 1,000,000
L 894,945
-1.0 U 894,945

L 538,191
-0.5 U 538,191
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 L 345,073
0.0 U 345,073
EXPT 200,000

(b) = 4

cp vs x/c
NACA 4415 | approx. AoA 8 deg | Various Re

Re no.
-2.0 L 1,000,000
U 1,000,000
-1.5 L 895,148
U 895,148
-1.0 L 892,558

U 892,558
-0.5 L 537,965
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 U 537,965
0.0 U 342,560
U 342,560
0.5 EXPT 200,000

(c) = 8

Figure 3.3 Pressure distribution curves at approximately the same but at various
Reynolds number. Data reproduced from NACA TR 832 [28] and NASA TM X-2225
[29]. L-lower surface, U-upper surface. EXPT 200,000-Pressure distributions from this
present work. 43

Table 3.1 Comparing estimated cl to Abbott and Doenhoff[27]s data for similar at
various Reynolds number.
Reference Reynolds cl cl cl
Abbott & Doenhoff 9000000 0.00 0.400 4.00 0.850 8.00 1.200
Abbott & Doenhoff 6000000 0.00 0.400 4.00 0.850 8.00 1.200
Abbott & Doenhoff 3000000 0.00 0.400 4.00 0.850 8.00 1.175
NACA TR 832 1000000 0.00 0.422 4.00 0.793 8.00 1.097
NASA TM X-2225 890000 0.16 0.359 4.51 0.743 7.76 0.985
8.81 1.056
NASA TM X-2225 540000 0.06 0.352 4.17 0.719 8.31 1.060
NASA TM X-2225 350000 0.02 0.342 4.10 0.714 8.19 1.070

Efstratios [30] studied the pressure distribution over the NACA 4415 airfoil

over a large range of angles of attack and Reynolds number [Figure 3.4, 3.5,

3.6]. Efstratios [30] also showed suction on the upper surface, with the suction

peak moving to the leading edge as angle of attack increased from 0O to 8O.

On the lower surface, the positive pressure region started at the trailing edge

and extended to cover the whole lower surface as the angle of attack

increased. As Reynolds number decreased from 6.0x105 to 2.0x105, the

shape of pressure distribution curves showed only small variations. The

pressure distributions from this third work agree sufficiently well with the

above two. As the diagrams were in presented in 3D perspective, values

could not be read off without incurring obvious errors.

Figure 3.4 3D Plots of cp vs. x/c vs. for the Lower (a) and Upper (b) Surface of a
NACA-4415 Aerofoil Section and Re = 200000. Figure reproduced from Efstratios
[30]. 44

Figure 3.5 3D Plots of cp vs. x/c vs. for the Lower (a) and Upper (b) Surface of a
NACA-4415 Aerofoil Section and Re = 400000. Figure reproduced from Efstratios
[30]. 45

Figure 3.6 3D Plots of cp vs. x/c vs. for the Lower (a) and Upper (b) Surface of a
NACA-4415 Aerofoil Section and Re = 600000. Figure reproduced from Efstratios
[30]. 46

From the comparison of the three works above, at the same angle of attack,

as Reynolds number decreased, the pressure distribution curves were still

similar in shape. A large region of suction existed on the upper surface,

stretching from the leading edge to 0.8 < x/c < 0.9, with the peak suction

found between 0.0 < x/c < 0.3. Suction on the upper surface contributed

majority of the lift.

On the lower surface, a positive pressure peak existed from leading edge to

x/c = 0.2. Moving from the leading edge to the trailing edge, the pressure

peak reduced relatively quickly to suction when angles of attack were small or

reduced to lower pressure when angles of attack were larger. At higher

angles of attack, lower surface pressure contributed some lift. The cl values

obtained from pressure distributions were also close to the values from Abbott

and Doenhoff [27] as Reynolds number decreased from 3.0x106 to 3.5x105.

The similarity of the pressure distributions shape is a reasonable basis to

suggest that there would be small changes in cl values as Reynolds number

decreases from 3.0x106 to 3.5x105. The pressure distributions determined in

this section will form the datum for comparing the experimentally obtained

pressure data in section 3.1.3 and 3.1.4.

In addition, since the flow structure was actually similar, using the 2D

coefficient values from Abbott and Doenhoff [27] as a basis to determine the

3D coefficients values at about Reynolds number 200000 is reasonable. This

was done in section 3.2.1.

3.1.3 Pressure Distribution at = 0O and 2O

At = 0O the wings lower surface and the stationary flat plate formed a

converging diverging passage. The pressure distribution obtained at = 0O

and h/c 1.0 compared only partially well with Figure 43 = 0O in section 3.1.2.

Only the shape of the CP,UPPER and the pocket of suction below the wing

matched in Figure 43 = 0O. The experimental set up used to obtain the data

in Figure 43 were designed for 2D flow over narrow-span airfoils with large

distances from the wind tunnel ceiling and floor that allow a more natural

expansion of streamlines about the airfoil. The test section height to chord

ratios were 3.25 to 10.5. The corresponding h/c value was effectively infinite

and no ground effect was present or wall effect was present. In this present

work, the test section height to chord ratio was 3.43. This allowed the upper

surface pressure distribution to match that in Figure 43 = 0O.

In this work, the lower surface was at a height of one chord from the ground

and the effect of the convergent-divergent passage caused the flow to speed

up along the entire lower surface, indicated by the pocket of suction covering

a large part of the lower surface. Since the ground was close by, the

streamlines under the airfoil could not expand as naturally as in the case with

no ground effect. The suction peak that would have developed near x/c 0.1

was absent.

This pressure distribution obtained at = 0O and h/c 1.0 compared better with

Ahmed [25]. Ahmed [25] reported a pressure distribution with a suction peak

with CP = 1.0 on the upper surface at about x/c 0.3 and a very similar pocket

of suction spanning about half of the lower surface of the wing at = 0O and

h/c 0.8. The higher suction peak in this work cannot be accounted for. Since

the pressure distribution at = 0O and h/c 1.0 compare sufficiently well to the

literature, the changes caused by reduction in h/c proceed from a valid

starting point.

On the upper surface, a suction peak was found at x/c 0.2. Pressure gradually

rose again, moving towards the trailing edge. As h/c reduced, the shape of

the CP,UPPER curve remained generally the same but the peak suction

occurring at x/c 0.2 gradually reduced and pressure increased from x/c 0.8

onwards [Figure 3.7]. The reducing suction peak indicated that circulation

reduced with reduction in h/c. Since the passage under the wing is

convergent-divergent, flow speed reduced when moving towards the trailing

edge, as seen in the higher pressure at x/c 0.8 [Figure 3.8]. For the upper

surface and lower surface flows to form the wake smoothly, the flow in the

upper surface also slowed down from x/c 0.8 onwards.

CP upper AoA 0 deg


-0.8 0.80
-0.7 0.60
-0.5 0.20
-0.4 0.10

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 3.7 CP (upper) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 0 . 47

On the lower surface, apart from positive higher pressure from x/c 0.0 to 0.1,

the remainder of the lower surface experienced suction till near the trailing

edge [Figure 3.8]. As h/c reduced, the suction pocket reduced but pressure

remained negative, indicating faster flow still existed due to the converging-

diverging passage. Pressure became positive only after x/c 0.8.

CP lower AoA 0 deg


-0.2 0.60
-0.1 0.20
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


Figure 3.8 CP (lower) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 0 . 48

At = 2O the wings lower surface and the stationary flat plate below formed a

more gradual converging diverging passage under the wing. On the upper

surface, the pressure distribution is similar to that at = 0O, however the

suction peak is higher than that in = 0O. As h/c reduces, the shape of the CP,

UPPER curve remained generally the same but with gradual increase in

pressure [Figure 3.9].

CP upper AoA 2 deg

-0.7 0.40
-0.6 0.30
-0.5 0.20
-0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 3.9 CP (upper) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 2 . 49

On the lower surface, apart from positive higher pressure between x/c 0.0 to

0.1, the remainder of the lower surface experienced suction till near the

trailing edge [Figure 3.10]. As h/c reduced, the suction pocket reduced till

pressure becomes positive over the whole lower surface. This pocket of

suction reduced gradually till h/c 0.4. Lower than h/c 0.4, the suction pocket

quickly disappears by h/c 0.05 [Figure 3.10].

CP lower AoA 2 deg


-0.100 1.00
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0.100 0.05


Figure 3.10 CP (lower) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 2 . 50

3.1.4 Pressure Distribution at = 4O to 8O

At = 4O, the wings lower surface and the stationary flat plate formed a

gradual converging passage. The pressure distribution obtained at = 4O and

h/c 1.0 compared only partially well with Figure 43 = 4O, section 3.1.2. Only

the shape of the CP,UPPER generally matched Figure 43 = 4O. On the lower

surface, the data in Figure 43 = 4O showed positive pressure, while the

lower surface in this present work saw slight suction from x/c 0.2 to the trailing

edge. As mentioned in section 3.1.3, in terms of test section height to chord

ratios, the experimental set ups used to obtain data in Figure 43 were similar

to this present work. This caused the upper surface pressure distribution to

retain a very similar shape but with overall higher pressure. Pressure

increased since the 3D effects of finite wing span were present. Lift reduced

across the span of the wing due to down wash. The local pressure distribution

along the centre line enclosed a smaller area and the upper surface

experienced less suction.

The lower surface was at a height of one chord from the ground and the effect

of the gradually converging passage caused the flow to speed up gradually

along the entire lower surface. As mentioned in section 3.1.3, the streamlines

under the airfoil did not expand as naturally as in the case with no ground

effect. The suction peak that would have developed near x/c 0.1 was also


This obtained pressure distribution did not compare well with Ahmed [25] who

reported positive pressure distribution spanning most of the lower surface of

the wing at h/c 0.8 for = 2.5O. Ahmeds [25] set up is 2D while the flow in

this present work is 3D. At similar h/c, the flow under the airfoil in Ahmeds

[25] set up can only exit under the trailing edge, while the flow under the wing

in this present work is free to move towards the wing tips. This caused faster

flow under the wing than in Ahmeds [25] set up, resulting in slightly negative


After accounting for the differences in pressure distribution at = 4O and h/c

1.0 and the literature, the changes caused by reduction in h/c were examined.

On the upper surface, positive pressure is present at the leading edge and

quickly dropped to a suction peak at about x/c 0.2 before gradually rising

again near the trailing edge. This suction peak is higher than that in = 2O.

As h/c reduced, the shape of the CP,UPPER curve remained generally the same

but with gradual increase in pressure [Figure 3.11].

CP upper AoA 4 deg

-1.2 h/c
-1.1 1.00
-0.4 0.10
-0.3 0.05
-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 3.11 CP (upper) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 4 . 51

On the lower surface, positive higher pressure is present from x/c 0.0 to 0.2

and the remainder of the lower surface experienced suction till near the

trailing edge at h/c 1.0 [Figure 3.12]. As h/c reduced, the suction pocket

became a higher-pressure patch over the whole lower surface. As h/c

reduced, positive pressure increased rather uniformly over the complete lower

surface, indicating that flow clearly has slowed down under the wing [Figure

3.12]. The increase in pressure became clearer at h/c 0.4 and lower.

CP lower AoA 4 deg


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 h/c
0.100 0.60
0.200 0.20


Figure 3.12 CP (lower) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 4 . 52

At = 6O the wing lower surface and the stationary flat plate still formed a

converging passage. On the upper surface, the upper surface pressure

distribution is similar to that at = 4O. The suction peak is higher than that in

= 4O. As h/c reduced, the shape of the CP,UPPER curve remained generally

the same but with gradual increase in pressure [Figure 3.13].

CP upper AoA 6 deg

-1.4 h/c
-1.2 1.00
-1.1 0.80
-1.0 0.60
-0.7 0.30
-0.6 0.20
-0.5 0.10
-0.4 0.05
-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 3.13 CP (upper) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 6 . 53

On the lower surface, positive higher pressure is present from x/c 0.0 to the

trailing edge at h/c 1.0 [Figure 3.14]. As h/c reduced, positive pressure

increases slightly more over the aft lower surface, indicating that the flow has

slowed down under the wing [Figure 3.14].

CP lower AoA 6 deg


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 h/c
0.100 0.60
0.200 0.20


Figure 3.14 CP (lower) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 6 . 54

At = 8O the wing lower surface and the stationary flat plate form a

converging passage. The pressure distribution obtained at = 8O and at h/c

1.0 compared only partially well with Figure 43 = 8O, section 3.1.2. Only the

shape of the upper surface experimental pressure distribution generally

matched Figure 43 = 8O. On the lower surface, the data in Figure 43 = 8O

showed positive pressure on the entire lower surface, while positive pressure

was found only on the forward half of the lower surface in this present work.

The similarity of test section height to chord ratios in the experimental set ups

used to obtain data in Figure 43 and also in this present work accounted for

the upper surface pressure distribution retaining a very similar shape, as just

in section 3.1.3. At = 8O, the overall pressure on the upper surface is higher

than that at = 4O. At greater angles of attack, the 3D effects of a finite wing

span caused more down wash. There was less lift across the span of the wing

due to a stronger down wash. The local pressure distribution along the centre

line enclosed an even smaller area and the upper surface experienced lesser


The lower surface was at a height of one chord from the ground but this angle

set up a faster converging passage causing the flow to speed up near the

trailing edge. The constraint on the streamlines under the airfoil against

natural expansion still existed compared with the case of no ground effect.

However, with the wing tilting upwards at = 8O, there is a little more room for

streamline expansion and the pressure distribution on the forward half of the

lower surface match that in the literature as seen in Figure 43 = 8O. On the

rearward half of the lower surface, streamlines were still constrained to give a

faster flow.

This obtained pressure distribution compared sufficiently well with Ahmed [25]

at h/c 0.8 for 7.5O, except the obtained pressure peak on the upper surface in

this experiment is too low. Ahmeds [25] data is from an orientation closer to a

fixed ground, which gave a higher suction peak on the upper surface, and at a

slightly smaller angle of attack, which offset the higher suction peak a by a

small amount. Ahmeds [25] work, being 2D, would have no down wash to

reduce the lift and decrease the corresponding suction peak on the upper


As the differences in pressure distribution at = 8O and h/c 1.0 and the

literature were adequately explained, the changes caused by reduction in h/c

were examined.

On the upper surface, the upper surface pressure distribution is similar to that

at = 6O. The suction peak is higher than that at = 6O. As h/c reduced, the

shape of the CP curve remains generally the same but with gradual increase

in pressure [Figure 3.15].

CP upper AoA 8 deg

-1.2 1.00
-1.1 0.80
-1.0 0.60
-0.7 0.30
-0.6 0.20
-0.5 0.10
-0.4 0.05
-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 3.15 CP (upper) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 8 . 55

On the lower surface, positive higher pressure is present from x/c 0.0 till the

trailing edge at h/c 1.0 [Figure 3.16]. As h/c reduced, the positive pressure

increased over the whole lower surface, with the largest increases near the

trailing edge, indicating that the flow has clearly slowed down under the wing

before the trailing edge [Figure 3.16].

CP lower AoA 8 deg

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

0.100 1.00
0.200 0.60
0.300 0.20
0.400 0.05


Figure 3.16 CP (lower) vs. x/c at various h/c for = 8 . 56

From the pressure plots in section 3.1.3 and 3.1.4, the faults observed

remained as h/c decreased, indicating that they do not vary with h/c. Looking

at only the changes caused by angle of attack and h/c, the following were

observed. As angle of attack increased, lift increased by increasing suction

over the upper surface and increasing pressure on the lower surface. As h/c

reduced, circulatory lift reduced slightly, but the increase in pressure on the

lower surface over-compensates, giving increased lift. The pressure increases

over the lower surface became clearer at h/c 0.4 and below.


Since this experimental set up was limited to Reynolds number 200000, the

2D lift and drag coefficients were extrapolated from Reynolds number 3x106

to 200000 and converted to 3D drag coefficients before useful comparisons

were made.

3.2.1 Datum 3D Lift and Drag

Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 reasoned that Abbott and Doenhoffs [27] 2D data for

NACA 4415 airfoil at Reynolds number 3.0x106, can be extrapolated to

Reynolds number 2.0x105, since the pressure distribution about the airfoil was

shown to be similar throughout this range of Reynolds number.

The expected 3D aerodynamic coefficients for the NACA 4415 section wing in

this work was derived using the approach in Andersons work [31]. First, the

linear region of cl vs. curve was identified and its slope, a0, obtained. This

slope was converted to 3D CL- slope, acomp, using the low aspect ratio finite

wing formula in Andersons [31] equation 2.18b.

acomp =
1 M + [a0 (AR )] + a0 (AR )
2 2

where M was the free stream Mach number and AR was the aspect ratio.

With Mach number and aspect ratio specified, the CL- slope is half that of cl-

. As Mach number was required, the speed of sound was determined at the

average ambient temperature of the workshop environment, 30OC, where the

wind tunnel operated. The flow speed was set at 20m/s, following the average

speed of the wind tunnel.

There was no formula for converting the stall region to 3D values so the

shape of the 2D curve was retained and scaled down by 54% so that it would

join the linear region of the lift CL- slope smoothly. The original data came in

2O intervals. A polynomial curve was fitted so that interpolation could be used

to get CL values at 1O intervals if needed. Based on Andersons [31] figure

2.23, the zero-lift remains the same, independent of aspect ratio. The

following CL vs. curve was obtained [Figure 3.17].

Wing CL & CD vs AoA


0.8 y = 0.0518x + 0.2072

0.4 CD
est. CL
0.2 est. CD
Linear (CL)
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

AoA [Deg]

Figure 3.17 Expected CL and CD vs. curve for AR = 2.51 for NACA 4415 wing
without ground effect. 57

Since Abbott and Doenhoffs [27] 2D drag data was valid at Reynolds number

200000, this data was converted to 3D drag data by adding induced drag. The

induced drag contribution from down wash due to wing tip vortices was added

to the 2D drag polar. The induced drag contribution, CDi, was calculated by

Andersons [31] equation 2.30.

C L2
C Di =

The span efficiency factor, e, was determined to be 0.9755 from Anderson

[31]. The lift coefficient was determined from the CL vs. curve in Figure 57.

The induced drag at each angle of attack from 0O to 8O was calculated and

compared to the 2D drag at the same angle of attack. The percentage

increases were in the range of 74% to 448%, the amount being proportional

to angle of attack. As the induced drag portion is large compared to the 2D-

drag contribution, it can be reasonable to not further analyze or adjust the 2D-

drag contribution to a slightly higher value before adding induced drag. Lower

Reynolds number flows gave slightly larger 2D drag [Figure 3.2]. The

remaining details are found in appendix for expected CL and CD. This

approach established the expected aerodynamic characteristics of the 3D

finite wing used in this present work. The expected L/D ratios are shown in

the figure below [Figure 3.18].

CL / CD vs AoA out of Ground Effect





0.0 Lift/Drag
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20



AoA [Deg]

Figure 3.18 Expected L/D for AR = 2.51 NACA 4415 wing without ground effect. 58

3.2.2 Lift and Drag coefficients from Pressure Distribution

While pressure measurements gave only 2D coefficients since only pressure

at the mid-span was recorded, these were examined together with coefficients

from force measurements to demonstrate that both measurements are

indicating the same phenomena. Overall, the force measurements produce a

more consistent set of coefficient values, with gradual changes.

The pressure-based cd from this did not include skin friction drag. As there is

no separation of flow about the model, the skin friction component is small

and was considered constant in all cases. This does not interfere with effect

ground effect on the wing. It is also affected by the goodness of fit of the

curve that passes through the pressure values when pressure was plotted

against the y-coordinate. The calculated cl and cd values were determined

from area enclosed when pressure was plotted against x and y respectively at

each angle of attack and h/c.

Polynomial curves were passed through the pressure values and the area

enclosed was determined by integration with respect to x to obtain cl. The

trapezium rule was used to determine area enclosed with respect to y to

obtain cd. The y coordinates corresponding to each x coordinate on the airfoil

section profile was obtained by iteration.

During the conduct of experiments, certain partially obstructed pressure taps

were found. However, the pressure readings obtained from them responded

with changing h/c. In view of long re-setup time, the experiments continued.

The affected readings showed similar changes as their neighbours and an

average reading from the neighbors replaced them. In the absence of

separated flow, the pressure field about a wing is continuous. With pressure

taps close to each other and taking an average reading incurred only a small

error. Furthermore, the overall shape of the pressure distribution at h/c 1.0

agreed with the other works used to establish the datum pressure distribution

in section 3.1.2. Since only the shape of the pressure distribution and its

changes in shape with varying h/c is sought, the above approach was

deemed suitable to estimate cl and cd based on the pressure distribution.

Since the upper and lower surface pressure must be equal at the trailing

edge, the area enclosed after x/c 0.8 on the pressure vs. x plot is a triangle.

This triangles contribution to the area enclosed by the pressure curves was

small. From the cl calculation perspective, the value of trailing edge pressure

does not matter. For calculating cd, the pressure was arbitrarily defined as the

average of the upper and lower surfaces pressures at x/c 0.8 for simplicity.

3.2.3 Effect of on Lift and Drag coefficients vs. h/c

Lift coefficient

At h/c 0.4 and below, both 2D and 3D lift coefficients showed clear increases,

especially for = 4O, 6O and 8O [Figure 3.19]. From the force measurements,

CL at = 0O and 2O showed smaller steady increases, as the ground

approached. From pressure measurement at same angles of attack, cl

showed larger increases.

cl vs h/c
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack


0.70 0

0.60 4
0.50 8


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
(a) cl vs. h/c

CL vs h/c
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack


0.70 2

0.60 6


0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
(b) CL vs. h/c

Figure 3.19 cl vs. h/c and CL vs. h/c at various for the test model. 59

Drag coefficient

At h/c 0.2 and below, the decrease in drag coefficients became clearer, for

= 4O, 6O and 8O [Figure 3.20]. At = 6O and 8O, the drag force measurements

shown were almost consistent till h/c 0.1 and below, indicating that while

induced drag reduced, ram pressure on the lower surface contributed a force

with a small component to drag. By h/c 0.1, it is likely that induced drag is

close to minimum and the reduction is more than the ram pressures

contribution to drag, resulting in an overall drop in drag.

At = 4O, drag force reduction is gradual as h/c reduced, which likely

indicated that induced drag reduced and there is less drag contribution from

ram pressure. At other smaller angles of attack, the pressure-based cd does

not indicate drag reduction. The force-based CD shows drag reduction except

at = 0O.

cd vs h/c
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack


0.09 2

0.08 6


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
(a) cd vs. h/c

CD vs h/c
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack



0.07 AoA

0.05 4


0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
(b) CD vs. h/c

Figure 3.20 cd vs. h/c and CD vs. h/c at various for the test model. 60

3.2.4 Effect of h/c on Lift and Drag coefficient vs.

Lift coefficient

Both groups of lift coefficient vs. angle of attack curves [Figure 3.21] showed

similar gradients, at approximately 0.05 per degree, which is closed to the

calculated expected gradient [Figure 3.17] in section 3.2.1. There was a clear

offset of about 0.2 in all the cl values, which could be due to the assumed

span wise lift distribution on a finite span wing. The effect of h/c decreasing, is

a clear but slight translation of the lift coefficient-angle of attack curves

upwards, indicating a gain in lift.

cl vs AoA
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various h/c

0.80 1.00
0.70 0.60


0.50 0.20
0.40 0.05

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]
(a) cl vs.

CL vs AoA
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack

0.70 0.60
0.60 y = 0.0518x + 0.2072 0.40

0.40 0.10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]
(b) CL vs.

Figure 3.21 cl vs. and CL vs. at various h/c. (CL values without ground effect
indicated by h/c = OGE.) 61

Drag coefficient

Both groups of drag coefficient-angle of attack curves [Figure 3.22] followed

only the shape of the expected drag polar curve [Figure 3.17] in section 3.2.1.

There were clear differences between the drag coefficients from pressure,

force and calculation. The drag coefficient derived from pressure was based

on the pressure distribution along the wings centre line. At this location, drag

was the highest. On moving to the wing tips, the drag reduced to zero. The

coefficient of drag, cd, based on these pressure distributions was always

greater than the overall drag. The coefficient of drag, CD, derived from force

measurements was closer to the calculated CD. Overall drag across the whole

wing was measured for force measurements. The small additional drag could

be contributed by the difficulty in determining the drag contribution of the

supports. Even with the differences, the effect of h/c reduction is a clear drop

in drag. There was a slight translation of the drag coefficient-angle of attack

curves downwards, indicating a reduction in drag.

cd vs AoA
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various h/c

0.10 0.80

0.08 0.30
0.07 0.10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]
(a) cd vs.

CD vs AoA
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack

0.07 0.80

0.05 0.30
0.03 0.05

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]

(b) CD vs.

Figure 3.22 Graphs of cd vs. and CD vs. at various h/c. (CD values without ground
effect indicated by h/c = OGE.) 62


Only uncertainties in force measurements were determined as force

measurements were used to obtain the lift and drag values. The percentage

changes in CL and in CD were compared to the relative uncertainty in the CL

and CD values across the tested range of angles of attack, 0O to 8O and

ground clearances, h/c 0.05 to 1.0. This comparison showed how significant

were the gains in lift and reductions in drag forces in ground effect.

The definition of standard uncertainty and the law of propagation of

uncertainty was taken from the Evaluation of Measurement data Guide to

the expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) [36]. This document

was updated from the International Organisation of Standardisation (ISO)

Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement.

The standard uncertainty in the force readings was determined from the

standard deviation using the following formula.

F =

where F represented the measured force, was the standard deviation and

N was the number of samples. For measurements involving lengths such as

height of water in a manometer column or span of the wing, only the

tolerances of the instruments were available. When the tolerances were not

available, the tolerance was defined as half the smallest division on the scale


The rectangular probability distribution means all readings within the interval

were probable while the triangular probability distribution concentrated the

probabilities of the measured values at the mean. The standard uncertainties

for the tolerances were calculated from the following formula.


where X is the measured length, x is the tolerance, n = 3 for the rectangular

distribution and n = 6 for the triangular distribution. The n value was set to 3 to

reflect a more conservative, larger amount of uncertainty in the final outcome.

The following simplified laws of propagation of uncertainties were used for

independent quantities. For addition and subtraction, = , the absolute

uncertainties were added.

= 2 + 2

For multiplication and division, = or = B , the relative uncertainties

were added.

2 2

= +

For terms raised to powers, = m ,


where m is the power

The expanded uncertainty was obtained from the final absolute standard

uncertainty by the following,

Expanded uncertainty of X = k

where k is the coverage factor. The coverage factor is taken as 2 for a

significance level of 95%.

The percentage changes in CL were plotted with the relative uncertainties in

CL, for reducing h/c [Figure 3.23]. At h/c < 0.3, the percentage increase in CL

at all tested angles of attack exceeded the relative uncertainty in CL.

Therefore the increase in CL did not arise from randomness.

% Increase in CL (points) and Relative Uncertainty (lines) vs h/c
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack



12% AoA
10% 0

8% 2
4% 8
2% Relative Uncertainty in CL

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00


Figure 3.23 Percentage increase in CL compared to relative uncertainty in CL vs. h/c.


Percentage changes in CD were plotted with the relative uncertainties in CD,

for reducing h/c [Figure 3.24]. For 2O 6O and h/c 0.3, the percentage

drag reductions exceeded the relative uncertainty of CD. Measured drag

values were small and the data obtained at = 0o was not smooth as h/c

decreased. Experimental were present but these were not repeated for

improved data. Subsequent L/D ratios were also affected.

% Increase in CD (points) and Relative Uncertainty (lines) vs h/c

NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack



10% AoA
5% 0

0% 4
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
-5% 6
-10% Relative Uncertainty in CD



Figure 3.24 Percentage change in CD compared to relative uncertainty in CD vs. h/c.


Percentage changes in L/D were plotted with the relative uncertainty of L/D

for reducing h/c [Figure 3.25]. Only below h/c 0.5 did the percentage increase

in L/D exceed the relative uncertainty in L/D.

% Increase in L/D (points) and Relative Uncertainty (lines) vs h/c

NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack



30% AoA
25% 0

20% 2
10% 8
5% Relative Uncertainty in L/D

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00


Figure 3.25 Percentage increase in L/D compared to relative uncertainty in L/D vs.
h/c. 65


Lift on a wing depends on circulation distributed over its span. Circulation in

turn depends on the shape, camber, angle of attack, chord length, free stream

speed, and span-wise location. In this discussion, attention is focused on the

effect of h/c on camber and angle of attack. The other variables, shape, chord

length, free stream speed, and span were considered constant.

In the 2D cases examined in the literature review, the lack of wing tip vortices

means the angle of attack was not affected by reducing down wash. The only

factor that could have changed with decreasing ground clearance was the

effective camber. The camber of an airfoil causes air to take a curved path

around the airfoil. However, when the air is unable to follow this curved path,

the effectiveness of camber is reduced.

In the 3D cases in this present work, sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 showed

observable reduction in drag [Figures 60, 62] with decreasing h/c, except in a

few h/c and configurations possibly due to experimental errors. This showed

that induced drag has reduced and concurrently the effective angle of attack

should have increased to the geometric angle of attack. The effective angle of

attack is the local angle of attack that the on-coming air makes with the chord

line of the airfoil, after factoring the effect of down wash. Another factor that

could have changed with decreasing ground clearance is also the effective

camber, which will be explained in section 4.1.

The presence of the ground is closely related to two additional effects. A

pocket of higher pressure develops from air slowing down below the wing as

seen in increasing pressure on the lower surface (sections 3.1.3 and 3.1.4).

The ground may increase or reduce circulation as the wing approaches the

ground. Each factor is examined in further detail in the following sections.


In section, for 2D cases, Ahmed et. al. [26] showed that a moving

ground caused circulatory lift to reduce, inferred from the small decrease in

suction on the upper surface [Figure 1.30]. In section, a stationary

ground caused more circulation, inferred from increasing suction on the upper

surface [Figure 1.28].

Wind tunnel testing experience on 2D models spanning the tunnel also points

out that the stationary walls of a wind tunnel restrain the natural expansion of

streamlines about a model [34]. The constrained wind tunnel streamlines

impart more curvature or impart more camber to the model. However, in

ground effect studies, the effect of the ground on the camber is deliberately


In the 2D moving ground case, as the wing approached the moving belt, the

moving belt is increasingly drawing away air below the wing. Streamlines

could be less constrained and less curved about the airfoil, resulting in less

effective camber, hence less circulation. The 2D stationary ground case saw

air slowing down below the wing. The streamlines were constrained to curve

even more around the wing, especially air following the upper surface. Likely

this increased the effective camber hence circulation.

In this present 3D work, pressure distribution was used to infer changes in

circulation. Circulation over the wing was observed to decrease as inferred

from the reducing suction over the upper surface as the ground approached

at all angles of attack tested [Figures 47, 49, 51, 53, 55 in section 3.1.3 and

3.1.4]. Ahmed [26] also reported reducing suction on the upper surface for a

NACA 4412 airfoil over a moving belt experiment. Similar to this 3D

experiment over a fixed ground, the flow under the finite NACA 4412 wing

was not fully constrained under the wing since the moving belt drew air down


In this present work, air that slowed down under the wing moved out under

the trailing edge and concurrently towards the wing tips. Ram pressure that

built up under a wing in ground effect could have a similar effect as the

pressure under a wing without ground effect, in causing span wise flow

outwards to the wing tips. While ram pressure can build up, there is no

constraint to keep the slower air only within the space under the finite span

wing. Consequently, there is no constraint on the expansion of streamlines,

especially sideways, compared to the 2D case. In the stream wise vertical

plane, streamlines are less curved so the wing experienced less effective

camber and circulation reduced instead. Therefore, it is possible that the

reducing effective camber is the main driver for less circulation.


Looking at the 3D flow around the wing, as the ground approached, the

wingtip vortices were constrained. The smaller vortices caused less down

wash ahead and behind the wing. Based on Prandtls lifting line theory, a

reduction in down wash causes smaller changes in circulation along the wing

span. This reduction in down wash or reduced d/dy begins at the mid span,

and spreads to the wing tips. The flow becomes more 2D. In the limit when

approaching the ground, wingtip vortices vanish all together. The whole wing

experiences 2D flow. The effective angle of attack is now the same along the

span but since down wash vanishes, the effective angle of attack has

increased to the same angle as the geometric angle of attack.

So as h/c reduced, the effective angle of attack should increase to the

geometric angle of attack, and greater lift from circulation should result. In this

present work, there is no indication of increased circulation [Figures 47, 49,

51, 53, 55 in section 3.1.3 and 3.1.4]. It is possible that while the effective

angle of attack increased, other effects are competing or the change in

effective angle of attack has only a small effect on the pressure distribution.

When the effective angle of attack increased to the geometric angle of attack,

the resultant aerodynamic force rotated through only a small angle and

increased the lift force by only a small amount.


In section 3.1.3 and 3.1.4, the higher-pressure pocket of air existed under the

wing at all tested angles of attack as the ground is approached [Figures 48,

50, 52, 54, 56]. Geometrically, at 3O, a convergent passage is set up

below the wing. Air slowed down when funneled through the narrow gap

between the trailing edge and the ground, leading to the pressure rise. Below

= 3O, air still slowed down, causing a smaller pressure rise [Figures 48 and


Circulation also leads to pressure build up below the wing. However, from the

upper surface pressure distributions at all tested angles of attack, circulation

reduced with decreasing h/c. So pressure increases on the lower surface do

not arise from increases in circulation.

In the literature reviewed and this present work, this higher-pressure region

always developed when circulation increased or decreased or when the

ground was stationary (section, 3.1.3 and 3.1.4) or moving (section This indicated that the combination of convergent geometry with

reducing h/c was the main cause for air to slow down under the wing,

resulting in higher pressure.


As circulation is key to generating lift, various forms of circulation

enhancements have been investigated such as the circulation control wing

mentioned in Bertin [37] where a well adjusted pressured jet of air was made

to follow the round trailing edge of a wing. As long as air is made to follow the

curvature of the wing, circulation improves. These improvements come with

introducing more energy into the existing flow.

In this present work from sections 3.1.3 and 3.1.4, the trailing edge was the

closest to the ground and saw slower than free stream flow under the wing

since CP near the trailing edge was positive. On the upper surface, the flow

near the trailing edge was closer to free stream conditions since CP was close

to zero. Since a real viscous fluid was used, the trailing edge stagnation point

still stayed on the trailing edge within the wake region of slower flow. The

possibility of a layer of slower, higher pressure air below the trailing edge

tending to push the trailing edge stagnation point upstream along the upper

surface to induce circulation to increase is not possible.

On the lower surface, the pocket of higher-pressure air peaked at the forward

stagnation point and reduced towards the trailing edge. This pocket of higher-

pressure air existed when air slowed down under the wing. For lift generation,

circulation draws air against the free stream from under the wing. Without

additional energy inputs, it is not likely that this higher pressure pocket of air

would re-organize itself to move against the free stream to assist circulation

by providing flow from below the wing to above it, moving round the leading

edge. Since this pocket of higher-pressure air does not directly affect the

trailing edge stagnation point, it is unlikely to cause changes in circulation.

Considering a rotating cylinder in free stream flow, which generates its own lift

by imparting circulation to the fluid surrounding it, lift can also be generated by

externally causing air to circulate around the cylinder without the cylinder

rotating. However, in the case of the wing in ground effect, the slowed air

contributed directly to higher pressure below the wing and was unable to

affect circulation.

4.5 DRAG

In this 3D work, as h/c reduced, drag generally reduced [Figure 60 and 62].

When deriving the datum 3D drag polar in section 3.2.1, induced drag was the

largest component. In ground effect, a decrease in drag was then due to the

reduction of induced drag. When the wing was very close to the ground,

pressure measurements showed drag dipping then rising again, while force

measurements showed a gradual reduction in drag for a 3D wing. However,

cd derived from pressure depended on the fitted polynomial curve to

determine area under the curve and had no skin friction contribution.

Therefore fluctuations in cd were expected. Any increased pressure on the

lower face of the airfoil when air was slowing down between the wing and the

stationary ground increased drag but this was small compared to reduction of

induced drag in a 3D wing.

Looking at CD from force measurements, buoyancy and drag of supports were

treated as constants in measured drag, thus their removal did not affect the

observation of reducing drag as h/c reduced.

Since there was no increase in circulation, no more additional drag resulted

from more circulatory lift. Close to the ground, the flow is becoming 2D with

some 3D effects remaining. Since drag decreased, any increased drag from

pressure under the wing must be small compared to reduced induced drag.

Thus the mechanism behind changes in drag was primarily reducing induced



Based on the Kutta condition, circulation is set up around the airfoil to keep

the rear stagnation point at the trailing edge and the strength of circulation

adjusts so that the Kutta condition is maintained. On a wing immersed in real

fluid at a small positive angle of attack, viscosity generates a region of slower

fluid adjacent to the wing surface (the boundary layer) and so establishing the

Kutta condition at the trailing edge. This causes circulation to adjust and

results in lift. Due to the sharp trailing edge, air from the lower surface does

not accelerate round the trailing edge to the upper surface. Likewise, air from

the upper surface does not go round the trailing edge to the lower surface. Air

from the upper and lower surfaces can only join to from the wake, leaving the

airfoil together. The rear stagnation point must remain or is maintained on the

trailing edge.

Ahmed et. al. [25, 26] did not distinguish lift caused by circulation and lift

caused by ram pressure below the airfoil when discussing the effects of

reducing h/c on lift. In both the moving and fixed ground cases, changes in

suction on the upper surface were not explained based on circulation about

the airfoil. The further movement of the stagnation point downstream along

the lower surface and air diverting to the upper surface were used to account

for the changes in lift, but these were also not explained based on circulation

about the airfoils tested. Ram pressure below the airfoil was noted to increase

lift with h/c reduction. However, the 2D pressure distributions in Ahmed et. al.

[25, 26] provided insight into the flow over the middle portion of a finite wing.

These 2D pressure distributions would be interpreted in terms of changes in

circulation and used to explain the flow over the middle of the wing for this

present 3D case.

4.6.1 Effect of a Flat Moving Ground on lift and drag

In 2D flow over a moving ground, the effective angle of attack is the same as

the geometrical case since there was no down wash. As the wing approached

the moving ground, air slowed down and is also increasingly drawn

downstream out from under the wing by the moving ground. This reduced the

restraint on streamline expansion under the wing, resulting in less curvature

of streamlines about the wing, reducing the effective camber of the airfoil. The

resulting circulation that can develop about the wing is less than that without

ground effect. This reduced circulation is shown in reduced suction on the

upper surface. Consequently, the leading edge stagnation point moved

around and up the nose of the airfoil. While the lift contribution from circulation

reduced, it was compensated by increased ram pressure below the wing. The

increased ram pressure also caused more drag [Figure 4.1].

Figure 4.1 Circulation about an airfoil in ground effect over a moving belt. 66

4.6.2 Effects of a Flat Stationary Ground on lift and drag

In 2D flow over a fixed ground, the effective angle of attack is the same as the

geometrical case since down wash is absent When ground clearance

narrowed, the flow under the wing slowed down, seen in higher cp values on

the lower surface. Air under the wing is not drawn downstream by the ground

but instead is squeezed through the narrow gap between the trailing edge and

ground. The streamlines are then constrained under the wing, increasing their

curvature and the effective camber of the airfoil. The slower air also

developed a higher-pressure region under the wing .The overall increase in

circulation from more effective camber resulted in more suction on the upper

surface and downward movement of the forward stagnation point. While lift

improved with increased suction on the upper surface, higher pressure on the

lower surface also contributed to lift. Drag also increased due to higher

pressure under the wing [Figure 4.2].

Figure 4.2 Circulation about an airfoil in ground effect over a flat plate. 67


The previous explanations for 2D flow about a wing in ground effect

discussed only the effects of the effective camber, since the other variables

were constant. Building on the explanations for 2D flow in section 4.6.1 and

4.6.2, this present work proposes the following explanation for the 3D flow

when a finite wing operates in ground effect over a stationary flat plate. As the

ground approaches, the effective angle of attack increases due to reducing

down wash from impeded formation of wing tip vortices. Air also slows down

under the wing, causing higher pressure. This air moves out under the trailing

edge and is also free to move towards the wing tips. Since this air is not fully

constrained to flow under the trailing edge, this reduces the restraint on the

expansion of streamlines under the wing. There is less curvature of

streamlines (in the stream wise vertical plane), reducing the effective camber

of the airfoil. Based on the experimental results discussed in section 4.1,

where circulation was shown to have decreased, reducing effective camber

has a greater effect on reducing circulation than increasing effective the angle

of attack has on increasing circulation. The final effect is less circulatory lift.

However due to the higher pressure under the wing, the overall lift increases.

Drag reduces due to a smaller induced drag component. Overall, the lift to

drag ratio improves.



For a 3D wing tested at a constant angle of attack over a stationary flat plate,

circulatory lift reduced as h/c was reduced, most likely due to reducing

effective camber. Streamlines close to the wing were still free to expand,

reducing the effective camber of the wing. At the same time, as the wing

approached the ground, air slowed down under the wing, developing a pocket

of higher-pressure air. The loss of lift from reduced circulation was more than

compensated by lift from higher-pressure air below the wing.

The experimental data showed overall conclusive lift increases, especially

when below h/c 0.3 for angles of attack 0O to 8O. The effect of h/c reduction

was a translation of the CL- curve upwards. The increase in lift came mainly

from higher pressure below the wing.

Drag reduced at all angles of attack when h/c reduced, primarily due to

reduction of induced drag. Pressure build-up under the wing contributed only

toward a small amount of drag. Overall, the experimental data showed drag

decreasing and a translation of the CD- curve downwards as h/c reduced.

The larger percentage gains in L/D ratios came from the wing at = 2O to 6O

and h/c below 0.3. This set of experimental data showed that = 4O gave the

largest percentage L/D gains.

The presence of the ground near the wing did not directly increase circulation

about the wing. Since a moving belt was not used to simulate the ground, the

flat plates ground effect on the streamlines did not represent the actual flow.


It is recommended that future experiments be carried out in a wind tunnel with

a moving belt facility, which would replicate actual flow conditions faithfully.

Care must be taken to immerse the model in the region of flow unaffected by

the tunnel walls. The belt needs to be sufficiently wide to accommodate a

reasonably sized model. The model should be supported from the aft half of

the upper surface (x/c 0.5 to 1.0) preferably by a single strut or sting mounted.

A single attachment point reduces the challenge of constructing two identical

struts to reduce generation of forces acting sideways. The strut should be

streamlined to reduce its contribution to measured drag and to improve the

sensitivity of drag measurement.

To improve the drag measurement, the strut must fulfill several functions. It

must support the model and allow for changes in angle of attack. The strut

must not rotate, so that the struts drag contribution is kept consistent. The

support must hide all tubes running to pressure taps and be sufficiently rigid

to transfer the lift and drag forces to the load cell faithfully. The strut must also

hold another secondary support, completely shielded, that holds the model

unattached to the main strut. This facilitates measurement of only the drag

contribution of the support, while keeping the flow conditions at its ends

consistent with the model mounted close by, even at the same angles of

attack. The strut, when extended into the tunnel behind the model, reduces

complicating the flow over the model should leakage into the tunnel be a


The hinge mechanism for adjusting the angle of attack should be securely

bolted at each pivot point once the desired angle is obtained. This ensures

that any force is transferred fully through the effectively stiff non-rotating

joints. Since the model of a wing is slender, pivot points are best positioned

outside the model and covered by the strut to improve access and ease of


The model and support needs to be as small as possible to reduce mass and

inertia, which affects the force and moment readings by the load cell.

Consequently, the load cell usually sits just outside and above the wind

tunnel. In this position, the load cell should also be placed on a more massive

support that damps out vibrations from external sources such as the wind

tunnel fan motor.

The pressure taps concentrated at the fore half (x/c 0.0 to 0.5) of the upper

and lower surface would more readily pick up the movement of the stagnation

point and the movement of the suction pocket on the upper surface. This

indicates how ground effect affects circulatory lift contribution.

While alternating between pressure only measurements and force only

measurements, a more efficient way to connect and disconnect multiple thin

tubes, while maintaining tube phasing is ideal in saving wind tunnel running

time. This connect would look similar to a multi-pin electrical connector that

connects in only one way.


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Appendix A. Summary of WIG Vehicles

Country of
Main Designer Main Designer /
SN Partnering Designer / Manufacturer Year
or Manufacturer
1 China CSSRC, China 1996 reported
2 China China 1996 reported
3 China Ship 1996 reported
4 China Scientific 1996 reported
5 China Research 1996 reported
6 China Centre 1996 reported
7 China MARIC, China 1980
8 China MARIC Qiu Sin shipyard 1997
9 China MARIC Qiu Sin shipyard 1997
10 England Ronald Bourn HFL seaglide 1976
11 EU SEABUS-HYDAER (HYDrodynamics/AERodynamics) 1997
12 Finland Toivo Kaario, Finland 1935
13 Finland Toivo Kaario 1962
14 France J Bertin Company 1969
15 France J Bertin Company 1973
16 Germany Dr A Lippisch, Germany 1970
17 Germany Dr A Lippisch, Germany Collins Radio Company 1963
18 Germany Dr Alexander Lippisch RheinFlugzeugBau RFB 1970
19 Germany Dr Alexander Lippisch RheinFlugzeugBau RFB 1980
20 Germany Gunter Jorg 1976
21 Germany Hanno Fischer, Germany FischerFlugmechanik 1988
22 Germany Hanno Fischer FischerFlugmechanik 1990
23 Germany Hanno Fischer design Airfoil development GmbH 2000
24 Germany Hanno Fischer design Airfoil development GmbH 2002
25 Germany Hanno Fischer design Airfoil development GmbH 2011
26 Germany Techno Trans, Germany 1995
27 Germany Techno Trans 2006 onwards
28 Japan Tottori University canard WISE project 2005
29 Japan Tottori University canard WISE project 2005
30 Japan Tottori University canard WISE project 2005
31 Japan Tottori University canard WISE project 2005
32 Japan Prof Syozo Kubo, Japan Tottori University 1988
33 Japan Prof Syozo Kubo Tottori University 1988
34 Japan Prof Syozo Kubo H Akimoto 2001
35 Japan Kawasaki Corp 1963
36 Korea Govt project 2005
37 Korea WingShip Technology Corp Hanno Fischer is Technical advisor. 2011
38 Russia (Soviet) B Blinov Moscow Aviation Institute 1965
39 Russia (Soviet) Bartini Taganrog Aviation Construction Complex
40 Russia (Soviet) CLST, Russia 1973
41 Russia (Soviet) Central Laboratary of 1973
42 Russia (Soviet) Rescue Techniques 1973
43 Russia (Soviet) Gen D Synitsin Marine Passenger Ekranoplans 1993
44 Russia (Soviet) Gen D Synitsin Marine Passenger Ekranoplans 1993
45 Russia (Soviet) Gen D Synitsin Marine Passenger Ekranoplans 1993
46 Russia (Soviet) Gen D Synitsin Marine Passenger Ekranoplans 1993
47 Russia (Soviet) Gen D Synitsin, Russia Technology & Transport 1995

Appendix A. Summary of WIG Vehicles

Country of
Main Designer Main Designer /
SN Partnering Designer / Manufacturer Year
or Manufacturer
48 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1970s
49 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev, Russia Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1970s
50 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1961
51 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1962
52 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1962
53 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1963
54 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1964
55 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1972
56 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1963
57 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1967
58 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1969
59 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1973
60 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1987
61 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1977
62 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1985
63 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1970s
64 Russia (Soviet) RE Alexeev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau 1995
65 Sweden I Troeng 1938
66 Switzerland H Weiland 1964
67 USA Boeing Company 1965
68 USA Research Affiliates 1965
69 USA Research Affiliates 1965
70 USA Water Research Company 1974
71 USA DE Calkins University of California 1975
72 USA Lockheed Georgia 1977
73 USA Douglas Aircraft 1977
74 USA Northrop Aircraft 1993
75 USA Boeing Company Phantom Works 2002
76 USA Aerocon 1990
77 USA Dr WR Bertelson 1963

Appendix A. Summary of WIG Vehicles

Fully Developed /
SN Experimental / Production phase Motivation
Concept Only

1 Fully Developed Experimental Passenger Transport

2 Fully Developed Experimental Passenger Transport
3 Fully Developed Experimental Passenger Transport
4 Fully Developed Experimental Passenger Transport (Total 9 developed models)
5 Fully Developed Experimental Passenger Transport
6 Fully Developed Experimental Passenger Transport
7 Fully Developed Experimental Amphibious WIG
8 Fully Developed Experimental Amphibious WIG
9 Fully Developed Experimental Amphibious WIG
10 Fully Developed Experimental Multi roles in civilian and military
11 Concept Only
12 Fully Developed Experimental High speed snow sledge
13 Fully Developed Experimental High speed snow sledge improved
14 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean transport
15 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean transport
16 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean transport
17 Fully Developed Experimental
18 Fully Developed Experimental Improvement from X-112
19 Fully Developed Experimental Improvement from X-113, 4 times larger
20 Fully Developed Experimental Travel across water and only calm water
21 Fully Developed Experimental Maritime sports vehicle
22 Fully Developed Experimental Maritime sports vehicle
23 Fully Developed Experimental Maritime sports vehicle or passenger
24 Concept Only Passenger
25 Fully Developed IMO certification before Production. Passenger (most likely but still unconfirmed)
26 Fully Developed Experimental Passenger (aims to build a 80 pax vehicle)
27 Fully Developed Experimental Passenger (aims to build a 80 pax vehicle)
28 Concept Only Passenger Transport
29 Concept Only Passenger Transport
30 Concept Only Passenger Transport
31 Concept Only Passenger Transport (2 crew vehicle)
32 Fully Developed
33 Fully Developed
34 Fully Developed Passenger Transport
35 Stopped. No Reason. Experimental
36 Concept Only Cargo Transport
37 Fully Developed IMO certification before Production. Passenger Transport
38 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean transport
39 Fully Developed Experimental Use GE to provide contact free take off and landing
40 Fully Developed Experimental Water borne rescue at sea
41 Fully Developed Experimental Water borne rescue at sea
42 Fully Developed Experimental Water borne rescue at sea
43 Concept Only Passenger Transport
44 Concept Only Passenger Transport
45 Concept Only Passenger Transport
46 Concept Only Passenger Transport
47 Fully Developed Experimental Passenger Transport. Dynamic Air cushion ship.

Appendix A. Summary of WIG Vehicles

Fully Developed /
SN Experimental / Production phase Motivation
Concept Only

48 Concept Only Passenger Transport

49 Fully Developed Possibly in commercial phase. Passenger Transport. Dynamic Air cushion ship.
50 Fully Developed Experimental Supposed military use
51 Fully Developed Experimental Supposed military use
52 Fully Developed Experimental Supposed military use
53 Fully Developed Experimental Supposed military use
54 Fully Developed Experimental Supposed military use
55 Fully Developed Experimental Supposed military use
56 Fully Developed Experimental Supposed military use
57 Fully Developed Experimental Supposed military use
58 Fully Developed Experimental Supposed military use
59 Fully Developed Production limited. Supposed military use
60 Fully Developed Experimental Missile carrier
61 Fully Developed Experimental Supposed military use
62 Fully Developed Experimental Supposed military use
63 Fully Developed Experimental Passenger Transport. Dynamic Air cushion ship.
64 Partially Developed. Concept needs proving. Water borne rescue at sea
65 Stopped. Unstable. Experimental Travel across water
66 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean transport
67 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean transport
68 Concept Only Long range Naval missions
69 Concept Only Short range Naval missions
70 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean transport
71 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean transport
72 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean transport
73 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean military transport
74 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean military transport
75 Concept Only High load, high speed transocean military transport
76 Concept Only Deemed unfeasible in 1994. High load, high speed transocean military transport
77 Fully Developed Experimental Cross rural countryside efficiently to visit patients

Appendix A. Summary of WIG Vehicles

Crew /
SN Vehicle Designation Some Ground Effect Specifics Weight / Mass

1 XTW-1 950 kg
2 XTW-1S 1700 kg
3 XTW-2 Ram wing 3600 kg
4 XTW-3 Ram wing 4000 kg
5 XTW-4 Ram wing 20 6000 kg
6 XTW-5 25000 kg
7 AWIG-750 Power augmented ram 745 kg
8 Swan-I or AWIG-751 Power augmented ram 8.1 tons
9 Swan-II or AWIG-751G Power augmented ram No weight mentioned
10 SEABEE Ram wing 3 502 kg
11 Sea Bus project 500 tons
12 No specific name given Ram wing 1
13 Aerosani No.8 Ram wing 2 500 kg
14 Cygne 10 Flying wing 1000 tons
15 Cygne 14 Flying wing 1400 tons
16 Aerofoil boat Ram wing 300 tons
17 X-112 Ram wing 1 330 kg
18 X-113 Ram wing 1 345 kg
19 X-114 Ram wing 6 1850 kg
20 TAB VII-5 Tandem flying wing 740 kg
21 AirFish FF1/FF2 Ram wing 2 No weight mentioned
22 AirFish-3 Ram wing 4 2.5 times of FF1/FF2
23 FlightShip-8 (FS-8 or Airfish-8) 8 2325 kg
24 FlightShip-40 40 pax/5 tons
25 HoverWing 20 (IMO cert.) Ram wing and air cushion 9500 kg
26 Hoverwing 2VT / hydrowing vt-01 2 812 kg
27 Hydrowing-06 2.3 tons
28 WISES60 Wing with canard 60 23 tons
29 WISES80 Wing with canard 80 31 tons
30 WISES140 Wing with canard 140 56 tons
31 WISES2 Wing with canard 2 400 kg
32 mu sky-1 1 295 kg
33 mu sky-2 Flying wing 2 No weight mentioned
34 "8 seater flying wing" Flying wing 2.5 ton
35 KAG-3 Flying wing 2 590 kg
36 No name Korean Govt Project 300 tons
37 WSH-500 (IMO cert.) Ram wing 17.132 tons
38 Blinov Flying wing Flying wing 550 tons No weight mentioned
39 VVA-14 52 tons
40 ESKA-1 Ram wing 2 450 kg
41 An-2E Ram wing 12 7000 kg
42 CLST 2-seat ekranoplan Ram wing 2 1460 kg
43 MPE-100 80-100 tons
44 MPE-200 180-210 tons
45 MPE-300 300-350 tons
46 MPE-400 Power augmented ram 450 400 tons
47 Aquaglide-5 Power augmented ram and air cushion. 2720 kg

Appendix A. Summary of WIG Vehicles

Crew /
SN Vehicle Designation Some Ground Effect Specifics Weight / Mass

48 Vikhr-2 Dynamic air cushion 250 No weight mentioned

49 Raketa-2 Power augmented ram and air cushion. 90 31 tons
50 SM-1 Tandem flying wing 2.83 tons
51 SM-2P Power augmented ram 3.20 tons
52 SM-3 Ram wing 3.4 tons
53 SM-4 Power augmented ram 4.8 tons
54 SM2-P7 Power augmented ram 6.3 tons
55 SM-6 Power augmented ram 26.5 tons
56 SM-5 Power augmented ram 7.3 tons
57 SM-8 Power augmented ram 8.1 tons
58 KM Power augmented ram 550 tons
59 Orlyonok 120 tons
60 Loon / Lun 400 tons
61 SM-9 1.75 ton
62 SM-10 2.2 tons
63 Volga-2 Power augmented ram and air cushion. 2.7 tons
64 Spasatel 400 tons
65 Aeroboat Flying wing 1 600 kg
66 Weiland Large Craft Tandem flying wing 3000 909091 kg
67 low boy Flying wing 125 tons
68 RAM-1 Flying wing and air cushion vehicle 22000 kg
69 RAM-2 Flying wing and air cushion vehicle 4990 kg
70 WSEV-C Ram wing 1000 tons
71 Hybrid airship Flying wing 1000 tons
72 WIG transport Power augmented ram 700 tons
73 DAW-S Power augmented ram 910 tons
74 Northrop Wingship 1.6M 725 tons
75 Pelican No weight mentioned
76 Dash 1.6 5000 tons
77 GEM-3 Ram wing 4 1140 kg

Appendix A. Summary of WIG Vehicles

Next Next
SN Speed Powerplant and Propulsion Reference
Reference Reference

1 100-130 km/h cruise Rozhdestvensky Yun L

2 130-150 km/h cruise Rozhdestvensky Yun L
3 150-180 km/h cruise Rozhdestvensky Yun L
4 144 km/h cruise Rozhdestvensky Yun L
5 150 km/h cruise 2 x PWC PT6A-15AG Rozhdestvensky Yun L
6 300 km/h cruise Rozhdestvensky Yun L
7 130 km/h 2x30 hpThruster DT-30, 6000rpm Rozhdestvensky
8 130 km/h 2x275 kW + 210 kW Ducted propellors Rozhdestvensky
9 No speed mentioned Rozhdestvensky
10 <100 knots 130 hp Turbo fan Ollila
11 120 knots Rozhdestvensky van Beek
12 12 knots cruise 16 hp Piston propellor Ollila
13 43 knots max 50 hp Piston propellor Ollila
14 200 knots 8x15000 hp Turbo prop Ollila
15 260 knots 8x25000 hp Turbo ducted fan Ollila
16 300 knots 6x50000 hp Turbo prop Ollila
17 68 knots cruise 25 hp Piston propellor Ollila Yun L
18 76 knot max 40 hp Piston propellor Ollila
19 70 knots cruise 200 hp Turbo fan ducted Ollila
20 54 knots 70 hp Piston propellor Ollila
21 100 km/h cruise Propellors Rozhdestvensky Yun L
22 120 km/h cruise Propellors Rozhdestvensky Yun L
23 160 km/h cruise 330 kW Propellors Rozhdestvensky
24 225 km/h cruise 1000 kW Propellors Rozhdestvensky
25 140 km/h cruise Rozhdestvensky
26 120 km/h cruise 90 kW Piston propellor Rozhdestvensky
27 125 km/h cruise 210kW Rozhdestvensky
28 170 knots 2x1380 kW Turbo prop Akimoto
29 130 knots 2x1520 kW Turbo prop Akimoto
30 140 knots cruise 2x3046 kW Turbo prop Akimoto
31 166 km/h Akimoto
32 82 km/h cruise Rozhdestvensky
33 no internet data Rozhdestvensky
34 150 km/h 2x183.874 kW Piston propellor Rozhdestvensky
35 21-32 knots cruise 80 hp Out board motor Ollila
36 250 km/h Rozhdestvensky
37 175 km/h 2x1400 hp Turbo prop Wingship Technology Corp webpages
38 215 knots 6xTurbo prop Ollila
39 760 km/h 2xD-30M turbo fan Rozhdestvensky RTO-015-24 RTO-015-25
40 60 knots cruise 30 hp Piston propellor Ollila RTO-015-24 RTO-015-25
41 190 km/h cruise (AN-2) 1000 hp Piston propellor Ollila RTO-015-24 RTO-015-25
42 no speed info 210 hp Piston propellor Ollila RTO-015-24 RTO-015-25
43 380 km/h Rozhdestvensky
44 400-430 km/h Rozhdestvensky
45 450 km/h Rozhdestvensky
46 500 km/h Rozhdestvensky
47 150 km/h Rozhdestvensky

Appendix A. Summary of WIG Vehicles

Next Next
SN Speed Powerplant and Propulsion Reference
Reference Reference

48 No internet data Rozhdestvensky

49 180 km/h cruise Rozhdestvensky Yun L Filippone
50 250 km/h cruise Rozhdestvensky Yun L
51 250 km/h cruise Rozhdestvensky Yun L
52 160 km/h cruise Yun L
53 200 km/h cruise 10x98100 N Turbo fan Rozhdestvensky Yun L
54 250 km/h cruise Yun L
55 300 km/h cruise Yun L
56 200 km/h cruise Yun L
57 200 km/h cruise Rozhdestvensky Yun L
58 430 km/h cruise 8x98100 N (takeoff) + 2x98100 N (cruise) Rozhdestvensky Yun L
59 350-400 km/h 2x98100 N + 156960 N static thrust Rozhdestvensky Yun L Filippone
60 450 km/h 8x127530 N static thrust turbo fan Rozhdestvensky Yun L Filippone
61 120 km/h Yun L
62 120 km/h
63 120 km/h cruise Turbo fan ducted Rozhdestvensky
64 450 km/h Rozhdestvensky
65 no speed info 60 hp Piston propellor Ollila
66 no speed info Turbo prop. Power uncertain. Ollila
67 160 knots 4xTurbo fan Ollila
68 86 knots cruise 2000 hp Turbo fan Ollila
69 250 knots max 3000 lb Turbo jet Ollila
70 215 knots 180000 hp Turbo fan ducted Ollila
71 150 knots 2x35000 hp Turbo fan ducted Ollila
72 262 knots 4x95600 lb Turbo fan Ollila
73 no speed data Rozhdestvensky
74 no speed data Rozhdestvensky
75 240 knots (Wiki) Rozhdestvensky
76 400 knots Rozhdestvensky
77 70 knots cruise 150 hp Piston propellor Ollila

Data uncertain even after search on internet.
Data unavailable
Rozhdestvensky K. V. Rozhdestvensky, Wing in Ground Effect Vehicles, Progress in Aerospace
Sciences, Vol 42, (2006) pp. 211 - 283
Ollila R. G. Ollila, Historical Review of WIG Vehicles, Journal of Hydronautics, Vol. 14, No.3,
(1980) pp. 65 - 76
Akimoto Akimoto, H., Kubo, S. and Kanehira, M. (2010) Wing in surface effect ship with canard
configuration, Int. J. Aerodynamics, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.317.
Yun L Yun L., Bliault A., Doo J., WIG Craft & Ekranoplan Ground Effect Craft Technology Ch 2
RTO-015-24 NATO RTO Meeting Proceedings-015-24 The first commercial ekranoplan Amphistar
and prospects for the development of passenger ekranoplans (1998)
RTO-015-25 NATO RTO Meeting Proceedings-015-25 A view of the present state of research in aero
and hydrodynamics of ekranoplans (1999)
Filippone A. Filippone, M. S. Selig Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings for Wing-Ships, AIAA (1998)
van Beek C.M. van Beek, B. Oskam and G. Fantacci, Progress Report on Aerodynamic Analysis
of a Surface Piercing Hydrofoil-Controlled Wing-In-Ground Effect SEABUS
Configuration, NLR-TP-98510 (1998)

Appendix A. Summary of WIG Vehicles

Weight changes over the years for

Fully Developed Vehicles & Concepts within the same development group

CSSRC, China
MARIC, China
Toivo Kaario, Finland
Take Off Weight [kg]

Dr A Lippisch, Germany
Hanno Fischer, Germany
Techno Trans, Germany
Prof Syozo Kubo, Japan
CLST, Russia
Gen D Synitsin, Russia
RE Alexeev, Russia
HoverWing 20 (IMO cert.)
WSH-500 (IMO cert.)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Speed changes over the years for

Fully Developed Vehicles & Concepts within the same development group

CSSRC, China
MARIC, China
Toivo Kaario, Finland
Cruising peed [km/h]

Dr A Lippisch, Germany
Hanno Fischer, Germany
Techno Trans, Germany
Prof Syozo Kubo, Japan
CLST, Russia
Gen D Synitsin, Russia
RE Alexeev, Russia
HoverWing 20 (IMO cert.)
WSH-500 (IMO cert.)
1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Appendix B. Summary of Experimental data from NACA TN 67

A.E Raymond, Ground influence on aerofoils, NACA TN 67, 1921

Expt Martin 2 3D Speed 13.4112m/s Chord 0.0762m Re 63871 AR 6
AoA [deg] CL CD L/D h/c Ground Simulation
8 0.5397 0.0435 12.40 (h/c=) NA
0.5397 0.0435 12.40 2 no ground effect
0.5397 0.0435 12.40 0.25 no ground effect
8 0.5444 0.0424 12.85 2.00 image method
8 0.5485 0.0418 13.13 1.75 image method
8 0.5500 0.0409 13.45 1.50 image method
8 0.5500 0.0400 13.75 1.25 image method
8 0.5515 0.0388 14.20 1.00 image method
8 0.5574 0.0376 14.80 0.75 image method
8 0.5735 0.0353 16.25 0.50 image method
8 0.6074 0.0315 19.30 0.25 image method
12 0.6588 0.0624 10.57 (h/c=) NA
0.6588 0.0624 10.57 2 no ground effect
0.6588 0.0624 10.57 0.25 no ground effect
12 0.6603 0.0606 10.90 2.00 image method
12 0.6603 0.0588 11.23 1.75 image method
12 0.6603 0.0565 11.69 1.50 image method
12 0.6618 0.0559 11.84 1.25 image method
12 0.6632 0.0535 12.39 1.00 image method
12 0.6676 0.0518 12.90 0.75 image method
12 0.6750 0.0488 13.83 0.50 image method
12 0.6971 0.0447 15.59 0.25 image method
16 0.7500 0.0871 8.61 (h/c=) NA
0.7500 0.0871 8.61 2 no ground effect
0.7500 0.0871 8.61 0.25 no ground effect
16 0.7329 0.0806 9.09 2.00 image method
16 0.7329 0.0794 9.23 1.75 image method
16 0.7329 0.0788 9.30 1.50 image method
16 0.7338 0.0782 9.38 1.25 image method
16 0.7353 0.0771 9.54 1.00 image method
16 0.7412 0.0747 9.92 0.75 image method
16 0.7500 0.0712 10.54 0.50 image method
16 0.7972 0.0871 9.16 0.25 image method

L/D vs h/c
Martin 2 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various AoA


AoA 8
16 AoA 12
AoA 16
No Ground Effect 8
12 No Ground Effect 12
No Ground Effect 16

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00

Appendix B. Summary of Experimental data from NACA TN 67

A.E Raymond, Ground influence on aerofoils, NACA TN 67, 1921

Expt Martin 2 3D Speed 13.4112m/s Chord 0.0762m Re 63871 AR 6

CL vs h/c
Martin 2 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various AoA


0.7 AoA 8
AoA 12
AoA 16
No Ground Effect 8
No Ground Effect 12
No Ground Effect 16

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00

CD vs h/c
Martin 2 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various AoA



0.07 AoA 8
AoA 12
AoA 16
No Ground Effect 8
No Ground Effect 12
No Ground Effect 16


0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00

Appendix B. Summary of Experimental data from NACA TN 67

A.E Raymond, Ground influence on aerofoils, NACA TN 67, 1921

Expt Martin 2 3D Speed 13.4112m/s Chord 0.0762m Re 63871 AR 6

CL vs alpha
Martin 2 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various h/c


No Ground Effect
0.7 2.00

0.6 0.50

6 8 10 12 14 16 18
AoA [deg]

CD vs alpha
Martin 2 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various h/c



No Ground Effect
0.07 2.00

0.06 1.00
0.05 0.50


6 8 10 12 14 16 18
AoA [deg]

Appendix B. Summary of Experimental data from NACA TN 67

A.E Raymond, Ground influence on aerofoils, NACA TN 67, 1921

Expt USA 27 3D Speed 13.4112m/s Chord 0.0762m Re 63870.84 AR6
AoA [deg] CL CD L/D h/c Ground Simulation
4 0.3500 0.0241 14.51 (h/c=) NA
0.3500 0.0241 14.51 1.75 no ground effect
0.3500 0.0241 14.51 0.25 no ground effect
4 0.3544 0.0229 15.45 1.75 image method
4 0.3559 0.0226 15.71 1.50 image method
4 0.3588 0.0224 16.05 1.25 image method
4 0.3632 0.0221 16.47 1.00 image method
4 0.3721 0.0215 17.33 0.75 image method
4 0.3853 0.0206 18.71 0.50 image method
4 0.4176 0.0194 21.52 0.25 image method
8 0.4956 0.0394 12.57 (h/c=) NA
0.4956 0.0394 12.57 1.75 no ground effect
0.4956 0.0394 12.57 0.25 no ground effect
8 0.5029 0.0371 13.57 1.75 image method
8 0.5059 0.0365 13.87 1.50 image method
8 0.5088 0.0359 14.18 1.25 image method
8 0.5132 0.0350 14.66 1.00 image method
8 0.5191 0.0335 15.48 0.75 image method
8 0.5353 0.0324 16.55 0.50 image method
8 0.5750 0.0294 19.55 0.25 image method
12 0.6294 0.0588 10.70 (h/c=) NA
0.6294 0.0588 10.70 1.75 no ground effect
0.6294 0.0588 10.70 0.25 no ground effect
12 0.6412 0.0550 11.66 1.75 image method
12 0.6426 0.0535 12.01 1.50 image method
12 0.6471 0.0521 12.43 1.25 image method
12 0.6500 0.0506 12.85 1.00 image method
12 0.6544 0.0482 13.57 0.75 image method
12 0.6632 0.0459 14.46 0.50 image method
12 0.6794 0.0429 15.82 0.25 image method

L/D vs h/c
USA 27 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various AoA


AoA 4
18 AoA 8
AoA 12
No Ground Effect 4
14 No Ground Effect 8
No Ground Effect 12

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00

Appendix B. Summary of Experimental data from NACA TN 67

A.E Raymond, Ground influence on aerofoils, NACA TN 67, 1921

Expt USA 27 3D Speed 13.4112m/s Chord 0.0762m Re 63870.84 AR6

CL vs h/c
USA 27 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various AoA


AoA 4
AoA 8
AoA 12
No Ground Effect 4
No Ground Effect 8
No Ground Effect 12

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00

CD vs h/c
USA 27 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various AoA



AoA 4
0.04 AoA 8
AoA 12
No Ground Effect 4
0.03 No Ground Effect 8
No Ground Effect 12


0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00

Appendix B. Summary of Experimental data from NACA TN 67

A.E Raymond, Ground influence on aerofoils, NACA TN 67, 1921

Expt USA 27 3D Speed 13.4112m/s Chord 0.0762m Re 63870.84 AR6

CL vs alpha
USA 27 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various h/c


0.6 No Ground Effect


0.5 1.00
0.4 0.25

2 4 6 8 10 12 14
AoA [deg]

CD vs alpha
USA 27 | Image method | AR6 | Re 64000 | Various h/c


No Ground Effect

0.03 0.75

2 4 6 8 10 12 14
AoA [deg]

Appendix B. Summary of Experimental data from NACA TN 67

A.E Raymond, Ground influence on aerofoils, NACA TN 67, 1921

Expt USA 27 3D Speed 13.4112m/s Chord 0.0762m Re 63870.84 AR6
AoA [deg] CL CD L/D h/c Ground Simulation
-4 0.1118 0.0138 8.09 (h/c=0.50) image method
-2 0.1765 0.0141 12.50 (h/c=0.50) image method
0 0.2353 0.0153 15.38 (h/c=0.50) image method
2 0.3176 0.0176 18.00 (h/c=0.50) image method
4 0.3971 0.0212 18.75 (h/c=0.50) image method
6 0.4735 0.0259 18.30 (h/c=0.50) image method
8 0.5471 0.0335 16.32 (h/c=0.50) image method
10 0.6186 0.0382 16.18 (h/c=0.50) image method
12 0.6676 0.0459 14.55 (h/c=0.50) image method
14 0.7000 0.0612 11.44 (h/c=0.50) image method
-4 0.0882 0.0159 5.56 (h/c=0.50) flat plate method
-2 0.1765 0.0135 13.04 (h/c=0.50) flat plate method
0 0.2574 0.0112 23.03 (h/c=0.50) flat plate method
2 0.3353 0.0135 24.78 (h/c=0.50) flat plate method
4 0.4088 0.0212 19.31 (h/c=0.50) flat plate method
6 0.4735 0.0224 21.18 (h/c=0.50) flat plate method
8 0.5314 0.0276 19.22 (h/c=0.50) flat plate method
10 0.5957 0.0335 17.77 (h/c=0.50) flat plate method
12 0.6400 0.0394 16.24 (h/c=0.50) flat plate method
14 0.6414 0.0547 11.73 (h/c=0.50) flat plate method
-4 0.0471 0.0194 2.42 (h/c=) NA
-2 0.1206 0.0174 6.95 (h/c=) NA
0 0.2000 0.0171 11.72 (h/c=) NA
2 0.2794 0.0197 14.18 (h/c=) NA
4 0.3529 0.0259 13.64 (h/c=) NA
6 0.4235 0.0332 12.74 (h/c=) NA
8 0.4912 0.0415 11.84 (h/c=) NA
10 0.5676 0.0509 11.16 (h/c=) NA
12 0.6329 0.0612 10.34 (h/c=) NA
14 0.6871 0.0724 9.50 (h/c=) NA

Appendix B. Summary of Experimental data from NACA TN 67

A.E Raymond, Ground influence on aerofoils, NACA TN 67, 1921

Expt USA 27 3D Speed 13.4112m/s Chord 0.0762m Re 63870.84 AR6

Image & Flat Plate Method Comparison with CL & CD

USA 27 | AR 6 | Re 64000




CL Image h/c=0.5
CD Image h/c=0.5
CL Flat h/c=0.5
CD Flat h/c=0.5
CL No Ground Effect
CD No Ground Effect



-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
AoA [deg]

Appendix C. Summary of Experimental Data from NASA TN D926

M.P. Fink and J.L. Lastinger, Aerodynamic characteristics of low aspect ratio wings in close proximity to the
ground, NASA TN D926, 1961
Expt Glenn Martin 21 modifed flat bottom from 0.3c to TE 3D Speed - Chord 0.3048m Re 490000 AR 2
AoA [deg] CL CD L/D h/c Ground Simulation
-10 0.0400 0.0300 1.3333 (h/c=) NA
12 1.1400 0.2050 5.5610 (h/c=) NA
14 1.2300 0.2400 5.1250 (h/c=) NA
16 1.3100 0.2800 4.6786 (h/c=) NA
18 1.3600 0.3150 4.3175 (h/c=) NA
-8 0.1400 0.0300 4.6667 (h/c=) NA
-8 0.1400 0.0300 1.200 without ground effect
-8 0.1300 0.0300 4.3333 1.104 image method
-8 0.1150 0.0300 3.8333 0.939 image method
-8 0.1100 0.0300 3.6667 0.764 image method
-8 0.1000 0.0300 3.3333 0.604 image method
-8 0.0500 0.0300 1.6667 0.444 image method
-8 -0.1000 0.0300 -3.3333 0.274 image method
-8 -0.3200 0.0300 -10.6667 0.184 image method
-6 0.2300 0.0350 6.5714 (h/c=) NA
-6 0.2300 0.0350 1.200 without ground effect
-6 0.2400 0.0350 6.8571 1.078 image method
-6 0.2400 0.0350 6.8571 0.913 image method
-6 0.2350 0.0350 6.7143 0.738 image method
-6 0.2250 0.0350 6.4286 0.578 image method
-6 0.1900 0.0325 5.8462 0.418 image method
-6 0.0750 0.0325 2.3077 0.248 image method
-6 -0.1200 0.0325 -3.6923 0.158 image method
-4 0.3300 0.0450 7.3333 (h/c=) NA
-4 0.3300 0.0450 1.200 without ground effect
-4 0.3450 0.0450 7.6667 1.052 image method
-4 0.3500 0.0450 7.7778 0.887 image method
-4 0.3500 0.0425 8.2353 0.712 image method
-4 0.3400 0.0400 8.5000 0.552 image method
-4 0.3250 0.0400 8.1250 0.392 image method
-4 0.2400 0.0350 6.8571 0.222 image method
-4 0.1000 0.0325 3.0769 0.132 image method
-4 -0.0500 0.0350 -1.4286 0.092 image method
-2 0.4300 0.0500 8.6000 (h/c=) NA
-2 0.4300 0.0500 1.200 without ground effect
-2 0.4300 0.0550 7.8182 1.026 image method
-2 0.4350 0.0525 8.2857 0.861 image method
-2 0.4450 0.0500 8.9000 0.686 image method
-2 0.4400 0.0500 8.8000 0.526 image method
-2 0.4300 0.0500 8.6000 0.366 image method
-2 0.3750 0.0450 8.3333 0.196 image method
-2 0.3000 0.0400 7.5000 0.106 image method
-2 0.2000 0.0400 5.0000 0.066 image method
-2 0.1100 0.0350 3.1429 0.046 image method
0 0.5400 0.0650 8.3077 (h/c=) NA
0 0.5400 0.0650 1.200 without ground effect
0 0.5400 0.0650 8.3077 1.000 image method
0 0.5400 0.0650 8.3077 0.835 image method
0 0.5400 0.0650 8.3077 0.660 image method
0 0.5500 0.0650 8.4615 0.500 image method
0 0.5600 0.0600 9.3333 0.340 image method
0 0.5400 0.0550 9.8182 0.170 image method

Appendix C. Summary of Experimental Data from NASA TN D926

M.P. Fink and J.L. Lastinger, Aerodynamic characteristics of low aspect ratio wings in close proximity to the
ground, NASA TN D926, 1961
Expt Glenn Martin 21 modifed flat bottom from 0.3c to TE 3D Speed - Chord 0.3048m Re 490000 AR 2
AoA [deg] CL CD L/D h/c Ground Simulation
0 0.5600 0.0500 11.2000 0.080 image method
0 0.5900 0.0450 13.1111 0.040 image method
2 0.6400 0.0800 8.0000 (h/c=) NA
2 0.6400 0.0800 1.200 without ground effect
2 0.6600 0.0800 8.2500 0.974 image method
2 0.6700 0.0800 8.3750 0.809 image method
2 0.6600 0.0775 8.5161 0.634 image method
2 0.6800 0.0750 9.0667 0.474 image method
2 0.6900 0.0700 9.8571 0.314 image method
2 0.7300 0.0650 11.2308 0.144 image method
2 0.8400 0.0600 14.0000 0.054 image method
2 1.1000 0.0550 20.0000 0.014 image method
4 0.7500 0.1000 7.5000 (h/c=) NA
4 0.7500 0.1000 1.200 without ground effect
4 0.7600 0.0975 7.7949 0.948 image method
4 0.7700 0.0975 7.8974 0.783 image method
4 0.7600 0.0950 8.0000 0.608 image method
4 0.7900 0.0925 8.5405 0.448 image method
4 0.8250 0.0900 9.1667 0.288 image method
4 0.9100 0.0850 10.7059 0.118 image method
4 1.1350 0.0800 14.1875 0.028 image method
6 0.8400 0.1200 7.0000 (h/c=) NA
6 0.8400 0.1200 1.200 without ground effect
6 0.8500 0.1100 7.7273 0.922 image method
6 0.8600 0.1100 7.8182 0.757 image method
6 0.8800 0.1100 8.0000 0.582 image method
6 0.9200 0.1075 8.5581 0.422 image method
6 0.9400 0.1050 8.9524 0.262 image method
6 1.0850 0.1025 10.5854 0.092 image method
6 1.3700 0.1000 13.7000 0.002 image method
8 0.9500 0.1300 7.3077 (h/c=) NA
8 0.9500 0.1300 1.200 without ground effect
8 0.9500 0.1425 6.6667 0.896 image method
8 0.9800 0.1425 6.8772 0.731 image method
8 1.0000 0.1400 7.1429 0.556 image method
8 1.0300 0.1400 7.3571 0.396 image method
8 1.0700 0.1350 7.9259 0.236 image method
8 1.2700 0.1325 9.5849 0.066 image method
8 1.4200 0.1250 11.3600 -0.024 image method
10 1.0500 0.1750 6.0000 (h/c=) NA
10 1.0500 0.1750 1.200 without ground effect
10 1.0900 0.1650 6.6061 0.870 image method
10 1.1000 0.1675 6.5672 0.705 image method
10 1.1250 0.1675 6.7164 0.530 image method
10 1.1600 0.1650 7.0303 0.370 image method
10 1.2100 0.1600 7.5625 0.210 image method
10 1.4800 0.1500 9.8667 0.040 image method

Appendix C. Summary of Experimental Data from NASA TN D926

M.P. Fink and J.L. Lastinger, Aerodynamic characteristics of low aspect ratio wings in close proximity to the
ground, NASA TN D926, 1961
Expt Glenn Martin 21 modifed flat bottom from 0.3c to TE 3D Speed - Chord 0.3048m Re 490000 AR 2

L/D vs h/c
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image method | AR2 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various AoA



16 2

12 8

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

CL vs h/c
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image method | AR2 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various AoA



1.00 2
0.60 8


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Appendix C. Summary of Experimental Data from NASA TN D926

M.P. Fink and J.L. Lastinger, Aerodynamic characteristics of low aspect ratio wings in close proximity to the
ground, NASA TN D926, 1961
Expt Glenn Martin 21 modifed flat bottom from 0.3c to TE 3D Speed - Chord 0.3048m Re 490000 AR 2

CD vs h/c
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image method | AR2 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various AoA

0.14 0
0.12 2
0.08 8
0.06 10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

CL vs AoA
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image Method | AR2 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various h/c


without ground effect
1.0 1.000
0.8 0.835

0.4 0.340
0.2 0.170
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
AoA [deg]

Appendix C. Summary of Experimental Data from NASA TN D926

M.P. Fink and J.L. Lastinger, Aerodynamic characteristics of low aspect ratio wings in close proximity to the
ground, NASA TN D926, 1961
Expt Glenn Martin 21 modifed flat bottom from 0.3c to TE 3D Speed - Chord 0.3048m Re 490000 AR 2

CD vs AoA
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image Method | AR2 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various h/c


without ground effect
0.12 0.835

0.08 0.340

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
AoA [deg]

Appendix C. Summary of Experimental Data from NASA TN D926

M.P. Fink and J.L. Lastinger, Aerodynamic characteristics of low aspect ratio wings in close proximity to the
ground, NASA TN D926, 1961
Expt Glenn Martin 21 modifed flat bottom from 0.3c to TE 3D Speed - Chord 0.3048m Re 490000 AR 4
AoA [deg] CL CD L/D h/c Ground Simulation
-5.8 0.3150 0.0250 12.6000 (h/c=) NA
-5.8 0.3150 0.0250 1.200 without ground effect
-5.8 0.3000 0.0250 12.0000 1.076 image method
-5.8 0.3100 0.0250 12.4000 0.911 image method
-5.8 0.2900 0.0250 11.6000 0.736 image method
-5.8 0.2900 0.0250 11.6000 0.576 image method
-5.8 0.2400 0.0225 10.6667 0.416 image method
-5.8 0.0900 0.0200 4.5000 0.246 image method
-5.8 -0.1050 0.0200 -5.2500 0.156 image method
-3.8 0.4450 0.0350 12.7143 (h/c=) NA
-3.8 0.4450 0.0350 1.200 without ground effect
-3.8 0.4500 0.0350 12.8571 1.050 image method
-3.8 0.4450 0.0300 14.8333 0.885 image method
-3.8 0.4450 0.0300 14.8333 0.710 image method
-3.8 0.4400 0.0300 14.6667 0.550 image method
-3.8 0.4150 0.0250 16.6000 0.390 image method
-3.8 0.3100 0.0225 13.7778 0.220 image method
-3.8 0.1050 0.0175 6.0000 0.130 image method
-1.7 0.5950 0.0400 14.8750 (h/c=) NA
-1.7 0.5950 0.0400 1.200 without ground effect
-1.7 0.6000 0.0400 15.0000 1.022 image method
-1.7 0.5850 0.0400 14.6250 0.857 image method
-1.7 0.6050 0.0400 15.1250 0.682 image method
-1.7 0.6150 0.0350 17.5714 0.522 image method
-1.7 0.6000 0.0325 18.4615 0.362 image method
-1.7 0.5300 0.0300 17.6667 0.192 image method
-1.7 0.4500 0.0225 20.0000 0.102 image method
-1.7 0.2700 0.0150 18.0000 0.062 image method
0.4 0.7300 0.0550 13.2727 (h/c=) NA
0.4 0.7300 0.0550 1.200 without ground effect
0.4 0.7400 0.0525 14.0952 0.995 image method
0.4 0.7400 0.0500 14.8000 0.830 image method
0.4 0.7800 0.0500 15.6000 0.655 image method
0.4 0.7900 0.0500 15.8000 0.495 image method
0.4 0.7700 0.0450 17.1111 0.335 image method
0.4 0.7700 0.0400 19.2500 0.165 image method
0.4 0.8000 0.0350 22.8571 0.075 image method
0.4 0.8600 0.0300 28.6667 0.035 image method
2.6 0.8500 0.0750 11.3333 (h/c=) NA
2.6 0.8500 0.0750 1.200 without ground effect
2.6 0.8900 0.0600 14.833 0.966 image method
2.6 0.9000 0.0650 13.846 0.801 image method
2.6 0.9300 0.0650 14.308 0.626 image method
2.6 0.9500 0.0600 15.833 0.466 image method
2.6 0.9600 0.0550 17.455 0.306 image method
2.6 1.0300 0.0500 20.600 0.136 image method
2.6 1.1400 0.0400 28.500 0.046 image method
2.6 1.3900 0.0375 37.067 0.006 image method
4.7 0.9900 0.0900 11.0000 (h/c=) NA
4.7 0.9900 0.0900 1.200 without ground effect
4.7 1.0600 0.0875 12.114 0.939 image method
4.7 1.0700 0.0750 14.267 0.774 image method

Appendix C. Summary of Experimental Data from NASA TN D926

M.P. Fink and J.L. Lastinger, Aerodynamic characteristics of low aspect ratio wings in close proximity to the
ground, NASA TN D926, 1961
Expt Glenn Martin 21 modifed flat bottom from 0.3c to TE 3D Speed - Chord 0.3048m Re 490000 AR 4
AoA [deg] CL CD L/D h/c Ground Simulation
4.7 1.0800 0.0700 15.429 0.599 image method
4.7 1.1200 0.0650 17.231 0.439 image method
4.7 1.1300 0.0600 18.833 0.279 image method
4.7 1.2400 0.0500 24.800 0.109 image method
4.7 1.5000 0.0400 37.500 0.019 image method
6.7 1.1200 0.1100 10.1818 (h/c=) NA
6.7 1.1200 0.1100 1.200 without ground effect
6.7 1.1800 0.1100 10.727 0.912 image method
6.7 1.1650 0.0925 12.595 0.747 image method
6.7 1.1900 0.0900 13.222 0.572 image method
6.7 1.2300 0.0850 14.471 0.412 image method
6.7 1.2650 0.0775 16.323 0.252 image method
6.7 1.4100 0.0675 20.889 0.082 image method
6.7 1.5350 0.0625 24.560 -0.008 image method
8.8 1.2550 0.1400 8.9643 (h/c=) NA
8.8 1.2550 0.1400 1.200 without ground effect
8.8 1.2800 0.1325 9.6604 0.885 image method
8.8 1.3000 0.1100 11.8182 0.720 image method
8.8 1.3100 0.1075 12.1860 0.545 image method
8.8 1.3300 0.1025 12.9756 0.385 image method
8.8 1.3600 0.0950 14.3158 0.225 image method
8.8 1.5600 0.0800 19.5000 0.055 image method
10.8 1.3700 0.1700 8.0588 (h/c=) NA
10.8 1.3700 0.1700 1.200 without ground effect
10.8 1.3600 0.1550 8.7742 0.859 image method
10.8 1.3900 0.1350 10.2963 0.694 image method
10.8 1.4100 0.1300 10.8462 0.519 image method
10.8 1.4050 0.1250 11.2400 0.359 image method
10.8 1.4500 0.1200 12.0833 0.199 image method
10.8 1.6800 0.1125 14.9333 0.029 image method
12.9 1.4400 0.2000 7.2000 (h/c=) NA
12.9 1.4400 0.2000 1.200 without ground effect
12.9 1.4600 0.1850 7.8919 0.833 image method
12.9 1.4500 0.1650 8.7879 0.668 image method
12.9 1.4500 0.1650 8.7879 0.493 image method
12.9 1.4700 0.1600 9.1875 0.333 image method
12.9 1.5000 0.1625 9.2308 0.173 image method
12.9 1.6800 0.1800 9.3333 0.003 image method
-10 0.0300 0.0250 1.2000 (h/c=) NA
-7.8 0.1700 0.0250 6.8000 (h/c=) NA
14.8 1.4900 0.2400 6.2083 (h/c=) NA
16.8 1.4900 0.3000 4.9667 (h/c=) NA

Appendix C. Summary of Experimental Data from NASA TN D926

M.P. Fink and J.L. Lastinger, Aerodynamic characteristics of low aspect ratio wings in close proximity to the
ground, NASA TN D926, 1961
Expt Glenn Martin 21 modifed flat bottom from 0.3c to TE 3D Speed - Chord 0.3048m Re 490000 AR 4

L/D vs h/c
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image method | AR4 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various AoA



24 6.7

20 8.8

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

CL vs h/c
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image method | AR4 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various AoA


1.40 4.7
1.20 10.8

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Appendix C. Summary of Experimental Data from NASA TN D926

M.P. Fink and J.L. Lastinger, Aerodynamic characteristics of low aspect ratio wings in close proximity to the
ground, NASA TN D926, 1961
Expt Glenn Martin 21 modifed flat bottom from 0.3c to TE 3D Speed - Chord 0.3048m Re 490000 AR 4

CD vs h/c
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image method | AR4 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various AoA


0.15 4.7
0.10 10.8

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

CL vs AoA
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image Method | AR4 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various h/c



without ground effect
1.2 1.000
1.0 0.835

0.6 0.340
0.4 0.170

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
AoA [deg]

Appendix C. Summary of Experimental Data from NASA TN D926

M.P. Fink and J.L. Lastinger, Aerodynamic characteristics of low aspect ratio wings in close proximity to the
ground, NASA TN D926, 1961
Expt Glenn Martin 21 modifed flat bottom from 0.3c to TE 3D Speed - Chord 0.3048m Re 490000 AR 4

CD vs AoA
Glenn Martin 21 Modified | Image Method | AR4 | 3D | Re 490000 | Various h/c



0.14 without ground effect

0.10 0.660

0.08 0.500
0.04 0.080

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
AoA [deg]

Appendix D. Summary of Experimental Data from Chawla, Edwards and Franke, Journal of Aircraft vol.27
no.4, 1990

M.D. Chawla, L.C. Edwards and M.E. Franke, Wind tunnel investigation of Wing-in-ground effects, Journal of
Aircraft vol.27 no.4, 1990
Expt NACA 4415 adapted data 3D Speed 28.16m/s Chord 0.2286m Re 402386 AR 2.33 with sweep 17.54 deg
AoA[deg] CL CD L/D h/c Ground Simulation
5 0.4667 0.0853 0.25 flat plate method without end plates
5 0.5571 0.0960 0.25 flat plate method with end plates
rest of data scaled by scaled by
83.8% 88.9%
0 0.1516 0.0249 6.0897 0.250 flat plate method
0 0.0877 0.0142 6.1699 0.500 flat plate method
0 0.0319 0.0071 4.4872 2.350 flat plate method
5 0.4707 0.0853 5.5155 0.185 flat plate method
5 0.3670 0.0676 5.4318 0.435 flat plate method
5 0.2952 0.0498 5.9295 0.935 flat plate method
5 0.3350 0.0569 5.8894 2.285 flat plate method
10 0.8296 0.1778 4.6667 0.120 flat plate method
10 0.6302 0.1280 4.9234 0.370 flat plate method
10 0.5504 0.1138 4.8377 0.870 flat plate method
10 0.5185 0.1209 4.2892 2.220 flat plate method
15 0.8296 0.1849 4.4872 0.306 flat plate method
15 0.7419 0.1991 3.7260 0.806 flat plate method
15 0.7455 0.1939 3.8438 2.156 flat plate method
20 0.9493 0.2524 3.7604 0.243 flat plate method
20 0.8855 0.2667 3.3205 0.743 flat plate method
20 0.8536 0.2631 3.2441 2.093 flat plate method
25 0.8934 0.4338 2.0597 0.183 flat plate method
25 0.8456 0.3378 2.5034 0.683 flat plate method
25 0.7977 0.3164 2.5209 2.033 flat plate method

L/D vs h/c (Adapted Data)

NACA 4415 | Flat Plate method | AR2.33 (sweep 17.54 deg) | Re 402000 | 0-25 deg


5.0 5
4.0 20

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Appendix D. Summary of Experimental Data from Chawla, Edwards and Franke, Journal of Aircraft vol.27
no.4, 1990

M.D. Chawla, L.C. Edwards and M.E. Franke, Wind tunnel investigation of Wing-in-ground effects, Journal of
Aircraft vol.27 no.4, 1990
Expt NACA 4415 adapted data 3D Speed 28.16m/s Chord 0.2286m Re 402386 AR 2.33 with sweep 17.54 deg

CL & CD vs h/c (Adapted Data)

NACA 4415 | Flat Plate method | AR2.33 (sweep 17.54 deg) | Re 402000 | 0-25 deg

0 CL
0.8 0 CD
5 CL
0.6 5 CD
10 CL
10 CD
15 CL
15 CD
0.2 20 CL
20 CD
0.0 25 CL
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 25 CD

CL vs AoA (Adapted Data)

NACA 4415 | Flat plate method | AR2.33 | Re 402000 | Various h/c

0.6 2.35

0.4 0.25
0 5 10 15 20 25
AoA [deg]

Appendix D. Summary of Experimental Data from Chawla, Edwards and Franke, Journal of Aircraft vol.27
no.4, 1990

M.D. Chawla, L.C. Edwards and M.E. Franke, Wind tunnel investigation of Wing-in-ground effects, Journal of
Aircraft vol.27 no.4, 1990
Expt NACA 4415 adapted data 3D Speed 28.16m/s Chord 0.2286m Re 402386 AR 2.33 with sweep 17.54 deg

CD vs AoA (Adapted Data)

NACA 4415 | Flat plate method | AR2.33 | Re 402000 | Various h/c

0.3 2.35

0.2 0.25
0 5 10 15 20 25
AoA [deg]

Appendix E. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed and Sharma, Experimental Thermal and fluid
science vol.29 page 633-647, 2004.

M.R. Ahmed and S.D. Sharma, An investigation on the aerodynamics of a symmetrical airfoil in ground effect,
Experimental Thermal and fluid science vol.29 page 633-647, 2004
Expt NACA 0015 2D Speed 35.000m/s Chord 0.10m Re 240000 AR 3
AoA [deg] CL CD L/D h/c Ground Simulation
0.0 0.0109 0.0104 1.05 0.80 flat plate method
0.0 0.0291 0.0099 2.93 0.70 flat plate method
0.0 0.0364 0.0099 3.66 0.60 flat plate method
0.0 0.0582 0.0098 5.93 0.50 flat plate method
0.0 0.0836 0.0098 8.52 0.40 flat plate method
0.0 0.0836 0.0098 8.52 0.30 flat plate method
0.0 0.0655 0.0097 6.75 0.20 flat plate method
0.0 0.1709 0.0097 17.63 0.10 flat plate method
0.0 0.2259 0.0097 23.30 0.08 flat plate method
2.5 0.2691 0.0118 22.79 0.80 flat plate method
2.5 0.2873 0.0116 24.84 0.70 flat plate method
2.5 0.2945 0.0116 25.33 0.60 flat plate method
2.5 0.3018 0.0115 26.23 0.50 flat plate method
2.5 0.3200 0.0115 27.81 0.40 flat plate method
2.5 0.3091 0.0114 27.15 0.30 flat plate method
2.5 0.3018 0.0114 26.51 0.20 flat plate method
2.5 0.3673 0.0113 32.60 0.10 flat plate method
2.5 0.5055 0.0113 44.87 0.05 flat plate method
5.0 0.5345 0.0148 36.22 0.80 flat plate method
5.0 0.5600 0.0145 38.57 0.70 flat plate method
5.0 0.5673 0.0144 39.40 0.60 flat plate method
5.0 0.5891 0.0144 40.92 0.50 flat plate method
5.0 0.6000 0.0144 41.67 0.40 flat plate method
5.0 0.6764 0.0142 47.57 0.30 flat plate method
5.0 0.6618 0.0140 47.35 0.20 flat plate method
5.0 0.6764 0.0137 49.24 0.10 flat plate method
5.0 0.7111 0.0139 51.32 0.05 flat plate method
7.5 0.7852 0.0177 44.41 0.80 flat plate method
7.5 0.8151 0.0174 46.74 0.70 flat plate method
7.5 0.8151 0.0173 47.06 0.60 flat plate method
7.5 0.8491 0.0172 49.36 0.50 flat plate method
7.5 0.8566 0.0169 50.67 0.40 flat plate method
7.5 0.8642 0.0168 51.48 0.30 flat plate method
7.5 0.9321 0.0165 56.33 0.20 flat plate method
7.5 1.1111 0.0164 67.63 0.10 flat plate method
7.5 1.1889 0.0161 73.70 0.05 flat plate method
10.0 0.9811 0.0222 44.20 0.80 flat plate method
10.0 0.9887 0.0220 44.92 0.70 flat plate method
10.0 1.0852 0.0219 49.57 0.60 flat plate method
10.0 1.1333 0.0214 52.95 0.50 flat plate method
10.0 1.1407 0.0211 54.07 0.40 flat plate method
10.0 1.1593 0.0206 56.25 0.30 flat plate method
10.0 1.2370 0.0204 60.56 0.20 flat plate method
10.0 1.3037 0.0200 65.19 0.10 flat plate method
10.0 1.4259 0.0202 70.44 0.05 flat plate method

Appendix E. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed and Sharma, Experimental Thermal and fluid
science vol.29 page 633-647, 2004.

M.R. Ahmed and S.D. Sharma, An investigation on the aerodynamics of a symmetrical airfoil in ground effect,
Experimental Thermal and fluid science vol.29 page 633-647, 2004
Expt NACA 0015 2D Speed 35.000m/s Chord 0.10m Re 240000 AR 3

l/d vs h/c
NACA 0015 | Flat Plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | Various AoA




40 5.0


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

cl vs h/c
NACA 0015 | Flat Plate method | AR3 but 2D | AoA 0 to 10 deg



0.80 5.0


0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80

Appendix E. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed and Sharma, Experimental Thermal and fluid
science vol.29 page 633-647, 2004.

M.R. Ahmed and S.D. Sharma, An investigation on the aerodynamics of a symmetrical airfoil in ground effect,
Experimental Thermal and fluid science vol.29 page 633-647, 2004
Expt NACA 0015 2D Speed 35.000m/s Chord 0.10m Re 240000 AR 3

cd vs h/c
NACA 0015 | Flat Plate method | AR3 but 2D | AoA 0 to 10 deg



0.015 2.5
0.010 7.5


0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80

cl vs alpha
NACA 0015 | Flat plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | Various h/c


1.0 0.70

0.4 0.20

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
AoA [deg]

Appendix E. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed and Sharma, Experimental Thermal and fluid
science vol.29 page 633-647, 2004.

M.R. Ahmed and S.D. Sharma, An investigation on the aerodynamics of a symmetrical airfoil in ground effect,
Experimental Thermal and fluid science vol.29 page 633-647, 2004
Expt NACA 0015 2D Speed 35.000m/s Chord 0.10m Re 240000 AR 3

cd vs alpha
NACA 0015 | Flat plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | Various h/c


0.018 0.60

0.014 0.30

0 2 4 6 8 10
AoA [deg]

Appendix F. Summary of Experimental Data from Kwang, Ho and Hee, Journal Marine Science and
Technology vol.13 pg317-327, 2008

H.J. Kwang, H.C. Ho and J.K. Hee, Experimental investigation of wing in ground effect with a NACA 6409 section,
Journal Marine Science and Technology vol.13 pg317-327, 2008
Expt NACA 6409 3D Speed 25.5000m/s Chord 0.20m Re 340000 AR 2
AoA[deg] CL CD L/D h/c Ground Simulation
0 0.2789 0.0185 15.04 0.025 flat plate method
0 0.3138 0.0182 17.26 0.050 flat plate method
0 0.3266 0.0218 14.97 0.100 flat plate method
0 0.3358 0.0215 15.65 0.150 flat plate method
0 0.3321 0.0236 14.05 0.200 flat plate method
0 0.3138 0.0255 12.33 0.250 flat plate method
0 0.3211 0.0255 12.61 0.300 flat plate method
2 0.5345 0.0182 29.40 0.025 flat plate method
2 0.5091 0.0222 22.95 0.050 flat plate method
2 0.4945 0.0276 17.89 0.100 flat plate method
2 0.4873 0.0280 17.40 0.150 flat plate method
2 0.4800 0.0298 16.10 0.200 flat plate method
2 0.4600 0.0309 14.88 0.250 flat plate method
2 0.4509 0.0309 14.59 0.300 flat plate method
4 0.6491 0.0236 27.46 0.025 flat plate method
4 0.6527 0.0287 22.72 0.050 flat plate method
4 0.6291 0.0345 18.21 0.100 flat plate method
4 0.6200 0.0356 17.40 0.150 flat plate method
4 0.5855 0.0367 15.94 0.200 flat plate method
4 0.5727 0.0371 15.44 0.250 flat plate method
4 0.5618 0.0382 14.71 0.300 flat plate method
6 0.7527 0.0345 21.79 0.025 flat plate method
6 0.7491 0.0396 18.90 0.050 flat plate method
6 0.7273 0.0466 15.60 0.100 flat plate method
6 0.7127 0.0495 14.39 0.150 flat plate method
6 0.7018 0.0506 13.86 0.200 flat plate method
6 0.6964 0.0532 13.09 0.250 flat plate method
6 0.6818 0.0539 12.64 0.300 flat plate method
8 0.8273 0.0459 18.03 0.025 flat plate method
8 0.8509 0.0547 15.56 0.050 flat plate method
8 0.8491 0.0653 13.00 0.100 flat plate method
8 0.8418 0.0697 12.07 0.150 flat plate method
8 0.8273 0.0712 11.62 0.200 flat plate method
8 0.8236 0.0745 11.06 0.250 flat plate method
8 0.8000 0.0752 10.63 0.300 flat plate method

L/D vs h/c
NACA 6409 Flat Plate method | AR2 | AoA 0 to 8 deg | Re 340000 | Various AoA


25 0

20 4
15 8

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Appendix F. Summary of Experimental Data from Kwang, Ho and Hee, Journal Marine Science and
Technology vol.13 pg317-327, 2008

H.J. Kwang, H.C. Ho and J.K. Hee, Experimental investigation of wing in ground effect with a NACA 6409 section,
Journal Marine Science and Technology vol.13 pg317-327, 2008
Expt NACA 6409 3D Speed 25.5000m/s Chord 0.20m Re 340000 AR 2

CL vs h/c
NACA 6409 | Flat Plate method | AR2 | AoA 0 to 8 deg | Numerical



0.60 2
0.50 6


0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

CD vs h/c
NACA 6409 | Flat Plate method | AR2 | AoA 0 to 8 deg | Numerical



0.05 2
0.04 6


0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Appendix F. Summary of Experimental Data from Kwang, Ho and Hee, Journal Marine Science and
Technology vol.13 pg317-327, 2008

H.J. Kwang, H.C. Ho and J.K. Hee, Experimental investigation of wing in ground effect with a NACA 6409 section,
Journal Marine Science and Technology vol.13 pg317-327, 2008
Expt NACA 6409 3D Speed 25.5000m/s Chord 0.20m Re 340000 AR 2

CL vs AoA
NACA 6409 | Flat plate method | AR2 | Re 340000 | Various h/c



0.7 0.300
0.6 0.200

0.5 0.100


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]

CD vs AoA
NACA 6409 | Flat plate method | AR2 | Re 340000 | Various h/c



0.06 0.300
0.05 0.200

0.04 0.100


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]

Appendix G. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed, International Journal of Fluid Mech Research vol32
n2, 2005.

MR Ahmed, Aerodynamics of a cambered airfoil in ground effect, Intl J Fluid Mech Research vol32 n2, 2005
Expt NACA 4415 2D Speed 35m/s Chord 0.1m Re 240000 AR -
AoA [deg] cl cd l/d h/c Ground Simulation
0.0 0.4632 0.0133 34.88 0.80 flat plate method
0.0 0.4735 0.0133 35.65 0.70 flat plate method
0.0 0.4735 0.0131 36.08 0.60 flat plate method
0.0 0.4735 0.0134 35.24 0.50 flat plate method
0.0 0.4667 0.0136 34.33 0.40 flat plate method
0.0 0.4667 0.0136 34.33 0.30 flat plate method
0.0 0.4564 0.0139 32.82 0.20 flat plate method
0.0 0.4564 0.0139 32.82 0.10 flat plate method
0.0 0.4940 0.0139 35.52 0.05 flat plate method
2.5 0.7322 0.0128 53.86 0.80 flat plate method
2.5 0.7322 0.0128 53.86 0.70 flat plate method
2.5 0.7322 0.0128 53.25 0.60 flat plate method
2.5 0.7492 0.0128 58.47 0.50 flat plate method
2.5 0.7458 0.0134 55.50 0.40 flat plate method
2.5 0.7559 0.0134 56.26 0.30 flat plate method
2.5 0.7593 0.0138 55.22 0.20 flat plate method
2.5 0.7661 0.0136 56.36 0.10 flat plate method
2.5 0.7661 0.0136 56.36 0.05 flat plate method
5.0 0.9492 0.0139 68.25 0.80 flat plate method
5.0 0.9661 0.0138 70.26 0.70 flat plate method
5.0 0.9898 0.0138 71.99 0.60 flat plate method
5.0 1.0102 0.0141 71.83 0.50 flat plate method
5.0 1.0475 0.0141 74.49 0.40 flat plate method
5.0 1.0780 0.0142 75.81 0.30 flat plate method
5.0 1.1254 0.0141 80.03 0.20 flat plate method
5.0 1.2407 0.0141 88.23 0.10 flat plate method
5.0 1.3186 0.0142 92.74 0.05 flat plate method
7.5 1.1831 0.0167 70.76 0.80 flat plate method
7.5 1.1898 0.0169 70.51 0.70 flat plate method
7.5 1.2136 0.0173 69.97 0.60 flat plate method
7.5 1.2271 0.0173 70.75 0.50 flat plate method
7.5 1.2542 0.0173 72.32 0.40 flat plate method
7.5 1.2983 0.0175 74.19 0.30 flat plate method
7.5 1.3627 0.0175 77.87 0.20 flat plate method
7.5 1.4847 0.0175 84.84 0.10 flat plate method
7.5 1.5593 0.0184 84.57 0.05 flat plate method
10.0 1.2949 0.0244 53.12 0.80 flat plate method
10.0 1.3085 0.0234 55.83 0.70 flat plate method
10.0 1.3390 0.0234 57.13 0.60 flat plate method
10.0 1.3729 0.0234 58.58 0.50 flat plate method
10.0 1.4136 0.0234 60.31 0.40 flat plate method
10.0 1.4678 0.0241 61.00 0.30 flat plate method
10.0 1.5525 0.0241 64.52 0.20 flat plate method
10.0 1.6203 0.0283 57.29 0.10 flat plate method
10.0 1.6339 0.0375 43.57 0.05 flat plate method

Appendix G. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed, International Journal of Fluid Mech Research vol32
n2, 2005.

MR Ahmed, Aerodynamics of a cambered airfoil in ground effect, Intl J Fluid Mech Research vol32 n2, 2005
Expt NACA 4415 2D Speed 35m/s Chord 0.1m Re 240000 AR -

l/d vs h/c
NACA 4415 | Flat Plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | AoA 0 to 10 deg



70.0 2.5
60.0 7.5


0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80

cl vs h/c
NACA 4415 | Flat Plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | AoA 0 to 10 deg



1.2 2.5
1.0 7.5


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Appendix G. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed, International Journal of Fluid Mech Research vol32
n2, 2005.

MR Ahmed, Aerodynamics of a cambered airfoil in ground effect, Intl J Fluid Mech Research vol32 n2, 2005
Expt NACA 4415 2D Speed 35m/s Chord 0.1m Re 240000 AR -

cd vs h/c
NACA 4415 | Flat Plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | AoA 0 to 10 deg



0.030 0
0.025 5.0
0.020 10


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

cl vs AoA
NACA 4415 | Flat Plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | Various h/c


1.400 0.70
1.200 0.50
1.000 0.30

0 2 4 6 8 10
AoA [deg]

Appendix G. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed, International Journal of Fluid Mech Research vol32
n2, 2005.

MR Ahmed, Aerodynamics of a cambered airfoil in ground effect, Intl J Fluid Mech Research vol32 n2, 2005
Expt NACA 4415 2D Speed 35m/s Chord 0.1m Re 240000 AR -

cd vs AoA
NACA 4415 | Flat Plate method | AR3 but 2D | Re 240000 | Various h/c


0.035 0.80
0.030 0.60
0.025 0.40
0.020 0.20
0.015 0.05

0 2 4 6 8 10
AoA [deg]

Appendix H. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed, Takasaki and kohama, AIAA J vol45 n1, 2007.

MR Ahmed, T Takasaki, Y kohama, Aerodynamics of a NACA 4412 airfoil in ground effect, AIAA J vol45 n1, 2007
Expt NACA 4412 end plates used Speed 30.8m/s Chord 0.15m Re 300000 AR 4
AoA [deg] cl cd l/d h/c Ground Simulation
0.0 0.4664 0.0080 58.13 1.00 moving ground method
0.0 0.4609 0.0080 57.45 0.80 moving ground method
0.0 0.4527 0.0080 56.43 0.60 moving ground method
0.0 0.4473 0.0081 54.99 0.40 moving ground method
0.0 0.4200 0.0081 51.63 0.30 moving ground method
0.0 0.3736 0.0082 45.52 0.15 moving ground method
0.0 0.3222 0.0084 38.38 0.05 moving ground method
2.0 0.6889 0.0091 75.36 1.00 moving ground method
2.0 0.6750 0.0091 73.84 0.80 moving ground method
2.0 0.6611 0.0091 72.32 0.60 moving ground method
2.0 0.6556 0.0092 71.13 0.40 moving ground method
2.0 0.6500 0.0092 70.53 0.30 moving ground method
2.0 0.6417 0.0093 69.06 0.15 moving ground method
2.0 0.6222 0.0095 65.65 0.05 moving ground method
4.0 0.8722 0.0103 84.68 1.00 moving ground method
4.0 0.8722 0.0104 83.76 0.80 moving ground method
4.0 0.8722 0.0105 83.16 0.60 moving ground method
4.0 0.8667 0.0107 81.17 0.40 moving ground method
4.0 0.8667 0.0109 79.77 0.30 moving ground method
4.0 0.8583 0.0109 78.46 0.15 moving ground method
4.0 0.8528 0.0112 75.87 0.05 moving ground method
6.0 1.0936 0.0121 90.63 1.00 moving ground method
6.0 1.0936 0.0121 90.63 0.80 moving ground method
6.0 1.0936 0.0125 87.36 0.60 moving ground method
6.0 1.0936 0.0130 84.32 0.40 moving ground method
6.0 1.0936 0.0133 81.95 0.30 moving ground method
6.0 1.0936 0.0138 79.27 0.15 moving ground method
6.0 1.0936 0.0144 75.76 0.05 moving ground method
8.0 1.2673 0.0137 92.36 1.00 moving ground method
8.0 1.2673 0.0137 92.36 0.80 moving ground method
8.0 1.2673 0.0141 90.13 0.60 moving ground method
8.0 1.2673 0.0146 86.66 0.40 moving ground method
8.0 1.2757 0.0150 85.05 0.30 moving ground method
8.0 1.2897 0.0157 82.10 0.15 moving ground method
8.0 1.3178 0.0164 80.45 0.05 moving ground method
10.0 1.3654 0.0205 66.67 1.00 moving ground method
10.0 1.3654 0.0205 66.67 0.80 moving ground method
10.0 1.3654 0.0208 65.60 0.60 moving ground method
10.0 1.3654 0.0212 64.45 0.40 moving ground method
10.0 1.3710 0.0217 63.06 0.30 moving ground method
10.0 1.3850 0.0223 62.12 0.15 moving ground method
10.0 1.4131 0.0231 61.14 0.05 moving ground method

Appendix H. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed, Takasaki and kohama, AIAA J vol45 n1, 2007.

MR Ahmed, T Takasaki, Y kohama, Aerodynamics of a NACA 4412 airfoil in ground effect, AIAA J vol45 n1, 2007
Expt NACA 4412 3D end plates used Speed 30.8m/s Chord 0.15m Re 300000 AR 4

l/d vs h/c
NACA 4412 | Moving ground method | 3D | AR4 | Re 300000 | AoA 0 to 10 deg



80 0
50 10


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

cl vs h/c
NACA 4412 | Moving ground method | 3D | AR4 | Re 300000 | AoA 0 to 10 deg



1.000 2
0.600 8


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Appendix H. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed, Takasaki and kohama, AIAA J vol45 n1, 2007.

MR Ahmed, T Takasaki, Y kohama, Aerodynamics of a NACA 4412 airfoil in ground effect, AIAA J vol45 n1, 2007
Expt NACA 4412 3D end plates used Speed 30.8m/s Chord 0.15m Re 300000 AR 4

cd vs h/c
NACA 4412 | Moving ground method | AR4 (end plates) | Re 300000 | AoA 0 to 10 deg


0.015 2

0.010 8

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

cl vs AoA
NACA 4412 | Moving ground method | AR4 (with end plates) | Re 300000 | Various h/c



1.2 1.00
1.0 0.60
0.8 0.30


0 2 4 6 8 10
AoA [deg]

Appendix H. Summary of Experimental Data from Ahmed, Takasaki and kohama, AIAA J vol45 n1, 2007.

MR Ahmed, T Takasaki, Y kohama, Aerodynamics of a NACA 4412 airfoil in ground effect, AIAA J vol45 n1, 2007
Expt NACA 4412 3D end plates used Speed 30.8m/s Chord 0.15m Re 300000 AR 4

cd vs AoA
NACA 4412 | Moving ground method | AR4 (with end plates) | Re 300000 | Various h/c


0.020 1.00
0.015 0.40
0.010 0.05

0 2 4 6 8 10
AoA [deg]

Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds
NACA TR 832 0 0.000 0.9143 L 1,000,000 OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.025 -0.3143 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.050 -0.4286 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.075 -0.4000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.100 -0.3643 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.150 -0.2571 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.200 -0.1714 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.250 -0.1143 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.300 -0.0714 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.350 -0.0357 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.400 0.0000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.450 0.0143 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.500 0.0286 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.550 0.0429 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.600 0.0571 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.650 0.0857 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.700 0.1000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.750 0.1143 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.800 0.1429 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.850 0.1714 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.900 0.2000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.950 0.2143 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 1.000 0.2571 lower OGE averaged cp at TE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.000 0.9143 U 1,000,000 OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.025 -0.0429 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.050 -0.3429 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.075 -0.5143 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.100 -0.6143 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.150 -0.7286 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.200 -0.7714 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.250 -0.8143 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.300 -0.8071 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.350 -0.7500 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.400 -0.7000 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.450 -0.6571 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.500 -0.6143 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.550 -0.5429 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.600 -0.4571 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.650 -0.4000 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.700 -0.3429 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.750 -0.2429 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.800 -0.1500 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.850 -0.0714 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.900 0.0429 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 0.950 0.1571 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 0 1.000 0.2571 upper OGE averaged cp at TE 1000000
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0000 0.0223 L 895,013 OGE 0.9777 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0050 0.6126 Lower OGE 0.3874 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0100 1.0355 Lower OGE -0.0355 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0175 1.3524 Lower OGE -0.3524 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0500 1.5888 Lower OGE -0.5888 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0750 1.5718 Lower OGE -0.5718 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.1000 1.5390 Lower OGE -0.5390 895013

Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.2000 1.2596 Lower OGE -0.2596 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.3000 1.1678 Lower OGE -0.1678 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.4000 1.1317 Lower OGE -0.1317 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.5000 1.0577 Lower OGE -0.0577 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.6000 1.0079 Lower OGE -0.0079 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.7000 0.9649 Lower OGE 0.0351 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.8000 0.9383 Lower OGE 0.0617 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.9000 0.8998 Lower OGE 0.1002 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 1.0000 0.8617 Lower OGE 0.1383 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0000 0.0223 U 895,013 OGE 0.9777 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0050 0.1208 upper OGE 0.8792 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0100 0.3169 upper OGE 0.6831 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0175 0.5268 upper OGE 0.4732 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0500 1.3821 upper OGE -0.3821 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.0750 1.5220 upper OGE -0.5220 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.1000 1.6768 upper OGE -0.6768 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.2000 1.8252 upper OGE -0.8252 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.3000 1.8633 upper OGE -0.8633 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.4000 1.7170 upper OGE -0.7170 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.5000 1.6238 upper OGE -0.6238 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.6000 1.5125 upper OGE -0.5125 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.7000 1.4097 upper OGE -0.4097 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.8000 1.2571 upper OGE -0.2571 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 0.9000 1.0281 upper OGE -0.0281 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.16 1.0000 0.8617 upper OGE 0.1383 895013
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0000 0.1000 L 537,388 OGE 0.9000 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0050 0.6439 Lower OGE 0.3561 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0100 1.0290 Lower OGE -0.0290 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0175 1.3877 Lower OGE -0.3877 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0500 1.6229 Lower OGE -0.6229 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0750 1.5817 Lower OGE -0.5817 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.1000 1.5641 Lower OGE -0.5641 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.2000 1.2988 Lower OGE -0.2988 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.3000 1.1912 Lower OGE -0.1912 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.4000 1.1266 Lower OGE -0.1266 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.5000 1.0565 Lower OGE -0.0565 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.6000 1.0183 Lower OGE -0.0183 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.7000 0.9746 Lower OGE 0.0254 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.8000 0.9378 Lower OGE 0.0622 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.9000 0.8962 Lower OGE 0.1038 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 1.0000 0.8673 Lower OGE 0.1327 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0000 0.1000 U 537,388 OGE 0.9000 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0050 0.0676 upper OGE 0.9324 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0100 0.3616 upper OGE 0.6384 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0175 0.5557 upper OGE 0.4443 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0500 1.3024 upper OGE -0.3024 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.0750 1.4083 upper OGE -0.4083 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.1000 1.6082 upper OGE -0.6082 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.2000 1.8434 upper OGE -0.8434 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.3000 1.8904 upper OGE -0.8904 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.4000 1.7346 upper OGE -0.7346 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.5000 1.6376 upper OGE -0.6376 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.6000 1.5494 upper OGE -0.5494 537388

Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.7000 1.4142 upper OGE -0.4142 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.8000 1.2613 upper OGE -0.2613 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 0.9000 1.0319 upper OGE -0.0319 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.06 1.0000 0.8673 upper OGE 0.1327 537388
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0000 0.0569 L 345,444 OGE 0.9431 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0050 0.6261 Lower OGE 0.3739 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0100 0.9747 Lower OGE 0.0253 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0175 1.3163 Lower OGE -0.3163 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0500 1.5937 Lower OGE -0.5937 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0750 1.5297 Lower OGE -0.5297 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.1000 1.5511 Lower OGE -0.5511 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.2000 1.2969 Lower OGE -0.2969 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.3000 1.1625 Lower OGE -0.1625 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.4000 1.1087 Lower OGE -0.1087 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.5000 1.0398 Lower OGE -0.0398 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.6000 1.0029 Lower OGE -0.0029 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.7000 0.9693 Lower OGE 0.0307 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.8000 0.9494 Lower OGE 0.0506 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.9000 0.9155 Lower OGE 0.0845 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 1.0000 1.1740 Lower OGE -0.1740 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0000 0.0569 U 345,444 OGE 0.9431 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0050 0.1636 upper OGE 0.8364 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0100 0.4127 upper OGE 0.5873 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0175 0.6617 upper OGE 0.3383 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0500 1.4159 upper OGE -0.4159 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.0750 1.5297 upper OGE -0.5297 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.1000 1.5510 upper OGE -0.5510 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.2000 1.6862 upper OGE -0.6862 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.3000 1.7858 upper OGE -0.7858 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.4000 1.7289 upper OGE -0.7289 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.5000 1.6293 upper OGE -0.6293 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.6000 1.5155 upper OGE -0.5155 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.7000 1.4301 upper OGE -0.4301 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.8000 1.2807 upper OGE -0.2807 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 0.9000 1.0459 upper OGE -0.0459 345444
NASA TM X-2225 0.02 1.0000 1.1740 upper OGE -0.1740 345444

Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds

cp vs x/c
NACA 4415 | approx. AoA 0 deg | Various Re



L 1,000,000
U 1,000,000
L 895,013
U 895,013

L 537,388
U 537,388
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
L 345,444
U 345,444


Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds
NACA TR 832 4 0.000 0.7579 L 1,000,000 OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.025 0.4000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.050 0.2000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.075 0.1158 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.100 0.0842 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.150 0.0632 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.200 0.0737 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.250 0.0947 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.300 0.1158 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.350 0.1158 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.400 0.1158 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.450 0.1368 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.500 0.1368 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.550 0.1368 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.600 0.1474 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.650 0.1474 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.700 0.1579 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.750 0.1579 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.800 0.1684 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.850 0.2000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.900 0.2421 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.950 0.2737 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 1.000 0.3474 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.000 0.7579 U 1,000,000 OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.025 -0.9053 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.050 -1.1158 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.075 -1.2000 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.100 -1.2105 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.150 -1.2211 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.200 -1.2000 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.250 -1.1684 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.300 -1.0947 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.350 -1.0105 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.400 -0.9368 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.450 -0.8421 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.500 -0.7368 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.550 -0.6316 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.600 -0.5579 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.650 -0.4737 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.700 -0.3474 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.750 -0.2632 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.800 -0.1474 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.850 -0.0737 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.900 0.0526 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 0.950 0.1684 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 4 1.000 0.3474 upper OGE 1000000
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0000 0.1431 L 894,945 OGE 0.8569 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0050 0.0477 Lower OGE 0.9523 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0100 0.1887 Lower OGE 0.8113 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0175 0.4198 Lower OGE 0.5802 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0500 0.9678 Lower OGE 0.0322 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0750 0.9731 Lower OGE 0.0269 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.1000 1.0463 Lower OGE -0.0463 894945

Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.2000 0.9637 Lower OGE 0.0363 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.3000 1.0025 Lower OGE -0.0025 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.4000 0.9685 Lower OGE 0.0315 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.5000 0.9437 Lower OGE 0.0563 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.6000 0.9285 Lower OGE 0.0715 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.7000 0.9149 Lower OGE 0.0851 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.8000 0.9047 Lower OGE 0.0953 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.9000 0.8832 Lower OGE 0.1168 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 1.0000 0.8746 Lower OGE 0.1254 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0000 0.1431 U 894,945 OGE 0.8569 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0050 0.7208 upper OGE 0.2792 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0100 1.3018 upper OGE -0.3018 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0175 1.3770 upper OGE -0.3770 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0500 2.1816 upper OGE -1.1816 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.0750 2.1180 upper OGE -1.1180 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.1000 2.2113 upper OGE -1.2113 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.2000 2.1975 upper OGE -1.1975 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.3000 2.1191 upper OGE -1.1191 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.4000 1.9071 upper OGE -0.9071 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.5000 1.7470 upper OGE -0.7470 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.6000 1.6092 upper OGE -0.6092 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.7000 1.4491 upper OGE -0.4491 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.8000 1.2668 upper OGE -0.2668 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 0.9000 1.0060 upper OGE -0.0060 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.51 1.0000 0.8746 upper OGE 0.1254 894945
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0000 0.0791 L 538,191 OGE 0.9209 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0050 0.0322 Lower OGE 0.9678 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0100 0.1524 Lower OGE 0.8476 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0175 0.4925 Lower OGE 0.5075 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0500 0.9878 Lower OGE 0.0122 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0750 1.0875 Lower OGE -0.0875 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.1000 1.1285 Lower OGE -0.1285 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.2000 0.9966 Lower OGE 0.0034 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.3000 0.9973 Lower OGE 0.0027 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.4000 0.9862 Lower OGE 0.0138 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.5000 0.9440 Lower OGE 0.0560 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.6000 0.9309 Lower OGE 0.0691 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.7000 0.9039 Lower OGE 0.0961 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.8000 0.8956 Lower OGE 0.1044 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.9000 0.8727 Lower OGE 0.1273 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 1.0000 0.8559 Lower OGE 0.1441 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0000 0.0791 U 538,191 OGE 0.9209 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0050 0.7621 upper OGE 0.2379 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0100 1.1373 upper OGE -0.1373 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0175 1.4334 upper OGE -0.4334 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0500 2.1369 upper OGE -1.1369 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.0750 2.1721 upper OGE -1.1721 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.1000 2.2190 upper OGE -1.2190 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.2000 2.0812 upper OGE -1.0812 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.3000 2.0460 upper OGE -1.0460 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.4000 1.9141 upper OGE -0.9141 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.5000 1.7236 upper OGE -0.7236 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.6000 1.5975 upper OGE -0.5975 538191

Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.7000 1.4715 upper OGE -0.4715 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.8000 1.2839 upper OGE -0.2839 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 0.9000 1.0494 upper OGE -0.0494 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.17 1.0000 0.8559 upper OGE 0.1441 538191
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0000 0.0784 L 345,073 OGE 0.9216 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0050 0.0357 Lower OGE 0.9643 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0100 0.1925 Lower OGE 0.8075 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0175 0.4920 Lower OGE 0.5080 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0500 1.0410 Lower OGE -0.0410 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0750 1.1194 Lower OGE -0.1194 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.1000 1.2193 Lower OGE -0.2193 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.2000 1.0303 Lower OGE -0.0303 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.3000 0.9916 Lower OGE 0.0084 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.4000 0.9764 Lower OGE 0.0236 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.5000 0.9529 Lower OGE 0.0471 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.6000 0.9495 Lower OGE 0.0505 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.7000 0.9175 Lower OGE 0.0825 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.8000 0.8956 Lower OGE 0.1044 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.9000 0.8771 Lower OGE 0.1229 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 1.0000 1.1908 Lower OGE -0.1908 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0000 0.0784 U 345,073 OGE 0.9216 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0050 0.8842 upper OGE 0.1158 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0100 1.3048 upper OGE -0.3048 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0175 1.4902 upper OGE -0.4902 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0500 2.0749 upper OGE -1.0749 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.0750 2.0393 upper OGE -1.0393 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.1000 2.1248 upper OGE -1.1248 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.2000 2.1319 upper OGE -1.1319 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.3000 2.0464 upper OGE -1.0464 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.4000 1.9038 upper OGE -0.9038 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.5000 1.8325 upper OGE -0.8325 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.6000 1.5900 upper OGE -0.5900 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.7000 1.4688 upper OGE -0.4688 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.8000 1.3048 upper OGE -0.3048 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 0.9000 1.0624 upper OGE -0.0624 345073
NASA TM X-2225 4.1 1.0000 1.1908 upper OGE -0.1908 345073

Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds

cp vs x/c
NACA 4415 | approx. AoA 4 deg | Various Re



L 1,000,000
U 1,000,000
L 894,945
U 894,945

L 538,191
U 538,191
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
L 345,073
U 345,073


Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds
NACA TR 832 8 0.000 -0.4000 L 1,000,000 OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.025 0.8000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.050 0.6000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.075 0.5000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.100 0.4000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.150 0.3263 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.200 0.2842 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.250 0.2632 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.300 0.2421 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.350 0.2316 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.400 0.2316 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.450 0.2211 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.500 0.2211 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.550 0.2105 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.600 0.2000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.650 0.2000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.700 0.2000 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.750 0.1895 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.800 0.1895 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.850 0.1789 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.900 0.1789 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.950 0.1368 lower OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 1.000 0.0947 lower OGE averaged cp at TE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.000 -0.4000 U 1,000,000 OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.025 -2.1263 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.050 -2.0737 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.075 -1.9684 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.100 -1.8632 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.150 -1.7368 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.200 -1.6105 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.250 -1.5368 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.300 -1.3474 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.350 -1.2000 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.400 -1.1684 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.450 -1.0000 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.500 -0.8421 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.550 -0.7368 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.600 -0.5579 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.650 -0.4526 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.700 -0.3368 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.750 -0.2000 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.800 -0.0947 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.850 -0.0105 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.900 0.0421 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 0.950 0.0737 upper OGE 1000000
NACA TR 832 8 1.000 0.0947 upper OGE averaged cp at TE 1000000
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0000 0.6930 L 895,148 OGE 0.3070 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0050 0.0265 Lower OGE 0.9735 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0100 -0.0021 Lower OGE 1.0021 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0175 0.0254 Lower OGE 0.9746 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0500 0.4228 Lower OGE 0.5772 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0750 0.5891 Lower OGE 0.4109 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.1000 0.6877 Lower OGE 0.3123 895148

Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.2000 0.7752 Lower OGE 0.2248 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.3000 0.8300 Lower OGE 0.1700 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.4000 0.8470 Lower OGE 0.1530 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.5000 0.8377 Lower OGE 0.1623 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.6000 0.8577 Lower OGE 0.1423 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.7000 0.8605 Lower OGE 0.1395 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.8000 0.8853 Lower OGE 0.1147 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.9000 0.9015 Lower OGE 0.0985 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 1.0000 0.9769 Lower OGE 0.0231 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0000 0.6930 U 895,148 OGE 0.3070 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0050 1.9867 upper OGE -0.9867 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0100 2.4599 upper OGE -1.4599 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0175 2.6776 upper OGE -1.6776 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0500 3.0866 upper OGE -2.0866 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.0750 2.8884 upper OGE -1.8884 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.1000 2.8365 upper OGE -1.8365 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.2000 2.5303 upper OGE -1.5303 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.3000 2.3057 upper OGE -1.3057 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.4000 2.0291 upper OGE -1.0291 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.5000 1.8225 upper OGE -0.8225 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.6000 1.6158 upper OGE -0.6158 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.7000 1.4400 upper OGE -0.4400 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.8000 1.2153 upper OGE -0.2153 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 0.9000 1.0416 upper OGE -0.0416 895148
NASA TM X-2225 8.81 1.0000 0.9769 upper OGE 0.0231 895148
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0000 0.5009 L 892,558 OGE 0.4991 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0050 0.0021 Lower OGE 0.9979 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0100 0.0075 Lower OGE 0.9925 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0175 0.0810 Lower OGE 0.9190 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0500 0.5584 Lower OGE 0.4416 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0750 0.7577 Lower OGE 0.2423 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.1000 0.8291 Lower OGE 0.1709 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.2000 0.8376 Lower OGE 0.1624 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.3000 0.8703 Lower OGE 0.1297 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.4000 0.8851 Lower OGE 0.1149 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.5000 0.8655 Lower OGE 0.1345 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.6000 0.8796 Lower OGE 0.1204 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.7000 0.8733 Lower OGE 0.1267 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.8000 0.8879 Lower OGE 0.1121 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.9000 0.8871 Lower OGE 0.1129 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 1.0000 0.9400 Lower OGE 0.0600 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0000 0.5926 U 892,558 OGE 0.4074 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0050 1.6892 upper OGE -0.6892 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0100 2.1720 upper OGE -1.1720 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0175 2.3457 upper OGE -1.3457 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0500 2.8775 upper OGE -1.8775 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.0750 2.6607 upper OGE -1.6607 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.1000 2.7049 upper OGE -1.7049 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.2000 2.4235 upper OGE -1.4235 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.3000 2.2562 upper OGE -1.2562 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.4000 2.0228 upper OGE -1.0228 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.5000 1.8214 upper OGE -0.8214 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.6000 1.7265 upper OGE -0.7265 892558

Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.7000 1.4547 upper OGE -0.4547 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.8000 1.2309 upper OGE -0.2309 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 0.9000 1.0189 upper OGE -0.0189 892558
NASA TM X-2225 7.76 1.0000 0.9400 upper OGE 0.0600 892558
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0000 0.5926 L 537,965 OGE 0.4074 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0050 0.0147 Lower OGE 0.9853 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0100 0.0000 Lower OGE 1.0000 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0175 0.0675 Lower OGE 0.9325 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0500 0.4547 Lower OGE 0.5453 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0750 0.6161 Lower OGE 0.3839 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.1000 0.7276 Lower OGE 0.2724 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.2000 0.7986 Lower OGE 0.2014 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.3000 0.8277 Lower OGE 0.1723 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.4000 0.8513 Lower OGE 0.1487 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.5000 0.8471 Lower OGE 0.1529 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.6000 0.8534 Lower OGE 0.1466 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.7000 0.8444 Lower OGE 0.1556 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.8000 0.8686 Lower OGE 0.1314 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.9000 0.8707 Lower OGE 0.1293 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 1.0000 0.8742 Lower OGE 0.1258 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0000 0.5926 U 537,965 OGE 0.4074 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0050 1.9861 upper OGE -0.9861 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0100 2.4056 upper OGE -1.4056 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0175 2.5025 upper OGE -1.5025 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0500 3.0452 upper OGE -2.0452 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.0750 2.9249 upper OGE -1.9249 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.1000 2.8662 upper OGE -1.8662 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.2000 2.5259 upper OGE -1.5259 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.3000 2.3294 upper OGE -1.3294 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.4000 2.0272 upper OGE -1.0272 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.5000 1.8394 upper OGE -0.8394 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.6000 1.6341 upper OGE -0.6341 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.7000 1.4727 upper OGE -0.4727 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.8000 1.2439 upper OGE -0.2439 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 0.9000 1.0092 upper OGE -0.0092 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.31 1.0000 0.8742 upper OGE 0.1258 537965
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0000 0.6078 L 342,560 OGE 0.3922 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0050 0.0506 Lower OGE 0.9494 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0100 0.0000 Lower OGE 1.0000 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0175 0.0289 Lower OGE 0.9711 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0500 0.4341 Lower OGE 0.5659 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0750 0.6584 Lower OGE 0.3416 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.1000 0.7597 Lower OGE 0.2403 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.2000 0.8063 Lower OGE 0.1937 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.3000 0.8200 Lower OGE 0.1800 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.4000 0.8234 Lower OGE 0.1766 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.5000 0.8371 Lower OGE 0.1629 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.6000 0.8593 Lower OGE 0.1407 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.7000 0.8610 Lower OGE 0.1390 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.8000 0.8644 Lower OGE 0.1356 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.9000 0.8729 Lower OGE 0.1271 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 1.0000 1.1721 Lower OGE -0.1721 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0000 0.6078 U 342,560 OGE 0.3922 342560

Appendix I. Summary of Pressure Distribution over NACA 4415 section at various Reynolds number.

Angle of Attack fixed and Reynolds number decreasing from 1.0E06 to 2.0E05.
Article AoA x/c cp surface h/c remarks Reynolds
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0050 2.1489 upper OGE -1.1489 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0100 2.7349 upper OGE -1.7349 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0175 2.6481 upper OGE -1.6481 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0500 2.9809 upper OGE -1.9809 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.0750 2.7783 upper OGE -1.7783 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.1000 2.7132 upper OGE -1.7132 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.2000 2.5468 upper OGE -1.5468 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.3000 2.3153 upper OGE -1.3153 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.4000 2.1489 upper OGE -1.1489 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.5000 1.8160 upper OGE -0.8160 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.6000 1.6207 upper OGE -0.6207 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.7000 1.4977 upper OGE -0.4977 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.8000 1.2806 upper OGE -0.2806 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 0.9000 1.0419 upper OGE -0.0419 342560
NASA TM X-2225 8.19 1.0000 1.1721 upper OGE -0.1721 342560

cp vs x/c
NACA 4415 | approx. AoA 8 deg | Various Re


L 1,000,000
U 1,000,000
L 895,148
U 895,148
L 892,558

U 892,558
L 537,965
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
U 537,965
L 342,560
U 342,560


Appendix J. Calculated Lift and Drag of Finite NACA 4415 wing

NACA 4415
2D data without ground effect for estimating 3D data without ground effect
Experimental Data from Abbott & Doenhoff obtained under conditions Mach 0.17 and below (1959)

AoA[deg] cl Linear Region Remarks cl-alpha Reynolds No. cd Remarks

-18 -0.750 AoA not used. 3.00E+06 No cd value
-16 -0.875 AoA not used. 3.00E+06 No cd value
-14 -0.900 AoA not used. 3.00E+06 No cd value
-12 -0.850 Linear AoA not used. 0.1038 3.00E+06 No cd value
-10 -0.625 Region AoA not used. 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0103 Valid range
-8 -0.450 AoA not used. 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0090 of cd values
-6 -0.200 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0081 from drag
-4 0.000 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0078 polar.
-2 0.200 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0076
0 0.400 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0075
1 0.511 Interpolated. 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0075 Interpolated.
2 0.650 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0074
3 0.719 Interpolated. 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0074 Interpolated.
4 0.850 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0075
5 0.927 Interpolated. 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0078 Interpolated.
6 1.050 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0088
7 1.134 Interpolated. 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0102 Interpolated.
8 1.175 0.1038 3.00E+06 0.0112
9 1.251 Non Linear Interpolated. 3.00E+06 0.0136 Interpolated.
10 1.325 Region 3.00E+06 0.0170
11 1.361 Interpolated. 3.00E+06 0.0191 Interpolated.
12 1.425 Max cl 3.00E+06 0.0238
14 1.400 Stall Region 3.00E+06 No cd value
15 Stall Region Interpolated.
16 1.325 Stall Region 3.00E+06 No cd value
18 1.275 Stall Region AoA not used. 3.00E+06 No cd value
20 1.225 Stall Region AoA not used. 3.00E+06 No cd value

At Mach 0.17, cl-alpha reduces at most, by factor of 0.9854 or by % of 1.456%

Section cl vs AoA
Near Stall Region
2.0 y = -0.0007x3 + 0.0153x2 - 0.0404x + 0.8857
R2 = 0.9914

Linear Region 0.8
y = 0.1038x + 0.4075
R2 = 0.9985 0.4

-18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


AoA [deg]

Appendix J. Calculated Lift and Drag of Finite NACA 4415 wing

NACA 4415
2D data without ground effect for estimating 3D data without ground effect
Experimental Data from Abbott & Doenhoff obtained under conditions Mach 0.17 and below (1959)

cl cd cd values interpolated to match AoA

1.425 0.02325
1.325 0.01675
1.200 0.01175
1.050 0.00850
0.850 0.00750
0.650 0.00750
0.475 0.00750
0.250 0.00750
0.025 0.00775
-0.200 0.00800
-0.400 0.00900
-0.625 0.01025
-0.825 0.01300

Section cd vs cl [DRAG POLAR]

y = 0.0033x6 - 0.0005x5 - 0.0011x4

- 0.0029x3 + 0.0029x2 - 0.0011x
+ 0.0077
R2 = 0.9995





-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Appendix J. Calculated Lift and Drag of Finite NACA 4415 wing

NACA 4415
3D data without ground effect
Expected Experimental Data
AoA Speed Temp Speed of Mach Reynolds Aspect section cl-alpha CL-alpha 3D CL-alpha 3D
[deg] [m/s] [degC] Sound [m/s] Number No. Ratio [per rad] [per rad] [per deg]
-18 AoA not used.
-12 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
-10 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
-8 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
-6 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
-4 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
-2 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
0 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
1 18.53 31.0 349.582 0.0530 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
2 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
3 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
4 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
5 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
6 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
7 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
8 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 5.947 2.968 0.05181
9 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514 Non Linear Region
10 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514
11 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514
12 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514
14 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514
15 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514
16 18.53 30.0 349.007 0.0531 200000 2.514
18 AoA not used.

Notes Temperature set to average of 30 degC

Kinematic viscosity at 30 deg C 1.62E-05 m^2/s
CL-alpha factors in finite width and compressibility, using the following equation.

John D Anderson Jr., Aircraft Performance and Design, 1999, McGraw-Hill

Eqn 2.18b
acomp =
1 M 2 + [a0 (AR)] + a0 (AR)

Based on figure 2.23, zero lift AoA remains the same.

The new lift curve is calculated with new gradient CL-alpha.

Due to finite wings, induced drag contribution is calculated by Eqn 2.30.

C L2
C Di =
Based on example 2.14's calculation, Total Drag given by the following.

CD = cd + CDi

Appendix J. Calculated Lift and Drag of Finite NACA 4415 wing

NACA 4415
3D data without ground effect
Expected Experimental Data
AoA CL % diff CL CD- CD % diff CD Lift/Drag
[deg] induced
-18 AoA not used. Span Efficiency Factor Eqn 2.31
-10 -0.3108 50.3% 0.0125 0.0228 121.7% -13.61
-8 -0.2072 53.9% 0.0056 0.0146 61.7% -14.18
-6 -0.1036 48.2% 0.0014 0.0095 17.3% -10.96 Estimated from figure 2.39
-4 0.0000 0.0% 0.0000 0.0078 0.0% 0.00 = 0.0251
-2 0.1036 48.2% 0.0014 0.0090 18.4% 11.56 Therefore
0 0.2072 48.2% 0.0056 0.0131 74.1% 15.83 e= 0.9755
1 0.2590 49.3% 0.0087 0.0162 116.5% 16.01
2 0.3108 52.2% 0.0125 0.0199 169.3% 15.58 zero lift AoA
3 0.3627 49.6% 0.0171 0.0245 230.8% 14.82 -4 [deg]
4 0.4145 51.2% 0.0223 0.0298 296.2% 13.90
5 0.4663 49.7% 0.0282 0.0360 361.8% 12.95 intercept =-(CL-alpha)*(alpha-ZL)
6 0.5181 50.7% 0.0348 0.0437 394.4% 11.86 0.2072
7 0.5699 49.8% 0.0421 0.0524 412.6% 10.88
8 0.6217 47.1% 0.0502 0.0613 448.9% 10.14
9 0.6750 0.0591 0.0727 434.4% 9.28
10 0.7155 0.0664 0.0835 390.5% 8.57
11 0.7425 0.0716 0.0907 374.2% 8.19
12 0.7695 Max Lift? 0.0768 0.1006 323.1% 7.65
14 0.7560 0.0742 No cd
15 0.7358 0.0703 values
16 0.7155 0.0664
18 AoA not used.
CL A % used to reduce section cl value such that stall and linear region match

Wing CL & CD vs AoA


0.8 y = 0.0518x + 0.2072

0.4 CD
est. CL
0.2 est. CD
Linear (CL)
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

AoA [Deg]

Appendix J. Calculated Lift and Drag of Finite NACA 4415 wing

NACA 4415
3D data without ground effect
Expected Experimental Data

CL / CD vs AoA out of Ground Effect





0.0 Lift/Drag
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20



AoA [Deg]

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

Summary of load cell behaviour

In z direction, the correlation cofficient of applied force and measured force ranges from 0.9974 to 1.0000.
In the z direction, the measured force is 100.96% of the applied force in compression.
In tension, the measured force is 101.29% of the applied force.
The mass of the model and supports are estimated at 2.2107kg.
To assume the load cell transits seamlessly from compressive to tensile measurement is reasonable.
Then overall, the measured force is 101.25% of the applied force in the z direction.
The standard deviation from each reading would be used as individual uncertainty. The final uncertainty in the
measurement comes from factoring drift into the baseline reading and the difference of readings.
Looking at three plots for compression and two plots for tension, mass used does not determine the amount of
drift or direction of drift.
Discontinuities occur when a collection of small masses are replaced by a single piece large one.
From the trends seen within each small group, larger time between gives larger dirft.
While this collection of data does not conclusively indicate that drift is linear with time, some groups of points
support this idea.
To simplify this, drift in load cell reading is considered linear with time and error caused by this idea would
reduce when time interval between the same applied force reduced to as short as possible.
It was assumed that g value is 9.81ms^-2.

COMPRESSIVE loadings / unloadings in z direction

Applied force [N] Measured force [N] Standard deviation [N] max [N] min [N] Sample size
4.6950 -46.9465 0.0031 -46.9594 -46.9341 20000
5.6567 -47.8976 0.0031 -47.9125 -47.8849 10000
5.6567 -47.8951 0.0032 -47.9069 -47.8828 10000
6.6213 -48.8502 0.0031 -48.8629 -48.8387 10000
6.6213 -48.8508 0.0031 -48.8852 -48.8238 10000
7.5860 -49.8066 0.0030 -49.8177 -49.7959 10000
7.5860 -49.8068 0.0030 -49.8235 -49.7934 10000
8.5498 -50.7603 0.0030 -50.7726 -50.7498 10000
8.5498 -50.7616 0.0032 -50.7741 -50.7492 10000
9.5184 -51.7194 0.0034 -51.7326 -51.7043 10000
9.5184 -51.7196 0.0035 -51.7336 -51.7074 10000
10.4855 -52.6794 0.0034 -52.6935 -52.6658 10000
10.4855 -52.6810 0.0035 -52.6957 -52.6662 10000
11.6353 -53.8284 0.0066 -53.8473 -53.8064 10000
11.6353 -53.8476 0.0062 -53.8678 -53.8283 10000
12.5888 -54.8100 0.0053 -54.8276 -54.7918 10000
12.5888 -54.8231 0.0044 -54.8401 -54.8012 10000
13.5473 -55.7831 0.0041 -55.7972 -55.7661 10000
13.5473 -55.7917 0.0039 -55.8064 -55.7771 10000
14.5050 -56.7464 0.0036 -56.7602 -56.7324 10000
14.5050 -56.7516 0.0035 -56.7656 -56.7342 10000
15.4667 -57.7092 0.0035 -57.7216 -57.6958 10000
15.4667 -57.7145 0.0033 -57.7282 -57.7019 10000
16.4313 -58.6735 0.0032 -58.6854 -58.6611 10000
16.4313 -58.6746 0.0031 -58.6875 -58.6617 10000
17.3960 -59.6302 0.0032 -59.6414 -59.6168 10000
17.3960 -59.6311 0.0032 -59.6455 -59.6177 10000
18.3598 -60.5845 0.0031 -60.5971 -60.5728 10000
18.3598 -60.5844 0.0033 -60.5969 -60.5726 10000
19.3284 -61.5433 0.0032 -61.5601 -61.5257 10000
19.3284 -61.5417 0.0034 -61.5539 -61.5276 10000
20.2955 -62.5020 0.0040 -62.5161 -62.4877 10000
20.2955 -62.5072 0.0037 -62.5279 -62.4937 10000
21.4453 -63.6759 0.0034 -63.6907 -63.6625 10000

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

21.4453 -63.6792 0.0036 -63.6964 -63.6631 10000

22.3988 -64.6296 0.0040 -64.6431 -64.6105 10000
22.3988 -64.6344 0.0037 -64.6548 -64.6083 10000
23.3573 -65.5879 0.0036 -65.6013 -65.5725 10000
23.3573 -65.5916 0.0034 -65.6097 -65.5766 10000
24.3150 -66.5414 0.0035 -66.5586 -66.5267 10000
24.3150 -66.5446 0.0035 -66.5606 -66.5314 10000
25.2767 -67.4998 0.0034 -67.5131 -67.4826 10000
25.2767 -67.5012 0.0034 -67.5153 -67.4890 10000
26.2413 -68.4588 0.0034 -68.4729 -68.4441 10000
26.2413 -68.4632 0.0034 -68.4760 -68.4494 10000
27.2060 -69.4222 0.0035 -69.4342 -69.4091 10000
27.2060 -69.4240 0.0035 -69.4386 -69.4108 10000
28.1698 -70.3810 0.0037 -70.3952 -70.3643 10000
28.1698 -70.3829 0.0035 -70.3971 -70.3674 10000
29.1384 -71.3443 0.0037 -71.3602 -71.3288 10000
29.1384 -71.3468 0.0038 -71.3627 -71.3319 10000
30.1055 -72.3041 0.0045 -72.3227 -72.2874 10000
30.1055 -72.3038 0.0053 -72.3205 -72.2855 10000
31.2553 -73.4678 0.0055 -73.4849 -73.4463 10000
31.2553 -73.4691 0.0055 -73.4888 -73.4467 10000
30.1055 -72.3039 0.0045 -72.3190 -72.2897 2000
29.1384 -71.3459 0.0051 -71.3679 -71.3249 2000
28.1698 -70.3880 0.0046 -70.4022 -70.3734 2000
27.2060 -69.4335 0.0046 -69.4502 -69.4183 2000
26.2413 -68.4797 0.0044 -68.4933 -68.4606 2000
25.2767 -67.5223 0.0045 -67.5359 -67.5058 2000
24.3150 -66.5692 0.0046 -66.5836 -66.5545 2000
23.3573 -65.6210 0.0043 -65.6361 -65.6055 2000
22.3988 -64.6708 0.0044 -64.6863 -64.6548 2000
21.4453 -63.7259 0.0043 -63.7408 -63.7093 2000
20.2955 -62.5579 0.0044 -62.5725 -62.5418 2000
19.3284 -61.5994 0.0043 -61.6165 -61.5825 2000
18.3598 -60.6389 0.0044 -60.6522 -60.6246 2000
17.3960 -59.6826 0.0046 -59.6962 -59.6672 2000
16.4313 -58.7266 0.0045 -58.7428 -58.7085 2000
15.4667 -57.7691 0.0042 -57.7877 -57.7393 2000
14.5050 -56.8147 0.0042 -56.8322 -56.7991 2000
13.5473 -55.8646 0.0038 -55.8798 -55.8479 2000
12.5888 -54.9123 0.0036 -54.9270 -54.9014 2000
11.6353 -53.9650 0.0038 -53.9810 -53.9519 2000
10.4855 -52.8216 0.0033 -52.8332 -52.8098 2000
9.5184 -51.8625 0.0036 -51.8764 -51.8516 2000
8.5498 -50.9001 0.0036 -50.9144 -50.8869 2000
7.5860 -49.9411 0.0036 -49.9573 -49.9252 2000
6.6213 -48.9839 0.0035 -48.9989 -48.9691 2000
5.6567 -48.0268 0.0031 -48.0379 -48.0144 2000
4.6950 -47.0690 0.0036 -47.0833 -47.0563 2000
3.7373 -46.1167 0.0046 -46.2025 -46.0153 2000
2.7788 -45.1625 0.0040 -45.1766 -45.1480 2000
1.8253 -44.2111 0.0032 -44.2229 -44.2021 2000
0.0000 -42.3057 0.0044 -42.3187 -42.2900 2000
0.0000 -42.4041 0.0085 -42.4218 -42.3686 2000

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

Applied force [N] Time between same applied force [h:mm:ss] Drift in applied force [N]
30.1055 0:07:07 -2.0364E-05
29.1384 0:11:37 -0.00037146
28.1698 0:16:03 -0.00604509
27.2060 0:21:20 -0.01035789
26.2413 0:28:21 -0.01865783
25.2767 0:35:37 -0.02179325
24.3150 0:42:35 -0.02620487
23.3573 0:49:30 -0.03128463
22.3988 0:56:26 -0.03880444
21.4453 1:03:17 -0.04831388
20.2955 1:11:08 -0.0532999
19.3284 1:18:07 -0.05692467
18.3598 1:24:57 -0.05442001
17.3960 1:32:19 -0.05188499
16.4313 1:39:14 -0.05249168
15.4667 1:47:05 -0.05721488
14.5050 1:54:40 -0.06575782
13.5473 2:01:37 -0.07718361
12.5888 2:08:37 -0.09581595
11.6353 2:15:36 -0.12697345
10.4855 2:23:24 -0.14142218
9.5184 2:30:29 -0.14304382
8.5498 2:37:07 -0.13912854
7.5860 2:43:53 -0.13443269
6.6213 2:50:49 -0.13339168
5.6567 2:57:39 -0.1304596
4.6950 3:05:54 -0.12242389

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics


Compression Run8

-45 0 10 20 30 40
measured force

y = -0.9974x - 42.292
R2 = 1
applied force

With offset taken out, measured force is 99.74% of applied force.

Compression Run8

0 10 20 30 40

measured force






applied force

A small amount of drift can be detected when load cell is loaded in compression and unloaded.

Compression Run8 Drift

differemce in measured force

-0.02 0:28:48 0:57:36 1:26:24 1:55:12 2:24:00 2:52:48 3:21:36
time between same applied force

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

Applied force [N] Measured force [N] Standard deviation [N] max [N] min [N] Sample size
0.0000 -42.0034 0.0046 -42.0208 -41.9864 10000
0.0000 -42.0102 0.0040 -42.0277 -41.9932 10000
0.0000 -42.0163 0.0039 -42.0331 -42.0006 10000
0.9534 -43.0854 0.0294 -43.1288 -43.0017 10000
0.9534 -43.1181 0.0053 -43.1356 -43.0991 10000
1.9120 -44.2526 0.0201 -44.2826 -44.1876 10000
1.9120 -44.1904 0.0079 -44.2125 -44.1672 10000
2.8696 -45.1110 0.0039 -45.1266 -45.0949 10000
2.8696 -45.1129 0.0041 -45.1269 -45.0948 10000
3.8313 -46.0720 0.0051 -46.1271 -46.0360 10000
3.8313 -46.0871 0.0043 -46.1038 -46.0723 10000
4.7959 -47.0557 0.0047 -47.0739 -47.0389 10000
4.7959 -47.0585 0.0039 -47.0740 -47.0421 10000
5.7606 -48.0184 0.0046 -48.0375 -47.9991 10000
5.7606 -48.0235 0.0036 -48.0385 -48.0093 10000
6.7245 -48.9832 0.0042 -49.0007 -48.9636 10000
6.7245 -48.9883 0.0036 -49.0031 -48.9705 10000
7.6931 -49.9518 0.0034 -49.9672 -49.9354 10000
7.6931 -49.9593 0.0045 -49.9763 -49.9428 10000
8.6601 -50.9203 0.0045 -51.0123 -50.8319 10000
8.6601 -50.9240 0.0039 -50.9398 -50.9092 10000
9.8100 -52.9818 0.0306 -53.0182 -52.8593 8000
9.8100 -52.9229 0.0106 -52.9483 -52.8987 2000
10.7634 -53.7885 0.0221 -53.8353 -53.7375 5000
11.7220 -54.6561 0.0190 -54.6964 -54.6148 5000
12.6796 -55.5372 0.0132 -55.5948 -55.5042 5000
13.6413 -56.4490 0.0090 -56.4728 -56.4239 5000
14.6059 -57.3744 0.0069 -57.3943 -57.3545 5000
15.5706 -58.3114 0.0059 -58.3353 -58.2923 5000
16.5345 -59.2526 0.0049 -59.2689 -59.2375 5000
17.5031 -60.1946 0.0047 -60.2099 -60.1784 5000
18.4701 -61.1438 0.0048 -61.1598 -61.1264 5000
19.6200 -62.4135 0.0389 -62.4816 -62.3264 5000
20.5734 -63.4495 0.0088 -63.5024 -63.4160 5000
21.5320 -64.4094 0.0053 -64.4729 -64.3446 5000
22.4896 -65.3466 0.0055 -65.3645 -65.3149 5000
23.4513 -66.2820 0.0057 -66.3756 -66.2066 5000
24.4159 -67.2238 0.0049 -67.2413 -67.2032 5000
25.3806 -68.1650 0.0046 -68.1853 -68.1496 5000
26.3445 -69.1144 0.0039 -69.1297 -69.1016 5000
27.3131 -70.0609 0.0042 -70.0748 -70.0457 5000
28.2801 -71.0153 0.0039 -71.0301 -70.9993 5000
29.4300 -72.1886 0.0072 -72.2092 -72.1708 5000
28.2801 -71.0779 0.0038 -71.0912 -71.0664 2000
27.3131 -70.1069 0.0039 -70.1220 -70.0933 2000
26.3445 -69.1341 0.0036 -69.1456 -69.1250 2000
25.3806 -68.1688 0.0064 -68.2610 -68.0742 2000
24.4159 -67.2065 0.0036 -67.2206 -67.1926 2000
23.4513 -66.2354 0.0041 -66.2539 -66.2138 2000
22.4896 -65.2735 0.0038 -65.2877 -65.2613 2000
21.5320 -64.3180 0.0035 -64.3299 -64.3076 2000
20.5734 -63.3625 0.0064 -63.4392 -63.2995 2000
19.6200 -62.4090 0.0036 -62.4226 -62.3966 2000
18.4701 -61.2339 0.0045 -61.2749 -61.1951 2000

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

17.5031 -60.2613 0.0041 -60.2744 -60.2458 2000

16.5345 -59.2919 0.0038 -59.3064 -59.2800 2000
15.5706 -58.3282 0.0038 -58.3444 -58.3147 2000
14.6059 -57.3624 0.0038 -57.3761 -57.3464 2000
13.6413 -56.3962 0.0038 -56.4094 -56.3838 2000
12.6796 -55.4317 0.0036 -55.4448 -55.4198 2000
11.7220 -54.4748 0.0036 -54.4862 -54.4616 2000
10.7634 -53.5154 0.0037 -53.5273 -53.5039 2000
9.8100 -52.5583 0.0038 -52.5709 -52.5476 2000
8.6601 -51.3408 0.0084 -51.3636 -51.3153 2000
7.6931 -50.3421 0.0061 -50.3572 -50.3219 2000
6.7245 -49.3549 0.0056 -49.3704 -49.3370 2000
5.7606 -48.3771 0.0054 -48.3979 -48.3568 2000
4.7959 -47.3985 0.0043 -47.4120 -47.3839 2000
3.8313 -46.4252 0.0042 -46.4377 -46.4126 2000
2.8696 -45.4579 0.0042 -45.4712 -45.4441 2000
1.9120 -44.4787 0.0041 -44.4938 -44.4660 2000
0.9534 -43.4919 0.0065 -43.5114 -43.4736 2000
0.0000 -42.5103 0.0079 -42.5319 -42.4906 2000
0.0000 -42.4750 0.0053 -42.4897 -42.4593 2000
0.0000 -42.4415 0.0048 -42.4552 -42.4277 2000

Applied force [N] Time between same applied force [h:mm:ss] Drift in applied force [N]
28.2801 0:05:49 0.5240
27.3131 0:10:19 0.4311
26.3445 0:14:31 0.4535
25.3806 0:18:15 0.4708
24.4159 0:21:08 0.4878
23.4513 0:26:03 0.5175
22.4896 0:28:50 0.5408
21.5320 0:32:06 0.5600
20.5734 0:34:33 0.5669
19.6200 0:37:13 0.5225
18.4701 0:41:00 0.5447
17.5031 0:44:54 0.4078
16.5345 0:47:50 0.4316
15.5706 0:50:47 0.4537
14.6059 0:53:17 0.4805
13.6413 0:55:53 0.5155
12.6796 0:58:33 0.5615
11.7220 1:01:03 0.6218
10.7634 1:03:33 0.7068
9.8100 1:07:32 0.3940
8.6601 1:14:53 -0.4187
7.6931 1:24:10 -0.3866
6.7245 1:35:24 -0.3691
5.7606 1:46:19 -0.3561
4.7959 1:56:47 -0.3414
3.8313 2:09:55 -0.3456
2.8696 2:18:04 -0.3459
1.9120 2:31:04 -0.2571
0.9534 2:46:08 -0.3902
0.0000 3:07:06 -0.4657

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics


Compression Run9

0 10 20 30 40
measured force

y = -1.0209x - 42.344
-70 R2 = 0.9995
applied force

With offset taken out, measured force is 102.09% of applied force.

Compression Run9

0 10 20 30 40

measured force





applied force

A small amount of drift can be detected when load cell is loaded in compression and unloaded.

Compression Run9 Drift

differemce in measured force

0:00:00 0:28:48 0:57:36 1:26:24 1:55:12 2:24:00 2:52:48 3:21:36
time between same applied force

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

Applied force [N] Measured force [N] Standard deviation [N] max [N] min [N] Sample size
0.0000 -42.3693 0.0065 -42.3851 -42.3476 2000
0.0000 -42.3631 0.0058 -42.3781 -42.3368 2000
0.9534 -43.4006 0.0051 -43.4172 -43.3773 2000
1.9120 -44.4628 0.0088 -44.4819 -44.4347 2000
2.8696 -45.3698 0.0082 -45.3861 -45.3426 2000
3.8313 -46.3111 0.0105 -46.3287 -46.2805 2000
4.7959 -47.2512 0.0102 -47.2715 -47.2190 2000
5.7606 -48.2017 0.0098 -48.2270 -48.1707 2000
6.7245 -49.1522 0.0082 -49.1726 -49.1226 2000
7.6931 -50.1089 0.0111 -50.1298 -50.0745 2000
8.6601 -51.0650 0.0120 -51.1407 -50.9840 2000
9.8100 -52.7574 0.0075 -52.7802 -52.7374 2000
10.7634 -53.5905 0.0082 -53.6155 -53.5605 2000
11.7220 -54.4815 0.0061 -54.4988 -54.4614 2000
12.6796 -55.3973 0.0069 -55.4110 -55.3690 2000
13.6413 -56.3313 0.0072 -56.3515 -56.3016 2000
14.6059 -57.2743 0.0083 -57.3032 -57.2391 2000
15.5706 -58.2228 0.0088 -58.3561 -58.1225 2000
16.5345 -59.1716 0.0074 -59.1884 -59.1392 2000
17.5031 -60.1260 0.0065 -60.1430 -60.1003 2000
18.4701 -61.0779 0.0074 -61.1453 -61.0080 2000
19.6200 -62.3647 0.0089 -62.3868 -62.3313 2000
20.5734 -63.3298 0.0108 -63.3539 -63.2920 2000
21.5320 -64.2322 0.0090 -64.2635 -64.1984 2000
22.4896 -65.1718 0.0098 -65.1915 -65.1285 2000
23.4513 -66.1103 0.0101 -66.1338 -66.0711 2000
24.4159 -67.0611 0.0098 -67.1329 -67.0131 2000
25.3806 -68.0094 0.0112 -68.0342 -67.9652 2000
26.3445 -68.9693 0.0078 -68.9946 -68.9380 2000
27.3131 -69.9191 0.0119 -69.9625 -69.8645 2000
28.2801 -70.8757 0.0109 -70.8968 -70.8363 2000
29.4300 -72.0744 0.0092 -72.0958 -72.0343 2000
29.4300 -72.0431 0.0082 -72.0618 -72.0116 2995
29.4300 -72.0438 0.0071 -72.0643 -72.0139 3000
28.2801 -70.8645 0.0098 -70.8848 -70.8265 3000
27.3131 -69.9059 0.0057 -69.9339 -69.8745 3000
26.3445 -68.9378 0.0070 -68.9546 -68.9133 3000
25.3806 -67.9704 0.0070 -67.9867 -67.9364 3000
24.4159 -67.0080 0.0130 -67.1981 -66.8531 3000
23.4513 -66.0390 0.0110 -66.0583 -65.9890 3000
22.4896 -65.0822 0.0081 -65.1030 -65.0437 3000
21.5320 -64.1264 0.0090 -64.1501 -64.0906 3000
20.5734 -63.1697 0.0076 -63.1919 -63.1399 3000
19.6200 -62.2185 0.0084 -62.2389 -62.1815 3000
18.4701 -61.0321 0.0120 -61.0572 -60.9733 3000
17.5031 -60.0622 0.0086 -60.0816 -60.0240 3000
16.5345 -59.0863 0.0076 -59.1022 -59.0537 3000
15.5706 -58.1170 0.0136 -58.1441 -58.0685 3000
14.6059 -57.1463 0.0101 -57.1720 -57.1092 3000
13.6413 -56.1769 0.0098 -56.1974 -56.1471 3000
12.6796 -55.2167 0.0079 -55.2325 -55.1735 3000
11.7220 -54.2547 0.0092 -54.2798 -54.2139 3000
10.7634 -53.2978 0.0080 -53.3123 -53.2607 3000
9.8100 -52.3434 0.0064 -52.3867 -52.2960 3000

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

8.6601 -51.0778 0.0161 -51.1063 -51.0321 3000

7.6931 -50.0562 0.0133 -50.0802 -50.0128 3000
6.7245 -49.0791 0.0112 -49.1053 -49.0402 3000
5.7606 -48.1091 0.0134 -48.1338 -48.0701 3000
4.7959 -47.1404 0.0136 -47.1644 -47.0889 3000
3.8313 -46.1703 0.0124 -46.1949 -46.1322 3000
2.8696 -45.2019 0.0111 -45.2335 -45.1691 3000
1.9120 -44.2433 0.0129 -44.2709 -44.2003 3000
0.9534 -43.2541 0.0108 -43.2759 -43.2131 3000
0.0000 -42.2667 0.0099 -42.2875 -42.2300 3000
0.0000 -42.2553 0.0074 -42.2780 -42.2243 3000
0.0000 -42.2600 0.0070 -42.2807 -42.2324 3000
0.0000 -42.2571 0.0080 -42.2797 -42.2127 6000

Applied force [N] Time between same applied force [h:mm:ss] Drift in applied force [N]
29.4300 0:49:05 0.0310
28.2801 0:57:51 0.0112
27.3131 1:05:57 0.0132
26.3445 1:13:05 0.0316
25.3806 1:22:44 0.0390
24.4159 1:31:32 0.0531
23.4513 1:41:15 0.0713
22.4896 1:51:20 0.0897
21.5320 1:57:33 0.1058
20.5734 2:12:33 0.1601
19.6200 2:11:04 0.1462
18.4701 2:28:02 0.0457
17.5031 2:36:23 0.0638
16.5345 2:47:14 0.0853
15.5706 2:56:53 0.1058
14.6059 3:07:29 0.1281
13.6413 3:18:27 0.1544
12.6796 3:27:56 0.1806
11.7220 3:37:29 0.2268
10.7634 3:46:59 0.2927
9.8100 3:56:49 0.4140
8.6601 4:06:50 -0.0128
7.6931 4:21:24 0.0527
6.7245 4:31:44 0.0731
5.7606 4:41:42 0.0926
4.7959 4:51:52 0.1108
3.8313 5:01:28 0.1408
2.8696 5:11:23 0.1679
1.9120 5:20:53 0.2196
0.9534 5:30:30 0.1465
0.0000 5:52:00 0.1064

From 3 compression runs, the average measured vs applied force gradient is 1.0096
Correction factor to measured compressive force 0.9905

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics


Compression Run10

0 10 20 30 40
measured force

y = -1.0105x - 42.391
-70 R2 = 0.9999
applied force

With offset taken out, measured force is 101.05% of applied force.

Compression Run10

0 10 20 30 40

measured force





applied force

A small amount of drift can be detected when load cell is loaded in compression and unloaded.

Compression Run10 Drift

differemce in measured force

0:00:00 1:12:00 2:24:00 3:36:00 4:48:00 6:00:00 7:12:00
time between same applied force

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

TENSILE loadings / unloadings in z direction

Applied force [N] Measured force [N] Standard deviation [N] max [N] min [N] Sample size
0.3097 -40.8720 0.0042 -40.8864 -40.8577 7500
0.3097 -40.8586 0.0056 -40.8764 -40.8435 7500
0.3097 -40.8437 0.0053 -40.8600 -40.8267 7500
0.5455 -40.6139 0.0040 -40.6287 -40.5966 7500
0.5455 -40.6035 0.0054 -40.6216 -40.5837 7500
0.5455 -40.5899 0.0053 -40.6075 -40.5717 7500
1.0512 -40.0988 0.0035 -40.1117 -40.0863 7500
1.0512 -40.0905 0.0043 -40.1075 -40.0769 7500
1.0512 -40.0803 0.0042 -40.0937 -40.0643 7500
1.5477 -39.6019 0.0065 -39.6202 -39.5828 7500
1.5477 -39.5860 0.0051 -39.6030 -39.5674 7500
1.5477 -39.5749 0.0046 -39.5927 -39.5596 7500
1.8253 -39.5493 0.0079 -39.5694 -39.5253 7500
1.8253 -39.5135 0.0120 -39.5429 -39.4819 7500
1.8253 -39.4790 0.0099 -39.5078 -39.4461 7500
3.5900 -37.5149 0.0109 -37.5434 -37.4736 7500
3.5900 -37.4807 0.0099 -37.5098 -37.4549 7500
3.5900 -37.4538 0.0078 -37.4772 -37.4310 7500
5.5019 -35.5330 0.0070 -35.5542 -35.5123 7500
5.5019 -35.5140 0.0058 -35.5325 -35.4965 7500
5.5019 -35.4975 0.0055 -35.5151 -35.4799 7500
7.4213 -33.5761 0.0055 -33.5969 -33.5582 7500
7.4213 -33.5618 0.0047 -33.5768 -33.5439 7500
7.4213 -33.5496 0.0047 -33.5637 -33.5329 7500
9.3506 -31.6125 0.0050 -31.6293 -31.5961 7500
9.3506 -31.6023 0.0043 -31.6199 -31.5880 7500
9.3506 -31.5930 0.0042 -31.6084 -31.5787 7500
11.2830 -29.6681 0.0049 -29.7341 -29.6216 7500
11.2830 -29.6589 0.0039 -29.6719 -29.6439 7500
11.2830 -29.6513 0.0038 -29.6642 -29.6382 7500
13.4000 -27.5518 0.0044 -27.6013 -27.4916 7500
13.4000 -27.5449 0.0037 -27.5595 -27.5324 7500
13.4000 -27.5385 0.0036 -27.5525 -27.5233 7500
15.3119 -25.6372 0.0041 -25.6520 -25.6195 7500
15.3119 -25.6322 0.0036 -25.6445 -25.6196 7500
15.3119 -25.6267 0.0038 -25.6419 -25.6135 7500
17.2313 -23.7189 0.0039 -23.7334 -23.7026 7500
17.2313 -23.7127 0.0036 -23.7245 -23.6971 7500
17.2313 -23.7087 0.0037 -23.7206 -23.6949 7500
19.1606 -21.7904 0.0036 -21.8166 -21.7691 7500
19.1606 -21.7870 0.0035 -21.8002 -21.7733 7500
19.1606 -21.7833 0.0036 -21.7990 -21.7560 7500
21.0930 -19.8661 0.0037 -19.8796 -19.8515 7500
21.0930 -19.8633 0.0035 -19.8753 -19.8490 7500
21.0930 -19.8608 0.0035 -19.8745 -19.8465 7500
23.2100 -17.7359 0.0041 -17.7560 -17.7139 7500
23.2100 -17.7313 0.0039 -17.7452 -17.7174 7500
23.2100 -17.7292 0.0038 -17.7432 -17.7157 7500
25.1219 -15.8325 0.0042 -15.8591 -15.8007 7500
25.1219 -15.8290 0.0042 -15.8455 -15.8129 7500
25.1219 -15.8276 0.0040 -15.8438 -15.8149 7500
27.0413 -13.9222 0.0042 -13.9421 -13.8948 7500
27.0413 -13.9199 0.0041 -13.9371 -13.9054 7500

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

27.0413 -13.9186 0.0039 -13.9348 -13.9040 7500

28.9706 -12.0067 0.0044 -12.0794 -11.9634 7500
28.9706 -12.0052 0.0040 -12.0201 -11.9907 7500
28.9706 -12.0036 0.0040 -12.0189 -11.9890 7500
30.9030 -10.0883 0.0043 -10.1432 -10.0499 7500
30.9030 -10.0860 0.0041 -10.1019 -10.0706 7500
30.9030 -10.0847 0.0040 -10.0983 -10.0692 7500
33.0200 -7.9579 0.0043 -7.9862 -7.9327 7500
33.0200 -7.9567 0.0043 -7.9733 -7.9419 7500
33.0200 -7.9551 0.0043 -7.9908 -7.9126 7500
30.9030 -10.0794 0.0041 -10.0974 -10.0636 4500
30.9030 -10.0780 0.0042 -10.0932 -10.0587 4500
30.9030 -10.0775 0.0042 -10.0943 -10.0636 4500
28.9706 -11.9908 0.0040 -12.0086 -11.9771 4500
28.9706 -11.9912 0.0042 -12.0061 -11.9775 4500
28.9706 -11.9927 0.0041 -12.0077 -11.9766 4500
27.0413 -13.9037 0.0040 -13.9208 -13.8885 4500
27.0413 -13.9052 0.0041 -13.9370 -13.8846 4500
27.0413 -13.9061 0.0040 -13.9312 -13.8896 4500
25.1219 -15.8078 0.0040 -15.8225 -15.7923 4500
25.1219 -15.8088 0.0039 -15.8212 -15.7943 4500
25.1219 -15.8106 0.0039 -15.8278 -15.7956 4500
23.2100 -17.7074 0.0067 -17.9125 -17.5451 4500
23.2100 -17.7084 0.0035 -17.7228 -17.6950 4500
23.2100 -17.7095 0.0038 -17.7230 -17.6969 4500
21.0930 -19.8349 0.0035 -19.8506 -19.8213 4500
21.0930 -19.8363 0.0035 -19.8484 -19.8245 4500
21.0930 -19.8368 0.0034 -19.8512 -19.8238 4500
19.1606 -21.7520 0.0033 -21.7630 -21.7394 4500
19.1606 -21.7536 0.0033 -21.7653 -21.7411 4500
19.1606 -21.7546 0.0034 -21.7689 -21.7415 4500
17.2313 -23.6679 0.0037 -23.6905 -23.6453 4500
17.2313 -23.6698 0.0033 -23.6826 -23.6584 4500
17.2313 -23.6716 0.0034 -23.6949 -23.6548 4500
15.3119 -25.5742 0.0033 -25.5858 -25.5625 4500
15.3119 -25.5758 0.0033 -25.5883 -25.5631 4500
15.3119 -25.5778 0.0033 -25.5878 -25.5652 4500
13.4000 -27.4740 0.0034 -27.4902 -27.4597 4500
13.4000 -27.4756 0.0033 -27.4888 -27.4642 4500
13.4000 -27.4773 0.0032 -27.4888 -27.4650 4500
11.2830 -29.5708 0.0031 -29.5828 -29.5599 4500
11.2830 -29.5716 0.0031 -29.5847 -29.5613 4500
11.2830 -29.5720 0.0031 -29.5836 -29.5608 4500
9.3506 -31.4865 0.0031 -31.4977 -31.4735 4500
9.3506 -31.4877 0.0031 -31.4969 -31.4768 4500
9.3506 -31.4899 0.0031 -31.5024 -31.4774 4500
7.4213 -33.4024 0.0032 -33.4151 -33.3905 4500
7.4213 -33.4047 0.0030 -33.4160 -33.3934 4500
7.4213 -33.4060 0.0030 -33.4157 -33.3942 4500
5.5019 -35.3105 0.0032 -35.3207 -35.2975 4500
5.5019 -35.3115 0.0031 -35.3235 -35.2999 4500
5.5019 -35.3134 0.0032 -35.3253 -35.3021 4500
3.5900 -37.2101 0.0033 -37.2227 -37.1956 4500
3.5900 -37.2124 0.0031 -37.2228 -37.1990 4500
3.5900 -37.2140 0.0031 -37.2256 -37.2028 4500
1.8253 -39.2538 0.0034 -39.2694 -39.2405 4500

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

1.8253 -39.2540 0.0032 -39.2659 -39.2424 4500

1.8253 -39.2529 0.0032 -39.2676 -39.2423 4500
1.5477 -39.5872 0.0036 -39.6017 -39.5731 4500
1.5477 -39.5868 0.0032 -39.5976 -39.5748 4500
1.5477 -39.5859 0.0034 -39.5998 -39.5746 4500
1.0512 -40.1430 0.0051 -40.1573 -40.1242 4500
1.0512 -40.1492 0.0032 -40.1622 -40.1371 4500
1.0512 -40.1484 0.0032 -40.1612 -40.1367 4500
0.5455 -40.6672 0.0033 -40.6779 -40.6546 4500
0.5455 -40.6623 0.0037 -40.6764 -40.6481 4500
0.5455 -40.6539 0.0043 -40.6676 -40.6418 4500
0.3097 -40.8928 0.0054 -40.9129 -40.8787 4500
0.3097 -40.8806 0.0047 -40.8939 -40.8658 4500
0.3097 -40.8717 0.0035 -40.8843 -40.8591 4500

Applied force [N] Time between same applied force [h:mm:ss] Drift in applied force [N]
30.9030 0:13:26 0.0080
28.9706 0:24:00 0.0136
27.0413 0:34:55 0.0152
25.1219 0:46:07 0.0206
23.2100 0:56:25 0.0237
21.0930 1:07:33 0.0274
19.1606 1:18:08 0.0335
17.2313 1:29:15 0.0436
15.3119 1:39:45 0.0561
13.4000 1:50:04 0.0694
11.2830 2:01:16 0.0880
9.3506 2:11:53 0.1146
7.4213 2:24:28 0.1581
5.5019 2:35:27 0.2030
3.5900 2:46:00 0.2709
1.8253 3:05:49 0.2603
1.5477 3:18:31 0.0010
1.0512 3:30:35 -0.0570
0.5455 3:42:21 -0.0587
0.3097 3:54:32 -0.0236

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics


Tension Run6

0 10 20 30 40
y = 1.0055x - 41.067
measured force

R2 = 0.9999



applied force

With offset taken out, the measured force is 100.55% of the applied force.

Tension Run6

0 10 20 30 40
measured force




applied force

A small amount of drift can be detected when load cell is loaded in tension and unloaded.

Tension Run6 Drift

differemce in measured force

-0.05 0:28:48 0:57:36 1:26:24 1:55:12 2:24:00 2:52:48 3:21:36 3:50:24 4:19:12
time between same applied force

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

Applied force [N] Measured force [N] Standard deviation [N] max [N] min [N] Sample size
0.3097 -41.1373 0.0080 -41.1602 -41.1042 7500
0.3097 -41.1502 0.0067 -41.1722 -41.1221 7500
0.3097 -41.1581 0.0063 -41.1824 -41.1329 7500
0.5455 -40.9939 0.0071 -41.0183 -40.9586 7500
0.5455 -40.9804 0.0071 -40.9989 -40.9486 7500
0.5455 -40.9721 0.0069 -40.9938 -40.9402 7500
1.0512 -40.4893 0.0053 -40.5049 -40.4611 7500
1.0512 -40.4783 0.0064 -40.4977 -40.4510 7500
1.0512 -40.4730 0.0060 -40.4915 -40.4434 7500
1.5477 -39.9723 0.0063 -39.9917 -39.9443 7500
1.5477 -39.9638 0.0061 -39.9874 -39.9381 7500
1.5477 -39.9618 0.0053 -39.9776 -39.9381 7500
1.8253 -39.9233 0.0194 -39.9663 -39.8794 7500
1.8253 -39.8643 0.0153 -39.9003 -39.8299 7500
1.8253 -39.8180 0.0122 -39.8484 -39.7863 7500
1.8253 -39.7738 0.0096 -39.7995 -39.7410 7500
1.8253 -39.7483 0.0072 -39.7684 -39.7247 7500
1.8253 -39.7251 0.0078 -39.7461 -39.7000 7500
3.5900 -37.7176 0.0131 -37.7469 -37.6704 7500
3.5900 -37.6885 0.0088 -37.7135 -37.6576 7500
3.5900 -37.6657 0.0083 -37.6873 -37.6303 7500
3.5900 -37.6243 0.0056 -37.6466 -37.6024 7500
3.5900 -37.6127 0.0052 -37.6480 -37.5894 7500
3.5900 -37.6016 0.0049 -37.6196 -37.5832 7500
5.5019 -35.6857 0.0048 -35.7025 -35.6677 7500
5.5019 -35.6749 0.0059 -35.7067 -35.6124 7500
5.5019 -35.6675 0.0065 -35.7001 -35.6217 7500
7.4213 -33.7530 0.0056 -33.7722 -33.7282 7500
7.4213 -33.7470 0.0049 -33.7759 -33.7139 7500
7.4213 -33.7377 0.0065 -33.7558 -33.6995 7500
9.3506 -31.8138 0.0064 -31.8333 -31.7764 7500
9.3506 -31.8087 0.0055 -31.8258 -31.7832 7500
9.3506 -31.8038 0.0063 -31.8319 -31.7679 7500
11.2830 -29.8803 0.0061 -29.9025 -29.8520 7500
11.2830 -29.8748 0.0059 -29.8926 -29.8441 7500
11.2830 -29.8713 0.0052 -29.8889 -29.8528 7500
13.4000 -27.7713 0.0063 -27.8659 -27.6900 7500
13.4000 -27.7675 0.0053 -27.7858 -27.7436 7500
13.4000 -27.7650 0.0052 -27.7837 -27.7443 7500
15.3119 -25.8458 0.0071 -25.8718 -25.8207 7500
15.3119 -25.8431 0.0072 -25.8648 -25.8167 7500
15.3119 -25.8405 0.0069 -25.8629 -25.8124 7500
17.2313 -23.9286 0.0070 -23.9517 -23.9001 7500
17.2313 -23.9282 0.0059 -23.9504 -23.9077 7500
17.2313 -23.9294 0.0058 -23.9490 -23.9059 7500
19.1606 -22.0132 0.0062 -22.0338 -21.9829 7500
19.1606 -22.0127 0.0060 -22.0346 -21.9782 7500
19.1606 -22.0130 0.0059 -22.0330 -21.9846 7500
23.2100 -17.9719 0.0060 -18.0044 -17.9465 7500
23.2100 -17.9711 0.0064 -17.9983 -17.9439 7500
23.2100 -17.9697 0.0061 -17.9924 -17.9461 7500
27.0413 -14.1706 0.0057 -14.1961 -14.1458 7500
27.0413 -14.1682 0.0054 -14.1865 -14.1465 7500
27.0413 -14.1668 0.0057 -14.1933 -14.1354 7500

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

33.0200 -8.2120 0.0066 -8.2878 -8.0931 7500

33.0200 -8.2086 0.0060 -8.2357 -8.1843 7500
33.0200 -8.2053 0.0076 -8.2301 -8.1598 7500
0.0000 -43.0020 0.0072 -43.0271 -42.9742 7500
0.0000 -43.0210 0.0085 -43.0441 -42.9820 7500
0.0000 -43.0386 0.0082 -43.0645 -43.0088 7500
0.0000 -43.0531 0.0081 -43.0744 -43.0123 7500
0.0000 -43.0582 0.0064 -43.0798 -43.0274 7500
0.0000 -43.0659 0.0065 -43.0865 -43.0327 7500
0.0000 -43.1610 0.0057 -43.1798 -43.1331 7500
0.0000 -43.1647 0.0071 -43.1868 -43.1303 7500
0.0000 -43.1655 0.0066 -43.1849 -43.1344 7500
0.0000 -43.1697 0.0067 -43.1900 -43.1425 7500
0.0000 -43.1699 0.0064 -43.1911 -43.1453 7500
0.0000 -43.1705 0.0064 -43.1913 -43.1379 7500
33.0200 -8.6033 0.0214 -8.6838 -8.5489 7500
33.0200 -8.5439 0.0164 -8.6431 -8.4735 7500
33.0200 -8.5008 0.0132 -8.5415 -8.4513 7500
28.9706 -12.4953 0.0094 -12.5719 -12.4205 7500
28.9706 -12.4755 0.0082 -12.5025 -12.4449 7500
28.9706 -12.4581 0.0072 -12.5129 -12.4076 7500
23.2100 -18.1469 0.0068 -18.1690 -18.1196 7500
23.2100 -18.1362 0.0064 -18.1593 -18.1071 7500
23.2100 -18.1274 0.0074 -18.1492 -18.0891 7500
19.1606 -22.1553 0.0052 -22.1737 -22.1356 7500
19.1606 -22.1477 0.0052 -22.1650 -22.1235 7500
19.1606 -22.1394 0.0061 -22.1586 -22.1077 7500
17.2313 -24.0436 0.0057 -24.0621 -24.0180 7500
17.2313 -24.0400 0.0059 -24.0595 -24.0141 7500
17.2313 -24.0353 0.0068 -24.1113 -23.9399 7500
15.3119 -25.9346 0.0063 -26.0450 -25.8413 7500
15.3119 -25.9320 0.0050 -25.9494 -25.9123 7500
15.3119 -25.9283 0.0089 -26.1788 -25.7464 7500
13.4000 -27.8223 0.0054 -27.9050 -27.7346 7500
13.4000 -27.8206 0.0055 -27.9158 -27.7275 7500
13.4000 -27.8201 0.0044 -27.8483 -27.7808 7500
11.2830 -29.9113 0.0058 -29.9292 -29.8754 7500
11.2830 -29.9091 0.0054 -29.9248 -29.8783 7500
11.2830 -29.9089 0.0065 -29.9256 -29.8622 7500
9.3506 -31.8249 0.0048 -31.8424 -31.7999 7500
9.3506 -31.8253 0.0049 -31.8441 -31.7883 7500
9.3506 -31.8265 0.0056 -31.8436 -31.7743 7500
7.4213 -33.7418 0.0044 -33.7709 -33.7113 7500
7.4213 -33.7422 0.0039 -33.7539 -33.7185 7500
7.4213 -33.7404 0.0059 -33.7574 -33.7129 7500
5.5019 -35.6342 0.0042 -35.6485 -35.6201 7500
5.5019 -35.6226 0.0050 -35.6376 -35.6031 7500
5.5019 -35.6106 0.0053 -35.6284 -35.5910 7500
3.5900 -37.4895 0.0047 -37.5052 -37.4737 7500
3.5900 -37.4783 0.0050 -37.4952 -37.4614 7500
3.5900 -37.4671 0.0048 -37.4838 -37.4512 7500
1.8253 -39.3953 0.0072 -39.4180 -39.3763 7500
1.8253 -39.3749 0.0064 -39.3933 -39.3552 7500
1.8253 -39.3591 0.0052 -39.3767 -39.3432 7500
1.5477 -39.7648 0.0061 -39.7871 -39.7468 7500
1.5477 -39.7508 0.0053 -39.7707 -39.7321 7500

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

1.5477 -39.7413 0.0049 -39.7613 -39.7143 7500

1.0512 -40.3099 0.0052 -40.3309 -40.2913 7500
1.0512 -40.2963 0.0075 -40.3256 -40.2735 7500
1.0512 -40.2784 0.0064 -40.3005 -40.2566 7500
0.5455 -40.8096 0.0065 -40.8289 -40.7830 7500
0.5455 -40.7855 0.0084 -40.8106 -40.7595 7500
0.5455 -40.7624 0.0071 -40.7846 -40.7419 7500
0.3097 -41.0133 0.0097 -41.0395 -40.9865 7500
0.3097 -40.9893 0.0069 -41.0131 -40.9673 7500
0.3097 -40.9726 0.0060 -40.9937 -40.9527 7500

Applied force [N] Time between same applied force [h:mm:ss] Drift in applied force [N]
33.0200 2:30:43 -0.3407
28.9706 2:44:36 1.6923
23.2100 2:57:50 -0.1659
19.1606 3:05:57 -0.1345
17.2313 3:28:16 -0.1109
15.3119 3:46:01 -0.0885
13.4000 4:10:42 -0.0531
11.2830 4:25:51 -0.0343
9.3506 4:39:58 -0.0168
7.4213 4:53:56 0.0044
5.5019 5:09:28 0.0535
3.5900 5:23:23 0.1346
3.5900 5:32:35 0.2123
1.8253 5:56:34 0.3726
1.8253 6:03:11 0.4921
1.5477 6:18:45 0.2137
1.0512 6:34:29 0.1854
0.5455 6:49:16 0.1963
0.3097 7:05:06 0.1568

From 2 tension runs, the average measured vs applied force gradient is 1.0129
Correction factor to measured tensile force 0.9873

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics


Tension Run7

0 10 20 30 40
y = 1.0203x - 41.666
measured force

R2 = 0.9972



applied force

With offset taken out, the measured force is 102.03% of the applied force.

Tension Run7

0 10 20 30 40
measured force




applied force

A small amount of drift can be detected when load cell is loaded in tension and unloaded.

Tension Run7 Drift

differemce in measured force




0:00:00 1:12:00 2:24:00 3:36:00 4:48:00 6:00:00 7:12:00 8:24:00
time between same applied force

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

Drag loadings in x direction

Applied force [N] Measured force [N] Standard deviation [N] max [N] min [N] Sample size
0.0000 3.1294 0.0029 3.1400 3.1184 7500
0.0000 3.1242 0.0028 3.1368 3.1142 7500
0.1232 2.6408 0.0032 2.6555 2.6227 7500
1.0766 1.6980 0.0023 1.7113 1.6824 7500
2.0352 0.7543 0.0029 0.7665 0.7417 7500
2.9928 -0.1894 0.0021 -0.1809 -0.1963 7500
3.9545 -1.1399 0.0024 -1.1311 -1.1515 7500
4.9191 -2.0940 0.0029 -2.0842 -2.1092 7500
5.8838 -3.0481 0.0037 -3.0332 -3.0618 7500
6.8477 -4.0012 0.0029 -3.9918 -4.0126 7500
0.0000 3.1043 0.0032 3.1163 3.0930 7500

Drag Run10

measured force

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-2 y = -1.029x + 2.9654
-3 R2 = 0.9976
applied force

With offset taken out, measured force is 102.9% of applied force.

From 2 drag runs, the average measured vs applied force gradient is 1.0256
Correction factor to measured drag force 0.9750

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

Run 11
Applied force [N] Measured force [N] Standard deviation [N] max [N] min [N] Sample size
0.0000 3.0847 0.0025 3.0971 3.0678 7500
0.1232 2.5924 0.0029 2.6007 2.5799 7500
1.0766 1.6489 0.0025 1.6569 1.6364 7500
2.0352 0.7018 0.0027 0.7215 0.6868 7500
2.9928 -0.2420 0.0020 -0.2365 -0.2564 7500
3.9545 -1.1907 0.0021 -1.1843 -1.2064 7500
4.9191 -2.1401 0.0021 -2.1322 -2.1519 7500
5.8838 -3.0885 0.0019 -3.0779 -3.1103 7500
6.8477 -4.0363 0.0018 -4.0292 -4.0437 7500
0.0000 3.0980 0.0024 3.1064 3.0892 7500

Drag Run11

measured force

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-2 y = -1.0222x + 2.8878
-3 R2 = 0.9974
applied force

With offset taken out, measured force is 102.22% of applied force.

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

Appendix K. Loadcell Characteristics

Appendix L. Drawings of the Model.

Figure L1. Complete center portion of wing.

Figure L2. Lower half of center portion of wing.

Appendix L. Drawings of the Model.

Figure L3. Upper half of center portion of wing.

Figure L4. Left extension of wing.

Appendix L. Drawings of the Model.

Figure L5. Right extension of wing.

Figure L6. Internal pivot joints of wing.

Appendix L. Drawings of the Model.

Figure L7. Location of pressure taps along mid-span of wing.

Appendix M. Downstream Pressure Profile.

Downstream Pressure Profile

5 measurement points on Starboard side

x-position various distances fore and aft of model.
y-position 500mm from Wind Tunnel Centre Line (Starboard side, orthogonal right hand rule)
z-position along Wind Tunnel Centre Line

5 measurement points on Port side

x-position various distances fore and aft of model.
y-position 500mm from Wind Tunnel Centre Line (Port side, orthogonal right hand rule)
z-position along Wind Tunnel Centre Line

Tubes' length 600mm

Manometer inclined at 30 deg, 14 tubes, portable
Thermometer simple ambient temperature type

On the Star Board wall, a clear static pressure drop was not observed. The static pressure rose a little before
decreasing. The raw pressure readings showed a consistent pressure profile with all 5 readings flucuating
together, slightly. However, the start static pressure ahead of the model is higher than the end static pressure

It is expected that greater speed in the wind tunnel has a higher Reynolds number and also causes a thinner
wall boundary layer. In turn, giving a smaller contraction with smaller speed increase and smaller dp/dx. This
was not seen on the Star Board wall of the tunnel.

Overall, there is still a likely leak of air into the tunnel on the Star Board side, causing air to slow down
(pressure rise).

A way forward is to assume that the boundary layer on both sides sufficiently similar. The dp/dx readings on the
Port Side are taken to represent the dp/dx readings along the centre line and experienced by the model.

Appendix M. Downstream Pressure Profile.

Starboard side of wind tunnel

Distance from Inverter Freq Delta Static Temperature Static Data Set
Model centre [m] [Hz] Reading [mm] Calculated [degC] Pressure [Pa] Number
-0.12 26.00 -72.5 28.62 -354.2 SB5
-0.06 26.00 -72.0 28.62 -351.8 SB5
0.00 26.00 -72.0 28.62 -351.8 SB5
0.06 26.00 -72.5 28.62 -354.2 SB5
0.12 26.00 -73.0 28.62 -356.7 SB5
-0.12 27.00 -79.0 28.67 -386.0 SB5
-0.06 27.00 -78.5 28.67 -383.5 SB5
0.00 27.00 -78.5 28.67 -383.5 SB5
0.06 27.00 -79.5 28.67 -388.4 SB5
0.12 27.00 -79.5 28.67 -388.4 SB5

Distance from Inverter Freq Delta Static Temperature Static Data Set
Model centre [m] [Hz] Reading [mm] Calculated [degC] Pressure [Pa] Number
-0.12 26.00 -72.5 29.00 -354.2 SB6
-0.06 26.00 -72.0 29.00 -351.7 SB6
0.00 26.00 -72.0 29.00 -351.7 SB6
0.06 26.00 -72.5 29.00 -354.2 SB6
0.12 26.00 -72.8 29.00 -355.4 SB6
-0.12 27.00 -79.5 29.00 -388.4 SB6
-0.06 27.00 -78.5 29.00 -383.5 SB6
0.00 27.00 -78.5 29.00 -383.5 SB6
0.06 27.00 -79.5 29.00 -388.4 SB6
0.12 27.00 -78.8 29.00 -384.7 SB6

Wind Tunnel Star Board side | Data set SB5 | (Flow Direction >>)

-0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15

Pressure (datum: Atm) [Pa]

y = -12.215x - 353.74
-365.0 R2 = 0.3214
-375.0 y = -16.286x - 385.98
R2 = 0.4
x [m]

Appendix M. Downstream Pressure Profile.

Starboard side of wind tunnel

Wind Tunnel Star Board side | Data set SB6 | (Flow Direction >>)

-0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15

Pressure (datum: Atm) [Pa]

-360.0 y = -8.1422x - 353.45
-365.0 R2 = 0.2222
-375.0 y = 4.0711x - 385.7
R2 = 0.0238
x [m]

Port Side of wind tunnel

Distance from Inverter Freq Delta Static Temperature Static Data Set
Model centre [m] [Hz] Reading [mm] Calculated [degC] Pressure [Pa] Number
-0.12 26.00 -71.0 29.18 -346.8 PS6
-0.06 26.00 -71.5 29.18 -349.3 PS6
0.00 26.00 -71.5 29.18 -349.3 PS6
0.06 26.00 -72.0 29.18 -351.7 PS6
0.12 26.00 -72.0 29.18 -351.7 PS6
-0.12 27.00 -77.5 29.17 -378.6 PS6
-0.06 27.00 -77.5 29.17 -378.6 PS6
0.00 27.00 -77.5 29.17 -378.6 PS6
0.06 27.00 -78.0 29.17 -381.0 PS6
0.12 27.00 -78.0 29.17 -381.0 PS6

Distance from Inverter Freq Delta Static Temperature Static Data Set
Model centre [m] [Hz] Reading [mm] Calculated [degC] Pressure [Pa] Number
-0.12 26.00 -71.0 29.25 -346.8 PS7
-0.06 26.00 -71.5 29.25 -349.3 PS7
0.00 26.00 -71.5 29.25 -349.3 PS7
0.06 26.00 -72.0 29.25 -351.7 PS7
0.12 26.00 -72.0 29.25 -351.7 PS7
-0.12 27.00 -77.5 29.29 -378.6 PS7
-0.06 27.00 -77.5 29.29 -378.6 PS7
0.00 27.00 -77.5 29.29 -378.6 PS7
0.06 27.00 -78.0 29.29 -381.0 PS7
0.12 27.00 -78.0 29.29 -381.0 PS7

Appendix M. Downstream Pressure Profile.

Port Side of wind tunnel

Wind Tunnel Port Side | Data set PS6 | (Flow Direction >>)

-0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15


Pressure (datum: Atm) [Pa]

y = -20.355x - 349.77
-360.0 R2 = 0.8929
-370.0 y = -12.213x - 379.57
-375.0 R2 = 0.75


x [m]

Wind Tunnel Port Side | Data set PS7 | (Flow Direction >>)

-0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15


Pressure (datum: Atm) [Pa]

-355.0 y = -20.354x - 349.77

-360.0 R2 = 0.8929

y = -12.212x - 379.56
-375.0 R2 = 0.75


x [m]

Appendix N. Y-Z Plane Velocity Profile.

Y-Z Plane Velocity Profile

Measurement Positions
Position S-CL
x-position 718mm from start of Wind tunnel Test Section
y-position -39.5mm from Wind Tunnel Centre Line (Starboard side, orthogonal right hand rule)

Position P-CL
x-position 718mm from start of Wind tunnel Test Section
y-position 57.5mm from Wind Tunnel Centre Line (Port side, orthogonal right hand rule)

Position S-WT
x-position 718mm from start of Wind tunnel Test Section
y-position -220.5mm from Wind Tunnel Centre Line (Starboard side, orthogonal right hand rule)

Position P-WT
x-position 718mm from start of Wind tunnel Test Section
y-position 220.5mm from Wind Tunnel Centre Line (Port side, orthogonal right hand rule)

Pitot static tube EMF0093

Tubes' length 1000mm
Manometer inclined at 30 deg, 14 tubes, portable
Thermometer Simple ambient temperature type

Appendix N. Y-Z Plane Velocity Profile.

Vertical Velocity Profile

Vertical Velocity Profile


Distance from Floor [cm]

Position S-CL
Position P-CL
Position S-WT
Position P-WT


0 5 10 15 20 25
U velocity [m/s]

With constant power input to Wind Tunnel Suction Fan (Invertor Frequency set at 28 Hz), the vertical velocity
profile obtained on the right and left of the tunnel centre line is approximately contant across the middle (4 to 56
cm from the floor). At each position, the variation can be attributed mainly to the tunnel's condition (screen
cleanliness or floor smoothness) and little to changing ambient temperate as readings were taken.

Temperature vs Reynolds Number

Based on Chord 0.175m

R2 = 0.029
Temperature [degC]

Position S-CL
R = 0.3493 Position P-CL
R2 = 0.426 Position S-WT
Position P-WT

R2 = 0.048
208000 209000 210000 211000 212000 213000 214000 215000 216000
Re Number

At each position, Reynolds Number is not affected by temperature in a large way. Therefore variation in
Reynolds number is mainly due to variations in speed in the vertical direction.

Appendix N. Y-Z Plane Velocity Profile.

Vertical Velocity Profile

Velocity vs Re Number
based on chord 0.175m

20.0 R2 = 0.9992

R2 = 0.9966
Velocity [m/s]

Position S-CL
19.6 R2 = 0.9996
Position P-CL
R2 = 0.9959
Position S-WT
Position P-WT


208000 209000 210000 211000 212000 213000 214000 215000 216000
Re Number

The variation of Reynolds number corresponds very proportionately to variation in wind speed within the position.
The variations are about -2% to +2% of the mean freestream speed. The fact that the curves do not coincide
indicates the speeds depend on ambient temperature. Higher ambient temperatures result in faster speeds for
the same Reynolds Number. Power input to suction fan has to be adjusted downward when temperature rises to
achieve the similar speeds.

Velocity vs Temperature


Velocity [m/s]

19.6 Position S-CL

Position P-CL
Position S-WT
Position P-WT


28.7 28.8 28.9 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 29.8
Temperature [degC]

At each position, changes in ambient temperature also give similar spread in velocities across the tunnel.
Therefore the interpaly between Power input, temperature and achieved speed is not straightforward. Ideally, a
test should be concluded within a reasonably short durations so that the effects of variations in temperature are

Appendix N. Y-Z Plane Velocity Profile.

Vertical Velocity Profile

location S-CL
Distance Invertor Freq Pitot Static Temperature Speed Re Number Linear Variation
[cm] from Floor Up [Hz] [mm] [mm] [degC] Calculated [m/s] Region % from Mean
2 28 148.0 189.0 29.2188 18.539 201073
6 28 145.0 190.0 29.2292 19.423 210644 yes -0.70%
10 28 145.0 189.0 29.2396 19.206 208281 yes -1.81%
14 28 144.5 189.5 29.2429 19.424 210631 yes -0.70%
18 28 144.0 189.5 29.2286 19.531 211811 yes -0.15%
22 28 144.0 189.5 29.2214 19.530 211818 yes -0.16%
24 28 143.0 189.5 29.3929 19.749 213969 yes 0.96%
28 28 144.0 190.0 29.3857 19.643 212823 yes 0.42%
32 28 144.0 190.0 29.3714 19.642 212836 yes 0.42%
36 28 144.0 189.5 29.3643 19.535 211683 yes -0.13%
40 28 144.0 189.0 29.3571 19.427 210524 yes -0.68%
44 28 143.5 189.5 29.3571 19.642 212850 yes 0.41%
48 28 143.5 189.0 29.3571 19.535 211690 yes -0.13%
52 28 143.0 189.0 29.3571 19.642 212850 yes 0.41%
48 28 144.0 190.0 29.5256 19.647 212690 yes 0.44%
52 28 144.0 190.5 29.5128 19.753 213855 yes 0.98%
56 28 144.0 190.0 29.5000 19.646 212714 yes 0.44%

location P-CL
Distance Invertor Freq Pitot Static Temperature Speed Re Number Linear Variation
[cm] from Floor Up [Hz] [mm] [mm] [degC] Calculated [m/s] Region % from mean
56 28 143.0 190.0 28.8133 19.837 215674 yes 1.78%
52 28 144.0 190.0 28.8267 19.625 213355 yes 0.70%
48 28 144.0 189.5 28.8400 19.519 212179 yes 0.15%
44 28 144.0 191.0 28.8667 19.839 215623 yes 1.79%
40 28 144.5 190.5 28.8667 19.627 213317 yes 0.70%
36 28 144.5 189.5 28.9048 19.413 210949 yes -0.39%
32 28 145.0 191.0 28.8810 19.627 213303 yes 0.71%
28 28 144.0 190.5 28.8810 19.733 214459 yes 1.25%
24 28 145.0 190.0 28.8952 19.413 210958 yes -0.39%
20 28 145.0 190.5 28.8952 19.520 212127 yes 0.16%
16 28 145.5 190.0 28.9143 19.305 209765 yes -0.94%
12 28 145.5 189.5 28.7857 19.193 208703 yes -1.52%
8 28 145.5 190.0 28.8000 19.302 209872 yes -0.96%
4 28 146.0 190.0 28.8143 19.194 208677 yes -1.52%
2 28 146.0 190.0 28.8286 19.194 208663 yes -1.52%
1 28 151.0 190.0 28.8429 18.071 196437

Appendix N. Y-Z Plane Velocity Profile.

Vertical Velocity Profile

location S Wing Tip

Distance Invertor Freq Pitot Static Temperature Speed Re Number Linear Variation
[cm] from Floor Up [Hz] [mm] [mm] [degC] Calculated [m/s] Region % from mean
4 28 144.0 191.0 29.6923 19.865 214830 yes 0.62%
8 28 144.5 190.5 29.6923 19.652 212532 yes -0.46%
12 28 145.0 191.0 29.6923 19.652 212532 yes -0.46%
16 28 144.0 191.0 29.6978 19.865 214824 yes 0.62%
20 28 144.5 191.0 29.7033 19.759 213673 yes 0.08%
24 28 144.5 190.5 29.7088 19.653 212516 yes -0.45%
28 28 144.0 191.0 29.7143 19.865 214808 yes 0.62%
56 28 144.0 190.0 29.5333 19.647 212683 yes -0.48%
52 28 144.0 190.5 29.5881 19.755 213783 yes 0.07%
48 28 144.0 191.0 29.6429 19.863 214877 yes 0.61%
44 28 144.0 190.0 29.6552 19.651 212567 yes -0.46%
40 28 144.0 190.0 29.6676 19.651 212555 yes -0.46%
36 28 144.0 191.0 29.6799 19.864 214841 yes 0.62%
32 28 144.0 190.0 29.6799 19.652 212544 yes -0.46%

location P Wing Tip

Distance Invertor Freq Pitot Static Temperature Speed Re Number Linear Variation
[cm] from Floor Up [Hz] [mm] [mm] [degC] Calculated [m/s] Region % from mean
32 28 145.5 191.0 29.5000 19.539 211555 yes 0.01%
36 28 146.0 191.0 29.4643 19.430 210423 yes -0.55%
40 28 145.5 191.0 29.4286 19.537 211622 yes 0.00%
44 28 145.5 190.5 29.4214 19.429 210463 yes -0.55%
48 28 145.0 191.0 29.4143 19.643 212796 yes 0.54%
52 28 145.0 191.0 29.4143 19.643 212796 yes 0.54%
56 28 144.0 191.0 29.4071 19.856 215103 yes 1.63%
28 28 145.5 190.0 29.5000 19.323 209217 yes -1.10%
24 28 145.5 191.0 29.5000 19.539 211555 yes 0.01%
20 28 145.5 190.5 29.5000 19.431 210389 yes -0.54%
16 28 145.5 191.0 29.5000 19.539 211555 yes 0.01%
12 28 145.5 191.0 29.4286 19.537 211622 yes 0.00%
8 28 145.5 191.0 29.4286 19.537 211622 yes 0.00%
4 28 149.5 191.0 29.4286 18.658 202106 -4%

Appendix N. Y-Z Plane Velocity Profile.

Horizontal Velocity Profile

Measurement Positions
Location SB
x-position 718mm from start of Wind tunnel Test Section
y-position measured from Wind Tunnel Starboard wall (Starboard side, orthogonal right hand rule)
z-position 30mm below Wind Tunnel Centre Line

Location PS
x-position 718mm from start of Wind tunnel Test Section
y-position measured from Wind Tunnel Port Side Wall (Port side, orthogonal right hand rule)
z-position 30mm below Wind Tunnel Centre Line

Pitot static tube EMF0093

Tubes' length 1000mm
Manometer inclined at 30 deg, 14 tubes, portable
Thermometer Simple ambient temperature type

location SB
Distance Invertor Freq Pitot Static Temperature Speed Re Number Linear Variation
[cm] from PS wall in [Hz] [mm] [mm] [degC] Calculated [m/s] Region % from mean
95 28 134.0 183.5 29.0000 20.209 219470 yes 1.96%
90 28 134.0 182.5 29.0000 20.001 217207 yes 0.91%
85 28 135.0 183.0 29.0000 19.896 216067 yes 0.38%
80 28 135.0 182.0 29.0000 19.684 213768 yes -0.69%
75 28 136.0 183.0 29.0000 19.684 213768 yes -0.69%
70 28 136.0 182.5 29.0000 19.577 212609 yes -1.22%
65 28 135.0 183.5 29.0000 20.001 217207 yes 0.91%
60 28 135.0 182.5 29.0000 19.790 214920 yes -0.15%
55 28 134.0 182.5 28.8974 19.945 216737 yes 0.63%
50 28 135.0 181.0 28.8462 19.411 211004 yes -2.06%

location PS
Distance Invertor Freq Pitot Static Temperature Speed Re Number Linear Variation
[cm] from PS wall in [Hz] [mm] [mm] [degC] Calculated [m/s] Region % from mean
5 28 144.0 190.0 28.2000 19.606 213953 yes 0.10%
10 28 144.0 189.5 28.2000 19.499 212787 yes -0.44%
15 28 144.0 191.0 28.2000 19.818 216266 yes 1.18%
20 28 144.0 190.5 28.2000 19.712 215113 yes 0.64%
25 28 144.0 190.0 28.2000 19.606 213953 yes 0.10%
30 28 144.0 190.5 28.2000 19.712 215113 yes 0.64%
35 28 144.5 189.0 28.2000 19.284 210436 yes -1.54%
40 28 144.5 189.5 28.2000 19.392 211615 yes -0.99%
45 28 144.0 190.0 28.5000 19.615 213666 yes 0.15%
50 28 144.0 190.0 28.5000 19.615 213666 yes 0.15%

Appendix N. Y-Z Plane Velocity Profile.

Horizontal Velocity Profile

Horizontal Velocity Profile

Distance from PS wall [cm]

location SB
location PS
0 5 10 15 20 25
U velocity [m/s]

With constant power input to Wind Tunnel Suction Fan (Invertor Frequency set at 28 Hz), the horizontal velocity
profile obtained between the tunnel walls approximately contant across the middle (5 to 95 cm from the Port Side
wall). The variation can be attributed mainly to the tunnel's condition (screen cleanliness, clamping of the pitot
static tube that reduces vibration or that photographs of manometer pitot and static readings are not taken
together) and little to changing ambient temperate as readings were taken.

Temperature vs Reynolds Number

Based on Chord 0.175m


Temperature [degC]

R2 = 0.1611
location SB
location PS


R2 = 8E-06
209000 210000 211000 212000 213000 214000 215000 216000 217000 218000 219000 220000
Re Number

At each position, Reynolds Number is not affected by temperature in a large way. Therefore variation in
Reynolds number is mainly due to variations in speed in the vertical direction.

Appendix N. Y-Z Plane Velocity Profile.

Horizontal Velocity Profile

Velocity vs Re Number
based on chord 0.175m



Velocity [m/s]

R2 = 0.9993
location SB
location PS

R2 = 0.991

210000 211000 212000 213000 214000 215000 216000 217000 218000 219000 220000
Re Number

The variation of Reynolds number corresponds very proportionately to variation in wind speed within the position.
The variations are about -2% to +2% of the mean freestream speed. The fact that the curves do not coincide
indicates the speeds depend on ambient temperature. Higher ambient temperatures result in faster speeds for
the same Reynolds Number. Power input to suction fan has to be adjusted downward when temperature rises to
achieve the similar speeds.

Velocity vs Temperature


Velocity [m/s]

location SB
location PS


20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Temperature [degC]

At each position, changes in ambient temperature also give similar spread in velocities across the tunnel.
Therefore the interpaly between Power input, temperature and achieved speed is not straightforward. Ideally, a
test should be concluded within a reasonably short durations so that the effects of variations in temperature are

Appendix O. Wind Speed and Effect of Tube Length.

Examinng the effects of tubing length on manometer reading.

Invertor Freq Difference in water levels [cm]

[Hz] Pitot Short tube Static Short tube Pitot Long tube Static Long tube
33 4.55 12.00 4.55 12.10
31 4.05 10.60 4.05 10.65
29 3.55 9.20 3.55 9.30
27 3.15 7.95 3.15 8.05
25 2.75 6.70 2.75 6.85
23 2.35 5.60 2.40 5.75
21 2.05 4.65 2.05 4.75
19 1.70 3.70 1.70 3.85
17 1.45 3.00 1.40 3.15
15 1.15 2.25 1.15 2.40
13 0.90 1.70 0.90 1.80
11 0.65 1.10 0.65 1.25

Speed Measurement comparing

Short (160mm) and Long (1530mm) tubings


Pitot and Static Readings [cm]


Pitot Short tube

Static Short tube
Pitot Long tube
Static Long tube

10 15 20 25 30 35
Fan Motor Invertor Frequency [Hz]

1.53m tube produces no obvious difference in mean pressure values from the 0.16m tubes.

Appendix P. Approximating the Leading Edge Pressure reading from Pitot Reading.

Run Inverter Water rise height [mm] q, dynamic ratio of

no. Frequency nose pitot static pressure [mm] nose pressure / pitot pressure Uncorrected Cp
1 26Hz 28.83 31.50 71.50 40.00 0.915 1.07
1 27hz 30.85 33.00 78.50 45.50 0.935 1.05
2 26Hz 28.38 30.00 72.50 42.50 0.946 1.04
2 27Hz 30.38 31.50 78.00 46.50 0.964 1.02
3 26Hz 30.73 30.50 71.50 41.5 1.008 0.98
3 27Hz 30.50 32.50 77.50 45.00 0.938 1.04

These pressures are slightly higher than pitot pressure at the locaiton x/c = 0.0 or nose of airfoil.

Based on average of ratios, except 26Hz pressure 3 run, nose water rise = 0.94 of pitot water rise. This
implies a CP value greater than 1 at the nose, which exceeds the stagnation Cp = 1.

Notes: background information.

The PVC tube lengths and diameters are different
pitot 600mm Approximately 2.1mm diameter
pressure taps 1500mm Approximately 1.6mm diameter

The metal tubes forming the pressure tap at the nose is differernt from the rest of the pressure taps.
nose 1.8mm diameter
other taps 1.3mm diameter

Possible explanations.
The dynamic pressures need to under go blockage correction to increase it slightly to above original levels so
that Cp reduces to a max of 1. However blockage correction must give a maximum of 7% increase in q.

Since q was determined upstream of the model, the actual q at the model's position in the tunnel is larger than
the measured q.

Without further correction to the measured values, a pressure value is suggested at the nose of the model.
This does not affect the cl and cd readings by large amounts since the area change caused by the small
changes in Cp(x/c 0.0) are small.

Appendix Q. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Pressure.

Coefficient of Pressure - Upper surface

AoA x/c Reynolds
[deg] h/c 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 number
0 1.00 1.012 -0.654 -1.052 -0.916 -0.796 -0.677 -0.544 -0.411 -0.269 202580
0 0.80 1.014 -0.640 -1.031 -0.916 -0.778 -0.640 -0.514 -0.387 -0.250 203101
0 0.60 1.014 -0.623 -1.030 -0.915 -0.788 -0.661 -0.528 -0.395 -0.245 202246
0 0.40 1.013 -0.619 -1.054 -0.928 -0.791 -0.653 -0.522 -0.390 -0.298 203827
0 0.30 1.013 -0.627 -1.048 -0.912 -0.775 -0.639 -0.513 -0.388 -0.206 203654
0 0.20 1.014 -0.639 -1.053 -0.892 -0.772 -0.651 -0.513 -0.375 -0.213 203636
0 0.10 1.013 -0.611 -1.021 -0.850 -0.742 -0.634 -0.503 -0.372 -0.202 203745
0 0.05 1.013 -0.606 -0.992 -0.822 -0.725 -0.628 -0.497 -0.367 -0.207 203590
2 1.00 1.015 -0.775 -1.099 -0.868 -0.775 -0.682 -0.509 -0.335 -0.173 202785
2 0.80 1.015 -0.808 -1.157 -0.924 -0.813 -0.703 -0.557 -0.411 -0.202 202785
2 0.60 1.014 -0.818 -1.162 -0.932 -0.822 -0.712 -0.556 -0.400 -0.215 203988
2 0.40 1.015 -0.808 -1.158 -0.925 -0.814 -0.704 -0.553 -0.401 -0.203 202450
2 0.30 1.015 -0.769 -1.138 -0.884 -0.775 -0.665 -0.521 -0.377 -0.181 203787
2 0.20 1.014 -0.745 -1.109 -0.859 -0.751 -0.643 -0.489 -0.336 -0.165 205200
2 0.10 1.014 -0.734 -1.075 -0.802 -0.728 -0.654 -0.489 -0.324 -0.177 205145
2 0.05 1.015 -0.743 -1.064 -0.788 -0.713 -0.639 -0.483 -0.328 -0.202 204061
4 1.00 1.016 -1.070 -1.300 -0.978 -0.793 -0.609 -0.425 -0.333 -0.149 202326
4 0.80 1.016 -1.136 -1.369 -1.021 -0.902 -0.783 -0.581 -0.378 -0.175 203576
4 0.60 1.015 -1.085 -1.303 -0.971 -0.842 -0.713 -0.525 -0.336 -0.147 204691
4 0.40 1.016 -1.063 -1.291 -0.948 -0.819 -0.691 -0.502 -0.313 -0.136 204348
4 0.30 1.016 -1.063 -1.269 -0.948 -0.819 -0.691 -0.490 -0.290 -0.136 204275
4 0.20 1.017 -1.092 -1.303 -0.975 -0.843 -0.710 -0.505 -0.299 -0.153 204357
4 0.10 1.016 -0.994 -1.223 -0.902 -0.774 -0.645 -0.433 -0.221 -0.113 204467
4 0.05 1.016 -0.954 -1.171 -0.873 -0.756 -0.638 -0.426 -0.214 -0.117 204467
6 1.00 1.012 -1.286 -1.477 -1.108 -0.922 -0.735 -0.539 -0.342 -0.128 202732
6 0.80 1.010 -1.252 -1.426 -1.088 -0.903 -0.717 -0.522 -0.328 -0.137 207193
6 0.60 1.010 -1.228 -1.401 -1.056 -0.856 -0.689 -0.461 -0.306 -0.105 208943
6 0.40 1.009 -1.215 -1.385 -1.044 -0.846 -0.659 -0.470 -0.280 -0.071 209886
6 0.30 1.010 -1.220 -1.394 -1.068 -0.843 -0.663 -0.469 -0.275 -0.050 207432
6 0.20 1.011 -1.192 -1.378 -1.040 -0.838 -0.635 -0.430 -0.225 -0.022 207478
6 0.10 1.010 -1.153 -1.338 -1.023 -0.826 -0.630 -0.407 -0.185 -0.039 207515
6 0.05 1.010 -1.146 -1.297 -0.939 -0.760 -0.592 -0.383 -0.173 -0.061 208095
8 1.00 1.011 -1.488 -1.534 -1.131 -0.867 -0.631 -0.396 -0.235 -0.056 203097
8 0.80 1.009 -1.429 -1.474 -1.092 -0.845 -0.609 -0.373 -0.204 -0.052 205557
8 0.60 1.008 -1.389 -1.455 -1.056 -0.812 -0.578 -0.345 -0.179 -0.073 206879
8 0.40 1.012 -1.445 -1.491 -1.104 -0.831 -0.575 -0.318 -0.159 -0.074 204532
8 0.30 1.012 -1.447 -1.458 -1.077 -0.799 -0.545 -0.290 -0.117 -0.100 202974
8 0.20 1.013 -1.432 -1.467 -1.060 -0.781 -0.513 -0.246 -0.094 -0.123 202504
8 0.10 1.013 -1.362 -1.408 -0.989 -0.733 -0.466 -0.198 -0.070 -0.098 202612
8 0.05 1.011 -1.291 -1.313 -0.909 -0.639 -0.403 -0.168 -0.066 -0.094 206165

Appendix Q. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Pressure.

Coefficient of Pressure - Lower surface

AoA x/c
[deg] h/c 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
0 1.00 1.012 -0.229 -0.292 -0.262 -0.261 -0.230 -0.213 -0.196 -0.140 -0.009
0 0.80 1.014 -0.227 -0.284 -0.270 -0.255 -0.227 -0.204 -0.181 -0.135 -0.032
0 0.60 1.014 -0.222 -0.282 -0.268 -0.254 -0.225 -0.203 -0.180 -0.146 -0.031
0 0.40 1.013 -0.201 -0.258 -0.242 -0.227 -0.195 -0.175 -0.155 -0.115 0.011
0 0.30 1.013 -0.155 -0.201 -0.185 -0.169 -0.138 -0.129 -0.121 -0.081 0.033
0 0.20 1.014 -0.139 -0.208 -0.192 -0.176 -0.144 -0.124 -0.104 -0.087 0.029
0 0.10 1.013 -0.048 -0.162 -0.152 -0.142 -0.122 -0.102 -0.082 0.037 0.049
0 0.05 1.013 0.071 -0.179 -0.163 -0.148 -0.116 -0.091 -0.065 0.032 0.055
2 1.00 1.015 -0.080 -0.173 -0.161 -0.150 -0.127 -0.127 -0.127 -0.034 0.012
2 0.80 1.015 -0.120 -0.190 -0.181 -0.172 -0.155 -0.149 -0.143 -0.097 0.020
2 0.60 1.014 -0.134 -0.179 -0.175 -0.172 -0.166 -0.154 -0.141 -0.095 0.009
2 0.40 1.015 -0.110 -0.169 -0.166 -0.164 -0.158 -0.147 -0.135 -0.089 0.022
2 0.30 1.015 -0.066 -0.123 -0.117 -0.112 -0.100 -0.077 -0.054 -0.030 0.050
2 0.20 1.014 -0.052 -0.097 -0.077 -0.068 -0.040 -0.028 -0.017 0.052 0.086
2 0.10 1.014 0.073 -0.040 -0.043 -0.045 -0.051 -0.017 0.017 0.063 0.074
2 0.05 1.015 0.143 0.029 0.020 0.000 -0.029 0.006 0.041 0.064 0.075
4 1.00 1.016 0.174 -0.011 -0.039 -0.034 -0.057 -0.058 -0.058 -0.058 -0.058
4 0.80 1.016 0.126 -0.031 -0.051 -0.046 -0.060 -0.072 -0.084 -0.061 -0.027
4 0.60 1.015 0.162 0.008 -0.012 -0.007 -0.021 -0.021 -0.021 -0.021 0.036
4 0.40 1.016 0.185 0.030 0.029 0.028 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.059
4 0.30 1.016 0.185 0.076 0.081 0.085 0.093 0.082 0.071 0.082 0.082
4 0.20 1.017 0.200 0.088 0.090 0.091 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.117 0.106
4 0.10 1.016 0.254 0.168 0.161 0.153 0.139 0.139 0.139 0.162 0.151
4 0.05 1.016 0.319 0.210 0.206 0.202 0.194 0.182 0.171 0.194 0.183
6 1.00 1.012 0.246 0.082 0.079 0.074 0.065 0.006 -0.054 -0.038 0.037
6 0.80 1.010 0.235 0.111 0.103 0.094 0.077 0.021 -0.035 -0.024 0.044
6 0.60 1.010 0.250 0.128 0.120 0.111 0.095 0.039 -0.016 -0.005 0.050
6 0.40 1.009 0.292 0.149 0.138 0.132 0.116 0.094 0.072 0.094 0.083
6 0.30 1.010 0.287 0.163 0.152 0.135 0.107 0.096 0.085 0.096 0.096
6 0.20 1.011 0.315 0.191 0.183 0.175 0.158 0.141 0.124 0.135 0.124
6 0.10 1.010 0.310 0.231 0.225 0.220 0.208 0.186 0.163 0.163 0.163
6 0.05 1.010 0.341 0.274 0.263 0.263 0.252 0.229 0.207 0.218 0.196
8 1.00 1.011 0.409 0.202 0.179 0.156 0.110 0.061 0.012 0.006 0.040
8 0.80 1.009 0.414 0.212 0.189 0.167 0.122 0.091 0.060 0.054 0.043
8 0.60 1.008 0.421 0.221 0.196 0.171 0.121 0.102 0.082 0.077 0.065
8 0.40 1.012 0.444 0.250 0.230 0.210 0.170 0.138 0.107 0.112 0.101
8 0.30 1.012 0.461 0.265 0.250 0.236 0.207 0.169 0.132 0.126 0.103
8 0.20 1.013 0.464 0.278 0.269 0.260 0.243 0.205 0.167 0.162 0.138
8 0.10 1.013 0.466 0.339 0.333 0.327 0.316 0.290 0.264 0.258 0.224
8 0.05 1.011 0.473 0.383 0.381 0.378 0.373 0.353 0.334 0.351 0.317

Appendix Q. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Pressure.

l/d vs AoA
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various h/c


9 1.00
8 0.60

6 0.05

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]

cd vs AoA
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various h/c


0.10 0.80

0.08 0.30
0.07 0.10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]

Appendix Q. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Pressure.

cl vs AoA
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various h/c




0.40 0.05

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]

l/d vs h/c
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack


8 2

7 6

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Appendix Q. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Pressure.

cl vs h/c
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack



0.70 0

0.50 8


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

cd vs h/c
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack



0.09 2

0.08 6


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Appendix Q. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Pressure.

CP upper AoA 0 deg



-0.8 0.80
-0.7 0.60
-0.5 0.20
-0.4 0.10

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

CP lower AoA 0 deg


-0.2 0.60
-0.1 0.20
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


Appendix Q. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Pressure.

CP upper AoA 2 deg

-0.7 0.40
-0.6 0.30
-0.5 0.20
-0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

CP lower AoA 2 deg


-0.100 1.00
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0.100 0.05


Appendix Q. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Pressure.

CP upper AoA 4 deg

-0.3 0.05
-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

CP lower AoA 4 deg


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

0.100 0.60
0.200 0.20


Appendix Q. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Pressure.

CP upper AoA 6 deg

-1.2 1.00
-1.1 0.80
-1.0 0.60
-0.7 0.30
-0.6 0.20
-0.5 0.10
-0.4 0.05
-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

CP lower AoA 6 deg


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

0.100 0.60
0.200 0.20


Appendix Q. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Pressure.

CP upper AoA 8 deg

-1.2 1.00
-1.1 0.80
-1.0 0.60
-0.7 0.30
-0.6 0.20
-0.5 0.10
-0.4 0.05
-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

CP lower AoA 8 deg

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

0.100 1.00
0.200 0.60
0.300 0.20
0.400 0.05


Appendix R. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Force.

AoA % change Relative uncertainty Reynolds

[deg] h/c CL CD CL CD L/D CD CL L/D number
0 1.00 0.3724 0.0222 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.06% 1.95% 0.67% 202571
0 0.90 0.3618 0.0220 -2.85% -0.86% -2.01% 2.11% 1.93% 0.87% 203663
0 0.80 0.3709 0.0226 -0.41% 1.80% -2.16% 2.12% 1.95% 0.84% 202066
0 0.70 0.3732 0.0220 0.22% -1.13% 1.36% 2.11% 1.95% 0.83% 202183
0 0.60 0.3723 0.0214 -0.03% -3.87% 3.99% 2.09% 1.92% 0.82% 203445
0 0.50 0.3792 0.0210 1.83% -5.52% 7.77% 2.11% 1.95% 0.82% 202309
0 0.40 0.3832 0.0227 2.89% 2.28% 0.60% 2.07% 1.93% 0.76% 203818
0 0.30 0.3911 0.0220 5.03% -0.96% 6.05% 2.07% 1.93% 0.75% 203754
0 0.20 0.4035 0.0178 8.34% -19.85% 35.18% 2.06% 1.96% 0.67% 202372
0 0.10 0.4045 0.0231 8.63% 3.68% 4.77% 2.07% 1.93% 0.75% 203436
0 0.05 0.4260 0.0255 14.38% 14.54% -0.13% 2.10% 1.95% 0.78% 202427
1 1.00 0.4937 0.0302 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 0.90 0.4847 0.0303 -1.83% 0.36% -2.18%
1 0.80 0.4906 0.0306 -0.63% 1.38% -1.98%
1 0.70 0.4958 0.0320 0.42% 6.01% -5.28%
1 0.60 0.5023 0.0315 1.74% 4.57% -2.71%
1 0.50 0.4997 0.0296 1.21% -1.75% 3.02%
1 0.40 0.5038 0.0291 2.05% -3.50% 5.75%
1 0.30 0.5137 0.0287 4.06% -4.66% 9.15%
1 0.20 0.5231 0.0285 5.96% -5.56% 12.20%
1 0.10 0.5265 0.0284 6.65% -5.70% 13.09%
1 0.05 0.5312 0.0271 7.60% -10.05% 19.61%
2 1.00 0.4693 0.0336 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.99% 1.93% 0.50% 202980
2 0.90 0.4664 0.0340 -0.61% 0.92% -1.52% 1.99% 1.93% 0.50% 202880
2 0.80 0.4709 0.0350 0.33% 4.10% -3.62% 1.99% 1.93% 0.49% 202880
2 0.70 0.4746 0.0346 1.13% 2.84% -1.66% 1.99% 1.93% 0.50% 202880
2 0.60 0.4754 0.0339 1.30% 0.87% 0.42% 2.02% 1.95% 0.52% 202840
2 0.50 0.4827 0.0342 2.84% 1.58% 1.24% 2.01% 1.95% 0.48% 202948
2 0.40 0.4898 0.0337 4.36% 0.20% 4.16% 2.01% 1.95% 0.49% 202939
2 0.30 0.4963 0.0324 5.74% -3.61% 9.70% 2.01% 1.95% 0.50% 202994
2 0.20 0.5060 0.0317 7.82% -5.70% 14.34% 2.02% 1.95% 0.52% 202939
2 0.10 0.5127 0.0317 9.24% -5.70% 15.84% 2.02% 1.95% 0.52% 202994
2 0.05 0.5113 0.0309 8.95% -8.21% 18.70% 2.03% 1.95% 0.56% 202994
3 1.00 0.5731 0.0396 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
3 0.90 0.5713 0.0398 -0.33% 0.44% -0.76%
3 0.80 0.5700 0.0399 -0.54% 0.90% -1.43%
3 0.70 0.5775 0.0405 0.77% 2.23% -1.43%
3 0.60 0.5683 0.0389 -0.84% -1.80% 0.98%
3 0.50 0.5878 0.0395 2.55% -0.11% 2.67%
3 0.40 0.5866 0.0381 2.35% -3.64% 6.22%
3 0.30 0.5813 0.0370 1.42% -6.65% 8.65%
3 0.20 0.6026 0.0369 5.14% -6.84% 12.86%
3 0.10 0.6078 0.0365 6.05% -7.75% 14.97%
3 0.05 0.6144 0.0351 7.21% -11.32% 20.89%
4 1.00 0.6481 0.0503 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.97% 1.94% 0.35% 202960
4 0.90 0.6471 0.0507 -0.15% 0.66% -0.80% 1.97% 1.94% 0.36% 202960
4 0.80 0.6497 0.0515 0.26% 2.33% -2.03% 1.97% 1.94% 0.35% 202932
4 0.70 0.6473 0.0507 -0.12% 0.78% -0.90% 1.97% 1.94% 0.36% 203703
4 0.60 0.6467 0.0491 -0.21% -2.56% 2.41% 1.99% 1.96% 0.35% 202530
4 0.50 0.6548 0.0488 1.04% -3.10% 4.27% 1.99% 1.96% 0.37% 202602
4 0.40 0.6598 0.0485 1.80% -3.76% 5.78% 1.99% 1.96% 0.37% 202530
4 0.30 0.6677 0.0476 3.03% -5.37% 8.87% 1.99% 1.96% 0.36% 202620
4 0.20 0.6789 0.0469 4.76% -6.78% 12.38% 1.99% 1.96% 0.36% 202620

Appendix R. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Force.

AoA % change Relative uncertainty Reynolds

[deg] h/c CL CD CL CD L/D CD CL L/D number
4 0.10 0.6856 0.0456 5.79% -9.47% 16.85% 2.0% 2.0% 0.4% 202620
4 0.05 0.6934 0.0437 6.99% -13.27% 23.36% 2.0% 2.0% 0.4% 202620
5 1.00 0.6239 0.0450 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
5 0.90 0.6251 0.0458 0.19% 1.60% -1.39%
5 0.80 0.6238 0.0456 -0.02% 1.26% -1.26%
5 0.70 0.6282 0.0458 0.69% 1.63% -0.92%
5 0.60 0.6320 0.0456 1.29% 1.17% 0.13%
5 0.50 0.6373 0.0448 2.14% -0.61% 2.77%
5 0.40 0.6434 0.0443 3.13% -1.53% 4.73%
5 0.30 0.6501 0.0435 4.20% -3.43% 7.90%
5 0.20 0.6595 0.0424 5.71% -5.78% 12.19%
5 0.10 0.6652 0.0418 6.62% -7.24% 14.94%
5 0.05 0.6662 0.0401 6.79% -10.92% 19.88%
6 1.00 0.7475 0.0611 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.01% 1.98% 0.37% 201980
6 0.90 0.7475 0.0620 0.01% 1.50% -1.47% 2.01% 1.98% 0.36% 201962
6 0.80 0.7485 0.0628 0.13% 2.94% -2.73% 2.00% 1.97% 0.33% 202116
6 0.70 0.7472 0.0613 -0.03% 0.44% -0.47% 2.00% 1.97% 0.33% 202270
6 0.60 0.7423 0.0598 -0.70% -2.00% 1.33% 1.98% 1.95% 0.32% 203448
6 0.50 0.7553 0.0599 1.04% -1.94% 3.04% 2.00% 1.97% 0.33% 202270
6 0.40 0.7610 0.0600 1.81% -1.80% 3.68% 1.98% 1.95% 0.31% 203530
6 0.30 0.7664 0.0601 2.53% -1.50% 4.09% 1.98% 1.95% 0.32% 203530
6 0.20 0.7782 0.0599 4.11% -1.84% 6.07% 1.98% 1.95% 0.32% 203530
6 0.10 0.8056 0.0595 7.77% -2.54% 10.58% 2.01% 1.98% 0.33% 202614
6 0.05 0.8212 0.0572 9.86% -6.26% 17.20% 2.01% 1.98% 0.33% 202523
7 1.00 0.8019 0.0698 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
7 0.90 0.8042 0.0712 0.29% 1.91% -1.59%
7 0.80 0.8047 0.0716 0.35% 2.50% -2.10%
7 0.70 0.8010 0.0702 -0.11% 0.49% -0.60%
7 0.60 0.8078 0.0702 0.74% 0.55% 0.19%
7 0.50 0.8135 0.0703 1.45% 0.62% 0.83%
7 0.40 0.8202 0.0701 2.28% 0.33% 1.94%
7 0.30 0.8251 0.0691 2.89% -1.02% 3.95%
7 0.20 0.8349 0.0691 4.12% -1.04% 5.21%
7 0.10 0.8428 0.0681 5.10% -2.54% 7.85%
7 0.05 0.8492 0.0655 5.90% -6.18% 12.88%
8 1.00 0.8353 0.0803 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.94% 1.93% 0.24% 203296
8 0.90 0.8428 0.0820 0.90% 2.02% -1.10% 1.94% 1.93% 0.22% 203296
8 0.80 0.8383 0.0817 0.36% 1.70% -1.32% 1.94% 1.93% 0.23% 203296
8 0.70 0.8432 0.0819 0.95% 1.98% -1.01% 1.94% 1.93% 0.23% 203296
8 0.60 0.8500 0.0815 1.76% 1.47% 0.29% 1.94% 1.93% 0.23% 203459
8 0.50 0.8536 0.0808 2.19% 0.56% 1.62% 1.95% 1.93% 0.24% 203450
8 0.40 0.8575 0.0805 2.66% 0.15% 2.51% 1.94% 1.93% 0.23% 203523
8 0.30 0.8699 0.0812 4.15% 1.07% 3.04% 1.94% 1.93% 0.23% 203477
8 0.20 0.8823 0.0817 5.63% 1.68% 3.88% 1.94% 1.93% 0.22% 203496
8 0.10 0.8960 0.0813 7.27% 1.24% 5.96% 1.94% 1.93% 0.22% 203841
8 0.05 0.9154 0.0791 9.60% -1.59% 11.36% 1.97% 1.95% 0.23% 202657

Appendix R. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Force.

CL vs h/c
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack



0.70 2

0.60 6


0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00

CD vs h/c
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack




0.05 4


0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00

Appendix R. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Force.

L/D vs h/c
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack




16 4


0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00

CL vs AoA
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack


0.70 0.60
0.60 y = 0.0518x + 0.2072 0.40

0.40 0.10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]

Appendix R. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Force.

CD vs AoA
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack


0.07 0.80

0.05 0.30
0.03 0.05

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]

L/D vs AoA
NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack


20 0.80

16 0.30
12 0.05

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AoA [deg]

Appendix R. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Force.

% Increase in CL (points) and Relative Uncertainty (lines) vs h/c

NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack




10% 0

4% 8
2% Relative Uncertainty in CL

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00


% Increase in CD (points) and Relative Uncertainty (lines) vs h/c

NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack




5% 0

0% 4
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
-5% 6
-10% Relative Uncertainty in CD



Appendix R. Summary of NACA 4415 Aerodynamic Data Force.

% Increase in L/D (points) and Relative Uncertainty (lines) vs h/c

NACA 4415 | 3D | Re approx. 200000 | at various Angles of Attack




25% 0

10% 8
5% Relative Uncertainty in L/D

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00


Appendix S. Uncertainty in Force Measurements

The following rules were use to determine the uncertainty in force

measurements. These rules were based on the Evaluation of Measurement
data Guide to the expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)
[reference 36], which was based on the International Organisation of
Standardisation Guide to the expression of uncertainty in Measurement 1995

For the quantity A, the uncertainties were represented in the following ways.
Absolute uncertainty -

Relative uncertainty - A =

For readings with the standard deviation available, the standard uncertainty
was calculated from the standard deviation according the following equation,

where is the standard deviation and N is the number of samples.

For readings with the only tolerances available a a , the standard

uncertainty was calculated from the tolerances according to the following
where a is the tolerance and n is determined by the distribution assumed for
the samples.

For measurements where each reading had an equal probability of

occurrence, which was a rectangular distribution, n = 3.

For measurements where readings had a higher probability of occurrence

near the mean, which was a triangular distribution, n = 6.

In this work, n = 3 as the rectangular distribution has gives a more

conservative estimate of uncertainty.

According to the Laws of propagation of uncertainty in the GUM, the following

rules were used.

For independent quantities, the following simplified rules apply.

Addition and Subtraction absolute uncertainties added.


Uncertainty of X is

= 2 + 2

Multiplication and Division relative uncertainties added.


Appendix S. Uncertainty in Force Measurements

= or =

Uncertainty of X is
2 2

= +


= n

Uncertainty of X is

The expanded uncertainty was obtained by the following,

Expanded uncertainty of X = k

where k is the coverage factor. The coverage factor is taken as 2 for a

significance level of 95%.

Appendix T. Preparation of Wind Tunnel Test Section

The floor of the wind tunnel test section had several layers of old paint.
However, the surface was not smooth. The entire floor was sanded down
gradually with sandpaper on a hand-held buffing machine. The grit reduced in
stages from 180 to 280 to 400 to 600 to 800 to 1000. Eventually, an almost
reflective surface finish was achieved on the remaining layers of paint. The
floor was made of three large wooden panels but they are not aligned till flat
and flush at the lines of joining. Since sanding the entire tunnel floor till it
became flat was not feasible, the surfaces near the lines of joining were
sanded down by a larger amount to blend one panel smoothly to another.

The cut out within the first half of the tunnel was made of Perspex and joined
to the rest of the tunnel floor by wood filler. The wood filler was sanded down
to blend the adjacent surfaces too. However this cut out was located a few
mm off the centerline of the tunnel. The floor edges along the side did not
extend to the tunnel walls. Layers of masking tape were applied to fill in the

This wind tunnel test section wall comprised of four panels on each side.
Each panel composed of a large, approximately 10mm thick Perspex sheet
mounted to a wooden frame by screws. Since the wooden frame did not place
the Perspex sheet flush to the adjacent panel's sheet, slips of paper were
used as shims to bring the Perspex sheets approximately flush to each other.
The gap introduced between the Perspex sheet and wooden frame was
covered by electrical insulation tape. Once the panels were mounted into the
tunnel walls, the remaining gap between panels and tunnel walls were sealed
also by application of electrical insulation tape.

The tunnel ceiling comprised two large Perspex sheets secured by screws to
the frame. Both sheets were adjusted such that the joining line matched and
both sheets blended one to the next. Due to the size and stiffness of the
panels and wooden frame, a few mis-aligned screw holes were not used, as
the repair was too difficult.

Other holes were covered with transparent plastic sheets and taped down
with scotch tape. When operating the tunnel, the other side of each hole was
covered to reduce the volume of trapped air behind the plastic sheet. Less
trapped air caused less bulging, when lower-pressure regions existed inside
the tunnel during operation.

Appendix U. Preparation of Model

To verify the sectional shape of the wing, a template was created from a 200
point CAD drawing. A hundred discrete points defined the upper surface, with
more points concentrated within x/c 0 to 0.3 to more accurately define this
highly curved portion of the upper surface. The same process was used on
the lower surface. This template was transferred to paper and the paper
cutouts were glued to the wing tips while re-shaping the model.

When the model was received, the sections shape was oversized at various
portions by at most 1 mm. The parts of the model were carefully sanded down
to almost the profile of the paper cutout. Next the gaps in the grains on the
surface were filled in with dark wood filler and sanded down in preparation for
spray painting. Matt white paint was used to fill even smaller gaps on the
model surface. The spray painted surface was sanded down, ending with grit
1200 sandpaper to give the model a near reflective finish.

The simple hinges below the wing were replaced with two pieces of plastic
with holes. These attach to the model by screws fastened into the model.
Another price of plastic with internal threads was glued into the point of
attachment with Araldite, a glue and filler.

The rest of the hinge mechanism was attached by means of 2mm diameter
pins. This hinge mechanism pivots the model on its trailing edge. Angle of
attack adjustments did not change the h/c value with this hinge mechanism.

The upper half was secured to the lower half by screws and the
corresponding internal threads were initially cut into wood. Since wooden
threads cannot withstand repetitive fastening and unfastening, space was cut
within the model to hold a block of plastic that holds the internal threads for
the fastening screws.

Appendix V. Preparation of other Equipment

Supports Below Test Section

A support structure was assembled below the wind tunnel to hold the vertical
traverse mechanism for the flat plate. This structure was made from 40mm
square profile aluminum bars. The horizontal bars were aligned to the wind
tunnel floor, while the vertical ones were aligned to the wind tunnel pillars. To
give this structure some stiffness, the vertical bars were secured to both the
wind tunnel floor and the ground. It was not practical to increase the stiffness
by using heavier and stronger materials. During wind tunnel operation, the
suction fan motor transmitted a small obvious amount of vibration to the
ground. This vibration was felt on the wooden frame of the test section and
the installed supports.

The vertical traverse mechanism consists of three individually adjustable car

jacks that supported a horizontal rectangular frame. In turn, four bars of
NACA 0012 cross section connect the rectangular frame outside to the
elevated ground inside the tunnel. Since the model stayed put relative to the
tunnel floor and ceiling, the elevated ground was adjusted vertically to the
desired ground clearance between itself and the model.

Cross-section of Support Bars

A NACA 0012 cross section was selected for the support bars to reduce their
interference to the flow inside the wind tunnel. The airfoil shape has a small
amount of drag and caused no shedding vortices in steady flow.

Model Support
In this work, the model came from a previous project and was supported from
beneath. The supports must be rigid to transmit drag, lift and moment to the
load cell. It must connect rigidly to the model and load cell. Tubes from
pressure taps were also routed through the support. The support had to stay
clear of the tunnel walls to give correct readings on the load cell. The external
shape was streamlined with NACA 0012 cross section, to eliminate separated
flow from the supports. The support surface was smoothened by sanding.
Simply taping holes have reduced the drag contribution by half. The
mechanism to set the angle of attack was also shielded within the support.
Supporting the model from below is not ideal as the supports possibly
disrupted the flow below the model. The flow accelerated locally around the
supports. Using a narrow symmetrical support with airfoil shape cross section
mitigated this.

Alternative positions to mount the support were the upper surface from x/c 0.5
to 1.0 or sting support from the trailing edge. Mounting at the top on the rear
half of the model placed the support in a region of airflow that does not vary
much as the ground approached. Having the supports slanted and exiting the
wind tunnel at a position aft of the model ensured that if excessive air leaked
into the wind tunnel, it did not affect the flow about the model.

The bank of manometers was repaired to a state where all tubes responded
relatively together to changing reservoir water level. Each tube had a short
section made of glass at the top. All 40 glass tubes were clamped into a
holder. Due to age and the clamping, most tubes developed minute cracks.
Once these glass tubes and adjacent stiffened rubber tubes were
painstakingly replaced, water level in all tubes rose and fell together.

Appendix W. Formulas

The following formulas were used to determine the coefficients and their
relative uncertainties.

For the quantity A,

Absolute uncertainty -

Relative uncertainty - A =

Common variables
Planform area
Dimensions were measured with a vernier rule with the smallest division
S = bc
S = ( b )2 + ( c )2
A simple quadratic curve was fitted to the water and air density values for the
temperature range that the experiments were conducted in. Temperature was
recorded in degree Celsius and the coefficients were considered accurate.

Air density = 0.00001T2 - 0.0046T + 1.2913

Water density = -0.0047T2 - 0.0191T + 1000.5

2 2
2 4 2T T

The uncertainty for water density was determined in this similar way.

Dynamic Pressure
where h was the difference in water level heights read on the manometer.

2 2
2 2
where the smallest division was 1mm on the manometer.

Force measurements
The absolute uncertainty in force measurements was defined by

Appendix W. Formulas

F =
where F-force, -standard deviation and N-number of samples.

Since a small drift occurred when establishing the drag forces baseline and
this drift was reasonably assumed linear with time when the time interval was
small, the following formula was used.
t m t1
DBL = DBL1 + (DBL 2 DBL1 )
t 2 t1
where D-drag, t-time, BL-baseline, m-measurement, 1-before, 2-after.

2 2
DBL 2 + DBL1
D D BL1 =
BL 2

tm2 + tl2
t t1 =
tm t1

t22 + t12
t t1 =
t2 t1

t t tm t1
m 1 (DBL 2 DBL1 ) = ( D BL 2 D BL1 ) + ( ) + ( )
t m t1
t 2 t1
(DBL 2 DBL1 )
t2 t1 t2 t1

t t
DBL = D 2
BL1 + m 1 (DBL 2 DBL1 )
t2 t1

Drag experienced by the wing was given by

where S-supports.

D = Dm2 + DBL
+ DS2
where DS was mean absolute uncertainty for drag on supports. Each DS
reading was obtained in the same way as DBL.

Since the load cell gave a slightly different value of Drag force, the corrected
drag force is given by
where AD is the correction factor. However, since the load cell correction
factor is almost 1.0, the load cell was considered to give an accurate reading
directly. No correction factor is needed for the drag force. Buoyancy
correction was applied after load cell correction. To simplify the analysis, the
buoyancy correction was assumed to have no uncertainty. As the buoyancy
correction is a small quantity compared to the measured drag.

Appendix W. Formulas

The drag force was then


Coefficient of drag
CD = 2
2 U S

C = D2
+ q2 + S2

Since a small drift occurred when establishing the lift forces baseline and this
drift was reasonably assumed linear with time when time between readings
was small, the following formula was used.
tm t1
LBL = LBL1 + (LBL 2 LBL1 )
t2 t1
where L-drag, t-time, BL-baseline, m-measurement, 1-before, 2-after

L2BL 2 + L2BL1
L L BL1 =
BL 2

tm2 + tl2
t t1 =
tm t1

t22 + tl2
t t1 =
t2 t1

t t tm t1
m 1 (LBL 2 LBL1 ) = ( LBL 2 L BL1 ) + ( ) + ( )
t m t1
t 2 t1
(LBL 2 LBL1 )
t2 t1 t2 t1

t t
LBL = L 2
BL1 + m 1 (LBL 2 LBL1 )
t2 t1

Lift experienced by the wing is given by

L = Lm LBL

L = L2m + L2BL

Appendix W. Formulas

Since the load cell gave a slightly different value of lift force, the corrected
drag force is given by
where AL is the correction factor. Since this correction factor is close to 1.0,
the load cells output can be considered accurate and no correction factor

The corrected Lift force was then



Coefficient of lift
CL = 2
2 U S

C = L2
+ q2 + S2

Lift / Drag
Since aerodynamic efficiency was represented by L/D. The relative
uncertainty of L/D was given by
L / D = L2
which improved slightly since the relative uncertainty of dynamic pressure
was not required.

Appendix X. Corrections to Data

Pressure Taps at the Leading and Trailing edge

There was no pressure tap at the leading edge of the wing when all the
readings were taken. At the end data collection, an additional tap was
inserted at the leading edge. The metal tube in this tap was of diameter
1.8mm, while the existing tubes are of 1.3mm diameter. Three test runs were
carried out at = 0O. These show that the rise in water height from the
leading edge is 0.94 of the pitot reading rise in water height. This pressure
reading was inserted into pressure readings of each run. While it is direct to
obtain stagnation point movement from pressure readings at the leading
edge, changes in upper surface suction was used to determine change in
circulation. This also indicates the stagnation point movement and simplified
the construction since no pressure taps were needed at the wings leading
edge. Further details are in the appendix for leading edge pressure

Adjustment to Measured Static Pressure on Pitot tube

As the pitot static tube was incorrectly positioned ahead of the flat plate, the
measured static pressure was corrected using dp/dx. The correction
effectively shifted the pitot static tube downstream by 0.36m, resulting in lower
static pressure readings.

Corrections to Pressure measurements

1. Static pressure corrected using dp/dx.
2. Dynamic pressure corrected using blockage correction.

Corrections to Force measurements

1. Static pressure corrected using dp/dx.
2. Dynamic pressure corrected using blockage correction.
3. Lift force corrected using loadcell calibration.
4. Drag force corrected using loadcell calibration.
5. Drag force corrected again using buoyancy correction.

Buoyancy correction
Downstream pressure gradient was determined from both walls of the tunnel.
While maximum practical effort was expanded to seal the tunnel walls, leaks
were present on the starboard wall. The obtained pressure gradient was not
linear and its magnitude did not reduce with increasing Reynolds number. The
pressure gradient from the portside wall was linear and responded to
changing Reynolds number of the flow. This value of pressure gradient was
taken to represent the pressure gradient of the entire free stream region,
which in turn was used for buoyancy correction.

Due to temperature changes, the power required to produce a flow in the test
section with Reynolds Number as close to 200000 varied between power
inputs indicated by 26hz to 27hz on the control panel of the wind tunnel
controller. It was not practical to find times where temperature varied between
27 to 32OC to determine the pressure gradient. Since temperature caused
power inputs to vary, varying power input was used to select the pressure
gradient. Running the wind tunnel at 26hz and 27hz produced two distinct
values of streamwise pressure gradient. Further details are in the appendix
for pressure gradient. The required pressure gradient was obtained by linear
interpolation based on the frequency of the power input.


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