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Lecture 5

Sequential Batch Reactor

Itt is a fill and
d draw type activated
a slu
udge system.. In this systtem, wastew
water is addedd to a
single baatch reactorr, treated to
o remove un
ndesirable ccomponents, and then discharged. The
onal activatted sludge systems
s and
d SBR proccesses are tthe same buut the differrence
between the two technologies iss that the SB
BR performss equalizatioon, biological treatmentt, and
secondarry clarificatio
on in a singlle tank using
g a time conntrolled sequuence. Equallization, aeraation,
and clarification can all be achieved using a single batchh reactor [1]. Figure 4.5..1 shows cyccle of
sequentiaal batch reacctor.

Figure 4.5.1
4 Cycle of
o sequentiaal batch reaactor
A the SBR systems hav
ve five steps in commoon, which arre carried ouut in sequennce as
follows [1]:
Fill: Waastewater flo
ows in to th
he reactor and
a mixes w
with the biomass alreaddy present inn the
reactor. Filling
F of inffluent can bee varied to crreate the folllowing threee different coonditions:
Static Fill:
F Under a static-fill condition,
c innfluent wasteewater enterrs into the reeactor
with no
o mixing an
nd/or aeratiion. Static ffill is used when there is no neeed to
nitrificaation or deniitrification.
Mixed Fill: Underr the condittion of mixeed-fill, influuent is mixeed with bioomass
present in the reacto
or but the aeeration remaiins off. As thhere is no aeeration, an annoxic
on appears. Anaerobic
A conditions
c caan also be acchieved duriing the mixeed-fill
phase. Denitrificati
D ion may occcur under thhese anoxic cconditions. Denitrificatiion is
the biollogical conversion of nittrate-nitrogenn to nitrogenn gas [2].
d Fill: In condition
c off aerated-filll, both the aeration annd the stirreer are
switcheed on. Aerob
bic and ano
oxic environnment are ccreated insidde the reactoor by
keeping on/off oxygen supply to the reactor. During the aerobic condition
nitrification takes place. Aerated Fill can reduce the aeration time required in the
react step.
React: Depending on the conditions applied: anaerobic, anoxic or aerobic reactions, substrate
present in the waste water are consumed by the biomass.
Settle: After sufficient time of reaction, aeration and mixing is stopped and biomass is allowed
to settle from the liquid resulting in clear supernatant.
Decant: Clear supernatant (treated waste water) is removed from the reactor.
Idle: This is the time between cycles which is used to prepare the SBR for next cycle. It is also
used to adjust the cycle time between the SBR reactors. Sludge wasting is also performed during
this phase.
The treatment efficiency of SBR depends on the operating parameters such as phase
duration, hydraulic retention time (HRT) and organic loading, Sludge retention time (SRT),
temperature, mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), mixed liquor volatile suspended solids
(MLVSS), dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and the strength of wastewater.
Cycle time: A cycle in SBR comprises of fill, react, settle, decant and idle phase. The total cycle
time (tC) is the sum of all these phases.
tC = tF + tR +tS +tD + tI (4.5.1)
Where, tF is the fill time (h), tR is the react time (h), tS is the settle time (h), tD is the
decant time (h), and tI is the idle time (h).
Moreover during the react phase, organic matters, nitrogen or phosphorus removal may
be achieved by arresting aerobic, anoxic or anaerobic condition, respectively. Therefore, aerobic,
anoxic or anaerobic time can be found in react time (tR). Hence
tR = tAE + tAX + tAN (4.5.2)
Where, tAE is the aerobic react time (h), tAX is the anoxic react time (h), and tAN is the
anaerobic react time (h).
Volume exchange ratio (VER) and hydraulic retention time (HRT): Due to filling and
decanting phase during a cycle, SBR operate with varying volume. Volume exchange ratio
(VER) for a cycle is defined as VF/VT, Where, VF is the filled volume of wastewater and decanted
effluent for a cycle and VT is the total working volume of the reactor [3].
HRT for the continuous system is defined as
(VT )
HRT (4.5.3)
Where, Q is the daily waste water flow rate.
For SBR systems;
Q VF NC (4.5.4)

Where, NC is the number of cycles per day and defined as:

NC (4.5.5)
Therefore, HRT for the SBR systems may be given as:
(t C ) 1
HRT (4.5.6)
VF /VT 24
Solid Retention Time (SRT): In biological treatment of wastewater, excess sludge is withdrawn
from the reactor to control the sludge age (SRT). SRT determines the time (d) for which the
biomass is retained in the reactor.
SRT (4.5.7)
VW X W 24
Where, X is the MLSS in the reactor with full filled (mg/l), XW is the MLSS in waste
stream (mg/l), and VW is the waste sludge volume (l).
Nitrogen is the main source of eutrophication. In this regard, the complete oxidation of
nitrogen during the treatment is favorable. Biological nitrogen is removed in two stages: aerobic
nitrification and anoxic denitrification. In the nitrification process, ammonia (N-NH4+) is
oxidized to nitrite (N-NO2-) (equation 3.4.8) by autotrophic bacteria called Nitroso-bacteria and
generated nitrite is oxidized to nitrate (N-NO3-) (equation 3.4.9) by another group of autotrophic
bacteria called Nitro-bacteria under aerobic conditions and using oxygen as the electron
2NH4+ + 3 O2 2 NO2- + 2H2O + 4 H+ (4.5.8)
2 NO2- + O2 2NO3- (4.5.9)
The autotrophic bacteria produce energy for their multiplication from the oxidation of
inorganic nitrogen compounds, using inorganic carbon as their source of cellular carbon. During
the nitrification, alkalinity of wastewater is used which reduces the pH of influent wastewater
and required amount of alkalinity to carry out the reaction (equation 3.4.8, 3.4.9) in the CaCO3
form, can be calculated by the following equation;
NH4+ + 2HCO3- + 2 O2 NO3- + 3H2O + 2CO2 (4.5.10)
Biological denitrification involves the biological oxidation of many organic substrates in
wastewater treatment using nitrate or nitrite as the electron acceptor under the anoxic condition
or limited dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations and nitrate is degraded to nitric oxide, nitrous
oxide, and nitrogen gas [4-6] by following any of the two different routes. One of these routes
predominates depending on the dissolved oxygen concentration [7].
NH4+ NO2- NO3- NO2 - NO N2O
NH4 + NO2 - NO N2O N2
During the denitrification process, pH of influent wastewater increases because of
increase of alkalinity. Both heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria are capable of denitrification.
Most of these heterotrophic bacteria are facultative aerobic organisms with the ability to use
oxygen as well as nitrate or nitrite, and some can also carry out fermentation in the absence of
nitrate or oxygen [8].
Equalization, primary clarification (in most cases), biological treatment, and secondary
clarification can be achieved in a single reactor vessel.
Operating flexibility and control.
Potential capital cost savings by eliminating clarifiers and other equipments.
A higher level of sophistication, (compared to conventional systems), especially for
larger systems, of timing units and controls is required.
Higher level of maintenance (compared to conventional systems) associated with more
sophisticated controls, automated switches and automated valves.
Potential of discharging floating or settled sludge during the draw or decant phases
with some SBR configurations.
Potential plugging of aeration devices during selected operating cycles, depending on
the aeration system used by the manufacturer.
[1] Kushwaha, J. P., Srivastava, V.C., Mall, I. D. An overview of various technologies for the
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[3] Thakur, C. K., Dembla, A., Srivastava, V. C., Mall, I, D. Removal of 4-chlorophenol in
sequencing batch reactor with and without granular activated carbon. Desalination &
Water Treatment, 2013, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2013.803684.
[4] Moriyama, K., Sato, K., Harda, Y., Washiyama, K.Y., Okamato, K. Simultaneous
biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus using oxic-anaerobic-oxic process. Water
Science and Technology, 1990, 22(78), 6166.
[5] Masude, S., Watanable, Y., Ishiguro, M. Biofilm properties and simultaneous nitrification
and denitrification in aerobic rotating biological contactors. Water Science and
Technology, 1991, 23, 135563.
[6] Von-Munch, E., Lant, P. A., Keller, J. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in
sequencing batch reactors. Water Research, 1995, 30(2), 27784.
[7] ONeill, M., Horan, N. J. Achieving simultaneous nitrification and denitrification of
wastewaters at reduced cost. Water Science and Technology, 1995, 32(910), 303312.
[8] Metcalf & Eddy, Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F. L., Stensel, H. D. Wastewater
engineering: treatment and reuse-Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.

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