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CITY O R D I N A N C E N O . 5 7 1
December 1 . ?011



W H E R E A S , Tuberculosis (TB) is t h e largest cause of deaths from a single

infection w o r l d w i d e , a n d affects one-third o f the w o r l d s population;

W H E R E A S , Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major public health p r o b l e m , ranking 6th

a m o n g the 10 leading causes of mortality in t h e country, m a k i n g t h e Philippines 9th
globally among 22 high TB-burdened countries according to t h e W o r l d Health
Organization ( W H O ) ;

W H E R E A S , t h e National T B Control Program under t h e auspices of the

D E P A R T M E N T O F H E A L T H ( D O H ) , is being i m p l e m e n t e d in various heafth facilities with
the aim of controlling T B in the Philippines;

W H E R E A S , t h e Directly O b s e r v e d Treatment Short-course ( D O T S ) w a s p r o v e n

remarkably effective strategy to improve case holding w h i c h w o u l d ensure TB patients are

W H E R E A S , t h e L o c a l ' G o v e r n m e n t Code has given t h e Local G o v e r n m e n t Units,

specifically at t h e city level, the responsibility o f delivering basic services to its

W H E R E A S , t h e City Government of Bacolod considers development projects as an

important a n d v a l u e d undertaking to ensure the progress o f the locality a n d its people a n d
recognizes t h e n e e d for an Integrated a n d multi-sectoral partnership to ensure the pooling
of financial a n d technical resources for well coordinated development endeavor;

NOW THFRFFORF be if ordained by the S a n g g u n i a n g P a n l u n g s o d of B a c o l o d

City, that;

Section 1. T I T ! E, This ordinance shall known as t h e B A C O L O D CITY

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CONTROL PROGRAM (NTP). The City of Bacotod joins the Government efforts to
institute an effective program for Tuberculosis Control through the National
Tuberculosis ^Control" Program (NTP). The Direct fy Observed Treatment Short Course
(DOTS) strategy of the NTP shall be the main strategy for Tuberculosis control in
the City of Bacolod. The five (5) component of the DOTS strategy includes:

1. Direct Sputum Smear Examination shall be the initial diagnostic too! in

case finding.

2. Standardized Chemotherapy in accordance with the National TB Program.

3. Recording and reporting of cases shall be on the standardized National TB

Program forms to be implemented in aft heaffh centers

4. Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) shall be used as the strategy to ensure

patient compliance.

5. Political commitment to ensure sustained, comprehensive implementation of

National TB Program activities. The Executive Order 187 is about the
Comprehensive and Unified Policy on TB which serve as a guide in managing
TB programs in the province, municipality and barangay.

Section 3, DEFINITION OF TERMS. For the purpose of this ordinance, the

following terms are hereby defined:

1 DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse Chemotherapy - is a strategy

ensuring that TB patients are taking the right fund of medicine, at the right dosage at
the right time and at the right period of time.

2. DOT (Directly Observed Treatment) - is Ihe process wherein a trained healthcare

worker or other designated individual provides the prescribed TB drugs and watches
the patient swallow every dosage.

3 NTP (National Tuberculosis Control Program) - the program of the Department of

Health (DOH) in TB Control and Prevention.

4. DSSM ( Direct Sputum Smear Microscopy) - is the diagnostic procedure wherein a TB

symptomatica phlegm is examined for presence of TB Bacilli.
: " . Ordinance No. 5 7 1

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5 TB Symptomatic - a person who is experiencing cough for two (2) w e e k s or more with
or without the following symptoms; chest and back pain, fever, loss of appetite, toss of
weight and blood streaked phlegm.

6. TB Positive - . a nereon who h a s two (?) or more D S S M positive result.

7. A C S M - Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilization

8. TBTF - T B Task Force; a group of volunteers who will lead and supervise all the
activities in the implementation of the Bacoiod City TB Program under the Supervision
of the City Health Office.

S e c t i o n 4 . C R F A T I O N O F A R A C O l O D C I T Y T U R F R C U L O S I S (TB) C O U N C I L .
A s a vehicte for consoddation and unification of efforts on TB, the City of Bacofod
hereby creates the Bacoiod City TB Council who will lead and supervise all the activities
in the implementation of the Bacoiod City T B Program under the supervision of the City
Health Office.

S e c t i o n 5. C O M P O S I T I O N O F B A C O L O O C I T Y T B C O U N C I L . The T B Council shall

be composed of the following:

a. Honorary Chaimian - City Mayor

b. Honorary Vice-Chairman - Vice Mayor
c. Over-all Chairman - City Health Officer

d Over-ati Vice Chairman - S P Chairman of Committee on Heatfh and Sanitation

e. Members:
i. Three (3) representatives from the Health Related N G O s

si. One (1) must be from the Federation of Barangay Level T B Task Force

ill Two (?) representatives from the Private Sectors such a s commercial companies and
socio-eivic organizations

iv. The President of the I iga ng mga Barangay or his/her duly authorized representative

v. Laboratory Coordinator of City Health Office

vi. Two (?) representatives from the Medical or allied health sciences schools
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yjl. The TB Program Coordinator of the City Health Office

vlli. The Assistant City Health Officer

ix Medical Coordinator o n TB P r o g r a m - H e / s h e will he in-charge of the Secretariat of the

Bacoiod City TB C o u n c i l

S e c t i o n fi. R O I F S , F U N C T I O N S A N D R F S P O N S I B H . I T I F S OF T H E B A C O L O O
C I T Y T B C O U N C I L . The folfowinq are the rotes, functions a n d responsibilities of the
Bacoiod City TB Council:

1. Identify and establish the roles and responsibilities of t h e partners in the organization
a n d delivery of TB care as per N T P guidelines;

2. Coordinate the different sectors involved in the N T P implementation and ensure

that t h e N T P policies and the D O T S strategy is i m p l e m e n t e d ;

3. Source additional support (financial or materials) for the continuous Implementation of

the B a c o i o d City TB P r o g r a m , and

4. Assist in all the activities of the Rarangay Health Centers t o w a r d s efficient and
effective implementation of the Bacoiod City TB Control P r o g r a m .

5. Commit their time and effort t o :

a. Help raise awareness and remove public stigma on T B ;

b. Engage in A C S M activities o n TB (ike W o r l d TB D a y a n d Lung M o n t h
c. Monitor the health condition of the community.
d. W o r k with T B partners in their areas to achieve t h e project's goals.
e. Ensure proper recording & reporting of TB cases

S e c t i o n 7. C R E A T I O N O F R A R A N G A Y L E V E L TR T A S K F O R C E . As a vehicle
for consolidation and unification of efforts on T B . the City of Bacoiod m a n d a t e s the
creation of B a r a n g a y Level T B Task Force w h o will lead and supervise all the activities in
the implementation of Rarangay TB Program under the supervision of the City Health

S e c t i o n R. R F N F F I T S OF R A R A N G A Y L E V E L T R T A S K F O R C E As a w a y of
givinq incentives io the volunteers, a n d subject to the availability of f u n d s , the barangay
concerns w h e r e there is a Barangay Level T B Task F o r c e , shall provide a n allowance to
all the m e m b e r s of the taskforce.
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Rarangay Level TB Task Force shall be composed of volunteers from various sectors of
the community, such as NGGs, youth, professionals, senior citizens and focal
governments, amoffg others


BARANGAY LEVEL TB TASK FORCE. The following are the roles, functions and
responsibilities of the Barangay Level TB Task Force:

1. Identify and establish the roles and responsibilities of the partners in the organization
and delivery of TB care as per NTP guidelines;

2 Coordinate the different sectors involved in the NTP implementation and ensure
that the NTP policies and the DOTS strategy is implemented ;

3. Source additional support (financial or materials) for the continuous implementation of

the Bacolod City TB Program; and

4 Assist in ail the activities of the Barangay Health Centers towards efficient and
effective implementation of the Bacofod City TB Control Program.

5. Commit their time and effort to:

a. Help raise awareness and remove public stigma on TB;

to. Identify and refer TB sympfomatlcs for sputum examination;
c. Engage in advocacy activities on TB like World TB Day and Lung Month
d. Become treatment partners to TB patients; conduct health education classes
e. Monitor the health condition of the community.
f. Work with TB partners in their areas to achieve the project's goals.
g. Ensure proper recording & reporting of TB cases

SECTION 1 1 . MANDATORY PROCEDURES. The following procedures shall be

strictly observed in the implementation of the TB Program, to wit:

a. No person, identified as TB symptomatic by Brgy. Health Staff (Nurse, Midwife &

Doctor) can refuse to submit himself for sputum examination.

b. No person. Identified to be TB positive by the City Health TB Division personnel can

refuse or deny the free comprehensive medication for TB, which must be completed at
specific month duration of the treatment process.
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c !f a person refuses or denies sputum examination and/ or submission of self for

medication, any member of the Bacolod City TB Council TBTF, Brgy Health Station,
Rrgy. Council and Racolod City Health TB Division is given the authority with the
assistance of l o c a l PNP to enforce the compulsory submission of sputum
specimen and enrollment to the treatment process

d Any person, who has started medication, is not allowed to discontinue the process of
medication except for the following reasons:

d 1 Adverse reaction to the TB drugs (if necessary)

d.Z pregnancy (if necessary)
d.3 other inevitable circumstantial causes

e. Any person who has started medication is required to submit sputum specimen for
follow-up based on (he given schedule.

Section 12, APPROPRIATION. An initial amount of Five Hundred Thousand

Pesos (Php 500, 000. 00) shall be appropriated for the implementation of this ordinance
which shall be taken from General Funds of the City of Bacolod. Such appropriation will be
utilized on the following:

a. Provision of supplies for the NTP such as but not limited to laboratory supplies, TB
drugs and advocacy

b. Capacity building activities like DOTS Training, NTP Review and health staff skills

c. Monitoring and Evaluation of NTP in Bacolod

d. Creation of Bacolod City TB Council

e. And other NTP related activities

Section 13. SFPARABIIITY CI AlPSF. If for any reason, any section or provision
of this ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or provisions
hereof which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in force and effect.

Section 14. RFPFAIING CI AUSF, AH Ordinances, local issuance or rules

inconsistent with provisions with this ordinance are hereby repealed or modified
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Section 1 5 . EFFECTIVfTY. This ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after
its publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation in Bacolod City.


Councilors : Homer Q. Bais, Dindo C. Ramos, Sonya M. Verdeflor, At
Victor A. Espino, Caesar Z. Disfrifo, Cartes Jose V. Lopez,
Mona Dia G Jardin.

Negative : Councilor Archie S Baribar.

Abstention: Catalino T. Alisbo

Official Travel: Vice Mayor Jude Thaddeus A Sayson.

Official Leave Councilor Keith Emmanuel L. Ramos

Absent None.

Main Author Councilor Caesar Z. Distrito

Co-Authors : Councilors Em L. Ang, Al Victor A. Espino, Roberto M.

Roias and Mona Dia G. Jardin.

Passed December 1, 2011 (74 Regular/Special Eiession)


Comments: Passed
Councilors Roberto M. Rojas and EjmeLJL Sy were out of
the Session HaW when lhis,/ordinanc e

Acting Vice Mayor

Presiding Officer
Board Secretary IV
OIC, Secretaiy to the Sanggunian

APPROVED December J <1,2(111. EVE1 !0 R. LEONARDIA-

City Mayor

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