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Data: Grade 45, Mechanized sand (600 micro m passing 40%), OPC type -I, 20mm coarse aggregate,
200mm slump, 2.7 of relative density of combined aggregate

1. Estimation of free w/c ratio

fm = fc + K x S
= 45+ (1.64x8)
= 58.12 MPa fm Target Mean Strength
fc -Specified Characteristic Strength at 28 days
K -Probability Factor
S Standard Deviation

5% defectives level and assumed as no such past test results exists.

Cement OPC Type -1 Crushed Coarse aggregate

From Table - Approximate compressive strength of concrete mixes made with 0.5 w/c ratio =49 MPa

Using Compressive strength vs. free water/cement ratio BRE Graph:

For the Compressive Strength 58.12 MPa; it gives w/c =0.43

Therefore free w/c ratio = 0.43

2. Estimation of free water content

According to the Table of approximate free-water content required giving various levels of workability

It was assumed the slump range of 60-180 mm compatible for 200mm slump as well and 20(3/4) mm
crushed aggregate and mechanized sand are used.

Accordingly Water Content =225 kg/m3

3. Estimation of cement content

Therefore the cement content =free water content / (w/c) ratio


=523.26 kg

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4. Estimation of aggregate content

2.7 of relative density of combined aggregate with the free water content 225 kg/m3 is checked in the
estimated wet density for fully compacted concrete graph of BRE gives

The Concrete density = 2380 kg/m3

The total aggregate content =Concrete density free water content cement content

= 2380 225 -523.26 kg/m3

= 1631.74 kg/m3

5. Estimation of coarse and fine aggregate content

Maximum aggregate size =20mm, Mechanized sand (600 micro m passing 40%), and w/c ratio is 0.43
considered in the recommended % of fine aggregate graph which gives

The proportion of fine aggregate (%) = 43 %

Therefore the fine aggregate content = Total aggregate content x fine aggregate proportion

=1631.74 kg/m3 x 0.43

=701.65 kg/m3

The coarse aggregate content = Total aggregate content - fine aggregate content

= 1631.74 701.65 kg/m3

= 930.09 kg/m3

The quantity per m3 can be obtained, which is;

Cement = 523.26 kg

Water = 225 kg

Fine aggregate (Crushed) = 701.65 kg

Coarse aggregate (20 mm) = 930.09 kg

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6. Adjustment of estimated coarse and fine aggregate contents to account for the surface

Coarse Aggregate

Assume Water absorption (WA) = 1%

Total moisture content (MC) = 3%

Fine Aggregate

Assume Water absorption (WA) =1%

Total moisture content (MC) = 3%

Moisture aggregate content = SSD aggregate x (1+ (MC-WA)/100)

Free Water content of moist aggregate = Wt. of moist aggregate. Wt. SSD aggregate content

= 1631.74 x (3-1)/ 100

= 32.63 kg/m3

Hence, adjusted water content = 32.63 kg/m3

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