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Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 44, No. 1, March 2000, pp.


CFD Calculation of Sinkage and Trim

Anil K. S u b r a m a n i , 1 Eric G. Paterson, 2 and Fred Stern 3

A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code for surface-ship boundary layers, wakes, and wave
fields is extended by incorporating into it the capability of predicting sinkage and trim. The method
is described and results are presented for the naval combatant FF1052 and the Series 60, CB =
0.6 parent hull. Resistance, sinkage and trim, and wave profile on the hull are compared between
the calculations and the experimental data. The trends in the data are predicted correctly and
there is also good quantitative agreement overall between the calculations and the data.

Introduction marily inviscid methods based on potential flow theory--grow

in sophistication and attain a level of maturity. Jensen et al
A STEADILY advancing surface ship has a natural tendency
(1989) and Bertram (1994), for example, performed calcula-
to sink and trim in response to the hydrodynamic forces that
tions of the free-surface potential flow around a steadily ad-
act upon it. These characteristics are depicted in Fig. 1, which
vancing ship while taking sinkage and trim into account. The
shows the changes in sinkage and trim, with ship speed, of
inviscid methods have also made advances in the analysis of the
the naval combatant FF1052 (West 1964). It is also well recog-
more general seakeeping problem, as demonstrated by Bingham
nized (e.g., from towing tank experiments of scaled ship models,
et al (1994). Of relevance here, Bingham et al, in the validation
which may be conducted with the model either fixed to the tow-
of their three-dimensionM panel code for the transient motions
ing carriage or free to sink and trim) that there are significant
of ships in the presence of a free surface, calculated the steady-
effects associated with sinkage and trim. Figure 2, which com-
state wave resistance and sinkage and trim for the Series 60,
pares the resistance test results of a Series 60, C B = 0.6 model
CB = 0.7 hull over a range of Froude numbers. Interestingly,
in the fixed and free conditions (Ogiwara & Kajitani 1994),
the inclusion of sinkage and trim effects received greater at-
shows the total resistance coefficient to be slightly higher in
tention, at least initially, in studies of the motion of floating
the free condition, with the percentage difference showing a
bodies in shallow or restricted waters, where the problem be-
Froude number dependence. While the effects at low Froude
comes critical not only due to the increased risk of grounding
n u m b e r - - u p to 0.2--are relatively small, the total resistance
with the increased immersion of the hull but also due to the de-
at Fr = 0.3 and above shows a 7 to 8% increase with sinkage
crease in yaw stability accompanying a forward trim. See Kim
and trim.
et al (1994) for a recent example.
Recognizing these important effects, the numerical methods
Recently, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods in-
for the estimation of ship resistance--which began to be de-
volving the solution of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes
veloped in increasing numbers in the 1970s with the advent of
(RANS) equations for ship flows have been making rapid
the high-speed c o m p u t e r - - h a v e long sought to include sinkage
strides. The development of these viscous flow methods can be
and trim in the calculations. Bai & McCarthy (1979) provide
traced from the SSPA-CTH-IIHR Workshop on Ship Viscous
some early examples. Often, an added motivation for the con-
Flow (Larsson et al 1991). The CFD Workshop Tokyo (1994)
sideration of sinkage and trim is the availability of accurate
enabled an assessment of the state of the art in this field primar-
resistance data, for purposes of validation, mainly in the free
ily through comparative computations of the free-surface flow
condition. The continued and sizable growth in computational
around a ship advancing steadily in calm water. For a clearer
resources in the 1980s saw the computational methods--pri-
appraisal, the applications of inviscid flow codes to the same
problem were also featured.
1Graduate research assistant, Department of Mechanical Engi- The workshop indicated that the status of CFD for ship hy-
neering and Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, The University drodynamics is such that the predicted steady resistance and
of Iowa, Iowa City; currently, doctoral candidate in Naval Architec- flow are nearly at the accuracy of the d a t a - - a t least for slender
ture and Marine Engineering and Scientific Computing, University hull forms. However, the inherent complexities of the problem
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
have limited the focus thus far to obtaining a solution for the
2Assistant research engineer, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research,
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. case of a fixed ship. The point was also made at the workshop
3professor and research engineer, Department of Mechanical En- that given the significant effects of sinkage and trim on the
gineering and Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, The University resistance, they should be adjusted for in the numerical calcu-
of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. lations. The present paper is consequently concerned with the
Manuscript received at SNAME headquarters December 30, 1998; extension of the method of Tahara & Stern (1994), which was
revised manuscript received June 24, 1999. shown to be one of the better methods demonstrated at the

MARCH 2000 0022-4502/00/4401-0059500.73/0 JOURNAL OF SHIP RESEARCH 59

' I .... i . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I .... I ' ' u n c e r t a i n t y could b e e x p e c t e d in t h e fixed-condition r e s i s t a n c e
Sinkage: Trim:
-0.006 calculations. T h e p r e s e n t e x t e n s i o n would exclude this uncer-
W e s t (1964) . . . . . West(1964) t a i n t y t h r o u g h t h e s i m u l a t i o n of t h e ship's s t e a d y a d v a n c e in
.o -0.004 A CalculatedAZm,/L Calculated t h e "free to sink a n d t r i m " condition.
Calculated A Z ~ Haussling et al (1997) recently p r e s e n t e d such a s i m u l a t i o n - -
.~,E . =~-0.oo2 / of t h e D T M B M o d e l 5415's s t e a d y a d v a n c e m e n t in a s u n k a n d
t r i m m e d orientation. T h e y too were m o t i v a t e d by t h e desire
a_______2, stem (AZJL)-7
Sinkage /" - to validate t h e i r C F D c o m p u t a t i o n w i t h t h e available free-
.~ 0.000
c o n d i t i o n r e s i s t a n c e data. ~ r t h e r , t h e i r choice of M o d e l 5415
*r" u~
u n d e r s c o r e s t h e recent i n t e r e s t in t h e a p p l i c a t i o n of a d v a n c e d
'~ "~ 0.002 c o m p u t a t i o n a l m e t h o d s t o naval c o m b a t a n t s (see Ratcliffe 1998
for a c o m p a r a t i v e a s s e s s m e n t of some of t h e existing m e t h o d s ) .
~v o.004 However, t h e i r calculation was p e r f o r m e d w i t h t h e ship fixed
Sinkage atbow (z~.~IL) ---/ in a sunk a n d t r i m m e d o r i e n t a t i o n from t h e s t a r t (the orienta-
0.006 tion was p r e s c r i b e d using sinkage a n d t r i m d a t a o b t a i n e d f r o m
, I .... I .... I , t , , i , , , i I i , r , I , I a m o d e l test). Allowing t h e ship t o r e s p o n d d y n a m i c a l l y t o
0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 t h e h y d r o d y n a m i c forces a n d to settle eventuMly into a s t a b l e
Froude number sunk a n d t r i m m e d position, as in t h e p r e s e n t work, not only
enables a p r e d i c t i o n of t h e t r u e sinkage a n d t r i m , b u t is also
Fig. 1 Changes in s i n k a g e and trim with speed for the naval combatant
an i m p o r t a n t prerequisite for seakeeping calculations.
FF1052 (dimension 126.5mL 14.2mB 2.8m-/-)
In t h e following section, t h e c o m p u t a t i o n a l m e t h o d as ex-
t e n d e d w i t h t h e inclusion of sinkage a n d t r i m is described. Next,
workshop, by i n c o r p o r a t i n g into it t h e c a p a b i l i t y of a c c o u n t i n g
for sinkage a n d trim. results are p r e s e n t e d for t h e FF1052, at t h e F r o u d e n u m b e r s
T h e i m m e d i a t e m o t i v a t i o n for t h e a t t a i n m e n t of this capa- 0.29 a n d 0.39, a n d also for t h e Series 60, CB = 0.6 p a r e n t hull
bility was g e n e r a t e d in t h e wake of t h e successful e x t e n s i o n of form (to which t h e m e t h o d s of T a h a r a & S t e r n 1994 a n d m a n y
t h e m e t h o d - - n o w C F D S H I P - I O W A - - f o r t h e naval c o m b a t a n t , o t h e r s at t h e C F D W o r k s h o p Tokyo 1994 were applied), at Fr
FF1052, as p a r t of an ongoing Office of Naval R e s e a r c h p r o j e c t = 0.316. I t e r a t i v e convergence of t h e calculations is d e m o n -
( S t e r n et al 1996). T h e totM r e s i s t a n c e for t h e FF1052 was cal- s t r a t e d a n d t h e r e s u l t s - - p a r t i c u l a r l y , t h e resistance, t h e sink-
c u l a t e d (at Froude n u m b e r s 0.29 a n d 0.39) to w i t h i n 10% of t h e age a n d t r i m , a n d wave profiles on t h e h u l l - - a r e v a l i d a t e d by a
e x p e r i m e n t a l data. However, since t h e d a t a were available only c o m p a r i s o n w i t h t h e available data. A l t h o u g h a rigorous verifi-
for t h e m o d e l in t h e free c o n d i t i o n (Stern et ai h a d t o correct cation analysis (as in, e.g., S t e r n et al 1999) was not p e r f o r m e d ,
t h e i r wave profile calculation w i t h t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a m o u n t s of grid sensitivity is s h o w n t h r o u g h results o b t a i n e d for t h e Series
sinkage a n d t r i m for a c o m p a r i s o n w i t h t h e d a t a ) , a d d i t i o n a l 60, CB = 0.6 on two different grids. T h e calculations are s h o w n

AP = aft perpendicular Fpz = nondimensionalized p = static pressure, non-
B = maximum molded vertical piezometric dimensionalized by pU2
breadth at design pressure force 15 = nondimensionalized
waterline Fr = Froude number, U o / 4 g L piezometric pressure,
4 = geometric coefficients ITTC = International Towing P + Z/Fr 2
C B = block coefficient Tank Conference Re = Reynolds number, UoL/~
CB = center of buoyancy lap = index in x-direction S = body-wetted surface a r e a
CF = center of flotation corresponding to T = design draft
CG = center of gravity X / L = 1.0 Ui = velocity components (U, V, W) in
CP = center of pressure /max, Jmax, Cartesian coordinates
C F = frictional-resistance kmax = size of grid in ~, rh (- U0 = reference velocity (ship speed)
coefficient directions ui, uj = Reynolds stress tensor
Cp = pressure-resistance ~,3, k = unit vector in Cartesian W = still-water displacement of hull
coefficient coordinate system x i = Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z)
C T = total resistance J = Jacobian Y+ = wall coordinate, U.rY/~
coefficient L = characteristic length
D W L = design waterline (ship length between Greek symbols
F = net heaving force on perpendiculars, L p p )
hull, nondimen- M = net trimming moment on 5a = incremental sinkage correction
sionalized by pU2L2/2 hull, nondimension- 5T = incremental trim correction
FB = nondimensionalized alized by pU3L3/2 p = fluid density
buoyancy force cr = nondimensionalized mean sink-
m = meter, unit for length
FFx = nondimensionalized n = unit vector normal to age, ( A Z F p + A Z A p ) / 2 L
axial frictional force T= nondimensionalized trim (positive
hull surface, with
F P = fore perpendicular components by bow), ( A Z F p -- A Z A p ) / L
FPx = nondimensionalized ~i = curvilinear coordinates (~, ~/, ~)
(nxz , ny), nzk )
axial pressure force = wave elevation
AZ = change in water level at hull


xlO J

7 to 8%

Relatively small O
= effects O
gQ Q g # g o o ooO
~ t10 9
o 4
Schoenherr Friclion Line

Mark Condilon Temp.

O O Free 11.7C

Fixed 12.3.C

I , I I I
0.1 0.2 03
Froude n u m b e r

Fig. 2 Effects of sinkage and trim on total resistance of a Series 60, CB = 0.6
model, adapted from Ogiwara 8z Kajitani (1994)

to reproduce the appreciable effects of sinkage and trim seen in L. In the absence of any port-starboard asymmetry in the
the data. Lastly, some concluding remarks are made. flow, a "half-domain" solution suffices (i.e., the solution do-
main may exclude the half, Y < 0). Referring to Fig. 3, the
Computational method specified boundaries of the solution domain are: the body sur-
face, S b 07 : 1); the inlet plane, S i (~ : 1); the exit plane, Se
Herein, a brief description is provided, first, of the computa-
(~ -- i . . . . ); the symmetry plane, Sk (~ = 1 and parts of~ = 1);
tional method, CFDSHIP-IOWA. (For a detailed documenta-
the outer boundary, So (~ -- jmax); the multi-block interfaces,
tion of the method, including uncertainty anMysis and verifi-
Stub (~ = iap + 1 and ~ = iap + 2); and the free-surface, S
cation procedures, see Stern et al 1996.) This is followed by a
(~ = kmax; ~ = 1 too, for a full-domain simulation).
description of the manner in which the capability of account-
The RANS and kinematic free-surface boundary-condition
ing for sinkage and trim is incorporated into the method. In
particular, the points described are: the calculation of the hy- equations are solved using separate grids. The RANS grid is H-
drodynamic forces and moments on the ship hull; the determi- type with constant-X planes stacked to form a complete three-
nation of incremental sinkage and trim corrections necessary to dimensional grid (as in Fig. 3). The constant-X cross-plane
balance these forces and moments; and the interfacing of the grids are generated elliptically by solving a Poisson equation
sinkage and trim calculations with the flow solver. for the transformation between (Y, Z) and (~, ~). The initial
CFDSHIP-IOWA solves the unsteady, incompressible RANS grid extends to an elevation sufficiently above the design wa-
and continuity equations in Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z) us- terline (at Z = 0) to a l l o w for wave crests. As the wave field
ing the Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model. The equations a r e develops, the RANS grid is updated to conform to the free
transformed from the physical domain in Cartesian coordi- surface.
nates into the computationM domain in nonorthogonal curvi- In the grid-conforming process, the initial distribution of the
linear coordinates (~, ~, ~). The RANS equations are solved us- grid points along the ~ = constant, or girthwise lines, is saved.
ing finite-analytic spatial and first-order backward-difference As the free-surface elevation changes, the grid point on the
temporal discretization. The pressure equation is derived from free surface is moved to the new elevation and all the points
a discretized form of the continuity equation and solved us- below the free surface slide along the 7/ = constant line so as
ing second-order central finite differences. The exact nonlin- to maintain their initial relative distribution. This procedure
ear kinematic and approximate dynamic free-surface boundary plays an important part in the prediction of sinkage and trim
conditions are employed, and a body-free-surface conforming as shall be elaborated upon subsequently. An illustration of the
grid is used. The overall solution procedure is based on the free-surface conforming operation is reproduced in Fig. 4, which
two.step pressure-implicit-split-operator (PISO) algorithm. For shows the initial and adapted crossplane grids for the FF1052
steady flow, subiteration convergence is not required and time at an exemplary cross section.
serves as an iteration parameter. The kinematic free-surface boundary condition grid is two-
Figure 3 shows the multi-block grid system for the FF1052. dimensional and is updated iteratively to fit the wave-hull in-
The grid transforms into a simple rectangular parallelepiped tersection. It is different from the RANS grid in that instead
with equal grid spacing in the computational domain. The co- of high near-wall resolution, more points are distributed in the
ordinates are nondimensionalized by the characteristic length, outer flow to resolve the wave field. A bilinear interpolation





-0.10 ! .rl ~ - - - - _ _ . _ _ _

Sk--/ 7

-I.00 t I
0.0o 0.05 0.10 0.15/ ~ 0.90 0.95 1.00
So - - J Y/L
(a) block 1 crossplane at X / L = 0.05



(b) longitudinal free-surface plane

Fig. 3 Grid configuration: I:1c1052 multi-block grid system

scheme is used to transfer the velocity field and wave eleva- and trim. If the pitching moment and the heaving force were
tion across the two different grids--the velocity field from the not zero, the ship would experience a rotational acceleration
uppermost plane of the RANS grid is interpolated onto the in the direction of the unbalanced moment as well as a verti-
free-surface grid and the wave elevation is interpolated from cal acceleration of its center of mass, with a coupling between
the free-surface grid onto the uppermost plane of the RANS these two modes. Eventually, it would attain a new position
grid. of stable equilibrium defined by a mean sinkage (at amidships)
A description of the manner in which the method is extended and trim.
for the problem of steady forward speed flow with sinkage and The procedure for the calculation of sinkage and trim is as
trim follows. follows. A converged solution is first obtained with the ship hull
held fixed at its design waterline. Next, the net heaving force
Formulation of the problem and the net trimming moment (about the center of gravity) on
A ship that is moving straight ahead with uniform velocity the hull are calculated and the sinkage and trim corrections nec-
in the "free to sink and trim" condition can continue in steady, essary to balance this force and moment are determined. Then,
unaccelerated motion only when the resultant vertical hydro- the hull is repositioned accordingly and the grid regenerated
dynamic force and the resultant trimming moment about its around the shifted hull. Further iterations are performed within
center of gravity vanish. A ship satisfying this condition is said the flow solver. This cycle is repeated until the hull attains a
to be in a state of static equilibrium or sailing with a sinkage stable configuration with no net heaving force and trimming


I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I


-0.06 I

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
(a) initial crossplane grid (b) conformed crossplane grid
Fig. 4 Free-surface conforming process

moment. A flowchart depicting the overall solution procedure over the wetted surface area. The fluid stress tensor is com-
is drawn in Fig. 5. prised of components due to pressure, viscous stress and tur-
Hydrodynamic forces and moments
Tij = --P(~ij + R e-1 (OUi/Oxj + OUj/OXz) - uiu j (1)
The hydrodynamic forces on the hull, shown in Fig. 6, can be
The third term in (1) does not contribute to the forces since the
obtained by integration of the normal and tangential stresses Reynolds stresses are zero on the hull surface. The fluid force is
then determined by carrying out, on the ~ = 1 computational
plane (which represents the hull surface), the integration

Generate grid ] F = f s TijnidS (2)

around hull
where n is the unit-vector normal to the hull surface
flow solver
I Increasenumber of
n = nx~ + n y j^ + n z k =

and dS is the local surface area element

1 (b2~+ b~) + b~/) (3)

dS = Jv=ld~d( (4)

The geometric coefficients, /~/, and the Jacobian, J, are stan-

dard Cartesian-to-computational-domain transformation met-
rics and are defined in Stern et al (1996); in two dimensions (as
on the hull surface, 77 = 1), the Jacobian is given by

Calculate hydrodynamicforces I 4:1 = v/(bl )2 + (b )2 + 2 (5)

and m o m e n t s acting on hull
Equation (2) may be expanded using (1) to give the different
forces in their component directions. The force due to pressure

I Obtainincrementalsinkage comes from the first term in equation (1); the axial and vertical
and trim corrections
components of the pressure-resistance, when nondimensional-
ized by pUgL2/2, are

Fpx = - 2 ~ ~ - (Z/Fr2)]b~d~d( (6)

FPz ---- - 2 f S pb2d~d( (7)

For the calculations herein, Fpy = 0. Also, note that in the

formulation, the hydrostatic term ( Z / F r 2) is included in the
Fig. 5 Flow chart of overall solution procedure axial pressure force (6), while it is separated out from the ver-



_ FFx.._~ ZFx

Fig. 6 Hydrodynamic forces on a ship hull

tical pressure force (7) so that the buoyancy force is available of the hydrodynamic forces are taken, are determined from hy-
directly: drostatics: the RANS grid, which extends all the way up to the
deck, is conformed to the design waterline (i.e., ( = kinax, in
FB = 2 ./ (Z/Fr2)b~d~d( (8) the half-domain simulation, is set to the D W L , Z = 0) and the
total hydrostatic pressure force in the vertical direction is com-
The force due to wall-shear stress, FF, may be obtained di- puted using (8). Then, longitudinal equilibrium requires that
rectly by inserting the second term of (1) into (2). It is calcu- W equals FB and XCG equals XCB.
lated instead in a way that exploits the fact that the normal The effective locations of the hydrodynamic forces (i.e., XCB,
shear stress is identically zero. In this approach, the magnitude X P z , ZFx and Z p x ) are calculated by taking simple first mo-
of the wall-shear stress vector is first calculated: : ments of the elemental forces about the corresponding axes and
dividing the respective moments by the total force. However,
I~-~ I = Re OlO~l (9) since ZCG is not determined from hydrostatics as easily, it was
assumed to be at the level of the design waterline in the calcu-
where Re is the Reynolds number and O]U__I/On is the hull- lations. An equivalent physical experiment with a ship model
normal velocity gradient which is evaluated using the veloc- free to sink and trim, therefore, would have to have the towing
ity magnitude a t - - a n d the distance t o - - t h e first grid point of[ point at the same transverse location as the model's longitudi-
the hull. Next, the wall-shear stress vector is aligned with the nal center of buoyancy (in still water) and at a height above
hull-tangential contravariant velocity components at the same the keel line equal to the still-water floating draft.
location: With a knowledge of the system of forces and their effec-
tive locations, the net heaving force, F, and the net trimming
U1 moment, M, on the hull can be computed
~-~ = l~-~ol (10)
~/U 12 ~- U 22 -}- V 32
F=FB-W+Fpz (15)
Tw, = 0 (11)
M = F B ( X c G -- XCB ) -[- Fpz(XCG -- X p z )
U3 + FFx (ZcG - ZFx ) + Fex (ZcG - Z p x ) (16)
~-~ = I~-,oI (12)
x/U 12 + U 22 + U 32
In the convention adopted, an upward acting force is taken as
Using transformation relations, ~'wx, 7wv, and Twz are ob- positive, as is a counterclockwise moment about the transverse
tained and these are integrated over the hull surface for the axis passing through the ship's center of gravity.
frictional resistance
Sinkage and trim corrections
FFx = / S "rwxdS (13) In the right-handed coordinate system shown in Fig. 6, the
ship is assumed to float initially at an even-keel draft with its
design waterline coinciding with the undisturbed free surface
FFz = ~S TwzdS (14) (Z = 0). The mean sinkage and the trim are defined from
measurements of the change in the water level (with respect to
Although calculated, FFz is typically very small. Lastly, FFy = the undisturbed free surface) at the fore and aft perpendiculars:
0, since the calculations are symmetrical about the centerplane.
The still-water displacement of the hull, W, and the longitu- O"= ( A Z F p + A Z A p ) / 2 L (17)
dinal position of the center of gravity, about which the moments w = (AZFp - AZAp)/L (18)


It follows that the sinkage is positive when the hull's cen- Returning to equations (19) and (20): for equilibrium, the
ter of gravity is further immersed and that the trim is positive net heaving force and the net trimming moment are to vanish,
when the ship's bow goes down (relative to its stern). Not co- accompanied by suitable corrections in the sinkage (Scr) and
incidentally, a positive sinkage also corresponds to an increase the trim (ST). By setting F / and M / to zero and solving (19)
in the upward buoyancy force, and a positive trim corresponds to (22), the required corrections may be determined exactly:
to a net increase in the counterclockwise moment about the
center of gravity due to buoyancy. OF OM
M . - - - F . - -
The amounts of sinkage and trim to be given to the ship hull O(Sr) O(6r) (23)
in order to counter the unbalanced heaving force and trimming 6a = OF OM OF OM
moment--which are computed from (15) and (16), respectively 0(&)'0(&)-0(&) 0(Sa)
- - a r e determined by what may be termed hydrostatic balance. OM OF
In this procedure, the hull is first given perturbations from its F . - - - M . - -
current position and the changes in F and M due to the altered O(Sa) O(Sa) (24)
buoyancy distribution are noted. (No contributions to changes 5r = OF OM OF OM
in F and M come from the pressure and frictional forces, as 0(&)'0(St)- 0(&) 0(5)
explained below.) Then, a system of two linear algebraic equa-
tions for the necessary sinkage and trim corrections is solved Overall solution methodology
The obtained sinkage and trim corrections may be applied,
Specifically, when the hull is perturbed from its current po-
if significant, by repositioning the hull accordingly. The grid is
sition, the new resultant heaving force and trimming moment
regenerated around the shifted hull and further iterations for
become, respectively:
a converged solution of the flow field initiated within the flow
F' = F + dF (19) solver.
Iterative convergence within CFDSHIP-IOWA is determined
M' = M + d M (20)
by using the L2 norms (residuals) of the solution variables be-
where tween time steps (n and n - 1):
OF OF imax jmax kmax
d F = -0(5a)
- " &r + 0 ( - - ~ " ($r (21)
0M 0M
dM = 0((S:~ (S: + 0 ~ 7 ~ (S: (22) RES = i=1 j = l k=l (25)
where (Sa and (ST represent the sinkage and trim components, where ~ represents U, V, W, /5, or ~ and ntotal is the total
respectively, of the shift in the hull's position. number of grid points (i.e., /max * jmax * kmax). Starting from
Commonly encountered in the seakeeping literature as hy- the initial free-stream condition, RES usually displays a 3 to 4
drostatic restoring force coefficients (see, e.g., Lewis 1989), the orders of magnitude drop for a converged solution in the fixed
stability derivatives, OF/O(aa), OM/O(aa), OF/O(ST), and OM/ condition (this corresponds to the criterion, RES < 10-4).
O((Sr) depend on the hull geometry and the characteristics of With the hull repositioned following a sinkage and trim cor-
the flow. (They are also not unlike the stability derivatives en- rection, RES spikes up an order or two. Iterative convergence
countered in the problem of longitudinal static stability and is then attained when RES ebbs to satisfy the convergence
control of aircraft; see, e.g., Nelson 1989.) They are determined criterion again.
by independently applying a pure sinkage perturbation, 5a, and As depicted in Fig. 5, the above cycle of determining and
a pure trim perturbation, ~r, and noting the changes in the net applying the sinkage and trim corrections is repeated until the
heaving force and the net trimming moment due to the altered attainment of stable equilibrium, when the net heaving force
buoyancy distribution. Specifically, OF/O(aa) and OM/O(6a) and trimming moment, and hence the sinkage and trim correc-
are obtained following a sinkage perturbation, and OF/O(aT) tions, converge to zero. Lastly, given that the stability deriva-
and OM/O(aT) following a trim perturbation. tives depend on the characteristics of the flow, it is important
As indicated earlier, the versatile free-surface conforming ca- that the perturbations, 5a and 5% be applied and the values
pability within CFDSHIP-IOWA is utilized effectively. In the of the stability derivatives be updated each time that the sink-
above procedure, the free surface (especially the wave profile age and trim corrections are to be determined (with continued
on the hull) is maintained at the same global level as the hull iterations). This is because even a small change in the values
is given separate sinkage and trim perturbations. The altered of the derivatives would affect equations (23) and (24) for the
buoyancy force and its longitudinal location in the perturbed exact corrections.
orientations may be computed using equation (8) after con-
forming the RANS grid, generated afresh around the perturbed Evaluation of the hydrodynamic forces
hull, to the current wave profile. The pressure and frictional
forces (and their effective locations) are not recomputed, how- Integration schemes
ever, owing to the incongruity of integrating the local pres- In CFD methods, two important factors that affect the cal-
sures and shear stresses on a grid--as generated around the culations of the resistances (integral quantities, as formulated
perturbed hull--which is different from the one in which they in the previous section) are the accuracy of the numerical in-
were obtained. Hence, the only contributions to dF and d M tegration scheme adopted and possible approximations in the
in the perturbed orientations come from the altered buoyancy representation of the body geometry (depending on the chosen
distribution. A sensitivity study was carried out to estimate gridding scheme and topology). It is important to note that the
the appropriate levels of sinkage and trim perturbations to be calculations herein were made using version 1.0 of CFDSHIP-
given for a practical hull form. These were found to be (see IOWA (Stern et al 1996). Due to the built-in free-surface adap-
Subramani 1996 for details): 5a = 1.0 x 10 - 3 (or about 2% of tation scheme, this version is restricted, for nonzero Fr, to H-
the ship draft), and ~r = 2.5 X 10 - 3 (equivalent to a rotation type grids with ccnstant-X crossplane grids. As such, nonverti-
of about 0.14 deg in the X - Z plane). cal (in the X - Z plane) portions of the geometry--such as bul-


Table 1 Ship hydrostatic particulars

Hull: Series 60, CB = 0.6 FF1052

Conditions: Fr = 0.316 Fr = 0.316 Fr = 0.29 Fr = 0.39
Re=4000000 Re=4000000 R e = 14 9 0 0 0 0 0 R e = 20 100000
Grid: 180 40 x 30 360 60 30 207 60 40 207 60 40
Surface area
(to DWL)t: SOW L
Calculation 0.170204 0.170297 0.117715 0.117715
Data 0.169962 0.169962 0.118166 0.118166
Difference 0.14% 0.20% -0.38% -0.38%
Calculation 42.403 10 - 3 42.422 10 - 3 22.302 10 - 3 12.331 10 - 3
Data 42.728 10 - 3 42.728 10 - 3 23.259 10 - 3 12.861 10 - 3
Difference -0.76% -0.72% -4.12% -4.12%
Longitudinal center
of buoyancy +
Calculation 0.514662 0.514707 0.483298 0.483298
Data 0.515000 0.515000 0.497000 0.497000
Difference - 0.07% - 0.06% - 2.76% - 2.76%
Axial hydrostatic
pressure force # 0.06 10 - 3 0.04 x 10 - 3 - 0 . 3 1 10 - 3 - 0 . 1 7 10 - 3
Resistance data, CT 5.88 10 - 3 5.88 x 10 - 3 4.27 10 - 3 4.61 10 - 3
As percent of CT 1.0% 0.8% -7.2% -3.7%

t Nondimensionaiized by L2.
* Nondimensionalized by pU2L2/2.
+ Nondimensionalized by L.
# Nondimensionalized by pU2SDWL/2.

bous bows and cruiser s t e r n s - - c o u l d be resolved only approxi- In the original method, T a h a r a &: Stern (1994) evaluated
mately, in a staircase-like fashion. Further, the extension of the the resistances using successive one-dimensional integrations
m e t h o d for sinkage and t r i m calculations was, at the outset, t h a t combined the use of the J a c o b i a n and cubic-spline-fitted
faced with a key consideration: whereas for the fixed-condition data. However, the scheme based on successive one-dimensional
calculations only the resistances [equations (6) and (13)] were trapezoidal-rule integrations using the J a c o b i a n was found to
quantities of interest, for the meaningful prediction of sinkage be the most accurate of all in S u b r a m a n i ' s (1996) s t u d y - -
and trim, it was i m p e r a t i v e t h a t all of the h y d r o d y n a m i c forces supporting Stern et al's (1996) and T a h a r a 8z S t e m ' s (1996)
[equations (7), (8), (15), and (16), in addition] be determined selection of the same scheme for their resistance calculations.
as accurately as possible. Therefore, careful consideration was It was therefore chosen for use in the ensuing sinkage and t r i m
given to errors arising out of g e o m e t r y approximations and the calculations.
numerical evaluation of the forces. Secondly, while the integration scheme chosen was the same,
Firstly, five different numerical integration schemes were se- a refinement was m a d e over Stern et al (1996) and T a h a r a &
lected and tested for accuracy by performing some analytical Stern (1996) in terms of how the forces were evaluated, so as to
calculations. Only a s u m m a r y of the s t u d y is provided here; for account for the g e o m e t r y approximations properly. This refine-
details, the reader is referred to S u b r a m a n i (1996). T h e schemes ment and its effect on the calculated resistances are explained
tested involved: (a) simple s u m m a t i o n s using the trapezoidal below, following a detailing of the status of the integration
rule, (b) successive one-dimensional integrations (using either scheme for the hydrostatics calculations.
the trapezoidal rule or Simpson's rule) along the length and
the girth, (c) s u m m a t i o n of the area elements based on the Ship hydrostatics
J a c o b i a n of the transformation, (d) successive one-dimensional In an application to the ship forms of i n t e r e s t - - t h e Series 60,
trapezoidal-rule integrations using the Jacobian, and (e) suc- CB = 0.6 hull and the F F 1 0 5 2 - - t h e chosen integration scheme
cessive one-dimensional integrations along the length and the was used to calculate the wetted hull surface area, the still-
girth, using cubic-spline-fitted data. water displacement, the longitudinal center of buoyancy, and
T h e schemes were tested by c o m p u t i n g the surface areas and, the axial hydrostatic pressure force. These hydrostatic partic-
where applicable, the axial hydrostatic force in still fluid (a ulars are presented along with the ship d a t a in Table 1 (the
q u a n t i t y theoretically zero) for simple two- and three-dimen- conditions and grids for these calculations are described in the
sional b o d y shapes and comparing the percentage differences of next section, along with the main results).
the calculations from the analytical results. For a b e t t e r assess- T h e calculated surface area (up to the DWL) is off by 0.2%
ment, the calculations were performed on three grids: a coarse from the d a t a for the Series 60, CB = 0.6 and by - 0 . 3 8 % for
51 1 51 grid, a m e d i u m 101 1 101 grid, and a fine the FF1052, a hull form considerably more complex. (Note t h a t
201 1 201 grid. in contrast to the s t a n d a r d form of the Series 60, CB = 0.6, the


Table 2 Resistances for the F F 1 0 5 2 at Fr = 0.29 and 0.39

Conditions: Fr = 0.29 F r = 0.39

Re = 14 900 000 Re = 20 100 000
Grid: 207 60 x 40 207 x 60 x 40
Ship Attitude: W i t h Sinkage W i t h Sinkage
Fixed and T r i m Fixed and Trim
coefficient: C p
Calculation 0.74 1.66 1.78 2.09
Piezometric 1.47 2.13 2.53 2.71
Hydrostatic -0.73 -0.48 -0.76 -0.63
coefficient: CF
Calculat ion 2.97 2.79 2.58 2.65
I T T C correlation 2.80 2.80 2.67 2.67
Difference 6.1% -0.4% -3.4% -0.8%
Total resistance
coefficient: CT
Calculation 3.71 4.45 4.35 4.74
D a t a (West 1964) 4.27 4.27 4.61 4.61
Difference - 13.1% 4.2% - 5.6% 2.8 %
Increase in CT with
sinkage and trim:
Calculation 19.9% 9.0%
Data Unavailable Unavailable
Resistance coefficients based on surface area calculated to DWL.
All values multiplied by 103 .
D a t a of West (1964) collected in the free condition.

FF1052 has a pronounced bow, a sonar dome, transom stern, related to the complexities of the hull and the use of a nonbody-
and a skeg. This results naturally in additional g e o m e t r y de- fitted grid.
scription errors, considering the use of a non-body-fitted grid.) N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g t h a t such fine-grid numerical integrations
T h e calculated still-water displacement (equivalent to the un- are generally more accurate t h a n those c o m m o n l y employed in
derwater volume, or, exactly, the vertical hydrostatic pressure the design process, 4 the minimization of these hydrostatic er-
at rest) and the position of the longitudinal center of buoy- rors is important. This is because the axial hydrostatic error
ancy are also closer to the d a t a in the case of the Series 60, adds directly to other errors in the total resistance (e.g., due
CB = 0 . 6 - - t h e displacement is within 1% of the d a t a of Todd to iterative and grid convergence), while errors in the other
(1963) and the center of buoyancy is accurate to less t h a n 0.1%.
hydrostatic forces and their effective locations propagate to er-
T h e calculations for the FF1052, compared to the particulars
provided in West (1964), show errors of about 4 and 3%, re- rors in the calculation of sinkage and t r i m through equations
spectively, in the displacement and the center of buoyancy. In (15), (16), (23), and (24). However, these propagated errors,
the ensuing h y d r o d y n a m i c calculations, therefore, one can ex- and also the uncertainty in the total resistance due to the com-
pect a higher uncertainty in the calculations of the transverse bined effects of g e o m e t r y description and numerical integration
m o m e n t s for the FF1052, from the adding up of the uncertain- errors, are difficult to estimate. It may be noted t h a t the more
ties in the calculations of the h y d r o d y n a m i c forces and their recent versions of C F D S H I P - I O W A incorporate a free-surface
effective locations. a d a p t a t i o n scheme t h a t is compatible w i t h curvilinear three-
T h e calculations also show a nonzero still-water axial hy- dimensional body-fitted grids (Paterson et al 1998). As such,
drostatic pressure force (herein nondimensionalized based on the uncertainties due to g e o m e t r y approximations would be
the surface area up to the DWL, to enable an assessment minimized greatly, if not eliminated altogether.
against the total resistance d a t a which is presented usually in To summarize: considering t h a t the hydrostatic calculations
this form). While quite small for the Series 60, CB = 0.6 [less with the present integration scheme are satisfactorily close to
t h a n 1% of the total resistance coefficient, CT obtained from a the data, one may expect the h y d r o d y n a m i c forces and mo-
towing t a n k experiment (Longo &: Stern 1996)], the hydrostatic ments calculated with the chosen integration scheme to be suf-
error is significant for the FF1052 [4 to 7% of the experimental
ficiently accurate for the successful prediction of sinkage and
CT (West 1964)]. (Note t h a t since the FF1052 calculations at trim, assuming of course t h a t the flow field is predicted accu-
the two Froude numbers are on the same 207 x 60 x 40 grid, the
axial hydrostatic forces have to be of the same absolute magni- rately.
tude. T h e different error percentages in their comparisons with
the total resistance d a t a are primarily due to the Fr? t e r m in 4It is well known that inviscid panel codes must necessarily cor-
the d e n o m i n a t o r t h a t appears as a result of the nondimension- rect for a similar (usually larger) calm-water hydrostatic error for a
alization.) Again, the increased error for the FF1052 is directly reasonable estimation of the hydrodynamic forces.


Table 3 Resistances for the Series 60, CB = 0.6 at Fr = 0 . 3 1 6

Conditions: Fr -- 0.316 Fr = 0.316

Re = 4 000 000 Re --- 4 000 000
Grid: 180 40 30 360 x 60 30
Ship Attitude: W i t h Sinkage With Sinkage
Fixed and Trim Fixed and Trim
coefficient: C p
Calculation 2.34 2.73 2.15 2.30
Piezometric 2.80 3.21 2.65 2.86
Hydrostatic -0.46 - 0 .4 8 - 0 .5 0 -0.56
coefficient: CF
Calculation 3.77 3.73 3.75 3.98
I T T C correlation 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54
Difference 6.5% 5.4% 5.9% 12.4%
Total resistance
coefficient: CT
Calculation 6.11 6.46 5.89 6.28
Data (Longo & Stern 1996) 5.88 5.88 5.88 5.88
Difference 3.9% 9.9% 0.2% 6.8%
Data (Kim & Jenkins 1981) 4.61 5.01 4.61 5.01
Increase in CT with
sinkage and trim:
Calculation 5.7% 6.6%
Data (Kim & Jenkins 1981) 8.5% 8.5%
Resistance coefficients based on surface area calculated to DWL.
All values multiplied by 103 .
Data of Longo & Stern (1996) collected in the free condition.
Data of Kim & Jenkins (1981) are for Fr --- 0.32, Re = 16.19 106.

Ship resistances 4.35 10 - 3 at Fr = 0.39. Note that the fixed-condition resis-

tances of Stern et al (1996) were already higher than the free-
The fixed-condition resistances for the FF1052 and the Se-
condition resistance d a t a - - b y about 7% at Fr = 0.29 and about
ries 60, CB = 0.6 at the Froude numbers of interest (the condi-
12% at the higher Froude number. For the Series 60, CB = 0.6,
tions and grids are detailed in the next section) are presented
on the other hand, the differences between the present results
in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. As is common practice, the re-
and those of Tahara & Stern (1996) are relatively small at less
sistances are in terms of nondimensional resistance coefficients,
than 2%, the calculated CT at Fr = 0.316 being 5.89 x 10 -3.
obtained by dividing the resistances by pU3SDWL/2 , where
The reasons for the differences are as follows. First, owing to
SDWL is the wetted surface area up to the design waterline the staircase-like resolution of geometrical features such as bul-
(from the hydrostatics calculations). The pressure-resistance
bous bows and cruiser sterns, there must necessarily be local
has been split into piezometric and hydrostatic components to
corrections to the calculated wetted surface area. However, al-
show their relative magnitudes;, the latter component is not,
though Stern et al (1996) accounted for the reduction in the
however, corrected by the calm-water hydrostatic error of 4
cell areas at such locations in their surface area calculation,
to 7% of CT. The frictional-resistance is compared with the
they did not extend the surface area correction into the formu-
equivalent-area flat plate frictional-resistance prescribed by the
lation of the fluid forces [specifically, equations (6-8) and (13)].
I T T C friction line ( I TTC 1957):
For a detailed explanation of how the formulations of Stern
0.075 et al (1996) and Tahara 8z Stern (1996) were affected by the
CFo = [(logl0 Re) - 2] 2 (26) geometry approximations, see Subramani (1996).
Subramani (1996) explains in detail also why the corrected
where Re is the Reynolds number. formulation of the fluid forces affects the complex FF1052 hull
The resistances show clear differences from the previously more than it does the Series 60, CB = 0.6 and the pressure-
computed results, though, on account of the previously men- resistance to a greater degree than the frictional-resistance.
tioned refinement necessitated by the geometry approximations. Essentially, graphical depictions of the apportionment of the
The pressure-resistance coefficient for the FF1052 shows signif- pressure-resistance and the frictional-resistance over the hull
icant decreases--at both Froude numbers 0.29 and 0.39---such surface reveal, in the case of the FF1052, an intense concentra-
that the total resistance coefficient decreases by between 15 tion of the pressure-resistance at the bulbous bow, where the
and 20% from the results of Stern et al (1996). (The frictional- geometry approximations are most significant. Therefore, any
resistance coefficient shows very minor change from the previ- omissions of the corrections to the wetted surface area from the
ous results.) The calculated CT is 3.71 x 10 - 3 at Fr = 0.29 and local fluid force integration at such locations would result, as


they did in Stern et al's (1996) calculations, in significant devi- The inlet and exit boundaries for both the RANS grids are
ations from the actual resistances. Much less significant devia- located at X = - 0 . 4 and 2.1, respectively, and the outer bound-
tions from the actual values are seen in the frictional-resistances ary is located at a radius, r -- 1. The first point off the body
for the FF1052 and in both the pressure- and frictional-resistan- surface in each grid is located in the range Y+ < 2. The num-
ces for the Series 60, CB = 0.6 because of a comparatively uni- ber of points in the axial direction over the body and wake
form distribution of these resistance components over the hull are, respectively, 100 and 50 for the medium grid and 200 and
surface. A uniform distribution of the resistance components 100 for the fine grid. The free-surface grid has a distribution of
would naturally cause the effects of the local corrections due 460 x 100 for both cases. The values of the time step and the
to the geometry approximations to be much smaller percentage under-relaxation factors for velocity and pressure are 0.1, 0.1,
differences in the integrated quantities. While clarifying the dif-
and 0.02, respectively.
ferences in the recently published results, the above study also
reiterates the importance of an accurate resolution of the com-
plex geometric features, such as would be realizable through Available experimental data
the use of body-fitted grids. The data for the FF1052 were collected by West (1964),
through towing tank experiments with the model in the free
Results and discussion condition. They consist of measurements of the bare-hull resis-
In this section, results are presented for the naval combat- tances and the sinkage and trim over a range of Froude numbers
ant FF1052 and for the Series 60, CB = 0.6 parent hull form. and wave profiles on the hull at Fr = 0.29 and 0.39.
Following Stern et al (1996), the calculations for the FF1052 The inclusion of the Series 60, CB = 0.6 model in the Co-
were performed, while including sinkage and trim this time, operative Experimental Program (CEP) of the I T T C for the
at the Froude numbers 0.29 and 0.39. This enables an exami- creation of a reliable model-scale database has resulted in the
nation of Froude number effects on sinkage and trim. For the availability of extensive global and local measurements against
Series 60, CB = 0.6 hull, the sinkage and trim calculations which to validate the calculations. (See I T T C 1987 for a sum-
were performed at a single Froude n u m b e r - - F r = 0.316--but mary of the many findings of the CEP.) Moreover, extensive
on two different grids, thereby enabling a measure of the grid experiments have also been carried out at the Iowa Institute of
convergence of the results. The conditions and grids pertain- Hydraulic Research (Toda et al 1991), providing features of the
ing to the calculations are detailed below. Then, the available flow field in sufficient detail for the validation of CFD methods.
experimental data (for validation of the calculations) are de-
Further, Longo & Stern (1996) recently took measurements of
scribed. Lastly, the aforementioned calculations are presented
the resistance, side force, yaw moment, sinkage, trim and heel
and discussed.
angle for a range of Froude numbers and yaw angles, in addi-
tion to collecting wave profile data in the fixed condition. In
Conditions and grids
the validation to follow, the free-condition resistance data and
FF1052--In their studies of the FF1052 in the fixed condi- the fixed-condition wave profile data of Longo & Stern (1996)
tion (fixed as in "restrained to float at its DWL"), Stern et al shall be used.
(1996) performed calculations at the two Froude numbers 0.29 A more comprehensive validation of the present calculations
and 0.39--corresponding to medium and high speeds (model- is made possible by the availability of tabulated data, in the
scale Re = 14.9 x 106 and 20.1 x 106, respectively)--and using fixed and free conditions, through the work of Kim ~z Jenkins
three RANS grids: a coarse grid of distribution 207 x 60 x 40 (1981). (Longo & Stern's measurements do not include free-
(496 800 grid points), a medium grid of distribution 252 x 60 x 45 condition wave profile data.) However, the quality of the wave
(680 400 grid points), and a fine grid of distribution 302 x 60 x 50 profile data collected by Kim & Jenkins is such that the fixed-
(906 000 grid points). Grid convergence was shown to be g o o d - - condition measurements show notable differences from those of
the change in the total resistance between the medium and fine Longo &~ Stern, which have been shown to conform with those
grids, for instance, was less than 1%. Since Stern et al (1996)
reported through the CEP. Also, Kim & Jenkins' experiments
showed that the coarse grid adequately resolved the flow field,
were conducted on a model of length such that the Reynolds
the same grid (207 x 60 x 40) was used for the present calcula-
' ' ' i . . . . i . . . . i . . . . i . . . . i
The inlet and exit boundaries are located at X = - 0 . 4 and
2.0, respectively, and the outer boundary is located at a radius, 10-~ l Incorporationof sinkage
and trim corrections
r = 1. The first point off the body surface is located in the range
Y+ < 2, and the number of points in the axial direction over 10-2
the bulbous bow, mid- and after-body, and wake are 30, 95,
and 50, respectively. The free-surface grid has a distribution
460 x 100, the grid points being distributed uniformly in the o
X-direction and with exponentially increasing spacing in the "~
= 103
positive-Y direction. The values of the time step and the under-
relaxation factors for velocity and pressure are, respectively, 104
0.2, 0.2, and 0.02.
Series 60, CB = 0.6--In their application of the original
method to the Series 60, CB = 0.6 in the fixed condition, 10-5
Tahara & Stern (1994) performed calculations for the Froude
number, 0.316 (Re = 4 x 106) on two RANS grids: a medium
grid of distribution 180 x 40 30 (216 000 grid points), and a 1 0 -6 I , , i , 1 i , , I I , i , i I I , , ,
t it lllli
I i i r r 1 i , , , I

fine grid of distribution 360 x 60 x 30 (648 000 grid points). Al- 0 lO00 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
though Tahara &: Stern reported that the differences between
Iteration number
the solutions obtained using the two grids were small, both
grids were used herein so as to determine the effects of grid Fig. Z Iterative convergence for the FF1052 at Fr = 0.29 (20"? x 60
resolution on the prediction of sinkage and trim. 40 grid): residual o f axial velocity


2"0X10~3 . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . .

I.OxlO -03

rr. O.OxlO+OO
. . . . . . . . ~: =- =--Z ~]L L_- L LI'L- L_ I-;

~ -1.OxlO -03

-2.0x 10.03

_3.0xlO "3

-4.0x 10 .03 , , , , , I , , , , I I I I I
4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Iteration number

1'2x104 . . . . 1
I ' ' I ' ' ' '

8.0xlO -05

4.0xlO "5

E !
iI '<, I ........ ILL
-4.0x 10-05 I
,g .8.0xlO 5 I


.1.2x10-o4 /

_l.6xlO "4 , , , I . . . . I . . . . I . . . .
4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
I t e r a t i o n number

Fig. 8 Vanishing of: (a) net heaving force, and (b) net trimming moment for the FF1052
at Fr = 0.29

n u m b e r for t h e i r e x p e r i m e n t s differed greatly, unlike L o n g o &= FF1052 and effect of Froude number
S t e r n ' s , from t h a t of t h e n u m e r i c a l s i m u l a t i o n . Nevertheless,
In a slight v a r i a t i o n of t h e a d o p t e d s o l u t i o n p r o c e d u r e (re-
t h e i r d a t a shall b e used h e r e u n d e r for a fuller discussion of t h e
call Fig. 5)~ a converged s o l u t i o n of t h e flow field a r o u n d t h e
t r e n d s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h sinkage a n d t r i m .
F F 1 0 5 2 a t Fr ---- 0.29 a n d 0.39 was first o b t a i n e d w i t h t h e
Next, t h e c a l c u l a t i o n s w i t h sinkage a n d t r i m are d e s c r i b e d hull fixed, before i n i t i a t i n g a n y a d j u s t m e n t s for sinkage a n d
in d e t a i l for only one case, t h a t of t h e F F 1 0 5 2 a t Fr = 0.29; t r i m . A l t h o u g h t h e sinkage a n d t r i m c o r r e c t i o n s m a y b e g i n to
for t h e o t h e r t h r e e cases, only t h e n o t a b l e results are p r e s e n t e d b e applied before a converged s o l u t i o n in t h e hull-fixed con-
a n d discussed. Nonetheless, in t h e process are e x a m i n e d b o t h , d i t i o n is a t t a i n e d , d o i n g so in a s t e a d y - s t a t e c a l c u l a t i o n such
t h e F r o u d e n u m b e r effects o n sinkage a n d t r i m ( t h r o u g h t h e as t h i s m a y b e wasteful c o m p u t a t i o n a l l y . Yet, if t h e p r o c e d u r e
results for t h e F F 1 0 5 2 ) a n d t h e effects of grid r e s o l u t i o n o n t h e were t o b e e x t e n d e d for c a l c u l a t i n g b o d y m o t i o n s in a sea-
c a l c u l a t i o n s ( t h r o u g h t h e results for t h e Series 60, CB = 0.6). keeping s i m u l a t i o n - - a s is p o s s i b l e - - i t would of course b e nec-


Experiment (West 1964)
I Incremental correction
0.005 - - O- - Cumulative correction
Numbers in parantheses indicate percentage change
betweencorrectionsfor sinkageand trim


0.001 [

0.000 I ' i

-0.001 I I I I [
...... ........
: .....i ....i .....i ......
I [ I I

4000 4500 5000 5500 6000

Iteration number

0.005 . . . . I . . . . I . . . . _[
Experiment (West 1964)
I Incremental correction
0.O04 - - -A- - Cumulative correction
~ Numbersin paranthesesindicatepercentagechange I
:'''" bet. . . . . . . tionsfor sinkageand trim -[



0.000 ! ' ..... !

-0.001 , , , , I , , , , I . . . . I . . . .
4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Iteration number
Fig. 9 Evolution of: (a) sinkage, and (b) trim corrections for FF1052 at Fr = 0.29

essary to d e t e r m i n e in a t i m e - a c c u r a t e m a n n e r the corrections The iterative convergence of the sinkage and t r i m calcula-
in the hull's position. For added convenience here, the existing tions to the final state of stable equilibrium can be studied
coarse grid, fixed-condition solutions of Stern et al (1996) were through an inspection of, besides Fig. 7, Figs. 8 and 9 - - a l l of
used as the starting point for the sinkage and t r i m calculations. which are for Fr = 0.29. As shown in Fig. 8, the overall effect
T h e fixed-condition resistances, however, were duly corrected as of the flow field in the fixed condition is such t h a t there is a net
described previously and summarized in Table 2. Convergence downward heaving force and also--reflecting the strong trim-
[corresponding to the criterion, R E S < 10-4; see equation by-bow characteristics of the FF1052 at this ~ ' o u d e n u m b e r
(25)] in the fixed condition was satisfied in 4000 iterations. This (recall Fig. 1 ) - - a large t r i m m i n g m o m e n t by the bow. These
is depicted in Fig. 7, which shows the convergence history of necessitate, through the coupled equations (23) and (24), the
the axial velocity. The c o m p u t a t i o n a l requirements on a C R A Y positive sinkage and t r i m corrections seen in Fig. 9. W i t h the
C-90 were 36 megawords of m e m o r y and 20 hours of C P U time. incorporation of the first corrections for sinkage and trim, the


Experiment (West 1964)
| Incremental correction
0.005 - - O- - Cumulative correction
Numbers in parantheses indicate percentage change
between corrections for sinkage and trim

0.003 [ 1:3. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 13



-0.001 I I I , I

4000 4500 5O00

Iteration number


0.005 ' I

Experiment (West 1964)

| Incremental correction
0.004 - - ,~- - Cumulative correction
Numbers in parantheses indicate percentage change
between corrections for sinkage and trtm



.E 0.001Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &, . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .............. A- . . . . . . . --

0.000 .............................. II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....

-0.001 , , , , I , , , , I , ,
4000 4500 5000
Iteration n u m b e r
Fig. 10 Evolution of: (a) sinkage, and (b) trim corrections for FFI052 at Fr = 0.39

residuals (as d e m o n s t r a t e d in Fig. 7) spike up by over an or- and induces t r i m corrections by the stern for a few stages, be-
der of magnitude. U p o n performing 500 additional iterations fore reversing directions and diminishing, as the pressure dis-
t h r o u g h the flow solver, t h e y fall back towards the original lev- tribution on the hull stabilizes. T h e entire sequence lasts eight
els. This p a t t e r n of increases and decreases in the residuals stages (and 2000 additional iterations in all) and results in a
following adjustments for sinkage and t r i m continues until sta- converged cumulative t r i m by the bow, as shown in Fig. 9.
ble equilibrium is a t t a i n e d - - w h e n the net heaving force and The 0.39 Fr calculation shows different convergence charac-
t r i m m i n g m o m e n t (Fig. 8), and hence the incremental sinkage teristics in progressing to a state of stable equilibrium. Ow-
and t r i m corrections (Fig. 9), converge to zero. ing to the smaller t r i m characteristic of the FF1052 at this
Interestingly, the net initial heaving force is almost com- Froude n u m b e r (again, recall Fig. 1), a converged cumulative
pletely balanced by the first (sinkage) correction; as a result, sinkage and t r i m are obtained in only four stages (using 1300
the subsequent sinkage corrections are almost negligible. W i t h additional iterations), as shown in Fig. 10. T h e additional it-
further iterations, however, a net t r i m m i n g m o m e n t persists erations within the flow solver for a converged solution with


5 . 0 x 1if03 . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . .
N u m b e r s in p a r a n t h e s e s indicate p e r c e n t a g e c h a n g e
b e t w e e n corrections for s i n k a g e a n d trim
.~ 4 . 0 X 1 0 "3

~ 3 . 0 x 1 0 3


._~ 2 . 0 x l O 3

1.Ox 10 .03

0 . 0 x l 0 +oo . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . .
4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Iteration number
5.0x 10.03 . . . . I . . . . I ' ' '

N u m b e r s in p a r a n t h e s e s indicate p e r c e n t a g e c h a n g e
b e t w e e n corrections for s i n k a g e a n d trim
= 4 . 0 X 1 0 -3

0D 3 . 0 x 1 0 -3

2 . 0 X 1 0 "3

........... q?__ I o - - -(5

0.0xl0+ I . . . . . . . . . I . . . . I , , 1 ,

4000 4500 5000 5500 6000

Iteration number
1 . 0 x l 0 ~2 . . . . I . . . . I ' ' '

[.-. N u m b e r s in p a r a n t h e s e s indicate p e r c e n t a g e c h a n g e
r..) b e t w e e n corrections for s i n k a g e a n d trim
~_r 8 . 0 X 1 0 "3


N 4 . 0 x l O "3

. . . . . . [] . . . . . . . . . . [] . . . . . . . . . - 0 ........... f
"~ 2 . 0 x 10 "3
O 19.9% i n c r e a s e w i t h
sinkage and trim
0 . 0 x l 0 + . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . .
4000 . 4500 5000 5500 6000
Iteration number
Fig. l l Convergence history o f resistances for FF1052 at Fr = 0.29


5.0x 10 ~3 I I
Numbers in parantheses indicate percentage change
between corrections for sinkage and trim
4 . 0 x 1 0 .03

0 3.0x 10 .03
< ...................... ~ ............ -O- . . . . . . . . . . . . q ....... -<

2 . 0 x 1 0 .03
1.0xl0 .03 I

0 . 0 x l 0 *0o / , I . . . . I , ,
4000 4500 5000
Iteration number
5 . 0 x 1 0 .03 I I
Numbers in parantheses indicate percentage change
between corrections for sinkage and trim
c- 4 . 0 x 1 0 .03

0 3 . 0 x 1 0 .03

2 . 0 x 1 0 .03

1 . 0 x 1 0 .03

0 . 0 x l 0 + . . . . I . . . . I , ,
4000 4500 5000
Iteration number
1.0xlO-2f I I
Numbers in parantheses indicate percentage change
between corrections for sinkage and trim
~2 6.0X 10 .03

4 . 0 x 1 0 .03I

2 . 0 x 1 0 .03 9.0% increase with

sinkage and trim

. . . . I . . . . I , ,
0 . 0 x l 0 +
4000 4500 5000
Iteration number
Fig. 12 Convergence history o f resistances for FF1052 at Fr ---- 0.3g


Table 4 Sinkage and trim for the FF1052 at Fr = 0.29 and 0.39 an increase in the calculated resistance. Figures 11 and 12 show
the convergence histories of the resistances, starting from the
Froude number: 0.29 0.39 fixed-condition solutions, for the low and high Froude number
Grid: 207 x 60 x 40 207 x 60 x 40 cases, respectively. Notable in these figures is the sharp rise in
Sinkage the pressure-resistance coefficient for Fr = 0.29; it is indicative
Calculation 1.69 x 10 - 3 3.06 x 10 - 3 of the considerable change in the hull surface pressure distri-
bution on account of the large trim. The resistances in the
Data (West 1964) 1.43 x 10 - 3 3.08 x 10 - 3
final state of converged sinkage and trim--equivalent to resis-
Difference 18.1% -0.6%
tances obtained from model tests in the free-to-sink-and-trim
condition--are also listed in Table 2. At Fr = 0.29, the pressure-
Calculation 2.40 x 10 - 3 0.95 x 10 - 3
resistance shows substantial increases in both the piezometric
Data (West 1964) 2.46 10 - 3 0.57 10 - 3 (44.9%) and hydrostatic components (34.3%) but, surprisingly,
Difference -2.3% 67.3% the frictional-resistance drops 6% from the fixed-condition re-
NOTES: sult. The total resistance increases significantly, by 19.9%, to
Sinkage and trim nondimensionalized by L. 4.45 10 - 3 , such that the agreement with the free-condition
Center of gravity in calculation set at the level of the design data of West (1964) is fairly close (4.2%). Note that the in-
draft. crease in the resistance with sinkage and trim is well above
Towing point at which data collected unknown.
the uncertainty to be expected on account of the calm-water
hydrostatic error (4 to 7%), grid convergence (1 to 2%), and
sinkage and trim required--on the CRAY C-90--36 megawords also iterative convergence (2% of C T , as per Stern et al 1996).
of memory and about 5 hours of C P U time for every 1000 ad- At Fr = 0.39, the pressure-resistance increases by 17.4% and
ditional iterations. It should be pointed out that the numbers
the frictional-resistance also increases slightly (2.3%). The to-
of iterations that were performed within the flow solver be-
tal resistance increases, but less substantially than for the Fr
tween successive sinkage and trim corrections were probably
more than were necessary to realize the appropriate correc- = 0.29 case, to 4.74 1 0 - 3 - - a 9.0% rise. The agreement with
tions. For instance, considering that the changes in the hull's the data in the free condition is again very good, the difference
position for the FF1052 at Fr = 0.39 were far smaller beyond being 2.8%.
the first correction (Fig. 10), much less numbers of subsequent The calculated sinkage and trim, which are presented in Ta-
iterations could have been performed while getting similar re- ble 4 and also depicted in Fig. 1, are in relatively good agree-
sults. Further, it is also likely that fewer than 500 iterations ment with the data of West (1964). At Fr = 0.29, the ex-
need have been performed following even the first, most sub- perimental sinkage is overpredicted by 18%, while the trim
stantial correction. There must exist an optimal (with regard calculation shows a difference of 2.3% from the data. At Fr
to minimizing the computational expenses while maintaining = 0.39, the calculated sinkage is only - 0 . 6 % from the data,
numerical stability) number of additional iterations to be per- while the trim calculation shows an error of 67.3%. It may
formed following each sinkage and trim correction. Such a num- be noted that the trim at this Froude number is very small;
ber could, perhaps, be arrived at by quantifying more suitably consequently, a small difference in the prediction results in a
the change in the solution between iterations. This merits fur- large relative error. Also, there may exist differences between
ther study. the towing height in the data, which could not be ascertained,
Predictably, the effect of the sinkage and trim corrections is and the prescribed vertical center of gravity in the calculations,

' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' '

o Experiment, model free (West t964)

- - Calculation, with sinkage and trim
................. Calculation, fixed condition
........... Stern et al (1996)



\ o i
\ 0 0 0 0 :.:=.-.-.~
~ _ _ o .0~---~-~ ..........

-~" .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ o


-0.010 , , , I , , , I , , , I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 13 Waves profiles along the hull for FF1052 at Fr = 0.29


' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' '

o Experiment, m o d e l f r e e (West 1964)

0.025 - - Calculation, with sinkage and trim
/~ .................. Calculation, fixed c o n d i t i o n
0.020 )/./....\ ........... Stem et al (1996)


\ ,~, O "
0.o05 "'., "~,, o~.~ :
'..." o ~ ............i
":..,'-, ____o. o ............ : ......... ----~''~-- o ............. -

-0.005 ' ' ' I , , , I , , , I , , , I , , ,

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 14 Waves profiles along the hull for FF1052 at Fr = 0.39

which was set at the level of the design draft. The effects on Series 60, CB = 0.6 and effect of grid resolution
the trim prediction of these possible differences are unknown.
As with the calculations for the FF1052, existing fixed-condi-
The effects of sinkage and trim on the wave profile on the
tion solutions--Tahara & Stern's (1994) Fr = 0.316 solutions
hull can be gauged from Figs. 13 and 14, which are respec-
tively for the Froude numbers 0.29 and 0.39. In validating their on the previously described medium and fine grids--were used
fixed-condition calculation using the free-condition wave pro- as the starting point for the sinkage and trim calculations for
file data of West (1964), which were measured with respect to the Series 60, CB = 0.6. A converged solution in the fixed con-
the design waterline, Stern et al (1996) accounted for sinkage dition had been obtained in 20 000 iterations on the medium
and trim by vertically translating and rotating their calculated grid and in 5000 iterations on the fine grid. The computa-
wave profile (measured with respect to the undisturbed free tional requirements for these calculations were: 17 megawords
surface) by the experimental sinkage and trim values. The re- of memory and 40 hours of CPU time on a CRAY YMP for
sulting comparison still showed the features of the flow to be the medium grid calculation and 35 megawords of memory and
well predicted by the calculation. The present 0.29 Fr calcula- 32 hours of CPU time on a CRAY C-90 for the fine grid cal-
tion (plotted as might be measured about the design waterline) culation. Point-wise grid convergence between the medium and
not only excludes the uncertainty due to sinkage and trim but fine grids is assessed through Fig. 15, which compares the sur-
also shows considerable improvement; the mid-body wave crest, face pressure, the friction velocity, and the centerline velocity
particularly, is predicted better. However, there are still slight at the free-surface plane and the center-plane across the two
deviations in the magnitude and phase; also, the bow shoulder- grids. Some small differences, which may have an important
wave trough is underpredicted slightly and displaced a little to effect on the present calculations, can be seen between the two
the aft. Little difference is seen, though, between the present grids. Notably, the surface pressure at the free-surface plane
0.39 Fr calculation and that of Stern et al (1996), suggesting and the center-plane show higher bow peaks with the fine grid
that the changes in the wave profile due to sinkage and trim (and slight increases in the stern peaks as well), indicating a
at this higher Froude number are essentially in the physical greater bow-down trimming moment due to the pressure. The
change of the hull's position rather than in the resulting flow. bow and stern shoulder profiles at the free-surface are steeper,
With no uncertainty on account of the sinkage and trim, the too, implying similar differences in the wave profile along the
calculation shows very good agreement indeed with the data, al- hull. The centerline velocity also shows differences at the free-
though some differences persist: an underprediction of the bow surface plane in the wake region. The friction velocity profiles
wave (also predicted to lie more aft), an underprediction of the show little change between the two grids.
wave crest that lies at about X/L = 0.32, a slightly higher wave In consonance with these findings, the difference in the calcu-
trough at X/L = 0.6, and a slightly underpredicted transom lated resistances between the two grids (Table 3) is mainly in
wave. the pressure-resistance, with the frictional-resistance showing
Lastly, it may be noted that sinkage and trim do not influence little change. The uncertainty in the pressure-resistance be-
the overall flow field much. Comparisons of the wave-elevation tween the two grids is a substantial 8.8%, leading to an un-
contours for the different ship attitudes, and also of the axial certainty of 3.7% in the total resistance, with the fine grid
velocity contours, crossplane vectors and pressure contours at result comparing better with the data. Considering that the
select crossplanes, indicate that while there are quantitative frictional resistance is apportioned uniformly over the hull sur-
differences in the near-field, qualitatively, the differences due face whereas the pressure-resistance is concentrated largely at
to sinkage and trim are negligible (Subramani 1996). the bow and the stern, these differences between the two grids


180x40x30 grid ............ 360x60x30 grid
' ' ' I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . t . . . . I ' ' I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I

~-)~ 0.10

~ 0.05

o.oo -I'
~ -0.05

= -0.10

. . . . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I , , I , , , , I . . . . I . . . . I . . . .

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
. . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . .


0 0.10

U 0.05

. . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . .
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
1.0 ' ' ~'~1 . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . t ' '~-. I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I

0.8 --

0 0.6


, , , , I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I ,, . . . . , I , , , , , i , , I . . . .
0.0 '''
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
(a) free-surface plane (b) center-plane
Fig. 15 Pointwise grid convergence for the Series 60, Cs = 0.6 at Fr = 0316: surface pressure, friction
velocity, and centerline velocity

are clearly due to the effects of improved grid resolution, which and 17. Figure 16 shows the evolution of the sinkage and trim
was by design concentrated near the bow and the stern. corrections with iterations and Fig. 17 shows the convergence
The progression of the calculations to the final state of sta- histories of the resistances starting from the fixed-condition so-
ble equilibrium is demonstrated for the fine grid in Figs. 16 lution. The calculated resistances with sinkage and trim, for


0.006 ~ ,' I I I
Experiment (Longo and Stern 1996)
| Incremental correction
0.005 I-- - - U-- Cumulative correction
Numbers in parantheses indicate percentage change between

................. D ................ C] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3 . . . . -'77-- - - "




-0.001 , , , I , , , , I , , , , I I I

5000 5500 6000 6500

Iteration number

0.005 I ' I
Experiment (Longo and Stern 1996)
I Incremental correction
---A-- Cumulative correction
0.004 Numbers in parantheses indicate percentage change between
correctmns for sinkage and trim




0.000 ! ............ ......... I ........

........... i ....................

-0.001 , , , , I . . . . I . . . . I , ,

5000 5500 6000 6500

Iteration number
Fig. 16 Evolution of: (a) sinkage, and (b) trim corrections for Series 60, Cs = 0.6 at
Fr = 0.316 (360 x 60 x 30 grid)

b o t h t h e m e d i u m a n d fine grid calculations, are p r e s e n t e d in t h e p r e s s u r e - r e s i s t a n c e increases by 16.7%, a l t h o u g h t h e fric-

T a b l e 3 too, for a c o m p a r i s o n w i t h t h e fixed-condition results t i o n a l - r e s i s t a n c e shows little c h a n g e as a result of sinkage a n d
a n d t h e m e a s u r e d values. T h e 1800 a d d i t i o n a l i t e r a t i o n s w i t h i n t r i m (it a c t u a l l y decreases by 1.1%). T h e increase in t h e for-
t h e flow solver for a converged s o l u t i o n w i t h sinkage a n d t r i m , m e r is essentially in t h e p i e z o m e t r i c c o m p o n e n t (14.6%). T h e
using t h e fine grid, r e q u i r e d 35 m e g a w o r d s of m e m o r y a n d 11.4
increase in t h e t o t a l r e s i s t a n c e is by 5.7%, from 6.11 10 - 3
h o u r s of C P U t i m e o n t h e C R A Y C-90. W i t h t h e m e d i u m grid,
in t h e fixed c o n d i t i o n to 6.46 10 - a w i t h sinkage a n d t r i m ,
8000 a d d i t i o n a l i t e r a t i o n s were necessary to o b t a i n a converged
c u m u l a t i v e sinkage a n d t r i m , a n d t h e y r e q u i r e d 17 m e g a w o r d s for a difference of 9.9% from t h e free-condition d a t a of Longo
of m e m o r y a n d 16 h o u r s of C P U t i m e o n t h e C R A Y Y M P . 8z S t e r n (1996). T h e d a t a of K i m & J e n k i n s (1981), a l t h o u g h
As w i t h t h e FF1052, t h e c a l c u l a t i o n s show t h a t sinkage a n d a t a different R e y n o l d s n u m b e r , show a c o m p a r a b l e 8.5% in-
t r i m go t o w a r d s i n c r e a s i n g t h e resistance. O n t h e m e d i u m grid, crease in C T w i t h sinkage a n d t r i m . T h e results w i t h t h e fine


5.0x 10 -3 I ' ' ' I . . . . I ' '

4.0x10 "3

o 3.0x10 -~

2.0x10 -3

0 1 . 0 x l 0 -3
.~, N u m b e r s in p a r a n t b e s e s indicate p e r c e n t a g e c h a n g e
b e t w e e n c o r r e c t i o n s for s i n k a g e a n d trim
i i I r i
0 . 0 x l 0 ~
5000 5500 6000 6500
Iteration number
5.0x10 -3 I I I

.) 4.0x10 -3

3.0x10 3

2.0x10 ~

1.0x 10 .03
Numbers in parantheses indicate percentage change 1
between corrections for sinkage and trim
0 . 0 x l 0 *
5000 5500 6000 6500
Iteration number
1.0x 10 -2

8.0x 10 -03

.) 6.0x 10 .03

4.0x10 -3
6.6% increase with
sinkage and trim
2.0x 10 .03
O Numbers in parantheses indicate percentage change
between corrections for sinkage and trim
0 . 0 x l 0 + . . . . I . . . . I . . . . f , ,
5000 5500 6000 6500
Iteration number
Fig. 17 Convergence history of resistances for Series 60, CB = 0.6 at Fr = 0.316 (360
60 30 grid)


Table 5 Sinkage and trim for the calculations. Figure 15, as shown earlier, displays precisely such
Series 60, CB = 0.6 at Fr = 0 . 3 1 6 differences.
It should be noted that some differences in the trim may
Grid: 180 x 40 x 30 360 x 60 x 30 also be due to the inconsistency between the towing height
Sinkage in the data and the vertical center of gravity specified in the
Calculation 3.24 10 - 3 3.35 10- 3 calculation. The measurements of Longo & Stern (1996) were
taken with the ship model attached to the towing carriage at a
Data (Longo ~z Stern 1996) 3.95 10 - 3 3.95 10 - 3
height above the keelline of 0.24 times the design draft (while
Difference -18.0% -15.2%
at the same transverse location as the longitudinal center of
Data (Kim &: Jenkins 1981) 3.76 x 10 - 3 3.76 x 10 - 3 buoyancy), whereas in the calculations the center of gravity
Difference -13.8% -10.9% (which is the towing point equivalent) was assumed to be at the
Trim level of the design draft. One of the findings reported through
Calculation 0.17 10 - 3 1.21 x 10 -3 the CEP (ITTC 1987) was that the trim (of the Series 60, CB =
0.6 model) was larger when the model was towed at a higher
Data (Longo & Stern 1996) 1.69 x 10 - 3 1.69 x 10 -3
position (the sinkage measurements were not affected by the
Difference - 89.9 % - 28.6%
towing height). Consequently, a larger trim may be expected in
Data (Kim &: Jenkins 1981) 2.41 x 10 - 3 2.41 x 10 - 3 the present calculations were the center of gravity prescribed at
Difference -92.9% -49.8% the same level as the model towing point; and understandably
NOTES: so, for the contributions of the axial hydrodynamic forces to the
Sinkage and trim nondimensionalized by L. net trimming moment, equation (16), increase with the towing
Center of gravity in calculation set at the level of the design height. In other words, the error in the trim calculation may
draft. be expected to be less than the value of 29% suggested by the
Towing point in data of Longo & Stern (1996) at a height present validation.
above keel of 0.24 times the design draft. Plots of the calculated wave profiles along the hull, in the
Towing point at which data of Kim & Jenkins (1981) were
collected unknown. fixed condition and with sinkage and trim, and of the change
in the wave profile as a result of sinkage and trim are presented
in Fig. 18 and compared with the data. First, it should be
grid show an increase in both, the pressure- and the frictional-
noted that the data of Kim &: Jenkins (1981) not only show
resistance components. The total resistance increases by 6.6%,
notable differences from the fixed-condition measurements of
from 5.89 10 - 3 in the fixed condition to 6.28 x 10 - 3 with Longo & Stern (1996), but also display much scatter--as seen
sinkage and trim, confirming the trend seen in the data (also, in the change in the wave profiles with sinkage and trim (this
recall Fig. 2). This increase is again well above the level of scatter in the data near the stern may also explain their sig-
uncertainty due to the axial hydrostatic error (less than 1% of nificantly different trim measurement, presented in Table 5).
CT) and iterative convergence (2% of CT); it is a clear effect Nevertheless, their measurements enable a useful comparison
of sinkage and trim. A comparison with the free-condition data of the trends associated with sinkage and trim. They show
of Longo & Stern (1996), however, shows the resistance to be that the bow wave crest increases and the stern wave crest
overpredicted by 6.8%. decreases with sinkage and t r i m - - t r e n d s indicative of the bow-
The calculated cumulative sinkage and trim are presented in down trim. Further, the bow shoulder-wave trough decreases
Table 5 along with, for comparison, the measurements of Longo while the stern shoulder-wave crest increases. All of these trends
& Stern (1996). The sinkage and trim measurements of Kim &: are reproduced closely by the calculations. That the total re-
Jenkins (1981) axe also included, notwithstanding the uncer- sistance for the ship is less in the fixed condition is also cor-
tainty associated with the data. Considering the error level of roborated by the wave profile calculation--the lower bow wave
the total resistance calculation, it may be said that the sinkage and the steeper stern wave implying a lower resistance.
calculated using the medium grid (3.24 10 -3) is in reasonably
good agreement with the measured value (3.95 x 10-3), the dif- Concluding remarks
ference being 18%. However, the trim is predicted poorly. As
A CFD code for surface-ship boundary layers, wakes, and
against a measured trim of 1.69 x 10 - 3 by the bow, the cal-
wave fields is extended by incorporating into it the capability
culated value is only 0.17 10 - 3 ( - 9 0 % difference from the of predicting sinkage and trim. This development realizes two
data of Longo & Stern 1996). While the sinkage in the fine grid important objectives: (1) it enables the simulation of a ship's
calculation (3.35 x 10 -3) shows some improvement over the advance in the "model free" condition, thereby excluding possi-
medium grid result, for a smaller difference of - 1 5 % from the ble uncertainty, on account of sinkage and trim, in a validation
data of Longo Stern (1996), the trim calculation improves of the resistance calculation, and (2) it is an important prereq-
considerably, the result (1.21 10 -3) underpredicting the data uisite for future extensions of the method for seakeeping calcu-
by a much lower value of -29%. The reasons for this are recog- lations. The extended method was applied successfully to the
nized easily. The sinkage is derived essentially from Fpz [with naval combatant FF1052 and also to the Series 60, CB ----0.6
FB for an advancing ship changing very slightly from W, it is parent hull. The important findings are summarized below.
Fpz that mostly makes up the unbalanced heaving force F in The calculations confirm the trends seen in the experiments
equation (12)], which may be estimated with sufficient accu- that the total resistance increases significantly with sinkage and
racy. The trim, however, is very sensitive to the longitudinal trim. The increases observed in the calculations are well above
surface pressure distribution, since it is the net transverse mo- the level of uncertainty to be expected on account of grid con-
ment due to the vertical pressure forces at each cross section vergence (up to 2% of the total resistance), iterative conver-
that contributes most substantially to the unbalanced trim- gence (2%), and the calm-water hydrostatic error (4 to 7% for
ming moment M, in equation (13). As a result, even slight dif- the FF1052 and 1% for the Series 60, CB = 0.6). The calcu-
ferences in the surface-pressure calculation on account of the lated resistances, with sinkage and trim accounted for, were
grid resolution (especially at the bow and the stern, where the validated by comparison with the available experimental data.
pressure attains its maxima) can lead to grossly different trim In the case of the Series 60, Ct3 = 0.6 at Fr = 0.316, the


0.02 ] I I I t I ~ I I I I I t t I I ~ I I I U

- - Calculation, with sinkage and trim

.......... Calculation, fixed condition
o Data, model free (Kim and Jenkins 198 I)
,,~ ~ v Data, model fixed (Kim and Jenkins 1981)
0.01 ,~r \ Data, model fixed (Longo and Stem 1996)

O0 0

g 0
J "'~'0
",X7 %7 0 0

".V //

I I I I I I I I n I I I I I I I t I I I I
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1


0.004 Data (Kim and Jenkins 1981)

a Calculation


A A A ~A


T . . . . I . . . . I I I I I I . . . . T
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Fig. 18 Series 60, Cs = 0.6 at Fr = 0.316 (360 x 60 x 30 grid): (a) wave profiles
along hull, and (b) changes in wave profiles with sinkage and trim

c a l c u l a t i o n s ( w i t h t h e finer of two different grids) o v e r p r e d i c t of t h e sinkage a n d t r i m arise p r i m a r i l y t h r o u g h a p r o p a g a t i o n

t h e d a t a b y 7%, while t h e differences from t h e d a t a for t h e of errors in t h e c a l c u l a t i o n of t h e resistances a n d t h e o t h e r hy-
F F 1 0 5 2 are 4% a t Fr = 0.29 a n d 3% a t Fr = 0.39. d r o d y n a m i c forces o n t h e hull surface. T h e u n c e r t a i n t y in t h e
T h e sinkage a n d t r i m , w h i c h were o b t a i n e d i t e r a t i v e l y in four sinkage a n d t r i m calculations, therefore, are n o t easily q u a n t i -
to eight stages, were also e s t i m a t e d well. For t h e FF1052, a t fled.
b o t h t h e F r o u d e n u m b e r s studied, t h e t r e n d s in sinkage a n d T h e a p p r e c i a b l e effects of sinkage a n d t r i m on t h e wave pro-
t r i m were p r e d i c t e d correctly, a l t h o u g h t h e p e r c e n t a g e differ- files o n t h e hull were also r e p r o d u c e d closely. T h e wave profile
ences in t h e a b s o l u t e values varied w i t h F r o u d e n u m b e r . For t h e for t h e Series 60, CB = 0.6 a t Fr = 0.316 showed, b o t h qual-
Series 60, CB = 0.6 a t Fr ---- 0.316, t h e t r e n d s in sinkage a n d i t a t i v e l y a n d q u a n t i t a t i v e l y , t h e t r e n d s seen in t h e d a t a d u e
t r i m were a g a i n p r e d i c t e d correctly, b u t t h e differences from to sinkage a n d t r i m . Specifically, t h e b o w wave increased while
t h e d a t a were c o m p a r a t i v e l y large. T h e differences d e c r e a s e d t h e s t e r n wave decreased, a n d t h e wave profile in general be-
s u b s t a n t i a l l y , however, w i t h t h e fine grid, h i g h l i g h t i n g t h e im- came steeper, in c o m p a r i s o n w i t h t h e fixed-condition results.
p o r t a n c e of a d e q u a t e grid r e s o l u t i o n I e s p e c i a l l y in regions of For t h e FF1052, too, at b o t h t h e F r o u d e n u m b e r s studied, t h e
large p r e s s u r e g r a d i e n t s on t h e hull s u r f a c e - - i n t h e p r e d i c t i o n wave profiles showed very good a g r e e m e n t w i t h t h e d a t a , w h i c h
of t h e t r i m . It m a y b e n o t e d t h a t a n y errors in t h e c a l c u l a t i o n were available only in t h e model-free condition. Interestingly,


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Acknowledgments IOWA and steady flow RANS simulation of DTMB model 5415.
T h i s r e s e a r c h was s p o n s o r e d by t h e Office of Naval R e s e a r c h Proceedings, let Symposium on Marine Applications of CFD, May.
( g r a n t N00014-93-1-0052), w i t h Dr. E. P. R o o d as t e c h n i c a l RATCLIFFE, T. 1998 Validation of free surface Reynolds-averaged
Navier Stokes and potential flow codes. Proceedzngs, 22nd ONR
m o n i t o r . T h e c o m p u t a t i o n s were p e r f o r m e d o n s u p e r c o m p u t e r s
Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics.
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t h e S a n Diego S u p e r c o m p u t i n g C e n t e r ( C R A Y C-90). T h e first IOWA: Computational fluid dynamics method for surface-ship
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