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From the Editor
Andy McLean

Theres no doubt that when it comes to choosing a student curriculum, there are a sea of choices to pick
from, with each one having its own distinct goals and values. When it comes to The Gospel Project for
Students, everything we do has been intended to take students deeper into the gospel, showing them that
the stories that we encounter throughout Scripture are not isolated stories scattered throughout the Bible,
but are rather, in fact, all connected and are a part of one larger storyGods Story.

Now I would In short, the gospel is central to the Christian life, and thats why it should be central to the lives of your
students. To do that, over the next three years The Gospel Project for Students will launch an entirely new,
chronological study that will take your students on a journey through the storyline of Scripture. Along the

remind you, way students will be exposed to the big picture of what God has been doing in redemptive history, and what
this means for them. Some key features of The Gospel Project for Students are:

brothers, of the * Moves from Genesis to Revelation over the course of three years
* Highlights 99 Essential Christian Doctrines every student should know

gospel I preached
* Newly designed Leader Guide that equips leaders to lead successfully
* Newly designed and interactive Personal Study Guide for students
* New Leader Pack with posters, Presentation templates, and One Conversation pages

to you, which you

* Weekly training videos for student leaders
* Aligned with Adults and Kids

received, in which
The Gospel Project for Students can be an incredible resource for your student ministry. It will not only
help to challenge and inspire you and your leaders to love and live out the gospel more deeply, but it will
point your students to the only Person who can change our livesJesus Christ!

you stand. If you have any questions, please email me:

Paul (1 Cor. 15:1, ESV)

Andy McLean
The Gospel Project for Students

2 3
John 1:1-3,14 says: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through Him, and apart from Him
not one thing was created that has been created ... The Word became flesh and took up residence among Gods Story has always been designed to connect with your story. It is because of His story
us. We observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. that our stories make sense, have meaning, and carry on into eternity. Use the questions
Every time we see God speak things into existence, the Son is there. God created everything through below to help think through how His Story connects with your own.

How Will This Help?

His Son, and all things exist and hold together because of His Son.
When have you experienced the goodness of Gods creation? How did it make
you feel?

1 Corinthians 8:5-6
THERE IS NOT A SQUARE INCH For even if there are so-
called gods, whether in
IN THE WHOLE DOMAIN OF OUR heaven or on earthas
HUMAN EXISTENCE OVER WHICH there are many gods and Why do you think people are astounded when they see places like Yellowstone or
many lordsyet for us the Grand Canyon? What do these experiences tell you about God?
CHRIST, WHO IS SOVEREIGN OVER there is one God, the Father.
ALL, DOES NOT CRY: MINE! All things are from Him, and

Shows students
we exist for Him. And there
Abraham Kuyper
is one Lord, Jesus Christ. All
things are through Him, and

how Christ connects

Abraham Kuyper, Sphere Sovereignty, Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader, ed. James D. Bratt
we exist through Him.
How are these created things good (moral, beautiful, usable)?
(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998), 488.

with all of Scripture students to see

Why is it so important that God created everything through the Son? Because through the Son, God
gives us special revelation. Creation gives us general knowledge about Gods power and nature, but it
fails to reveal Gods specific plan of redemption and certain things about Him. In order to know those
Why is belief in creation important? What are the implications if God didnt create? how Gods Story
connects with
things, God would have to reveal Himself personally. According to the Bible, this is exactly what God
did through the sending of His Son.

their own story

Gods Story of
Redemption through
His Son, Jesus Christ. YOUR STORY
Where your story
NOAH meets His. .
Both judgment and graciousness TOWER OF BABEL
are found in the flood. Humanitys pride is relentless in
seeking praise for itself; but Gods
glory will never be dethroned.
4 Session 1 The Gospel Project for Students 5


Romans 1:18-20
The next critical point from the creation account is that
For Gods wrath is revealed
from heaven against YOUR MISSION
God created everything good. Starting in verse three all godlessness and
and going all the way through verse 25, God declares unrighteousness of people
that each part of His creation is good. who by their unrighteousness
suppress the truth, since
Good. What does that mean? Why does God call each what can be known[o] about
step of His creation good? God is evident among them,
GOD CREATED EVERYTHING because God has shown
The original audience of the Book of Genesis was the ancient Israelites on their way to the promised
Is it morally good? Yes. When God created it to them. For His invisible HEAD
land. They would not have asked some of the questions that pique our interest, such as the age of attributes, that is, His eternal
everything, there was no sin in it.
the earth or the science behind the creation. So what, then, was the original purpose for the creation Is it beautiful and pleasant to the eyes? Yes.
power and divine nature, From the very beginning, we see that God created everything. This means,
have been clearly seen since
account in Genesis? You dont have to stare at the Grand Canyon or a the creation of the world, among other things, that the entire cosmos is in His hands. Its all in His
The Israelites would have wrestled with questions such as: Is our God the real God? Is He the best sunset for long to realize that the work of creation being understood through hands. Even in its broken state, He is in control of everything.
God? Is He the most powerful God? Having lived so long among the gods of the Egyptians and those of is beautiful. what He has made. As a result,
other foreign nations, the Israelites struggled to believe that their God was the God. Is it usable? Yes. When God created something people are without excuse. How does knowledge of Gods sovereignty over all creation influence
and called it good, He was saying it was doing well the way you think about your circumstances?
PERSONAL STUDY GUIDE at performing its intended purpose and design. Why should belief in the sovereignty of God change the way we
Ed Stetzer General Editor
Trevin Wax Managing Editor Genesis 1:1-2 ESSENTIAL The purpose and design of creation is to declare Gods
handle stress and anxiety?
In the beginning God DOCTRINES glory and proclaim the work of His hands (Ps. 19:1) ESSENTIAL
created the heavens
26. Creation out of Nothing
and to reveal things about God that are invisible to DOCTRINES
and the earth. us, such as His eternal power and divine nature (Rom.
Now the earth was 1:20). Because of creation, we can clearly see and 27. The Goodness of Creation
formless and empty,
The Bible requires us to believe that God created the Creation, though corrupted because of sin, was created good. This means
universeeverything both visible and invisibleout of nothing understand these things. In Genesis 1, God repeatedly
darkness covered the
It is quite stunning that we get to see the God of this that sunsets, waterfalls, stars, mountains, oceans, plants, animals, food,
surface of the watery (sometimes said, creation ex nihilo). This means that before affirmed that all of His creation was
depths, and the Spirit
universe begin the good work of revealing Himself. He relationships, and a billion other things were all created good for both Gods
God created anything, nothing else existed except God Himself. reveals Himself in His creation, allowing humanity good, even very good (1:31). It is
of God was hovering Nothing in creation is eternal; every created thing has a beginning.
good, in Gods judgment, because
glory and our enjoyment.
over the surface of the waters. to know things about the Creator just by looking at
creationmuch like an artist leaves fingerprints on He created it for a purpose that it In light of this truth, how should we feel towards creation in general?
a work of art. fulfilledto reflect and display the What are some parts of creation you particularly enjoy?

Helps students to
To remedy such wandering hearts, God wrote Genesis 1:1 to help His people understand that the God good character of the Creator. Is it possible for our hearts to idolize parts of creation? If so, how? In
of their bedtime storiesthe God of their fatherswas the very same God who created the world. The
God of Israel, not the gods of the Canaanites or the Philistines, was the Creator of everything. For the what ways can we avoid this happening to us?
Lord is great and is highly praised; He is feared above all gods. For all the gods of the peoples are idols,
but the Lord made the heavens (Ps. 96:4-5). see how the gospel HANDS
transforms the way Making much of Jesus means that we not merely shine Gods glory to
those around us with our actions, but with our words as well. No matter
Takes your students they think, feel, and how many good actions people witness from us, actions alone will never
lead someone to a saving knowledge of God. Think of it this way: trees are
on a 3-year CAIN AND ABEL live from day to day good, but no matter how long you stare at a tree and observe its beauty,
the tree will never be able to tell you the gospel. For that, you need words.
journey through CREATION
The depth of humanitys fall
is revealed in the heinous
murder between two
No matter how much we seek to love our neighbors with our actions, if we

the Bible that All things, from the cosmic

to the molecular level,
God creates man in His image, FALL
brothers. dont speak the gospel in words to them, were no better than trees.
Read Matthew 28:18-20. How will fulfilling the Great Commission
examines Scripture
have been created by Him,
to reflect His likeness.. Sin enters the story and distorts
through Him, and for Him.
Gods good creation.
require both action and speech?
4 Session 1 The Gospel Project for Students 5 How will this truth challenge you in your conversations with others?
through a Christ- Highlights 99 6 Session 1

centered lens essential Christian

Doctrines that
every student
should know

4 5
How it Works
John 1:1-3,14 says: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through Him, and apart from Him
not one thing was created that has been created ... The Word became flesh and took up residence among Gods Story has always been designed to connect with your story. It is because of His story
us. We observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. that our stories make sense, have meaning, and carry on into eternity. Use the questions
Every time we see God speak things into existence, the Son is there. God created everything through below to help think through how His Story connects with your own.
His Son, and all things exist and hold together because of His Son.
When have you experienced the goodness of Gods creation? How did it make
SESSION ONE you feel?


1 Corinthians 8:5-6
For even if there are so-

called gods, whether in
IN THE WHOLE DOMAIN OF OUR heaven or on earthas
HUMAN EXISTENCE OVER WHICH there are many gods and Why do you think people are astounded when they see places like Yellowstone or
many lordsyet for us the Grand Canyon? What do these experiences tell you about God?
CHRIST, WHO IS SOVEREIGN OVER there is one God, the Father.
ALL, DOES NOT CRY: MINE! All things are from Him, and
we exist for Him. And there
Abraham Kuyper
is one Lord, Jesus Christ. All
things are through Him, and
Abraham Kuyper, Sphere Sovereignty, Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader, ed. James D. Bratt
we exist through Him.
(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998), 488. How are these created things good (moral, beautiful, usable)?

Our journey into Gods story revealed in Scripture starts with the opening Shows how
pages of the Book of Genesis. In those pages, we not only see that
everything finds its source of origin in the God of the Bible, but also that Jesus is Why is it so important that God created everything through the Son? Because through the Son, God
gives us special revelation. Creation gives us general knowledge about Gods power and nature, but it
Why is belief in creation important? What are the implications if God didnt create?
fails to reveal Gods specific plan of redemption and certain things about Him. In order to know those
connected to
our own story begins here as well. The creation account invites us to look
things, God would have to reveal Himself personally. According to the Bible, this is exactly what God
back to historical events that took place and recognize that these truths did through the sending of His Son.
tell us who we are and how we are to live in the present age. We not only
learn about God, but we learn something about ourselves as well. the story
Gives a brief
summary of Genesis 1:1-25
Highlights the Shows students HIS STORY

the session
Gods Story of

main point to that what took Redemption through

His Son, Jesus Christ.

In the beginning, God created everything, and He created everything good. be discussed NOAH
Both judgment and graciousness
place in Gods
Where your story
meets His. .

are found in the flood.
Story years ago
Humanitys pride is relentless in
seeking praise for itself; but Gods

intersects with our

glory will never be dethroned.
4 Session 1 The Gospel Project for Students 5

The Gospel Project for Students 1

own stories today

Contains the
Bible story for Highlights
that session GOD CREATED
EVERYTHING GOOD essential Romans 1:18-20
For Gods wrath is revealed
The next critical point from the creation account is that
from heaven against
God created everything good. Starting in verse three and all godlessness and
going all the way through verse 25, God declares that unrighteousness of people


each part of His creation is good.

Good. What does that mean? Why does God call each
students who by their unrighteousness
suppress the truth, since
what can be known[o] about
The original audience of the Book of Genesis was the ancient Israelites on their way to the promised
land. They would not have asked some of the questions that pique our interest, such as the age of
step of His creation good? should know God is evident among them,
because God has shown
the earth or the science behind the creation. So what, then, was the original purpose for the creation Is it morally good? Yes. When God created it to them. For His invisible
account in Genesis? attributes, that is, His eternal
everything, there was no sin in it.
The Israelites would have wrestled with questions such as: Is our God the real God? Is He the best power and divine nature, have
Is it beautiful and pleasant to the eyes? Yes.
God? Is He the most powerful God? Having lived so long among the gods of the Egyptians and those of You dont have to stare at the Grand Canyon or a
been clearly seen since the HEAD
creation of the world, being
other foreign nations, the Israelites struggled to believe that their God was the God. sunset for long to realize that the work of creation understood through what He From the very beginning, we see that God created everything. This means,
is beautiful. has made. As a result, people
Is it usable? Yes. When God created something and among other things, that the entire cosmos is in His hands. Its all in His
are without excuse.
called it good, He was saying it was doing well at hands. Even in its broken state, He is in control of everything.
Genesis 1:1-2 ESSENTIAL performing its intended purpose and design. How does knowledge of Gods sovereignty over all creation influence
questions for
In the beginning God
created the heavens
the way you think about your circumstances?
The purpose and design of creation is to declare Gods Why should belief in the sovereignty of God change the way we
and the earth. Now the 26. Creation out of Nothing
glory and proclaim the work of His hands (Ps. 19:1) and ESSENTIAL
earth was formless
and empty, darkness
covered the surface
The Bible requires us to believe that God created the universe
everything both visible and invisibleout of nothing (sometimes
to reveal things about God that are invisible to us, such
as His eternal power and divine nature (Rom. 1:20).
DOCTRINES personal and/or handle stress and anxiety?

of the watery depths, said, creation ex nihilo). This means that before God created
Because of creation, we can clearly see and understand 27. The Goodness of Creation
group use HEART
and the Spirit of God
was hovering over the
surface of the waters.
anything, nothing else existed except God Himself. Nothing in
creation is eternal; every created thing has a beginning.
these things.
It is quite stunning that we get to see the God of
this universe begin the good work of revealing Himself.
In Genesis 1, God repeatedly
affirmed that all of His creation was
Creation, though corrupted because of sin, was created good. This means
that sunsets, waterfalls, stars, mountains, oceans, plants, animals, food,
Shows students how
He reveals Himself in His creation, allowing humanity
to know things about the Creator just by looking at
good, even very good (1:31). It is
good, in Gods judgment, because
relationships, and a billion other things were all created good for both Gods
glory and our enjoyment.
Gods Story for that
session transforms
To remedy such wandering hearts, God wrote Genesis 1:1 to help His people understand that the God creationmuch like an artist leaves fingerprints on a He created it for a purpose that it
of their bedtime storiesthe God of their fatherswas the very same God who created the world.
In light of this truth, how should we feel towards creation in general?
work of art. fulfilledto reflect and display the
The God of Israel, not the gods of the Canaanites or the Philistines, was the Creator of everything. What are some parts of creation you particularly enjoy?
the way one thinks,
good character of the Creator.
For the Lord is great and is highly praised; He is feared above all gods. For all the gods of the Is it possible for our hearts to idolize parts of creation? If so, how? In
peoples are idols, but the Lord made the heavens (Ps. 96:4-5). what ways can we avoid this happening to us?

HANDS feels, and lives from

Making much of Jesus means that we not merely shine Gods glory to that point forward
those around us with our actions, but with our words as well. No matter
CAIN AND ABEL how many good actions people witness from us, actions alone will never
The depth of humanitys fall is
lead someone to a saving knowledge of God. Think of it this way: trees are
Traces the
revealed in the heinous murder
CREATION between two brothers. good, but no matter how long you stare at a tree and observe its beauty,
All things, from the cosmic the tree will never be able to tell you the gospel. For that, you need words.

biblical and
to the molecular level,
have been created by Him,
God creates man in His image, FALL No matter how much we seek to love our neighbors with our actions, if we
to reflect His likeness.. Sin enters the story and distorts
through Him, and for Him.
Gods good creation.
dont speak the gospel in words to them, were no better than trees.
2 Session 1
historical The Gospel Project for Students 3 Read Matthew 28:18-20. How will fulfilling the Great Commission
require both action and speech?

timeline of How will this truth challenge you in your conversations with others?

people and 6 Session 1

6 events 7
How it Works
1 Corinthians 8:5-6 tells us that God not only created everything, but that He
created everything through His Son:

For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth GROUP QUESTIONS

as there are many gods and many lordsyet for us there is one
Gods Story has always been designed to connect with your story. It is because of His story that
God, the Father. All things are from Him, and we exist for Him. And
our stories make sense, have meaning, and carry on into eternity. Use the questions below to
there is one Lord, Jesus Christ. All things are through Him, and we help think through how His Story connects with your own.

the main exist through Him. (1 Cor. 8:5-6)

In light of this passage, you might reread the creation account and say, I see the
When have you experienced the goodness of Gods creation? How did it make
you feel? Share with the class a time that this happened to you. Maybe while on

point to be Holy Spirit hovering over the waters in Genesis 1:2, and I see God the Father
speaking things into existence, but where is the Son?
vacation at the beach, on a visit to a national park, at the birth of your child, etc.

THE POINT emphasized John 1:1-3,14 answers: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created
Why do you think people are astounded when they see places like Yellowstone
or the Grand Canyon? What do these experiences tell you about God? Places like
the Grand Canyon have a way of making us feel like there is something much bigger than
through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created...

A section
us as we stand in awe of the beauty of creation. The stars and planets declare the glory
In the beginning, God created everything, and He created The Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We observed His glory, the
SESSION ONE everything good.
glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. Every time we
of God, illustrating His power, beauty, creativity, wisdom, compassion, etc.
see God speak things into existence, the Son is there. God created everything through

In the Beginning, highlighting His Son, and all things exist and hold together because of His Son.
Why is it so important that God created everything through the Son? Because
How are these created things good (moral, beautiful, usable)? Students may
give different answers to how the things that have been mentioned are good. Guide the
discussion and give affirmation/correction where needed.
INTRO/STARTER through the Son, God gives us special revelation. Creation gives us general

God... how each story knowledge about Gods power and nature, but it fails to reveal Gods specific plan
of redemption and certain things about Him. In order to know those things, God Why is belief in creation important? What are the implications if God didnt
would have to reveal Himself personally and tells us those things. According to the
Option 1
connects with
create? There are many implications that follow if there is no Creator. Allow students to
Bible, this is exactly what God did through the sending of His Son. think through some of the implications. (For example, if God does not exist, then morality
For this option, discuss with students how every great story has a great beginning. A good does not exist either. This would mean that there are no such things as good and evil
beginning sets the tone, gives the context, draws you in, and makes you want to know more.
There is a place in which these two revelations collide and converge, a place in which acts, only a world of indifference. It would also mean there is no ultimate meaning to life.)
Take these beginnings from some of the most enduring works of literature: God can reveal Himself to the world generally and specially. That place is within
the believer.
There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it. C. S. As a human being, a believer represents humanity. The creation of humanity
was set apart as the apex of all of Gods creation (day six holds one more creation of
Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Godthe focus of session 2). No other creation of God can tell the glory of God
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the like a human being because no other creation bears the image of God. The heavens,
age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was mountains, and oceans are proclaiming the glory of God, but not like we can display
the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the
winter of despair. Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
it. Every single person we see and encounter is, by nature, showing us something of
God Himself.
As believers, we carry the greatest light of Gods general revelation, but we also
Gods Story of
Group discussion
questions designed
through His Son,
bear the light of Gods special revelation. God has commanded to shine in your heart Jesus Christ.
Ask students: what if a book exists that hasnt just endured the test of a hundred years but of the light of the knowledge of His glory in the face of Jesus Christ. YOUR STORY
SESSION SUMMARY thousands? There are countless books written by men and women, but what if we had a book Where your story

to highlight
meets His. .
Our journey into Gods story revealed in Scripture starts with the opening pages of the Book authored by God Himself? The beginning line would state...
of Genesis. In those pages, we not only see that everything finds its source of origin in the God

how Gods Story

of the Bible, but also that our own story begins here as well. The creation account invites us In the beginning, God The Bible opens simply yet dramatically as were introduced to
to look back to historical events and recognize that these truths tell us who we are and how the greatest reality ever to existGod. In Genesis 1:1, we meet a God who is simply there.
7 The Gospel Project for Students Leader Guide 8
we are to live in the present age. We not only learn about God, but we learn something about
ourselves as well.
Option 2
connects with our
For this option, show the Gospel Project for Students promotional video located at our website: Click on Fall 2105; the video is located under Session 1. own story
Genesis 1:1-25
After showing the video, discuss the following questions with students before turning to the
next section of the lesson.

What did you think was interesting about the video? Why do you think we are always drawn
to a good story? Why is it important to see our story as part of the Bibles bigger story?
Equips the
Provides leader with
a brief two interactive
summary of 1 The Gospel Project for Students Leader Guide 2
options to
the session begin the Shows us how
session Gods Story
leads us to
The biblical
storyline with Him LEADER PACK
For this session, Item #1 can be used to point out the division of the days of Genesis 1 (two sets of three days).

HIS STORY TIMELINE The first set of days (Gen. 1:3-13) addresses the creations darkness and formlessness. The second set of

for each
days (Gen. 1:14-25) is where God addresses creations emptiness. Overall, it can be a visually helpful way to
CREATION understand the division of the days of Genesis 1.
The Bible doesnt HEAD
stamp a specific date
on the creation event
in Genesis. It specifies
From the very beginning, we see that God created everything. This means, among other
things, that the entire cosmos is in His hands. Even in its broken state, He is in control
1. Robert D. Bergen, HCSB Study Bible (Nashville: B&H, 2010), 7.

How else could you describe the creation of everything unless youre first introduced 2. Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994), 262-64.]
that there was a of everything.
to Someone who preceded everything? Thats the whole point of Genesis 1:1. The beginning, and that How does knowledge of Gods sovereignty over all creation influence the way you 3. Michael F. Bird, Evangelical Theology (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013), 157-58.]
God who simply iswho preceded everything and is not dependent on anything before this beginning think about your circumstances?

THE POINT created all. the material universe
Why should belief in the sovereignty of God change the way we handle stress and anxiety?
did not exist. Whether
In the beginning, God created everything, and He created To remedy such wandering hearts, GodIn the beginning
wrote God
Genesis 1:1 created
to help the heavens and the earth. Now the
His people
the Bible suggests
resources for
the universe is
everything good. earth was formless and empty,
understand that the God of their bedtime storiesthe God of their fatherswas darkness covered the surface of the
The purpose and old
design of creation
or young is a is to declare Gods glory and proclaim the work
Check out the following additional resources:
the very same God who created the world. watery
The Goddepths, and
of Israel, notthe
the Spirit
gods ofof God was hovering over the surface of His hands (Ps.topic
19:1)ofand to reveal things about God that are invisible to us, such as Leader Training Videos
BEARING HEART One Conversations
the waters. (Gen. For
1:1-2) His eternal poweramong Christians.

the Canaanites or the Philistines, was the of everything. the Lord and divine nature (Rom. 1:20). Because of creation, we can clearly GODS IMAGE
is great and is highly praised; He is feared above all gods. For all the gods of the see and understand these things. God creates man in Creation, though corrupted because of sin, was created good. This means that sunsets,
CHARACTERS The original
peoples are idols, but the Lord made the heavens audience of the Book of Genesis was the ancient Israelites on their
(Ps. 96:4-5). Think aboutWhat it thisit does
way: confirm,
if someone we had never met walked into the room, His image, to reflect waterfalls, stars, mountains, oceans, plants, animals, food, relationships, and a billion
way to the promised land (a story for a later time). They would not havethere askedwould be certainhowever, is that His likeness. other things were all created good for both Gods glory and our enjoyment.
things we could know about him even if he just stood
The Triune GodFather, Son, and Holy Spirit all things, from
some of the questions that pique our interest, such as the age of the earth or In light of this truth, how should we feel towards creation in general? What are some
the cosmic to the
the science behind the creation. So what, then, was the original purpose for the parts of creation you particularly enjoy?
molecular level, have FALL
creation account in Genesis? been created by Him, Is it possible for our hearts to idolize parts of creation? If so, how? In what ways can we
Sin enters the story avoid this happening to us?
26. Creation out of Nothing The Israelites would have wrestled with questions such as Is our God the real through Him, and
PLOT God? Is He the best God? Is He the most powerful God? Having lived so long27. The Goodnessfor
among of Creation
and distorts Gods
The Bible requires us to believe that God created the universeeverything both good creation.
the gods of the Egyptians
The grand story of the Bible, the story that we are all a part of, begins with creation. It begins as everyvisible and invisibleout of nothing (sometimes said, creation ex nihilo). Thisand those of foreign nations, the Israelites struggled to
In Genesis 1, God repeatedly affirmed that all of His creation was good, even very good Additional suggestions for specific groups are available at
beginning shouldit sets the stage for everything that follows. The first chapter of Genesis opens simply means yetthat before God created anything, nothingbelieve
elsethat theirexcept
existed God was
Godthe God.
Himself. (1:31). It is good, in Gods judgment, because He created it for a purpose that it fulfilledto
dramatically as were introduced to the greatest reality ever to existGod. In Genesis 1:1, we meet a God who in creation is eternal; every created thing has a beginning. Therefore, the
Nothing reflect and display the good character of the Creator. Therefore, sin, evil, and rebellion
CAIN AND HAND And for free online training on how to lead a group visit
is simply there. It doesnt open up with a long list of arguments for Gods existence because the Bibleeternal
is His God rules over all of His creation and He alone is worthy of worship. Denial should not be seen as intrinsic to the creation but rather an intrusion into the created The depth of Making much of Jesus means that we not merely shine Gods glory to those around us
revelation of Himself. It simply assumes His existence because He wrote it. of this doctrine has implications for Gods independence from, sovereignty over, and realm. While the corruption of sin has marred and distorted the creation, it is still good humanitys fall with our actions, but with our words as well. No matter how many good actions people
providence in creation. Because God created out of nothing, creation has meaning WITH THE STORY in the hands of God and serves His purpose of proclaiming His glory in the world. Gods is revealed in the witness from us, actions alone will never lead someone to a saving knowledge of God.
We find out from very early on that God is not dependent on anything or anyone else for His existence.and purpose and points us to the Creator.2 This opening verse of the Bible, seven words in the Hebrew, establishes seven keypeople truthsshould affirm and seek to preserve the goodness of Gods creation (2:15).3 heinous murder
Think of it this way: trees are good, but no matter how long you stare at a tree and observe
Instead, Genesis 1 describes God as Creator of everythingall that exists owes its existence to God alone. upon which the rest of the Bible is based. First, God exists. The essential first step in between two
its beauty, the tree will never be able to tell you the gospel. For that, you need words.
Have you ever wondered where God came from? The answer is that He has always existed. pleasing God is recognizing His existence (Heb. 11:6). Second, God existed before there brothers.
No matter how much we seek to love our neighbors with our actions, if we dont speak the
was a universe and will exist after the universe perishes (Heb. 1:10-12). Third, God is the

Provides discussion
gospel in words to them, were no better than trees.
Lets now turn to the Genesis account to learn more about this creation and how God created We are no different than the original audiencemain ofcharacter
the Bookinofthe Bible. He
Genesis. silently
is the subject of the first verb in the Bible (in fact, He
Though is the before us. Without him actually revealing himself to us by speaking, Read Matthew. 28:18-20. How will fulfilling the great commission require both action
everything good. perhaps not tempted to bow down to wooden subject of more
statues, verbs than
our hearts anyas
are just other we could look at him and make some accurate, general statements about him.
character) and performs a wider variety of activities
The essential Judgment and and speech?
than We
to seek satisfaction in other things besides God. any ask
other being in the
questions like:Bible.
Is God Fourth,
real?as Creator, God has done what no human Based
beingon appearances, we might say he is approximately 60 foot tall, 180 pounds,

questions that
Graciousness are How will this truth challenge you in your conversations with others?
Does He love me? Is He worth it? could ever do; in its active form the Hebrew verb bara, meaning to create, never has strong,
a has brown hair and brown eyes, athletic, creative, etc. From appearances found in the flood.

Christian When we have these questions and strugglehuman tosubject.

believe Thus
in thebara signifies
realness alone, our observations would be general, but still true.
anda work that is uniquely Gods. Fifth, God is mysterious;

emphasize how Gods
goodness of God, we should recount Genesis though thethe
1:1, In Hebrew word for
beginning, Whenthe verb form of which God is the subject isBut for us to really know himto know his thoughts, character, intentions, and
God is plural,
there was nothing, there was God, and thatsingular.
ought toThis is perhaps
create a wondera subtle
Him that willhe would need to speak to us. He would need to tell us his likes/dislikes, his
to Gods Trinitarian nature: He is three divine TOWER OF

doctrines triumphs over our questions. persons in one divine essence. Sixth, God is the Creator of heaven and earth. He doesnt family background, his life experiences, etc. In other words, he would need to speak. BABEL 9 The Gospel Project for Students

leader pack
Leader Guide 10

Story transforms the

Humanitys pride is
This God who owes His existence to nojust onemodify
and ispre-existing matter but
in need of nothing calls matter
decided to into being out of nothing (Ps. 33:6,9;
relentless in seeking

students create everything, including you. This truthHeb. a feelingon the universe, but the universe is totally It is quite stunning that we get to see the God of this universe begin the good
overwhelm Godyou
is not dependent
with praise for itself;

information for
of love to such an extent that youre able to reject on God
any heart (Heb.
idols 1:3).1 after you.
coming work of revealing Himself. He reveals Himself in His creation, allowing but Gods glory will

should know Additional

humanity to know things about the Creator just by looking at creationmuch
like an artist leaves fingerprints on a work of art. He could have left us with this
never be dethroned.
way we think, feel,
3 The Gospel Project for Students
GOD CREATED EVERYTHING GOOD general knowledge. He didnt have to speak or make Himself known, but He did,
and He still does. InLeader
fact, one of Gods
Guide 4 greatest acts of mercy toward the world and
and live from this each session
material for
The next critical point from the creation account is that God created
mankind is that He spoke.
everything good. Starting in verse three and going all the way through verse

point forward
25, God declares that each part of His creation is good.

leaders to go
Good. What does that mean? Why does God call each step of His creation good?
Ever since these first six days, creation has been fulfilling its purpose such that
Is it morally good? Yes. When God created everything, there was no sin everyone knows God. In fact, Romans 1 says there is not a single person out there
in it. deeper into
Is it beautiful and pleasant to the eyes? Yes. You dont have to stare at the Grand
who doesnt know God (v. 21). Thats good news, but there is also bad news.
Romans 1:18 says that even though everyone knows the truth about God, fallen

8 the story
Canyon or a sunset for long to realize that the work of creation is beautiful.
Is it usable? Yes. When God created something and called it good, He was
humankind suppresses that truth in unrighteousness. No matter how good the
mountains and the heavens are, no matter how plainly they display the truth about Gods 9
saying it was doing well at performing its intended purpose and design. glory, humanity will always suppress this knowledge and choose not to glorify God.
5 The Gospel Project for Students Leader Guide 6
Study 1. Gives a brief summary of

In the Beginning, the session

Guide 2. Highlights the main

God... point to be discussed

(Sample shown at 85% of

actual size)

Our journey into Gods story revealed in Scripture starts with the
opening pages of the Book of Genesis. In those pages, we not only see 1
that everything finds its source of origin in the God of the Bible, but also
that our own story begins here as well. The creation account invites us
to look back to historical events that took place and recognize that these
truths tell us who we are and how we are to live in the present age. We

THE STORY not only learn about God, but we learn something about ourselves as

Genesis 1:1-25

In the beginning, God created everything, and He created everything good.


Ed Stetzer General Editor
Trevin Wax Managing Editor

10 11
Romans 1:18-20
EVERYTHING GOOD For Gods wrath is revealed
The next critical point from the creation account is that from heaven against
God created everything good. Starting in verse three and all godlessness and
going all the way through verse 25, God declares that unrighteousness of people Features
each part of His creation is good. who by their unrighteousness
suppress the truth, since
Good. What does that mean? Why does God call each what can be known[o] about
1 GOD CREATED EVERYTHING step of His creation good? God is evident among them, 1. Contains the biblical
because God has shown
The original audience of the Book of Genesis was the ancient Israelites on their way to the promised it to them. For His invisible
story for that session
Is it morally good? Yes. When God created
land. They would not have asked some of the questions that pique our interest, such as the age of attributes, that is, His eternal
everything, there was no sin in it.
the earth or the science behind the creation. So what, then, was the original purpose for the creation Is it beautiful and pleasant to the eyes? Yes.
power and divine nature, have 2. Traces the biblical and
account in Genesis? been clearly seen since the
You dont have to stare at the Grand Canyon or a creation of the world, being
historical timeline of
The Israelites would have wrestled with questions such as: Is our God the real God? Is He the best sunset for long to realize that the work of creation people and events
understood through what He
God? Is He the most powerful God? Having lived so long among the gods of the Egyptians and those of is beautiful. has made. As a result, people are
other foreign nations, the Israelites struggled to believe that their God was the God. Is it usable? Yes. When God created something and without excuse.

called it good, He was saying it was doing well at 3. Highlights essential

performing its intended purpose and design. doctrines everyone
Genesis 1:1-2 ESSENTIAL should know
The purpose and design of creation is to declare Gods 3
In the beginning God DOCTRINES glory and proclaim the work of His hands (Ps. 19:1) and ESSENTIAL
created the heavens to reveal things about God that are invisible to us, such DOCTRINES
and the earth. Now the 26. Creation out of Nothing as His eternal power and divine nature (Rom. 1:20).
earth was formless 27. The Goodness of Creation
and empty, darkness The Bible requires us to believe that God created the Because of creation, we can clearly see and understand
covered the surface universeeverything both visible and invisibleout of nothing these things. In Genesis 1, God repeatedly affirmed
of the watery depths, It is quite stunning that we get to see the God of that all of His creation was good,
(sometimes said, creation ex nihilo). This means that before
and the Spirit of God this universe begin the good work of revealing Himself.
God created anything, nothing else existed except God Himself. He reveals Himself in His creation, allowing humanity even very good (1:31). It is good, in
was hovering over the Nothing in creation is eternal; every created thing has a beginning.
surface of the waters.
to know things about the Creator just by looking at Gods judgment, because He created
creationmuch like an artist leaves fingerprints on a it for a purpose that it fulfilledto
work of art. reflect and display the good
To remedy such wandering hearts, God wrote Genesis 1:1 to help His people understand that the God character of the Creator.
of their bedtime storiesthe God of their fatherswas the very same God who created the world. The
God of Israel, not the gods of the Canaanites or the Philistines, was the Creator of everything. For the
Lord is great and is highly praised; He is feared above all gods. For all the gods of the peoples are idols,
but the Lord made the heavens (Ps. 96:4-5).


The depth of humanitys fall
is revealed in the heinous
CREATION murder between two
All things, from the cosmic brothers.
to the molecular level,
God creates man in His image, FALL
have been created by Him,
to reflect His likeness.. Sin enters the story and distorts
through Him, and for Him.
Gods good creation.
12 Session 1 The Gospel Project for Students 13

12 13


John 1:1-3,14 says: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one
thing was created that has been created ... The Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We
observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. Every Gods Story has always been designed to connect with your story. It is because of His story
time we see God speak things into existence, the Son is there. God created everything through His Son,
that our stories make sense, have meaning, and carry on into eternity. Use the questions
and all things exist and hold together because of His Son. below to help think through how His Story connects with your own. 1. Shows how Jesus is con-
nected to the story
When have you experienced the goodness of Gods creation? How did it make
you feel?
2. Is intended for group
1 Corinthians 8:5-6
THERE IS NOT A SQUARE INCH For even if there are so-
IN THE WHOLE DOMAIN OF OUR called gods, whether in
heaven or on earthas 3. Shows students that what
HUMAN EXISTENCE OVER WHICH there are many gods
took place in Gods Story
and many lordsyet for Why do you think people are astounded when they see places like Yellowstone or
CHRIST, WHO IS SOVEREIGN OVER us there is one God, the the Grand Canyon? What do these experiences tell you about God? years ago intersects with
ALL, DOES NOT CRY: MINE! Father. All things are from their own stories today
Abraham Kuyper Him, and we exist for Him.
And there is one Lord,
Jesus Christ. All things are 
Abraham Kuyper, Sphere Sovereignty, Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader, ed. James D. Bratt
through Him, and we exist
(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998), 488.
through Him.
How are these created things good (moral, beautiful, usable)?

Why is it so important that God created everything through the Son? Because through the Son, God gives
us special revelation. Creation gives us general knowledge about Gods power and nature, but it fails to reveal Why is belief in creation important? What are the implications if God didnt
Gods specific plan of redemption and certain things about Him. In order to know those things, God would create?
have to reveal Himself personally. According to the Bible, this is exactly what God did through the sending
of His Son.

Gods Story of
Redemption through
His Son, Jesus Christ. YOUR STORY
Where your story
meets His. .

Both judgment and graciousness TOWER OF BABEL
are found in the flood. Humanitys pride is relentless in
seeking praise for itself; but Gods
glory will never be dethroned.
14 Session 1 3

14 15


1. Is intended for personal Leader

and/or group use
HEAD Guide
2. Shows students how
Gods Story for that 2 From the very beginning, we see that God created everything. This means, Students
session transforms the among other things, that the entire cosmos is in His hands. Its all in His
way one thinks, feels, hands. Even in its broken state, He is in control of everything.
(Sample shown at 85% of
and lives from that How does knowledge of Gods sovereignty over all creation influence
actual size)
point forward the way you think about your circumstances?
Why should belief in the sovereignty of God change the way we
handle stress and anxiety?

Creation, though corrupted because of sin, was created good. This means
that sunsets, waterfalls, stars, mountains, oceans, plants, animals, food,
relationships, and a billion other things were all created good for both
Gods glory and our enjoyment.
In light of this truth, how should we feel towards creation in general?
What are some parts of creation you particularly enjoy?
Is it possible for our hearts to idolize parts of creation? If so, how? In

what ways can we avoid this happening to us?

Making much of Jesus means that we not merely shine Gods glory to BEGINS
those around us with our actions, but with our words as well. No matter
how many good actions people witness from us, actions alone will
never lead someone to a saving knowledge of God. Think of it this way:
trees are good, but no matter how long you stare at a tree and observe
its beauty, the tree will never be able to tell you the gospel. For that, you
need words.
No matter how much we seek to love our neighbors with our actions, if we
dont speak the gospel in words to them, were no better than trees.
Read Matthew 28:18-20. How will fulfilling the Great Commission LEADER GUIDE
require both action and speech? Ed Stetzer General Editor
How will this truth challenge you in your conversations with others? Trevin Wax Managing Editor

16 17

In the beginning, God created everything, and He created Features

SESSION ONE everything good.
1. Provides a brief summary
In the Beginning, 3 INTRO/STARTER
of the session

God... 2. Highlights the main

point to be emphasized
Option 1
For this option, discuss with students how every great story has a great beginning. A good
3. Equips the leader with
beginning sets the tone, gives the context, draws you in, and makes you want to know more.
two interactive options
Take these beginnings from some of the most enduring works of literature:
to begin the session
There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it. C. S.
Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the
age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was
the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the 
winter of despair. Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Ask students: what if a book exists that hasnt just endured the test of a hundred years but
1 SESSION SUMMARY of thousands? There are countless books written by men and women, but what if we had a
Our journey into Gods story revealed in Scripture starts with the opening pages of the Book book authored by God Himself? The beginning line would state...
of Genesis. In those pages, we not only see that everything finds its source of origin in the
God of the Bible, but also that our own story begins here as well. The creation account invites In the beginning, God The Bible opens simply yet dramatically as were introduced to
us to look back to historical events and recognize that these truths tell us who we are and the greatest reality ever to existGod. In Genesis 1:1, we meet a God who is simply there.
how we are to live in the present age. We not only learn about God, but we learn something
about ourselves as well.
Option 2
For this option, show the Gospel Project for Students promotional video located at our
SCRIPTURE website: Click on Fall 2105; the video is located under
Session 1.
Genesis 1:1-25
After showing the video, discuss the following questions with students before turning to the
next section of the lesson.

What did you think was interesting about the video? Why do you think we are always drawn
to a good story? Why is it important to see our story as part of the Bibles bigger story?

18 19

The Bible doesnt
stamp a specific date
on the creation event
in Genesis. It specifies
How else could you describe the creation of everything unless youre first that there was a 1. Overviews the cast of
introduced to Someone who preceded everything? Thats the whole point of Genesis beginning, and that main characters in each
1:1. The God who simply iswho preceded everything and is not dependent on before this beginning
the material universe sessions narrative
anythingcreated all.
did not exist.
Whether the Bible 2. Contains an
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the
THE POINT suggests the universe
earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the is old or young is
introductory plot of
watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface a topic of debate the biblical story.
In the beginning, God created everything, and He created
of the waters. (Gen. 1:1-2) among Christians.
everything good.
3. The biblical storyline for
The original audience of the Book of Genesis was the ancient Israelites on What it does confirm,
however, is that each session
their way to the promised land (a story for a later time). They would not
all things, from
1 CHARACTERS have asked some of the questions that pique our interest, such as the age of
the cosmic to the 4. Additional material for
the earth or the science behind the creation. So what, then, was the original molecular level, have
The Triune GodFather, Son, and Holy Spirit purpose for the creation account in Genesis? been created by Him,
leaders to go deeper into
The Israelites would have wrestled with questions such as Is our God the through Him, and the story
real God? Is He the best God? Is He the most powerful God? Having lived so long for Him.
among the gods of the Egyptians and those of foreign nations, the Israelites
struggled to believe that their God was the God.
The grand story of the Bible, the story that we are all a part of, begins with creation. It begins as every
beginning shouldit sets the stage for everything that follows. The first chapter of Genesis opens simply
yet dramatically as were introduced to the greatest reality ever to existGod. In Genesis 1:1, we meet a
God who is simply there. It doesnt open up with a long list of arguments for Gods existence because the
Bible is His revelation of Himself. It simply assumes His existence because He wrote it.
This opening verse of the Bible, seven words in the Hebrew, establishes seven key
truths upon which the rest of the Bible is based. First, God exists. The essential first
We find out from very early on that God is not dependent on anything or anyone else for His existence.
Instead, Genesis 1 describes God as Creator of everythingall that exists owes its existence to God alone.
step in pleasing God is recognizing His existence (Heb. 11:6). Second, God existed before
Have you ever wondered where God came from? The answer is that He has always existed. there was a universe and will exist after the universe perishes (Heb. 1:10-12). Third, God
is the main character in the Bible. He is the subject of the first verb in the Bible (in fact,
Lets now turn to the Genesis account to learn more about this creation and how God created He is the subject of more verbs than any other character) and performs a wider variety
everythinggood. of activities than any other being in the Bible. Fourth, as Creator, God has done what no
human being could ever do; in its active form the Hebrew verb bara, meaning to create,
never has a human subject. Thus bara signifies a work that is uniquely Gods. Fifth, God
is mysterious; though the Hebrew word for God is plural, the verb form of which God is
the subject is singular. This is perhaps a subtle allusion to Gods Trinitarian nature: He is
three divine persons in one divine essence. Sixth, God is the Creator of heaven and earth.
He doesnt just modify pre-existing matter but calls matter into being out of nothing
(Ps. 33:6,9; Heb. 11:3). Seventh, God is not dependent on the universe, but the universe is
totally dependent on God (Heb. 1:3).1

20 21
To remedy such wandering hearts, God wrote Genesis 1:1 to help His The purpose and design of creation is to declare Gods glory and proclaim the work
people understand that the God of their bedtime storiesthe God of their of His hands (Ps. 19:1) and to reveal things about God that are invisible to us, such
fatherswas the very same God who created the world. The God of Israel, not as His eternal power and divine nature (Rom. 1:20). Because of creation, we can
the gods of the Canaanites or the Philistines, was the Creator of everything. For clearly see and understand these things. TIMELINE
the Lord is great and is highly praised; He is feared above all gods. For all the Think about it this way: if someone we had never met walked into the room,
gods of the peoples are idols, but the Lord made the heavens (Ps. 96:4-5). there would be certain things we could know about him even if he just stood BEARING

God creates man in Features
His image, to reflect
His likeness.
27. The Goodness of Creation
26. Creation out of Nothing In Genesis 1, God repeatedly affirmed that all of His creation was good, even very 1. The essential
The Bible requires us to believe that God created the universeeverything both good (1:31). It is good, in Gods judgment, because He created it for a purpose that it Sin enters the story Christian doctrines
visible and invisibleout of nothing (sometimes said, creation ex nihilo). This fulfilledto reflect and display the good character of the Creator. Therefore, sin, evil, and distorts Gods students should know
means that before God created anything, nothing else existed except God Himself. and rebellion should not be seen as intrinsic to the creation but rather an intrusion into good creation.
Nothing in creation is eternal; every created thing has a beginning. Therefore, the the created realm. While the corruption of sin has marred and distorted the creation, it
eternal God rules over all of His creation and He alone is worthy of worship. Denial is still good in the hands of God and serves His purpose of proclaiming His glory in the
of this doctrine has implications for Gods independence from, sovereignty over, and world. Gods people should affirm and seek to preserve the goodness of Gods creation ABEL
providence in creation. Because God created out of nothing, creation has meaning (2:15).3 The depth of
and purpose and points us to the Creator.2 humanitys fall
is revealed in the
heinous murder
between two
silently before us. Without him actually revealing himself to us by speaking, brothers.
we could look at him and make some accurate, general statements about him.
We are no different than the original audience of the Book of Genesis. Though Based on appearances, we might say he is approximately 60 foot tall, 180
perhaps not tempted to bow down to wooden statues, our hearts are just as likely pounds, strong, has brown hair and brown eyes, athletic, creative, etc. From NOAH
to seek satisfaction in other things besides God. We ask questions like: Is God real? appearances alone, our observations would be general, but still true. Judgment and
Does He love me? Is He worth it? But for us to really know himto know his thoughts, character, intentions, Graciousness are
When we have these questions and struggle to believe in the realness and and willhe would need to speak to us. He would need to tell us his likes/dislikes, found in the flood.
goodness of God, we should recount Genesis 1:1, In the beginning, God When his family background, his life experiences, etc. In other words, he would need to
there was nothing, there was God, and that ought to create a wonder about Him speak.
that triumphs over our questions.
This God who owes His existence to no one and is in need of nothing decided It is quite stunning that we get to see the God of this universe begin the good Humanitys pride is
to create everything, including you. This truth ought to overwhelm you with a work of revealing Himself. He reveals Himself in His creation, allowing relentless in seeking
feeling of love to such an extent that youre able to reject any heart idols coming humanity to know things about the Creator just by looking at creation praise for itself;
after you. much like an artist leaves fingerprints on a work of art. He could have left us but Gods glory will
never be dethroned.


Ever since these first six days, creation has been fulfilling its purpose such that
The next critical point from the creation account is that God created everyone knows God. In fact, Romans 1 says that there is not a single person who
everything good. Starting in verse three and going all the way through verse doesnt know God (v. 21). Thats good news, but there is also bad news.
25, God declares that each part of His creation is good. Romans 1:18 says that even though everyone knows the truth about God, fallen
humankind suppresses that truth in unrighteousness. No matter how good the
Good. What does that mean? Why does God call each step of His creation good? mountains and the heavens are, no matter how plainly they display the truth about
Is it morally good? Yes. When God created everything, there was no Gods glory, humanity will always suppress this knowledge and choose not to glorify
sin in it. God.
Is it beautiful and pleasant to the eyes? Yes. You dont have to stare at the Grand
Canyon or a sunset for long to realize that the work of creation is beautiful. with this general knowledge. He didnt have to speak or make Himself known, but
Is it usable? Yes. When God created something and called it good, He was
saying it was doing well at performing its intended purpose and design. He did, and He still does. In fact, one of Gods greatest acts of
mercy toward the world and mankind is that He spoke.

22 23
1 Corinthians 8:5-6 tells us that God not only created everything, but that He
created everything through His Son: YOUR STORY
For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth
as there are many gods and many lordsyet for us there is one
God, the Father. All things are from Him, and we exist for Him. And
1. A section highlighting
2 GROUP QUESTIONS how each sessions story
there is one Lord, Jesus Christ. All things are through Him, and we
Gods Story has always been designed to connect with your story. It is because of His story that connects with Christ
exist through Him. (1 Cor. 8:5-6) our stories make sense, have meaning, and carry on into eternity. Use the questions below to help
think through how His Story connects with your own.
2. Group discussion
In light of this passage, you might reread the creation account and say, I see the questions designed to
When have you experienced the goodness of Gods creation? How did it make
Holy Spirit hovering over the waters in Genesis 1:2, and I see God the Father you feel? Share with the class a time that this happened to you. Maybe while on highlight how Gods
speaking things into existence, but where is the Son? vacation at the beach, on a visit to a national park, at the birth of your child, etc. Story connects with our
own story
John 1:1-3,14 answers: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, Why do you think people are astounded when they see places like Yellowstone
and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created or the Grand Canyon? What do these experiences tell you about God? Places
through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created... like the Grand Canyon have a way of making us feel like there is something much bigger
than us as we stand in awe of the beauty of creation. The stars and planets declare the
The Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We observed His glory, the glory of God, illustrating His power, beauty, creativity, wisdom, compassion, etc. 
glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. Every time we
see God speak things into existence, the Son is there. God created everything through How are these created things good (moral, beautiful, usable)? Students may
His Son, and all things exist and hold together because of His Son. give different answers to how the things that have been mentioned are good. Guide the
Why is it so important that God created everything through the Son? Because discussion and give affirmation/correction where needed.
through the Son, God gives us special revelation. Creation gives us general
knowledge about Gods power and nature, but it fails to reveal Gods specific plan Why is belief in creation important? What are the implications if God didnt
create? There are many implications that follow if there is no Creator. Allow students
of redemption and certain things about Him. In order to know those things, God
to think through some of the implications. (For example, if God does not exist, then
would have to reveal Himself personally and tells us those things. According to morality does not exist either. This would mean that there are no such things as good
the Bible, this is exactly what God did through the sending of His Son. and evil acts, only a world of indifference. It would also mean there is no ultimate
meaning to life.)
There is a place in which these two revelations collide and converge, a place in which
God can reveal Himself to the world generally and specially. That place is within
the believer. HIS STORY
Gods Story of
As a human being, a believer represents humanity. The creation of humanity Redemption
through His Son,
was set apart as the apex of all of Gods creation (day six holds one more creation of Jesus Christ.
Godthe focus of session 2). No other creation of God can tell the glory of God
like a human being because no other creation bears the image of God. The heavens, YOUR STORY
mountains, and oceans are proclaiming the glory of God, but not like we can display Where your story
meets His. .
it. Every single person we see and encounter is, by nature, showing us something of
God Himself.
As believers, we carry the greatest light of Gods general revelation, but we also
bear the light of Gods special revelation. God has commanded to shine in your heart
the light of the knowledge of His glory in the face of Jesus Christ.

24 25
3 LEADER PACK Features
For this session, Item #1 can be used to point out the division of the days of Genesis 1 (two sets of three days).
The first set of days (Gen. 1:3-13) addresses the creations darkness and formlessness. The second set of
days (Gen. 1:14-25) is where God addresses creations emptiness. Overall, it can be a visually helpful way to 1. Shows us how Gods
understand the division of the days of Genesis 1. Story leads us to be on
HEAD mission with Him
From the very beginning, we see that God created everything. This means, among other 1.Robert D. Bergen, HCSB Study Bible (Nashville: B&H, 2010), 7. 2. Provides discussion
things, that the entire cosmos is in His hands. Even in its broken state, He is in control
2.Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994), 262-64.] questions that emphasize
How does knowledge of Gods sovereignty over all creation influence the way you 3.Michael F. Bird, Evangelical Theology (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013), 157-58.] how Gods Story
2 think about your circumstances? transforms the way we
Why should belief in the sovereignty of God change the way we handle stress and think, feel, and live from
anxiety? this point forward
Check out the following additional resources: 3. Contains leader pack
Leader Training Videos information for each
One Conversations session
Creation, though corrupted because of sin, was created good. This means that sunsets,
waterfalls, stars, mountains, oceans, plants, animals, food, relationships, and a billion 4. Suggests additional
other things were all created good for both Gods glory and our enjoyment.
resources for
In light of this truth, how should we feel towards creation in general? What are some
parts of creation you particularly enjoy?
session preparation
Is it possible for our hearts to idolize parts of creation? If so, how? In what ways can
we avoid this happening to us?

HAND Additional suggestions for specific groups are available at
Making much of Jesus means that we not merely shine Gods glory to those around
us with our actions, but with our words as well. No matter how many good actions
people witness from us, actions alone will never lead someone to a saving knowledge of
And for free online training on how to lead a group visit
God. Think of it this way: trees are good, but no matter how long you stare at a tree and
observe its beauty, the tree will never be able to tell you the gospel. For that, you need
No matter how much we seek to love our neighbors with our actions, if we dont speak
the gospel in words to them, were no better than trees.
Read Matthew 28:18-20. How will fulfilling the Great Commission require both action
How will this truth challenge you in your conversations with others?

26 27

Throughout the three-year study, each session will highlight key doctrines of the Christian faith in a way that is
understandable for students. The goal is to not only help participants grasp essential theological doctrines of the Christian
faith, but to also see how these essential doctrines can help increase love for God and love for others.
99 Essential Christian Doctrines
34. Image of God in humanity
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Gods Revelation Fall
Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 1. General Revelation 35. Sin as Missing the Mark 71. Union with Christ
God the Creator (Genesis 1-11) God the Revealer Jesus the Savior (Gospels) 2. Special Revelation 36. Sin as Transgression 72. Justification by faith
God the Covenant-Maker (1-2 Kings, Isaiah) Jesus the Risen King 3. Inspiration of Scripture 37. Sin as Rebellion 73. Justification and works
(Genesis 12-50) God the Pursuer (Major (Gospels, Acts) 4. Inerrancy of Scripture 38. Sin as Selfishness 74. Imputation
and Minor Prophets, 5. Authority of Scripture 39. Sin as Idolatry 75. Adoption
1-2 Chronicles) Winter 2018 6. Clarity of Scripture 40. Temptation and sin 76. Sanctification
Winter 2016
7. Illumination of Scripture 41. Guilt and Shame 77. Glorification
God the Redeemer The Spirit Who
8. Preservation of Scripture 42. Sin and death
(Exodus) Winter 2017 Empowers (Acts)
43. Enslaved to sin The Church
God the Lawgiver God the Sustainer The God Who Sends (Acts) 44. Sins effects in the world
God 78. People of God
(Exodus, Leviticus, (Daniel, Ezra) 9. God is omniscient 45. The world opposed to God
Deuteronomy) God the Provider (Esther, Spring 2018 79. Body of Christ
10. God is unchanging 80. Temple of the Holy Spirit
Nehemiah, Malachi) The God Who Directs His 11. God is infinite Redemption
People (Epistles) 81. Priesthood of the believer
Spring 2016 12. God is omnipotent 46. Jesus deity 82. New identity of the believer
God the Savior Spring 2017 The God Who Changes 13. God is transcendent 47. Jesus humanity
83. Bride of Christ
(Numbers, Joshua) God the Son (Gospels) Us (Epistles) 14. God is immanent 48. Sinlessness of Jesus
84. Church and Kingdom
God the Judge (Judges, God Among Us (Gospels) 15. God is holy 49. Virgin Birth
85. Mission of the Church
Ruth, 1 Samuel) Summer 2018 16. God is faithful 50. Christ as Prophet
86. Discipleship
Summer 2017 Gods Prisoner (Acts, Epistles) 17. God is just 51. Christ as Priest
87. Evangelism
Summer 2016 Jesus the Storyteller The God Who Makes All Things 18. God is truthful 52. Christ as King
53. Christs humiliation 88. Edification
God the King (1-2 Samuel) (Synoptic Gospels) New (Epistles, Revelation) 19. God is love
20. God is gracious 54. Christs exaltation 89. Worship
God All Wise (1 Kings, Job, Jesus the Miracle-Worker 90. Social Concern
Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Proverbs) (Gospels) 21. God is merciful 55. Moral influence theory of atonement
22. God is One 56. Governmental theory of atonement 91. Family Relationships
23. God is One in Three Persons 57. Ransom theory of atonement 92. Baptism
58. Satisfaction theory of atonement 93. Lords Supper
Creation 59. Christ as Sacrifice
24. Gods Glory 60. Christ as Propitiation Restoration
25. Gods Plan and Human Action 61. Christ as Substitute 94. Life after death
26. Creation out of nothing 62. Christ as Reconciliation 95. Second Coming
27. The goodness of creation 63. Deity of Holy Spirit 96. Resurrection
28. Gods providence 64. Personality of Holy Spirit 97. Millennial Views
Study Plan aligns 29. Prayer and providence
30. Miracles
65. Work of Holy Spirit in Life of the Christian
66. Election
98. Nature of hell
99. New heaven & new earth
with Kids and 31. The problem of evil 67. Calling
32. Angels 68. Repentance
Adults! 33. Demons 69. Faith
34. Image of God in humanity 70. Regeneration

35. Sin as Missing the Mark
36. Sin as Transgression
37. Sin as Rebellion
38. Sin as Selfishness
39. Sin as Idolatry
40. Temptation and sin
41. Guilt and Shame
42. Sin and death
43. Enslaved to sin
28 44. Sins effects in the world 29
45. The world opposed to God

Student Products
Annual Digital Bundle
The Gospel Project for Students is a Bible study resource that journeys through the storyline of Scripturefrom Provides all the resources
Genesis to Revelationshowing Gods story of redemption through His Son, Jesus. Participants will be immersed in the students and leaders
gospel and find out what it means to be a part of Gods gospel project. need for an entire year

Digital Bundle
Contains both the Leader
Guide in RTF/PDF formats
and the Personal Study
Guide in PDF.


Personal Study Guide

A resource designed to help students walk through
each session of the material individually and as a group, Leader Pack
exposing them to the chronological timeline of Gods Contains useful tools to Ed Stetzer General Editor

Story of redemptive history. further equip leaders Trevin Wax Managing Editor

to prepare, such as
videos to help train your
leaders for each session,
PowerPoint templates
to help in presenting the
sessions and a variety of
Leader Guide
posters and visual aids,
A resource designed to help leaders prepare for each App
THE STORY as well as a PDF of One
session, giving them the essential tools they need to lead BEGINS Contains same content as Personal Study Guide
Conversations for
students through the biblical timeline of Scripture. for both iOS and Androiddevices.
each session.


Ed Stetzer General Editor
Trevin Wax Managing Editor

Leader Pack
Contains useful tools to further equip leaders to
prepare, such as a DVD-ROM with videos to help train
your leaders for each session, PowerPoint templates to
help in presenting the sessions and a variety of posters
and visual aids, as well as a PDF of One Conversations

View all available studies and options

Ed Stetzer General Editor
Trevin Wax Managing Editor for each session.


30 31
Download 3
additional preview

sessions at

Study Guide


WINTER 2014-15



Ed Stetzer General Editor
Trevin Wax Managing Editor

Volume 1
Guide HCSB
FALL 2015:
Personal Study FALL 2015
t or
n e r a l E di YOUNGER
Ed Stetzer Ge ag i ng E di t or Ed Stetzer
General Editor
Trevin Wax Trevin Wax


p: 800.458.2772



PROJECT ONLINE. This fall, The Gospel Project will begin a new chronological, Christ-centered
study cycle in which all agesAdults, Students, and Kidswill discover
the overarching thread of redemption that runs from Genesis to Revelation.
t: @gospel_project Every session, participants will be immersed in the gospel and challenged to
live on mission for the Kingdom.




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