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Guide Switch ZXR10 2818, 2920, 5928, dan 8902

A. Tools
Tools yang perlu disiapkan untuk koneksi ke switch :
1. RS232 Cable

2. Converter RS232 to USB

B. Guide koneksi to Switch

1. Pasang kabel RS232 ke Converter RS232 to USB

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2. Hubungkan ujung kabel yang sudah disambung (point 1.) ke port console switch dan
USB computer.

3. Buka hyperterminal software di windows (only windows XP), bila menggunakan

windows 7 atau windows Vista bisa menggunakan third party software seperti putty dll.

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a. Nama diisi bebas, dan pilih icon telephone.

b. Pilih COM USB dimana kabel terkoneksi ke USB PC/Laptop

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c. Klik Restore Defaults, kemudian klik OK

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4. Press enter untuk memunculkan prompt

5. Ketik enable untuk masuk ke mode #Enable

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6. Masukan password switch ketika masuk mode #Enable

Password Switch : zxr10

C. Analisa pada switch

a. Show Running-Config

Biasa digunakan untuk melihat konfigurasi switch dan dapat digunakan sebagai backup

Contoh :

show running-config
Building configuration...
vlan list 1
vlan list 200
vlan list 800
vlan list 802-803
vlan list 808-815
interface vlan 803------ > Digunakan untuk Alamat switch
ip address
out_index 27
description MNG-Switch
interface null1
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out_index 1
interface smartgroup1 --------- > Konfigurasi Group Vlan
out_index 28
description to-CRB_02N180
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 1
switchport trunk vlan 842
switchport trunk vlan 854-855
switchport trunk vlan 857-859

interface gei_1/1 --------- > Interface Giga Ethernet

out_index 3
description to-CRB_01N170-8902-1
negotiation auto
acceptable frame types tag
switchport mode trunk ------------ > Interface Mode Trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 1
switchport trunk vlan 800
switchport trunk vlan 802-803
switchport qinq normal
interface gei_1/19
out_index 21
description to BTS-CRB_01N170
no negotiation auto
speed 100
broadcast-limit 4000
multicast-limit 4000
unknowcast-limit 4000
switchport access vlan 803 ----------- > Interface Mode Access
switchport qinq normal

interface gei_1/21
out_index 23
hybrid-attribute copper --------- > Koneksi untuk Copper/Optic Cable
negotiation auto
switchport access vlan 1
switchport qinq normal
ip route
ip route
ip route

b. Show interface brief

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Digunakan untuk melihat status interface apakah up atau down
Contoh :
CRB_01N170-5928#show interface brief
Interface portattribute mode BW(Mbits) Admin Phy Prot Description

gei_1/1 electric Duplex/full 1000 up up up to-CRB_01N170-89

gei_1/2 electric Duplex/full 1000 up up up to-CRB_01B170-89
gei_1/3 electric Duplex/full 1000 up down down to-MWJ192_2+2-1
gei_1/4 electric Duplex/full 1000 up down down to-MWJ192_2+2-2

c. Show Vlan brief

Digunakan untuk melihat vlan terkonfigure di interface mana saja.
CRB_01N170-5928#sh vlan brief
VLAN Name PvidPorts UntagPorts TagPorts
1 VLAN0001 gei_1/1-8,gei_1/1
200 VLAN0200 gei_1/10
800 VLAN0800 gei_1/1,gei_1/7-8
802 VLAN0802 gei_1/1,gei_1/12
803 VLAN0803 gei_1/19 gei_1/1
d. Show interface Gei_1/x
Digunakan untuk analisa terhadap interface yang kita butuhkan.
CRB_01N170-5928#sh interface gei_1/2
gei_1/2 is up, line protocol is up ------------------ > Status Interface
Description is to-CRB_01B170-8902-2
The port is electric
Duplex full
Mdi type:auto
MTU 1500 bytes BW 1000000 Kbits -------------- > Konfigure Kapasitas

Last clearing of "show interface" counters never

20 seconds input rate : 4959156 Bps, 13214 pps

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20 seconds output rate: 2228533 Bps, 13730 pps

Interface peak rate :

input 7708641 Bps, output 4196217 Bps ----------- > Max Traffic

Interface utilization: input 3%, output 1% ---------------- > Utilisasi Interface


Packets : 76635541279 Bytes : 30864976123570

Unicasts : 76629877553 Multicasts: 4003905

Broadcasts : 1659821 Undersize : 0

Oversize :0 CRC-ERROR : 0

Dropped :0 Fragments : 0

Jabber :0 MacRxErr : 0


Packets : 82015927468 Bytes : 13915046381303

Unicasts : 82014362085 Multicasts: 482080

Broadcasts : 1083303 Collision : 0

LateCollision: 0


64B :0 65-127B : 84869525787

128-255B : 19319132498 256-511B : 32219489274

512-1023B : 5043148409 1024-2047B: 17200172779

e. Show logging alarm

Digunakan untuk melihat alarm pada switch

Contoh :

CRB_01N170-5928#sh logging alarm

An alarm 541 level 6 occurred at 02:21:08 10/01/2012 UTC sent by MCP %PORT-
SMARTGROUP% Interface inactive from smartgroup 1 on gei_1/15
An alarm 512 level 6 cleared at 02:20:15 10/01/2012 UTC sent by MCP %PORT% Interface
up on gei_1/15

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An alarm 512 level 6 occurred at 02:20:10 10/01/2012 UTC sent by MCP %PORT% Interface
down on gei_1/15

Sekian dan Terima Kasih

Mohon Cendol-nya, Jangan dikasih Bata !!!

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