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Mikroprosessor Zilog Z80

Max. Clock Speed: Z80 - 2.5MHz

Power Requirements: Z80 - 5V@60mA
Operating Temp: 0 - 70 deg C.
Min. Instruction time: 1uS (@4MHz)
Max. Instruction time: 5.75uS (@4MHz)
No. of Instructions: 158 (78 instructions of 8088 are a subset)
Internal Registers: 14

CPU Z80 memiliki arsitektur yang sangat menarik. Pertama-tama, ia memiliki

"fetch/execute overlapping", yang berarti memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan (fetch) instruksi
berikutnya dari memori saat instruksi pertama dijalankan. Sistem ini juga digunakan di Intel
8080, dan prosesor lainnya sejak saat itu. Hal lain yang khas dari waktu itu adalah prosesor
tersebut adalah prosesor CISC, dan mereka memiliki panjang instruksi variabel. Panjang
instruksi CPU Z80 bisa dari satu sampai empat byte panjangnya. Untuk meningkatkan
kecepatan CPU Z80, kebanyakan instruksi hanya satu byte. 252 instruksi adalah satu byte,
sisanya 2, 3 atau 4 byte panjangnya.

Gambar 1. Fetch/execute overlap.

Organisasi internal CPU Z80 dapat terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini:

Gambar 2. Z80 Internal Organization.

Yang ditunjukkan pada gambar: 20 register 8 bit, dan 4 register 16 bit. Empat register
16-bit adalah: PC (Program Counter), SP (Stack Pointer) dan dua Index-register, IX dan IY.

20 register 8 bit dikelompokkan menjadi dua bank dengan 10 register. 8 yang dapat
digunakan bersama sebagai 4 register 16-bit, akumulator 8-bit dan register bendera 8-bit.
Accumulator A, digunakan untuk semua perhitungan. F-register (flag) digunakan untuk
menentukan apakah hasilnya positif, negatif, nol, dll.

Pasangan register BC dan DE banyak digunakan untuk counter dan penyimpanan part-
results. Pasangan register HL dapat digunakan dalam berbagai instruksi terutama sebagai
pengalamatan (menunjuk ke memori). Register W dan Z yang terlupakan hanya digunakan
untuk operasi internal di prosesor, seperti beralih ke alamat baru. (CPU hanya bisa mentransfer
8 bit sekaligus, jadi untuk mentransfer (memuat) alamat 16 bit, pertama-tama akan
menyimpannya di WZ).

Register B, C, D, E, F, H, L, W dan Z dapat diubah sangat cepat dengan B ', C', D ',
E', F ', H', L ', W' dan Z ', dengan instruksi EXX. Untuk tujuan ini MUX digunakan, yang
merupakan cara tercepat untuk mengubah nilai pada 9 register dengan 9 lainnya. A dan F
diaktifkan dengan A' dan F' dengan instruksi EX AF, AF '.

Program, data and stack memories occupy the same memory space. The total addressable
memory size is 64 KB.

16-bit pointers and data are stored as:

address: low-order byte
address+1: high-order byte

Program memory - program can be located anywhere in memory. Some jump and all call
instructions use 16-bit addresses - they can be used to jump anywhere within 64 KB. Some
conditional jump instructions can be used to jump within +129 - -126 bytes from the next

Data memory - the processor can access data anywhere in the memory. Word data can be
located at odd or even byte boundaries.

Stack memory can be placed anywhere in memory. The stack grows from the top to bottom.

Reserved locations:

First 64 bytes - contains interrupt entrance points for 8080-compatible interrupts. This area
should only be reserved if the CPU is using interrupt mode 0.
0038h - contains entrance point for maskable interrupts when CPU is in interrupt mode 1.
0066h - contains entrance point for non-maskable interrupt.


The processor has the following interrupts:

INT is a maskable hardware interrupt. This interrupt can be enabled/disabled using EI/DI
instructions. When an interrupt occurs, then, depending on interrupt mode set in registers
IMFa and IMFb, the processor performs the following action:

In interrupt mode 0: fetches an instruction from the bus, usually RST0 - RST7, and executes
In interrupt mode 1: jumps to interrupt processing routine located at address 0038h.
In interrupt mode 2: fetches one byte from the bus and jumps to interrupt-processing code
located at address:
low-order byte of the address: the byte fetched from the bus
high-order byte of the address: loaded from I register

Interrupt mode can be set using IM 0, IM 1 and IM 2 instructions. RETI instruction is used to
return from maskable interrupt.
NMI is a non-maskable interrupt. When non-maskable interrupt occurs the CPU will
preserve the content of IFF1 register in IFF2 register, disable maskable interrupts and jump to
location 0066h. This interrupt has higher priority then the maskable interrupt. RETN
instruction is used to return from non-maskable interrupt.

Software interrupts can be invoked by executing RST0 - RST7 instructions. These

interrupts are processed in the same way as hardware mode 0 maskable interrupts.

I/O ports

256 Input ports

256 Output ports


Z80 microprocessor has the following registers:

Accumulator (A) register is an 8-bit register used for arithmetic, logic, I/O and load/store

Flag is an 8-bit register containing 6 1-bit flags:

Carry (C), bit 0 - set if there was a carry during addition, or borrow during
Subtract (N), bit 1 - this flag is set if the last operation was subtract. The flag is used by DAA
instruction to do proper correction of BCD numbers.
Parity/Overflow (P/V), bit 2 - set if the parity (the number of set bits) in the result of logical
operation is even. This flag also set when addition or subtraction results in a too large
positive number or a too small negative number that cannot fit into destination operand, i.e.
if the result is greater than +127 or smaller than -128. For example, adding 1 to 127 will set
the overflow flag.
Half carry (H), bit 4 - set if there was a carry out from bit 3 to bit 4 of the result.
Zero (Z), bit 6 - set if the result is zero.
Sign (S), bit 7 - set if the result is negative.

General registers:

8-bit B and 8-bit C registers can be used as one 16-bit BC register pair. When used as a pair
the C register contains low-order byte and B contains high-order byte of the word. The BC
register can be used for register indirect addressing. It is also used as a byte counter by block
transfer and compare instructions. B register is used as a byte counter for DJNZ and I/O
block instructions. C register is used as a port number in I/O block instructions.
8-bit D and 8-bit E registers can be used as one 16-bit DE register pair. When used as a pair
the E register contains low-order byte and D contains high-order byte of the word. The DE
register can be used for register indirect addressing.
8-bit H and 8-bit L registers can be used as one 16-bit HL register pair. When used as a pair
the L register contains low-order byte and H contains high-order byte of the word. The HL
register can be used for register indirect addressing.

The Z80 CPU includes alternative set of of Accumulator, Flag and General registers. It is not
possible to change those registers directly, but it's possible to swap main and alternative
registers thus getting access to alternative registers.

Index registers (IX and IY) are used for indexed addressing.

Other registers:

Stack pointer is a 16 bit register. This register points to last used memory location in
program stack. The stack pointer is decremented when data is pushed into the stack, and
incremented when data is popped from it.

Program Counter (PC) is a 16-bit register. This register contains an address of the next

Interrupt vector (I) is an 8-bit register. This register contains upper 8-bit of an address
where interrupt processing routines or entrance points for interrupt mode 2 are located.

Memory refresh (R) is an 8-bit register. Lower 7 bits of this register are automatically
incremented after each instruction fetch and used for dynamic memory refresh. The 8th bit is
not used for dynamic refresh. If necessary, the memory refresh register can be set using LD
R, A instruction.

Interrupt flip-flop 1 (IFF1) 1-bit register. This register contains 1 if maskable interrupts are
enabled, and 0 if maskable interrupts are disabled. When non-maskable interrupt occurs the
content of this register is preserved in IFF2 register, and this register is reset to 0.

Interrupt flip-flop 2 (IFF2) 1-bit register. This register is used to store the content of IFF1
register when non-maskable interrupt occurs.

Interrupt mode flip-flops (IMFa and IMFb) are two 1-bit registers. These registers reflect
current interrupt mode:
IMFa=0, IMFb=0 - Interrupt mode 0. This is an 8080-compatible interrupt mode.
IMFa=0, IMFb=1 - Not used.
IMFa=1, IMFb=0 - Interrupt mode 1. In this mode CPU jumps to location 0038h for interrupt
IMFa=1, IMFb=1 - Interrupt mode 2. In this mode CPU jumps to location, which high-order
address is taken from I register, and low order address is supplied by peripheral device.
Instruction Set

Z80 instruction set consists of the following instructions:

Data move and exchange instructions.

Block move and search instructions.
Arithmetic - add, subtract, increment, decrement, decimal adjust, negate and compare.
Logic - AND, OR, exclusive OR, complement, shift and rotate.
Bit manipulation - set, reset and test bits.
Control transfer - conditional and unconditional: jumps, subroutine calls and returns from
Input/Output instructions.
Other - stack operations, disabling/enabling interrupts, setting interrupt mode, etc.

Addressing modes

Implied - the data value/data address is implicitly associated with the instruction.

Register - references the data in a register or in a register pair.

Register indirect - instruction specifies a register containing an address, where data is


Immediate - 8-bit data is provided in the instruction.

Immediate extended - 16-bit data is provided in the instruction.

Modified page zero - the destination address in zero page is calculated as N * 8, where N is a
three-bit number supplied by the instruction.

Relative - one byte offset is added to the address of the next instruction. The offset is a
signed number in the range -127 - +128.

Extended - the instruction operand specifies the memory address where data is located and
where the program control should be transferred.

Indexed - 8-bit offset is added to the contents of an index register (IX or IY), the resulting
value is a pointer to location where data resides.
Die of The Z80 Microprocessor

Z80 CPU top level partitions

Mikroprosesor AMD - Ryzen Threadripper 1950X

Family AMD Ryzen Threadripper

Model Number 1950X
Part Number YD195XA8AEWOF
Frequency 3400 MHz
Turbo Frequency 4000 MHz
Socket Socket TR4
Introduction Date Q3 2017
Microarchitecture Zen
Manufacturing Process 14 nm
Data Width 64 bit
The Number of CPU Cores 16
The Number of Threads 32
1.125 MB
Level 1 cache size (16 x 64 KB instruction caches
16 x 32 KB data caches)
8 MB
Level 2 cache size
(16 x 512 KB unified caches)
Level 3 cache size 32 MB shared cache
Physical memory 128 GB
Memory channels: 4
Supported memory: DDR4-2666
Memory controller
Maximum memory bandwidth (GB/s): 85.3
ECC supported: Yes
Thermal Design Power 180 Watt

Block Diagram
2 Die MCP used for Threadripper:

Front End:
Fetching and Decode:

Execution Engine:
Floating Point:

Memory Subsystem:
Clock Domains

Zen is divided into a number of clock domains, each operating at a certain frequency:

UClk - UMC Clock - The frequency at which the Unified Memory Controller's
(UMC) operates at. This frequency is identical to MemClk.
LClk - Link Clock - The clock at which the I/O Hub Controller communicates with
the chip.
FClk - Fabric Clock - The clock at which the data fabric operates at. This frequency
is identical to MemClk.
MemClk - Memory Clock - Internal and external memory clock.
CClk - Core Clock - The frequency at which the CPU core and the caches operate at
(i.e. advertised frequency).

For example, a stock Ryzen 7 1700 with 2400 MT/s DRAM will have a CClk = 3000 MHz,
MemClk = FClk = UClk = 1200 MHz.
Modules (Zeppelin)
Dual-Zeppelin Configuration, as found in Ryzen Threadripper:
7 mm area
L2 512 KiB; 1.5 mm/core


44 mm area
L3 8 MiB; 16 mm
1,400,000,000 transistors
Zeppelin (Octa-Core Die)

14 nm process
12 metal layers
2,000 meters of signals
4,800,000,000 transistors
213 mm die size (note that our initial measurement from tech day was off by half a
millimeter on each side)

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