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An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Blasting on

the Impact Breakage of Rocks



A thesis submitted to the Department of Mining Engineering

in conformity with the requirements for

the degree of Master of Applied Science

The Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining

Queens University

Kingston, Ontario, Canada,

April, 2010

Copyright Seok Joon Kim, 2010


Size reduction represents one of the most energy-intensive and costly processes in the

extraction of valuable minerals and rocks. Drilling and blasting, being the first operation

in the size reduction chain, may have a significant downstream effect, influencing mine

economics. This thesis investigates effects of blasting on subsequent size reduction


A series of small scale blasts have been conducted, and the fragments have been screened,

drop weight tested, crushed and their Bond Work Index and breakage parameters have

been determined. The process was repeated for 3 different types of granite blocks

(Stanstead, Laurentian, and Barre granite) using samples not blasted previously and

samples blasted with three different powder factors (0.391, 0.782, and 1.173kg/m3). As

well, four types of different charge methods with the same powder factor were used to

investigate the influence of blasting energy distribution on grindability in the case of

Barre granite. Subsequently, stress wave collision blasting and the effect of delay timing

were tested under the same powder factor conditions.

Generally, powder factor resulted in the most significant changes in the breakage

parameters as well as fragmentation. The Bond Work Index showed a small decrease as a

function of powder factor, which can be considered to be material dependent.

There is indication that distribution of charge resulted in better grindability while

fragmentation seems to be similar in both cases and better than when air decking was

used. The results from Barre granite showed clearly that stemming affected fragmentation

by producing finer fragments.


I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Takis Katsabanis, for his

encouragement and guidance.

Special thanks to Dr. Jamie Archibald for his kindness and willingness to help in many

ways. I am also grateful to Dr. Philip Dirige for his support in the field experiments and

Rock Mechanics properties tests conducted at the Queens University test site and Rock

Mechanics Laboratory, respectively. I am grateful to Dr. Richard Amankwah for his

teaching in various crushing and grinding techniques and also grateful to my fellows Dr.

Guillermo Silva, Ayman Tawadrous and all staff in the Department of Mining

Engineering. And also really thanks to three summer students, Charlotte Braun, Cody

Kennedy, and Jacob Sigler for their assistance in the field and lab tests. I wish to extend

my gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Christopher Pickles and Professor Victor Pakalnis

for their guidance and advice as a Thesis Examining Committee.

As well, I really appreciate to my three bosses, Alex Henderson, Jim Willan, and Jennifer

Pakula in Mines Technology, Vale Inco Limited Canadian Operations, for their support

to keep up my professional passion and goal.

The financial assistance for this thesis was provided by Natural Science and Engineering

Research Council of Canada.

Finally this thesis is dedicated to my wife Jiyeon and my juniors Donny and Donna, who

have supported me throughout my life and this long-term accomplishment.



1940 2006





DEDICATION ........ iii


LIST OF TABLES ..........vii





3.1 Physical Properties of the Three Granite Samples 18

3.2 Preparation for Unblasted Samples .24

3.3 Preparation for Blasted Samples .27


4.1 Queens Drop Weight Tester 29

4.2 Calculations for Drop Weight Sample Testing .32

4.3 Results of Drop Weight Testing ...33



5.1 Laboratory Bond Ball Mill Grindability Test ...38

5.2 Calculations for Bond Work Index Testing ..40

5.3 Results of Bond Work Index Testing 40

5.4 Power Consumption of Ball Mill ..41



6.1 Experimental Work ...43

6.2 Test Results ...46

6.2.1 Results of Blasting Size Distribution Analysis .46

6.2.2 Results of Drop Weight Test 49

6.2.3 Results of Bond Work Index Test..54

6.2.4 Result Comparison between Drop Weight Test and Bond Work

Index Test ..60



7.1 Experimental Work ...65

7.2 Test Results ...68

7.2.1 Results of Blasting Size Distribution Analysis .68

7.2.2 Results of Drop Weight Test 70

7.2.3 Results of Bond Work Index Test..73

7.2.4 Result Comparison between Drop Weight Test and Bond Work

Index Test ..74



8.1 Experimental Work .......76

8.2 Test Results .......80

8.2.1 Results of Blasting Size Distribution Analysis .80

8.2.2 Results of Drop Weight Test 84


9.1 Discussion .89

9.1.1 Effect of Powder Factor ...93

9.1.2 Effect of Charge Distribution ..94

9.1.3 Effect of Delay Timing .95

9.2 Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Work ..100

9.2.1 Conclusions ...100

9.2.2 Suggestions for Future Work ...101



APPENDIX A. Physical Properties of the Rocks Studied .............................110

APPENDIX B. Specification of Samples for Blasting .117

APPENDIX C. Detailed Experimental Data of Size Distribution Analysis

After Blasting.121

APPENDIX D. Detailed Experimental Data of Drop Weight Test ..........126

APPENDIX E. Detailed Experimental Data of Bond Work Index Test ...284


Table 2.1 Energy cost comparison between explosive energy and electrical energy 7

Table 3.1 Physical properties of the rocks studied .. 23

Table 3.2 Mineral composition of the rocks studied 23

Table 3.3 Microstructural features of the rocks studied .. 24

Table 4.1 Example of size interval and planned impact energies for each

size-energy combination (kWh/t) for unblasted samples 34

Table 4.2 Example of size interval and planned impact energies for each

size-energy combination (kWh/t) for blasted samples .... 34

Table 5.1 Relationship between UCS and Bond Work Index . 41

Table 6.1 Amount of explosives used in this study . 44

Table 6.2 50% and 80% cumulative passing sizes for different powder factors . 46

Table 6.3 Breakage parameter changes for Stanstead granite .. 53

Table 6.4 Breakage parameter changes for Laurentian granite . 53

Table 6.5 Breakage parameter changes for Barre granite . 53

Table 6.6 Size selections for Bond Work Index test . 55

Table 6.7 Results of the Bond Work Index test for Stanstead granite .... 56

Table 6.8 Results of the Bond Work Index test for Laurentian granite .. 56

Table 6.9 Results of the Bond Work Index test for Barre granite ... 56

Table 6.10 Comparison of breakage parameters vs. BWi for Stanstead granite 61

Table 6.11 Comparison of breakage parameters vs. BWi for Laurentian granite .. 61

Table 6.12 Comparison of breakage parameters vs. BWi for Barre granite ... 61

Table 7.1 50% and 80% cumulative passing sizes for different charge method ..... 69

Table 7.2 Breakage parameter change induced by charge method ..... 70

Table 7.3 Results of the Bond Work Index test for charge method 73

Table 7.4 Comparison of breakage parameters vs. BWi for charge method . 75

Table 8.1 50 % and 80 % cumulative passing sizes for in hole collision and

delayed samples (in mm) .. 83

Table 8.2 Breakage parameter changes for Stanstead granite ... 88

Table 8.3 Breakage parameter changes for Laurentian granite . 88

Table 8.4 Breakage parameter changes for Barre granite .. 88

Table 9.1 50 % and 80 % cumulative passing sizes for blasting methods studied . 98

Table 9.2 Breakage parameter (A*b) for blasting methods studied .. 99


Figure 1.1 Outline of thesis .. 4

Figure 2.1 Optimum blasting leading to cost minimization ... 6

Figure 2.2 Overall costs for various powder factors 7

Figure 2.3 Generation of radial micro cracks by the tangential tensile stress at the

front of the P-wave (a), and concentric cracks by the tensile tail at the back of the

wave (b) 9

Figure 2.4 Influence of blasting effect on costs . 10

Figure 3.1 General procedure of experiments . 17

Figure 3.2 Schematic view of 3-axis drilling 19

Figure 3.3 Measurement of acoustic wave velocity ..... 19

Figure 3.4 500 kN material testing system 21

Figure 3.5 UCS tests and Brazilian test specimens .. 21

Figure 3.6 Unblasted samples prepared for drop weight test .. 26

Figure 3.7 Sample drilling and specification for blasting . 28

Figure 3.8 Drilled Samples to be used for blasting 28

Figure 4.1 Configuration of the Queens Drop Weight Tester 31

Figure 4.2 Example of size distribution curves and t10 determination after drop weight

testing . 35

Figure 4.3 Effect of specific energy, Eis on the Breakage Index, t10 .. 37

Figure 5.1 Laboratory Bond Ball Mill tester .. 39

Figure 6.1 Explosives charge for test blasting .. 45

Figure 6.2 Blasting chamber after test blasting . 45

Figure 6.3 Blast fragment screening results of Stanstead granite 47

Figure 6.4 Blast fragment screening results of Laurentian granite .. 47

Figure 6.5 Blast fragment screening results of Barre granite .. 48

Figure 6.6 Breakage parameters and t10 fittings for Stanstead granite .. 50

Figure 6.7 Breakage parameters and t10 fittings for Laurentian granite 51

Figure 6.8 Breakage parameters and t10 fittings for Barre granite . 52

Figure 6.9 Effect of powder factor on Work Index of Stanstead granite . 57

Figure 6.10 Average Work Indices of Stanstead granite at various powder factors and the

percentage decrease in Work Index with increase in powder factor 57

Figure 6.11 Effect of powder factor on Work Index of Laurentian granite . 58

Figure 6.12 Average Work Indices of Laurentian granite at various powder factors

and the percentage decrease in Work Index with increase in powder factor 58

Figure 6.13 Effect of powder factor on Work Index of Barre granite . 59

Figure 6.14 Average Work Indices of Barre granite at various powder factors

and the percentage decrease in Work Index with increase in powder factor. 59

Figure 6.15 Impact Breakage Parameter vs. powder factor . 63

Figure 6.16 Bond Work Index vs. powder factor ... 63

Figure 6.17 Impact Breakage Parameter vs. Bond Work Index .. 64

Figure 7.1 Sectional views of different charge method blasting .. 67

Figure 7.2 Blast fragment screening results for different charge method .. 68

Figure 7.3 Breakage Parameters and t10 fittings for charge method .. 72

Figure 7.4 Impact Breakage Parameter vs. Bond Work Index 75

Figure 8.1 Basic concept of in hole collision blasting . 78

Figure 8.2 Initiation order for delayed sample .. 79

Figure 8.3 Blast fragment screening results of Stanstead granite 81

Figure 8.4 Blast fragment screening results of Laurentian granite .. 81

Figure 8.5 Blast fragment screening results of Barre granite ... 82

Figure 8.6 Breakage Parameters and t10 fittings for Stanstead granite ... 85

Figure 8.7 Breakage Parameters and t10 fittings for Laurentian granite . 86

Figure 8.8 Breakage Parameters and t10 fittings for Barre granite .. 87



Years of depressed market metal prices and decreasing grades have resulted in significant

cost cutting by the mining industry. Decreased metal prices, caused by the global

economic slow down, are demanding control and optimization of energy consuming

operations. Thus, when it comes to fragmentation, it is important to optimize total mining

costs, considering the effect of fragment size not only on blasting but on the subsequent

operations at the mine as well as the mill.

In the mining industry, traditionally mining and mineral processing have been considered

as separate processes. At the same time, they are both parts of the size reduction

operations, which tend to consume significant amounts of energy. Generally mining

operations related to size reduction and fragment handling consist of drilling and blasting,

as well as loading, transporting, and coarse crushing of the broken rock. Milling

processes include fine crushing and grinding.

Comminution is the most energy intensive process in mineral processing and may

account for up to 70 % of the total energy consumption in some operations. Since size

reduction starts at the mine and ends at the mill, it is important to consider the effect of

each stage on the next in an attempt to minimize total costs.

The present research focused on the link between mining and mineral processing as far as

comminution in concerned. Since the effects of blasting on size reduction, crusher

selection and throughput have been established elsewhere (Kojovic et al., 1995, Nielsen

and Kristiansen, 1996, 1999, Eloranta, 1999), the main focus of the research was the

effect of blasting on grinding. It is well known that grinding is not an energy efficient

process and tremendous amounts of energy are wasted in heating the rock instead of

reducing its size. Any improvement in the process has tremendous implications on mine

economics. To establish changes in the grinding effort, a representative test has to be

implemented to produce an index related to the grinding effort. A Bond Ball Mill Work

Index (BMWI) test is a standard test for determining the grindability of a sample of ore.

However the BMWI test is established through time consuming and expensive milling

processes, which have had moderate success in the past (Katsabanis et al., 2003). Hence

more effective tests are required to optimize efficiency of the milling process. The drop

weight impact test has been selected for that reason.

The blasting size reduction effect was established through careful blasting applied to

three different kinds of granite block samples. As past research (Hikita, 2008) has

identified, rock variability is a problem in establishing clear relationships between

blasting effort and grindability, thus dimensional quality stones were selected to

minimize variability in rock properties. The experiments were aimed at modifying the

properties of the rock fragments so that grinding effort is minimized at the mill.

The objectives of this thesis were:

To examine the effect of powder factor on coarse and fine grinding.

To examine how blasting results are affected by the rock mechanics properties of

the rocks.

To examine the effects of charge distribution and initiation on the breakage

characteristics of rocks.

To evaluate the drop weight test as an indicator of the effect of blasting effort on

the resulting rock fragments, and

To examine the effect of initiation timing on the grindability of rocks.

The outline of the thesis is shown in Figure 1.1.

Following a general introduction chapter, Chapter 2 reviews research trends and research

work conducted at Queens University. Chapter 3 gives a description of physical

properties of samples. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the methodology of the drop weight test

and the Bond Work Index test, which were used in this study. Chapters 6 to 8 summarize

the results of all experimental works done and Chapter 9 includes comparisons of all

results and suggestions for future work.

Figure 1.1 Outline of thesis



Recently, the importance of blasting to downstream processes has been studied and

discussed by many researchers and engineers from all around the world. Several

publications by scientists and engineers can be found in the literature with the aim to

study improvements in fragmentation and downstream processes.

Nielsen and Kristiansen (1996) investigated the effect of blasting on the subsequent

crushing and grinding operations and discussed how to evaluate the application of the

whole comminution system. From industrial tests and laboratory grinding experiments,

they found some relationships between drillhole diameter, the amount of explosives, the

VOD (Velocity of Detonation), and the portion of fines generated after blasting and

crushing. They pointed out that the separated responsibility between mining and mineral

processing departments should be harmonized, and suggested that blasting could be

considered as the first step of the integrated comminution process for the optimization of

the mine operations, as shown in Figure 2.1.

Eloranta (1997) compared energy requirements for blasting, crushing and grinding. In

this study, actual energy usage was estimated by the Bond equation, and was utilized in

energy requirements for blasting, crushing and grinding. He suggested that Blasting may

enjoy as much as 3:1 cost advantage over grinding. on the basis of overall efficiency

(Eloranta, 1995, 1997).

Figure 2.1 Optimum blasting leading to cost minimization

(after K. Nielsen and J. Kristiansen, 1996)

Comparing the cost of energy from a different viewpoint, in explosives and in electricity,

an explosive has 5 times higher benefit than electricity, as shown in Table 2.1. Hence we

could say grinding is costly. Thus any improvement in grindability by an earlier process

may have an effect on overall economics. Eloranta presented cost information for blasting

and processing, obtained from the Mintac operations in Minnesota. Figure 2.2 shows total

costs compared to drilling and blasting costs and processing costs. Apparently an

optimum powder factor can be selected from the diagram.

Table 2.1 Energy cost comparison between explosive energy and electrical energy
(after J. Eloranta, 1997)

KWh / long ton Energy $ / KWh Energy $ / long ton

Blast 0.43 $ 0.38 $ 0.16

Crush 3.24 $ 0.07 $ 0.23

Grind 17.82 $ 0.07 $ 1.25

Figure 2.2 Overall costs for various powder factors (after J. Eloranta, 1997)

Ethier et al. (1999), Lafarge Canada Inc. have achieved significant improvements in

operating costs, efficiencies, and controls through the Finer Fragmentation Project in

1998. The project consisted of 14 blasts (5 pilot scale tests and 9 full production tests) to

achieve reduction of average fragmentation size by 50 %. Throughout this project

Larfage Canada Inc. was able to practice better control of the overall operations as well

as achieve the following specific benefits:

67 % increase of fragments less than 200 mm,

average minimum throughput increase of 15 %

20 % reduction in the total crusher system power consumption per tonne

8 % reduction in actual drill and explosive costs

Expected savings of 17 % in the operating cost over the next two years

Nielsen (1999) tried to explain the effect of blasting on grinding using the microcrack

concept. He suggested that the P-wave may generate two sets of microcracks in the rock,

as illustrated in Figure 2.3. Upon detonation, a longitudinal (compressive) wave

propagates outwards from the borehole. The wave has a compressive component in the

radial direction and a tensile component in the tangential direction. Due to the

deformations from the tensile component new cracks may be formed when the stress

level exceeds the dynamic tensile strength of the rock matrix or of single grains. Blast-

induced microcracks which are generated by the shock waves emitted throughout the

rock mass by the detonating explosive affect the reduction of the crushing and grinding

resistance (Nielson, 1998, 1999).

Figure 2.3 Generation of radial micro cracks by the tangential tensile stress at the front

of the P-wave (a), and concentric cracks by the tensile tail at the back

of the wave (b). (after K. Nielsen, 1999)

The work of Nielsen and Kristiansen (1996) indicated that the work index of several

rocks was influenced by blasting. However this assessment was not based on standard


Kanchibotla (2003) presented typical problems of the traditional approach to blast

optimization and introduced an approach where the influence of blast results on:

Processing costs (crushing and liberation),

Throughput and price (revenue and operating costs), and


He showed that the optimum blasting effect (in Figure 2.4) should consider all of the

above components.

Figure 2.4 Influence of blasting effect on costs

He used the following formula to calculate the total profit:

Profit = Revenue Operating Cost Fixed Cost (2.1)


Revenue = Unit value x Throughput

Unit Value = (Grade x Recovery x Unit Price) / (1 + Dilution)

Operating Cost = Unit Operating Cost x Throughput

Unit Operating Cost = Unit cost of (Drilling + Blasting + Loading + Hauling

+ Crushing + Grinding + Liberation), and

Fixed Cost = Cost of capital and overhead

Through this approach, he insisted that blasting results could have a varying degree of

influence on both revenue and operating costs depending on the nature of the operation.

Two open pit operation examples demonstrated well that An approach to blast

optimization which only focus on minimizing the cost per ton of broken rock and ignores

the impact of blast results on downstream processes may not result in maximization of

profits, which is the main aim of any business (Kanchibotla, 2003). The author

suggested In order to achieve optimum solution, it is necessary to understand the impact

of one sub-process over others.

This study also demonstrated that purely minimizing operating costs does not result in

optimum solution unless the impact on unit fixed costs and revenues are considered.

As a part of a strategic NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of

Canada) grant entitled Investigation of the overall efficiency of mining/milling

operations through optimization of energy utilization, researchers at Queens University

have conducted research work related to blasting effects on damage and grindability of

impacted rocks. (Katsabanis et al., 2003, 2004, 2006, and 2008)

Katsabanis et al. (2003) conducted small scale blasting with granodiorite and limestone

blocks using single blasthole or multiple blastholes detonating at various timing intervals.

The damage to the blocks was investigated through P-wave velocity monitoring, work

indices and measuring of the point load index of the impacted rock. Insignificant changes

of the work index were observed, although significant changes of P-wave velocity and

point load index were recorded. The authors concluded that the standard Bond Ball Mill

Work Index test did not show large differences with the low impact level used in the tests,

especially when grinding the material to very small sizes around 100 m . From the

measurement of the reduction of P and S wave velocities, they concluded that rock

damage increased with an increase of powder factor.

To evaluate the effect of blasting on grinding resistance of rock, Katsabanis et al. (2004)

have conducted single and multihole types of small scale blasting tests using

homogeneous blocks of granodiorite and limestone. Relative ball mill tests, rod mill tests,

and the SAG Performance Index test (SPI) were used to evaluate the grindability

resistance. Results showed a varying trend depending on the natural grain size of the rock

examined. Significant Work Index changes resulted in finely grained limestone samples,

while granodiorite was not significantly affected in fine grinding tests. However the SPI

test (Hikita, 2008) suggested easier grinding in SAG mills for the blasted samples.

Katsabanis et al. (2006) conducted a series of multihole blasting experiments to examine

the effect of delays on rock fragmentation using granodiorite samples. The tests

demonstrated the influence of the interaction of stress waves on fragmentation.

As a part of a mine to mill optimization project, Caceres, J. (2006) performed an

investigation of improved planning strategy, while integrating blasting parameters with

opportunity cost techniques, for maximizing Net Present Value. In this study, Caceres

tried to optimize one existing industrial project, as well as another new project. For the

ongoing operation project, facing higher metal prices, the Net Present Value was

increased by 13.5 % without additional investment in the mineral processing operations

but with increased drilling and blasting effort. In the new project, a reduction of 40 % in

blast pattern parameters caused a 30 % decrease in investment and a 25 % increase in the

global Net Present Value. The analysis was done considering fragmentation changes only,

without any effects on grindability due to blasting. There are possible additional savings

in the grinding circuits if blasting results in changes to energy requirements in the

grinding circuits. Such a possibility has significant implications, which are worth

investigating further.

Through the literature review, one could establish that there are two types of major

benefits that can be achieved from finer blast fragmentation; increased productivity and

decreased energy requirements at the mill. The effect of finer fragmentation on

throughput and mine economics is well established. However the concept of decreased

energy requirements at the mill has found moderate success as evidenced by the small

changes of work index obtained by researchers at Queens. The differences between the

works of various researchers (Nielsen (1996, 1999), Lownds (1997), McCarter (1996),

etc.) suggest that further work is necessary. The strength of fragments is affected by

blasting (Katsabanis, 2003), although the effect of the changes on downstream operations

is not clearly established. The issue is how to quantify such effects for the purpose of

optimising downstream energy consumption.

It is apparent that rock samples, with minimum variability of properties, and standard

tests examining the performance of blasted rock in grinding circuits have to be used. To

minimize variability, granite samples from dimensional stone quarries were selected. As

far as the grinding performance methods are concerned, the two methods used are the

Bond mill test (Bond, 1952, 1961, and Deister, 1987) and the drop weight test. The Bond

Ball Mill Work Index test has been used as a standard test of comminution circuit design

and to evaluate designed or operating plant performance. The Bond Work Index provides

an idea of how much energy is required to grind a sample of ore in a ball mill. However

the Bond Ball Mill Work Index test is time consuming and did not prove to be very

sensitive to lower impact energy inputs (Katsabanis et al., 2003).

The Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) in the University of

Queensland has conducted various and intensive research on comminution for over 40

years, and Napier-Munn et al. (1996) published the Monograph Series in Mining and

Mineral Processing. In these books the authors summarized and introduced the Single

Particle Breakage Characterization. Among various testing methods, the drop weight test

was considered a practical method for examining the performance of particles under

impact. It was introduced at JKMRC to replace the twin pendulum apparatus. According

to Napier-Munn et al. (1996) it provides extended input energy range, it has shorter test

duration, it can be used in a large range of sizes and it is more precise. Drop weight

testing allows for the measuring of material comminution properties at particle sizes

larger than found in other laboratory bench tests, such as rod and ball mill work index

testing (Bond, 1961).

The drop weight test consists of dropping a known mass on a fragment of known mass

from a known height. Thus, the specific energy imparted onto the particle can be

calculated. The fragments from the smashed particle are collected and sieved, permitting

analysis of the relationship between specific impact energy and particle size (Napier-

Munn et al., 1996).

Equation (2.2) is suggested by Napier-Munn et al. (1996) to calculate t10.

t10 = A 1 e bEis ) (2.2)

where t10 is the percentage passing the 1/10th of the initial size, Eis is the specific impact

energy (kWh/t), and A and b are breakage parameters.

Detailed information on the testing methodology and analysis is provided in Chapters 4

and 5.



Three different types of finished granite, measuring 25 x 25 x 25 cm, were purchased for

testing. The reason for purchasing finished monument stones was to evaluate the blasting

effect on intact rock and avoid bias. Stanstead granite, Laurentian granite, and Barre

granite were used in this study. The same drilling parameters and testing methods were

used for the three different types of granite samples. The purpose of the experiments was

to investigate the role of the powder factor, charge distribution, and timing on

fragmentation and grindability. A second objective was to examine the drop weight test

as a better alternative to the Bond Work Index Test in establishing the effect of blasting

on the resulting fragments. The Bond Work Index Test (Bond, 1952, 1961, and Deister,

1987) is time consuming and did not prove to be very sensitive to lower impact energy

inputs (Katsabanis et al., 2003). Thus, a more convenient and more sensitive method is

needed to establish the effect of blasting on grindability in the case of various powder

factors, corresponding to various levels of impact energy. As such the drop weight test

(Napier-Munn et al., 1996), considering the effect of energy on the fragmentation of

single particles, was deemed to be appropriate.

General procedures of the experiments conducted are shown in Figure 3.1.

It is expected that fragments increase in size with distance from the blastholes. So it is

expected that larger fragments, originally located furthest from the borehole, will be less

influenced by the blast and therefore they will develop a smaller number of

microfractures. In Figure 3.1 and in the subsequent analysis, smaller fraction and

larger fraction refer to fragments less than approximately -11.2 to -37.5 mm and larger

than +63.0 mm, respectively. Detailed size selections are shown later in Table 6.7.

Stanstead Laurentian Barre

Granite Granite Granite

Unblasted & Blasted with Powder Factor (PF)

q = 0.391, 0.782, and 1.173 kg/m3

Screening for Making Size Distribution Interval

Drop Weight Test Bond Ball Mill Test

Unblasted Blasted Unblasted Blasted

PF=0.391 PF=0.782 PF=1.173

PF=0.391 PF=0.782 PF=1.173
Smaller Smaller Smaller
fraction fraction fraction
Screening Larger Larger Larger
fraction fraction fraction
Impact Breakage
Parameters (A & b) Bond Work Index (BWi)

Figure 3.1 General procedure of experiments

3.1 Physical Properties of the Three Granite Samples

Laboratory tests were conducted to obtain the rock mechanics properties of the samples

and to examine anisotropic behaviour in the samples. All the raw material handling

equipment, the diamond drilling machine, the diamond saw, and the diamond grinding

machine, were provided by the Raw Material Handling and Preparation Laboratory of the

Department of Mining Engineering, Queens University. In order to get enough samples

in three perpendicular directions from the small blocks, three diamond drill cores were

obtained in each direction, using a 50 mm diameter drill, as shown in Figure 3.2. After

preparing the samples for basic physical property tests, all samples were tested in the

INCO Rock Mechanics Laboratory at the Department of Mining Engineering, Queens


Acoustic wave velocity measurement was performed in accordance with the procedures

recommended by ASTM D2845, on core samples prepared for Unconfined Compressive

Strength testing. The velocities of compressive (P-wave) and shear ultrasonic (S-wave)

waves through the core sample were measured using a Panametrics Pulser (model

5055PR), a computer with a high speed data acquisition card (NI 5102) and Compression

Wave and Shear Wave Transducers (models A 101S and V 151 respectively). Since

anisotropy affects the results, this test was conducted to examine the anisotropy of rock

samples for the three (X, Y, and Z axis) directions. Before measuring velocities for rock

samples, machine calibration was conducted using a steel specimen, as shown in Figure

3.3. The Virtual Bench-Scope software (National Instruments online manual library, ) was used for data visualization and analysis.

Figure 3.2 Schematic view of 3-axis drilling

Figure 3.3 Measurement of acoustic wave velocity

Five unconfined compressive strength tests for each direction were conducted to obtain

the unconfined compressive strength (UCS), Youngs modulus (E), and Poissons ratio

() parameters. Also, nine Brazilian tests for each direction were conducted to obtain the

indirect tensile strength of samples. All samples for Brazilian testing contained a marking

line to recognize proper direction of loading. A 500 kN Material Testing System (MTS)

servo-controlled compression loading frame, shown in Figure 3.4, was used for both tests.

A Material Testing System (MTS) extensometer Model 63212F-20 was used to measure

lateral displacement which occurs during uniaxial compression. A Wheatstone bridge

circuit was adapted in the extensometer to detect the dimensional changes along the

circumference. The signals from the extensometer were processed through a DC

conditioner, and then they were sent to the controller (internal data acquisition system) in

order to be read by data acquisition software (TStress 4.01).

The unconfined compressive strength tests were conducted with a constant stroke rate of

4.76 x 10-3 mm/sec, corresponding to a strain rate of 3.87 x 10-5 /sec.

Figure 3.4 500 kN material testing system (servo-controlled unit)

Figure 3.5 UCS tests and Brazilian test specimens

The unconfined compressive strength of the specimen was calculated by dividing the

maximum load at failure by the sample cross-sectional area:

c = (3.1)
c = Unconfined Compressive Strength (MPa)
F = Maximum failure load (kN)
A = Cross-sectional area of the core sample (cm2)

The Brazilian tensile strength test provides a measure of rock toughness, as well as

strength. The indirect tensile strength is calculated as follows:

T =10
DT (3.2)


T = Brazilian tensile strength (MPa)

D = Diameter of the wafer core sample (cm)
F = Compressive force applied to wafer at failure (kN)
T = Thickness of the wafer core sample (cm)

All basic physical properties of the rocks studied were summarized in Table 3.1. Detailed

test data can be found in Appendix A. Tables 3.2 3.4 illustrate mineral composition and

microstructural features for each sample provided by Dr. Bibhu Mohantys Research

Group from the University of Toronto (Mohanty, 2006 personal communication).

Table 3.1 Physical properties of the rocks studied

Uniaxial Brazilian Youngs Poissons

Elastic Velocity
Density Compressive Tensile Modulus, Ratio,
Rock [m/s]
Strength Strength E
[g/cm3] P-wave S-wave [MPa] [MPa] [GPa]

Stanstead Granite
XY Plane 2.67 3450 13 2207 42 108 6.8 7.4 0.7 44 3.8 0.20 0.01
XZ Plane 2.66 3701 57 2268 63 115 11.6 7.5 0.5 46 4.9 0.21 0.01
YZ Plane 2.67 2629 41 1747 12 112 8.5 7.6 0.4 39 3.7 0.22 0.02

Laurentian Granite
XY Plane 2.65 4115 14 2379 13 191 21.0 12.3 0.8 65 2.1 0.22 0.02
XZ Plane 2.65 4448 46 2766 30 144 24.8 11.5 1.0 59 3.0 0.21 0.01
YZ Plane 2.65 4513 42 2823 27 174 20.2 12.6 1.1 72 5.6 0.22 0.01

Barre Granite
XY Plane 2.63 4320 106 2282 52 137 10.0 12.0 0.8 53 5.5 0.22 0.03
XZ Plane 2.64 3913 58 2250 26 137 12.7 11.0 1.2 52 0.4 0.21 0.01
YZ Plane 2.64 4192 47 2397 55 130 11.0 10.5 1.0 54 2.4 0.24 0.03

Table 3.2 Mineral composition of the rocks studied (Courtesy of B. Mohanty)

Quartz Feldspar Biotite

Rock Type Avg. Grain Avg. Grain Avg. Grain
% % %
Size [mm] Size [mm] Size [mm]

Stanstead Granite
XY Plane 0.93 25% 1.40 65% 0.60 10%
XZ Plane 0.95 23% 1.63 68% 0.62 9%
YZ Plane 0.94 26% 1.45 67% 0.60 7%

Laurentian Granite
XY Plane 0.39 33% 0.37 59% 0.25 5%
XZ Plane 0.56 34% 0.51 60% 0.41 3%
YZ Plane 0.54 30% 0.40 64% 0.28 3%

Barre Granite
XY Plane 1.25 25% 1.10 75% 0.46 4%
XZ Plane 1.30 31% 0.81 61% 0.43 6%
YZ Plane 1.20 31% 0.96 65% 0.40 4%

Table 3.3 Microstructural features of the rocks studied (Courtesy of B. Mohanty)

Grain Mean Shape Average

Shape No. of Microcrack
Ellipse Ellipse Ratio Grains Density
Rock Type Length
long axis, short axis,
a [mm] b [mm] (a/b) [cm/cm2] [mm]

Stanstead Granite
XY Plane 1.17 1.14 1.03 893 5.20 1.38 0.52
XZ Plane 1.35 1.11 1.21 668 4.80 1.08 0.45
YZ Plane 1.28 1.13 1.12 771 2.80 0.94 0.41

Laurentian Granite
XY Plane 0.48 0.33 1.42 3913 6.10 0.5 0.18
XZ Plane 0.58 0.50 1.15 2545 2.50 0.71 0.21
YZ Plane 0.52 0.45 1.16 3808 2.00 0.65 0.23

Barre Granite
XY Plane 1.41 1.12 1.26 972 5.20 0.84 0.36
XZ Plane 1.08 1.00 1.07 1534 4.46 0.68 0.25
YZ Plane 1.38 1.10 1.25 1381 4.10 1.07 0.54

3.2 Preparation for Unblasted Samples

Since the main goal of this study is to investigate the effect of blasting on grindability,

baseline breakage parameters and the Bond Work Index of intact samples were needed to

compare with blasted samples.

To conduct drop weight impact tests on particles of different sizes, samples which had

not been subjected to blasting were cut using a diamond saw located in the Raw Material

Handling and Preparation Laboratory. Figure 3.6 shows one set of samples used for

impact testing on unblasted material by drop weight tests. Sample size intervals used in

the analysis were -63.0 +53.0 mm, -45.0 +37.5 mm, -31.5 +26.5 mm, -22.4 +19.0 mm, -

19.0 +16.0 mm, and -16.0 +13.2 mm. In order to cut the samples, the arithmetic mean was

applied for each size interval, these being 58.0 mm (except Laurentian granite), 41.25 mm,

29.0 mm, 20.7 mm, 17.5 mm, and 14.6 mm, respectively. Every size interval consisted of

2 or 3 batches, and each batch consisted of 10 fractions. Every effort was made to obtain

as many cube fractions as possible from one block of each granite samples.






Figure 3.6 Unblasted samples prepared for drop weight test (Laurentian granite)

3.3 Preparation for Blasted Samples

Cubic samples of finished granite, measuring 25 x 25 x 25 cm, were drilled using a

hammer drill to prepare blast holes. Five 11mm diameter and 23 cm long holes were

drilled as shown in Figures 3.7 and 3.8 using a template to have identical geometry. Each

sample was subjected to blasting with various methods, then all fragments were collected,

sieved, and used in the drop weight test and Bond Ball Mill test.

Figure 3.7 Sample drilling and specification for blasting

Figure 3.8 Drilled samples to be used for blasting



The purpose of drop weight testing was to determine if blasting caused any apparent

change of the properties of the rock that would affect crushing and milling. Drop weight

testing allows for the measuring of material comminution properties at particle sizes

larger than found in other laboratory bench tests, such as rod and ball mill work index

testing (Bond, 1961). Thus, it can be used just after blasting with relatively large and

damaged samples. The drop weight tester developed at Queens University (Hikita, 2008)

was used for the present work.

4.1 Queens Drop Weight Tester

The Queens Drop Weight Tester (QDWT) was designed and built by Chadwick

Engineering of Kingston, Ontario. The apparatus consists of a long vertical guide tube

which contains a cylindrical 20 kg steel weight of a slightly smaller diameter. The weight

is raised by a pulley, and held by an electromagnet, until it is released, allowing it to fall

down through the pipe and impact the sample on the sample stage at the apparatus base.

On the sample stage, a removable steel shroud is used to prevent material loss of

impacted samples. Two infra-red timing gates allow measurement of the velocity of the

drop weight, and were used for calibrating the effective gravitational constant of the

machine. Using the following Equation (4.1), Hikita (2008) calculated that the

acceleration constant which provides the best prediction for the observed gate was 9.36

m/s2 over the range of heights tested. This constant was used in this study. Figure 4.1

shows the configuration of the Queens Drop Weight Tester and two variables, x1 and x2.

t =
2ax2 + 2a (x1 + x2 )


t = drop time

x1 , x2 = displacement of the drop-weight (downwards direction taken as positive)

a = calculated acceleration due to gravity

Drop Weight

Guide Tube

Upper Timing Gate

Lower Timing Gate

23.5 cm Sample

Figure 4.1 Configuration of the Queens Drop Weight Tester

4.2 Calculations for Drop Weight Sample Testing

The QDWT requires dropping a known mass on a fragment of known mass from a known

height. Thus, the specific energy imparted on the particle can be calculated. The

fragments from the smashed particle are collected and sieved, permitting analysis of the

relationship between specific impact energy and particle size (Napier-Munn et al., 1996).

The impact potential energy is calculated according to the following relationship:

E p = mgh

Dividing the potential energy by the mean mass of the sample particle batch provides the

specific average comminution energy imparted on the batch.

Eis =
m (4.3)


E P = potential energy (j)

m = drop weight mass (kg)

g = acceleration due to gravity

h = drop height (m)

= specific energy (J/kg)

m = mean particle mass (kg)

Substituting Equation (4.2) into (4.3) and converting energy units from J/kg to kWh/t (in

order to conduct direct comparison with the Bond Work Index) yields Equation (4.4):

Eis =
m (4.4)

From Equation (4.4) the required drop height to provide a desired Eis level is:

Eis m
h =
0.0026m (4.5)

4.3 Results of Drop Weight Testing

A procedure for drop weight testing, proposed by Napier-Munn et al. (1999) was

followed. First, rock fragments from the unblasted and the blasted samples were screened

into size fractions, examples of which are listed in Tables 4.1 and 4.2.

Planned impact energies were varied with the amount of samples collected for different

rock types, charge methods and delay times. The basic concept was to collect and weigh a

set consisting of a minimum 10 particles. The average particle mass was then used to

determine the drop height required to provide the required specific impact energy

according to Equations (4.4) and (4.5). The pre-determined height was used for each

particle size-energy combination. After all the particles under the specific size-energy

combination were broken, the resulting fragments were combined together and screened

to obtain cumulative size distribution curves for each size-energy combination as shown

in Figure 4.2.

Table 4.1 Example of size interval and planned impact energies for each size-energy

combination (kWh/t) for unblasted samples (Laurentian granite)

-63.0 -45.0 -31.5 -22.4 -19.0 -16.0

+53.0 mm +37.5 mm +26.5 mm +19.0 mm +16.0 mm +13.2 mm
1 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.50 2.0 0.5
2 0.20 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.0 1.0
3 - - 0.35 1.00 2.5 2.5

Table 4.2 Example of size interval and planned impact energies for each size-energy

combination (kWh/t) for blasted samples (Laurentian granite, q = 0.782 kg/m3)

-63.0 -53.0 -45.0 -37.5 -31.5 -26.5 -22.4 -19.0 -16.0

Test +53.0 +45.0 +37.5 +31.5 +26.5 +22.4 +19.0 + 16.0 +13.2
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
1 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50
2 0.20 0.40 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50
3 - - 0.60 1.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50

It can be noticed that there is a difference between planned and actual levels of impact

energy. The reason for this is the final height of the projectile, which is known after each


Product Size Distribution
(Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2) t2= 96 (1/2th of original size)

100 90

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 70 t5= 62 (1/5th of original size)


50 t10= 40.5 (1/10th of original size)

-53 +45 mm 30

Average particle size
20 0
= (53+45)/2 =49 mm
0 5 10 15 20 25
Particle Size (mm)
4.9 24.5
0 9.8
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Figure 4.2 Example of size distribution curves and t10 determination

after drop weight testing

The results of the screening are plotted as fragmentation distribution curves. Figure 4.2

shows fragmentation distribution curves obtained at various impact energy levels. For the

present analysis the critical fraction is the one passing one tenth the original fragment size

or t10. In the same fashion t2 stands for the percentage passing half of the original average

particle size. One can expect a higher t10 when higher impact energy is applied to a

sample until a certain level of energy is reached, beyond which changes are insignificant,

when the fracturing process becomes less efficient. Napier-Munn (1999) has suggested

that tn can be expressed as a function of t10 for a wide range of ores; thus knowing the t10

allows full prediction of size distributions due to impact.

The analysis of the t10 as a function of energy is performed according to Napier-Munn et

al. (1999), according to the following formula:

bE cs
t 10 = A( 1 e )

where t10 is the percent passing the 1/10 of the initial size, Ecs is the specific impact

energy (kWh/t) and A and b are breakage parameters. Parameter t10 indicates how fine the

distribution is. A larger t10 indicates a finer distribution. In the above formula A is the

limiting value of t10 while b is related to the gradient for a constant value of A. Parameter

A could be interpreted as the percentage of t10 at infinite impact energy and could be a

characteristic property of the material. It indicates that high impact energies are less

efficient. Typically variables A and b on their own do not carry a significant meaning.

However, the product A*b is the initial slope of the curve, indicative of the effect of

initial energy input on size reduction. As such, it is considered the best indication of

softening, or decrease of resistance of the rock to impact forces during milling.

According to Napier-Munn et al. (1996) the product A*b correlates well with

performance of SAG mills.

Following JKMRC (Napier-Munn et al., 1999), most ores produce maximum t10 values in

the range of 40 to 60 % (from softer to harder ores).

In the present study, the results of drop weight test were statistically fitted with functions

included in scientific graphing and analysis software OriginPro 7.5 Student Version

developed by OriginLab Corporation. The coefficient of correlation (R2) for each fitting

has been provided by the same software. A typical fit is shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3 Effect of specific energy, Eis on the Breakage Index, t10




A Bond Ball Mill Work Index (BMWI) test is a standard test for determining the Ball Mill

Work Index of a sample of ore. The BMWI test was developed by Fred C. Bond in 1952

and was modified in 1961. The BMWI test has been used all around the world in

laboratories and operations as a component of comminution circuit design and to evaluate

designed or operating plant performance. The Bond Work Index provides an idea of how

much energy is required to grind a sample of ore in a ball mill. The BMWI is used to

determine the energy required for a ball mill process. According to JKMRC (Year 2005

website link,,

it can be utilized in the case of

Designing of new equipment and grinding circuits

Optimization of existing ball mill circuits to maximize throughput, and/or

Characterization of an ore body for pre-feasibility/feasibility studies

5.1 Laboratory Bond Ball Mill Grindability Test

The Bond mill used in the grindability tests of the present work was a Bico-Braun

laboratory ball mill (Model 395-50) as shown in Figure 5.1. The standard feed size for the

ball mill BWI test is material that has been crushed to minus 6 mesh (3.36 mm), which

makes the size similar to the product of the drop weight test. An initial volume of 700 cc

of the sample is milled and the minus 65 mesh (212m) fraction is screened out. The

mass of the minus 65 mesh fraction is replaced with fresh feed to keep the mass of the

mill feed constant. This cycle is repeated until the net mass of minus 65 mesh material

produced per mill revolution attains equilibrium with a circulating load of 250 %. Then

the undersize product from the last cycle and the circulating load are screen analyzed, and

the last three cycles net gram per revolution production is taken as the ball mill

grindability (Gbp) in g/revolution.

The laboratory procedure implemented was the one found in the MINE 331
undergraduate laboratory manual (Yen, 1997).

Figure 5.1 Laboratory Bond ball mill tester

5.2 Calculations for Bond Work Index Testing

The Bond Work Index was calculated using the equation (Bond, 1961):

Wi = (5.1)
1 1
(P1 ) (Gbp ) 10
0.23 0.82
P F2

where Wi is the work index, P1 is the screen test size in microns, Gbp is the net grams

undersize per revolution, P2 is the 80% product passing size in microns and F2 is the 80%

feed passing size in microns.

5.3 Results of Bond Work Index Testing

Mosher and Tague (2001) conducted the evaluation of the comminution energy
requirements of ores using the Bond Work Index Test and suggested that the precision of
the BWI is between 4~13 %. Their study focused on test reproducibility (indicating
repeat tests within the same lab), and the two numbers stand for indicated differences
between maximum and minimum values.

Napier-Munn et al. (1999) related rock mechanics parameters to the Bond Work Index to
provide a relationship between the two. Table 5.1 shows expected values of the
parameters for four types of rock. Thus the expected work index values of the rock
samples of the present work are between 9-14 kWh/t. However the range is rather wide.
Previous measurements of the strength of rocks after blasting (Katsabanis, 2003) have
shown that the P- and S- wave velocities and the density of the rock have decreased to
0.61 in damaged materials. It is questionable however that a change can be significant
enough to place the rock in a different category.

Table 5.1 Relationship between UCS and Bond Work Index (Napier-Munn et al., 1999)

Property Soft Medium Hard Very Hard

UCS [MPa] 50 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 250 > 250
Bond Wi [kWh/t] 7-9 9 -14 14 -20 > 20

5.4 Power Consumption of Ball Mill

Total power requirements (work input in kWh/t) for a ball mill can be calculated using the

following Equations (5.2 and 3).

1 1
W =10Wi (5.2)
P F80


P = T W (5.3)


W = Work input (kWh/t)

Wi = Work index (kWh/t)

P = Power draw (kW)

T = Throughput of new feed (t/h)

F80 = 80 % passing size of feed (m)

P80 = 80 % passing size of product (m)

In the case of autogenous and semi-autogenous milling, power draw can be calculated on

the basis of the Bond Work Index and the mill size. The mill size can be determined

based on throughput.

The detailed methodology used in this study is provided in Chapter 6.2.3.




6.1 Experimental Work

Cubic samples of finished granite, measuring 25 x 25 x 25 cm, were blasted using

detonating cord at powder factors (q) of 0.391, 0.782, and 1.173 kg of PETN/m3.

Experiments were conducted at the Queens University Blasting Test Site.

The explosive charges consisted of one (powder factor, q=0.391 kg/m3), two (q=0.782

kg/m3), and three (q=1.173 kg/m3) strands of 5.3 g/m (25 grain/ft) PETN (Pentaerythritol

tetranitrate, also know as penthrite) detonating cord, which were taped together along

their length and inserted in the drilled boreholes. Water was used as the coupling medium.

A detonator, which was positioned outside of the block, was used to initiate all charges

simultaneously (Figure 6.1.). To prevent secondary breakage when fragments impact the

wall of the chamber within which blasting took place, the inside walls of the chamber

were covered with blast mats as shown in Figure 6.2.

The amount of explosives used is shown in Table 6.1. For charge distribution tests,

waxed RDX (Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine) was used with a mass that was adjusted to

have the same energy as the PETN of the detonating cord. Detailed calculations can be

found in APPENDIX B.

Table 6.1 Amount of explosives used in this study

Powder Factor Number of Explosives Total amount

Detonating cords Per hole of Explosives
[strand] [gram/hole] [gram]

0.391 1 1.2 6.1

0.782 2 2.4 12.2
1.173 3 3.6 18.3

The rock fragments created by blasting were sieved and weighed to get the corresponding

size distribution curve. Fractions were sized using 23 stages from +127 mm to -0.30 mm,

employing square sieves with 2 size intervals to get a single size range. The +127 mm

fragments were sorted by passing them individually through a square wooden frame form

by hand. Fragments smaller than the 4.75 mm sieve were screened using a vibrating


The sieved rock fragments formed samples for the determination of grinding performance

parameters using drop weight and Bond Work Index testing.

Figure 6.1 Explosives charge for test blasting (q=0.391 kg/m3)

Figure 6.2 Blasting chamber after test blasting

6.2 Test Results

6.2.1 Results of Blasting Size Distribution Analysis

After blasting, all fragments were collected and screened using U.S.A. Standard Sieves

(mesh size from -127 mm to -0.3 mm) as shown in Figures 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5. All detailed

size distribution analysis data can be found in Appendix C.

Table 6.2 shows the 50% and 80% cumulative passing sizes of each sample.

Table 6.2 50% and 80% cumulative passing sizes for different powder factors (in mm)

Powder Factor, Stanstead Granite Laurentian Granite Barre Granite

q [kg/m3] 50 % 80 % 50 % 80 % 50 % 80 %
q = 0.391 74.5 105.0 69.5 99.0 73.2 95.0

q = 0.782 41.0 77.5 44.5 81.0 42.0 77.0

q = 1.173 25.5 61.5 29.2 71.5 26.6 69.7

The trends of 50% and 80% passing sizes show powder factors have a significant effect

on size distribution after blasting. Increasing powder factors resulted in smaller fragment

sizes; however the 50% passing sizes are similar regardless of rock types.

Fragmentation results do not show the creation and propagation of micro-cracks inside

fragments. As explained in the previous chapter analysis, using the drop weight test may

provide additional information with implications on the milling process.

Size Distribution Analysis
(Stanstead Granite)
80 q = 0.391
Cumulative % Passing

q = 0.781
50 q = 1.173
0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Screen Size (mm)

Figure 6.3 Blast fragment screening results of Stanstead granite

Size Distribution Analysis

(Laurentian_Before Drop Weight)

q = 0.391
Cumulative % Passing

60 q = 0.781

q = 1.173


0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Screen Size (mm)

Figure 6.4 Blast fragment screening results of Laurentian granite

Size Distribution Analysis
(Barre_Before Drop Weight)


80 q = 0.391

70 q = 0.781
Cumulative % Passing

q = 1.173






0.1 1 10 100 1000
Screen Size (mm)

Figure 6.5 Blast fragment screening results of Barre granite

6.2.2 Results of Drop Weight Test

Individual fragments were subjected to drop weight impacts at a variety of impact

energies. All procedures were introduced in Chapter 4. Figures 6.6~6.8 show the

relationship between applied impact energy and t10 of the three different granite samples.

The breakage parameters A, b and A*b are given in Tables 6.3-6.5. Parameter A*b was

increased by blasting although the effect of powder factor is not always clear. Stanstead

and Barre granites showed increased weakening with powder factor while, in the case of

Laurentian granite, the trend appears to be diminishing at the higher powder factors.

The actual drop weight energies that were applied to the samples are listed in


(a) Unblasted (b) q = 0.391 kg/m3

(c) q = 0.782 kg/m3 (d) q = 1.173 kg/m3

Figure 6.6 Breakage Parameters and t10 fittings for Stanstead granite

(a) Unblasted (b) q = 0.391 kg/m3

(c) q = 0.782 kg/m3 (d) q = 1.173 kg/m3

Figure 6.7 Breakage Parameters and t10 fittings for Laurentian granite

(a) Unblasted (b) q = 0.391 kg/m3

(c) q = 0.782 kg/m3 (d) q = 1.173 kg/m3

Figure 6.8 Breakage Parameters and t10 fittings for Barre granite

Table 6.3 Breakage Parameter changes for Stanstead granite

Breakage Parameter
A b
A* b
Unblasted 86.56 0.504 43.62

q = 0.391 67.20 1.86 124.99

q = 0.782 69.12 2.11 145.84

q = 1.173 66.03 2.45 161.77

Table 6.4 Breakage Parameter changes for Laurentian granite

Breakage Parameter
A b
A* b
Unblasted 1838.86 0.012 22.01

q = 0.391 61.92 0.75 46.44

q = 0.782 54.73 1.22 66.77

q = 1.173 69.37 0.86 59.66

Table 6.5 Breakage Parameter changes for Barre granite

Breakage Parameter
A b
A* b
Unblasted 122.16 0.25 31.09

q = 0.391 63.18 0.95 60.16

q = 0.782 57.43 1.29 74.37

q = 1.173 58.94 1.33 78.48

6.2.3 Results of Bond Work Index Test

As in the case of the drop weight tests, testing to determine the Bond Work Index was

conducted on both unblasted and blasted samples. To prepare unblasted samples, the rock

particles left after cutting the cubes for the drop weight test were crushed by jaw and

gyratory crushers in the mineral processing laboratory.

The blasted rock fragments were designated as smaller (s) if the particle size was below

approximately 19 mm and larger (b) if above approximately 63 mm. Table 6.6 provides

the rock sizes for the various granites. As mentioned in Chapter 3, it was expected that

larger fragments would be less influenced by the blast and therefore they may develop a

smaller number of microfractures. This would be reflected in their work index values.

Selected samples were crushed and sized to between #6 (3.36 mm) and #65 (0.212 mm)

mesh and used for the Work Index determinations. The tests were conducted according to

the standard procedure developed by Bond (1952, 1960) and also followed the

Laboratory Manual and Course Notes, written by Yen (1997) for the standard ball mill of

the laboratory.

Table 6.6 Size selections for the Bond Work Index Test

Powder Factor Stanstead [mm] Laurentian [mm] Barre [mm]

smaller -19.0 -22.4 -37.5
q = 0.391
larger +63.0 +63.0 +63.0
smaller -19.0 -22.4 -13.0
q = 0.782
larger +63.0 +63.0 +63.0
smaller -19.0 -13.2 -11.2
q = 1.173
larger +63.0 +63.0 +63.0

All results from the Bond Work Index Tests for each type of granite sample were

summarized in Tables 6.7~9 and plotted in Figures 6.9~6.14.

The results show some trends with increasing powder factors. The trends may be useful

but they do not appear to be the same from rock to rock. A change from the unblasted

rock is always evident; however changes caused by different powder factors are not

pronounced and may not be significant.

Table 6.7 Results of the Bond Work Index test for Stanstead granite

Avg. Average
P1 Gbp P80 F80 Wi
Powder Factor Gbp Wi
[m] [m] [m]
[net g/revolution] [kWh/t]
unblasted 212 2.0709 2.071 172.45 2691.10 12.56 12.565
q=0.391 small 212 2.2985 169.80 2343.20 11.70
2.354 11.578
q=0.391 large 212 2.4086 171.10 2193.90 11.46
q=0.782 small 212 2.4314 170.70 2058.60 11.50
2.416 11.592
q=0.782 large 212 2.4000 173.10 2096.70 11.69
q=1.173 small 212 2.4931 170.30 2342.70 10.97
2.480 11.226
q=1.173 large 212 2.4675 172.80 2031.70 11.49

Table 6.8 Results of the Bond Work Index test for Laurentian granite

Avg. Average
P1 Gbp P80 F80 Wi
Powder Factor Gbp Wi
[m] [m] [m]
[net g/revolution] [kWh/t]
unblasted 212 2.3810 2.381 176.99 2490.06 11.5610 11.561
q=0.391 small 212 2.4632 176.75 2452.15 11.2648
2.448 11.234
q=0.391 large 212 2.4331 173.72 2504.57 11.2027
q=0.782 small 212 2.4710 174.50 2647.75 10.9873
2.471 10.986
q=0.782 large 212 2.4713 175.27 2696.65 10.9842
q=1.173 small 212 2.6249 174.08 2336.63 10.6768
2.630 10.619
q=1.173 large 212 2.6360 177.69 2629.54 10.5608

Table 6.9 Results of the Bond Work Index test for Barre granite

Avg. Average
P1 Gbp P80 F80 Wi
Powder Factor Gbp Wi
[m] [m] [m]
[net g/revolution] [kWh/t]
unblasted 212 2.5300 2.530 182.71 1710.00 12.1965 12.196
q=0.391 small 212 2.6100 183.78 1700.00 11.9385
2.690 11.753
q=0.391 large 212 2.7600 185.36 1639.30 11.5679
q=0.782 small 212 2.3700 162.42 2102.44 11.2827
2.620 11.432
q=0.782 large 212 2.8600 185.84 1478.32 11.5823
q=1.173 small 212 2.3300 175.86 2811.60 11.4723
2.550 11.614
q=1.173 large 212 2.7600 184.35 1519.78 11.7564


Work index, kWh/t





un-blasted q=0.391s q=0.391l q=0.782s q=0.782l q=1.173s q=1.173l


Figure 6.9 Effect of powder factor on Work Index of Stanstead granite

% decrease
Bond Work Index / % decrease


% decrease

unblasted q=0.391 q=0.782 q=1.173

Figure 6.10 Average Work Indices of Stanstead granite at various powder factors and the
percentage decrease in Work Index with increase in powder factor

Bond Work Index (kWhr/t) 12.0




unblasted q=0.391s q=0.391l q=0.782s q=0.782l q=1.173s q=1.173l


Figure 6.11 Effect of powder factor on Work Index of Laurentian granite

% decrease
Bond Work Index (kWh/t)


% decrease

unblasted q=0.391 q=0.782 q=1.173

Figure 6.12 Average Work Indices of Laurentian granite at various powder factors and
the percentage decrease in Work Index with increase in powder factor


Bond Work Index, kWhr/t





unblasted q=0.391s q=0.391l q=0.782s q=0.782l q=1.173s q=1.173l


Figure 6.13 Effect of powder factor on Work Index of Barre granite

% decrease

Bond Work Index

8 % decrease

unblasted q=0.391 q=0.782 q=1.173

Figure 6.14 Average Work Indices of Barre granite at various powder factors and
the percentage decrease in Work Index with increase in powder factor

6.2.4 Result Comparison between Drop Weight Test and Bond Work Index Test

Summarized results of breakage parameters versus BWi are provided in Tables 6.10~12.

The results of the Bond Ball Mill test showed a small drop of the Work Index between

the unblasted and blasted samples. They also show an expected trend of reduction of the

Work Index with powder factor, although scatter and small changes make the observation

questionable. Furthermore, there does not appear to be a significant change between the

results of the smaller and larger samples. Apparently the effect of distance from the

explosive source was not very pronounced in the cases, distance and scale tested.

Table 6.10 Comparison of breakage parameters vs. BWi for Stanstead granite

A b A* b BWi [kWh/t]
Unblasted 86.56 0.504 43.62 12.56
Smaller 11.70
q = 0.391 67.20 1.86 124.99 11.58
Larger 11.46
Smaller 11.50
q = 0.782 69.12 2.11 145.84 11.60
Larger 11.69
Smaller 10.97
q = 1.173 66.03 2.45 161.77 11.23
Larger 11.49

Table 6.11 Comparison of breakage parameters vs. BWi for Laurentian granite

A b A* b BWi [kWh/t]
Unblasted 1838.86 0.012 22.01 11.56
Smaller 11.26
q = 0.391 61.92 0.75 46.44 11.23
Larger 11.20
Smaller 10.99
q = 0.782 54.73 1.22 66.77 10.99
Larger 10.98
Smaller 10.68
q = 1.173 69.37 0.86 59.66 10.62
Larger 10.56

Table 6.12 Comparison of breakage parameters vs. BWi for Barre granite

A b A* b BWi [kWh/t]
Unblasted 122.16 0.25 31.09 12.20
Smaller 11.94
q = 0.391 63.18 0.95 60.16 11.75
Larger 11.57
Smaller 11.28
q = 0.782 57.43 1.29 74.37 11.43
Larger 11.58
Smaller 11.47
q = 1.173 58.94 1.33 78.48 11.61
Larger 11.76

The relationships between impact breakage parameters and powder factor are shown in

Figure 6.15, showing a logarithmic relationship. The slopes of Laurentian and Barre

granites are showing quite similar trends; however Stanstead granite shows significant

weakening with increasing powder factors. As shown in Tables 3.1-3.3, which present the

physical properties of the rocks tested, Stanstead granite is relatively weaker compared to

the other granites tested. As well, Stanstead granite has q relatively larger grain size of

feldspar and biotite probably resulting in longer micro cracks due to blasting.

As shown in Figure 6.16, the relationship between Bond Work Index and Powder Factor

follows a power fitting relation.

Figure 6.17 shows the relationship between impact breakage parameter and Bond Work

Index. The same relationship has been suggested by Napier-Munn (1999). From this

relation between the Bond Ball Mill tests and the drop weight tests, one can use drop

weight tests as an alternative method to Bond Ball Mill Tests. For blasting optimization

purposes, drop weight tests might be more reliable to verify the effect of blasting, not

limited by the set final product size but depending on the disintegration of particles due to

a single impact.

Impact Parameter vs. Powder Factors
200 Stanstead
y = 61.204Ln(x) + 47.845
180 Laurentian
R2 = 0.9827
160 Log. (Stanstead)
Impact Parameter (A*b) Log. (Barre)
140 Log. (Laurentian)

y = 25.124Ln(x) + 31.793
R2 = 0.9924
y = 22.054Ln(x) + 23.061
40 R2 = 0.9062













Powder Factor (kg/m )

Figure 6.15 Impact Breakage Parameter vs. Powder Factor

Bond Work Index vs. Powder Factors

y = 12.497x -0.0543
12.5 R2 = 0.9319

y = 12.164x-0.0302
12 R2 = 0.8514
Bwi (kWh/t)


10.5 Barre y = 11.625x-0.0401
Power (Barre) R2 = 0.9101

10 Power (Stanstead)
Power (Laurentian)













Powder Factor (kg/m3)

Figure 6.16 Bond Work Index vs. Powder Factor

160 y = -90.358x + 1180.1 Laurentian
R 2 = 0.9655 Barre
140 Linear (Stanstead)
Linear (Barre)
Linear (Laurentian)
y = -62.208x + 791.81

R2 = 0.9101


y = -42.08x + 515.81
R 2 = 0.7164

10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13
BWi (kWh/t)

Figure 6.17 Impact Breakage Parameter vs. Bond Work Index




7.1 Experimental Work

Four different shots with different charging methods were conducted with the same

powder factors to compare how energy distribution affected changes in grindability.

Cubic samples of Barre granite were fragmented using a high powder factor of 1.173

kg/m3 to examine whether changes of the distribution of charge in the blast would affect

grindability. Thus, in addition to the previous method of using detonating cord in several

blastholes, concentrated charges were used at the centre of each block. Since air decking

has been proven to enhance secondary loading of the rock by stress waves (Liu and

Katsabanis, 1993), it was also examined in the same series of experiments. The rock

fragments were designated as smaller (s) if the particle size was below 19 mm and

larger (b) if they were above 63 mm, as in the previous chapter. Detailed sectional

views of the different charge methods are shown in Figure 7.1.

The main purpose of these experiments was to examine the difference between column

charge and spherical charge (concentrated charge) as well as to examine the effect of

stemming on grindability.

After blasting, all analysis procedures were exactly the same as the procedures followed

previously and outlined in Chapter 6.

Plan View

Section A-A
25 cm

23 cm

Figure 7.1 Sectional Views of Different Charge Method Blasting

((a) Column Charge, (b) Air-Deck Charge, (c) Spherical Charge with Stemming,

(d) Centre Charge without Stemming, and (e) Bottom Charge without Stemming)

7.2 Test Results

7.2.1 Results of Blasting Size Distribution Analysis

Blast fragment screening results are shown in Figure 7.2, where the results of the column

charge are included for comparison. Geometry as well as boundary effects played a role

as in all experiments with blocks. However pairs of blasts can be examined. Thus, from

the comparison between the airdecked charge and the bottom charge without stemming,

the beneficial effect of air-decking in reducing fragment size can be observed. Similarly

the spherical charge benefitted from stemming, suggesting that gas penetration plays a

beneficial role in fragmentation.

Size Distribution Analysis

(Barre_Before Drop Weight)

90 Column

80 Air Decking
70 Bottom Charge
Cumulative % Passing

60 Spherical Charge
Spherical Charge




0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Screen Size (mm)

Figure 7.2 Blast fragment screening results for different charge method

Table 7.1 shows the 50 % and 80 % cumulative passing sizes of each sample.

Table 7.1 50% and 80% cumulative passing sizes for different charge method

Cumulative Passing Size [mm]

Charge Methods Barre Granite
50 % Passing Size 80% Passing Size

Column Charge 26.6 69.5

Air-Deck Charge 36.0 91.5

Spherical Charge with Stemming 22.5 55.9

Centre Spherical w/o Stemming 42.8 87.6

Bottom Spherical w/o Stemming 64.0 141.7

The spherical charge with stemming samples showed the best fragmentation. The column

charge with stemming and air-deck charge samples showed the next best fragmentation.

Blasted samples without stemming have shown poorer fragmentation than samples with


The overall appearance of fragmentation does not show the exact effect of blasting as the

effect on microfracturing is not evident.

7.2.2 Results of Drop Weight Test

In order to check the effect of micro fracturing inside the fragments, drop weight tests

were conducted for selected single fragments.

The resulting breakage parameters are shown in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2 Breakage parameter change induced by charge method

Breakage Parameter
Charge Method A b
Column 58.94 1.33 78.48

Air-Deck 59.06 0.99 58.43

Spherical with Stem 62.77 1.01 63.31

Centre w/o Stem 67.48 0.84 56.68

Bottom w/o Stem 66.59 0.85 56.60

According to Table 7.2, the column charge sample showed the highest breakage

parameter (A*b). Apart from this, stemming had some moderate influence, as the

difference between stemmed and unstemmed charges with spherical charge indicates.

Surprisingly air-decking did not appear to have a significant effect as the breakage

parameter A*b is almost the same for both unstemmed and air-decked cases with a minor

improvement in the case of air-decking. Air-decking results in reverberation of the shock

waves in the deck of air above the charge. This creates a secondary loading in the

surrounding area, which is known to increase damage in the stemming area (Liu and

Katsabanis, 1996; Fourney, 1983). The experimental results demonstrate that the

distribution of blasting energy throughout the sample has an effect on grindability while

stemming appears to have a smaller effect. Certainly, more testing is needed to determine

whether the differences between the results of the concentrated charge methods are


Figure 7.3 shows the calculated breakage parameters and t10 fittings for all different

charge method samples.

(a) Column Charge (b) Air-Deck Charge

(c) Spherical Charge with Stemming (d) Centre Spherical without Stemming

(e) Bottom Spherical without Stemming

Figure 7.3 Breakage parameters and t10 fittings for charge method
(Barre granite, q = 1.173 kg/m3)

7.2.3 Results of Bond Work Index Test

The Bond Work Index was determined for the various charge configurations. Size

Collections for all the Bond Work Index tests were as follows.

Smaller: -11.2 mm

Larger: +63.0 mm

In this application similar amount of blasted fractions for each size interval were achieved

because the same powder factor was used for all cases.

All results from the Bond Work Index tests for different charge methods are summarized

in Table 7.3. Discussion of the results follows in Section 7.2.4.

Table 7.3 Results of Bond Work Index test for charge method

Avg. Average
Charge P1 Gbp P80 F80 Wi
No. Gbp Wi
Method [m] [m] [m]
[net g/revolution] [kWh/t]
1 Column small 212 2.33 175.86 2812 11.4723
2.55 11.614
2 Column large 212 2.76 184.35 1520 11.7564
3 Air-Deck small 212 2.86 185.85 1250 12.1676
2.83 11.963
4 Air-Deck large 212 2.79 181.03 1400 11.7578
Spherical Charge
5 with Stem small
212 2.28 182.77 2200 12.5568
Spherical Charge
2.29 12.534
6 with Stem large
212 2.29 182.46 2160 12.5122
Centre Spherical
7 w/o Stem small
212 2.71 183.83 1330 12.3624
Centre Spherical
2.65 12.385
8 w/o Stem large
212 2.58 182.49 1480 12.4078
Bottom Spherical
9 w/o Stem small
212 2.72 182.99 1160 12.8111
Bottom Spherical
2.66 12.918
10 w/o Stem large
212 2.60 183.70 1250 13.0247

7.2.4 Result Comparison between Drop Weight Test and Bond Work Index Test

Comparison of the drop weight tests and Bond Work Index tests results are provided in

Table 7.4 and Figure 7.4. It appears that the distributed charge resulted in the largest

breakage parameter (A*b) as well as in the smallest Work Index value.

In this chapter, the same powder factor of 1.173 kg/m3 was applied for all samples,

meaning that all samples were subjected to the same amount of blast energy. However

stress wave propagation is different in the various tests, meaning that its effects, such as

microfracturing, may be different. On the other hand boundary effects play a role and the

effects of stress wave propagation may be masked by the effect of the multiple reflections

caused at the boundaries. Furthermore the Bond Work Index test may not be as sensitive

to minor changes in the microfracture density. As a result the difference in the Bond

Work Index between the different testing methods is small.

Table 7.4 Comparison of breakage parameters vs. BWi for charge method

Charge Method A b A* b BWi [kWh/t]

Small 11.47
1 Column 58.94 1.33 78.48 11.62
Large 11.76
Small 12.17
2 Air-Deck 59.06 0.99 58.43 11.96
Large 11.76
Small 12.56
3 Spherical 62.77 1.01 63.31 12.53
Large 12.51
Centre Small 12.36
4 67.48 0.84 56.68 12.39
w/o Stem Large 12.41
Bottom Small 12.81
5 66.59 0.85 56.60 12.92
w/o Stem Large 13.02

90 90
85 85
Breakage Parameter

80 80
75 75
70 70
65 65
60 60
55 55
50 50
Bond Work Index

12.5 12.5

10 10
1 2 3 4 5
Charge Method

Figure 7.4 Impact breakage parameter vs. Bond Work Index




8.1 Experimental Work

In the previous chapters, all experiments with detonating cord were conducted with

simultaneous initiation of all five charges. It has been supported that fragmentation

depends on delay timing (Cunningham, 2000). Furthermore collisions of stress waves

have been proposed to enhance blast damage in the rock. Typically such damage is

concentrated close to the collision area, although its extent may be limited (Katsabanis et

al. (1995)).

The next series of experiments were conducted to examine the influence of delay timing

on grindability. Different delay times as well as collisions of detonation waves in the

borehole were examined.

For the in-hole collision tests, five breakthrough holes were drilled in each granite sample.

Conceptual views of the in-hole collision blasting process are presented in Figure 8.1.

For delayed samples, an initiation order was followed as shown in Figure 8.2. Delay

timing was adjusted by modifying the length of detonating cord outside each hole, to

establish a certain delay pattern. Instantaneous column charge results from the previous

chapters were used for comparison of the in-hole collision and delay timing. Delay

timing of 10 s in the case of Stanstead granite and 10 s and 20 s for Laurentian

granite were tried. These correspond to very fast initiation times; experimental evidence

under similar small scale conditions (Katsabanis, 2005) has suggested that fragmentation

is very coarse when zero delay is used but the average fragment size does not change

much once small delays are used. In all cases the powder factor was 1.173 kg/m3.

Figure 8.1 Basic concept of in-hole collision blasting

Figure 8.2 Initiation order for delayed sample

8.2 Test Results

8.2.1 Results of Blasting Size Distribution Analysis

The results for Stanstead granite are shown in Figure 8.3. Fragmentation was improved

when a short delay of 10 s was used. In-hole Collision blasting, obtained with a powder

factor of 1.173 kg/m3, showed fragmentation inferior to that obtained with simultaneous


The results for Laurentian granite are shown in Figure 8.4. In-hole collision blasting did

not show a significant effect on fragmentation, while delays of 10 s and 20 s showed

improved fragmentation.

For Barre granite, in-hole collision blasting showed an insignificant effect on the

fragmentation as illustrated in Figure 8.5.

Table 8.1 shows the 50 % and 80 % cumulative passing sizes for the series of

experiments utilizing in-hole collision and delay timing.

Size Distribution Analysis
(Stanstead_Before Drop Weight)


10 ms delay

PF = 0.391
Cumulative % Passing

PF = 0.782

PF = 1.173





0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Screen Size (mm)

Figure 8.3 Blast fragment screening results of Stanstead granite

Size Distribution Analysis

(Laurentian_Be fore Drop Weight)

P.F = 0.391

80 P.F = 0.781

70 P.F = 1.173
Cumulative % Passing

60 Collision
50 10ms Delayed

40 20 ms Delayed




0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Screen Size (mm)

Figure 8.4 Blast fragment screening results of Laurentian granite

Size Distribution Analysis
(Barre_Before Drop Weight)


80 Air Decking

Bottom Charge
Cumulative % Passing

Spherical Charge
50 Stemming

Spherical Charge
40 without

30 Simultaneous



0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Screen Size (mm)

Figure 8.5 Blast fragment screening results of Barre granite

Table 8.1 50 % and 80 % cumulative passing sizes for in-hole collision and delayed

samples (in mm)

Blasting Stanstead Granite Barre Granite
50 % 80 % 50 % 80 % 50 % 80 %

Column Charge 25.5 61.5 29.2 71.5 26.6 69.7

42.5 76.0 28.7 61.0 51.4 80.3
10 s delayed 18.8 62.5 21.8 57.0 - -

20 s delayed - - 18.5 53.5 - -

8.2.2 Results of Drop Weight Test

In order to examine the effect of micro fracturing inside the fragments, drop weight tests

were conducted for selected single fragments. All procedures were introduced in Chapter

4. Figures 8.6-8.8 show the relationship between applied impact energy and t10 of three

different granite samples.

The results of breakage parameters changes are given in Tables 8.2 8.4.

Unlike the previous Table 8.1, Stanstead and Barre granites showed almost the same

breakage parameters regardless of the blasting method or delay timing used.

Laurentian granite produced interesting results in the drop weight tests indicating that in-

hole collision blasting resulted in significantly higher breakage parameters while a small

delay time improved grindability compared to the case of the simultaneous initiation of

column charges. Future work will indicate whether these results are due to scatter or due

to the nature of the rock (harder with smaller grain size). It is worth noting that the

experiment with the delay time of 20 s was repeated and the fragmentation results were


(a) Column Charge (b) Simultaneous Collision

(c) 10 s delayed

Figure 8.6 Breakage parameters and t10 fittings for Stanstead granite

(a) Column Charge (b) Simultaneous Collision

(c) 10 s delayed (d) 20 s delayed

Figure 8.7 Breakage parameters and t10 fittings for Laurentian granite

(a) Column Charge (b) Simultaneous Collision

Figure 8.8 Breakage parameters and t10 fittings for Barre granite

Table 8.2 Breakage parameter changes for Stanstead granite

Breakage Parameter
Blasting Condition A b
Column Charge 69.03 2.45 161.99

Simultaneous 69.10 2.33 161.00

10 s delayed 72.43 2.21 160.07

Table 8.3 Breakage parameter changes for Laurentian granite

Breakage Parameter
Blasting Condition A b
Column Charge 69.37 0.86 59.86

Simultaneous 65.02 1.57 102.08

10 s delayed 69.08 1.16 80.13

20 s delayed 67.17 1.00 67.17

Table 8.4 Breakage parameter changes for Barre granite

Breakage Parameter
Blasting Condition A b
Column Charge 58.94 1.33 78.48

Simultaneous 67.63 1.16 78.45



9.1 Discussion

The experimental work of this thesis attempted to examine the effect of powder factor

and charge distribution on grindability of specific rock materials. In the process, the Bond

Work Index and impact breakage parameters of these specific rock types were obtained,

for a variety of experimental designs.

As far as the Bond Work Index results are concerned, the differences between the work

indices of fragments obtained by different powder factors were so small that they may be

statistically insignificant. Nevertheless, blasting appears to have contributed to a

reduction of the work index of the material by 5-11%, compared to material which had

not been blasted. The change of the A*b parameter, obtained by the analysis of the drop

weight test, suggests that there is some softening of the rock due to blasting.

The above may seem to contradict previous findings by Nielsen (1996), who suggested

that more significant changes occurred due to blasting. However, Nielsens results on the

work index were based on relative tests, instead of the standard methodology used in this

thesis. One cannot dispute that in both cases softening of the rock due to blasting was

observed. However, which operations might be affected by softening may be found by

standard tests. For example, fine grinding is related to work index, while parameter A*b,

obtained using the effect of impact energy on t10, has been related to the performance of

SAG mills.

Effects of blasting on SAG mill performance are worth pursuing due to the investment

associated with their installation and the energy requirements in running them. It is worth

pointing out that the drop weight test is representative for size reduction occurring by

impact; thus the relationship between parameter (A*b) and SAG performance, where

breakage occurs due to impact as well as abrasion, is not straight forward. Nevertheless,

simulations of mill operations use the breakage parameters obtained by the analysis of t10

as the basis of SAG mill performance calculations.

The Breakage Index, t10, was used as a sole indicator of softening by blasting. This is

supported by work of others (JKMRC, etc.). However, complete size distribution curves

have been developed by the experiments of this thesis, permitting further analysis in the

future. It is worth noting that t10 is only one point in the size distribution. Whether this

point alone allows calculation of differences in crushing and/or grinding of fragments

produced by different powder factors reliably is something to be explored.

Impact crushing occurs in a variety of size reduction operations. Thus, the modification

of impact breakage parameters means that there are energy savings in the size reduction

operations resulting from increased powder factors in blasting. The stage at which the

changes of breakage parameters are taken advantage of in practical comminution circuits

is not clear yet. This thesis has suggested that impact breakage parameters of rock

fragments are affected by blasting. It is also pointed out that there appear to be

diminishing returns by increasing powder factors. Since the energy cost of grinding is so

high, it could be significantly economical if energy used for grinding was strategically

distributed into blasting and crushing, as mentioned by Bilodeau et al. (2008). Close

monitoring of both fragmentation operations and crushing and grinding performance can

reveal where benefits exist.

There is a general trend between breakage parameter (A*b) and work index (Napier-

Munn, 1996), suggesting that work index decreases as A*b increases. It is experimentally

easier to obtain A*b than the work index and it was considered prudent to concentrate our

effort on drop weight testing.

A wealth of data regarding breakage of single particles was produced by small scale blast

experiments. It is recognised that the small scale blasting experiments of this work are not

identical to mine blasts, since they had more free faces than a blast and the distribution of

the charge, as well as the type of charge, are different. However, the tests are valid on a

relative, comparative basis. Furthermore, they are not plagued by the heterogeneity of the

material, which is typical in large scale blasting experiments. Thus, small scale tests offer

more control of geometry and materials at the expense of a complex interaction between

the waves and the multiple reflecting surfaces, which creates additional factors that

influence the final result.

Energy distribution using different charge methods was examined in limited tests. The

results suggest that distributed charges may offer advantages in grinding. This needs to be

examined further, in larger scale, where the distribution of the charges can be modified

by the use of different borehole diameters and/or different mining methods. The effect

may be complex, since borehole diameter affects commercial explosive performance as

well as the attenuation of the pulses generated by blasting.

Timing was examined in this study. Since electronic detonators are finding acceptance in

the industry, there may be significant advantages from precise initiation, As far as

fragmentation and the importance of timing are concerned, there have been several

studies, which do not always point in the same direction. In this study, it was attempted to

make a preliminary examination of the effect of timing on grindability. Our limited

number of tests shows that timing may have an effect for harder rocks. Our timing was

short compared to the millisecond (ms) blasting used in practice. This was done to enable

interaction between stress waves in the specimen. However interaction of stress waves

with free faces in the block also played a role, suggesting that the geometry of the sample

and the small scale nature of the test most likely affected the final result. In any case,

difference of the final results indicates that timing, leading to stress wave interaction, is

important. Therefore, selection of delay timing can be of significant benefit to

downstream processes as well as enhanced fragmentation itself.

Blasting is an application of energy and energy distribution. Powder factor, distribution

and timing should affect the outcome. In the following these effects, as related to the

current investigation, are discussed in detail.

9.1.1 Effect of Powder Factor

As shown in Tables 9.1 and 9.2, the powder factor was the most important parameter

influencing the breakage parameter, A*b as well as fragmentation.

The relationship between the 50% passing size and explosive concentration is:

x50 = 33q 0.85


where x50 is the 50% passing size (mm) and q is the explosive charge concentration


Clearly, powder factor had a dominant effect on fragmentation, something that is

expected. The exponent -0.85 in the previous relationship is not significantly different

from Kuznetsovs exponent of -0.8 in the well known equation used in the Kuz Ram

model (Cunningham, 2005).

In practice, powder factor can range within certain limits. A very low powder factor

results in poor breakage and poor diggability, while a very high powder factor results in

increased damage, throw, vibration and air blast problems. The present work shows that

breakage parameters do not increase indefinitely but there are decreasing gains to the

application of excess explosive energy. Thus there is a powder factor above which

blasting offers no economic benefits to the cost of comminution. Workman (2009)

calculated annual savings close to $700,000 for an operation crushing 40 million tons of

taconite based on an assumed 8% decrease of the work index with doubling of the

powder factor and an explosive cost of $0.56/kg. He suggested that the savings would be

twice as large in the case of an explosive cost of $0.45/kg. Cleary the savings could

diminish with a higher explosive cost.

In the present work, the breakage parameter was increased by increased powder factors

while there was a small change of work index. Stanstead and Barre granites were clearly

softened as powder factors increased. In the case of Stanstead granite, which was

considered soft initially, the changes were significant. Unlike Stanstead and Barre

granites, Laurentian granite did not show an increasing breakage parameter trend for

increasing powder factor of 0.782 kg/m3 to 1.173 kg/m3. The reason for Laurentian

granites behaviour is not clear yet.

The Bond Work Index showed a small decrease as a function of powder factor, which can

be considered to be material dependent.

9.1.2 Effect of Charge Distribution

The case of Barre granite was used to examine the influence of charge distribution on

grindability. It was clear that the largest value of the parameter A*b was obtained when

the charge was distributed in many boreholes. Practically this means use of smaller

diameter holes and smaller burden and spacing. However this typically increases the cost

of drilling, as more blast holes need to be drilled.

The use of concentrated charges decreased the value of (A*b) and occasionally resulted

in inferior fragmentation, thus decked or short charges are not very effective in improving

grindability. This suggests that there may be benefits in longhole stoping mining methods

versus VRM types of applications in underground mining. Of course this has to be

proven in the field.

Stemming was shown to be of importance to fragmentation. Better fragmentation was

obtained in the case of stemmed charges. Energy losses through stemming ejections

penalize fragmentation with consequences in crusher productivity. Grindability did not

appear to improve when stemming was used. This is not surprising since grindability is

related to the propagation of stress waves rather than the sustained action of the

detonation gases on the wall of the borehole. However the cause of fragmentation by

blasting is still debated. The difference in fragmentation between stemmed and

unstemmed charges, indicate that there is a significant contribution of the detonation


9.1.3 Effect of Delay Timing

The effect of the delay time on fragmentation is an issue that has created much debate in

the blasting community (Vanbrabant et al. (2006), Rossmanith (2002), Katsabanis et al.


The purpose of the present work was to find whether drastic changes could occur in the

grindability of fragments when the delay changed. In the process, it became apparent that

delay plays a role on fragmentation. However changes of grindability, in general, were

not observed in the limited number of tests which were conducted. In-hole collisions of

detonation waves had a detrimental effect on the fragmentation of Barre and Stanstead

granites and an insignificant effect on the fragmentation of Laurentian granite. Timing, as

expected, influenced the fragmentation of Stanstead and Laurentian granites and the

coarsest fragmentation was achieved with simultaneous initiation of all charges. The

optimum time, which may be affected by the small scale nature of the test, was not

obtained in this study. As far as effects on impact breakage are concerned, it appears that

wave interactions did not influence the (A*b) parameter in any significant fashion in the

cases of Barre and Stanstead granite, while the effect of shock wave collisions on

Laurentian granite was significant. Timing, in the case of Laurentian, played a role in the

case of the 10 s delay, where the rock fragments were significantly weaker than the rock

fragments resulting from instantaneous initiation. The 20 s delay does not appear to

have as much an effect, suggesting that the 20 s delay may have been too long for

grindability improvements.

In experimental work done by Bilodeau et al. (2008), the electronic detonators could

achieve a reduction of the run-of-mine size distribution of about 15%, which includes 5%

increased production at the quarry and 10% energy and operating cost reductions at the

primary crusher. Thus one can say that the accuracy of detonators plays an important role

in mining operations.

Table 9.1 50 % and 80 % cumulative passing sizes for blasting methods studied (in mm)

Stanstead Granite Laurentian Granite Barre Granite

Blasting Condition
50 % 80 % 50 % 80 % 50 % 80 %

q = 0.391 74.5 105.0 69.5 99.0 73.2 95.0

q = 0.782 41.0 77.5 44.5 81.0 42.0 77.0

25.5 61.5 29.2 71.5 26.6 69.7

42.5 76.0 28.7 61.0 51.4 80.3

10 s delayed 18.8 62.5 21.8 57.0 - -

20 s delayed - - 18.5 53.5 - -

q = 1.173

- - - - 36.0 91.5
Charge with - - - - 22.5 55.9
Spherical w/o - - - - 42.8 87.6
Spherical w/o - - - - 64.0 141.7

Table 9.2 Breakage parameter (A*b) for blasting methods studied

Stanstead Granite Laurentian Granite Barre Granite

Blasting Condition
A*b A*b A*b

Unblasted 43.62 22.01 31.09

q = 0.391 124.99 46.44 60.16

q = 0.782 145.84 66.77 74.37

161.77 59.66 78.48

161.00 102.08 78.45

10 s delayed 160.07 80.13 -

20 s delayed - 67.17 -
q = 1.173

- - 58.43
Charge with - - 63.31
Spherical w/o - - 56.68
Spherical w/o - - 56.60

9.2 Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Work

9.2.1 Conclusions

Results of this study showed that powder factor influences the impact breakage of rocks,

determined by the analysis of the drop weight test, thus affecting the cost of downstream

size reduction, as well as the fragmentation itself. The study showed that the initial slope

of the t10 (impact energy relationship) increases with powder factor, although this study

suggested that at higher powder factors such increases may be smaller than at lower

powder factor, or not significant. Energy distribution of explosives is also an important

factor, where the best fragmentation and highest initial slope of the t10 impact energy

curve were obtained for the distributed charge. In-hole collision appeared to be effective

only in the case of Laurentian granite while delay timing appears to be a factor

controlling the breaking resistance of rocks.

Standard methods were used to analyse the grindability of fragments produced by

blasting. The effect of blasting on the Bond Work Index was not as large as for previous

work, based on non-standard tests, had indicated, while there was a clearer effect when

the t10 results were considered.

The present work did not examine the effects of gas penetration. The majority of the

experiments involved unstemmed boreholes detonating at exactly the same time. The

focus of the present research was not to shed light on the debate of what causes

fragmentation, but on the examination of the role of stress waves on the formation of

microcracks. The thrust behind this was to evaluate methods to increase the grindability

of rocks with blasting, which can lead to significant savings at the mill.

The t10 analysis is based on using the t10 as an indicator of grindability assuming that t10

can be used to obtain the other fractions (tn); these are based on standard appearance

fraction data used by JKMRC. They claim that these are the same for the majority of

rocks. The present work has generated a wealth of data to generate new appearance

function data for blasted rock. A major contribution of the work is to generate vast

amounts of new impact test data.

9.2.2 Suggestions for Future Work

This was a small scale study. The results are correct relatively speaking as the boundaries

had the same effect on all tests conducted. Therefore blasting operations in the mining

industry should be designed and optimized in order to obtain the lowest overall

production costs or the highest operating profits.

The following work is suggested to utilise the findings, clarify some of the issues which

emerged from this work and enhance the energy efficiency of comminution:

Simulation of typical comminution circuits based on the breakage parameters and

work indices determined need to be done to examine the implication of the

changes in breakage parameters.

Industrial scale experiments with modification of powder factor and good

distribution of charge (the parameters that influence the results the most) should

be conducted. These would examine changes that can occur in practice with

reasonable changes of powder factor. Since the variability of the rock is a

significant issue, which will increase the scatter of the observed results, one

would have to conduct several experiments over a significant length of time to

reach any conclusions.

Economic analysis of full-scale blasting and comminution processes should be

undertaken to enable the industry to evaluate the effects of the present findings in

large scale operations.


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Physical Properties of the Rocks Studied

Table A.2 Brazilian Tensile Tests results of Stanstead Graite
Rock Type : Stanstead Granite
Size of Specimen Load at Tensile
Plane Sample Diameter Thickness Failure Strength Remarks
(mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa)
1 50.77 10.23 6.97 8.5
2 50.75 9.80 6.01 7.7
3 50.75 10.36 6.68 8.1
4 50.75 8.42 4.15 6.2
5 50.77 9.25 5.3 7.2 Loading
(Z- 6 50.79 9.46 5.96 7.9
Axis) 7 50.79 9.76 6 7.7 X - Axis
8 50.81 9.76 5.56 7.1
9 50.77 10.11 6.31 7.8
Average 50.77 9.68 5.88 7.58
St.Dev. 0.02 0.59 0.83 0.68
1 50.69 10.91 6.78 7.8
2 50.70 10.62 5.97 7.1
3 50.65 10.54 5.55 6.6
4 50.64 10.59 6.46 7.7
5 50.71 10.49 5.79 6.9 Loading
(Y- 6 50.72 10.97 7.08 8.1
Axis) 7 50.74 10.43 6.79 8.2 Z - Axis
8 50.72 10.53 6.19 7.4
9 50.73 10.70 6.04 7.1
Average 50.70 10.64 6.29 7.42
St.Dev. 0.03 0.19 0.51 0.54
1 50.78 10.48 6.24 7.5
2 50.74 10.92 6.92 8.0
3 50.84 10.83 6.37 7.4
4 50.75 11.26 7.03 7.8
5 50.76 11.38 6.01 6.6 Loading
(X- 6 50.78 11.30 6.76 7.5 =>
Axis) 7 50.79 10.77 6.22 7.2 Y Axis
8 50.74 11.40 7.19 7.9
9 50.74 10.42 6.42 7.7
Average 50.77 10.97 6.57 7.51
St.Dev. 0.03 0.38 0.41 0.42

Table A.4 Brazilian Tensile Tests results of Laurentian Graite
Rock Type : Laurentian Granite
Size of Specimen Load at Tensile
Plane Sample Diameter Thickness Failure Strength Remarks
(mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa)
1 50.76 10.60 11.06 13.1
2 50.70 9.44 8.43 11.2
3 50.83 9.40 8.96 11.9
4 50.70 10.63 11.59 13.7
5 50.71 10.79 11.21 13.0 Loading
(Z- 6 50.74 8.92 9.26 13.0
Axis) 7 50.71 9.26 9.81 13.3 X - Axis
8 50.71 9.72 9.67 12.5
9 50.72 10.45 9.97 12.0
Average 50.73 9.91 10.00 12.64
St.Dev. 15.48 0.71 1.08 0.79
1 50.77 8.32 7.21 10.9
2 50.79 9.32 9.64 13.0
3 50.76 9.28 9.27 12.5
4 50.86 8.43 7.72 11.5
5 50.76 8.95 9.46 13.3 Loading
(Y- 6 50.78 8.59 8.67 12.7
Axis) 7 50.81 10.01 10.67 13.4 Z - Axis
8 50.76 10.18 10.33 12.7
9 50.76 9.74 8.32 10.7
Average 50.78 9.20 9.03 12.28
St.Dev. 0.03 0.68 1.15 1.01
1 50.75 8.26 6.64 10.1
2 50.75 9.97 8.42 10.6
3 50.75 9.82 8 10.2
4 50.75 10.30 9.92 12.1
5 50.75 9.98 9.98 12.5 Loading
(X- 6 50.88 9.82 8.69 11.1
Axis) 7 50.78 10.22 9.93 12.2 Y - Axis
8 50.74 10.05 9.71 12.1
9 50.75 9.83 10.11 12.9
Average 50.77 9.81 9.04 11.53
St.Dev. 0.04 0.60 1.19 1.05

Table A.6 Brazilian Tensile Tests results of Barre Graite
Rock Type : Barre Granite
Size of Specimen Load at Tensile
Plane Sample Diameter Thickness Failure Strength Remarks
(mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa)
1 50.50 10.89 8.31 9.6
2 50.44 11.71 9.17 9.9
3 50.41 11.84 9.87 10.5
4 50.41 10.64 9.01 10.7
5 50.43 10.18 9.8 12.2 Loading
(Z- 6 50.40 10.65 8.77 10.4
Axis) 7 50.45 11.01 8.46 9.7 X - Axis
8 50.42 9.81 8.03 10.3
9 50.41 10.72 9.56 11.3
Average 50.43 10.83 9.00 10.51
St.Dev. 0.03 0.65 0.66 0.81
1 50.52 10.53 10.73 12.8
2 50.57 11.71 11.13 12.0
3 50.64 11.84 9.67 10.3
4 50.57 10.64 10.07 11.9
5 50.59 10.18 10.83 13.4 Loading
(Y- 6 50.64 10.65 11.4 13.5
Axis) 7 50.68 11.01 10.16 11.6 Z - Axis
8 50.77 9.81 9.87 12.6
9 50.66 10.72 8.77 10.3
Average 50.63 10.79 10.29 12.04
St.Dev. 0.07 0.66 0.82 1.19
1 50.41 12.18 9.78 10.1
2 50.64 10.75 10.18 11.9
3 50.50 11.73 11.44 12.3
4 50.41 12.28 11.68 12.0
5 50.59 9.34 7.64 10.3 Loading
(X- 6 50.56 11.18 9.83 11.1
Axis) 7 50.17 10.33 8.45 10.4 Y - Axis
8 50.31 10.62 7.82 9.3
9 50.31 12.37 10.91 11.2
Average 50.43 11.20 9.75 10.95
St.Dev. 0.15 1.03 1.50 1.00


Specification of Samples for Blasting

Barre Granite

Date : July 11, 2005 (Monday)

Location : Queens Explosives Test Facility

Powder Factor
Item Weight (kg)
Unblasted - N/A Powder Factor
Blasted 1 43.20 0.391 As a
Blasted 2 43.30 0.782
Blasted 3 43.44 1.173 PETN

Drill Hole Diameter : Spline type with F

Explosive Used : 25 Grain Detonation Cord ( 5.315 g/m)  1.619973 g/ft.

#1: 23cm length of Detonation Cord  1.22245 g/hole
1.22245 x 5 hole = 6.11225 gram for Powder Factor of 0.391
#2: 2 lines of 23cm length of Detonation Cord  2.4449 g/hole
2.4449 x 5 hole = 12.2245 gram for Powder Factor of 0.782
#3: 3 lines of 23cm length of Detonation Cord  3.66735 g/hole
3.66735 x 5 hole = 18.33675 gram for Powder Factor of 1.173

Figure B.1 Sample Specimen

Barre Granite (Additional Air-Decking Charge)
Date : September 19, 2005 (Monday)
Location : Queens Explosives Test Facility

Powder Factor
Item Weight (kg)
Blasted 3-1 44.96 1.173 Powder Factor
As a
3.66735 gram of cord * 0.92 = 3.38 gram of RDX is needed.
(Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine) Equivalent

Drill Hole Diameter: Spline type with F

Explosive Used: 3.2875 gram of R.D.X. + 0.0925 gram explosives of

Seismic Detonator (Electric Super Seismic)  3.38 g/hole

3.38 x 5 hole = 16.9 grams for Powder Factor of 1.173

[ Hole Depth: 22.5 cm ]

R.D.X. : 2.5 cm
Capping : 2.5 cm
Air-Decking : 17.5 cm

Figure B.2 Sample Specimen

EPP(Expanded Polypropylene) was used to retain the stemming material at

the borehole collar.

Barre Granite (Additional Spherical Charge)
Date : March 30th , 2006 (Thursday)
Location : Queens Explosives Test Facility

Powder Factor
Item Weight (kg)
Blasted 3-2 46.86 1.173 Powder Factor
As a
4.1196 gram of cord * 0.92 = 3.79 gram of RDX is needed.
(Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine) Equivalent

Drill Hole Diameter: Spline type with F

Explosive Used: 3.7 gram of R.D.X. + 0.0925 gram explosives of Seismic

Detonator (Electric Super Seismic)  3.79 g/hole

3.79 x 5 hole = 18.95 grams for Powder Factor of 1.173

Figure B.3 Sample Specimen

Hole Depth : 14.5 cm

(R.D.X. : 2.5 cm + Detonator : 6.0 cm + Stemming : 6.0 cm)

EPP(Expanded Polypropylene) was used to retain the stemming material at

the borehole collar.


Detailed Experimental Data of Size Distribution Analysis After Blasting

Stanstead Granite

Screen Size Simultaneous 10 s Delay

PF = 0.391 PF = 0.782 PF = 1.173
(mm) (PF = 1.173) (PF = 1.173)

180.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

127.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
90.00 88.39 91.60 66.06 89.92 100.00
63.00 69.33 80.26 38.18 65.28 81.05
53.00 58.19 78.14 24.47 59.02 74.64
45.00 51.90 73.07 24.47 53.26 70.09
37.50 46.51 68.65 18.84 46.95 60.11
31.50 41.64 63.44 15.61 42.32 55.58
26.50 37.46 59.78 13.68 38.46 51.16
22.40 33.65 54.16 11.74 35.55 46.20
19.00 30.44 50.25 9.73 33.54 42.74
16.00 27.30 45.24 8.05 31.50 36.62
13.20 24.26 41.21 6.82 28.94 33.36
11.20 21.35 36.62 5.65 25.15 29.89
8.00 17.75 30.17 4.34 20.47 24.20
6.70 15.90 27.07 3.76 17.65 21.47
4.75 13.03 22.20 2.96 15.06 17.68
3.36 10.60 18.23 2.33 12.47 14.37
2.38 8.82 14.66 1.97 9.96 12.39
1.70 7.08 11.78 1.45 7.29 9.10
1.18 5.63 9.35 1.15 5.80 7.29
0.85 4.35 7.42 0.93 5.29 6.41
0.60 3.24 5.50 0.69 3.45 4.28
0.30 1.57 2.73 0.36 1.80 2.20
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Size Ditribution Analysis

(Stanstead_Before Drop Weight)

Simultaneous 10 ms Delay
(PF = 1.173) (PF = 1.173)

PF = 0.391 PF = 0.782
Cumulative % Passing


50 PF = 1.173





0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Screen Size (mm)

Laurentian Granite

Collision 10 s 20 s
Screen Size (mm) P.F = 0.391 P.F = 0.781 P.F = 1.173 Simultaneous Delayed Delayed
(PF = 1.173) (PF = 1.173) (PF = 1.173)
127.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
90.00 72.53 84.56 94.55 100.00 90.03 88.61
63.00 42.38 69.79 72.08 81.21 82.80 81.73
53.00 32.11 59.21 66.97 76.12 77.32 79.66
45.00 24.07 50.83 64.32 67.61 73.51 75.30
37.50 18.49 42.01 57.58 58.43 68.19 72.45
31.50 15.59 35.85 51.33 52.62 62.42 67.95
26.50 13.73 32.23 48.05 47.49 57.04 62.67
22.40 10.59 28.33 42.22 41.25 50.88 55.88
19.00 9.00 25.16 38.74 36.91 46.58 50.74
16.00 7.42 20.76 33.01 31.76 41.14 43.84
13.20 6.36 18.15 29.27 28.01 36.94 38.46
11.20 5.20 15.00 24.96 24.10 32.65 33.27
8.00 3.59 10.75 19.12 18.54 25.86 25.65
6.70 2.98 9.11 16.10 15.96 22.24 21.64
4.75 2.16 6.67 11.96 12.29 18.01 16.36
3.36 1.60 4.97 9.12 9.63 14.56 12.57
2.38 1.32 4.09 7.83 7.45 11.32 9.56
1.70 0.93 2.90 5.69 5.96 9.52 7.52
1.18 0.75 2.29 4.58 4.84 7.88 5.94
0.85 0.61 1.84 3.75 3.98 6.60 4.87
0.60 0.49 1.46 3.00 3.13 5.25 3.85
0.30 0.30 0.80 1.66 1.62 2.80 2.04
Pan 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Size Ditribution Analysis

(Laurentian_Before Drop Weight)

90 P.F = 0.391

80 P.F = 0.781

Cumulative % Passing

P.F = 1.173

50 Simultaneous
(PF = 1.173)
10s Delayed

20s Delayed



0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Screen Size (mm)

Barre Granite, Powder Factor

P.F = 1.173
Screen Size (mm) P.F = 0.391 P.F = 0.781 P.F = 1.173
(Air Deck)
127.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
90.00 75.33 88.16 94.85 79.10
63.00 32.97 69.10 74.52 68.19
53.00 28.80 62.28 69.97 60.45
45.00 20.91 51.85 65.73 55.29
37.50 14.49 47.98 62.31 50.89
31.50 11.50 41.62 54.77 46.41
26.50 9.71 36.10 49.91 43.40
22.40 8.02 30.45 44.18 39.15
19.00 7.06 25.72 39.51 36.54
16.00 5.57 20.87 33.33 33.38
13.20 4.60 17.88 28.34 29.96
11.20 3.87 14.61 23.55 26.34
8.00 2.97 10.88 17.73 21.67
6.70 2.50 9.21 14.95 19.15
4.75 1.98 6.99 11.45 15.45
3.36 1.62 5.54 9.07 12.43
2.38 1.36 4.61 7.57 9.91
1.70 1.01 3.38 5.47 8.00
1.18 0.82 2.72 4.38 6.44
0.85 0.66 2.21 3.51 5.20
0.60 0.53 1.73 2.82 4.08
0.30 0.30 1.00 1.63 2.31
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Size Ditribution Analysis

(Barre_Before Drop Weight)

90 P.F = 0.391

80 P.F = 0.781
Cumulative %Passing

70 P.F = 1.173

60 P.F = 1.173
(Air Deck)





0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Screen Size (mm)

Barre Granite, Charge Method + Collision

Air Decking Bottom Charge Spherical Charge Spherical Charge

Screen Size Column Simultaneous
with without with without
(mm) Charge Collision
Stemming Stemming Stemming Stemming
180.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
127.00 100.00 100.00 72.17 100.00 100.00 100.00
90.00 94.85 79.10 62.20 90.96 80.92 87.35
63.00 74.52 68.19 49.51 83.49 67.13 62.53
53.00 69.97 60.45 45.30 77.99 60.53 51.81
45.00 65.73 55.29 42.09 73.30 52.50 42.84
37.50 62.31 50.89 39.28 68.04 43.77 37.54
31.50 54.77 46.41 36.40 62.44 36.87 32.87
26.50 49.91 43.40 33.17 56.88 30.54 29.42
22.40 44.18 39.15 29.97 49.91 25.17 25.56
19.00 39.51 36.54 27.64 45.14 22.47 22.78
16.00 33.33 33.38 24.81 39.73 19.57 19.86
13.20 28.34 29.96 21.99 34.31 16.66 16.97
11.20 23.55 26.34 19.57 29.52 14.44 14.61
8.00 17.73 21.67 15.93 23.60 11.06 11.06
6.70 14.95 19.15 14.25 21.01 9.68 9.28
4.75 11.45 15.45 11.67 16.98 7.65 6.96
3.36 9.07 12.43 9.77 14.03 6.18 5.30
2.38 7.57 9.91 8.11 11.25 5.00 4.23
1.70 5.47 8.00 6.75 9.77 4.08 3.24
1.18 4.38 6.44 5.59 8.00 3.26 2.50
0.85 3.51 5.20 4.66 6.47 2.64 1.95
0.60 2.82 4.08 3.57 5.13 2.03 1.47
0.30 1.63 2.31 1.99 2.88 1.11 0.75
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Size Ditribution Analysis

(Barre_Before Drop Weight)


Air Decking

Cumulative %Passing


Spherical Charge

Spherical Charge
40 without

30 Simultaneous



0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Screen Size (mm)


Detailed Experimental Data of Drop Weight Test

Stanstead Granite, Powder Factor

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 1)

Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granite g (m/s2) = 9.36
Date of test: 16-5-05 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Tested By: Seokjoon Kim


Particle Mass (g)

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 414.45 203.70 72.08 30.75 9.57 10.58

2 438.24 177.89 97.42 30.12 12.15 10.94

3 431.43 178.58 63.87 30.95 11.97 11.19

4 601.16 159.92 82.40 30.28 12.50 11.14

5 551.24 187.82 79.13 35.05 10.06 12.13

6 449.88 191.88 73.58 31.83 13.39 12.15

7 440.38 171.83 88.20 33.43 13.70 11.01

8 451.31 183.45 76.92 28.80 12.38 10.75

9 449.31 174.56 83.73 30.66 12.88 10.74

10 434.46 162.28 79.29 25.03 11.62 12.01

Weight (g) 4661.9 1791.9 796.6 306.9 120.2 112.6

Average Weight (g) 466.2 179.2 79.7 30.7 12.0 11.3

Stdev Weight (g) 60.2 13.3 9.2 2.7 1.3 0.6
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.10 0.35 0.25 1.00 2.00 2.50

Size Class -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) 893.8 1202.5 381.8 588.4 461.0 539.9

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 56 41 26 5 3 4

2 55 44 31 14 2 3

3 56 41 28 5 1 3

4 56 42 30 22 2 4

5 55 43 30 16 2 4

6 56 40 27 20 2 3

7 57 40 30 5 1 3

8 57 41 25 15 1 3

9 56 43 31 23 2 2

10 58 45 31 8 2 2

Average: 56.2 42 28.9 13.3 1.8 3.1

Eis Energy 0.09 0.34 0.23 0.98 1.99 2.49

Screening Results (Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams
Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.10 0.35 0.25 1.00 2.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

0.09 0.34 0.23 0.98 1.99 2.49
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.34) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49)

53 4098.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 430.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 0.00 1436.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 0.00 40.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

22.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

19 20.08 20.41 673.96 40.20 0.00 0.00

13.2 26.94 68.34 19.64 27.32 0.00 0.00

11.2 17.88 13.51 12.55 7.94 0.00 0.00

8 7.89 37.30 26.01 27.47 0.00 0.00

6.73 6.84 23.75 11.51 22.96 0.77 0.00

4.75 7.60 24.30 9.86 24.83 2.27 1.58

3.35 7.13 19.41 6.74 28.70 10.61 5.99

2.36 8.39 11.40 4.99 12.56 14.50 7.28

1.7 4.82 19.01 6.49 21.32 14.03 19.76

1.18 4.41 13.61 4.21 13.21 13.36 13.04

0.85 3.84 11.33 3.24 13.38 11.05 9.53

0.6 3.60 9.90 3.27 10.84 9.58 19.07

0.425 3.10 10.30 3.23 11.31 8.88 9.68

0.3 3.04 7.03 2.32 8.17 8.02 6.97

0 8.04 21.25 7.11 27.43 26.23 25.07

Total Mass: 4662.96 1788.20 795.13 297.64 119.30 117.97

Before Sieving 4663.50 1792.80 - 299.64 119.32 108.53

After Sieving 4662.85 1789.25 795.34 298.04 119.26 -

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granite g (m/s2) = 9.36
Date of test: 16-5-05 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Tested By: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 531.50 218.48 62.12 25.55 11.93 10.37

2 439.81 231.45 63.98 28.21 12.69 11.16

3 439.13 191.04 67.39 27.45 11.95 10.73

4 438.15 192.06 60.12 32.56 11.70 14.12

5 433.74 185.75 61.04 34.38 14.01 10.66

6 453.00 194.78 60.30 31.27 12.50 10.94

7 447.57 172.77 52.54 25.86 12.74 10.97

8 528.66 188.57 53.39 28.74 14.27 12.17

9 442.87 199.58 69.09 30.55 14.26 12.27

10 438.20 157.49 34.42 29.88 13.62 13.15

Weight (g) 4592.6 1932.0 584.4 294.5 129.7 116.5

Average Weight (g) 459.3 193.2 58.4 29.4 13.0 11.7

Stdev Weight (g) 37.7 20.9 9.9 2.8 1.0 1.2

Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10

0.20 0.25 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) 1761.1 926.1 1120.5 564.6 497.2 1117.2

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 66 41 26 6 2 2.5

2 59 40 35 5 1 2

3 56 38 25 2 1 2

4 56 41 11 11 2 -

5 57 45 8 6 2 1.5

6 57 39 13 11 1 1.5

7 56 45 25 7 2 2

8 2 42 29 21 2 2

9 58 42 6 21 1 3

10 58 41 - 7 1 -

Average: 52.5 41.4 19.8 9.7 1.5 2.1

Eis Energy 0.19 0.24 0.98 0.98 1.99 4.99
* White Blank Cell : too high - omitted until twisting problem is fixed

Screening Results (Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams
Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.2 0.25 1.0 1.0 2.0 5.0

0.19 0.24 0.98 0.98 1.99 4.99
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.19) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 4.99)

53 3963.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 347.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 0.00 1741.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 42.00 0.00 85.69 0.00 0.00 0.00

22.4 19.10 0.00 61.47 0.00 0.00 0.00

19 16.29 7.56 12.58 0.00 0.00 0.00

13.2 40.50 35.23 14.24 45.35 0.00 0.00

11.2 14.69 22.26 18.54 2.44 0.00 0.00

8 37.08 25.41 48.24 16.62 0.00 0.00

6.73 9.32 19.96 23.57 20.08 1.34 0.00

4.75 16.39 12.08 51.75 35.81 2.69 0.81

3.35 12.65 11.68 35.44 27.35 8.65 3.09

2.36 11.65 5.64 15.35 14.23 15.01 3.78

1.7 10.80 9.88 31.99 26.43 15.49 13.53

1.18 8.16 7.01 19.53 17.41 14.24 10.35

0.85 7.55 5.95 17.86 14.38 11.86 8.28

0.6 7.19 5.28 16.47 14.10 10.91 7.52

0.425 6.61 5.37 15.81 13.70 9.81 8.07

0.3 6.18 3.80 11.43 10.02 9.45 5.74

0 15.93 12.42 38.31 33.80 29.32 23.87

Total Mass: 4592.71 1930.58 518.27 291.72 128.77 85.04

Before Sieving 4593.90 1934.15 519.65 292.57 128.83 85.34

After Sieving 4592.55 1931.65 517.42 291.22 128.72 85.09

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granite g (m/s2) = 9.36
Date of test: 16-5-05 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Tested By: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 196.08 49.87 25.81 10.18

2 - 244.54 55.23 24.69 15.49

3 - 226.08 53.81 31.00 11.11

4 - 227.93 60.53 30.18 12.42

5 - 223.43 55.72 24.18 11.23

6 - 171.70 55.33 29.98 11.09

7 - 230.07 53.29 26.39 10.98

8 - 226.95 52.54 38.39 13.02

9 - 240.80 52.61 30.19 10.07

10 - 225.03 53.94 25.58 11.50

Weight (g) 0.0 2212.6 542.9 286.4 117.1

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 221.3 54.3 28.6 11.7

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 21.6 2.8 4.3 1.6
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.10 0.50 2.00 1.00

Size Class -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 424.2 520.4 1098.2 224.5

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 47 23 2 7

2 - 44 29 5 7

3 - 43 23 5 5

4 - 48 24 5 12

5 - 46 24 3 6

6 - 45 24 4 5

7 - 44 28 4 7

8 - 45 24 5 7

9 - 44 22 5 5

10 - 43 25 4 13

Average: #DIV/0! 44.9 24.6 4.2 7.4

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.09 0.48 1.99 0.97

Screening Results (Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams
Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.10 0.50 2.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

#DIV/0! 0.09 0.48 1.99 0.97
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
-63 +53 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 0.97)

53 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 - 2116.60 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 - 0.00 246.54 0.00 0.00

22.4 - 15.72 166.57 0.00 0.00

19 - 16.54 0.00 0.00 0.00

13.2 - 10.08 13.51 0.00 0.00

11.2 - 18.13 11.20 3.80 0.00

8 - 11.33 19.85 3.90 0.00

6.73 - 5.41 8.88 8.20 0.00

4.75 - 2.16 20.93 17.67 22.91

3.35 - 4.07 10.33 28.21 18.49

2.36 - 1.72 5.07 19.80 7.69

1.7 - 2.38 9.50 40.22 15.16

1.18 - 1.55 5.48 24.62 8.86

0.85 - 1.26 4.44 21.54 6.76

0.6 - 1.31 4.09 21.75 6.67

0.425 - 1.24 3.82 19.78 6.89

0.3 - 0.99 2.79 14.82 4.74

0 - 3.03 9.25 57.16 15.29

Total Mass: 0.00 2213.52 542.25 281.47 113.46

Before Sieving 1792.80 - 299.64 108.53

After Sieving 1789.25 795.34 298.04 -

Product Size Distribution
(Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 1)


Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-63 +53 mm
(Eis = 0.09)
-45 +37.5 mm
60 (Eis = 0.34)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.23)
-22.4 +19 mm
40 (Eis = 0.98)
-19 +16 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm
60 (Eis = 0.19)
-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.24)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
-19 +16 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 4.99)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Unblasted, Batch # 3)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


60 -45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.09)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
40 (Eis = 0.48)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.97)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m , Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granodiorite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: May 9th ~ May 26th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 133.09 28.07 25.32 15.62 12.00 7.82 6.53

2 - - - 99.61 64.24 33.89 25.43 16.73 7.28 4.43

3 - - - 79.16 44.40 50.42 20.62 12.45 7.15 5.46

4 - - - 84.86 50.10 24.50 36.25 11.62 6.85 3.40

5 - - - 124.37 49.15 33.54 26.74 10.76 7.08 4.90

6 - - - 53.46 35.34 29.69 25.91 12.01 8.77 2.65

7 - - - 72.09 50.24 36.26 14.64 12.87 6.40 3.08

8 - - - 56.24 58.56 20.49 18.80 11.20 6.71 3.71

9 - - - 41.11 45.45 19.28 13.59 14.12 6.62 3.44

10 - - - 46.32 28.20 41.03 17.44 22.14 6.50 5.24

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 790.3 453.8 314.4 215.0 135.9 71.2 42.8

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 79.0 45.4 31.4 21.5 13.6 7.1 4.3

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.9 12.0 9.7 7.1 3.5 0.7 1.2
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.1 0.6 1.00 0.25 0.224 0.5 0.25
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 151.5 522.0 602.8 103.1 58.4 68.2 20.5

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 13 9 6 10 8 6 9

2 - - - 17 8 5 8 10 6 8

3 - - - 34 8 7 10 9 7 11

4 - - - 33 7 14 13 11 8 6

5 - - - 23 11 8 12 12 7 10

6 - - - 15 13 6 10 8 8 7

7 - - - 17 6 7 9 10 5 10

8 - - - 13 10 10 16 15 6 8

9 - - - 16 9 7 10 14 6 5

10 - - - 14 13 7 10 11 7 8

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 20 9 8 11 11 6 8

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.09 0.59 0.99 0.22 0.18 0.46 0.15

Screening Results (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.60 1.00 0.25 0.224 0.50 0.25
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.09 0.59 0.99 0.22 0.18 0.46 0.15
Size Class

Screen Size
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

53 - - -

45 - - -

31.5 - - - 220.76

26.5 - - - 157.16

22.4 - - - 65.41

19 - - - 34.13 11.49 28.16

13.2 - - - 97.16 40.54 10.05 18.90 4.07

11.2 - - - 40.11 22.45 9.00 10.82 21.17

8 - - - 43.59 61.39 15.55 47.03 21.38 2.19 9.03

6.73 - - - 17.13 45.54 10.82 27.72 9.08 2.65 5.38

4.75 - - - 25.52 47.85 36.99 27.03 11.80 8.28 8.74

3.35 - - - 17.46 41.00 38.38 16.65 10.54 12.46 5.65

2.36 - - - 9.58 22.12 18.56 7.42 3.88 4.90 2.76

1.7 - - - 16.95 38.46 45.94 16.85 7.77 12.53 4.85

1.18 - - - 9.80 22.59 22.06 8.70 3.70 6.18 2.48

0.85 - - - 7.23 17.81 18.11 6.53 2.80 4.01 1.88

0.6 - - - 6.93 17.46 17.58 5.42 2.33 4.22 1.55

0.425 - - - 6.20 14.51 15.56 5.73 2.38 3.53 1.56

0.3 - - - 4.88 10.92 11.36 3.75 1.58 2.55 1.02

0 - - - 13.48 38.42 42.25 11.21 4.71 7.42 2.96

Total Mass: 793.48 452.55 312.21 213.76 135.35 70.92 47.86

Before Sieving 788.94 452.14 312.64 214.24 - 70.70 -

After Sieving 787.66 451.36 312.13 213.58 135.33 70.70 47.78

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granodiorite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: May 9th ~ May 26th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 94.99 74.25 36.76 35.20 13.28 9.09 4.93

2 - - - 109.65 62.85 48.86 28.75 22.11 7.98 5.23

3 - - - 73.61 47.49 23.94 16.35 14.00 8.26 5.60

4 - - - 83.48 60.81 29.88 24.29 19.75 7.99 4.40

5 - - - 112.79 37.68 23.47 23.41 15.58 7.82 5.74

6 - - - 124.93 60.58 27.92 14.94 18.30 6.36 6.61

7 - - - 145.90 68.91 30.92 21.37 10.66 5.81 4.72

8 - - - 76.00 41.36 36.41 43.68 13.81 10.50 4.21

9 - - - 99.93 42.87 34.08 15.13 8.84 10.44 2.97

10 - - - 118.86 72.85 25.69 17.43 18.06 13.03 3.30

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1040.1 569.7 317.9 240.6 154.4 87.3 47.7

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 104.0 57.0 31.8 24.1 15.4 8.7 4.8

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.0 13.6 7.7 9.5 4.1 2.1 1.1
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.60 1.12 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1196.6 1223.3 1219.2 461.2 296.0 167.3 91.5

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 16 7 5 13 11 6 5

2 - - - 11 7 11 8 6 7 7

3 - - - 14 6 6 7 8 5 6

4 - - - 12 7 6 10 6 8 7

5 - - - 25 5 5 8 7 5 5

6 - - - 12 8 5 11 6 5 6

7 - - - 11 10 5 7 6 7 6

8 - - - 15 11 6 7 9 7 5

9 - - - 9 7 5 8 3 6 4

10 - - - 12 6 4 9 5 6 4

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 14 7 6 9 7 6 6

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.59 1.11 1.99 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.94

Screening Results (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 1.12 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.59 1.11 1.99 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.94
Size Class

Screen Size
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

53 - - -

45 - - -

31.5 - - -

26.5 - - - 58.90

22.4 - - - 14.46

19 - - - 7.50

13.2 - - - 84.20 3.84 10.55

11.2 - - - 58.22 10.76 13.55

8 - - - 110.10 48.56 9.39 9.32 6.69 1.10

6.73 - - - 81.03 37.55 10.51 9.51 11.02 1.53

4.75 - - - 106.98 68.29 31.88 28.52 19.63 7.05 2.18

3.35 - - - 89.63 66.78 35.51 28.83 20.29 12.73 5.06

2.36 - - - 53.85 39.83 28.55 19.06 12.98 6.01 5.05

1.7 - - - 86.60 64.72 46.77 28.22 19.69 16.84 9.04

1.18 - - - 51.30 38.86 25.24 17.01 11.51 8.01 4.88

0.85 - - - 42.02 31.01 21.45 12.86 8.53 5.89 3.24

0.6 - - - 38.85 29.20 18.60 11.70 8.00 5.23 3.28

0.425 - - - 35.87 27.33 18.91 11.87 8.31 5.26 3.32

0.3 - - - 24.95 20.30 13.47 8.26 5.79 3.81 2.30

0 - - - 90.30 77.92 54.77 30.00 21.72 13.22 7.93

Total Mass: 1034.76 564.95 315.05 239.26 154.16 86.68 46.28

Before Sieving 1035.74 565.37 315.42 239.52 153.23 - -

After Sieving 1034.30 564.50 314.87 239.08 152.97 86.65 46.36

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granodiorite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: May 9th ~ May 26th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - - - 18.51 12.85 5.75 6.02

2 - - - - - - 17.34 14.67 5.57 4.30

3 - - - - - - 17.72 21.66 7.26 8.55

4 - - - - - - 20.98 13.76 7.15 8.35

5 - - - - - - 14.55 10.76 6.79 7.96

6 - - - - - - 27.35 20.84 7.44 3.48

7 - - - - - - 39.50 20.78 7.01 3.43

8 - - - - - - 32.21 18.69 6.52 3.37

9 - - - - - - 21.60 17.26 8.12 3.85

10 - - - - - - 20.33 21.20 7.48 3.29

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 230.1 172.5 69.1 52.6

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 23.0 17.2 6.9 5.3

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8 4.0 0.8 2.2
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1102.9 826.7 331.2 252.1

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - - - 4 5 3 4

2 - - - - - - 5 4 4 5

3 - - - - - - 3 4 4 5

4 - - - - - - 6 6 3 4

5 - - - - - - 3 5 3 4

6 - - - - - - 5 5 5 3

7 - - - - - - 4 4 4 3

8 - - - - - - 4 5 5 2

9 - - - - - - 5 5 4 3

10 - - - - - - 4 3 3 3

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4 5 8 4

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 2.49 2.49 2.44 2.46

Screening Results (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 2.49 2.49 2.44 2.46
Size Class

Screen Size
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm









6.73 2.34 2.15

4.75 13.35 2.56 1.02 0.69

3.35 25.74 16.34 3.54 2.50

2.36 18.10 13.13 5.80 3.64

1.7 37.03 30.45 11.95 9.59

1.18 21.15 17.76 7.34 5.93

0.85 15.77 13.16 5.32 4.87

0.6 16.14 13.36 6.07 4.25

0.425 16.20 13.04 5.26 4.22

0.3 11.54 9.73 4.42 3.04

0 50.45 39.12 17.75 12.98

Total Mass: 227.81 170.80 68.47 51.71

Before Sieving 227.98 171.42 68.68 52.00

After Sieving 227.58 170.82 68.60 51.67

Product Size Distribution
(Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)



-45 +37.5 mm
-37.5 +31.5mm
-31.5 +26.5 mm
-26.5 +22.4 mm
-22.4 +19 mm
-19 + 16 mm
-16 +13.2 mm
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-45 +37.5 mm
-37.5 +31.5mm
40 -31.5 +26.5 mm
-26.5 +22.4 mm
-22.4 +19 mm
20 -19 + 16 mm
-16 +13.2 mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)



-26.5 +22.4 mm
-22.4 +19 mm
20 -19 + 16 mm
-16 +13.2 mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granodiorite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 2nd ~ June 6th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 175.33 163.11 88.08 26.09 29.53 20.04 9.64 11.55 5.65

2 - 299.96 189.28 98.58 30.27 33.38 18.91 12.89 6.46 5.05

3 - 233.99 212.13 95.80 55.57 30.84 17.54 12.00 7.19 4.97

4 - 253.67 164.46 87.16 68.54 21.99 14.72 9.38 7.72 4.57

5 - 343.79 89.39 91.58 45.26 25.13 14.93 14.61 12.19 4.32

6 - 224.72 230.22 115.74 69.44 23.29 13.38 13.58 5.72 4.73

7 - 339.29 229.10 70.41 46.38 27.37 23.61 9.19 6.31 3.85

8 - 216.40 194.91 159.31 36.47 36.88 18.34 10.08 6.44 6.67

9 - - 139.24 101.44 58.04 38.95 16.06 13.04 6.64 4.49

10 - - 233.26 109.85 - 33.32 24.64 8.77 6.38 4.03

Weight (g) 0.0 2087.2 1845.1 1018.0 436.1 300.7 182.2 113.2 76.6 48.3

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 260.9 184.5 101.8 48.5 30.1 18.2 11.3 7.7 4.8

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 122.4 46.3 23.8 21.3 5.7 3.7 2.1 2.3 0.8
Num. Particles - 8 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.2 0.2 0.1 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1000.4 707.5 195.2 232.2 288.3 87.3 54.3 73.4 46.3

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 14 25 30 9 10 17 9 11 7

2 - 19 27 32 11 8 11 9 8 8

3 - 16 30 21 9 17 10 9 8 7

4 - 42 14 26 13 8 9 7 8 7

5 - 45 10 21 16 10 9 14 7 8

6 - 25 35 24 12 9 8 12 6 9

7 - 34 31 20 10 7 13 9 7 5

8 - 19 23 27 10 7 8 9 9 8

9 - - 16 25 12 9 8 13 8 7

10 - - 33 24 - 10 14 10 7 8

Average: #DIV/0! 27 24 25 11 9.5 10.7 10.1 7.9 7.4

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.19 0.19 0.09 0.24 0.48 0.22 0.20 0.45 0.42

Screening Results (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.250 0.50 0.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.19 0.19 0.09 0.24 0.48 0.22 0.20 0.45 0.42
Size Class

Screen Size
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

53 -

45 - 429.40

31.5 - 89.90 147.36 159.28

26.5 - 86.40 155.28 70.94

22.4 - 193.50 168.20 176.04

19 - 120.20 127.69 133.52 15.85

13.2 - 289.61 368.31 177.93 54.07 32.67 17.76 13.82

11.2 - 148.75 140.98 64.43 33.25 15.07 12.55 6.01

8 - 135.94 181.62 51.62 66.26 26.17 31.18 15.57

6.73 - 67.65 64.55 20.42 41.35 26.75 15.79 10.62 3.10 1.54

4.75 - 87.70 79.26 34.08 45.67 34.41 23.76 14.61 12.58 7.71

3.35 - 70.60 64.72 19.96 35.25 33.11 17.08 11.56 9.63 5.90

2.36 - 53.11 40.76 13.62 16.00 24.03 14.93 9.69 8.42 5.15

1.7 - 73.11 79.16 25.69 35.10 19.46 10.59 7.00 12.44 7.90

1.18 - 43.94 45.00 14.24 17.55 16.16 8.41 5.07 6.28 3.86

0.85 - 34.24 33.35 10.36 14.60 12.61 5.96 3.46 4.28 3.23

0.6 - 32.97 33.28 10.18 13.27 12.31 5.42 3.32 3.95 2.76

0.425 - 13.37 19.19 5.20 12.58 23.68 5.25 3.27 1.85 1.77

0.3 - 38.09 26.46 10.28 9.22 7.94 3.37 2.15 4.57 2.66

0 - 69.63 65.37 20.70 28.11 26.77 10.07 6.31 8.52 5.25

Total Mass: 2078.11 1840.54 1018.49 438.13 311.14 182.12 112.46 75.62 47.73

* Yellow cells : Broken Screen

Before Sieving 2079.50 1842.65 1016.08 434.84 300.09 181.98 113.14 76.15 47.88

After Sieving 2076.15 1840.50 1015.46 436.21 298.82 181.60 112.38 75.62 47.72

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granodiorite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 2nd ~ June 6th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 179.45 63.81 65.89 25.83 27.17 11.61 3.82 4.28

2 - - 159.06 74.26 47.55 20.66 16.51 9.85 4.22 6.03

3 - - 141.73 88.61 42.09 20.14 14.28 11.43 7.63 4.28

4 - - 122.55 103.59 34.68 21.51 21.78 15.63 8.64 4.46

5 - - 220.46 71.88 102.80 33.60 14.54 13.12 6.42 6.88

6 - - 130.20 132.22 80.94 26.17 16.75 10.12 6.18 4.75

7 - - 106.88 88.39 25.62 20.73 19.45 11.86 5.53 4.37

8 - - 203.20 84.16 69.70 18.87 12.82 10.78 6.53 5.65

9 - - 136.42 154.60 54.09 24.58 16.87 12.24 8.78 6.47

10 - - 88.38 77.25 - 23.38 21.95 13.29 9.17 4.25

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 1488.3 938.8 523.4 235.5 182.1 119.9 66.9 51.4

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 148.8 93.9 58.2 23.5 18.2 12.0 6.7 5.1

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 41.9 28.8 29.3 4.3 4.4 1.7 1.9 1.0
Num. Particles - - 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.40 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1141.4 900.0 557.5 451.5 349.2 229.9 128.3 98.6

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 16 13 14 6 8 5 4 5

2 - - 16 9 9 6 8 5 6 4

3 - - 16 9 11 5 7 7 6 5

4 - - 14 9 8 5 10 8 6 6

5 - - 23 8 16 8 7 6 7 6

6 - - 11 10 15 5 6 7 7 5

7 - - 13 8 16 6 8 6 5 4

8 - - 11 13 11 5 8 5 7 7

9 - - 11 21 9 6 8 6 6 7

10 - - 20 9 - 7 8 7 6 5

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 15 11 12 6 8 6 6 5

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.39 0.49 0.49 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.95

(Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.40 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

#DIV/0! 0.39 0.49 0.49 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.95

-63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

- 57.95

- 29.25 0.00

- 68.47 0.00

- 63.66 0.00

- 230.25 60.36 41.46

- 89.47 60.14 23.81 2.60

- 188.85 88.90 83.04 5.88 1.51

- 86.06 70.92 36.53 8.96 12.92 2.36

- 125.44 101.62 54.40 26.51 21.31 7.33 2.81 1.68

- 107.11 92.84 51.66 35.37 23.95 18.52 8.44 4.60

- 59.47 47.12 23.42 16.64 14.02 13.32 6.94 5.97

- 105.10 85.94 51.15 33.24 24.15 18.63 11.79 9.90

- 62.07 50.72 29.13 18.98 14.53 11.12 6.93 5.33

- 48.43 38.23 21.86 14.00 11.19 8.27 4.78 4.02

- 46.21 37.11 21.13 14.52 11.04 7.56 4.81 3.67

- 41.90 39.31 19.48 13.50 10.59 7.66 4.64 3.53

- 29.83 25.00 13.73 9.92 8.01 5.34 3.47 2.70

- 98.14 82.48 46.55 34.14 27.41 18.99 11.38 9.19

1479.71 938.64 517.35 234.26 180.63 119.10 65.99 50.59

1480.85 935.24 520.87 234.68 180.70 119.33 66.11 50.82

1479.65 933.48 519.18 234.23 180.47 119.14 66.04 50.82

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granodiorite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 2nd ~ June 6th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - 48.10 41.07 12.61 17.67 7.13 7.35

2 - - - - 56.16 25.02 20.51 12.46 8.86 4.70

3 - - - - 46.54 23.63 16.76 11.34 9.07 4.57

4 - - - - 56.43 23.19 13.17 13.15 8.60 5.08

5 - - - - 95.15 36.80 17.82 14.52 7.88 3.82

6 - - - - 57.28 32.51 20.50 16.00 10.25 3.99

7 - - - - 44.99 30.48 19.09 13.58 8.77 4.77

8 - - - - 93.66 19.96 22.37 10.60 7.20 4.31

9 - - - - 53.76 33.06 13.42 9.64 8.35 3.93

10 - - - - - 16.00 15.15 11.68 6.30 4.23

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 552.1 281.7 171.4 130.6 82.4 46.8

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 61.3 28.2 17.1 13.1 8.2 4.7

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.6 7.9 3.5 2.5 1.1 1.0
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

1.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1176.1 1080.3 821.6 626.2 395.0 224.1

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - 7 4 2 5 4 4

2 - - - - 8 4 4 4 4 3

3 - - - - 6 3 5 5 3 3

4 - - - - 11 5 5 5 3 3

5 - - - - 12 5 6 6 3 3

6 - - - - 8 7 5 6 5 4

7 - - - - 7 6 6 4 3 3

8 - - - - 11 2 5 6 2 4

9 - - - - 9 5 4 5 3 4

10 - - - - - 4 6 4 2 3

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 9 5 5 5 3 3

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.99 1.99 2.49 2.48 2.48 2.46

Screening Results (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.99 1.99 2.49 2.48 2.48 2.46
Size Class

Screen Size
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm








11.2 7.50

8 43.75 4.99

6.73 38.58 8.40 1.07 1.29

4.75 67.52 22.61 9.49 3.71 0.57

3.35 67.38 38.71 16.35 11.50 4.75 0.58

2.36 36.10 20.60 15.54 13.56 6.35 1.96

1.7 60.96 43.29 28.07 24.02 17.22 9.04

1.18 38.66 24.41 16.33 13.00 9.44 7.35

0.85 29.82 18.64 12.41 9.84 6.48 4.84

0.6 29.73 18.30 11.02 9.84 6.08 4.06

0.425 28.73 17.08 12.63 8.86 6.28 3.90

0.3 21.10 13.29 9.16 6.55 4.92 2.77

0 78.05 52.66 37.90 27.72 19.19 11.55

Total Mass: 547.88 282.98 169.97 129.89 81.28 46.05

Before Sieving 549.32 280.23 170.29 130.34 81.69 46.27

After Sieving 547.91 279.78 169.88 129.96 81.28 46.06

Product Size Distribution
(Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm
-53 +45 mm
-45 +37.5 mm
40 -37.5 +31.5mm
-31.5 +26.5 mm
-26.5 +22.4 mm
20 -22.4 +19 mm
-19 + 16 mm
-16 +13.2 mm
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-53 +45 mm
-45 +37.5 mm
-37.5 +31.5mm
-31.5 +26.5 mm
-26.5 +22.4 mm
-22.4 +19 mm
20 -19 + 16 mm
-16 +13.2 mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)



40 -37.5 +31.5mm
-31.5 +26.5 mm
-26.5 +22.4 mm
-22.4 +19 mm
20 -19 + 16 mm
-16 +13.2 mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granodiorite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 7th ~ June 10th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 205.83 163.13 116.54 58.03 26.14 17.81 14.40 7.35 6.57

2 - 246.83 174.43 80.30 48.32 27.17 23.70 9.43 9.17 6.59

3 - 220.83 124.52 136.94 95.84 35.71 16.92 13.88 8.75 5.38

4 - 255.33 145.66 109.61 73.37 40.91 21.44 11.11 8.02 5.47

5 - 164.21 201.36 59.80 71.74 41.54 20.80 16.78 6.59 5.01

6 - 221.02 113.83 123.56 44.87 25.50 13.83 12.83 10.81 6.82

7 - 185.36 127.48 96.08 62.13 45.43 19.29 11.80 10.73 4.49

8 - 275.37 146.52 105.52 42.34 21.70 21.77 12.83 8.96 4.68

9 - 181.62 151.10 90.00 47.24 44.04 30.91 15.71 9.55 3.52

10 - 283.34 126.32 114.45 85.88 30.15 18.87 10.85 6.43 4.90

Weight (g) 0.0 2239.7 1474.4 1032.8 629.8 338.3 205.3 129.6 86.4 53.4

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 224.0 147.4 103.3 63.0 33.8 20.5 13.0 8.6 5.3

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 40.7 26.7 22.5 18.4 8.7 4.6 2.3 1.5 1.1
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.33 0.5
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1073.6 706.7 198.0 120.7 162.2 98.4 62.1 54.6 51.2

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 14 15 21 21 11 10 12 8 5

2 - 18 9 18 16 10 10 9 8 7

3 - 34 23 29 31 14 9 12 7 6

4 - 22 11 19 25 15 13 12 7 7

5 - 16 15 14 20 16 9 12 8 7

6 - 16 18 31 15 11 10 12 10 11

7 - 27 21 20 15 15 9 9 14 8

8 - 19 19 22 18 5 12 13 8 8

9 - 15 10 24 28 13 16 9 11 7

10 - 20 18 18 29 11 12 8 6 5

Average: #DIV/0! 20 16 22 22 12 11 11 6 7

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.25 0.24 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.29 0.43

Screening Results (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.250 0.33 0.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.25 0.24 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.29 0.43
Size Class

Screen Size
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

53 -

45 - 177.82

31.5 - 179.00 59.33

26.5 - 0.00 79.43 125.58 98.95

22.4 - 83.62 94.85 77.00 80.11

19 - 99.70 40.22 130.98 77.33 14.33

13.2 - 314.86 243.62 160.61 125.90 20.53 10.85

11.2 - 164.81 135.70 77.92 37.03 26.82 7.27 2.81

8 - 238.65 171.67 93.60 51.68 65.89 46.77 36.44 4.93

6.73 - 109.75 94.53 45.00 24.38 25.16 15.50 13.63 6.46 1.01

4.75 - 169.30 118.81 54.04 29.34 42.14 25.21 17.61 16.05 8.26

3.35 - 124.90 91.44 41.16 21.74 27.68 22.15 12.99 13.37 8.50

2.36 - 108.75 77.37 35.90 16.74 24.12 16.15 11.15 9.14 7.70

1.7 - 87.47 62.88 25.95 12.47 18.13 12.89 7.43 6.78 6.28

1.18 - 71.62 50.32 21.87 10.29 14.06 9.51 5.85 5.33 4.29

0.85 - 59.48 40.25 16.58 7.50 10.73 7.66 4.12 4.07 3.39

0.6 - 52.62 36.39 15.15 7.51 10.08 6.87 4.41 3.59 2.96

0.425 - 47.07 32.40 13.17 7.66 10.10 6.55 4.07 3.70 2.88

0.3 - 33.16 24.40 9.35 5.04 6.84 4.47 2.88 2.57 2.00

0 - 107.33 74.40 27.00 14.35 20.48 12.56 7.82 7.09 5.97

Total Mass: 2229.91 1468.68 1030.19 628.02 337.09 204.41 128.40 85.89 53.24

Before Sieving 2227.85 1469.15 1027.30 627.04 336.60 204.21 127.71 85.13 53.06

After Sieving 2224.10 1467.95 1027.74 626.08 335.76 204.31 128.58 86.71 52.96

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granodiorite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 7th ~ June 10th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 132.88 83.88 22.77 28.77 13.67 8.13 6.15

2 - - - 126.08 77.58 39.75 26.15 12.26 9.58 5.18

3 - - - 112.41 52.40 41.27 16.23 18.40 7.98 4.35

4 - - - 81.07 65.95 27.93 11.53 12.64 10.38 4.11

5 - - - 65.67 46.90 44.83 14.35 10.46 10.02 5.95

6 - - - 67.07 77.23 25.19 23.77 10.38 8.19 5.62

7 - - - 88.99 75.45 28.57 21.09 13.13 8.82 5.25

8 - - - 132.48 69.95 42.27 20.95 11.42 7.68 4.91

9 - - - 110.32 53.12 34.89 26.96 13.35 9.06 5.46

10 - - - 87.78 61.58 49.37 19.85 10.35 6.66 4.93

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1004.8 664.0 356.8 209.7 126.1 86.5 51.9

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 100.5 66.4 35.7 21.0 12.6 8.7 5.2

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.7 12.6 9.1 5.7 2.4 1.1 0.6
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.66 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 481.6 840.3 410.5 402.0 241.7 165.8 99.5

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 16 11 8 9 5 5 5

2 - - - 15 15 10 8 7 6 6

3 - - - 19 9 12 5 7 5 4

4 - - - 14 14 8 4 7 7 5

5 - - - 12 7 9 4 5 7 7

6 - - - 8 11 12 6 7 6 4

7 - - - 13 9 8 5 6 4 6

8 - - - 26 8 10 8 6 5 5

9 - - - 19 8 10 8 8 6 5

10 - - - 17 8 12 7 7 6 4

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 16 10 10 6 7 6 5

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.24 0.65 0.59 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.95

Screening Results (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.66 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.24 0.65 0.59 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.95
Size Class

Screen Size
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

53 -

45 -

31.5 -

26.5 -

22.4 - 52.50

19 - 84.14

13.2 - 154.50 28.18

11.2 - 97.19 16.74 11.49

8 - 95.52 75.13 38.57 5.33

6.73 - 78.51 57.59 34.78 8.66 0.78

4.75 - 80.13 83.49 49.03 18.84 8.18 2.31 1.38

3.35 - 64.05 70.77 42.20 28.65 20.00 10.88 3.96

2.36 - 55.15 58.92 31.93 25.45 17.34 14.23 8.01

1.7 - 45.25 46.81 26.65 21.58 14.16 11.06 7.92

1.18 - 36.43 39.19 21.59 16.70 11.02 8.60 5.82

0.85 - 30.67 31.92 16.81 13.16 9.19 5.90 4.40

0.6 - 27.63 27.82 16.34 12.59 8.62 6.65 4.04

0.425 - 25.46 28.28 14.78 13.08 7.98 6.27 3.82

0.3 - 18.34 20.78 11.80 9.75 6.09 4.66 2.80

0 - 55.22 74.96 39.11 33.89 21.33 15.30 9.35

Total Mass: 1000.69 660.58 355.08 207.68 124.69 85.86 51.50

Before Sieving 1001.74 661.24 355.78 209.04 124.70 85.78 51.22

After Sieving 1001.32 660.48 354.95 207.75 124.67 85.88 51.59

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granodiorite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 7th ~ June 10th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 69.10 45.36 28.55 22.52 11.68 11.28 4.33

2 - - - 89.70 45.05 35.80 15.93 9.84 6.61 3.92

3 - - - 76.00 26.36 23.21 22.82 13.95 9.70 5.12

4 - - - 89.28 41.80 50.94 27.35 11.28 8.08 3.87

5 - - - 92.19 79.49 39.50 19.02 13.34 7.96 4.00

6 - - - 136.75 44.98 37.69 12.73 8.39 5.87 3.64

7 - - - 80.13 49.14 24.75 16.13 9.11 6.89 4.76

8 - - - 56.93 71.39 27.36 17.38 9.05 10.26 5.41

9 - - - 84.35 49.73 31.49 24.00 10.48 6.51 4.87

10 - - - 163.91 50.07 33.01 19.25 13.24 11.23 5.42

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 938.3 503.4 332.3 197.1 110.4 84.4 45.3

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 93.8 50.3 33.2 19.7 11.0 8.4 4.5

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.3 15.0 8.2 4.4 2.0 2.0 0.7
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.60 1.20 1.20 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1079.5 1158.1 764.6 944.9 529.0 404.5 217.3

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 9 7 5 6 3 4 3

2 - - - 10 8 7 4 3 4 1

3 - - - 10 7 7 5 4 3 2

4 - - - 13 7 9 6 3 2 2

5 - - - 10 9 8 7 5 3 2

6 - - - 9 7 7 4 3 3 3

7 - - - 10 6 6 5 2 2 3

8 - - - 8 7 6 5 3 4 2

9 - - - 9 7 7 5 5 2 2

10 - - - 15 8 6 4 5 3 3

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 10 7 7 5 4 3 2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.59 1.19 1.19 2.49 2.48 2.48 2.47

Screening Results (Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 1.20 1.20 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.59 1.19 1.19 2.49 2.48 2.48 2.47
Size Class

Screen Size
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm







13.2 52.63 3.48

11.2 52.28 13.28

8 111.54 19.80 8.20

6.73 88.14 18.24 15.54 3.78 0.30

4.75 107.96 65.16 32.19 9.53 2.68 0.13

3.35 89.37 61.18 49.56 20.42 7.87 4.02 0.89

2.36 79.90 57.89 39.92 28.56 14.75 11.81 4.91

1.7 63.39 44.85 31.46 21.54 14.31 13.00 7.21

1.18 52.10 36.35 25.63 18.96 10.72 9.59 6.18

0.85 42.88 29.04 20.43 13.86 8.23 7.28 4.45

0.6 37.40 26.63 19.41 12.63 8.49 6.99 3.98

0.425 36.36 27.79 19.52 13.16 8.70 6.76 3.60

0.3 26.57 21.30 15.08 10.46 6.83 4.85 2.73

0 92.00 77.36 53.50 42.71 25.88 19.31 10.87

Total Mass: 932.52 502.35 330.44 195.61 108.76 83.74 44.82

Before Sieving 934.00 502.99 330.98 196.08 109.07 83.90 45.00

After Sieving 932.54 502.28 330.45 195.62 108.73 83.75 44.86

Product Size Distribution
(Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm
-53 +45 mm
-45 +37.5 mm
40 -37.5 +31.5mm
-31.5 +26.5 mm
-26.5 +22.4 mm
20 -22.4 +19 mm
-19 + 16 mm
-16 +13.2 mm
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)



-45 +37.5 mm
40 -37.5 +31.5mm
-31.5 +26.5 mm
-26.5 +22.4 mm
-22.4 +19 mm
20 -19 + 16 mm
-16 +13.2 mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Blasted, PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)



-45 +37.5 mm
40 -37.5 +31.5mm
-31.5 +26.5 mm
-26.5 +22.4 mm
-22.4 +19 mm
-19 + 16 mm
-16 +13.2 mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Laurentian Granite, Powder Factor
DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (m/s2) = 9.36
Date of test: 28-6-05 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Tested By: Seokjoon Kim


Particle Mass (g)

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 553.01 187.34 65.45 28.31 13.07 9.49

2 651.42 191.05 88.25 25.77 13.06 10.67

3 533.06 206.91 65.60 27.20 11.50 9.20

4 607.74 193.89 79.88 34.71 13.54 11.01

5 556.82 175.53 74.21 20.99 11.24 10.30

6 570.53 207.43 67.44 28.10 11.77 12.63

7 568.23 191.10 89.52 23.21 11.67 9.90

8 558.89 165.17 74.71 28.62 12.63 11.09

9 570.48 220.94 64.20 31.94 10.60 9.24

10 479.37 198.37 67.76 22.39 13.63 11.55

Weight (g) 5649.6 1937.7 737.0 271.2 122.7 105.1

Average Weight (g) 565.0 193.8 73.7 27.1 12.3 10.5

Stdev Weight (g) 44.7 16.1 9.4 4.2 1.0 1.1
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10

0.1 0.1 0.25 0.5 2.0 0.5
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) 1083.2 371.5 353.3 260.0 470.5 100.7

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 57 41 27 21 2 14

2 10 43 30 20 2 14

3 57 43 30 19 2 14

4 59 42 30 23 2 15

5 57 42 27 19 2 13

6 57 43 29 20 1 13

7 56 41 31 21 1 15

8 84 41 32 14 1 16

9 56 41 27 21 3 15

10 56 42 25 20 2 16

Average: 54.9 41.9 28.8 19.8 1.8 14.5

Eis Energy 0.09 0.09 0.23 0.46 1.99 0.43

Screening Results (Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams
Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.1 0.1 0.25 0.5 2.0 0.5

0.09 0.09 0.23 0.46 1.99 0.43
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.46) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 0.43)

53 4886.05

45 196.80

31.5 60.27 1767.30

26.5 56.05 44.48 547.43

22.4 60.02 38.15 11.08

19 126.66 0.00 15.10 118.90

13.2 76.94 11.05 31.47 32.06 57.47

11.2 49.31 8.82 14.82 5.49 9.66

8 43.47 33.41 41.84 24.35 0.51 14.21

6.73 13.12 2.71 11.23 12.56 2.20 4.48

4.75 18.91 9.48 15.33 20.26 8.06 3.97

3.35 9.28 5.20 11.24 14.25 18.68 5.96

2.36 13.54 3.74 8.54 9.31 17.31 2.99

1.7 7.60 2.20 5.95 6.23 13.51 1.87

1.18 5.85 1.61 4.03 4.66 10.22 1.10

0.85 4.31 1.26 2.72 3.22 7.35 0.79

0.6 3.76 1.16 2.47 2.83 5.79 0.72

0.425 3.58 1.16 2.45 3.26 6.13 0.66

0.3 3.23 0.95 1.93 2.39 5.72 0.54

0 12.84 3.87 8.77 10.45 23.54 2.37

Total Mass: 5651.59 1936.55 736.40 270.22 119.02 106.79

Before Sieving 5651.70 1950.65 745.63 273.95 119.13 107.62

After Sieving 5651.19 1950.65 744.72 270.18 118.93 104.77

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (m/s2) = 9.36
Date of test: 28-6-05 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Tested By: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 469.24 177.48 87.27 28.81 12.58 12.26

2 544.39 190.19 68.57 27.20 10.96 9.94

3 454.02 165.15 82.20 21.42 11.33 10.85

4 528.85 203.32 69.29 32.35 12.26 9.11

5 455.84 195.68 66.19 25.62 11.70 10.38

6 463.59 220.63 69.43 21.01 13.79 9.64

7 530.89 192.64 66.45 21.69 11.35 11.69

8 554.72 218.81 78.46 23.90 11.25 11.58

9 548.79 189.98 86.69 23.85 11.50 12.09

10 541.44 192.57 74.30 24.57 10.61 9.97

Weight (g) 5091.8 1946.5 748.9 250.4 117.3 107.5

Average Weight (g) 509.2 194.6 74.9 25.0 11.7 10.8

Stdev Weight (g) 42.6 16.8 8.2 3.6 0.9 1.1
Num. Particles 10 10 9 10 10 10

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.20 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 1.00

Size Class -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) 1952.5 933.0 717.9 480.1 449.9 206.1

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 56 43 28 20 2 16

2 56 41 30 6 1 10

3 57 41 30 19 2 11

4 58 39 28 20 1 7

5 57 42 21 13 2 14

6 57 44 27 20 3 12

7 64 42 27 8 1 15

8 57 43 32 11 2 12

9 57 41 30 9 1 12

10 56 41 29 21 3 9

Average: 57.5 41.7 28.2 14.7 1.8 11.8

Eis Energy 0.19 0.24 0.48 0.97 1.99 0.94

Screening Results (Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams
Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.20 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 1.00

0.19 0.24 0.48 0.97 1.99 0.94
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.19) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.97) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 0.94)

53 4513.45

45 203.19

31.5 89.54 1570.55

26.5 0.00 18.89 382.52

22.4 68.52 32.87 92.29

19 17.36 46.99 22.00 63.56

13.2 39.71 73.54 37.79 18.71 15.70

11.2 37.39 40.28 37.46 13.23 7.71

8 35.48 39.90 38.61 18.92 0.95 14.36

6.73 16.00 16.57 19.18 12.92 1.57 9.24

4.75 17.18 24.97 28.22 23.15 10.65 13.36

3.35 11.11 20.55 20.87 22.92 15.51 11.05

2.36 11.06 12.45 14.21 16.61 16.54 7.84

1.7 5.80 9.43 10.84 11.61 13.29 5.19

1.18 4.82 7.23 7.69 7.94 10.23 3.87

0.85 3.53 4.75 5.16 5.45 7.00 2.65

0.6 3.21 4.50 4.39 5.56 5.99 2.33

0.425 2.55 4.86 5.03 5.45 5.62 2.45

0.3 3.02 3.74 3.97 4.09 5.27 1.91

0 10.56 16.70 16.85 18.61 22.12 9.17

Total Mass: 5093.67 1948.77 747.08 248.73 114.74 106.83

Before Sieving 5093.75 1958.40 758.37 250.75 114.87 106.95

After Sieving 5093.30 1958.64 754.02 248.83 114.62 106.77

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (m/s2) = 9.36
Date of test: 28-6-05 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Tested By: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 180.35 83.43 23.82 12.65

2 193.93 69.81 27.98 9.65

3 214.76 71.44 20.96 11.48

4 222.81 69.11 25.59 9.45

5 199.14 69.61 23.33 9.46

6 201.66 88.87 21.58 10.07

7 180.98 63.53 20.42 9.16

8 186.64 63.62 23.09 10.94

9 189.94 70.99 18.06 9.57

10 215.09 76.00 24.61 8.83

Weight (g) 0.0 1985.3 726.4 229.4 101.3

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 198.5 72.6 22.9 10.1

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! 15.0 8.1 2.8 1.2
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.35 1.00 2.50 2.50

Size Class -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1332.3 1392.8 1099.8 485.4

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 41 41 7 7

2 43 29 5 5

3 47 29 3 3

4 34 28 5 3

5 43 28 6 4

6 43 33 4 4

7 39 29 5 3

8 32 16 8 5

9 39 30 3 5

10 40 29 3 6

Average: #DIV/0! 40.1 29.2 4.9 4.5

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.34 0.98 2.49 2.48

Screening Results (Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams
Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.00 0.35 1.00 2.50 2.50

#DIV/0! 0.34 0.98 2.49 2.48
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
-63 +53 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.34) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.48)



31.5 1496.85

26.5 47.78 231.79

22.4 26.79 139.60

19 41.56 0.00

13.2 82.65 57.30

11.2 35.72 36.77

8 51.08 51.26 6.12

6.73 27.65 28.40 12.81 0.78

4.75 44.67 39.59 21.93 6.77

3.35 31.04 29.75 29.20 12.57

2.36 21.60 23.33 28.61 14.62

1.7 14.67 17.67 20.20 12.73

1.18 11.26 12.59 16.65 9.59

0.85 7.88 9.19 12.00 6.41

0.6 6.88 8.17 10.27 5.82

0.425 6.99 7.46 11.84 5.32

0.3 5.35 6.00 9.05 4.29

0 22.28 25.55 48.47 22.19

Total Mass: 0.00 1982.70 724.42 227.15 101.09

Before Sieving 1983.50 724.84 231.14 103.98

After Sieving 1982.75 724.44 230.55 100.22

Product Size Distribution
(Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 1)


Cumulative Percent Passing (%) 80

-63 +53 mm
60 (Eis = 0.09)
-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.09)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
40 (Eis = 0.23)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.46)
-19 +16 mm
20 (Eis = 1.99)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.43)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm
(Eis = 0.19)
60 -45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.24)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.48)
40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.97)
-19 +16 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.94)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian, Unblasted, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.34)
40 -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.48)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m , Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 14th ~ June 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 87.44 53.99 - 10.38 17.31 8.99 9.64

2 - - - 71.14 50.58 - 23.94 11.84 8.15 4.47

3 - - - 93.77 68.00 - 13.68 9.58 11.08 5.26

4 - - - 130.28 69.77 - 28.27 6.50 6.36 3.88

5 - - - 83.13 45.61 - 18.47 11.88 6.18 6.65

6 - - - 69.78 71.65 - 29.12 9.13 5.30 5.92

7 - - - 100.85 73.43 - 20.26 14.19 7.20 4.29

8 - - - 106.58 42.67 - 17.10 10.49 8.22 5.01

9 - - - 83.79 43.13 - 20.31 10.82 8.41 3.95

10 - - - 64.18 56.52 - 16.42 13.19 4.30 5.10

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 890.9 575.4 0.0 198.0 114.9 74.2 54.2

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 89.1 57.5 #DIV/0! 19.8 11.5 7.4 5.4

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.8 12.2 0.0 6.0 3.0 2.0 1.7
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.1 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 170.8 110.3 #DIV/0! 94.9 55.1 71.1 51.9

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 28 17 - 7 15 10 8

2 - - - 26 15 - 13 14 11 6

3 - - - 31 21 - 8 12 13 6

4 - - - 30 29 - 17 7 8 8

5 - - - 29 14 - 16 8 6 9

6 - - - 18 22 - 21 9 7 8

7 - - - 32 29 - 17 12 9 7

8 - - - 30 23 - 8 13 15 7

9 - - - 26 19 - 12 12 15 7

10 - - - 16 24 - 14 14 5 7

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 27 21 #DIV/0! 13 12 10 7

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.08 0.08 #DIV/0! 0.21 0.20 0.43 0.43

Screening Results (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.25 0.250 0.50 0.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.08 0.08 #DIV/0! 0.21 0.20 0.43 0.43
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.21) (Eis = 0.20) (Eis = 0.43) (Eis = 0.43)

53 - - - -

45 - - - -

31.5 - - - 231.57 99.63 -

26.5 - - - 208.73 0.00 -

22.4 - - - 119.83 141.99 -

19 - - - 57.37 68.26 - 36.31

13.2 - - - 153.16 170.46 - 49.33 29.67

11.2 - - - 31.50 31.80 - 22.22 14.74 8.80

8 - - - 33.62 22.47 - 26.20 25.74 28.97 8.97

6.73 - - - 13.90 9.95 - 7.81 12.40 7.02 7.40

4.75 - - - 10.97 11.28 - 14.20 8.27 9.75 9.10

3.35 - - - 7.12 5.11 - 9.53 7.09 16.75 8.65

2.36 - - - 4.75 4.29 - 6.45 3.85 4.99 5.21

1.7 - - - 3.67 2.82 - 4.19 2.61 3.29 3.17

1.18 - - - 2.57 2.32 - 2.94 1.83 2.39 2.15

0.85 - - - 1.85 1.56 - 1.99 1.31 1.70 1.27

0.6 - - - 1.72 1.20 - 1.63 1.18 1.35 1.30

0.425 - - - 1.70 1.25 - 1.68 1.04 1.43 1.31

0.3 - - - 1.48 9.78 - 1.36 0.83 1.12 2.28

0 - - - 6.21 4.22 - 5.24 3.44 4.71 3.95

Total Mass: 891.72 588.39 0.00 191.08 114.00 92.27 54.76

Before Sieving 899.15 583.91 199.53 117.86 79.36 57.00

After Sieving 898.90 583.45 194.50 117.37 77.01 56.79

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 14th ~ June 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 96.63 71.43 - 24.30 19.71 7.48 5.10

2 - - - 95.29 45.60 - 20.55 8.61 7.96 6.05

3 - - - 81.16 58.29 - 9.27 14.07 9.62 5.73

4 - - - 57.91 46.35 - 20.52 11.16 7.89 6.97

5 - - - 90.99 59.94 - 11.01 11.68 6.90 6.57

6 - - - 116.91 38.16 - 22.89 10.88 6.42 4.80

7 - - - 74.47 43.73 - 12.34 8.43 13.15 7.20

8 - - - 62.31 73.29 - 31.15 19.30 8.67 4.48

9 - - - 74.13 53.08 - 14.03 18.57 8.34 6.72

10 - - - 56.52 76.14 - 11.53 8.24 10.65 6.44

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 806.3 566.0 0.0 177.6 130.7 87.1 60.1

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 80.6 56.6 #DIV/0! 17.8 13.1 8.7 6.0

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.5 13.5 0.0 7.2 4.6 2.0 0.9
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.60 0.68 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 927.6 735.8 #DIV/0! 340.5 250.5 167.0 115.2

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 14 19 - 7 13 8 8

2 - - - 20 12 - 11 6 7 8

3 - - - 15 12 - 4 10 9 8

4 - - - 11 11 - 8 6 6 7

5 - - - 16 17 - 7 8 9 7

6 - - - 18 11 - 10 8 6 5

7 - - - 13 10 - 8 5 5 7

8 - - - 12 17 - 13 12 8 4

9 - - - 17 13 - 7 11 6 11

10 - - - 12 14 - 7 7 10 7

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 15 14 #DIV/0! 8 9 7 7

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.59 0.67 #DIV/0! 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.94

Screening Results (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.68 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.59 0.67 #DIV/0! 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.94
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.59) (Eis = 0.67) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 0.97) (Eis = 0.96) (Eis = 0.94)

53 - - - -

45 - - - -

31.5 - - - -

26.5 - - - -

22.4 - - - 49.66 -

19 - - - 8.24 -

13.2 - - - 135.49 102.00 - 4.33

11.2 - - - 89.11 60.93 - 22.91 10.88 2.74

8 - - - 134.88 94.23 - 17.19 12.15 6.07 3.79

6.73 - - - 72.32 58.92 - 16.20 13.01 8.21 3.65

4.75 - - - 74.21 59.92 - 27.09 15.27 14.45 11.66

3.35 - - - 52.95 42.00 - 23.10 18.17 12.70 9.25

2.36 - - - 39.35 28.97 - 16.36 14.82 8.62 7.76

1.7 - - - 27.70 21.51 - 10.09 8.81 5.79 4.74

1.18 - - - 19.20 16.14 - 7.10 6.23 4.11 3.16

0.85 - - - 16.03 10.96 - 4.47 4.30 3.10 2.34

0.6 - - - 14.17 10.91 - 4.73 4.11 2.55 1.99

0.425 - - - 12.56 10.28 - 4.77 3.82 2.56 1.98

0.3 - - - 9.89 8.28 - 3.89 3.08 2.08 1.60

0 - - - 45.70 38.90 - 17.74 14.47 8.92 7.33

Total Mass: 801.46 563.95 0.00 175.64 129.12 86.23 59.25

Before Sieving 805.30 563.97 176.01 129.33 89.37 59.34

After Sieving 801.54 563.04 175.67 129.10 86.18 59.30

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 14th ~ June 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - - - 20.89 10.06 14.13 4.40

2 - - - - - - 20.43 10.05 7.37 3.37

3 - - - - - - 29.66 8.54 6.61 4.45

4 - - - - - - 11.83 10.86 6.49 3.38

5 - - - - - - 9.68 11.41 7.18 5.81

6 - - - - - - 19.54 14.99 7.12 4.45

7 - - - - - - 20.46 6.90 10.31 4.55

8 - - - - - - 21.48 10.86 6.36 4.08

9 - - - - - - 11.62 11.75 6.41 3.92

10 - - - - - - 21.81 11.93 7.34 3.52

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 187.4 107.4 79.3 41.9

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 18.7 10.7 7.9 4.2

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 2.1 2.5 0.7
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

2.50 0.27 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 898.3 55.6 380.2 201.0

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - - - 6 10 9 4

2 - - - - - - 7 9 4 2

3 - - - - - - 7 9 3 3

4 - - - - - - 4 11 3 2

5 - - - - - - 2 15 3 5

6 - - - - - - 7 18 3 4

7 - - - - - - 8 7 9 4

8 - - - - - - 8 16 3 3

9 - - - - - - 6 13 4 4

10 - - - - - - 7 12 3 3

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 6 12 4 3

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 2.48 0.21 2.47 2.46

Screening Results (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 0.27 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 2.48 0.21 2.47 2.46
Size Class

Screen Size -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 2.48) (Eis = 0.21) (Eis = 2.47) (Eis = 2.46)







13.2 29.58

11.2 11.98

8 3.38 19.90

6.73 7.08 11.04 2.33

4.75 20.40 11.04 5.27 0.32

3.35 32.92 6.25 9.54 3.72

2.36 24.10 4.23 12.84 6.70

1.7 17.10 2.78 9.90 6.05

1.18 12.14 1.66 6.70 4.21

0.85 8.60 1.18 4.60 2.75

0.6 9.00 1.08 4.05 2.52

0.425 7.58 1.30 4.09 2.43

0.3 6.63 1.00 3.18 2.05

0 35.18 3.83 16.40 9.97

Total Mass: 184.11 106.85 78.90 40.72

Before Sieving 184.53 106.74 79.05 40.99

After Sieving 184.08 106.72 78.86 40.74

Product Size Distribution
(Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.08)
60 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.08)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.21)
40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.20)
-19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 0.43)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.43)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.59)
60 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.67)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.97)
-19 + 16 mm
20 (Eis = 0.96)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.94)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.48)
40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.21)
-19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 2.47)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.46)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 29th ~ July 6th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 275.23 124.81 99.52 26.75 48.34 26.08 11.47 9.16 6.63

2 - 214.72 154.70 57.06 35.51 35.03 23.58 9.65 7.33 7.54

3 - 287.68 178.28 65.85 44.66 26.12 24.74 17.35 11.08 7.55

4 - 215.76 80.43 109.53 60.47 32.69 22.06 17.66 5.56 4.57

5 - 271.89 177.51 64.68 34.00 49.97 29.12 8.50 9.45 4.91

6 - 267.36 125.98 76.73 65.32 22.04 14.37 18.72 9.64 5.99

7 - 438.44 139.13 151.53 33.57 25.21 25.99 15.09 5.61 7.44

8 - 211.92 131.85 116.84 41.73 27.04 16.74 7.43 13.05 4.48

9 - 236.90 119.70 112.88 54.41 35.80 24.13 12.53 8.79 5.63

10 - 304.05 99.40 135.28 38.18 39.79 22.90 12.78 12.64 4.22

Weight (g) 0.0 2724.0 1331.8 989.9 434.6 342.0 229.7 131.2 92.3 59.0

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 272.4 133.2 99.0 43.5 34.2 23.0 13.1 9.2 5.9

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 66.9 31.1 32.0 12.7 9.6 4.4 4.0 2.6 1.3
Num. Particles - 8 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 522.3 255.3 189.8 208.3 327.9 110.1 125.8 88.5 56.5

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 40 22 19 14 11 18 8 8 9

2 - 22 29 20 13 11 13 7 7 10

3 - 41 38 20 14 8 10 8 9 9

4 - 35 14 29 16 10 13 10 5 5

5 - 30 34 23 15 14 13 7 12 4

6 - 37 18 18 17 9 9 13 9 8

7 - 53 27 30 12 9 17 10 6 7

8 - 21 33 29 16 11 9 7 12 6

9 - 26 28 33 14 11 12 9 8 8

10 - 36 19 35 11 15 18 13 9 5

Average: #DIV/0! 34 26 26 14 10.9 13.2 9.2 8.5 7.1

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.23 0.48 0.22 0.46 0.45 0.44

Screening Results (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.500 0.50 0.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.23 0.48 0.22 0.46 0.45 0.44
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis =0.23) (Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.46) (Eis = 0.45) (Eis = 0.44)

53 -

45 - 518.76

31.5 - 715.62 413.77 421.83

26.5 - 364.16 466.24 61.59

22.4 - 347.95 91.16 107.15 14.18

19 - 75.46 78.69 108.31 15.60

13.2 - 220.42 87.60 154.13 144.91 21.10 70.20 7.19

11.2 - 86.09 41.19 19.28 42.14 29.88 41.17 9.95 11.46

8 - 112.04 55.47 39.66 71.76 64.49 42.03 25.5 17.42 9.17

6.73 - 48.78 17.68 14.55 24.36 30.53 14.92 10.96 11.27 7.53

4.75 - 69.22 18.36 14.14 32.53 54.50 18.20 22.00 18.36 13.34

3.35 - 34.90 14.73 11.07 24.30 34.55 11.52 14.17 9.04 7.35

2.36 - 17.65 24.61 5.20 14.00 20.26 7.61 8.44 6.09 9.22

1.7 - 32.81 31.00 9.04 10.63 22.91 4.78 9.10 3.69 2.30

1.18 - 14.08 35.97 4.11 7.64 12.32 3.45 4.43 2.75 1.41

0.85 - 9.87 39.90 2.58 5.44 8.13 2.30 2.58 2.01 1.41

0.6 - 9.58 3.21 2.40 4.50 6.79 2.12 3.04 1.67 1.40

0.425 - 8.82 2.74 2.31 4.00 7.09 1.94 2.80 1.41 1.42

0.3 - 6.72 2.33 1.88 3.03 5.46 1.66 2.07 1.10 1.09

0 - 28.07 11.62 8.10 14.64 22.65 7.46 8.44 5.42 4.18

Total Mass: 2721.00 1436.27 987.33 433.66 340.66 229.36 130.67 91.69 59.82

Before Sieving 2722.30 1339.65 982.30 433.81 340.97 229.42 130.78 91.89 58.54

After Sieving 2720.50 1329.90 987.24 433.63 340.60 229.35 130.77 91.69 58.55

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 29th ~ July 6th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 187.48 158.95 54.59 69.39 31.91 13.75 11.04 9.28 7.74

2 - 146.14 103.16 76.96 36.29 37.68 11.40 13.58 6.95 5.20

3 - 258.76 189.19 69.39 34.60 37.62 17.17 10.03 11.27 4.13

4 - 403.15 130.36 57.89 27.38 40.54 10.71 10.84 8.30 4.19

5 - 192.04 172.81 109.89 55.21 39.46 23.62 15.43 5.95 6.08

6 - 269.17 154.85 41.36 49.48 45.87 16.02 15.98 8.69 6.14

7 - 148.65 172.05 51.48 71.89 28.42 15.87 8.62 11.60 4.90

8 - 319.50 132.87 83.29 31.24 24.88 10.20 9.88 8.88 6.78

9 - 143.50 134.77 107.84 46.31 23.94 18.58 14.83 6.88 5.78

10 - 282.59 133.94 86.26 83.90 28.22 19.93 14.67 6.20 6.23

Weight (g) 0.0 2351.0 1483.0 739.0 505.7 338.5 157.3 124.9 84.0 57.2

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 235.1 148.3 73.9 50.6 33.9 15.7 12.5 8.4 5.7

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 86.4 25.8 23.4 19.2 7.4 4.3 2.7 2.0 1.1
Num. Particles - - 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.40 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1126.9 1137.3 354.2 484.8 649.1 301.5 239.5 241.6 164.4

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 19 26 14 13 9 8 4 6 6

2 - 16 13 15 11 10 6 7 5 7

3 - 34 18 19 9 8 7 6 5 3

4 - 37 12 19 9 11 7 8 5 4

5 - 24 17 23 9 10 13 8 4 4

6 - 24 30 12 13 7 7 10 5 6

7 - 13 25 12 10 9 7 5 6 3

8 - 21 13 20 11 9 6 6 5 6

9 - 19 12 28 11 10 9 6 4 4

10 - 26 16 23 19 9 10 9 5 6

Average: #DIV/0! 23 18 19 12 9 8 7 5 5

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.24 0.39 0.24 0.49 0.99 0.97 0.97 1.47 1.46

Screening Results (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.40 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.24 0.39 0.24 0.49 0.99 0.97 0.97 1.47 1.46
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.39) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.97) (Eis = 0.97) (Eis = 1.47) (Eis = 1.46)

53 -

45 - 170.01

31.5 - 276.37 31.93

26.5 - 117.09 55.72 68.87

22.4 - 326.19 129.39 57.86

19 - 304.02 128.78 43.16

13.2 - 372.32 261.08 204.45 60.75 9.48

11.2 - 121.54 150.22 79.61 68.98 8.43 2.80

8 - 165.35 193.61 86.28 111.75 42.39 3.12 10.88

6.73 - 73.98 83.31 40.88 44.74 46.17 3.68 5.68 2.09

4.75 - 100.92 99.70 42.88 64.51 60.63 15.52 25.33 7.28 6.74

3.35 - 74.00 78.79 28.02 37.34 38.51 28.47 19.86 11.72 7.90

2.36 - 52.77 58.90 20.66 23.97 26.81 27.89 11.06 13.89 5.18

1.7 - 36.82 41.12 12.97 17.87 19.35 19.38 13.00 9.81 10.61

1.18 - 27.00 28.54 9.81 12.75 14.12 12.49 6.30 6.74 4.64

0.85 - 21.32 21.97 6.94 9.74 10.59 9.68 4.38 4.79 2.82

0.6 - 17.97 18.98 5.81 8.81 9.84 9.29 3.91 4.35 2.92

0.425 - 17.03 18.07 5.16 8.00 8.60 8.31 3.76 3.90 3.00

0.3 - 11.74 13.25 3.98 4.75 6.41 5.83 3.00 2.80 2.25

0 - 60.68 66.19 19.55 29.91 34.98 37.73 13.88 15.57 10.42

Total Mass: 2347.12 1479.55 736.89 503.87 336.31 181.39 123.84 82.94 56.48

Before Sieving 2348.60 1480.95 737.38 504.12 336.97 181.71 124.45 83.45 56.81

After Sieving 2347.00 1479.40 736.88 503.86 336.20 181.41 123.81 82.96 56.48

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 29th ~ July 6th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 76.30 47.13 25.04 17.35 15.80 7.33 4.46

2 - - - 90.01 54.95 36.10 16.90 14.24 10.76 3.73

3 - - - 107.82 48.51 22.69 18.75 9.96 7.79 4.83

4 - - - 81.26 49.98 48.02 20.77 10.65 6.80 4.21

5 - - - 76.92 24.88 32.05 16.67 9.26 12.33 4.01

6 - - - 68.02 42.60 41.36 15.68 10.28 13.11 6.64

7 - - - 67.28 54.76 31.53 20.94 11.35 11.00 6.47

8 - - - 76.69 58.97 40.52 11.49 9.68 11.42 7.71

9 - - - 84.48 36.62 46.55 23.46 15.67 7.94 4.77

10 - - - 168.01 45.81 45.45 20.37 15.67 6.43 6.80

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 896.8 464.2 369.3 182.4 122.6 94.9 53.6

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 89.7 46.4 36.9 18.2 12.3 9.5 5.4

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.9 10.0 8.9 3.4 2.7 2.5 1.4
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.60 1.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1031.7 890.0 1416.2 874.2 587.5 454.9 257.1

Drop Height = (Eis*3600000*Avg.Weight/1000)/(20.06*9.36)

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 11 8 3 5 2 2 3

2 - - - 17 13 7 4 4 4 3

3 - - - 13 9 3 5 5 3 3

4 - - - 13 9 7 7 3 2 2

5 - - - 12 7 4 6 4 4 2

6 - - - 14 8 5 6 4 5 3

7 - - - 12 8 5 3 3 4 3

8 - - - 19 11 6 4 2 2 7

9 - - - 13 7 6 4 5 3 2

10 - - - 21 14 6 5 6 2 3

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 15 9 5 5 4 3 3

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.59 0.99 1.99 2.49 2.48 2.48 2.47

Screening Results (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 1.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.59 0.99 1.99 2.49 2.48 2.48 2.47
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Retained) (Eis =0.59) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.48) (Eis = 2.48) (Eis = 2.47)

53 - - -

45 - - -

31.5 - - -

26.5 - - -

22.4 - - - 27.90

19 - - - 52.16

13.2 - - - 147.14 20.16

11.2 - - - 93.76 22.73

8 - - - 145.61 72.74 21.44 11.95 0.88

6.73 - - - 62.13 43.97 30.40 11.88 2.16

4.75 - - - 94.38 75.31 56.66 26.79 9.56 3.60 1.68

3.35 - - - 67.48 54.09 52.87 24.12 20.22 10.90 3.96

2.36 - - - 41.58 36.88 39.93 13.86 18.55 11.32 7.82

1.7 - - - 29.20 24.20 27.03 18.58 13.61 17.10 7.94

1.18 - - - 21.69 17.84 20.78 8.54 9.95 8.56 6.22

0.85 - - - 16.86 13.54 16.02 5.36 6.33 5.04 3.94

0.6 - - - 14.94 12.73 15.03 5.70 5.61 5.02 3.60

0.425 - - - 14.04 12.16 13.80 5.85 5.53 5.81 2.81

0.3 - - - 8.60 8.11 10.14 4.35 4.29 4.56 2.33

0 - - - 54.94 47.55 62.77 19.30 24.87 21.83 12.90

Total Mass: 892.41 462.01 366.87 156.28 121.56 93.74 53.20

Before Sieving 894.40 462.80 367.64 156.83 122.01 94.28 46.27

After Sieving 892.28 462.00 366.82 156.30 121.70 93.77 46.06

Product Size Distribution
(Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-63 +53 mm
(Eis = 0.09)
80 -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.09)
-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.09)
60 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis =0.23)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.48)
40 -26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.22)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.46)
20 -19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 0.45)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.44)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.39)
80 -45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.24)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.49)
60 -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.97)
40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.97)
-19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 1.47)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.46)
-63 +53 mm
(Eis = 0.24)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-37.5 +31.5mm
80 (Eis = 0.99)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
60 -26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.48)
40 -19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 2.48)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.47)
-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis =0.59)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 29th ~ July 11th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 121.83 95.33 96.06 27.33 49.13 20.08 16.96 9.48 6.30

2 - 156.03 154.63 106.25 52.18 36.10 17.88 17.67 8.65 5.32

3 - 159.38 144.93 87.50 39.94 24.36 22.52 18.38 15.20 7.18

4 - 202.74 166.85 67.91 43.70 33.99 24.76 20.74 6.85 4.42

5 - 237.38 138.76 93.53 63.66 43.27 21.83 10.99 6.42 7.11

6 - 162.97 119.73 86.44 48.87 32.81 18.36 10.00 6.58 6.65

7 - 198.84 82.60 110.54 47.54 33.65 22.09 17.55 6.47 5.35

8 - 233.94 109.73 90.69 40.20 29.22 23.22 17.68 5.62 5.59

9 - 158.42 76.73 68.26 39.31 25.78 17.28 11.85 10.21 7.18

10 - 150.45 128.07 89.07 50.30 27.65 11.53 8.83 7.97 4.35

Weight (g) 0.0 1782.0 1217.4 896.3 453.0 336.0 199.6 150.7 83.5 59.5

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 178.2 121.7 89.6 45.3 33.6 20.0 15.1 8.3 5.9

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 38.1 30.5 13.8 9.7 7.8 3.9 4.2 2.8 1.1
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 854.2 583.5 171.8 86.9 322.1 95.7 72.2 80.0 57.0

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 18 15 15 13 16 12 11 10 12

2 - 15 26 14 28 13 11 15 10 5

3 - 16 22 7 16 8 13 17 13 8

4 - 20 16 7 18 16 13 12 10 7

5 - 40 23 14 24 19 15 9 7 8

6 - 16 21 8 21 13 14 9 7 7

7 - 20 14 6 16 11 14 17 8 11

8 - 29 17 17 13 9 13 16 7 8

9 - 20 12 9 19 10 9 12 11 11

10 - 20 20 14 16 13 9 7 8 6

Average: #DIV/0! 21 19 11 18 13 12 13 6 8

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.24 0.24 0.09 0.08 0.48 0.22 0.21 0.46 0.43

Screening Results (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.25 0.250 0.50 0.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.24 0.24 0.09 0.08 0.48 0.22 0.21 0.46 0.43
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.21) (Eis = 0.46) (Eis = 0.43)

53 -

45 - 77.47

31.5 - 157.44 123.57 130.11

26.5 - 179.55 119.20 166.79

22.4 - 184.04 146.65 158.94 122.35

19 - 198.30 296.14 112.17 110.60 8.52

13.2 - 311.29 67.48 151.42 107.04 43.09 40.05 35.50

11.2 - 161.00 57.17 28.19 34.05 35.55 30.55 27.06 3.12 2.24

8 - 146.72 57.17 51.50 31.11 67.18 47.60 24.81 21.08 6.49

6.73 - 68.68 42.88 17.71 9.47 28.96 14.33 19.24 8.80 10.38

4.75 - 108.37 58.35 21.73 12.08 40.03 18.10 16.86 16.77 14.54

3.35 - 60.40 40.05 14.75 6.77 30.43 10.77 7.21 9.31 7.92

2.36 - 43.06 26.67 9.78 4.50 20.23 7.43 4.75 6.15 4.16

1.7 - 30.04 18.88 16.71 3.18 13.14 4.71 3.19 3.79 3.42

1.18 - 22.64 14.78 4.70 2.26 9.71 3.26 2.19 2.57 2.11

0.85 - 17.10 10.87 3.41 1.65 7.40 2.36 1.49 1.90 1.52

0.6 - 14.17 8.50 3.00 1.45 6.60 1.90 1.34 1.63 1.34

0.425 - 15.10 9.22 2.88 1.28 5.85 0.72 0.94 1.43 1.04

0.3 - 10.75 7.10 2.25 1.00 4.85 2.01 1.03 1.00 0.86

0 - 48.86 31.81 8.80 4.01 21.32 6.93 4.74 5.49 4.41

Total Mass: 1777.51 1213.96 904.84 452.80 334.34 199.24 150.35 83.04 60.43

Before Sieving 1787.30 1215.35 896.00 452.79 335.45 199.43 150.62 83.22 59.92

After Sieving 1777.30 1213.90 897.96 452.62 334.50 199.17 150.33 82.97 59.65

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 29th ~ July 11th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 89.58 39.04 24.62 23.72 8.46 8.10 6.91

2 - - - 62.41 44.83 32.56 24.82 20.24 7.01 6.26

3 - - - 87.87 33.20 29.48 25.12 16.89 5.68 4.75

4 - - - 96.32 41.06 23.51 24.32 11.46 7.71 5.91

5 - - - 76.84 36.85 35.81 17.62 13.50 6.70 4.29

6 - - - 79.55 38.11 31.94 14.62 17.07 8.54 4.01

7 - - - 75.55 49.57 27.55 20.89 17.35 5.05 7.07

8 - - - 106.72 40.78 21.92 15.93 9.48 8.37 5.29

9 - - - 59.95 45.66 21.63 15.84 11.36 9.56 8.25

10 - - - 69.39 55.64 44.71 14.33 12.84 5.62 2.95

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 804.2 424.7 293.7 197.2 138.7 72.3 55.7

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 80.4 42.5 29.4 19.7 13.9 7.2 5.6

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.9 6.6 7.2 4.5 3.9 1.5 1.6
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 770.9 407.2 563.2 378.1 398.8 138.7 106.8

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 18 12 8 9 5 7 9

2 - - - 13 11 9 9 9 5 7

3 - - - 18 11 7 8 8 4 5

4 - - - 16 10 8 6 5 6 6

5 - - - 12 10 9 7 5 7 4

6 - - - 12 11 8 7 8 8 4

7 - - - 12 12 8 7 7 3 8

8 - - - 22 11 8 9 5 8 9

9 - - - 11 9 7 6 3 7 7

10 - - - 13 16 9 6 7 6 3

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 15 11 8 7 6 6 6

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.49 0.99 0.98 1.48 0.96 0.94

Screening Results (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.49 0.99 0.98 1.48 0.96 0.94
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.48) (Eis = 0.96) (Eis = 0.94)

53 - - -

45 - - -

31.5 - - -

26.5 - - -

22.4 - - - 48.07

19 - - - 42.59

13.2 - - - 116.96 45.40 2.95

11.2 - - - 82.84 31.51 7.09 3.37 2.44

8 - - - 133.60 92.17 30.37 17.00 3.68 0.00

6.73 - - - 72.00 37.80 27.86 17.58 9.83 2.39 3.45

4.75 - - - 72.42 62.44 51.37 34.82 15.90 11.24 9.10

3.35 - - - 50.72 38.99 38.23 28.64 21.43 12.44 10.02

2.36 - - - 39.69 25.79 28.15 20.60 19.78 10.83 6.67

1.7 - - - 26.72 17.04 18.77 14.31 13.60 7.21 5.12

1.18 - - - 19.97 13.18 14.91 10.05 8.98 5.08 3.19

0.85 - - - 14.70 9.00 10.47 7.62 6.41 3.43 2.33

0.6 - - - 13.33 8.00 9.11 6.90 6.04 2.84 2.00

0.425 - - - 12.83 8.58 10.00 6.61 5.80 3.16 2.09

0.3 - - - 9.77 6.60 7.31 5.22 4.41 2.40 1.71

0 - - - 44.88 27.32 35.62 23.73 22.13 10.95 7.43

Total Mass: 801.09 423.82 292.21 196.45 137.99 71.97 55.55

Before Sieving 802.04 424.28 293.47 196.80 138.24 72.25 55.59

After Sieving 800.96 423.67 292.27 196.38 138.05 72.20 55.60

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 29th ~ July 11th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 103.48 55.81 43.34 24.91 12.80 6.78 6.12

2 - - - 74.40 29.99 26.76 13.70 14.08 7.34 5.97

3 - - - 47.69 43.54 27.11 16.48 10.49 7.38 5.63

4 - - - 82.14 44.93 44.42 24.99 13.32 7.51 4.63

5 - - - 90.81 43.30 23.59 16.35 13.40 8.41 4.25

6 - - - 58.47 50.48 30.94 14.95 14.43 6.95 4.76

7 - - - 57.19 31.61 34.76 17.23 11.76 5.65 4.14

8 - - - 83.91 42.70 26.71 13.27 10.57 5.38 3.82

9 - - - 64.49 53.00 35.99 20.78 11.76 8.72 5.00

10 - - - 115.67 50.01 33.51 11.09 11.23 6.79 4.39

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 778.3 445.4 327.1 173.8 123.8 70.9 48.7

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 77.8 44.5 32.7 17.4 12.4 7.1 4.9

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.6 8.5 7.1 4.8 1.4 1.1 0.8
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.80 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1193.7 1280.9 1254.4 666.3 593.6 339.9 233.5

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 15 8 9 7 5 3 2

2 - - - 14 5 5 5 4 2 5

3 - - - 7 7 3 5 6 2 3

4 - - - 7 6 8 6 4 3 4

5 - - - 14 7 3 3 4 4 3

6 - - - 8 9 8 2 7 2 3

7 - - - 6 6 7 7 4 2 2

8 - - - 17 9 4 2 3 2 2

9 - - - 9 10 6 3 5 3 3

10 - - - 14 7 5 3 4 2 2

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 11 7 6 4 5 3 3

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.79 1.49 1.99 1.99 2.48 2.48 2.47

Screening Results (Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.79 1.49 1.99 1.99 2.48 2.48 2.47
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.79) (Eis = 1.49) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.48) (Eis = 2.48) (Eis = 2.47)







13.2 98.95

11.2 73.31

8 105.79 42.46 21.83 4.30

6.73 87.13 53.10 30.52 6.94

4.75 91.47 59.01 43.72 15.84 10.26 1.70 1.25

3.35 69.33 58.74 37.11 23.35 20.00 4.72 3.55

2.36 39.72 35.48 30.57 19.72 19.06 10.47 7.65

1.7 51.72 47.64 38.61 25.98 13.06 9.95 6.90

1.18 25.97 23.85 18.63 13.21 9.63 7.49 4.81

0.85 19.55 16.00 12.92 9.10 6.94 5.40 3.58

0.6 17.87 15.64 12.75 8.13 6.31 4.28 2.96

0.425 17.43 16.13 13.30 8.26 6.30 4.45 3.02

0.3 14.35 12.91 11.11 6.84 5.16 3.40 2.31

0 62.69 61.54 53.30 31.29 26.03 18.40 12.55

Total Mass: 775.28 442.50 324.37 172.96 122.75 70.26 48.58

Before Sieving 776.76 444.53 325.99 173.40 123.29 70.60 48.59

After Sieving - 442.46 324.38 173.08 122.62 70.23 48.57

Product Size Distribution
(Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.24)
-45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08)
-31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.22)
20 -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 0.21) (Eis = 0.46)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.43)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.49)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.49)
60 -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
40 (Eis = 0.98)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.48)
-19 + 16 mm
20 (Eis = 0.96)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.94)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian, Blasted, PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-45 +37.5 mm
80 (Eis = 0.79)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 1.49)
60 -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.48)
-19 + 16 mm
20 (Eis = 2.48)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.47)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Barre Granite, Powder Factor
DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (m/s2) = 9.36
Date of test: 25/07/2005 ~30/07/2005 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Tested By: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 453.67 176.53 76.52 32.51 11.82 11.71

2 414.19 155.94 74.54 27.56 9.00 9.94

3 406.82 150.95 62.97 36.15 8.95 12.00

4 395.21 171.82 69.85 22.06 11.75 10.39

5 428.63 169.88 64.46 42.46 9.11 8.85

6 423.49 160.91 73.99 30.97 9.95 9.64

7 441.06 156.81 68.67 28.49 12.16 7.59

8 401.06 149.70 89.76 34.77 11.76 8.73

9 441.48 173.14 88.59 23.35 10.19 9.64

10 430.85 164.47 65.82 35.13 10.22 10.03

Weight (g) 4236.5 1630.2 735.2 313.5 104.9 98.5

Average Weight (g) 423.6 163.0 73.5 31.3 10.5 9.9

Stdev Weight (g) 19.1 9.6 9.4 6.2 1.3 1.3
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.15 0.10 0.25 0.50 2.00 1.00

Size Class -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) 1218.4 312.6 352.4 300.5 402.3 188.9

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 54 42 30 22 2 6

2 56 43 29 22 2 13

3 58 43 29 24 2 7

4 58 41 30 18 2 5

5 55 42 29 26 1 4

6 56 44 35 24 1 7

7 56 41 30 23 2 5

8 56 40 35 23 2 5

9 56 43 32 22 1 6

10 57 39 30 26 1 3

Average: 56.2 41.8 30.9 23 1.6 6.1

Eis Energy 0.14 0.09 0.23 0.46 1.99 0.97

Screening Results (Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams
Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.15 0.1 0.25 0.5 2 1

0.14 0.09 0.23 0.46 1.99 0.97
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.14) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.46) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 0.97)

53 3980.15

45 0.00

31.5 69.89 1528.65 279.83

26.5 0.00 0.00 303.47

22.4 24.10 0.00 24.47 204.16

19 0.00 0.00 29.99 15.94

13.2 35.31 15.99 12.28 12.23

11.2 26.91 6.76 2.31 14.62

8 27.59 25.44 5.83 14.00 0.58 5.65

6.73 10.60 5.47 17.36 6.59 0.47 5.67

4.75 10.00 7.41 14.04 11.58 2.44 14.36

3.35 8.86 7.82 9.24 8.04 13.57 13.83

2.36 7.86 5.90 8.02 6.08 16.60 12.09

1.7 5.96 9.08 5.36 3.99 12.73 9.46

1.18 4.70 2.98 3.92 2.81 10.25 7.14

0.85 3.51 2.05 2.86 2.05 7.30 4.90

0.6 3.32 2.40 2.70 2.02 7.52 4.56

0.425 2.51 1.86 2.56 1.69 6.22 4.06

0.3 2.41 6.97 2.29 3.33 5.73 3.64

0 6.28 7.23 7.36 5.12 20.58 12.31

Total Mass: 4229.96 1636.01 733.89 314.25 103.99 97.67

Before Sieving 4230.75 1626.35 739.32 313.72 104.45 99.35

After Sieving 4229.55 1623.75 733.88 312.68 104.03 97.62

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (m/s2) = 9.36
Date of test: 25/07/2005 ~30/07/2005 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Tested By: Seokjoon Kim


Particle Mass (g)

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 484.53 159.94 70.35 37.40 9.87 11.42

2 442.13 150.88 87.24 27.83 10.81 9.53

3 439.49 182.55 91.69 37.11 9.37 9.11

4 418.23 200.91 76.35 28.64 10.33 9.99

5 417.38 176.24 64.70 31.89 10.01 7.73

6 455.26 174.62 62.15 31.40 9.52 8.79

7 405.59 159.10 86.29 31.29 10.52 10.16

8 421.58 169.91 57.22 33.00 9.30 8.60

9 454.24 174.68 65.82 29.84 10.97 7.91

10 428.94 171.54 94.33 32.44 9.05 8.50

Weight (g) 4367.4 1720.4 756.1 320.8 99.8 91.7

Average Weight (g) 436.7 172.0 75.6 32.1 10.0 9.2

Stdev Weight (g) 23.4 13.9 13.4 3.2 0.7 1.1

Num. Particles 10 10 9 10 10 10

0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) 2093.4 824.6 724.9 615.2 382.5 439.7

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 80 44 36 19 1 1

2 58 41 35 6 2 2

3 58 42 29 21 2 5

4 58 46 34 8 1 2

5 58 45 22 8 2 2

6 56 44 32 8 2 1

7 58 40 35 7 2 5

8 58 41 21 17 2 3

9 58 40 25 23 1 2

10 58 43 32 12 1 3

Average: 60.0 42.6 30.1 12.9 1.6 2.6

Eis Energy 0.24 0.24 0.48 0.98 1.99 2.49

Screening Results (Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams
Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 2.50

0.24 0.24 0.48 0.98 1.99 2.49
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49)

53 3619.05

45 338.37

31.5 58.67 1494.95 244.91

26.5 31.48 0.00 229.62

22.4 39.76 25.38 36.07 44.09

19 52.03 0.00 29.46 27.37

13.2 52.16 37.18 30.43 7.03

11.2 20.31 23.49 16.90 17.87

8 39.08 36.95 34.25 25.79

6.73 10.03 15.62 25.78 16.64 0.66 2.08

4.75 21.23 15.21 21.77 32.19 5.83 3.32

3.35 15.20 14.43 18.10 30.72 10.52 10.04

2.36 12.33 11.72 13.23 23.17 16.91 14.25

1.7 10.96 8.52 10.49 17.91 11.40 11.62

1.18 8.55 6.40 8.16 13.89 9.63 8.41

0.85 6.50 5.45 6.24 9.62 7.42 6.51

0.6 5.52 4.10 5.09 8.98 6.40 5.89

0.425 2.84 1.87 4.17 4.64 5.74 4.86

0.3 6.86 5.63 5.50 12.42 5.48 4.97

0 16.70 10.12 14.26 27.07 18.99 18.88

Total Mass: 4367.87 1717.02 754.43 319.40 98.98 90.83

Before Sieving - 1713.90 753.28 319.29 99.22 91.14

After Sieving 4367.46 1717.00 753.42 319.34 98.95 90.76

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (m/s2) = 9.36
Date of test: 25/07/2005 ~30/07/2005 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Tested By: Seokjoon Kim


Particle Mass (g)

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 185.24 69.50 25.67 12.12

2 164.28 82.70 34.20 7.60

3 170.79 92.55 29.49 10.48

4 182.22 80.30 28.38 7.84

5 170.10 63.52 44.78 9.29

6 163.44 78.38 25.80 8.19

7 170.60 76.57 38.36 9.40

8 166.87 85.30 37.23 7.83

9 173.10 60.62 28.12 8.76

10 205.08 76.30 28.58 7.58

Weight (g) 0.0 1751.7 765.7 320.6 89.1

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 175.2 76.6 32.1 8.9

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! 12.7 9.8 6.3 1.5

Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.40 0.90 2.00 2.50

Size Class -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1343.4 1321.4 1229.4 427.0

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 5 16 3 4

2 38 29 2 3

3 52 23 4 3

4 45 17 5 2

5 44 7 5 3

6 42 9 3 3

7 35 29 3 2

8 57 17 2 2

9 42 9 2 2

10 46 30 3 2

Average: #DIV/0! 40.6 18.6 3.2 2.6

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.39 0.89 1.99 2.48

Screening Results (Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams
Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

Eis Energy (kwh/t)
0.40 0.90 2.00 2.50

0.39 0.89 1.99 2.48
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
-63 +53 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.39) (Eis = 0.89) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.48)



31.5 1373.30 117.50

26.5 0.00 89.15

22.4 25.48 39.51

19 33.28 0.00

13.2 79.82 35.73

11.2 21.70 42.83 1.44

8 52.40 79.14 15.71

6.73 16.37 32.98 10.69 1.54

4.75 32.20 63.92 28.12 4.68

3.35 23.76 53.54 40.20 10.73

2.36 19.02 41.37 41.05 11.98

1.7 13.99 32.72 32.12 11.04

1.18 19.11 24.82 25.05 7.49

0.85 7.48 19.78 20.48 5.80

0.6 5.96 16.51 17.27 5.18

0.425 5.32 12.10 13.58 4.26

0.3 5.85 15.90 16.11 5.32

0 18.21 44.91 55.12 20.11

Total Mass: 1753.25 762.41 316.94 88.13

Before Sieving 1745.73 763.46 317.69 88.39

After Sieving 1739.45 762.48 316.90 88.12

Product Size Distribution
(Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%) 80 -63 +53 mm

(Eis = 0.14)
-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.09)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.23)
-22.4 +19 mm
40 (Eis = 0.46)
-19 +16 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.97)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -63 +53 mm
(Eis = 0.24)
-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.24)
60 -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.48)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
40 -19 +16 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Unblasted, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.39)
40 -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.89)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.48)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 15th ~ August 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 232.20 270.87 83.72 58.99 36.15 15.96 11.75 11.07 5.16

2 - 271.10 97.22 138.04 55.63 28.45 9.69 15.57 8.76 5.73

3 - 199.88 114.22 48.32 50.47 15.37 25.34 15.51 13.85 5.48

4 - 340.82 114.17 97.89 55.48 22.77 13.65 14.93 7.23 5.29

5 - 346.00 128.33 112.13 58.30 16.92 11.75 9.68 10.14 3.81

6 - 236.33 116.73 122.40 49.48 19.82 11.81 13.26 14.50 3.47

7 - 161.33 169.51 54.89 28.06 16.38 30.73 13.19 7.39 7.50

8 - - 117.30 146.29 60.95 31.54 16.68 9.17 8.77 4.54

9 - - 176.56 72.48 129.48 16.36 11.29 8.52 5.35 3.87

10 - - 128.75 94.17 91.07 - 17.09 13.88 5.82 2.73

Weight (g) 0.0 1787.7 1433.7 970.3 637.9 203.8 164.0 125.5 92.9 47.6

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 255.4 143.4 97.0 63.8 22.6 16.4 12.5 9.3 4.8

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 135.6 51.3 33.2 27.7 10.2 6.7 2.6 3.1 1.4
Num. Particles - 7 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.1 0.1 0.0857 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1224.1 274.9 186.0 104.8 108.5 78.6 120.3 89.0 45.6

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 19 34 19 21 13 16 11 8 8

2 - 25 26 40 18 13 8 12 10 7

3 - 18 24 13 18 9 12 9 11 6

4 - 31 25 28 21 13 9 9 7 6

5 - 30 20 33 20 12 8 9 8 5

6 - 28 25 30 17 7 7 10 11 5

7 - 29 32 12 11 11 20 8 6 9

8 - 25 31 28 21 13 6 7 5

9 - 21 21 31 8 7 6 6 5

10 - 29 19 17 - 12 9 3 4

Average: #DIV/0! 26 26 25 20 12 11 9 8 6

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.24 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.22 0.21 0.46 0.46 0.43

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.25 0.25 0.500 0.50 0.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.24 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.22 0.21 0.46 0.46 0.43
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.07) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.21) (Eis = 0.46) (Eis = 0.46) (Eis = 0.43)

53 -

45 - 236.33

31.5 - 438.04 201.68 455.45 84.15

26.5 - 175.47 158.26 87.15 140.34

22.4 - 218.71 320.47 128.63 99.71 17.17

19 - 151.12 97.33 32.80 157.97 0.00 8.06

13.2 - 234.19 179.46 90.94 65.02 51.92 63.68 3.31 4.10

11.2 - 110.60 50.00 43.33 16.62 29.81 10.33 9.53 5.66

8 - 123.60 71.07 53.70 26.60 30.21 27.87 21.52 16.71

6.73 - 51.87 15.04 8.05 7.58 12.55 12.90 15.97 9.15 10.35

4.75 - 59.90 22.75 19.04 8.90 17.82 11.55 22.65 13.98 9.10

3.35 - 36.62 14.22 10.70 6.57 10.29 7.05 13.49 11.19 7.35

2.36 - 38.52 14.99 9.19 5.96 7.60 4.58 8.70 7.25 4.63

1.7 - 26.60 9.02 5.55 3.59 5.50 3.52 5.77 4.82 3.36

1.18 - 20.85 7.46 4.64 2.59 3.85 2.53 4.45 3.73 2.49

0.85 - 17.09 5.86 3.60 1.75 2.67 1.79 3.52 2.48 1.75

0.6 - 14.00 4.72 3.20 1.81 2.61 2.00 2.90 2.52 1.67

0.425 - 12.60 4.65 2.62 1.40 2.58 1.79 2.82 2.37 1.74

0.3 - 11.24 3.81 2.60 1.40 1.85 1.33 2.35 1.90 1.30

0 - 40.88 13.16 8.17 4.47 6.17 4.61 8.12 6.44 4.08

Total Mass: 1781.90 1430.28 969.36 636.43 202.60 163.59 125.10 92.30 47.82

Before Sieving 1784.10 1431.45 969.76 637.00 203.50 163.85 125.26 92.49 47.95

After Sieving - 1430.00 969.06 637.45 202.64 163.67 125.04 92.15 47.83

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 15th ~ August 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 152.16 39.41 30.74 30.48 12.18 11.45 10.67 3.29

2 - - 131.02 160.76 52.46 28.73 32.22 16.50 6.63 5.87

3 - - 189.70 115.36 56.75 24.70 11.47 9.73 11.95 5.09

4 - - 93.24 182.00 62.54 24.80 19.02 13.26 9.96 8.02

5 - - 284.74 85.66 32.20 44.21 18.10 16.69 9.58 5.69

6 - - 181.30 45.85 121.35 30.33 28.71 7.02 10.17 2.21

7 - - 242.67 31.98 54.31 23.19 17.53 11.40 6.79 7.02

8 - - 78.90 106.40 55.93 18.10 8.98 10.06 8.47 3.78

9 - - 103.97 63.12 37.50 38.01 9.20 6.27 6.91 4.80

10 - - 192.12 115.59 43.76 - 17.41 11.34 8.24 3.66

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 1649.8 946.1 547.5 262.6 174.8 113.7 89.4 49.4

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 165.0 94.6 54.8 29.2 17.5 11.4 8.9 4.9

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 66.3 51.0 25.8 11.9 7.8 3.5 1.8 1.8
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 790.8 907.0 1049.8 559.3 335.2 218.0 257.0 142.2

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 19 9 8 14 5 7 6 3

2 - - 21 25 9 9 11 12 5 5

3 - - 36 14 7 11 7 7 7 3

4 - - 17 38 12 8 8 9 6 6

5 - - 32 13 6 17 8 9 6 6

6 - - 26 10 21 9 14 2 7 2

7 - - 24 8 17 7 7 7 4 5

8 - - 14 17 11 8 6 6 4 3

9 - - 13 12 9 11 6 4 5 3

10 - - 29 26 8 - 9 6 5 3

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 23 17 11 10 8 7 6 4

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.97 1.47 1.46

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.97 1.47 1.46
Size Class

Screen Size -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 0.97) (Eis = 1.47) (Eis = 1.46)

53 - -

45 - -

31.5 - - 243.54 61.24

26.5 - - 177.38 49.37

22.4 - - 236.78 132.42

19 - - 128.02 0.00 26.48

13.2 - - 270.78 161.23 45.50 24.68 7.06

11.2 - - 152.09 85.65 64.68 8.65 8.38 12.64

8 - - 106.29 106.32 30.00 32.56 12.02 3.86

6.73 - - 43.05 47.23 49.52 21.76 15.00 9.14 1.77

4.75 - - 65.28 67.83 71.28 39.73 26.27 16.73 9.84 3.20

3.35 - - 48.49 48.18 51.65 26.82 24.82 13.12 13.67 7.12

2.36 - - 35.32 33.45 40.70 20.60 40.82 11.70 13.13 8.26

1.7 - - 24.93 26.90 27.70 14.56 12.30 7.75 9.59 6.12

1.18 - - 19.89 20.66 22.80 12.86 9.77 7.00 7.28 4.60

0.85 - - 16.42 17.86 18.45 9.41 7.23 5.16 5.27 3.51

0.6 - - 14.82 14.89 15.72 8.45 6.06 4.56 5.52 2.84

0.425 - - 12.12 13.73 14.99 7.45 5.65 4.07 4.30 2.69

0.3 - - 11.25 12.03 13.92 7.01 5.30 3.73 4.30 2.26

0 - - 39.46 44.56 52.36 27.08 18.37 13.70 15.00 8.19

Total Mass: 1645.91 943.55 545.75 261.62 199.05 113.16 89.67 48.79

Before Sieving 1647.30 944.70 546.32 262.14 194.36 113.32 89.00 49.22

After Sieving 1645.70 943.50 545.62 261.41 194.08 113.02 89.61 48.76

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 15th ~ August 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 104.98 - 13.27 11.24 10.38 9.34 4.38

2 - - - 49.47 - 18.93 17.17 8.56 11.38 3.85

3 - - - 104.34 - 24.07 24.75 9.46 9.10 5.24

4 - - - 53.76 - 20.71 18.85 10.60 10.71 4.49

5 - - - 48.64 - 51.36 13.05 11.56 14.25 5.54

6 - - - 137.99 - 27.28 23.65 10.40 5.99 5.83

7 - - - 71.07 - 37.39 14.39 12.96 5.09 6.14

8 - - - 90.24 - 27.26 14.77 12.94 6.33 3.55

9 - - - 80.51 - 31.35 27.69 10.00 9.90 4.14

10 - - - 69.71 - - 28.53 8.72 9.91 3.54

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 810.7 0.0 251.6 194.1 105.6 92.0 46.7

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 81.1 #DIV/0! 28.0 19.4 10.6 9.2 4.7

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.8 0.0 13.8 6.3 1.5 2.8 1.0
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.80 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1243.5 #DIV/0! 1072.1 744.3 506.1 441.0 223.8

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 27 - 5 3 5 3 2

2 - - - 15 - 4 4 3 4 3

3 - - - 14 - 4 6 3 2 2

4 - - - 9 - 4 5 5 3 3

5 - - - 8 - 11 4 3 3 3

6 - - - 16 - 3 7 5 2 3

7 - - - 13 - 6 6 4 1 4

8 - - - 16 - 7 7 6 2 2

9 - - - 11 - 7 8 4 3 3

10 - - - 10 - - 8 2 3 3

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 14 #DIV/0! 6 6 4 3 3

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.79 #DIV/0! 1.99 1.98 2.48 2.49 2.47

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.79 #DIV/0! 1.99 1.98 2.48 2.49 2.47
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -37.5 +31.5mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.79) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 1.98) (Eis = 2.48) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.47)






19 20.55

13.2 86.52

11.2 83.73 1.63

8 111.31 12.23 6.71

6.73 74.72 19.03 10.21 0.39

4.75 101.47 39.45 20.67 6.06 2.48 0.13

3.35 66.51 34.36 24.14 15.33 11.42 2.66

2.36 48.35 26.58 24.41 15.95 14.80 7.61

1.7 38.53 19.64 17.99 12.27 13.20 7.29

1.18 28.76 15.78 15.13 8.70 8.37 5.19

0.85 26.34 11.60 11.08 6.56 6.11 3.94

0.6 21.41 10.86 9.48 6.15 5.65 3.34

0.425 19.11 9.91 9.47 6.03 5.03 2.88

0.3 17.25 10.05 8.99 5.54 5.06 2.92

0 63.66 39.29 44.32 21.88 19.20 10.70

Total Mass: 808.22 250.41 202.60 104.86 91.32 46.66

Before Sieving 810.86 250.86 193.57 105.10 91.54 46.69

After Sieving 808.02 250.30 193.14 104.88 91.25 46.65

Product Size Distribution
(Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
-63 +53 mm
(Eis = 0.24)
-53 +45 mm

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 (Eis = 0.09)
-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.09)
-37.5 +31.5mm
60 (Eis = 0.07)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.22)
40 -26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.21)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.46)
20 -19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 0.46)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.43)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.24)
-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.49)
60 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
40 -26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.97)
20 -19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 1.47)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.46)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.391 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.79)
60 -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 1.98)
40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.48)
-19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.47)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m , Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 15th ~ Aug 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 304.35 133.93 69.57 48.42 22.80 22.02 12.04 7.12 4.43

2 - 435.40 127.26 99.02 74.10 27.08 29.19 12.14 12.09 4.17

3 - 258.52 214.27 81.78 48.22 32.24 12.75 18.94 9.00 5.59

4 - 327.70 117.49 87.36 46.91 26.60 24.71 15.06 8.12 4.77

5 - 245.70 194.20 79.50 61.19 27.69 20.20 13.76 6.85 5.30

6 - 318.78 139.53 134.42 80.48 29.38 21.84 12.53 8.25 4.04

7 - 274.20 123.75 58.12 43.56 43.00 16.01 14.26 11.51 3.15

8 - 303.44 152.67 125.96 38.65 27.37 28.39 18.60 5.80 4.20

9 - 283.55 260.28 138.88 57.70 21.58 31.20 10.81 11.30 3.44

10 - 72.58 21.73 19.43 10.14 11.87 5.86

Weight (g) 0.0 2751.6 1463.4 874.6 571.8 279.5 225.7 138.3 91.9 45.0

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 305.7 162.6 97.2 57.2 27.9 22.6 13.8 9.2 4.5

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 55.7 49.3 29.4 14.4 6.3 5.9 3.0 2.3 0.9
Num. Particles - 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.80
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1172.4 311.8 186.3 109.6 134.0 108.2 132.6 88.1 68.9

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 29 26 14 20 13 12 5 7 5

2 - 42 27 23 23 14 13 9 8 3

3 - 29 40 16 22 13 8 11 10 5

4 - 13 18 32 13 13 10 8 7 6

5 - 18 30 19 30 12 9 7 6 8

6 - 26 26 29 24 15 14 10 9 5

7 - 28 18 16 15 14 10 8 12 4

8 - 28 25 34 9 9 14 8 5 4

9 - 19 46 34 20 13 19 7 9 5

10 - 28 12 11 6 10 7

Average: #DIV/0! 26 28 24 20 12.8 12.0 7.9 8.3 5.2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.20 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.47 0.45 0.74

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.500 0.50 0.80
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.20 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.47 0.45 0.74
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.20) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis =0.08) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.47) (Eis = 0.45) (Eis = 0.74)

53 -

45 - 358.48

31.5 - 766.36 136.13 288.93 105.84

26.5 - 145.56 261.35 178.56 124.35

22.4 - 357.51 161.57 93.12 66.44 11.22 19.12

19 - 173.43 74.68 41.55 33.10 0.00 19.33

13.2 - 487.16 223.02 106.09 89.21 44.05 33.33 10.80

11.2 - 146.36 41.83 38.87 45.91 54.14 34.48 18.49 5.68

8 - 166.88 55.40 42.66 42.31 47.36 31.00 9.87 12.95

6.73 - 68.01 24.05 15.69 14.34 26.93 17.33 12.06 12.35 1.63

4.75 - 87.64 30.25 15.19 15.15 28.50 20.03 27.72 14.25 7.34

3.35 - 68.00 20.61 11.81 7.56 14.86 13.47 19.42 13.10 9.47

2.36 - 54.68 15.10 8.00 6.00 11.70 9.11 11.40 7.77 6.95

1.7 - 41.87 11.85 5.90 3.81 8.36 5.46 7.43 5.14 4.16

1.18 - 32.02 9.36 5.00 3.26 6.44 4.41 5.98 4.20 3.05

0.85 - 27.85 7.27 3.94 2.61 4.85 3.36 4.26 3.25 2.08

0.6 - 24.55 5.95 3.14 2.20 4.06 2.66 3.69 2.71 1.83

0.425 - 20.06 5.31 3.03 1.86 3.51 2.80 3.63 2.13 1.78

0.3 - 17.26 4.64 2.68 1.69 3.15 2.28 3.11 2.20 1.58

0 - 59.54 14.44 8.09 5.29 9.38 6.98 9.55 6.26 4.79

Total Mass: 2744.74 1461.29 872.25 570.93 278.51 225.15 147.41 91.99 44.66

Before Sieving 2747.35 1470.50 874.00 571.30 278.83 225.42 137.87 91.98 44.75

After Sieving - 1461.05 873.14 570.77 278.26 225.10 137.51 91.85 44.64

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 15th ~ Aug 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 195.58 95.17 53.52 40.18 39.93 12.09 10.69 5.06

2 - - 121.34 69.56 62.03 29.40 22.76 24.89 7.58 4.14

3 - - 139.88 70.50 68.02 28.56 22.52 21.40 8.09 4.34

4 - - 133.11 71.96 49.08 24.64 19.80 13.40 7.92 3.67

5 - - 186.69 60.51 43.90 26.80 22.65 18.59 7.28 5.45

6 - - 174.89 85.22 29.99 46.10 24.92 25.38 10.96 4.51

7 - - 139.05 61.43 49.90 43.18 20.64 20.23 11.73 5.45

8 - - 80.16 66.48 56.32 17.56 12.76 9.25 3.87

9 - - 165.67 54.47 40.47 18.32 18.91 8.42 3.58

10 - - 67.49 41.06 23.81 16.62 10.79 3.58

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 1090.5 760.2 544.9 376.7 232.9 184.3 92.7 43.7

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 155.8 84.5 54.5 37.7 23.3 18.4 9.3 4.4

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 29.3 32.4 12.1 10.1 6.3 4.8 1.6 0.7
Num. Particles - - 7 9 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.27 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 797.5 1619.5 522.4 722.3 446.6 706.6 266.6 125.5

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 17 10 13 9 13 5 5 4

2 - - 13 10 13 8 6 10 5 2

3 - - 14 9 22 6 7 6 4 2

4 - - 15 8 14 6 8 4 4 3

5 - - 17 8 11 7 10 4 3 4

6 - - 19 9 9 9 7 6 6 2

7 - - 19 8 12 9 6 5 6 2

8 - - 8 12 9 7 5 5 2

9 - - 17 15 10 7 8 3 3

10 - - 23 11 7 6 6 2

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 16 10 14 8 8 6 5 3

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.26 0.99 0.49 0.99 0.98 1.98 1.47 1.47

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.27 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.26 0.99 0.49 0.99 0.98 1.98 1.47 1.47
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.26) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.98) (Eis = 1.47) (Eis = 1.47)

53 - -

45 - -

31.5 - -

26.5 - -

22.4 - - 66.91 22.29

19 - - 83.41 14.21

13.2 - - 271.52 54.50 79.60 2.76 11.82

11.2 - - 125.00 52.60 63.65 9.88 1.76

8 - - 171.63 48.96 92.49 31.09 15.07 3.15 1.17

6.73 - - 65.50 69.81 40.76 46.40 14.40 6.77 1.19

4.75 - - 76.03 165.23 52.39 62.41 40.63 23.75 10.66 1.79

3.35 - - 46.29 73.04 36.60 48.14 33.39 28.56 15.95 4.65

2.36 - - 36.90 54.09 28.44 35.36 24.52 23.95 12.85 7.45

1.7 - - 27.75 42.83 20.38 24.31 16.95 15.73 8.66 5.93

1.18 - - 22.36 31.15 16.70 19.18 12.98 12.83 6.95 4.77

0.85 - - 17.90 27.58 12.88 15.81 10.15 10.41 5.70 3.15

0.6 - - 16.07 24.36 11.92 14.27 9.40 9.27 4.62 2.55

0.425 - - 11.72 19.20 9.63 11.35 7.22 7.26 4.27 2.94

0.3 - - 12.60 20.81 9.60 12.19 8.09 8.69 4.32 2.26

0 - - 38.34 72.85 30.77 42.24 34.21 32.95 15.93 8.19

Total Mass: 1089.93 757.01 542.31 375.39 240.59 183.32 92.27 43.68

Before Sieving 1108.34 758.60 543.66 375.55 232.15 183.40 92.58 43.45

After Sieving 1089.38 757.00 541.72 374.99 231.65 183.25 92.31 43.23

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 15th ~ Aug 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 224.74 - 57.47 26.70 31.85 16.45 6.69 4.50

2 - - 134.45 - 54.26 36.44 22.35 14.90 8.42 4.06

3 - - 121.21 - 92.21 41.74 16.88 11.64 7.45 3.94

4 - - 122.49 - 28.65 31.09 22.92 11.65 8.06 4.76

5 - - 206.40 - 56.83 48.13 32.14 12.63 5.52 3.91

6 - - 209.21 - 60.00 28.11 25.82 11.76 8.70 4.38

7 - - 253.87 - 77.68 38.67 26.03 12.15 8.73 4.00

8 - - 129.66 - 45.39 20.64 30.65 11.64 8.49 4.03

9 - - - - 55.72 32.21 23.09 25.74 7.87 3.37

10 - - - - 45.10 25.80 21.46 7.78 8.22 2.97

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 1402.0 0.0 573.3 329.5 253.2 136.3 78.2 39.9

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 175.3 #DIV/0! 57.3 33.0 25.3 13.6 7.8 4.0

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 87.8 0.0 17.5 8.3 5.0 4.8 1.0 0.5
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1680.1 #DIV/0! 1099.2 1263.6 970.9 653.5 374.6 191.3

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 27 - 13 9 7 5 3 1

2 - - 15 - 9 6 6 4 2 2

3 - - 16 - 12 7 6 4 3 2

4 - - 9 - 6 6 4 2 2 2

5 - - 21 - 13 10 5 4 3 2

6 - - 16 - 10 6 6 2 3 1

7 - - 28 - 11 6 6 3 3 1

8 - - 13 - 11 5 7 4 3 2

9 - - - 10 6 8 6 2 1

10 - - - 11 6 4 2 2 2

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 18 #DIV/0! 11 7 6 4 3 2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 #DIV/0! 0.99 1.99 1.99 2.49 2.48 2.48

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 #DIV/0! 0.99 1.99 1.99 2.49 2.48 2.48
Size Class

Screen Size -53 +45 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -45 +37.5 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.48) (Eis = 2.48) (Eis = 2.47)

53 - - -

45 - - -

31.5 - - 66.77 -

26.5 - - 118.74 -

22.4 - - 126.87 - 13.15

19 - - 40.43 - 0.00

13.2 - - 154.62 - 15.58

11.2 - - 133.87 - 28.78

8 - - 149.80 - 97.51 13.97 2.44

6.73 - - 66.44 - 60.54 22.20 9.22 0.99

4.75 - - 86.92 - 78.06 47.20 34.13 12.03 2.38 0.26

3.35 - - 156.36 - 54.33 48.80 39.80 20.13 11.60 2.72

2.36 - - 56.81 - 40.50 35.94 31.34 19.21 11.00 6.57

1.7 - - 43.72 - 30.63 27.02 23.10 14.94 10.37 5.76

1.18 - - 33.76 - 25.23 21.24 17.86 11.14 7.09 4.16

0.85 - - 29.31 - 20.13 17.22 13.84 8.81 5.35 3.17

0.6 - - 25.24 - 19.03 15.36 13.23 8.30 5.00 2.82

0.425 - - 22.07 - 14.71 13.60 12.06 5.99 3.51 2.12

0.3 - - 21.84 - 14.73 13.20 11.14 7.28 4.74 2.66

0 - - 72.36 - 57.13 51.79 43.84 26.73 16.80 9.43

Total Mass: 1405.93 570.04 327.54 252.00 135.55 77.84 39.67

Before Sieving 1408.65 571.00 328.22 252.20 135.78 78.02 39.62

After Sieving 1399.00 569.91 327.40 251.87 135.57 77.86 39.72

Product Size Distribution
(Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-63 +53 mm
(Eis = 0.20)
80 -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.09)
-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.09)
60 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis =0.08)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.23)
40 -26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.22)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.47)
20 -19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 0.45)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.74)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.26)
80 -45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.49)
60 -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
40 (Eis = 0.98)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.98)
-19 + 16 mm
20 (Eis = 1.47)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.47)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Blasted, PF= 0.782 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-37.5 +31.5mm
80 (Eis = 0.99)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
60 -26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.48)
40 -19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 2.48)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.47)
-53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 15th ~ August 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 146.81 117.23 69.39 93.15 23.99 32.51 14.90 13.68 6.44

2 - 218.99 148.60 58.81 34.14 32.79 24.34 14.88 8.79 5.82

3 - 239.05 135.15 92.53 51.90 44.10 20.64 14.89 7.70 5.50

4 - 267.17 97.23 55.67 33.35 50.88 20.48 12.63 8.37 7.00

5 - 155.58 150.76 111.28 69.01 30.75 25.46 11.09 9.65 7.21

6 - 207.82 126.92 84.74 40.15 34.67 20.90 10.33 13.28 5.72

7 - 171.94 94.10 58.74 41.69 29.84 19.41 12.59 10.12 5.35

8 - 323.90 122.26 104.05 35.77 33.69 24.63 13.87 10.63 8.46

9 - 78.12 77.45 57.47 42.43 20.22 20.07 7.55 5.56

10 - 137.60 55.78 61.38 32.82 26.57 14.37 7.50 3.97

Weight (g) 0.0 1731.3 1208.0 768.4 518.0 356.0 235.2 139.6 97.3 61.0

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 216.4 120.8 76.8 51.8 35.6 23.5 14.0 9.7 6.1

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 60.1 24.3 20.6 19.1 7.9 4.1 2.7 2.3 1.2
Num. Particles 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.21 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 863.0 1158.0 147.3 99.3 170.6 112.7 133.8 93.2 117.0

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 18 14 21 29 9 19 9 6 2

2 - 24 14 17 13 11 12 6 5 5

3 - 38 15 33 17 14 15 8 6 3

4 - 36 11 16 14 15 12 7 9 6

5 - 16 23 19 19 11 13 5 6 6

6 - 21 17 28 12 13 14 6 9 5

7 - 16 13 18 13 11 9 8 7 3

8 - 33 17 29 17 12 14 9 7 7

9 - 10 19 19 14 14 12 6 3

10 - 15 18 28 10 17 11 7 2

Average: #DIV/0! 25 15 22 18 12 14 8 7 4

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.20 0.49 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.47 0.46 0.96

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.21 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.20 0.49 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.47 0.46 0.96
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.20) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.47) (Eis = 0.47) (Eis = 0.96)

53 -

45 -

31.5 - 582.99 76.75 71.17

26.5 - 133.16 129.30 31.85

22.4 - 91.08 136.31 131.48

19 - 99.49 77.70 69.95 45.24 9.18 7.83

13.2 - 255.05 216.42 173.90 112.23 106.11 63.07

11.2 - 99.88 124.33 44.92 30.64 42.64 71.82

8 - 124.02 202.40 43.17 24.95 53.40 7.00

6.73 - 58.87 86.28 17.31 16.55 28.06 21.87 27.36 27.36 2.81

4.75 - 58.99 112.35 21.25 11.44 29.02 18.17 22.35 15.74 6.06

3.35 - 47.24 75.86 11.99 8.77 19.92 10.75 37.19 13.76 12.22

2.36 - 34.80 59.80 8.66 6.43 14.24 6.64 11.94 8.96 8.08

1.7 - 26.24 45.22 6.61 4.55 10.95 5.74 8.29 3.58 6.16

1.18 - 21.07 34.95 4.65 3.55 7.66 4.07 5.64 6.75 4.39

0.85 - 16.28 29.00 4.06 2.67 6.01 3.15 4.75 5.01 3.40

0.6 - 15.14 24.47 3.56 2.59 5.77 3.35 4.12 3.11 3.14

0.425 - 12.45 12.39 2.85 2.01 4.25 2.50 3.51 2.64 1.99

0.3 - 11.98 30.54 2.78 2.03 4.33 2.55 3.50 2.53 3.18

0 - 39.37 72.17 8.80 5.67 12.92 7.16 10.50 7.74 8.75

Total Mass: 1728.10 1203.88 766.82 513.82 354.46 235.67 139.15 97.18 60.18

Before Sieving 1730.13 1206.65 767.08 518.35 354.92 234.20 139.44 97.31 60.24

After Sieving 1727.70 - 766.72 - 354.40 233.62 136.78 97.09 60.20

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 15th ~ August 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 91.95 30.06 31.41 30.33 17.29 9.96 4.45

2 - - - 53.58 28.38 21.69 16.71 12.60 11.20 5.35

3 - - - 91.34 60.19 29.49 19.56 18.59 9.89 4.72

4 - - - 48.87 58.10 28.45 26.25 13.71 8.06 3.67

5 - - - 95.38 38.56 50.76 14.98 12.71 11.09 6.60

6 - - - 93.67 52.20 27.32 13.84 11.41 11.14 5.01

7 - - - 55.54 42.55 14.89 15.22 15.52 11.07 3.48

8 - - - 71.20 51.14 36.96 13.91 18.88 5.59 5.96

9 - - - 83.99 52.87 39.31 20.51 14.04 6.97 4.26

10 - - - 41.96 27.07 19.42 13.72 6.62 4.22

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 685.5 456.0 307.4 190.7 148.5 91.6 47.7

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 76.2 45.6 30.7 19.1 14.8 9.2 4.8

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.1 11.1 9.9 5.5 2.6 2.2 1.0
Num. Particles 0 0 0 9 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 730.2 437.2 589.3 365.7 569.3 263.4 137.2

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 12 9 12 9 4 4 2

2 - - - 12 8 6 5 4 2 3

3 - - - 12 14 9 9 4 3 2

4 - - - 11 17 8 10 3 3 1

5 - - - 15 11 10 7 3 3 2

6 - - - 14 12 9 9 3 5 3

7 - - - 12 16 7 5 5 5 3

8 - - - 11 17 13 7 5 1 3

9 - - - 14 12 8 7 5 3 1

10 - - - 10 8 10 5 4 1

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 13 13 9 8 4 3 2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.49 0.98 0.98 1.99 1.48 1.48

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.49 0.98 0.98 1.99 1.48 1.48
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 1.48) (Eis = 1.48)

53 - - -

45 - - -

31.5 - - -

26.5 - - -

22.4 - - -

19 - - - 25.33

13.2 - - - 43.22 69.20 6.47

11.2 - - - 75.06 34.25 10.06 2.68

8 - - - 155.00 61.50 30.65 13.97

6.73 - - - 74.50 54.26 26.83 19.75 2.13 0.79

4.75 - - - 86.99 51.78 51.28 31.94 9.84 9.23 0.53

3.35 - - - 52.88 32.90 38.60 23.98 21.44 15.37 5.49

2.36 - - - 38.04 24.29 29.07 20.07 22.38 13.68 9.09

1.7 - - - 29.90 17.88 20.33 13.80 15.30 9.93 6.84

1.18 - - - 22.53 14.34 15.75 10.68 11.95 7.55 4.67

0.85 - - - 18.24 9.79 12.86 8.52 9.62 5.62 3.60

0.6 - - - 16.29 11.86 12.10 7.96 8.05 4.83 3.14

0.425 - - - 13.71 8.95 10.12 6.60 6.79 4.43 2.50

0.3 - - - 13.39 8.30 9.20 6.68 8.93 4.27 2.74

0 - - - 43.21 28.38 32.21 22.54 29.72 15.53 8.70

Total Mass: 682.96 453.01 305.53 189.17 146.15 91.23 47.30

Before Sieving 683.88 454.01 306.06 189.70 147.72 91.09 47.25

After Sieving 683.00 453.33 305.87 189.26 147.32 90.88 47.20

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 15th ~ August 20th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - 76.72 37.44 16.12 16.96 16.61 5.71

2 - - - - 36.69 27.37 15.11 11.28 7.75 4.56

3 - - - - 37.91 22.17 19.30 9.96 7.03 3.55

4 - - - - 45.70 29.49 15.35 10.03 7.92 3.63

5 - - - - 41.31 23.42 13.67 20.45 8.74 5.66

6 - - - - 55.97 21.34 8.46 13.05 6.56 4.44

7 - - - - 42.78 29.92 15.20 11.24 7.18 3.70

8 - - - - 49.20 23.92 17.23 15.08 7.85 4.11

9 - - - - 35.88 15.52 31.95 10.07 7.49 3.30

10 - - - - 39.73 24.68 24.35 11.45 7.42 3.20

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 461.9 255.3 176.7 129.6 84.6 41.9

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 46.2 25.5 17.7 13.0 8.5 4.2

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.4 5.9 6.4 3.5 2.9 0.9
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

1.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 885.6 978.9 677.7 621.1 405.3 200.6

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - 17 8 5 4 4 1

2 - - - - 7 7 6 5 1 1

3 - - - - 10 6 5 1 2 2

4 - - - - 8 8 5 1 2 2

5 - - - - 9 7 2 6 2 2

6 - - - - 11 5 4 4 1 1

7 - - - - 8 7 5 2 1 1

8 - - - - 11 6 5 5 2 2

9 - - - - 9 5 8 4 1 1

10 - - - - 10 4 6 4 2 2

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 10 6 5 4 2 2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.99 1.99 1.98 2.49 2.49 2.48

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.99 1.99 1.98 2.49 2.49 2.48
Size Class

Screen Size -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 1.98) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.48)







13.2 14.87

11.2 19.68

8 67.16 6.45 2.50

6.73 40.50 15.03 7.45 1.58 0.32

4.75 71.98 37.91 18.64 8.95 3.82 0.44

3.35 52.75 38.00 27.62 16.99 8.71 2.54

2.36 38.45 28.60 23.44 19.31 12.54 6.63

1.7 27.18 20.81 16.16 14.90 11.81 6.54

1.18 21.30 16.14 12.78 10.48 7.56 4.49

0.85 17.59 14.13 10.30 8.75 6.04 3.08

0.6 16.00 12.37 8.97 7.78 5.27 3.00

0.425 13.32 11.31 8.63 7.34 4.75 2.73

0.3 12.76 10.52 8.38 6.31 4.60 2.48

0 45.38 42.18 30.68 26.18 18.45 9.64

Total Mass: 458.92 253.45 175.55 128.57 83.87 41.57

Before Sieving 459.60 253.87 175.86 128.84 84.05 41.46

After Sieving 458.84 253.40 175.57 128.62 83.84 41.55

Product Size Distribution
(Barre, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.20) (Eis = 0.49)
-45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08)
-31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.22)
20 -22.4 +19 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 0.47) (Eis = 0.47)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.96)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Blasted, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-45 +37.5 mm
80 (Eis = 0.49)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.49)
60 -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
-19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 1.48)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.48)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Blasted, PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 1.98)

40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-19 + 16 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.48)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Air-Deck Charge, Barre Granite
DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: October 15th ~ October 28th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 262.52 146.61 100.74 50.33 40.63 20.83 9.25 5.70

2 - 334.92 160.26 143.14 39.33 29.75 14.34 12.42 6.38

3 - 203.00 152.14 119.69 65.98 30.18 16.11 13.62 3.60

4 - 223.09 153.50 61.95 42.48 44.41 25.35 13.16 4.81

5 - 223.48 155.68 97.09 39.52 28.12 21.93 15.62 5.51

6 - 248.75 154.44 89.11 76.03 33.77 24.75 11.83 5.07

7 - 239.95 244.19 108.89 104.36 34.63 29.64 14.24 5.41

8 - 191.45 181.17 107.60 80.81 49.18 22.17 14.23 3.62

9 - 275.36 124.32 92.41 55.35 43.06 20.44 10.06 3.99

10 - 192.11 122.91 45.06 38.04 21.28 11.75 5.17

Weight (g) 0.0 2394.6 1595.2 920.6 599.3 371.8 216.8 126.2 0.0 49.3

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 239.5 159.5 102.3 59.9 37.2 21.7 12.6 #DIV/0! 4.9

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 44.0 34.2 22.3 21.6 7.1 4.4 2.0 #DIV/0! 0.9
Num. Particles 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1147.8 1529.3 196.1 114.9 178.2 103.9 121.0 #DIV/0! 94.4

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 39 21 27 12 18 11 7 5

2 - 48 25 20 12 15 9 9 9

3 - 26 14 23 28 19 9 11 3

4 - 29 18 25 21 10 14 8 6

5 - 18 19 29 16 16 11 7 6

6 - 28 20 27 20 12 16 6 8

7 - 36 27 26 26 14 17 10 6

8 - 20 20 19 27 22 11 9 3

9 - 38 13 31 25 14 14 7 4

10 - 28 12 13 22 12 9 6

Average: #DIV/0! 31 19 25 20 16 12 8 #DIV/0! 6

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.47 #DIV/0! 0.94

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.47 #DIV/0! 0.94
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.47) (Eis = 0.94)

53 -

45 - 283.59

31.5 - 504.19 61.94 39.06

26.5 - 233.59 147.88 199.63 129.87

22.4 - 300.58 120.82 293.76 110.06 15.53

19 - 224.21 96.21 116.52 43.45 63.45

13.2 - 263.03 384.51 131.93 150.62 85.88 46.97

11.2 - 94.69 145.67 23.81 42.49 51.52 35.52 2.00

8 - 141.31 194.88 26.16 23.28 62.28 49.43 26.62

6.73 - 47.23 77.99 13.09 7.94 11.50 21.44 16.40 2.47

4.75 - 67.38 80.12 13.05 14.04 19.90 17.46 24.31 9.22

3.35 - 40.77 59.10 7.51 7.09 11.08 10.73 13.85 8.54

2.36 - 39.63 57.28 8.44 6.57 10.06 7.86 10.25 7.35

1.7 - 28.64 39.48 4.71 4.89 7.30 5.42 6.42 4.02

1.18 - 21.11 31.87 3.78 3.47 5.60 4.14 4.86 3.52

0.85 - 17.28 25.00 3.12 2.76 3.84 3.05 3.72 2.18

0.6 - 15.49 21.83 2.64 2.53 3.83 2.86 3.36 1.94

0.425 - 14.17 20.84 2.45 2.65 4.00 2.74 3.10 2.13

0.3 - 11.11 16.38 1.84 2.05 3.27 2.06 2.33 1.51

0 - 43.01 68.94 6.13 6.59 11.11 6.70 8.15 5.76

Total Mass: 2391.01 1588.80 920.51 599.41 370.15 216.38 125.37 0.00 48.64

Before Sieving 2423.55 - 934.90 606.28 378.51 223.31 128.69 51.93

After Sieving 2419.85 1603.80 934.42 605.76 378.24 223.16 - 51.70

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: October 15th ~ October 28th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 97.62 44.31 49.87 15.10 10.51 3.65

2 - - - 130.04 51.38 51.17 14.64 10.01 5.04

3 - - - 93.43 98.56 46.62 31.53 9.86 6.15

4 - - - 171.34 63.00 29.59 28.76 10.44 4.46

5 - - - 123.68 55.64 33.79 16.65 17.24 4.74

6 - - - 154.45 42.63 21.41 15.79 17.30 4.30

7 - - - 87.05 54.48 49.10 22.85 9.41 4.21

8 - - - 70.15 85.22 35.69 18.62 12.84 5.10

9 - - - 84.21 85.93 37.17 23.94 12.26 3.83

10 - - - 44.79 37.10 28.99 10.48 3.63

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1012.0 625.9 391.5 216.9 120.4 0.0 45.1

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 112.4 62.6 39.2 21.7 12.0 #DIV/0! 4.5

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.4 20.1 9.8 6.4 3.0 #DIV/0! 0.8
Num. Particles 0 0 0 9 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1077.9 1200.1 750.7 415.8 461.5 #DIV/0! 129.7

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 10 8 10 7 4 2

2 - - - 21 9 14 7 5 2

3 - - - 9 23 8 8 5 3

4 - - - 18 14 8 8 3 3

5 - - - 15 9 12 8 5 5

6 - - - 33 9 5 6 5 4

7 - - - 13 10 9 10 3 3

8 - - - 13 11 10 7 4 4

9 - - - 14 13 10 10 4 2

10 - - - 9 7 8 3 2

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 16 12 9 8 4 #DIV/0! 3

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.98 #DIV/0! 1.47

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.98 #DIV/0! 1.47
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.98) (Eis = 1.47)

53 - - -

45 - - -

31.5 - - -

26.5 - - - 106.84

22.4 - - - 13.78 41.30

19 - - - 26.45 21.95

13.2 - - - 267.88 51.29 2.41

11.2 - - - 101.90 29.82 32.20 2.03

8 - - - 119.74 83.16 64.24 21.21 0.77

6.73 - - - 56.75 47.79 39.00 23.44 2.32

4.75 - - - 65.51 84.66 56.16 34.70 12.13 2.41

3.35 - - - 43.84 42.93 38.56 27.78 17.83 5.24

2.36 - - - 44.46 41.05 28.51 23.08 18.84 8.17

1.7 - - - 28.03 28.40 22.21 15.06 12.64 6.51

1.18 - - - 23.76 22.97 17.60 11.65 9.42 4.32

0.85 - - - 18.05 19.03 13.13 8.44 6.43 3.21

0.6 - - - 16.78 16.38 12.42 8.96 6.25 2.53

0.425 - - - 15.46 17.14 13.25 8.00 6.50 2.66

0.3 - - - 12.26 14.21 10.27 6.25 5.09 2.07

0 - - - 48.96 60.10 39.76 24.68 21.16 7.84

Total Mass: 1010.45 622.18 389.72 215.28 119.38 0.00 44.96

Before Sieving 1024.44 631.62 397.27 222.64 128.69 47.65

After Sieving 1023.20 629.50 - 222.12 - 47.32

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: October 15th ~ October 28th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - 45.50 36.38 24.12 14.72 3.31

2 - - - - 59.64 59.61 17.50 11.88 3.67

3 - - - - 72.38 29.79 27.73 16.63 3.90

4 - - - - 46.79 44.09 21.37 9.75 4.37

5 - - - - 50.80 57.17 13.09 13.38 5.12

6 - - - - 44.13 39.69 27.46 11.63 4.64

7 - - - - 45.52 33.95 28.04 14.99 5.01

8 - - - - 43.55 34.28 27.13 17.91 5.98

9 - - - - 66.39 58.14 22.46 14.14 4.40

10 - - - - 59.69 28.13 20.31 9.36 4.46

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 534.4 421.2 229.2 134.4 0.0 44.9

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 53.4 42.1 22.9 13.4 #DIV/0! 4.5

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.4 12.1 5.0 2.8 #DIV/0! 0.8
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 0 10

Total Weight (g)

1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1536.9 1615.3 1098.7 644.2 #DIV/0! 215.0

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - 7 6 4 4 2

2 - - - - 9 8 2 3 2

3 - - - - 9 6 4 4 2

4 - - - - 7 5 5 2 2

5 - - - - 8 10 4 5 2

6 - - - - 7 9 5 2 2

7 - - - - 12 5 6 5 2

8 - - - - 7 5 8 6 2

9 - - - - 8 7 6 4 2

10 - - - - 7 5 4 3 2

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 8 7 5 4 #DIV/0! 2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.48

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.48
Size Class

Screen Size -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 1.49) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.48)

53 - - - -

45 - - - -

31.5 - - - -

26.5 - - - -

22.4 - - - -

19 - - - -

13.2 - - - - 14.90

11.2 - - - - 11.89 7.80

8 - - - - 58.47 35.42 1.99 1.25

6.73 - - - - 61.09 32.67 10.05 1.68

4.75 - - - - 87.30 68.11 34.23 15.01 0.52

3.35 - - - - 51.22 49.53 34.06 21.22 3.67

2.36 - - - - 46.43 38.50 27.09 17.33 7.47

1.7 - - - - 30.55 29.99 20.98 12.56 6.64

1.18 - - - - 25.56 24.02 15.68 10.15 4.72

0.85 - - - - 19.31 17.57 12.63 7.80 3.46

0.6 - - - - 18.73 16.66 10.46 7.00 2.87

0.425 - - - - 19.62 18.30 10.92 7.14 2.91

0.3 - - - - 16.29 14.19 8.67 5.54 2.33

0 - - - - 69.27 64.87 40.00 26.47 10.12

Total Mass: 530.63 417.63 226.76 133.15 0.00 44.71

Before Sieving 539.20 427.57 234.96 136.48 47.38

After Sieving 538.08 - 234.37 136.28 47.10

Product Size Distribution
(Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49)
40 -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08)

-31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm

20 (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.22)
-22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.47) (Eis = 0.94)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-45 +37.5 mm
80 (Eis = 0.49)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
40 (Eis = 0.98)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.98)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.47)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Blasted(Air-Deck), PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 1.49)

-31.5 +26.5 mm
60 (Eis = 1.99)

-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.48)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Spherical Charge with Stemming, Barre Granite
DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: May 2nd ~ 5th, 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 453.18 153.46 162.08 57.99 46.71 27.53 11.15 4.62

2 - 386.86 249.38 69.44 59.29 39.85 23.72 14.02 5.29

3 - 285.99 122.18 88.60 48.80 25.74 14.25 17.53 5.44

4 - 336.43 188.92 53.77 70.95 41.75 22.26 15.71 5.25

5 - 245.64 144.46 107.68 65.31 64.79 31.58 8.47 6.65

6 - 151.36 256.51 152.18 67.65 43.13 21.39 10.58 5.44

7 - 246.00 130.11 95.41 69.34 37.48 35.24 14.41 5.31

8 - 194.49 115.45 103.82 51.28 43.09 20.19 17.83 4.48

9 - 224.76 210.65 113.28 43.98 40.54 21.91 15.30 6.49

10 - 168.83 100.58 42.96 56.85 21.76 12.74 7.44

Weight (g) 0.0 2524.7 1740.0 1046.8 577.6 439.9 239.8 137.7 0.0 56.4

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 280.5 174.0 104.7 57.8 44.0 24.0 13.8 #DIV/0! 5.6

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 96.1 51.0 33.0 10.5 10.6 6.0 3.0 #DIV/0! 0.9
Num. Particles 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1344.6 1668.0 200.7 110.7 210.9 115.0 132.0 #DIV/0! 108.2

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 43 9 25 19 16 11 7 3

2 - 34 23 28 17 17 16 10 3

3 - 36 12 15 14 8 12 12 4

4 - 30 19 15 26 16 15 12 5

5 - 24 16 26 32 23 13 7 4

6 - 16 23 39 28 12 17 11 3

7 - 32 15 24 23 15 12 13 5

8 - 23 12 28 15 14 6 11 3

9 - 20 28 21 14 15 13 7 6

10 - 14 28 14 19 12 12 5

Average: #DIV/0! 29 17 25 20 16 13 10 #DIV/0! 4

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.46 #DIV/0! 0.96

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.46 #DIV/0! 0.96
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.46) (Eis = 0.96)

53 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 - 198.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 - 663.51 0.00 373.30 64.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 - 340.64 48.67 107.34 67.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

22.4 - 135.73 129.52 246.67 205.95 59.56 0.00 0.00 0.00

19 - 211.61 129.22 78.46 57.58 31.13 19.00 0.00 0.00

13.2 - 317.19 409.64 94.73 70.44 134.20 59.35 10.77 0.00

11.2 - 118.33 160.93 33.91 37.43 55.58 37.73 14.68 0.00

8 - 117.00 207.70 35.36 18.82 50.62 45.05 24.76 1.33

6.73 - 61.55 93.81 11.80 10.82 17.51 14.18 14.26 0.86

4.75 - 79.70 112.73 16.29 11.58 21.27 17.29 20.00 5.66

3.35 - 52.89 84.23 9.65 6.47 14.00 10.57 13.50 9.87

2.36 - 42.85 66.03 7.90 5.79 11.83 6.46 8.46 9.04

1.7 - 33.08 50.50 6.00 3.81 7.91 5.15 5.89 5.37

1.18 - 25.64 41.65 5.10 3.10 6.84 4.51 4.67 4.35

0.85 - 20.66 33.50 3.63 2.17 5.17 3.30 3.55 3.26

0.6 - 18.89 29.86 3.40 2.19 4.56 3.35 3.28 2.97

0.425 - 17.11 27.62 2.96 1.79 3.76 2.79 2.81 2.58

0.3 - 14.65 23.82 2.58 1.57 3.47 2.54 2.52 2.42

0 - 51.96 86.49 7.96 4.88 11.44 8.00 8.22 7.94

Total Mass: 2521.40 1735.92 1047.04 576.53 438.85 239.27 137.37 0.00 55.65

Before Sieving 2523.00 1710.13 1040.86 578.35 441.60 239.51 137.41 56.31

After Sieving 2520.10 1711.95 1040.44 577.81 440.86 239.17 137.40 55.70

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: May 2nd ~ 5th, 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 114.53 93.64 33.96 28.33 18.21 7.85

2 - - - 120.53 51.12 33.00 13.40 12.38 6.58

3 - - - 82.98 53.54 36.15 24.49 14.45 4.69

4 - - - 79.06 66.26 35.44 23.66 10.19 4.77

5 - - - 83.68 71.31 24.63 16.76 13.78 4.65

6 - - - 90.81 70.35 36.38 15.99 12.82 5.30

7 - - - 108.03 68.92 38.76 21.09 13.40 5.41

8 - - - 79.27 64.90 36.05 17.88 14.06 6.37

9 - - - 95.77 54.56 33.45 17.95 11.91 4.91

10 - - - 77.42 61.09 33.81 20.40 9.92 5.60

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 932.1 655.7 341.6 200.0 131.1 0.0 56.1

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 93.2 65.6 34.2 20.0 13.1 #DIV/0! 5.6

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.9 12.3 3.8 4.5 2.4 #DIV/0! 1.0
Num. Particles 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 893.6 1257.2 655.0 383.4 502.8 #DIV/0! 161.4

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 19 14 10 9 6 3

2 - - - 19 9 8 6 4 2

3 - - - 18 12 10 10 4 2

4 - - - 13 10 9 9 4 3

5 - - - 19 12 9 8 5 3

6 - - - 20 11 11 6 5 2

7 - - - 22 14 11 7 5 2

8 - - - 16 10 8 8 6 2

9 - - - 14 8 10 8 5 2

10 - - - 9 13 9 6 4 2

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 17 11 10 8 5 #DIV/0! 2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.98 #DIV/0! 1.48

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.98 #DIV/0! 1.48
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.98) (Eis = 1.48)

53 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

22.4 - - - 45.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

19 - - - 69.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

13.2 - - - 246.75 23.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

11.2 - - - 107.75 45.90 12.25 4.79 0.00 0.00

8 - - - 108.54 121.06 46.73 25.81 1.14 0.00

6.73 - - - 48.40 61.13 39.61 19.61 3.21 0.00

4.75 - - - 65.10 87.35 48.29 28.88 11.37 1.66

3.35 - - - 45.03 61.33 36.89 24.86 21.05 7.37

2.36 - - - 35.61 41.86 28.79 19.63 17.51 10.20

1.7 - - - 27.02 33.27 19.04 12.53 12.76 7.29

1.18 - - - 22.84 28.91 18.93 11.05 11.38 5.78

0.85 - - - 17.95 22.93 14.39 8.05 7.66 3.96

0.6 - - - 16.67 21.14 12.27 7.42 7.16 3.33

0.425 - - - 15.05 19.13 12.75 7.09 6.96 3.41

0.3 - - - 12.33 16.98 10.19 5.68 5.79 2.60

0 - - - 45.15 66.95 39.10 22.02 24.01 9.87

Total Mass: 929.15 651.62 339.23 197.42 130.00 0.00 55.47

Before Sieving 930.48 651.74 342.41 199.60 130.76 55.67

After Sieving 929.52 649.58 341.18 198.17 130.55 55.67

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: May 2nd ~ 5th, 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - 50.06 40.03 26.34 10.40 5.49

2 - - - - 72.79 26.69 22.38 10.33 7.78

3 - - - - 49.58 30.79 20.09 13.03 8.62

4 - - - - 38.65 36.11 28.28 11.71 6.34

5 - - - - 47.08 48.37 20.72 11.75 7.49

6 - - - - 73.02 34.12 18.27 9.79 7.97

7 - - - - 41.60 30.81 19.02 10.74 4.93

8 - - - - 56.61 41.42 17.82 15.60 5.04

9 - - - - 68.67 28.91 27.31 12.14 4.49

10 - - - - 50.96 32.50 20.81 14.33 7.57

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 549.0 349.8 221.0 119.8 0.0 65.7

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 54.9 35.0 22.1 12.0 #DIV/0! 6.6

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.5 6.6 3.9 1.9 #DIV/0! 1.5
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 0 10

Total Weight (g)

1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1579.0 1341.2 1059.5 574.3 #DIV/0! 315.0

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - 9 8 5 2 1

2 - - - - 10 2 3 2 1

3 - - - - 8 5 3 5 2

4 - - - - 6 8 6 4 2

5 - - - - 6 9 4 3 2

6 - - - - 9 6 2 3 2

7 - - - - 5 7 4 5 1

8 - - - - 9 10 5 3 2

9 - - - - 11 3 5 3 1

10 - - - - 10 5 6 3 3

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 8 6 4 3 #DIV/0! 2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49

Screening Results (Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49
Size Class

Screen Size -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 1.49) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49)

53 - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

22.4 - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

19 - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

13.2 - - - - 6.82 2.79 0.00 0.00 0.00

11.2 - - - - 26.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

8 - - - - 59.10 30.35 3.94 0.00 0.00

6.73 - - - - 52.49 29.30 8.26 0.42 0.00

4.75 - - - - 78.08 35.52 26.60 6.95 2.27

3.35 - - - - 58.44 47.25 30.48 18.51 5.77

2.36 - - - - 45.74 34.14 28.20 16.41 12.01

1.7 - - - - 33.87 26.04 18.99 13.02 7.80

1.18 - - - - 31.26 23.57 18.39 11.62 6.86

0.85 - - - - 22.98 17.05 12.59 7.97 4.29

0.6 - - - - 22.08 16.15 12.18 7.44 4.19

0.425 - - - - 20.54 15.87 11.13 7.15 4.29

0.3 - - - - 17.22 13.13 9.30 5.74 3.35

0 - - - - 70.04 54.64 39.75 23.65 14.08

Total Mass: 545.01 345.80 219.81 118.88 0.00 64.91

Before Sieving 547.37 348.18 219.75 119.18 65.08

After Sieving 545.81 346.36 219.65 118.87 64.95

Product Size Distribution
(Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49)
40 -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08)

-31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm

20 (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.22)
-22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.46) (Eis = 0.96)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-45 +37.5 mm
80 (Eis = 0.49)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
40 (Eis = 0.98)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.98)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.48)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Blasted(Spherical), PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 1.49)

-31.5 +26.5 mm
60 (Eis = 1.99)

-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Centre Spherical Charge without Stemming, Barre Granite
DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Centre Spherical w/o Stem, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 12 ~ 19, 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 189.04 117.82 153.50 83.48 25.37 15.08 14.54 3.54

2 - 242.52 204.74 101.22 54.06 19.40 23.40 18.19 3.64

3 - 184.43 147.97 93.58 62.30 28.95 26.10 14.28 5.15

4 - 286.75 187.87 90.91 49.87 17.38 21.95 24.51 3.70

5 - 271.82 154.29 103.19 41.23 41.72 17.63 13.29 4.36

6 - 154.00 159.62 129.98 113.75 30.27 16.55 12.07 3.67

7 - 180.34 147.40 65.87 100.44 31.33 13.40 11.11 4.36

8 - 141.06 176.42 79.90 60.35 33.42 14.49 15.70 2.30

9 - 222.44 119.05 89.56 55.73 34.14 21.84 16.04 4.37

10 - 175.06 84.19 92.30 43.41 43.32 19.84 13.70 3.97

Weight (g) 0.0 2047.5 1499.4 1000.0 664.6 305.3 190.3 153.4 0.0 39.1

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 204.7 149.9 100.0 66.5 30.5 19.0 15.3 #DIV/0! 3.9

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 49.1 35.9 25.0 24.6 8.4 4.2 3.8 #DIV/0! 0.7
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 981.4 718.7 191.7 127.4 146.3 91.2 147.1 #DIV/0! 74.9

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Centre Spherical w/o Stem, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 28 13 38 25 11 14 7 2

2 - 30 34 23 24 8 15 8 2

3 - 28 25 26 24 17 12 11 5

4 - 40 23 27 21 13 17 10 4

5 - 34 23 29 26 21 16 13 5

6 - 32 18 23 23 15 12 9 3

7 - 37 28 16 33 16 8 7 2

8 - 17 24 18 18 17 14 12 1

9 - 23 14 18 19 9 16 13 2

10 - 24 15 35 17 25 13 10 3

Average: #DIV/0! 29 22 25 23 15 14 10 #DIV/0! 3

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.24 0.24 0.09 0.08 0.22 0.21 0.47 #DIV/0! 0.96

Screening Results (Barre, Centre Spherical w/o Stem, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.24 0.24 0.09 0.08 0.22 0.21 0.47 #DIV/0! 0.96
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.21) (Eis = 0.47) (Eis = 0.96)

53 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 - 136.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 - 329.35 106.68 359.38 146.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 - 194.88 164.85 83.44 129.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

22.4 - 435.88 226.66 141.73 203.99 58.39 0.00 0.00 0.00

19 - 142.72 138.52 70.81 0.00 20.40 0.00 0.00 0.00

13.2 - 271.36 269.26 191.43 118.00 78.68 57.68 3.15 0.00

11.2 - 102.17 99.65 34.47 8.84 32.94 47.68 16.49 0.00

8 - 106.76 113.37 51.31 24.49 24.94 29.46 32.79 0.66

6.73 - 48.80 54.56 9.29 1.18 16.97 13.58 18.76 0.41

4.75 - 56.42 64.80 11.81 7.63 17.19 11.46 22.45 3.70

3.35 - 40.84 49.18 9.94 3.85 12.97 6.94 13.49 6.10

2.36 - 31.78 42.10 6.15 3.90 8.88 4.83 9.72 6.21

1.7 - 26.29 30.40 5.55 3.06 5.94 3.93 6.49 4.54

1.18 - 21.40 25.50 4.28 2.19 5.28 2.79 5.30 3.36

0.85 - 15.79 17.54 2.92 1.60 3.90 1.86 3.67 2.38

0.6 - 16.24 18.18 2.68 1.71 3.41 1.97 3.92 2.12

0.425 - 14.49 17.07 3.01 1.59 3.15 1.86 3.74 1.88

0.3 - 11.62 12.93 2.23 1.18 2.39 1.41 2.84 1.56

0 - 42.59 44.19 8.06 4.35 8.45 4.80 10.02 5.68

Total Mass: 2045.41 1495.44 998.49 663.25 303.88 190.25 152.83 0.00 38.60

Before Sieving 2047.46 1499.37 1000.01 664.62 305.30 190.28 153.43 39.06

After Sieving 2045.41 1495.44 998.49 663.25 303.88 190.25 152.83 38.60

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Centre Spherical w/o stem, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 12 ~ 19, 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 151.83 128.60 39.71 36.63 27.62 18.46 5.26

2 - - 155.14 125.99 81.57 59.75 30.51 14.26 3.35

3 - - 101.39 125.13 102.48 42.08 21.13 11.57 4.31

4 - - 127.65 115.00 37.60 40.41 28.37 12.24 4.36

5 - - 102.57 105.70 42.18 37.05 27.95 26.66 3.57

6 - - 172.77 114.62 84.30 25.63 20.34 11.82 4.23

7 - - 114.23 76.17 41.12 36.54 19.31 14.00 3.75

8 - - 100.86 175.75 57.65 38.92 24.30 9.18 5.35

9 - - 149.54 98.12 61.47 27.90 15.41 15.83 4.12

10 - - 103.05 94.74 75.72 49.82 17.50 10.64 4.50

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 1279.0 1159.8 623.8 394.7 232.4 144.7 0.0 42.8

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 127.9 116.0 62.4 39.5 23.2 14.5 #DIV/0! 4.3

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 27.2 26.6 22.7 9.9 5.2 5.1 #DIV/0! 0.7
Num. Particles 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1226.2 1111.9 598.0 756.8 445.7 554.7 #DIV/0! 123.1

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Centre Spherical w/o stem, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 16 28 9 10 11 5 3

2 - - 21 24 18 13 8 3 1

3 - - 14 18 26 16 7 2 2

4 - - 19 18 11 11 11 3 1

5 - - 20 19 13 11 9 11 1

6 - - 25 15 23 6 6 3 3

7 - - 14 17 10 13 6 4 1

8 - - 12 26 14 9 11 3 3

9 - - 20 22 15 8 5 5 1

10 - - 14 18 24 11 7 3 2

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 18 21 16 11 8 4 #DIV/0! 2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.99 0.98 1.98 #DIV/0! 1.48

Screening Results (Barre, Centre Spherical w/o stem, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.99 0.98 1.98 #DIV/0! 1.48
Size Class

Screen Size -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.98) (Eis = 1.48)

53 - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 - - 0.00 68.06 36.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

22.4 - - 116.37 155.82 74.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

19 - - 197.70 30.33 37.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

13.2 - - 242.92 291.28 133.97 11.41 0.00 0.00 0.00

11.2 - - 135.27 111.52 57.04 24.29 0.00 0.00 0.00

8 - - 129.07 127.64 63.53 53.31 27.90 5.00 0.00

6.73 - - 69.53 55.79 37.46 39.90 19.55 4.06 0.40

4.75 - - 79.62 70.51 34.51 64.20 35.51 12.48 1.66

3.35 - - 56.72 47.88 30.99 45.62 32.87 24.19 5.52

2.36 - - 43.42 36.37 21.24 29.18 22.23 18.78 6.81

1.7 - - 34.49 24.94 15.59 21.02 16.18 13.50 5.75

1.18 - - 30.16 24.25 14.18 17.76 13.84 11.17 4.24

0.85 - - 20.79 18.39 10.21 13.04 9.29 7.54 2.79

0.6 - - 21.42 16.49 9.96 13.46 9.99 7.86 2.78

0.425 - - 20.25 15.87 9.28 12.42 9.33 7.54 2.52

0.3 - - 16.08 12.51 7.40 9.59 7.34 5.96 2.01

0 - - 61.61 49.28 27.76 37.89 27.71 25.77 7.81

Total Mass: 1275.42 1156.93 621.72 393.09 231.74 143.85 0.00 42.29

Before Sieving 1279.03 1159.82 623.80 394.73 232.44 144.66 42.80

After Sieving 1275.42 1156.93 621.72 393.09 231.74 143.85 42.29

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Centre Spherical w/o stem, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 12 ~ 19, 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 102.82 73.48 45.04 18.44 10.54 2.74

2 - - - 74.59 49.67 33.20 17.38 10.65 2.76

3 - - - 86.82 68.20 27.09 25.49 20.15 3.88

4 - - - 114.51 55.61 38.68 20.75 12.60 5.49

5 - - - 70.48 67.96 26.33 21.04 15.92 4.47

6 - - - 81.40 59.40 48.84 22.34 18.32 5.15

7 - - - 91.35 50.70 51.93 15.49 10.00 3.80

8 - - - 74.30 58.18 46.73 18.42 10.72 2.46

9 - - - 90.85 73.58 37.56 13.12 11.16 4.01

10 - - - 76.32 54.65 31.13 17.17 18.09 5.04

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 863.4 611.4 386.5 189.6 138.2 0.0 39.8

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 86.3 61.1 38.7 19.0 13.8 #DIV/0! 4.0

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0 9.0 9.2 3.6 3.9 #DIV/0! 1.1
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 0 10

Total Weight (g)

0.80 1.20 1.80 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1324.4 1406.8 1334.0 909.0 662.2 #DIV/0! 190.8

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Centre Spherical w/o stem, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 17 14 8 4 4 1

2 - - - 13 9 6 5 2 1

3 - - - 24 10 4 5 4 1

4 - - - 19 9 4 6 4 2

5 - - - 14 8 3 3 2 1

6 - - - 10 7 11 6 3 2

7 - - - 11 9 10 5 1 2

8 - - - 13 9 7 6 3 1

9 - - - 19 12 4 4 3 2

10 - - - 14 8 5 4 5 2

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 15 10 6 5 3 #DIV/0! 2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.79 1.19 1.79 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.48

Screening Results (Barre, Centre Spherical w/o stem, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 1.20 1.80 2.50 2.50 0.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.79 1.19 1.79 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.48
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.79) (Eis = 1.19) (Eis = 1.79) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.48)

53 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

22.4 - - - 42.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

19 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

13.2 - - - 137.26 22.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

11.2 - - - 106.04 22.80 3.22 0.00 0.00 0.00

8 - - - 141.75 102.26 35.04 0.00 0.94 0.00

6.73 - - - 61.19 59.08 25.72 2.87 1.25 0.00

4.75 - - - 78.12 77.87 49.25 18.43 9.92 0.48

3.35 - - - 55.30 60.38 51.15 29.58 18.70 1.85

2.36 - - - 41.35 48.94 36.86 25.39 20.28 5.55

1.7 - - - 31.94 32.81 29.68 17.92 14.92 5.90

1.18 - - - 27.83 28.67 23.87 15.33 11.31 4.49

0.85 - - - 19.09 23.03 17.14 10.99 8.42 3.12

0.6 - - - 21.08 22.23 18.35 11.17 8.52 3.04

0.425 - - - 19.82 20.78 17.93 10.76 8.15 2.97

0.3 - - - 15.60 16.81 14.45 8.67 6.47 2.36

0 - - - 61.10 69.37 61.85 37.81 28.68 9.68

Total Mass: 859.71 607.96 384.51 188.92 137.56 0.00 39.44

Before Sieving 863.44 611.43 386.53 189.64 138.15 39.80

After Sieving 859.71 607.96 384.51 188.92 137.56 39.44

Product Size Distribution
(Barre, Centre Spherical w/o stem, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.24)
40 -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08)

-31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm

20 (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.21)
-22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.47) (Eis = 0.96)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Centre Spherical w/o stem, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-45 +37.5 mm
80 (Eis = 0.49)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.49)
60 -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.98)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.48)
20 -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, Centre Spherical w/o stem, PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 1.19)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 1.79)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.48)
-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.79)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Bottom Spherical without Stemming
DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, ( BottomSpherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 1st ~ 6th, 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 230.87 113.42 97.19 48.23 16.39 14.61 7.33 8.19

2 - 209.66 133.43 76.88 43.43 23.50 25.93 16.41 5.43

3 - 280.36 127.11 117.60 57.45 29.70 26.57 13.37 6.49

4 - 155.97 95.58 63.10 59.52 36.68 25.29 10.03 4.35

5 - 296.90 153.04 82.88 75.95 21.53 23.40 11.66 8.93

6 - 202.65 201.72 71.04 68.29 37.28 24.72 8.72 4.73

7 - 273.16 170.54 64.34 65.65 28.08 22.00 8.24 5.97

8 - 282.64 150.70 94.16 41.15 44.15 27.64 7.74 6.39

9 - 110.18 41.56 26.99 26.35 10.20 5.79

10 - 126.31 60.74 33.36 23.32 8.30 4.56

Weight (g) 0.0 1932.2 1382.0 667.2 562.0 297.7 239.8 102.0 0.0 60.8

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 241.5 138.2 83.4 56.2 29.8 24.0 10.2 #DIV/0! 6.1

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 49.6 31.6 18.7 12.1 8.3 3.7 2.9 #DIV/0! 1.5
Num. Particles 8 10 8 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1157.7 1324.9 159.9 107.7 142.7 115.0 97.8 #DIV/0! 116.6

Final Drop Heights (Barre, ( BottomSpherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 33 15 30 21 6 12 8 8

2 - 23 20 20 18 9 14 15 3

3 - 35 17 29 23 13 13 10 5

4 - 17 10 21 21 19 17 7 3

5 - 37 17 27 24 7 13 9 9

6 - 23 25 27 23 13 15 6 3

7 - 19 16 25 20 9 12 7 3

8 - 28 10 22 19 18 14 9 9

9 - 17 15 13 11 5 3

10 - 18 21 14 13 7 3

Average: #DIV/0! 27 17 25 21 12 13 8 #DIV/0! 5

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.08 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.46 #DIV/0! 0.96

Screening Results (Barre, ( BottomSpherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.08 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.46 #DIV/0! 0.96
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.46) (Eis = 0.96)

53 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 - 465.58 0.00 182.39 41.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 - 135.08 41.57 180.27 200.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

22.4 - 342.29 66.64 93.15 88.55 0.00 17.64 0.00 0.00

19 - 65.06 160.81 52.29 40.67 9.80 0.00 0.00 0.00

13.2 - 305.78 318.69 92.26 101.21 106.08 50.92 5.79 0.00

11.2 - 120.41 124.57 14.66 18.78 30.92 60.52 10.08 0.00

8 - 107.39 162.74 19.08 21.79 53.26 38.06 16.09 5.88

6.73 - 59.74 77.75 3.78 8.41 11.79 15.77 11.82 1.94

4.75 - 65.82 89.70 6.46 12.20 25.76 15.60 10.54 7.36

3.35 - 47.27 58.19 3.69 5.72 14.07 9.93 12.47 8.61

2.36 - 30.11 46.54 3.05 4.23 9.64 6.99 7.54 8.37

1.7 - 27.16 33.74 2.65 3.30 6.74 4.67 5.80 5.97

1.18 - 29.15 37.21 2.21 2.48 5.83 3.52 4.03 4.65

0.85 - 21.34 26.51 1.70 2.05 3.84 2.56 3.20 3.22

0.6 - 19.03 26.19 1.56 1.78 3.95 2.53 2.42 2.76

0.425 - 17.03 21.73 1.41 1.58 3.39 2.30 2.80 2.53

0.3 - 13.77 17.59 1.18 1.33 2.80 1.85 1.98 2.03

0 - 50.45 67.26 4.32 4.58 8.99 6.37 6.51 7.13

Total Mass: 1922.46 1377.43 666.11 560.40 296.86 239.23 101.07 0.00 60.45

Before Sieving 1932.21 1382.03 667.19 561.97 297.66 239.83 102.00 0.00 60.83

After Sieving 1922.46 1377.43 666.11 560.40 296.86 239.23 101.07 0.00 60.45

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, ( BottomSpherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 1st ~ 6th, 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 103.19 72.04 57.69 32.51 15.01 6.77

2 - - - 92.82 57.40 42.36 19.92 15.93 7.76

3 - - - 91.15 44.09 45.89 17.53 10.58 7.03

4 - - - 66.51 78.25 51.06 26.32 10.83 7.06

5 - - - 74.24 86.30 45.67 32.83 20.61 8.27

6 - - - 98.75 54.00 21.61 25.51 10.64 9.23

7 - - - 61.89 67.69 55.78 19.08 19.66 4.60

8 - - - 47.39 59.67 38.49 11.14 18.55 10.73

9 - - - 63.96 37.91 17.16 11.28 5.37

10 - - - 44.00 26.22 11.99 12.15 7.94

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 635.9 627.4 422.7 214.0 145.2 0.0 74.8

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 79.5 62.7 42.3 21.4 14.5 #DIV/0! 7.5

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.9 13.8 11.7 7.7 4.0 #DIV/0! 1.8
Num. Particles 0 0 0 8 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 762.1 1202.9 810.4 410.3 556.9 #DIV/0! 215.0

Final Drop Heights (Barre, ( BottomSpherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 17 9 13 12 6 2

2 - - - 17 10 13 7 5 3

3 - - - 18 8 12 7 4 2

4 - - - 19 13 11 9 3 3

5 - - - 16 11 8 14 4 3

6 - - - 17 9 7 9 3 4

7 - - - 14 13 9 8 4 3

8 - - - 11 10 8 7 4 3

9 - - - 12 7 7 4 2

10 - - - 11 8 6 3 2

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 16 11 10 9 4 #DIV/0! 3

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.99 #DIV/0! 1.48

Screening Results (Barre, ( BottomSpherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.99 #DIV/0! 1.48
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 1.48)

53 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

22.4 - - - 13.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

19 - - - 78.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

13.2 - - - 171.09 18.79 12.70 9.78 0.00 0.00

11.2 - - - 67.43 50.45 36.16 2.90 0.00 0.00

8 - - - 83.01 110.87 64.37 22.33 0.00 0.66

6.73 - - - 28.13 62.90 33.19 21.05 2.25 1.47

4.75 - - - 42.61 81.71 60.36 27.45 11.45 4.49

3.35 - - - 29.84 58.11 42.60 29.47 22.46 10.02

2.36 - - - 18.70 43.08 31.23 18.97 22.40 12.64

1.7 - - - 12.34 33.09 22.42 13.63 14.78 8.87

1.18 - - - 16.66 27.98 20.11 12.39 12.88 6.59

0.85 - - - 12.35 22.33 14.23 8.95 9.13 4.96

0.6 - - - 11.06 19.76 14.60 8.42 7.86 4.68

0.425 - - - 9.86 18.23 12.80 7.45 8.20 4.07

0.3 - - - 8.46 15.10 11.14 6.33 6.43 3.25

0 - - - 31.51 61.97 44.59 23.69 26.34 12.46

Total Mass: 634.48 624.37 420.50 212.81 144.18 0.00 74.16

Before Sieving 635.94 627.40 422.68 213.99 145.24 0.00 74.76

After Sieving 634.48 624.37 420.50 212.81 144.18 0.00 74.16

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, (Bottom Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 1st ~ 6th, 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Seokjoon Kim

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - - 31.44 23.04 15.11 7.68

2 - - - - - 23.99 20.00 11.43 7.37

3 - - - - - 34.29 27.56 9.27 5.17

4 - - - - - 34.99 17.56 13.34 5.20

5 - - - - - 37.74 30.74 10.89 6.27

6 - - - - - 35.56 21.47 13.71 4.41

7 - - - - - 38.25 18.75 10.28 5.25

8 - - - - - 38.96 17.94 10.25 5.53

9 - - - - - 22.72 13.26 18.71 6.42

10 - - - - - 51.32 18.05 15.79 6.62

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 349.3 208.4 128.8 0.0 59.9

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 34.9 20.8 12.9 #DIV/0! 6.0

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.1 5.1 3.0 #DIV/0! 1.1
Num. Particles 10 10 10 0 10

Total Weight (g)

2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1339.3 998.8 617.3 #DIV/0! 287.2

Final Drop Heights (Barre, (Bottom Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - - - 4 4 3 2

2 - - - - - 5 4 2 2

3 - - - - - 8 5 2 1

4 - - - - - 6 4 3 2

5 - - - - - 4 6 4 2

6 - - - - - 7 6 2 2

7 - - - - - 7 4 2 1

8 - - - - - 8 6 2 2

9 - - - - - 8 5 3 1

10 - - - - - 7 5 3 2

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 6 5 3 #DIV/0! 2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49

Screening Results (Barre, (Bottom Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49
Size Class

Screen Size -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49)

53 - - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

45 - - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

31.5 - - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

26.5 - - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

22.4 - - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

19 - - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

13.2 - - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

11.2 - - - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

8 - - - - - 15.71 0.85 0.00 0.00

6.73 - - - - - 17.13 5.10 1.27 0.00

4.75 - - - - - 55.45 23.40 6.96 1.50

3.35 - - - - - 53.74 32.40 15.15 5.17

2.36 - - - - - 37.49 25.52 16.05 8.68

1.7 - - - - - 26.13 20.36 15.50 8.45

1.18 - - - - - 22.68 16.02 12.15 6.55

0.85 - - - - - 17.79 10.85 9.55 4.54

0.6 - - - - - 15.84 11.75 7.48 4.33

0.425 - - - - - 15.20 10.77 8.72 3.92

0.3 - - - - - 13.18 9.45 6.59 3.04

0 - - - - - 57.28 40.66 28.48 13.30

Total Mass: 347.62 207.13 127.90 0.00 59.48

Before Sieving 349.26 208.37 128.78 0.00 59.92

After Sieving 347.62 207.13 127.90 0.00 59.48

Product Size Distribution
(Barre, (BottomSpherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49)
40 -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.08)

-31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm

20 (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.22)
-22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.46) (Eis = 0.96)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, (Bottom Spherical), PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-45 +37.5 mm
80 (Eis = 0.49)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
40 (Eis = 0.98)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.48)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre, (Bottom Spherical), PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 1.99)

60 -26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Simultaneous Collision, Stanstead (Additional)
DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Collision, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 2nd ~ June 13th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 460.76 194.37 78.45 105.38 33.65 14.76 14.34 4.30

2 - 204.03 145.97 60.68 70.25 38.20 17.41 10.70 7.04

3 - 203.75 118.37 70.61 44.69 34.02 11.61 17.69 5.42

4 - 319.56 226.14 81.10 65.21 27.49 15.56 18.47 5.63

5 - 214.79 114.20 51.72 41.43 32.99 22.40 16.78 5.37

6 - 351.94 171.04 154.22 63.50 35.19 23.65 14.17 3.52

7 - 290.32 134.49 105.42 42.22 35.16 14.02 9.36 7.24

8 - 388.47 90.88 105.64 65.03 30.23 17.50 12.96 5.08

9 - 358.08 182.67 101.66 28.78 29.28 31.37 11.42 3.79

10 - 283.37 185.37 113.01 42.87 33.31 26.20 14.21 3.00

Weight (g) 0.0 3075.1 1563.5 922.5 569.4 329.5 194.5 140.1 0.0 50.4

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 307.5 156.4 92.3 56.9 33.0 19.4 14.0 #DIV/0! 5.0

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 85.4 42.4 30.1 21.9 3.2 6.2 3.0 #DIV/0! 1.4
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1474.0 1498.9 176.9 109.2 157.9 93.2 134.3 #DIV/0! 96.6

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Collision, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 37.00 11.00 27.00 25.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 2.00

2 - 18.00 9.00 19.00 26.00 20.00 14.00 7.00 2.00

3 - 36.00 11.00 28.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 8.00 2.00

4 - 23.00 13.00 16.00 21.00 10.00 11.00 10.00 1.00

5 - 14.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 15.00 12.00 13.00 2.00

6 - 20.00 15.00 34.00 22.00 16.00 11.00 10.00 0.50

7 - 21.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 11.00 6.00 3.00

8 - 19.00 14.00 33.00 26.00 10.00 10.00 9.00 1.00

9 - 25.00 15.00 31.00 14.00 11.00 11.00 4.00 1.00

10 - 18.00 14.00 27.00 20.00 5.00 18.00 7.00 0.00

Average: #DIV/0! 23.10 13.20 25.50 20.30 12.60 11.80 8.10 #DIV/0! 1.45

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.25 0.50 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.47 #DIV/0! 0.98

Screening Results (Stanstead, Collision, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.25 0.50 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.22 0.47 #DIV/0! 0.98
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.25) (Eis = 0.50) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.47) (Eis = 0.98)

53 0.00

45 0.00

31.5 281.56 85.82 0.00

26.5 223.61 222.98 92.82 0.00

22.4 277.76 149.96 73.17 0.00

19 180.11 47.56 52.49 47.44 9.21 0.00

13.2 428.06 92.12 90.23 95.71 42.96 23.10

11.2 192.23 109.79 39.40 35.82 32.95 13.79 2.29

8 263.43 205.09 60.33 50.39 43.54 21.79 6.24

6.73 128.64 101.69 34.78 24.52 24.93 15.47 6.61

4.75 182.76 132.38 36.44 30.16 34.18 21.90 20.53 1.00

3.35 150.75 149.19 29.11 24.44 26.70 21.67 19.97 3.53

2.36 109.81 109.90 17.43 13.91 22.29 16.75 16.70 6.61

1.7 101.79 102.96 18.40 16.34 18.97 10.88 13.46 7.78

1.18 97.78 90.69 16.91 13.34 14.86 9.67 9.81 5.99

0.85 82.95 78.64 13.11 10.66 11.47 7.46 7.96 4.31

0.6 76.81 70.40 11.78 9.31 10.70 6.99 7.61 4.25

0.425 67.12 64.72 10.49 8.35 9.69 6.09 7.04 4.02

0.3 48.95 46.52 7.21 5.63 7.04 4.42 5.14 2.88

0 145.34 147.48 20.35 15.35 19.66 12.49 15.47 9.70

Total Mass: 3039.46 1549.13 917.22 567.36 329.15 192.47 138.83 0.00 50.07

Before Sieving 3051.55 1552.45 919.46 567.90 329.36 192.99 139.37 50.48
After Sieving 3048.65 1550.75 918.86 567.53 329.09 192.65 138.96 50.31

DW Test Information Sheet Stanstead Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 2nd ~ June 13th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 166.83 267.26 71.64 62.10 46.84 35.65 9.35 5.66

2 174.21 101.48 81.75 45.41 19.69 27.66 7.78 2.58

3 191.16 156.64 73.84 118.41 36.08 23.34 6.53 3.62

4 178.88 117.98 86.34 47.63 23.21 15.24 10.66 1.92

5 500.20 170.13 105.25 36.47 25.95 20.12 10.39 7.13

6 190.28 152.76 99.49 65.06 33.43 23.69 12.41 5.36

7 356.07 136.16 72.50 54.52 30.72 14.88 9.41 4.78

8 159.36 146.36 108.95 68.38 26.31 18.58 11.28 4.50

9 191.72 105.30 186.16 51.19 27.15 28.21 13.55 4.29

10 135.73 43.20 20.80 25.11 9.94 5.77

Weight (g) 0.0 2108.7 1354.1 1021.7 592.4 290.2 232.5 101.3 0.0 45.6

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 234.3 150.5 102.2 59.2 29.0 23.2 10.1 #DIV/0! 4.6

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! 116.2 49.7 35.8 23.1 8.2 6.4 2.1 #DIV/0! 1.6
Num. Particles 0 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.10 0.23 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 449.2 649.0 979.4 1135.8 556.4 445.7 388.5 #DIV/0! 131.2

Final Drop Heights Stanstead Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 59.00 42.00 23.00 11.00 10.00 13.00 3.00 2.00

2 25.00 14.00 22.00 10.00 7.00 9.00 1.00 1.00

3 41.00 16.00 17.00 13.00 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00

4 34.00 19.00 15.00 9.00 9.00 4.00 1.00 0.00

5 19.00 26.00 19.00 8.00 5.00 6.00 1.00 2.00

6 19.00 18.00 18.00 10.00 7.00 6.00 2.00 1.00

7 32.00 17.00 15.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 2.00 2.00

8 29.00 21.00 16.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 1.00

9 26.00 20.00 24.00 10.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 1.00

10 27.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 3.00 1.00

Average: #DIV/0! 31.56 21.44 19.60 9.20 7.30 7.20 2.20 #DIV/0! 1.20

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.09 0.22 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.99 #DIV/0! 1.49

Screening Results Stanstead Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.10 0.23 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.09 0.22 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.99 #DIV/0! 1.49
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 1.49)

53 475.07

45 95.45

31.5 292.92 61.72 99.90

26.5 90.91 27.45 0.00

22.4 181.44 84.72 42.80

19 135.56 96.31 108.62

13.2 226.93 198.95 121.53 8.00

11.2 109.00 125.55 75.73 8.91 6.09

8 89.91 163.49 121.46 27.17 14.32 7.16

6.73 55.61 76.09 51.01 31.58 14.00 8.77

4.75 59.97 84.95 71.65 61.22 32.58 25.05 2.87 0.23

3.35 53.04 72.35 55.71 65.19 36.06 29.73 7.09 1.87

2.36 34.49 58.69 42.63 45.58 31.90 27.94 13.85 5.98

1.7 38.29 55.93 43.67 50.55 25.50 23.65 12.83 6.74

1.18 34.40 67.65 36.66 46.86 21.24 17.88 10.00 5.85

0.85 26.87 38.91 29.65 38.19 16.85 15.70 8.10 4.17

0.6 23.86 35.80 26.62 38.51 17.36 14.21 8.11 3.97

0.425 20.99 31.25 23.06 36.46 16.30 13.99 7.76 3.50

0.3 15.12 22.70 16.93 27.89 12.43 10.28 5.94 2.76

0 44.22 66.46 49.27 99.98 42.33 35.32 22.79 9.90

Total Mass: 2104.05 1368.97 1016.90 586.09 286.96 229.68 99.34 0.00 44.97

Before Sieving 2105.80 1350.45 1018.64 587.50 287.87 230.45 100.13 45.21

After Sieving 2105.00 1349.40 1017.01 585.75 287.02 229.87 99.81 45.09

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 2nd ~ June 13th Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 48.40 39.35 25.32 11.62 8.19

2 58.51 61.18 17.39 11.24 4.30

3 44.93 40.22 20.27 19.70 3.27

4 44.52 24.40 14.70 11.54 3.68

5 45.55 28.32 15.33 10.36 5.65

6 37.17 31.18 26.04 22.55 4.68

7 48.91 26.30 25.58 17.84 6.53

8 67.38 27.00 24.65 12.62 4.57

9 41.55 31.31 19.53 5.91 2.92

10 30.55 41.66 12.74 10.07 5.68

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 467.5 350.9 201.6 133.5 0.0 49.5

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 46.7 35.1 20.2 13.3 #DIV/0! 4.9

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 10.3 11.1 5.0 5.1 #DIV/0! 1.6
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 0 10

Total Weight (g)

1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1344.4 1345.7 966.1 639.7 #DIV/0! 237.1

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 6.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 2.00

2 4.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 1.00

3 4.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 0.50

4 8.00 4.00 2.00 5.00 0.50

5 5.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 0.50

6 6.00 5.00 2.00 4.00 0.50

7 7.00 5.00 3.00 6.00 1.00

8 10.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 0.50

9 8.00 6.00 4.00 1.00 0.00

10 5.00 7.00 4.00 2.00 1.00

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 6.30 4.60 3.60 3.50 #DIV/0! 0.75

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49

Screening Results (Stanstead, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49
Size Class

Screen Size -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 1.49) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49)








11.2 10.41

8 30.27 3.58

6.73 26.90 8.32 1.70

4.75 43.01 29.11 8.13 3.54

3.35 55.62 39.66 19.43 11.14 1.25

2.36 37.95 41.66 27.35 17.82 4.25

1.7 43.98 36.70 24.54 17.36 6.28

1.18 39.41 29.21 18.60 13.19 6.43

0.85 32.43 23.55 14.93 10.03 5.08

0.6 30.59 24.45 14.89 10.13 4.61

0.425 25.92 22.58 14.50 10.45 4.54

0.3 18.69 18.34 11.37 7.59 3.46

0 61.57 68.88 44.34 30.35 13.16

Total Mass: 456.75 346.04 199.78 131.60 0.00 49.06

Before Sieving 457.47 346.78 200.49 132.24 48.87

After Sieving 456.81 346.59 199.93 131.73 48.64

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Additional)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: 16-6-06 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 33.14 18.34 17.16

2 39.61 24.09 13.32

3 18.72 26.30 9.23

4 38.96 17.25 13.92

5 36.44 21.09 15.05

6 36.37 18.27 15.75

7 22.18 20.40 13.79

8 37.28 21.27 10.44

9 24.09 15.39 14.68

10 34.20 17.97 16.33

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 321.0 200.4 139.7 0.0 0.0

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 32.1 20.0 14.0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 7.6 3.3 2.5 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Num. Particles 10 10 10 0 10

Total Weight (g)

0.50 0.50 0.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 307.7 192.1 133.9 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Additional)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 7.00 6.00 5.00

2 14.00 8.00 9.00

3 8.00 14.00 3.00

4 14.00 6.00 5.00

5 10.00 8.00 4.00

6 13.00 8.00 2.00

7 7.00 8.00 6.00

8 12.00 6.00 5.00

9 7.00 7.00 9.00

10 8.00 9.00 8.00

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 10.00 8.00 5.60 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.48 0.48 0.48 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Screening Results (Stanstead, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Additional)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.48 0.48 0.48 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Size Class

Screen Size -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm

+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -19 + 16 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.48)







13.2 4.92 3.41 5.25

11.2 21.24 4.72 0.00

8 37.83 11.73 5.61

6.73 26.13 7.72 8.31

4.75 44.68 23.14 16.71

3.35 35.32 27.89 19.36

2.36 27.83 23.60 15.65

1.7 22.43 18.65 13.75

1.18 19.26 14.95 10.67

0.85 13.04 10.73 7.14

0.6 13.26 10.58 6.95

0.425 13.77 11.08 8.08

0.3 9.21 7.80 5.30

0 29.51 23.06 15.78

Total Mass: 318.43 199.06 138.56

Before Sieving 320.99 200.37 139.67

After Sieving 318.43 199.06 138.56

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Collision Simultaneous, PF=1.173 kg/m3, Additional)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.48)


-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.48)

20 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 0.48)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution
(Stanstead, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.25) (Eis = 0.50)
40 -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08)

-31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm

20 (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.22)
-22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.47) (Eis = 0.98)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)




-45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm

20 (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 1.49)
-53 +45 mm -63 +53 mm
(Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.09)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Collision Simultaneous, PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 1.49)

-31.5 +26.5 mm
60 (Eis = 1.99)

-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Simultaneous Collision, Laurentian
DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 10 - July 20 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 237.85 105.37 120.23 80.35 39.45 28.69 19.81 12.56

2 208.56 107.61 131.99 93.79 32.02 30.59 19.85 9.52

3 279.06 106.21 109.16 70.64 39.81 29.36 13.06 6.46

4 261.45 86.69 130.34 52.13 27.35 25.48 17.73 7.11

5 293.52 111.01 92.35 83.51 22.29 25.27 18.46 12.73

6 168.02 99.36 135.00 64.14 38.74 28.61 14.27 9.44

7 239.41 81.71 105.46 52.79 29.71 27.38 14.42 7.85

8 229.42 128.19 129.74 77.12 47.19 20.34 13.17 12.12

9 143.40 112.14 120.27 95.92 37.27 27.60 13.96 10.54

10 218.64 145.99 95.54 76.70 51.46 17.81 15.99 14.23

Weight (g) 0.0 2279.3 1084.3 1170.1 747.1 365.3 261.1 160.7 102.6

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 227.9 108.4 117.0 74.7 36.5 26.1 16.1 10.3

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! 46.5 18.6 15.5 15.1 8.9 4.1 2.7 2.6
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1092.6 1039.5 224.3 143.2 175.1 125.2 154.1 196.6

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 24.0 12.0 22.0 17.0 15.0 15.0 8.0 6.0

2 16.0 12.0 26.0 23.0 11.0 14.0 8.0 4.0

3 26.0 9.0 19.0 18.0 15.0 13.0 5.0 3.0

4 40.0 11.0 20.0 19.0 14.0 10.0 8.0 4.0

5 16.0 12.0 31.0 20.0 7.0 11.0 4.0 5.0

6 12.0 16.0 30.0 20.0 13.0 11.0 4.0 4.0

7 37.0 8.0 16.0 16.0 10.0 9.0 5.0 5.0

8 16.0 23.0 31.0 15.0 19.0 8.0 4.0 4.0

9 13.0 11.0 30.0 14.0 11.0 16.0 6.0 3.0

10 23.0 19.0 40.0 23.0 12.0 7.0 7.0 4.0

Average: #DIV/0! 22.3 13.3 26.5 18.5 12.7 11.4 5.9 4.2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.09 0.09 0.23 0.23 0.48 #DIV/0! 0.98

Screening Results (Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.09 0.09 0.23 0.23 0.48 #DIV/0! 0.98
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.98)



31.5 166.17 28.39 193.06 50.15

26.5 77.67 165.60 61.45

22.4 334.70 233.15 124.90

19 114.66 63.95 91.56 74.04

13.2 404.68 124.78 194.51 191.24 74.24 44.95

11.2 169.36 98.72 52.72 54.46 35.23 15.76 2.27

8 247.22 173.14 54.36 64.75 58.47 49.39 10.07

6.73 111.00 66.42 27.79 19.88 29.84 28.91 19.43 2.53

4.75 130.14 100.79 30.92 27.49 39.57 25.93 26.77 9.68

3.35 104.45 84.71 27.90 15.26 27.16 21.77 22.83 15.68

2.36 83.98 63.24 19.94 15.91 20.80 15.19 16.92 13.94

1.7 59.10 48.76 14.81 8.32 13.63 10.26 11.84 10.72

1.18 41.81 34.43 10.69 6.71 10.78 8.41 8.27 8.39

0.85 34.45 25.96 7.75 4.44 7.85 4.93 5.91 4.44

0.6 34.19 28.15 8.12 5.04 7.58 6.81 6.66 6.61

0.425 38.03 28.22 8.02 4.83 8.02 6.15 6.50 6.02

0.3 27.63 23.44 6.57 3.92 6.23 4.82 5.09 5.13

0 88.20 83.26 20.16 12.86 19.30 14.96 16.45 17.92

Total Mass: 2267.44 1076.36 1167.63 745.65 358.70 258.24 159.01 0.00 101.06

Before Sieving 2268.05 1077.92 1168.00 746.24 363.63 259.13 159.15 101.28 101.28
After Sieving 2267.40 1076.30 1167.44 745.82 360.98 258.73 158.87 100.99 100.99

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 10 - July 20 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 133.97 102.12 68.35 27.24 26.63 14.31 10.13

2 125.31 100.15 57.92 36.85 25.99 14.50 10.81

3 146.19 117.68 63.91 28.70 21.79 12.68 9.53

4 133.11 115.41 65.88 29.85 24.86 12.83 9.22

5 145.74 88.60 55.53 28.81 15.53 10.34 8.74

6 167.10 124.39 67.47 35.18 20.33 11.46 14.70

7 178.56 80.07 46.35 21.14 20.37 14.68 8.17

8 164.23 82.30 34.26 32.83 22.10 9.16 7.97

9 174.96 104.83 61.49 27.89 18.60 11.75 7.90

10 184.90 94.29 45.78 28.54 24.03 11.47 8.40

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 1554.1 1009.8 566.9 297.0 220.2 123.2 0.0 95.6

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 155.4 101.0 56.7 29.7 22.0 12.3 #DIV/0! 9.6

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 21.2 15.0 11.3 4.4 3.5 1.8 #DIV/0! 2.0
Num. Particles 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 744.9 968.1 1087.0 569.5 422.3 472.4 #DIV/0! 274.9

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 18.0 15.0 7.0 11.0 10.0 6.0 5.0

2 17.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 6.0 4.0 4.0

3 19.0 16.0 8.0 7.0 9.0 8.0 4.0

4 13.0 16.0 7.0 9.0 10.0 4.0 2.0

5 15.0 14.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 2.0 2.0

6 21.0 18.0 6.0 10.0 4.0 2.0 6.0

7 16.0 12.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 3.0

8 20.0 13.0 1.0 14.0 9.0 1.0 2.0

9 23.0 14.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 3.0 2.0

10 36.0 13.0 10.0 7.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 19.8 13.9 6.6 8.4 6.7 3.6 #DIV/0! 3.2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.98 #DIV/0! 1.48

Screening Results (Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.98 #DIV/0! 1.48
Size Class

Screen Size -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.98) (Eis = 1.48)




26.5 96.29

22.4 172.10 37.50

19 133.44 31.82

13.2 339.85 151.33 2.99

11.2 132.41 86.99 12.98 13.13

8 145.59 167.55 46.64 27.18 10.60 1.22 2.36

6.73 89.51 75.27 40.09 19.59 15.62 1.05 1.53

4.75 83.41 97.80 92.61 37.69 33.06 7.96 5.05

3.35 73.59 72.44 72.39 38.24 30.07 15.92 13.26

2.36 55.26 52.20 55.16 29.91 25.50 17.14 15.60

1.7 42.00 40.23 39.44 20.98 17.11 12.99 10.92

1.18 30.54 29.78 31.10 16.63 13.81 10.84 7.50

0.85 21.16 23.41 21.71 10.62 9.84 7.06 5.46

0.6 25.10 23.86 24.81 13.61 10.03 7.32 5.16

0.425 23.53 23.77 25.44 12.40 10.46 7.87 5.61

0.3 19.16 19.21 20.85 10.53 8.92 6.35 4.57

0 62.78 69.42 78.95 40.07 32.88 25.82 17.73

Total Mass: 1545.72 1002.58 562.17 293.57 217.90 121.54 0.00 94.75

Before Sieving 1546.95 1003.15 563.03 295.25 218.80 122.21 94.89

After Sieving 1545.75 1002.75 562.07 294.81 218.12 121.79 94.70

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 10 - July 20 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 76.03 48.73 27.03 16.16 11.09 5.70

2 59.64 39.94 17.47 16.85 10.95 7.27

3 61.59 39.16 28.03 16.75 9.53 5.70

4 90.57 39.57 30.82 6.72 9.30 6.48

5 84.44 45.84 37.25 9.03 12.20 4.68

6 79.69 60.13 27.28 18.80 6.99 6.14

7 84.61 40.04 18.59 16.24 8.89 4.69

8 90.78 45.25 19.77 21.87 7.96 6.09

9 62.00 40.35 28.52 11.90 10.89 8.45

10 63.57 31.12 17.93 14.89 12.93 3.66

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 752.9 430.1 252.7 149.2 100.7 0.0 58.9

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 75.3 43.0 25.3 14.9 10.1 #DIV/0! 5.9

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 12.5 7.7 6.6 4.5 1.9 #DIV/0! 1.4
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 360.9 1237.0 969.0 715.2 482.8 #DIV/0! 282.1

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 19.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 2.0

2 15.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 2.0

3 15.0 8.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 1.0

4 21.0 3.0 8.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

5 20.0 5.0 10.0 2.0 5.0 1.0

6 17.0 9.0 9.0 6.0 3.0 2.0

7 25.0 4.0 7.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

8 26.0 6.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 3.0

9 16.0 3.0 5.0 4.0 1.0 3.0

10 14.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 18.8 5.0 5.3 3.3 2.7 #DIV/0! 2.2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.24 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.48

Screening Results (Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.24 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.48
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 1.49) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.48)




26.5 44.86

22.4 102.56

19 63.83

13.2 158.91 3.15

11.2 44.43 2.71

8 85.40 19.24 5.42 1.96 0.78

6.73 45.79 21.25 7.30 3.58 0.48

4.75 49.98 59.22 21.31 10.60 2.50 0.95

3.35 38.08 55.86 30.69 19.99 7.25 3.18

2.36 22.65 50.36 33.66 18.65 11.48 6.71

1.7 16.94 35.19 24.32 14.28 13.71 7.46

1.18 13.03 25.83 19.64 11.42 10.34 6.96

0.85 8.95 19.72 12.68 7.85 6.92 3.45

0.6 10.38 20.75 15.18 8.89 6.83 5.40

0.425 9.85 20.71 14.73 9.12 7.19 4.55

0.3 7.91 17.83 12.80 7.60 5.97 3.77

0 27.88 71.64 50.02 32.80 25.56 15.60

Total Mass: 751.43 423.46 247.75 146.74 99.01 58.03

Before Sieving 751.78 424.84 249.01 147.80 99.28 58.13

After Sieving 751.40 412.47 247.80 147.19 98.90 58.01

Product Size Distribution
(Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49)
40 -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09)

-31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm

20 (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.23)
-22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.98)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.49)
80 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
60 (Eis = 0.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.98)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.48)
-53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.24)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian, Collision Simultaneous, PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 1.49)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.48)
-45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.24)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Simultaneous Collision, Barre Granite
DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 26 - July 6 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 207.68 137.75 164.48 97.65 48.27 28.43 24.22 5.94

2 - 354.70 145.74 82.44 73.10 52.17 18.98 28.70 9.02

3 - 193.33 157.20 129.54 106.82 43.72 35.57 26.60 7.04

4 - 247.52 124.58 84.25 76.08 44.51 28.32 25.20 8.65

5 - 236.22 127.02 107.41 90.57 43.90 36.37 20.94 9.08

6 - 291.50 125.44 114.03 70.37 55.58 33.33 27.29 5.99

7 - 211.53 95.34 92.09 77.84 48.22 40.79 13.90 4.54

8 - 290.19 104.12 85.90 82.96 51.79 30.09 17.58 11.33

9 - 214.61 121.80 101.88 66.62 44.26 28.39 13.90 6.94

10 - 167.43 145.19 106.47 66.53 44.37 26.40 14.69 6.34

Weight (g) 0.0 2414.7 1284.2 1068.5 808.5 476.8 306.7 213.0 0.0 74.9

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 241.5 128.4 106.8 80.9 47.7 30.7 21.3 #DIV/0! 7.5

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 56.1 19.0 25.1 13.6 4.3 6.1 5.9 #DIV/0! 2.0
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1157.4 1231.1 204.9 155.0 228.5 147.0 204.2 #DIV/0! 143.6

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - 20.0 14.0 31.0 30.0 17.0 12.0 9.0 2.0

2 - 40.0 19.0 14.0 19.0 16.0 8.0 11.0 4.0

3 - 23.0 13.0 26.0 25.0 13.0 18.0 7.0 2.0

4 - 15.0 16.0 16.0 25.0 14.0 11.0 12.0 3.0

5 - 14.0 20.0 25.0 23.0 13.0 19.0 9.0 5.0

6 - 15.0 14.0 34.0 18.0 11.0 15.0 13.0 2.0

7 - 11.0 11.0 25.0 26.0 14.0 12.0 6.0 1.0

8 - 18.0 16.0 25.0 25.0 20.0 10.0 11.0 3.0

9 - 19.0 18.0 23.0 19.0 13.0 12.0 3.0 1.0

10 - 15.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 15.0 8.0 6.0 2.0

Average: #DIV/0! 19.0 15.6 23.5 22.7 14.6 12.5 8.7 #DIV/0! 2.5

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.25 0.49 0.09 0.09 0.23 0.23 0.48 #DIV/0! 0.98

Screening Results (Barre, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.25 0.49 0.09 0.09 0.23 0.23 0.48 #DIV/0! 0.98
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.25) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.98)

53 -

45 -

31.5 - 196.62 275.20 245.80

26.5 - 228.89 154.72 108.78 21.76

22.4 - 303.18 49.35 139.31 29.48 0.00 18.45

19 - 328.30 74.65 142.69 98.75 12.68 0.00

13.2 - 428.20 189.09 147.17 144.54 97.54 46.81

11.2 - 155.70 130.54 46.14 39.31 61.24 32.24 4.80

8 - 170.74 203.03 38.22 38.23 98.24 62.28 41.41

6.73 - 95.55 94.08 24.00 17.28 27.85 22.90 28.00 2.05

4.75 - 105.39 119.83 19.89 20.92 40.57 32.75 33.91 6.12

3.35 - 82.82 78.31 16.57 14.99 28.41 21.02 23.30 11.67

2.36 - 62.42 64.34 13.26 9.70 18.73 14.38 18.10 10.32

1.7 - 46.15 48.93 8.36 7.66 13.56 10.90 12.19 8.53

1.18 - 38.33 40.72 8.25 5.92 11.28 8.89 10.05 6.57

0.85 - 26.80 28.28 4.07 3.75 7.13 5.08 7.35 4.45

0.6 - 28.06 31.80 6.63 4.50 7.78 6.76 6.49 4.49

0.425 - 23.43 26.50 4.79 3.85 6.72 5.25 6.12 4.24

0.3 - 17.12 20.21 3.59 2.93 4.93 3.95 4.53 3.19

0 - 64.66 75.75 12.61 9.53 16.58 12.75 15.50 11.50

Total Mass: 2402.36 1275.41 1065.47 805.92 475.00 304.41 211.75 0.00 73.13

Before Sieving 2407.80 1277.35 1067.44 806.40 475.53 305.08

After Sieving 2405.60 1275.75 1065.76 806.18 475.21 304.51

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 26 - July 6 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 180.13 103.59 60.27 38.68 30.03 11.15 9.07

2 - - 199.60 92.85 56.69 43.09 25.60 14.15 5.32

3 - - 157.59 74.09 57.68 35.74 18.78 22.81 7.63

4 - - 154.41 83.50 63.36 35.54 20.66 10.88 6.23

5 - - 165.92 73.87 52.84 42.95 16.06 11.55 9.00

6 - - 142.10 87.14 53.88 39.90 18.55 10.42 4.40

7 - - 149.52 73.48 52.05 34.42 21.43 11.46 6.19

8 - - 147.40 95.68 49.39 37.88 19.78 15.85 6.25

9 - - 145.57 85.39 39.21 31.63 18.35 14.93 5.05

10 - - 100.41 55.47 48.23 32.82 18.48 13.29 4.91

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 1542.7 825.1 533.6 372.7 207.7 136.5 0.0 64.1

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 154.3 82.5 53.4 37.3 20.8 13.6 #DIV/0! 6.4

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 26.0 13.8 6.8 4.0 4.1 3.7 #DIV/0! 1.7
Num. Particles 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 739.4 791.0 1023.1 714.5 398.3 523.4 #DIV/0! 184.2

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 35.0 20.0 11.0 8.0 11.0 5.0 2.0

2 - - 24.0 16.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 2.0 1.0

3 - - 18.0 13.0 11.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 2.0

4 - - 40.0 15.0 10.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 1.0

5 - - 35.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 8.0 5.0 6.0

6 - - 27.0 15.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 2.0 2.0

7 - - 35.0 14.0 10.0 8.0 3.0 2.0 5.0

8 - - 29.0 14.0 12.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 2.0

9 - - 20.0 16.0 11.0 9.0 8.0 5.0 4.0

10 - - 14.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 3.0 6.0 2.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 27.7 14.2 9.8 7.4 6.5 4.3 #DIV/0! 2.7

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.98 #DIV/0! 1.48

Screening Results (Barre, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.24 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.98 #DIV/0! 1.48
Size Class

Screen Size -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.98) (Eis = 1.98) (Eis = 1.48)



31.5 485.62

26.5 116.41

22.4 68.51

19 145.71 10.63

13.2 266.46 101.66 9.28 3.62

11.2 65.17 104.26 13.67 10.05 4.61

8 99.49 146.45 67.96 37.26 13.60 1.24

6.73 45.83 75.37 69.32 26.85 11.89 2.54 1.11

4.75 58.01 81.40 73.92 57.93 31.23 9.12 2.09

3.35 38.99 62.15 57.94 46.23 29.23 19.98 5.54

2.36 27.88 41.81 40.94 36.22 22.56 18.99 9.63

1.7 20.92 36.76 34.13 25.66 16.92 14.25 8.66

1.18 17.23 29.91 28.25 21.81 13.41 11.89 5.99

0.85 11.48 20.28 21.91 14.26 10.28 7.69 4.39

0.6 14.37 22.04 20.32 16.93 9.60 9.33 4.69

0.425 11.15 19.25 19.28 15.46 8.77 7.75 4.35

0.3 8.70 14.44 15.34 11.77 7.05 6.09 3.31

0 32.77 54.81 57.36 44.57 25.69 25.49 13.46

Total Mass: 1534.70 821.22 529.62 368.62 204.84 134.36 0.00 63.22

Before Sieving 1537.05 822.16 530.81 370.75 205.20 135.36 63.26

After Sieving 1535.65 821.24 529.68 368.94 206.06 134.86 63.01

DW Test Information Sheet (Barre, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Barre Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: June 26 - July 6 2006 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - 46.27 17.89 23.06 11.59 4.60

2 - - 34.28 34.84 14.43 9.65 5.93

3 - - 40.45 32.31 21.77 13.81 6.31

4 - - 57.61 20.39 20.14 15.16 4.27

5 - - 53.81 23.90 13.09 12.23 7.36

6 - - 34.18 29.72 18.39 8.28 2.89

7 - - 42.30 25.12 12.60 8.47 5.91

8 - - 45.20 24.34 17.48 8.60 5.15

9 - - 53.65 29.13 12.07 11.03 4.45

10 - - 44.21 29.27 19.12 11.00 3.21

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 452.0 266.9 172.2 109.8 0.0 50.1

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 45.2 26.7 17.2 11.0 #DIV/0! 5.0

Stdev Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 8.0 5.3 4.0 2.3 #DIV/0! 1.4
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 0 10

Total Weight (g)

1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1299.8 1023.5 825.2 526.4 #DIV/0! 240.0

Final Drop Heights (Barre, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)

All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 - - - 8.0 8.0 7.0 2.0 2.0

2 - - - 2.0 8.0 2.0 2.0 1.0

3 - - - 3.0 4.0 6.0 3.0 3.0

4 - - - 13.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 1.0

5 - - - 11.0 6.0 2.0 6.0 2.0

6 - - - 2.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 1.0

7 - - - 10.0 4.0 3.0 1.0 1.0

8 - - - 4.0 7.0 5.0 2.0 2.0

9 - - - 7.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

10 - - - 5.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 1.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 6.5 5.4 4.2 2.8 #DIV/0! 1.5

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.48

Screening Results (Barre, Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.48
Size Class

Screen Size -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 1.49) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.48)








11.2 5.76 2.21

8 36.40 7.96 0.54

6.73 35.67 7.71 3.08

4.75 57.66 28.73 10.00 2.45

3.35 57.37 37.62 27.57 9.66 2.36

2.36 45.71 33.91 23.06 16.92 5.28

1.7 32.82 23.44 17.56 14.93 6.98

1.18 29.12 20.64 14.69 10.90 6.31

0.85 21.59 13.42 9.81 8.22 4.51

0.6 22.52 16.06 11.73 7.20 3.97

0.425 19.78 14.29 9.99 7.12 3.64

0.3 15.55 10.99 8.05 5.89 2.96

0 65.24 45.69 34.12 25.00 13.17

Total Mass: 445.19 262.67 170.20 108.29 0.00 49.18

Before Sieving 446.52 263.92 172.11 108.86 50.90

After Sieving 445.54 263.30 171.41 108.57 50.71

Product Size Distribution
(Barre Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.25) (Eis = 0.49)
40 -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09)

-31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm

20 (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.23)
-22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.98)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre Simultaneous, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-45 +37.5 mm
80 (Eis = 0.49)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
40 -22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.98)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.48)
-53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.24)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Barre Simultaneous, PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 1.49)

-31.5 +26.5 mm
60 (Eis = 1.99)

-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.48)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

10 s Delayed, Stanstead Granite
DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 21 - July 28 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 144.60 115.29 88.74 44.35 23.24 16.28 11.45

2 149.03 61.20 107.07 46.04 36.10 19.54 9.38

3 140.18 121.00 91.49 35.44 18.30 11.24 6.69

4 155.41 93.62 70.84 39.26 27.06 13.44 9.90

5 163.06 90.28 103.12 42.13 22.81 18.45 11.20

6 138.94 117.74 64.56 34.31 29.62 13.19 10.18

7 177.94 95.72 52.24 31.86 28.46 17.82 8.68

8 229.02 88.46 62.65 36.34 21.85 14.53 7.83

9 181.16 110.29 50.91 43.11 23.94 10.90 19.72

10 168.79 74.37 56.41 42.15 23.18 14.54 11.23

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 1648.1 968.0 748.0 395.0 254.6 149.9 0.0 106.3

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 164.8 96.8 74.8 39.5 25.5 15.0 #DIV/0! 10.6

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 27.1 19.6 21.1 4.8 5.0 3.0 #DIV/0! 3.6
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1580.0 185.6 143.4 189.3 122.0 143.7 #DIV/0! 203.7

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 8.0 26.0 22.0 11.0 9.0 3.0 2.0

2 7.0 10.0 32.0 10.0 15.0 6.0 3.0

3 19.0 29.0 2.0 15.0 5.0 2.0 2.0

4 11.0 28.0 19.0 11.0 7.0 3.0 3.0

5 23.0 24.0 15.0 10.0 10.0 6.0 3.0

6 13.0 23.0 24.0 9.0 15.0 4.0 2.0

7 7.0 27.0 16.0 9.0 15.0 6.0 2.0

8 15.0 23.0 18.0 12.0 10.0 5.0 2.0

9 12.0 2.0 16.0 20.0 14.0 3.0 2.0

10 13.0 17.0 13.0 10.0 8.0 5.0 3.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 12.8 20.9 17.7 11.7 10.8 4.3 #DIV/0! 2.4

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.50 0.09 0.09 0.23 0.23 0.49 #DIV/0! 0.99

Screening Results (Stanstead, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.50 0.09 0.09 0.23 0.23 0.49 #DIV/0! 0.99
Size Class

Screen Size -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.50) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99)



31.5 259.89 70.50

26.5 80.59 88.00 89.62

22.4 68.54 111.14 85.84 28.64

19 25.10 53.35 44.70 0.00

13.2 120.90 131.73 119.87 24.75 50.01

11.2 95.55 68.81 43.04 26.73 24.85

8 172.66 55.80 81.25 64.65 27.54 2.55

6.73 112.92 26.99 32.86 36.78 23.67 2.32

4.75 158.31 28.60 34.34 43.63 26.23 13.41 6.54

3.35 130.12 25.96 30.30 33.40 20.65 24.44 12.10

2.36 109.16 17.32 22.24 21.42 11.83 22.64 15.61

1.7 104.73 21.61 19.88 27.74 16.67 16.48 13.85

1.18 82.41 14.85 15.70 18.91 11.06 12.64 10.68

0.85 66.82 11.41 11.55 11.47 8.05 8.50 7.81

0.6 64.73 10.22 10.57 13.32 8.05 10.31 8.26

0.425 60.10 10.84 9.60 11.88 6.77 9.00 7.60

0.3 44.20 7.13 6.64 7.96 4.75 6.53 5.36

0 135.10 19.93 17.67 22.22 13.81 19.64 17.80

Total Mass: 1631.94 963.58 746.17 393.50 253.94 148.46 0.00 105.61

Before Sieving 1634.80 965.72 747.20 394.45 254.86 148.63 105.97

After Sieving 1632.80 964.88 746.32 393.58 254.14 148.49 105.85

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 21 - July 28 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 156.68 39.38 31.98 33.40 15.40 7.72

2 87.48 51.09 29.69 37.04 11.93 6.42

3 108.78 45.22 46.75 22.69 11.07 5.23

4 91.16 33.63 35.19 26.62 11.90 7.89

5 99.48 52.35 38.05 22.21 10.13 11.09

6 108.75 71.66 31.02 16.38 13.17 7.89

7 99.97 51.71 30.60 16.19 11.55 6.30

8 69.48 43.44 22.18 19.59 7.26 10.94

9 86.95 49.07 40.03 15.46 9.18 9.56

10 80.50 58.50 34.02 18.96 9.92 8.00

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 989.2 496.1 339.5 228.5 111.5 0.0 81.0

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 98.9 49.6 34.0 22.9 11.2 #DIV/0! 8.1

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 23.7 10.5 6.7 7.4 2.2 #DIV/0! 1.9
Num. Particles 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 948.3 951.1 651.0 438.2 427.6 #DIV/0! 233.1

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 16.0 3.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0

2 13.0 8.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 1.0

3 11.0 2.0 9.0 4.0 2.0 2.0

4 10.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 1.0 1.0

5 8.0 5.0 8.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

6 22.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 2.0 1.0

7 12.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 1.0

8 9.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 1.0 2.0

9 12.0 5.0 8.0 4.0 1.0 2.0

10 8.0 6.0 7.0 5.0 2.0 2.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 12.1 5.3 6.2 4.8 1.9 #DIV/0! 1.6

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.99 #DIV/0! 1.49

Screening Results (Stanstead, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.99 #DIV/0! 1.49
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 1.49)





22.4 36.03

19 14.80

13.2 56.44

11.2 73.20 2.00

8 126.96 20.40 4.08

6.73 67.69 24.20 9.42 7.38

4.75 100.57 57.33 29.04 18.54 0.60 0.91

3.35 78.59 62.58 50.26 25.80 8.30 3.84

2.36 62.47 43.05 33.99 30.07 16.48 10.34

1.7 70.68 53.68 43.69 30.99 16.13 13.21

1.18 52.94 39.49 31.47 20.12 12.11 10.04

0.85 43.11 32.37 21.29 15.31 9.17 7.47

0.6 41.88 31.32 23.12 15.78 9.02 6.93

0.425 38.39 29.85 21.68 15.00 8.43 6.51

0.3 27.65 21.78 15.58 11.00 6.27 4.71

0 89.72 72.34 51.12 35.55 24.28 16.61

Total Mass: 981.12 488.39 336.74 225.54 110.79 80.57

Before Sieving 983.28 493.87 337.90 227.70 110.92 80.66

After Sieving 981.44 492.82 337.20 226.05 110.58 80.54

DW Test Information Sheet (Stanstead, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Stanstead Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: July 21 - July 28 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 67.85 22.68 10.43 9.79 9.37

2 58.38 17.53 10.02 13.75 5.19

3 46.62 26.33 14.14 10.30 5.80

4 44.16 26.24 9.79 11.38 8.40

5 36.32 26.24 11.70 10.13 5.13

6 58.77 27.51 11.95 9.05 7.64

7 63.05 25.04 12.26 8.99 6.03

8 48.20 27.88 18.82 9.46 5.16

9 36.41 13.79 16.19 11.17 5.55

10 40.41 26.29 12.98 9.19 4.34

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 500.2 239.5 128.3 103.2 0.0 62.6

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 50.0 24.0 12.8 10.3 #DIV/0! 6.3

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 11.3 4.7 2.9 1.5 #DIV/0! 1.6
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1438.5 918.5 614.9 494.7 #DIV/0! 300.1

Final Drop Heights (Stanstead, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 4.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0

2 5.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0

3 3.0 4.0 3.0 1.0 1.0

4 5.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.0

5 4.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

6 7.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

7 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0

8 3.0 7.0 2.0 1.0 1.0

9 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

10 4.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.0 3.2 2.1 1.7 #DIV/0! 1.2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.50 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49

Screening Results (Stanstead, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.50 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49
Size Class

Screen Size -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 1.50) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49)








11.2 4.07

8 22.64 1.34

6.73 21.37 1.07

4.75 42.85 16.66 2.39 1.33 0.45

3.35 58.16 28.53 9.58 4.58 1.35

2.36 47.52 20.53 13.55 12.59 6.50

1.7 54.92 35.82 18.69 14.89 8.63

1.18 40.63 23.23 13.60 12.35 8.37

0.85 29.29 15.83 9.67 8.02 6.45

0.6 32.43 18.74 11.66 9.83 5.66

0.425 30.99 16.14 10.61 8.54 5.39

0.3 23.55 12.25 7.94 6.34 4.15

0 84.63 46.82 29.22 23.88 15.36

Total Mass: 493.05 236.96 126.91 102.35 62.31

Before Sieving 494.04 237.32 127.88 102.67 62.41

After Sieving 493.36 236.90 127.24 102.30 62.14

Product Size Distribution
(Stanstead, Collision 10 s, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.50) (Eis = 0.09)
40 -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.23)

-26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm

20 (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.49)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Collision 10 s, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

-45 +37.5 mm
80 (Eis = 0.49)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-26.5 +22.4 mm
40 (Eis = 0.99)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
20 -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Stanstead, Collision 10 s, PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 1.50)

-31.5 +26.5 mm
60 (Eis = 1.99)

-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

10 s Delayed, Laurentian Granite
DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: August 14 - August 18 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 272.70 173.90 97.59 143.53 49.53 34.30 19.30 12.97

2 256.45 121.38 160.49 49.93 45.55 33.24 25.00 17.93

3 238.38 212.74 143.39 73.96 77.57 28.09 15.78 10.40

4 195.56 157.10 112.62 95.23 41.06 25.78 13.12 11.13

5 262.58 159.17 117.89 102.32 47.68 26.12 16.41 7.66

6 295.32 134.62 135.60 83.64 39.50 26.21 16.17 10.02

7 197.10 173.04 109.12 94.16 29.86 22.79 20.07 10.54

8 196.21 158.00 121.53 55.68 36.86 22.06 16.20 13.88

9 129.26 106.50 103.11 62.59 65.62 28.29 14.62 9.74

10 187.69 85.67 84.63 70.62 59.87 23.06 21.69 6.48

Weight (g) 0.0 2231.3 1482.1 1186.0 831.7 493.1 269.9 178.4 0.0 110.8

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! 223.1 148.2 118.6 83.2 49.3 27.0 17.8 #DIV/0! 11.1

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! 50.3 37.0 22.7 27.5 14.5 4.2 3.6 #DIV/0! 3.2
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! 1069.5 1420.9 227.4 159.5 236.4 129.4 171.0 #DIV/0! 212.3

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 14.0 16.0 24.0 30.0 9.0 17.0 6.0 3.0

2 24.0 10.0 43.0 19.0 13.0 14.0 11.0 13.0

3 8.0 8.0 35.0 17.0 11.0 17.0 7.0 6.0

4 2.0 9.0 24.0 29.0 15.0 17.0 5.0 4.0

5 4.0 11.0 32.0 16.0 19.0 16.0 10.0 2.0

6 35.0 15.0 28.0 30.0 9.0 8.0 3.0 5.0

7 23.0 22.0 18.0 27.0 9.0 11.0 10.0 4.0

8 17.0 14.0 31.0 16.0 10.0 11.0 10.0 8.0

9 13.0 9.0 21.0 22.0 16.0 20.0 9.0 4.0

10 21.0 7.0 30.0 16.0 17.0 11.0 11.0 2.0

Average: #DIV/0! 16.1 12.1 28.6 22.2 12.8 14.2 8.2 #DIV/0! 5.1

Eis Energy #DIV/0! 0.25 0.50 0.09 0.09 0.24 0.22 0.48 #DIV/0! 0.98

Screening Results (Laurentian, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! 0.25 0.50 0.09 0.09 0.24 0.22 0.48 #DIV/0! 0.98
Size Class

Screen Size -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.25) (Eis = 0.50) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.22) (Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.98)


45 147.54

31.5 0.00 560.48 71.74

26.5 172.15 56.39 43.50 229.79

22.4 181.56 84.44 144.58 122.79 28.83

19 95.17 74.46 139.36 113.15 14.33 46.45 7.42

13.2 386.40 211.90 105.54 112.36 106.15 43.23 0.00

11.2 283.66 131.44 65.39 38.64 44.80 38.05 12.57 3.50

8 198.44 180.00 32.18 38.41 59.73 45.70 24.18 8.58

6.73 100.42 99.65 16.30 14.19 44.25 13.36 13.29 6.61

4.75 137.85 129.95 13.00 21.75 44.44 20.29 26.35 10.05

3.35 106.38 96.83 13.09 16.33 35.89 15.57 22.06 16.44

2.36 85.89 78.36 10.35 10.86 22.58 9.92 15.60 15.19

1.7 59.00 58.30 7.50 7.27 18.59 6.16 10.31 8.99

1.18 45.24 41.19 5.50 5.80 12.87 5.35 8.10 6.99

0.85 31.65 33.76 3.65 4.15 9.70 3.35 4.48 4.75

0.6 35.53 34.38 4.46 4.04 9.06 4.30 6.72 5.13

0.425 33.43 33.87 4.21 4.01 9.27 3.86 5.84 4.71

0.3 27.33 28.20 3.36 3.26 7.19 2.91 4.69 3.84

0 90.39 99.37 10.89 11.46 22.94 9.98 15.35 14.73

Total Mass: 2218.03 1472.49 1183.34 830.00 490.62 268.48 176.96 109.51

Before Sieving 2221.50 1475.25 1184.96 830.52 491.90 269.86 177.48 110.19

After Sieving 2219.00 1472.85 1183.36 830.44 491.38 269.15 176.97 109.93

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: August 14 - August 18 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 75.77 70.99 33.84 28.11 12.36 8.22

2 72.55 53.48 29.05 19.63 20.06 9.29

3 83.37 67.66 26.68 17.49 11.70 9.42

4 76.77 73.25 39.89 21.18 10.00 7.06

5 76.57 68.83 24.77 21.16 18.00 7.57

6 70.74 73.62 26.25 19.67 18.25 8.46

7 109.85 67.56 37.20 14.66 13.72 9.74

8 84.28 58.87 32.83 15.47 15.27 6.93

9 82.16 64.41 36.64 16.93 12.29 5.14

10 79.13 65.42 27.72 17.81 17.34 5.75

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 811.2 664.1 314.9 192.1 149.0 0.0 77.6

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 81.1 66.4 31.5 19.2 14.9 #DIV/0! 7.8

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 11.0 6.3 5.3 3.8 3.4 #DIV/0! 1.6
Num. Particles 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 777.7 1273.3 603.7 368.3 571.3 #DIV/0! 223.1

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 12.0 9.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 2.0

2 13.0 3.0 3.0 7.0 4.0 2.0

3 11.0 16.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 6.0

4 9.0 9.0 5.0 8.0 2.0 2.0

5 10.0 9.0 6.0 8.0 1.0 1.0

6 13.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 2.0 1.0

7 16.0 9.0 8.0 3.0 3.0 4.0

8 3.0 8.0 15.0 2.0 2.0 1.0

9 9.0 5.0 10.0 2.0 2.0 1.0

10 16.0 7.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 11.2 8.3 6.8 4.9 2.8 #DIV/0! 2.2

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.99 #DIV/0! 1.49

Screening Results (Laurentian, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.49 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.99 #DIV/0! 1.49
Size Class

Screen Size -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.49) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 1.49)






19 18.31

13.2 75.94 29.98 15.87

11.2 65.56 23.25 12.30

8 142.35 74.66 17.39 8.47 0.82

6.73 92.97 52.33 38.58 15.42 2.32

4.75 88.40 84.03 36.12 21.52 9.77 2.44

3.35 62.56 73.73 30.91 25.72 22.00 8.87

2.36 47.46 57.65 26.61 23.71 22.79 12.09

1.7 36.15 43.47 23.44 17.54 15.02 10.08

1.18 26.64 32.96 18.37 12.75 11.75 7.92

0.85 21.11 24.93 11.97 8.90 7.43 4.83

0.6 21.88 26.40 13.47 9.78 8.89 5.12

0.425 22.13 26.87 14.09 9.31 8.86 5.21

0.3 18.86 22.66 11.49 8.02 7.52 4.25

0 65.14 84.21 40.84 29.23 30.45 15.72

Total Mass: 805.46 657.13 311.45 190.37 147.62 76.53

Before Sieving 807.20 658.62 311.95 191.52 148.34 77.31

After Sieving 805.88 657.50 311.36 190.80 147.94 76.88

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: August 14 - August 18 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 58.27 18.09 15.46 9.40 8.51

2 60.64 30.58 12.44 7.90 7.26

3 52.93 29.26 13.44 7.63 7.00

4 61.81 19.05 12.89 12.68 5.32

5 79.79 25.29 14.00 7.86 5.93

6 36.89 19.41 15.57 8.07 5.34

7 47.96 23.00 13.97 10.16 7.50

8 33.43 21.04 12.94 8.57 6.68

9 55.45 30.28 9.97 9.29 7.75

10 50.12 24.95 11.80 8.88 5.35

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 537.3 241.0 132.5 90.4 0.0 66.6

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 53.7 24.1 13.2 9.0 #DIV/0! 6.7

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 13.2 4.8 1.7 1.5 #DIV/0! 1.1
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1545.2 924.0 635.0 433.5 #DIV/0! 319.4

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0

2 4.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0

3 3.0 7.0 2.0 1.0 1.0

4 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

5 6.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

6 5.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

7 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 1.0

8 6.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0

9 7.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 2.0

10 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.6 3.8 2.3 2.0 #DIV/0! 1.4

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.50 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49

Screening Results (Laurentian, 10s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.50 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49
Size Class

Screen Size -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 1.50) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49)







13.2 7.60

11.2 3.64

8 36.37 7.83

6.73 47.08 7.60 0.46 0.73

4.75 76.69 23.59 7.42 1.25 0.39

3.35 73.82 32.16 15.79 4.51 2.93

2.36 53.24 32.02 18.38 11.40 7.72

1.7 36.20 23.80 15.95 13.53 9.31

1.18 28.47 16.74 11.93 10.39 8.02

0.85 21.40 12.90 7.31 7.15 5.26

0.6 22.94 12.84 8.66 6.38 5.01

0.425 22.65 12.76 7.96 6.47 5.06

0.3 19.65 11.05 7.10 5.52 4.18

0 78.75 45.08 30.05 22.22 17.56

Total Mass: 528.50 238.37 131.01 89.55 65.44

Before Sieving 529.82 239.66 131.89 90.29 65.99

After Sieving 528.75 238.77 131.72 89.94 65.76

Product Size Distribution
(Laurentian Delayed 10 s, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm
(Eis = 0.25) (Eis = 0.50)
40 -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.09)

-31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm

20 (Eis = 0.24) (Eis = 0.22)
-22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.48) (Eis = 0.98)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian Delayed 10 s, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.49)
-37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.99)

40 -26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian Delayed 10 s, PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 1.50)

-31.5 +26.5 mm
60 (Eis = 1.99)

-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

20 s Delayed, Laurentian Granite
DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, 20s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 1)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: September 11 - September 18 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 190.03 116.68 68.06 47.38 24.43 21.10 17.97

2 178.66 111.30 69.53 45.78 33.85 15.65 10.64

3 190.53 82.93 69.34 42.31 38.92 20.42 13.62

4 174.93 103.63 70.31 48.40 31.21 13.86 8.69

5 114.09 144.72 50.53 39.80 33.57 15.69 10.80

6 145.25 110.74 57.25 41.12 35.03 16.50 11.60

7 151.43 105.49 62.36 41.15 23.94 16.45 10.13

8 137.84 77.18 55.79 31.71 21.79 18.40 17.68

9 143.39 81.66 52.38 42.40 21.37 19.48 12.47

10 121.64 100.99 55.49 37.96 24.56 21.23 10.82

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 1547.8 1035.3 611.0 418.0 288.7 178.8 0.0 124.4

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 154.8 103.5 61.1 41.8 28.9 17.9 #DIV/0! 12.4

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 27.4 20.0 7.7 4.9 6.3 2.6 #DIV/0! 3.1
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1483.8 198.5 117.2 200.4 138.4 171.4 #DIV/0! 238.6

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, 20s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 17.0 24.0 24.0 20.0 15.0 9.0 11.0

2 9.0 22.0 22.0 16.0 12.0 13.0 3.0

3 12.0 23.0 29.0 13.0 20.0 7.0 7.0

4 19.0 24.0 29.0 11.0 10.0 16.0 1.0

5 12.0 31.0 17.0 12.0 11.0 6.0 2.0

6 9.0 27.0 19.0 14.0 12.0 11.0 2.0

7 16.0 27.0 20.0 16.0 17.0 5.0 2.0

8 14.0 18.0 19.0 13.0 11.0 6.0 6.0

9 12.0 21.0 20.0 14.0 12.0 7.0 4.0

10 6.0 24.0 28.0 12.0 17.0 12.0 3.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 12.6 24.1 22.7 14.1 13.7 9.2 #DIV/0! 4.1

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.50 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.23 0.47 #DIV/0! 0.98

Screening Results (Laurentian, 20s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.50 0.09 0.08 0.23 0.23 0.47 #DIV/0! 0.98
Size Class

Screen Size -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.50) (Eis = 0.09) (Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.47) (Eis = 0.98)



31.5 195.05 196.35

26.5 208.87 74.86

22.4 17.76 156.19 135.36 52.01 17.72

19 49.77 172.49 80.14 0.00 34.81

13.2 218.06 99.24 58.53 93.83 59.67 16.10

11.2 183.60 45.17 21.53 60.82 21.88 10.93

8 232.29 42.23 17.92 63.61 54.71 41.08 8.21

6.73 128.32 23.17 2.69 26.98 18.50 13.91 10.76

4.75 154.01 22.28 4.76 30.98 17.72 26.93 14.98

3.35 116.63 14.70 3.61 22.66 11.92 16.40 17.46

2.36 68.26 10.00 2.92 10.15 6.93 10.43 10.54

1.7 101.43 14.16 3.30 17.44 14.48 11.94 18.18

1.18 48.72 6.09 1.62 8.18 5.51 6.00 8.20

0.85 36.68 4.00 1.07 5.32 3.97 4.01 5.70

0.6 31.18 3.63 0.98 5.08 3.31 3.60 4.57

0.425 30.12 3.68 1.00 4.40 3.41 3.40 5.03

0.3 24.69 2.86 0.79 3.38 2.74 2.86 3.82

0 97.86 10.96 3.09 13.00 9.72 10.72 16.26

Total Mass: 0.00 1539.38 1034.77 610.52 417.84 287.00 178.31 0.00 123.71

Before Sieving 1541.70 1035.72 611.80 418.30 287.54 178.52 124.18

After Sieving 1539.70 1035.36 611.42 418.41 287.18 178.44 123.80

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, 20s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m , Batch # 2)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: September 11 - September 18 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 54.7 40.93 20.53 17.42 10.37

2 43.8 24.40 18.53 18.67 10.06

3 67.7 32.46 18.55 16.59 7.93

4 44.5 33.62 17.95 12.96 8.55

5 53.3 41.24 27.70 11.23 7.35

6 51.4 47.28 29.99 15.30 9.72

7 43.4 28.13 18.83 16.37 9.56

8 61.6 41.60 17.48 13.33 6.85

9 48.0 36.98 29.90 11.52 7.62

10 40.7 32.13 17.48 14.70 5.83

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 509.1 358.8 216.9 148.1 0.0 83.8

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 50.9 35.9 21.7 14.8 #DIV/0! 8.4

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 8.7 7.0 5.3 2.5 #DIV/0! 1.5
Num. Particles 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 0 10

Total Weight (g)

1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 976.1 687.9 415.9 567.9 #DIV/0! 241.1

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, 20s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 8.0 8.0 11.0 2.0 3.0

2 10.0 3.0 3.0 7.0 3.0

3 9.0 8.0 2.0 3.0 1.0

4 6.0 8.0 4.0 2.0 2.0

5 5.0 7.0 3.0 2.0 3.0

6 9.0 13.0 9.0 2.0 2.0

7 9.0 8.0 2.0 4.0 3.0

8 3.0 9.0 2.0 3.0 1.0

9 11.0 9.0 6.0 1.0 2.0

10 9.0 8.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 7.9 8.1 4.5 2.8 #DIV/0! 2.1

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.99 #DIV/0! 1.49

Screening Results (Laurentian, 20s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.99 #DIV/0! 1.49
Size Class

Screen Size -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 0.99) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 1.49)







13.2 7.85 4.59 3.72

11.2 19.39 7.34 0.00

8 60.44 45.71 23.01 3.17

6.73 67.33 36.97 14.20 1.72 1.91

4.75 69.38 52.33 30.37 11.25 7.45

3.35 49.18 43.32 28.96 18.60 10.81

2.36 37.30 28.75 18.23 18.28 10.20

1.7 50.97 36.51 28.49 25.61 15.97

1.18 24.95 18.83 12.67 12.30 6.77

0.85 16.10 11.45 7.92 8.19 4.66

0.6 17.47 11.73 7.92 6.82 3.76

0.425 15.77 11.34 7.71 7.28 4.13

0.3 13.12 9.15 6.49 5.80 3.24

0 56.25 38.52 26.04 28.00 14.00

Total Mass: 505.50 356.54 215.73 147.02 82.90

Before Sieving 508.05 357.87 216.83 147.50 83.38

After Sieving 506.16 357.00 216.00 147.14 83.15

DW Test Information Sheet (Laurentian, 20s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Single Batch
Sample: Laurentian Granite g (const) = 9.36
Date of test: September 11 - September 18 Dm (kg) = 20.06
Technician: Jacob Sigler

Particle Mass (g)

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 41.68 18.36 12.42 13.59 5.84

2 42.19 18.62 13.16 10.13 5.67

3 61.69 14.12 9.97 9.25 9.28

4 38.93 20.49 14.39 9.70 4.47

5 49.94 15.34 15.20 11.04 5.81

6 49.36 20.67 10.41 10.96 6.58

7 46.46 15.59 17.78 10.53 4.29

8 40.95 22.82 14.32 8.56 4.66

9 39.87 29.83 12.20 6.42 6.74

10 48.38 25.17 19.65 6.74 7.34

Weight (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 459.5 201.0 139.5 96.9 0.0 60.7

Average Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 45.9 20.1 14.0 9.7 #DIV/0! 6.1

Stdev Weight (g) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 6.9 4.9 3.0 2.1 #DIV/0! 1.5
Num. Particles 10 10 10 10 10 10

Total Weight (g)

1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Size Class +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

Drop Height (mm) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1321.4 770.8 668.7 464.6 #DIV/0! 290.9

Final Drop Heights (Laurentian, 20s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All Heights in millimeters

Size Class

Particle +63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -37.5 +31.5 mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -19 +16 mm -16 +13.2 mm

1 6.0 8.0 2.0 2.0 1.0

2 7.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

3 8.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0

4 4.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 3.0

5 8.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 1.0

6 11.0 6.0 1.0 2.0 1.0

7 6.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0

8 4.0 7.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

9 4.0 9.0 1.0 2.0 2.0

10 8.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 2.0

Average: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 6.6 4.8 2.1 2.2 #DIV/0! 1.5

Eis Energy #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49

Screening Results (Laurentian, 20s Delay, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
All masses in grams

Mass Retained U.S.A. Standard Sieve Series

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 2.50
Eis Energy (kwh/t)

Actual Eis Energy

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.49 #DIV/0! 2.49
Size Class

Screen Size -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm -26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm -16 +13.2 mm
+63 mm -63 +53 mm -53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm -19 + 16 mm
(Retained) (Eis = 1.49) (Eis = 1.99) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49) (Eis = 2.49)








11.2 8.68 2.60

8 42.91 12.92 1.77

6.73 46.69 13.17 2.26 0.63 0.37

4.75 67.40 18.18 8.96 4.30 1.28

3.35 55.12 25.54 15.94 10.85 4.21

2.36 42.46 22.85 14.39 10.57 4.67

1.7 44.54 26.34 25.10 19.51 13.19

1.18 24.45 13.76 12.13 9.31 6.77

0.85 18.11 9.69 6.93 6.21 3.75

0.6 17.32 8.05 8.26 5.10 3.68

0.425 15.50 8.88 7.93 5.24 4.40

0.3 12.80 7.19 6.35 4.23 3.26

0 58.79 30.29 28.31 19.80 14.52

Total Mass: 454.77 199.46 138.33 95.75 0.00 60.10

Before Sieving 457.31 200.61 138.75 96.00 60.40

After Sieving 455.41 200.00 138.65 95.79 60.26

Product Size Distribution
(Laurentian Delayed 20 s, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 1)

Cumulative Percent Passing (%)


-53 +45 mm -45 +37.5 mm
(Eis = 0.50) (Eis = 0.09)
40 -37.5 +31.5mm -31.5 +26.5 mm
(Eis = 0.08) (Eis = 0.23)

-26.5 +22.4 mm -22.4 +19 mm

20 (Eis = 0.23) (Eis = 0.47)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 0.98)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian Delayed 20 s, PF= 1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 2)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 0.99)

-31.5 +26.5 mm
60 (Eis = 0.99)

-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 0.99)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 1.99)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 1.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)

Product Size Distribution

(Laurentian Delayed 20 s, PF=1.173 kg/m3, Batch # 3)
Cumulative Percent Passing (%)

80 -37.5 +31.5mm
(Eis = 1.49)

-31.5 +26.5 mm
60 (Eis = 1.99)

-26.5 +22.4 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-22.4 +19 mm
(Eis = 2.49)
-16 +13.2 mm
(Eis = 2.49)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Particle Size (mm)


Detailed Experimental Data of Bond Work Index Test

Size collections for the Bwi Test

PF=0.391 smaller -19
bigger +63
PF=0.782 smaller -19
bigger +63
PF=1.173 smaller -19
bigger +63

PF=0.391 smaller -22.4 -1.18)
bigger +63
Laurentian PF=0.782 smaller -22.4 -1.18)
bigger +63
PF=1.173 smaller -13.2 -1.18)
bigger +63

PF=0.391 smaller -37.5

bigger +63
PF=0.782 smaller -13
bigger +63
PF=1.173 smaller -11.2 also same with
bigger +63 Air-Deck Blast

Stanstead Granite, Powder Factor



Nominal % Cum % passing retained

sieve size
microns Feed Product Feed Product Feed Product feed product
3360 100
2360 89.31 16.5 29.90 1.53 70.1 98.47 29.9 1.53
1700 101.01 20.12 33.82 1.87 36.28 96.6 63.72 3.4
1180 49.03 26.65 16.42 2.48 19.86 94.12 80.14 5.88
850 26.69 36.66 8.94 3.41 10.92 90.71 89.08 9.29
600 16.96 63.75 5.68 5.93 5.24 84.78 94.76 15.22
425 9.5 123.4 3.18 11.48 2.06 73.3 97.94 26.7
300 4.17 179.13 1.40 16.66 0.66 56.64 99.34 43.36
212 1.99 290.59 0.67 27.03 0 29.61 100.01 70.39
0 0 318.22 0.00 29.60 0 99.99
298.66 1075.02


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

<P.F. = 0.391>
PF 0.391 (SMALLER)

Nominal % Cum % passing retained

sieve size
microns Feed Product Feed Product Feed Product feed product

2360 57.11 20.58 19.10 1.91 80.9 98.09 19.1 1.91

1700 105.48 20.78 35.28 1.93 45.62 96.16 54.38 3.84
1180 46.76 21.8 15.64 2.02 29.98 94.14 70.02 5.86
850 28.5 26.02 9.53 2.41 20.45 91.73 79.55 8.27
600 21.98 53.06 7.35 4.92 13.1 86.81 86.9 13.19
425 18 136.36 6.02 12.64 7.08 74.17 92.92 25.83
300 10.88 197.44 3.64 18.31 3.44 55.86 96.56 44.14
212 10.83 290.14 3.62 26.90 0 28.96 100.1 71.04
0 0 312.16 0.00 28.95 0 99.99
299.54 1078.34

PF 0.391 (BIGGER)

Nominal % Cum % passing retained

sieve size
microns Feed Product Feed Product Feed Product feed product
2360 45.43 11.85 12.55 1.06 87.45 98.94 12.55 1.06
1700 107.14 20.3 29.60 1.82 57.85 97.12 42.15 2.88
1180 54.99 19.94 15.19 1.79 45.66 95.33 54.34 4.67
850 40.33 24.36 11.14 2.19 31.52 93.14 68.48 6.86
600 34.85 59.3 9.63 5.32 21.89 87.82 78.11 12.18
425 31.74 130.55 8.77 11.72 13.12 76.1 86.88 23.9
300 21.58 204.94 5.96 18.40 7.16 57.7 92.84 42.3
212 25.84 319.24 7.14 28.67 0 29.03 99.98 70.97
0 0 323.16 0.00 29.02 0 99.99
361.9 1113.64


Cum % passing



0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

<P.F. = 0.782>

PF 0.782 (SMALLER)

Nominal % Cum % passing retained

sieve size
microns Feed Product Feed Product Feed Product feed product

2360 16.8 6.22 5.48 0.57 94.52 99.43 5.48 0.57

1700 97.54 11.4 31.82 1.05 62.7 98.38 37.3 1.62
1180 59.52 13.99 19.42 1.29 43.28 97.09 56.72 2.91
850 39.51 20.54 12.89 1.90 30.39 95.19 69.61 4.81
600 36 51.77 11.74 4.78 18.65 90.41 81.35 9.59
425 28.78 115.61 9.39 10.69 9.26 79.72 90.74 20.28
300 18.66 209.3 6.09 19.35 3.17 60.37 96.83 39.63
212 9.72 330.78 3.17 30.57 0 29.8 100 70.2
0 0 322.32 0.00 29.79 0 99.99
306.53 1081.93


Cum % passing



0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns


Nominal % Cum % passing retained

sieve size
microns Feed Product Feed Product Feed Product

2360 39.06 7.4 10.60 0.73 89.4 99.27 10.6 0.73

1700 86.85 11.02 23.56 1.08 65.84 98.19 34.16 1.81
1180 59.35 15.02 16.10 1.48 49.74 96.71 50.26 3.29
850 48 21.04 13.02 2.07 36.72 94.64 63.28 5.36
600 44.44 48 12.06 4.72 24.66 89.92 75.34 10.08
425 38.24 131.55 10.37 12.93 14.29 76.99 85.71 23.01
300 25.87 191.22 7.02 18.79 7.27 58.2 92.73 41.8
212 26.82 295.07 7.28 29.00 0 29.2 100.01 70.8
0 0 297.19 0.00 29.21 0 100.01
368.63 1017.51


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

<P.F. = 1.173>


Nominal mass, g % Cum % passing retained

sieve size
microns Feed Product Feed Product Feed Product feed product

2360 50.44 18.08 19.10 1.77 80.9 98.23 19.1 1.77

1700 90.45 20.74 34.24 2.03 46.66 96.2 53.34 3.8
1180 42.49 21.63 16.09 2.11 30.57 94.09 69.43 5.91
850 35.55 32.7 13.46 3.20 17.11 90.89 82.89 9.11
600 36.66 77.37 13.88 7.56 3.23 83.33 96.77 16.67
425 7.75 148.5 2.93 14.52 0.3 68.81 99.7 31.19
300 0.46 152.95 0.17 14.95 0.13 53.86 99.87 46.14
212 0.33 252.42 0.12 24.68 0 29.18 99.99 70.82
0 0 298.47 0.00 29.18 0 100
264.13 1022.86


Cum % passing




0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns



Nominal % Cum % passing retained

sieve size
microns Feed Product Feed Product Feed Product feed product

2360 20.31 9.32 6.47 0.90 93.53 99.1 6.47 0.9

1700 85.45 13.66 27.20 1.32 66.33 97.78 33.67 2.22
1180 55.3 15.04 17.60 1.45 48.73 96.33 51.27 3.67
850 39.24 21.83 12.49 2.10 36.24 94.23 63.76 5.77
600 35.32 55.81 11.24 5.37 25 88.86 75 11.14
425 31.49 136.95 10.02 13.18 14.98 75.68 85.02 24.32
300 20.88 184.62 6.65 17.77 8.33 57.91 91.67 42.09
212 26.13 297.63 8.32 28.65 0 29.26 99.99 70.74
0 0 303.83 0.00 29.25 0 99.99
314.12 1038.69


Cum % passing




0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

Laurentian Granite, Powder Factor

seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product
% of total cum % passing
4 5 6 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 83.32 22.99 77.01
1700 79.61 21.97 55.04
1180 51.29 14.15 40.89
850 36.88 10.18 30.71
600 32 8.83 21.88
425 30.23 8.34 13.54
300 25.86 7.14 6.4
212 23.24 6.41 0 100
150 362.43 124.83 112.53 118.8 118.72 35.42 64.58
106 63.7 63.2 63.44 63.45 18.93 45.65
75 49.39 47.47 44.72 47.19 14.08 31.57
53 40.77 53.3 44.03 46.03 13.73 17.84
38 48.69 41.3 55.37 48.45 14.46 3.38
0 18.4 8.13 7.53 11.35 3.39 0
seive size cum % passing
feed product
3360 100
2360 77.01 100
1700 55.04
1180 40.89
850 30.71 80
600 21.88
425 13.54
Cum % passing

300 6.4
212 0 100
150 64.58
106 45.65
75 31.57 40
53 17.84
38 3.38
0 0 20 feed

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Nominal sieve size, microns

<P.F. = 0.391>


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 5 6 7 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 36.69 22.03 77.97
1700 38.21 22.95 55.02
1180 27.34 16.42 38.6
850 19.16 11.51 27.09
600 15.35 9.22 17.87
425 11.2 6.73 11.14
300 8.91 5.35 5.79
212 9.66 5.80 0 100
150 166.52 104.05 131.49 117.31 117.62 35.18 64.82
106 70.65 59.52 64.28 64.82 19.39 45.43
75 43.05 41.93 47.18 44.05 13.18 32.25
53 41.43 39.84 34.34 38.54 11.53 20.72
38 51.85 51.87 51.57 51.76 15.48 5.24
0 14.44 16.26 21.87 17.52 5.24 0


Cum % passing




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 4 5 6 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 60.4 23.38 76.62
1700 59.44 23.01 53.61
1180 42.63 16.50 37.11
850 28.2 10.92 26.19
600 22.43 8.68 17.51
425 18.46 7.15 10.36
300 14.31 5.54 4.82
212 12.47 4.83 0 100
150 258.34 108.43 107.38 103.92 106.58 32.39 67.61
106 62.82 65.22 66.25 64.76 19.68 47.93
75 50.49 48.03 45.87 48.13 14.63 33.3
53 34.98 38.25 55.89 43.04 13.08 20.22
38 51.8 54.62 35.71 47.38 14.40 5.82
0 23.09 21.07 13.25 19.14 5.82 0


Cum % passing




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

<P.F. = 0.782>


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 3 4 5 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 157.99 28.08 71.92
1700 144.11 25.61 46.31
1180 66.66 11.85 34.46
850 50.66 9.00 25.46
600 41.53 7.38 18.08
425 36.74 6.53 11.55
300 30.63 5.44 6.11
212 34.38 6.11 0 100
150 562.7 107.06 104.52 109.24 106.94 33.07 66.93
106 73.36 73.12 66.86 71.11 21.99 44.94
75 43.31 49.01 42.38 44.90 13.88 31.06
53 66.53 79.65 21.58 55.92 17.29 13.77
38 25.77 9.38 56.34 30.50 9.43 4.34
0 9.6 4.66 27.88 14.05 4.34 0


Cum % passing




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 5 6 7 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 104.29 30.15 69.85
1700 77.67 22.45 47.4
1180 54.5 15.76 31.64
850 37.73 10.91 20.73
600 27.48 7.94 12.79
425 20.73 5.99 6.8
300 13.43 3.88 2.92
212 10.09 2.92 0 100
150 345.92 114.45 109.56 114.68 112.90 33.76 66.24
106 69.97 64.37 60.18 64.84 19.39 46.85
75 50.61 49.93 47.9 49.48 14.80 32.05
53 72.1 62.55 61.15 65.27 19.52 12.53
38 25.97 28.52 31.66 28.72 8.59 3.94
0 12.73 14.07 12.84 13.21 3.95 0


Cum % passing



0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

<P.F. = 1.173>


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 3 4 5 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 29.71 5.32 94.68
1700 148.36 26.56 68.12
1180 110.88 19.85 48.27
850 68.71 12.30 35.97
600 56.14 10.05 25.92
425 49.22 8.81 17.11
300 38.64 6.92 10.19
212 56.97 10.20 0 100
150 558.63 100.26 107.04 101.41 102.90 32.70 67.3
106 93.65 104.42 90.67 96.25 30.59 36.71
75 37.43 40.94 41.59 39.99 12.71 24
53 39.13 28.19 53.46 40.26 12.79 11.21
38 36.05 20.04 25.92 27.34 8.69 2.52
0 10.79 4.22 8.8 7.94 2.52 0


Cum % passing




0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 5 6 7 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 100.13 27.38 72.62
1700 78.88 21.57 51.05
1180 51.54 14.09 36.96
850 32.49 8.88 28.08
600 28.56 7.81 20.27
425 27.81 7.60 12.67
300 23.06 6.31 6.36
212 23.26 6.36 0 100
150 365.73 127.78 129.95 122.28 126.67 36.14 63.86
106 62.87 57.46 56.73 59.02 16.84 47.02
75 50.42 47.11 45.8 47.78 13.63 33.39
53 53.52 65.4 70.12 63.01 17.98 15.41
38 41.34 22.8 77.82 47.32 13.50 1.91
0 11.1 5.96 2.93 6.66 1.90 0


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

Barre Granite, Powder Factor


last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
4 5 feed product feed product
0.00 100
6.91 93.09
13.37 79.71
18.57 61.14
16.63 44.51
15.48 29.03
12.65 16.38
8.98 7.40
7.40 0.00 100
131.29 136.74 137.62 42.34 57.66
44.35 41.4 44.26 13.62 44.04
36.33 41.75 40.09 12.34 31.70
37.69 42.18 41.16 12.67 19.04
49.18 43 44.28 13.62 5.41
15.77 10.59 17.59 5.41 0.00
cum % passing


Cum % passing

31.70 40.00
0.00 20.00
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Nominal sieve size, microns

<P.F. = 0.391>


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 3 4 5 feed product feed product
3360 0 0.00 100
2380 107.33 5.70 94.30
1700 269.3 14.30 80.01
1180 357.4 18.97 61.03
850 239.15 12.70 48.33
600 294.99 15.66 32.67
425 295.4 15.68 16.99
300 176.5 9.37 7.62
212 143.56 7.62 0.00 100
150 141.98 142.51 144.19 142.89 43.94 56.06
106 42.29 44.12 39.28 41.90 12.88 43.18
75 41.01 37.31 39.47 39.26 12.07 31.10
53 39.65 25 38.5 34.38 10.57 20.53
38 43.81 57.05 40.79 47.22 14.52 6.01
0 21.04 21.37 16.22 19.54 6.01 0.00
1883.63 325.20


Cum % passing




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 5 6 7 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2380 9.15 3.58 96.42
1700 36.1 14.12 82.31
1180 50.6 19.78 62.52
850 38.51 15.06 47.46
600 32.34 12.65 34.82
425 33.4 13.06 21.76
300 32.76 12.81 8.95
212 22.89 8.95 0.00 100
150 147.78 145.13 140.94 144.62 46.54 53.46
106 42.22 43.1 36.6 40.64 13.08 40.38
75 44.95 36.7 36.1 39.25 12.63 27.75
53 39.1 40.12 36.86 38.69 12.45 15.30
38 35.25 35.2 32.68 34.38 11.06 4.24
0 6.87 12.22 20.41 13.17 4.24 0.00
255.75 310.74


Cum % passing




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

<P.F. = 0.782>


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 4 5 6 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 37.11 14.88 85.12
1700 32.72 13.12 72.00
1180 35.63 14.29 57.71
850 32.61 13.08 44.64
600 39.97 16.03 28.61
425 36 14.44 14.17
300 25.05 10.04 4.13
212 10.3 4.13 0.00 100
150 134.17 146.68 139.1 139.98 25.01 74.99
106 746.93 43.15 45.05 278.38 49.74 25.25
75 41.8 39.5 64.53 48.61 8.68 16.57
53 62.15 65.08 53.47 60.23 10.76 5.81
38 17.19 28.28 16.6 20.69 3.70 2.11
0 18.31 12 5.14 11.82 2.11 0.00
249.39 559.71


Cum % passing




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 4 5 6 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 19.02 4.11 95.89
1700 43.61 9.41 86.48
1180 70.44 15.20 71.28
850 80.47 17.37 53.91
600 72.89 15.73 38.17
425 68.85 14.86 23.31
300 58.44 12.61 10.70
212 49.57 10.70 0.00 100
150 171.25 161.41 158.68 163.78 47.40 52.60
106 44.15 42.18 42 42.78 12.38 40.22
75 44.19 41.85 39.46 41.83 12.11 28.12
53 58.59 43.82 37.63 46.68 13.51 14.61
38 34.44 39.68 43.69 39.27 11.36 3.24
0 6 11.71 15.9 11.20 3.24 0.00
463.29 345.54


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

<P.F. = 1.173>


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 3 4 5 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 311.34 36.47 63.53
1700 138.93 16.27 47.25
1180 127.67 14.96 32.30
850 92.74 10.86 21.43
600 69.59 8.15 13.28
425 57.93 6.79 6.50
300 38.39 4.50 2.00
212 17.06 2.00 0.00 100
150 103.97 119.28 116.24 113.16 34.31 65.69
106 69.03 61.01 67.4 65.81 19.95 45.74
75 42.06 45.88 48.08 45.34 13.75 31.99
53 40.92 41.69 43.84 42.15 12.78 19.22
38 53.09 44.29 42.23 46.54 14.11 5.11
0 16.13 18.25 16.16 16.85 5.11 0.00
853.65 329.85


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 3 4 5 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 6.03 2.62 97.38
1700 26.14 11.36 86.02
1180 39.98 17.37 68.65
850 55.08 23.94 44.71
600 32.55 14.14 30.57
425 31.93 13.88 16.69
300 23.46 10.19 6.50
212 14.95 6.50 0.00 100
150 153.88 140 140.95 144.94 44.85 55.15
106 45.49 38.9 43.45 42.61 13.19 41.97
75 40.91 38.01 40.34 39.75 12.30 29.67
53 45.37 35.3 33.74 38.14 11.80 17.87
38 35.27 42.62 43.29 40.39 12.50 5.37
0 13.96 20.25 17.83 17.35 5.37 0.00
230.12 323.19

Cum % passing




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Nominal sieve size, microns

Air-Deck Charge, Barre Granite


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 2 3 4 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 23.51 3.10 96.90
1700 42.24 5.58 91.32
1180 105.49 13.92 77.40
850 137.71 18.18 59.22
600 141.68 18.70 40.52
425 144.79 19.11 21.40
300 95.22 12.57 8.83
212 66.92 8.83 0.00 100
150 153.26 134.28 141.09 142.88 47.41 52.59
106 32.28 33.74 30.2 32.07 10.64 41.94
75 43.98 43.69 45.07 44.25 14.68 27.26
53 53.53 48.36 46.15 49.35 16.38 10.89
38 25.49 21.08 20.78 22.45 7.45 3.44
0 6.66 11.11 13.3 10.36 3.44 0.00
757.56 301.35


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 3 4 5 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 27.75 2.59 97.41
1700 91.47 8.53 88.88
1180 191.17 17.83 71.05
850 202.19 18.86 52.20
600 179.24 16.72 35.48
425 157.7 14.71 20.77
300 111.5 10.40 10.38
212 111.26 10.38 0.00 100
150 119.84 120.78 123.07 121.23 40.04 59.96
106 55.4 61.67 62.44 59.84 19.76 40.20
75 49.88 48.19 48.29 48.79 16.11 24.09
53 45.77 44.93 49.96 46.89 15.48 8.61
38 27.09 21.37 16.96 21.81 7.20 1.40
0 5.98 3.68 3.1 4.25 1.40 0.00
1072.28 302.80


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

Spherical Charge with Stemming, Barre Granite


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 2 3 4 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 171.99 15.45 84.55
1700 273.99 24.62 59.93
1180 218.56 19.64 40.29
850 138.07 12.41 27.88
600 109.59 9.85 18.03
425 88.07 7.91 10.12
300 64.64 5.81 4.31
212 47.99 4.31 0.00 100
150 150.69 130.02 128.05 136.25 42.42 57.58
106 47.32 39.8 40.57 42.56 13.25 44.33
75 57.79 47.03 49.38 51.40 16.00 28.33
53 48.53 36.82 47.98 44.44 13.84 14.50
38 31.63 41.69 35.8 36.37 11.32 3.17
0 14.17 7.89 8.53 10.20 3.17 0.00
1112.9 321.23


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 3 4 5 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 165.64 15.17 84.83
1700 226.47 20.75 64.08
1180 203.77 18.67 45.41
850 132.77 12.16 33.25
600 118.71 10.87 22.38
425 102.84 9.42 12.95
300 77.71 7.12 5.84
212 63.7 5.84 0.00 100
150 127.18 139.18 133.16 133.17 41.97 58.03
106 45.25 41.44 43.87 43.52 13.71 44.32
75 65.2 80.11 51.66 65.66 20.69 23.63
53 53.13 34.73 30.48 39.45 12.43 11.20
38 12.96 21 42.6 25.52 8.04 3.15
0 5.3 5.86 18.86 10.01 3.15 0.00
1091.61 317.32


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

Centre Spherical Charge without Stemming, Barre Granite

(Centre Spherical w/o stem) June 27th, 2006


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 4 5 6 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 4.34 2.11 97.89
1700 12.85 6.26 91.63
1180 37.36 18.19 73.44
850 37.26 18.14 55.31
600 37.6 18.30 37.00
425 31.75 15.46 21.55
300 23.9 11.63 9.91
212 20.36 9.91 0.00 100
150 148.41 129.15 141.66 139.74 44.02 55.98
106 43.11 45.41 42.21 43.58 13.73 42.25
75 65.78 60.16 62.7 62.88 19.81 22.44
53 53.68 50.48 50.71 51.62 16.26 6.18
38 21.02 14.01 11.5 15.51 4.89 1.29
0 4.63 3.71 3.98 4.11 1.29 0.00
205.42 317.44


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

(Centre Spherical w/o stem) June 27th, 2006

seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 3 4 5 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 9.27 4.21 95.79
1700 21.27 9.66 86.14
1180 38.52 17.49 68.65
850 38.29 17.38 51.26
600 36.59 16.61 34.65
425 31.5 14.30 20.35
300 24.05 10.92 9.43
212 20.78 9.43 0.00 100
150 134.49 129.55 129.12 131.05 42.02 57.98
106 45.03 33.8 38.67 39.17 12.56 45.42
75 55.26 61.22 58.16 58.21 18.67 26.75
53 48.8 42.94 40.62 44.12 14.15 12.61
38 25.53 21.24 31.38 26.05 8.35 4.25
0 11.07 10.7 18.03 13.27 4.25 0.00
220.27 311.87


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

Bottom Spherical without Stemming

(Bottom Spherical w/o stem) June 27th, 2006


seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 3 4 5 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 8.92 2.09 97.91
1700 21.35 5.00 92.91
1180 51.17 11.99 80.91
850 82.07 19.23 61.68
600 96.76 22.68 39.00
425 70.21 16.45 22.55
300 51.55 12.08 10.46
212 44.65 10.46 0.00 100
150 123.49 139.75 128.92 130.72 42.74 57.26
106 39.07 32.93 35.31 35.77 11.69 45.57
75 59.38 63.78 55.13 59.43 19.43 26.14
53 53.99 45.96 43.74 47.90 15.66 10.48
38 21.82 28.35 24.29 24.82 8.11 2.36
0 7.2 8.04 6.43 7.22 2.36 0.00
426.68 305.86


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns

(Bottom Spherical w/o stem) June 27th, 2006

seive size feed last three rounds of product ave of product

% of total cum % passing
0 3 4 5 feed product feed product
3360 0 0 100
2360 7.34 2.55 97.45
1700 17.93 6.23 91.22
1180 38.75 13.46 77.76
850 48.69 16.92 60.84
600 52.51 18.24 42.60
425 49.36 17.15 25.45
300 39.15 13.60 11.85
212 34.11 11.85 0.00 100
150 136.22 132.8 141.3 136.77 43.81 56.19
106 43.55 33.72 30.32 35.86 11.49 44.70
75 61.4 64.05 72.3 65.92 21.11 23.59
53 57.29 51.51 61.86 56.89 18.22 5.37
38 10.85 16.35 11.84 13.01 4.17 1.20
0 2.49 5.34 3.39 3.74 1.20 0.00
287.84 312.19


Cum % passing



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Nominal sieve size, microns


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