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Date: Mid-Semester Time: 2Hrs. Full Marks: 60 No. of students: 110

Spring Semester 2013-2014 Dept. Electronics & ECE Sub. No. EC21 004
2nd Year B. Tech .. Sub. Name: Signals and Systems
Answer all questions. Answers should be brief, to the point and legible. Sketches wherever
appear should be neat and properly labeled. All parts of a question to be answered at one place.
All steps towards a solution must be unambiguously presented.

Q I. (a) Will sampled version of a continuous-time periodic signal always be a periodic discrete-time
signal? Explain and also compare periodicity of these two signals.
(b) A sinusoidal signal of amplitude I Volt and frequency 1000 Hz is sampled at frequency 8000 Hz.
The sampled signal is unifonnly quantized where each sample is represented by 4 bits. Show quantization
levels so that quantization error is minimum. Represent one cycle of sampled data in tenns of digital bit-
(c) Discuss the principle of obtaining continuous-time signal from discrete-time signal using zeroeth-
order hold and first-order hold.
5 + 10 + 5 = 20

Q2. (a) Find if the systemy(t) = sin(6.28t)x(t) is linear, time invariant, stable and invertible.
(b) Perfonn the convolution y(t) = x(t)* h(t) when x(t) = - t + 1 and h(t) = u(t) - u(t- 1). Also,
sketch y(t).
00 00 00

(c)Showthat L
[n]= L
[n]+ L xo [n]

where suffix e and o stand for even and odd function respectively.
(d) Explain how we can write total response of a system as sum of zero-input response and zero-state
response. Take any first order system and show what are zero-input response and zero-state response of
5 + 5 + 5 +5 = 20

Q3. (a) Define mathematically Discrete-Time Fourier Transfonn (DTFT) and its inverse. Show that
convolution in discrete-time domain is equivalent to multiplication in DTFT domain.
(b) Consider a 5th order moving average filter. Perfonn DTFT and sketch its frequency response.
(c) Consider an ideal Low Pass Filter of cut-off frequency 7tf8 radian. Perfonn inverse-DTFT to get ideal
impulse response. Is such a filter realizable? If not, tell one approximation method that can give a real-
filter from this. Sketch the frequency response of this real-filter.
5 + 5 + 10 = 20

------------ All The Best ------------

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