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Belts of Devonian granitic rocks, having radiometric ages of Palaeontologically the region is classic ground for study of
405 - 360 m.y., occupy the central core of the entire region. This Devonian plants (Psilophyton from Gaspe) and Devonian fish
Acadian orogeny was the major event in the structural develop- (Bothriolepis from Chaleur Bay). Brachiopod, ostracod and plant-
ment of the eastern part of the Appalachian fold system. microspore zones have recently been established in New Bruns-
Lower Devonian volcanic rocks (chiefly rhyolite flows, welded wick and Gaspe. Fossiliferous limestone blocks, remnants of
tuffs and associated sediments) are widespread throughout the platform carbonates deposited near the northwestward limit of
central granitic terrain. The Kineo volcanic sequence of Maine the Lower Devonian marine transgression, occur as subsidence
and west-central New Brunswick is Emsian in age (between Onon- breccia-blocks in the Cretaceous intrusive at lie Ste. Helene, in
daga and Oriskany). This volcanic facies changes to a Lower the St. Lawrence River at Montreal.
Devonian carbonate facies which characterizes the Gaspe-Con-
necticut synclinorium. Sedimentary iron formations with a
Rhenish faunal facies (Torbrook Formation, Nova Scotia) and INTRODUCTION
carbonates with interbeds of fine-grained pyroclastics (Cape Bon Devonian granitic, metamorphic, volcanic and sedimen-
Ami Formation host rock for copper sulphides at Murdock-
ville, Quebec) reflect stability of the Lower Devonian sedimentary tary rocks of the northeast margin of the North American
environment both north and south of the Lower Devonian volcanic continent are extensively distributed in Newfoundland,
activity. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and in the Gaspe and Eastern
The first pulse of the Acadian orogeny, dated as pre-Early Township sectors of the Province of Quebec, as well as in
Givetian, is bracketed locally in Maine between the Chapman and
Mapleton sandstones. Continued Lower and Middle Devonian
the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachu-
subsidence and sedimentation allowed flysch (e.g. Fortin Forma- setts (Fig. 1). Schists and gneisses only recently recogniz-
tion) and molasse (e.g. Gaspe Sandstone Group) to accumulate ed as probably Devonian in age, occur in Connecticut
in successor basins along the northern flank of the central gran- (Zartman et al, 1965) and Rhode Island. There is little
itic terrain. subsurface control for Devonian rocks within this entire
Post-orogenic Upper Devonian clastic sediments blanketed the region, except for the few deep wells (Fig. 2) drilled on
Acadian folded zone. Remnants of these clastics are now pre- Gaspe Peninsula (McGerrigle, 1950). Devonian rocks pro-
served in several widely separated regions, e.g., south-central bably also occur extensively beneath the Carboniferous
Newfoundland (Terrenceville Formation), southern New Bruns- cover of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and adjoining regions
wick (Perry Formation), and southern Gaspe Peninsula (Escumi-
nac and Fleurant Formations). (Howie and Cumming, 1963; Kinney, 1967).

(1967) Intl. Symposium of the Devonian system: Papers, Volume I

2010 by the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists

Fig. 1. Distribution of Devonian Rocks, C a n a d i a n Appalachians and New England States. Radiometric dates are in millions of years.

The region was one of the first parts of North America Devonian carbonate facies which characterizes the Connec-
to be settled, and extensive early observations of Devonian ticut River-Gaspe Synclinorium. Sedimentary iron form-
rocks in the region were made by A. Gesner, C. T. Jackson, ations with a Rhenish faunal facies at Torbrook, Nova
E. Hichcock, W. E. Logan, and J. W. Dawson before 1850. Scotia, and carbonates with interbeds of fine-grained pyro-
Only recently, however, have the complex details of this clastics (host rock for copper sulphides at Murdockville,
geosynclinal suite of rocks been mapped in sufficient detail Quebec) reflect stability of the Early Devonian sedimentary
to allow modern district maps to be compiled (Billings 1955; environment both north and south of the Early Devonian
Doll, 1961; Goldsmith, 1964; Doyle, 1966; and Williams, volcantic activity. Continued Early and Middle Devonian
1967). subsidence and sedimentation allowed flysch (e.g. Fortin
Belts of Devonian granitic rocks, see Figure 1, hav- Fm.) and molasse (e.g. Gaspe Sandstone Gp.) to accumu-
ing radiometric ages of 405-360 m.y., are widespread in late in basins along the northern flank of the central gran-
this region. These rocks were intruded during the Acadian itic terrane (Table I; Fig. 2).
orogeny which was the major event in the tectonic develop- Post-orogenic Upper Devonian clastic sediments blanket-
ment of the eastern part of the Appalachian fold system. ed parts of the Acadian folded zone. Remnants of these
Lower Devonian (Gedinnan-Emsian) volcanic rocks clastics are now preserved in such several widely separated
(chiefly rhyolite flows, welded tuffs and associated edi- regions as: south-central Newfoundland (Terrenceville),
ments) are widespread throughout parts of the central southern New Brunswick and Maine (near Perry), and
granitic terrane. This volcanic facies changes to a Lower southern Gaspe Peninsula (Escuminac and Fleurant Fms.).

Based on map by W.VP. McGerrigle, IQttb



Fig. 2. Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec; showing distribution of Devonian strata and p o s i t i o n of oil s e e p a g e s a n d wells drilled.

Representative Devonian formations New England and Canadian Appalachians

Southern Nova Scotia Northern Gaspe


New Brunswick Newfoundland

New England New England
-Eifelian and Frasnian and

Escuminac Terrenceville

Perry Formation Perry Formation

. Formation Fleurant Formation Great Bay de L'Eau
Formation Formation


Upper Part of
Mapleton "Gaspe
Sandstone Sandstone"

boomook Fm. FortiiiFm^-'*"" "in



o| upper part|
Edmunds Hill/' [ Battery Point
Gedinnian and

Andesite/^ V Formation
in H
x York River Fm. ca


Bay du Nord

Formation Knoydart, xOiapman y Grande Greve P

Torbrook / Sandstone / Formation ampbellton Fm.
McAdam Lake Dalhousie Fm. Clam Bank
River John Hedgehog Formation
Formation Cape Bon Ami Fm
REGIONAL S T R U C T U R A L SETTING Lower and Middle Devonian flysch and molasse were
The Canadian Appalachian and New England States deposited.
Region represents the northeastern part of a geosynclinal Deposition upon the Acadian orogen began in Late Dev-
belt, with a history of development extending from late onian nonmarine intermontane troughs. Mainly during the
Proterozoic to Permian. Devonian rocks within this region Carboniferous, a broad tectonically active zone developed
are exposed along a length of 1,100 miles and across a width
of up to 350 miles (Fig. 1). The structural setting of the
Devonian rocks of this region is that of the middle tectonic
phase (Fig. 3) characteristically developed in geosynclinal
regions (Neale et al, 1961).
Throughout its evolution, the geosyncline was bounded
on the northwest by Precambrian crystalline basement
(Grenville) upon which was deposited platform-type sedi-
ments of Cambrian to Devonian age. Initial deposition
within the Appalachian geosyncline consisted of an upper-
most Proterozoic and Cambrian clastics with few volcanics, L A T E A N D F I N A L ( P O S T - O R O G E N 1 C ) S T A G E S : ( U P P E R D E V O N I A N T O TR1ASSIC)

now present on the exposed flanks of the geosyncline. In

Early and Middle Ordovician, largely impure clastics with CaetUerite-Quartz

generally abundant volcanics were deposited mainly on the Chalcopyrite-Galena-Sphalerite Vclni

Bathurst N. B.
Beryllium, Uthiui

axial sides of the earlier clastic zones and within the axial Molybdenite-Schcclitc Velni

parts of the geosyncline. Ultramafic-mafic intrusions were : in limestone and Dolomite

first emplaced in Early Ordovician volcanic belts along parts

of the flanks of the Geosyncline.
In late Ordovician, some belts of the Appalachian Geo-
syncline were deformed and uplifted as geanticlines (Taconic
orogeny) while sedimentation continued elsewhere. Ordo-
vician granites intruded some developing geanticlines. Cha I copy rite, Pyrite or Pyrrhotite, locally with MlUerlte.
t.ieiman Belt, Que.
Oolitic Fe Beds. Wabana, Nfld.
Manganiferous Carbonate Shale Beds. Soulht-aet N f l d \

Accumulation of volcanics and associated sediments of iiic-Chatc<4>yrite in Marble.

Silurian and Lower Devonian age varied from belt to belt Ac I on and in part SQUon be its, Que

across the geosyncline, possibly controlled in part by the

positions of late Ordovician geanticlines.
In Newfoundland, however, Silurian rocks are largely
continental and probably reflect contemporaneous deform-
ation within the geosynclinal belt. These rocks were de- INITIAL A N D E A R L Y TECTONIC STAGES: (ORDOVICIAN AND SILURIAN)

formed, metamorphosed, and intruded, probably in mid-

Devonian (Poole, 1966).
Limestone [!!-} Creywacke-Slate

j- ; [ Sandstone Granite

m Conglomerate
SS Slauj

[ j
Felaic Volcanics H ^ H llltramafic Rocks and Gabbros

During the Middle and Late Devonian orogeny (Acadian), S3 Greywacke Sandslone-Slale v v
v Mafic Volcanics Mineral Deposit

almost the entire geosyncline was deformed, and intruded

by granites. In response to the rising Acadian geanticline
to the south, a northern trough developed in which late Fig. 3. Cross-sections showing a n idealized metallogenic model of the C a n a d i a n
Appalachians, depicting some known types of mineral occurrences in relation to
their tectonic setting (by W . D. M c C a r t n e y , 1965).
upon the Acadian orogen. Within the zone local linear belts marine sediments which contain fish and plant remains.
were intermittently intruded and raised in part on bounding The occurrence of Drepanophycus indicates a Coblenzian
faults, while intervening troughs received fluviatile and age. The formation overlies the Dalhousie Formation of
lacustrine clastics. Continental conditions continued until Becraft age.
early Permian, when tectonic activity all but ceased and The Cape Bon Ami Formation (Gaspe) is composed of
clastics spread widely across the former active zone and marine shale and limestone approximately 1,585 feet thick
bordering platforms. (Cumming, 1961). It is made up of 4 members. The oldest,
In late Triassic, fault-troughs developed along and across the Petit Portage member, contains Monograptus aequabilis
the older Carboniferous active zone, with deposition of con- and is of Lower Gedinnian (or slightly younger) age. (H.
tinental clastics and basalt. Finally, Mesozoic alkaline plugs Jaeger, written communication 1967).
intruded the stabilized geosynclinal belt in parts of Quebec
and New Hampshire. The Chapman Sandstone (Aroostook County, Maine) is a
greenish-brown slightly calcareous and argillaceous sand-
STRATIGRAPHY stone, with minor beds and lenses of brown mudstone, the
The complex regional structure and occurrence of abund- fauna of which has been described by Williams and Breger
ant granite batholiths have resulted in a patch work distri- (1916), and J. M. Clarke. The formation is about 8,000
bution of the Devonian sediments; a lack of continuous cor- feet thick and its sandstones of chloritized volcanic particles
rectable successions; and the recognition of numerous local interfinger with the Edmunds Hill Andesite (Boucot et al,
Devonian rock units. Correlation between many of these 1964).
Devonian rock units has not yet been established and few The Clam Bank Formation (Southwest Newfoundland),
of the Devonian faunas of the region have been thoroughly about 1,500 feet thick, is mainly brick-red (green-mottled)
studied. sandstone and mudstone. Some beds are calcareous and
The stratigraphic position of some representative sedi- grade into fossiliferous lime-siltstones and lime-sandstones
mentary and volcanic formations of the New England containing Camarocrinus (Rodgers, 1965). The basal 150
States and Canadian Appalachians is shown on Table I. feet of the formation is unfossiliferous red shale, of possible
Brief discussion of these and other related formations fol- Silurian age.
low in alphabetic order: Typical Devonian sedimentary con- The Dalhousie Formation (Northern New Brunswick)
tacts, with older and younger rocks of the region, are listed overlies the Silurian Chaleur Bay Group with apparent dis-
on Table II. conformity. The lower member consists largely of greenish
The eastern Gaspe Battery Point Formation (McGerrigle, and reddish boulder conglomerate, greenish mudstone, sand-
1946), is a part of the upper, non-marine facies of the Gaspe stone, limestone, and a variety of volcanics. The upper
Sandstone Group. The formation is up to 7,000 feet thick, member lies with angular unconformity on the lower mem-
consisting of greenish-grey, coarse feldspathic sandstone, ber and consists mainly of diverse volcanic rocks and lesser
pebble conglomerates and shale, with red beds towards the amounts of sediments. The volcanics include andesite and
top. basalt flows, dykes, and sills, volcanic breccias and agglom-
The Bay du Nord Group (Southwest Newfoundland) con- erates, and felsite. The sediments are tuffs, black shales,
sists of shale, sandstone, conglomerate, metaquartzite and silty limestones, siltstones, and limestones. The formation
slate. It is about 10,000-15,000 feet thick and contains has been intruded by coarse-grained dioritic and gabbroic
Drepanophycus spinaeformis of Coblenzian age (Dorf and masses which may be Devonian volcanic fissures and necks.
Cooper, 1943). The Dockendorff Group (Maine) includes the oldest Dev-
The Campbellton Formation (Northern New Brunswick), onian rocks of northeast Maine. These are exposed in the
Ami (1900), consists of conglomerates and associated non- Chapman syncline where the basal unit, the Hedgehog For-
mation, is composed of volcanies with interlayers of sedi- 7,000 feet thick). Both of these latter formations consist
ments. Above this formation are three laterally intergrad- largely of feldspathic sandstone and are the molasse sedi-
ing units - The Edmunds Hill Andesite, the Chapman Sand- ments associated with the Acadian orogeny. The upper-
stone and the Swanback Formation (argillite, shale, quart- most unit of the group is the Malbaie Formation which is
zite). All four units of the group are Late Gedinnian (New characterized by conglomerate beds 2,000 feet thick and is
Scotland) age (Pavlides et al, 1964). restricted in distribution to coastal regions of eastern Gaspe.
The Escuminac Formation (Gaspe) consists of a rapid The York River Formation has yielded the great majority
alternation of grey sandstones and sandy shales. A char- of the "Gaspe Sandstone" marine fossils of Early Devonian
acteristic feature of the formation is the presence of num- age described by Clarke (1908). The upper units of the
erous concretions, some of which are three feet in diameter. group are probably of Middle Devonian age.
This formation contains well preserved Upper Devonian The Hedgehog Formation (Maine) is an interlensing vol-
plant and fish remains (McGregor, 1959; Dineley, 1967). canic (trachyte) and sedimentary unit. It is overlain con-
The Famine Formation (Eastern Townships, Quebec) is formably by the Edmunds Hill Andesite and the Chapman
an isolated limestone outlier of probable Onondaga age. It Sandstone of late Gedinnian (Helderberg) age (Williams
contains the corals Siphonophrentis and Heliophyllum. and Gregory, 1900).
The Fortin Group (Gaspe) consists of poorly sorted sand- The Knoydart Formation (Nova Scotia) consists of red
stone, conglomerate, and sandy limestones with slaty mud- shales, sandstones, and calcareous bands containing pteras-
stone. It appears to grade laterally into the Cape Bon Ami pids, ostracoderms and eurypterids, and is of Early Helder-
and Grande Greve Formations (McGerrigle, 1946). Marine berg age probably. It overlies Silurian strata conformably
shells indicate a Becraft-Oriskany age for part of the group; and underlies with angular unconformity the basal Lower
carbonaceous plant fragments are common in many places. Carboniferous strata (Ami, 1900). The formation is the
The group is interpreted as flysch facies equivalent in part equivalent of the coarse conglomerates of the River John
to the Seboomook Formation of Maine. Formation of the Cobequid Mountains to the west.
The Grande Greve Formation (Gaspe) is composed of The Littleton Formation (New Hampshire and adjacent
calcareous shales, limestone and siliceous limestone with region) in the central synclinorium of New Hampshire was
chert nodules. The formation is 885 feet thick at its type originally composed of argillaceous and arenaceous sedi-
section and increases to 3,000-4,000 feet in central Gaspe. ments, with minor amounts of volcanics, quartzites and im-
The formation has a rich and well-preserved Lower Devon- pure dolomites, now showing a great range of metamorphic
ian fauna, divided into three faunal zones (Clarke, 1908). grade (Billings, 1956). Amphigenia and Eodevonaria
Bentonites interbedded with fossiliferous beds of the lower (Boucot and Arndt, 1960) are preserved in certain chlorite-
or Shiphead member have yielded K-Ar dates of 385 grade rocks.
15 m.y. (Cumming, 1961). The Mapleton Sandstone (northeastern Maine) is a re-
The Gaspe Sandstone Group (Quebec) (Fig. 2) is widely latively undeformed and poorly indurated formation which
distributed in central Gaspe and consists of four units rests unconformably on both Upper Silurian and Lower
(Dresser and Denis, 1944). At the base and of variable Devonian strata. Fossiliferous cobbles of the Lower Dev-
thickness (0-5,000 feet) is the York Lake Formation of onian Chapman Sandstone have been found in this formation
greenish grey feldspathic sandstone and shale. This for- (Williams and Gregory, 1900). Spores of probable Givetian
mation appears to grade laterally into the Grande Greve (Middle Devonian) age occur in the Mapleton Sandstone
Formation. The York Lake Formation is overlain by the (Pavlides et al, 1964; Schopf, 1964).
York River Formation (4,500-6,000 feet thick) which is The McAdam Lake Formation (Cape Breton Island, N.S.)
in turn overlain by the Battery Point Formation (5,000- consists of freshwater conglomerate, arkose, shale, tuff and
volcanic breccia. The formation may be of Early and Mid- These Devonian formations are often in unconformable
dle Devonian age and contains Drepanophycus spinaeforrnis, contact with pre-Devonian, Devonian or post-Devonian
and a Arthrostigma-Psilophyton
flora (Weeks, 1957). rocks (see Table I I ) . Deposition, largely non-marine, upon
the Acadian fold zone or orogen began in late Devonian in
The Perry Formation (southeast Maine and southwest isolated intermontaine troughs.
New Brunswick) is a post-orogenic red sandstone, conglom-
erate and shale unit which underlies much of Passama-
quoddy Bay and adjoining shore areas (Cumming, 1967).
The formation rests unconformably on Silurian strata and Palaeontologically, the region is classic ground for study
has yielded an Upper Devonian flora (Smith and White, of Devonian plants (e.g. Psilophyton
from Gaspe) and Dev-
1905). Conglomerate beds contain boulders derived from onian fish (e.g. Bothriolepis
from Chaleur Bay). Brachio-
the Devonian St. George granitic intrusions. Basaltic flows pod, ostracod and plant-microspore zones have recently been
are interbedded with the red sediments and locally the beds established in New Brunswick and Gaspe.
are cut by basic dykes.
Some of the index fossils of mega-plant, fish, ostracod,
The Seboomook Formation (Maine) consists of blue-grey brachiopod and plant microspore remains of use in the east-
slate with minor interbeds of hard sandstone. This unit is ern Appalachians are arranged stratigraphically in Table
a flysch deposit and shows cyclic layering of quartzite to III. Illustrations of these forms will appear in the forth-
slate and graded bedding. The age of the formation through
most of northern Maine is mainly Siegenian (Becraft to TABLE III. Devonian Index FossilsCanadian Appalachians and
Oriskany), see Pavlides et al, (1964).
New England

The Torbrook Formation (Nova Scotia) consists of dark

grey to reddish shale and shaly siltstone and quartzitic iron-
formation. The formation is intruded by Devonian mafic FRASNIAN Archaeopteris gaspensis
and granitic rocks (Smitheringale, 1960). Hematite is the Bothriolepis canadensis
most abundant iron mineral but magnetite predominates
where the section has been more highly metamorphosed.
Some beds of the iron formation are highly fossiliferous. GIVETIAN Cala mophyton sp.
Pleurodictyum problematicus Pseu dosporochnus ? sp. and
micr ospores from the upper part

The formation contains and

several brachiopod genera are similar to those of the EIFELIAN of th e Gaspe Sandstone Group.
Rhenish facies (Boucot, 1960). <a

The Terrenceville Formation (Fortune Bay, Newfound- ta

land) consists of brown to grey conglomerate and sand-

o Drepanophycus spinaeforrnis
ft. Amphigenia and Etymothyris
stone with minor amounts of grey-green shale and red mud-

stone. The formation is 1,000 feet thick and only occupies

an area of one square mile. It is the youngest stratified T Drepanophycus
rock in the area and post-dates the regional metamorphism SIEGENIAN Costispirifer arenosus
and contains plant fragments including Lepidodendron o Psilophyton princeps
sattelesZalessky (Bradley, 1962). It is correlated with the S Meristella
Upper Devonian Great Bay de l'Eau conglomerate of the Howellella and Podolella
Hermitage Peninsula to the west, which contains Protolepi- GEDINNIAN Traquairaspis
dendron and Eospermatopteris. Zygobeyrichia dalhousiensis
coming edition of "Geology and Economic Minerals of Can-
ada", edited by R. J. W. Douglas. Other Devonian faunas Devonian fm. Locality Age
of the New England-Canadian Appalachian region have been
illustrated by Boucot et al, (1958), Clarke (1908), Copeland
(1962), Denison (1955, 1958), Dineley (1964, 1967), Harper Littleton New Hampshire L. Dev.
(1963), Oliver (1960), and Williams and Berger (1916). Presque Isle,
Lower Devonian marine fossils of several distinct facies Dockendorff Maine L. Dev.
are widely distributed in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Dorchester Co.,
Brunswick, Quebec and Maine. Famine Quebec M. (?) Dev.
A Gedinnian marine faunule, associated with quartzites Matapedia,
and sedimentary iron formation and characterized by the "Heppel" Quebec L. Dev.
brachiopods Howellella and Podolella occurs in the Nictaux-
Torbrook region of Nova Scotia, is similar to the European Gaspe Central Gasp6
Rhenish facies. An Old Red Sandstone facies, terrestrial in Sandstone Peninsula L. and M. Dev.
origin and containing Traquairaspis occurs in the Arisaig
region, 175 miles to the east. Dalhousie Chaleur Bay L. Dev.
In central Gaspe peninsula of Quebec, a marine marginal- unnamed Nepisiquit Lakes
basin limestone facies characterized by the zonal brachio- sandstones N.B. L. Dev.
pods Meristella, Rensselaeria, Etymothyris, and Amphigenia
of Siegenian and Emsian age occurs in the Gaspe Limestone Passamaquoddy
and lower calcareous part of the overlying Gaspe Sandstone. Perry Bay U. Dev.
Ostracods (e.g. Tubulibardia and Zygobeyrichia, and corals
characterize the limy marine Dalhousie Shale of New Brun- Knoydart Arisaig N.S. L. Dev.
Also in Gaspe, a transitional facies, characterized by Torbrook SW Nova Scotia L. Dev.
Globithyris and Rhenorennselaeria is laterally associated
with a plant-eurypterid-fish-bearing sandstone with Psilo-
phyton, Drepanophycus and Prototaxites. Marine faunas of Middle River Cape Breton Sil.-Dev. (?)
Middle and Late Devonian ages are poorly known. Middle
Devonian plant material is probably present in the upper McAdam Lake Cape Breton L. or M. Dev.
part of the Gaspe Sandstone and in other terrestrial deposits
e.g. Mapleton Sandstone of Maine. Clam Bank W. Newfoundland L. Dev. + ? Sil.
Between Fleurant Point and Miguasha, Quebec, on the
north shore of the head of Chaleur Bay is one of the most Bay du Nord La Poile, Nfld. L. Dev.
prolific and important collecting grounds for Devonian fossil
fishes in North America. There the Escuminac Formation Great Bay de
Fortune Bay,
Nfld. U. Dev.
comprises 400 feet of grey sandstone and shale. The upper
part of this fresh-water lake deposit contains cephalaspids, Terrenceville S. Newfoundland U. Dev.
anaspids, acanthodians, arthrodires, antiarchs (Bothriolep-
is) and osteichthyes, lung fishes (dipnions) and lobefins
(crossopterygians). Associated are Upper Devonian plants TABLE II. Devonian
Interpretation Interpretation
Underlying fm. Age of contact Overlying fm. Age of contact Reference
conformity a few remnants angular
Albee, Fitch, etc. Ord. + Sil. with overlap only. unconformity Billings, 1956

Perham, etc. angular Pavlides et al.,

Sil. and older unconformity ? Mapleton M. Dev. unconformity 1964.
G.S.C. Mem.
Lower Famham Ord. unconformity None in contact 127.
probable G.S.C. Mem.
St. Leon Sil. conformity None in contact 183.

Gaspe Limestone L. Dev. conformity None in contact Cumming, 1959.

G.S.C. Mem.
Chaleur Bay Gp. Sil. disconformity Bonaventure Carb. unconformity 183.
unnamed G.S.C. Map
volcanic rocks L. Dev. conformity None in contact 37-1962.
Mascarene Gp. Sil. unconformity None in contact Cumming, 1967.
disconformity angular G.S.C. Mem.
Stonehouse Sil. (?) McAras Carb. unconformity 60.
Kentville Sil. conformity None in contact Intruded by granites dated at 380 m.y. 1960.
G.S.C. Mem.
unnamed -e and Pre-e unconformity None in contact 277.
Pre- granite and
Lv. sediments Palaeozoic unconformity Grantmire Carb. unconformity Weeks, 1957.
Long Point Ord. disconformity None in contact Rodgers, 1965.
igneous rocks Dolman gneiss Dev. unconformity Gillis, 1965.
Long Harbour angular A local ? Carboniferous G.S.C. Map
volcanics Ord. unconformity None in contact granite intrusive contact 8-1965.
none in contact Southern Hills Pre- thrust Bradley, 1962.

Sedimentary Contacts
such as Archaeopteris, Lepidostrobus, Platyphyllum and Newfoundland Devonian intrusives comprise two cycles of
Sternbergia. basic to acidic rocks. The major part of both cycles is con-
The Upper Devonian flora of the Perry Formation con- temporaneous with the Devonian folding. In addition, post-
tains Archaeopteris, Barrandeina, Rachiopteris, Sphenop- folding porphyitic biotite granite form large batholithic
teris and Barinophyton described by Smith and White bodies (Cooper, 1954).
(1905), and Helmstaedt (1966). The Devonian sedimentary rocks in New Hampshire have
Marine faunas in platform facies limestone blocks of the been regionally metamorphosed. The grade of metamor-
lie. Ste. Helene breccia, Montreal are of two ages (Williams, phism differs considerably, from the chlorite zone at one
1910). The older, a Helderbergian Gypidula Pseudogaleata extreme to the sillimanite zone at the other.
fauna, contains an assemblage typical of the Becraft lime- The metamorphism caused by Devonian intrusives is over-
stone of New York. A younger Costispirifer arenosus fauna printed in part of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine by
of Oriskany age is found in other limestone blocks. This metamorphism caused by Carboniferous and Mesozoic in-
younger assemblage is similar to that of the lower part of trusions. The northeastern limit of this younger metamor-
the Grande Greve Formation of Gaspe and Moose River phism probably does not extend beyond southwestern
and Chapman sandstones of Maine. Maine (Faul et al, 1963). An example of regional metamor-
phism associated only with Devonian intrusives is that of
IGNEOUS A C T I V I T Y A N D M E T A M O R P H I S M southwestern Nova Scotia. There the intrusion of Devon-
The Devonian System of the eastern Appalachians repre- ian granitic rocks produced a zone of contact metamorphism
sents a time of climactic orogeny: emplacement of exten- (hornblende-hornfels facies) that was superimposed upon
sive granitic batholiths (see Fig. 1), and extensive metamor- a regional green schist facies (Taylor and Schiller, 1966)
phism. Several stages of granite intrusion may be recogniz- caused by the Acadian orogenic process.
ed; pre-, syn-, and post-Acadian calk-alkalic granites occur Generally, all major intrusive bodies in the region exhibit
in New England (Goldsmith, 1964). a distinct thermal, contact metamorphic aureole. Espen-
Devonian intrusive rocks of Newfoundland have features shade and Boudette (1964) described biotite, and andalusite-
in common with those of central New Hampshire. The amphibole and sillimanite-cordierite zones around the gran-
Oliverian Magma series in New Hampshire was intruded odiorite-monzonite bodies in Maine, Contact metamorphism
after deposition of the Lower Devonian Littleton Formation around bodies of Devonian quartz monzonite in southern
and before the main pulse of the Devonian Acadian orogeny Maine is usually limited to an aureole less than three-quart-
(Billings, 1956). In Newfoundland examples of "pre-fold- ers of a mile wide. These auroles are marked by an increase
ing" intrusive bodies, analogous with the Oliverian domes, in magnetite and biotite ELS well as traces of chalcopyrite and
are the Dolman gneiss and associated pink granulite and pyrrhotite (Larrabee et al, 1965). Sillimanite and locally
quartz porphyry of the La Poile area (Cooper, 1954). cordierite occur near the contacts of the New Hampshire
Magma series in the northern part of Vermont.
The Dolman gneiss is interpreted as a deep seated concor-
dant intrusion emplaced as a flat-lying lenticular mass, which R A D I O M E T R I C AGE D E T E R M I N A T I O N S
domed the rock above it and was later tilted. Granoblastic Radiometric dating has played an important role in the
textures, gradational contacts and assimilation of inclusions interpretation of Devonian rocks of the region (Faul et al,
are features characteristic of both the Dolman gneiss and 1963 and Zartman et al, 1965).
the Oliverian series (Cooper, 1954).
The base of the Devonian system is dated at about 395
Correlatives of the New Hampshire Magma series in New- m.y. and the top of the system 345 m.y. (Friend and
foundland typically comprise a sub-alkaline series. These House, 1964). The New England-Canadian Appalachian
Region has provided the following critical dates for the ECONOMIC MINERALS
Lower Devonian part of the time scale. This geosynclinal region with its numerous granitic in-
Calais granite, Lower Gedinnian trusions, varied tectonic settings and rapid facies changes is
eastern Maine or older 404 8 m.y. an area with a great variety of mineral deposits. A syn-
Grand Greve bentonite, thesis of the occurrence of some of these deposits (see Fig.
eastern Gaspe Siegenian 385 15 m.y. 3) has been made by McCartney (1965) and McCartney
Jackman monzonite, Emsian and Potter (1962). Similar metallogenic relationships may
northern Maine to Frasnian 360 5 m.y. be inferred for the New England area.
Kineo volcanics, In Figure 3, the orogenic or middle tectonic stage was
northern Maine
Emsian 350 10 m.y. caused by the Acadian orogeny during Devonian time. Ele-
Rhyolite-andesite from the Hedgehog Formation, Maine ments such as tin, tungsten and molybdenum appear to form
has provided a Rb-Sr whole-rock date of 413 10 m.y. discrete deposits for the first time in the geosyncline's his-
(Bottino and Fullagar, 1966), for the Silurian-Devonian tory. These deposits may be a function of the first appear-
boundary of the central volcanic belt of the geosyncline. ance in the geosyncline of anatectic granites and could result
In the Canadian Appalachian Region crystalline rocks from a concentration of elements such as tin in the pre-
dated as Devonian in age are closely associated with three orogenic sediments and subsequent down-buckling of the
other sets of intrusive or metamorphic rock: Precambrian sedimentary pile.
(Grenville); Ordovician (Taconic); and Cretaceous (Mon- The principal deposits associated with this middle tectonic
teregian) Poole et al, 1964). stage include:
Numerous Devonian K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages, in the range 1. Molybdenite-quartz veins associated with granitic
350-390 m.y., obtained on granitic and metamorphic rocks rocks. An example in the Eastern Townships of Quebec con-
from widely separated localities throughout the New Eng- tains molybdenite and minor stannite and scheelite in a
land and Canadian Appalachian region (see Fig. 1) have gangue of quartz, lesser feldspar and minor muscovite gan-
given strong support to the view that the Devonian orogeny gue. Selected muscovite samples yielded an age of 360
was the climactic event affecting this geosynclinal region. m.y. and the nearby stock had been dated as 362 m.y.
Radiometric dates on the granitic rocks of New Brun- 2. Gold-arsenopyrite-quartz veins occur in Ordovician
swick provide K-Ar ages in the range 365-395 m.y. Most sediments near Devonian granites in southern Nova Scotia.
of the Acadian granites in Nova Scotia have provided a 3. Cassiterite is known at New Ross, Nova Scotia in
range of 350-370 m.y. In general, the New Brunswick dates
are consistently 20 to 40 m.y. older than those to the south granite.
in Nova Scotia (Poole et al, 1964). A similar pattern has 4. Wolframite in quartz veins with associated molybdenite
been recognized in the New England States (Faul et al, occur at Burnt Hill and Square Lake, New Brunswick asso-
1963). It is possible that the New Brunswick Devonian ciated with a late facies of a large Devonian granite body.
granites were intruded and cooled earlier than those of Nova 5. Pegmatite deposits, including beryllium and lithium-
Scotia or possibly the intrusions were synchronous but that
the larger Nova Scotian batholiths took longer to solidify. bearing varieties, are known in southern Nova Scotia.
An upper limit on the Devonian System has been deter- 6. Fluorite veins, accompanied by silicification of their
mined by a Rb-Sr date of 349 15 m.y. (Cormier and Devonian granite wall rock, are mined at St. Lawrence,
Kelly, 1964) from the spore-bearing Fisset Brook Form- Newfoundland.
ation (earliest Mississippian) of Cape Breton (Kelley and In addition are the important chalcopyrite-molybdenite
Mackasey, 1965). skarn deposits at Murdochville, Quebec. Biotite-feldspar-
porphyry associated with this mineralization has been dated canic flows. The volcanic rocks, in turn, are succeeded by
as 390 m.y. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite and native the Gaspe Sandstones. The Lower Devonian sediments are
bismuth are found in the skarn zone and in sericitized folded, faulted, and intruded by dykes and stocks of granite,
quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes. The stratigraphic position syenite, diorite, and porphyry. The deposits are veins and
of the Murdochville ore bodies is shown in Table IV. mineralized breccia zones carrying sphalerite and galena and,
In central Gaspe development work has been done on oc- in places, chalcopyrite; the gangue is quartz and carbonate.
currences of zinc and lead, but no production has yet been All these Gaspe deposits form part of a very extensive
attempted. This mineralized area lies near the headwaters lead-zinc-copper-silver-gold Appalachian metallogenic prov-
of Cascapedia River. The rocks of the mineralized belt are ince which extends from New England to the Atlantic Prov-
Lower Devonian shales and sandstone overlain by basic vol- inces. The deposits are considered to be genetically related
to discordant Devonian granites (e.g. the McGerrigle bath-
TABLE IV. Formations in the Murdockville District, Quebec, olith) intruded during the Acadian orogeny (Beland et al,
Showing the Stratigraphic Position of the Major Ore Bodies 1962; Brummer, 1966). To the south, in the Bathurst Min-
(after J. J. Brummer, 1966). ing Camp, similar granites appear to have played an im-
portant role in moving the metals to their present structural
Dykes cut Cape Bon Ami and positions, since the Brunswick No. 6 and No. 12 deposits
Diabase Grande Greve Formations show a spatial relationship to the Bathurst granite.
Intrusive Biotite Stock, dykes and sills into formations
rock granite and listed below. Metamorphism, min- UNDIFFERENTIATED STRATA OF SILURIAN-DEVONIAN
quartz-feldspar eralization, folding and faulting of AGE
porphyry the sediments probably contempor- Throughout the region there is a problem of separating
aneous with the intrusives.
Silurian from Devonian strata. In several areas, especially
York River Green-gray, feldspathic sandstone; in Maine and adjacent parts of the Connecticut Valley-
Formation green-gray shale; black, calcareous Gaspe Synclinorium a continuum of subsidence and sedi-
1,600 feet + siltstone. mentation crossed the theoretical Silurian-Devonian time
boundary. In Maine, for example, beneath the Seboomook
York Lake
Green-gray and white felspathic sand-
stone; green and black shale; gray,
Formation a number of rock units are difficult to assign to
1,800 feet calcareous siltstone. either a Silurian or Devonian age. Many of these units
e.g. Hobbstown Formation, Capens Formation and Whisky
Lower Grande Greve Dark gray, hard, carcareous siltstone; quartzite (Boucot, 1961) are of limited extent and thick-
Devonian Formation fragmental tuffs. Contains Aiguille ness.
1,900-2,200 feet mountain "A" orebody and Copper Assumed Devonian ages of Intrusions: Although it is still
Mountain orebody. generally assumed that the bulk of the Palaezoic granites
Cape Bon Ami Black, well-bedded siltstone; calcar- in this eastern Appalachian region are of Devonian age,
Formation eous siltstone; impure limestone; caution must be exercised for some Palaezoic granitic
3,000-4,000 feet shale; minor fragmental tuff. Con- rocks in this area have recently been found to be other than
tains Aiguille mountain "B" and
"C" orebodies.
mid-Devonian in age.
Regional studies and geological mapping being carried out
Devonian including the Greenish gray and brown shale and by Geological Surveys, private industry and universities are
and St. Alban siltstone; dark gray, silty limestone contributing greatly to the overall knowledge of the Devon-
Silurian Formation and light gray, calcareous siltstone. ian System in the New England States and Canadian Appa-
6,600 feet + lachians.
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L. M . C U M M I N G ,
Geological Survey of C a n a d a , Ottawa

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