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Quarter 1 Journals

Journal Entry - 8/30/17

The color I would choose for the first chapter is Indigo because Indego has the emotions
depression and mourning and also melancholy, black is another good color in this instance
because it has sorrow, death, disease, and mourning. I choose indego because of depression
which is exactly what happens in the first chapter of arrival. We see sad faces in the third section
and maybe some confusion from the girl. We see packing up photos of loved ones in section two.
We see crying and hugging in section 9.

Journal Entry - 8/31/17

I believe what's going on in the image is tribal war over 2000 years ago. The landscape
seems kind of magical with different biomes smacked pretty closely together, starting with
tropics, then mountainous, in the far distance, desert. As I mentioned earlier, the time period is
long ago. My theory is this is the battle of troy, thousands of years ago.

Journal Entry - 9/5/17

This image reminds me of one of my previous journal entries because if you look at the
mountain with the rock nub at the top and then take a look at the rock nub of the same mountain
in this link. Click Here . My theory is that this is the future of the savage state because its
peaceful and people seemed to settle in this area better. The have people with sheep, and people
fishing etc.

Journal Entry - 9/6/17

My favorite part of the infographic is the fact that they had running system that is still
used today. This is a very superior ability for their time. They also have a postal service and
running water. This sounds like a place that gets a lot of jobs done without their leader raising a
finger. I like this infographic, but I am wondering how they found all of this information. Like
running water and concrete are obvious but how do they know their was a postal service and a

Journal Entry - 9/7/17

Everyones welcome to the brand new (noname:(( )! It is a great place to live with good
plumbing and running water as well as a heavily guarded castle to keep all safe from the dangers
of the night. We also have a market that delivers food to your house via minecart chest. We also
have room service that keep your apartment clean, as well as sport stores and and many more.
We also have a local sports team. Everyone is welcome to this wonderful place and to settle.

Journal Entry - 9/11/17

Before I start my journal entry for today I would like to honor the many people who passed to
heavens realm today, a few years back. I applaud your bravery America.
In the article, World Leaders: Julius Caesar, I can infer that the city of rome had a high
rise then a deep fall. My evidence consists of the fact that most of Rome was starting to realize
that Julius was starting to become more of a dictator rather than a formal leader. When the
senators in the Roman government decided to kill him, the Roman government only sank deeper
into their version of the great depression in a sense. The economy went nuts and the Roman
republic had disappeared. Rome had become an Empire.

Journal Entry - 9/12/17

Reasons for the fall of Rome:
After Caesar was assassinated the public was outraged.
Conquering too much land was difficult to control.
Corruption in the greek government.
Worry spread among the public due to lack of leadership and chaos.
The rise of christianity caused the populace to not feel encouraged people to want
to join the army.
Bribes to kill emperors.
Misuse of power.
Slaves Rebelled.
Social and economic parts of empire start to collapse.
Disease and depopulation from neighboring cities.
Waste of resources
Barbarian invaders
Lots of civil wars.
Loss of economy.
Lead piping and potting.
Territory became too much to defend and support.

I was absent for this journal entry.

Journal Entry - 9/14/17

My rage was high enough to make me destroy everything I saw. All of my colors
sparkling my thoughts as I burned through the walls with my raging hot tornado, red, orange and
sparkles of yellow. Finally I found and touched down onto wood, like a cat on a mouse.
Ripping through the confines of a very well known city known as rome with extreme precision.
My rage got so hot that all the people around incinerated by going near me. Some people would
shoot arrows through me to make the arrows catch my rage to bring down onto the invading
barbarians. People screaming around me caused other people to come at me with my ultimate
arch nemesis, water, but it was simply too late. All of a sudden the wood gave in and the wall
exploded with all of my rage. Then all was quiet at least for me. I cooled and cooled down and
stopped flaming. I new that I would never destroy anything again as my punishment from the

Journal Entry - 9/20/17

I was Absent.

Journal Entry - 9/26/17

This is going to be the final war against the oncoming onslaught of well it doesnt
matter who. This is the final war and we are probably not going to win it. The great years of our
great city we're all about to be lost. The military of our city had been dwindling to nearly
nothing, so we were basically doomed. There is one thing that I have not mentioned yet. This is
the great city of Rome.
The remaining soldiers that we had got ready to fight. We raised our swords, and then..
BANG everything slowed down when all the hundreds of swords made explosive contact. I
slowly flexed my arm and my sword came down on the enemy that I was fighting at the same
time the enemy soldier did the same. My armor rattled for seemingly ages when his sword hit
my armor hide. I could also hear the enemy soldiers armor crack. Then I quickly realized that
the enemys armor was fine. It was my own armor that had cracked.
It hurt but luckily it didnt hit my skin. Then I realized that I would probably die anyway,
so peace by peace I worked my way out of the heavy armor and charged down the enemys
defences and leaped into the air toward the cannon. As I jumped I brought my heavy sword along
and brought it over my head and down on the enemys head cannon.

Journal Entry - 9/28/17

A voice cackles in Tonys radio. Enemy fighters at 7 o'clock!. Tony swept the dust off
of his canopy glass. Up over the next rise, his target comes into view. The mig was quick
however. He didnt gain lock on the fighter fast enough. The general is counting on us! Shoot
him out of the sky! fzfz fWOOSH! Suddenly, there was a huge wave going off his F-22. He
had broken the sound barrier. Then his opponent went right in front of him. He gained lock and
fired a sidewinder missile. He watched the missile follow his enemys movement. Then it made
contact with the enemy ship. There was a huge WAM! His opponent spiraled out of control.
There were many sudden cheers all over the radio. They had just won WW3.

Journal Entry - 10/2/17

Roman Catholicism - Eastern Orthodoxy -
Location: Western Roman Empire [][] Eastern Byzantine Empire
Capital: Rome [][] Constantinople
Leader: Pope Francis [][] Emperor Patriarch
Language: Latin [][] Greek
Conflicts: Barbarian invasions [][] Icon Controversy


-forms of
(belief one god)
-faith in Jesus
-Leaders are priests
-icons were used
-read the Bible

Journal Entry - 10/3/17

Mike, see if you can run up that little hill and find a weak spot!
Mike obeyed almost instantly. I kind of just knew he would, given that we are fighting a
40 foot long dragon at least. I found a narrow alleyway leading to one of the dragons joints. I
rushed down the allyway as fast as I could. When I got to the end, I leaped up onto the enormous
beast and stuck my sword in its scaly body building huge cuts in its body. It was wounded but
not enough. Just as I had landed from my vantage point, Mike jumped onto the head of the
beast. He started jabbing the top of the head before he was flipped off of the twirling head of the
ferocious beast. I couldn't believe the creature was still alive. Just then, a huge blast of fire
torched many of my comrades. This created a force inside of me, so powerful that I felt steam
coming out of my body. I screamed and ran up the dragon's tail, jabbing it as I went. Finally the
beast gave in and fell to the ground in pain. After the beast died I immediately went to where
Mike was flipped off. He was severely wounded. I picked him up without saying a word. The
he said in a sick mournful voice: Did we do it?
Yes Mike. We killed the dragon.
Ah. Say no more. I dont want to hear about our friends dieing.

Journal Entry - 10/5/17

Simple: The child walked up to his father.
Compound: The child walked over, and the man was reading a book, with tears in his
Complex: The child asked, Is mommy sleeping?, and the man replied in a sour voice,
Yes son. Mommy is sleeping..

Journal Entry - 10/5/17

In our list, the word that has the most positive connotation is neighborly and the word
with the most negative connotation is tolerant.
My sentences using these words:
a) I was in awe at how neighborly the man who sat to my right was to the people
around him.
b) I stared down at the computer in front of me, taking small peaks to my employee
who I was able to tolerate, his work being barely acceptable.
My own example of a pair of words--one with a POSITIVE connotation and one with a
negative connotation:
Negative =Tolerant, Positive = Neighborly

Journal Entry - 10/12/17

Simple: I thought Austins Kahoot was fun.
Compound: Myas team did very well cleaning up Arroyo Verde and their presentation
was very unique compared to the other presentations.
Complex: Because of the amazing hook and presentation that Jonah's team did, much of
the class was in awe of there amazing presentation.

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