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Employee Performance Evaluation

It is the responsibility of DESC and by extension, its supervisors to regularly evaluate the work
performance and effectiveness of each employee. The objective of these reviews is to:
a. Ensure consistent implementation of policies and procedures,
b. Improve the overall effectiveness of DESC operations, and
c. Assist employees in their career development.

A key duty of supervisors is to give feedback to employees during the course of day-to-day operations,
so that performance issues identified in a written evaluation are not surprises for an employee.

Timing of written performance evaluations:

All employees shall receive a written evaluation
Shortly before the end of their trial period in a job position (typically, six months after beginning
in their position),
One year from the start in the position, and
Annually thereafter at the anniversary date in their position.

Additional written evaluations may be done at any time in order to identify needed improvements in an
employees performance. It is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor to prepare the written
evaluation, in consultation with appropriate supervisory and management staff.

The employee and supervisor will discuss the evaluation and subsequent changes may be agreed upon
before a final record is made. If agreement cannot be reached, the supervisor is responsible for
determining the content of the evaluation, and the employee may prepare a separate statement for the


SECTION 1: Supervisors summary comments about the employees performance

A. Review the position description

Requirements and duties set forth in the job description for each staff position shall serve as one of the
bases for judging an employees performance. The supervisor should review the position description
with the employee. If necessary, the supervisor should prepare an updated position description, which
accurately reflects current job duties and responsibilities. Revisions to position descriptions must be
approved by the relevant senior director. A copy of the revised position description should then be sent
to Human Resources in the 515-DESC administrative office.

B. Review critical factors of performance

The supervisor should evaluate whether the employees performance of each of the following applicable
Fundamental Factors and Other Key Factors of Employee Performance is Satisfactory or

The supervisor should summarize overall performance of factors which are more than satisfactory or
unsatisfactory; therefore providing both positive and negative written feedback to the employee. If the
rating for a particular item is "Unsatisfactory," indicate what needs to be improved.
B.1. Fundamental factors of employee performance
One unsatisfactory rating in any one of the following four Fundamental Factors may warrant an
overall Unsatisfactory Performance Evaluation.

1 Adherence to Agency Employee understands & implements applicable agency policy &
Policy & Procedure procedure in his or her work.
2 Safety Employee demonstrates safety consciousness & adherence of agency
safety procedures.
3 Acceptance of Employee communicates effectively with supervisor in a timely
Supervision manner. Employee shows willingness to accept appropriate direction
from supervisor and to discuss responsibilities and expectations.
4 Ethical Behavior Employee relates effectively to clients, co-workers, and other
constituents, and treats all with dignity and respect.

B.2. Other key factors of employee performance

One unsatisfactory rating in any one of the following ten Key Factors may mean an overall
Unsatisfactory Performance Evaluation.

1 Quality of Work Employee possesses job knowledge and demonstrates consistent

performance of essential functions of the job at acceptable level.
2 Productivity Employee meets an acceptable level of productivity in a timely
3 Attendance & Employee is timely about showing up for work, does not have
Punctuality excessive absenteeism, and uses proper notification methods.
4 Cooperation & Employee shows a willingness to be flexible and work cooperatively
Teamwork with coworkers across all of DESC to accomplish responsibilities of
the team and integrate services across programs.
5 Communication Employee demonstrates the ability to absorb new information and to
convey information to others in an effective manner, both orally and in
6 Problem Solving Employee is able to handle differences of opinion and to resolve
7 Work Habits Employee is diligent, uses his or her time effectively and is organized
in the execution of job-related tasks.
8 Job Interest / Mission Fit Employee shows a strong interest and enthusiasm in working on
behalf of DESC client population.
9 Initiative/Creativity Employee shows initiative in accepting responsibility and is adaptable
to changing conditions and responsibilities.
10 Dependability Employee is dependable and reliable in fulfilling responsibilities and
carrying out instructions. To what extent does the employee
demonstrate a can do attitude, dependability, and responsiveness?

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SECTION 2: Areas employee needed reminders/corrective feedback more than once

This area is a summary of corrective feedback given in the review period. Written memoranda and
disciplinary actions relative to the employees work performance during the review period should be
referenced by the supervisor in the performance evaluation.

SECTION 3: Areas of needed improvement in performance

This section should flow directly from comments in Sections 1 and 2, summarizing the employees
deficient performance or conduct during the review period. There should be no surprises to the
employee re. areas of needed improvement. All performance issues addressed in the performance
evaluation should have been previously discussed with the employee and noted on the bi-weekly
supervision forms and/or disciplinary memos.

In some situations it is desirable that corrective action plans be developed to communicate performance
issues to employees. If an employee has been put on a corrective action plan, it should be referenced in
the performance evaluation.

SECTION 4: OVERALL PERFORMANCE - Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

Consider all factors evaluated in Sections 1, 2 and 3. Giving the greatest weight to those factors most
important in this job during the review period, determine an overall rating and indicate it in Section 4.
Be sure to explain the basis for your overall rating.

As noted in Section 1 above, unsatisfactory performance in any one of the four Fundamental Factors of
Employee Performance means an overall Unsatisfactory in the Performance Evaluation. Also
Unsatisfactory in any of the Key Factors of Performance may mean an overall Unsatisfactory in the
Performance Evaluation.

If the overall performance of a regular employee is unsatisfactory, the relevant manager will develop a
plan and follow the process for Involuntary Termination for Inadequate Job Performance (Personnel
Policies, Section VII, Subsection C, Number 1).

SECTION 5: Acknowledgments
All written evaluations should be signed and dated by the employee and immediate supervisor,
indicating they have discussed the evaluation, even though they may not have agreed. An additional
supervisor (assigned manager or director) also is required to review and sign the evaluation, except for
those employees directly supervised by the agencys Executive Director.

The signed evaluation will be placed in the employees personnel file and a copy will be given to the
employee. The employee may submit his or her own comments about the review for the personnel file
within two weeks of receiving a performance evaluation.

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Employee Performance Evaluation

Employee name: Date:

Employee title:
Supervisor completing this review:
___Probationary review ___ Introductory period review (Promotions) ___Anniversary review
___Special Review [Period: ]

SECTION 1: Supervisors summary comments about the employees performance

SECTION 2: Areas employee needed reminders/corrective feedback more than once

SECTION 3: Areas of needed improvement in performance

Section 4: OVERALL PERFORMANCE (mark one): ___ Satisfactory __Unsatisfactory


SECTION 5: Acknowledgments

Employee: Date:
(Signature doesnt necessarily reflect agreement with contents)
Supervisor Date:
Print Supervisor Name: ___Tyler Botz________________________________
Reviewing Supervisor: __________________________________ Date: ____________________
Print Reviewing Supervisor Name: ______________________________
Employee may submit own comments about this review for the personnel file within two weeks of receiving this review.
Mark here if employee comments are being submitted: _________
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