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How to improve technical training and evaluation system

of Centralized Desktop Support Within Sabre Pvt.Ltd.


Roll No: A19201150958



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This is to certify that Deepa a student of Amity ASODL has completed project work on How to

improve technical training and evaluation system of Centralized Desktop Support Within Sabre

Pvt.Ltd. India under my guidance and supervision.

I certify that this is an original work and has not been copied from any source.

Name of Project Guide Hari Sharma

Date 28.08.17

Student name


I, Deepa certify the project report entitled How to improve technical training and evaluation system

of Centralized Desktop Support within Sabre Pvt.Ltd. is an original one and has not been submitted

earlier either to Amity ASODL or to any other institution for fulfilment of the requirement of a course

of MBA

Name of student Deepa

Date: 28-08-17 Roll No: A19201150958

Student name


In pursuing and completion of my MBA and other commitments, I undertook the task of completing

my project on Automation of leave management system for Ameriprise India. To this, I would like to

thank and convey my gratitude to the Top Management who allowed me to conduct my project and

gave me their whole hearted support

I heart warning thanks to all the employees of Automation of leave management system for Ameriprise

India, who helped me in my project and gave their genuine opinion

I am deeply indebted to thank my faculty guide for their help and advice and am deeply grateful to


Last but not least, I would like to thank my most affectionate and Beloved Parents and friends without

whose blessings and encouragement this project work would not have been completed.


Student name

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 8

1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 8

1.1 Background of the topic ................................................................................................................... 9

1.2 Background of the company: Convergys India Services Private Limited ....................................... 9

1.3 Rationale of the Study .................................................................................................................... 10

1.4 Purpose of the study ....................................................................................................................... 11

1.1 Research Aim ................................................................................................................................. 11

1.2 Research Objective ......................................................................................................................... 12

1.3 Research Question .......................................................................................................................... 12

1.8 Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 13

Chapter 2: Literature Review ............................................................................................................... 14

2.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 14

2.1 Role of training and development .................................................................................................. 15

2.2 Methods of training employees in an organisation ........................................................................ 17

2.2.2 On the job training methods ........................................................................................................ 18

2.2.3 Off-the job training methods ....................................................................................................... 20

2.4 Training: A Development Perspective ........................................................................................... 21

2.5 Evaluation of training and development practices ......................................................................... 21

2.6.1 Evaluation of training in organisations ....................................................................................... 22

2.6.2 Process designed training method ............................................................................................... 22

2.6.3 Staff training and development ................................................................................................... 23

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2.6.4 Targeted training ......................................................................................................................... 24

2.6.5 Performance appraisal as an obstacle to Training and Development .......................................... 24

2.7 Impact of Training on Employee Performance .............................................................................. 25

2.8 Impact of Training on Salary of Employees .................................................................................. 27

2.9 Impact of Training on Job Involvement of Employees .................................................................. 27

2.10 Conceptual Framework ................................................................................................................ 28

2.11Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 29

Chapter 3: Research methodology ....................................................................................................... 30

3.0: Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 30

3.1: Method Outline ............................................................................................................................. 30

3.2: Research Onion ............................................................................................................................. 30

3.3: Research Philosophy ..................................................................................................................... 31

3.3.1: Justification for selection of the chosen Philosophy: Post-positivism ....................................... 32

3.4: Research Approach ....................................................................................................................... 33

3.4.1: Justification for selection of the chosen approach: Deductive ................................................... 34

3.5: Research Design ............................................................................................................................ 34

3.5.1: Justification for selection of the chosen research design: Descriptive ....................................... 34

3.6: Data Collection Procedure ............................................................................................................ 35

3.7: Population and Sample .................................................................................................................. 35

3.7.1: Sampling Technique ................................................................................................................... 35

3.7.2: Sample Size ................................................................................................................................ 36

3.8: Ethical Considerations................................................................................................................... 36

3.9: Research Limitations ..................................................................................................................... 36

3.10: Time Horizons ............................................................................................................................. 37

3.11: Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 37

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Chapter 4 .............................................................................................................................................. 38

DATA INTERPRETATION AND PRESENTATION ....................................................................... 38

4.1 Quantitative Analysis: .................................................................................................................... 38

Chapter 5 .............................................................................................................................................. 51

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 51

5.0 Conclusions .................................................................................................................................... 51

5.1Linking with the objectives ............................................................................................................. 51

5.2 Recommendations .......................................................................................................................... 53

5.3 Future Scope of the Study .............................................................................................................. 53

Reference List....................................................................................................................................... 55

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.0 Introduction
The success of any organization depends upon the quality of the work force, but in order to maintain
the quality of the work force, many organizations come across a number of obstacles. These obstacles
include attraction of the qualitative workforce towards the organization, recruitment of intelligent,
dynamic as well as enthusiastic people in the organization, motivation of current employees with
different techniques and retention of the current workforce for maintaining the organizational status in
the competitive market (Dessler, 2012). For surviving the business and becoming a successful pillar in
the market, training is a tool that can help in gaining competitive advantages. Training proves to be a
parameter for enhancing the ability of the workforce for achieving the organizational objectives. Good
training programs thus result in conquering of the essential goals for the business. Hence, training is
significant for giving a dynamic approach to the organisation (Dessler, 2012) .

This present research study elucidates the importance of a proper training and assessment module
needed for enhancing the value of the employees. Corporate are very much expressive about the
significance and benefits of training the workforce to enhance the operations of the business. However,
at the same time as training unquestionably does have a vital role to play in value addition of the
workforce of the organisation, it is effortless to undervalue the intricacy of providing the right type,
structure as well as the amount of training imparted. The concern as regards training for most company
especially the small sized ones is dealing with the cost involved for training (mainly off-the-job
training), the disruptive nature of the process, and the complexity in measuring the benefits of the same.

Therefore, the right training and assessment programme providesassistance to the employees and helps
them to act in a conventional and accountable to enhance the degree of productivity of the firm (Hower,
2008). In the particular dissertation study, the researcher will be trying to focus on the attitude of the
employees towards the technical training and assessment techniques and outline its influences on

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boosting the operational efficiency of the business (Hayton, 2011). The researcher will take into
account Convergys India Services Private Limited for the particular study. The following research work
will guide the researcher in analysing the importance of bringing in a more advanced technical training
and assessment modulesby modifying the system prevalent in Convergys India Services Private

1.1 Background of the topic

The research work points out that the employees feel themselves to be less equipped to deal with the
desktop level issues reported to arise by the internal employees of the company The present research
study also focuses on the different aspects of the improved training system that is essential to deal with
the problems that the employees are currently facing while executing their jobs successfully. An
advanced training module that is relevant, user friendly, transparent needs to be designed and
implemented in order to effectively reduce the training hours as well as to lessen off production cost.
The need for the new initiative to develop a new and improved training programme to enhance the skill
set of the employees of the companyis investigated in the present research work. It also puts forward
that the employees need to sharpen their skills by undergoing a new and improved training programme.

A large percentage of the internal employees disagree to find help from an expert professional for
support and assistance. Apart from that, the non- interactive and subjective form of training system
prevalent in the company proves to be of less importance in addressing the value addition needs of the
employees. For this, the company needs to devise a formal technical training programme to imbibe
knowledge in an innovative way among professionals and help them to enhance their expertise and
skill level required to address the critical situations faced by the employees. The researcher will also
try to figure out the modifications required to improve the training and assessment system to enhance
the skill sets of the employees of the company and in turn improve the production and operational
efficiency of the company.

1.2 Background of the company: Convergys India Services Private Limited

Convergys is a leading provider of customer management solutions for companies across the country
and around the world. For more than 30 years, they have served some of the most notable companies
in the world and have created innovative ways to enhance the relationships they have with their

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customers. Convergys Corporation is a corporation based in Cincinnati, Ohio, that sells customer
management and information management products, primarily to large corporations. Customer
management products include agent assisted, self-service and care software tailored to the
communications, financial services, and technology, retail, healthcare and government markets.
Information management provides convergent billing and business support system (BSS) products and
services including revenue management, product and order management, and customer care
management to telecom, utilities, and cable/satellite/broadband service providers. The products of the
company include Infinys Rating and billing (IRB), Dynamic decisioning Solutions (DDS), ICOMS
etc.They have approximately 125,000 employees across 31 countries. In the year 2013, the company
has generated total revenue of US $2.406 billion and net income of US $117million. The total assets
that company holds are on the value of US $2.038 billion in 2012. The company has 125000 efficient
employees in 150 different locations that are focused towards providing quality service to the customers
(Careers, 2015).

1.3 Rationale of the Study

The particular research work has been adapted for understanding and analysing the impact of technical
training in developing the skill levels of the employees in order to enhance the productivity and
profitability of the company. The study focuses on the critical issues faced by the employees while
delivering their services. The critical issues reported by the internal employees facilitate the researcher
in framing a comprehensive idea about the present skill and knowledge adequacy of the employees.
The modifications of the current training module can be framed by understanding the skill gaps of the
employees and the ways to bridge the gaps by devising effective and innovative technical training

The advanced and improved training system needs to be devised in such a manner that can lessen off
job training cost, decrease the cost of production, save time, select the best means to enhance the skills
sets matched with the job requirements worldwide and at the same time can fulfil the demands of the
customers successfully. The employees can effectively put forward their opinion as regards the new
training module, select a technique and procedure of instruction and share their knowledge through an
integrated communication channel. Therefore, the positive attitude of employees towards the new
initiative to redesign the training system of the company to provide better service to the customers can

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eventually affect the overall productivity and profitability of the company. The new and innovative
technical training provides the essential skills and required by the employees in identifying the
identifying the critical desktop related issues as well as equips them with the relevant knowledge
required to deal with it successfully.

The attitude of the employees towards the new initiative to remodel the training system can be affected
if fails to fulfil the requirements of the employees. The mode of imparting the training needs to be
developed only after examining the user requirements and incorporating all the indispensable
fundamental concepts that the employees need to know to perform their jobs better. The employees can
face skill inadequacy if new training module fails to deliver the right training programme to the right
employees responsible for executing different jobs in varied divisions of the company.

1.4 Purpose of the study

The opted research topic will be focussed on the impact of the new training programme in enhancing
the skill and knowledge level of the employees. The Convergys India Services Private Limited will be
focusing on the training needs of the employees essential to improve the operational productivity and
efficiency of the company. The other purpose is to provide the employees an innovative user friendly
and cost effective way of imparting training incorporating all the fundamental concepts enhancing the
requisite skill requirement of the jobs that needs to be performed. The new initiative to remodel the
training system can save the time and provide opportunity deliver quality service to the customers
located all over the world. The number of factors that can motivate the employees in undergoing the
new version of technical training process can be given due importance, so that the role of the new
technical training process can be evaluated in a much deeper manner. Therefore, the researcher will
focus on the training system prevalent in Convergent India Services Private Limited for analysing the
employees attitude, opinions, tastes and preferences towards the new training module.

1.1 Research Aim

The particular study will highlight on the importance of advanced technical training in enhancing the
skill sets of the employees that can attach value to the overall operations of the business. The focus will
be on analysing the need for designing an advanced training module for the employees that can help in
enhancing their skill sets and help them to deliver their jobs better. The researcher has decided to select

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Convergys India Services Private Limited as a case study to evaluate the impact of technical training
in developing the IT skills required to resolve the desktop related issues faced by the employees. The
theories and models will guide the researcher in knowing the significance of the technical training on
the employeesserving in different divisions of the company.

1.2 Research Objective

In accordance with the aim of the research work, the research objective has been prepared that can help
in explaining the different topics of the research study. The research objective will provide support the
researcher in making a division of the research topic that can help in understanding the topics in a broad
manner. Therefore, the objectives of the research can be summarised as below:

To analyse the methods oftechnical training in Convergys India Services Private

To assess the past experience and knowledge of the employeesin accomplishing their
job successfully
To recommend better methods of technical training in order to enhance the quality of
production environment

1.3 Research Question

The research questions can be very supportive to the researcher in analysing the topics of the research
work in detail and thorough manner. The research question will be comprehensively supportive for
conducting the research work in order to gain the knowledgeable information about the research study.
Therefore, the following research question has been listed below for the particular study.

What are the techniques for imparting technical training in Convergys India Services
Private Limited?
What are the issues that faced by the employees while carrying out their jobs?
What are the ways of enhancing the skill sets of the employees and the quality of the job

Therefore, the above jotted down research question will provide assistance in the research topics and
evaluating the data in the right manner.

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1.8 Summary
The notion of advanced technical training can be beneficial for sharpening the skill sets of the
employees and to improve the production environment of the company. As determined in the current
chapter, the importance of technical training and assessment is very much effective for the employees
to help them perform their jobs better and deal with the critical issues at work. This in turn also helps
them to meet the needs and demands of the customers of the company. However, the chapter clearly
explains the ingredients of the research topic through various sub-sections such as research aim,
objectives and research questions. The next chapter, the literature review will be built on the current
chapter that comprises of different theories and concepts that will be related to behaviour of consumers
in relation to the technical training and assessment process in Convergys India Services Private Limited.
On the basis of the topic discussed in this chapter, the researcher will try to briefly describe the
following chapter in details that can be helpful for the readers to get a brief knowledge about the theories
that can enhance their knowledge level.

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.0 Introduction
According to Clarke (2012), Training is systematic development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required by an individual to perform adequately a given task or job. According to Zhang (2012),
Training is the act of increasing knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. The
term training indicates the process involved in improving the aptitudes, skills and abilities of the
employees to perform specific jobs. Training helps in updating old talents and developing new ones.
Successful candidates placed on the jobs need training to perform their duties effectively.

All employees are needed to be valued and they should apply collective efforts in the labour market
every time. This can only be achieved through proper and systematic implementation of employee
training and development programs. Employees are always regarded with development in career-
enhancing skills which leads to employee motivation and retention. There is no doubt that a well trained
and developed staff will be a valuable asset to the company and thereby will increase the chances of
their efficiency and effectiveness in discharging their duties. Training is a learning experience which
has a capacity to make positive changes and reach up to the desired objectives of the organization. It
improves the ability of the employee to perform the job efficiently and with excellence. Training and
development programs are the basic structural and functional foundations for the development of the
employees. These foundations are important for guiding the employees through different situations.
Training and Development programs are the framework for helping employees to develop their
personal and professional skills, knowledge, and abilities. Training imparts knowledge to the
employees regarding different issues in the organization and the proper execution of these programs
result in number of benefits such as development of profitable, adaptable as well as efficient
organization and productive & contented employees. It is useful in the following manner:

Employees are able to balance their work life and personal life in a better manner, which leads to
reduction of stress. Such programs help in improving physical and psychological health of the
employees, thereby bringing down the absenteeism rate (Hayton, 2011). . These programs develop the
employee morale, increase the productivity, job satisfaction and commitment of the employees towards
the organizational goals. It also aims at the progress of the individuals in their personal and professional
lives. They improve the communication between all levels of management which helps in minimizing

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conflicts between different levels of employees. Such types of programs lead to effective negotiation
and enable the designing of the contracts whichsatisfy all sorts of employees and enhance efficiency of
management and strengthen employee organization. They are important for sharpening and utilization
of the employees creative and innovative skills.

The principal objective of training is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to
the organization. In addition to that, there are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational,
Functional, and Social.

Individual Objectives These objectives are helpful to employees in achieving their personal goals,
which in turn, enhances the individual contribution to the organization.

Organizational Objectives Organizational objectives assists the organization with its primary
objective by bringing individual effectiveness.

Functional Objectives Functional objectives are maintaining the departments contribution at a level
suitable to the organizations needs.

Social Objectives Social objectives ensures that the organization is ethically and socially responsible
to the needs and challenges of the society.

The particular chapter will be highlighted on structuring the educational knowledge that will be related
to the technical training and development needs of the employees to sharpen their skills and perform
their jobs better. The researcher and readers can be able to gain ample knowledge for developing the
research topic in a more comprehensive manner that can be helpful in understanding the critical
prospects of the topic as well. The theories and models will be discussed in this chapter that can be
helpful in conducting a better analysis of the research topics in later chapters.

2.1 Role of training and development

Formal training programmes are an effective way of directly transferring the organisational goals and
values to a whole group of people simultaneously (Noe, 2009). Appropriate training can develop
managers at all levels including the knowledge and skills required to gain competency in order to
manage change in organisation in any business environment (Banfield and Kay, 2012).In multinational
companies, training can provide an important impetus to achieve shared values and facilitates network

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building between headquarters and subsidiaries.Hayton (2011) states that training of employees in
organisation increases higher productivity through better job performance, more efficient use of human
resources, goals and objectives more effectively met, reduced cost due to less labour turnover, reduced
errors, reduced accidents and absenteeism, more capable, and mobile workforce and retention of the
existing staff. Similarly Rao (2009) stated that effective training techniques can produce significant
business results especially in customer service, product development, and capability in obtaining new
skill set. This linkage of training to business strategy has given many businesses the needed competitive
edge in todays global market.Hayton (2011) also provides that effective training and development
improves the culture of quality in business, workforce, and ultimately the final product. An educated
and well-trained workforce is considered to be essential to the maintenance of a business firms
competitive advantage in a global economy.

Human Resource Management (HRM) practices of training and development enhance employee skills,
knowledge and ability which in turn enhance task performance of individual and in the long run
increases the organisational productivity (Martin, 2010). However,Hayton (2011) argues that HRM
practices are universal across organisations or whether the effectiveness of human resources
management is contingent upon factors while Entrekin and Ladd (2013) argues that the success of
training is contingent upon the effectiveness of performance planning and measuring. The fact of the
matter is that the three fundamental aspects surrounding this approach are process classification,
selection of proposed methods, and delivery. It can be emphasized that the point that the availability of
high quality employees, places the organisation in a competitive advantage over others even within the
same industry and that the inadequacy of expertise is a major constraint as such organisation take major
concrete measures to organize training programmes. The resultant effects of properly executed training
programmes are reflected through the performance management process. This is the integrated process
employers use to make sure employees are moving towards organisational goals. Taking performance
management to approach training means that the training effort must make sense in terms of what the
company makes each employee to contribute to achieving the companys goals.

Training does bear fruitful results not only to the organisation but also to the employees. Training is an
opportunity for promotion and self improvement, improved job satisfaction through better job
performance, a chance to learn new things and there is greater ability to adapt and cope with changes
(Prescott and Rothwell, 2012). This is supported by Hartel and Fujimoto, (2010) who argued that the

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objective of any organisation training program is to train their employees to meet the needs of the
optimum profit potential. In addition, However Dowling et al. (2013) pointed out that the purpose of
training is to empower associates with the skills necessary to make decisions and accomplish their daily
tasks and skills that help them give extraordinary service to customers. In the business of customer
service, training is essential to the impact made on the customers. Customer service and problem
resolution are trainable skills and will determine whether the customer impact is positive or negative.
It also prepares employees for their next career move. This move may be in the organisations or in life
in general.Hayton (2011) argue that to enhance individual motivation for training, the employees should
be part and parcel of what it communicates to applicants through all its contacts with them. This would
make applicants feel confident that the training foci are clear and shows perceptive concern for people
taking part in the program. Furthermore, Dowling et al. (2013)explained motivation by taking teachers
under considerationand they found that systematic observations by a colleague of a candidates
behaviour in a session and sharing indications of his effectiveness with him subsequently greatly
enhanced the candidates motivation for training. Moreover, Dowling et al. (2013) emphasizes that
training employees leads to an increment in employees satisfaction, updating of skills and an increased
commitment to the organisation.

2.2 Methods of training employees in an organisation

Different practices are followed in different industries and in different organizations too. So, the need
of training and development programs is depending up on the requirements of the job profile. Therefore
there are various types of programs shared by different authors. The range of training methods used has
been expanded by the application of technology in its hard (for example through computing
technology) and soft (for example through instructional design) approaches (Martin,2010). Training
of employees is intended to increase expertise of trainees in particular areas. When thinking about
training method(s) to use, it is useful to consider current level of expertise that trainees possess. Once
decided to train employees and have identified training needs and goals, HRM managers need to design
training program.The Training methods can be generally be categorized as either on the job or off the
job. The training delivery options for either method can be sourced from either in-house or external
sources or a combination of both.

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Types of Training

job instructions
job rotation
On- the- job committee assignment
internship training

Programmed instructions (Class Room lectures,Simulation

Off- the- job Business games (Case study method, audio-visual method,
experimental exercises,vestibule training, computer modelling,
training behavioural modelling, role playing, discussion method, workshop
or seminars)

Figure: Showing types of training

(Source:Martin, 2010, pp-145)

2.2.2 On the job training methods

On-the-job training (OJT) is having a person to learn the job by actually doing it whereasDessler (2012)
defines on the job training as a method where the learner develops skills in the real work environment
by actually using the machinery and the materials during training. Hower (2008) concludes that it is an
effective method, because the learners apply their training in real-time rather than sitting in a classroom
environment and forgetting what they have learned when they return to their work. However, off-the-
job training provides opportunities to widen the boundaries of the teaching and can often be a useful
initial step ahead of on-the-job training.Noe (2009) suggests that the frequent use of this type of training
stems from three incentives, the favourable relationship between training costs and benefits, the
responsibility to train just-in-time; and the expectation of appositive transfer of what was learned to the
employees work situation. It is investigated that the costs and benefits of OJT. On the contrary, the
findings by Jacob indicate that OJT does not always result in favourable benefits. From the empirical
data that are available, it is not possible to deduce whether OJT is an effective form of training, or what
the factors that determine its effectiveness. The following are the methods used in training on the job

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Job rotation means moving trainees from department to department to broaden the understanding of all
activities of the business and to test their abilities. Similarly,Banfield and Kay (2012) argued that job
rotation is the transferring of executives from job to job and from plant to plant on a coordinated,
planned basis to get a holistic view of the activities of the organisation. The benefits of job rotation are
that it provides a variety of job experiences for those judged to have the potential for added
responsibilities. It can therefore be seen that job rotation serves the purpose of breaking down
departmental provincialism-the feeling that only my department is important and others problems are
not worthy of my concern. Furthermore, Job rotation injects new ideas into the different departments
of the organisation. Lecture method involves trainers communicating through spoken word what they
want the trainees to learn. Classroom lectures are used in many organisations to impart information to
trainees. Classroom lectures are oral presentations covering particular topics and concepts. The
advantages of lecture method is that it is quick and a simple way to provide knowledge to large groups,
least expensive, less time consuming way to present a large amount of information effectively and in
an organized manner and can be applied to large groups of trainees. Similarly lecture method as its own
limitations like communication of learned capabilities is primarily one-way-from the trainer to the
audience and Lecture method tends to lack participant involvement and feedback to gauge whether
learners have understood or not. In computer-based training (CBT), the trainee uses computer-based
and or DVD systems to interactively increase the knowledge or skills (Cox and Beier, 2009).Computer-
based training services are where an employee learns by executing special training programs on a
computer relating to their occupation. CBT is especially effective for training people to use computer
applications because CBT program can be integrated with the applications as they learn. CTB can take
a variety of forms: Some employers have formed software libraries containing copies of different
tutorial programs that trainees can check out to work on at home. Other companies have staffed
computer labs where employees can drop by to practice, with personal assistance available if needed.
Still other organisations conduct online training, installing learning software on workstation computers,
which allows employees to switch back and forth between job applications and training programs as
their workload demands (Prescott and Rothwell, 2012). CBT programs have practical advantages.
Interactive technologies reduce learning time by an average of 50%. In addition its cost effective once
designed and produced, and encourages instructional consistency, mastery of learning, increased
retention, and increased trainee motivation.

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2.2.3 Off-the job training methods

Classroom training approaches are conducted outside of the normal work setting. In this sense, a
classroom can be any training space set away from the work site, such as the organisation cafeteria or
meeting room. Conducting training away from the work setting has several advantages over on the-
job training. First, classroom setting permit the use of a training technique, such as video/DVD lecture,
discussion, role-playing simulation. Second, the environment can be designed or controlled to minimize
distractions and create a climate conducive for learners. Ronald (2009) suggests that this method
develops learners who are inquisitive (have flexible thought processes, and are open to new ideas, guide
learners through the process of learning and applying effective oral and written communication skills,
encourage learners to acquire the skills required to function in work environment. Electronic learning
(or e-Learning or eLearning) is a type of education where the medium of instruction is computer
technology. No physical interaction may take place in some instances. E-learning is used
interchangeably in a wide variety of contexts. In this scenario training is the action of teaching and
training through instruction, observations, or processes focused on providing needed skills and
knowledge to meet immediate business goals (Shen J. and Roger, 2009). Simulation is a reproduction
of an event or an item. But true simulation has a specific goal in mind-to mimic, or simulate, a real
system so that we can explore it, perform experiments on it, and understand it before implementing it
in the real world. Simulation makes imitated situations available to the learner to practice and hone
necessary skills, rather than having them jump into the real experience-where a do-or-die mentality
can often make the individual nervous and unconfident. Simulation is a necessity when it is too costly
or dangerous to train employees on the job .Role playing had its origin in psychotherapy, but it has
found wide use in industry for improving sales, leadership, and interviewing skills, as well as other

2.3 Stages of training and development programs:

Training should be conducted in a systematic order so as to derive expected benefits from it. The
training system involves four stages, namely: a. Assessment of training and development programs
needs. b. Designing the training and development programs. c. Implementation of the training program
d. Evaluation of the training program

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2.4 Training: A Development Perspective

Employee Development Programs are designed to meet specific objectives, which contribute to both
employee and organizational effectiveness. There are several steps in the process of management
development. These includes reviewing organizational objectives, evaluating the organizations current
management resources, determining individual needs, designing and implementing development
programs and evaluating the effectiveness of these programs and measuring the impact of training on
participants quality of work life. In simple way, it can be denoted as per the following formula.

Employee Development = Employee Education + Employee Skills + Training Effectiveness +

Employee Quality of work life

2.5 Evaluation of training and development practices

Based on the management axiom nothing will improve until it is measured, the training programmes
have to be assessed in terms of the programme itself, of the behaviour outside the training environment
and whether or not it has desired effect. In other words, training has to be assessed in terms of training
transfer (Kline andHsieh, 2007). Evaluation determines the effect of training at individual, departmental
and organisational levels. Though several approaches are used to evaluate training programme in
organisation but there is no one best way of evaluation, just as there is no best way to train employees.
Training results can be best identified mainly on the organisational performance which is triggered by
employee performance. This involves the comparison of statistical indicators of performance before
and after training took place. The measurement indicators include sales volume and revenue, levels of
customer complaints, quality and quantity variables in cost reduction, productivity ratios, cost ratios in
terms of stock level and debt collection periods and industrial relations (labour turnover rates;
absenteeism, grievances (Rotarescu, 2010). Moreover, effective training can be gauged by the capacity
of trainees to apply knowledge, skills and abilities gained in training to their work environment and
maintain them over time in their job contexts. However Rotarescu, (2010) argues that training
effectiveness is constrained because of inadequate transfer of learning from training environment to
workplace environment. There are criticisms about the current belief that effective training is necessary,
the argument is that training is not sufficient in improving performance. This line of argument
emphasizes that no discussion of the effectiveness of training would be complete without considering
the role of human resource utilization. However, most training attempts to improve the organisation

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and process performance by addressing only one level (the job level) and only one dimension of the
job level (skills and knowledge). As a result, the training has no significant long term, training money
is wasted, and trainees are frustrated and confused. If inappropriate training method is used then the
results will not play any role into the business organisation, which will be waste of resources. Some of
the consequences of inadequate training as poor planning skills and decision-making are outlined,
which in turn will impair the organisations profit and success. Other symptoms of inadequate training
include overtime, high labour turnover and poor employee morale.

2.6.1 Evaluation of training in organisations

Pilar Pineda (2010) has done his research and the authors purpose of this paper is to present an
evaluation model that has been successfully applied in the Spanish context that integrates all training
dimensions and effects, to act as a global tool for organizations. This model analyses satisfaction,
learning, pedagogical aspects, transfer, affects and profitability of training and is therefore a global
model. The author says that training is a key strategy for human resources development and in achieving
organizational objectives. Organizations and public authorities invest large amounts of resources in
training, but rarely have the data to show the results of that investment. Only a few organizations
evaluate training in depth due to the difficulty involved and the lack of valid instruments and viable
models. The papers approach is theoretical, and the methodology used involves a review of previous
evaluation models and their improvement by comparing their application in practice. The author has
also applied the model successfully in several public and private organizations, in industry and in the
services sector, which demonstrates its usefulness and viability in evaluating the results of training.
Therefore, this evaluation model has interesting and practical implications, as a useful tool for training
managers in evaluating training results, as well as providing a global simplified approach to the
complex evaluation function. The originality of this evaluation model lies in its focus on a key and
novel aspect,i.e. the pedagogical dimension, providing an integrated tool that can be easily adapted to
any organization.

2.6.2 Process designed training method

Chernisset al. (2010) has done their research in the topic processdesigned training: a new approach
for helping leaders develop emotional and social competence and they have evaluated the
effectiveness of a leadership development program based on International Organization for

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Standardization (ISO) principles. The program utilized process-designed training groups to help
participants develop emotional and social competence. The study involved 162 mangers from nine
different companies in a random assignment control group design. There were nine different groups
with nine managers in each group. Each group was required to follow the identical process. His results
indicated that after two years the intervention group had improved more than the controls on all
Emotional Competence Inventory variables. The paper offers recommendations for future research on
the mechanisms underlying the process-designed group strategy and contextual factors that optimize
results. This paper describes a leadership development strategy that appears to be more economical and
consistent in its delivery than traditional approaches such as workshops or executive coaching.
Although ISO principles are utilized widely in the business world, this is the first study that has used
this approach in the design and delivery of management development.

2.6.3 Staff training and development

Olaniyan and Lucas (2008) has done their research in the topic staff training and development: a vital
tool for organizational effectiveness and has reviewed that this paper is based on staff training and
development. This paper is basically a conceptual paper. The author says that the need for improved
productivity has become universally accepted and that it depends on efficient and effective training is
not less apparent. It has further become necessary in view of advancement in the modern world to invest
in training. Thus the role played by staff training and development can no longer be over-emphasized.
Staff training and development are based on the premise that staff skills need to be improved for
organizations to grow. Training is a systematic development of knowledge, skills and attitudes required
by employees to perform adequately on a given task or job. New entrants into organizations have
various skills, though not all are relevant to organizational needs. Training and development are
required for staff to enable them work towards taking the organization to its expected destination.
However, for any organization to succeed, training and re-training of all staff in the form of workshops,
conferences and seminars should be vigorously pursued and made compulsory. Finally this paper
addresses that it is against the backdrop of the relative importance of staff training and development in
relation to organizational effectiveness.

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2.6.4 Targeted training

David (2008) has done his research in the topic a-plant makes the grade through targeted training (Hire
firm transforms attitudes to people development) and he says that a carefully planned training initiative
has helped a UK hire company to improve customer service and profitability, promote more of its own
employees to managerial posts and slash employee turnover by 18 percent. Ashtead Plant Hire
Company Ltd (A-Plant), which employs more than 2000 people at more than 200 profit centres across
the UK, rents a wide range of equipment, from power tools to excavators and compressors. Each profit
centre, run by profit-centre manager, includes rental managers, fitters and drivers, along with a
foreman/workshop manager. Most Management Training Scheme (MTS) training is delivered on-the-
job, in selected profit centres, under the guidance of specifically trained profit-centre managers,
otherwise known as sponsor managers. Trainees are given a logbook of the knowledge and skills they
need to become an effective profit-centre manager. The logbook enables trainees to identify their
current competence, work with their sponsor managers and centre learns to address learning needs, take
responsibility for their own development and learn at their own speed. So far, more than 200 people
have been trained throughout the UK and the business has been transformed. Management training is
providing a clear development path for staff and supplying the business with future managers.

2.6.5 Performance appraisal as an obstacle to Training and Development

Wilson and Western (2000) has done their research in the topic performance appraisal: an obstacle to
training and development? In addition, they have reviewed that in this article the term performance
appraisal generally meant for the annual interview that takes place between the manager and the
employee to discuss the individual's job performance during the previous 12 months and the
compilation of action plans to encourage improved performance. Performance appraisal is part of the
larger process of performance management. Marchington and Wilkinson in the year 1996 describe it
as a cyclical process: determining performance expectations; supporting performance; reviewing and
appraising performance; and finally managing performance standards. The research was conducted in
a medium-sized independent hospital, which is part of a large health care company that has 26 acute
hospitals and a number of psychiatric units throughout the UK. A variety of research methods were
used, including a questionnaire, semi-structured interview and a review of training records. A
questionnaire was sent to 110 members of staff and 74 were returned. From these a pilot study was then
conducted with ten members of staff who were not to be interviewed in the main survey. The findings

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indicated that the majority of training and development plans were directly related to the requirements
of the job and only a small proportion were involved with general personal development. Most plans
were related to short-term job requirements and few were concerned with long-term development and

2.7 Impact of Training on Employee Performance

In the development of organizations, training plays a vital role, improving performance as well as
increasing productivity, and eventually putting companies in the best position to face competition and
stay at the top. This means that there is a significant difference between the organizations that train
their employees and organizations that do not (April 2010). Training is a type of activity, which is
planned, systematic and it results in enhanced level of skill, knowledge and competency that are
necessary to perform work effectively (Appiah, 2010). There exists a positive association between
training and employee performance. Training generates benefits for the employee as well as for the
organization by positively influencing employee performance through the development of employee
knowledge, skills, ability, competencies and behaviour. Organizations that are dedicated to generating
profits for its owners (shareholders), providing quality service to its customers and beneficiaries, invest
in the training of its employees (Dessler, 2012). The more highly motivated a trainee, the more quickly
and systematically a new skill or knowledge is acquired. That is why training should be related to
money, job promotion, and recognition etc, i.e. something which the trainee desires. There are four
prerequisites for learning: Motivation comes first. Cue is the second requirement. The learner can
recognize related indicators (cue) and associate them with desired responses with the help of training.
Response comes third. Training should be immediately followed by positive reinforcement so that the
learner can feel the response. Last is the feedback; it is the information which learner receives and
indicates in the quality of his response. This response must be given as quickly as possible to make sure
successful learning (, 2015).

Performance can be defined as the achievement of specified task measured against predetermined or
identified standards of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed. In an employment contract,
performance is deemed to be the accomplishment of a commitment in such a manner that releases the
performer from all liabilities laid down under the contract. Efficiency and effectiveness are ingredients
of performance apart from competitiveness and productivity and training is a way of increasing

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individuals performance.Hayton (2011) stated that employee's performance is measured against the
performance standards set by the organization. Good performance means how well employees
performed on the assigned tasks. In every organization, there are some expectations from the employees
with respect to their performance. Moreover, when they perform up to the set standards and meet
organizational expectations they are believed good performers. Functioning and presentation of
employees is also termed as employee performance. This means that effective administration and
presentation of employees tasks which reflect the quality desired by the organization can also be
termed as performance. While much is known about the economics of training in the developed world,
studies of issues associated with training in less-developed countries are rarely found. Job
characteristics and firm background were found to play key roles in determining training provision.
Workers who received off-the-job training were less likely to receive on-the-job training, while those
who received on-the-job training were neither more nor less likely to have received off-the-job training.
However, a complementary relationship was found between receiving informal training and receiving
on-the-job or off-the-job training. Earnings differentials were not found to correlate with different types
of training. Unlike in developed countries, training in China was usually intended to remedy skills
deficiencies, rather than enhance productivity (Zhang, 2012). There is a positive relationship between
training and employee performance. Training generates benefits for the employee as well as the
organization by positively influencing employee performance through the development of employee
knowledge, skills, ability, competencies and behaviour. It is obvious that training plays an important
role in the development of organization, improving performance as well as increasing productivity, and
eventually putting companies in the best position to face competition and stay at the top. This means
that, there is a significant difference between the organizations that train their employees and that
organization that do not. Organization that is dedicated to generating profits for its owners
(shareholders) and providing quality service for its customers and beneficiaries usually invest in the
training of its employees (Anon, 2015).

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2.8 Impact of Training on Salary of Employees

Pendleton et al. (2009) identified conditions under which the salary compression associated with
imperfectly competitive labour markets will increase the incentive for firms to finance general or
transferable training. In this context, salary compression implies that post-training productivity is
increasing in training intensity at a faster rate than salary. Hence, the gap between productivity and
salary is increasing in training intensity and, by definition, a firms profits over some range. However,
the amount of training provided in equilibrium will be sub-optimal from societys viewpoint. According
to Human Capital Theory on the Job Training has positive effect on salary increment because training
has the potential to enhance labour productivity.

When organization analyze the importance of training and reward their newly trained employees, then
the workforce will be motivated towards passing on those skills. According to Expectancy Theory,
Employee motivation increases when meaningful rewards are given to those employees who effectively
transfer training. Training is categorized into different types: for example, on the job training which is
known as specific training as well and off the job training, which is also termed as informal training.
On the job training works as a catalyst in the increment of salary.

Salary tends to increase as a result of on the job training when the employee remains with the present
employer. In case of change of employer, the previous on the job training will have no positive change
onearnings . There is an association between mentoring and coaching of employees with the
enhancement of salary and earnings (Bandieraet al.2009). Whereas the workforce who do not take
training have minimal chances to avail increment in salary. Training of workforce significantly
enhances the earnings of financially deprived females as well as of underprivileged males, further
studies analyzed that mentoring and coaching do not show noticeable impact on the salary of newly
hired employees.

2.9 Impact of Training on Job Involvement of Employees

Job Involvement is a psychosomatic recognition or dedication towards occupation (Blanchard and
Thacker, 2009). There are different levels of every individual of being committed to the assigned tasks.
In different studies, scholars find out that actually job involvement is based upon internalization of
norms and artefacts according to the importance of job assignments (Blanchard and Thacker, 2009).
The employees who are very committed to the job assignments suppose that job assignments are

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essential part of their lives. After their better output, they feel satisfaction, this nature of job
involvement deemed towards self-esteem.

The construct of job involvement is rather similar to organizational commitment in that they are both
concerned with an employees identification with the work experience but these constructs differ in
that job involvement is more closely linked with identification with ones immediate work activities
while organizational commitment refers to a persons attachment to the organization. It is likely to be
involved in a specific job but not be committed to the organization or vice versa. Up to the extent the
employees are involved in their jobs will affect the transfer of training to the workplace. Job
involvement is the degree to which an individual identifies psychologically with the job and considers
his/her perceived performance level important to self-worth (Rotarescu, 2010). High job involvement
is linked with fewer absences and lower turnover rate. Employees are more concerned about their jobs
performance, and are constantly looking for ways to improve their effectiveness if they rank high on
job involvement. One way to improve employee performance is to efficiently transfer the skills and
knowledge acquired during training to the actual job (Hayton, 2011). Employees ranking high on job
involvement are more motivated to learn and transfer skills to the actual work setting.

2.10 Conceptual Framework

This framework highlights the drivers, which compel managers to train and develop their employees
in this era of competition. Similarly, various methods are used to impart necessary skills and knowledge
to the employees. For instance, on the job training and off the job training methods are applied to train
employees. An employee who gets the necessary skills benefits the organisation by contributing
towards achieving organisational goals. Training and development is then evaluated by using various
approaches to see whether the employees have changed their behaviour and whether they are
contributing towards achieving organisational goals. In the long run it will lead to organisational

Finally, by utilizing on the job training and off training methods employees are in the position to get
the necessary skills/knowledge which will make them to be more effective and efficient in the
organisation. By so doing organisation are better placed to achieve their goals in this era of globalization

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This chapter elucidates the theories and models that provides the empirical evidence for the importance
of Training and assessment programs and explains the role it plays in every organization. These
programs improve Employee Performance at workplace, it updates Employee Knowledge and enhances
their personal Skills and it helps in avoiding Managerial Obsolescence. With the use of these programs,
it is easier for the management to evaluate the job performance and accordingly take decisions like
employee Promotion, rewards, compensations, welfare facilities, etc. These training programs also help
the managers in succession planning, employee retention and motivation. It creates Efficient and
Effective employees in the Organization.

The major areas where employees are normally trained in an organization are Soft- skill Development,
Personality Development, Interpersonal Relationship, Problem solving techniques, Managerial and
Supervisory Training Program, quality improvement programs, technical processes, quality circle
programs, Time management skills, employee efficiency development programs, violence prevention
programs, regulatory compliances, goal setting and implementation of programs, workplace safety
management, workplace communication, and so on. Training enables the employees to develop their
skills within the organization and hence naturally helps to increase the organizations market value,
earning power of the employees and job security of the employees.

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Chapter 3: Research methodology

3.0: Introduction
The research methodology as a section will be helpful in examining the best and suitable approach that
can be taken up for the successful completion of the research study. The focus of Human Resource
Development is on developing the most superior workforce, which helps the organization for
successive growth. Through the use of research methodology procedure, the researcher can be able to
structure an effective outline of the research process (Bernard, 2011). Thus, the philosophy, approach
and design has been opted by the researcher for explaining the research process.

3.1: Method Outline

The method outline highlights the processes of research. It will assist in knowing the basic format of
the research process via that the researcher can effectively carry the research work. As per Jackson
(2008),the research process can be comprised of philosophy, approaches and designs that can be useful
for the nature of research work. The researcher has followed the post-positivism research philosophy
and the deductive approach to for better explanation of the research study. The descriptive research
designhas been selected for depth analysis of the research topics. The researcher has also focused on
the limitation and ethical prospects of the research in order to carry the research in successful manner.
The primary and secondary application can be very supportive for better analysis of the topics of the
research work.

3.2: Research Onion

Laroche (2010) proposed that the research onion could be effective tool for analysing and evaluating
the each research topics. The academic students can get benefit from the research onion while
conducting the research process in the correct manner. The every layer of the tool can be helpful in
generating and building the correct results of the research process. The research can be sub divided into
philosophy, approaches, designs, strategies, time horizon, techniques and procedures.

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Figure 7: Research Onion

(Source: Saunders et al. 2009, pp. 52)

The above figure of research onion can be helpful for the researcher in understanding the each section
of the research tools so that effective research and results can be gained. The figure of a research onion
presented above shows the procedure that the researcher will pursue for completing the task. It will
help the researcher in understanding each and every facet of the research study and draw conclusive
results from the same. Therefore, a better evaluation can be made in every stage of the research process.
The researcher study starts from the outer realm of the research onion and after successful completion
of the tasks in each echelon eventually reaches the inner layers of the onion. Finally the researcher
reaches the innermost part of data collection and analysis wherefrom the outcomes of the study is

3.3: Research Philosophy

As discussed by Brannen (2009), the research philosophy is the step that can assist the researcher in
carrying the research study in effective manner. The research philosophy is considered as a concept
that can guide the researcher or readers in getting clear picture of the research topics. According to
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Cooper and Schindler (2010), the philosophy is normally based on the research hypothesis that takes
in account epistemology, axiology and the phenomenology. Therefore, these all aspects highlights on
the knowledge, facts and ethics of the research study.


Post-Positivism Interpretivis


Figure 8: Research Philosophy

(Source: Cameron, 2009, pp. 146)

In the above case, the research philosophy is the segment of research paradigm that can help the
researcher in evaluating all the possible facts and findings in an appropriate way. The main pillars of
the research philosophy are stated to be Positivism, Realism and Interpretivism. Dul and Hak (2012)
pointed that the positivism focuses on the knowledge of the research work while the realism highlights
on the real facts that can be applied to research work.

On the other side, Interpretivism reflects on the logic that can be applied in the research study.
Therefore, the researcher has gone in opting post positivism research philosophy for effective analysis
of the research work. The post positivism arises from the positivism research philosophy that can help
the researcher in analysing and cross checking the research in order to get clear image of wok. The
researcher has chosen post-positivism research philosophy.

3.3.1: Justification for selection of the chosen Philosophy: Post-positivism

The researcher has followed the post positivism for properly evaluating the research job. The Positivism
and Interpretivism focuses on the knowledge and logical factors of the topics and realism takes control

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of the real facts. Therefore, post positivism has been selected that can help in advance analysis of the
collected data in accordance to philosophical aspects. The post positivism research approach has been
adopted by the researcher as it can aids in cross examining the workforce management of the research
work under consideration as well as critically interpreting and analysing the gathered data for obtaining
better outcomes. It is primarily due to time constraint, realism and interpretative approach of research
philosophy has been abandoned.

3.4: Research Approach

The researcher can gain advantage for making selection of the research approach that can help in
constructing the research from the information that has been collected from the external source. The
research approach can be of two aspects that is Inductive and Deductive (Corbetta, 2009). The inductive
approach can be carried by the researcher if the researcher figures out that the followed models and
theories are not enough for doing the current research work.


Inductive Deductive

Figure 9: Research Approach

(Source: Bergh and Ketchen, 2009, pp. 738)

Apart from inductive, the deductive approach throws lights on existing theories and models and its
implementation that helps the researcher in better and brief description of the topic and in
conceptualized manner.

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3.4.1: Justification for selection of the chosen approach: Deductive

The researcher has adopted the deductive approach for analysing and determining the best way for
conducting the research. The researcher will be focusing on the complexity in understanding the
behaviour of employees. Thus, the researcher have opted the deductive approach so that the linking can
be done in effective way with existing theories and models. Therefore, deductive approach helps in
illustrating the research work in a very effective way. The researcher has aborted the inductive
approach, as it is very much complicated for the researcher to formulate new theories or build models
in support of the research topics under consideration. Therefore, on hand concepts and models can be
broadly related through deductive approach for better arrangement of the study.

3.5: Research Design



Figure 10: Research Design

(Source: Bryman and Bell, 2011, pp. 384)

Harrison and Reilly (2011) pointed that the research design is normally based on the procedure for
acquiring information on the basis of contemporary aspects. Therefore, the research design can be
classified into three terms: In terms of exploratory research design, it focuses on the different thoughts
and ideas that help the researcher in exploring the societal factors for analysing the study. On the other
side, the explanatory design reflects on the occurrence of incidents in the society whereas the
descriptive design focuses on the brief analysis of the research work.

3.5.1: Justification for selection of the chosen research design: Descriptive

Descriptive design has been selected by the researcher for evaluating and analysing the information in
better way. The exploratory design has not been implemented as it focuses on the longitudinal concept
of study and that was not effective for the carried research topics. Therefore, due to time constraint,
descriptive approach has been adopted for deep analysis of the subject. Therefore, the researcher has

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aptly selected the descriptive design, as it will help in analysing and evaluating the data in a better
way. Due to limitation of time, the exploratory research framework has not been adopted as the
research cannot be conducted in a limited period of time. That is why, descriptive research design has
been chosen by the researcher, as there is limited availability of time for conducting the project.

3.6: Data Collection Procedure

The primary data can be useful for carrying the research work that can be collected from employees of
Sabre Pvt.Ltd.

Data Sources: Primary

The researcher has followed the primary data for effective analysis of study. The study focuses on the
behavioural aspects of the employees of this company. Therefore, the researcher has used survey
technique through prepare questionnaires for employees.

Data Techniques

Qualitative data can be adopted by the researcher as it can provide ample support in presenting the
research work and related headings in briefer manner that can help the reader in better understanding
the particular topics (Laroche, 2010). Thus, the qualitative data can provide theoretical concept that can
help in better understanding of topics. The Quantitative datais based on the statistical data that can
help the researcher in reporting the data in correct way. Therefore, the researcher has used the
quantitative data that is based on primary data by conducting survey on the employees of this company

3.7: Population and Sample

As per Eshlaghyet al. (2011) population refers to the amount of people involved either directly or
indirectly in the process of research work. Hence, the population is the total employees of Sabre
Pvt.Ltd. that has been considered.

3.7.1: Sampling Technique

Probability and non probability sample are the parts of sampling techniques.Therefore, probability
sample has been considered for justifying the research study and getting a clear idea about the research

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job (Dul and Hak, 2012). By using probability, sampling the researcher has collected data from
employees randomly.

3.7.2: Sample Size

The primary data is the method adopted by the researcher for analysing the study. Therefore, the
qualitative research technique will consider 14 employees of Sabre Pvt.Ltd. with the help of online
questionnaire application form that can provide information about the technical training and

3.8: Ethical Considerations

During the research study, the researcher has taken into account all the code of ethics that needs to be
followed so that no unethical practice is undertaken while conducting the study. The ethical issues have
been considered for carrying out the research wok and evaluating the consumers online shopping
pattern and the factors that influence their online buying behaviour.

Application of the collected data: The researcher has strictly taken into consideration the ethical usage
of the collected data (Denk, 2010). The researcher has conformed to the rules of ethical usage of data
by applying it only for academic purposes and erased the commercial usage of the same. The researcher
has complied with the Data Protection Act to add to the authenticity of the procedure of study.

Feedback of Respondents: The researcher has taken care of the fact that no respondent has been forced
in any way to put forward their views. The respondents has participated in the survey and has put
forward their views voluntarily and not out of any kind of compulsion.

3.9: Research Limitations

The researcher may have to fall into some restriction that can hamper the good flow of the research

Time Constraint: The researcher was locked with limited time that was provided for conducting the
research work. Thus, topic was not discussed in deeper form.

Budget-Restrain: The limited budget for the research work has also affected the research work. The
application of SPSS software was also absent due to lack of capital.

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3.10: Time Horizons

Main activities/ stages Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Topic Selection
Data collection from secondary sources
Creating layout
Literature review
Formation of the research Plan
Selection of the Appropriate Research
Primary data collection
Analysis & Interpretation of Data
Findings of the Data
Conclusion of the Study
Formation of Rough Draft
Submission of Final Work
Table 1: Gantt Chart

(Source: Created by Author)

3.11: Summary
The current chapter represents the different tools that have been adopted for better analysis of the
respective topics. For framing the appropriate research methodology, the researcher has focused on the
best research technique that can present best results. The tools that are adopted are more effective for
understanding the effective training within the organisation.

Student name

Chapter 4


In this present chapter the researcher will be interpreting and analysing the data collected from the
employees of the company of Sabre Pvt.Ltd. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research
will help the researcher in carrying out a detailed investigation of the research work and arrive at
conclusive results. A proper data interpretation and analysis of the acquired data will assist the
researcher to implement the theoretical concepts and learning into the practical field. According to
Jackson (2008), there are several complexities and restrictions associated with accurate data
interpretation and analysis as regards data scheming, calculation and authenticating the source of data
among many others. Therefore it becomes mandatory to cross check it before proceeding with the
interpretation process.

The role of technical training in enhancing skills of the employees will be investigated through the
qualitative as well as the quantitative analysis of the both the primary and secondary data obtained for
study (Dul and Hak, 2012) . The researcher will concentrate on developing information from the
collected data based on the feedback of the respondents in relation to the topic of study. The employees
of the company have been considered for acquiring the primary data and the company websites, annual
reports, text books and journals for the secondary data source.

4.1 Quantitative Analysis:

In the current section, the employees of Convergys India Services Private Limited will be considered
for carrying out the quantitative analysis. This will in turn assist the researcher in gauging the impact
of technical training on sill enhancement of employees. In the quantitive analysis phase, 60 respondents
out of 150 employees working in the unit have been considered as the sample unit for study. The
feedback of the other employees has been discarded as their questionnaire forms were inaccurately

1. Are you satisfied with your present technical training system provided by the company?

Options No. Of Respondents Total Respondents Response %

YES 20 60 33.33

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NO 25 60 41.67
CANT SAY 15 60 25

Response %

can't say

Graph 1: Satisfaction of employees with the present technical training system of Convergys India
Services Private Limited


It is evident from the above analysis that 33.33% employees are satisfied with the present technical
training system, while 41.67% employees are not contended with the same. On the other hand, 25% of
the workers have decided to remain neutral. Therefore, it can be said that a large percentage of the
companys workers are not satisfied with the present skill enhancement programme conducted by the


The feedback from the respondents shows that Convergys India Services Private Limited is not
providing a satisfying training and skill enhancement programme to its employees. This is why the
engineers are finding it difficult to understand the technical issues associated with the internal and
external tools. Therefore, it is creating a problem in providing live support in the practical field and
hampering the excellence of the production environment.

2. Do you think a more improved and formal training in IT is essential for Centralized IT Support team?

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Options No. Of Respondents Total Respondents Response %

NO 20 60 33.33
YES 30 60 50
CANT SAY 10 60 16.67


The present scenario apparently reveals that 50% of the employees agree to the need for more improved
and formal training in IT to perform their jobs better. On the other hand, 33% of the employees are
against this view whereas 16.67% have expressed neutral views. A larger percentage of the employees
are in favour of implementing an improved IT training programme for Centralised IT support team to
enhance their skill sets, confidence as well as their professionalism required for providing better
customer management solutions.


The present analysis provides comprehensive understanding about the fact that there is a need for
implementing a new and improved IT training programme for the company to build a better Centralised
IT support team with great expertise to perform their jobs better. Therefore the company has to redesign
the training system to effectively improve the expertise of the employees and help them to enhance the
production environment. It is also evident from the feedback of the respondents that the employees are
facing difficulty in understanding the technical issues related to the centralised desktop support.

Response %

can't say

Graph 2: responses of employees towards more improved and formal training in IT

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3. Would you like to undergo a formal technical training before you start working on a live project or
is it that you have enough confidence on your past knowledge and work experience to accomplish the
job successfully?

Options No. Of Respondents Total Respondents Response %

YES 30 60 50
NO 22 60 36.67
CANT SAY 8 60 13.33

Response %



Response %


yes no can't say

Graph 3: Responses of employees regarding willingness to undergo new training programme


It can be observed from the present segment that 50% of the employees are willing to undergo formal
training. However, 36.67% of the employees are not in favour of undertaking any formal statement and
consider their prior experience and knowledge just enough to carry out their job successfully. A very
small percentage of employees that is 13.33% have declined to comment and have stayed neutral on
the present context under consideration.


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It can be found out that a bulk of the employees do not have enough confidence on their prior knowledge
and experience and seek to undertake training to sharpen their skills necessary to enhance the
production quality and set up a better a centralised desktop support system. The overwhelming
response from the employees also point out the fact that the present training programme is not enough
to fill the skill gap and are acting as hurdles in their way to successful accomplishments of their tasks.

4. Would to like to have an interactive tool to help you as guide instead of reading long subjective texts
to equip yourself with the required skills?

Options No. Of Respondents Total Respondents Response %

YES 30 60 50
NO 20 60 33.33
CANT SAY 10 60 16.67

Response %

can't say

Graph 4: Responses of employees towards interactive learning procedure


In this segment 50% of the employees are in favour of using an interactive tool as their guide instead
of reading long subjective texts to improve their skill sets. On the other hand, opinions of 33.33% of

Student name

the employees are in support of subjective way of learning and intent to read long sized paragraphs and
texts instead of undergoing interactive learning procedures. However, 16.67% of the sample unit have
expressed neutral views in this context


The above observation reveals that a very large percentage of the sample is in favour of interactive
learning procedure. This points out the fact that the new learning programme needs to incorporate
interactive learning tools designed to act as a guide for the employees. However, along with subjective
learning schemes the interactive tools can help the employees to share and enhance their knowledge.
An interactive training session can help the employees to remain engaged in the overall learning
programme by participating in quizzes, group discussions, case studies, question and answer sessions
among many others. The percentage of employees against this interactive learning tool is comparatively
small and can be convinced to accept this change in procedure of learning by pointing out the
advantages of this interactive session.

5. How much would you like to rate yourself as regards your IT expertise?

Options No. Of Respondents Total Respondents Response %

AWESOME 10 60 16.67
AVERAGE 40 60 66.67
POOR 10 60 16.67

Student name

Response %


Graph 5: Responses of employees towards self assessment


The data reveals that 16.67% of the employees rate their skills to be awesome, 66.67% of the employees
give average rating to their expertise and 16.67% poorly rate themselves as regards their skills and
expertise in IT section. This shows that most of the employees have assessed their skills to be of average
level and relatively small percentage rate themselves to be be awesome and poor.


The above findings show that a majority of the employees have given average rating to their skill set.
Therefore this points out their need for value addition through improved training programmes to
enhance their knowledge and skills. A huge bulk of employees rating themselves to be average also
reveals that they are not very much confident about their prior knowledge and experience and needs an
superior technical training programme to bridge their skill gaps and build a better centralised support
team required to enhance the production environment of Convergys India Services Private limited.
Moreover this result also points out that the employees feel themselves to be less equipped to deal with
the desktop level issues reported to be arise by the internal employees of the company.

Student name

6. Could you reach out to a person with the right expertise to attend to your doubts during training

Options No. Of Respondents Total Respondents Response %

YES 25 60 41.67
NO 35 60 58.33



Graph 6 : responses of employees as regards accessibility to expert personnel


In this segment it has been seen that 41.67% of the employees are of the view that they can access the
right person well equipped with skills to address their queries, whereas 58.33% of the employees are
of the opinion that that they cannot reach out to a expert person to attend to their problems.


Larger percentage of the employees disagrees to find help from an expert professional for support and
assistance. This shows that there is need for expert professionals to address the queries of the
employees. Therefore this directs the need for trained professionals well equipped with the skills to
handle critical problems faced by the employees and help them overcome the same. However, a
relatively good percentage of employees have also agreed to find help from field experts so the
condition is not abysmal. This part of the study also throws light on the fact that there is dire need to

Student name

improve the condition and imbibe knowledge among professionals to enhance their expertise and skill
level. This result also shows that access to rightly equipped person is also limited in the company may
be due to communication barrier or unavailability of the skilled personnel.

7. Was the training session conducted in a linear and rational progression?

Options No. Of Respondents Total Respondents Response %

YES 37 60 61.67
NO 23 60 38.33

Response %
30 Response %

yes no

Graph 7: feedback of employees towards logical sequence of training session


In the present section it can be seen that 61.67% of the respondents are of the view that the existing
training programme of the company is conducted in rational and linear sequence. On the other hand,
38.33% of the employees differ in their views. A relatively large percentage of the employees opine
that the logical and rational sequence is followed in their present training programme and has no issues
relating to the progression of the training system currently conducted by the company.


Student name

The observation from the above study shows that the employees of the company are quite satisfied with
the sequential and logical alignment of the current training system prevalent in the company. Therefore
while redesigning the training procedure the logical and sequential flow can be kept same. The feedback
from the respondents is in support of the logical flow of the training programme and therefore needs
no amendments as regards the progression plan of the training procedure.

8. Would you like to have a preference for a comprehensive study material that can facilitate as a
decision tree?

Options No. Of Respondents Total Respondents Response %


Response %
Response %
Descriptive Decision Tree

Graph 8: preference for study material of employees


The finding of the above study brings forth the preference of the employees for a comprehensive study
material. This segment of study shows that 45% of the sample unit are in favour of descriptive type of

Student name

study material whereas 55% of the respondents prefer decision tree. The preference of the employees
as regards their choice for study material can be assessed from minute investigation and interpretation
of the data.


In this the observation of the data gathered from the employee shows that larger proportion of the
employees is in favour of decision tree to facilitate their learning process. Therefore the new and
advanced training programme may stress the need for this kind of study material to cater to the needs
of the employees better. The descriptive study material is also supported by good section of the
employees. Therefore the need for descriptive study material can also not be thoroughly ignored though
stress need to be put on the decision tree type of study material.

9. Was there any evaluation process to examine the skill level after undergoing the training?

Options No. Of Respondents Total Respondents Response %

YES 35 60 58.33
NO 25 60 41.67

Response %


Graph 9: response of employees towards assessment procedure of training system


The present division of study deals with the feedback of employees on the skill evaluation procedure
of the present training system of Convergys India Services Private Limited. The results show that
58.33% of the employees have agreed to have undergone skill evaluation procedure after completion

Student name

of their training session. However, 41.67% of the respondents differ in their opinion and dissent to have
undergone any skill assessment process in the current training system of the company.


The above observation reveals that the current training programme includes skill assessment system
after completion of their training but seems to have failed to involve all the employees in the process.
Therefore the skill evaluation system of the new training programme needs to include all the
participants to help them assess their improvement after undertaking the training.

10. How much would you like to rate an initiative to have a formal training and evaluation system to
become more equipped with the skill sets before boarding the practical production floor?

Options No. Of Respondents Total Respondents Response %

AWESOME 40 60 66.67
AVERAGE 15 60 25
POOR 5 60 8.33

Student name

Response %


Response %

Awesome Average Poor

Graph 10: responses towards the new initiative for introduction of a new formal training system


The findings from the above segment of the study shows that 66.67% of the employees are in favour
of the initiative to introduce a formal and asessment procedure to become more equipped with reqired
skills before hiting the production floor. However 25% of the respondents rated the idea to introduce
a new idea to be an average one. On the other hand, 8.33% of the respondents rated this new initiative
to be a poor one.


The results from the above study shows that an overwhelming percentage of respondents have rated
this new initiative to introduce a formal training and assessment programme very highly. Therefore
the percentage reveals that this can be a welcome change for the employees of the company.

Student name

Chapter 5


5.0 Conclusions
The present research study has focussed on the need for improvement of technical training and
assessment method of Centralized Desktop Support within this company. The need for the new
initiative to develop a new and improved training programme to enhance the skill set of the employees
of the company is examined in the present research work. This study points out that the employees need
to sharpen their skills by undergoing a new and improved training programme. The desire of the
employees to undertake the same also put light on the fact the company is failing to utilise its man
power resources optimally and doing very little to add value to its human resources. The research work
put light on the different aspects of the improved training system that needs to address the problems
that the employees are currently facing and needs to be relevant, user friendly, transparent and effective
in reducing the training hours so as to lessen off production cost. The researcher has utilised the primary
data sources to derive information about the reaction of the employees as regards the new training

5.1Linking with the objectives

Based on the analysis and evaluation of the data acquired, the researcher will try to examine the
effectiveness and the shortcomings of the current training programme prevalent in the company. The
researcher will also try to figure out the modifications required to improve the training and assessment
system to enhance the skill sets of the employees of the company and in turn improve the production
and operational efficiency of the company.

5.1.2 Linking Objective 1: To analyse the impact of technical training in Convergys India Services
Private Limited

It is evident from table 1 above that the employees of Convergys India Service Private Limited is not
satisfied with the present training programme conducted by the company to improve their skill sets.
Based on the survey, the researcher has discovered that the employees are in favour of a more formal
and technical training to build their skills and perform their jobs better. This reveals that the present

Student name

training system prevalent in the company is inadequate and needs some improvisation. It has also been
observed from the table 3 that the employees are not in favour of undertaking any formal statement and
consider their prior experience and knowledge just enough to carry out their job successfully. All these
results indicate the fact that a bulk of the employees does not have enough confidence on their
knowledge and are willing to undertake training to hone their skills required to enhance the production
quality and set up a better a centralised desktop support system.

5.1.2: Linking Objective 2: To assess the past experience and knowledge of the employees in
accomplishing their jobs

It has been observed from the third outcome of the survey that a huge size of employees has rated
themselves to be average. This helps the researcher to understand that they are not very much confident
about their prior knowledge and experience and needs a superior technical training programme to
plaster their skill gaps and build a better centralised support team required to enhance the production
environment of Convergys India Services Private limited. Moreover this result also points out that the
employees feel themselves to be less equipped to handle the desktop level issues reported to be arise in
the production floor by the internal employees of the company. According to the survey results obtained
from Graph 6 a huge percentage of the employees disagrees to find help from an expert professional
for support and assistance. This result of the study also throws light on the fact that there is need to
develop the condition and infuse knowledge among professionals to enhance their expertise and skill

5.1.3 Linking Objective 3: To recommend better methods of technical training in order to

improve the skill sets of the employees

The researcher has obtained feedback from the respondents of the survey to frame the
recommendations for improvement. With reference to Graph 7, the researcher has observed that the
responses gathered from the survey reveals the employees are in support of the logical flow of the
training programme and therefore needs no amendments as regards the progression plan of the training
procedure. The information gathered from the survey also shows that larger proportion of the
employees is in favour of decision tree to enhance their learning process as is evident from the Graph
8 of the survey. Therefore the new and advanced training programme may stress the necessity for this
kind of learning procedure to cater to the needs of the employees better. A skill evaluation technique is

Student name

also necessary to assess the improvement of the employees after undertaking the training. A proper
skill assessment system may also be introduced to the formal training system to help the employees
understand their skill level and evaluate their improvement after undergoing the training programme.

5.2 Recommendations
As per the present context of the research study, the research has pointed out certain recommendations
for designing a formal training and assessment system directed to improve the skill and knowledge of
the employees of Convergys India Services Private Limited.

It is evident from the feedback of the respondents that the employees are facing difficulty in
understanding the technical issues related to the centralised desktop support. Therefore the
company has to redesign the training system to effectively improve the expertise of the
employees and help them to enhance the production environment.
The research work also points out that the employees feel themselves to be less equipped to
deal with the desktop level issues reported to arise by the internal employees of the company.
A large percentage of the employees disagree to find help from an expert professional for
support and assistance. For this the company needs to devise a formal training programme to
imbibe knowledge among professionals to enhance their expertise and skill level and help them
to address the critical situations faced by the employees.
A bulk of the employees is in favour of decision tree to facilitate their learning process.
Therefore the new and advanced training programme may stress the need for this kind of study
material to cater to the needs of the employees better and enhance their learning experience.
The new learning programme needs to incorporate interactive learning tools designed to act as
a guide for the employees.

5.3 Future Scope of the Study

The present research work has not completely achieved all the objectives of the study. It has also failed
to explore many other aspects related to the topic under discussion due to certain research limitations.
This research work does not provide any comparative analysis of the training and development
programme adopted by other market players of the IT sector. Therefore it can prove to be very valuable

Student name

to evaluate the responses of the employees of the two different companies towards to their formal
training and assessment programmes.

Student name

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