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New State Standards for Mathematics and Problem-Based

Learning Evaluation Plan

Chris ONeil & Takiela Langley
Georgia Southern University FRIT 7237
November 2016
Purpose of Evaluation Plan

The goal of the partnership between Great Southern Universitys College of Education, College

of Science and Technology, and Braxton County Schools is to offer professional development to

teachers in Braxton County in an effort to prepare Braxton County teachers to create and utilize

authentic, mathematics learning experiences, which incorporate the New State Standards for

Mathematics and available instructional technologies. The following plan is designed to

determine the success of this professional development and evaluate its effectiveness based on

the objectives listed below.


1. Create Problem-Based Learning Modules based on local businesses and industries.

2. Create Problem-Based Learning Modules addressing New State Standards of Math.

3. Integrate technology into Problem-Based Learning experiences.

4. Implement and evaluate Problem-Based Learning Modules.

Implementation and Summative Evaluation Plan

The implementation evaluation will be conducted by a team of four trained external evaluators.

They will each cover four teachers.

Implementation Evaluation Questions to be Answered:

1. What aspects of your original program model were implemented as planned and what had

to be changed?

2. Why were revisions needed?

3. Is there evidence that any unintended outcomes occurred, either positive or negative, for

either the staff or for students?

4. Will you do things differently now, based on lessons learned to date?

5. What instructional technology was used in the PBL modules?

6. How were the PBL modules used?

7. How were the PBL modules evaluated? What criterion were used?

Evaluation Instruments:

The evaluators will use

1. Teacher and student surveys: to collect anonymous feedback on specific topics

2. Teacher and student interviews: to collect spontaneous feedback and to gauge the overall

attitude of the participating teachers and affected students

3. Observation forms: to record and document the quality of the PBL modules, how they

were implemented, the teachers roles in the delivery of the modules, and the students

level of engagement during the modules

4. Work samples: to observe the connection between the students understanding and grasp

of the learning modules content to the quality of their PBL output

5. PBL Module Evaluation Rubric: to evaluate the extent to which the program objectives

have been met

6. Students Pre & Post Cumulative Math Grades: to gauge the effectiveness of the PBL

modules implementation
Data Collection Summary:

Teacher and student surveys will be created using Google applications. The survey invitation

links will be sent out via email to teachers, and the survey link will be bookmarked for easy

access for students to complete. A team of four external evaluators will conduct teacher

interviews on a one-on-one basis during the teachers planning period. The evaluators will

conduct student interviews for each teachers class as a whole group without the presence of the

teacher. Each evaluator will visit four teachers classrooms and complete the observation form

while observing the teachers actively implementing the PBL modules. The evaluators will also

observe and/or interact with at least four student work samples from each class.

Data Collection Schedule Table:

Data will be collected over the period of October 2, 2017 through October 27, 2017.

Week of Evaluator 1 Evaluator 2 Evaluator 3 Evaluator 4

October 2nd-5th Observe Observe Observe Observe

classrooms 1-4 classrooms 5-8 classrooms 9-12 classrooms

October 9th-12th Observe/interact Observe/interact Observe/interact Observe/interact

with work with work with work with work
samples from samples from samples from samples from
classrooms 1-4 classrooms 5-8 classrooms 9-12 classrooms

October Distribute Distribute Distribute Distribute

16th-19th surveys to & surveys to & surveys to & surveys to &
conduct conduct conduct conduct
interviews for interviews for interviews for interviews for
participants from participants from participants from participants from
classrooms 1-4 classrooms 5-8 classrooms 9-12 classrooms

October Distribute Distribute Distribute Distribute

23rd-26th surveys to & surveys to & surveys to & surveys to &
conduct conduct conduct conduct
interviews for interviews for interviews for interviews for
participants from participants f rom participants f rom participants f rom
classrooms 1-4 classrooms 5-8 classrooms 9-12 classrooms


October Surveys will be Surveys will be Surveys will be Surveys will be

27th-November scored, work scored, work scored, work scored, work
10th samples will be samples will be samples will be samples will be
assessed, and assessed, and assessed, and assessed, and
cumulative math cumulative math cumulative math cumulative math
grades pre & grades pre & grades pre & grades pre &
post PBL post PBL post PBL post PBL
module module module module
implementation implementation implementation implementation
will be evaluated will be evaluated will be evaluated will be evaluated

The summative evaluation will be conducted by the same team of 4 trained external evaluators.

Each evaluator will review, score, evaluate, and finalize their findings. All evaluators will

ultimately combine their findings in a report to determine the success of the project.

Summative Evaluation Questions to be Answered:

1. To what extent were teachers able to develop PBL modules that were connected to

local business and industries, aligned with NSSM, and incorporated appropriate uses

of technology? (Objectives 1, 2, and 3)

2. To what extent were teachers able to implement and evaluate those modules?

(Objective 4)
Summative Evaluation:

Objective Indicators Data Sources

1. Create PBL Modules Modules draw on content PBL Module Evaluation

based on local businesses and processes from local Rubric
and industries. businesses and industries

2. Create PBL Modules Module content, tasks, and PBL Module Evaluation
addressing NSSM. assessments are aligned with Rubric /NSSM Standards
appropriate NSSM

3. Integrate technology into PBL modules contain PBL Module Evaluation

PBL experiences. activities that effectively use Rubric

4. Implement and evaluate Record of implementation; Surveys, Interviews,

PBL Modules. Record of self-evaluation Observations, & PBL
Module Evaluation Rubric

The summative evaluation will be conducted at the conclusion of the implementation stage on

October 27th, 2017, and information gathered will be reviewed and finalized for up to 2 weeks.

The summative evaluation will be conducted using a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Module

Evaluation Rubric (created before implementation), teacher and student surveys, interviews,

observations, and pre & post PBL module implementation cumulative math scores. The data

gathered by these instruments will be evaluated to see if the grantees have achieved their goal

which is, To prepare Braxton County teachers to create and utilize authentic, mathematics

learning experiences, which incorporate the New State Standards for Mathematics and available

instructional technologies.

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