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Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 2014, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 442-456


Limnological characterisation and phytoplankton

seasonal variation in a subtropical shallow lake
(Guaiba Lake, Brazil): a long-term study
Caracterizao limnolgica e variao sazonal do fitoplncton em um lago raso
subtropical (Lago Guaba, Brasil): estudo de longa durao
Rodrigo da Rocha Andrade1 and Danilo Giroldo2

Laboratrio de Biologia Aqutica e Ecotoxicologia, Departamento Municipal de gua e


EsgotosDMAE, Rua Baro do Cerro Largo, 600, CEP 90850-110, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Programa de Ps-Graduao em Biologia de Ambientes Aquticos Continentais, Instituto de Cincias
BiolgicasICB, Universidade Federal do Rio GrandeFURG, CEP 96201-900, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil

Abstract: Aim: to provide a long-term limnological characterisation of a subtropical

shallow lake in addition to verifying seasonal differences, including phytoplankton
variation. Methods: monthly sampling at sites IP, SJ and MD from 2000 to 2009 to
analyse temperature-T; depth-Z; the depth of the euphotic zone-Zeu; Zeu/Z (%);
total suspended solidsTSS; dissolved oxygenDO; pH; electrical conductivity-EC;
N-NH3, N-NO2, N-NO3; soluble reactive phosphorus - SRP; chlorophyll a - Chl-a
and phytoplankton. Results: low values of Z and Zeu characterised the shallow and
turbid conditions of lake and corresponded to the contribution of nano-microflagellates
(Chlamydomonas sp., Spermatozopsis sp., Cryptomonas sp. and Rhodomonas sp ) and diatoms
(Aulacoseira granulata). Zeu/Z (%), SRP and Chl-a were significantly different at site IP
(meso-eutrophic) compared to sites SJ and MD (eutrophic). Phytoplankton density
was also significantly higher at sites SJ and MD, and the largest relative contribution of
Actinastrum sp., Dictyosphaerium sp., Micractinium sp., Monoraphidium sp., Scenedesmus/
Desmodesmus sp. and Euglena sp. corresponded to the most polluted waters at site SJ.
The significantly higher T (C) in summer corresponded to significantly higher Chl-a
as well as a greater richness and density of phytoplankton. Cocconeis sp., Gomphonema
sp. and Pinnularia sp. (pennated diatoms) were negatively correlated with temperature
and were therefore more representative at the three sites in winter. Asterionella formosa
was correlated with SRP and vernal blooms were recorded (2000-2001). Planktothrix
isothrix and Planktothricoides raciborskii were expressive in the summer/late summer
(2004-2005), and were significantly correlated with Chl-a and low SRP in water column.
Conclusions: The study corroborated the sensitivity of phytoplankton in characterising
different stages of eutrophication at different sites and corresponding watersheds as well
as in characterising different seasons in a shallow lake in the subtropical zone of Brazil.
Keywords: freshwater, algae, cyanobacteria, eutrofication.

Resumo: Objetivo: prover caracterizao limnolgica de longa durao e verificar as

variaes sazonais associadas ao fitoplncton em um lago raso subtropical no sul do Brasil.
Mtodos: coletas mensais em trs locais (IP, SJ e MD), de 2000 a 2009, para as seguintes
anlises: temperatura - T; profundidade - Z; profundidade da zona euftica - Zeu/Z
(%); slidos suspensos TSS; oxignio dissolvido DO; pH; condutividade - EC;
N-NH3, N-NO2, N-NO3; fsforo solvel - SRP; clorofila-a - Chl-a e fitoplncton.
Resultados: baixos valores de Z e Zeu caracterizaram a condio trbida e rasa do
lago e corresponderam contribuio de Aulacoseira granulata e de flagelados nano-
microplanctnicos dos gneros Chlamydomonas sp., Spermatozopsis sp., Cryptomonas sp.
e Rhodomonas sp dos grupos X2 e Y. Zeu/Z (%), SRP e Chl-a foram significativamente
menores no ponto IP (meso-eutrfico) comparado aos pontos SJ e MD (eutrficos) onde
a densidade do fitoplncton foi significativamente maior. A maior contribuio relativa
de gneros Actinastrum sp., Dictyosphaerium sp., Micractinium sp., Monoraphidium sp.,
Scenedesmus/Desmodesmus sp. e Euglena sp. ocorreu nas guas mais poludas do ponto SJ.
T mdia significativamente maior no vero correspondeu aos maiores valores mdios de
Chl-a e s maiores riqueza e densidade do fitoplncton. Diatomceas penadas (Cocconeis
2014, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 442-456 Limnological
characterisation and phytoplankton seasonal variation 443

sp., Gomphonema sp., Pinnularia sp.) foram negativamente correlacionadas T e foram

mais representativas no ponto IP, provavelmente em funo da maior vazo do rio Jacu.
Asterionella formosa foi correlacionada ao SRP e floraes vernais foram registradas entre
2000 e 2001. Planktothrix isothrix e Planktothricoides raciborskii foram expressivas no vero
dos anos de 2004 e 2005 e foram significativamente correlacionadas Chl-a e associadas
perodos de baixos valores de SRP na coluna dgua. Concluses: o estudo confirmou
a sensibilidade do fitoplncton em caracterizar diferentes estgios de eutrofizao, bem
como, caracterizar diferentes estaes do ano em um lago raso subtropical do Brasil.
Palavras-chave: gua doce, algas, cianobactrias, eutrofizao.

1. Introduction due to the marked seasonality in these regions

(Huszar et al., 2005). Several long-term studies
The artificial enrichment of inland waters with
have been performed to establish not only patterns
nutrients, mainly N and P, results from sewage
of phytoplankton fluctuations but also to verify
discharge from urban, industrial and agricultural
alterations in these patterns over the years due
regions (Huszar et al., 2005). This process,
to hydrological, nutritional and climatic changes
referred to as eutrophication, has worldwide
(Elliott, 1990; Annevilleetal., 2004).
negative repercussions, causing serious damage
In tropical zones, temperature is not a
to water supplies, notably during treatment
for human consumption (Tundisi et al., 2006; limiting factor for phytoplanktonic development.
McGowan et al., 2012), and changes in aquatic Hydrology, the morphometry of water bodies, the
ecosystems and related biological communities, use and occupation of watersheds and the frequency,
mainly phytoplankton (Istvnovics, 2009). distribution and amount of rain, in addition to
Phytoplankton represents an important food the velocity and direction of winds are the most
source for consumers in the pelagic zone of inland important factors for explaining the occurrence,
waters and is important when assessing water structure and variation of phytoplankton (Huszar,
quality (Demir and Atay, 2002), as it acts as a 1996).
refined sensor of environmental conditions and Brazil is a continental country located
an accurate indicator of environmental changes between the tropical and subtropical zones,
(Alvarez-Cobelas et al., 1998). Phytoplankton and its inland waters are mainly represented
communities are generally grouped into classes by streams, rivers, dams and shallow coastal
for taxonomic description and for summarising lakes and lagoons. A study conducted across
the ecological status of aquatic environments. Brazil showed that the conditions in most of its
More recently, phytoplankton functional groups inland water bodies ranged from mesotrophic to
or assemblages, which are groupings of species eutrophic (Abeetal., 2006) due to population
and genera based on similar sensitivities and and economic growth in their corresponding
tolerances, have been proposed to improve watersheds, which has compromised the quality
analyses of ecological status and water quality of water supplies and of water for other uses,
(Reynolds et al., 2002; Reynolds, 2006; mainly due to the occurrence of cyanobacterial
Padisketal., 2006, 2009). blooms (SantAnna et al., 2008). Despite its
Because the growth of planktonic algae and significance for predicting events and the
cyanobacteria is associated with the availability identification of environmental changes,
of light and nutrients (Reynolds, 2006), such as those related to climate, hydrology,
characterisation of phytoplankton is important eutrophication and oligotrophication (Barbosa
in describing trophic states and in limnological and Padisk, 2004; Valdes-Weaveretal., 2006),
characterisation (Bellinger and Sigee, 2010), as there long-term limnological studies in inland waters
is a direct relationship between planktonic dynamics are scarce in Brazil (Seeligeretal., 2002).
and nutritional levels associated with rivers, dams The aim of this study was to provide a long-
and lakes (Wetzel, 1983). term limnological characterisation of a subtropical
Phytoplankton varies in time and space at shallow lake from southern Brazil (Guaiba Lake), in
different scales (Abreuetal., 2010). Models have addition to verifying seasonal differences, including
related phytoplankton variability to nutrient the influence of quali-quantitative phytoplankton
concentrations in inland waters of temperate zones variation.
Andrade, RR. and Giroldo, D. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia

2. Material and Methods In the region of the lake, the climate is humid
subtropical (soft mesothermal), categorised as Cfa in
2.1. Study area Kppen classification (Kppen, 1948). The average
minimum and maximum air temperature values
Guaiba Lake (2955-3024 S; 5101-5120
range from 14.8 C (winter) to 24.2 C (summer),
W) is located in the Central Depression of Rio
and the annual average accumulated precipitation
Grande do Sul State, Brazil. It extends from the
ranges from 1,324 mm (Livi, 1998) to 1,366 mm
north, in the region of the mouths of rivers that
(Vieira and Rangel, 1988).
form the Jacu Delta, to the south, in the Itapua
Guaiba Lake is an important water supply
tip, where it flows into Patos Lagoon (Figure 1).
source for the surrounding cities as well as
The length of the lake is approximately 50.0 km,
supporting other uses related to economic and
and its width ranges from 0.9 to 19.0 km. The
commercial activities (Bendati et al., 2003). The
surface area of the lake is approximately 496 km2
most frequent perturbations in this ecosystem
(Nicolodi et al., 2010), and its depth is highly
are caused by agriculture processes, urbanisation
variable, averaging two meters (Bendatietal., 2003). and domestic and industrial sewage discharges
The rivers that form the Jacu Delta contribute (Terraetal., 2009). Five water intake facilities are
an average flow of 2,193 m3.s1, with 84.6% of the operated by the Departamento Municipal de gua
volume being attributed to the Jacu River, 7.5% e EsgotosDMAE (water and wastewater public
to the dos Sinos River, 5.2% to the Ca River and works) of Porto Alegre city, three of which have not
2.7% to the Gravata River. As carriers of sediment, changed the location of water intake and have been
the rivers lose competence toward the broad monitored by DMAE since the 1970s. This database
depositional basin, and the sedimentation rates of constitutes a potential data source for long-term
coarse material range from 3.5 to 8.3 mm.year1. limnological studies and production of information
Guaiba Lake stores a volume of approximately (Andrade and Giroldo, 2010).
1.5billion m3 of water. The river output, water level
fluctuations in Patos Lagoon and the direction and 2.2. Sampling and analysis
intensity of winds are the main factors controlling Sampling was carried out monthly between
the flow dynamics in this area. Thus, the lake is January 2000 and December 2009. The samples
not only an extension of the rivers but represents a were collected just below surface, in the water
type of tank that is closely linked to Patos Lagoon column at three sites (n=360): Ilha da Pintada-IP;
(Nicolodietal., 2010). So Joo/NavegantesSJ; and Menino Deus-MD

Figure1. Study area and the IP, SJ and MD sampling sites in Guaiba Lake, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.
2014, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 442-456 Limnological
characterisation and phytoplankton seasonal variation 445

(Figure 1). The field analysis included the genera that, on average, represented 0.1% or more
measurements of the following parameters: water of the total density of the samples were considered
temperature (C)T, using an alcohol thermometer; to represent descriptive taxa (Bicudoetal., 2006).
depth (m)Z, using a graduated weighted rope and Descriptive and inferential statistics were
transparency (m), using a Secchi disk. The depth determined using the Kruskal-Wallis (K-W) test
of the euphotic zone - Zeu (m) was calculated as at a significance level of at least 95% (p < 0.05)
three times the Secchi disk extinction depth (Cole, for the set of limnological variables and the data
1994). In the laboratory, the following limnological on the richness and density of phytoplankton (log
variables were analysed: total suspended matter transformation), and all data were grouped into
(mg.L1)TSS, via a gravimetric method (ABNT, sites and seasons. The data were framed by season
1989); dissolved oxygen (mg.L1) DO, using according the official calendar of the U.S. Naval
the Winkler volumetric method (ABNT, 1988); Observatory (USNO) for the southern hemisphere,
pH and electrical conductivity (S.cm1) EC, where the summer conventionally starts on
with an electrometric method (ABNT, 1999a, December 21, autumn on March 21, winter on
1999b); and ammoniaN-NH3, nitriteN-NO2, June 21 and spring on September 23.
nitrate-N-NO3 and soluble reactive phosphorus To summarise the obtained data, a matrix
(g.L1)SRP, via ion chromatography (USEPA, of the standardised means (z scores) of the
1986, 1993). Chlorophyll-a - Chl-a (g.L 1) limnological variables and phytoplankton richness
determination was carried out following 90% and density data for each season at each site was
acetone extraction through spectrophotometric used to perform a principal component analysis
analysis (APHA, 1998). (PCA). Pearsons correlations were provided to
For phytoplankton analyzes the samples were investigate the relationships between the densities
collected by direct passage of bottles in the sub- of descriptive taxa with limnological variables
surface of the water column. During transport
at p < 0.05 significance level. All descriptive,
(up to 2 hours), the samples remained chilled (8
inferential and multivariate statistics were obtained
C) to its preservation in the laboratory. Non-
using Paleontological statistics software package
preserved aliquots were analysed qualitatively under
for education and data analysis - PAST freeware
a microscope to survey algae genera, which were
(Hammeretal., 2001).
identified mainly according Bicudo and Bicudo
(1970), Bicudo and Menezes (2005) and Bourrelly 3. Results
(1970, 1972, 1981). Some previously identified
species were recorded in this study. Aliquots 3.1. Limnological characterisation
were preserved with 0.5% acetic Lugol solution
(Vollenweider, 1974) Due to the large number The water temperature varied from 10.4 C at
of samples collected and analyses performed, the SJ site to 29.5 C at both the SJ and MD sites
several Brazilian sanitation companies adopt (Table1). IP was the shallowest site, although the
quick protocols for phytoplankton identification average Zeu values were not significantly different
and quantification in order to standardize results. between the sites. However, the Zeu/Z ratio (%) was
Tests between laboratories have shown similar significantly higher at IP in relation to the other
and satisfactory results obtained using counting sites, while that at MD was significantly lower in
chambers (Sedgwick-Rafter) compared to the relation to the SJ site. The MD and SJ sites were
traditional sedimentation method with Utermhl significantly different from site IP in terms of higher
chambers (Mlleretal., 2010). Thus phytoplankton values of Z, N-NO2, SRP and Chl-a and lower
was quantified in Sedgwick-Rafter chambers values of pH and DO. The SJ and MD sites were
(length: 50 mm; width: 20 mm; height: 1 mm, significantly different in that a higher value of Z
volume: 1 mL) with the aid of a Whipple reticule was observed at the MD site, while higher values
coupled to the ocular of a light microscope. The of the Zeu/Z ratio (%), TSS, EC and N-NH3 were
genera were quantified in random fields or bands, found at the SJ site. On the other hand, the highest
and whenever possible, one hundred individuals of concentration of N-NO3 was detected at the MD
a predominant genus were quantified as described site, which was not significantly higher at the IP and
in APHA (1998). SJ sites, while the Chl-a values were significantly
The genera were grouped into taxonomic classes lower at site IP, by almost two times, in relation to
according to Van den Hoeketal. (1995). The algae sites SJ and MD.

Table1. Sites and seasonal meansd of variables in Guaiba Lake and K-W test results (p-values); different letters: significant differences of values at p < 0.05.

Variable Site p-value Summer Autumn Winter Spring p-value

(sites) (season)
T (C) IP 21.2a 4.6 26.8a 1.4 19.3b 3.5 15.9c 2.0 21.6d 2.5 <0.001
SJ 21.4a 4.8 27.4a 1.2 19.3b 3.5 15.9c 2.0 21.9d 2.5 <0.001
MD 21.4a 4.5 >0.05 26.9a 1.5 20.7b 3.2 16.0c 1.6 22.2b 2.5 <0.001
Z (m) IP 4.0a 0.6 3.6a 0.4 4.0b 0.5 4.2b 0.5 4.1b 0.6 <0.001
SJ 6.6b 0.7 6.2a 0.5 6.7b 0.5 6.8b 0.5 6.8b 0.9 <0.001
MD 9.8c 0.9 <0.001 9.5a 0.9 9.8b 0.7 10.1b 1.0 10.0b 1.0 <0.05
Zeu (m) IP 1.5a 1.1 1.1a 0.5 1.9a 1.7 1.1a 0.5 1.1a 0.5 >0.05
SJ 1.2a 0.5 1.5a 0.4 1.4a,b 0.5 1.1b,c 0.3 1.0c 0.4 <0.001
MD 1.3a 0.5 >0.05 1.5a 0.4 1.5a 0.6 1.2b 0.4 1.1b 0.4 <0.05
Zeu/Z(%) IP 38.8a 30.5 43.9a 2.8 50.5a 4.6 25.6b 12.1 28.5b 16.5 <0.05
SJ 18.7b 7.7 23.5a 7.7 20.3b 8.4 15.7b,c 5.3 15.4c 14,957 <0.001
MD 13.3c 5.9 <0.001 15.7a 5.7 15.2a 6.9 11.6b 5.4 11.1b 5.5 <0.05
TSS (mg.L1) IP 21.4a 19.1 12.8a 8.2 19.2a,b 16.4 26.5b 23.4 26.7b 22.2 <0.05
SJ 22.9b 12.9 17.9a 7.7 20.4a,b 10.4 25.4b 10.7 27.6b 17.6 <0.05
MD 20.3a 12.1 <0.05 16.0a 7.6 17.1a,b 8.8 24.0b 1.5 23.6b 1.3 <0.05
DO (mg.L1) IP 7.8a 1.0 7.0a 0.6 8.1b 0.9 8.9c 0.4 7.3d 0.7 <0.001
SJ 5.9b 1.1 5.4a 0.9 6.0b 1.1 6.8c 1.0 5.6a,b,c 1.0 <0.001
MD 6.1b 0.9 <0.001 5.7a 0.8 6.1a 0.8 6.6b 0.8 5.7a 0.7 <0.001
pH IP 7.2a 0.3 7.4a 0.3 7.2b 0.3 7.1b 0.2 7.2b 0.3 <0.05
SJ 7.1b 0.3 7.2a 0.2 7.0b 0.2 6.9b 0.2 7.0b 0.3 <0.001
MD 7.1b 0.3 <0.001 7.2a 0.3 7.1a,b 0.2 6.9b 0.4 7.1a,b 0.3 <0.05
EC (S.cm1) IP 53.1a 7.5 54.8a 4.9 55.6a 10.3 51.0b 5.2 50.9b 7.1 <0.05
SJ 86.8a 19.1 88.6a 15.1 92.9a 23.3 84.5a 19.0 81.4a 17.1 >0.05
Andrade, RR. and Giroldo, D.

MD 78.9c 13.9 <0.001 76.3a 10.4 83.2a 14.7 79.7a 15.5 76.6a 14.0 >0.05
N-NH3 (g.L1) IP 160.9a 136.9 141.7a 73.1 143.0a 106.9 156.0a 129.3 197.3a 195.1 >0.05
SJ 853.6b 448.7 911.0a 406.1 877.5a 592.8 802.6a 331.1 769.7a 402.4 >0.05
MD 853.6b 448.7 <0.001 628.2a 264.8 737.6a 398.1 876.6a 508.5 759.1a 403.9 >0.05
N-NO2 (g.L1) IP 5.1a 4.1 5.4a 5.6 5.6a 4.8 4.7a 3.0 4.7a 2.3 >0.05
SJ 23.5b 13.6 26.0a 16.0 24.3a 13.7 18.8a 12.7 24.0a 11.5 >0.05
MD 26.3b 38.0 <0.001 38.0a 75.8 69.6a 244.6 20.1a 8.7 23.6a 11.3 >0.05
N-NO3 (g.L1) IP 461.4a 263.3 375.2a 174.1 464.4a 324.5 524.9a 301.3 488.5a 228.3 >0.05
SJ 495.8a 289.8 382.6a 186.8 502.3a,b 356.8 613.2b 324.2 503.6a,b 243.0 <0.05
MD 506.0a 299.5 >0.05 406.4a 176.3 507.3a 372.6 609.9a 369.7 520.1a 248.8 >0.05
SRP (g.L1) IP 34.1a 36.8 28.9a 34.4 32.3a 35.6 32.8a 39.5 41.3a 38.4 >0.05
SJ 73.2b 54.8 65.3a 54.6 77.2a 59.1 71.8a 56.2 77.8a 51.3 >0.05
MD 69.2b 53.5 <0.001 48.9a 38.1 113.4a 24.3 70.3a 53.1 85.2a 55.1 >0.05
Chl-a (g.L1) IP 2.7a 3.7 3.5a 0.4 1.5b 1.3 1.0c 0.8 2.8d 2.7 <0.001
SJ 4.2b 4.8 7.5a 7.3 3.0b 3.2 2.4c 2.8 3.6b 2.4 <0.001
MD 5.0b 9.2 <0.001 7.6a 6.2 7.5b 16.7 2.6b 4.6 2.8b 2.2 <0.001
Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia
2014, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 442-456 Limnological
characterisation and phytoplankton seasonal variation 447

With respect to seasonal limnological variation contribution of Bacillariophyceae was higher at

(Table1), there were significant differences between SJ in relation to the IP and MD sites. When the
the average temperatures detected in the four average sampled richness was considered, rather
seasons at site IP. The autumn and spring average than the cumulative results of the inventory, it was
T values were significantly different on the sites IP found to be significantly higher at the SJ and MD
and SJ. On the other hand, the average value of sites than at site IP (p < 0.001). For all samples, the
Z was significantly lower in summer for the three average density at site IP was 354 ind.mL1, which
sites. The Zeu/Z ratio (%) was not significantly was significantly lower than the average density
different between summer and autumn for the at SJ (732 ind.mL1) and MD (609 ind.mL1).
IP and MD sites. Similar to the seasonal average The inferential tests confirmed that the average
temperatures at site IP, DO showed values that were phytoplanktonic richness at site IP was significantly
significantly higher in winter than summer. At the higher in summer compared to the other seasons
SJ site, the average dissolved oxygen in spring was (Figure2). At the SJ site, the average richness in
not significantly different from that in the other autumn and winter was significantly lower than
seasons, whereas at the MD site, the average DO the richness in spring and summer, while at the
was significantly higher only in winter. The average MD site, it was only possible to confirm that the
pH values were substantially and significantly richness in autumn was significantly lower than the
higher in summer for the three sites, whereas the richness in summer. In turn, the average summer
variables EC, N-NH3, N-NO2, N-NO3 and SRP densities at the IP and SJ sites were significantly
showed almost no significant differences in terms higher compared to the other seasons, while at site
of the average seasonal variations, except that EC MD, it was only possible to conclude that the winter
was significantly lower in summer at the IP site, densities were significantly lower than the densities
and N-NO3 was significantly lower in summer in the other seasons.
compared to winter at the SJ site. The average The most representative taxa belonged to seven
values of Chl-a presented a directly proportional taxonomic classes (Table2). The IP site stood out
correspondence to temperature and an inversely due to the major contributions of Bacillariophyceae
proportional correspondence to DO at site IP, genera (Aulacoseira sp., Cocconeis sp., Gomphonema
whereas at the SJ and MD sites, only the summer sp., Pinnularia sp., unidentified diatoms), in the
average values of Chl-a were significantly higher in density of phytoflagellates from the Cryptophyceae
relation to other seasons. (Cryptomonas sp.) and Euglenophyceae (Euglena sp.,
Strombomonassp., Trachelomonas sp.) classes and based
3.2. Phytoplankton
on the higher density of phytoflagellates from class
Two hundred and fourteen taxa of planktonic Chlorophyceae, such as Eudorina sp., Spermatozopsis
algae and cyanobacteria were inventoried, with sp. (Spermatozopsis exsultans Korshikov) and
one hundred ninety-eight being identified to the colourless flagellates of class Chrysophyceae
genus level and the others to the suprageneric (Cladomonas sp., Rhipidodendronsp.).
level (7.4%). The most representative taxonomic The SJ and MD sites stood out in showing
classes in terms of richness were Chlorophyceae the lowest relative contribution among the
(30.8%) and Bacillariophyceae (24.8%), followed identified genera of Bacillariophyceae, except for
by Cyanophyceae (13.6%), Chrysophyceae (9.3%), Asterionella sp. (Asterionella formosa Hassal), in
Euglenophyceae (7.0%) and Zygnematophyceae the higher relative contribution of Chlorophyceae
(6.5%). Cryptophyceae represented 2.3% of (Actinastrum sp., Dictyosphaerium sp., Micractinium
the observed richness, while the other classes sp, Monoraphidium sp., Scenedesmus /Desmodesmus
each contributed 1.4% of the richness sp.) and due to the higher density of Cryptophyceae
(Dinophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Raphidophyceae and Euglenophyceae. The genera Cyclotella sp.
and Xanthophyceae). The survey quantified one and Nitzschia sp. as well as phytoflagellates of
hundred eighty-four taxa for site IP, one hundred different classes, such Peridiniales NI, Bicosoeca
seventy-nine for site MD and one hundred sixty- sp., Chromulina sp. Synura sp. and Rhodomonas
five taxa for site SJ (Figure 2). The richness of sp. (Rhodomonas minuta v. nannoplanctica Skuja),
class Chlorophyceae was slightly higher at the IP were more expressive at the MD site in relation to
and MD sites in relation to the SJ site. On the SJ and IP sites.
other hand, the absolute and relative contribution The highest phytoplankton density (Figure3)
of Chrysophyceae was lower, while the relative generally occurred in January (summer), while
Andrade, RR. and Giroldo, D. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia

Figure2. Absolute and relative contributions of taxonomic classes and sites and seasonal variations of richness and
density of phytoplankton in Guaiba Lake; different letters indicate significant differences of values at p < 0.05.

the lowest density occurred in July (winter) than the annual summer increases, were observed
within the annual cycles. Almost all of the most in spring at all sites. In 2000, a considerable
representative taxonomic classes experienced an contribution of Bacillariophyceae at site SJ it was
increase in density towards summer in the annual observed in late winter (September), when the
cycles, whereas the most representative groups in density of diatoms was 1,863 ind.mL1, mainly
winter were Bacillariophyceae and Cryptophyceae. contributed by Asterionella sp., and there were low
Some density increments, which were generally less increments of density between winter and spring.
2014, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 442-456 Limnological
characterisation and phytoplankton seasonal variation 449

Figure3. Temporal profile of density classes of phytoplankton in Guaiba Lake.

In that year, Asterionella sp. represented 70% of In January 2007, cyanobacteria also contributed
the phytoplanktonic density (283 ind.mL1) at the to the phytoplankton densities at the three sites, and
MD site. in 2008, the contribution of cyanobacteria persisted
In the summer months and early fall of 2004, until early autumn at the MD and SJ sites.
there was a greater contribution of cyanobacteria
3.3. Relationship between phytoplankton and
belonging to the taxa Planktothrix/Planktothricoides
limnological variables
, i.e., P. isothrix (Skuja) Komrek & Komrkov and
P. agardhii (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komrek as The PCA accounted for 85.5% of the variation
well as Planktotricoides raciborskii (Woloszynska) in the analysed system (Figure 4). The first axis
Suda & Watanabe at sites SJ and MD, and in 2005, (56.9%) represented the longitudinal distribution
a similar situation was observed at sites IP and SJ. of sites, and it was positively and significantly related
Andrade, RR. and Giroldo, D. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia

Figure4. Biplot of seasonal units at the IP, SJ and MD sites and variable vectors on the first two PCA axes; susum-
mer; spspring; wiwinter; au- autumn; in box: underlined numbers p <0.05, bold numbers p < 0.001.

to EC, N-NH3, N-NO2 and SRP, with higher among these genera, Asterionella sp. was associated
concentrations of Chl-a being associated with a with higher levels of SRP (r=0.427), which were
higher density and richness of phytoplankton at observed at the MD and SJ sites compared to site
the SJ and MD sites, regardless of the season. On IP (Table 2). Centric diatoms (Aulacoseira sp.,
the negative side, the first axis was correlated with r = 0.441; Cyclotella sp., r = 0.367) and stellate
shallower and more transparent waters, together filaments of Nitzschia sp. (Nitzschia fruticosa
with lower DO and Chl-a concentrations as well a Hustedt; r=0.309) were associated with elevated
lower richness and density of phytoplankton at site temperatures. Among the observed phytoflagellates,
IP. The second axis (28.6%) represented the seasonal the genera Trachelomonas sp. and Euglena sp.
variation in limnological variables and the density (Euglenophyceae) were correlated with the deeper
and richness of phytoplankton. The temperature waters (r = 0.246 and 0.306), rich in N-NH3
increase toward the negative side of axis 1 was (r=0.342 and 0.381), with high EC (r=0.295
associated with increased pH and Chl-a values as and 0.395) and low DO levels (r = 0.472 and
well as the density and richness of phytoplankton 0.398). Between green flagellates, Chlamydomonas
towards the summer months for the three sites sp. (r = 0.350), Eudorina sp. (r = 0.365) and
considered. At the three sites, the winter season Pandorina sp. (r=0.367) were positively associated
was mainly characterised by low temperatures and with temperature. However, only Chlamydomonas
higher levels of TSS and DO. sp. were more associated with Zeu (r=0.265) and
Regarding the composition of genera, it was found higher EC (r=0.302) and Chl-a values (r=0.336).
that pennated diatoms of the genera Asterionella Spermatozopsis exsultans was most strongly associated
sp.(r=0.166), Encyonema sp (r=0.116)., Eunotia with a greater Zeu (r=0.582).The most representative
sp. (r = 0.130), Gomphonema sp. (r = 0.187) genera in terms of biomass (Chl-a) were Aulacoseira
and Pinnularia sp. (r=0.161) were significantly sp. (r = 0.256) and Cyclotella sp. (r = 0.250),
correlated (p < 0.05) with low temperatures, and Monoraphidium sp. (r=0.204), Chlamydomonas sp.
2014, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 442-456 Limnological
characterisation and phytoplankton seasonal variation 451

Table2. Average relative contribution (%) of descriptive (r=0.336), Mallomonas sp. (r=0.281), Cryptomonas
taxa to the total density of phytoplankton at the IP, SJ sp. (r = 0.341) and dinoflagellates - PeridNI
and MD sites in Guaiba Lake; NIunidentified. (r=0.290). The higher correlation of Planktothrix/
Planktothricoides (Planktothrix isothrix and
Asterionella sp. <0.1 3.1 0.8
Planktothricoides raciborskii) with Chl-a (r=0.509)
Aulacoseira sp. 7.8 4.0 5.7
Cocconeis sp. 0.3 0.2 0.1
was influenced by summer peaks, mainly in 2004
Cyclotella sp. 3.9 3.2 5.4 (MD and SJ) and 2005 (IP and SJ).
Encyonema sp. 0.1 0.1 0.1
Pennate diatom NI 1.3 0.6 0.8
4. Discussion
Eunotia sp. 0.1 0.1 0.1 The trophic status of a water body can roughly
Gomphonema sp. 1.0 0.5 0.6 be assessed based on information regarding the
Melosira sp. 0.6 0.3 0.4
concentration of the limiting nutrient, chlorophyll-a
Navicula sp. 1.0 0.8 1.0
Nitzschia sp. 5.8 5.5 6.0
and transparency, which indicate algal biomass,
Pinnularia sp. 0.3 0.2 0.2 sediment resuspension and penetration of light into
CHLOROPHYCEAE the water. The most widely accepted limits of these
Actinastrum sp. 0.1 0.5 0.4 variables have been suggested by OECD (1982) to
Ankistrodesmus sp. 0.3 0.6 0.3 characterise the trophic categories (oligotrophic,
Chlamydomonas sp. 7.6 8.1 7.1 mesotrophic and eutrophic) of inland waters
Crucigenia sp. 0.4 0.4 0.6 (Istvnovics, 2009). In this study, the ranges of the
Dictyosphaerium sp. 0.2 0.8 0.6 mean to maximum values of Chl-a at the IP, SJ and
Eudorina sp. 0.4 0.2 0.2
MD sites were found to be 2.7-26.0, 4.237.6 and
Golenkinia sp. 0.2 0.1 0.1
5.0-88.9 g.L1, respectively. According to OECD
Micractinium sp. 0.2 1.3 1.1
Monoraphidium sp. 2.6 3.4 3.2
(1982), average values between 2.5 and 8.0 g.L1
Oocystis sp. <0.1 0.2 0.2 characterise mesotrophic waters, while maximum
Pandorina sp. 0.2 0.3 0.2 values above 25.0 g.L1 characterise eutrophic
Pedinopera sp. 1.0 0.7 0.5 waters. The average SRP values were also higher
Scenedesmus/Desmodesmus sp. 1.6 2.5 1.8 than the limit of 35.0 g.L1 of total phosphorus
Spermatozopsis sp. 17.9 4.6 3.5 for mesotrophic waters at the SJ and MD sites,
DINOPHYCEAE characterising these sites as eutrophic. Additionally,
Peridiniales NI 2.1 2.3 2.5
the average Secchi disk values (Zeu/3) obtained
at the three sites were less than 3.0 m, typical of
Bicosoeca sp. 2.2 1.9 2.3
Chromulina sp. 0.2 0.2 0.4
eutrophic waters.
Chrysococcus sp. 0.1 0.3 0.2 The lowest average SRP value obtained at the
Cladomonas sp. 0.4 0.1 <0,1 IP site (34.1 g.L1) was coincident with the lowest
Codosiga sp. 0.4 0.1 0.4 average values recorded for EC (53.1 S.cm1),
Dinobryon sp. 0.1 0.1 0.1 dissolved inorganic nitrogen (mainly in the form
Mallomonas sp. 0.7 0.8 0.8 of N-NH3; 160.9 g.L1), Chl-a (2.7 g.L1) and
Rhipidodendron sp. 0.3 <0.1 <0.1 the total phytoplankton density (354 ind.mL1).
Synura sp. 0.1 0.4 1.7 This set of parameter values characterised this site
as less eutrophic in relation to SJ and MD, which
Chroomonas sp. 0.7 0.3 0.7
was also corroborated by the higher average DO
Cryptomonas sp. 27.4 38.3 37.0
Rhodomonas sp. 9.3 8.6 13.1
(7,8 mg.L1) and Zeu/Z (38.8%) values observed
CYANOPHYCEAE at the IP site in relation to sites SJ and MD. These
Anabaena sp. 0.8 0.4 0.3 data and the limits established by the OECD
Merismopedia sp. 0.8 1.4 0.9 suggest meso-eutrophic conditions for site IP and
Planktothrix/Planktothricoides sp. 3.3 2.2 2.8 truly eutrophic conditions for sites SJ and MD in
Pseudanabaena sp. 0.3 0.5 0.5 Guaiba Lake.
EUGLENOPHYCEAE The trophic statuses of the three sites investigated
Euglena sp. 0.5 1.9 1.7
in this study were associated with their locations in
Phacus sp. 0.1 0.1 0.1
different watersheds. The IP site is influenced by
Strombomonas sp. 0.2 0.3 0.3
Trachelomonas sp. 1.8 3.1 3.3
the flow of the Jacu River, which is the largest
tributary to the lake, approximately 1,850 m3.s1,
and whose basin is predominantly occupied by
Andrade, RR. and Giroldo, D. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia

agricultural activities (Noronha, 1998; Faria and (853.6 g.L 1) values, the SJ site showed no
Lersch, 2001). The trophic statuses determined at significantly different values regarding Chl-a or the
the MD and SJ sites corresponded to the higher richness and density of phytoplankton in relation to
occupancy of these basins in terms of population. the MD site. The SJ site is located downstream from
Thus, the water quality at the latter two sites has the mouth of the Gravata River, which is a tributary
become more eutrophic, whether due to higher presenting a lowest flow rate (approximately 59
concentrations of nutrients and chlorophyll-a or m3.s1), highest human population density and
the greater density of phytoplankton. This finding highest concentrations of pollutants in the region
corroborates the idea that the structure and (Noronha, 1998). The apparently most polluted
development of phytoplankton are influenced by condition observed at the SJ site in relation to the
the hydrology and the use and occupation of the MD and IP sites coincided with the greatest relative
corresponding watershed, as observed in the inland contribution of Chlorophyceae genera such as
waters in tropical zones of Brazil (Huszar, 1996). Actinastrum sp., Ankistrodesmus sp., Dictyosphaerium
In this study different taxonomic classes sp., Micractinium sp., Monoraphidium sp., and
of phytoplanktonic algae had significantly Scenedesmus/Desmodesmus sp. and the greater relative
higher density in eutrophic points (MD and SJ) contribution of phytoflagellate genera belonging
compared to meso-eutrophic point, as well as, it to class Cryptophyceae (Cryptomonas sp.) and
had significantly higher density in the summer Euglenophyceae (Euglena sp.) to the density of
compared to other seasons. This finding revealed phytoplankton. Unicellular and coenobial/colonial
that the traditional classification of phytoplankton green algae belonging the F, X1 and J functional
taxonomic may be a limited tool in limnological groups are associated with shallow eutrophic systems
assessment of lakes and rivers. Reynoldsetal. (2002)
(Padisketal., 2009), while cryptomonads (X2 and
has proposed of a functional classification scheme
Y groups) are linked to the availability of nutrients
for the phytoplankton species that has been tested
(Klaveness, 1988) and euglenoids (W1 group) to
and it is considered as an important predictive tool.
the availability of organic matter (Telletal., 2005).
This classification scheme brings species with similar
The increasing values of Chl-a, phytoplankton
morphology, physiology, and ecology together into
density, EC, and some forms of nutrients at the IP,
functional groups named using alphanumerical
MD and SJ sites coincided with the water quality
characters. Since then, tests using phytoplankton
index (WQI) values observed over time in a long-
have been constantly improved to qualify the
term study (2000-2009) by Andradeetal. (2012),
environments (Padisketal., 2006).
Regarding the composition of phytoplankton, in which the mean scores (and ranges) were found
diatom genera, such as Cocconeis sp., Gomphonema to be 69.8 (regular), 51.3 (regular/bad) and 49.2
sp., Pinnularia sp. and unidentified diatoms, (bad) for these sites, respectively. This comparison
referred to as DiaPenNI, showed a higher relative confirmed the sensitivity of the composition and
contribution at the IP site in relation to the others. density of phytoplankton in indicating different
According to Padisketal. (2009), some pennated trophic conditions as well as the different water
diatoms belonging to the MP functional group quality conditions observed at the sites investigated
are indicators of river flows, which agrees with the in the present study.
hydrodynamic characterisation of site IP, which is For the three sites, there were higher
influenced by the greatest river flow. In contrast, relative densities of the genera Aulacoseira sp.,
the genus Asterionella sp. showed a higher mean Chlamydomonas sp., Spermatozopsis sp., Cryptomonas
density at sites SJ and MD. This exception agrees sp. and Rhodomonas sp. According to Reynolds
with studies showing that blooms of A. formosa (2006), Aulacoseira species (P group, Aulacoseira
are associated with higher phosphorus availability granulata v. angustissima (O. Mller) Simonsen) are
in certain periods of seasonal variation, especially meroplanktonic (spending one phase of life in the
the vernal period in temperate zones of the Earth sediment and another in the pelagic zone) and can
(Sommer, 1988). A. formosa belongs to the C be significant in shallow lakes under meso-eutrophic
functional group, indicating eutrophic small and conditions when exposed to wind and wave action,
medium-sized lakes that are sensitive to the onset as occurs in the investigated lake (Nicolodietal.,
of stratification (Padisketal., 2009). 2010). Nano-microplanktonic flagellates (X2 and
Despite exhibiting significantly higher average Y groups) belonging to the genera mentioned
TSS (22.9 mg L1), EC (86.8 S.cm1) and N-NH3 above are collectively common and constitute
2014, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 442-456 Limnological
characterisation and phytoplankton seasonal variation 453

representative assemblages in shallow lakes whose season showing the lowest values of accumulated
main strategy is rapid growth. precipitation and depth.
The high diversity of Chlorophyceae and In contrast to what has been demonstrated in
Bacillariophyceae at the three sites was in accord subtropical reservoirs (Rodriguesetal., 2005), the
with the findings of a short-term study showing development of phytoplankton in Guaiba Lake in
that say these groups are more representative of summer was not followed by an increase in TSS,
the diversity observed at the mouths of the rivers but by increased transparency. Similar behaviour has
that form the delta of the Jacu River, upstream of been observed in subtropical Brazilian rivers, where
Guaiba Lake (Rodriguesetal., 2007). abiogenic turbidity during rainy periods in winter
Long-term studies have been performed to and spring overcomes the biogenic turbidity caused
establish seasonal patterns in phytoplankton by the development of phytoplankton in summer
and to verify variations over the years due to (Devercelli, 2006).
hydrological, nutritional and climatic changes The temporal profile of the phytoplanktonic
(Annevilleetal., 2004). In this study, the long-term density by class shows that the peak densities of
data obtained were useful for verifying significant Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae (centric diatoms:
seasonal patterns in limnological conditions as Aulacoseira sp., Cyclotella sp.) and Cryptophyceae in
well as phytoplankton richness and density. If the summer were most likely associated with low water
temperature in the tropical zone is not a limiting levels subjected to turbulence caused by winds, as
factor for the development of phytoplankton usually occurs in the lake (Nicolodietal., 2010).
(Huszar, 1996), the same cannot be said for Guaiba The expressive contribution of cyanobacteria,
Lake, which is situated in the subtropical zone of especially in 2004 (MD and SJ sites) and 2005
Brazil, considering that the average density in winter (IP and SJ sites), characterised by development of
Planktothrix isothrix and Planktothricoides raciborskii
recorded in this long-term study was significantly
were associated with anomalies in precipitation
lower than the average density in summer.
(La Nia) and high values of chlorophyll-a
The significantly higher temperatures in
(r = 0.509, p < 0.01) according to Andrade and
summer coincided with significantly higher values
Giroldo (2010) as well as high transparency and
of Chl-a, pH, phytoplankton density and Zeu/Z
temperatures (Maizonaveetal., 2009). According
(%), and significantly lower values of Z, TTS and
to Padisketal. (2009) P. isothrix (referred to as P.
DO. The increased water temperature in summer
mougeotii ) belongs to R codon. Such assemblages
is related to the more intense solar radiation that
are associated with stratification and occur in the
occurs in the subtropical region of Brazil in this metalimnion or upper hypolimnion of oligo-
season (Mendona and Danni-Oliveira, 2007) mesotrophic lakes. Because lower phosphorus levels
because the variation in irradiance is cyclical and occur in the summer and the main source of this
is inversely proportional to latitude. This pattern element during periods of high hydraulic retention
characterises temperature as a determining factor (due to low rainfall in anomalous periods) should
in the seasonal abundance and the distribution and be the sediment, it is likely that these species (P.
geographic variation of phytoplankton (Reynolds, isothrix and Planktothricoides raciborskii) explore
1988). Because light availability is crucial to the the bottom to assimilate and store phosphorus
development of phytoplankton, some classes of (Paerl, 1988). In fact, short term study conducted
algae experienced a density increase in summer in by Ribeiroetal. (2012) in a south bay of Guaiba
Guaiba Lake, and only seven genera were negatively Lake, between spring 2011 and summer 2012 has
correlated with water temperature, five of which suggested that changes in rainfall patterns due to
were pennated diatoms (Asterionella sp. Encyonema La Nia can influence the environment, increasing
sp. Eunotia sp. Gomphonema sp. Pinnularia sp.), and transparency and recruiting cyanobacterial inocula
two were colonial flagellates of class Chrysophyceae deposited in layers more enriched. The study also
(Cladomonas sp. Synura sp.). pointed out that there was thermal stratification
Regarding the reduced Z in the lake in summer, prior to the beginning of summer Planktotricoides
the long-term study by Andrade and Giroldo (2010) raciborskii bloom.
revealed a significant correlation of Z with the The antagonic conditions in winter confirmed
volume of rain. The authors stated that the thermal/ that low temperatures and high turbidity (high
climatic seasonality of Guaiba Lake is accompanied TSS) inhibit the development of phytoplankton in
by hydrological seasonality and that summer is the Guaiba Lake, which confirms that there are seasonal
Andrade, RR. and Giroldo, D. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia

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Received: 19 September 2013

Accepted: 02 December 2014

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