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A M A T Y C S t u d e n t M a l h e m a t i c sL e a g u e N o t e m b e r2 0 0 2

I Test #l
w h i c he q u a t i obne l cr
l. - : o r t h e l i n e r v i t h e q u a r i o n 2 \ + 3 \ = 6 ' l e t m b e - ' r s s l o P . a n d b r t s l - r n l e r c e p !
represen6 a llne\4lthslopb and) -intercept m l
t B . 3 r ' 6 1= 2 c.3y-6x=2 D 6y-3\=l E 3x+6)'=2

If I f i ( r ) = 1 2 - r a n d 8 ( \ ) = \ + 1 , $ h a t i s t h l a l u e8o(ff ( - 4 ) ) - f ( 8 ( - a ) ) r
A. o B. 1 6 C. -1 6 D 12 E - l?

3. is a parallelogram
A rhombus ABCD'mZA = 50" ThenmZBDC=
Nilh fourequalsidesln rhombus
A. 65' B. 55" C 50' D 40' E nol enoughinformationto llnd it

g of proteinper
-4. BreadA hasI I of fiber and4 g of ProreinPershce,while BreadB-has2Ioftiberand3
;i;;. ijJ;;;- slicesof breaimist lou iar to getexactly16g of fiberand39 of Protein?
A. 9 B. lo c. ll D lz E 13

5. Whalis log8 l:8 ?

A l B )+
c : ir D : ir E 2 il
6. JKLMNOPQRSdo notinteNectdiagonalJN?
Holv manydiasonalsof thereSulardecaSon
A . 6 B .1 C l o D . 1 3 E l 9

7.' kl P be rhepoint of inte.seciion 2x + 3) = t atd-3x- 2y - 21 whar is $e

of thelineswith eq-uaoons
equationof tireline passingthroughP andtheorigin?
A.3\+5v=0 B.5r+3r'=0 C 3x-5y=0 D 5x-3\=0 E T h e r jes n os u c Lh n e
8. from a lOxl0 sheetof stamPsWhatis theprobabilit)'thatthestamPis
nol on the U)rder?
A. 0.36 B. 0.40 c 0.60 D 0 64 E 0 81

(so lhd A becomesl ' B becomes2'

9. Each lener of the alPhabelis translaledto its Posilionin lhe alPhabet
etc),lheresultrngnumbersaresub'strtuted rnio rhefuncrronf1x1=lr - I2.51+05'andthesenumbers
are lranslatedback inro letters. What doesAMATYC become?

10. \\'hrchof the follo\\lng lunctionshaslhe srme graPhas y = f cos x ?

A. \ =cos?\ B.t=:sinl\ -i1 C t=:sin(x+f) D )=:srn{\';I) E }=2sin(\-^)

\ - / \ - /

I l. Ho\\' manynvo-di8itnumbers( diSit notzero)aredivisibleby thesumof $eir digits?

A. lo B. 15 C. 16 D.23 E24

l:. Fourcongruent-recEneles areaEanPed asin lhe pictureto form a square lf

20. \vhalis theareaenclosedb) the
theperimiterof oneof lhe rectinglels-is
squareformedb) theoutslde edgesol the recl.tnSles'
A. 20 B. 50 c. 61 D. 80 E l00

o t3 form, rvhatis the sumof its digirs?

is rvrittenin standard
lf (?2002)(52005)
A . I B . 5 C .1 D . 8 E l 3
N o v e D r b e2r0 0 2 A M A T Y CS l u d e n t M a t h e m a t i c sL e a g u e P a g e!
l-1. A srandrrdJecl,or',51
The firsrpilecontarns
trmesasman)-blrckc.ardsasredcards.The secondpileconlainsa numberof redca.dsrvhi;h is an inte_
Bermultipleof thenumbero[blackcardsin thesecondpile. How man'red cardsarein these.ondprle?
A.2 B. 12 C. 14 D. 16 E.24
15. E l g h r l p e o p l e a r e r r a p p e d r n a s k r r o d 6 r e . T h e v h a r e e n o u g h f o o d r o rrar sr ar ek regfsih\ er ddaa\\\s r. o
reacnnclp(andlr\e dJ]slor helpto eerhck lo thelodgel.Whatrr theterrestnr.rmber of lteoplelo'senJ
Ior herp(\r'rthsu lcrenrtq)d) soihatthosestavingbehindrvill berescued beforefoodrunsor_rr?
A. 10 B. 16 c. 20 D.24 E.32
l6 The3-drgitnum-bersrand)-(firstdrgrlsnotzero)havethepropen)rhatrhedrgrsoi,,arerhedl
order.Ifz=r+!,horr manydifferentvalues
of zarepoisible?
A. lzlo B. 150 C. 160 D. 170 E. 180
/rtrr - I\
l7 Lerft\)=;;l belheIunction \r'ithlhesmallesl
raluesof m andn suchthat( x) hasa \ enrcal
asymptoteat \ = -1, a holeat \= I anda slant(oblique)asymptoteal ),: \. WhaIis rheproductmn ?
4 .2 8 . 3 C .6 D .8 E . 1 2
18. Let ABCD bea squarewift sidesof lengrh30. IerM berhemidpoinrof sideAB, andE be thepoint *.here
DN\, intersectsAC. Whatjs the.area
conlainedir quadrilakralBCEM ?
A. 300 B. 3:5 C. 350 D. 375 E. 400
tO r = \(r -\) is tangenr
equauon totheparabola
$ tthequation
r' = \2 + l0 in lhefirsr
44 ';<^L
A. t B. 4Vs c. e D. sv3 E =:
?0. Triangl ABC hasrertices
A(0,0)andB(l,O),and!erlexC lieson thecircle\r hoseequarion
]i*()-:12.l. Ler m blhesmallest
areaofsuch a rdangleand M rhe possible
la.rgest area.
Whatis trueaboultheDroduct
A. mM< l/2 B. l/2<mM<l C. l<mMsl.5 D. 1.5<mMs2 E. mM>2

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