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Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301


Fluid dynamics in crystal growth: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Jeffrey J. Derby *
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, 151 Amundson Hall, 421 Washington Avenue SE,
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0132, USA
Available online 27 May 2016

Fluid dynamics are important in processes that grow large crystals from a liquid phase. This paper presents a primer on fluid
mechanics and convection, followed by a discussion of the physics and scaling of flows in such processes. Specific examples of
fluid flows in crystal growth systems are presented and classified according to their impact on outcomes, good or bad. Turbulence
in crystal growth is discussed within the limited extent of our understanding, which is incomplete, or ugly.
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: fluid mechanics; crystal growth; convection; segregation; instabilities

1. Introduction summary of it. Some recent reviews on this topic include

those of Derby et al. [1], Kakimoto and Gao [2], Tsukada
This paper is meant as an introduction toward under- [3], Vizman [4], and Capper and Zharikov [5]. In this
standing fluid dynamics and the effects that flow can bring paper, we will first focus on some essentials on flows and
about during the growth of large, single crystals. The title their effects, followed by a series of examples of inter-
of this article is chosen in a shameless attempt to attract esting and important flows in crystal growth systems. We
your attention by alluding to an epic film of the 1960s, will focus on the growth of single crystals from liquids,
directed by Sergio Leone and starring Clint Eastwood. with examples drawn from both solution and melt growth
However, this title also means to emphasize that flows systems. We will not consider the many, interesting com-
in large-scale crystal growth systems are always impor- plications that may arise in vapor crystal growth pro-
tant and that their effects can be beneficial (good) or det- cesses [6] or during the crystallization of many crystals
rimental (bad). Indeed, one motivation for their study is in purification operations [7].
to understand their effects so that changes in process
design or operation may produce better outcomes. What
2. Background
about the ugly in the title? Well, please continue reading
to find out
2.1. A primer on fluid mechanics
The literature on flows in crystal growth is vast, and
no attempt will be made to present a comprehensive
While fluid mechanics can become horrendously com-
plicated, it is important to remember that fluids follow
* Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Uni-
the same, basic kinematic rules that every scientist or en-
versity of Minnesota, 151 Amundson Hall, 421 Washington Avenue
SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0132, USA. Tel.: +1-612-625-8881; fax: gineer learned long ago, namely, Newtons laws of motion.
+1-612-626-7246. We write Newtons second law backwards (to make the
E-mail address: next equation more clear) as,
0960-8974/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301 287

ma = Fnet (1)
the fluid itself is incompressible, i.e., that its density does
mass acceleration Net force not change appreciably with pressure, an assumption that
where the bold characters indicate vector quantities. This is extremely good for a liquid and sometimes reason-
simple form is applicable to a rigid body. However, if able for a gas. While the above application of New-
we instead imagine a dollop of fluid upon which forces tons second law to a fluid manifests itself in the
push and pull, we can carefully shrink it to an infinites- conservation of momentum, we must specify an addi-
imal size and re-express the above expression in terms tional constraint to guarantee continuity, i.e., the con-
of the velocity of the fluid, servation of mass. This is written for an incompressible
fluid as,
+ v v = p + 2 v
t pressuure forces viscous forces v = 0. (3)
mass per unit volume per unit volume per unit volume
acceleration (2)
Collectively, eqns. (2) and (3) constitute the celebrat-
+ 0 g [1 (T T0 )] + F ( v, x, t ) ,
buoyant force applied body force ed NavierStokes equations.
per unit volume per unit volume

where the correspondence between eqs. (1) and (2) should 2.2. Convection the effects of fluid flow
be readily apparent. To define our nomenclature, is the
density of the fluid, v is the velocity field, t is time, A flowing liquid typically has a significant effect on
is the gradient operator representing derivatives over local temperature and composition via convection, or ad-
spatial dimensions x, p is the pressure field, is the fluid vection in some fields. Convection is the transport of heat
viscosity, g is the gravitational vector, is the thermal (thermal energy) and material (species) by flow. This is
expansivity, T is temperature, and the subscript zero readily seen in the conservation equations derived for the
denotes the reference state about which the linear de- temperature,
pendence of fluid density on temperature is approximated.
The first two terms on the right-hand-side of eq. (2) T
C p + C p v T = 2T ,
represent different components of the net force acting t convective transport conductive transport (4)
accumulation of of thermal energy of thermal energy
among fluid elements. The pressure field, represented by thermal energy through unit volume through unit vo
per unit volume
the variable p, transmits forces acting normal to an
element, while viscosity transmits forces via shear, i.e., where Cp is the heat capacity and is the thermal con-
momentum transferred by fluid sliding over adjacent el- ductivity of the fluid. A more extensive discussion of heat
ements. This expression arises from the work of Newton, transfer in melt crystal growth is provided in [8]. A similar
who postulated that shear stresses are linearly propor- equation is written for species conservation,
tional to velocity gradients. Fluids that obey this con-
stitutive relation are referred to as Newtonian fluids. c
The terms on the following line are body forces that + v c = D
2 c,
t convective transport diusive transport (5)
act over the volume of the fluid. Gravity alone results accumulation of of a dilute species
through unit volume
of a dilute species
a dilute species through unit volumme
in a hydrostatic pressure field that varies in elevation, per unit volume
whereas buoyant forces arise from gravity acting over
density differences, represented here by the term involv- where c denotes species concentration and D is the dif-
ing (T T0). Buoyancy acts as a lever arm, whereby the fusion coefficient of the species in the fluid.
net force arises from density differences perpendicular Fluid dynamics in crystal growth systems are most
to the direction of gravity. The expression shown in eq. often important not because of the momentum carried
(2) arises from the Boussinesq approximation, which rep- by the flow but because of the effects of convection. Spe-
resents changes in density as a linear function of tem- cifically, fluid flows modify heat and species transport
perature (or composition, which is not shown above). The in extremely important ways, and several examples will
last term, F(v, x, t), is a catch-all for additional body forces be discussed later in this paper.
that may act on the fluid. Some particularly useful out-
comes can arise from forces of this type, such as Lorentz 2.3. Understanding through scaling
effects from the application of a magnetic field to a con-
ducting fluid. Finding analytical solutions to the NavierStokes equa-
In the process of derivation of the previous equa- tions is extremely challenging, and such solutions are gen-
tion, we made an additional, important assumption that erally available only for very simple systems [9].
288 J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301

Therefore, a useful approach for obtaining insight without thermal diffusion scaling of L2/ rather than the viscous
solving the problem completely is approximating the rel- time scale of L2/, as applied in eq. (6). The Rayleigh
ative magnitude of driving forces by appropriate scaling number is related to the Grashof number by Ra = Pr Gr,
of the equations. The basic idea behind scaling analysis where Pr / is the Prandtl number of the fluid.
is to choose characteristic scales for length, velocity, time, When properly defined, these dimensionless numbers
etc., so that the governing equations are made dimen- provide significant insight to the nature of the flow. The
sionless. The resulting groups of physical properties and Reynolds number provides a measure of the ratio of in-
characteristic scales form dimensionless numbers that can ertial to viscous forces. The Reynolds number is always
represent meaningful ratios of competing effects. substantial for flows in large-scale crystal growth systems
In the ensuing discussion, we will touch upon the few and represents the importance of the nonlinear effects of
most important dimensionless groups for understand- inertia. Systems with moderate Reynolds numbers, typ-
ing flows in melt and solution crystal growth. For a more ically less than several thousands, usually exhibit laminar,
extensive discussion of dimensionless groups in crystal time-independent flows. However, stronger flows bring
growth, the interested reader is referred to the still- more complicated behavior, and flows with Re larger than
relevant review by Brown [10] and to many prior anal- several thousands will almost always exhibit time-
yses that employ scaling for understanding such systems dependent behavior. As the Reynolds number increases
[1118]. further, the flow evolves toward turbulence and exhibits
The single most important dimensionless group for strong fluctuations in time and space.
understanding fluid flows is the heralded Reynolds Flows are driven by thermal buoyancy in melt crystal
number, defined as Re VL/, where V is a character- growth systems, and the Rayleigh and Grashof numbers
istic velocity, L is a characteristic length, and / is are most useful for representing the strength of buoyant
the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. This dimensionless driving forces and the intensity of the resulting flows.1
group arises naturally when the momentum balance, eq. The Rayleigh and Grashof numbers are linearly propor-
(2), is re-written in dimensionless form using scalings tional to T, the temperature difference across the system,
of v v V to define a nondimensional velocity and and scale with the cubed power of L, the characteristic
x x L to define nondimensional spatial coordinates, dimension. This L3 scaling indicates that buoyancy-
where the tilde refers to the nondimensional variable. driven flows grow geometrically with system size; con-
The dimensionless form of the momentum balance is vection is always much more intense in large-scale
then given as, systems. The most appropriate measures for T and L
are those lying in the horizontal plane, perpendicular to
v the force of gravity.
+ Re ( v v ) = P + 2 v Ra (Te g ). (6)
t For most melt crystal growth processes, both the Reyn-
olds and Rayleigh numbers are large. For a steady-state
It is convenient to employ the dynamic pressure, flow in such a system, we can ignore all terms of di-
P p gz, that, via its definition, contains the hydro- mensionless eq. (6), except those representing the dom-
static term of the body force to simplify this equation. inant forces of inertia and buoyancy to write,
Note that the resultant scalings for time and pressure are
t t L2 and P PL V , respectively. Finally, we Re ( v v ) Ra T . (7)
have also neglected the catch-all term for applied body
forces that was specified in eq. (2). We argue that our scaling makes T 1 and rear-
We find that the last term, representing thermal buoyant range the balance to read,
forces, includes another dimensionless group, the Rayleigh
number, defined as Ra gTL3 , multiplying a di- v v Ra Re. (8)
mensionless temperature difference, T (T T0 ) T,
We then perform a bit of algebra on both sides of this
and eg, a unit vector in the direction of gravity. In these
equation, during which we specify the characteristic ve-
definitions, the thermal diffusivity is defined as k/
locity using the thermal diffusion time scale, V /L, and
Cp and we need to specify another scale, T, a char-
rewrite the left-hand side using a new Reynolds number
acteristic temperature difference across the fluid.
Alternatively, one may encounter the Grashof number, 1
While not discussed here, Marangoni flows can also be quite im-
Gr gTL3 2 , in the buoyancy term of the dimen- portant in systems with a melt-gas free surface. These flows arise from
sionless momentum equation. The Grashof number arises gradients in surface tension across the free surface and can be very
when one defines a characteristic time based on the strong; see, e.g., [3,19,20].
J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301 289

based on the maximum velocity in the system, In summary, scaling is indispensable for mastering a
Re* vmax L . We finally arrive at a useful scaling2, mechanistic understanding of fluid flow. Nevertheless, the
detailed knowledge of flows within a particular crystal
Re* Gr1 2, (9) growth system requires a direct solution of the govern-
that should describe strong, buoyant flows. Simulations ing equations, usually obtained via computational
have shown this relationship to be valid for many melt methods. The two approaches work best when applied
crystal growth systems. together. We proceed in this vein with specific ex-
We quickly mention that the heat and mass transfer amples of flows in crystal growth systems.
equations, eqs. (4) and (5), can also be nondimensionalized
to obtain groups that measure the ratio of convective to 3. The good
diffusive transport. We derive the dimensionless Peclet
number, Pe VL/, to measure the importance of con- Flows in crystal growth systems often bring about ben-
vective heat transfer, and a corresponding solutal Peclet eficial outcomes, which we label as good. While there
number, Pes VL D, to assess convective effects on are many, many examples of good fluid dynamical be-
mass transfer. Both of these numbers can also be ex- haviors, we can only present a few here, due to length
pressed in terms of the Reynolds number, with Pe = RePr limitations of this paper. We draw upon two examples
and Pes = ReSc, where the dimensionless Prandtl number, based on our prior research.
Pr /, and Schmidt number, Sc D, are defined
by the physical properties of the fluid. 3.1. Increasing growth rates in solution crystal growth
Before continuing to our discussion of specific ex- via applied rotation
amples of fluid dynamical effects in crystal growth
systems, we desire to make one more point on the role Solution crystal growth systems employ a liquid solvent
and meaning of dimensionless numbers. In search of in which the crystallizing species is dissolved, fol-
simple answers, many come to the false conclusion that lowed by some means of bringing the liquid phase to a
discrete transitions in behavior are marked by univer- thermodynamically unstable state. Then the supersatu-
sal, critical values of dimensionless numbers. For example, rated species migrates from the liquid and precipitates
it is well established that flow in a pipe will be steady onto a growing crystal. Achieving and maintaining su-
and laminar when its Reynolds number is less than 2300 persaturation in the liquid phase to promote the growth
and will be time-dependent and turbulent when the Reyn- of a large, single crystal is typically accomplished by a
olds number exceeds 4000 or so [21]. Notwithstanding slow change in system temperature.
this profound observation, the critical Reynolds number For solution growth systems, severe limitations to the
for turbulence is different for every geometry. Similar- overall growth rate arise from the inherently slow dif-
ly, the onset of natural convective flow in the Rayleigh fusion of the solute molecule through the liquid solvent.
Bnard configuration [22,23], consisting of a fluid heated Such limitations may be overcome by the suitable ap-
from below, occurs at a critical Rayleigh number of plication of fluid flows that promote mass transfer of the
Rac = 1708. However, this analysis only holds for the case solute via convection. Much experimental work has been
of a fluid layer between infinite, parallel plates that are devoted to this topic [2433], and we have carried out
isothermal and perfectly horizontal. Though referred to extensive modeling studies of solution crystal growth
time and time again in crystal growth literature, this clas- systems [3444].
sical problem for natural convection, including its well- We consider the specific example of the solution
known Rac, has little relevance for real systems of finite growth of potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP). The KTP
extent with complicated heating. Thus, one must accept growth system developed by Bordui and co-workers
the more nuanced interpretation that dimensionless [3032] presents an ideal candidate for study, particu-
numbers are relative measures only; their precise inter- larly since the comparatively small size of the KTP crystal
pretation is possible only in well-defined problems with and high viscosity of the K6P4O13 solution from which
simple geometries and boundary conditions. In crystal it is grown results in laminar flows that are amenable to
growth, the real behavior is strongly dependent upon the analysis. In this process, the KTP seed crystal is mounted
details of each system. directly to a support rod and fully immersed within the
solution phase; the container and contents are enclosed
There is a dimensionless geometric ratio, L/L, which arises from within an isothermal zone maintained by heat pipes.
the approximation of in eq. (8); however, we have ignored it in eq. We consider the two extreme crystal mounting ori-
(9), since it is constant for any specific system. entations mentioned in [31,32], namely, the 0 and the
290 J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301

Fig. 1. Schematic representations of KTP solution growth: (a) 0 model and (b) 90 model. Unstructured tetrahedral finite element meshes for
these cases are depicted in (c) and (d).

90 orientations, which are shown schematically in Fig. 1,

along with the finite element meshes employed to compute
three-dimensional flows in this system [37]. We consid-
er flows driven by steady crystal rotation at 50 rpm and
ignore buoyant driving forces, which are insignificant here.
For crystal of length L = 2.5 cm in this system, the Reyn-
olds number is Re = L2 = 252, and the flows are
steady and laminar. Physical properties are presented in
[37], along with other details of the calculation.
Fig. 2(a) and (b) depicts the flows via pathlines that
trace representative fluid elements in the systems. The
strongest flows are azimuthal and driven by the rotat-
ing crystals; however, radial pressure gradients arise from
centrifugal forces and drive secondary flows in the me-
ridional planes. For the 0 orientation, the flows are nearly
axisymmetric, with rotation driving fluid outward along
the upper and lower surfaces of the crystal. These flows
turn as they approach the walls of the container and return
via continuity to form torroidal vortices above and below
the crystal. Secondary flows are significantly different in Fig. 2. Pathlines of fluid motion driven by steady rotation of the crystal
the 90 orientation. For this configuration, high pres- for (a) the 0 case and (b) the 90 case. Thin, solute depletion layers
sures are created in front of the leading facets of the crystal form near the crystal, as shown by supersaturation (lighter is higher
and darker is lower) plotted (c) on a meridional plane for the 0 case
and a low pressure region is created in the trailing wake. and (d) on an equatorial plane for the 90 case.
The resulting flow around the crystal continuously dis-
rupts any underlying axisymmetry, as evidenced by the
J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301 291

pathline for this case, which originates from the same 3.2. Modifying interface shape in melt growth via a
starting position as the lower path line in Fig. 2(a) and traveling magnetic field
is integrated for an identical length of time.
We are interested in the effects of these flows on solute The application of an external magnetic field over an
transport to the crystal, which would be severely limited electrically conducting melt has long been of interest in
by bulk diffusive resistance in a quiescent liquid. We crystal growth. The Lorentz forces that are produced under
analyze the solute concentration, expressed here as the such fields can alter the form and strength of underly-
supersaturation, by solving the mass transport equa- ing flows; see, e.g., the recent review by Vizman [4]. Here,
tion, eq. (5), assuming that growth at the crystal facets we are interested in a particular form for the magnetic
occurs via a first-order crystallization reaction. In both field, in which an alternating current is phased through
of these geometries, convection is of paramount impor- individual coils surrounding a crucible to produce a time-
tance (the solutal Peclet number is very large, Pes 107 ), dependent, traveling magnetic field (TMF). The time-
and the details of the three-dimensional flows around the averaged outcome of this field is a Lorentz force acting
crystal set the pattern of supersaturation along the crystal in the meridional plane that can be varied in direction
surface and in the bulk. and magnitude to affect flows and heat transfer during
The supersaturation level on a meridional plane cut Bridgman crystal growth [45].
through the 0 model domain is shown in Fig. 2(c). The Ono and Trapaga [46] were among the first to analyze
effects of the secondary flows are evident from the sim- TMF by modeling time-dependent magnetic induction
ilarity in structure between the supersaturation field and in Czochralski growth. Long before, however, similar
the toroidal flows shown in Fig. 2(a). Thin layers of so- models had been developed for induction heating [47,48],
lution near the crystal surface are solute-poor from the where it was desired to compute Joule heating rather than
first-order crystallization reaction occurring there, and Lorentz force. Since then several studies have been pub-
these depletion layers are driven by convection out- lished on TMF in vertical gradient freeze (VGF) or ver-
wards toward the container walls in the form of plumes. tical Bridgman systems [4955]. Recent modeling work
Axial flows move solute-rich solution toward the top and related to the KRISTMAG project at the Leibniz Insti-
bottom {100} facets of the crystal from regions of higher tute for Crystal Growth [5664] is among the most de-
bulk supersaturation. tailed and integrated to date, though a decoupled approach
Flows in the 90 configuration result in two dramat- has typically been used to solve for the magnetic field
ically different effects on the supersaturation field. separately from the transport model. Yeckel and Derby
First, the more complete kinematic mixing in the 90 [65] developed a self-consistent approach for modeling
case (as evidenced by the flow pathline) leads to more TMF applied to VGF systems and compared its effec-
uniform levels of supersaturation in the bulk of the tiveness for control of interface shape in germanium and
fluid, as shown in Fig. 2(d). Second, the pattern of cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) crystal growth.
supersaturation near the crystal is completely different Here, we present sample results from [65] that illus-
from that produced in the 0 configuration. Since the trate outcomes for crystal growth that arise from fluid
crystal is offset from the rotation axis, the {100} facets dynamics driven by TMF. The modeled system, illus-
are nearly aligned with the direction of the azimuthal trated in Fig. 3, consists of a cylindrical, 4-inch-diameter
flow, and fluid streams across these faces of the crystal. VGF crucible surrounded by coils of an electrical con-
The flow collapses around the trailing faces of the ductor to which AC current is fed. A model of electri-
crystal, and recirculating eddies over the outer trailing cal induction based on Maxwells equations is solved to
{110} facet are closed, which leads to the depletion of determine the Lorentz force acting on the melt, which
solute in the wake region. is coupled to a solidification model of convective heat
The overall outcome of fluid dynamics in both of these transfer and phase change. More details are available in
cases is good, notably a very beneficial increase in solute [65].
transport to the crystal faces from the bulk solution, We first compute the components of a time-periodic,
leading to much faster growth rates. From a mechanis- azimuthal magnetic potential, A = F (r , z ) sin t +
tic viewpoint, flows sweeping across the crystal faces dra- + G (r , z ) cos t, where F and G represent the amplitude of
matically thin the solute depletion layers caused by in-phase and out-of-phase components of the potential, re-
growth. Diffusion across these thin layers occurs far more spectively, with representing angular frequency, and from
readily than if were they absent. Further details of the which the traveling magnetic field is obtained via B = A.
flows in these two, different geometries will be dis- Fig. 3AC show contours of the in-phase component (F),
cussed later in this paper. out-of-phase component (G), and amplitude (||A||) of the mag-
292 J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301

interface are only slightly deflected by convection in this

Fig. 4B shows that adding TMF to this system notably
changes the interface shape, inverting it from concave
to convex over a large area around the center axis. This
comes about from a significant strengthening of the
buoyant flow cell near the interface. The time-averaged
Lorentz force acts on the fluid in the meridional plane,
pushing downward with more force near the crucible wall
and decreasing in strength as the centerline is ap-
proached. This radial distribution of force is due to weak-
ening of the magnetic field as it penetrates more deeply
into the melt. Overall, there is a net force acting to in-
crease the clockwise circulation of the vortex near the
meltsolid interface. The stronger flow convects more heat
downward toward the outer portions of the interface, while
simultaneously acting to convect heat upward along the
centerline (opposite to the direction of conduction). The
outcome is a change of the concave interface shape to
one that is convex across much of its extent.
Fig. 3. Model of a traveling magnetic field in a vertical gradient freeze Fig. 4C shows that the convex region of the inter-
crystal growth system, showing outer container, electric coils, and cru- face can be further extended by changing the crucible
cible containing melt above and crystal below. Geometry is cylindri- material from graphite to quartz. The quartz crucible does
cal with centerline at right. (A) In-phase magnetic potential, F. (B) Out- not shield the melt from the magnetic field as much as
of-phase magnetic potential, G. (C) Magnetic potential amplitude, ||A||.
the electrically-conducting graphite crucible, so the
Contour spacing is 0.01 mTm.
strengthening of the vortex near the interface is even
greater, convecting more heat toward the interface and
netic potential for a typical scenario, with an applied current driving it further downward while making it more convex.3
Io = 300Aand frequency f = 50 Hz. By construction, the mag- This is an example of a good flow driven by an applied
netic field direction is everywhere tangent to contours of field that provides an improved (convex) interface shape.4
the magnetic potential. The vertical traveling wavelike char- Favorable reports on TMF have been made for the melt
acter of the potential can clearly be seen by the in-phase growth of Ge [57], GaAs [70], InP [50], GaInSn [54],
and out-of-phase components, with a wavelength under these and Si [61]. Initially there was optimism that TMF could
conditions approximately equal to the length of the cruci- also be used to improve cadmium zinc telluride (CZT),
ble. The components of the oscillating magnetic field are which is notoriously difficult to grow [71,72]. However,
then used to compute a time-averaged, net Lorentz force Yeckel and Derby [65] demonstrated that, even under large
that acts in the meridional plane of the crystal growth melt. currents and high frequencies, TMF proves ineffectual
Fig. 4 demonstrates the beneficial effect that TMF can for CZT growth. This outcome can be understood via
have on interface shape in germanium crystal growth. scaling arguments, discussed more completely by Yeckel
Under conditions of no applied magnetic field and steady- and Derby [65], showing that the ratio of Lorentz forces
state growth conditions, shown in Fig. 4A, the germa- to buoyancy forces is represented by a dimensionless
nium crystal in a graphite crucible exhibits a concave number known simply as the interaction parameter,
interface shape. The flow near the meltsolid interface
is driven upward at the centerline and downward along
the crucible by buoyant forces arising from the radial tem- 3
Note that, for both of these cases, the shape of the interface con-
perature profile (which is slightly warmer at the center tacting the crucible wall is not affected by melt convection, rather its
and cooler near the crucible wall). The Grashof number shape is primarily determined by the mismatch in thermal conductivi-
for this system is significant, Gr = 3.6 108 , so the flow ties between solid, melt, and crucible, as explained in the classical anal-
is quite strong, with Re = 1200, based on the maximum ysis of Jasinski and Witt [67]. See also the discussion in [8].
An interface shape that is convex with respect to the crystal has
melt velocity. However, its effect on heat transfer is only been postulated to minimize the potential for defects that may arise
moderate, since Pr = 0.016 for germanium [66], yield- from deleterious ampoule wall interactions, such as dislocations, grains,
ing a Peclet number of Pe 19. Isotherms near the growth or twins, to propagate toward the bulk crystal [8,68,69].
J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301 293

Fig. 4. Temperature isotherms (left, plotted in 10 K intervals) and melt streamlines (right, solid lines indicate clockwise circulation, dotted lines
counterclockwise) for steady-state germanium crystal growth. (A) Buoyancy alone, graphite crucible. (B) Buoyancy and TMF, graphite crucible.
(C) Buoyancy and TMF, quartz crucible.

2 I o2 undesirable morphological instabilities during growth

N , (10) which can lead to habit modification, macrostep forma-
tion, and liquid inclusions [24]. In particular, there is abun-
where is electrical conductivity and Io is the applied dant experimental evidence demonstrating the important
current. A large interaction parameter is needed for TMF- role of flow on inclusion formation [2832,74,75]. There
driven flows to overpower the underlying natural con- have also been many theoretical analyses of such mor-
vection and affect interface shape. For the growth of phological instabilities [39,43,7684].
germanium considered here, N = 5 and TMF proves to For the two KTP crystal mounting geometries shown
be effective. The interaction parameter for CZT growth in Fig. 1, differences in solution flows strongly affected
under similar conditions is very small, N = 6.7 10 3, and the supersaturation fields, as demonstrated in Fig. 2. The
TMF does not significantly impact the system, unless un- resulting patterns of supersaturation on the surfaces of
reasonably high currents are applied. To improve inter- the crystals can be related to inclusion formation ten-
face shapes in CZT growth, the design of more favorable dencies. Specifically, low levels of supersaturation occur
furnace profiles is likely a far better approach than the along the equatorial regions of the crystal in the 0 model;
application of TMF; see, e.g., the promising ideas put these regions occur due to the effects of local flow sep-
forth in [8,73]. aration and recirculation. Significantly, experimental
results of Bordui and Motakef [31] showed that the 0
orientation resulted in many trapped liquid inclusions.
4. The bad Bordui and Motakef argued that these solute-poor regions
would slow surface growth steps emanating from regions
Here, we present several interesting and important ex- of high supersaturation, which would lead to step bunch-
amples of bad flows, i.e., fluid dynamical effects that ing and the onset of inclusion formation. Fig. 5 com-
lead to unfavorable outcomes in crystal growth systems. pares our predictions of surface supersaturation with the
As in the previous section, we limit ourselves to just a pattern of inclusions in a typical KTP crystal grown using
few examples from our prior research. the 0 orientation. The correspondence between the solute-
poor region and the locations of inclusions is striking.
4.1. Inclusion formation during solution crystal There are also regions of very low surface supersatu-
growth ration for the steadily-rotated crystal in the 90 orienta-
tion case. However, Bordui and co-workers [31,32] found
We return to the solution crystal growth system dis- that growth using this geometry eliminated the forma-
cussed previously to consider the possible deleterious tion of inclusions. The flow and mass transfer compu-
effects of flows in these system. Fluid flows can promote tations discussed in the previous section provide a
294 J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301

Despite the strengths of the THM, it is currently ham-

pered by growth rates that are more than one order of
magnitude slower than those routinely employed in
Bridgman methods [71,72,8589]. Prior models for this
process have suggested that morphological instability
could readily arise in THM [90,91]. However, these past
works did not identify the mechanisms that are respon-
Fig. 5. (a) Surface supersaturation predicted for the 0 configuration;
light denotes high supersaturation and dark denotes low supersatura-
sible for such instability. Recent analysis by Peterson et al.
tion. (b) Inclusion defects on a KTP crystal grown using the 0 con- [92] demonstrated that a classical fluid dynamical be-
figuration; adapted from [31,37]. havior explains this growth limitation.
This fluid flow gives rise to features commonly re-
mechanistic explanation for this outcome. Our results ferred to as lee waves, which are associated with at-
show that the local flows for the 90 configuration result mospheric flows that oscillate within a vertically stratified
in a trailing wake structure with low surface supersatu- fluid [93]. Such waves, depicted in Fig. 6, typically arise
rations on the backward-facing facets of the crystal. Upon in the lee of a mountain range where there is a vertical-
change in the direction of rotation, the flow and super- ly stabilized density field that arises from a cool mesa
saturation pattern simply reverse from trailing to leading. or valley below the flow. These structures are readily iden-
In a time-averaged sense, periodic rotation reversal acts tified by cloud formations that form in the upper portion
to homogenize the supersaturation field on the crystal of the waves, which often result in spectacular, lenticu-
surface, and the effects of time-averaging are likely to lar clouds.
prevent the onset of inclusion formation in the 90 KTP Lee waves come into being from an oscillatory re-
growth configuration. This is not the case for the 0 ori- sponse of the fluid after the flow has been vertically per-
entation, where the secondary flows and associated surface turbed by a mountain. Consider a parcel of fluid and the
supersaturation patterns remain unchanged with the di- vertical body forces acting upon it. Via Newtons second
rection of crystal rotation. We discuss more completely law, we can write a simple balance,
the effects of rotation reversal via time-dependent simu-
lations of this system in [40]. 2 z g
= z , (11)
We showed previously that flows in solution crystal t 2 0 z
can be beneficial by increasing mass transfer and growth
rate. However, we have shown here that inhomogeneity where z is the with mean elevation of the fluid parcel,
in mass transfer, caused by the details of three-dimensional z denotes vertical elevation, g is the gravitational con-
flow patterns, can promote morphological instability and stant, and is the fluid density.
inclusion formation. These are definitely bad out- In a vertically stabilized density field, denser fluid lies
comes caused by fluid dynamics. under lighter fluid, so /z < 0. If we assume this value
to be constant, we can obtain a solution to the above equa-
4.2. Growth rate limits in the traveling heater method tion as,

The traveling heater method (THM) is an important z = A cos t + B sin t , (12)

technique for producing compound semiconductor crys-
tals, particularly detector-grade cadmium zinc telluride where A and B are constants, indicating that the fluid
(CZT) [8587]. Unlike the Bridgman method, the THM parcel is oscillating vertically while traveling horizon-
employs a liquid zone that is enriched in one compo- tally. This leads to waves with a frequency given by,
nent of the compound (tellurium, for the growth of CZT),
which acts as a solvent. As the heater travels past the g T
N= = g , (13)
ampoule, it forms and moves this liquid zone to stead- 0 z z
ily dissolve a solid feed above while simultaneously
growing a crystal of a similar composition at the oppo- where N is known as the classical BruntVisl fre-
site end of the zone. Since the crystal grows from a liquid quency [94]. The expression on the far right is written
flux, the THM allows for operation at much lower tem- in terms of the vertical temperature gradient, T/z, and
peratures than the Bridgman process, and its path through the Boussinesq approximation, with representing
the phase diagram results in comparatively better the thermal expansion coefficient of the fluid. Thus, the
stoichiometry. frequency of oscillation and the wavelength of the
J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301 295

Fig. 6. Left: A schematic diagram illustrating the formation of atmospheric lee waves. Adapted from the COMET Website,
Right: Lenticular clouds that have resulted from lee waves. From Bill Randel,

Fig. 7. Model for steady-state THM crystal growth of CdTe, showing streamlines on the left and temperature contours on the right. (a) Without
gravity. (b) With gravity set to 1% of earth. (c) With terrestrial gravity forces; note the formation of a lee wave structure with vortex adjacent to
the growth interface.

resulting flow structure depend on the magnitude of the downward flow through the liquid zone caused by the
vertical temperature gradient. change in density from solid to liquid; the spacing of the
Let us now turn from the atmosphere to the THM streamlines indicates the changing cross sectional area
system. Fig. 7 shows simulations for the steady-state with radial position in the cylindrical zone. The zone is
growth of a 3.2 cm diameter CdTe crystal via THM, where established by the surrounding heater, as reflected by the
flow streamlines are plotted on the left and the temper- temperature isotherms on the right, showing hotter tem-
ature field is depicted on the right via isotherms. Adja- peratures along the outer ampoule wall and heat diffus-
cent streamlines and isotherms are plotted in constant ing into the liquid zone. The strongly coupled nature of
increments. The CdTe solid feed is above and dissolv- this system is evident by the changing temperature across
ing into the Te-enriched liquid zone, and a single crystal the interfaces, most readily seen along the upper, disso-
of CdTe grows downward at a rate of 1.24 mm/day from lution interface, which results from the composition-
the zone. Simultaneous dissolution and growth are driven dependent melting temperature from the phase diagram.
by the upward motion of the traveling heater (which is The middle image, Fig. 7(b), is a calculation for gravity
not shown in the figure). We consider how the flow in set to 1% of its terrestrial value. Here, a single, torroidal
the zone evolves by changing the magnitude of the gravi- vortex occupies the liquid zone. Warmer, lighter fluid near
tational force in these cases. the ampoule wall rises, while the cooler, denser fluid sinks
Fig. 7(a) shows a calculation without gravity, namely, along the centerline. This recirculating flow is fairly
with g = 0. The streamlines on the left show a constant weak but still strong enough to slightly deflect the
296 J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301

This results in an substantial region of supercooled

liquid immediately in front of the growth interface, as
shown in Fig. 8, leading to constitutional supercooling
and an unstable growth situation.
Significantly, the bad fluid dynamics in the THM
liquid zone are the primary cause of the supercooling in
this system, and this is quite different from the classi-
cal scenario of constitutional supercooling during melt
crystal growth derived by Mullins and Sekerka [95]. In
fact, due to the lee wave in the liquid zone, supercool-
ing in this system occurs at growth rates more than an
order of magnitude smaller than expected from such clas-
Fig. 8. The formation of a lee wave vortex promotes the accumula- sical arguments. Paradoxically, the traditional strategy to
tion of excess tellurium in the liquid zone adjacent to the growth in- alleviate MullinsSekerka constitutional supercooling
terface during the THM growth of CdTe. This accumulation leads to during crystal growth, namely, increasing the axial tem-
thermodynamically undercooled regions in the liquid adjacent to the
perature gradient at the interface, is expected to strength-
growth interface, resulting in morphological instability and growth rate
limitations. en the lee-wave vortex and accentuate the onset of
instability. Thus, different strategies, that somehow lessen
temperature isotherms, due to the fairly large Prandtl the impact of this fluid dynamical instability, will be
number for the liquid in the zone; Pr 0.4 is assumed needed to overcome growth limits in the traveling heater
for the liquid. method.
Under the effects of full gravity on earth, depicted in
Fig. 7(c), the flow is quite strong, with Gr 1.5 106 and 5. The ugly
Re 400. The primary vortex spins in the same direc-
tion as the prior case, directing a strong flow down- We finish this discussion of fluid dynamics in crystal
ward along the system centerline. As the liquid in the hot growth with an examination of turbulence, of which
zone plunges toward the cooler growth interface, it feels our understanding is certainly incomplete, or ugly.
a resistance from the stable vertical stratification of density. Turbulence arises when the nonlinear effects of
As the liquid turns to flow outward along the growth in- inertia dominate over the damping effects of viscosity,
terface, the situation is analogous to the perturbed flow and the transition from a laminar flow to a turbulent
over the cool mountain valley, as depicted in Fig. 6, and one is often characterized by a critical threshold in
a single lee wave forms with an accompanying, counter- Reynolds number, as discussed previously. However,
rotating vortex. the detailed spatial and temporal characteristics of the
The effect of this lee wave and vortex is shown in zig-zagging, swirling vortices of a turbulent flow are
Fig. 8, where flow streamlines are shown on the left poorly understood.
and the tellurium iso-concentration contours are de- Historically, the classical scientific community has ap-
picted on the right. The vigorous flows in the liquid preciated this challenge but has largely abandoned most
promote mixing, and the Te concentration is nearly of its attempts for deeper understanding. In an address
uniform in the bulk, with thin boundary layers exhib- to the British Association for the Advancement of Science
ited along the centerline and growth interface. Due to in 1932, the acclaimed applied mathematician Horace
segregation, excess tellurium is rejected from the growing Lamb stated, I am an old man now, and when I die and
solid and is subsequently swept outward along the go to heaven there are two matters on which I hope for
interface and into the bulk as the flow turns upward enlightenment. One is quantum electrodynamics, and the
along the inner ampoule wall. However, the counter- other is the turbulent motion of fluids. And about the
rotating vortex nested under the lee wave reverses the former I am rather optimistic. A giant in physics, nobel-
flow over a portion of the interface, creating a resis- prize winner Richard Feynman (who, coincidently, also
tance to mass transport and promoting the local made significant contributions to the understanding of
accumulation of tellurium. This accumulation leads to quantum electrodynamics), stated in 1963 that Turbu-
large concentration gradients within the solutal bound- lence is the most important unsolved problem of clas-
ary layer. When these gradients are large enough, the sical physics. Modern computational modeling of
composition-dependent melting point increases faster turbulence flows has furthered our understanding, but Kim
than the temperature field extending into the liquid. and Moin [96] stated in 1997, For a phenomenon that
J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301 297

Fig. 9. Etched crystal sections and melt thermocouple readings from the destabilized Bridgman growth of indium antimonide show transitions
from (a) turbulent to (b) transitional, time-dependent to (c) time-periodic to (d) steady, laminar flows. Adapted from [97].

is literally ubiquitous, remarkably little of a quantita- position lead to undesirable variations in material and elec-
tive nature is known about it. Even with nearly two tronic properties.
decades of advances in computing power, our under- We will certainly not do justice to this complicated
standing of turbulence remains imperfect. field; however, we wish to discuss the transition to tur-
In melt crystal growth, turbulence arises in large- bulent flows under increasingly strong diving forces of
scale growth systems, particularly the Czochralski (CZ) buoyancy, which is of paramount importance for fluid
growth and directional solidification (DS) of crystalline flows in melt crystal growth systems. We turn to a series
silicon, processes carried out in crucibles with dimen- of landmark papers, in which Kim, Witt, and Gatos grew
sions of meters. With buoyant forces scaling with lateral crystals of tellurium-doped indium antimonide [97] and
dimension to the cube power, convective flows in these gallium-doped germanium [98] using the vertical
systems are orders of magnitude stronger than in the Bridgman method with the melt oriented beneath the
smaller-scale systems we have discussed above. Impor- crystal. This configuration is termed destabilizing, since
tant outcomes of these turbulent flows are time-dependent it leads to an inherently unstable melt, with warm fluid
variations in the crystal growth rate and compositional underlying the cooler crystal, similar to the classical
striations in grown crystals. These heterogeneities in com- RayleighBnard problem [22,23]. Since the crystal is
298 J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301

Fig. 10. Buoyancy drives flows around a heated plume on the left and in melt crystal growth on the right (adapted from [97]). Flow transitions are
driven by increasingly strong driving forces (Gr) with greater inertia (Re). As both Gr and Re increase with height, these flows become: (a) laminar,
(b) transitional, (c) weakly turbulent, and (d) strongly turbulent.

growing with time, the height of the melt column is con- ing of fluid dynamics would be important for improv-
tinuously decreasing and the driving force for convec- ing melt crystal growth processes.
tive flow is decreasing. We will end this paper as we started, with another
Samples of their results are shown in Fig. 9, where shameless allusion to a movie classic. Fig. 10 shows a
axial sections of the grown, etched crystal are shown photograph of the legendary Humphrey Bogart along with
(revealing composition through changes in contrast), the etched crystal grown by Kim, Witt, and Gatos (from
along with traces obtained from a thermocouple placed the previous figure). This pairing of images demon-
in the melt at a uniform distance from the crystal strates the correspondence between the physical behav-
interface. Fig. 9(a) shows an axial section of the com- ior of buoyant fluid flows that evolve to turbulence in very
plete crystal (note the 0.5 cm scale bar). Irregular different systems. The flows in both systems are driven
striation patterns and temperature readings are evident by buoyancy, and the magnitude of the driving force in-
in the upper portion of the crystal, while the lower creases with length scale, namely, the height of Bogies
portion is much more uniform. Fig. 9(b)(d) shows cigarette plume and the height of the melt in the desta-
greatly expanded views of the crystal (note the 50 m bilized Bridgman system (by the way, cigarettes and
scale bars) and temperature traces at several growth smoking are definitely ugly). Driving forces increase dra-
intervals. A technique known as Peltier pulsing was matically with length scale, and the flows associated with
used to demarcate the position of the meltcrystal these forces evolve from steady and laminar, when the
interface at regular time intervals, indicated by the length scales are small, to erratic and turbulent, when
numbers in the figures. Kim et al. inferred from the length grows large. Finally, even though our detailed
striation patterns and temperature measurements that, knowledge of turbulent flows remains ugly, there is a
as solidification progressed, the melt first exhibited certain beauty in our general understanding of the tran-
turbulent convection, followed by successively less sitions leading to these flows.
complicated oscillatory flows, followed by a steady,
laminar flow. These fascinating flow transitions are a 6. Final remarks
direct consequence of a reduction in flow intensity
caused by the decreasing height of the melt. Fluid flow is ubiquitous in all large-scale crystal growth
Through these observations, Kim et al. elegantly dem- systems. The effects of these flows can be good or bad,
onstrated the importance of macroscopic processing con- and our understanding is often incomplete and ugly. Pro-
ditions on establishing convective flow states which, in gress is being made, and even turbulence is succumb-
turn, profoundly affected the microscopic composition ing in degrees to persistent modeling refinements. On the
of melt-grown crystals. This fundamental observation also whole, our understanding of fluid dynamics in crystal
established the belief that a more complete understand- growth is expanding, and, particularly via the skillful
J.J. Derby / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 62 (2016) 286301 299

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