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Grade: 2 Subject: Science Teacher: Brandon Clowes

Year Plan

Time Line/ Learning Expectations Resources Teaching Potential Major Evaluation

Topic Practices Learning Activities

September -recognize and describe characteristics of - Printed Resources - Large, small - Dyed water and - Mid Unit
- October liquids mini-textbook and individual containers Quiz
-compare water with one or more liquids references from St experiments for - Baking sheet liquid - Unit Quiz
-compare amount of the liquid absorbed Catherine's school student flow rates (racing - Daily work
by different materials - Pebble Books discovery liquids) (activities)
-evaluate the suitability of different Water series by learning where - Big and little openings -Observations
Exploring materials containing liquids Hellen Frost they are (flow experiment) - Experiments
Liquids -demonstrate an understanding that liquid - Exploring liquids empowered to - Surface tension (penny and recording
water can be changed to other states Grade 2 edmonton come up with - Measuring process
-recognize that on heating liquid may be public schools printed their own - Water bottle water filter (science
changed into steam or water vapor and teacher resource conclusions. experiment journals)
this change can be reversed on cooling - Science grade 2, - Large group - layering liquids density - Participation
-identify examples in which water is Topic A exploring instructions to experiment. in activities
changed from one form to another predict liquids lessons printed make sure that - Mixing a variety of
that water level in open containers will resource from TA. the outcomes solids with water
decrease due to evaporation, but the water - Exploration in are being (dissolving experiment)
level in closed containers will not decrease science, wet and understood and - How well material
-predict that a wet surface will dry more wonderful Addison learned absorb water
quickly when exposed to wind or heating wesley Publishers - Guided predictions and
and apply this understanding to practical limited actives and observations
situations such as drying of paints, clothes - Eduguide Units journal experiment.
and hair Teacher Resource recording will - exploring Freezing and
-recognize that water is a component of Books show student melting
many materials and of living things - Program of studies growth and - exploring evaporation
-recognize human responsibilities for understandings and condensation
maintaining clean supplies of water, and - Discussions -
identify actions that are taken to ensure
water supplies are safe
Grade: 2 Subject: Science Teacher: Brandon Clowes

Time Line/ Learning Expectations Resources Teaching Potential Major Evaluation

Topic Practices Learning Activities

November- -describe, classify and order materials on Boat Design: - Large, small - empty containers with - Mid Unit
December the basis of their buoyancy Reflective Pedagogy and individual no lids floating and quiz
-alter or add to a floating object so that it and Making Learning experiments for sinking - Unit quiz
will sink and alter or add to a non-floating Visible student - Float and sink with - Daily work
object so that it will float Retrieved from: discovery various materials (activities)
-assemble materials so they will float, carry learning where - Tinfoil or clay boats -Observations
a load and be stable in water 105149831 they are (boat shape - Experiments
Boats & -modify a watercraft to increase the load it - Boats and buoyancy empowered to exploration) and recording
Buoyancy will carry mini text book from come up with - Making sinkers into process
-modify a watercraft to increase its stability St Catherine's School their own floaters. (science
in water - Grade 2 buoyancy conclusions. - Boat creation journals)
-evaluate appropriateness of various and boats, Edmonton - Large group - Boat creation testing - Boat creation
materials to the construction of water, in public school printed instructions to - Boat blueprints (ability to
particular the degree to which the material teacher resource make sure that - Science journals uphold a load
is waterproof - Eduguide Units the outcomes while floating)
-develop or adapt methods of construction Teacher Resource are being - Boat creation
that are appropriate to design the task Books understood and sharing (Verbal
-adapt the design of the watercraft so it - Program of studies learned explanation
can be propelled through the water - Guided why they
-explain why a given material, design or actives and chose to make
component is appropriate to the design journal their boat the
task recording will way they did)
show student - Participation
growth and in activities
- Discussions
Grade: 2 Subject: Science Teacher: Brandon Clowes

Time Line/ Learning Expectations Resources Teaching Potential Major Evaluation

Topic Practices Learning Activities

January- -identify where magnets are used in the

February environment and why they are used
-distinguish materials that are attracted by
a magnet from those that are not
Magnetism - recognize that magnets attract materials
with iron or steel in them, and given a
variety of metallic and nonmetallic objects,
predict those that will be attracted by a
- recognize that magnet have polarity,
demonstrate that poles may either repel or
attract each other, and state a rule so
when poles will repel or attract each other
- design and produce a device that uses a
-Demonstrate that the most materials are
transparent to the effects of a magnet. A
magnetic field will pass through such
materials, whereas other materials interact
with a magnet
-compare and measure the strength of
Grade: 2 Subject: Science Teacher: Brandon Clowes

Time Line/ Learning Expectations Resources Teaching Potential Major Evaluation

Topic Practices Learning Activities

March- -describe temperature in relative terms,

April using expressions such as hotter than,
colder than
-measure temperature degrees in Celsius
Hot and -describe how heating and cooling
Cold materials can change them
Temperatu -identify safe practices for handing hot and
res cold materials and avoid potential dangers
from heat sources
-recognize that human body temperature is
relatively constant and that a change in
body temperature often signals a change
in health
-identify ways in which the temperature in
homes and buildings can be adjusted
-describe in general terms, how local
building are heated
-describe the role of insulation in keeping
things hot or cold and identify places
where insulation is use identify materials
that insulate animals from the cold
-design and construct a device to keep
something hot or cold
-describe ways in which temperature
changes affect us in our daily lives
Grade: 2 Subject: Science Teacher: Brandon Clowes

Time Line/ Learning Expectations Resources Teaching Potential Major Evaluation

Topic Practices Learning Activities

May - June -recognize that there are many different kinds

of small crawling and flying animals and
identify a range of examples found locally -
Small Compare and contrast small animals that are
crawling found in the local environment. -recognize the
and flying
small animals, like humans, have homes where
they meet their basic needs -identify each
animals role within the food chain -describe the
relationship of these animals to other living and
non-living things in their habitat and to people
-identify and give examples of ways small
animals avoid predators -describe conditions
for the care of a small animal and demonstrate
care in maintaining the animal for a few days
or weeks -identify ways in which animals are
considered helpful or harmful to humans and
the environment

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