You are on page 1of 18

contourURI name description contourType contourValue units observationMethod

positionalAccuracy RelatedResources source contourType_uri specification_uri

metadata_uri genericSymbolizer
Title of dataset

Description of dataset

Author name

Author role

Author organization affiliation name

Author e-mail address

Author telephone number

Author postal Address

Source citation


Distributor person name

Distributor position name

Distributor organization affiliation name

Distributor e-mail address

Distributor telephone number

Contact person name

Contact position name

Contact organization affiliation name

Contact e-mail address

Contact telephone number

Contact postal Address

Use Constraints

Notes on conventions used in this dataset

Originator--one of these three is required

Contact point--one of these two is required

Field List
Interchange Content Data Type Implementation Cardinality
OBJECTID int int 1
contourURI URI string 255 1

name free text string 1

description free text string 0..1

contourType term string 1

contourValue decimal double 1

units free text string 1

observationMethod free text string 1
positionalAccuracy free text string 1

RelatedResources free text string 0..1

source free text string 1

contourType_uri URI string 255 1

specification_uri URI string 255 0..1

metadata_uri URI string 255 0..1

genericSymbolizer free text string 1

gml:PointPropert gml:PointPropertyTy 1
yType pe
Element Description Domain Example(s)

Added by GIS software.

Unique identifier that specifies the feature
represented: e.g. a geologic feature, aquifer
or facility structure. Ideally, the identifier is
an http URI that will dereference to a
known, useful representation of the feature.
This identifier will be used to cross
reference the feature to other information
related to this feature.

Common or human-readable name by

which the feature (contoured variable, e.g.
"Great Unconformity", "Base of
Mississippian", 'bouguer gravity anomaly',
'thicnkess of Monterey Formation') is
known. Recommend using only web-safe
characters (a-z A-Z 0-9 _-.) in the name. Be
consistent in the naming convention used
within any given dataset.

Free text field for any additional

observations or other information regarding
the feature, any special considerations with
this instance. If there is a description of the
nature of the contoured surface, that should
go here, or any other information useful to
understand the data.

Term classifying the variable that is thickness, elevation of Martin-Escabrosa

contoured. contact, gravity anomaly
The value that the curve represents in
decimal format.
Units used to report contour values.
Text indication of how the spatial extent of
the feature was determined.
ObservationMethod is a convenience
property that provides a quick and dirty
approach to observation metadata when
data are reported using a feature view (as
opposed to observation view). Recommend
use of one of the CGI vocabulary terms
from the FeatureObservationMethod or
MappedFeatureObservationMethod in this
workbook. Data provider should indicate
QA/QC performed on the data, including
individual or institution, time frame and
depth of quality check.
Information on how the original location was
determined, e.g.: 1:250,000 map, gps unit,
Google Earth, PLSS Conversion, Spatial
Datum Conversion, e.g., NAD27 to WGS84.

This may be one to many http links to

resources (logs, pictures or other
documents if available online. Should be an
http:// address (URL)) related to the
observation described in each record.
Delimit multiple values with the pipe
character '|'.

Mandatory. Short text explanation of source

of information defining this feature or
record; may be author-date type citation,
well log, report, data files etc., but should
include some indication of how digital data
originated. If unpublished data, provide
researcher name, date and research
institution for proper citation. Separate
multiple citations with pipe '|' character.

Unique identifier referring to a controlled

concept from a vocabulary defining the
Contact types. Mandatory property - if no
value is provided then a URI referring to a
controlled concept explaining why the value
is nil must be provided.

Unique identifier that specifies the feature

represented: e.g. a geologic feature, aquifer
or facility structure. Ideally, the identifier is
an http URI that will dereference to a
known, useful representation of the feature.
This identifier will be used to cross
reference the feature to other information
related to this feature.

URI identifying (and ideally dereferencing to

get) a full formal metadata record for the
feature. A time series of observations may
all reference the same metadata record that
provides contact information and details on
procedure, etc.

Identifier for symbol for default portrayal of

this feature in some symbol scheme. This is
a convenience value, and assumes the
existence of SLD or other legend-type
artifact that maps from these symbol
identifiers to graphical elements. Required.
Recommend use of FGDC symbol code
used to portray the feature (contour type)
on map.
Managed by GIS and web feature server;
generated from point lat, long, srs
usgincm:Contour Lin





Tab Descriptions
typeLayerName; note this cell has a DefinedName that is the same as the worksheet tab containing the data for this feature type

AASG Geothermal Data: Contour (isoline) feature

This workbook specifies content elements for an interchange format for linear spatial features representing contour (isoline) da
locations registering the same value for some variable. Examples include structure contour maps that represent lines of consta
surface, or gravity anomaly contours that represent lines of constant anomaly value. Fields in the content model will become XM
documents for WFS simple features served by geothermal data web services.
This workbook specifies content elements for an interchange format for linear spatial features representing contour (isoline) da
An imaginary
locations line, or the
registering a line on avalue
same mapfor
or chart, that connects
some variable. pointsinclude
Examples of equal value, e.g.,
structure elevation
contour maps of therepresent
that land surface
linesabove or b
of consta
value or or
surface, datum plane,
gravity generally
anomaly sea level.
contours Contours lines
that represent are commonly
of constantused to depict
anomaly topographic
value. or structural
Fields in the surfaces;
content model they canXM
will become a
laterally variable properties of sediments or any other phenomenon
documents for WFS simple features served by geothermal data web services. that can be quantified.

AZGS: Celia Coleman, Stephen Richard, Esty Pape, Christy Caudill

Initial draft from scratch
harmonize fields with GeoSciML portrayal content for contact/fault
Standardized Field Descriptions on FieldList for xsd and xml; deleted DataValidTerms tab.
Massive formatting changes to template.

Contains versioning and revision history.
Contains information for contact person an/or entity providing the information in this spreadsheet workbook.
Contains fields for information used to discover feature or observation of interest.
Contains a data mapping for interchange formats, cardinality, formatting information and instructions for populating the content
Location to provide feedback for data providers to implement necessary edits to the data to conform to schema conventions, bu

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Copyright Arizona Geological Survey, 2012
contour (isoline) data. These lines connect
sent lines of constant elevation on some
odel will become XML elements in interchange

contour (isoline) data. These lines connect

linesabove or below
of constant some reference
elevation on some
surfaces; they canXML
odel will become alsoelements
readily show the
in interchange

Person Date
Celia Coleman 9/11/2012
Stephen Richard 3/18/2013
Esty Pape 8/12/2013
Christy Caudill 8/29/2013

pulating the content model.

ema conventions, but is also meant to serve as a
Reviewer Comments
This tab is meant to provide feedback for data providers to implement necessary edits to the data to conform to schema conven
- Please read the cell comments box in the Feature header for the column (presence indicated by small red triangle in upper lef
interoperable and searchable online. Everyone must use the same feature headers. You may not have all the data for each co
and want to include as necessary data, ask Steve Richards to add to the content model template so everyone has a chance to
- Please review these questions, then enter Responder information and actions taken in the columns to the right before returnin
- If you have any questions about using this (or any) template, do not hesitate to contact us.

Tab Column (A,B etc) Feature Header

Data Revision History

ta providers to implement necessary edits to the data to conform to schema conventions, but is also meant to serve as a revision history for
Feature header for the column (presence indicated by small red triangle in upper left corner of cell; hover pointer over cell to see comment).
one must use the same feature headers. You may not have all the data for each column or you may have more which should likely be place
Steve Richards to add to the content model template so everyone has a chance to provide that data.
Responder information and actions taken in the columns to the right before returning this document to AZGS. Do not remove remarks or ta
(or any) template, do not hesitate to contact us.

Comment AZGS Reviewer Date

This is an Example line for this page. ERP 8/11/2011

Person Date
meant to serve as a revision history for the data.
ver pointer over cell to see comment). These feature headers cannot be changed without making them non-
have more which should likely be placed into another content model (ex. lithology). If you have more features

o AZGS. Do not remove remarks or tab when submitting revised data, as it helps during the next review.

State Responder Action Taken Date

Person making revisions Corrected the format. 8/15/2011

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