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SOLs: Reading
2.10 The student will demonstrate comprehension of information in reference
a) Use table of contents. b) Use pictures, captions, and charts.
2.9 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts.
a) Preview the selection using text features.
b) Make and confirm predictions about the main idea.
c) Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.
d) Set purpose for reading.
e) Ask and answer questions about what is read.
f) Locate information to answer questions.
g) Identify the main idea.
2.7 The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
a) Use knowledge of homophones.
b) Use knowledge of prefixes and suffixes.
c) Use knowledge of antonyms and synonyms.
d) Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening and reading a
variety of texts.
e) Use vocabulary from other content areas.
2.6 The student will use semantic clues and syntax to expand vocabulary when reading.
a) Use information in the story to read words.
b) Use knowledge of sentence structure.
c) Use knowledge of story structure and sequence.
d) Reread and self-correct.
2.5 The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling.
a) Use knowledge of consonants, consonant blends, and consonant digraphs to
decode and spell words.
b) Use knowledge of short, long, and r-controlled vowel patterns to decode and
spell words.
c) Decode regular multisyllabic words.
Intro of new book
What is the title of this new book?
Looking at the picture on the front cover, what do you think this book
might be about?
Why do you think he is dressed that way?
What is a detective?
A person who solves mysteries or crimes
What other character do you see on the front cover and what is it doing?
What feeling does the cat give the picture?
How many names were on the front cover of Frog and Toad Together?
Why are there two names on the front cover of Nate the Great

Case - a mystery or crime for a detective to solve
Fang - a long sharp tooth
Rubbers - waterproof shoes made out of rubber (Rubber boots)
Trapdoor - a hidden door
Secret passage - a hidden way to get in or out of a building or other place
Pg 7
Who is telling this story?
How do you know?
Pg 9
What case is Nate trying to solve?
Does he speak in long or short sentences?
Why do you think he does this?
Do you think a detective talks in a soft, worried voice, or a strong, Im-in-charge
Have student reread pg 9 in a detective voice
Read last three lines on pg 11 and first two lines on pg 12, whats going on here?
Pg 12
What does nate do when he starts a case?
Pg 13
Why is nate getting dressed up funny?
While nate is using his imagination to be a grown-up detective, what clues do we
have that he is still a kid?
Find a sentence on pg 12-13 that shows us that he is still a kid
Pg 15
What do we know about Annies picture?
Pg 16
What does when the trail was hot mean?
Fresh clues
Less clues as time passes because they might get destroyed
Pg 17
Why is nate interested in trapdoors and secret passages but not in squeaky
Pg 20
What does nate do first to solve the mystery?
Pg 21
Nate finds a picture of a dog in the wastebasket, do you think that it is the picture
annie lost?
Do you think this is a serious mystery story or a funny one?
Students will practice vocab words from the story on a puzzle sheet
Students will write about why they think nate is a good detective

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