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Name :

Class :
c. Seventeen
d. Teen
6. (26 ) It is number
1. Look at the picture! What is this?
a. Twenty four
a. that is a table
b. Twenty six
b. that is a window
c. Twenty seven
c. that is a door
d. Twenty nine
d. that is a wall.
... 7. White in Indonesian is
2. Look at the picture! what is this? a. Merah
a. that is a book b. Putih
b. that is a pencil c. Hitam
c. that is a ruler d. Hijau
c. that is a blackboard
. 8. This is a spinach. Please translate into Indonesian
. a. Ini adalah bayam
b. Ini adalah wortel
3. Using an for the following word! c. Ini adalah kubis
a. window d. Ini adalah kacang
b. table
c. apple 9. Is that a bag ?
d. Bag a. Yes, that is a bag
b. Yes, this a bag
4. Is this a pencil? c. Yes, that is not a bag
a. No, this is a pencil d. No, that is a bag
b. No, that is not a pencil
c. yes, that is not a pencil 10. Bird in Indonesian is
d. No, that are a pencils a. burung
b. kelinci
5. 21 5 = c. monyet
a. Nineteen d. kerbau
b. Eighteen
11. Wednesday, , friday
a. thursday
b. wednesday
c. tuesday
d. saturday 17. Lita : How are you Rudi?
Rudi :______________
12. There are days in a week a. You all right
a. seven b. Fine
b. six c. Thank you
c. ten d. Of course
d. twelve
18. What is he doing?
13. The day before Wednesday is
a. He is sleeping
a. Thursday
b. He is running
b. Wednesday
c. He is reading
c. Tuesday
d. He is sliding
d. Saturday
14. The month before May is
19. We are take a bath in the?
a. March
a. Bedroom
b. August
b. Bathroom
c. April
c. Living room
d. December
d. Kitchen
15. The month after August is
a. October 20. My mother is cooking in the ____________
b. September a. Kitchen
c. November b. Bedroom
d. July c. Garden
d. Bathroom
16. What Time is it?
a. Eight oclock
b. One oclock
c. Three oclock
d. Six oclock

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