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T e s r# l A M A T Y C S t u d e n t M a t h e m a t i c sL e a g u e O c t o b e r - N o v e m b e2r0 0 1

l. Add llij to lfidt.djlide b) thtee:the squareof Iltr of courseyol ll see

But ,hd! lo l/til j\ eiShtlo one: so find what t/tij is and vou re done

A. 3 B. 9 C o 0 E rwo ofthe preceding


of the poinl
2. If the poiDt S is the rcflection of rhe Poinr ( 2,-3.)in tie x-axis' anq$e point T is fie reflection
(2,.3)ln the y aKis.lhe equationoi the line delermrned b) 5 and I ls

1 ) ? 3 - 2
.t. y=ix n. y=i" c. v=ix-6 D v=-t x E v=-5x

3. in whichof thefollowingintervals?
Thesolutionto lS - Z*l 32001is contained
A. G*,-20011 B. t2oo1,+-) c. t-lO0l,l00ll D [-2001'1000]E [-1000'2001]

4. If 1besineof anacuteangleis !, thecotangent is

of its suPplement

J 5 B.
- -t
\ 6 - (-.3 $ ^ D.
2 --3-
1 6 . c 3 --3-
^. , --
5. For thequa&aticfunctionf(x) = a;t2+bx +c,f(0) = 3, f(2) = 0' andf(4) 1' Thena+b+c=
A. -1 B. 0 c. t o^ 2 E' 3
1' r t
6. The domainof the rationaltuncrionOrxr=;{ffi is all realnumbersEXCEPT

-1 2 C. - 1o r 2 D -2or2 E' -1'-2'or2

A. B.

lie on rf,ecirclet. The radiusof lhe circleis
'7 8.5 C. 9 D l'7 E not detemined
A. -5 B

differentdiejlst. lf the 3-digiriireget dMA i. u pefr""t cube andthe 3-digit inlegerTYC is a Perfect
s q u a rdei v i ; i b l e b yl 2 . w h a i s A + M + A + T + Y + c ?
A. 19 B. 21 C. 25 D. 28 E. 3'1

9. For how manydifferentiDtegerlalues ofb does2x2- bx - 36 = 0 haverationalsolulions?

A . 2 8 . 4 c . 6 D 8 E . 1 2

10. BCDE, BC = 6 andCD = 9. I-et A be a Poinl on the line throughB andC with B
In parallelogram
berweenA and C such tharZA = z@A. If F is the point where the line through A and D intersectsthe
line thrcughB andE' thenEF =
A . 2 F . 3 C . 4 D . 6 E . 8

to sborchalfamile awayat4lnph,whatisrheslowest
sinktheboat.If Man paddles
to makeit to shore?
A. 2 gavmin B. 3 gallmin C 5 gaVmin D. 6 gaVmin E 8 gaVnin
October-November AMATYC Student Mathematics League P a g e3

12. A chordofJength12runin a circledeterrnines anarcwhosemidpoint(tie poinl whichdividesthearc into s

rwo equalarcs)is 4 nnn from themidpoinlof thecbord. To thenearest0.I rrun.theradiusof the circleis
A. 6.2 B. 6.3 C.6.4 D.6.5 E.6.6

13. If theexpression a + b * c " d is parenthesized

in eveD, mary djstinctvaluesoccurfor
a=3.b = 4 . c= - 1 a n d d = 2 ?
A . 2 8 . 3 C . 4 D . 5 E . 6

14. A faimerhasexactlyenoughtreesto plan18eqlralrows. ODetreedies,but shefindsshecannow plant9

equalrows. Anotherlree is stolen,but now shecanplant 10 equalrows. Ifshe plants$e smallest
possiblenumberof trees,whatotrer numberofequalrows couldshehaveplantedorigiDally?
A. 7 B. 11 c. 13 D. t'7 E. 19

15. In regularoctagolPQRST"UVW, the areaof theregionboundedby tlrerectanglePSTWis what ftaction

of the areaboundedby the entireoctagon?
. l ^ 1 ^ 3 * 2
A. B. C. D. E. it depends
on theocragon
; E i i

16. The graphof the equationx + y = x3 a y3 is

A. two obliqle lines B. a vertical line anda parabola
C. a lenical line anda hyperbolaD. An obliqueline anda parabola
E. an obliqueline andanellipse

l'1. If n positiveintegershavea sumof 10,whatis themaximumpossiblevalueof theirproduct?

A. 30 B. 32 C. 36 D. 40 E. 45

18. Sueowns11 pairsof shoes,6 identicalblackpais, 3 identicalbrownpairs,and2 identicalgraypairs, If

sherandomlypicks2 shoes,theprobabilirythatshehasa matchingpair (a right aoda left of the sarne
1 1 ? 1 4
A .1 T B.33 c.jT D.i E.TT

19. AABC hasright angleC, andAABE hasright angleE. If AB = 65, AE = 25, BC = 39, and EE ana 7d
intersectat D, tle areaa of pentagonABCDE satisfies
A . a < 1 0 0 0 B . 1 0 0 0 S a < 1 1 0 0 C . l l 0 0 < a < 1 2 0 0 D . 1 2 0 0 < a <1 3 0 0 E . a ) 1 3 0 0

20. Two hikels walking at the samerate leavea camp at the sametime, one going duenonh, Oe other due
est.A.fiereachhasgonea mi.le,tbenorthboundcanpertums 15' clockwiseandtheeastbound hiker
tums l5o counterclockwise. Theyrepeatthese15otums aftereacbsuccessive mile until they meeragain.
To thenearest0.1 mile, how far from camparetheyat thattime?
A. 4 . 3m i B. 5 . 0m i C. 5 . 5m i D. 6 . 1m i E . ? . 1m i

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