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Review Article

The Potential Impact of Prophylactic Human Papillomavirus

Vaccination on Oropharyngeal Cancer
Theresa Guo, MD1; David W. Eisele, MD1; and Carole Fakhry, MD, MPH1,2

The incidence of oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) is significantly increasing in the United States. Given that these epidemiologic trends
are driven by human papillomavirus (HPV), the potential impact of prophylactic HPV vaccines on the prevention of OPC is of interest.
The primary evidence supporting the approval of current prophylactic HPV vaccines is from large phase 3 clinical trials focused on
the prevention of genital disease (cervical and anal cancer, as well as genital warts). These trials reported vaccine efficacy rates of
89% to 98% for the prevention of both premalignant lesions and persistent genital infections. However, these trials were designed
before the etiologic relationship between HPV and OPC was established. There are differences in the epidemiology of oral and genital
HPV infection, such as differences in age and sex distributions, which suggest that the vaccine efficacy observed in genital cancers
may not be directly translatable to the cancers of the oropharynx. Evaluation of vaccine efficacy is challenging in the oropharynx
because no premalignant lesion analogous to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in cervical cancer has yet been identified. To truly
investigate the efficacy of these vaccines in the oropharynx, additional clinical trials with feasible endpoints are needed. Cancer
2016;000:000000. V C 2016 American Cancer Society.

KEYWORDS: cancer vaccines, human papillomavirus (HPV), human papillomavirus vaccines, oropharyngeal neoplasms, squamous cell
carcinoma of the head and neck.

The incidence of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), an entity historically caused by tobacco and alcohol
exposure, has decreased over the past 30 years.1 However, the incidence of oropharyngeal cancer (OPC), a subset of
HNSCC, has risen significantly.1-3 This dramatic increase in OPC is driven by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.
Approximately 70% to 90% of newly diagnosed cases of OPC in the United States are caused by HPV.4 These HPV-
related cancers are often diagnosed in younger, healthier patients, many of whom are nonsmokers. In the face of this
changing epidemiology, there is increasing interest in the potential impact of HPV vaccines on the prevention of OPC.
To our knowledge, the 3 available prophylactic HPV vaccines have been rigorously evaluated to date only within the con-
text of anogenital HPV infection, premalignancy and malignancy. Therefore, the vaccines are approved by the United
States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the prevention of anogenital cancer, precancer, and warts, but not for
OPC. The current body of evidence is insufficient to determine the efficacy of these vaccines within the context of oral
HPV infection or OPC. This review provides an overview of the epidemiology of oral HPV infection and the potential
impact of the vaccine, and in addition discusses the limitations of our current understanding of oral HPV infection and
OPC within the context of vaccines.

Epidemiology of Oral HPV Infection

HPV infection, a sexually transmitted virus, is the primary cause of cervical and anal cancers, as well as a growing subset of
OPCs. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection,5 and a majority of the population will have evidence of
at least one infection in their lifetime.6 Oral HPV infection is associated with increased lifetime sexual exposure to the vi-
rus, a marker of which is increased number of lifetime oral or vaginal sexual partners.7 Based on prevalence data represen-
tative of the United States population, 6.9% of individuals have an oral HPV infection of any type detectable in the oral
cavity or oropharynx.7 HPV type 16 (HPV-16), which is responsible for the overwhelming majority of OPCs, is only
found in 1% of individuals in the United States.7

Corresponding author: Carole Fakhry, MD, MPH, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins University, 6210 JHOC, 601 N. Caroline
St, Baltimore, MD 21287-0910; Fax: (410) 614-8610;
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland; 2Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg
School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland

DOI: 10.1002/cncr.29992, Received: December 23, 2015; Revised: February 15, 2016; Accepted: February 17, 2016, Published online Month 00, 2016 in Wiley
Online Library (

Cancer Month 00, 2016 1

Review Article

34 years and a second peak at ages 60 to 64 years (Fig. 1

top).3,7,11 Explanations for the first peak include a surge
in oral HPV infection after sexual debut and at peak
sexual activity. The second peak may be attributed to
potential reactivation of dormant infections with immu-
nosenescence, increased HPV exposure in divorced or
widowed populations, and/or increased rates of persistent
infection that increase overall prevalence.12-14
In addition to age and sex, other risk factors associ-
ated with oral HPV infection are smoking, heavy alcohol
use, and sexual behaviors.7 The prevalence of oral HPV is
2 to 3 times higher in current smokers,7 with a significant
dose-response relationship.15 There is also a dose-
response relationship noted between an increasing num-
ber of lifetime sexual partners (oral and vaginal) and oral
HPV infection in adjusted models.7 Other risk factors
include immunosuppression (such as human immunode-
ficiency virus [HIV] infection), single status, and poten-
tially deep kissing. Consistent with prevalence data, risk
factors (in limited natural history studies) associated with
incident infections include smoking, single status,14 heter-
osexual orientation in males,10 performing oral sex, and
HIV infection.16
Unfortunately, to the best of our knowledge, natural
history data that would elucidate factors affecting the ac-
Figure 1. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection prevalence in
quisition, clearance, and/or persistence of oral HPV infec-
oral (top) and cervical (bottom) samples by age. The preva- tion as well as virally mediated transformation of normal
lence of oral HPV infection was determined using data from epithelium to precancerous tissue currently are limited.
the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES) for 2009 through 2012 on men and women aged Evidence to date has suggested that the majority of indi-
14 to 69 years.7 Cervical prevalence rates were adapted from viduals who do acquire an oral HPV infection generally
adjusted NHANES data from women aged 14 to 59 years
between 2003 and 2004.11 clear the infection within 6 to 12 months,16,17 and 80%
of individuals who acquire an oral HPV infection clear
the infection by 1 year, regardless of HPV type-specific
infection.16 However, some infections persist, for reasons
Demographic and behavioral factors found to be yet to be identified, which may lead to a higher risk of
associated with an increased prevalence of infection, albeit oncologic disease.16 Male sex, older age, and current
at one time point, provide a glimpse into potential risk smoking status have been found to be significantly associ-
factors for incidence and duration, which are the determi- ated with a higher risk of oral HPV persistence.17 Other
nants of prevalent infection. Oral HPV infection is 2.3 factors that may be associated with persistent infection
times more common in men compared with women, after include high oral HPV viral load18 and concurrent persis-
adjusting for other risk factors including age, race, smok- tent cervical infection, although long-term natural history
ing, and lifetime number of sexual partners. These sex dif- data are not available.19
ferences could be attributed to a lower antibody response In comparison, the prevalence of any cervical HPV
to HPV in men,8 or higher transmissibility of infection infection in women in the United States is significantly
through oral sex performed on a woman, which is sug- higher (26.8% for women aged 14-59 years), and 15.2%
gested by studies that demonstrate higher oral infection of women have high-risk cervical HPV infections, with
rates in heterosexual men compared with homosexual the most common being HPV-16.11 The peak prevalence
men.9,10 of cervical HPV infection is 44.8% in women aged 20 to
In multiple studies, a bimodal age distribution of 24 years, which is a few years after sexual debut (Fig. 1
oral HPV has been noted, with the first peak at ages 30 to bottom). The age distribution does demonstrate a small

2 Cancer Month 00, 2016

Impact of Prophylactic HPV Vaccines on OPC/Guo et al

Figure 2. Distribution of type-specific human papillomavirus (HPV) infections found in oropharyngeal cancer (top) and cervical
cancer (bottom). Oropharyngeal cancer data were pooled from studies for which type-specific HPV detection was performed.2,32
For cervical cancer, data were adapted from Munoz et al33 for tumors with a single HPV infection.

peak in older populations,20 again around 60 to 65 years In subgroup analysis by anatomic site, HPV seropositivity
of age, but this is significantly less prominent than was most strongly associated with an increased odds of
that observed in oral infections.3,7,11,21 The median OPC (odds ratio, 14.4; 95% confidence interval, 3.6-
clearance time of cervical infections is approximately 9 to 58.1). This study also demonstrated that HPV-16 seropo-
12 months, with 90% to 95% of infections being cleared sitivity to capsid proteins L1 and L2 detected 10 to 15
by 2 years.21 In cervical infection, HPV-16 is associated years before cancer diagnosis could be associated with dis-
with increased persistence,22 although age, smoking sta- ease risk. Another large nested case-control study sug-
tus, and HIV infection do not appear to affect gested that HPV-related tumors may be distinct from
persistence.23 tobacco-associated disease, with fewer TP53 mutations
and improved disease-specific survival.28 Most recently,
Oral HPV Infection and Head and Neck Cancer genomic analysis of prospectively collected oral rinse sam-
The relationship between HPV and the upper aerodiges- ples collected in a nested case-control study also demon-
tive tract was first appreciated in juvenile respiratory pap- strated a significant association between the presence of
illomatosis, a disease entity in which infants are exposed oral HPV-16 infection and incident cases of OPC (odds
to female genital infections during birth.24,25 Subsequent ratio, 22.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.8-276.7) at a me-
investigations revealed the presence of HPV DNA dian follow-up of 3.9 years.30
through polymerase chain reaction analysis in head and It is now accepted that HPV is etiologically responsi-
neck tumors,26,27 especially those arising from Waldeyers ble for a subset of HNSCC tumors.31 In OPC, HPV-16 is
ring.24 The presence of a known oncogenic virus within the most common high-risk infection. HPV-16 accounts
these tumors suggested an etiologic connection; however, for approximately 90% of HPV-related OPCs (Fig. 2
epidemiologic evidence of causation was not available Top).2,32,33 Other HPV type-specific infections found in
until 2000 to 2001.28,29 In 2001, a large nested case- OPCs include HPV-18, HPV-33, and HPV-35. These
control study in the Netherlands suggested that HPV- tumors exhibit distinct clinical characteristics with
related tumors may be distinct from tobacco-related improved prognosis compared with tumors that are unre-
tumors. Serum samples available from a mean of 9.4 years lated to HPV,32,34 and a unique genetic profile with lower
before the diagnosis of head and neck cancer were com- mutational burden.35 However, the progression from
pared with matched controls, and HPV-16 seropositivity persistent infection to invasive carcinoma remains
was found to be 2-fold higher in patients with HNSCC.29 unknown for OPC, including the identification of a

Cancer Month 00, 2016 3

Review Article

TABLE 1. US FDA-Approved HPV Vaccines

Vaccine HPV Type-Specific Infections Covered Female Ages, Years Male Ages, Years

Cervarix (bivalent) (GlaxoSmithKline) 16 and 18 925 -

Gardasil (quadrivalent) (Merck) 6, 11, 16, and 18 926 926
Gardasil-9 (9-valent) (Merck) 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58 926 926

Abbreviations: FDA, Food and Drug Administration; HPV, human papillomavirus.

suitable precursor lesion. HPV infection has been Biologic Efficacy of Vaccines in Cervical
reported with some premalignant lesions of the oral cav- Infections and Cancer
ity36,37 and oropharynx.37 However, the reliable detection The biologic efficacy of HPV vaccines in the prevention of
of these premalignant lesions poses a significant chal- cervical infections and cancer was established through large,
lenge,38 perhaps because the majority of HPV-related blinded, randomized phase 3 clinical trials performed in
tumors arise from tonsillar crypts rather than surface women aged 15 to 26 years (Table 2).45-47 Females United
epithelium.39 To Unilaterally Reduce Endo/Ectocervical Disease
In patients with cervical cancer, several studies have (FUTURE) I/II studies evaluated the quadrivalent Garda-
established persistent HPV infection as a necessary step sil,48 whereas the PATRICIA (PApilloma TRIal against
toward the development of cervical intraepithelial neopla- Cancer In young Adults)49 and Costa Rica HPV Vaccine
sia (CIN), a precursor lesion to cervical cancer.40 In con- Trial (CVT)50,51 evaluated bivalent Cervarix.
trast to OPC, HPV-16 represents only 60% of type- The design of a primary endpoint for these studies
specific infections in cervical cancer, with HPV-18 being posed a challenge due to both practical and ethical barriers
the next most common type-specific infection (Fig. 2 Bot- for evaluating the main endpoint of interest: the preven-
tom).2,32,33 Although cervical cancer has the benefit of tion of invasive cervical cancer.45 First, after cervical HPV
large natural history studies with long-term follow-up, infection, the development of invasive cancer is a relatively
retrospective studies have also been used to demonstrate rare event that may take a decade or longer to occur.
that inadequately treated cases of advanced CIN (CIN of Thus, the design of a clinical trial to evaluate this endpoint
type 3 [CIN3]) progress to invasive carcinoma in 30% to requires vast enrollment, a long follow-up period, and sig-
50% of cases by 30 years, with a majority of these progres- nificant cost. Furthermore, because women enrolled in
sions occurring within 10 years.41 these clinical trials would have regular follow-up, the iden-
tification of premalignant lesions (CIN) would require
Current Prophylactic HPV Vaccines intervention before disease progression to invasive cancer.
Currently, there are 3 FDA-approved prophylactic HPV Given these concerns, regulatory agencies, including
vaccines (Table 1). In 2006, Gardasil (Merck and Com- the FDA advisory committee, recommended that the pre-
pany Inc, Whitehouse Station, NJ) became the first pro- vention of premalignant lesions of CIN grade 2 or higher
phylactic vaccine to be approved by the FDA for females (CIN21) could be used as a sufficient surrogate primary
aged 9 to 26 years for the prevention of cervical cancer endpoint to evaluate the efficacy of the vaccine in preventing
and genital warts. Later, approval was expanded to males cancer.52 In addition, the CVT study also investigated the
for the indications of genital warts (2009) and anal malig- vaccines efficacy for the prevention of persistent viral infec-
nancies (2010). Approval of Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline, tion (at 6 months and 12 months) as a surrogate endpoint.
Philadelphia, Pa) followed in 2009 for females. Most These studies uniformly established the high efficacy
recently, Gardasil-9 was approved in 2014 for both males of the vaccine (89.5%-98.2%) in the prevention of pre-
and females. All 3 vaccines are approved for a dosing malignant cervical lesions (CIN21) associated with cervi-
schedule of 3 doses over 6 months, although recent trials cal HPV type-specific infections covered by the vaccine
have suggested potential evidence of noninferiority for for women who were previously unexposed to cervical
shorter dose schedules, which is the subject of new trials HPV (Table 2).45-47 Efficacy decreased in all studies when
currently under development.42,43 women who had previous exposure to HPV infection
All vaccines currently use virus-like particles of the were included in analysis (efficacy rate of 54.8%-
HPV L1 protein. Although Cervarix is only designed to 60.7%).45 In addition, vaccine efficacy was notably
protect against HPV-16 and HPV-18, there is some evi- reduced when lesions associated with other HPV
dence of cross-reactivity to other high-risk types.44 type-specific infections, not just those covered by the

4 Cancer Month 00, 2016

Impact of Prophylactic HPV Vaccines on OPC/Guo et al

TABLE 2. Summary of HPV Vaccine Clinical Trials Performed in Cervical Cancer Populations

Persistent Viral
Infection Efficacy Disease Efficacy
Trial Cohort Vaccine Control Follow-Up (!6 Months) (CIN21)

FUTURE I/II Women aged 1526 y Gardasil (quadrivalent) Placebo 4y Not evaluated 98.2%
(Merck) N 5 7865
N 5 7864
PATRICIA Women aged 1525 y Cervarix (bivalent) Hepatitis A vaccine 4y 91.4%-94.3% 92.9%
(GlaxoSmithKline) N 5 7305
N 5 7338
CVT Women aged 1825 y Cervarix Hepatitis A vaccine 4y 90.2%-93.1% 89.5%
N 5 2643 N 5 2697
9-Valent Trial Women aged 1626 y Gardasil-9 (9-valent) Gardasil (quadrivalent) 4y Risk reduction: Risk reduction:
N 5 5948 N 5 5943 96.0%a 96.3%-96.7%a

Abbreviations: CIN21, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade 2 or higher; CVT, Costa Rica HPV Vaccine Trial; HPV, human papillomavirus; PATRICIA, PApil-
loma TRIal against Cancer In young Adults.
Vaccine efficacy is summarized for the prevention of persistent infection and disease (CIN21) for each study. Efficacy data shown are limited to participants
who received all 3 scheduled doses and demonstrated no evidence of HPV exposure prior to vaccination.
For the 9-Valent Trial, risk reduction for disease or infection associated with HPV type-specifc infections 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 (types added to the 9-valent
vaccine) is shown rather than absolute efficacy.45-47

vaccine, were included (efficacy of 42.9%-64.9%).45 diagnosed HPV-related tumors in men (14.4% anal and
These data provided a rationale for the development of 7.4% penile).59 In addition, approximately 80% to 85%
the 9-valent vaccine (Gardasil-9; Merck), which recently of OPCs are diagnosed in men.3,34 In a randomized trial,
demonstrated high efficacy in the prevention of CIN21 the quadrivalent vaccine demonstrated 90.4% vaccine ef-
lesions and persistent infections associated with HPV-31, ficacy for the prevention of external genital lesions in men
HPV-33, HPV-45, HPV-52, and HPV-58 compared (including penile, perianal, or perineal intraepithelial neo-
with the quadrivalent vaccine (Table 2).45-47 plasia or cancer) for covered HPV type-specific infections
Follow-up studies from these trials have used immu- in HPV-naive subjects.60 For persistent infection (!6
nogenicity to gauge antibody response and the stability of months), the observed efficacy rate was 78.7% for HPV-
immune response to the vaccine. Antibody titers obtained 1 16 and 96% for HPV-18.60 Similar to studies in women,
month after vaccine administration have been noted to rise efficacy was lower when subjects with prior HPV expo-
to levels that are 100 times higher than those after natural sure were included. A subanalysis of men who have sex
infection.45 After this peak, titers generally decline over 2 with men determined the vaccine efficacy for the preven-
years before stabilizing, but remain at least 10 times higher tion of anal intraepithelial neoplasia and anal infection to
than levels after natural infection.44 Both bivalent and quad- be 77.5% and 93.8% to 100%, respectively.61 The
rivalent vaccines have shown sustained immunogenicity for results of these studies led to FDA approval of Gardasil
up to 8 years after the initial vaccination.43,53-55 When for males.
comparing both vaccines, Cervarix induces substantially
higher titer responses, particularly in younger patients.44
Older women
Although higher antibody responses would appear to be
optimal, to the best of our knowledge, the minimum Studies in older women may provide evidence of age-
threshold required to achieve vaccine protection against related immunogenic changes after vaccination. The age
genital infection is unknown.45 The range of immunogenic- of these study populations approaches the median age of
ity with known vaccine efficacy against both persistent individuals at the time of diagnosis of OPC (58 years).62
infection and precancerous cervical disease has served as a One study evaluated Gardasil in women aged "45 years
basis for subsequent studies to establish noninferiority for and found the vaccine efficacy for persistent infection to
new vaccines,46 populations,56-58 and dosing schedules.42,43 be 91.8% for women aged 24 to 34 years and 88.6% for
women aged 35 to 45 years without prior exposure to
Studies in Other Populations HPV.63 In immunogenicity studies for Cervarix, although
Men antibody titers were found to be slightly lower in women
Although the majority of HPV vaccine studies were per- aged 45 to 55 years compared with females aged 15 to 25
formed in women, studies in men may provide important years, the peak titers were still 57 to 84 times higher than
insight because OPCs now account for 78.2% of newly those elicited by natural infection and plateau levels at 2

Cancer Month 00, 2016 5

Review Article

years remained 8-fold to 16-fold higher than those after evaluate vaccine efficacy in oral HPV infection, no base-
natural infection.55 line oral HPV infection data were available. Furthermore,
there were few prevalent or incident oral HPV infections
Children noted within the cohort. The study was conducted only in
Immunogenicity studies have allowed for women, whereas oral HPV infection and OPC are more
immunobridging, which uses measurement of immune common in men.66 Last, the CVT study provided point
response to vaccines (through anti-HPV antibody levels) prevalence data, but because it had only one time point it
to establish noninferiority of vaccine efficacy.47 This was not able to evaluate vaccine efficacy for the prevention
allows for the bridging of vaccines to populations for of persistent infection, which is the recommended end-
whom evaluating primary disease endpoints is not feasi- point by the World Heath Organization International
ble, such as children who are the target recipients of these Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO IARC).47
vaccines (to provide the vaccine to a fully HPV-naive pop- Although only limited epidemiologic data currently
ulation). Ethical considerations are significantly greater are available regarding vaccine efficacy for oral HPV infec-
when designing clinical trials that include minors, and tion, there is some promising biologic evidence. In animal
therefore shorter trials with minimal intervention are studies, both vaccination and passive antibody transfer
desired. In addition, children are unlikely to acquire other were found to provide protection against oral infection
primary endpoints (ie, HPV infection or precancerous and the development of oral lesions from canine oral pap-
lesions) until they reach adulthood. These studies estab- illomavirus.67 The efficacy of passive immunity demon-
lished safety in pediatric populations and demonstrated strates the important role of immunoglobulins (Ig), such
that immune responses were robust in boys and girls aged as IgG neutralizing antibodies in providing protection
10 to 15 years, with antibody titers that were 1.7 to 2.7 against oral infection,68 and oral mucosal IgG, which is
times higher when compared with those in young largely derived from the serum.69 Oral mucosal IgG
adults.56-58 In addition, antibody titers are reported to against HPV is detectable, although at a lower rate, in
remain stable for up to 8 years in pediatric populations.54 individuals who are seropositive for HPV70,71 as well as
As we think about establishing vaccine efficacy for oral vaccinated individuals.72 In addition to IgG, the other
HPV infection and OPC, the determination of immuno- main mucosal antibody present in the oral cavity is secre-
genicity levels that can protect against oral HPV infection tory IgA,73 and a high prevalence of oral IgA has been
may permit immunobridging and defining efficacy in pe- observed in women with a history of CIN.74 Given the ro-
diatric populations. bust serum immunogenic response to the vaccine noted in
multiple populations,56-58 the presence of oral IgG and se-
What Do We Know About HPV Vaccines in cretory IgA and subsequent protection against oral infec-
Relation to OPC? tion is likely. However, to the best of our knowledge, few
To the best of our knowledge, few studies to date have data are currently available to evaluate oral mucosal anti-
been conducted to evaluate the impact of the HPV vac- body response to vaccination and its correlation with vac-
cine on oral HPV infection or OPC. The convergence of cine efficacy.
our relatively new understanding of the etiologic connec- Other studies have used predictive modeling to
tion between HPV and OPC, the sample size considera- understand the potential benefit of HPV vaccination
tions, and consequent cost implications means that within the context of OPC. One such modeling study
clinical trials were not previously designed for the study of demonstrated that even with 50% vaccine uptake and
oral HPV infection within the context of vaccines. 50% vaccine efficacy, vaccinating young boys specifically
Additional data collected from the CVT study for the prevention of OPC would be cost-effective.75
cohort has provided some indirect evidence of the poten- Studies in cervical cancer have projected that given estab-
tial efficacy of the vaccine in preventing oral infec- lished trends and efficacy, significant decreases in inci-
tion.64,65 At the 4-year follow-up after vaccination, oral dence and mortality from cervical cancer would be
rinses were obtained and demonstrated that the preva- observed by 2050.76 Given the higher median age at the
lence of oral HPV overall (0.7% vs 1.3%) and oral HPV- time of the diagnosis of OPC compared with cervical can-
16/18 (0.03% vs 0.5%) were lower in the vaccinated cer (58 years vs 48 years),62 a reduction in incidence and
group compared with the control group, with an esti- mortality rates for OPC would not likely be observed
mated vaccine efficacy of 93.3% for HPV-16/18 infec- until at least 2060.3 In addition to assumptions regarding
tion.64 Because the study was not originally designed to vaccine efficacy and vaccine uptake, this projection also

6 Cancer Month 00, 2016

Impact of Prophylactic HPV Vaccines on OPC/Guo et al

assumes sustained vaccine protection and no contribution OPCs are often diagnosed at a late stage with frequent
of the second peak of oral HPV infection noted in older lymph node metastasis.78
populations.3 A viral endpoint (ie, the prevention of persistent
infection) may be ideal because it has several advantages.
What Questions Should We Be Asking Next? Persistent infection is a more common event and can be
How much do the differences between oral and genital determined objectively within a shorter time frame; this
HPV infection matter in relation to vaccine efficacy? If a allows for significantly smaller and shorter trials to estab-
higher level of immunogenicity is required for protection lish efficacy.47 However, the validity of a viral endpoint is
against oral HPV infection, this may inform recommen- contingent on a strong etiologic connection between per-
dations for dosing schedules, particularly in men. If the sistent infection and disease, and therefore its ability to
increased incidence of oral HPV infection at an older age predict disease efficacy.
is related to immunosenescence, would a vaccine booster In cervical cancer, significant evidence collected
be needed at an older age? Should type-specific HPV through prospective natural history studies have strongly
infections unique to OPC tumors be considered in future established persistent HPV infection as an essential step in
vaccine development? the development of CIN31.79 In addition, vaccine effi-
Many questions remain, but an important issue to cacy for persistent infection was nearly equivalent to effi-
address is how to investigate and establish the efficacy of cacy for the prevention of disease in both the PATRICIA
vaccines in the oropharynx. What is a feasible primary and CVT trials (Table 2).45-47 In OPC however, evidence
endpoint for such a study? How closely can we establish establishing this etiologic connection between persistent
the relationship between persistent infection and invasive infection and disease remains elusive, and, definitive stud-
cancer? Is prevention of persistent infection an adequate ies have been limited by the lack of a precursor lesion.77
surrogate endpoint, given that no precursor lesion can Nevertheless, the WHO IARC recommended that the
currently be identified? prevention of persistent oral HPV-16 and/or HPV-18
infection would be an acceptable surrogate endpoint for
Primary Endpoints for Trial Design in Oral HPV the evaluation of vaccine efficacy.77 Persistent oral HPV
The WHO IARC and National Cancer Institute recently infection is currently being evaluated using oral rinses,64
convened to discuss acceptable primary endpoints for the which have been optimized80 and demonstrate high con-
future evaluation of prophylactic HPV vaccines.47,77 A cordance with HPV infection detected by tonsillar brush
decade ago, CIN21 was recommended as the primary biopsy.38 In regard to immunogenicity endpoints, as dis-
endpoint with which to establish the efficacy of disease cussed earlier, it is unknown what level of immunogenic-
prevention.52 However, the body of knowledge has grown ity is sufficient for protection against oral HPV infection.
significantly since this time. Another challenge of trial Furthermore, would immunogenicity be best evaluated
design is that given the established efficacy of the vaccine, with serum or oral antibody measures? After vaccine effi-
randomized placebo controlled trials can no longer be cacy against oral HPV infection is established, immuno-
ethically performed.47 bridging trials could be used to establish vaccine efficacy
The main primary endpoints for vaccine trial design for oral infections and disease in pediatric populations,
are: 1) disease endpoint (prevention of precancerous or new vaccines, or new dosing schedules, as has been done
invasive cancer); 2) viral endpoint (prevention of persis- in cervical cancer. For the oropharynx, a viral primary
tent infection); and 3) immunogenicity (comparison of endpoint represents the most feasible option for trial
immunologic response). Disease endpoints are the gold designs, and data concerning immunogenicity should be
standard because the primary goal of HPV vaccine is not collected to inform future studies (Fig. 3).41,62,81
the prevention of infection but the prevention of disease.
Although the ideal trial design would evaluate vaccine effi- Conclusions: What Does the Landscape Ahead
cacy for the prevention of invasive cancer, the time Look Like?
between oral HPV infection and cancer progression is As of 2014, it has been estimated that 21% of eligible
likely to be prohibitively long. Unfortunately, to the best teenage boys and 40% of girls have received 3 doses of the
of our knowledge, no suitable premalignant lesion, such HPV vaccine.82 Although knowledge and acceptance
as CIN, that could serve as a surrogate disease endpoint is regarding the HPV vaccine continue to grow, vaccine
currently appreciated in the oropharynx.3 Even malignant uptake still lags significantly behind the goal of 80% by
tumors can be a diagnostic challenge, and HPV-related 2020 set by the Department of Health and Human

Cancer Month 00, 2016 7

Review Article

Figure 3. Schematic diagram for comparison of known and unknown vaccination-related endpoints for the progression from
human papillomavirus (HPV) infection to malignancy in the cervix and oropharynx. After vaccination, the first potential endpoint
would be antibody response. Antibody titers necessary for the prevention of cervical HPV infection have been established, but
remain unknown in the oropharynx. In the cervix, the peak age of HPV infection is earlier (aged 20-24 years). The average age at
the time of diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of type 2 or higher (CIN21), the precancer disease surrogate endpoint
used in vaccine trials in the cervix, is approximately 10 years later, at a median age of 34 years.81 The progression from CIN21 to
invasive cancer occurs in 30% to 50% of cases.41 The median age at the time of diagnosis of invasive cervical cancer is 48
years,76 with a latency of >10 years from CIN21.41 In comparison, oral HPV infection has a bimodal age distribution. The first
peak is at 30 to 34 years of age and the second peak is at 60 to 64 years of age. Although persistent oral HPV infection has not
been established as a viral endpoint predating oropharyngeal cancer (OPC), it is expected to have an analogous role as in the
model of cervical HPV to cervical cancer progression. No precursor lesion has been identified to date, but the median age at the
time of diagnosis of OPC is later than that of cervical cancer at 58 years.76 Based on current knowledge, potential vaccination-
related endpoints for oral HPV infection and OPC include antibody response (immunogenicity endpoint), persistent HPV infection
(viral endpoint), precancer (disease surrogate endpoint), and invasive cancer (disease endpoint). Unknowns are depicted in gray.

Services Healthy People 2020 objectives.83 In other coun- has been a reported lack of perceived benefit by both
tries, vaccine uptake for at least 2 doses has been able to parents83 and health care providers.86 Even if vaccine effi-
reach approximately 70% in school-aged girls in both the cacy against oral infection or vaccine uptake in men is
United Kingdom84 and Australia.85 Improved public minimal, herd immunity is likely to play a role in decreas-
knowledge regarding the etiologic connection between ing the overall prevalence of HPV in the general popula-
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