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3D printing technology is not a brand new discovery. It was created in the 1980s, but due
to some main challenges, it has not revolutionized the way we live yet. It has shown
endless possibilities of application. Areas, such as medicine, engineering, architecture,
medicine and even cookery will be truly impacted by this technology.
The world population has now exceeded the 7 billion mark, and if the prognosis of the
United Nations comes true, there will be 9.2 billion people in 2050. As the case is today,
most of the people will want to live in the megacities because they promise a better life
and wealth. Due to this, the population density in the cities would increase like never
before. This would lead to redevelopment and slum rehabilitation projects to be
undertaken on large scale. Imagine a situation wherein a huge bunch of people will need
an urgent space to live in. Thus, a situation will arise when the cities will have to grow
rapidly but also sustainably, keeping in mind the environmental effects and also the
economy. Contour Crafting is an emerging technology that uses robotics to construct free
form structures by repeatedly laying down layers of material such as concrete. This has a
great potential in automated construction of whole structures as well as sub-components.
Using this process, a single house or a colony of houses, each with possibly a different
design, may be automatically constructed in a single run. Tool path planning and
optimization benefits the technology by increasing the efficiency of construction of
complicated structures. CC can automatically construct custom-designed structures by
repeatedly laying down construction material. CC has the capability to fabricate with
thick layers using various materials and without compromising surface quality unlike
other automation methods.



Presently, the construction industry is facing various problems including high project
costs, low labor efficiency, high at-site accident rates, vanishing skilled workforce, and
poor control of construction projects. Automation has resolved several similar problems
in the manufacturing industry. The construction industry, however, largely remains
manual and manpower intensive. The few attempts made towards automating certain
aspects of construction have aimed only at mechanizing the same manual approach
without introducing any new paradigm. Development of new automation paradigms for
whole structure construction may mitigate many of the problems that the industry is
facing. In fact, new automation paradigms seem imperative for several applications,
including construction of emergency homes and low income housing projects.
Furthermore, the development of construction automation technologies is necessary if
colonization of other planets is to become a reality in the coming century. Conventional
methods of manufacturing automation do not lend themselves to construction of large
structures with internal features. This explains why the evolution of construction
automation has been slow. By the beginning of the twentieth century automation has
grown and prevailed in almost all production domains other than in infrastructure.
Implementation of automation in the construction domain has been slow due to:-
Conventional design approaches that are not suitable for automation.
1. Unsuitability of the available fabrication technologies for large scale products.
2. Smaller ratio of production quantity of final products.
3. Limitations in the materials that could be used by an automated system.
4. Due to expensive automated equipments.
5. Managerial issues.
6. Lack of technical efficiency.
On the other hand, the following are the serious problems that the construction industry is
facing today:-
1. Accident rate at construction site is very high.
2. Labor efficiency is quite low.
3. Work quality is low.
4. Control of the construction site is difficult, and skilled workforce is less.


In the last two centuries, automation of various products has evolved considerably but
very few of them are successful. Still construction of whole structures remains largely as
a manual practice. This is because the various conventional methods of manufacturing
automation do not fit in the construction of large structures. Layered fabrication is a
promising new approach generally known as Solid Free Form Fabrication (SFF).
Although several methods of SFF have been developed in the last 2 two decades and
successful applications of these methods have been reported in various industries
including industrial tooling, medical, toy making, etc., most of the current layered
fabrication methods cannot deliver the wide variety of materials applicable to
construction industry. Currently Contour Crafting (CC) seems to be the only layer
fabrication technology that is uniquely applicable to construction of large structures such
as buildings.

During the last 18 years, construction automation and robotics have been implemented at
various extents to address problems facing the construction industry such as productivity,
quality, safety, high costs and skilled labor shortages in the United State and Japan. The
Japanese construction industry, in particular, is very active in automated construction
research, seeking a solution to the skilled labor shortage. Many large Japanese
construction companies have their own research centers with sophisticated equipment and
large staffs researching new construction technologies. Kajima Corporation, for example,
spends more than $900M / year on construction research; a significant portion is invested
in construction automation.
Approximately 89 single task construction robots have been prototyped and deployed in
construction sites in Japan .These single task robots replace simple human tasks thereby
reducing labor costs and construction time. Automated construction systems such as
AMURA, SMART and FACES are capable of fabricating high raised structures. These
systems typically use precision fabricated components such as pillars, beams, ceilings,
floor slabs and others during operation. Also, fully automated construction systems do not
allow much flexibility in the design of structures. The cross section of a structural
member, for example, cannot be readily changed. A system capable of generating a
variable cross section structure would be rather expensive. Furthermore, current


automated systems require many prefabricated parts. This translates into extra costs for
inventory, transportation, and additional machinery.
In recent years rapid prototyping (RP) processes have been implemented in a variety of
applications and disciplines such as architecture, automobile design, aerospace and
medical industries. RP processes are capable of fabricating complex structures, as shown
in Fig. 1. However, RP systems today are not suitable for fabrication of larger scale parts.
A special RP technology developed at the University of Southern California (USC) is
Contour Crafting, which was introduced at the 19th International Symposium on
Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC) in 2002. CC technology adapts RP
capabilities and extends them to the field of large scale construction. As in other RP
methods, in Contour Crafting (CC) material is added layer by layer according to a
computer control sequence.

Figure 1: A complex geometry (Hagia

Sophia in Istanbul) fabricated by a RP


Contour Crafting (CC) is an advanced building printing technology being researched by
Behrokh Khoshnevis of the University of Southern Californias in the Viterbi School of
engineering that uses a computer-controlled crane to build homes rapidly and efficiently
with substantially less manual labor. It was originally designed as a method to construct
molds for industrial parts. Khoshnevis decided to adapt the technology for rapid home
construction as a way to rebuild homes after natural disasters, like the devastating
earthquakes. Using a quick setting, concrete-like material, contour crafting forms the
walls of houses layer by layer until floors and ceilings are set in place by the crane. This
great concept calls for the insertion of structural components, air conditioning, plumbing,
wiring, utilities, and even consumer devices like audiovisual systems as the layers are


built. It is based on printing the building layer by layer using special material ejection.
This method promises an automated construction process that is safe, fast and reliable. 3d
printing helps us make one step further towards lean principles by minimizing waste in
construction duration and increasing error proofing through activity automation.
Furthermore, it guarantees an evolution in building textures that increases the quality of
life for its residents without having a negative impact on public safety and welfare.6 This
has a great potential in automated construction of whole structures as well as
Using this process, a single house or a colony of houses, each with possibly a different
design, may be automatically constructed in a single run. Tool path planning and
optimization benefits the technology by increasing the efficiency of construction of
complicated structures. CC can automatically construct custom-designed structures by
repeatedly laying down construction material. CC has the capability to fabricate with
thick layers using various materials and without compromising surface quality unlike
other automation methods.

Material feed barrel Side trowel


Top trowel Side


Figure 2: Simple Historical Construction Tools Figure 3: Contour crafting process

In CC, computer control is used to take advantage of the superior surface forming
capability of troweling to create smooth and accurate, planar and free-form surfaces. The
layering approach enables the creation of various surface shapes using fewer different
troweling tools than in traditional plaster handwork and sculpting. It is a hybrid method
that combines an extrusion process for forming the object surfaces and a filling process
(pouring or injection) to build the object core. As shown in Figure 3, the extrusion nozzle
has a top and a side trowel. As the material is extruded, the e traversal of the trowels


creates smooth outer and top surfaces on the layer. The side trowel can be deflected to
create non-orthogonal surfaces. The extrusion process builds s only the outside edges
(rims) of each layer of the object. After complete extrusion of each closed section of a
given layer, if needed filler material such as concrete can be poured to fill the area
defined by the extruded rims. Some internal walls can be extruded within each layer to
create square hatches or other types of hatches(see Figure). The hatching process may be
required for large objects, since setting or curing can start before the filler material gets a
chance to spread over the entire surface of the layer.
However, when hatching is used, each of the small hatches is filled separately, which
because of their small size allows more control over the spreading and curing of the filler
material. Hatching can also accelerate the forming process because it provides for
concurrent extrusion and filling (i.e., as the extrusion nozzle creates new hatches,
previously made hatches can be filled).

The machine consists of a trowel rotation system, and a vertical extrusion head capable of
linear motion along three coordinate axes. The trowel rotation mechanism consists of a
bevel gear, and a connector.The connection mechanism allows the raw material to flow
continuously from the cylinder to nozzle, and can rotate the extrusion system without
disturbing the material flow while fabricating complex curves.The extrusion system
consists of a top and side trowel, a cylinder that contains the raw material, and a piston
and a threaded feed rod that extrudes the raw material through a nozzle. The process
utilizes a Programmable Multi-Axis Controller (PMAC), a high-performance servo
motion controller, capable of controlling up to eight axes of motion (Delta Tau Data
Systems, 1996 a, b). The eight axes can be all synchronized for completely coordinated
motion; each axis can be put into its own coordinate system for eight completely
independent operations; any intermediate arrangement of axes into coordinate systems is
also possible. Limit switches are used to restrict motion to specified limits.


Figure 4: Creation of internal Figure 5: Close view of a nozzle

5.1 Single Nozzle
The extrusion process forms the smooth object surface by constraining the extruded flow
in the vertical and horizontal directions by the use of trowels. A schematic view of
extrusion using a single nozzle is shown on the left side of Figure 6. The orientation of
the side-trowel is dynamically cha nged for better surface fit for each decomposed layer.
The side-trowel allows thicker material deposition while maintaining high surface finish.
Thicker material deposition cuts down fabrication time, which is essential for building
large-scale parts by using the additive process
. 5.2 Multi Nozzle
On a compound nozzle assembly concurrent extrusion of two wall sides and filling of the
previously built layer may be performed. As the extrusion nozzle moves according to the
predefined material deposition path of each layer, the rims (smooth outer and top surface
of outside edges) are first created. The troweled outer surface of each layer determines
the surface finish quality of the object. The smooth top surface of each layer is also
important for building a strong bond with the next layer above. Once the boundaries of
each layer are created, the filling process begins and material is poured or injected to fill
the internal volume.

Figure 6: Single nozzle Figure 7: Multi nozzle



The analysis deals about the ability to physically realize the task by specifying the trowel
path, trowel/nozzle orientation, and nozzle flow control. At this level the constraints
include collision avoidance of trowel/nozzle assembly with previously built portion of the
structure, and minimization of layering imperfections (such as bulges, gaps and cracks).
Again, we can potentially reduce these constraints to geometric reasoning problems by
breaking each layering into smaller segments and then analyzing each segment. To
extrude layers of more thickness, the volume of material extruded by the nozzle should
be proportional to the speed at which the nozzle is displaced. Also, as the nozzle moves
and extrudes, the trowel orientation must be tangent to the layering path at all times in
order to form smooth surfaces. For straight or smoothly curved segments trowel
orientation adjustments should be readily achievable.

Figure 8: Motion System Of The CC Machine

6.1 Reasoning About Corners

When the trowel reaches a corner it must change its orientation to be tangent to the
opposite side of that corner. At such times the nozzle stops extruding as the trowel rotates
and pushes the extruded material from the opposite edge. However, the push-in technique
tends to create bulges around sharp acute corners because of excess material. The nozzle
has to reduce its flow rate as it approaches the corner and the exact amount of material
reduction can be computed based on the angle of the corner and geometry of the nozzle.


7.1 Workability
The ease of placing,consolidating and finishing freshly mixed concrete and the degree to
which it resists segregation is called workability.The workability on 3D printed concrete
is a crictical factor on CC.The layers first poured have to support the layers that will be
poured sequentially but also cannot cure very fast causing bond problems between the
7.2 Extrudability
Extrudability refers to the ability to transport the fresh concrete through a hopper and
pumping system to a nozzle where it must be extruded as a continous filament.The
concrete mixture in this process need to have a good extrudability rate,otherwise it is
going to create concrete clog points inside the 3D printing machine,causing delays and
maintainance necessity.It is known for every proffessional on construction that once you
start pouring concrete you should stop when the labour is done.
7.3 Curing
Curing is the process in which the concrete is protected from loss of moisture and kept
within a reasonable temperature range. This process results in concrete with increased
strength and decreased permeability. Curing is also a key player in mitigating cracks, wh
ich can severely affect durability.Due to the fact that CC construction has accelerated
rhythm, its curing must be speeded up as well. However, this high velocity should not be
too fast to the point of harming the bond between the layers. To reach this precise curing
speed, many techniques may be used, for example thermal and chemical ones.
7.4 Mixture
Concrete is a mixture of several components in certain proportions which goes by the
name of concrete mix design on construction language .The mix ranges depends on the
application necessities.The mixture designs for 3D printed concrete are not cheap or easy
to come up with. Many researches going on in the CC area are committed to study and
improve the mix designs. Therefore, the perspective is to decrease the cost of the
materials. For example, usually, the size of the aggregates should not be over 2 mm, and
most part of the times, additives like superplasticizer, retarder, accelerator, and
polypropylene fibers are needed, and they are very expensive. Through several trial and
error experiments, a mixture characteristic found to be suitable for the new CC machine
is as follows;(1lb =4.309kg)


Type II hydraulic Plastic Portland cement: 9.5 lb

Sand: 10.5 lb
Plasticizer: 0.8 lb
Water: 4.8 lb
7.5 Strength
Compressive strength may be defined as the measured maximum resistance of a concrete
specimen to axial loading. It is generally expressed in megapascals (mpa) or pounds per
square inch (psi) at an age of 28 days(1 mpa=145.038psi). As all the other kinds of
concrete, the printed concrete must be able to hold the weight of the structure. In this
point, the printed concrete has shown an excellent strength average rate. It is due the
small size of the aggregates, causing a reduction of voids in the concrete. Lesser the
number of voids, higher the compressive strength rate.

Once the machine parameters have been defined, cost of deposition for each wall
segment can be calculated according to its geometrical information. Cost of traveling
between the edges is related to the cost of moving between the vertices and the cost of
rotation along the edges. This cost can be estimated according to the relevant position of
edges. The total construction can be evaluated once a tool path has been defined. Each
edge has two end points; therefore, there are a total of four possible traveling costs from
one edge to another edge. Since the nozzle of the Contour Crafting machine has to orient
itself to be perpendicular to the tangent of the wall segment, the nozzle may need to be
re-oriented when traveling between edges. For example, in order to construct a corner,
the nozzle must rotate 90 between the constructions of two wall segments.


With growing concerns,regarding what are considered environment friendly methods and
materials,any new method of construction must take environmental concerns under
consideration. Simply saving on construction cost is not enough to justify the new use of
system. Contour crafting must have the potential of being employed as a sustainable
alternative to traditional methods of construction with regards to carbon emission,
embodied energy, life cycle costs and the use of recycled materials. While a specific
integrated approach is required for any building to be less hazardous to environment as


compared to other approaches, the method of construction chosen has a great impact on
sustainability of any project. While no construction method can be considered as
inherently sustainable, there are practices considered more sustainable than others. In
order to further understand the sustainability potential in contour crafting in application to
single family housing it was reviewed using the USGBC, LEED (United States Green
Building council,Leadership in Energy and Environment Design)for homes point system
published in 2008 as a guideline. LEED was selected as a baseline since the guidelines
set by LEED have become the current accepted international standard for defining
sustainable building practices. Contour crafting reduces the amount of time spent on site
thereby reducing the negative environmental impact of prolonged construction. Concerns
such as silt and runoff due to disturbed topsoil are reduced notably through diminished
exposure to weather before being permanently reset into the landscape.Since workers are
needed on the site for less time and they must travel to the site less and more efficient the
construction process becomes. The amount of waste generated on site also reduces as CC
process only mixes the cement and polymer right before the application. However due to
the nature of contour crafting and requirements necessary for the construction process to
be effective, other areas of LEED for homes became affected through the use of CC.

Contour Crafting technology is relatively straight forward and simple. The significant
benefits of Contour Crafting are short construction times, no human workers, cheaper
cost and flexible of materials. These characteristics gave researches several brilliant
Application in constructions
Commercial applications
Low income housing
Space colonies
Emergency housing
10.1 Applications In Construction
A single house or a colony of houses, each with possibly a different design can be
automatically constructed in a single run using Contour Crating technology.
Conventional structures can be built by integrating the CC machine with a support beam


picking and positioning arm and adobe structures. It may be built without external
support elements using shape features.
Design Flexibility: The process allows architects to design structures with functional
and exotic architect geometries that are dicult to realize using the current manual
construction practice.
Multiple Materials: Various materials for outside surfaces and as fillers between
surfaces may be used in CC. The quantity of each material may be controlled by
computer and correlated to various regions of the geometry of the structure being built.
Paint Ready Surfaces: The quality of surface finish in Contour Crafting is independent
of the size of the nozzle orifice. Sand, gravel, reinforcement fiber and other applicable
materials available locally are mixed and extruded through the CC nozzle. The surface
quality in CC is such that no further surface preparation would be needed for painting
10.1.1 Automated Reinforcement
Robotic modular embedding of steel mesh reinforcement into each layer may be devised.
The three simple modular components may be delivered by an automated feeding system
that deposits and assembles them between the two rims of each layer of walls built by
Contour Crafting. A 3D mesh can be built for columns. The mesh will follow the
geometry of the structure. It is possible to feed glass or carbon fiber tows through the CC
nozzle to form continuous reinforcement consolidated with the matrix materials to be

Figure 9: Automated reinforcement


10.1.2 Automated Tiling Of Floors And Walls:Automated tiling can be integrated by

robotically delivering and spreading the material for adhesion of tiles to floor or walls.
Another arm can then pick the tiles from a sack and place it over the area treated with the
adhesive material.

Figure 10 : Automated tiling

10.1.3 Automated Plumbing

Contour Crafting based construction system has the potential to build utility conduits
within the wall. For plumbing after fabrication of several wall layers,a segment of any
material pipe is attached through the constructed conduits into the lower segment already
installed. The robotic system delivers the new pipe segment and in case of copper pipes
having heater element in the form of ring. The inside or outside rim of each pipe segment
is pretreated with a layer of solder. The heater ring heats the connection area, melts the
solder and once the alignment is made bonds the two pipe segments.
The needed components may be pre-arranged in a tray or magazine for easy pick up by
the robotic assembly system. Using this components various plumbing networks may be
automatically imbedded in the structure.

Figure 11: Automated plumbing


10.1.4 Automated Electrical And Communication Line Wiring

A modular approach similar to industrial bus-bars may be used for automating electrical
and communication line wiring used in Contour Crafting. The modules have conductive
segments of power and communication lines imbedded in electrically non-conductive
materials. All modules are capable of being robotically fed and connected. The automated
construction system could properly position the outside access modules behind the
corresponding openings on the wall.

Figure 12: Automated wiring

10.1.5 Automated Painting

During layer wise construction of wall a spray painting robotic manipulator attached to
the CC main structure will paint each wall according to the specification. The painting
mechanism may be a spray nozzle or inject printer head.
10.2 Commercial Application
The cost of construction includes huge amounts of material waste, labour problems and
uneconomical building design. Conventional construction is not eco-friendly, it produce
air, water and noise pollution. Hundreds of thousands of people injured or killed annually
at construction field. Contour Crafting make robots do the risky work preventing any
kind of human injuries. It has lessen the harmful impacts. Since materials will be
precisely measured prior to construction, there will be no material waste. It will produce
less pollution than the conventional method. In the end when the people use CC, the
commercial industry will not be restricted by inecient costs and human labor.
10.3 Low-Income Housing
The population is growing faster than ever. Population in developing countries re
growing five times faster than those of developed countries. They do not have residence
or money to afford such population boom. Slums form because the countrys rate of


urbanization is too slow to accommodate all poor citizens. The cheap and rapid
characteristics of CC provides a solution since a fully functional house can be made in
less than one day. By using this technology developing countries will be able to solve
housing problems of the current and future population.
10.4 Emergency Housing
The people are prone to some kind of emergency due to war, natural disasters or
economic crisis.So many peoples are suffering from these problems.So the best option for
them is a home.The house should be cost effective, good quality with proper facilities.
The CC creates a fully functional house including pumping and heating within a day.
10.5 Space Colonies
Contour Crafting is the best solution for any extraterrestrial construction that NASA
approved. Scientists are already using tremendous amounts of money on shipping
research machines from earth to another planet.They need to minimize the cost on the
actual construction. Astronauts do not have much labor power and time to construct
building by themselves. Sending construction materials from earth is too expensive and
inecient to carryout. By using lunar Contour Crafting, there is no need for human labor.


11.1 Cost
Conventional Construction: In the traditional method, there is a high cost of production
because of the quantity of materials, labour and time. In addition, sometimes it becomes
even higher due to the complexity of projects. For example, during extreme weather
conditions, the construction process has to slow down significantly because of the
employees incapacity to work in these conditions, which would not affect a CC machine.
Delays on projects execution raise costs.
CC Method: Contour Crafting is an alternative that can decrease about four times of the
construction cost because of its simplicity, materials saving and short time productivity
(10 houses in one day, for example). In addition, it can give more liberty to design
projects that might be easily done without much difference (in terms of cost and
feasibility) from simple projects.
11.2 Labour


Conventional Method: Besides being one of the most hazardous industry, construction
nowadays has become overpast because it still depends mainly on the man force. One of
the challenges of Civil Construction industry today is to find well-qualified workers
because most of them still need to be trained, causing additional costs and schedule
delays. In addition, its labor is very expensive because of the big number of workers that
it brings to the construction site.
CC Method: The great advantage of this technology is the use of few workers at the
construction site. Only specialized people (computer and management skills) would be
required to operate the machine. Due to this fact, not only men would be able to work in
construction, but women and elderly people as well. In conclusion, CC machine does not
get tired, does not give excuses of failures, and does not need to be trained. In contrast, it
might work 24 hours a day, thus it speeds up the job schedule.
11.3 Safety
Conventional Method: Construction industry is the most hazardous of major industries.
One of five worker deaths in 2013 were in construction, according to the United States
Department of Labor. The causes of deaths were falls, followed by struck by object,
electrocution, and caught in between. Every time that a mega construction is being built,
the human loss is very high. For example, the construction of Hoover dam (in the
Colorado River) took life of more than a hundred of workers.
CC Method: With Contour Crafting, work injuries and fatalitiy rate are reduced to zero
because of the very safe method of construction. As it has a low number of workers and a
computer executes almost everything, it does not bring any danger to the construction
11.4 Sustainability
Conventional Method: This method is very harmful to the environment. First, it pollutes
the environment. Second, it also emits many harmful toxic materials, which are
dangerous for the whole environment (soil, air, people and animals), such as dust.
Finally, the number of waste materials is very high. Usually, the quantity of materials
used to make a building could easily be enough to build one more building, but the
wastage does not make it possible.
CC Method: Due to its accuracy, Contour Crafting technology provides construction
without waste, being considered as environmental friendly and a sustainable process,
consequently. In addition, it does not make any noise, besides of being a fast process. It


uses less material, less energy for all construction activities and less transportation of
material, equipment, and people.
11.5 Productivity
Conventional Method: Construction today can last months, and even years. It is liable to
schedule delays and work failures. For example, when the concrete is poured, it cannot be
stopped until the job is finished, forcing workers to spend a long time at the construction
site, which causes loss of productivity because human beings get tired. In addition, the
use of formwork is a big factor that causes delay in jobs flow because it requires a lot of
labor to work with forms.
CC Method: With Contour Crafting, 10 houses can be built in a single day, or even more.
This method does not use formwork, which is a shortcut in the construction time.
Computers execute everything in the construction, so it might be as much as 50 times
faster than conventional method. In addition, this method is very accurate to execute its
assigned commands, so it is able to make its jobs faster.


Financing 20-25% Short project Length& Control Over Marketing
Materials 25-30% Negligible wastage,No Requirement of Formwork

Labour 50-75% Automation of Construction

Cost Savings In Contour Crafting Compared To Conventional Construction


Chart no: 1 Number and Rate of Fatal Occupational Injuries, by Industry Sector,

Chart no.2 Comparison chart showing Chart no.3 comparison chart showing
cost efficiency and speed of CO2 emission and embodied energy
construction for concrete masonry and contour



12.1 Experiment
To fabricate a concrete wall of specified dimensions

0.75 inch

6 inch

2 feet

Concrete form

Figure 13: Schematic view of target concrete

Figure 14: CC nozzle
12.2 CC Nozzle
To fabricate the target geometry a new CC nozzle system was designed and integrated
with a new CC machine. Unlike previous designs, the new CC nozzle is equipped with
dual trowels to control both the internal and external surface finish of the extruded rims.
The nozzle assembly is offset 70mm (2.75) from the flow center of the extrusion system
To fabricate the rounded ends, extrusion in the X-direction is stopped and the assembly is
rotated 180 degrees. With this configuration the Y axis is not used, hence reducing the
machine complexity at the cost of being limited to fabrication of straight wall sections
12.3 Mortar Strength
Cylinders Compressive strength (PSI)
Specimen 1 2,786
Specimen 2 2,830
Specimen 3 2,606
Mean 2,741
Table 2. Results of testing compressive strength


To verify its early compressive strength, three cylindrical test specimens, 5 cm X 10 cm

(2 X 4) were made and cured for 7 days in room temperature. Tests were conducted at
USCs Civil Engineering structural testing laboratory with the results shown in Table 2.
The results indicated that the compressive strength of thee test specimens were both
consistent and adequate for their use as a permanent structural component of the finished
concrete wall.
12.4 Fabrication
The mortar mixture was prepared using power drill driven mixing paddles and was loaded
into the material carrying tank, shown in Figure 15. The velocity of the extrusion system
in the horizontal direction was set to 20 mm/sec with stabilized continuous extrusion flow
from the CC nozzle assembly. Initial extrusion flow is discarded until the flow is
stabilized and the system starts its fabrication. Once an entire batch of the mortar mixture
loaded inside the material carrying tank is used up, the CC system pauses until another
batch of mortar is loaded and the extrusion continues to form the remaining concrete
form. A batch of mortar is consumed in approximately 10 minutes and yields a concrete
form approximately 64 mm (2.5) high. To complete the target geometry shown in
Figure13, nine batches were needed. The final concrete form fabricated by the CC system
exceeded a height of 60 cm (2 feet)

Figure 15: CC machine used for fabricating the concrete wall

12.5 Lateral Pressure On Concrete Form

The function of the concrete form is to contain freshly poured concrete in a contained
mold until the placed concrete sets. Lateral pressure against the concrete form is a
function of the height and mass of the poured concrete; the pressure is not affected by the


wall thickness. The following is a standard formula widely used as a design guide for
vertical formwork based on ACI standard 347:
Where: P = Lateral pressure
W = Unit weight of fresh concrete
H= Depth of fresh concrete
These are design guides for wall concrete for work. The actual pressures may vary. Note
that reliable data is difficult to obtain in published references when the pour rate is less
than 1 ft / hr.
For CC applications, pour rates less than 13 cm/hour (5/hour) will allow erection of a
3m (10 feet) tall concrete wall without using special high strength form materials.
Once concrete inside the form hardens, pressure is no longer generated below the level
of fresh concrete.
Wait until the concrete hardens completely since even partially cured concrete generates
minimal lateral pressure on the form.

Figure 16: Placing of concrete

Figure 17: Pouring of concrete layer by layer

Figure 16 illustrates the concrete pouring process.

The bottom cross -hatched section represents concrete which has been cured for one
The cured concrete produces minimal lateral pressure on the form but the exact value
was difficult to quantify in our experiments. Data was not available in the available
literature; therefore, a simple test was devised to validate the strength capability of the
form. Figure 17 shows the test bed.


A batch of concrete was poured to a height of 13 cm (5). The second batch was poured
on top of the first batch after one hour without problems.
The test procedure, if repeated 24 times, will result in the erection of a 10 feet high
conventional concrete wall in 24 hours. Ten feet is a standard height for concrete
walls in residential housing construction.
12.6 Results
Concrete was manually poured into the extruded form in 13 cm incremental depths (one
hour intervals) to a final height of 60 cm (2ft).
Figure 18 shows the finished wall.
The compressive strength of this wall will vary depending on the type of concrete chosen.
Concrete pouring in this demonstration, however, has been independent of the extrusion
forming process. With more experimentation, the filling process can be synchronized
with the extrusion process. The coupling of these two processes will depend on many
factors including extrusion rate, pour rate, and cure time and strength requirements. In the
next generation CC system, the mechanical assembly for continuous concrete pouring
will be integrated into the CC extrusion nozzle assembly.

Figure 18: concrete wall made by cc machine

The original robotics approach proposed for Contour Crafting is depicted in Figure 19.
This approach uses a gantry robot that has to be large enough to build an entire house
within its operating envelope and lays one continuous bead for each layer. Such an


approach is not without its attractions, but it requires a large amount of site preparation
and a large robot structure.

Figure 19: CC using a gantry robotics approach Figure 20: CC using coordinated mobile
robots for construction and other
auxiliary activities

An alternative robotics approach for CCC is the use of an inverted Stuart Platform
system, such as the one developed at the US National Institute of Standards and
Technology and named RoboCrane (see Figure 19). Application of RoboCrane in CCC is
currently under study by researchers at NIST. In this project a concrete delivery system is
devised and used in conjunction with a CC nozzle installed on the RoboCrane platform.
Ease of transport and installation are the major advantages of this approach.

Figure 21: CC using mobile robots

A third alternative robotics approach involves the coordinated action of multiple mobile
robots. The mobile robotics approach depicted in Figure 21, has several advantages
including ease of transportation. and setup, the possibility of concurrent construction
where multiple robots work on various sections of the structure to be constructed, the
possibility of scalable deployment (in number) of equipment, and the possibility of


construction of structures with unlimited foot print. In this arrangement various mobile
robots performing various activities such as fabrication, plumbing, electrical work, etc.
work in coordination.
A CC Mobile Robot may use a conventional joint structure, as shown in Figure 21, and be
equipped with material tanks as well as material delivery pump and pipes. The end
effectors of the robot could carry a CC nozzle that can reach from ground level all the
way to the top of a wall. If the mobile robot arm could be made of a rigid structure,
position sensing at the end effecter may not be necessary. Instead, a position sensor (e.g.,
a laser tracker) may be mounted at a fixed location, and the related retro reflectors may be
installed on each mobile robot base. In this configuration, the robot does not engage in
fabrication while moving. Once it reaches a pre defined post (called mobile platform
post), it anchors itself by extending some solid rods from its bottom. Then it starts the
fabrication from the last point fabricated while at the previous post. This arrangement is
routinely practiced in some industrial applications such as robotic welding of large parts,
such as in ship building.
13.1 Roof Construction
Roof construction may or may not need support beams. Supportless structures such as
domes and vaults may be built by all of the above robotics approaches. For planar roofs,
beams may be used. Under each beam a thin panel may be attached to sustain the roof
construction material delivered by the CC nozzle. In the mobile robotics approach the
beams may be picked and positioned on the structure by two robots working
collaboratively, each being positioned on the opposite sides outside of the structure.
Delivery of roof material becomes challenging with mobile robots and may be done by a
robot inside the structure. This robot may progressively deliver the material over the
beam panels as each beam is placed on the roof. For the last few beams this robot could
exit the structure and perform the material delivery from outside. An alternative approach
for beam positioning and roof material delivery, which may be used in conjunction with
the mobile robotics approach, is the use of the NIST RoboCrane system. RoboCrane may
be installed on a conventional crane as shown in the lower part of Figure 22(the top part
of this figure shows the RoboCrane moving an actual steel beam.)


Figure 22: Robocrane for roof construction


14.1 Extra Terrestrial Construction Using Contour Crafting By NASA
As interest in space exploration increases, human beings are to return to Moon and land
on Mars in the future. To carry out experiments and live a longer time on extraterrestrial
planets, permanent habitats are needed to shield heat, cold, cosmic rays and meteorite
impact. Due to negligible lunar atmosphere or scarce Martian atmosphere, spaceship
landing and launching off will cause frozen ice crystal from the fuel and gravels flying at
a fast speed far away. from radiation and micrometeorites and roads are needed to transfer
the landers between the landing pads and the hangars. Most proposals for construction on
Moon and Mars are based on transporting structural elements from Earth and assembling
them at the destination. Such approach is expensive and infeasible for large-scale
implementation. This approach is based on the use of in-situ material and digital
fabrication techniques to construct the infrastructure elements. Intense research has been
carried out in In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) and specifically lunar regolith
characteristics have been extensively studied. In our research we are exploring the
possibilities of using sulfur based concrete and molten regolith as construction materials
to be processed by Contour Crafting.


Figure 23: A Contour Crafting robot is shown here printing a road in front of a parabolic hangar
structure housing a lunar Lander. In the background can be seen a plant intended for processing
regolith that will be used in the construction process

Figure 24: A Contour Crafting robot, housed on an 'ATHLETE' rover, is shown here printing a
parabolic vault structure out of processed regolith. The structure is intended to house a
lunarlander or other equipment, and is unpressurized. The parabolic form has been adopted,
because it is structurally efficient and lends itself to the Contour Crafting mode of
construction. In the background can be seen an array of solar panels intended to supply power
to the robot.

14.1.1 Site Selection:

Site selection for lunar Lander sortie operations is of the utmost importance. A strategic
Location will provide several advantages. They include:


Least fuel expenditure (depending on landing site altitude)

Terrain character plains vs. highlands, bedrock vs. loose regolith
Steady surface/terrain temperature
14.1.2 Infrastructure Elements
The following are the originally proposed structures that were being considered for
building using a CC system and employing ISRU materials at the D-RATS field test and
simulation site. A Lunar Landing Pad And Blast Apron:
The landing pad surface could potentially be patterned to diffuse the high thrust loads of
about 40MT and severe heat imparted on it by the descent engines. A blast apron to
curtail eject is also needed to keep hazardous projectiles from striking/damaging high
value assets in the vicinity (3-5km) of the landing zone. A Dust-Free Stabilized Road From The Landing Pad To Habitat Zone:
It is well known that lunar dust will hamper buildup as well as routine activities around
the settlement. Therefore all dust prevention measures are being evaluated. Again, lunar
CC application may provide an option to pattern a dust-free platform that traps, repels and
thus ameliorates dust transport to the habitat zone and contamination of lunar settlement
interiors. Thermal Shade Walls And Protective Micrometeorite (Mm) Shields:
Once the habitat components are assembled, in order to operate it at optimum safety and
energy efficiency, the complex must be covered with a suitable mm shield that will also
regulate thermal control. Patterns, louvers and other openings will be built into the
surface of this protective enclosure to facilitate thermal regulation during lunar solar
diurnal cycle. A Communication And Observation Tower:
Since the high ground provides a better view, especially in the lunar case where the
horizon is just 3km away, an observation tower for a suite of cameras and
communications equipment has been suggested in earlier studies. A tower may also be
located high enough to be able to directly observe lunar Lander operations.
14.1.3 Infrastructure
Initial requirements for infrastructure will be landing pads, landing aprons and blast walls
for protection of equipment or resources close to the landing sites. Unless fortuitous
naturally protected sites are located from data being scoured currently, research stations
or settlements will need to be further away from the landing path to avoid damage from

rocket ejects and secondary hyper-energetic regolith projectiles. This will require
construction of roads, dust-free platforms, shade walls, equipment storage hangars and
radiation and meteorite protection shelters. All of the above infrastructure can be built
from regolith and other ISRU materials utilizing several methods of robotic fabrication
investigated in this proposed study. Maximizing ISRU using robotic construction
technology as an enabler is the prime driver for this architecture. Several construction
tasks will be necessary to achieve safe and productive conditions for extended human
presence at extraterrestrial sites.
14.1.4 Materials And Processes For Construction
CC Technology Using Sulfur Concrete
Creation of sulfur-based concrete is fairly straightforward once sulfur is extracted from
regolith. As shown in the top portion of Figure 25, sulfur concrete is made of about 80%
regolith and 20% sulfur. Contour Crafting structures using sulfur concrete requires
mixing the two components and then extruding the dry mix through a CC nozzle barrel
that is heated to 130 C, the melting temperature of sulfur. Sulfur concrete structures can
have a compressive strength of 3000 psi which is higher than the strength of most
ordinary hydraulic concrete structures, such as those built with concrete blocks.

Figure 25: Sulfur, sand, sulfur/sand mix Figure 26: Experimental machine for
yielding sulfur concrete extrusion testing of sulfur concrete


On Earth, sulfur concrete is a relatively new construction material compared with

hydraulic concrete. To use sulfur concrete, aggregates is mixed with sulfur powder and
then is heated up to around 1300C then is cooled down to ambient temperature. The
cooled down mix has a compressive strength as high as 17.24 MPa (2500 psi). Sulfur
concrete cures faster than hydraulic concrete, and achieves 90% of its final strength
within 6 hours. Sulfur concrete is more resistant to acidic and salt and hence it has been
made into sewage pipes especially in food processing industries. Sulfur concrete also has
better properties under large temperature cycles. The aggregate in our experiments is
washed dry sand1 with a grain size below 1 mm, similar size distribution to that of JSC-
1A. Loosely compressed sand has a specific gravity of 1.64g/cm3, and that for regolith
simulant is 1.73g/cm3, and for sulfur and sand mixture is 1.68g/cm3. Both sand and
regolith simulant grains are irregular, and the chemical composition does not affect the
binding strength.
14.2 Winsun Constructions, China
In China, a company named Win Sun Decoration Design Engineering has built ten 3D
printed houses entirely out of recycled materials in less than 24 hours. The printer used
for this purpose was assembled by importing its parts from overseas. It measures 32
meters long by 10 meters wide and is 6.6 meters in height. The printer is capable of
printing houses having a plan area of about 200sq.m. The materials used for construction
included a mixture of industrial wastes and other inexpensive materials. The construction
task was fully automated and there was no requirement of labour at all. The approximate
cost for construction of each unit was under 5000 USD, which is quite an achievement for
a relatively new construction process

Figure 27: Houses built by winsun constructions


1. Due to its size and weight, the machine has to be attached to another machine that
would be able to move it.
2. The difficulties of the environment. How these machines would surpass the issues of
the environment, such as unleveled ground, weather impacts, etc. There are some
researches with great ideas to improve this issue, such as a machine suspended by
cables oriented by a Cartesian system
3. The cost is still an obstacle to develop this technology because of its recent discovery.
The maintenance fees for these machines are also very expensive. If CC development
had more support from sponsors, maybe it could be developed faster.
4. The great challenge of the construction industry will be adapting to the transition
between conventional construction and CC method. One of the CC technology
limitations are the fact that it is not compatible with conventional design.
Our planet is running out of raw material, due to its irresponsible use by people. Contour
Crafting is an environments friend because it wastes no material at all. In addition, it
does not bring noise, dust or make harmful emissions to the environment. All the major
industries of the world work mostly with automated systems, except construction
industry. However, it has inevitably changed, and Contour Crafting is a potential agent of
this transition.
India is one of the fast developing nations of the world which is facing an acute shortage
of space due to major population migrating towards the big cities in search for jobs and
better living. As a result of this various redevelopment projects are being undertaken in
the mega cities. But with the use of conventional techniques the rate of construction is
very slow to match the demand for space and moreover the harm to the environment due
to these construction practices is very alarming. Also the rate of construction is bound by
the economy as the cost involved in the redevelopment and city expansion projects is
huge. But with the advent of contour crafting technology, all of these shortcomings can be
mitigated if given a broad platform in our country. This paves the way for complete
mechanization in the industry and what better example than this technology would be
needed to provide the onset for it.


The world has walked more and more in destination to automated systems. In the future,
computers will make all the processes of major industries. It also includes construction
industry. There will be a time when all the steps of buildings will be performed by
machines. For example, design, plumbing, reinforcement, and electrical systems would be
made by CC technology Another point of Contour Crafting is that it has a great
productivity, building houses in a matter of hours, without wasting any material. In
addition, its cost can be much lower than the conventional method cost because CC uses
less workers and materials. This new technology is an environmental friend, which does
not pollute or cause any evil effect to our environment. However, even with all its
benefits, Contour Crafting has some challenges to overcome. First, CC developers should
study how this technology would be managed at a construction site. Second, it is
necessary to see how people would react to this transition between conventional method
of construction (many workers, wasting and fatalities) and the automated construction
method (less workers, wasting and more safety). Finally, the great challenge is to
overcome the current cost barrier of this technology. The authors believe that the more
this technology is developed, the cheaper it will become to be applied in the reality.


1. Crafting Large Prototypes - IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine,September 2011
2. Extraterrestrial Construction Using Contour Crafting ,Behrokh Khoshnevis,
Professor ( Jing Zhang, PhD Candidate (
Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Southern California,August 15,2012
3. Automated Construction Using Contour Crafting ,B Khoshnevis, h. Kwon, and s.
Bukkapatnam Industrial And Systems Engineering, University Of Southern
California Los Angeles,2010
4. Contour Crafting Simulation Plan For Lunar Settlement Infrastructure Build-Up NIAC
Phase-I Final Project Report October 2012,B. Khoshnevis, A. Carlson, N. Leach
And M. Thangavelu
5. Toward Total Automation of On-Site Construction - An Integrated Approach based
on Contour Crafting Berok Khoshnevis, Professor D. J. Epstein Department of
Industrial & Systems Engineering University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA
6. Concrete Wall Fabrication By Contour Crafting Dooil Hwang And Behrokh
Khoshnevis Daniel J. Epstein Department Of Industrial & Systems Engineering
University Of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089
7. International Journal Of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-
0181 IJERTV4IS080593 Www.Ijert.Org (This Work Is Licensed Under A Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.) Vol. 4 Issue 08, August-
2015,Gabriel Fernandes / Lucas Feitosa ,Department Of Civil & Environmental
Engineering Howard University,Washington DC, United States
8. Journal Of The International Association Of Advanced Technology And Science
Automated Costruction By Contour Crafting ,Piyush Sharma ,Department Of Civil
Engineering, Dronacharya College Of Engineering
9. International Journal Of Research In Advent Technology (E-ISSN: 2321-9637)
Special Issue National Conference Vishwacon'16, 19 March 2016 22 Contour
Crafting A Potential Revolution In The Construction Industry.


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