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Foundations of Management, Vol. 4, No.

2 (2012), ISSN 2080-7279

DOI: 10.2478/v10238-012-0011-1 63

Marek SERETNY*, Aleksandra SERETNY**
*Faculty of Management
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
**Investment Banking Industry in Hong Kong

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to draw to the attention of those involved in marketing - scientists, ed-
ucators, researchers, marketers, and professionals dealing with the implementation of marketing processes -
the responsibility which rests upon them in the face of rapid social change worldwide through increasing
global economic turbulence, a continuously widening gap between rich and poor societies as well as the gal-
loping degradation of the natural environment. The paper is a critical analysis and literature review of mar-
keting covering recent studies on marketing issues in relation to the concept of sustainability. Faced with
increasing criticisms of a one-dimensional profit driven approach, the marketing concept requires re-
branding to address issues of sustainability. Intense strategic discussion is required concerning the need
to change attitudes that promote and implement modern marketing, starting from changes in the consump-
tion model through the creation of commercial proposals, which will positively shape the future of both
market exchange and social life. Moreover, it is postulated that marketers present to consumers an attitude
of active and responsible management, as well as openness and honesty in market communication. The arti-
cle introduces discussion on sustainable marketing and its fundamental importance in the development
of marketing theory in Poland; taking into account current debates voiced in Poland - often based
on imprecise interpretation of the marketing process. There exists therefore, a need for a thorough analysis
and standardisation of understanding marketing theory and consequently the introduction of new concepts
and new practices into the marketing process.
Keywords: sustainable marketing, responsible consumption, social responsibility.

1 Introduction the emergence of a new era, defined as Marketing 3.0,

a value-driven era, where people no longer perceived
Economic development takes place with the active as a target consumer market base on demographic fac-
participation of marketing. Without exception, we are tor but rather thoughtful and intelligent partners with
all participants in a changing market - every member emotions, feelings and specific spiritual values [72].
of society will sooner or later become a consumer. The current socio-economic landscape is shaped by two
Marketing undoubtedly acts as a stimulus to the devel- powerful forces: technology and globalization. Con-
opment and improvement of living standards [12]. sumers expect organisations, operating both in market
The individual concepts of marketing and sustainability and society, to provide solutions that will make
are not new; in fact, both have evolved over several the globalised world a better place to live.
decades into drivers of strategy, competitiveness Despite contributing to economic growth through meet-
and innovation. It is only recently however, that the ing the needs of growing number of new consumer
term sustainable marketing was introduced into groups, marketing has also attracted considerable criti-
the business world and commenced a rapid re-branding cism.
of marketing as an industry. Since the beginning of the
Some authors are concerned that marketers might
twentieth century and most intensively during the last
become the sightless psychopaths of market forces,
sixty years marketing has evolved (see Fig. 1) - com-
gripped in the thrall of market capitalism with no over-
mencing as a product driven approach focused on in-
all vision of what they are trying to achieve [12,
tensively growing sales (Marketing 1.0) to a consumer
p. 51].
centric focus (Marketing 2.0). Today we are witnessing
64 Marek Seretny, Aleksandra Seretny

Figure 1. Marketing development

(source: developed on the base of Kotlers concept of Marketing 3,0 [72])

Mounting concerns over the social and ethical account- way, persuading customers to purchase products
ability of corporations, particularly following financial or services they did not intend to purchase. The most
scandals such as Enron and Worldcom, have seen in- troublesome problem for the individual consumer is
creased commitments by corporations to areas surpas- the implementation of the so-called planned obsoles-
sing direct fiduciary duties towards their shareholders. cence strategy [71, pp. 608-613].
A fundamental aspect in this process has been the rise We should also note that the criticism of marketing is
of social responsibility from its modest resurgence formulated not only in relation to activities aimed
in the 1950s, into a complex and well publicised no- at individual consumers. Marketing is accused of harm-
tion which has increasingly become central to present ing society as a whole. In the format that it is presented
day corporate decision making [22]. Individual cus- in developed countries, marketing is blamed for creat-
tomers have themselves raised numerous reservations ing false needs, fuelling greed, and even inciting com-
about the functioning of marketing. Marketing repre- munities to over-consumption and materialism.
sentatives have been accused of harming consumers The World Health Organization for many years has
primarily through the imposition of high prices been paying attention to the problem of obesity in de-
on products and services resulting from the high costs veloped countries [59]. Marketing also tends to pro-
of distribution, advertising, promotion, and excessive mote excessive interest in having - people are judged
margins. Marketing is also accused of using devious by what they have rather than by who they are. Finally,
means that fuel the consumers belief that the resulting marketing is also responsible for environmental degra-
value is greater than actual, as exemplified in the con- dation as well as trivialization and destruction of cul-
troversial marketing of child products Marketing tural and social environment [71, op. cit. pp. 613-618].
to children focuses on "pester power", where child
products are not targeted at the adult but rather aim
2 Social responsibility
to exploit a childs ability to nag their parents into buy-
ing products they would normally not purchase1.
Modern marketing and management places an im-
Consumers great discontent and frequent frustrations
portant significance on building relations with the cus-
are also caused by aggressive sales. Sellers are accused
tomer based on values connected with the public
of carrying out commercial activities in an obtrusive
interest, interpersonal relationships and trust.
Sustainable Marketing - a New Era in the Responsible Marketing Development 65

Contemporary marketing literature ([23], [53], [58], ly increasing [4] and that, shareholder wealth, may
[60], [72] and [108]) discusses moral and socially re- in fact be connected to the maximizing of stakeholder
sponsible behavior as an integral part of the marketing surpluses. As such it is not surprising to observe a rise
process. in ethical investments of more than 324% from US$
Despite observing an increase in understanding of the 639 billion in 1995 to US$ 2.7 trillion in 2007
importance of social responsibility in business ap- in the United States alone [105]. The emergence
proach, its place in the corporate model is debatable of numerous ethical and sustainable indices, such as
as stated by one of the leading economists of the twen- the FSTE4Good Indices, Domini 400 Social Indices,
tieth century the social responsibility of business is ASPI Eurozone (Advanced Sustainable Performance
to increase its profits [44]. Traditional economic rea- Indices) and the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices por-
soning suggests that the wealth maximisation of share- tray further evidence of the expanding appetite for ethi-
holders, as the owners of firms, should only be cally sound investments.
considered by managers. In fact, Friedman goes as far Peter Ducker in the 1960s and 70s insisted that
as to consider actions diverting from such priorities the companies and organizations applying marketing,
as the levy of illegal tax. Friedman argues that only profit or non-profit oriented, should become public
human beings have a moral responsibility for their bodies. None of them exist solely for themselves; they
actions and that corporations are not human beings but serve a social purpose and satisfy certain social needs,
solely legal entities. He further argues that social issues both of wider communities and or individuals. Perfor-
and problems should be the responsibility of the state mance of certain tasks, production of economic goods
and not that of corporate managers. and providing services involve influencing individuals
Milton Friedmans vigorous opposition towards and their natural environment. These behaviors must
the concept of social accountability of corporations has have an impact on the social environment, because it is
over the years become a cornerstone questioning not only a source of jobs and income, also in the form
the relevance of social responsibility in the business of local taxes, but in many cases it becomes a source
world. Mintzberg [84] terms social responsibility of waste and pollution. Moreover, in our pluralistic
the most naive of concepts though one, without society with its various organizations, a company
which, modern day society cannot sustain itself. should feel responsible for the quantitative effects
which influence lives - economic goods and services;
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is deemed
for the quality of life in its physical, human and social
a concept whereby companies integrate social
aspects; and for the environment of a person in con-
and environmental concerns in their business opera-
temporary society [33, p. 35].
tions and in their interaction with their stakeholders
on a voluntary basis [38]. Another definition of CSR Some studies suggest that some forms of social respon-
emphasises actions that appear to further some social sible behavior may in fact improve future cash flows.
good, beyond the interest of the firm and what is re- Product differentiation may occur as a consequence
quired by law [82]. Heightened interest and activity of CSR, for example through the introduction of new
in CSR has not subdued the inherent conflict between environmentally friendly or Fair Trade lines [82]. Sev-
augmenting profits or adhering to the triple bottom line eral studies concur that ethical practices can aid avoid-
and, inter alia, multiple stakeholders. Crane and Matten ance of hefty governmental fines ([14], [101] and [42]).
[24] state that the apparent practice of CSR by firms is Consequently Godfrey [50] finds that socially respon-
often based on self-interest and research by Moon [85] sible practices can reduce risk exposure of an organisa-
confirms that the increasing institutionalisation of CSR tion.
is related to government intervention rather than volun- Despite a lack of consensus as to the definition
tary support for the concept and its long-term business and implementation of socially responsible behaviors
case. by a firm Burke & Logsdon [17] argue that CSR does
Despite this, studies conclude that employees and con- create value for a firm. Their study focuses on analyz-
sumers respond positively towards undertaken CSR ing CSR-programs as creators of strategic benefits
efforts implemented by firms ([15], [64] cited [63]). of a company. The authors conclude that value can only
Furthermore, research reveals that shareholder interest be generated when CSR is imbedded in the strategic
in environmental and social issues has been significant- direction of the organisation.
66 Marek Seretny, Aleksandra Seretny

Figure 2. Pyramid of socially responsible practice

(source: self-study)

It is only then that no trade-off between social increasingly open to its demands and proposals. A new
and economic interests but rather CSR activities may society arises before our eyes, integrating itself thanks
serve both financial and social interests. to globalization, development of new technologies and
The notion that organisation use social measures such creation of new communication opportunities, around
as; ISO ratings, Fair Trade and Sustainability certifica- economic and social objectives. A global corporation
tions to advance their own political and economic operating locally becomes a symbol of our times,
agendas is explored by David & Rindova [28]. a person in charge a symbol of managerial capitalism
[96, p. 11].
The authors consider such measures as drawing
on valuation tools of quantification and simplification All managers, whether they like it or not, are responsi-
to compare firms along a common, often non-financial, ble for the impact the organization they guide exerts
metric [28]. The study finds that social measures upon the outside world. Therefore a very important task
of firms are strongly related to perception rather what of the managers is to notice and predict the possible
they are or are not. Furthermore, the aforementioned influence of their company on society. They should
measures are considered to be representations rethink this in a cool and realistic manner, for it is not
and distortions of reality that enable certain actions, about finding answers to the question: Are we doing
while constraining others. well what we are doing? but: Is whatever we are doing
that for which society and the customer pay us?, and Is
As depicted, the field of social responsibility evokes
it consistent with the customers needs and the needs
debate and its complexity is unquestionable, however
of their society? [33, p. 88]. Managers should apply the
with the infamous economic question of limited re-
criteria for assessing whether they practice socially
sources sustaining unlimited wants is steadily demon-
responsible business (see Fig. 2). The level of social
strable through degrading environmental and economic
responsibility has four dimensions; economic, legal,
factors thus t strategic aspect of conducting business
ethical, and ultimately in the attitude known as "uncon-
today involves the need for companies to shoulder re-
strained activity" (often also assisted as a philanthropy)
sponsibility for the environment in which they operate.
resulting from the need to create and do good.
The movement for environmental protection and con-
The success of the company and continuing successful
sumer rights, using all possible (often extreme) means
catering for the needs of clients and other participants
of communication and pressure is becoming uncom-
in the marketing process are associated with maintain-
promising and the companies and organizations are
ing high standards of conduct.
Sustainable Marketing - a New Era in the Responsible Marketing Development 67

wouldbuygreen 95%


sawgreenproducts 47%

bougtgreen 22%

0% 20%40%60%80%100%

Figure 3. Sustainability shopping trends

(source: [93])

3 Sustainable Marketing - a new trend and outside the United States TEDx, x = independent-
or necessity ly organized TED event - which create an innovative
look at the economic, social or cultural reality. Confer-
3.1 Global trends
ences are held in almost every part of the world,
The starting point for the preparation and implementa- and their common mission is to popularize "ideas worth
tion of effective marketing solutions is understanding spreading" that can change the world for the better.
the market, as well as the needs of the people, busi- Today, TED has become a global community, com-
nesses and organizations that form it. Dynamic techno- municating mainly in English but also in more than 50
logical progress constantly brings change among other languages. It brings together "people from every
consumers, creates new market solutions, and thus discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding
develops the concept of marketing. of the world" (

The development of computer technology together with The growing cooperation of consumers using social
globalisation has created a new wave of communication media and mobile technologies has a great influence
between individuals, and between spontaneously on marketing. Marketers are no longer able to fully
formed groups. This allows for unlimited expression control messages that create the image of their market
of ones thoughts and ideas, while building global rela- offer. Companies more than ever before are forced
tionships. One of the significant effects of the domi- to cooperate with consumers who are growing
nance of information technology is the explosion in strength. Prospective consumers engage in creating
of social media, which due to their wide availability, new product and service solutions that will meet their
low price, and above all, freedom of speech and impar- needs, discuss and evaluate the prices, and take part
tiality now has become the more important approach in the assessment and creation of advertising proposals
to marketing communication. While considering and more increasingly influence strategic change
the development of information technology, we should for social good.
emphasize their importance in the development Consumers are becoming more active participants
of unrestricted cooperation, providing the ability in the creation of the sustainable economy, demanding
to simultaneously work on the projects regardless greater transparency over the origin and contents
of the distance separating them, through the formation of the goods they consume, and increasingly aware
of open source capabilities demonstrated by solutions of the broad sustainability challenge facing the world
such as Linux software and the Wikipedia. [93]. For example, some 95% of American consumers
A twenty-first century phenomenon of open coopera- say they are willing to buy green (see Fig. 3)
tion is a free forum for exchange of experiences TED - and 44% say their green buying habits have not
Technology, Entertainment, Design conferences, orga- changed, and more than one-third report that they are
nized by the U.S. non-profit Sapling Foundation, more likely to buy sustainable products.
68 Marek Seretny, Aleksandra Seretny

The market for products is, in fact, predicted to grow In the first instance, marketers are responsible for pro-
significantly: a recent report for the German govern- moting sustainable consumption, which was placed as
ment suggests that Germany will earn more money a key challenge for the global community at the Earth
from green products than from car production by 2020 Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Based on three pil-
[93, op. cit. p. 14]. lars - economic, social and environmental - responsible
consumption involves the use of the goods in a more
3.2 Sustainable Marketing efficient and responsible manner, suggesting an equita-
ble distribution of resources between rich and poor
The underlying notion of marketing is the creation societies [8].
of value by understanding consumer needs, often trans-
Scientists and educators face the challenge to change
lated into understanding a given demographic so
the present paradigm, which shows the marketing
as to maximise sales and profit. Any drivers towards
and responsibility (or, in the broader sense, sustainabil-
sustainability could therefore surface if the bottom line
ity) as opposites [60].
would increase accordingly.
Discussion on the essence of marketing and formula-
Increasingly in recent years companies have been ap-
tion of robust paradigms - especially on the Polish
portioned as the cause of social, environmental
market - which are a source of erroneous assessments
and economic problems, leading to crises of a magni-
of the process is due to an unfortunate identification
tude that is unprecedented in the history of capitalism
of marketing with "aggressive sales", advertising,
such as the global financial crisis of 2008, the current
or PR. This interpretation may result from the incon-
East Africa food crisis and the catastrophic oil spills
sistent use of the word marketing in the Polish trans-
of the past decade. A consequence of decades of busi-
lation of the book by Philip Kotler. In some situations,
ness philosophy which sees market activities in a nar-
it means the ideal model of market exchange and coop-
row way, primarily through the prism of financial
eration, in others - sales and promotion activities. Ko-
results and conducting business at the expense of socie-
tler's intention was obviously to use this term in order
ty and not for the benefit of society. Moreover, frequent
to define this ideal model, and not other cases of apply-
failures to keep promises resulting from previously
ing advertising techniques or social influence, devoid
adopted principles of corporate social responsibility
of features necessary in marketing: reciprocity, ex-
have shaken public confidence in the business and its
change and understanding needs. This interpretation is
leaders [91].
obvious after a careful reading of his book, as well
Concerns over the fragile state of the globes natural as other publications on marketing. Not without reason,
resources, the damaging consumer footprint on our Kotler's marketing lecture starts from the presentation
environment as well as the unbalanced state of world and critique of sales orientation [65].
economies have added pressure to sustaining a bottom
Interesting example of the paradigm functioning
line vastly dependent on increasing monetary profit.
in Poland is the opinion voiced by Gasparski [47] who,
The present situation clearly shows that companies
quoting the synthesis of the overview of various aspects
and organizations, and especially their leaders have
of economic life, conducted by the Sociology Commit-
to rebuild relationships and trust among all participants
tee of the Polish Academy of Science (PAN) from
in the economic scene by proposing a new model
the ethical perspective, talks about the unethical, ag-
of doing business. Thus, the need has arisen to redefine
gressive and irresponsible marketing, and its impact
profit with the inclusions of environmental and social
on shaping peoples materialistic personality. The au-
revenue and the marketing mix to include the new con-
thor of this synthesis, Aniela Dylus, writes about
cept of profit as a foundation.
the influence of marketing on the formation of human
The underlying philosophy of Sustainable Marketing, mercantile personality: [...] a general reflection about
which Kotler calls Marketing 3.0, seems to be a busi- the risks associated with marketing, as an essential
ness model that could meet the peoples needs, increase element of the market, is indirectly related to our situa-
the efficiency of the development of global society, tion.
create new jobs and raise the level and quality of life
for today and tomorrow.
Sustainable Marketing - a New Era in the Responsible Marketing Development 69




Figure 4. Sustainable marketing development

(source: self-study)

Besides, the author of one such analysis, referring while, it should be defined much more broadly, as sus-
to the typology of characters by E. Fromm and tainability is a collective term for everything to do with
R. Funk, points straight out: the syndrome of the mar- responsibility for the world in which we live. It is
keting character seems [...] very characteristic and topi- an economic, social and environmental issue. It is about
cal in the Polish economy in the era of transformation. consuming differently and consuming efficiently.
Mercantile character includes such features as oppor- It also means sharing between the rich and the poor
tunism, flexibility, mobility, separateness by individu- and protecting the global environment while not jeop-
alization, coldness due to loss of emotions, selfishness ardizing the needs of future generations" [60, p. 125].
by commercialization. For they allow you to sell well Sustainable marketing should therefore be seen as mar-
on the personality market, and thus determine your keting, which is a part, but especially a supporting ele-
success in life [47]. ment, of sustainable economic development. Within the
Such differences in perception of marketing in Poland framework of sustainable development, marketing has
create an optional platform for re-definition and educa- undergone a three-step evolution [58] (see Fig. 4).
tion of the newer marketing concept and make clear The first phase dates back to the 1970s: ecological
that the relationship between marketing and sustainabil- marketing, focusing on ecological problems, such as air
ity is becoming stronger [60, p. 123] and more neces- and water pollution, depletion of natural resources,
sary. and environmental impact of fertilizers and pesticides
used in agriculture. The second stage is the 1980s: en-
The Marketing concept conceived as a broadly defined
vironmental marketing, focused on developing modern,
philosophy of action, a way of thinking and doing busi-
environmentally friendly "clean" technologies. In the
ness, and as a management process that allows individ-
center of marketing activities was "green customer
uals and organizations to get what they need and desire
segment", seeing the responsible action as a competi-
to achieve through creating, offering and exchanging
tive advantage. The third stage is the current era
products and services of value [71, p. 29] fits in the
of sustainable marketing, which aims at responsible
definition of sustainability.
economic and social development.
In Poland, the concept of sustainability is commonly
Sustainable marketing focuses on meeting the needs
used as zrwnowaony (stable, balanced) in the areas
of today's consumer but moreover including the next
of development or environment protection (sustainable
generations of consumers and the possibility of meeting
development, sustainable environmental economy,
their needs. Sustainable marketing is also seen as
etc.). This understanding (perhaps it is a matter
a philosophy with a goal to bring together participants
of translation) significantly limits the concept. Mean-
in the market, social activists and organizations whose
70 Marek Seretny, Aleksandra Seretny


Figure 5. % of population that purchase sustainable brands
(source [113])

interests have not coincided so far, in order to create been looking at the products and/or services, assessing
a common worldview through the prism of the respon- how they impact the environment and then taking ac-
sibility for protecting and preserving the environment, tions to minimize those negative impacts.
social responsibility and wise management of global Customers are looking for brands they feel have com-
financial resources. mitments to environmental and social issues and they
The research conducted on European most advanced are voting with their wallets (see Fig. 5).
markets in terms of implementation of sustainability, Kevin Roberts CEO Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi
as well as in US, shows that responsible customers stated: Every client sees sustainability as a priority
require action from marketers. There is a growing pres- issue and every employee and customer wants to be
sure on business and marketing leaders to be concerned part of a bigger idea. No brand will be truly loved
about society and at the same time about their own by anyone it touches unless it shares an inspired, sus-
families, lifestyles and professional legacies and act tainable benefit [114, op. cit. p. 10].
to insure that this is no passing fad [114].
The most effective campaigns to encourage ethical
The marketing professionals as influencers, communi- consumption are those that take place at a collective
cators and shapers of culture, have abilities to ensure level, such as the creation of Fair Trade offers (see
that they make a significant difference both to their Fig. 6), rather than those that target individual behav-
customers and the environment. In practice they have ior.

Figure 6. International logo of Fair Trade influencing ethical consumption.

Sustainable Marketing - a New Era in the Responsible Marketing Development 71


Figure 7. Customer spending on ethical consumption in UK
(source: [113])



Figure 8. Average consumption of Fair Trade Products per capita
(source: [113])

According to the Ethical Consumption and Fair Trade 4 Summary

Fundation Reports [113, op. cit. p. 10] in Europe, fa-
vorable attitudes towards sustainable purchasing are Today's economy is experiencing serious economic and
becoming widespread (see Fig. 5). Value of ethical social problems affecting all citizens of the world, both
spending in the UK for example grown 9% in 12 rich and poor. The earth seems to become insufficient
months (2006-2006) to 32,3 billion GBP (see Fig. 7), to meet the standards of living that the developed socie-
while sales of Fair Trade products in the UK grew by ties expect.
a staggering 81% from 2006 to 2007. Marketing is seen as the cause of many such problems.
Fair Trade is also a barometer of consumer attitudes It contributed to the emergence of the behaviors that
to ethical consumption and sustainability. Fig. 8 should be changed. With its indisputable impact
demonstrates that average per capita consumption on market development, marketing has a strong influ-
of Fair Trade products in Europe is becoming economi- ence on degradation, but it can also build positive be-
cally significant. haviors of consumers, enterprises, organizations,
and entire societies. Understood as a philosophy
of action, a way of thinking and doing business, sus-
tainable marketing promotes credibility and responsi-
72 Marek Seretny, Aleksandra Seretny

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