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SIMSCAPE electro-thermal modelling of the PIN diode for power

circuits simulation

Naoual Mijlad1,*, Elmostafa Elwarraki1, Abdelhadi Elbacha2

Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies Cadi Ayyad
University, Marrakech, Morocco
Department of Electrical Engineering, National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA) Cadi
Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco

Abstract: This paper introduces a less complex approach for modelling the power PIN diode in
MATLAB/SIMULINK software. In this approach, a behaviour modelling methodology is adapted to
explore the distributed effect of both the electrical and thermal phenomena within the component.
The manufacturer's data are the main source of information. Indeed, all of the modelling
parameters are derived from the published data sheets. Moreover, the model validation is obtained
by a comparison between the simulation results and the datasheet characteristics given for several
tests. The diode model presented in this paper is validated from an electro-thermal point of view.

1. Introduction
Electric power losses generated in power systems are predominant during the switching phases.
Indeed, the switching process engenders a stressful transient behaviour of the current and the voltage[1].
The thermal effect in power semiconductors is an additional factor. Electrical proprieties of power
semiconductors are closely linked to junction temperature. Mutually, the power dissipation leads to a rise
in junction temperature. An uncontrollable behaviour can generate the destruction of an electronic device
with the surrounding elements. For these reasons, designers of electronic circuits attempt by simulation to
find solutions for limiting damages which can be as results of all these combined effects. An electro-
thermal modelling of power electronic devices is an efficient tool for the analysis and optimization of
electronic structures.
The power PIN diode is an example of the semiconductor power devices used in different
applications of power electronics. Different investigators propose notable electro-thermal models of this
component. The analytical and physical models are based on the semiconductor physics equations [2,3,4].
The physical models of the power diode are based on the resolution of the ambipolar diffusion equation
(ADE) which describes the nature of the distributed charge in the semiconductor. Shaker et. al [5]
proposed the finite difference method (FDM) to solve the ADE. Other models adopted the finite element
[6] and Laplace transforms [7] as methods of resolution. These methods generate accurate results.
However, it requires a laborious software implementation. Furthermore, the model parameters are obtained
through measurements, or the use of the physical and geometric properties of the component [8,9] which
are not usually provided by the manufacturer. There are analytical examples of identification based on the

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experimental data without using physical parameters [10], but they remain more complex for direct users
of simulators.
The macro-modelling approach is adapted in power circuits simulation, it is used to describe
complex systems in order to significantly reduce the time required in simulations. The Analogue
Behavioural Macro-modelling (ABM) is a solution presented by PSPICE and MICROSIM [11]. Maxim et.
al [7] proposed a physical diode model developed using SPICE. This model is based on the implementation
of physical equations as a sub-circuit containing ABM sources. Recently, MATLAB/SIMULINK is
extended to other areas in which the macro-modelling approach can be used. SIMSCAPE offers a textual
language for modelling physical systems and enable users to create their own new models [12]. These
solutions are similar to what SPICE offers as ABM sources and the NETLISTE modelling.In this paper an
electro-thermal behavioural model of the power PIN diode is proposed. The model is studied by different
contributors with different software, especially P-SPICE [13,14,15]. The adapted model is implemented as
a "SIMSCAPE" circuit in the graphical software of MATLAB.
The proposed model is structurally simple and simultaneously simulate the diode behaviour with
maximum precision. This model is reviewed from [13], it contains sub-models describing both the reverse
and forward recovery phenomena. In other models found in the literature [16,17], the forward bias
overvoltage is ignored. These models are restrained to present the reverse recovery behaviour of the diode.
Despite the small effect of the forward bias overvoltage, in the case of a single diode, this phenomenon
can become more disturbing in the case of a complex system. For example, this overvoltage may become a
start voltage for an electronic component which must be in its off state. Moreover, accumulated
overvoltage may be destructive for complex electronic applications containing several components that
switch simultaneously. Therefore, a part of this work is dedicated to modelling this overvoltage and the
effect of the external circuit on its variation. To study the thermal effect, an RC FOSTER network is
established and approved from the published data sheets. An example of a PIN diode component is used to
show simulation results of the studied electro-thermal model.

2. Electrical sub-model
2.1. Reverse and forward recovery sub-model
Fig.1 illustrates the current and voltage waveforms of a PIN diode. When switching from the off
state to the on state, the carriers providing current transport are injected and begin to diffuse into the
component. Then the resistivity of the PIN diode's intrinsic region decreases gradually, the same as the
intensity is established, until its steady state value. This is reflected in the establishment delay in the
current associated with an overvoltage at the terminals of the diode.

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At the instant ti, a reverse voltage VR is applied at the terminals of the diode. The decrease of the
current is forced by the external circuit, with a slew rate dIF/dt. This current drops down to its minimum
value IRRM. In the meantime, the diode voltage remains invariable, it is practically that of the forward bias
steady state. During the first step of the reverse recovery phase [ti,t0], the diode remains conductible. This
phenomenon is related to the presence of a quantity of charges stored in the diode during conduction. A
part of this charge stored in the depletion layer of the junction disperses during this step. In the second step,
the current increases to reach its steady state with the slope rate dIR/dt, meanwhile the diode voltage start
decreasing and reaches its peak value VRM. As observed, the diode voltage is subjected to oscillations, due
to the response of parasitic inductances of the circuit to the dIR/dt[18], before reaching the reverse steady-
state value VR. During the second step, the rest of recovered charges are evacuated.

Fig. 1. Current and voltage waveforms of a PIN diode with the biasing circuitry

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Fig. 2. The proposed electrical sub-model of the PIN diode

Fig.2 depicts the PIN diode model. When the diode is reverse biased, the diode behaviour is
analogous to a variable capacitor CF, which is modelled by a voltage controlled current source with RL and
L[13,14],while ROFF models the steady state of the diode in this phase. RON and VTH represent, respectively
the on-state resistance and the diode conduction threshold voltage. The CR capacitor imposes a time
constant when establishing the forward recovery current IF. Note that the same capacitor intervenes in the
reverse recovery phase causing oscillations of both current and voltage when the remainder charge is
extracted by the reverse current.
The reverse current expression when the charge is extracted by recombination is given by :

i t  

t t


Where t0 is the time at which the reverse current attained zero.

Equation (2) gives the reverse current variation when the second portion of charge is removed:

i t  I e  (2)
Where L is the time constant, it is equal to L/RL. t1 is the time at which the current reaches IRRM.
A development of equations (1)and (2), with the formula of softness factor s, provides the expression
(3) of the maximum reverse current IRRM, as well as formulas (4) and (5) which determine in that order, L
and the trans-conductance of the voltage controlled current source:

. " .

-. /00
)*   ,- 12% (4)

4  12%
( -

In previous work [13], G can be calculated from:

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56 .7
In order to make the inductor L without influence during conduction, the energy involved in the CF
capacitor must be greater than the energy brought into play in the inductance L [13]:
. 8. 9 . ;<=  . >9 . 9
So, the inductance L must verify equation (8):
8 ;<=  . >9 (8)
Manufacturers provide the necessary data, which can be used for identifying all of the parameters
using equations cited in this section. These parameters are extracted for nominal conditions.
2.2. Forward bias overvoltage sub-model

In the forward conduction, the voltage at the terminals of the diode reaches its maximum VFP, then
decreases to the value of the static voltage drop(Fig.1). The VFP peak voltage is expressed by the following
equation [13,19]:

 2. CD . E& . 1 G. H

#$% #& .

Where Tn0 is the Transit time of electrons. t is equal to DP/n, while b is the Coefficient of the
mobility of electrons and holes. And Qb represents the ion charge in the N zone.
Manufacturers give the VFP overvoltage curve as a function of the switching speed dIF/dt. Therefore,
the relation (9) is approximated by a curve fitting to expression (10). This adjustment allows identifying
and KFP of this expression (Fig.3).
#$% Q
V@A  O9P . H K LR

The voltage peak is modelled by a controlled voltage source, as depicted in Fig. 2. The block '' VFP ''
is programmed to calculate the peak value by equation (10).


25 KFP=0.832


10 (1) Manufacturer
5 (2) Curve fitting

0 100 200 300 400
Fig. 3. BYT30PI1000 VFP(dIF/dt) (1): deduced from manufacturer data sheet; (2) curve fitting by MATHEMATICA

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3. Thermal model
3.1. Adapted thermal sub-model
The thermal modelling of the power PIN diode has been studied by various investigators. The 1D
finite elements (FE) technique has been used in [2] to evaluate the thermal equivalent circuit. Other
methods also based on the knowledge of the package system materials and physical dimensions are
employed in this subject. The finite difference discretisation of the heat diffusion equation and 2D (3D)
finite element are examples of these techniques [20,21]. In [22,23], the temperature is coupled directly
with electrical variables of the model without using the RC thermal network.
For the studied model, FOSTER network is developed using the effective transient thermal
impedance curve. This adapted thermal network evaluates instantaneously the diode junction temperature
(Fig.5). The appropriate equations of this model are given below :

S&T U 
3V W3V 3V. W3V. 3VY W3VY
S&T Z  D ;&T 1  \ 03VY]3VY
We have used functions of MATHEMATICA to find the RC network for the PIN diode
BYT30PI1000. Fig.4 shows the fitting result for four cells.

1.80 Foster : Rth1=0.848 Rth2 =0.14 Rth3 =0.378 Rth4=0.245
Cth1 =5.66E-05F Cth2 = 0.014F Cth3= 0.74F Cth4 =0.0915F
Zth (K/W)

0.60 (1)Manufacturer
0.40 (2)Foster Network
0.0001 0.0010 0.0100 0.1000 1.0000
tp (s)

Fig. 4. BYT30PI1000 thermal impedance responses: (1) deduced from manufacturer data sheet ,(2) Foster network curve

3.2. Thermal effect on the reverse recovery current

There is a real coupling between the electric behaviour of the power components and the thermal
impact in different phases. For the power PIN diode, our study is limited to modelling the thermal effect

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on the reverse recovery current. This current can be decisive for the component in nominal conditions.
Thus, the temperature effect increases the hardness of the reverse recovery phenomenon.
Manufacturers provide the IRRM(TJ) characteristic which illustrates the linear variation of the reverse
recovery current IRRM with the junction temperature TJ(Fig.10). This characteristic is used in modelling the
thermal effect on the variation of IRRM.
The electro-thermal coupling can be done in two different ways. The first method is to declare the
components that model the reverse recovery phenomena, (G and RL) as variable parameters. In this case
the electro-thermal model will not be processed synchronously. Indeed, for one period of simulation, it is
necessary to initialize G and RL then start the simulation in order that the thermal model estimates the
junction temperature. This temperature will be used by a MATLAB script to calculate G and RL
parameters using the temperature dependence equations below:
4^CR _  4 C . `. CR a (13)
;( ^CR _  ;( C /`. CR a (14)
 ^CR _   C . `. CR a (15)
Where T0 is the temperature at which the model is identified ( 100C for the studied example), A and
B present the coefficients of the linear curve IRRM(TJ) given by the manufacturer. This linear curve is
presented by equation (15) which is used with equations (3), (4) and (5) to evaluate the temperature
dependent formulas of G and RL.
The second solution is to make a direct electro-thermal coupling. In this case, the thermal effect is
managed by SIMSCAPE components without recourse to MATLAB script.
Both methods give the same results. However, the second solution shows a flexibility because the
electro-thermal model will be processed without interruption to initialize parameters or to calculate the
temperature dependent parameters.

Fig. 5. The thermal model of the power PIN diode

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4. Simulation results and discussion

4.1. Wiring effect on the PIN diode behaviour

In this section, the voltage and current waveforms of the studied PIN diode are evaluated. The PIN
diode has several switching phases. Multiple mechanisms are involved in the hardness of these phases.
The wiring effect is one of these mechanisms which increase the maximum of the reverse recovery current.
Moreover, it can produce several oscillations of both current and voltage during the switching phase.
Wiring effect is modelled here by an inductance in parallel with a resistor. The analysis is made for
different switching speed value using a chopper circuit.
Fig.6 illustrates the current waveforms for different switching speed and for operating conditions:
IF=30A VR=200V and TJ=100C. The maximum of the reverse recovery current increases with the rise of
dIF/dt, which augments also the maximum of the reverse recovery voltage with its oscillations (Fig.6
(b)).The diode remains conducting for a long time when the dIF/dt is small as the charge takes time to be
removed. The switching speed influences also the VFP voltage peak. The variation of VFP with dIF/dt is
shown in Fig.7 for three switching speeds and in nominal conditions: IF=30A, TJ=100C. The VFP peak
has a significant value when the switching speed increases. The ascending current slew rate in this case is
adequate for different value of dIF/dt.
(1) 0
20 (3) -200

10 -400
0 -600 (2)
-10 -800
5 5.05 5.1 5.15 5.2
5 5.05 5.1 5.15 5.2
-5 x 10
t(s) x 10 t(s)
a b
Fig. 6. BYT30PI1000 diode waveforms for different switching speed (1): dIF/dt=100A/s; (2) dIF/dt=60A/s;(3):
a Reverse recoverry current
b Reverse recovery voltage

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30 (2)
VAK(V) 20

10 (2)
0 0
0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4
-6 -6
t(s) x 10 t(s) x 10
a b
Fig. 7. BYT30PI1000 diode waveforms for different switching speed (1): dIF/dt=400A/s; (2) dIF/dt=250A/s;(3):
a Forward voltage waveform
b Forward curent waveform

4.2. Thermal effect on the PIN diode behaviour

The variation of the reverse recovery current according to the temperature is mentioned in section
3.2. The IRRM dependence on temperature is studied in this section. The junction temperature evolution
and current waveforms for three junction temperatures are shown in Fig.8. It can be seen that the
maximum of the reverse recovery current IRRM and the reverse recovery charge increase with TJ. These
waveforms are obtained for the switching speed dIF/dt=200A/s. Furthermore, the value of IRRM for
TJ=100C is the same as the one given by the manufacturer (Fig.9 (a)).

20 150


4.98 5 5.02 5.04 5.06 0 1 2 3
-5 -4
t(s) x 10 t(s) x 10

a b
Fig. 8. Simulation result of the thermal effect for different junction temperatures: (1): TJ=150C; (2) TJ=100C;(3): TJ=25C
a BYT30PI1000 reverse recovery current waveform iAK(t)
b Evolution of TJ for three periods

4.3. Validation of the adapted electro-thermal model

The results of the electro-thermal simulation are compared with the technical characteristics given
by the manufacturer. Fig. 9 shows the voltage and current variations according to the switching speed. The

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curves obtained by simulation match well with the diagrams given by manufacturer, which validates the
electrical simulation model.
Fig.10 shows the reverse recovery current and the reverse recovered charge rise, according to the
junction temperature estimated by the thermal network. These curves are evaluated by comparison with
the curves provided by the manufacturer. It can be seen that there is a good match between simulation
results and manufacturer's curves.
50 30
TJ=100C TJ=100C
(1) Simulation 20


10 (1) Simulation
(2) Manufacturer
0 0
10 100 1000 0 100 200 300 400
dIF/dt (A/s) dIF/dt (A/s)
a b
Fig. 9. Validation of the model
a BYT30PI1000 peak reverse recovery current versus dIF/dt
b BYT30PI1000 peak forward voltage versus dIF/dt.

1.5 1.5
1.4 1.4
1.3 1.3
1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1
1 1
0.9 0.9
IRRM (%)


0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3 (1) Manufacturer
(1) Manufacturer 0.2
0.2 0.1 (2)Simulation
0.1 (2) Simulation
0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
a b
Fig. 10. Validation of the thermal model
a BYT30PI1000 peak reverse recovery current versus TJ
b BYT30PI1000 reverse recovred charge versus TJ

The present work is focused on modelling the power PIN diode with SIMSCAPE library
components of SIMULINK software. Behavioural approach is adapted to establish the forward and reverse
recovery sub-models. Parameters of the model are calculated from the data-sheets characteristics for

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nominal conditions. For these parameters, we have obtained the dynamic characteristics of the studied PIN
diode, these characteristics are validated by the data books for a wide range of functioning.
In order to evaluate the thermal model, Foster network is employed in the electro-thermal
simulations. The fourth order of the equivalent RC network is identified and validated by the effective
transient thermal impedance curve given by manufacturer. For electro-thermal simulation, our study is
restrained to modelling the thermal effect on the reverse recovery current. This study is approved by the
curve given by manufacturer.
Although the result presented here has confirmed the effectiveness of the model approach in
SIMULINK software, other works could develop more in this way. Making the extraction of the model
parameters automatic and studying the thermal effect for all phases could provide more performances and
accuracy to the model.

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Content may change prior to final publication in an issue of the journal. To cite the paper please use the doi provided on the Digital Library page.

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