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Programa de Doctorado Ingeniera Energtica

CapturadeCO2 encentrales

Juan Riaza Benito

Instituto Nacional del Carbn
Programa de Doctorado Ingeniera Energtica

Captura de CO2 en centrales

termoelctricas mediante
cocombustin de carbn y biomasa
en condiciones de oxicombustin
Tesis doctoral por
Juan Riaza Benito
Instituto Nacional del Carbn
Quisiera dar las gracias en primer lugar a mis directores, los Doctores Covadonga Pevida
Garca, Fernando Rubiera Gonzlez y Jos Juan Pis Martnez. Su ayuda en todo momento y su
gran confianza en m me han impulsado para llegar a realizar esta tesis doctoral.

A mi compaera de viaje, la Doctora Luca lvarez, con quien he compartido tanto tiempo
de laboratorio y trabajo por hacerlo siempre ms agradable; y a la Doctora Victoria Gil, por su
inestimable ayuda y colaboracin durante estos aos.

Al resto de mis compaeros del Grupo de Procesos Energticos y Reduccin de Emisiones

del INCAR por su inestimable ayuda siempre que la he necesitado, y por hacer del trabajo un
lugar agradable. Tambin quisiera dar las gracias a los colegas de la Northeastern University,
con los que fue un placer trabajar durante la estancia en Boston y cuya colaboracin ha
aportado un gran valor a esta tesis, en especial a Reza Khatami y al Profesor Yiannis Levendis.

Gracias al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (CSIC), por autorizar la realizacin

de este trabajo en el Instituto Nacional del Carbn, as como a los Directores de este centro,
Dr. Carlos Gutirrez Blanco y Dr. Juan Manuel Dez Tascn.

Al Gobierno de Asturias por concederme la ayuda predoctoral Severo Ochoa que me ha

financiado durante 4 aos para la realizacin de esta tesis doctoral as como la estancia

Al servicio de mantenimiento y taller del INCAR, con los que he trabajado con gran
confianza, la destreza y vala de las personas que forman o han formado parte del taller ha sido
fundamental. Especialmente a Nacho, Celes, Mejido y Andrs.

Quisiera hacer extensivo este agradecimiento a todo el personal del Instituto Nacional del
Carbn, porque de una forma u otra han hecho posible la realizacin de la presente memoria.

Finalmente, a Fany por estar siempre a mi lado cargndome las pilas de ilusin, a mi familia
animndome siempre, y especialmente a mis padres por su gran apoyo siempre incondicional.
El carbn es y va a seguir siendo uno de los principales recursos energticos para la
generacin de energa elctrica. Sin embargo, en la combustin del carbn se libera CO2, que
es un gas de efecto invernadero y el principal causante del cambio climtico. Una alternativa
para la reduccin parcial de emisiones de CO2 consiste en sustituir parte del carbn utilizado
en la combustin por biomasa, cuyas emisiones se consideran neutras. Sin embargo, para
reducir de forma importante las emisiones de CO2 han de considerarse medidas adicionales,
entre las que se encuentran las tecnologas de captura y almacenamiento de CO2, como la
oxicombustin. Cuando el combustible se quema con O2 puro y humos recirculados, es decir,
en ausencia de N2, se produce una corriente de alta concentracin de CO2 que tras un proceso
de purificacin, puede ser transportado a su lugar de inyeccin y almacenamiento. La
oxicombustin es una tecnologa en fase de demostracin, sin embargo, su viabilidad
econmica depender de las polticas medioambientales, as como de los avances tcnicos que
se logren.

Se ha llevado a cabo el estudio del comportamiento en oxicombustin de un amplio rango

de carbones y varias biomasas. La sustitucin del N2 por CO2 y la mayor concentracin de O2 en
la atmsfera de oxicombustin, implica cambios severos en la combustin del carbn y la
biomasa que deben ser estudiados para mantener la estabilidad y eficacia de combustin. Se
han usado varios dispositivos experimentales: termobalanza, reactor de cada libre y reactor
de flujo en arrastre; en estos dispositivos se ha estudiado la ignicin y combustin bajo
diversas condiciones de oxicombustin, as como en atmsfera de aire que se ha tomado como

En el reactor de cada libre se estudi la combustin de partculas individuales de distintos

carbones y biomasas. Los experimentos se realizaron en distintas atmsferas de
oxicombustin as como aire. En este mismo dispositivo se llevaron a cabo mediciones con un
pirmetro con el fin de obtener los perfiles de temperatura durante la combustin de las
partculas de las distintas muestras de carbn y biomasa.

Con el objeto de conseguir unas condiciones experimentales cercanas a las existentes en

una caldera de carbn pulverizado, se emple un reactor de flujo en arrastre. Se llev a cabo la
desvolatilizacin de varios carbones y biomasas a 1000 C, en atmsferas de N2 y CO2, con el
fin de analizar el efecto de la atmsfera de desvolatilizacin, tanto sobre la estructura
morfolgica del char formado, como sobre su posterior reactividad. El anlisis del
comportamiento reactivo de los chars se realiz en un analizador termogravimtrico, en el que
se realizaron experimentos de reactividad isotrmica y experimentos de reactividad no
isotrmica en atmsfera de oxicombustin. Se aplicaron distintos modelos cinticos para
predecir el comportamiento reactivo de dichos chars. Se analiz la reactividad de mezclas del
char de carbn y biomasa con el fin de detectar posibles interacciones durante su combustin

Se realizaron experimentos de ignicin de mezclas de carbn y biomasa bajo diferentes

atmsferas de oxicombustin en el reactor de flujo en arrastre, simulando condiciones de
recirculacin seca de gases (O2/CO2, 21-35% O2) y recirculacin hmeda de gases con
concentraciones de vapor de 10 y 20%. A partir de los experimentos de ignicin se determin
el efecto de distintas atmsferas de oxicombustin sobre la temperatura de ignicin, as como
el descenso en la temperatura de ignicin con la adicin de biomasa.

Se llevaron a cabo experimentos de cocombustin en condiciones de oxicombustin en

termobalanza y en el reactor de flujo en arrastre. Los experimentos de combustin en el
reactor de flujo en arrastre permitieron evaluar el efecto de la atmsfera de combustin sobre
el grado de conversin alcanzado, as como sobre las emisiones de NO producidas durante la
combustin de varios carbones y sus mezclas con biomasa, tanto en aire como en las
atmosferas de oxicombustin. Los resultados arrojan una mejora en la eficacia de combustin
con la adicin de biomasa, as como un descenso de las emisiones de NO.
Coal will continue to be one of the main energy resources for electricity generation in the
future. However, coal combustion gives rise to CO2 which is a greenhouse gas and the main
source of climate change. One alternative for the reduction of CO2 emissions is to replace part
of the coal by biomass, whose emissions are considered neutral. However, to achieve any
substantial reduction in CO2 emissions, additional measures must be taken, such as CO2
capture and storage technologies including oxy-fuel combustion. When fuel is burned in a
mixture of pure O2 and recycled exhaust gases (i.e., in absence of N2) a highly concentrated
stream of CO2 is produced, which after the purification process, can be transported to a place
of storage. Oxy-combustion technology is at present in the demonstration phase. However, its
economic viability will depend not only on technological advances but also on environmental

The performance of a wide range of coals and several biomasses under oxy-fuel
combustion conditions has been studied. The replacement of N2 by CO2 and the higher O2
concentrations in oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres entails several changes in coal and
biomass combustion that must be addressed in order to maintain stability and combustion
efficiency. Various experimental devices have been used including a thermogravimetric
analyzer, a drop tube furnace and an entrained flow reactor. Ignition and combustion under
different oxy-fuel combustion conditions, and under air as reference, have been studied using
these devices.

Single coal and biomass particle combustion was studied in the drop tube furnace.
Experiments were carried out under different oxy-fuel and air atmospheres. Measurements
with a pyrometer were also carried out in the same furnace in order to obtain temperature
profiles during the combustion of different single coal and biomass particles samples.

In order to reproduce some of the conditions that are present in a pulverised coal fired
power station, an entrained flow reactor was employed. Coal devolatilization at 1000 C,
under N2 and CO2 atmospheres, was conducted in the entrained flow reactor. In order to study
the effect of the devolatilization atmosphere (CO2, N2), the morphological characteristics of the
chars were compared and their reactivity was analyzed. The reactive behaviour of the chars
was studied by means of isothermal and non-isothermal reactivity experiments in an oxy-fuel
atmosphere using a thermogravimetric analyser. Different kinetic models were applied to
predict the reactivity of these fuels. Coal char and biomass char blends were analyzed in order
to detect possible interactions during the combustion of the blends.

Coal and biomass blend ignition tests were conducted in the entrained flow reactor under
air and various oxy-fuel conditions at 1000 C. Different oxy-fuel atmospheres were employed.
Both oxy-fuel combustion with dry recycling (O2/CO2, 21-35%O2) and oxy-fuel combustion with
wet recycling using up to 10 and 20% of H2O were simulated. The effect of biomass addition
and the combustion atmosphere on the ignition temperature was evaluated.

Co-firing experiments under oxy-fuel conditions were carried out in the thermogravimetric
analyzer and in the entrained flow reactor. The coal and its blend with biomass were subjected
to combustion experiments in the entrained flow reactor to evaluate the effect of the
combustion atmospheres on coal burnout and NO emissions under oxy-fuel and air
Listado de Publicaciones
Lista de Figuras
1. Introduccin
1.1 Energa y CO2 1
1.1.1 Contribucin de la humanidad al cambio climtico 1
1.1.2 La necesidad de energa 4
1.2 Evolucin del carbn como recurso energtico 6
1.2.1 Reservas de carbn y cuota en el mix energtico 6
1.2.2 Centrales trmicas de carbn pulverizado 8
1.3 Energa de la biomasa 11
1.4 Cocombustin de carbn y biomasa 16
1.5 Captura, Transporte y Almacenamiento de CO2 21
1.5.1 Captura de CO2 21
1.5.2 Transporte de CO2 23
1.5.3 Almacenamiento de CO2 24
1.6 Tecnologa de Captura de CO2 mediante oxicombustin 28
1.6.1 Esquema general 28
1.6.2 Unidad de produccin de oxgeno 30
1.6.3 Plantas de demostracin de tecnologas de oxicombustin 31
1.6.4 Combustin en condiciones de oxicombustin 33
1.6.5 Transmisin de calor en calderas de oxicombustin 34
1.6.6 Contaminantes en los humos de oxicombustin 37
1.6.7 Oxicombustin de carbn y biomasa 40
1.7 Objetivos 41
2. Dispositivos y metodologas experimentales 43
2.1 Muestras empleadas 43
2.2 Dispositivo para combustin de partculas 44
2.3 Reactor de flujo en arrastre 47
2.3.1 Descripcin 47
2.3.2 Experimentos de combustin 50
2.3.3 Experimentos de desvolatilizacin 52
2.3.4 Experimentos de ignicin 53
2.4 Analizadores termogravimtricos 55
2.4.1 Metodologas para los ensayos de reactividad en termobalanza 57
2.4.2 Modelos cinticos 60
3. Combustin de partculas individuales de carbn y biomasa 65
3.1 Compendio de resultados 67
3.2 Publicaciones relacionadas 69
3.2.1 Publicacin I 71
3.2.2 Publicacin II 87
4. Reactividad y morfologa de los chars 103
4.1 Desvolatilizacin y formacin del char 103
4.2 Combustin del char 104
4.3 Compendio de resultados 104
4.4 Publicaciones relacionadas 105
4.4.1 Publicacin III 107
4.4.2 Publicacin IV 117
5. Ignicin y combustin de carbn en atmsferas de oxicombustin 129
5.1 Ignicin y oxicombustin 130
5.2 Emisiones de NOx 131
5.3 Compendio de resultados 132
5.4 Publicaciones relacionadas 133
5.4.1 Publicacin V 135
5.4.2 Publicacin VI 143
6. Efecto de la adicin de biomasa en oxicombustin 157
6.1 Compendio de resultados 159
6.2 Publicaciones relacionadas 161
6.2.1 Publicacin VII 163
6.2.2 Publicacin VIII 173
6.2.3 Publicacin IX 193
7. Conclusiones 203
8. Referencias bibliogrficas 205
Anexo I Informe del factor de impacto de las publicaciones 215
Anexo II Produccin cientfica no incluida 217
I Single particle ignition and combustion of anthracite, semi-anthracite and
bituminous coals in air and simulated oxy-fuel conditions
J. Riaza, R. Khatami, Y.A. Levendis, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J. Pis.
Combustion and Flame 2014, 161 pp 10961108. doi:0.1016/j.combustflame.2013.10.004

II Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions

J. Riaza, R. Khatami, Y. A. Levendis, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J.
Pis. Biomass and Bioenergy, doi: 10 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.03.018.1

III Oxy-fuel combustion kinetics and morphology of coal chars obtained in N2 and CO2
atmospheres in an entrained flow reactor
M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Applied Energy 2012,
91 (1) pp. 67 74. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.09.017

IV Kinetic models for the oxy-fuel combustion of coal and coal/biomass blend chars
obtained in N2 and CO2 atmospheres
M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Energy 2012, 48 (1) pp.
510518. doi:10.1016/

V Effect of oxy-fuel combustion with steam addition on coal ignition and burnout in an
entrained flow reactor
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Energy 2011, 36 (8) pp.
5314 5319. doi:10.1016/

VI NO Emissions in oxy-coal combustion with addition of steam in an entrained flow

L. lvarez, J. Riaza, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Greenhouse Gases: Science
and Technology 2011, 1 (2) pp. 180-190. doi:10.1002/ghg.016

VII A study of oxy-coal combustion with steam addition and biomass blending by
thermogravimetric analysis.
M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Journal of Thermal Analysis
and Calorimetry 2012, 109 (1) pp. 49 55. doi:10.1007/s10973-011-1342-y

VIII Ignition behaviour of coal and biomass blends under oxyfiring conditions with steam
J. Riaza, , L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, R. Khatami, Y.A. Levendis, J.J. Pis, C. Pevida, F.
Rubiera. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 2013, 3 (5), pp. 397-414.

IX Oxy-fuel combustion of coal and biomass blends

J. Riaza, M.V. Gil, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Energy 2012, 41 (1)
pp. 429435. doi: 10.1016/
Figura 1.1 Esquema de los principales flujos trmicos en la atmsfera [Kevin, 2008]. 2

Figura 1.2 Cambios observados en: a) el promedio mundial de la temperatura en 3

superficie; b) el promedio mundial del nivel del mar; y c) la cubierta de
nieve del Hemisferio Norte [IPCC, 2007].

Figura 1.3 Evolucin de la produccin de energa elctrica en Espaa [REE, 2013]. 7

Figura 1.4 Esquema de caldera tpica de combustin de carbn pulverizado. 9

Figura 1.5 Central trmica de Sangesa [IDAE, 2007]. 14

Figura 1.6 Combustin en paralelo. 17

Figura 1.7 Esquema de combustin indirecta. 18

Figura 1.8 Cocombustin directa. 19

Figura 1.9 Ensuciamiento en tubos de caldera de carbn pulverizado tras ensayos de 20

cocombustin con biomasa [Cieplik, 2011].

Figura 1.10 Esquema de diferentes procesos de separacin de CO2 [IPCC, 2005]. 22

Figura 1.11 Recreacin de un pozo de inyeccin de CO2 [CIUDEN, 2014]. 24

Figura 1.12 Diagrama de fases del CO2. 25

Figura 1.13 Esquema de un proceso de inyeccin de CO2 en un almacenamiento 26

geolgico [CIUDEN, 2014].

Figura 1.14 Estructuras favorables para el almacenamiento de CO2 en Espaa 27

[Prado, 2008].

Figura 1.15 Esquema del proceso de oxicombustin. 29

Figura 1.16 Desarrollo histrico de los proyectos de oxicombustin [Wall, 2009b] 31

Figura 1.17 Fotografas de llamas de propano en (a) aire, (b) oxicombustin con 21% 36
oxgeno, (c) oxicombustin con 27% oxgeno, y (d) oxicombustin con
45% oxgeno [Andersson, 2008a, 2008b].

Figura 1.18 Instalacin de gasificacin de biomasa entre calderas de lecho fluido 40

(derecha) y carbn pulverizado (izquierda) en CIUDEN.

Figura 2.1 Fotografa del dispositivo experimental para el estudio de combustin de 45

partculas en la Northeastern University (Boston, MA).

Figura 2.2 Esquema del dispositivo experimental para pirometra de combustin de 46

partculas en la Northeastern University (Boston, MA).
Figura 2.3 Fotografa del reactor de flujo en arrastre utilizado en este trabajo. 47

Figura 2.4 Esquema del reactor de flujo en arrastre (EFR). 48

Figura 2.5 Perfil de temperaturas para una temperatura de operacin de 1000C. 49

Figura 2.6 Calentamiento del reactor de flujo en arrastre a una velocidad de 54

10-15 C min-1.

Figura 2.7 Ejemplo de determinacin de la temperatura de ignicin a partir de la 55

concentracin de CO2.

Figura 2.8 Fotografa de la termobalanza Setaram TAG 24 modificada. 56

Figura 2.9 Detalle del generador de vapor de agua utilizado en la termobalanza. 57

Figura 2.10 Representacin de los regmenes de control del proceso de combustin en 58

funcin de la temperatura (Ea, energa de activacin observada; E,
energa de activacin qumica).

Figura 2.11 Modelo de Reaccin Volumtrico. 62

Figura 2.12 Modelo de Reaccin de Ncleo Decreciente. 63

Figura 3.1 Imgenes de las biomasas: (a) SCB, (b) OR, (c) PI, (d) TOPI, durante la 68
combustin de los voltiles en aire.
1.1 Energa y CO2
1.1.1 Contribucin de la humanidad al cambio climtico

La energa es un factor esencial en la actividad econmica de un pas y, al mismo tiempo, la

principal fuente de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) que constituyen el origen de uno de los
mayores problemas ambientales que sufre el planeta: el cambio climtico.

Actualmente existe una gran preocupacin por el incremento de las emisiones de GEI como
el CO2, ya que las consecuencias del cambio climtico empiezan a ser perceptibles. El aumento
de la concentracin de GEI se debe en parte a la actividad del hombre y, dentro de las causas
antropognicas, la de mayor peso es la generacin de energa.

Los combustibles fsiles provienen de materia orgnica transformada en los procesos

geolgicos de carbognesis o petrognesis y, por tanto, son en gran proporcin materiales
carbonosos. En su combustin siempre se libera CO2, en mayor o menor medida, dependiendo
de su composicin.

Los GEI son necesarios, ya que mantienen la temperatura que hace posible la vida en la
superficie terrestre. El CO2 de la atmsfera produce un efecto invernadero debido a su
comportamiento ante la radiacin solar, manteniendo la temperatura de la Tierra. De no ser
as, la Tierra se enfriara paulatinamente. Los flujos trmicos entre la superficie terrestre y el
espacio exterior son ciertamente complejos pero se pueden esquematizar tal como muestra la
Figura 1.1.

El dixido de carbono se encuentra de manera natural en la atmsfera, pero algunas

actividades humanas, en especial la quema de combustibles fsiles incrementan
significativamente su concentracin. Esto se traduce en un aumento de este efecto
invernadero y un progresivo calentamiento global.

Los principales GEI son vapor de agua, dixido de carbono, metano y ozono. En las centrales
termoelctricas convencionales se producen varios de estos gases entre los que se encuentran
el vapor de agua, dixido de carbono y xidos de nitrgeno. Las emisiones de dixido de
carbono y xidos de nitrgeno son las que tienen mayor relevancia, en especial las de CO2.

La radiacin solar incide sobre la Tierra, parte de esta radiacin es reflejada por la
atmsfera, las nubes, y otra parte llega a la superficie terrestre. La superficie terrestre emite
radiacin debido a su temperatura, parte de esa emisin escapa al espacio exterior y otra
parte es reflejada por los GEI. Las concentraciones de estos gases en la atmsfera definen la
cantidad de energa reflejada hacia la superficie terrestre, manteniendo la temperatura media

Captulo 1

de la Tierra en unos 15 0C. La temperatura media de la parte baja de la atmsfera depende

principalmente de estos flujos de calor, y es un factor determinante para mantener el
equilibrio que permite el funcionamiento de los ciclos naturales atmosfricos. La accin
humana ha hecho que se emitan gases de efecto invernadero a la atmsfera, aumentando sus
concentraciones. Esto provoca que aumente la cantidad de energa reflejada hacia la superficie
terrestre y se eleve su temperatura.

Figura 1.1. Esquema de los principales flujos trmicos en la atmsfera [Kevin. 2008].

En el informe del ao 2007 del Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climtico (IPCC)
se present la evolucin de la temperatura en el Hemisferio Norte en los ltimos 1000 aos,
como se muestra en la Figura 1.2.

Las consecuencias de la rotura del equilibrio trmico son un probable calentamiento global
y un consecuente cambio climtico que definir nuevos valores de las variables climticas. Con
ello se prev un aumento de las sequas, inundaciones, desaparicin o desplazamiento de
especies animales y vegetales, proliferacin de enfermedades infecciosas, adems de otras
consecuencias impredecibles.

La lucha contra el cambio climtico es una necesidad para la conservacin del Medio
Ambiente, los recursos de la Tierra y las especies que viven en ella. Con la firma del Protocolo
de Kioto (PK) se comienzan a impulsar en mayor medida las tecnologas de captura y
almacenamiento de CO2 dado que los pases firmantes adquieren el compromiso de limitar
sus emisiones.


Figura 1.2. Cambios observados en: a) el promedio mundial de la temperatura en superficie;

b) el promedio mundial del nivel del mar; y c) la cubierta de nieve del Hemisferio Norte [IPCC,

El PK ha supuesto un primer paso para la disminucin de las emisiones de CO2, pero no es

suficiente y se hace cada vez ms necesario un tratado internacional que no solo contine lo
acordado en el PK sino el compromiso firme de potencias como EEUU y China, responsables de
la mayor parte de las emisiones de CO2 a nivel mundial. Recientemente la Unin Europea ha
adoptado un compromiso de reduccin de las emisiones de GEI en un 40% en el ao 2030
respecto a las emitidas en 1990 (UE, 2014). Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que EEUU es
el pas con mayores reservas de carbn mientras que China es ya el mayor productor y
exportador de carbn [BP, 2013]. Del compromiso de ambos pases para la reduccin de las
emisiones de CO2 depender su evolucin a nivel mundial y la lucha contra el cambio climtico.
Las emisiones locales de cualquier lugar en la Tierra acaban en la atmsfera donde los vientos
homogeneizan la concentracin de CO2 y por tanto el problema de la emisin de GEI y cambio
climtico es global. Los escenarios previstos por el IPCC contemplan una subida de la
temperatura media de la Tierra entre los 0,3 y los 4,8 0C para el ao 2100 [IPCC, 2013]. Para
contrarrestar el incremento de la concentracin de CO2 en la atmsfera es necesario
implementar una serie de medidas a nivel mundial como son: la mejora de la eficiencia

Captulo 1

energtica, el incremento en el uso de energas renovables, el incremento de la energa

nuclear y la captura y almacenamiento de CO2 (CAC).

1.1.2 La necesidad de energa

El nivel de desarrollo de un pas y su capacidad de generacin de energa estn

ntimamente ligados, de forma que la pobreza energtica normalmente est ligada a un nivel
bajo de desarrollo. El reto energtico es hoy uno de los grandes desafos que debe afrontar la
humanidad. Deben tomarse decisiones cruciales para reducir drsticamente nuestras
emisiones de CO2 y luchar as contra el cambio climtico. Al mismo tiempo se busca aumentar
la capacidad de generacin para hacer llegar la energa a ms lugares y a un precio menor.

El reto para la generacin de energa del futuro es que sea barata, accesible y sostenible. En
1987 el informe Brundtland [ONU, 1987] defini el desarrollo sostenible como aquel capaz de
satisfacer las necesidades presentes de la humanidad sin comprometer la capacidad de las
futuras generaciones para satisfacer las suyas. As, la transicin a la sostenibilidad se ha
convertido en una necesidad para el mantenimiento de la vida humana y la conservacin de la
biodiversidad, en un imperativo econmico y ambiental, educativo y moral.

La energa procedente de recursos fsiles ha sido tradicionalmente la principal fuente de

energa a nivel mundial. Hoy en da las diferentes tecnologas para la generacin en base a
energas renovables no son competitivas con los actuales precios de la energa. Por tanto, el
carbn seguir siendo una de las principales fuentes de energa a largo plazo debido a sus
abundantes reservas y precios competitivos. La participacin del carbn en el consumo
mundial de energa fue del 30,3 % en 2011, frente al 33,1 % para el petrleo y el 23,7 % para el
gas natural [BP, 2013].

Las necesidades en el campo energtico se pueden resumir en la diversificacin de las

fuentes energticas, la implementacin de las tecnologas de captura y almacenamiento de
carbono (CCS) y el aumento de la participacin de las energas renovables en el mix energtico,
con el fin de reducir las emisiones de CO2 a la atmsfera por debajo de los niveles de 1990.
Aunque su uso est en continuo aumento, las fuentes de energa renovables son todava
minoritarias a nivel mundial. La captura y almacenamiento de CO2 constituye una opcin de
trnsito desde la generacin de energa actual en base a combustibles fsiles hasta que se
desarrolle la tecnologa suficiente para tener un modelo energtico plenamente sostenible
[UE, 2013].

En el caso de Espaa se hace necesario definir polticas y medidas de reduccin de

emisiones que permitan cumplir con los compromisos internacionales asumidos, sin que se
impongan cargas excesivas en la economa. Las nuevas leyes reguladoras estn conduciendo a
un desarrollo de nuevas tecnologas para reducir las emisiones, especialmente las de CO2, ya
que es el mayor contribuidor al aumento del efecto invernadero.

Las opciones para la mitigacin del cambio climtico comprenden:

Mejora de la eficiencia energtica.

Ahorro energtico.
Preferencia de combustibles que dependan menos intensivamente del carbono.
Aumento del empleo de energa nuclear.
Aumento de las fuentes de energa renovable.
Potenciacin de los sumideros biolgicos de CO2.
Reduccin de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero diferentes del CO2.

Como ya se ha mencionado anteriormente tras la firma del Protocolo de Kioto (PK) en 1997,
se estableci un calendario de reduccin de las emisiones de GEI. Se acord para cada pas un
margen distinto en funcin de diversas variables econmicas y medioambientales. En el
periodo 2008-2012, la Unin Europea en su conjunto deba reducirlas en un 8% respecto a las
de 1990 tomado como ao base. Espaa estaba obligada a no exceder las emisiones de GEI en
un 15% respecto a las emisiones de 1990.

Las emisiones de GEI en Espaa llegaron a alcanzar niveles superiores al 50 % respecto a los
de 1990, principalmente debido al rpido crecimiento econmico del pas durante la ltima
dcada. Sin embargo, las emisiones de CO2 han cado drsticamente desde el ao 2008, debido
fundamentalmente a la crisis econmica, y a finales de 2012 se encontraban tan solo un 18,7%
por encima de las de 1990.

El PK no solo recoge la regulacin de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero sino que

propone una serie de medidas, entre las que se encuentra el desarrollo de las energas
renovables y la captura y almacenamiento de CO2 (Artculo 2). El PK tena validez hasta el ao
2012, pero ha sido prolongado hasta el ao 2020 y debe ser sustituido por otro acuerdo con
las mismas directrices generales, al que se sumen al menos los pases ms contaminantes y
con objetivos ambiciosos.

Durante las distintas Cumbres del Clima (COP), organizadas por la Convencin Marco de
Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climtico (UNFCCC, en sus siglas en ingls) y celebradas
anualmente, se han mantenido negociaciones entre los lderes polticos para llegar a un
acuerdo en materia de cambio climtico. Los avances son escasos y no se alcanz ms que un
acuerdo no vinculante legalmente. Los puntos clave de dicho acuerdo son los siguientes:

- Compromiso de no incrementar la temperatura global por encima de 2 C.

- Compromiso de los pases desarrollados a establecer un listado de objetivos de

reduccin de emisiones para el ao 2020.

Captulo 1

- La creacin de un fondo a corto plazo de 30 mil millones de dlares para acciones

desarrolladas hasta el ao 2012, y un fondo de 100 mil millones de dlares anuales de
financiacin a largo plazo, para mecanismos que apoyen la transferencia de tecnologas
y ciencias forestales.

El desafo se encuentra ahora en firmar un acuerdo legalmente vinculante en la cumbre que

se celebrar en Paris en el ao 2015, aunque hasta la fecha los avances son escasos y la crisis
econmica crea an mayores reticencias.

La poltica energtica comn de la Unin Europea propone para el ao 2020 combatir el

cambio climtico reduciendo las emisiones de GEI un 20% con respecto a los niveles de 1990,
reduciendo el consumo energtico, aumentando la eficacia energtica en un 20% y
aumentando el uso de las energas renovables hasta alcanzar un 20% del consumo total de
energa, este objetivo es conocido como 20/20/20. Propone adems que el 10% del consumo
de combustibles en el transporte se realice con biocarburantes.

Las Directivas 2003/87/CE y 2004/101/CE recogen la regulacin y reduccin de emisiones

de CO2. Con esta ltima se crea el primer mercado de intercambio de Derechos de Emisin a
nivel europeo. En Espaa se transponen estas Directivas europeas y la regulacin de emisiones
en las instalaciones, desarrollndose planes y estrategias a seguir como se contempla en los
sucesivos Planes de Energas Renovables (PER) que pretenden potenciar las fuentes de energa
renovable, tanto en generacin elctrica como para la produccin de calor y biocarburantes.

1.2 Evolucin del carbn como recurso energtico

1.2.1 Reservas de carbn y cuota en el mix energtico

El carbn ha sido el motor principal de la revolucin industrial, y no ha dejado de ser una de

las principales fuentes de energa a nivel mundial. El carbn se utiliza principalmente para la
produccin de energa seguido por su empleo en la produccin de acero. Las reservas
probadas de carbn a nivel mundial se estiman en 860.938 millones de toneladas [WEC, 2010]
y se estima que su duracin ser de ms de 100 aos. Su reparto geogrfico es ms variado y
se encuentra en pases ms estables polticamente que el de otros recursos energticos como
el gas o petrleo, por lo que sus precios han sido ms estables en el tiempo. En trminos
globales de explotacin y consumo de carbn sobresale con diferencia China, ya que est
constituyendo el motor de su industrializacin. La produccin de carbn en China aument un
135% en la ltima dcada. En 2012 China consumi por primera vez la mitad del carbn
mundial [BP, 2013].

Los yacimientos de carbn de Espaa se encuentran fundamentalmente en el tercio norte

peninsular siendo los ms importantes los de Castilla-Len, Aragn y Asturias. La rentabilidad
de la mayor parte de las explotaciones ha ido menguando hasta llegar al cierre de buena parte


de la minera del carbn en Espaa. Ms all de que sean susceptibles de ser explotados
econmicamente, los recursos de carbn se deberan entender como una reserva estratgica.

El incremento de los precios de la energa y la dependencia de las importaciones de

recursos energticos debilitan la seguridad energtica y la competitividad. Dado que Espaa es
un pas deficitario energticamente por no disponer de yacimientos de petrleo o gas, se
intentan mantener activas las explotaciones de carbn de cara a posibles carencias en los
mercados internacionales de recursos energticos. Sin embargo, la poltica energtica europea
obligar a cerrar aquellas explotaciones que no sean rentables a partir del 2018 cuando se
acabarn las ayudas para las explotaciones de carbn. Esta incertidumbre contrasta con la
tendencia en el mercado internacional donde aumenta cada ao la produccin de carbn
principalmente debido al desarrollo de China e India.

En Espaa existen reservas y explotaciones de carbn que abastecen parte de la demanda

de las centrales trmicas, si bien se importa parte del carbn consumido, el 53% en 2012
[UNESA, 2013]. Actualmente, el parque generador peninsular espaol se compone de 19
centrales trmicas de carbn con 11.113 MWe de potencia instalada [REE, 2013]. La mayor
parte de las centrales trmicas de carbn estn situadas en zonas donde hay explotaciones de
carbn o cerca de instalaciones portuarias para minimizar el transporte. Aunque buena parte
del carbn consumido es importado, este hecho es mucho ms reciente que la edad de las
centrales trmicas, que en un principio consuman en su mayora slo carbn nacional.

Figura 1.3. Evolucin de la produccin de energa elctrica en Espaa [REE, 2013].

Captulo 1

La produccin de energa elctrica en los ltimos aos ha cambiado, variando las

aportaciones de las diferentes fuentes como muestra la Figura 1.3. El carbn tiene una cuota
fluctuante en el mix energtico, que depende principalmente de la poltica energtica, los
precios de otras energas y la demanda elctrica. Debido a la crisis econmica se acusa un
descenso de la demanda de energa elctrica. Gracias a incentivos econmicos se ha logrado
un notable aumento de la generacin con energas renovables, fundamentalmente la energa
elica. La demanda de energa a cubrir con otras fuentes es menor y por tanto las centrales
trmicas de carbn y gas han reducido sus horas de funcionamiento.

Conforme a la entrada en vigor del Protocolo de Kioto las industrias ms contaminantes

como son las elctricas o las cementeras tienen que pagar derechos por la emisin de CO2. Las
centrales de carbn son las de mayor intensidad de carbono y, por tanto, las ms perjudicadas.
Estas emisiones originan un sobrecoste por la compra de derechos de emisin de CO2 que hace
que la produccin de energa elctrica en base a carbn sea ms cara. Sin embargo, el actual
excedente de derechos de emisin en el mercado repercute en un precio del carbono que ha
cado a mnimos, 4,30 de media en 2013 (precio en 2011 y 2012 de 14,78 /t CO2 y 7,90 /t
CO2, respectivamente).

1.2.2 Centrales trmicas de carbn pulverizado

Las centrales trmicas de carbn son instalaciones que han evolucionado mucho desde las
primeras plantas de principios del siglo XX hasta las modernas centrales de hoy en da. El
empleo continuado y global del carbn durante tanto tiempo ha logrado un gran avance en la
tecnologa, incrementando paulatinamente la eficiencia energtica de las centrales. El calor
generado mediante la combustin de carbn se utiliza para la produccin de vapor y accionar
una turbina de vapor (Figura 1.4). La eficacia terica para convertir el calor en trabajo
mecnico (rotacin de la turbina) depende de la cada de temperatura del vapor en dicha
turbina. Debido a las prdidas de energa, la eficacia energtica de las centrales en operacin
suele ser del orden de 30-38%, aunque puede llegar a alcanzar valores en el entorno del 40%
con las modificaciones adecuadas. Sin embargo, el margen para la mejora del rendimiento es
cada vez menor ya que est limitado por el propio ciclo de Rankine. Para una planta tpica
operando con una temperatura de vapor de 570 C, la mxima eficacia terica es de alrededor
del 54%.

Las centrales trmicas de carbn pulverizado de diseos actuales son centrales con
eficacias cercanas al 45% [Termuehlen, 2003], con mayor control en su operacin para la
optimizacin del proceso y el control de emisiones, con unidades de desulfuracin, retencin
de partculas en suspensin y desnitrificacin. Sin embargo, este control no puede evitar la
emisin del CO2 que se genera en la combustin.



inyectores electrosttico
de aire

aire Chimenea
aire de
pulverizado Carbn


Figura 1.4. Esquema de caldera tpica de combustin de carbn pulverizado.

El aprovechamiento de calores residuales de las corrientes de humos o vapor permite

incrementar la eficacia, sin embargo, estn ya muy optimizadas y no podrn ir mucho ms all.
Se ha planteado en algunos estudios, emplear parte de la energa del agua de refrigeracin en
redes de calor para las zonas prximas a algunas centrales. Sin embargo, estos proyectos de
cogeneracin no han sido implantados en Espaa en ninguna central trmica de carbn.

Se pretende continuar avanzando en los rendimientos aumentando la presin del vapor

para llegar as a condiciones ms all del punto crtico en lo que se denomina estado
supercrtico. Cuando se obtiene el vapor en condiciones supercrticas la tecnologa se
convierte, desde el punto de vista de eficacia energtica, en la ms eficaz de todas las
existentes, con valores cercanos al 45%. Las dificultades ms importantes que limitan el
desarrollo de la tecnologa de combustin de carbn en condiciones ultracrticas, se refieren
sobre todo a problemas de materiales. Los intercambiadores de calor tanto en la regin
inmediatamente superior a los quemadores, como en los sobrecalentadores y en los
recalentadores, se encuentran expuestos a corrosin interna por el vapor en condiciones
supercrticas, y a corrosin externa tanto por los gases como por los depsitos corrosivos que
se forman en su superficie. Actualmente se estn desarrollando materiales resistentes a las
condiciones particularmente arduas de este tipo de sistemas.

El control en la operacin de estas centrales es fundamental para optimizar la eficacia

energtica, es por ello que las centrales actuales tienen sistemas complejos de monitorizacin.
Asimismo cuentan con numerosos intercambiadores de calor para maximizar la energa
disponible en los humos de combustin, aprovechando siempre los calores residuales de

Captulo 1

procesos auxiliares. Las centrales trmicas cuentan con sistemas de limpieza de gases, as
como de desulfuracin y desnitrificacin. Cuentan tambin con otras tecnologas en la propia
caldera de combustin para la reduccin de los xidos de nitrgeno mediante quemadores de
bajo NOx. Esta evolucin de los quemadores permite una combustin estable a menor
temperatura que los convencionales. Se mantienen condiciones reductoras en una primera
fase de la combustin para reducir la formacin de NOx. Para conseguirlo se alimenta el aire de
forma estratificada a travs de boquillas anulares ajustables.

Las centrales trmicas actuales utilizan en su mayora la tecnologa de carbn pulverizado.

Sin embargo existen otras tecnologas como el lecho fluidizado o la gasificacin integrada en
ciclo combinado (GICC). Esta ltima presenta unas emisiones inferiores y un rendimiento
superior ya que emplea una turbina de gas y una de vapor, sin embargo, el mayor coste y
complejidad de la planta hacen que esta tecnologa no haya prosperado como se esperaba. En
Espaa actualmente existe una planta de este tipo, ELCOGAS, en la localidad de Puertollano.

La tecnologa de lecho fluidizado presenta varias ventajas respecto al carbn pulverizado.

En estas centrales la combustin se realiza a una temperatura en torno a 850 C que es inferior
a la de formacin de los xidos de nitrgeno de origen trmico. Mediante la adicin de caliza
en el lecho se produce una reduccin de las emisiones de SO2 [Rubiera, 1991], debido a la
reaccin del CaO formado a partir de la calcinacin de la caliza, para formar yeso segn la

CaO + SO2 + 1/2O2 CaSO4

Esta reaccin es tambin el principio en el que se basan las unidades de desulfuracin de

las centrales de carbn pulverizado en las que los humos se hacen pasar a travs de una
lechada de cal, generndose yeso que es posteriormente retirado.

El trmino "Tecnologas Limpias" ha llegado a constituir una expresin habitual en el

entorno cientfico-tcnico de la utilizacin del carbn. Se aplica generalmente en referencia a
mtodos de produccin de energa en los que las emisiones de xidos de azufre y de nitrgeno
se encuentran reducidas a valores mnimos. Asimismo, procesos de elevada eficacia trmica,
con bajas emisiones especficas de dixido de carbono, se suelen considerar como "limpios",
debido a su reducida incidencia en el efecto de calentamiento global de la atmsfera. Existen
nuevos enfoques ms all del relacionado nicamente con la prevencin y que, ms que
reducir, se preocupan de eliminar la propia generacin de los contaminantes, situndose en el
contexto de Tecnologas Limpias y Ecologa Industrial. En suma, se pueden definir como
Tecnologas Limpias de Utilizacin del Carbn aqullas en las que se consiguen elevadas
eficacias energticas asociadas a un mnimo impacto ambiental [Pis, 2009]. Sin embargo, las
emisiones que genera su combustin exige dar un paso ms en esas tecnologas evitando estas
emisiones mediante la captura y almacenamiento de CO2.


1.3 Energa de la Biomasa

La creciente preocupacin por las emisiones de CO2 debidas al uso de combustibles fsiles y
el aumento del precio del petrleo y derivados ha impulsado la bsqueda de combustibles
alternativos que puedan ser competitivos en precio.

La energa de la biomasa se ha perfilado como una energa renovable con gran versatilidad
de usos ya que puede usarse tanto en centrales estacionarias, como mviles gracias a los
biocombustibles lquidos o gaseosos.

La biomasa es la materia orgnica derivada de los seres vivos. El aprovechamiento

energtico de la biomasa es tan antiguo como el descubrimiento y el empleo del fuego para
calentarse y cocinar alimentos. La utilizacin trmica de la biomasa se aplica en el sector
domstico para calefaccin, cocina, agua caliente sanitaria, con equipos individuales (estufas,
cocinas, chimeneas, calderas), o bien con equipos centralizados o de distrito (calderas).
Tambin se realiza el aprovechamiento trmico de la biomasa en el sector industrial para
obtener vapor, y agua o aire calientes, la biomasa es consumida como combustible para
obtencin de calor, electricidad o ambos a la vez en procesos de cogeneracin.

Hasta la popularizacin de los plets, los tipos de caldera que se utilizaban en biomasa eran
de lecho fijo o de parrilla. Las calderas de llama invertida de unas decenas de kW reciben esta
denominacin por la posicin de la cmara de combustin, situada debajo del hueco en el que
se carga la lea. Otro tipo de calderas de mayor potencia, tambin de lecho fijo, son los
denominados hornos o calderas de parrilla, y se pueden utilizar para cogeneracin (produccin
de energa elctrica y trmica). Pueden alcanzar hasta varios MWe de potencia, y se clasifican
en funcin del movimiento de la parrilla. Algunos hornos de este tipo pueden quemar
materiales con gran contenido en cenizas o humedad, como la biomasa forestal recin

Gracias a su forma cilndrica, lisa y su pequeo tamao, el plet tiende a portarse como un
fluido, lo que facilita el movimiento del combustible y la carga automtica de las calderas. Eso
ha permitido una gran expansin como biocombustible slido. Con la popularizacin del plet
surgen calderas ms especficas con quemadores de plets tanto para calefaccin domstica,
como para el sector industrial que abarcan potencias de hasta 1,5 MWt.

El inters por la biomasa radica en su contenido energtico y este se establece a travs de

su poder calorfico. En el mbito energtico o en aplicaciones trmicas se utiliza el poder
calorfico inferior (PCI). Los PCI de algunas biomasas, en kcal/kg, son las siguientes: cascarilla
de arroz: 3.370; cscara de almendra: 3.940; papel, cartn: 3.780; madera: (conferas 3.650,
frondosas 3.370); residuos de la industria aceitera como orujillo: 3.780, hueso de aceituna:
3.860. Estos valores estn considerados con contenidos de humedad entre 10-20%, y son
inferiores a los de carbones bituminosos que llegan a las 7.500 kcal/kg.

Captulo 1

La biomasa de origen vegetal para uso energtico tiene gran versatilidad de fuentes y se
puede clasificar, del siguiente modo:

Residuos forestales procedentes de podas, claras y cortas finales. Con las tareas de
mantenimiento y cuidado de los rboles, tanto en monte como en los ncleos
urbanos, se generan residuos de madera en forma de troncos, ramas y hojas.
Residuos de industrias forestales procedentes de los procesos de primera y
segunda transformacin de la madera. Como recortes, serrn, viruta o restos de
construccin o derribo.
Restos de cultivos agrcolas: herbceos (paja de cereales) o leosos (podas de
olivos, viedos y frutales).
Cultivos energticos: herbceos (cardo, sorgo, girasol, remolacha), leosos (chopo,
sauce, eucalipto).

La combustin de biomasa, al igual que cualquier producto orgnico, libera CO2, sin
embargo en el caso de la biomasa y bajo ciertos preceptos se debe considerar que esas
emisiones son neutras ya que las plantas captan ese CO2 de la atmsfera mediante el proceso
de la fotosntesis, liberando oxgeno y acumulando carbono en sus estructuras. De esta
manera se cerrara el ciclo siempre que se mantenga suficiente masa forestal que permita la
sustentabilidad del ciclo. En general, el uso de biomasa o de sus derivados puede considerarse
neutro en trminos de emisiones netas de CO2, si slo se emplea en cantidades a lo sumo
iguales a la produccin neta de biomasa del ecosistema que se explota. Tal es el caso de los
usos tradicionales si no se supera la capacidad de carga del territorio.

Biomasa forestal residual es la producida durante cualquier tipo de tratamiento silvcola o

aprovechamiento final de masas forestales. Por ejemplo, esto englobara los restos de cortas
finales, limpiezas de ribera, podas y saneamientos, preparacin de terrenos para plantacin, u
otros procesos. En la actualidad gran parte de estos residuos son abandonados o quemados
controladamente in situ. De un rbol se suele aprovechar el tronco como materia prima para la
industria maderera. El resto del rbol suele ser inservible para la industria maderera. Esto
incluye ramas, hojas y races.

La utilizacin de biomasa contribuye medioambientalmente en los siguientes aspectos:

Mejora las condiciones de los montes.

Proteccin de los montes ante incendios.
Desarrollo del mbito rural.
Contribuye a los compromisos de Espaa ante el Protocolo de Kioto.


Los bosques tienen un papel fundamental en la mitigacin del cambio climtico. Las
plantas a travs de la fotosntesis absorben el CO2 de la atmsfera y fijan el carbono en sus
estructuras. La capacidad de fijacin de los bosques y montes se puede aumentar con
determinados tratamientos silvcolas, su conservacin, la prevencin de incendios y su
correcta explotacin. Por tanto, la potenciacin de la biomasa puede ayudar a combatir el
cambio climtico mediante las repoblaciones y forestaciones, aumentando as la cantidad de
CO2 absorbida.

En lugares donde se ubican las zonas ms pobladas forestalmente, as como donde se

convive con un rgimen de precipitaciones abundante durante todo el ao, la biomasa vegetal
crece rpidamente y se regenera a gran velocidad. La biomasa procedente de residuos
forestales y agrcolas se presenta, por su disponibilidad, como una de las de mayor potencial
para generacin elctrica. El uso energtico de biomasa residual forestal es un mtodo de
prevencin contra incendios y contribuye a la creacin de empleo en el medio rural.

Cada ao se desperdician miles de MWh de energa en incendios forestales provocados,

nuestros bosques se queman, la fauna y la flora autctona se destruyen y los propietarios
pierden sus ahorros invertidos en plantaciones. La valorizacin de la biomasa forestal
procedente de los distintos trabajos forestales pblicos y privados, podra paliar los efectos de
los incendios retirando parte del combustible mediante las limpiezas y desbroces y la creacin
de centros logsticos de biomasa, donde aglutinar combustible.

Dada la cantidad de superficie forestal en Espaa se valora la energa de la biomasa como

una gran potencialidad. Segn el inventario nacional, se estima en 200 millones de toneladas,
con una produccin anual de 6,2 millones de toneladas [IFN3, 2007]. Buena parte de la
superficie forestal o de montes de Espaa pertenece a particulares, en muchos casos estos
terrenos no tienen aprovechamiento ninguno ni, por tanto, rentabilidad, y en otros su uso
maderero hace que slo se tenga en cuenta estas posesiones en periodos de tiempo muy
largos. El tamao medio de las fincas tambin es un factor importante, cuanto ms pequeas
son las parcelas ms costosa se hace la recogida y movilizacin de la biomasa. Las parcelas
adems suelen estar subdivididas y tienen accesos muy difciles para la maquinaria y en
ocasiones imposibles para maquinaria de gran tamao. La utilizacin de biomasa presenta
ciertas dificultades e inconvenientes relacionados con el suministro, transporte,
almacenamiento y su preparacin como combustible. Lo ms costoso es la retirada de esta
biomasa de los montes y su traslado a una zona de almacenamiento. Es por tanto ms barata
aquella biomasa generada como residuo de las empresas madereras en la corta final de
madera, es decir, el serrn, que la abandonada en su origen.

Es necesario avanzar en el desarrollo de las tecnologas que impulsen la creacin de

centrales termoelctricas que se aproximen ms a un balance neutro de emisiones de CO2 a la
atmsfera con el uso de biomasa residual forestal. Un hito destacable en la produccin

Captulo 1

elctrica con biomasa lo constituy la planta de generacin elctrica de Sangesa en Navarra

(Figura 1.5). Esta planta data del ao 2002, se alimenta de pacas de paja de cereales (150.000
toneladas al ao) y tiene una potencia de 25 MWe. La produccin obtenida en esta planta es
de 200.000 MWh /ao [IDAE, 2007].

Figura 1.5. Central trmica de Sangesa [IDAE, 2007].

Otro de los hitos en generacin elctrica con biomasa forestal fue la central de Corduente
(Guadalajara). En esta central se emplean alrededor de 26.000 toneladas de residuos
forestales al ao, procedentes de la limpieza y la poda de los montes de la zona, lo que
contribuye a evitar incendios y plagas en la zona del Parque Natural del Alto Tajo. La planta
tiene una potencia de 2 MWe y fue la primera instalacin del pas en utilizar nicamente
residuos forestales para generar energa elctrica.

En los ltimos aos el aumento de la produccin elctrica en base a biomasa est ligado a la
creacin de numerosas unidades de cogeneracin en las cuales se utiliza tanto la energa
generada como el calor residual. Este es el caso del Grupo ENCE que emplea los residuos
biomsicos para cogeneracin en varias plantas papeleras.

Un problema para las empresas elctricas ha sido la incertidumbre en la disponibilidad de

biomasa ya que no solan tener garantizadas las grandes cantidades que se consumiran en una
central. Gracias al fomento de la biomasa mediante incentivos econmicos a su uso domstico
e industrial se ha conseguido instaurar una red de produccin y distribucin de biomasa. Sin
duda la compactacin de la biomasa en forma de plets estandarizados ha sido una de las
claves en el desarrollo del mercado de la biomasa para su uso domstico.

El uso industrial de la biomasa como recurso energtico ha crecido en los ltimos aos, sin
embargo, no ha llegado a cumplir con las expectativas planteadas en los planes
gubernamentales (PER 2005-2010, estando actualmente en vigor el PER 2011-2020). Las
causas que frenan el aumento de la potencia trmica y sobre todo la potencia elctrica


instalada en plantas industriales estn relacionadas con los costes de la biomasa. Los precios
de biomasa no densificada no son asumibles para la industria a partir de cierta distancia ya que
su transporte resulta caro. La densificacin encarece el producto a la par que disminuye los
costes de transporte y permite una disponibilidad a mayor distancia.

La biomasa tambin puede alimentarse como parte del flujo de combustible en procesos
industriales en el que el combustible principal sea el carbn. La mezcla de biomasa con el
carbn es muy interesante, ya que aporta mejoras en la eficiencia de la combustin del
carbn. La biomasa tiene un porcentaje de voltiles alto, muy superior al del carbn lo cual
puede resultar beneficioso para el comportamiento de la mezcla en una caldera,
especialmente en lo que respecta a la disminucin de emisiones gaseosas.


Una de las principales dificultades para el empleo de la biomasa es su manejabilidad, ya que

por lo general su densidad es baja, tiene contenidos muy elevados en humedad y un carcter
fibroso que dificulta su alimentacin a cualquier sistema. La torrefaccin es una tcnica de
pretratamiento de la biomasa que alivia estos problemas. Consiste en someter la biomasa a
temperaturas entre 200 y 300 C, generalmente en atmosfera inerte. De esta forma el material
sufrir cambios ms all de su secado, producindose las primeras etapas de pirlisis. Cuando
los materiales lignocelulsicos sobrepasan temperaturas en torno a 150 C, las molculas de
lignina comienzan a romper enlaces dbiles, tiene lugar una liberacin de CO2, CO y algunos
hidrocarburos de molculas de pequeo tamao. Por tanto hay una pequea reduccin en la
cantidad de materia voltil de la biomasa torrefactada.

La torrefaccin confiere a la biomasa propiedades muy interesantes como la

hidrofobicidad, que permite su almacenamiento sin que aumente su contenido de humedad,
problema muy comn en las zonas de clima hmedo. Tambin mejora su comportamiento en
molienda, dado que la torrefaccin fragiliza las fibras de la biomasa. En estudios de nuestro
Grupo de Investigacin (PrEM) se realizaron pruebas de molienda de biomasa torrefactada a
distintas temperaturas y tiempos. Los resultados muestran cmo la torrefaccin a pesar de
requerir energa puede compensar este aporte energtico con una menor demanda de energa
para su molienda y la consiguiente mejora de su manejabilidad [Arias, 2008].

La gasificacin de biomasa constituye otra de las opciones para su empleo como

combustible, tanto en turbinas de gas, como para la obtencin de otros combustibles
derivados como el hidrgeno, o su empleo en cocombustin que se describir en el apartado

Captulo 1

1.4 Cocombustin de carbn y biomasa

Las centrales trmicas de carbn pulverizado son grandes instalaciones con potencias
instaladas normalmente en el entorno de los 150-300 MWe por grupo generador. Por tanto
son tambin grandes consumidores de combustibles fsiles y emisores de CO2. Se denominan
adems fuentes estacionarias y son susceptibles de actuar con mayor facilidad que las fuentes
difusas en la reduccin de emisiones y la captura de CO2. La cocombustin consiste en el
empleo de carbn y biomasa como combustibles para la generacin conjunta de energa. La
sustitucin de parte del carbn por biomasa es ya un xito en algunas centrales trmicas fuera
de Espaa. Sin embargo, no se ha realizado hasta la fecha de forma continuada ms all de
periodos de pruebas en algunas centrales trmicas en Espaa.

La cocombustin se refiere, fundamentalmente, a la que se lleva a cabo en centrales

trmicas de carbn y consiste en sustituir un porcentaje del combustible convencional por
biomasa. Es una tecnologa que se usa ya en diversos pases como Estados Unidos, Australia,
Austria, Reino Unido, Alemania, Finlandia o Suecia. Por ejemplo, en Holanda la cocombustin
se lleva a cabo en prcticamente todas sus centrales de carbn. La cocombustin es una
alternativa para aumentar la contribucin de la biomasa al mercado elctrico espaol en un
corto plazo de tiempo. Las ventajas de la cocombustin frente a una central trmica cuyo
combustible sea slo biomasa, son las siguientes:

Menor inversin por unidad de potencia instalada. Se utiliza gran parte de la

infraestructura existente de la central y slo se requiere inversin para adaptarla al
empleo de biomasa.
Generacin de energa elctrica con un rendimiento superior. En una planta de biomasa
se obtienen rendimientos en torno al 23% mientras que en las centrales de
cocombustin los rendimientos superan el 30%.
Mayor flexibilidad en la operacin, ya que una central de cocombustin se adapta
fcilmente a la disponibilidad de biomasa en cada momento gracias a que puede seguir
operando con combustible convencional en mayor proporcin o de forma exclusiva.

Existen diversas formas de aprovechar residuos de biomasa forestal conjuntamente con

carbn, dependiendo de la forma que se introducen en la cmara de combustin:
cocombustin en paralelo, directa o indirecta.


Figura 1.6. Combustin en paralelo.

En la cocombustin en paralelo, la biomasa y el carbn se queman en dos calderas

independientemente (Figura 1.6). El vapor producido en la planta de biomasa se incorpora al
circuito de vapor de la caldera de carbn. La biomasa tendr en este caso otro proceso de
combustin, de esta forma tendremos circuitos independientes para la biomasa y el carbn.
No se trata en este caso de una cocombustin propiamente dicha sino ms bien un
aprovechamiento conjunto de la energa del carbn y la biomasa.

En la cocombustin indirecta se realiza todo el proceso de tratamiento de la biomasa,

incluyendo su gasificacin, en otra planta, de forma independiente al carbn, y los gases
combustibles generados en el proceso se llevan a la caldera de carbn para su combustin
(Figura 1.7). Esta metodologa evita los problemas que se podran originar en los molinos
(atascos, incendios), ya que estos equipos han sido diseados para tratar con carbn. De igual
manera, tambin se reducen los posibles problemas que pudieran aparecer en la caldera por la
utilizacin de un combustible distinto del de diseo, tales como la disminucin del
rendimiento, o el incremento de la corrosin y del ensuciamiento, por los componentes
minerales que pueden contener algunos de los recursos biomsicos utilizados (K, Na).
Asimismo, se puede dar una salida a las cenizas de carbn ya que si queman los dos
combustibles en la misma caldera, suelen dar lugar a unas cenizas con una composicin que no
se ajusta a las especificaciones requeridas por la industria cementera. No obstante, la inversin
necesaria para adaptar una central a esta tecnologa es muy costosa y slo se ejecuta en casos
muy especiales.

Captulo 1

Figura 1.7. Esquema de cocombustin indirecta.

En la cocombustin directa la biomasa se alimenta directamente a la caldera junto con el

carbn (Figura 1.8). Esta opcin presenta a su vez, tres alternativas:

Mezcla previa de biomasa y carbn e introduccin conjunta en la caldera. En esta

disposicin la mezcla puede realizarse antes o despus de los molinos y, en este ltimo
caso, se procede a la molienda de la biomasa de forma separada. La mezcla antes de
molinos es la opcin ms sencilla y la que conlleva unos menores costes de capital. Sin
embargo, es la que conlleva un riesgo ms elevado de interferencia con la marcha de la
caldera, que ha sido diseada para carbn, originndose los problemas principalmente
en los molinos donde la biomasa se puede acumular en ocasiones. Por este motivo se
suelen realizar las mezclas para bajas relaciones de biomasa/carbn (menor del 10% en
base energtica). Esta opcin es la que ms se ha usado en las centrales de
cocombustin del Reino Unido.
Introduccin de la biomasa en la caldera de forma independiente al carbn. En este
caso se pueden utilizar los propios quemadores de carbn o se pueden instalar
quemadores diseados para la biomasa. En el primer caso la inversin requerida es
mnima. Podemos introducir la biomasa a la misma altura de la caldera que el carbn o
en una zona superior. Si los quemadores de biomasa estn situados a la misma altura
crearemos un combustible rico en voltiles que ayudar en la combustin del carbn y
su ignicin se producir muy rpidamente al encontrarse con el oxgeno nada ms
entrar en la cmara de combustin. En cambio si los quemadores de biomasa se
encuentran en una zona superior, por encima de la zona principal de combustin del
carbn, se crea una zona rica en combustible y baja en oxgeno puesto que gran parte
de este oxgeno ya ha sido consumido en la combustin del carbn. Este mtodo es


empleado en cocombustin y permite una reduccin de la concentracin de NOx al

pasar los humos de combustin del carbn por una atmsfera reductora.
Otro mtodo de cocombustin directa consiste en quemar la biomasa en una parrilla
situada en la parte inferior de la caldera de carbn. Esta es una opcin ms adecuada
para calderas nuevas ya que se necesita espacio libre en la parte inferior de la caldera.
La mayor ventaja de esta alternativa reside en los menores pretratamientos a que es
necesario someter a la biomasa.

En este trabajo, se estudiar la combustin de la mezcla en una alimentacin conjunta de la

biomasa y del carbn; es decir, cocombustin directa en una caldera de carbn pulverizado.

La adaptacin de una central trmica al empleo de biomasa en cocombustin implica

modificaciones menores en varios sistemas de la central. Requieren inversiones
modificaciones y paradas, pero su coste es menor que la construccin de una central
exclusivamente de biomasa. Los problemas potenciales para una central trmica trabajando en
cocombustin pueden surgir principalmente en la manejabilidad de la biomasa, o en la
aglomeracin de las cenizas.

Figura 1.8. Cocombustin directa

Captulo 1

Figura 1.9. Ensuciamiento en tubos de caldera de carbn pulverizado tras ensayos de

cocombustin con biomasa [Cieplik, 2011].

La variada composicin de la biomasa puede originar problemas en el proceso de

combustin, y estos adems tendrn su efecto en la eficacia y las emisiones. As, se pueden
encontrar biomasas con humedades comprendidas entre 10 y 50% en peso. Esta humedad
penaliza la eficacia del proceso dado que debe emplearse energa para la reduccin
normalmente a niveles por debajo del 10%. Los principales retos para obtener las mayores
disminuciones posibles en emisiones de CO2 en cocombustin se centran en la eficacia de la
caldera y en el pretratamiento de biomasa. En algunos experimentos de cocombustin
realizados en centrales de carbn pulverizado se ha notado una disminucin de la eficacia de la
caldera cercana al 1% por cada 10% (% en base energa) de biomasa aadida [Sebastin, 2011].

El contenido de cenizas es otro parmetro importante en la biomasa y puede variar desde

el 1 al 20%, sin embargo debe tenerse en cuenta no slo la cantidad de cenizas sino tambin su
composicin, ya que pueden presentar elevados contenidos en slice, potasio o cloro con los
problemas que ello puede originar [Arias, 2008].

Los problemas derivados de la presencia de estos compuestos se deben al punto eutctico

de determinadas composiciones de los xidos de las cenizas con el consiguiente descenso de la
temperatura de fusin de las cenizas, lo que provoca ensuciamientos indeseados en los tubos y
paredes del hogar reduciendo la transmisin de calor.

Adems, la biomasa presenta normalmente contenidos en otros elementos como nitrgeno

desde 0,1 al 2% o azufre desde el 0 al 0,5% que provocan gases contaminantes en su
combustin. Estos contenidos tambin suelen ser menores que los del carbn con lo que en
cocombustin suele darse un notable descenso de las emisiones de SO2 y NOx.


1.5 Captura, Transporte y Almacenamiento de CO2

La captura y almacenamiento de CO2 (CAC), constituye una clara alternativa para reducir de
forma drstica las emisiones debidas al sector energtico; sin embargo los procesos de
separacin de CO2 a gran escala tienden a ser costosos y a disminuir la eficacia energtica. Por
este motivo existe una intensa actividad de investigacin en todo el mundo para desarrollar y
mejorar estos procesos que permitan la CAC de una forma ms competitiva y eficaz.

1.5.1 Captura de CO2

Existen diferentes mtodos para la separacin del CO2 que se pueden agrupar en tres
diferentes grupos en el mbito energtico:

Postcombustin. Consiste en separar el CO2 del resto de gases despus de la combustin.

Precombustin. Mediante sistemas de gasificacin se produce un gas de sntesis,

compuesto principalmente por H2 y CO. El CO se transforma en CO2 mediante la reaccin
de desplazamiento con vapor de agua, y posteriormente se procede a la separacin de
este CO2 de la corriente de gas rica en H2.

Oxicombustin. Es necesario un fraccionamiento del aire antes de la combustin para as

realizar la combustin con O2 puro mezclado con humos recirculados, obteniendo unos
gases de chimenea con elevado contenido en CO2.

La separacin en procesos industriales no energticos puede ser muy diversa y engloba

otros procesos diferentes a los anteriores. En la Figura 1.10 se exponen esquemticamente
cada una de las formas de captura de CO2.

Las tecnologas de captura de CO2 postcombustin tienen la ventaja de ser aplicables a la

corriente de humos de cualquier central trmica ya existente, sin incurrir en ninguna
modificacin de sus componentes. Es la opcin, por tanto, de menor riesgo empresarial; sin
embargo la inversin que supone limitar su implantacin a aquellas centrales con
perspectivas de larga duracin, es decir, las que con las mejores tecnologas disponibles
alcancen mayor rendimiento.

Una de las opciones de separacin postcombustin se basa en el desarrollo de materiales

adsorbentes regenerables. Esta lnea est siendo investigada en nuestro Grupo de
investigacin (Procesos Energticos y Reduccin de Emisiones, PrEM), desarrollando
adsorbentes slidos de bajo coste con funcionalidades especficas para la adsorcin
preferencial de CO2. La investigacin se centra fundamentalmente en potenciar la qumica
superficial del adsorbente, mediante distintas tcnicas, para favorecer la captura de CO2. Se

Captulo 1

hace especial hincapi en la obtencin de un slido de bajo coste y fcil regeneracin

[Gonzlez, 2013].

Posterior a la Calor y Separacin
Gas CO2
combustin electricidad de CO2
Aire/O2 CO2
Carbn H2O (v)
Biomasa N2
Reformador H2 O2
Previa a la Calor y Compresin
Gasificacin + sep. de
combustin CO2 de CO2 y
Gas, petrleo deshidratacin
Carbn Calor y CO2
Oxicombustin Gas electricidad
Biomasa Transporte

de aire

Procesos CO2 Almacenamiento

industriales Gas Proceso + sep. de CO2

Materia prima Gas, Amonaco, Acero

Figura 1.10. Esquema de diferentes procesos de separacin de CO2 [IPCC, 2005].

Otra de las rutas de mayor desarrollo es la carbonatacin-calcinacin, que se basa en la

facilidad de la reaccin del CO2 con xido de calcio (CaO) para producir polvo de caliza (CaCO3).
Son necesarios al menos dos reactores interconectados, un carbonatador y un calcinador, que
operan a presin atmosfrica y en un intervalo de temperaturas de 650 700C y 850 950C
respectivamente. Esta tecnologa ya cuenta con plantas piloto como la de 1,7 MWt instalada
junto a la central termoelctrica de lecho fluido de La Pereda en Asturias. Tiene una capacidad
de captura de ocho toneladas de CO2 al da con eficacias de captura del orden del 90 por ciento
[ENDESA, 2014].

Los tratamientos precombustin son aquellos en los que el CO2 es retirado de la corriente
de gases antes de la combustin, para ello es necesaria una gasificacin del combustible. Uno
de los procesos de separacin precombustin es el empleo de la reaccin de desplazamiento
de gas de agua (wter gas shift, WGS), en la que tIene lugar la reaccin del combustible
gasificado (CO + H2) con vapor de agua dando lugar a un gas compuesto por CO2 y H2 del cual
se separara el H2 mediante el proceso de captura. El proceso es verstil y est an por
demostrar su viabilidad econmica debido a que la complejidad del proceso conlleva una
planta con gran inversin y alto riesgo.

En la central GICC de 330 MWe de ELCOGAS en Puertollano, se ha construido una planta

piloto integrada en la planta GICC que trata 3.600 Nm3/h de syngas. El proceso consiste en una


unidad shift para transformar el CO en CO2, una unidad de separacin de CO2 mediante
absorcin con aminas y una unidad de purificacin de H2 (PSA). Los sistemas auxiliares y todo
el control se integran en el GICC existente [ELCOGAS, 2014].

El proceso de oxicombustin consiste en realizar la combustin con oxgeno puro, es decir,

en ausencia de nitrgeno. Debido a las altas temperaturas que se alcanzaran es necesaria la
recirculacin parcial de los humos para diluir el O2 comburente. Los gases resultantes del
proceso de combustin sern una mezcla mayoritaria de CO2 y vapor de agua. La condensacin
del vapor de agua permite obtener una corriente de CO2 casi listo para su compresin y
almacenamiento. Tras el secado, desulfuracin y purificacin, el CO2 se encuentra en las
condiciones aptas para su almacenamiento. La implementacin exitosa de la tecnologa de
oxicombustin depende de la plena comprensin de las dificultades que pueden surgir a partir
de la sustitucin de nitrgeno por CO2 en la corriente de oxidante [Kazanc, 2011].

El vapor de H2O se separa fcilmente del efluente por condensacin, aunque persistirn
todava compuestos como los xidos de nitrgeno, de azufre, mercurio o metales cuyas
concentraciones deben ser controladas, por lo que es conveniente que las centrales de
cualquier tipo de captura de CO2 dispongan de unidades de purificacin del CO2 (CPU). Los
contenidos en algunas sustancias minoritarias pueden producir problemas en las cadenas
siguientes de compresin, transporte e inyeccin. Las concentraciones mximas de impurezas
en la corriente gaseosa confrontan el funcionamiento de la CPU con la etapa posterior de
transporte. El objetivo consiste en disminuir la concentracin de las impurezas y minimizar las
purgas y por tanto las emisiones debidas a la CPU. Se pueden llegar a alcanzar purezas del CO2
cercanas al 100% pero el coste sera prohibitivo.

Las unidades CPU de las plantas piloto construidas hasta la fecha se caracterizan por su
gran tamao y elevada complejidad. Una vez obtenida la corriente de CO2 es necesaria la
compresin de los gases, que no resulta muy costosa y es fcilmente asimilable para una
planta de generacin elctrica. Posteriormente, se debe transportar el CO2 licuado hasta el
punto de almacenamiento.

1.5.2 Transporte de CO2

El CO2 se transporta en la actualidad mediante tuberas (ceoductos) similares a los

gaseoductos utilizados por la industria del gas natural. Si la fuente de CO2 est muy alejada del
rea de almacenamiento, el transporte tambin puede hacerse en buques. El despliegue
generalizado de la tecnologa CAC requerir una expansin equivalente de la red de ceoductos.
Actualmente existen en el mundo ms de 5.000 kilmetros de tuberas que transportan CO 2
[PTECO2, 2013a].

Captulo 1

En la plataforma de CIUDEN en Cubillos del Sil (Len) se est experimentando el transporte

de CO2. Esta instalacin puede operar con CO2 capturado desde la CPU (Unidad de Compresin
y Purificacin) u operar con CO2 comercial. El equipo de transporte tambin dispone de 6
zonas experimentales para las pruebas de despresurizacin, fugas, fractura, corrosin,
instrumentacin y cada de presin.

Figura 1.11. Recreacin de un pozo de inyeccin de CO2 [CIUDEN, 2014]

1.5.3 Almacenamiento de CO2

En la actualidad se est produciendo un auge considerable en los procesos que pretenden

la valorizacin del CO2 y su uso como producto en vez de su consideracin de residuo. Sin
embargo, su demanda en el mercado es muy inferior a las cantidades que supondran la
implementacin de los procesos de captura de CO2. Por ello estn surgiendo investigaciones
para el uso novedoso del CO2 como la sntesis de biocombustibles a partir del crecimiento de
algas [PTECO2, 2013b]. No obstante, la mayora de estos proyectos se encuentran en fase de
laboratorio o de demostracin a escala piloto. Por tanto, est actualmente aceptado que la
mayor parte del CO2 que se capture habr de ser almacenado en yacimientos geolgicos
profundos. El CO2 generado industrialmente en los procesos de combustin quedara aislado
de la atmsfera, minimizando as el efecto invernadero a escala global [PTECO2, 2012]. Sin
embargo, los riesgos que pueden derivarse de este mtodo de almacenamiento inciden
directamente en su aceptacin pblica [Sol, 2008]. La incertidumbre y, en otras ocasiones, el
desconocimiento provocan desconfianza popular. Existe cierta resistencia al almacenamiento
geolgico llegando a estar prohibido por ley en algunos pases como Alemania o Italia.

La identificacin y seleccin de emplazamientos adecuados para almacenar volmenes

significativos de CO2 constituye un aspecto clave. La identificacin y seleccin de estos
emplazamientos incluye la evaluacin geolgica de sistemas de almacenamiento como son las
formaciones permeables profundas con agua salina, los yacimientos de hidrocarburos
agotados y/o las capas de carbn profundas [Hurtado, 2008].

La profundidad de la formacin geolgica para almacenamiento ha de ser superior a 800

metros. Se almacena a tales profundidades, incluso cercanas a 3.000 metros o ms, como en
el caso de Lacq en Francia donde se hace a 4.500 metros. A presiones equivalentes a las que
imperan a unos 800 metros de profundidad, el CO2 sufre un brusco incremento en su
densidad, lo que permite que la misma cantidad de CO2 pueda almacenarse en volmenes
muchsimo menores en profundidad que los requeridos en superficie. En estos
emplazamientos el CO2 se encontrara en estado supercrtico, que como se puede ver en la
Figura 1.12 corresponde a 31,1C y 7,38 MPa.

Figura 1.12. Diagrama de fases del CO2.

Uno de los aspectos tecnolgicos ms importantes en el almacenamiento geolgico de CO2

es la inyeccin de ste en el seno de la roca almacn a grandes profundidades. En general, los
emplazamientos para almacenar CO2 debern tener una formacin almacn con adecuadas
capacidades de almacenamiento e inyectividad, una roca muy porosa y permeable,
denominada roca almacn, a su vez recubierta por una roca sello que impide su
desplazamiento hacia la superficie. Todo ello para garantizar su aislamiento, ya que la roca
absorbe el CO2 lquido a travs de sus poros. Y un marco geolgico suficientemente estable
que evite comprometer la integridad del almacn [Ruiz, 2008].

En el Proyecto Singular Estratgico Tecnologas Avanzadas de Generacin, Captura y

Almacenamiento de CO2, promovido por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacin, se ha realizado
un estudio acerca de los criterios de seleccin de almacenamientos y de las opciones para
almacenar CO2 en el territorio espaol. Este estudio ha requerido, en primera instancia, la
identificacin y seleccin de formaciones y/o estructuras geolgicas que cumplan los criterios
de idoneidad necesarios para garantizar la seguridad a largo plazo del CO2 inyectado.

Las grandes cuencas sedimentarias ofrecen, en general, escenarios favorables para el

almacenamiento definitivo de CO2, bien como formaciones permeables profundas con aguas

Captulo 1

salobres, o bien como estructuras que han contenido petrleo o gas. En la Pennsula Ibrica se
han estudiado las cuencas del Duero, Almazn y Ebro, utilizando la informacin generada en
las campaas de exploracin de petrleo, que est contenida en el Archivo Nacional de
Hidrocarburos. Se han seleccionado una serie de formaciones que, por sus caractersticas
relativas a disposicin tectoestructural, extensin, profundidad, porosidad y permeabilidad,
entre otros parmetros, podran constituir futuros almacenamientos. Se ha prestado tambin
una especial atencin a las formaciones sello, que garantizaran la estanqueidad de los
diferentes almacenes. Estas formaciones se han modelado mediante un SIG (Sistema de
Informacin Geogrfica) para la delimitacin de reas y volmenes idneos para inyectar CO2 y
se ha realizado una estimacin preliminar de sus respectivas capacidades de almacenamiento,
que si bien constituyen an aproximaciones, permiten apostar por el potencial del territorio
nacional para almacenar CO2 a escala industrial.

A nivel mundial existen capacidades enormes en diferentes cuencas, en concreto algunas

de ellas como la formacin de Utsira en el Mar del Norte parece que podra almacenar el CO2
generado en las centrales europeas durante 600 aos [Statoil, 2010]. Actualmente se estn
realizando proyectos de almacenamiento de CO2 en lugares tan dispares como el desierto (In
Salah, Argelia) o el Mar del Norte (Sleipner, Noruega). En estos emplazamientos se separa el
gas natural del CO2 que contiene y se inyecta este CO2 en yacimientos salinos cercanos. En la
Figura 1.13 se muestra un esquema del proceso de almacenamiento de CO2.

Figura 1.13. Esquema de un proceso de inyeccin de CO2 en un almacenamiento

geolgico [CIUDEN, 2014].

Tambin se realizan desde hace dcadas, inyecciones de CO2 para la recuperacin mejorada
de petrleo, como es el caso del yacimiento de Weyburn en Canad, donde el CO2 procedente
de una planta de gasificacin ubicada en Dakota del Norte (EEUU) es transportado una
distancia de 330 km por tuberas hasta el yacimiento donde se han logrado recuperaciones

adicionales de petrleo gracias a la inyeccin de CO2. El CO2 inyectado aumenta la presin en

el yacimiento, disuelve en parte los hidrocarburos de los poros de la roca y ayuda a su
circulacin a lo largo de las porosidades de la roca almacn, ya que su viscosidad mejora al
mezclarse con el CO2 licuado. Adems del yacimiento de Weyburn, existen otros proyectos
donde se ha inyectado CO2, generalmente ligados a la recuperacin mejorada de
hidrocarburos o la purificacin del gas natural.

En Espaa (Figura 1.14) se vienen realizando estudios de viabilidad desde hace unos aos y
actualmente se centran en dos cuencas: la cuenca del Ebro y la cuenca del Duero. Asimismo,
tambin se estn estudiando otras cuencas en el litoral, que podran permitir
almacenamientos offshore, lejos de la costa en la plataforma marina.

El Programa de Almacenamiento Geolgico de CO2 de CIUDEN tiene por objetivo demostrar

que es tcnicamente factible y medioambientalmente seguro a largo plazo. Se desarrollarn
metodologas y tecnologas de:

Caracterizacin de la geologa profunda.

Modelizacin aplicada al almacenamiento geolgico de CO2.
Ingeniera de almacenamiento e inyeccin del CO2.

Figura 1.14. Estructuras favorables para el almacenamiento de CO2 en Espaa

[Prado, 2008].

Captulo 1

Varios grupos de investigacin de distintas universidades, empresas y organismos han

colaborado durante aos para buscar un emplazamiento para la Planta de Desarrollo
Tecnolgico de CIUDEN. Como resultado, se ha seleccionado una pequea estructura geolgica
anticlinal, que se encuentra a 1.400 metros de profundidad en el subsuelo de la Merindad del
Ro Ubierna (Burgos), concretamente en la localidad de Hontomn. Esta estructura fue
seleccionada porque:

Est ubicada en un mbito petrolfero, por lo que existe gran cantidad de informacin
geolgica del subsuelo profundo.
Su forma de cuenco invertido permite que el CO2 inyectado se quede confinado en
un espacio definido.
Tiene un tamao adecuado que facilita la investigacin; es pequea y, por tanto,
fcilmente controlable.
Est a una profundidad adecuada (ms de 800 metros).
Las rocas sello y almacn tienen las caractersticas adecuadas.
Las rocas que en esta zona se encuentran en profundidad afloran en superficie en su
entorno regional, lo que facilita su muestreo y estudio.

Mediante la inyeccin de CO2 en el yacimiento de Hontomn, el proyecto de investigacin

pretende determinar cmo reducir los costes de todas las etapas implicadas en esta
tecnologa. Se inyectarn cantidades de CO2 suficientes para realizar investigaciones asociadas
al almacenamiento geolgico, desarrollar metodologas y tecnologas, evaluar el
comportamiento del CO2 en profundidad y reforzar los conocimientos sobre seguridad.

El seguimiento de la evolucin del CO2 inyectado es fundamental para demostrar la

tecnologa en otras estructuras geolgicas de la cuenca del Duero. Dado el tamao reducido de
la estructura de almacenamiento es factible llegar a su colmatacin en tiempos cortos.
Acortando los plazos se puede tener la informacin de todo el proceso y la evolucin del CO 2
en la estructura de almacenamiento geolgico.

1.6 Tecnologa de Captura de CO2 mediante oxicombustin

1.6.1 Esquema general

La oxicombustin con recirculacin de humos fue propuesta de forma prcticamente

simultnea por Abraham et al. [Abraham, 1982] y Horn y Steinberg [Horn, 1982]. En la
publicacin de Abraham et al. se describe la oxicombustin como medio para obtener CO2 de
alta pureza de cara a la recuperacin mejorada de petrleo. Horn y Steinberg [Horn, 1982]
plantean la oxicombustin en respuesta al impacto de las emisiones de CO2 en la generacin
de energa mediante combustibles fsiles. La concienciacin en la problemtica de las


emisiones de CO2 a mediados de la dcada de los aos 90 ha contribuido al impulso de la

oxicombustin como una opcin para la captura de CO2.

Este proceso tiene como objetivo obtener un CO2 muy puro a la salida de los humos de la
cmara de combustin en ausencia casi total de N2. Para ello, es necesario que la combustin
se realice con oxgeno en lugar de con aire. De esta forma se evita la dilucin del CO 2 en la
corriente de humos, que en un proceso de combustin convencional estara compuesta
mayoritariamente de nitrgeno.

Con la oxicombustin se pueden obtener unos humos con gran concentracin de CO2, ya
que los productos de la combustin del carbn son principalmente CO2 y vapor de agua, y, en
mucha menor medida (concentraciones de ppm) SO2 y NOx. El vapor de H2O se puede separar
fcilmente por condensacin, obtenindose una concentracin de CO2 del orden de 90-95 %.
Esto permitir la licuacin directa del CO2 y su posterior almacenamiento.

La temperatura de llama en la combustin de carbn y biomasa con oxgeno puro es muy

elevada, lo que dara lugar a problemas de resistencia de materiales en el hogar. Para
disminuir esa temperatura de llama se ha de mezclar el oxgeno con parte de los gases de
salida de la cmara de combustin. Estos humos recirculados se mezclan con el O2, que es el
comburente, y entran en la caldera de nuevo. Los gases que estarn presentes como
impurezas son SO2, H2O, CO y NOx. En la Figura 1.15 se puede ver un esquema del proceso de
oxicombustin y las unidades que lo componen.

Figura 1.15. Esquema del proceso de oxicombustin.

El oxgeno necesario para la oxicombustin se obtiene del aire mediante procesos de

fraccionamiento. Estas unidades de separacin de aire (ASU del ingls Air Separation Unit)
funcionan como componentes independientes de la central y suministran el caudal necesario
de O2. El fraccionamiento del aire antes de la combustin tiene el valor aadido de obtener N2
como subproducto, que puede ser usado para otros fines como por ejemplo, inertizacin de
atmsferas en la propia central. Por otro lado, las tecnologas de fraccionamiento de aire estn
bastante maduras en este momento, existiendo plantas muy desarrolladas en este campo. Sin

Captulo 1

embargo, los requerimientos energticos de estas unidades son altos y el coste del O 2 es el
principal inconveniente a salvar para demostrar la viabilidad econmica de esta tecnologa.

El nitrgeno presente en el aire no entra en la cmara de combustin, ya que es retirado en

la unidad de separacin de aire con lo que se impide la formacin de NOx de origen trmico.
Los xidos de nitrgeno presentes en los humos sern nicamente aquellos provenientes de la
composicin del combustible, carbn o biomasa. Tambin pueden provenir de aire que
penetra en distintas partes del proceso como puede ser en los molinos.

Las partculas en suspensin de los humos son retenidas mediante precipitadores

electrostticos de forma anloga a las centrales termoelctricas convencionales. Se han
encontrado algunas diferencias en la composicin qumica de las cenizas de la combustin
normal y la combustin en atmsfera de oxicombustin debido a la alta presin parcial de CO2
en la corriente de humos. Tambin se ha de controlar el grado de quemado del carbn, dado
que las partculas de inquemados podran dar lugar a problemas de ensuciamiento en las
superficies de los intercambiadores as como disminuir la eficacia del proceso de combustin
[Fryda, 2010].

La ventaja principal de la oxicombustin frente a las otras tecnologas de captura es la

pureza del CO2 a la salida del proceso, con bajas concentraciones de N2 y menores an de NOx.
La calderas tendrn un tamao menor que las de aire de igual potencia, dado que la
concentracin de O2 es mayor y el flujo de reciclo ser menor que el N2 que se alimentara con
el aire.

Dada la necesidad de aadir equipos y procesos auxiliares respecto a las centrales trmicas
convencionales, cobra mayor relevancia la eficiencia e integracin energtica de los equipos
del proceso. Las nuevas necesidades respecto a una central convencional se deben a la
necesidad de separar el oxgeno del aire y, por otro lado, de comprimir el CO2 hasta el estado
supercrtico. Ambos procesos requieren un aporte de energa extra que la propia planta debe
asumir disminuyendo la eficiencia. Algunos autores tasan esta prdida de eficacia en un 8 %
sobre eficacia bruta [Seepana, 2010], 9 % sobre eficacia neta [Buhre, 2005].

1.6.2 Unidad de produccin de oxgeno

La unidad de produccin de oxgeno, es uno de los elementos ms crticos en el diseo de

una central de oxicombustin. Es una unidad con un consumo de energa muy relevante
dentro de todos los sistemas auxiliares y su desarrollo para minimizar el consumo energtico
es clave en la viabilidad tcnica de la tecnologa de oxicombustin. Las tecnologas actuales
para la produccin de oxgeno han sido desarrolladas debido principalmente a las necesidades
de la industria del acero. Actualmente destacan 3 tecnologas en la produccin de oxgeno de
alta pureza, separacin por membranas, destilacin criognica y ciclos de adsorcin con
oscilacin de presin (PSA). La destilacin criognica es la nica tecnologa actualmente capaz

de suministrar en cantidad y calidad O2, segn las necesidades de diseo de una planta de
oxicombustin a gran escala. El oxgeno debe suministrase con una pureza del 95-97 %. Las
impurezas presentes en esta corriente de O2 al 95 % de pureza sern fundamentalmente Ar
(3%) y N2 (2%) [Santos, 2013; Perrin, 2013].

Para una central en torno a 500 MWe se requerira una cantidad en torno a 10.000
toneladas al da de O2. Estos requerimientos no son factibles por ninguna ASU actual, por tanto
es necesaria la instalacin de varios mdulos de menor produccin para cubrir la demanda de
O2. Los avances en la tecnologa de destilacin criognica aumentan la disponibilidad de O2 con
plantas ms eficientes, y un escalado progresivo. Con el escalado descienden los costes, y
gracias tambin a la integracin energtica, se ha reducido la demanda energtica. Se espera
llegar a un 25-35 % menos de energa necesaria para producir O2, con el objetivo de llegar a
140 KWh/t O2, lo que supondra una disminucin de la penalizacin energtica del 10 %.

1.6.3 Plantas de demostracin de tecnologas de oxicombustin

El objetivo global de la tecnologa de oxicombustin es la demostracin tcnico-econmica

para el ao 2020. Para lograr este objetivo se han construido ya plantas piloto en diversos
lugares del mundo. Para llegar a la demostracin de la tecnologa es necesario construir
plantas de mayores potencias progresivamente. Uno de los mayores hitos en el escalado ha
sido la planta de Vattenfall en Schwarze-Pumpe (Alemania). La planta piloto de oxicombustin
de lignito en una caldera de carbn pulverizado, que empez las primeras pruebas en 2008,
tiene un solo quemador de 30 MWt, y las instalaciones correspondientes para tratamiento de
CO2 y su posterior transporte.

Figura 1.16. Desarrollo histrico de los proyectos de oxicombustin [Wall, 2009b]

Captulo 1

A nivel nacional se est desarrollando un proyecto financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e

Innovacin y la Unin Europea, liderado por CIUDEN. El proyecto de CIUDEN es de los ms
completos en tecnologas para la oxicombustin ya que cuenta con dos calderas, una de lecho
fluido circulante (30 MWt) y otra de carbn pulverizado (20 MWt). En la Figura 1.16 se
muestran los proyectos realizados hasta la fecha y proyectados para un futuro en la tecnologa
de oxicombustin.

La oxicombustin podra ser aplicada a cualquier combustible, como la biomasa o sus

mezclas con carbn, sin embargo los mayores proyectos realizados hasta ahora estn
mayormente centrados en el carbn y el gas natural. En la actualidad existen varias plantas
piloto en operacin y algunas en construccin o diseo con vistas a operar en un futuro
prximo, las ms importantes son las siguientes:

Vattenfall (2008): Localizada en Spremberg (Alemania) ha sido la primera planta de

oxicombustin en demostrar toda la cadena completa de captura de CO2. En ella se
queman lignitos en un solo quemador de carbn pulverizado con una potencia de
30 MW trmicos.
Total Lacq project (2009): Es el mayor hito en la oxicombustin de gas natural.
Desarrolla tanto la captura como el almacenamiento y est localizada en Lacq
CIUDEN (2011): Localizada en Ponferrada (Espaa) es una de las ms completas
dado que cuenta con una caldera de carbn pulverizado de 20 MW trmicos y otra
de 30 MW trmicos de lecho fluido circulante. Es la primera planta de estas
caractersticas en demostrar la oxicombustin en lecho fluido circulante.
Callide Oxy-fuel Project (2011): Es la primera planta de oxicombustin conectada a
la red elctrica. Est localizada en Biloela (Australia), quema carbn pulverizado y
tiene una potencia de 30 MW elctricos.
Future Gen 2.0 (2015-2016): Este ambicioso proyecto en Estados Unidos pretende
reconvertir una central trmica a oxicombustin con una potencia de 200 MW
elctricos. Se encuentra en fase de diseo con previsin de comenzar a funcionar
en 2015.
Huazhong: En China con una potencia de 35 MW trmicos es el mayor que se
desarrolla en Asia y se encuentra en fase de diseo.

Estos proyectos y la tendencia a mayores tamaos y potencias muestran el desarrollo

alcanzado por la tecnologa de oxicombustin. Sin embargo son proyectos ms costosos a
medida que aumenta la escala, por esta razn la Unin Europea plante en 2008 un estudio de
riesgo de las tecnologas de CAC como parte del programa de la plataforma tecnolgica
europea Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants [ZEP, 2008]. En 2010 se definieron las
necesidades previstas en investigacin y desarrollo de cada una de las tecnologas de captura


en el mbito de la produccin energtica, industria del acero e industria del cemento [ZEP,
2011]. Ms all la intencin del G8 es llegar a la puesta en marcha de 20 plantas de CAC en
2020, lo que requerir la construccin de nuevas plantas de oxicombustin y la captura de ms
de 1 milln de toneladas de CO2, aunque la previsin del nmero de plantas sea an incierta.
Existen otros proyectos que ante la coyuntura econmica actual se han cancelado o pospuesto
como el OXYCB300 en Compostilla (Len). Del xito de las plantas piloto y de demostracin
depender el desarrollo final y la implantacin de estas tecnologas.

1.6.4 Combustin en condiciones de oxicombustin

El diseo de las calderas de oxicombustin difiere de las convencionales; el tamao de la

cmara de combustin podra ser mucho menor, ya que la corriente de gases disminuira al no
introducir N2. Este gas inerte, presente en una concentracin del 78% en el aire, hace que los
caudales de aire en las calderas convencionales sean muy elevados, necesitando una caldera
de gran tamao. La necesidad de diluir el O2 para controlar la temperatura en el interior de la
cmara en condiciones de oxicombustin es un factor determinante para el clculo de
recirculaciones y del tamao de la cmara de combustin. Sin embargo, el factor ms
importante en este diseo es sin duda la transmisin de calor. La gran variabilidad de
posibilidades en los procesos de oxicombustin hace que los diseos de estas calderas sean
mucho ms complejos que las convencionales. Una de esas variables est constituida por las
condiciones del reciclo, ya que puede realizarse antes o despus de la condensacin del vapor
de agua de los humos o en una fase intermedia.

En cuanto a los quemadores diseados y probados hasta ahora son similares a los
empleados en aire. El empleo de O2 puro y humos recirculados confiere mayor versatilidad en
el diseo ya que se pueden introducir concentraciones de oxgeno optimizadas para cada
corriente del quemador. En el diseo de estos quemadores se emplean prototipos de gran
tamao y por tanto estn limitados a las plantas piloto o de demostracin. La llama y los flujos
de calor son distintos, debido a las diferentes propiedades del N2 y el CO2 que alteran los
campos de temperatura, reacciones y flujos. La mezcla de O2 y gases recirculados es un punto
crtico en el diseo de nuevas centrales. La inyeccin de O2 puro se plantea como una opcin
para garantizar la estabilidad de llama, sin embargo, existen riesgos de explosin en el manejo
de corrientes de O2 en concentraciones muy elevadas que han de ser tenidos en cuenta.

Debido a la mayor proporcin de oxgeno en la atmsfera de oxicombustin que en aire y la

ausencia de nitrgeno diluyente, se registran mayores concentraciones de vapor de agua que
en la combustin convencional. El efecto que pudiera tener el vapor de agua en la cmara de
combustin es uno de los aspectos menos estudiados hasta la fecha en oxicombustin. Esta
concentracin an podra ser mayor de considerarse el reciclo hmedo, es decir, la
recirculacin de los humos previa a la condensacin del vapor. La conveniencia de tomar el

Captulo 1

reciclo hmedo o seco es otro aspecto importante a considerar en el diseo de centrales de


Teniendo en cuenta que las presiones parciales de CO2 y H2O en la oxicombustin son
mucho mayores que en la combustin convencional en aire, es esperable que las reacciones de
gasificacin tengan lugar en alguna etapa de la combustin. Ante la presencia de oxgeno, la
contribucin de las reacciones de gasificacin tienen una importancia menor debido a la
predominancia de la reaccin de combustin. La gasificacin es endotrmica, y el calor
necesario es normalmente liberado por las reacciones de oxidacin. Debido a esta
endotermicidad, la partcula se enfriar reduciendo la velocidad de reaccin [Hecht, 2011].
Vrhegyi et al. [Vrhegyi, 1996] midieron la prdida de masa de char en atmsferas de Ar/O2 y
CO2/O2, resultando la velocidad de reaccin proporcional a la concentracin de oxgeno y, sin
embargo, no se vio influenciada por la concentracin de CO2 a 950 C.

La proporcin de humos recirculados y, por tanto, la concentracin de oxgeno en los gases

introducidos en la caldera es el factor determinante en el diseo de la caldera. Los resultados
obtenidos en plantas piloto como la de Swcharze-Pumpe indican que concentraciones de
oxgeno en torno a 30-40 % arrojan las mejores eficacias en la caldera. Se han alcanzado
buenos rendimientos y durabilidad de los quemadores en las pruebas realizadas. Por tanto la
tendencia para las centrales de segunda generacin parece ser la de introducir
concentraciones superiores de O2 [Tooper, 2013].

Una herramienta de gran utilidad en el diseo de los quemadores y de la caldera de

combustin son los programas de fluidodinmica computacional mediante los cuales se
pueden desarrollar modelos adaptados al caso de oxicombustin [Arias, 2004; lvarez, 2012].
Las predicciones de estos modelos han de ser validadas posteriormente, pero resultan en un
ahorro muy elevado de experimentacin y coste respecto a los ensayos en planta piloto.

Existen tecnologas como el lecho fluido que son susceptibles de ser usadas tambin en la
oxicombustin y presentan diferencias respecto a las calderas de carbn pulverizado. La
combustin convencional en lecho fluido es una tecnologa madura que presenta ventajas
medioambientales por la reduccin de los xidos de nitrgeno debido a la menor temperatura
y la retencin de los xidos de azufre mediante la adicin de sorbentes en el propio lecho de
combustin. Otra de las ventajas es la menor necesidad de molienda ya que en el lecho fluido
no es necesario que el combustible alimentado est pulverizado.

1.6.5 Transmisin de calor en calderas de oxicombustin

El diseo de una caldera de oxicombustin no difiere mucho estructuralmente de las

tradicionales para combustin en aire. Su funcin principal ha de ser maximizar la
transferencia de energa liberada en la combustin al circuito agua-vapor. Esta transferencia se


realiza mediante un sistema de tuberas por las que circula agua o vapor y por cuyo exterior
fluyen los humos, y otros tubos que recubren las paredes de buena parte de la caldera. Cada
conjunto de tubos de intercambio de calor recibe la denominacin de vaporizador,
sobrecalentador, recalentador, etc., en funcin de las condiciones de presin y temperatura
del agua o vapor que circula por ellos. Los principales mecanismos de transmisin de calor en
las calderas son la radiacin en el hogar y la conveccin en los intercambiadores.

La transmisin de calor en una caldera industrial depende de las temperaturas alcanzadas

en la llama, la del agua de refrigeracin y de las paredes, as como de las propiedades del gas y
las partculas, y del campo fluido aerodinmico. Las diferencias en las propiedades termo-
fsicas de N2 y CO2 conllevan diferencias en la transmisin de calor por radiacin y conveccin.

Para la reconversin de plantas elctricas de carbn existentes en centrales de

oxicombustin, uno de los objetivos principales consiste en mantener la misma transmisin de
calor en la caldera que en el caso de la combustin en aire con el objeto de mantener la
estabilidad en la combustin, inquemados, escoriacin y factor de ensuciamiento. Para nuevas
centrales de oxicombustin, es importante evaluar el efecto de los parmetros de
funcionamiento tales como la composicin del oxidante, los niveles de exceso de oxgeno, la
temperatura de llama y transmisin de calor en la caldera.

Wall et al. [Wall, 2009a] calcularon la fraccin molar de oxgeno terica requerida a la
entrada del quemador para alcanzar temperaturas adiabticas de llama similares (AFT) bajo
aire y condiciones de oxicombustin. La AFT para la combustin en aire se estim para un
valor de oxgeno en exceso del 20 % y un concentracin de O2 en los humos de combustin de
un 3,3 %. Los resultados computacionales mostraron que para lograr una AFT similar a la
alcanzada durante la combustin en aire, la concentracin de oxgeno en oxicombustin
utilizando recirculacin de los gases de combustin hmedos y secos tendra que ser de 28 y
35 %, respectivamente. Hjrtsman et al. [Hjrtstam, 2009] obtuvieron perfiles de temperatura
durante la combustin de lignito en aire y en condiciones de oxicombustin en un combustor
de 100 kW de potencia. Sus mediciones mostraron que bajo condiciones de oxicombustin la
concentracin de oxgeno en el oxidante debe encontrarse entre el 25-27% con el fin de
conseguir temperaturas similares a las de aire.


El principal contribuyente a la transmisin de calor de una llama producida por los

combustibles convencionales es la radiacin trmica a partir de vapor de agua, CO2, CO,
partculas de char y holln. En la oxicombustin, debido al aumento de las concentraciones de
CO2 y vapor de agua en la atmsfera de combustin, la radiacin trmica se incrementa
significativamente. Por lo tanto, se puede esperar una mayor transmisin de calor radiante en
la caldera que en la combustin convencional en aire.

Captulo 1

La transmisin de calor por radiacin en llamas de lignito y propano como combustible en

oxicombustin fue estudiado por Andersson et al. [Andersson, 2008a, 2008b, 2011] en el
laboratorio de la Universidad de Chalmers con un quemador de 100 kW. En los experimentos
con lignito la tasa de reciclaje de gases de combustin se vari con el fin de garantizar la
misma estequiometra en todos los casos, mientras que la concentracin de oxgeno en la
corriente de oxidante vari de 25 % a 29 %. La temperatura y la intensidad total de la radiacin
de las llamas de oxicombustin aumentaron a medida que se disminuy la tasa de
recirculacin, debido al aumento de la concentracin de oxgeno. Cuando se utiliz el reciclaje
hmedo en la oxicombustin de lignito, la radiacin debida al gas fue mayor y se acerc a la de
las partculas.

Los estudios de Andensson et al. revelaron que la formacin de holln en las llamas de
oxicombustin vara fuertemente en funcin de la proporcin de reciclo. Tambin afecta de
manera significativa la intensidad de la radiacin emitida por la llama (Figura 1.17). Se
concluy que la contribucin del aumento de la intensidad de radiacin debida al CO2 tena
una importancia menor. Para las condiciones de oxicombustin con 27 % de oxgeno y reciclo
seco, la temperatura era ligeramente inferior a la obtenida en aire, pero la intensidad de la
radiacin fue significativamente mayor. Esto se debi principalmente a un aumento
significativo de la radiacin del holln. Imgenes de la llama bajo condiciones de oxicombustin
con un 45 % de oxgeno indican claramente un aumento adicional en la intensidad de la
radiacin (Figura 1.17). Debido a su papel fundamental en la radiacin de la llama, se necesita
ms investigacin sobre la formacin de holln en oxicombustin.

Figura 1.17. Fotografas de llamas de propano en (a) aire, (b) oxicombustin con 21% oxgeno,
(c) oxicombustin con 27% oxgeno, y (d) oxicombustin con 45% oxgeno [Andersson, 2008a,


El flujo de conveccin de los gases de combustin, se puede evaluar de la siguiente manera:

qconv h T

Donde h es el coeficiente de transmisin de calor por conveccin (que est influenciada por
la velocidad de flujo de gas y por propiedades tales como viscosidad, conductividad trmica,
capacidad calorfica y densidad), y T es la diferencia de temperatura entre el gas y el objeto


caliente. La relacin entre el coeficiente de transmisin de calor en oxicombustin (hoxy) y en

aire (hair) se puede expresar de la siguiente manera:

m n
hoxy Re oxy Proxy k oxy
hair Re air Prair k air

Donde Re y Pr son el nmero de Reynolds y el nmero de Prandtl, respectivamente; m y n

son factores empricos que varan para diferentes geometras, y k es la conductividad trmica
del fluido. La Tabla 1.1 resume las propiedades fsicas de los principales gases presentes en
condiciones de combustin en aire y en oxicombustin. El CO2 tiene una conductividad trmica
ligeramente superior a la del N2, a pesar de que no cambia significativamente la transmisin de
calor por conduccin. Por otra parte, la menor viscosidad cinemtica del CO2 puede resultar en
un nmero de Reynolds superior, y por lo tanto un coeficiente de transmisin de calor por
conveccin superior en el caso del CO2 respecto al N2.

Tabla 1.1. Propiedades de los gases a 1400K y presin atmosfrica

H2O(v) O2 N2 CO2
Densidad () (kg/m ) 0,157 0,278 0,244 0,383
Conductividad trmica (k) (W/mK) 0,136 0,087 0,082 0,097
Capacidad calorfica especfica (cp) (kJ/kmol K) 45,67 36,08 34,18 57,83
-5 -5 -5 -5
Viscosidad dinmica () (kg/m s) 5,02 10 5,81 10 4,88 10 5,02 10
2 -4 -4 -4 -4
Viscosidad cinemtica () (m /s) 3,20 10 2,09 10 2,0 10 1,31 10

Smart et al. [Smart, 2010, 2011] estudiaron el efecto de las condiciones de oxicombustin
en la transmisin de calor radiante y convectivo. En estos estudios se obtuvieron mediciones
de transmisin de calor radiantes y convectivas en un quemador de 0,5 MWt de RWE situado
en Didcot, Reino Unido, para una semiantracita y dos carbones bituminosos. Las proporciones
de reciclo variaron entre 65% y 75%, mientras que los valores de O2 a la salida se mantuvieron
en torno al 3%. Los resultados mostraron que los valores de flujo de calor radiante eran
inversamente proporcionales a la relacin de reciclo. Por el contrario, los valores de flujo de
calor por conveccin tendieron a aumentar con el aumento de la proporcin de reciclo. Para
obtener valores de flujo de calor por radiacin en oxicombustin similares a los que se
obtuvieron en aire, la proporcin de reciclo fue de 72-73 % para los carbones estudiados. En el
caso del flujo de calor por conveccin se puede emplear un mayor relacin de reciclo, en torno
al 75%.

1.6.6 Contaminantes en los humos de oxicombustin

En la combustin de carbn se producen siempre emisiones de contaminantes como NOx,

SOx, mercurio y partculas en suspensin formadas tanto por cenizas volantes como por

Captulo 1

xidos de Nitrgeno

Norman et al. [Norman, 2009] realizaron una revisin de las emisiones de NOx y su control
en oxicombustin. Las emisiones de NOx son menores en oxicombustin que en la combustin
en aire. Cantidades mnimas de N2 en la atmsfera de combustin inhiben la formacin de NO
trmico y sbito (prompt). Parte de los humos son recirculados lo que puede resultar en una
reduccin mayor de los xidos de nitrgeno ya que las elevadas concentraciones de CO en la
oxicombustin, debido a la disociacin de las molculas de CO2 y la gasificacin del char,
actan como agentes reductores que pueden contribuir a la reduccin del NO para formar N2.

Shaddix y Molina [Shaddix, 2011] midieron las concentraciones de NO durante la

combustin de carbn pulverizado y chars de carbn a la temperatura de 1.050C en
atmsferas de N2/O2 y O2/CO2 con concentraciones de O2 entre 12 y 36 %. Encontraron que el
nitrgeno del char alcanzaba conversiones ligeramente menores en atmsferas de CO2. A
medida que aumentaba la concentracin de oxgeno tambin lo haca la conversin del
nitrgeno del combustible. Estos autores tambin introdujeron diferentes concentraciones de
NO en el gas, para estudiar el efecto que tendra la recirculacin de los gases de combustin.
La recirculacin result en una disminucin importante de los NOx, hasta un 20-40% menor.
Nbide et al. [Nbide, 2013] obtuvieron resultados similares al quemar lignito y carbn
bituminoso alto en voltiles en un reactor de flujo en arrastre a la temperatura de 1.100C en
aire y en oxicombustin, con concentraciones de O2 entre 21 y 40 %. Las emisiones de NO
resultaron significativamente menores en oxicombustin que en aire, y aumentaron a medida
que aument la proporcin de oxgeno en el comburente.

Se han propuesto varios mecanismos para explicar la reduccin de los xidos de nitrgeno,
Okazaki y Ando [Okazaki, 1997] evaluaron la importancia de cada uno de los tres mecanismos
principales bajo condiciones de oxicombustin en un reactor a escala de laboratorio. El
mecanismo ms importante, entre un 50 y 80% del total, result ser la reduccin de los
compuestos intermedios formados de cianuro y amonio por hidrocarburos. El segundo
mecanismo ms importante fue la reduccin de NO a N2 a travs de reacciones con otras
especies de nitrgeno, mayormente NH3 y HCN, de acuerdo con el esquema de De Soete [De
Soete, 1975] al que atribuyen entre un 10 y un 50 %. Por ltimo, las reacciones heterogneas
de reduccin de NO con el char resultaron las de menor relevancia en las atmsferas de

xidos de azufre

Stanger et al. [Stanger, 2011] estudiaron la conversin del azufre en oxicombustin pero no
encontraron diferencias significativas en la oxidacin del azufre en condiciones de
oxicombustin respecto a la combustin en aire. Sin embargo, debido al menor volumen de


gases y la recirculacin de parte de los gases, las concentraciones de NOx y SOx en la corriente
de humos sern significativamente mayores.

Debido a la mayor concentracin de SOx y H2O (v), la temperatura del punto de roco
resultar mayor [Fleig, 2011] y la condensacin se producir entre 130 y 160C [Toftegaard,
2010]. Esto podra causar problemas de corrosin en la caldera y a lo largo de la conduccin de
los humos si la temperatura desciende por debajo del punto de roco. El efecto del SO2 en la
oxidacin del fuel ha sido estudiado por Gimnez-Lpez et al. [Gimnez-Lpez; 2011], quienes
encontraron que el SO2 puede inhibir la oxidacin del CO; sin embargo este efecto se observ
ms en aire que en condiciones de oxicombustin.

Stam et al. [Stam, 2011] investigaron el equilibrio termodinmico de la composicin de las

cenizas y las escorias en oxicombustin, y no encontraron diferencias significativas en la
composicin de las cenizas obtenidas en aire y en oxicombustin. Sin embargo, debido a las
temperaturas menores de las partculas en oxicombustin, la vaporizacin de los elementos
metlicos y sus xidos fue significativamente menor. Por tanto, no se forman partculas
submicromtricas de cenizas volantes [Sheng, 2007]. Suriyawong et al. [Suriyawong, 2006]
compararon la formacin de cenizas en aire y en 20%O2-80%CO2 encontrando un nmero de
partculas finas menor en oxicombustin que en aire.

Con los estudios realizados hasta la fecha en lo que respecta a los fenmenos de deposicin
y ensuciamiento se puede concluir que no habra cambios fundamentales durante la
oxicombustin que afecten a la operacin de la planta. Esto ha sido corroborado por los
estudios realizados en una planta piloto del Argonne National Laboratory de 3 MW trmicos
[Payne, 1989] y en una planta de 1,2 MW trmicos [Wall, 2011]. En otros estudios se ha
encontrado una mayor acumulacin de carbonatos en los depsitos formados sobre los
cambiadores debido a la mayor proporcin de CO2 en la atmsfera de combustin. Sin
embargo, los ndices de corrosin estn en el mismo rango que en la combustin convencional
[Stein-Brzozowska, 2013].

Existen pocos datos acerca de la oxidacin del mercurio y su retencin en las cenizas
volantes en oxicombustin. En experimentos realizados por Babcock-Wilcox en una planta
piloto de 30 MW trmicos, la concentracin de mercurio en los humos result mayor en
oxicombustin que en aire. Suriyawong et al. [Suriyawong, 2006] midieron las emisiones de
mercurio en aire y en oxicombustin de un carbn sub-bituminoso en un reactor de flujo
laminar, determinando la relacin entre las formas elemental y oxidada del mercurio. Se
encontr que estas proporciones eran similares tanto en aire como en varias atmsferas de
oxicombustin. Tambin se han desarrollado modelos predictivos basados en la fluidodinmica
computacional, CFD, como el desarrolado por Gharebaghi et al. [Gharebaghi, 2011] para
predecir la especiacin del mercurio en los humos de oxicombustin.

Captulo 1

1.6.7 Oxicombustin de mezclas de carbn y biomasa

Del mismo modo que en la cocombustin convencional, las opciones para la

oxicocombustin de carbn y biomasa son: paralela, de forma directa, o indirecta. La
oxicocombustin no se ha llevado a cabo en instalaciones de gran tamao, aunque en la
actualidad se prev realizar experimentos en las instalaciones de CIUDEN. La Fundacin Ciudad
de la Energa promueve, junto al CIEMAT e INERCO, el proyecto DOTGe cuyo objetivo es la
demostracin a escala industrial de la tecnologa de generacin de energa elctrica a partir de
gasificacin de biomasa en lecho fluido burbujeante.

Figura 1.18. Instalacin de gasificacin de biomasa entre calderas de lecho fluido (derecha) y
carbn pulverizado (izquierda) en CIUDEN.

El proyecto Demostracin y Optimizacin de la Tecnologa de biomasa en lecho fluido

burbujeante para Generacin de Energa Elctrica (DOTGe), abre nuevas lneas de
investigacin para estudiar la tecnologa de gasificacin de biomasa aplicada a otros
aprovechamientos, como la integracin con plantas de oxicombustin de carbn y la
produccin de biocombustibles. Dentro del alcance del proyecto, la actuacin principal es el
diseo, construccin, puesta en marcha y operacin de una planta de produccin de energa
elctrica a partir de gasificacin de biomasa, aunque se incluye la realizacin de estudios para
evaluar la oxigasificacin (gasificacin con mezclas de oxgeno y CO2), la cocombustin
indirecta y la gasificacin con aire enriquecido y vapor.


1.7 Objetivos

El objetivo General del presente trabajo ha sido estudiar el comportamiento en

cocombustin de mezclas de carbones de diferente rango con distintos tipos y porcentajes
de biomasa, para su oxicocombustin directa en calderas de carbn pulverizado.

El trabajo se ha llevado a cabo desde un punto de vista experimental, utilizando equipos a

escala de laboratorio y semi-piloto.

Los objetivos especficos se resumen a continuacin:

1. Estudiar la combustin de partculas individuales de carbn y biomasa en un reactor

de cada libre en atmsferas de aire y en distintas concentraciones de O2/CO2.
2. Evaluar la desvolatilizacin de carbn en un reactor de flujo en arrastre en atmsferas
de N2 y CO2, y su efecto sobre la reactividad de los chars formados.
3. Determinar la variacin en las temperaturas y mecanismos de ignicin de mezclas de
carbn y biomasa, en atmsferas de oxicombustin.
4. Estudiar la combustibilidad de carbones y sus mezclas con biomasa, en un reactor de
flujo en arrastre; con especial nfasis en el grado de conversin que alcanzan y las
emisiones gaseosas producidas durante su cocombustin directa en atmsferas de


2.1 Muestras empleadas

Los carbones empleados en este trabajo han cubierto un amplio espectro, abarcando un
rango desde bituminoso alto en voltiles hasta antracita. El carbn de mayor rango es la
antracita (an) AC, procedente de una explotacin minera de Cangas de Narcea, Asturias. HV es
una semiantracita (sa) de la cuenca leonesa, procedente de la empresa minera Hullera Vasco-
Leonesa. BA es un carbn procedente del lavadero Batn, en Asturias, propiedad de Hunosa, y
CAB es un carbn bituminoso alto en voltiles (hvb), tpico de la cuenca Asturiana. Los
carbones restantes son importados desde Sudfrica (SAA, SAB), China (DAB), Nueva Zelanda
(NZ), Mxico (UM, M6N), y han sido suministrados por centrales trmicas de carbn
pulverizado; todos ellos son bituminosos altos (hvb) o medios (mvb) en voltiles.

Las muestras se prepararon siguiendo procedimientos estandarizados de desmuestre,

molienda y tamizado, obtenindose finalmente las muestras con una granulometra de
75-150 micras. Para los anlisis inmediato y elemental se usaron los equipos LECO TGA-601 y
LECO CHNS-932, respectivamente. El poder calorfico superior se determin empleando una
bomba calorimtrica adiabtica IKA C4000. Los resultados de los anlisis se muestran en la
Tabla 2.1.

Tabla 2.1. Anlisis inmediato, elemental y poder calorfico superior (PCS) de los carbones.
Anlisis inmediato (%) Anlisis Elemental (% cp) PCS
Cenizas M. V. C. F.*
Carbn Rango Humedad C H N S O* (MJ/Kg)
(bs) (bs) (bs)
DAB hvb 2,9 10,9 29,0 60,1 81,9 5,0 1,1 1,2 10,8 28,83
SAA mvb 2,6 14,9 25,7 59,4 78,6 4,9 2,0 0,7 13,8 27,95
NZ hvb 11,5 2,9 47,9 49,2 67,5 5,3 1,0 0,2 26,0 27,94
HVN sa 1,1 10,6 9,2 80,2 91,7 3,5 1,9 1,6 1,3 31,78
UM mvb 0,5 21,1 23,8 55,1 86,2 5,5 1,6 0,8 5,9 27,83
M6N hvb 1,8 30,2 30,6 39,2 76,7 6,2 1,6 1,2 14,3 23,06
SAB hvb 2,4 15,0 29,9 55,1 81,5 5,0 2,1 0,9 10,5 27,78
CAB hvb 4,4 4,5 39,6 55,9 83,0 5,6 1,7 0,5 9,2 30,97
BA hvb 1,2 6,9 33,9 59,2 88,4 5,5 1,9 1,1 3,1 33,08
AC an 2,3 14,2 3,6 82,2 94,7 1,6 1,0 0,7 2,0 29,16
bs: base seca; cp: combustible puro; * calculado por diferencia

Todas las biomasas son de origen regional o nacional, salvo la muestra de bagazo de caa
de azcar (SCB) proveniente de Brasil. Todas las biomasas han de ser secadas segn se reciben

Captulo 2

para evitar su degradacin y posteriormente se han sometido a un proceso de molienda y

ulterior tamizado (75-150 micras).

El serrn de pino (PI) procede de residuos de aserradero. Parte de esta muestra se destin a
un proceso de torrefaccin, dando lugar al serrn de pino torrefactado (TOPI). El proceso de
torrefaccin mejora la manejabilidad de las biomasas y sus propiedades de molienda, lo cual
es muy beneficioso ya que dado el carcter fibroso de la biomasa, contenido de humedad y
baja densidad, tiende a formar atascos y complicar el correcto funcionamiento de los equipos.
Este proceso de torrefaccin se comienza a emplear en la industria y es por ello que se
consider oportuno utilizar serrn de pino torrefactado.

El proceso de torrefaccin se realiz en un reactor vertical, de acuerdo con un

procedimiento descrito en una publicacin del Grupo de Investigacin [Arias, 2008]. La
muestra de pino se someti a una temperatura de 280 C durante 1 h en atmsfera inerte de

La caracterizacin de la biomasa se hizo en base al anlisis inmediato, anlisis elemental y

poder calorfico, y los resultados se muestran en la Tabla 2.2.

Tabla 2.2. Anlisis inmediato, elemental y poder calorfico superior (PCS) de las biomasas.
Anlisis inmediato
(% bs) Anlisis elemental (%, cp) PCS
Biomasa Origen
Cenizas M.V. C.F.* C H N S O*
OR 7,6 71,9 20,5 54,3 6,6 1,9 0,2 37,0 19,91
Bagazo caa
SCB 4,2 87,8 8,0 46,3 5,9 0,2 0,1 47,5 16,30
PI Serrn de pino 3,8 79,8 16,4 45,9 6,1 0,7 0 47,3 18,89
Serrn de pino
TOPI 4,2 75,5 20,3 51,2 5,7 0,9 0 42,2 19,27
bs: base seca; cp: combustible puro; * calculado por diferencia

El poder calorfico de los carbones es superior al de las biomasas, lo que indica una menor
energa liberada en la combustin de la biomasa. En el anlisis inmediato destaca una alta
proporcin de materia voltil en todas las biomasas que mejora la combustibilidad y un menor
contenido en cenizas que la mayora de los carbones, lo que es interesante para el
funcionamiento de la central termoelctrica.

2.2 Dispositivo para combustin de partculas

Estos experimentos se llevaron a cabo en el marco de una estancia en el laboratorio de la

Northeastern University en Boston, MA, EE.UU. En este laboratorio se dispone de un reactor
de cada libre de flujo laminar calentado elctricamente. El reactor est constituido por un
Dispositivos y metodologas experimentales

tubo de almina transparente con un dimetro interno de 7 cm. El horno envolvente dispone
de varias aperturas longitudinales desde las que se puede visualizar el interior. En una de las
aberturas se acopla una cmara de alta velocidad y alta resolucin (modelo NAC HotShot
512SC, con objetivo Olympus-Infinity Model K2). En la abertura opuesta se dispone un foco
para obtener un contraste mayor en las imgenes de video. El software de captura de
imgenes permite ajustar la velocidad de toma que se fij en 1000 imgenes por minuto. Por
la parte inferior del horno se introduce un tubo cermico con un hilo de espesor calibrado para
hacer el enfoque de la cmara con mayor precisin.

Concntrico al reactor y por su parte superior se encuentra el inyector. Este se encuentra

refrigerado con agua y posee un dimetro interior de 1 cm. Tiene una conexin para introducir
la corriente de gases que son controlados mediante rotmetros y una pequea oquedad para
introducir la jeringuilla con la que se introducen las muestras. La jeringuilla presenta una
modificacin en la punta para portar una pequea cantidad de muestra, inferior a 1 mg, que al
introducirla en el inyector y hacerla vibrar suavemente hace caer las partculas por el inyector.

Figura 2.1. Fotografa del dispositivo experimental para el estudio de combustin de

partculas en la Northeastern University (Boston, MA).

El pirmetro est situado en la parte superior del inyector, en este punto se reciben las
seales irradiadas desde el reactor a lo largo de la trayectoria ideal de la partcula y que son
transmitidas mediante fibra ptica. Las seales son filtradas para separar y registrar las
intensidades medidas en 3 longitudes de onda distintas: 0,640, 0,810 y 0,998 m. Los
detectores transmiten la seal amplificada en forma de voltaje y ste es registrado en el

Captulo 2

ordenador mediante el software Labview. Este aparato fue calibrado mediante una lmpara de
tungsteno segn un procedimiento detallado previamente por Khatami et al. [Khatami, 2011] y
Bejarano et al [Bejarano, 2008]. Para tratamiento de los resultados y el clculo de las
temperaturas se emple el software Matlab.

Figura 2.2. Esquema del dispositivo experimental para pirometra de combustin de

partculas en la Northeastern University (Boston, MA).

Se realizaron los experimentos en atmsferas de aire y oxicombustin bajo diferentes

porcentajes de oxgeno y dixido de carbono. La combinacin de 4 carbones (AC, HVN, SAB,
UM) y 4 biomasas (PI, TOPI, OR, SCB), en 5 atmsferas (21%O2/79%N2, 21%O2/79%CO2,
30%O2/70%CO2, 35%O2/65%CO2, 50%O2/50%CO2) y dos tipos de experimentos (cmara y
pirmetro) dieron lugar a 80 experimentos distintos. Cada experimento ha de ser repetido
varias veces hasta obtener suficientes partculas aisladas para su procesamiento posterior,
bien de la imagen o de los datos de temperatura y tiempo obtenidos con el pirmetro. La
Dispositivos y metodologas experimentales

dificultad de alimentar partculas individuales de forma manual hizo necesario realizar una
media de 8 repeticiones, variando en funcin de las condiciones en las que se desarrollaba el
experimento. Del total de las grabaciones se realiza una limpieza manual para recortar y
obtener slo aquellos perodos en los que se obtiene la seal de una partcula individual
aislada; este laborioso proceso es especialmente crtico en los experimentos de pirometra
para un clculo correcto de la temperatura y para la medicin del tiempo de quemado.

2.3 Reactor de flujo en arrastre

2.3.1 Descripcin

En la Figura 2.3 se muestra una fotografa del reactor de flujo en arrastre (Entrained Flow
Reactor, EFR, en ingls) que ha sido diseado y puesto a punto por el Grupo de Procesos
Energticos y Reduccin de Emisiones del INCAR (PrEM); en la Figura 2.4 aparece representado
un esquema del reactor y los sistemas auxiliares.








Figura 2.3. Fotografa del reactor de flujo en arrastre utilizado en este trabajo.

La zona de reaccin del reactor de flujo descendente en arrastre que se utiliz para llevar a
cabo los experimentos, tiene una forma tubular con un dimetro interno de 4 cm y una
longitud de 180 cm. La zona de reaccin est constituida por doce resistencias en serie,
arrolladas dentro de soportes cermicos. Las caractersticas de los materiales de construccin
del horno permiten que su temperatura mxima de trabajo sea de 1.100 C.

Captulo 2

Las doce resistencias estn agrupadas en cuatro mdulos cuya distribucin permite un
ajuste adecuado del perfil de temperatura a lo largo del reactor. La longitud mxima de
reaccin es de 180 cm. Se dispone de una sonda inferior mvil, que se encuentra refrigerada
por agua y que se puede introducir en el horno hasta conseguir una longitud mnima de 118
cm en la zona de reaccin. Las tres zonas operativas del reactor se controlan mediante
termopares tipo S y controladores P.I.D. Los termopares estn situados en el punto intermedio
de cada zona y se encuentran alineados con la pared interna del horno. Mediante este sistema
se puede controlar cada zona de manera independiente y conseguir una temperatura
uniforme dentro del reactor. Se comprueba peridicamente la temperatura en el interior del
reactor con un termopar de longitud adecuada que se introduce por la parte inferior del
reactor. Las mediciones se realizan a diferentes alturas, obteniendo un perfil de temperaturas
uniforme en el entorno de 1.000 C a lo largo de todo el reactor, como se muestra en la
Figura 2.5.

Figura 2.4. Esquema del reactor de flujo en arrastre (EFR).

El carbn se alimenta al reactor desde un silo que est apoyado sobre un husillo conectado
a un motor, que le comunica un movimiento de giro. El silo y el husillo se encuentran en un
soporte cerrado con una entrada para el gas primario y una salida en la parte inferior para el

Dispositivos y metodologas experimentales

flujo de carbn. El husillo presenta una serie de oquedades, con objeto de facilitar la
alimentacin de carbn. El flujo de carbn se regula mediante la velocidad de giro del husillo y
en funcin del volumen de huecos que ste tenga. Para flujos elevados se utilizan husillos con
huecos grandes y profundos, y para flujos bajos aquellos que tienen huecos pequeos.

La homogeneizacin de las mezclas con distintas proporciones de biomasa y carbn se hace

manualmente antes de introducirlas en el silo del EFR. El sistema de alimentacin se dise
para carbn y presenta dificultades para alimentar biomasa leosa, debido a su naturaleza
fibrosa. Por ello, se realizaron mezclas de carbn con biomasa y se observ que hasta
concentraciones msicas del 30% de biomasa no existan problemas de alimentacin.

El inyector se encuentra refrigerado mediante aire. Con este sistema se consigue que el
flujo de carbn entre al reactor a una temperatura inferior a 60 C. De esta forma se asegura
que el carbn no sufre ninguna transformacin antes de entrar a la zona de reaccin.

Los gases introducidos a la zona de reaccin se calientan a la temperatura del reactor en un

horno de precalentamiento. Seguidamente, llegan al reactor a travs de una conduccin
calefactada y se introducen al mismo a travs de la cabecera del reactor. Esta cabecera se
encuentra calentada con una resistencia que permite ajustar la temperatura del gas
secundario, ya que en la conduccin existen ciertas prdidas de calor.

Una vez que el gas atraviesa la cabecera del reactor, se introduce en la zona de reaccin a
travs de dos laminadores de flujo. El laminador de flujo consiste en un anillo cilndrico en el
que se han practicado una serie de orificios. Esta pieza es necesaria para evitar las
perturbaciones que provoca la cabecera del reactor sobre el flujo de gas, de forma que se
minimizan las turbulencias en la zona de inyeccin del carbn.


Temperatura (C)





40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Distancia desde la parte inferior del reactor (cm)

Figura 2.5. Perfil de temperaturas a lo largo del reactor para una temperatura de operacin
de 1.000 C.

Captulo 2

La sonda de recogida est situada sobre un soporte mvil que permite cambiar su posicin
dentro de la zona de reaccin. La sonda est constituida por cuatro tubos concntricos. El ms
interno es por el que se recoge el char y los gases. El espacio ms externo se utiliza para el gas
de inertizacin y los dos intermedios para la refrigeracin. La sonda se encuentra refrigerada
con un bao criosttico que mantiene la temperatura del agua de refrigeracin en 50 C. En la
zona superior de la sonda de recogida se inyecta nitrgeno a temperatura ambiente que se
mezcle con la corriente de gases y partculas que salen del reactor. Se consigue as aumentar la
velocidad de enfriamiento de los gases y partculas y, en el caso de la combustin, se reduce la
concentracin de oxgeno, asegurando un apagado de las partculas. El flujo de nitrgeno de
apagado se ajusta en funcin del caudal de gases que circula por el reactor, siendo siempre
superior o igual al caudal de gases salientes.

En la parte inferior de la zona de reaccin hay un cierre que permite el sellado del reactor
cuando se realiza un experimento. Este cierre consiste en un prensaestopas que cierra el
espacio que hay entre la sonda y el tubo de reaccin. La corriente de gases que sale del reactor
es aspirada mediante una bomba. El caudal de succin se ajusta de tal forma que sea igual al
de los gases de salida del reactor ms el flujo de nitrgeno de apagado. De este modo se
trabaja de forma isocintica, evitando una segregacin de la muestra, y asegurando as la
representatividad de la misma.

Antes de llegar a la bomba de aspiracin, los gases y las partculas pasan a travs de un
cicln y un filtro, sucesivamente. En el cicln se recogen las partculas de mayor tamao y en el
filtro los finos. En el caso de la combustin, en el cicln se recoge casi la totalidad de la
muestra. En los experimentos de pirlisis en el cicln se recogen, fundamentalmente, las
partculas de char, y en el filtro los hollines producidos.

Una vez que los gases estn limpios de partculas se secan mediante un lecho de anhidrona
y una membrana semipermeable Permapure. Seguidamente son conducidos a una batera de
analizadores donde se mide la concentracin de diferentes especies gaseosas. Dicha batera
consta de dos analizadores Emerson X-Stream X2GP de 2 y 4 canales en los que se miden las
especies: O2, CO2, CO, SO2, N2O y NO. Se utilizan gases patrn de concentracin conocida para
el calibrado de cada canal. Los analizadores estn conectados a un ordenador, de forma que se
puede registrar en continuo la concentracin de las especies gaseosas, en funcin del tiempo.

2.3.2 Experimentos de combustin

Metodologa para los ensayos de combustin en el reactor de lecho en arrastre

El reactor de flujo en arrastre se ha empleado para llevar a cabo experimentos de
combustin, desvolatilizacin e ignicin. Las variables de operacin que se fijan en el caso de la
combustin son: la temperatura del reactor, el tiempo de residencia del combustible en la

Dispositivos y metodologas experimentales

zona de reaccin, y el flujo de combustible con el que se va a llevar a cabo la combustin. En

primer lugar se ajusta la temperatura en la zona de reaccin, a continuacin el flujo de gases,
que establece el tiempo de residencia y, por ltimo, el flujo de combustible, que determina el
exceso de oxgeno para la combustin. La temperatura en la zona de reaccin se ajusta a 1000
C y el tiempo de residencia a 2,5 segundos. Para realizar el ajuste del flujo de combustible hay
que tener en cuenta la composicin elemental del mismo, y considerar la estequiometra de
las reacciones que van a tener lugar.

A partir del flujo de gas que circula por el reactor y el exceso con el que se quiere llevar a
cabo la combustin, se calcula el flujo de combustible que hay que alimentar. Para ello se
considera la estequiometra de las reacciones principales que ocurren durante la combustin
del combustible (en este caso carbn o mezclas de carbn y biomasa):

C + O2 CO2
H + O2 1/2 H2O
S + O2 SO2

A partir de estas ecuaciones se puede calcular la masa de combustible que se debe

alimentar por cada gramo de oxgeno necesario para realizar la combustin completa.


Dado que el flujo de oxgeno es un parmetro determinado por el caudal de la corriente de

gases y la proporcin de oxgeno en los mismos, se puede calcular el flujo de combustible
estequiomtrico segn:


Sin embargo el flujo que interesa conocer y al que se ajusta el alimentador es el flujo de
combustible para un exceso dado, que se calcula en funcin del estequiomtrico y el exceso de
oxgeno deseado:


Se define la Fuel ratio como la proporcin entre el combustible alimentado y el

estequiomtrico, es decir:


La relacin entre la fuel ratio y el exceso de oxgeno es:

Captulo 2


Para cada muestra, se realizan series de experimentos con distintos excesos de oxgeno,
con la medicin de las correspondientes concentraciones medias en los humos durante cada
experimento, y la obtencin de cenizas e inquemados en el cicln, con las que se calcula el
grado de quemado obtenido.

Determinacin del grado de conversin o grado de combustin

El grado de conversin (B) es la prdida de masa que experimenta un carbn o combustible
carbonoso en un proceso de combustin. Se define como:


MCO es la masa combustible de la alimentacin de carbn.
MCF es la masa de residuo obtenido a la salida.

El grado de conversin (B) que se obtiene en la combustin del carbn y de las mezclas se
determin a partir de un balance de materia. El clculo se ha realizado utilizando las cenizas
como trazador. Este mtodo se basa en que la cantidad de cenizas del carbn original y del
residuo obtenido es la misma. Para ello es necesario conocer el contenido en cenizas en el
carbn o la mezcla, antes de la combustin, y el contenido en cenizas del residuo carbonoso
que obtenemos despus de la combustin. Expresando la definicin en funcin de la fraccin
msica de materia combustible (Xc) y de materia mineral (Ac) se obtiene:


MO es el flujo de carbn alimentado.
MF el flujo de material slido a la salida.

Haciendo un balance de materia a las cenizas:


Despejando MF de la Ecuacin [2.8], sustituyendo en la Ecuacin [2.7] y simplificando la

expresin se obtiene:


Dispositivos y metodologas experimentales

Con esta expresin se puede calcular el grado de conversin a partir del contenido en
cenizas del carbn original, ACO, y del char recogido, ACF. De igual manera, se puede determinar
el rendimiento en voltiles de un carbn a partir del contenido en cenizas.

Los experimentos se han llevado a cabo en distintas mezclas O2/CO2 (21-35% O2) y en
aire (21%O2/79%N2).

2.3.3 Experimentos de desvolatilizacin

Se han llevado a cabo en el reactor de flujo en arrastre con una sistemtica similar a los
experimentos de combustin. La diferencia es que los gases introducidos son slo CO2 o N2, es
decir, no se introduce aire ni O2, por tanto no se produce combustin. La temperatura a la que
se realizaron estos experimentos es de 1.000C con un tiempo de residencia de 2,5 segundos.
El flujo de muestra se mantiene en valores similares a los de combustin. El muestreo
isocintico recoge el flujo de gases y las partculas de combustible desvolatizado (char). Los
gases propios de la desvolatilizacin no pueden ser medidos con los analizadores de
combustin instalados ya que algunos componentes los daaran y, por tanto, se dispone de
un sistema de condensacin y los gases no condensables son venteados. El experimento se
prolonga hasta obtener suficiente cantidad de muestra. Esto depende principalmente de la
cantidad de materia voltil de la muestra, variando los tiempos entre 5 minutos para los
carbones de alto rango, y hasta 30 minutos para algunas biomasas.

Los desvolatilizados obtenidos en atmsfera de N2 o CO2 se someten posteriormente a

experimentos en termobalanza con objeto de determinar su reactividad. Estos experimentos
se han llevado a cabo debido a que las reacciones heterogneas entre el agente oxidante y el
char, son las controlantes de la velocidad de reaccin global y de la conversin final. La
determinacin de la velocidad de reaccin, su variacin con el transcurso de la reaccin, y los
mecanismos de estas reacciones heterogneas, son fundamentales para el diseo y mejora de
los reactores de combustin. Se han desarrollado numerosos modelos tericos con el fin de
poder describir y predecir el comportamiento reactivo de los slidos combustibles; resulta de
gran inters su inclusin en la modelizacin de la combustin de carbn a gran escala, por
ejemplo en una caldera de carbn pulverizado, mediante tcnicas de fluidodinmica

2.3.4 Experimentos de ignicin

Determinacin de la temperatura de ignicin

Se ha usado una sistemtica experimental puesta a punto con anterioridad en nuestro
Grupo de Investigacin [Fandez, 2005, 2007] para determinar la temperatura de ignicin de
carbones y sus mezclas con biomasa en el reactor de flujo en arrastre, tanto en aire como en

Captulo 2

condiciones de oxicombustin. Estos experimentos se han utilizado para estudiar el efecto de

la coutilizacin de biomasa en las propiedades de ignicin del carbn.
La identificacin del fenmeno de ignicin en un reactor de flujo en arrastre se puede hacer
de manera directa, con algn tipo de dispositivo que permita la observacin visual del
fenmeno, o bien de manera indirecta. No existe una norma establecida para determinar de
forma indirecta la temperatura de ignicin.
La metodologa utilizada en este trabajo determina la temperatura de ignicin a partir de la
medicin de los gases de salida del reactor de flujo en arrastre [Arias, 2008]. Para ello se
alimenta la muestra de manera continua mientras que se aumenta la temperatura de la zona
de reaccin desde una temperatura inferior a la de desvolatilizacin del carbn, hasta elevadas
temperaturas, del orden de 800-900 C, que aseguren la ignicin de la muestra, tal como se
muestra en la figura 2.6.


Temperatura (C)


600 Zona 1
Zona 2
500 Zona 3

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Tiempo (min)

Figura 2.6. Calentamiento del reactor de flujo en arrastre a una velocidad de 10-15 C min-1.
A temperaturas relativamente bajas, cuando la ignicin de la muestra no ha tenido lugar, se
produce fundamentalmente un aumento de la concentracin de CO, debido a la combustin
parcial de la materia voltil liberada durante la desvolatilizacin del carbn. Al aumentar la
temperatura, se alcanza un punto en el que se produce la ignicin de la muestra, y se registra
un aumento brusco de la concentracin de CO2 y NO, as como una disminucin de O2 y CO.
Durante los experimentos de ignicin se mide la concentracin de los gases a la salida del
reactor (O2, CO2, CO, NO). Para determinar la temperatura de ignicin se calculan las
derivadas normalizadas de las curvas de evolucin de las distintas especies gaseosas. El criterio
que se ha establecido para determinar la temperatura de ignicin es tomar el valor de
temperatura a la que las derivadas de las concentraciones alcanzan un valor del 10%. La
temperatura de ignicin determinada para cada experimento se calcula a partir de la media de
las temperaturas calculadas con cada uno de los gases. En la Figura 2.7 se muestra un ejemplo
de cmo se determina la temperatura de ignicin a partir de la concentracin de CO2.

Dispositivos y metodologas experimentales

100 2.0
Derivada normalizada

Concentracin CO 2 (%)
75 1.5

50 1.0

25 0.5

0 0.0
580 582 584 586 588 590
Temperatura (C)

Figura 2.7. Ejemplo de determinacin de la temperatura de ignicin a partir de la

concentracin de CO2.
2.4 Analizadores termogravimtricos

La termogravimetra es una tcnica que somete una muestra a un programa controlado de

calentamiento o enfriamiento, en una atmsfera especfica, mientras se registra la variacin de
la temperatura o el tiempo. El instrumento que se utiliza para realizar la medida se llama
analizador termogravimtrico (ATG) o termobalanza. Consiste en una combinacin de horno y
microbalanza, con un dispositivo de control y medida de temperatura y de masa de muestra en
cada instante del experimento.
El registro de variacin de masa se realiza habitualmente segn el principio del punto nulo:
a medida que la masa vara y el brazo de la balanza comienza a desviarse de su posicin
normal, un sensor corrige esta desviacin manteniendo el brazo constantemente en posicin
de cero o punto nulo. La fuerza aplicada en esta correccin es directamente proporcional al
cambio de masa, por lo que el aparato convierte los distintos impulsos del sensor en
variaciones de masa.
La representacin de la prdida de masa frente a la temperatura o el tiempo, es lo que se
denomina curva termogravimtrica o curva TG. Una curva muy utilizada es la curva de
velocidad de prdida de masa o curva DTG.
En la aplicacin de estas tcnicas hay que considerar una serie de factores que pueden
influir en los resultados del anlisis termogravimtrico, as como en su interpretacin
[Carpenter, 1993]. La cantidad de muestra que se utiliza para hacer el anlisis es un factor
importante, que debe ser optimizado. Una pequea cantidad favorece la resolucin de los
picos, la eliminacin de voltiles y la minimizacin de los gradientes trmicos. Los
inconvenientes de utilizar poca cantidad de muestra son la prdida de precisin y los
problemas de homogeneidad y representatividad de la misma. El tamao de partcula, su

Captulo 2

forma y su empaquetamiento, son otras variables que deben tenerse en cuenta, ya que
afectan a la difusin de gases y a la transmisin de calor dentro del lecho. La velocidad de
calentamiento que se utiliza durante el experimento influye sobre la posicin y la separacin
de los picos del termograma. Al aumentar la velocidad de calentamiento los picos presentan
un desplazamiento hacia temperaturas ms elevadas. El flujo de gases debe ser tal que no
perturbe la medida de la microbalanza. Por ltimo, hay que considerar el diseo del equipo
ATG (tamao, posicin del horno respecto a la muestra, direccin del gas, tipo de microbalanza
y sensibilidad), ya que ejerce una gran influencia sobre los resultados obtenidos.
Pese a que se trabaje en las mejores condiciones de operacin, existen factores que
introducen desviaciones en los valores medidos, como es el efecto de empuje. Este efecto se
genera por fenmenos de conveccin debidos a la presencia de un flujo de gas y la variacin
de la densidad de ste con la temperatura. La correccin de este efecto se tiene en cuenta
mediante la realizacin de un experimento sin muestra.

Figura 2.8. Fotografa de la termobalanza Setaram TAG 24 modificada.

Para realizar este trabajo se han utilizado unas termobalanzas de la casa Setaram modelos
TAG24 y TG92, que permiten registrar datos de la variacin de masa (TG) durante el
experimento. Las termobalanzas utilizadas tienen dos entradas de gas: una superior, que se
utiliza para ensayos con gases inertes, y otra lateral para experimentos con gases reactivos. El
flujo dentro del horno tiene una direccin descendente. El horno de la termobalanza se
encuentra dividido en tres zonas; un cabezal superior, donde se encuentra la entrada de gases
inertes, una zona central donde est situada la resistencia de grafito que calienta el horno y la

Dispositivos y metodologas experimentales

entrada lateral para los gases reactivos y, por ltimo, la zona inferior, a travs de la que salen
los gases del sistema. Los gases empleados han sido aire, mezclas O2/N2, y mezclas ternarias
Con objeto de llevar a cabo los perfiles de combustin en atmsfera O2/CO2/H2O(v) se
llevaron a cabo una serie de modificaciones en la termobalanza para poder introducir vapor de
agua. Se aadi un sistema de generacin de vapor de agua, y se instal un circuito de agua
que se mantuvo a una temperatura de unos 85 C, utilizando un bao termosttico con
recirculacin, para calefactar los cabezales superior e inferior de la termobalanza, y evitar as la
condensacin del vapor introducido. Asimismo, se emple un circuito de agua fra en la zona
central del horno, para evitar el sobrecalentamiento de la resistencia de grafito. En la Figura
2.8 se puede ver una fotografa de la termobalanza modificada.
El dispositivo de generacin de vapor de agua consta de un depsito de acero de 1,5 L de
capacidad en el que se introduce agua destilada. Se utilizan dos controladores de flujo msico
(Bronkhorst, modelo F-201C, 0-200 mL min-1) para introducir O2 y N2/CO2. Este ltimo
controlador se utiliza para presurizar el depsito de agua a 2 atm de presin, y facilitar as el
flujo de agua hacia el controlador de flujo msico de lquidos (Bronkhorst, Liqui-Flow, 0-30 g
h-1). A continuacin, el flujo de O2 y el de agua lquida se mezclan en un evaporador-mezclador
(Bronkhorst, CEM), del cual sale la mezcla de gases a una temperatura de 150 C. La lnea de
gases desde la salida del sistema de generacin de vapor hasta la entrada al precalentador, se
encuentra calefactada a 150 C, para evitar la condensacin del vapor de agua, y
perfectamente aislada para evitar prdidas de calor. En la Figura 2.9 se puede ver en detalle la
configuracin del sistema de generacin de vapor.

Figura 2.9. Detalle del generador de vapor de agua utilizado en la termobalanza.

Captulo 2

2.4.1 Metodologa para los ensayos de reactividad en termobalanza

La temperatura es un factor determinante sobre las etapas que controlan la combustin,

Walker et al. [Walker, 1959] propusieron tres regmenes cinticos en funcin de la
temperatura de combustin, tal y como se presenta en la Figura 2.10.

La zona I o zona de rgimen qumico se encuentra para temperaturas relativamente bajas,

de manera que la velocidad de reaccin qumica es mucho ms lenta que la difusin de las
molculas de oxgeno, tanto a travs de la superficie externa de la partcula como de su
estructura porosa. En estas condiciones la velocidad de reaccin global est controlada por la
velocidad de reaccin qumica.

La zona II o de rgimen de difusin interna corresponde a temperaturas moderadas. A

medida que la temperatura se incrementa, se produce un aumento de la velocidad de reaccin
qumica, de forma que, bajo estas condiciones, tanto la reaccin qumica como la difusin del
oxgeno en los poros de la partcula influyen en la velocidad de la reaccin global.

Por ltimo, la zona III o de rgimen de difusin externa corresponde a temperaturas

elevadas, a las que la velocidad de reaccin entre el oxgeno y el carbono es tan rpida que la
concentracin de oxgeno sobre la superficie de la partcula es prcticamente despreciable.
Bajo estas condiciones, la velocidad de reaccin global estar controlada por fenmenos de

Zona III Zona II Zona I

Ln R

Ea = 0 Ea = E/2 Ea = E
n = (m+1)/2 n=m

Figura 2.10. Representacin de los regmenes de control del proceso de combustin en

funcin de la temperatura (Ea, energa de activacin observada; E, energa de activacin

Dispositivos y metodologas experimentales

La reaccin principal de combustin de un slido carbonoso puede expresarse de la

siguiente forma:

C (s) + O2 (g) CO2 (g) [2.10]

El avance de la reaccin o grado de conversin del slido carbonoso se define como:


donde m0 es la masa inicial de carbono o materia carbonosa libre de voltiles, m es la masa

carbonosa a un tiempo dado, y mf es la masa final.

Se denomina reactividad a la velocidad de reaccin del slido con el gas reactivo (oxgeno,
dixido de carbono, vapor de agua, etc.). La reactividad se suele expresar como la velocidad de
desaparicin de masa de slido en base a una propiedad caracterstica del mismo, como la
superficie externa de las partculas [Hamor, 1973] o la superficie interna especfica de las
partculas, en cuyo caso se denomina reactividad intrnseca [Smith, 1982]. Sin embargo, la
determinacin de estas superficies presenta dificultades, ya que no permanecen constantes
durante la combustin del char [Feng, 2003]. Debido a estas dificultades, la propiedad utilizada
ms habitualmente es la masa inicial de carbono, con lo cual la reactividad se puede expresar


Se pueden emplear varios parmetros para comparar la reactividad de diferentes

materiales carbonosos, como la reactividad media [Tsai, 1987], o bien la reactividad para la
cual la prdida de masa es mxima [Jenkins, 1973]. Esta reactividad mxima se define como:


Tambin se puede emplear la reactividad para una conversin dada, que es interesante
para la determinacin del tiempo para alcanzar una conversin del 50% (t0,5), ya que a partir de
este parmetro no slo se determina la reactividad para una conversin del 50%, sino tambin
el denominado ndice de reactividad, R. Este ndice se define mediante la siguiente expresin
[Miura, 1989]:


Captulo 2

Perfiles de combustin o reactividad no isotrmica

En los experimentos llevados a cabo en este apartado se ha partido de una masa de

muestra en torno a 5 mg y se calienta de forma constante en un flujo de 50 mL/min del agente
oxidante, siguiendo una rampa de calentamiento de 15 C/min. Alrededor de 100C la muestra
pierde la humedad, posteriormente al aumentar la temperatura comienza la desvolatilizacin y
combustin de los voltiles y posteriormente tiene lugar la combustin del residuo carbonoso.
Cuando la masa ya no vara a temperaturas relativamente elevadas, la combustin se da por
concluida y la masa final nos indica el contenido de cenizas. La curva de variacin de la masa
con respecto al tiempo o temperatura as como su derivada, es decir la velocidad de prdida
de masa es caracterstica de cada material, y es lo que se conoce como perfil de combustin. A
partir de estos experimentos se obtienen unos parmetros y temperaturas caractersticas, que
permiten comparar la combustibilidad de distintos materiales. En este trabajo se han llevado a
cabo experimentos de combustin a temperatura programada para obtener los perfiles de
combustin de las muestras originales, as como de sus chars. Estos experimentos se han
llevado a cabo en atmsfera de aire as como en atmsferas propias de oxicombustin:

Reactividad isotrmica en termobalanza

Los experimentos de reactividad isotrmica se realizaron como su nombre indica

manteniendo constante la temperatura seleccionada. Este tipo de experimentos se realizan
sobre el char nicamente, por tanto conllevan una desvolatilizacin previa que puede
realizarse en la propia termobalanza o en otros dispositivos. En todos los trabajos expuestos
en esta tesis los chars se han obtenido a partir de experimentos de desvolatilizacin en
atmsferas de N2 o CO2, en el reactor de flujo en arrastre.

Para la realizacin de los experimentos en termobalanza, se calientan los chars en un flujo

de 50 mL/min en atmsfera inerte de N2 a 15 C/min hasta 850 C. Se mantiene esta
temperatura durante 15 minutos y se enfra posteriormente hasta la temperatura del
experimento. Cuando la masa y temperatura estn estables se cambia la corriente de gas
inerte, a la corriente oxidante que en los experimentos realizados han sido mezclas ternarias
propias de las atmsferas de oxicombustin O2/CO2/H2O, as como aire; en todos los casos el
flujo de gas oxidante utilizado fue de 50 mL/min y la masa de muestra en torno a 5 mg.

2.4.2 Modelos cinticos

Los parmetros cinticos relativos a la combustin del char se pueden determinar, bien
mediante mtodos de reactividad isotrmica, o bien mediante mtodos de reactividad no
isotrmica. En el anlisis no isotrmico la muestra se calienta con una rampa de calentamiento
constante, y se obtiene una curva de prdida de masa frente a la temperatura. En el anlisis
isotrmico esta curva de prdida de masa se representa frente al tiempo, mientras que la
Dispositivos y metodologas experimentales

temperatura se mantiene constante. Aunque para determinar los parmetros cinticos

mediante un anlisis no isotrmico, se necesitan menos experimentos y de menor duracin,
estos parmetros no son independientes de la velocidad de calentamiento empleada [Sima-
Ella, 2005]. El anlisis no isotrmico ha sido empleado tradicionalmente para la determinacin
de parmetros cinticos referentes a la desvolatilizacin, mientras que el isotrmico se ha
aplicado para la obtencin de parmetros cinticos referentes a la combustin del char.

En el intervalo de temperaturas en el que no existen limitaciones difusionales, es decir, en

la zona de rgimen qumico, la velocidad de reaccin depende de las condiciones de reaccin y
de la reactividad del char. La reactividad del char vara durante la combustin como
consecuencia del cambio en la estructura porosa de las partculas y el consumo de centros
activos. En ausencia de efectos catalticos, la reactividad est determinada por el nmero de
centros activos por unidad de masa de char. Por tanto, la velocidad de reaccin de las
reacciones heterogneas gas-slido no catalticas, como la combustin de char, se puede
expresar como:


donde k(Pi, T) es el factor de velocidad qumica o constante de reaccin aparente, la cual

describe la relacin entre la velocidad de reaccin y las condiciones de reaccin, y f(X) es el
factor de estructura. Este factor expresa el nmero total de centros activos por unidad de
volumen de char, como una funcin de la conversin de carbono. Generalmente, al inicio de la
reaccin los chars presentan una estructura porosa incipiente producindose un aumento de
la superficie interna del slido con la conversin, de ah que se incremente la velocidad de
reaccin. Sin embargo, a medida que aumenta el volumen de poros, los microporos empiezan
a coalescer en poros mayores (macroporos y mesoporos), lo cual hace que disminuya la
superficie interna del slido, y con ello la velocidad de reaccin.

La constante de velocidad aparente, k(Pi, T), depende tanto de la temperatura (T) a la que
se lleve a cabo la reaccin, como de la presin parcial del gas reactivo utilizado (Pi). La
dependencia de la temperatura puede expresarse en trminos de la ecuacin de Arrhenius:


donde k0 es el factor pre-exponencial, Ea es la energa de activacin, T es la temperatura

absoluta en K, y R es la constante universal de los gases. En el caso de que se cumpla que la
presin parcial del gas reactivo sea constante, su efecto se incluye en el factor pre-
exponencial. En cambio, si esta presin parcial no es constante, la dependencia de la constante
de velocidad con la presin parcial del gas reactivo se puede expresar como:

k k ' Pi n [2.17]

Captulo 2

donde Pi es la presin parcial del gas reactivo, y n es el orden de reaccin con respecto al
gas reactivo utilizado. En el caso de que la temperatura de reaccin sea constante, su efecto se
incluye en la constante k.

En este trabajo se han aplicado tres modelos cinticos para tratar de describir el
comportamiento reactivo de chars de carbones, durante su combustin en una atmsfera
tpica de oxicombustin (30%O2/70%CO2), y as obtener una expresin cintica capaz de
predecir la reactividad de dichos carbones. Los modelos estudiados han sido: el modelo de
reaccin volumtrico (VM), el modelo de reaccin de ncleo decreciente (GM), y el modelo de
distribucin aleatoria de poros (RPM).

Modelo de Reaccin Volumtrico (VM)

El Modelo de Reaccin Volumtrico o Modelo de Conversin Progresiva asume que la

reaccin tiene lugar en los centros activos uniformemente distribuidos por todo el slido,
disminuyendo linealmente la superficie de reaccin del char con la conversin a medida que
transcurre la reaccin. Este modelo considera que el gas reaccionante penetra y reacciona
simultneamente en toda la partcula slida; por consiguiente, el reactante slido se est
convirtiendo continua y progresivamente en toda la partcula, como se muestra en la Figura
2.11 La velocidad de reaccin se expresa mediante la ecuacin:

donde kVM es la constante de velocidad de reaccin aparente.

Figura 2.11. Modelo de Reaccin Volumtrico.

Dispositivos y metodologas experimentales

Modelo de Reaccin de Grano (GM)

Segn el Modelo de Reaccin de Grano o Modelo de Ncleo Decreciente, un slido poroso

consiste en una unin uniforme de granos no porosos, constituyendo el espacio entre los
granos la red de poros del slido. Este modelo supone que la reaccin tiene lugar en la
superficie exterior de la partcula, la zona de reaccin se va desplazando hacia el interior del
slido, dejando atrs el material completamente convertido (cenizas). De este modo, el gas
reactivo difunde a travs de la capa de cenizas formada y reacciona con el ncleo,
disminuyendo su tamao a medida que transcurre la reaccin, a la vez que va aumentando la
capa de cenizas, como se muestra en la Figura 2.12.

Figura 2.12. Modelo de Reaccin de Ncleo Decreciente.

Este comportamiento de ncleo decreciente se aplica a cada uno de los granos que
constituyen el slido. En el presente trabajo se ha considerado que las partculas de char estn
constituidas por granos esfricos de idntico tamao. Segn este modelo, en el rgimen
controlado por la reaccin qumica, la velocidad de reaccin se puede expresar de la forma:


donde kGM es la constante de velocidad de reaccin aparente, y h est definido como un

factor de forma que depende de la geometra de los granos que constituyen el slido. Para
esferas h=2/3, en el caso de cilindros h=1/2, y para geometras en forma de lminas h=0. En
este trabajo se ha asumido que los granos tienen forma esfrica. Este modelo incorpora
parmetros estructurales del slido, en trminos de porosidad inicial, 0, y rea superficial
inicial, S0.

Captulo 2

Aunque el modelo de ncleo sin reaccionar constituye la mejor representacin sencilla,

para la mayor parte de los sistemas reaccionantes gas-slido [Levenspiel, 1979], no tiene en
cuenta el crecimiento y coalescencia de los poros y capilares de las partculas slidas.

Modelo de Distribucin Aleatoria de Poros (RPM)

El modelo RPM, desarrollado por Bhatia y Perlmutter [Bhatia, 1980], considera que las
partculas slidas presentan una considerable superficie interna en forma de poros y capilares,
que pueden crecer y coalescer a medida que transcurre la reaccin. Las reacciones gas-slido
con crecimiento de volumen de poros, siempre muestran un mximo en el rea superficial y,
como consecuencia de ello, un mximo en la velocidad de reaccin. Por esta razn, este
modelo puede predecir un mximo en la velocidad de reaccin frente a la conversin, ya que
considera los efectos competitivos de aumento de la superficie interna del slido, debido al
crecimiento de los poros durante las primeras etapas de combustin, y de disminucin de
dicha superficie al comenzar a coalescer los poros al aumentar su volumen. La expresin de la
velocidad de reaccin para este modelo viene dada por la ecuacin:


donde kRPM es la constante de velocidad de reaccin aparente, y es un parmetro que

est relacionado con la estructura porosa de la muestra de char sin reaccionar (X=0). Este
parmetro se puede calcular mediante la expresin:


donde S0 representa el rea superficial inicial por unidad de volumen de poro, L0 la longitud
total de los poros por unidad de volumen, y 0 es la porosidad inicial del slido. Algunos
autores han calculado el parmetro como un parmetro de ajuste para minimizar los errores
medios referentes a la conversin y prdida de masa [Fermoso, 2009a]. Otra forma de estimar
es a partir del dato de conversin para el cual la velocidad de reaccin es mxima [Zolin,
1998; Ochoa, 2001]. Otros autores han incluido modificaciones en el parmetro para tener
en cuenta su variacin durante el transcurso de la reaccin, especialmente para altos grados
de conversin [Fei, 2011].


El estudio de la combustin de partculas es de gran utilidad para comprender los

fenmenos que tienen lugar en la combustin industrial en un quemador. Constituye un
estudio elemental de la combustin y de cmo se diferencian las partculas de distintos tipos
de muestras al introducirlas en una cmara de combustin bajo diferentes condiciones. En las
calderas de carbn pulverizado, la combustin tiene lugar a temperaturas elevadas, la reaccin
es rpida y tiene lugar bajo un rgimen de control difusional (Zona III). En el caso de la
oxicombustin, si se realiza con baja concentracin de oxgeno, la reaccin podra tener lugar
bajo rgimen qumico difusional (Zona II) dada la peor difusividad del oxgeno en CO2 que en
N2. Ello afectara el flujo de oxgeno hacia la partcula, disminuyendo la velocidad de
combustin y reduciendo la liberacin de calor de las partculas de carbn [Li, 2010].

A pesar que la combustin de los voltiles tiene una cintica muy rpida respecto a la
combustin del char, se han encontrado diferencias entre su combustin en aire y en
oxicombustin. As, se ha observado una disminucin de la cintica de combustin de los
voltiles debido a la menor difusin de los hidrocarburos de menor tamao liberados durante
la desvolatilizacin en CO2, respecto a la que tiene lugar en atmsfera de N2 [Zhang, 2010;
Molina, 2007].

Glarborg y Bentzen [Glarborg, 2008] estudiaron el efecto de la concentracin de CO2 en la

oxidacin de metano y encontraron que al aumentar la concentracin de CO2 ste competa
con el O2 en las reacciones con hidrogeno atmico, contribuyendo a la formacin de monxido
de carbono a travs de la reaccin:


Adems, las reacciones de CO2 con los hidrocarburos de los voltiles contribuyen a un
aumento de la formacin de CO. Glarborg y Mendiara [Glarborg, 2008; Mendiara, 2009]
observaron adems que al aumentar la concentracin de CO2 aumenta la relacin OH/H.

En este sentido, Andersen et al. [Andersen, 2009] confirmaron las predicciones de varios
modelos desarrollados en investigaciones previas. Estos autores observaron que las reacciones
iniciales permanecan inalteradas mientras que las reacciones que involucraban a H2-CO-CO2
tuvieron que ser implementadas con mayor detalle en los modelos, para predecir
correctamente la formacin de CO en estado estacionario.

Captulo 3

El empleo de la pirometra para la determinacin de la temperatura durante la combustin

fue publicado por primera vez por Timothy et al. [Timothy, 1982] y constituye una herramienta
muy til para el estudio de los procesos de combustin. Asimismo, el empleo de cmaras de
video de alta velocidad y alta resolucin permite observar la evolucin de la combustin, as
como obtener imgenes durante la combustin de partculas de carbn o biomasa.

El trabajo expuesto en este Captulo se desarroll en el marco de una estancia en la

Northeastern University de Boston, Massachusetts (EEUU), en el grupo del Profesor Yiannis
Levendis, autor de numerosas publicaciones en la temtica del trabajo desarrollado y con
amplia experiencia en las tcnicas empleadas. Durante esta estancia se realiz el trabajo
experimental empleando los equipos de dicha universidad. Posteriormente se realiz el
tratamiento y discusin de los resultados que dieron lugar a las dos publicaciones que se
muestran en el Apartado 3.3.

En trabajos previos en los laboratorios de la Northeastern University, Bejarano y Levendis

[Bejarano, 2008] y Khatami et al. [Khatami, 2012a, 2012b], estudiaron el comportamiento de
partculas individuales de carbones bituminosos altos en voltiles, sub-bituminosos y lignitos,
as como una biomasa (bagazo de caa de azcar), en atmsferas de aire y de oxicombustin.
Estos autores indicaron que el aumento de la concentracin de oxgeno en la corriente
oxidante en oxicombustin, debe compensar el mayor calor especfico molar del CO2 respecto
al N2 y la menor difusividad tanto de los voltiles como del oxgeno en CO2. Bejarano y
Levendis [Bejarano, 2008] obtuvieron unas temperaturas menores y unos tiempos de
combustin mayores durante la combustin de partculas de char en atmsferas de CO2 que
en N2.

La combustin y los fenmenos de ignicin de partculas de carbones bituminosos se

encuentra documentada ampliamente en la bibliografa [Atal, 1995; Bejarano, 2008; Fandez,
2007; Levendis, 1992, 2012; Liu, 2011; Khatami, 2012a, 2012b; Zhang, 2010]. Sin embargo, los
estudios sobre la ignicin y combustin de partculas de carbones de alto rango como antracita
y semiantracita son muy escasos. El trabajo que se presenta en la Publicacin I, a continuacin,
tiene como objetivo analizar el comportamiento durante las distintas etapas de la combustin,
de partculas individuales de carbones bituminosos de contenido medio y alto en materia
voltil, as como de antracitas y semiantracitas.

Por otra parte, los estudios relacionados con la combustin de partculas de biomasa son
muy escasos. Wornat et al. [Wornat, 1996] estudiaron la combustin de partculas de char de
dos tipos de biomasa, mijo (Panicum virgatum) y serrin de pino, con concentraciones de O2
entre 6 y 12 % (balance N2) a la temperatura de 1.327 oC. Segn estos autores, las partculas de
biomasa tienen una reactividad menor que las partculas de carbones de bajo rango y mayor
que las antracitas, siendo comparable con las de carbones bituminosos. En otro estudio sobre
la combustin de partculas de mazorca de maz en aire [Austin, 1996], se determin la

Combustin de partculas individuales de carbn y biomasa

relacin entre los tiempos de quemado de los voltiles y el retraso en la ignicin, as como su
relacin con la densidad y dimetro de la partcula.

El objetivo de los trabajos que se presentan en este Captulo ha consistido en la evaluacin

del efecto de la concentracin de oxgeno sobre las caractersticas de ignicin y combustin de
dos carbones bituminosos, una semiantracita y una antracita (Publicacin I). Asimismo, se
emplearon varios tipos de biomasa; orujillo de aceituna como biomasa de origen
agroalimentario, serrn de pino como biomasa de origen forestal y pino torrefactado
(Publicacin II). Las muestras se molieron y tamizaron, para obtener la fraccin entre
75-150 micras, y se sometieron a ensayos de oxicombustin en atmsferas de O2/CO2,
variando la concentracin de O2 entre 21-50 %; los resultados se compararon con los
determinados en atmsfera de aire (21 % O2/79 % N2). Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en
el reactor de cada libre de flujo laminar de la Northeastern University. El comportamiento
durante la ignicin y combustin de las partculas individuales se observ por medio de
pirometra ptica de tres colores y cinematografa de alta resolucin y de alta velocidad.

Se realizaron dos tipos de experimentos en el mismo reactor: experimentos con pirmetro

y experimentos de filmacin con cmara de video de alta velocidad y de alta resolucin. La
combinacin de ambas tcnicas permite conocer con claridad los fenmenos que tienen lugar
durante el transcurso de la combustin de las partculas individuales, as como verificar
hiptesis que no podran ser contrastadas mediante el empleo de una sola tcnica.

3.1 Compendio de resultados

La utilizacin de las tcnicas de pirometra y de filmacin con cmara de video de alta

velocidad y de alta resolucin, han permitido visualizar las grandes diferencias que presentan
las biomasas y carbones durante su combustin. Las diferencias entre las biomasas son
relativamente menores, mientras que en los carbones estas diferencias estn relacionadas
principalmente con el rango del carbn. En el caso de las biomasas, que liberan una gran
cantidad de voltiles, la desvolatilizacin y posterior ignicin de los voltiles forma una aureola
en el entorno de la partcula. Esta aureola es esfrica, independientemente del carcter fibroso
y alargado o redondeado de las partculas. En esta aureola se distinguen varias intensidades,
que se atribuyen a una zona interna con defecto de oxgeno y una envolvente o aro exterior
donde se completa la combustin de los voltiles.

A diferencia de los carbones, la desvolatilizacin y combustin de los voltiles en las

biomasas llega a tardar ms que la combustin del char y comprende la mayor parte del
tiempo total de combustin de la partcula. En las muestras SCB, TOPI y PI se registraron en la
atmsfera 30%O2-70%CO2, tiempos de 105, 64 y 82 ms de media en la desvolatilizacin y
combustin de los voltiles mientras que la combustin de los respectivos chars dur 15, 24 y
19 ms.

Captulo 3

Figura 3.1 Imgenes de las biomasas: (a) SCB, (b) OR, (c) PI, (d) TOPI, durante la combustin de
los voltiles en aire.

En los carbones bituminosos los voltiles crean llamas con mayor irradiacin y mayor
temperatura que en el caso de las biomasas. La liberacin de gran cantidad de calor en
tiempos muy cortos hace que en el pirmetro se lleguen a registrar temperaturas en la
combustin de los voltiles en torno a la partcula cercanas a los 1.700 oC en la atmsfera

En las partculas de los carbones de alto rango, antracita y semiantracita, la

desvolatilizacin es imperceptible y la ignicin transcurre de forma heterognea.

En los carbones bituminosos y biomasas tras la combustin de los voltiles se produce la

ignicin del char. En los carbones bituminosos el intervalo de tiempo entre la extincin de los
voltiles y la ignicin del char es muy corto y la atmsfera de combustin ejerce un gran
efecto, siendo mayor ese intervalo en atmsfera de oxicombustin que en aire e inversamente
proporcional a la concentracin de O2. Para concentraciones de O2 elevadas, 50%O2-50%CO2,
la diferencia entre la extincin de los voltiles y la ignicin del char es prcticamente

La combustin del char en los carbones se produce a una temperatura prcticamente

constante. Esta temperatura media de combustin del char es proporcional a la concentracin
de oxgeno en la atmsfera de oxicombustin. En las biomasas, los tiempos de combustin son
tan cortos que no permiten la estabilizacin de la temperatura.

Sin embargo, la mayor concentracin de oxgeno no produce un descenso proporcional en

los tiempos de quemado siendo notable en el cambio de 21%O2-79%CO2 a 30%O2-70%CO2 y
mucho menor de 35%O2-65%CO2 a 50%O2-50%CO2, debido a la limitacin de la propia cintica
de las reacciones de combustin. Las temperaturas registradas durante la combustin fueron
menores en la atmsfera de CO2 que en la de N2 con la misma concentracin de O2 (21%). Sin
embargo, los tiempos de combustin son mayores en la atmsfera de CO2 que en la de N2, con
la misma concentracin de O2 (21%), para todas las muestras de carbn y biomasa estudiadas.

Combustin de partculas individuales de carbn y biomasa

3.2 Publicaciones relacionadas

I Single particle ignition and combustion of anthracite, semi-anthracite and

bituminous coals in air and simulated oxy-fuel conditions.
J. Riaza, R. Khatami, Y.A. Levendis, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J.
Pis. Combustion and Flame 2014. 161 pp 10961108.

II Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions.

J. Riaza, R. Khatami, Y. A. Levendis, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J.
Pis Biomass and Bioenergy. doi: 10 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.03.018.1

3.2.1 Publicacin I

Single particle ignition and combustion of anthracite, semi-anthracite and bituminous coals
in air and simulated oxy-fuel conditions.

J. Riaza, R. Khatami, Y.A. Levendis, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J. Pis.
Combustion and Flame
2014. 161 pp 10961108.

Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Combustion and Flame

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / c o m b u s t fl a m e

Single particle ignition and combustion of anthracite, semi-anthracite

and bituminous coals in air and simulated oxy-fuel conditions
Juan Riaza a, Reza Khatami b, Yiannis A. Levendis b,, Luca lvarez a, Mara V. Gil a, Covadonga Pevida a,
Fernando Rubiera a, Jos J. Pis a
Instituto Nacional del Carbn, INCAR-CSIC, Apartado 73, 33080 Oviedo, Spain
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A fundamental investigation has been conducted on the combustion behavior of single particles (75
Received 18 June 2013 150 lm) of four coals of different ranks: anthracite, semi-anthracite, medium-volatile bituminous and
Received in revised form 22 August 2013 high-volatile bituminous. A laboratory-scale transparent laminar-flow drop-tube furnace, electrically-
Accepted 3 October 2013
heated to 1400 K, was used to burn the coals. The experiments were performed in different combustion
Available online 23 October 2013
atmospheres: air (21%O2/79%N2) and four simulated dry oxy-fuel conditions: 21%O2/79%CO2, 30%O2/
70%CO2, 35%O2/65%CO2 and 50%O2/50%CO2. The ignition and combustion of single particles was observed
by means of three-color pyrometry and high-speed high-resolution cinematography to obtain tempera-
Oxy-fuel combustion
turetime histories and record combustion behaviors. On the basis of the observations made with these
Single particle techniques, a comprehensive examination of the ignition and combustion behaviors of these fuels was
Pyrometry achieved. Higher rank coals (anthracite and semi-anthracite) ignited heterogeneously on the particle sur-
face, whereas the bituminous coal particles ignited homogeneously in the gas phase. Moreover, deduced
ignition temperatures increased with increasing coal rank and decreased with increasing oxygen concen-
trations. Strikingly disparate combustion behaviors were observed depending on the coal rank. The com-
bustion of bituminous coal particles took place in two phases. First, volatiles evolved, ignited and burned
in luminous enveloping flames. Upon extinction of these flames, the char residues ignited and burned. In
contrast, the higher rank coal particles ignited and burned heterogeneously. The replacement of the back-
ground N2 gas of air with CO2 (i.e., changing from air to an oxy-fuel atmosphere) at the same oxygen mole
fraction impaired the intensity of combustion. It reduced the combustion temperatures and lengthened
the burnout times of the particles. Increasing the oxygen mole fraction in CO2 to 3035% restored the
intensity of combustion to that of air for all the coals studied. Volatile flame burnout times increased lin-
early with the volatile matter content in the coal in both air and all oxygen mole fractions in CO2. On the
other hand, char burnout times increased linearly or quadratically versus carbon content in the coal,
depending on the oxygen mole fraction in the background gas.
2013 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction using air as oxidizer, a mixture of oxygen and recycled flue gas
(mainly CO2 if dried) is employed to yield an effluent stream, rich
Coal has been, and will continue to be, one of the major energy in CO2. However, the successful implementation of oxy-fuel com-
resources in the long term because of its abundant reserves and bustion technology depends on fully understanding the difficulties
competitively low price, especially for use in power generation. that can arise from replacing nitrogen (inert) by CO2 (reactive) in
The share of coal in world energy consumption was 30.3% in the oxidizer stream. Several factors such as char and volatile com-
2011, as opposed to 33.1% for oil and 23.7% for natural gas [1]. A bustion or flame ignition and stability may be affected [3].
diverse power generation portfolio including Carbon Capture and Previous work in this laboratory contrasted the combustion
Storage (CCS) technologies and renewable energies is needed to re- behaviors of single solid fuel particles of a bituminous high-volatile
duce atmospheric CO2 to below 1990 levels [2]. The deployment of type-A coal, three low rank coals (low carbon content and low
oxy-fuel combustion in coal-fired utility boilers is seen as one of heating value coals): a sub-bituminous and two different lignites,
the major options for CO2 capture. In this technology instead of as well as biomass (sugarcane bagasse) under air and under simu-
lated dry oxy-firing conditions [4,5]. This work aims at examining
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 (617) 373 2921. the combustion behavior of additional bituminous coals (high- and
E-mail address: (Y.A. Levendis). medium-volatile types-B) as well as high rank coals (high carbon

0010-2180/$ - see front matter 2013 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108 1097

content and high heating value coals), i.e., anthracite and semi- oxygen-enriched combustion (where the oxygen mole fraction is
anthracite. The combustion and emission studies of bituminous significantly higher than 21%) and full oxy-fuel combustion with
coals has been well-documented in the aforementioned studies neat oxygen are of industrial interest for several reasons (e.g., im-
of Khatami et al. and Kazanc et al. in this laboratory [46] as well proved coal ignition, higher flame temperature, greater flame sta-
as in other studies including those of [710]. However, studies on bility, reduction in boiler size and consequently lower plant costs).
anthracite and semi-anthracite coal particle ignition and combus- The aim of the present work is to evaluate the effect of oxygen
tion are scarce. mole fraction on the ignition and combustion characteristics of
There are several possible oxy-fuel combustion zones which are bituminous and higher rank coals. The coals selected were burned
a function of the preheat temperature and oxygen mole fraction of in different O2/CO2 environments (2150% O2) in a laboratory-
the oxidant stream [11]. Air-like oxy-fuel combustion systems scale, electrically-heated, laminar-flow drop-tube furnace fitted
have been viewed not only as an appropriate technology for new with a transparent quartz tube. An air combustion atmosphere
units but also as a retrofit strategy for existing coal-fired power (i.e., 21%O2/79%N2) was used as a baseline for comparison with
plants. Oxygen concentrations that are similar to, or higher than, O2/CO2 background gases. The ignition and combustion behavior
those of air combustion systems are used in these oxy-fuel regimes of single particles was observed by means of three-color optical
(with a flue gas recycle rate of 6080 vol%, the oxygen mole pyrometry and simultaneous high-speed high-resolution cinema-
fraction is about 30% in the oxidizer stream). However, tography. The data obtained contributes to the understanding of
coal combustion phenomena, in both air and in oxy-firing
Table 1
Proximate and ultimate analyses of the coals.


Origin Spain Spain Mexico S. Africa 2. Materials and methods
Rank an sa mvb hvb
Proximate analysis (wt.%, db) 2.1. Coal samples
Ash 14.2 10.7 21.1 15.0
V.M. 3.6 9.2 23.7 29.9
Four coals of different ranks were burned: an anthracite from
F.C.a 82.2 80.1 55.2 55.1
Asturias, Spain (AC), a semi-anthracite from the Hullera Vasco Leo-
Ultimate analysis (wt.%, daf)
nesa in Len, Spain (HVN), a South African high-volatile bitumi-
C 94.7 91.7 86.2 81.5
H 1.6 3.5 5.5 5.0 nous coal supplied by the Aboo power plant in Asturias (SAB),
N 1.0 1.9 1.6 2.1 and a medium-volatile bituminous coal from Mexico (UM). The
S 0.7 1.6 0.8 0.9 semi-anthracite coal (HVN) is a physical blend of approximately
Oa 2.0 1.3 5.9 10.5 90% anthracitic and 10% low volatile bituminous coal from the
High heating value (MJ kg1, db) 29.2 31.8 27.8 27.8 same mine. The coals were ground and sieved to a particle size
an: Anthracite; sa: semi-anthracite; mvb: medium-volatile bituminous coal; hvb: cut of 75150 lm. The fuels were dried prior to the experiments.
high-volatile bituminous coal. Proximate analyses were obtained using a LECO TGA-601 in accor-
db: Dry basis; daf: dry and ash free bases. dance with ASTM D7582-10 [12]. Ultimate analyses was deter-
Calculated by difference. mined using a LECO CHNS-932 instrument in accordance with

Fig. 1. Schematic of the experimental setup and diagnostic facilities. (a) Drop tube furnace (DTF), (b) three-color optical pyrometer and (c) high speed camera.

1098 J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108

orthogonally situated at the sides of the furnace (used for

Pyrometric observations of the burning single particles were
conducted from the top of the furnace injector, viewing down-
wards along the central axis of the furnace, as this ideally would
be the particles trajectory. In this way, complete luminous burn-
out histories of the single coal particles from ignition to extinc-
tion were recorded. Details of the pyrometer optics, electronics,
calibration hardware and performance have been reported else-
where [15], so here only a brief description is provided. An optical
fiber made up of a high-transmittance (>99.5%) fused silica core
and doped fused silica cladding with an f-number of 2.2, trans-
mitted light from the furnace to the pyrometer assembly. The
pyrometer used two dichroic edge filters as spectrum splitters
Fig. 2. Centerline gas temperature inside the drop-tube furnace filled with either to direct the light to the three interference filters (see Fig. 1b)
neat N2 or neat CO2. The furnace wall temperature was set at 1400 K. having effective wavelengths of 0.640, 0.810 and 0.998 lm and
bandwidths (FWHM) of 70 nm. In conjunction with the interfer-
ence filters, silicon diode detectors were employed, the voltage
ASTM D3176-89 [13]. Results of the analyses of the coals are pre- outputs of which represented spectral radiation intensities of
sented in Table 1. burning particles. These signals were used to deduce particle tem-
peratures [16].
High-speed cinematography was conducted through the slotted
2.2. Experimental apparatus and procedure side quartz windows of the drop-tube furnace against backlight
(Fig. 1a). A NAC HotShot 512SC self-contained digital high-speed vi-
The combustion studies of free-falling coal particles were per- deo camera was used, set to speeds of 1000 or 2000 frames/s. The
formed in an electrically-heated laminar-flow drop-tube furnace, camera was fitted with an Olympus-Infinity Model K2 long-distance
a detailed description of which has been provided elsewhere microscope lens to provide high-magnification images of the com-
[14]. Here only a brief description of the reactor is given. The radi- bustion events (see Fig. 1c).
ation cavity of the furnace (an ATS unit) is 25 cm long and is heated The morphology of the coal chars was examined by means of
with molybdenum disilicide heating elements. A sealed transpar- scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Secondary electron images
ent quartz tube with a 7-cm inner diameter was fitted in this fur- of the samples were obtained with a field emission scanning elec-
nace. A water-cooled injector was used to introduce single fuel tron microscope (Quanta FEG-650-FEI) operated at 30 kV.
particles at the top of the furnace (Fig. 1a). The furnace wall tem-
peratures (Tf) were continuously monitored by means of type-S
thermocouples embedded in the wall. The particle heating rates 2.3. Furnace gas temperature and composition
were high, calculated to be of the order of 104 K/s. Optical access
to the radiation zone of the furnace was achieved through three Coal particle combustion experiments were conducted under
observation ports: one at the top (used for pyrometry) and two quiescent gas conditions (i.e., no gas flow in the drop-tube furnace)


Char Char

(a) (b)


Char Char
Volatile Volatile

(c) (d)
Fig. 3. Examples of pyrometric profiles of (a) anthracite (AC), (b) semi-anthracite (HVN), (c) hvb bituminous (SAB), (d) mvb bituminous (UM) particles (75150 lm) during
their combustion in air, at a wall temperature of 1400 K and their deduced particle temperatures. Volatile flame and char combustion phases are denoted. The three
pyrometric signals were centered at 998, 810 and 640 nm. I stands for the onset of ignition.

J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108 1099

Anthracite (AC) at 21%O2/79%N2

0 6 33 36 175 217
Anthracite (AC) at 21%O2/79%CO2

1 8 11 24 63 75
Anthracite (AC) at 30%O2/70%CO2

0 6 10 17 31 38
Anthracite (AC) at 50%O2/50%CO2

1 5 16 40 58 72
Fig. 4. High-speed, high magnification cinematography images of single particles (75150 lm) of anthracite coal (AC) in air and different O2/CO2 atmospheres. The displayed
numbers in each frame denote milliseconds. A thermocouple wire (100 lm) is shown in the 21%O2/79%CO2 case to facilitate assessment of the particle/flame size.

in order to equalize the axial temperature profiles of N2- and CO2- in three of the simulated oxy-fuel atmospheres studied (21%O2/
containing furnace gases, as documented by Khatami et al. [5]. As 79%CO2, 30%O2/70%CO2 and 50%O2/50%CO2), are shown in Figs. 4
shown in Fig. 2, under quiescent gas conditions (no flow), the axial 7.
gas temperature profiles in the furnace increased along its center- Most of the AC coal particles in air burned with no evidence of
line and in a short distance from the particle injector tip they volatile matter flames (see Fig. 4). These coal particles ignited and
reached asymptotically 1340 K. The gas compositions inside the burned heterogeneously by direct attack of oxygen on their sur-
furnace included air as well as the following four binary mixtures faces. Due to the known low reactivity of the anthracite AC parti-
of O2/CO2 (21%O2/79%CO2, 30%O2/70%CO2, 35%O2/65%CO2 and cles [17], their ignition was delayed. The color of the particles
50%O2/50%CO2). changed from dark (black) to bright (nearly-white) as their sur-
faces became incandescent; this change occurred gradually over
a few milliseconds.
3. Results
As the HVN coal is a physical blend of approx. 90% anthracitic
and 10% low volatile bituminous coal from the same mine, most
3.1. Temperaturetime history of coal particles
HVN coal particles burned in the same way as the AC anthracite
coal particles. A few particles, however, experienced small envel-
Typical examples of radiation intensitytime and temperature
oping flames attributed to combustion of volatiles (see Fig. 5, sec-
time profiles of single coal particles during their entire burnout
ond frames in first and fourth cases). Once the flames were
history in air-firing conditions are displayed in Fig. 3. The radiation
extinguished, the resulting chars proceeded to burn
intensity traces were represented by the output voltage signals Sn
of all three wavelength channels of the pyrometer. The tempera-
The two bituminous coals of this study, UM and SAB, experi-
ture deduction method has been described in Ref. [16].
enced similar combustion trends, as exemplified in Figs. 6 and 7,
In the case of the bituminous coals two separate combustion
including homogeneous ignition and combustion of volatiles in
phases were distinguished by three-color pyrometry (see Fig. 3c
envelope flames, followed by heterogeneous ignition, combustion
and d). In contrast, the anthracitic and most of the semi-anthracite
and extinction of the resulting chars. The volatiles produced large
coal particles experienced only one combustion phase (see Fig. 3a
sooty flames that ignited in the gas phase and completely sur-
and b).
rounded individual particles. The different relative velocities be-
tween the free-falling particles and the surrounding furnace gas
3.2. High-speed cinematography stills led to the formation of con-trails that burned in the wake of the
particles; sometimes the gas flames expanded backwards from
Selected images from high-speed, high-resolution cinematogra- the particles. Since the volatiles contain tars, in some cases drops
phy of particles of the four coals burning in air (21%O2/79%N2) and of burning tars can be distinguished inside the flame as sources

1100 J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108

Semi-anthracite (HVN) at 21%O2/79%N2

0 8 15 19 93 150
Semi-anthracite (HVN) at 21%O2/79%CO2

1 9 15 47 73 85
Semi-anthracite (HVN) at 30%O2/70%CO2

1 4 6 62 113 115
Semi-anthracite (HVN) at 50%O2/50%CO2

0 2 5 8 10 17
Fig. 5. High-speed, high magnification cinematography images of single particles (75150 lm) of semi-anthracite coal (HVN) in air and different O2/CO2 atmospheres. The
displayed numbers in each frame denote milliseconds.

of high luminosity. Tars need more time to burn up, hence occa- been observed to take place prior to ignition, i.e., in the first centi-
sionally some of these drops continued to burn while the flame meter of the furnace, see temperature profile shown in Fig. 2. As
burned out. In atmospheres containing 21% O2 the drops were shown in Fig. 8, the anthracite (AC) and the semi-anthracite
sometimes quenched before completely burning out resulting in (HVN) coal chars consist of angular solid particles with sharp
the formation of soot ligaments. This phenomenon was especially edges. The AC chars have sharper edges (see Fig. 8a, b, e, and f) than
noticeable in the 21%O2/79%CO2 atmosphere. Upon extinction of the HVN chars. The medium volatile bituminous UM chars have
a volatile flame, the luminous combustion of the char commenced. striking bubble-like network-type structures (Fig. 8c and g). The
The recorded cinematographic images suggest the final diameters particles must have exhibited intense swelling and bubbling dur-
of the chars approached those of the estimated size of ash residues, ing devolatilization to form cenospheric char particles with almost
as discussed in the Appendix A. transparent walls. Large blow-holes often appear on the surfaces,
For the four coals studied, when N2 was replaced with CO2, particularly in CO2 (Fig. 8g). Cenospheric char formation with asso-
keeping the oxygen mole fraction constant, the burning particles ciated swelling was also observed in the case of the high-volatile
appeared dimmer. This is indicative of slower oxidation, which bituminous SAB particles (Fig. 8d and h). However, the walls of
causes lower flame/particle temperatures. Dim combustion was the SAB cenospheres appear to be much thicker and much more
also observed by Zhang et al. [18], who reported that the average opaque than those of the UM cenospheres.
intensity of coal particles burning in O2/CO2 with oxygen concen-
trations below 30%, was much lower than that in air. Moreover, 4. Discussion
in our study the brightness and intensity of combustion increased
drastically with O2 in the O2/CO2 environments, which is indicative The ignition and combustion behavior of anthracite, semian-
of rapid oxidation. In fact, particle combustion images of the thracite and bituminous coal particles were determined based on
30%O2/70%CO2 atmosphere resembled those in air. the combined diagnostic techniques of pyrometry and back-light
cinematography, in conjunction of scanning electron microscopy.
3.3. Morphology of coal chars
4.1. Ignition phenomena and ignition temperatures
The chars obtained from coal devolatilization under N2 and CO2
background gases in an entrained reactor were examined by SEM; 4.1.1. Ignition mode
sample images are shown in Fig. 8. These photographs were ob- Ignition-related events of anthracite, semi anthracite and bitu-
tained in prior experiments, described in Ref. [19], at an average minous coal particles, are illustrated in the initial stills of the pho-
reactor gas temperature of 1273 K. This temperature is in the range tographic sequences depicted in Figs. 47. The determination of
of gas temperatures encountered in the experiments herein in the ignition mode in this work relied on luminous emissions. Anthra-
region of the furnace herein where particle devolatilization has cite and semi-anthracite coal particles ignited heterogeneously

J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108 1101

Bituminous (UM) at 21%O2/79%N2

0 1 4 12 15 33
Bituminous (UM) at 21%O2/79%CO2

1 3 12 16 19 50
Bituminous (UM) at 30%O2/70%CO2

1 2 6 8 11 52
Bituminous (UM) at 50%O2/50%CO2

0 1 4 9 13 76
Fig. 6. High-speed, high magnification cinematography images of single particles (75150 lm) of medium volatile bituminous coal (UM) in air and different O2/CO2
atmospheres. The displayed numbers in each frame denote milliseconds. A thermocouple wire (100 lm) is shown in the 21%O2/79%N2 case to facilitate assessment of the
particle/flame size.

on the particle surfaces. Such ignition mode is attributed to the low in CO2 consistently decreased the ignition temperature for all coal
volatile matter content and high fixed carbon content of these ranks.
coals. In the case of a few semi-anthracite particles, gas-phase
(homogeneous) ignition took place due to their higher volatile 4.2. Combustion mode
matter content as discussed earlier. The nature of the heteroge-
neous ignition of anthracite and semi-anthracite particles is Single particle combustion modes were discussed comprehen-
however different to that of lignite coals, previously studied in this sively in previous studies [4,5,20]. In summary, Howard and Essen-
laboratory [5]. Although the lignite coal particles contained high [20] studied the combustion phenomena of coal particles and
sufficient amounts of volatile matters for gas-phase ignition, their proposed a model to assess whether the burning of the volatiles
extensive fragmentation and the small fragment sizes were the and char takes place sequentially or simultaneously. Khatami
main reasons for their heterogeneous ignition [5]. The much higher et al. [4,5] employed that model to a number of coals from different
volatile content bituminous coal particles of this study ignited in ranks in a variety of oxygennitrogen and oxygen-carbon dioxide
the gas phase (homogeneously). The homogeneous ignition mode environments. The terms two-mode and one-mode combustion
of bituminous coal in the current study is in line with previous were used to respectively signify events where gas-phase combus-
observations in this laboratory for the Pittsburgh #8 high-volatile tion of the volatiles takes place in an enveloping flame, prior to het-
bituminous coal [5]. erogeneous char particle combustion, and where volatile and solid
char combustion take place simultaneously.
4.1.2. Ignition temperatures
In this study, ignition temperature was defined as the first point (a) Anthracitic and the majority of semi-anthracite coal particles
where the maximum particle temperature gradient (dTp/dt) was exhibited only one wide peak in each pyrometric profile,
recorded, see Fig. 9a. Figure 9b shows the ignition temperatures which is attributed to heterogeneous combustion of the char
in air as well as in different O2/CO2 atmospheres for various fuels, (see Fig. 3a and b) with possible simultaneous burning of
under the conditions of this study. Each data point in this figure volatiles. This observation is consistent with the cinemato-
represents average ignition temperatures from at least 8 ran- graphic behavior, where there is no evidence of an envelop-
domly-selected particles. Ignition temperature data for lignite coal ing flame corresponding to volatiles combustion, but only
particles from a previous study in this laboratory [4] are also dis- that of the incandescent burning char. Such anthracitic coals
played in this figure for comparison. produced no incandescent trails of volatiles (see Figs. 4 and
Figure 9 illustrates that higher rank coals ignited at higher tem- 5). Moreover, most of the anthracite particles and some
peratures. Moreover, replacing N2 with CO2 increased the ignition semi-anthracite particles exhibited striking undulation pat-
temperature, but only negligibly. Increasing oxygen mole fraction terns (wave patterns) in their radiation intensity pyrometric

1102 J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108

Bituminous (SAB) at 21%O2/79%N2

0 2 6 23 59 119
Bituminous (SAB) at 21%O2/79%CO2

1 6 9 21 29 44
Bituminous (SAB) at 30%O2/70%CO2

1 3 8 11 14 86
Bituminous (SAB) at 50%O2/50%CO2

0 1 4 10 31 69
Fig. 7. High-speed, high magnification cinematography images of single particles (75150 lm) of high volatile bituminous coal (SAB) in air and different O2/CO2 atmospheres.
The displayed numbers in each frame denote milliseconds.

Fig. 8. SEM images of the anthracite (AC), semi-anthracite (HVN) and medium- and high-volatile bituminous (UM, SAB) coal char particles obtained under N2 (ad) and CO2
(eh) in an entrained flow reactor (EFR) at 1273 K and a particle residence time of 2.5 s [19].

signals. As the deduced temperature profiles do not show detected in cinematographic sequences as the one shown
such undulations, but deduced luminous cross sectional in Fig. 10. Somehow the anthracite char particles, which as
areas do (with a method outlined in Ref. [16]), such conspic- documented earlier (see Section 3.3) retain their planar
uous undulation patterns were attributed to particle rota- and angular shapes upon devolatilization and supposedly
tions during combustion. Such patterns can indeed be throughout char combustion, experienced rotation

J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108 1103


Ignition Temperature (K)

1280 Rank decreases


Air- Open symbols
O2/CO2-Filled symbols

AC (an)
HVN (sa)
1030 UM (mvb)
SAB (hvb)
Titus (lig)-from [4]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
O2 (%)

(a) (b)
Fig. 9. (a) Typical ignition temperature criterion for a pyrometric profile which is defined as the point where the maximum particle temperature gradient was recorded (b)
Average deduced ignition temperatures for the four coals of the current study in air and different oxy-fuel environments. Ignition temperatures of lignite, a low rank coal,
were also inserted herein from a previous study in this laboratory [4].

Undulation pattern-particle rotation

Pyrometer wavelengths (nm)

Undulation pattern-particle rotation

Undulation pattern-particle rotation

Fig. 10. An example of a pyrometric profile of an anthracite coal particle (75150 lm) burning in air, at a wall temperature of 1400 K and its deduced particle temperature

1104 J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108

450 300
400 AC HVN
358 250
350 239
Burnout time (ms)

Burnout time (ms)

294 200
228 150
200 145
171 162
150 100
100 O2/N2 O2/N2

O2/CO2 50
50 O2/CO2

0 0
15 25 35 45 55 15 25 35 45 55
Oxygen (mole fraction) Oxygen (mole fraction)
(a) (b)
180 140
160 UM SAB
140 138 111
Burnout time (ms)


Burnout time (ms)

114 113 86 84 82
100 80

80 84 66
O2/N2 40 O2/N2
20 O2/CO2 20 O2/CO2

0 0
15 25 35 45 55 15 25 35 45 55
Oxygen (mole fraction) Oxygen (mole fraction)
(c) (d)
Fig. 11. Average burnout times for the four coals (ad) studied in air and different oxy-fuel environments. The error bars represent standard deviations of the data (2r).

(tumbling) as they fell in the drop tube furnace. These coals the duration of the pyrometer signal from its onset (particle igni-
are non-swelling and they release much fewer volatiles than tion) to its termination (particle extinction), both defined herein
the bituminous coals, as also reported by Seeker et al. [21]. when the highest-intensity signal (k = 998 nm) of a particular
(b) The bituminous coal particles exhibited two peaks in each event exceeds the baseline by a factor of at least 10, i.e., Ssignal/
profile, an exceedingly strong first peak followed by a less Sbaseline > 10. The temperatures displayed were the maximum
pronounced second peak (see Fig. 3c and d). The first peak temperatures deduced from the single particle combustion histo-
is attributed to volatiles burning homogeneously in lumi- ries (as exemplified in Fig. 3). Each data point represents the
nous enveloping flames, whereas the second peak is attrib- mean values from at least 1520 individual particle combustion
uted to the heterogeneous combustion of char. The events.
combustion of the chars was lengthy and bright. The bitumi- In this sub-section only the examples in the air atmosphere are
nous coals are rich in volatile hydrocarbons and tars, some of described for a clearer comparison between the coals. The burnout
which are soot precursors [22]. Bituminous coals typically times of the bituminous particles were much shorter than the
swell up and form cenospheric spheroid chars, as illustrated burnout times of the anthracitic particles. This may be due to the
in Section 3.3. In doing so, they expel volatiles in jets or trails higher volatile matter content of the bituminous coals (which en-
(e.g. Fig. 6, 30%O2/70%CO2, 8 ms, Fig. 7, 21%O2/79%N2, hances subsequent char combustion), and to their higher reactiv-
23 ms), forming condensed matter around a particle. In the ity. As high rank coals release few volatiles, there were very
regions where there are no jets of volatiles, there is a possi- small differences between the chars and the original coal particles.
bility of heterogeneous surface reaction with oxygen. The On the other hand, in the case of the bituminous coals, their chars
temperatures of most bituminous chars experienced small showed significant signs of swelling after devolatilization [19]. This
variations with time, whereas the spectral radiation inten- created more specific surface area, and therefore enhanced particle
sity and particle diameter plateaued for a time and then, reactivity. As can be seen from Fig. 11, the burnout times in air for
slowly decreased. This behavior of the bituminous particles the anthracitic coals were the longest, 294 ms and 215 ms for AC
is clearly illustrated in the cinematographic images (see and HVN, respectively; whereas for bituminous coals UM and
Figs. 6 and 7), and has been well documented in the litera- SAB the burnout times were 114 ms and 86 ms, respectively.
ture [4,14,21,23,24]. As can be seen in the cinematographic records, bituminous
coals displayed a tendency to burn in two-mode combustion. Vola-
4.3. Effect of fuel type on temperature and burnout time tiles often contain a large amount of stored energy (heating value)
and, as can be seen in Fig. 12, the combustion of volatiles was the
The burnout time data and temperatures are shown in Figs. 11 hottest and the fastest (typically lasting 1015 ms in air). Lower
and 12, respectively. The pyrometric burnout times are based on temperatures were reached during char combustion. The

J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108 1105

2050 2050
2000 AC 1994 2000 HVN
Temperature (K) 1950 1950

Temperature (K)
1900 1900

1850 1853 1850 1847

1800 1800 1811
1750 O2/N2 - Tchar 1750 O2/N2 - Tchar
1700 1700 O2/CO2 - Tchar 1700 1706
O2/CO2 - Tchar
1650 1650
15 25 35 45 55 15 25 35 45 55
Oxygen (mole fraction) Oxygen (mole fraction)
(a) (b)
2300 2300
O2/N2 - Tchar 2272
2200 O2/CO2 - Tchar 2197 SAB
O2/N2 - Tvol
O2/CO2 - Tvol 2100
Temperature (K)


Temperature (K)
1967 1950 1953 2000
1975 1967
1800 1871
1755 1819
1731 1800 1795
1700 1686 1667 O2/N2 - Tchar
1734 O2/CO2 - Tchar
1600 1597 1700
O2/N2 - Tvol
UM 1657
O2/CO2 - Tvol
1500 1600
15 25 35 45 55 15 25 35 45 55
Oxygen (mole fraction) Oxygen (mole fraction)
(c) (d)
Fig. 12. Average char and volatile matter combustion temperatures for the four coals studied (ad) in air and different oxy-fuel environments. The error bars represent
standard deviations of the data (2r).

is higher in O2/CO2 than in O2/N2, atmospheres causing both the

Table 2
Oxygen content (%) in the O2/CO2 required to achieve the same char and volatile
volatile matter flame temperatures and the char temperatures to
temperature as in air-firing conditions. drop [4,8,25]. Other important factors which influence char com-
bustion temperature are the lower binary diffusion of O2 in CO2
and the endothermicity of the char-CO2 reactions [2527]. Larger
Equivalent Tvolatile 35.7 36.2 CO concentrations, formed partly due to incomplete combustion
Equivalent Tchar 32.8 31.5 29.4 34.1
of the volatiles, and partly driven from char CO2 gasification reac-
tions, would also contribute to the worsening of the burning prop-
high-volatile bituminous SAB coal contained the highest amount of erties of the coal, by forming a persistent cloud around the particle,
volatile matter. The average temperatures reached during its com- thereby preventing the access of oxygen to the surface of the par-
bustion in air were also the highest, 2079 K and 1795 K for volatiles ticle [17].
and char, respectively, whereas in the combustion of the medium The particle temperature (in the case of the bituminous coals
volatile bituminous UM coal in air, which has a lower volatile mat- for both the char and the volatiles) increased and the burnout
ter content, average temperatures of 1967 K and 1686 K were times decreased with the enhancement of the oxygen content in
reached for volatiles and char, respectively. On the other hand, the CO2 mixture. However, the shortening in the burnout times
anthracitic coals burned in one-mode combustion by direct attack and the enhancement of temperatures was not the same for all
of oxygen on the char surface. During the combustion of AC and the coals studied. It was more marked in the case of the anthracitic
HVN in air, the average char temperatures reached were 1825 K coals since the bituminous coals reached a high burnout value in
and 1811 K, respectively. atmospheres with lower oxygen content (i.e., 21%O2/79%N2 and
21%O2/79%CO2) [28] . Increasing the O2 percentage in the CO2 mix-
4.4. Effect of the diluent background gases (N2 and CO2) and oxygen ture up to 50% was still insufficient to match the heat capacity of
mole fraction on temperatures and burnout times air (Heat capacity of pure gases (at 1400 K) are N2 34.18 kJ/kmol K;
O2 36.08 kJ/kmol K and CO2 57.83 kJ/kmol K. Therefore, heat capac-
As can be seen in Fig. 12 the particle temperatures (in the case ity of the air and some of the O2/CO2 environments in this study
of bituminous coals for both volatiles and chars) were higher dur- are: Air = 34.6 kJ/kmol K, 21%O2/79%CO2 = 53.3 kJ/kmol K, 50%O2/
ing their combustion in 21%O2/79%N2 than in 21%O2/79%CO2, 50%CO2 = 47 kJ/kmol K.). However, the rise in the mass flux rate in-
whereas their corresponding burnout times were shorter (see creased the reactivity characteristic of the local mixture [27].
Fig. 11). A factor controlling the particle temperatures is the Bejarano and Levendis [8] found that the higher the oxygen mole
volumetric heat capacity of the surrounding gas mixture, which fraction, the higher the char surface temperature and the shorter

1106 J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108

mvb 30%O2/70%CO2

t vol (Air) = 0.49 (VM) + 2.96

10 t vol (21%O2-CO2) = 0.55 (VM) + 8.9


t vol (30%O2-CO2) = 0.28(VM) + 7.89

t vol (35%O2-CO2) = 0.42 (VM) + 5.31
0 t vol (50%O2-CO2) = 0.30 (VM) + 3.93
0 10 20 30 40

VM (%)

Fig. 13. Average observed volatile burnout times versus volatile matter content (VM) of the coals. Experiments were performed at 1400 K furnace temperature with particle
diameters in the range 75150 lm.

the burnout time. In addition, if there is sufficient oxygen, the combustion occurred in active flow conditions in the furnace
homogeneous combustion of the gasification-derived CO to CO2 and not under the quiescent conditions of this study (which re-
could provide extra heat. Joutsenoja and Saastamoinen [29] mea- sulted in the gas temperature profiles depicted in Fig. 2) the O2/
sured temperature snapshots of burning single particles in an en- CO2 gas temperatures would have been lower than the O2/N2
trained flow reactor using a pyrometric method, when the gas temperatures, since CO2 heats up slower [5]. This would have
oxygen mole fraction ranged between 3% and 30% and they also re- resulted in lower coal particle temperatures in CO2 background
ported that the particle temperature increased with oxygen mole gases than those reported herein. Hence, somewhat higher oxy-
fraction. gen mole fractions in CO2 would have been needed than those
In summary, coals burned hotter and faster in N2 than in CO2 shown in Table 2 to match the particle temperatures in conven-
background gases at comparable oxygen mole fractions. To attain tional air combustion. Alternatively, preheating of the O2/CO2
the same volatiles flame and char temperatures as in air (21%O2), gases could have been implemented to compensate for their
the oxygen content in CO2 mixtures had to be increased to 35% slower heating rate in the furnace. In this case the mole fractions
for these bituminous coals, and to 30% for these anthracitic listed in Table 2 may still be valid, depending on the degree of
coals. The values of oxygen needed to achieve the same particle preheating.
char and volatiles temperatures in oxy-fuel conditions as in air-
firing, are shown in Table 2. Increasing the oxygen concentration
4.5. Effect of volatile matter (VM) content on the volatile flame
to such values also led to shortened burnout times and tempera-
burnout times
ture hikes, although they are less remarkable. These results are in
agreement with previous studies carried out for other fuels with
Figure 13 shows the volatile flame burnout times of the differ-
different experimental devices [10,30,31]. These observations
ent coals in this study versus volatile matter content of the fuels
have practical ramifications in the operation of future furnaces
burning in air and in various O2/CO2 atmospheres. The volatile
under oxy-coal combustion conditions. The successful implemen-
burnout times increased linearly with increasing volatile matter
tation of O2/CO2 technology in conventional pulverized coal boil-
content (VM) of the coals in all gas environments. The linear
ers requires a full understanding of the changes that occur when
dependency equations of volatile burnout times (Tvolatiles) and vol-
N2 is replaced by CO2 in a combustion atmosphere; this is essen-
atile matter content in the coal (VM) are shown in Fig. 13. It should
tial for designing and modeling oxy-fuel combustion at an indus-
be mentioned that the linear equations in Fig. 13 were derived for
trial scale. One should keep in mind however, that had
the experimental conditions of this study (i.e., Tf = 1400 K and

400 21%O2/79%N2
350 21%O2/79%CO2
sa 35%O2/65%CO2

t char (Air)= 1.15 (C)2 - 186 (C) + 7577

150 mvb t char(21%O2-CO2) = 1.73(C)2 - 284 (C) + 11781


100 t char(30%O2-CO2) = 0.71 (C)2 - 113(C)+ 4518
50 t char(35%O2-CO2) = 8.28(C) - 612
0 t char(50%O2-CO2) = 7.92 (C) - 591
80 85 90 95 100

C (%)

Fig. 14. Average char burnout times versus carbon content (C) of the coals. Experiments were performed at 1400 K furnace temperature with particle diameters in the range
75150 lm.

J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108 1107

particle sizes 75150 lm) and may not be necessarily valid for dif- (g) Equivalent temperatures and burnout times of bituminous
ferent experimental/operating conditions. coal volatiles and chars to those measured in air were
attained when the oxygen content in the CO2 mixtures was
4.6. Effect of carbon content (C) on the char burnout times 3035%. This observation has practical ramifications in
the operation of practical systems.
Figure 14 shows the char burnout times of different coals versus (h) The volatile burnout times increased linearly with increasing
carbon content of the fuels burning in air and in various O2/CO2 volatile matter content (VM) of the coals in all gas
atmospheres. The char burnout times increased with increasing environments.
carbon content (C) of the coals in all gas environments. However, (i) The dependency of char burnout times versus carbon con-
the dependency of char burnout times versus carbon content (C) tent (C) was quadratic for air and comparable oxygen mole
was quadratic for air and lower oxygen mole fractions in CO2 fractions in CO2 (21%O2) while this dependency was linear
(21%O2), whereas this dependency became linear at higher O2 mole at higher O2 mole fractions (35%O2, 50%O2).
fractions (35%O2, 50%O2). The quadratic and linear equations of
char burnout times (Tchar) versus carbon content of the coal (C) Acknowledgments
are also displayed in Fig. 14. It should be again mentioned that
the equations shown in Fig. 14 were derived for the experimental The authors acknowledge financial assistance from the US-NSF
conditions of this study (Tf = 1400 K and particle sizes 75150 lm) award CBET-0755431. J. Riaza acknowledges funding from the
and, again, may not be necessarily valid for different experimental/ Government of the Principado de Asturias (Severo Ochoa program).
operating conditions. M.V. Gil and L. lvarez acknowledge funding from the CSIC JAE pro-
gram, co-financed by the European Social Fund. Support from the
5. Conclusions CSIC (PIE 201080E09) is also gratefully acknowledged.

Pulverized fuel particles (75150 lm) from four high and med- Appendix A. Calculation of diffusion-limited burnout times
ium rank coals were burned in a drop-tube furnace, set at 1400 K,
under air and simulated dry oxy-firing conditions. The goal was to The average oxygen mole fraction on the char particle surface
assess the ignition and combustion behaviors of single coal parti- can be estimated by the following formula [32]:
cles in different combustion atmospheres with combined cinemat-  
a2 RT m qc
ographic and pyrometric diagnostic tools. The most important  0

conclusions are as follows:

yO2 s 4=3 yO2 1 e 56Ptot DtB;obs
 4=3 A:1

In this relation the surface oxygen mole fraction, yO2 s is assumed

(a) High rank coals (anthracite and semi-anthracite) ignited to be an average value. ai, qc, Tm, D, tB, R and Ptot are initial burning
heterogeneously at the particle surface, whereas bituminous particle radius, initial particle density, film temperature between
coals ignited in the gas phase (homogeneously). the char particle and flow, bulk diffusion coefficient of O2 in the dil-
(b) Ignition temperatures increased with the enhancement of uent gas, observed particle burnout time, gas universal constant
coal rank in either air or oxy-fuel combustion conditions. and total pressure of the system, respectively.
Increasing oxygen mole fraction from 21% to 50% in CO2 If yO2 s is zero or close to zero, the combustion takes place under
decreased the ignition temperature for all coals. diffusion limited conditions (Regime III), whereas if yO2 s is close to
(c) Replacing the N2 in air by CO2 slightly increased the ignition yO2 1 , the combustion occurs under kinetically limited conditions
temperature (3040 K). (Regime I). Any yO2 s in-between the above values results under a
(d) Particles of the two bituminous coals burned with distinct combination of kinetic-diffusion limited conditions (Regime II).
volatile matter and char combustion phases (i.e., two-mode The time tB required for combustion under diffusion control
combustion), whereas the anthracitic and most semi- (Regime III) becomes [32]:
anthracite coal particles burned in a single combustion
phase, which was mostly attributed to char. The tempera- qc a2i  a2f RT m 1
tB   A:2
tures of the bituminous coal char particles were lower than 56 D ln 1 3 y
4 O2 1
those of the anthracitic coals, and their combustion dura-
tions were much shorter. In Eq. (A.2), af is the final particle radius after extinction, which
(e) For the four coals studied, particle luminosity and the herein is calculated based on the ash content in the parent coal
deduced temperatures were higher in the 21%O2/79%N2 composition and assuming shrinking core combustion and compa-
atmosphere than in 21%O2/79%CO2. The replacement of N2 rable char and ash residue densities [14].
by CO2 reduced the bituminous volatiles flame temperatures For instance, for anthracite (AC) burning in air with the ob-
by as much as 210 K, and coal char surface temperatures by served parameters of this study a0i = 56.25 lm, af = 19 lm,
as much as 140 K, at comparable oxygen mole fractions. The qc = 1 g/cm3 [33], Tm = 1612 K, Ptot = 1 atm, DO2N2 = 3.37 cm2/s, tB-
corresponding drop for anthracitic coals was around 125 K. 3
obs = 294 ms, R = 82 atm cm /mol K, oxygen mole fraction on the
The combustion times increased by as much as 60 ms in particle surface from (A.1), yO2 s , was calculated to be 0.09 and the
the case of the anthracitic coals, and 30 ms in the case of diffusion limited burnout time from (A.2), tB, was calculated to
bituminous coals. be 134 ms. On the other hand, for anthracite (AC) burning in
(f) As the oxygen concentration in the CO2 mixtures 21%O279%CO2, Tm = 1550 K, DO2CO2 = 2.63 cm2/s, tB-obs = 358 ms
increased from 21% to 50%, the temperature of the char and the rest of parameters are similar to those of combustion in
particles increased up to 320 K for the anthracitic coals air. In this case, oxygen mole fraction on the particle surface from
and 310 K for the bituminous coals. The temperature of (A.1), yO2 s , was 0.09 and the diffusion limited burnout time from
the volatile flames increased by as much as 400 K for (A.2), tB, was 165 ms. Therefore, under the experimental conditions
the bituminous coals. Also an important reduction in of this study, combustion of anthracite in either air or oxy-fuel con-
burnout time was observed, especially in the case of dition (21%O2/79%CO2) took place in Regime II which is a combina-
anthracitic coals. tion of kinetic and diffusion limited cases.

1108 J. Riaza et al. / Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 10961108

400 400 400

350 AC (an) 350 HVN (sa) 350 SAB (hvb)

Burnout time (ms)

Burnout time (ms)

Burnout time (ms)

300 300 300 Air-observed
250 250 250 CO2-observed
Air-diffusion limited-Ave size 112 m
200 200 200 CO2-diffusion limited-Ave size 112 m
150 150 150
100 100 100
50 50 50
0 0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
O2 (%) O2 (%) O2 (%)

Fig. A.1. Comparison of experimentally-observed and calculated diffusion-limited burnout times of anthracite, semi-anthracite and bituminous char particles, plotted against
bulk oxygen mole fraction.

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3.2.2 Publicacin II

Combustion of Single Biomass Particles in Air and in Oxy-Fuel Conditions.

J. Riaza, R. Khatami, Y. A. Levendis, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J. Pis
Biomass and Bioenergy.
doi: 10 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.03.018.1

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3

Available online at


Combustion of single biomass particles in air and

in oxy-fuel conditions

Juan Riaza a, Reza Khatami b, Yiannis A. Levendis b,*, Luca Alvarez a,

Mara V. Gil a, Covadonga Pevida a, Fernando Rubiera a, Jose J. Pis a
Instituto Nacional del Carbon, INCAR-CSIC, Apartado 73, 33080 Oviedo, Spain
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA

article info abstract

Article history: The combustion behaviors of four different pulverized biomasses were evaluated in the
Received 18 September 2012 laboratory. Single particles of sugarcane bagasse, pine sawdust, torrefied pine sawdust and
Received in revised form olive residue were burned in a drop-tube furnace, set at 1400 K, in both air and O2/CO2
4 March 2014 atmospheres containing 21, 30, 35, and 50% oxygen mole fractions. High-speed and high-
Accepted 11 March 2014 resolution images of single particles were recorded cinematographically and temperature
Available online xxx etime histories were obtained pyrometrically. Combustion of these particles took place in
two phases. Initially, volatiles evolved and burned in spherical envelope flames of low-
Keywords: luminosity; then, upon extinction of these flames, char residues ignited and burned in brief
Biomass process residues periods of time. This behavior was shared by all four biomasses of this study, and only
Torrefied biomass small differences among them were evident based on their origin, type and pre-treatment.
Combustion Volatile flames of biomass particles were much less sooty than those of previously burned
Ignition coal particles of analogous size and char combustion durations were briefer. Replacing the
Single particle background N2 gas with CO2, i.e., changing from air to an oxy-fuel atmosphere, at 21% O2
Pyrometry impaired the intensity of combustion; reduced the combustion temperatures and length-
ened the burnout times of the biomass particles. Increasing the oxygen mole fraction in
CO2 to 28e35% restored the combustion intensity of the single biomass particles to that in
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

more common in coal power plants because replacing part of

1. Introduction the coal with biomass results in lower pollutant and green-
house gas emissions, as compared to firing neat coal [1,2]. Co-
Biomass has higher volatile matter content than coal, but it firing biomass and coal reduces the emissions of SO2, NOx and
has less carbon, more oxygen and a lower energy content CO2. Altogether elimination of such emissions may be ach-
(heating value). The use of biomass in existing pulverized coal ieved in future power plants (termed zero emission power
power plants requires only minor modifications as compared plants) by implementing carbon dioxide capture and storage
to the construction of new biomass-specific fired power (CCS) techniques. However, co-firing coal with biomass re-
plants, making the co-firing of biomass with coal an easier and duces the power output of a power-plant in proportion to the
less costly way for generating power. Co-firing is becoming amount of the latter fuel [3e5].

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 617 373 3806; fax: 1 617 373 2921.
E-mail addresses:, (Y.A. Levendis).
0961-9534/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),
2 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3

Oxy-fuel combustion is a promising technology for facili- fragile particles as well as a higher energy density than the
tating CCS. It burns fuel in a mixture of oxygen and recycled parent biomass particles [15,16]. During the torrefaction pro-
flue gases (mainly CO2) instead of air in conventional com- cess, the biomass loses typically 30% of its mass, but only 10%
bustion. The exhaust flue gases consist mainly of CO2, approx. of its energy content [17]. The resulting higher energy density
95% on a dry volume basis, and small amounts of excess oxy- of the torrefied fuel reduces the transportation costs.
gen, nitrogen and, to a lesser extent, pollutants, such as ni- Biomass pyrolysis has been investigated in numerous
trogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx) (approx. 0.1e0.2% studies. Results are highlighted in several reviews, including
dry volume basis) [6]. The combination of oxy-fuel combustion, those in Refs. [3,18e22]. The pyrolytic products are H2, H2O, CO,
as a CCS technology, with biomass [2] could effectively provide CO2, CH4, other light hydrocarbons, tar, ash and char. At tem-
a method which would not only avoid further CO2 emissions peratures below 773 K, biomass fuels decompose into primary
but, perhaps even help reduce the atmospheric CO2. Simpson volatiles. At these temperatures, tars are produced by depoly-
et al. [7] compared the efficiency of oxy-fuel combustion and merisation reactions while pyrolytic water is produced by
post-combustion carbon dioxide separation cycles by ther- dehydration reactions. The main gaseous products of pyrolysis
modynamic analysis. They concluded that the air separation are CO2 and CO. At temperatures above 773 K, the primary
efficiency in oxy-fuel technology must increase sufficiently to volatiles are subject to a secondary pyrolysis, during which tars
offset the additional cost and inefficiency of requiring a CO2 are converted into a variety of gaseous species, especially CO,
purification unit on the back end. They proposed that oxy-fuel light hydrocarbons, hydrogen and CO2. At high heating rates,
combustion may be more attractive for systems operating with biomass decomposes expediently generating mostly gas, va-
oxygenated fuels such as biomass. For such systems, the pors and char [23]. The char that remains upon termination of
development of near-stoichiometric combustors would not the pyrolysis reactions is enriched in carbon [24].
need expensive CO2 purification units. Moreover, a recent Implementation of optical pyrometry and high-speed cine-
investigation [8] suggested that biomass/coal blend combus- matography for the study of ignition and combustion of single
tion may be a method for controlling the excess heat generated coal particles and streams of coal particles has been well
from oxy-combustion of coal in neat oxygen, a proposed documented [25e33]. However, there is a scarcity of analogous
clean coal technology. They utilized a TGA-DSC technique at studies on biomass particle ignition and combustion charac-
1173 K to burn blends of a lignite coal and two biomasses, at teristics. On the other hand, Wornat et al. [34] studied the
high oxygen partial pressures. They reported that the heat flux combustion rates of single particles of two biomass chars
from the combustion of lignite increased dramatically when (southern pine and switch grass), with nominal sizes in the
the oxidizing medium was altered from dry air to neat oxygen. range of 75e106 mm, in a laminar-flow reactor with 6% and 12%
However, in the case of co-firing lignite with biomass under O2 mole fraction (balance N2) at 1600 K. In situ measurements
neat oxygen, the excess heat flux arising from the combustion using a two-color optical pyrometer and a video camera
of lignite was reduced and the temperature of the combustion revealed that biomass char particles burned over a wider tem-
chamber was thus controlled. Based on their results, they perature range (1500e1950 K, DT z 450 K) than high volatile
suggested that co-combustion of coal/biomass blends in bituminous and lignite coal particles (1800e1950 K, i.e.,
enriched oxygen environments may be an alternative method DT z 150 K versus 1900e2000 K, i.e., DT z 100 K, respectively).
to CO2 recycling in future oxy-fuel combustion systems. Austin et al. [35] conducted an experimental study in a drop-
All biomasses are composed of three main components: tube furnace, burning 300e1500 mm corncob particles in air
cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. For instance, the using a video camera (50e100 frames per second) and an
sugarcane bagasse sample burned herein contained 41.3% infrared phototransistor. They determined that the burning
cellulose, 34.3% hemicelluloses and 13.8% lignin. Whereas times of the volatiles and the ignition delay times increased
cellulose and hemicellulose are macromolecules constructed with the increase of the initial particle density and diameter.
from different sugars, lignin is an aromatic polymer synthe- Meesri and Moghtaderi [36] burned pine sawdust particles at
sized from phenylpropanoid precursors [9]. Hemicellulose is drop-tube furnace temperatures of 1473 K in air and reported
easily degraded, and its pyrolysis takes place at temperatures particle temperatures circa 1700 K. They also reported that the
in the range of 493e588 K. The pyrolysis of cellulose occurs in char oxidation reactions occurred in Regime II, where chemical
the 588e673 K range, whereas that of lignin covers a wider reactions and pore diffusion happen concurrently. Arias et al.
temperature range (423e1176 K) [10]. [37] studied the ignition and combustion characteristics of coal/
Torrefaction is a useful pre-treatment for the biomass biomass blends under oxy-fuel conditions. They burned a
materials as they are sometimes difficult to fluidize and bituminous coal and bituminous coal/eucalyptus biomass
introduce into furnaces because of their fibrous shapes [11]. blends (90%e10% or 80%e20%, by weight). Their experiments
The management and milling of torrefied biomass is easier were performed in an electrically-heated entrained flow reactor
than that of the parent biomass. That is why the torrefaction (EFR) set to 1273 K. Oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized fuels
process is being introduced to industrial practices [12,13]. This (75e150 mm) occurred with 21%, 30% and 35% O2 mole fraction in
process consists of heating the biomass in nitrogen, or in a low CO2, and was compared with results obtained in air. When coal
oxygen-containing atmosphere, to temperatures up to 573 K. was blended with the biomass, its ignition temperature in air
In this process, the biomass dries, and as the temperature was reduced. However, this effect was less pronounced in the
increases, certain changes take place in the molecular struc- case of oxy-fuel combustion, regardless of O2 concentration.
ture. Light hydrocarbon molecules are released through the The effect of blending biomass and coal on burnout effective-
decomposition of the reactive hemicellulose fraction [14]. ness was negligible. Riaza et al. [2] observed similar results.
Torrefied fuels are easier to manage, and they contain more Borrego et al. [38] obtained chars from different biomasses by

Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3 3

pyrolysis in air and in oxy-fuel environments, and reported no pine sawdust (PI), torrefied pine sawdust (TOPI), and sugarcane
significant differences between the char characteristics, i.e., bagasse (SCB), which is a residue of bio-ethanol and sugar
pore volume, morphology, surface area and reactivity. production. Olive residue is the part of the olive that remains
In addition to the above studies, some other notable in- after the olive oil has been extracted. Nowadays olive residue
vestigations reported on experiments and numerical biomass is used as a low cost renewable fuel for domestic and
modeling of single-particle biomass combustion [39e42]; industrial heating. The olive residue sample used in this work
however, the number of experimental works on this topic is was supplied by ELCOGAS, S.A., which is an IGCC power station
very limited [43]. Additional studies are warranted to docu- located in Puertollano (Ciudad Real, Spain), that processes a
ment the entire combustion behavior of biomass fuels, espe- 50:50 blend (based on weight) of coal and petcoke, and occa-
cially the phase of the volatile matter combustion. Such sionally also includes biomass in the fuel blend. The pine
studies may be instrumental in assessing the radiating sawdust sample was obtained from a pellets industry, Pellets
behavior of biomass particles in furnaces. In particular, little Asturias, S.L., situated in Tineo (Asturias, Spain), which has a
(if anything) has been reported on the experimental combus- yearly production of 30,000 tons of pellets. The torrefaction of
tion behavior of individual biomass particles in oxy- pine sawdust was carried out at INCAR-CSIC. The torrefaction
combustion conditions, and this is of special interest to co- treatment conditions were selected according to the results
firing coal and biomass in future oxy-fuel power plants. The obtained in previous studies [15]. Briefly, the torrefaction of
present work reports on a systematic in situ combustion study pine sawdust was performed using a horizontal quartz reactor,
of different biomasses (residual or torrefied) in a laboratory- where 10e15 g of biomass was heated at a rate of 10 K min1
scale drop-tube furnace, under both conventional (air) and under a nitrogen flow rate of 50 mL min1 up to 513 K. The
oxy-fuel conditions by means of optical pyrometry and high- samples were kept at the final temperature for 1 h. The mass
speed back-light cinematography. Comparisons with the loss from the sample was measured and then the sample was
combustion characteristics of coal particles studied in previ- sieved to 75e150 mm. Sugarcane bagasse was collected directly
ous work in this laboratory are made. from a mill located in Brazil e Sao Paulo State. The bagasse was
washed, dried at 363 K for 24 h, chopped in a household blender
and sieved. All biomass samples were less than a year old and
2. Bio-fuel characteristics and experimental were kept in closed glass bottles in the laboratory under
methods standard temperature and pressure conditions.
Photographs and scanning electronic microscope images
2.1. Biomass samples of the different biomasses samples are presented in Fig. 1. All
of the samples were ground and sieved to 75e150 mm. The
Four different residue biomasses were studied, olive residue proximate and ultimate analyses and gross calorific values of
(OR), which are residues from the olive oil production industry, the biomasses are given in Table 1.

Fig. 1 e Physical appearance of the biomasses residue; (a) original biomasses, as received, (b) ground and sieved, (c) SEM
micrographs detailing individual particles.

Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),
4 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3

Table 1 e Biomass type, origin and chemical composition.

Sample Origin Proximate analysis Ultimate analysis (wt%, daf) HHV (MJ/kg)
(wt%, db)
Ash V.M. F.C.a C H N S Oa
OR Olive residue 7.6 71.9 20.5 54.3 6.6 1.9 0.2 37.0 19.9
SCB Sugarcane bagasse 4.2 87.8 8.0 46.3 5.9 0.2 0.1 47.5 16.3
PI Pine sawdust 3.8 79.8 16.4 45.9 6.1 0.7 0 47.3 18.9
TOPI Torrefied pine sawdust 4.2 75.5 20.3 51.2 5.7 0.9 0 42.2 20.2
Determined by difference.

2.2. Experimental approach 104 K s1. Optical access to the radiation zone of the furnace
was achieved through three observation ports: one at the top
2.2.1. Drop-tube furnace (DTF) (Pyrometer) and two orthogonally situated at the sides of the
An electrically-heated laminar-flow drop-tube furnace was furnace. The pyrometer and the high-speed cinematography
used for the combustion experiments. The furnace (an ATS camera were used as experimental devices to study the
unit) was fitted with an alumina tube (Coors) with an inner burning of single biomass particles.
diameter of 7 cm. It was heated with molybdenum disilicide
heating elements, defining a radiation zone of 25 cm in length. 2.2.2. Optical pyrometer
The furnace was fitted at the top with a water-cooled injector Pyrometric observations of burning single particles were
(Fig. 2(a)). Details of the design of the furnace injector are conducted from the top of the furnace injector, viewing
provided elsewhere [30,44]. To introduce single biomass par- downward along the central axis of the furnace which is
ticles into the furnace injector, the following technique was typically a particles path-line. Thus, complete luminous
used. A few particles were placed inside the tip of a beveled burnout histories of single biomass particle e from ignition to
syringe needle. The needle was inserted into a port at the top extinction e were monitored. An optical fiber made up of a
of the injector, which was rotated half a revolution back and high-transmittance (>99.5%) fused silica core and doped fused
forth and then gently tapped. Single particles could thus be silica cladding with an f-number of 2.2, transmitted light from
dropped into the furnace injector. Upon exiting the injector, the furnace to the pyrometer assembly. The pyrometer used
the particles reacted with the preheated furnace gases. The two dichroic edge filters as spectrum splitters to direct the
furnace wall temperatures (Tf) were continuously monitored light to the three interference filters (Fig. 2(b)). These filters
by type-S thermocouples embedded in the wall. Particle had effective wavelengths of 0.640, 0.810 and 0.998 mm with
heating rates were very high, calculated to be in the order of bandwidths (FWHM) of 70 nm. In conjunction with these

Fig. 2 e Schematic of the experimental setup and diagnostic facilities. (a) Laminar-flow, electrically-heated drop-tube
furnace (DTF), (b) Three-color optical pyrometer, (c) High-speed camera (NAC) fitted with a long-range microscope lens
(Infinity K2).

Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3 5

interference filters, silicon diode detectors were employed to

maximize the signal sensitivity. They also possessed good 3. Results and discussion
stability and linearity. Details of the pyrometer optics and
electronics were supplied by Levendis et al. [28,30]. The 3.1. Cinematographic observations
voltage signals generated by the three detectors were ampli-
fied and then processed by a microcomputer using LabView Six snapshot photographic sequences for each biomass sam-
software. The temperature was deduced from the three ple at different gas atmospheres during burnout history of the
output voltage signals of the pyrometer using a non-linear particle are shown in Fig. 4. The particles ignited very close to
least square method, based on Plancks radiation law. De- the injector tip at the top of the DTF, immediately upon
tails of this method were supplied by Khatami and Levendis entering the radiation zone. Upon ignition, the flames sur-
[44]. rounding individual particles grew bigger and increasingly
luminous. For all biomass fuels at all gas compositions, the
2.2.3. High-speed camera envelope flames had strikingly spherical shapes with fairly
High-speed cinematography was conducted through the uniform luminosity. Some other similar burning characteris-
slotted side quartz windows of the drop-tube furnace against tics were also observed for all the biomasses. The similarities
backlight (Fig. 2(a)). A NAC HotShot 512SC self-contained digital included the sequential particle devolatilization with ignition
high-speed video camera was used, at speeds of 1000 or and burning of the volatiles around the particle, followed by
2000 frames/s. The camera was fitted with an Infinity model K2 the ignition, combustion and extinction of the char residues.
long-distance microscope lens to provide high-magnification The ignition of particles was determined visually as the
images of the combustion events (Fig. 2(c)). onset of luminous combustion. However, the determination
of the precise initial instant of ignition of the volatile matter
proved to be difficult for several reasons. Firstly, as Grotkjaer
2.3. Gas temperatures and furnace gas compositions et al. [45] have already pointed out, the ignition temperatures
of biomass are fairly low and lie in the range of 500e600 K in
Combustion experiments of biomass particles were conduct- air. In this study, the volatiles ignition took place at temper-
ed under a quiescent gas condition (i.e., no gas flow). Quies- atures much lower than the furnace wall temperature (1400 K)
cent gas condition was created by turning off the gas flows and could not be categorically discerned by optical tech-
10 s prior to the particle injection. The design of this experi- niques. Secondly, the volatiles envelope flames had low lu-
ment has been documented by Khatami et al. [33]. A slender minosities and typically exhibited low contrast with the
bare thermocouple (Omega type K) was used to measure the background furnace surfaces.
axial profile of the centerline gas temperature. The measured
temperatures with this method were corrected for radiation 3.2. Pyrometric signals
effects as outlined by Khatami et al. [33]; results are illustrated
in Fig. 3. Under the quiescent gas condition (no flow), the gas Fig. 5 shows sample radiation intensity signals, corresponding
temperature profiles were similar in either N2 or CO2 envi- to the 0.640, 0.810 and 0.998 mm pyrometric wavelengths, ob-
ronments. Both temperatures increased along the centerline tained from single particles of each type of biomass burning in
of the furnace and stabilized at an estimated 1340 K. The air. As can be seen in this figure, the signals of the PI, TOPI and
furnace wall set-point temperature (Tw) was 1400 K, as SCB particles exhibit two different zones: the first peak cor-
monitored by type-S thermocouples embedded in the wall. responds to volatiles combustion in envelope flames and the
The gas compositions in the furnace included air as well as second peak corresponds to subsequent char combustion. The
mixtures of oxygen (mole fractions of 21% O2, 30% O2, 35% O2 first peak (corresponding to volatiles combustion) of OR sig-
and 50% O2) in carbon dioxide to simulate oxy-combustion nals is much weaker than that of other biomass samples.
conditions. In this manuscript all gas compositions are given
on a mole fraction basis, which is equivalent to a volume
3.3. Combustion temperatures and burnout times
fraction basis, as percentages (%).

To facilitate a quantitative comparison between the different

biomass fuels burning in the diverse atmospheres of this
study, burnout times of the volatiles and burnout times of
chars were directly obtained from both pyrometric and cine-
matographic observations, whereas char combustion tem-
peratures were deduced from pyrometric data. The particle
burnout times, displayed in Figs. 6 and 7, were deduced from
pyrometric signals for volatile matter and char combustion
phases, based on the duration of the recorded highest-
intensity signal (l 0.998 mm) of a particular event from its
onset (particle ignition) to its termination (particle extinction),
both defined when the signal exceeded its baseline by a factor
of at least one thousand, i.e., Ssignal/Sbaseline > 1000. Each data
Fig. 3 e The centerline furnace gas temperature under point represents mean values from a minimum of 15 indi-
quiescent conditions (no gas flow) [47]. vidual particle combustion events. Standard deviation bars

Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),
6 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3

Fig. 4 e High-speed, high-magnification cinematography images of single particles of biomass residues in different
atmospheres. Displayed numbers under each image represent frame times of combustion in milliseconds. Biomass
samples are: (a) sugarcane bagasse (SCB), (b) olive residue (OR), (c) pine sawdust (PI), and (d) torrefied pine sawdust (TOPI).

Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3 7

Fig. 5 e Three-color pyrometry e generated signals from single particles of biomass residues burning in air. Biomass
samples are: pine sawdust (PI), torrefied pine sawdust (TOPI), sugarcane bagasse (SCB), and olive residue (OR).

(2s) are shown on each datum point. Volatile burnout times At 21% O2, both in the N2 and CO2 environments, the
recorded by cinematography (e.g., see Fig. 4) were typically ignition and combustion of the volatiles and the ignition of the
shorter (by 10%) than the pyrometric volatile burnout times char residues occurred sequentially in a particles time-
(Fig. 6). The discrepancy between pyrometric and cinemato- history profile (Fig. 4). When the combustion of the volatiles
graphic volatile burnout times was attributed to the fact that was completed, the flame extinguished and, subsequently,
low-luminosity, nearly-transparent flames are hard to iden- char ignition took place. Some differences were observed in
tify visually in photographic records (visible bandwidth is the time periods between volatile extinction and char ignition
0.4e0.7 mm), whereas the pyrometer is able to record radiation in air and in the 21% O2/79% CO2 atmosphere; the former was
emanating from lowly-sooty or non-sooty flames at the near- in the neighborhood of 2 ms, whereas the latter was much
infrared wavelengths of 0.81 mm and 0.998 mm. In the case of lengthier, at 5e8 ms.
the olive residue biomass (OR) which has lower volatile matter At higher oxygen mole fractions (>30%) in CO2, the
content than the other biomasses, the duration of the volatile following behaviors were observed: (i) ignition of the volatiles
matter combustion phase could not be reliably assessed started earlier, i.e., the ignition delay period was briefer; (ii)
because even the pyrometric signals were too weak. However, the volatile flames were less bright (e.g., see Fig. 4: bagasse at
the volatiles combustion peaks were clearly distinguishable in 35% and 50% O2 mole fractions), most likely because under
the cases of SCB, PI and TOPI biomasses (see Fig. 5). such conditions soot oxidation reactions were more promi-
The volatile matter flame temperature deduction method nent than soot formation reactions in the envelope flames;
is currently under development in this laboratory for such and finally, (iii) the incandescent residual char particles of all
lowly-sooty flames, for which the gray-body emissivity fuels emitted stronger radiation and they appeared brighter.
assumption [44] may not be valid. Thus, the temperatures of In the 50% O2e50% CO2 atmosphere, chars ignited while the
the volatile matter flames are not reported herein. The pre- volatiles were still burning. At such an elevated oxygen mole
sented char temperatures in Fig. 8 are peak temperatures fraction, the phases of the homogeneous volatiles combustion
recorded in individual particle burnout histories, averaged and heterogeneous residual char combustion became nearly
over at least 15 single particle cases. Char temperatures were indistinguishable. Moreover, char combustion was very fast.
deduced by the method of Khatami and Levendis [44].

3.4. Effect of atmospheric composition (replacement of

Time (ms)

N2 by CO2) and O2 mole fraction

3.4.1. Combustion behavior
The weakest particle combustion intensities were obtained in
the 21% O2e79% CO2 atmosphere for all biomass samples. The 0
Air Oxi 21 Oxi 30 Oxi 35 Oxi 50
weaker particle combustion intensities in 21% O2e79% CO2
atmosphere than in air are due to the lower particle temper-
atures, which resulted from the lower diffusivity of oxygen in Fig. 6 e Average burnout times for the volatiles of three of
CO2 than in N2 [46,47]. It has also been determined that the the biomass fuels of this work (sugarcane bagasse (SCB),
higher volumetric heat capacity of CO2 (than N2) contributes to pine sawdust (PI) and torrefied pine sawdust (TOPI))
the lower particle temperatures [47]. burning in air and in different oxy-fuel atmospheres.

Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),
8 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3

40 SCB TOPI PI OR been performed in Refs. [32,48]. Fig. 7 shows that increasing
the O2 mole fraction further, from 35% to 50%, had a less
30 pronounced effect on the char burnout time. Peak char tem-
peratures, averaged over many (15) particles, during com-
Time (ms)

20 bustion of biomass in both air and simulated oxy-fuel

conditions, shown in Fig. 8, are heavily dependent on the
10 oxygen mole fraction. The temperatures of all biomass parti-
cles burning in air were higher than those burning in 21% O2
0 diluted with CO2. At higher oxygen mole fractions (>21%) in
Air Oxi 21 Oxi 30 Oxi 35 Oxi 50
CO2, the char combustion temperatures increased while the
durations of char combustion decreased. Increasing the oxy-
Fig. 7 e Average burnout times for the chars of all the gen mole fraction in CO2 to 30e35% restored the combustion
biomass fuels of this work (sugarcane bagasse (SCB), pine intensity of single fuel particles to the level found in conven-
sawdust (PI), torrefied pine sawdust (TOPI and olive tional combustion in air, for all biomass fuels tested herein.
residue (OR))) burning in air and in different oxy-fuel This is in agreement with observations on coal particle com-
atmospheres. bustion reported in Ref. [33].

3.5. Effect of biomass type

3.4.2. Temperatures and burnout times
Devolatilization of particles occurs both pre- and post-ignition
Biomass particles burned expediently under the conditions of
in the furnace. Pre-ignition devolatilization times are affected
this work. Biomass devolatilization commences at low tem-
by the ignition delay period, which is in turn influenced by the
peratures (at around 473 K [19,45]). As the particles heated up,
volumetric heat capacity (heat sink) of the surrounding gas.
devolatilization accelerated until most of the volatiles were
Post-ignition devolatilization times are affected by the flame
released. The heating rate of the particles in the drop-tube
temperature, which is influenced by the composition, and
furnace was high (in the order of 104 K s1 [32]). Biomass
thus, the properties of the surrounding gas. Hence, both times
structures, and heavy hydrocarbons and tars, produced by the
are affected by the substitution of N2 with CO2 gas in oxy-
devolatilization step have been reported to expediently convert
combustion. In this work, only the post-ignition devolatiliza-
into smaller molecules by cracking reactions in the proximity of
tion and simultaneous volatiles combustion phenomena
the devolatilizing particles [49]. In fact, previous work in this
could be monitored. In general, longer volatile and char
laboratory [50e53] pyrolyzed various biomasses under relevant
burnout times were observed when N2 was replaced by CO2, at
high heating-rate conditions and elevated furnace tempera-
the same oxygen mole fraction (i.e., longer burnout times in
tures and found that the pyrolytic products were mainly light
21% O2/79% CO2 than in 21% O2/79% N2), see Figs. 6 and 7.
hydrocarbon gases (such as methane, ethylene, ethane, acety-
Moreover, the burnout time decreased as the oxygen mole
lene, propylene, benzene, ethyl-benzene, etc.), as well as
fraction increased from 21% to 35%. These results are in
hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
agreement with previous studies which were carried out for
The proximate and ultimate analyses of the different bio-
coal particles of all ranks [2,32,48]. In the cases of both coal
masses were similar, see Table 1, and so was their combustion
and biomass char particles it is likely that combustion
behavior. The sugarcane bagasse, SCB, has the highest volatile
occurred in Regime II, i.e., under both kinetic and diffusion
matter content, therefore extra time was likely needed for
control [44]. For biomass chars this was illustrated with cal-
devolatilization, and the combustion duration of the volatiles
culations outlined in the Appendix, whereas for coal chars,
of this fuel was indeed observed to be lengthier (see Fig. 6). On
burning under identical conditions, similar calculations have
the other hand, SCB has the least fixed carbon content and,
thus, it exhibited the shortest char burnout duration (Fig. 7).
2100 The envelope flames of olive residues, OR, were slightly
Char combustion temperature (K)

2000 less distinguishable cinematographically than those of the
1900 other biomass fuels. The corresponding pyrometric signals
1800 were also weaker than those of the rest of the samples. It is
notable that OR had the lowest volatile matter content than
the rest of the biomasses examined herein. Moreover, it was
found that the OR char temperatures were the lowest among
those of the other fuels, in all gas atmospheres in the DTF and
the burnout times of the OR chars were less influenced by the
oxygen mole fraction in the gas, as shown in Fig. 7. Regarding
Air Oxi 21 Oxi 30 Oxi 35 Oxi 50
the combustion behavior of the chars, it is notable that OR had
the highest ash, which may have increased the catalytic effect
Fig. 8 e Average deduced temperatures for the burning on the char burnout and have thus decreased the influence of
chars of all the biomass fuels of this work (pine sawdust oxygen content of the surrounding gas. High ash content and
(PI), torrefied pine sawdust (TOPI), sugarcane bagasse possible, yet unexplored, physical structure-related reasons
(SCB), and olive residue (OR)) burning in air and in different (pore sizes, porosity, tortuosity) may have been responsible
oxy-fuel atmospheres. for the lower char temperatures of this biomass.

Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3 9

The torrefied pine sawdust (TOPI) chars burned hotter than hemicellulose components of biomass decompose to small
the other biomass chars under all oxy-fuel conditions. Differ- molecules in the form of volatile gases, tars and pyrolytic
ences in the combustion behavior of the pine sawdust (PI) and water [54]. These volatiles are generally lighter than those
the torrefied pine sawdust (TOPI) were very small. However, a formed from coal [23]. The volatile flames of biomasses were
more luminous flame was observed in the case of TOPI (Fig. 4). observed to be typically transparent, and nearly non-sooty,
This is perhaps because a lower amount of CO2 was supposedly similar to those of low rank coals [32], whereas those of the
released with the TOPI volatiles as a consequence of the torre- bituminous coals were sooty. The percentage of bonded ox-
faction pre-treatment while the hydrogen content of the tor- ygen in biomasses is much higher than that of coals (Table 1
refied sample and, therefore, the release of hydrocarbon gases and Table A2). Therefore, the volatiles contain high quanti-
(e.g. CH4 and C2H6) remained unchanged [15]. The CO2 dilutes ties of CO and CO2 as well as hydrogen and light hydrocar-
the rest of the combustible gases and produces lower lumi- bons [24,50,51]. They also contain smaller amounts of tars
nosity flames. The TOPI biomass released a greater amount of and other condensables than the volatiles of coal particles.
energy per unit mass during combustion due to the fact that its To the contrary, bituminous coal volatiles contain mostly
calorific value was higher than that of raw biomass (PI). This heavy hydrocarbons, tars, condensables and light hydrocar-
effect was confirmed by the typically hotter char temperatures bons [53]. In previous studies [31e33,48], bituminous coal
of TOPI. Average volatile burnout times of the original PI were particles released a high amount of volatiles, with long soot-
longer; however, the char combustion times were generally containing contrails forming in the wake of each settling
similar, perhaps a little shorter for the original PI in comparison particle (see also Ref. [55]), whereas lignite coal particles
with the torrefied TOPI under oxy-fuel atmospheres. released light hydrocarbons and CO, resulting in occasional,
faint and brief volatile flames with a large extent of char
3.6. On the differences of single biomass and single coal fragmentation. Anthracite coals released very small amount
particle combustion of volatiles and did not establish envelope flames. Biomass
particles burned with distinctive volatiles flames without
Several recent studies in this laboratory have focused on the contrails. Unlike the combustion behavior of coals, which
combustion behavior of coal particles of all ranks in conven- differs widely with rank, type and seam, the combustion
tional (air) and oxy-fuel conditions [30e32,48]. In comparison behavior of biomasses from the four different sources of this
to coal, biomass particles exhibit certain physical and chemical study appears to be more unified. The ignition of biomass
differences, the most prominent of which have as follows: (1) volatiles started earlier (shorter ignition delays) and their
Raw biomasses have a highly fibrous nature. (2) The biomass ensuing combustion occurred in envelope flames that were
particles are less dense than coal particles, therefore the total spherical and peripherally-uniform, even in the cases of
mass burnt for the same nominal particle size is lower. (3) elongated or otherwise irregularly-shaped particles. Further-
Biomass has much lower heating value than coals [20], see also more, as biomass has a lower apparent density than coal,
Table 1 and Table A2 in Appendix 2. (4) Biomass has a different representative values for which have been reported as
elemental composition with a high proportion of oxygen, see 1.32 g cm3 for bituminous, 1.30 g cm3 for sub-bituminous
Table 1 and Table A2 in Appendix 2. (5) The proximate and 1.29 g cm3 for lignite [56], whereas for biomasses is
composition of the biomass is different, i.e., biomass contains typically in the range of 0.4e0.5 g cm3 [57], the burning
a higher proportion of volatile matter and a smaller proportion biomass particles were very buoyant and settled very slowly
of fixed carbon than coal. Biomasses contain 70e80% volatile in the furnace. The observed volatile flame burnout times
matter while the volatile matter contents of coals studied in (Fig. 8) of the biomasses were generally much lengthier than
this laboratory did not exceed 45%, see Table 1 and Table A2 in those of the coal flames; for instance, they were lengthier
Appendix 2. The aforementioned structural and chemical than those of bituminous coal particles of comparable nom-
composition disparities resulted in the following combustion inal size by a factor of eight [31,32], which is much higher
behavior differences between biomass studied herein and coal than the ratio of their volatile contents. This is likely due to
reported in Refs. [32,33,48]: the fact that because of their elongated shapes and, thus,
their higher aspect ratios, biomass particles tend to be overall
(i) Pyrometric combustion intensities bigger than coal of the same size cut.

The radiation intensity signals captured by the pyrometer (iii) Char combustion
during the combustion of biomass particles were weaker than
those captured during combustion of coal particles under Whereas coal chars typically exhibited a rather uniform
identical experimental conditions [48], especially during the temperature profile during their combustion before experi-
phase of volatiles combustion. Moreover, the variability of the encing a slow decrease towards burnout [30e32,48], the tem-
pyrometric signals of biomass particles was higher than those perature profile of biomass chars increased throughout their
of coal, as there were more particle-to-particle size variations combustion history. Examples of biomass (bagasse) char and
and shape irregularities in the biomass samples. coal (bituminous) particle temperatureetime profiles are
illustrated in Fig. 9 (the temperature of the volatile envelope
(ii) Volatile particle envelope flame combustion flames of the biomass particles is not included in this plot, as it
is currently under investigation). In general, biomass chars
The compounds released from biomass in the form of burned at a somewhat higher average temperature than
volatiles are different than those from coal. The cellulose and bituminous char particles (by 50e100 K), as can be attested by

Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),
10 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3

Fig. 9 e Deduced temperatureetime profiles of single particles of biomass (sugarcane bagasse) and coal (bituminous)
burning in air. The original particle sizes are 75e90 mm for both fuels. The biomass char size is 25e30 mm. The temperature
of biomass char increases during the combustion history of the particle whereas that of the coal char remains mostly

comparing the results shown in Fig. 8 and those in Refs. with rank, type and seam, the combustion behavior of bio-
[30e32,48]. Biomass char particles burned with lower average masses from the four different sources of this study appears
temperatures (by 100e200 K) than lignite char particles in more unified. Olive residue chars (OR) burned at lower tem-
similar gas environments. Moreover, the biomass char peratures than the other biomass fuels, whereas bagasse chars
burnout times were much briefer than the coal particle chars (SCB) burned at higher temperatures than the other biomass
burnout times due to lower fixed carbon content of the fuels. The volatile flames of biomass particles are less sooty
biomass. Biomass chars have higher reactivity than coal than those of bituminous coal particles.
chars, as reported by Matsumoto et al. [58] and Ollero et al.
[59]. Matsumoto et al. [58] showed that a woody biomass char
had five times higher reactivity than a sub-bituminous coal
char at high heating rates encountered in an entrained flow Acknowledgments
reactor and gas temperatures in the range of 1200e1450 K. The
higher reactivity of biomass char was partly attributed to The authors acknowledge financial assistance from the US
faster char gasification reactions, such as C(s) CO2 > 2CO. National Science Foundation (NSF) award CBET-0755431. J.
This was also related to the higher concentration of alkali Riaza acknowledges funding from the Government of the
metals, which act as a catalyst and to the higher oxygen to Principado de Asturias (Severo Ochoa program). M.V. Gil and L.
carbon ratio in biomass char [58,59]. Alvarez acknowledge funding from the CSIC JAE programme
co-financed by the European Social Fund.

4. Conclusions
Appendix 1
Biomass particles were burned in a laboratory-scale drop-tube
furnace at 1400 K in air and in different oxy-fuel atmospheres, Calculation of the oxygen mole fraction at the biomass char
simulated by dry O2/CO2 gases. Experiments were performed particle surface and of the diffusion limited burnout time.
under quiescent gas conditions. Striking differences were Based on a derivation by Levendis et al. [26], the average
observed between the combustion behavior of the biomass oxygen mole fraction on the char particle surface can be
particles burned herein and those of coal particles of all ranks estimated by the following formula:
investigated in previous studies in this laboratory. The  
   a20 RTm rc
biomass particles released large amounts of volatiles that yO2 s 4=3 yO2 N e 56Ptot DtB;obs  4=3 (A.1)
burned in the form of spherical envelope flames. Ensuing
biomass char combustion produced stronger pyrometric sig- In this relation, yO2 is assumed to be an average value. ai, rc,
nals than the combustion of the volatile matter. Increasing the Tm, D, tB, R and Ptot are initial burning particle radius, initial
oxygen mole fraction in CO2 reduced the luminosity of the particle density, film temperature between the char particle
flames. The combustion intensity of the biomass was stronger and flow, bulk diffusion coefficient of O2 in the diluents gas,
in air (21% O2e79% N2) than in an oxy-fuel atmosphere with the observed particle burnout time, gas universal constant and
same oxygen mole fraction (21% O2e79% CO2). Increasing the total pressure of the system, respectively.
oxygen mole fraction in the CO2 background gas enhanced the If yO2 s is zero or close to zero, the combustion takes place at
combustion intensity of biomass. It decreased the burnout diffusion limited conditions (Regime III), whereas if yO2 s is
times of volatiles and of the char residues, whereas it increased close to yO2 N , the combustion happens at kinetically limited
the temperature of the burning char particles. Similar trends condition (Regime I). Any yO2 s in-between the above values
were observed for all tested biomass samples from disparate results in kinetic-diffusion limited condition (Regime II).
sources, including the raw and torrefied pine sawdust. Thus, The time tB required for combustion under diffusion con-
unlike the combustion behavior of coals, which differs widely trol (Regime III) becomes [26]:

Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3 11

rc a2i  a2f RTm 1

HHV (MJ/kg)
tB   (A.2)
56 D ln 1 3 yO N

4 2

In Eq. (A.2), af is the final particle radius after extinction,

which herein is estimated based on the ash content in the
parent biomass composition.
For instance, for sugarcane bagasse burning in air with
the observed parameters of this study a0i 15 (mm),

af 2.5 (mm), rc 0.2 (g cm3), Tm 1600 K, Ptot 1 (atm),

DO2 eN2 3:49cm2 =s, tB-obs 18 (ms), R 82 (atm cm3/mol K),
oxygen mole fraction on the particle surface from (A.1), yO2 s ,
was calculated to be 0.08 and the diffusion limited burnout
time from (A.2), tB, was calculated to be 10 (ms). On the other

Ultimate analysis (wt%, daf)
hand, for sugarcane bagasse burning in 21% O2e79% CO2,
Tm 1500 K, DO2 eCO2 2:73cm2 =s, tB-obs 23 (ms) and the
rest of parameters are similar to those of combustion in air.

Table A2 e Coals used for purposes of comparison with biomasses as received: rank/type and chemical composition [32,48].
In this case, the oxygen mole fraction on the particle surface
from (A.1), yO2 s , was 0.09 and the diffusion limited burnout

time from (A.2), tB, was 12 (ms). Therefore, under the
experimental conditions of this study, combustion of
bagasse in either air or oxy-fuel condition (21% O2e79% CO2)
took place in Regime II which is a combination of kinetic and

diffusion limited cases. From Eq. (A.2) for diffusion limited
case, the burnout time is inversely proportional to the mass
diffusivity of oxygen in the diluents gas and this seems to be
the case in the current work, because:

tB-obs-Air 18 DO eCO 2:73
0:78z 2 2 0:77
tB-obs-21%O2 =79%CO2 23 DO2 eN2 3:49

The resulted observed burnout times and calculated

diffusion limited burnout times versus oxygen concentra-



tion for sugarcane bagasse in different oxy-fuel condition is

Proximate analysis (wt%, db)

shown in Fig. A1.





Fig. A.1 e Comparison of experimentally-observed and


calculated diffusion limited burnout times of sugarcane

bagasse char particles, plotted against bulk oxygen mole
Determined by difference.

PSOC-1451 [32]

PSOC-1443 [32]
DECS-26 [32]

Appendix 2

AC [48]

Characterization of coals used for comparison with the


biomasses [32,48].

Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),
12 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 3

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Please cite this article in press as: Riaza J, et al., Combustion of single biomass particles in air and in oxy-fuel conditions,
Biomass and Bioenergy (2014),

La combustin del carbn puede dividirse en tres etapas: desvolatilizacin, combustin de

los voltiles y combustin del char. La desvolatilizacin es la primera de esas etapas y una de
las ms importantes, ya que condiciona las siguientes. La desvolatilizacin de un slido
combustible permite estudiar algunos de los factores que determinan el grado de conversin
final, como es el rendimiento en voltiles y la reactividad del desvolatilizado generado.
Asimismo, la desvolatilizacin controla el reblandecimiento, el hinchamiento, la aglomeracin
de partculas y la estructura fsica del residuo carbonoso o char.

El rango del carbn ejerce una gran influencia sobre su reactividad. Como norma general, la
reactividad intrnseca de los chars procedentes de carbones de mayor rango es inferior que la
de los procedentes de carbones de menor rango. Esto es debido a diferencias estructurales, ya
que los carbones de alto rango presentan una estructura carbonosa ms ordenada y, por
tanto, menos reactiva frente al oxgeno. Adems, existen otros factores relacionados con la
naturaleza del carbn que afectan a su reactividad, como pueden ser su composicin maceral,
el contenido, composicin y propiedades catalticas de la materia mineral, o la concentracin y
accesibilidad a los centros activos.

4.1 Desvolatilizacin y formacin del char

La desvolatilizacin es la etapa inicial del proceso global de combustin y adquiere una

relevancia mayor cuanto mayor es el contenido de materia voltil del combustible. La
desvolatilizacin es un proceso endotrmico y su desarrollo depende primordialmente de las
condiciones de temperatura, velocidad de calentamiento y tipo de combustible. La cintica de
este proceso ha sido muy estudiada, tpicamente en atmsfera de N2 y, por tanto, las
caractersticas de la desvolatilizacin en atmsfera de CO2 son particularmente interesantes en
los procesos de oxicombustin. Las condiciones de desvolatilizacin de las partculas de carbn
(temperatura, tiempo de residencia y velocidad de calentamiento) tambin son factores
determinantes en la reactividad del char formado, ya que condicionan la morfologa y
estructura del char. No obstante, las condiciones de desvolatilizacin no afectan a la
reactividad de todos los carbones por igual, ya que ejercen un efecto mayor sobre la
reactividad de los chars de carbones de bajo rango respecto a los de carbones de alto rango
[Miura, 1989].

Ratham et al. [Ratham, 2009] llevaron a cabo experimentos de desvolatilizacin de un

carbn bituminoso en N2 y CO2 en un sistema termogravimtrico, TGA. Los resultados fueron
muy similares hasta una temperatura de 777 oC; a temperaturas superiores la prdida de masa

Captulo 4

en la atmsfera de CO2 era mucho mayor, lo que se atribuy a la reaccin de gasificacin del
char con CO2. Naredi et al. [Naredi, 2011] realizaron experimentos de desvolatilizacin en un
reactor de flujo en arrastre a temperaturas desde 900 a 1.400 0C en atmsferas de N2 y CO2, y
encontraron mayores rendimientos en la liberacin de voltiles en la atmosfera de CO2 que en
la de N2. Sin embargo, otros autores como Brix et al. [Brix, 2010] realizaron experimentos
similares en un reactor de flujo en arrastre sin encontrar diferencias en la morfologa de los
chars ni en el rendimiento en voltiles en ambas atmosferas. Las reas BET obtenidas a partir
de isotermas de adsorcin de N2, de los chars de los carbones desvolatilizados en CO2 y N2 no
presentaban diferencias significativas. En los trabajos presentados en este Captulo
(Publicaciones III y IV) se llevaron a cabo experimentos de desvolatilizacin de 4 carbones de
distinto rango y una biomasa, serrn de pino torrefactado, en el reactor de flujo en arrastre en
atmsferas de N2 y CO2 (cf. Apartado 2.3.3). Posteriormente se determin la reactividad de los
chars obtenidos mediante experimentos en termobalanza, segn se ha descrito en el Apartado

4.2 Combustin del char

Para que tenga lugar la combustin del char, el oxgeno debe difundir hasta la superficie
externa de la partcula, y reaccionar con los centros activos de la misma, o bien difundir dentro
de la partcula a travs de los poros y reaccionar en el interior. En este proceso influyen en
gran medida las condiciones de combustin del char, siendo la de mayor importancia la

Tras los experimentos de desvolatilizacin se recogieron los distintos chars en el cicln del
reactor de flujo en arrastre, y se plantearon dos metodologas para determinar la reactividad
de las muestras: experimentos de reactividad isotrmica y reactividad no isotrmica en
atmsfera de oxicombustin.

La reactividad no isotrmica es experimentalmente menos laboriosa que la isotrmica ya

que requiere menos experimentos, son ms sencillos de llevar a cabo y transcurren durante un
tiempo menor. La comparacin entre los resultados obtenidos mediante ambas metodologas
se incluye en la discusin de la Publicacin IV.

4.3 Compendio de resultados

Se han llevado a cabo desvolatilizaciones de carbones de distinto rango, as como de

biomasas a 1.000 oC, en atmsfera propia de combustin en aire (N2), y de condiciones de
oxicombustin (CO2). La desvolatilizacin de carbones y biomasas en CO2 produce mayor
prdida de masa que en N2 y, por tanto, un mayor rendimiento en desvolatilizacin.

A partir de las imgenes de SEM, se ha observado que la morfologa de los chars obtenidos
en CO2 y en N2 de los carbones de alto rango es muy similar y no difiere en demasa de la del

Estudio de la morfologa y reactividad del char

carbn original, principalmente debido a que liberan pocos voltiles. Sin embargo, los
carbones bituminosos presentan morfologas muy distintas a las de las partculas iniciales
debido a la liberacin de los voltiles y la deformacin que experimentan al pasar por un
estado pseudoplstico. Adems se observan ligeras diferencias entre los chars obtenidos en N2
y en CO2, ya que en los chars obtenidos en CO2 se observa cierta porosidad en su superficie,
debido a la reaccin de gasificacin del char con CO2. Esta reaccin de gasificacin explica la
mayor prdida de masa observada tras la desvolatilizacin en CO2, en comparacin con N2.

Se han aplicado tres modelos cinticos (VM, GM y RPM) para tratar de predecir el
comportamiento reactivo de los chars. Se ha puesto de manifiesto que el modelo de reaccin
RPM es el que mejor predice la reactividad de los chars procedentes de carbones de alto
rango, mientras que los modelos VM y RPM ofrecen ajustes similares para chars procedentes
de carbones de bajo rango. Los parmetros cinticos y los ndices de reactividad obtenidos,
indican que los chars obtenidos en atmsfera de N2 son ligeramente ms reactivos que los
obtenidos en atmsfera de CO2.

En los experimentos de reactividad no isotrmica en atmsferas de oxicombustin, los

modelos cinticos que proporcionan un mejor ajuste a los resultados experimentales son los
modelos RPM y VM. La adicin de char de biomasa no afecta la reactividad del char de carbn,
ambos queman de forma individual sin detectarse ningn tipo de interaccin durante su
combustin conjunta en condiciones de oxicombustin.

Los resultados expuestos en este Captulo ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de estudiar la

desvolatilizacin en CO2 a temperaturas ms elevadas, ya que a dichas temperaturas las
reacciones de gasificacin con CO2 tendran ms influencia sobre la morfologa de los chars
formados, y por extensin sobre su posterior reactividad.

4.4 Publicaciones relacionadas:

III Oxy-fuel combustion kinetics and morphology of coal chars obtained in N2 and
CO2 atmospheres in an entrained flow reactor.
M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Applied Energy
2012. 91 (1) pp. 67 74. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.09.017

IV Kinetic models for the oxy-fuel combustion of coal and coal/biomass blend
chars obtained in N2 and CO2 atmospheres.
M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Energy 2012. 48 (1)
pp. 510518. doi:10.1016/

4.4.1 Publicacin III

Oxy-fuel combustion kinetics and morphology of coal chars obtained in N2 and CO2
atmospheres in an entrained flow reactor.

M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera.

Applied Energy
2012. 91 (1) pp. 67 74.

Applied Energy 91 (2012) 6774

Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect

Applied Energy
journal homepage:

Oxy-fuel combustion kinetics and morphology of coal chars obtained in N2

and CO2 atmospheres in an entrained flow reactor
M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera
Instituto Nacional del Carbn, INCAR-CSIC, Apartado 73, 33080 Oviedo, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The thermal reactivity and kinetics of four coal chars (HVN, UM, SAB and BA) in an oxy-fuel combustion
Received 21 July 2011 atmosphere (30%O270%CO2) were studied using a thermobalance. The coal chars were obtained by dev-
Received in revised form 5 September 2011 olatilization in an entrained flow reactor (EFR) at 1000 C for 2.5 s under 100% N2 and CO2 atmospheres.
Accepted 8 September 2011
The reactivity tests were carried out by isothermal thermogravimetric analysis at different temperatures
Available online 5 October 2011
in a kinetically controlled regime. Three nth-order representative gassolid models the volumetric
model (VM), the grain model (GM) and the random pore model (RPM) were employed in order to
describe the reactive behaviour of the chars during oxy-fuel combustion. From these models, the kinetic
parameters were determined. The RPM model was found to be the best for describing the reactivity of the
Isothermal TG HVN, UM and BA chars, while VM was the model that best described the reactivity of the SAB char. The
Oxy-fuel combustion reactivities of the chars obtained in N2 and CO2 in an oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere with 30% of oxy-
Kinetics models gen were compared using the kinetic parameters, but no differences were observed between the two dev-
Entrained flow reactor olatilization atmospheres. The apparent volatile yield after the coal devolatilization under CO2 in the EFR
was greater than under N2 for all the coals studied. According to the scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
images of the chars, those obtained in the CO2 atmosphere experienced a greater degree of swelling, some
particles showing partially reacted surfaces indicative of reaction between the char and CO2.
2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The combustion of coal in the O2/CO2 atmosphere of an oxy-coal

combustion boiler can be expected to be different from that of an
The use of coal in power plants generates a large amount of CO2, O2/N2 atmosphere of a conventional coal-air combustion boiler, be-
which is the chief contributor to global climate change. However, cause CO2 has a larger specific molar heat than N2, and the coal
coal is the most abundant and geographically the most widely dis- may be gasified by the CO2 [6]. The use of CO2 instead of N2 may
tributed fossil fuel. The stability of its supply and its relatively low also cause a reduction in the propagation speed, stability of the
cost will ensure its inclusion in the energy mix in the foreseeable fu- flame and gas temperature profile or lead to an increase in the un-
ture [1]. Several strategies for the reduction and capture of CO2 from burned carbon content. During the oxy-fuel combustion process,
large-scale stationary power plants are being studied. The main these problems can be overcome by increasing the oxygen concen-
problem is that the concentration of CO2 in a conventional coal-air tration in the oxidizer (up to approximately 30%) in order to match
combustion flue gas stream is low (typically 15% by volume), render- the combustion performance achieved in air.
ing it unsuitable for direct sequestration in a supercritical state via In addition, oxy-coal combustion can be used as retrofit tech-
compression which requires a high concentration of CO2 [2]. As an nology in conventional pulverized coal boilers to capture and store
alternative, the oxy-fuel combustion process has been proposed as carbon. However, the successful implementation of O2/CO2 tech-
a promising technology for CO2 capture from fossil fuel power nology in conventional pulverized coal boilers requires a full
plants. This technology involves the combustion of coal in a mixture understanding of the changes that occur when N2 is replaced by
of oxygen (instead of air) and recycled flue gas (RFG), which consists CO2 in a combustion atmosphere [7]. A precise knowledge of char
mainly of CO2 and H2O [3]. In this process, the net volume of flue gas reactivity and kinetics under a CO2 atmosphere is essential for
is reduced and a highly concentrated CO2 (95%) flue gas is produced, designing and modelling oxy-fuel combustion at industrial scale.
which after purification [4,5] can be directly stored in a supercritical In modelling studies related to oxy-coal combustion, coal pyrolysis
state by means of compression. during oxy-coal combustion is usually assumed to be the same as
in air [8]. According to Naredi and Pisupati [9], it is necessary to
establish whether the pyrolysis of coal particles in CO2 will pro-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 985 118 975; fax: +34 985 297 662. duce different results from pyrolyzing them in an inert gas med-
E-mail address: (F. Rubiera). ium. Knowledge of coal pyrolysis under a CO2 atmosphere is

0306-2619/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

68 M.V. Gil et al. / Applied Energy 91 (2012) 6774

essential for understanding the process of oxy-fuel combustion in a thermobalance (Setaram TAG24) at atmospheric pressure.
[10]. Approximately 5 mg of char sample was placed in a crucible of
The aim of the present work is to study the oxy-fuel combustion height 2 mm with a circular base 5 mm in diameter. A thermocouple
(30%O270%CO2) reactivity and kinetic behaviour of four coal chars was located close to the platinum basket to monitor the temperature
obtained under N2 and CO2 atmospheres. For this purpose, three and to close the control loop. In this work, all the experiments were
mathematical models the volumetric model (VM), the grain model performed under isothermal conditions at different temperatures
(GM) and the random pore model (RPM) were used to determine (400600 C). These temperatures were chosen in order to avoid dif-
the kinetic parameters which best represent the oxy-fuel combus- fusion problems and consequently apply the Arrhenius plot for cal-
tion characteristics of the coal chars obtained in N2 and CO2 under culating the kinetic parameters. The total flow rate of the reactive
an oxygencarbon dioxide atmosphere. The morphology of the coal gas introduced into the thermobalance during the oxy-fuel combus-
chars was compared by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). tion experiments was 50 N mL min1, the gas consisting of 30% O2
and 70% CO2. The char conversion, X, and the reaction rate, dX/dt,
2. Experimental were calculated.

2.1. Fuel samples 3. Kinetic models

Four coals of different rank were used: a semi-anthracite (HVN), A general kinetic expression for the overall reaction rate in
a medium-volatile bituminous coal (UM) and two high-volatile gassolid reactions can be expressed as follows [18]:
bituminous coals (SAB and BA). The samples were ground and
dX=dt kP g ; Tf X 1
sieved to obtain a particle size fraction of 75150 lm. The results
of the proximate and ultimate analyses and high heating values where k is the apparent combustion reaction rate, which includes
of the samples are shown in Table 1. the effect of temperature (T) and the effect of the reactive gas partial
pressure (Pg), and where f(X) describes the changes in the physical
2.2. Char preparation or chemical properties of the sample as the combustion proceeds.
Assuming that the partial pressure of the reactive gas remains con-
The chars were prepared by devolatilizing the raw coals in an stant during the process, the apparent combustion reaction rate will
electrically heated entrained flow reactor (40 mm internal be dependent on the temperature and can be expressed using the
diameter, 1400 mm length) in streams of 100% N2 or 100% CO2 Arrhenius equation, as follows:
(4.79 N L min1). The experimental device has been described else-
where [11,12]. The devolatilization experiments were carried out at
k k0 expE=RT 2
a reactor temperature of 1000 C and a particle residence time of where k0 and E are the pre-exponential factor and activation energy,
2.5 s. After the experiments, the chars were cooled down under a respectively.
flow of nitrogen to room temperature. A water-cooled collecting In this work, three nth-order models were applied in order to
probe was inserted into the reaction chamber from below to collect describe the reactivity of the chars studied: the volumetric model
the char samples. The external morphology of the coal chars was (VM), the grain model (GM) and the random pore model (RPM).
examined by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These models give different formulations of the term f(X), with X
representing the degree of char conversion on a dry ash-free basis.
2.3. Oxy-fuel combustion reactivity tests of the chars The VM assumes a homogeneous reaction throughout the parti-
cle and a linearly decreasing reaction surface area with conversion
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is one of the most commonly [19]. The overall reaction rate is expressed by:
used techniques to investigate and compare thermal events and
kinetics during the combustion and pyrolysis of solid raw materials,
dX=dt kVM 1  X 3
such as coal and woods [1317]. The reactivity tests were conducted The GM or shrinking core model, proposed by Szekely and
Evans [20], assumes that a porous particle consists of an assembly
of uniform nonporous grains and that the reaction takes place on
Table 1
Proximate and ultimate analyses and high heating value of the coals.
the surface of these grains. The space between the grains consti-
tutes the porous network. The shrinking core behaviour applies
to each of these grains during the reaction. In a regime of chemical
Origin Spain Mexico South Africa Spain
Rank sa mvb hvb hvb
kinetic control and, assuming that the grains have a spherical
shape, the overall reaction rate can be expressed as:
Proximate analysisa
Moisture content (wt.%) 1.1 0.4 2.4 1.2
dX=dt kGM 1  X2=3 4
Ash (wt.%, db) 10.7 21.1 15.0 6.9
VM (wt.%, db) 9.2 23.7 29.9 33.9 This model predicts a monotonically decreasing reaction rate
FC (wt.%, db)b 80.1 55.2 55.1 59.2
and surface area because the surface area of each grain is receding
Ultimate analysis (wt.%, daf)a during the reaction.
C 91.7 86.2 80.8 88.5
The RPM model considers the overlapping of the pore surfaces,
H 3.5 5.5 5.0 5.5
N 1.9 1.6 2.0 1.9 which reduces the area available for reaction [21]. The basic equa-
S 1.6 0.8 0.9 1.1 tion for this model is:
Ob 1.3 5.9 11.3 3.0
HHV (MJ/kg, db) 31.8 27.8 27.8 33.1 dX=dt kRPM 1  X1  w ln1  X1=2 5
sa: Semi-anthracite; mvb: medium-volatile bituminous coal; hvb: high-volatile This model is able to predict a maximum value of reactivity as
bituminous coal. the reaction proceeds, as it considers the competing effects of pore
db: Dry basis and daf: dry and ash free bases.
The proximate analysis was conducted in a LECO TGA-601, and the ultimate
growth during the initial stages of combustion and the destruction
analysis in a LECO CHNS-932. of the pores due to the coalescence of neighbouring pores during
Calculated by difference. the reaction. The RPM model employs two parameters, the

M.V. Gil et al. / Applied Energy 91 (2012) 6774 69

apparent combustion reaction rate, kRPM, and w, which is utilized X 1  1  kGM t=33 10
to represent the pore structure of the unreacted sample and was
used as a fitting parameter. X 1  expkRPM t1 kRPM tw=4 11
In order to evaluate these models using the experimental re-
sults, Eqs. (3)(5) were linearized, giving Eqs. (6)(8), respectively: The k values were calculated by introducing the estimated E and
k0 values into Eq. (2). Xcalc,i was obtained by introducing the k
 ln1  X kVM t 6 values, and the w value in the case of the RPM model, into Eqs.
(9)(11). The X calculations were performed in order to assess
31  1  X1=3  kGM t 7 the quality of the fit and verify the capacity of the kinetic models
to describe the degree of char conversion. By comparing the exper-
2=w1  w ln1  X1=2  1 kRPM t 8 imental and calculated X values, the kinetic model may be further
tested and verified. The deviation (DEV) between the experimental
The values of the apparent combustion reaction rates (kVM, kGM,
and calculated curves was calculated using the following
kRPM) and w were calculated using the experimental data obtained
in the isothermal thermogravimetric runs, from the slope of the
plots of Eqs. (6)(8). The Arrhenius plot (ln k vs. 1/T) was then em- " #1=2 ,
X 2
ployed to calculate the activation energy, E, and the pre-exponential DEV X % 100 X exp;i  X calc;i =N max X exp 12
factor, k0, for each of the char samples and models according to Eq. i1;N
The conversion-time relationships for the three models are: where Xexp,i and Xcalc,i represent the experimental and calculated
data of X, N is the number of data points, and max Xexp is the highest
X 1  expkVM t 9 absolute value of the experimental curve.

(a) 2.5
(d) 2.5 VM
2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5
-ln (1- X )
-ln (1-X )

400 C

1.0 450 C 1.0 450 C

500 C 500 C
0.5 550 C 0.5 550 C
HVN-CO2 600 C BA-N2 600 C
0.0 0.0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
t (s) t (s)

(b) 2.0 GM
(e) 2.0 GM

1.5 1.5
3[1-(1-X )1/3]

3[1-(1-X )1/3]

400 C
1.0 1.0
450 C 450 C
500 C 500 C
0.5 0.5
550 C 550 C
HVN-CO2 600 C BA-N2 600 C
0.0 0.0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
t (s) t (s)

(c) RPM
(f) 2.0
(2/ )[(1- ln(1-X ))1/2-1]

(2/ )[(1- ln(1-X ))1/2-1]

400 C
450 C 450 C
500 C 500 C
550 C 550 C
HVN-CO2 600 C BA-N2 600 C
0.0 0.0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
t (s) t (s)

Fig. 1. VM, GM and RPM linearized models for the HVN-CO2 (ac) and BA-N2 (df) char samples during oxy-fuel combustion at different temperatures.

70 M.V. Gil et al. / Applied Energy 91 (2012) 6774

In order to compare the oxy-fuel combustion reactivity of the w was calculated assuming that its value is constant for each char
chars obtained under the N2 and CO2 atmospheres, the reactivity sample at all the temperatures, since it is related to the initial pore
index at 500 C, R500, was calculated as follows: structure.
The Arrhenius plot (ln k vs. 1/T) was then employed to calculate
R500 0:5=s0:5 13 the activation energy, E, and the pre-exponential factor, k0, for each
of the char samples (Eq. (2)). As an example, Fig. 2 shows the
where s0.5 represents the time required to reach 50% of carbon con-
Arrhenius plots for the HVN-N2, HVN-CO2, BA-N2 and BA-CO2 char
version. High reactivity indices indicate high reactivities.
samples, using the reaction rates calculated with the three models
studied. Only the results obtained under the chemical controlled
4. Results and discussion regime were included in the calculations. The change from chem-
ical to diffusion-controlled regime can be detected from the change
4.1. Kinetic parameters in slope on the Arrhenius plots.
Table 2 shows the values of the activation energy, E, and the
The linearized form of the three models studied, Eqs. (6)(8), pre-exponential factor, k0, that allow the best fit of the experimen-
was used to represent the experimental data obtained during tal data to the different models. In the case of the RPM model, the
oxy-fuel combustion at all the temperatures studied in order to w value was also included.
find the parameters kVM, kGM, kRPM and w of best fit. As an example, In order to assess the ability of the kinetic models to predict
the plots of the VM, GM and RPM linearized models for the HVN- conversion during oxy-fuel combustion, the experimental conver-
CO2 and BA-N2 char samples are shown in Fig. 1. The parameter sion values, Xexp,i, were compared with the calculated values,

(a) HVN-N2 VM
(b) -5.0 HVN-CO2 VM
-6.0 HVN-N2 GM -6.0 HVN-CO2 GM


-7.0 -7.0
lnk (min-1)

lnk (min-1)

-8.0 -8.0

-9.0 -9.0

-10.0 -10.0

-11.0 -11.0
1.1E-03 1.2E-03 1.3E-03 1.4E-03 1.1E-03 1.2E-03 1.3E-03 1.4E-03
1/T (K-1) 1/T (K ) -1

(c) BA-N2 VM
(d) -4.0 BA-CO2 VM
-5.0 -5.0
-6.0 BA-N2 RPM -6.0 BA-CO2 RPM
lnk (min-1)

lnk (min-1)

-7.0 -7.0

-8.0 -8.0

-9.0 -9.0

-10.0 -10.0

-11.0 -11.0
1.0E-03 1.1E-03 1.2E-03 1.3E-03 1.4E-03 1.0E-03 1.1E-03 1.2E-03 1.3E-03 1.4E-03
-1 -1
1/T (K ) 1/T (K )

Fig. 2. Arrhenius plot for the VM, GM and RPM models of the HVN-N2 (a), HVN-CO2 (b), BA-N2 (c) and BA-CO2 (d) coal chars during oxy-fuel combustion.

Table 2
Kinetic parameters that allow the best fit of the experimental data from oxy-fuel combustion (30%O270%CO2) to the VM, GM and RPM models.

Char Volumetric model (VM) Grain model (GM) Random pore model (RPM)
E (kJ mol1) k0 (s1) E (kJ mol1) k0 (s1) E (kJ mol1) k0 (s1) w
HVN-N2 128 1.64E+05 128 1.21E+05 127 5.09E+04 15.9
HVN-CO2 118 3.55E+04 118 2.51E+04 117 8.10E+03 29.4
UM-N2 125 1.90E+05 123 1.12E+05 123 5.89E+04 6.7
UM-CO2 121 9.1E+04 120 5.76E+04 119 2.14E+04 16.4
SAB-N2 121 1.36E+05 120 8.15E+04 120 9.48E+04 0.7
SAB-CO2 125 2.50E+05 125 1.88E+05 125 2.31E+05 0.2
BA-N2 127 4.09E+05 126 2.66E+05 126 2.82E+05 0.9
BA-CO2 122 1.57E+05 121 1.10E+05 121 1.11E+05 1.0

M.V. Gil et al. / Applied Energy 91 (2012) 6774 71

Xcalc,i, at the different temperatures selected. The calculated con- atmospheres. The reaction rate of a char under an oxygen atmo-
version values of the chars during oxy-fuel combustion were ob- sphere is usually very high and in the present study the reactivity
tained by introducing the previously estimated k (calculated was measured in a high oxygen content (30%) atmosphere, which
from k0 and E) and w values into Eqs. (9)(11). As an example, may have concealed possible differences in reactivity between both
the results for the HVN-N2, HVN-CO2, BA-N2 and BA-CO2 char sam- chars and may explain why no differences were observed between
ples are shown in Fig. 3. In addition, the errors produced by the ki- the chars obtained under N2 or CO2. The results obtained by Naredi
netic models in predicting the values of conversion were quantified and Pisupati [9] also suggest that the reactivity of the coal char gen-
by means of Eq. (12), which compares the experimental and calcu- erated in CO2 was similar to that of the coal char generated in an Ar
lated X values taking into account the deviation, DEV X (%), be- gas medium. These authors were led to conclude that the properties
tween the experimental and calculated curves. Table 3 shows the of the char obtained in both atmospheres differed only at high tem-
results of the average deviation for all the char samples. peratures (>1300 C), which they attributed to the effect of char gas-
The best model for describing the reactivity of the HVN, UM and ification resulting from the reaction between the char and CO2.
BA coal chars proved to be RPM, which presented the lowest devi-
ation values. VM was the model that best described the reactivity 4.2. Properties of the chars
of the SAB chars, although in this case the DEV X value was similar
to that of RPM model. This was due to the w value being very close The apparent volatile yields of the four coals studied after dev-
to zero and, when this occurs, the RPM model predicts an almost olatilization in N2 and CO2 at 1000 C in an entrained flow reactor
constant decrease in reactivity with conversion, like the VM model, are presented in Table 5. The apparent volatile yields (V) of the
which assumes a homogeneous reaction throughout the particle UM, SAB and BA coals calculated from the EFR experiments were
[19]. higher than their respective volatile matter contents (VM) ob-
Using the models of best fit, the activation energy for the coal tained by proximate analysis, indicating an enhanced devolatiliza-
chars under oxy-fuel atmosphere (30% O2) was 117127 kJ mol1 tion at the higher temperature and heating rate in the entrained
(Table 2). Niu et al. [22] obtained activation energy values for flow reactor. However, in the case of the HVN coal, the V yields
pulverized coals in an oxy-fuel atmosphere (20% O2) that ranged measured after coal devolatilization in N2 and CO2 in the EFR were
between 109 and 248 kJ mol1. Similarly, Liu [6] achieved activa- lower than the coal VM content, probably due to the high rank of
tion energy values for coal chars in an oxy-fuel atmosphere (10% this coal together with the short residence time in the EFR during
O2) that ranged between 115 and 147 kJ mol1. the devolatilization experiments compared to that of the proxi-
Table 4 shows the reactivity index, R500, calculated from Eq. (13). mate analysis.
As can be seen, the reactivity index values obtained for the coal chars Furthermore, the apparent volatile yields measured after coal
in N2 and CO2 were similar, although there is a slight trend towards devolatilization under CO2 were greater than those obtained under
higher reactivity values in the case of the N2-chars. Table 2 shows N2 for all the coals studied (Table 4). The greater mass loss ob-
that the activation energy values and pre-exponential factors for served under CO2 was probably caused by char-CO2 gasification
the chars obtained under CO2 and N2 are also very similar. From occurring at high temperatures during the devolatilization experi-
these data, it can be concluded that no differences in the kinetic ments in the EFR. Rathnam et al. [2] and Li et al. [23] also observed
parameters are produced by using these different devolatilization higher apparent volatile yields under CO2 than under N2 after

(a) 1.0 (b) 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6
450 C 450 C

0.4 500 C 0.4 500 C

550 C 550 C
0.2 600 C 0.2 600 C
0.0 0.0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
t (s) t (s)

(c) (d) 1.0
0.8 0.8

0.6 400 C 0.6 400 C


450 C 450 C

0.4 500 C 0.4 500 C

550 C 550 C
0.2 600 C 0.2 600 C
0.0 0.0
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000
t (s) t (s)

Fig. 3. Experimental conversion curves for HVN-N2 (a), HVN-CO2 (b), BA-N2 (c) and BA-CO2 (d) coal chars and those calculated with the RPM model during oxy-fuel
combustion at different temperatures.

72 M.V. Gil et al. / Applied Energy 91 (2012) 6774

Table 3 the access of CO2 to the surface of the particle. These authors did
Average deviation (%) between the experimental and calculated conversion (X) data. not observe any differences between devolatilization in N2 and
Char DEV X (%) CO2 at temperatures over 1300 C when the heating and devolatil-
VM GM RPM ization process was completed between 150 and 200 ms.
The chars obtained from coal devolatilization under N2 and CO2
HVN-N2 8.5 5.7 2.5
HVN-CO2 9.3 6.4 2.9
in the entrained flow reactor were also examined using a scanning
UM-N2 8.5 5.5 3.8 electron microscope (SEM), images of which are shown in Figs. 4
UM-CO2 10.8 8.7 6.1 7. It can be observed that the HVN-N2 coal consists of solid parti-
SAB-N2 6.2 7.4 6.4 cles with an external angular profile, whereas the HVN-CO2 char
SAB-CO2 5.1 5.9 5.2
is composed of solid particles with a more rounded shape
BA-N2 5.3 4.9 4.0
BA-CO2 6.8 7.2 5.8 (Fig. 4). Both types of char particle have a similar mean particle
Both the UM-N2 and the UM-CO2 char particles show significant
Table 4 signs of swelling after devolatilization, but both have a similar
Reactivity index at 500 C of the coal chars obtained in N2 and CO2. particle size distribution and external appearance (Fig. 5). They
also have a network-type char structure (Fig. 5b, c and f), although
the proportion of this type of char is lower in the case of UM-CO2,
N2 CO2 N2 CO2 N2 CO2 N2 CO2
while the proportion of thick-walled particles with wide blow
R500 (h1) 0.76 0.69 1.25 1.19 2.68 2.08 2.94 2.78 holes (Fig. 5g) is higher in the UM-CO2 char than in the UM-N2
char. The particles exhibited intense bubbling and grew larger dur-
ing the plastic stage to form larger and more hollow char particles
Table 5 due to the growth of the bubbles. These bubbles grow thanks to the
Apparent volatile yield of the coal chars obtained under N2 and CO2 in entrained flow
generation of volatiles and, if they swell to a sufficiently large ex-
reactor experiments at 1000 C.
tent, the particles appear almost transparent. On the other hand,
HVN UM SAB BA the bubbles may rupture at an early stage and the holes may not
VM proximate analysis (wt.%, daf) 10.3 30.1 35.2 36.4 close again if the release of volatiles through the holes is intense
V (N2) 6.0 40.6 44.9 49.9 [26]. This might explain the larger amount of char particles with
V (CO2) 7.2 65.3 53.1 62.2
large blow-holes on their surface in UM-CO2 (Fig. 5g), resulting
daf: Dry and ash free bases. from more intense release of volatiles under CO2 than under N2.
A more noticeable swelling is observed in the case of the
devolatilization in a drop tube furnace. These authors attributed SAB-CO2 and BA-CO2 particles than in the case of the chars ob-
the higher values to the gasification of the chars by CO2. Jamil tained under N2, since the mean particle size of the SAB-CO2 and
et al. [24] observed a lower char yield in CO2 than in He after the BA-CO2 char particles is larger than that of the SAB-N2 and BA-N2
pyrolysis of a brown coal at 900 C in a wire-mesh reactor, which chars, respectively (Figs. 6 and 7). The SAB-N2 char exhibits both
they attributed to gasification of the char by CO2. In contrast, Brix solid and irregular particles with very small holes, while the SAB-
et al. [25] noted that the devolatilization of coal in N2 and CO2 in an CO2 particles are more spherical with wider holes and thick walls.
entrained flow reactor gave rise to a similar char morphology and This could be due to the high vitrinite content (43.5 wt.% mineral-
volatile yield. Naredi and Pisupati [9] reported a higher weight loss matter-free basis) in the SAB coal. In general, particles containing
during pyrolysis in CO2 than in Ar in a drop tube reactor at temper- liptinites or vitrinites generate a porous char, while those contain-
atures above 900 C, which they also ascribed to the reaction ing inertinites generate relatively dense char structures [26].
between char and CO2. Gasification of the coal would seem a The BA-N2 char has both solid particles and particles with holes,
reasonable explanation for the higher volatile yield in CO2 in the while the BA-CO2 char exhibits more spherical particles with thin-
present study in view of the residence time and temperature used. ner walls, bigger holes and a network structure (Fig. 7). This diver-
Brix et al. [25] concluded that at high temperatures (>1227 C) the sity in morphology in the case of the BA char particles seems to
low residence times required for devolatilization to occur limit indicate a multiplicity of maceral components, possibly due to

Fig. 4. SEM images of the HVN coal char particles obtained under N2 (ad) and CO2 (eh) in an entrained flow reactor (EFR) at 1000 C.

M.V. Gil et al. / Applied Energy 91 (2012) 6774 73

Fig. 5. SEM images of the UM coal char particles obtained under N2 (ad) and CO2 (eh) in an entrained flow reactor (EFR) at 1000 C.

Fig. 6. SEM images of the SAB coal char particles obtained under N2 (ad) and CO2 (eh) in an entrained flow reactor (EFR) at 1000 C.

Fig. 7. SEM images of the BA coal char particles obtained under N2 (ad) and CO2 (eh) in an entrained flow reactor (EFR) at 1000 C.

74 M.V. Gil et al. / Applied Energy 91 (2012) 6774

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4.4.2 Publicacin IV

Kinetic models for the oxy-fuel combustion of coal and coal/biomass blend chars obtained in
N2 and CO2 atmospheres.

M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera.

2012. 48 (1) pp. 510518.

Energy 48 (2012) 510e518

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Kinetic models for the oxy-fuel combustion of coal and coal/biomass blend chars
obtained in N2 and CO2 atmospheres
M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera*
Instituto Nacional del Carbn, INCAR-CSIC, Apartado 73, 33080 Oviedo, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The thermal reactivity and kinetics of ve coal chars, a biomass char, and two coal/biomass char blends in
Received 30 May 2012 an oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere (30%O2e70%CO2) were studied using the non-isothermal ther-
Received in revised form mogravimetric method at three heating rates. Fuel chars were obtained by devolatilization in an
17 October 2012
entrained ow reactor at 1273 K under N2 and CO2 atmospheres. Three nth-order representative gas
Accepted 21 October 2012
esolid models e the volumetric model (VM), the grain model (GM) and the random pore model
Available online 8 November 2012
(RPM) e were employed to describe the reactive behaviour of the chars. The RPM model was found to be
the best for describing the reactivity of the high rank coal chars, while VM was the model that best
described the reactivity of the bituminous coal chars, the biomass char and the coal-biomass blend char.
Biomass The kinetic parameters of the chars obtained in N2 and CO2 in an oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere with
Non-isothermal TG 30% of oxygen were compared, but no relevant differences were observed. The behaviour of the blend of
Oxy-fuel combustion the bituminous coal (90%wt.) and the biomass (10%wt.) chars resembled that of the individual coal
Kinetic models concealing the effect of the biomass. Likewise, no interaction was detected between the high rank coal
Entrained ow reactor and the biomass chars during oxy-fuel combustion of the blend.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The oxy-coal combustion is expected to be different from the

coal combustion under an O2/N2 atmosphere as the CO2 has higher
Whereas power generation from CO2-neutral renewable fuels is specic molar heat capacity and varying radiation properties
being promoted, coal utilization is expected to continue in the compared to those of N2. Previous research studies have focused on
future, as the reserves of coal are abundant and its cost is relatively the fact that the use of CO2 instead of N2 may cause a reduction in
low [1]. However, the use of coal in power plants generates a large the propagation speed, ame stability and gas temperature prole
amount of CO2, which is the chief contributor to global climate or lead to an increase in the unburned carbon content. Thus, Liu
change. One of the promising technologies being developed to et al. [3] concluded that during the oxy-fuel combustion process,
facilitate carbon capture and storage (CCS) from fossil-fuel-red these problems can be overcome by increasing the oxygen
power plants is the oxy-fuel combustion. The oxy-coal combus- concentration in the oxidizer (up to approximately 30%) to match
tion together with carbon sequestration is a strategy that has the combustion performance achieved in air. However, the reaction
received considerable attention as a viable, cost-effective tech- models and kinetics to describe coal combustion in O2/CO2 atmo-
nology for power production and that can be used as a retrot on sphere have been scarcely studied. The knowledge of the effect of
existing coal-red power plants. This technology involves the the CO2 atmosphere on the reactivity of coal is needed for evalu-
combustion of pulverized coal in a mixture of oxygen and recycled ating the kinetic parameters required for computational uid
ue gas (RFG), which consists mainly of CO2 and H2O [2]. In this dynamics (CFD) calculations [4], which will be useful for designing
process, the net volume of ue gas is reduced and a CO2 volume and modelling oxy-fuel combustion at industrial scale. There are
fraction in the ue gas of 95% or higher is provided, which after a few recent studies on the calculation of the kinetic parameters of
purication can be directly stored in a supercritical state by means the combustion of coal in an oxy-fuel atmosphere. Niu et al. [5,6]
of compression. carried out the coal combustion in O2/CO2 mixtures on a thermog-
ravimetric analyzer and calculated the kinetic parameters which
describe the combustion process by linearization using the Coatse
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 34 985 118 975; fax: 34 985 297 662. Redfern method. Wang et al. [7] compared the combustion of coals
E-mail address: (F. Rubiera). and chars in oxy-fuel atmosphere applying the non-isothermal

0360-5442/$ e see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

M.V. Gil et al. / Energy 48 (2012) 510e518 511

thermogravimetric analysis, but these authors claimed that insuf- Table 1

cient information exits on the effect of char preparation atmo- Proximate and ultimate analyses and high heating value of the samples.

sphere on the char reactivity. Sample AC HVN DAB M6N NZ PIN TPIN
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a common technique used Origin Spain Spain China Mexico New Zealand Spain Spain
to investigate and compare thermal events and determine kinetic
Rank an sa hvb hvb hvb
parameters during the combustion, pyrolysis and gasication of
Proximate analysisa
solid raw materials, such as coal, wood, etc. [8e14]. Moreover,
Moisture (wt.%) 2.3 1.1 2.9 1.8 11.5 6.8 e
quantitative methods can be applied to TGA curves to obtain kinetic Ash (wt.%, db) 14.2 10.7 10.9 30.2 2.9 3.8 4.2
parameters of the thermal events. Miura and Silveston [15] showed V.M. (wt.%, db) 3.6 9.2 28.8 30.6 47.9 79.8 75.5
the validity of the temperature-programmed reaction (TPR) tech- F.C. (wt.%, db)b 82.2 80.1 60.3 39.2 49.2 16.4 20.3
nique for the analysis of noncatalytic gasesolid reactions. This Ultimate analysis (wt.%, daf)a
C 94.7 91.7 81.9 76.7 67.5 45.9 51.2
technique appears to provide more kinetic information than what
H 1.6 3.5 5.0 6.2 5.3 6.1 5.7
is obtainable from the same number of experiments performed at N 1.0 1.9 1.1 1.6 1.0 0.7 0.9
constant temperature. Kasaoka et al. [16] also stated that in an S 0.7 1.6 1.2 1.2 0.2 0.0 0.0
isothermal experiment, a tedious repetition of experimental runs is O 2.0 1.3 10.8 14.3 26.0 47.3 42.2
HHV (MJ/kg, db) 29.2 31.8 28.8 23.1 27.9 18.9 20.2
required to determine the kinetic parameters of the Arrhenius
equation. an: anthracite; sa: semi-anthracite; hvb: high-volatile bituminous coal.
On the other hand, with the EU announcing that it intends to db: dry basis; daf: dry and ash-free bases.
The proximate analysis was conducted in a LECO TGA-601, and the ultimate
supply 20% of its overall energy needs from renewable sources by
analysis in a LECO CHNS-932.
2020, interest in biomass as a renewable source is growing [17]. b
Calculated by difference.
This source of energy is considered carbon neutral because the
carbon dioxide released during biomass utilization is recycled as an
integral part of the carbon cycle. Co-combustion of biomass and a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 50 mm, where 10e15 g of
coal has generated widespread interest because of the reduced biomass was kept at a temperature of 513 K for 1 h under a nitrogen
emissions of gases such as CO2, SO2 and NOx compared to those ow rate of 50 NmL min1.
emitted by the combustion of coal [18]. The coring of biomass
with coal is advantageous since biomass has higher volatile matter
2.2. Char preparation
content and lower devolatilization temperature, which can aid the
ignition and combustion characteristics of the blend [19]. Lai et al.
The chars were prepared by devolatilizing the raw fuels in an
[20] compared the combustion behaviour of lignocellulosic mate-
electrically heated entrained ow reactor (40 mm internal diam-
rials in CO2/O2 and N2/O2 atmospheres and calculated the kinetic
eter, 1400 mm length) in streams of 100%N2 and 100%CO2
parameters considering three parallel reactions during the
(4.79 NL min1). The experimental device has been described
combustion. A few studies have been published on the oxy-fuel
elsewhere [25,26]. The devolatilization experiments were carried
combustion of coal and biomass blends [21e23], but reactivity
out at a reactor temperature of 1273 K and a particle residence time
and kinetic studies of biomass and coal/biomass blends under oxy-
of 2.5 s. After the experiments, the chars were cooled down under
fuel combustion needs to be carried out.
a ow of nitrogen to room temperature and a water-cooled col-
The aim of the present work was to study the oxy-fuel
lecting probe was inserted into the reaction chamber from below to
combustion (30%O2e70%CO2) reactivity and kinetic behaviour of
collect the char samples. The obtained coal and biomass char
ve coal chars and a biomass char obtained under 100%N2 and 100%
samples were used for the oxy-fuel combustion reactivity experi-
CO2 atmospheres, as well as the coal/biomass char blends. For this
ments. Moreover, two blends, AC TPIN and DAB TPIN,
purpose, the temperature-programmed reaction (TPR) technique at
composed of 10wt% of biomass char TPIN-CO2 and 90wt% of coal
three different heating rates was used. Three mathematical
char AC-CO2 or DAB-CO2, respectively, were prepared. The
models e the volumetric model (VM), the grain model (GM) and
components of the mixtures were blended in the adequate
the random pore model (RPM) e were used to determine the
proportions and manually homogenized.
kinetic parameters which best represent the oxy-fuel combustion
characteristics of the coal char, biomass char and coal/biomass char
blends under an oxygenecarbon dioxide atmosphere. 2.3. Oxy-fuel combustion reactivity tests of the chars

2. Experimental The reactivity tests were conducted in a thermobalance

(Setaram TAG24) at atmospheric pressure. Approximately 5 mg of
2.1. Fuel samples sample was placed in a crucible of 2 mm height with a circular base
of 5 mm diameter. A small amount of sample and slow heating rates
Five coals were used in this work: an anthracite (AC), a semi- were used to avoid heat transfer limitations and to minimize mass
anthracite (HVN) and three high-volatile bituminous coals (DAB, transfer effects. A thermocouple was located close to the platinum
M6N and NZ). A type of biomass, torrefacted pine sawdust (TPIN), basket to monitor the temperature and to close the oven control
was also employed. The coal and biomass samples were ground, loop. In this work, all the experiments were performed under non-
sieved and the resulting 75e150 mm size fraction was used for the isothermal conditions from room temperature to 1273 K at three
devolatilization tests. The results of the proximate and ultimate different heating rates: 2, 3 and 5 K min1. For the NZ samples, the
analyses and high heating values of the coal and biomass samples heating rates used were: 1, 2 and 3 K min1. The total ow rate of
are shown in Table 1. the gas introduced into the thermobalance during the oxy-fuel
The torrefaction of the biomass was carried out to improve its combustion experiments was 50 NmL min1, the gas consisting of
properties for pulverised systems [24]. To obtain the TPIN sample, 30%O2 and 70%CO2. The char conversion, X, and the reaction rate,
a raw pine sawdust sample was ground and sieved to obtain dX/dt, were calculated. The TG reactivity tests were rstly per-
a particle size fraction of 75e212 mm. Then, the torrefaction of this formed for the coal and biomass chars separately, and then for the
sample was performed using a vertical quartz reactor with coal/biomass char blends.

512 M.V. Gil et al. / Energy 48 (2012) 510e518

3. Kinetic models The non-isothermal thermogravimetric method or temperature-

programmed reaction (TPR) technique involves heating the samples
A general kinetic expression for the overall reaction rate in gase at a constant rate, a. The temperature, T, is related to time, t, by:
solid reactions is written as follows [27]:
  T T0 at (7)
dX=dt k Pg ; T f X (1)
where T0 is the temperature at which heating is started, which can
where k is the apparent combustion reaction rate, which includes be set equal to 0 provided that T0 is low enough for the reaction rate
the effect of temperature (T) and the effect of the reactive gas to be practically zero when heating is initiated.
partial pressure (Pg), and f(X) describes the changes in the physical By means of Eq. (7), Eq. (4) can be integrated to give:
or chemical properties of the sample during reaction. X represents  
the loss in mass fraction or mass conversion ratio, which can be k E
X 1  exp  0 pu (8)
calculated by the following relationship: aR
X m0  mt = m0  mf (2) where

where m0 is the initial mass of the char sample, mt the mass of the ZN
eu eu
char sample at time t and mf the nal mass of the char sample. pu  du (9)
u u
Assuming that the partial pressure of the reactive gas remains X
constant during the process, the apparent combustion reaction rate
will be dependent on the temperature and can be expressed using
u E=RT (10)
the Arrhenius equation, as follows:
From the literature, several proposed approximations for p(u)
k k0 eE=RT (3) can be found. In this study the one employed has been [15,31,32]:

where k0 and E are the pre-exponential factor and activation pu eu =u2 (11)
energy, respectively.
In this work, three nth-order models were applied to describe This approximation is valid for u > 10, which is fullled by these
the reactivity of the chars studied: the volumetric model (VM), the fuels when burned in the studied oxy-fuel atmosphere. Eq. (8) can
grain model (GM) and the random pore model (RPM). These then be written as:
models give different formulations of the term f(X), with X repre-  
senting the degree of char conversion on a dry ash-free basis. RT 2 E
X 1  exp  k0 e RT (12)
The VM assumes a homogeneous reaction throughout the aE
particle and a linearly decreasing reaction surface area with
Similarly, Eqs. (5) and (6) can be integrated with the above
conversion [28]. The overall reaction rate is expressed by:
approximation, to give Eqs. (13) and (14) respectively:
dX=dt kVM 1  X (4)  3
RT 2 E
The GM or shrinking core model, proposed by Szekely and Evans X 1 1 k0 e RT (13)
[29], assumes that a porous particle consists of an assembly of
uniform nonporous grains and that the reaction takes place on the
surface of these grains. The space between the grains constitutes RT 2 E j RT 2 E
X 1  exp  k0 e RT 1 k0 e RT (14)
the porous network. The shrinking core behaviour applies to each aE 4 aE
of these grains during the reaction. In the regime of chemical
kinetic control and, assuming the grains have a spherical shape, the Eqs. (12)e(14) can be utilized to determine k0 and E values from
overall reaction rate can be expressed as: X experimental data sets by employing nonlinear least-squares
tting methods. According to Miura and Silveston [15], the deter-
dX=dt kGM 1  X2=3 (5) mination of the kinetic parameters from a single TPR run may lead
to unreliable rate parameters and, furthermore, the tting of data
This model predicts a monotonically decreasing reaction rate by a model may not validate the model if just one TPR run is used.
and surface area because the surface area of each grain is receding These authors claimed that at least three TPR runs at different
during the reaction. heating rates are required to estimate reliable parameters and
The RPM model considers the overlapping of pore surfaces, accurate activation energies.
which reduces the area available for reaction [30]. The basic In this study the kinetic parameters were determined from
equation for this model is: three TPR runs, each one performed at a different heating rate. The
nonlinear least-squares method was employed to t the experi-
dX=dt kRPM 1  X1  jln1  X1=2 (6) mental data of 1X vs. temperature, T, to the three models by
This model is able to predict a maximum value of reactivity as means of Eqs. (12)e(14), and to estimate the k0 and E values which
the reaction proceeds, as it considers the competing effects of pore minimize the objective function, OF:
growth during the initial stages of combustion and the destruction Xh i2
of the pores due to the coalescence of neighbouring pores during OF 1  Xexp;i  1  Xcalc;i (15)
the reaction. The RPM model employs two parameters, the i1;N
apparent combustion reaction rate constant, kRPM, and j, which is
related to the pore structure of the unreacted sample, although where (1X)exp,i is the experimental point corresponding to the ith
Miura and Silveston [15] suggested that the j parameter should be temperature, Ti, (1X)calc,i is the value calculated at Ti, and N is the
considered as an adjustable parameter. number of data points.

M.V. Gil et al. / Energy 48 (2012) 510e518 513

According to Vrhegyi [33], the method of least-squares can concluded that the model which best describes the reactivity of the
work better in non-isothermal kinetics than other methods DAB-N2 (R2 0.998), DAB-CO2 (R2 0.998), M6N-N2 (R2 0.995),
requiring simpler computer programming or less computational M6N-CO2 (R2 0.996), NZ-N2 (R2 0.998), NZ-CO2 (R2 0.996),
time, since this technique aims directly at the description of the TPINeN2 (R2 0.998) and TPINeCO2 (R2 0.996) char samples, as
experimental data in a wide range of experimental conditions. well as the DAB TPIN (R2 0.999) blend, was the VM model
To assess the quality of the t and verify the capacity of the (Table 2). On the other hand, the reactivity of the AC TPIN blend
kinetic models to describe the degree of char conversion, X (or has not been satisfactorily described by none of the considered
1X), the deviation (DEV) between the experimental and calcu- models, since the oxy-fuel combustion process took place in two
lated curves was obtained using the following expression: stages and it was not then possible to obtain a simple set of kinetic
hX parameters for this sample.
DEV1  X% 100 1  Xexp;i The RPM model predicts a maximum in reaction rate as the
i1;N reaction proceeds, as pore overlapping is considered. Pore shape is
2 i1=2 assumed cylindrical and supposed to grow radially while reaction
 1  Xcalc;i =N =max1  Xexp (16) proceeds, instead of keeping initial volume. Initially, the cylinder
growth causes an increase in total reaction surface, which means
where (1X)exp,i and (1X)calc,i represent the experimental and higher reaction rate. Finally, reaction progress brings about
calculated data of 1X, N is the number of data points, and a neighbouring pore intersection. Due to pore overlapping, the
max(1X)exp is the highest absolute value of the experimental reaction surface area is lower and, consequently, the reaction rate
curve. The best tting kinetic parameters and model were chosen decreases [34]. Conversely, the VM and GM models cannot describe
from the highest R2 value obtained from the results which proved a maximum in reaction rate but predict a constant decrease in the
to be statistically signicant, together with the lowest value of DEV reaction rate with conversion. Therefore, from the results of the
(1X). model ts it can be deduced that, in the case of the high rank coals
used in this work, AC and HVN, the char reaction rate presents
4. Results and discussion a maximum value during combustion. However, for the bituminous
coals (DAB, M6N and NZ), the biomass sample (TPIN) and the coal/
4.1. Kinetic parameters biomass blend (DAB TPIN) the char reaction rate decreases
linearly during the whole oxy-fuel combustion process under the
Table 2 shows the kinetic parameters (E, k0 and j) determined conditions of the present study.
from the data obtained at three heating rates (1, 2 and 3 K min1 for Figs. 1 and 2 show, for the three heating rates, the experimental
the NZ coal char and 2, 3 and 5 K min1 for the rest of samples) 1X data and the 1X curves calculated (Eqs. (12)e(14)) using the
together with the coefcients of determination, R2, for each model parameters obtained from the data at the three heating rates for the
and sample. R2 shows the variation in the dependent variable, 1X, meaningful and statistically signicant models (Table 2). As
which is explained by the model. Table 2 also presents the statis- example, the curves for the AC, HVN and DAB char samples ob-
tically signicant model ttings. tained both in N2 and CO2 are shown in Fig. 1 and the curves for the
The RPM model ts the experimental data better than the other biomass char, TPIN, and the blends, AC TPIN and DAB TPIN, are
two models for coal chars AC-N2 (R2 0.999), AC-CO2 (R2 0.999), shown in Fig. 2. To quantify the errors produced by the kinetic
HVN-N2 (R2 0.998) and HVN-CO2 (R2 0.998), since it displayed models in predicting the values of conversion, the deviation (DEV)
a signicant t and presented the highest R2 value (Table 2). In the between the experimental and calculated 1X curves was obtained
case of the DAB, M6N and NZ char samples, as well as the using the Eq. (16). The results obtained from the signicant models
DAB TPIN blend, the j value obtained from the RPM model is for all the char samples and the blend are summarised in Table 3. In
a meaningless negative value, which indicates that the best t to accordance with the previous results (Table 2), the lowest deviation
the experimental data is obtained with a j value of zero. For the from the calculated values of the conversion rates was obtained
TPIN samples, the j value obtained from the RPM model is close to using the RPM model for all the AC and HVN char samples and the
zero and the ts were not signicant. When the j value is close to VM model for all the DAB, M6N, NZ, TPIN and DAB TPIN samples
zero, the RPM model predicts a nearly constant decrease in reac- (Table 3). Saravanan et al. [4] and Gil et al. [35] have also studied the
tivity with conversion, as does the VM model. Therefore, it can be reactivity of coal chars during oxy-fuel combustion using the

Table 2
Kinetic parameters of the chars during oxy-fuel combustion (30%O2e70%CO2) determined with the TPR technique at three heating rates for VM, GM and RPM models.

Char Volumetric model (VM) Grain model (GM) Random pore model (RPM)

E (kJ mol1) k0 (s1) R2 E (kJ mol1) k0 (s1) R2 E (kJ mol1) k0 (s1) j R2

a a
AC-N2 260 4.45E13 0.977 194 1.83E09 0.970 137 1.43E04 2955 0.999a
AC-CO2 234 7.96E11 0.987a 169 3.54E07 0.980a 140 5.88E04 490 0.999a
HVN-N2 184 1.08E09 0.995a 149 4.13E06 0.994a 128 6.88E04 19.1 0.998a
HVN-CO2 190 2.75E09 0.996a 157 1.25E07 0.995a 116 7.72E03 37.1 0.998a
DAB-N2 146 8.10E06 0.998a 113 2.95E04 0.992a 152 2.03E07 0.2 0.999a
DAB-CO2 152 1.82E07 0.998a 117 5.27E04 0.989a 160 7.25E07 0.2 0.999a
M6N-N2 171 1.47E09 0.995a 106 1.83E04 0.970a 175 2.77E09 0.2 0.996a
M6N-CO2 166 5.73E08 0.996a 110 3.48E04 0.973a 171 1.57E09 0.2 0.997a
NZ-N2 131 1.13E07 0.998a 76 2.81E02 0.954a 134 2.17E07 0.2 0.999a
NZ-CO2 141 1.37E08 0.996a 63 2.78E01 0.908a 142 1.60E08 0.1 0.996a
TPIN-N2 118 9.60E05 0.998a 96 1.31E04 0.996a 112 2.68E05 0.4 0.998
TPIN-CO2 129 6.29E06 0.996a 102 3.72E04 0.992a 128 5.42E06 0.03 0.996
DAB TPIN 136 1.42E06 0.999a 102 5.03E03 0.991a 141 3.73E06 0.2 0.999a
Statistically signicant.

514 M.V. Gil et al. / Energy 48 (2012) 510e518

a b
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
2 K/min exp 2 K/min exp
3 K/min exp 3 K/min exp
5 K/min exp 5 K/min exp
0.2 VM 0.2 VM

0.0 0.0
600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950
T (K) T (K)
c d
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 2 K/min exp 0.4 2 K/min exp

3 K/min exp 3 K/min exp
5 K/min exp 5 K/min exp
0.2 VM 0.2 VM

0.0 0.0
600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950
T (K) T (K)
e f
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4
2 K/min exp 2 K/min exp
3 K/min exp 3 K/min exp
5 K/min exp 5 K/min exp
0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950
T (K) T (K)

Fig. 1. Experimental conversion curves for AC-N2 (a), AC-CO2 (b), HVN-N2 (c), HVN-CO2 (d), DAB-N2 (e) and DAB-CO2 (f) coal chars during oxy-fuel combustion (30%O2e70%CO2) and
those calculated with three nth-order reaction models (VM, GM and RPM) using parameters determined from heating rates at 2, 3 and 5 K min1.

random pore model. Gil et al. [35] found that RPM model was the energy values for pulverized coals in an oxy-fuel atmosphere (20%
best for describing the reactivity of coal chars. O2) that ranged between 109 and 248 kJ mol1. Similarly, Liu [36]
Table 4 summarizes the activation energy values obtained for achieved activation energy values for coal chars in an oxy-fuel
the char samples used in the present study, together with data atmosphere (10% O2) which ranged between 115 and
from previous works on oxy-fuel combustion. In the present work, 147 kJ mol1. On the other hand, the activation energy for the TPIN
using the models of best t, the activation energy for the coal biomass char under 30%O2e70%CO2 atmosphere was 118e
chars under 30%O2e70%CO2 atmosphere was 116e171 kJ mol1 129 kJ mol1 (Table 2). In the case of the DAB TPIN char
(Table 2). In a previous study, Gil et al. [35] had calculated acti- blend, a value of the activation energy of 136 kJ mol1 was ob-
vation energy values for coal chars under oxy-fuel atmosphere tained, which is an intermediate value between those of the
with 30%O2 of 117e127 kJ mol1. Niu et al. [5] obtained activation individual components of the blend.

M.V. Gil et al. / Energy 48 (2012) 510e518 515

a 1.0 b 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
2 K/min exp 2 K/min exp
3 K/min exp 3 K/min exp
0.2 5 K/min exp 0.2 5 K/min exp

0.0 0.0
450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
T (K) T (K)
c d
1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4
2 K/min exp
3 K/min exp
2 K/min exp 5 K/min exp
0.2 0.2
3 K/min exp VM
5 K/min exp GM

0.0 0.0
550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950
T (K) T (K)

Fig. 2. Experimental conversion curves for TPIN-N2 (a), TPIN-CO2 (b), AC TPIN (c) and DAB TPIN (d) samples during oxy-fuel combustion (30%O2e70%CO2) and those calculated
with three nth-order reaction models (VM, GM and RPM) using parameters determined from heating rates at 2, 3 and 5 K min1.

Table 2 shows that the activation energy values and pre- DTG curves in both atmospheres were almost superposing in the
exponential factors for the two devolatilization atmospheres are low temperature zone (up to w1073 K), concluding that the
very similar. From these data, it can be concluded that no differ- pyrolysis reactivity is highly similar in N2 and CO2. At higher
ences in the kinetic parameters of oxy-fuel combustion under 30% temperatures, however, in CO2 atmosphere char-CO2 gasication
O2e70%CO2 atmosphere are produced by using 100%N2 and 100% was observed, which is also in accordance with the results obtained
CO2 devolatilization atmospheres. by Rathnam et al. [37]. At the temperature used in the present study
Wang et al. [7] studied the devolatilization of coal samples in for obtaining the chars (1273 K), gasication process could there-
100%N2 and 100%CO2 by means of TGA and found that the TG and fore occur at some extent, which would affect the char character-
istics. The additional char-CO2 reaction could then increase the
reactivity of the coal char obtained under CO2 atmosphere.
Table 3 Nevertheless, the endothermic effect of char-CO2 reaction could
Deviation (%) between the experimental and calculated conversion (1X) data. also play a negative role in the enhancement of the reactivity
Char DEV (1X) (%)
through reducing the coal particle temperature. Wang et al. [7]
pointed out the necessity of studies to clarify the circumstances
in which those opposite effects will preponderate the other. These
AC-N2 6.39 7.94 1.24 authors concluded that char reactivity (in 21%O2/79% CO2) prepared
AC-CO2 4.36 5.40 1.08
HVN-N2 2.80 3.07 1.57
in CO2 is almost equivalent to that prepared in N2 in a study where
HVN-CO2 2.30 2.72 1.41 coal chars were obtained at low temperature (w1073 K) in
DAB-N2 1.53 3.45 e a tubular furnace. Borrego et al. [38] studied the characteristics of
DAB-CO2 1.63 4.09 e the chars from various biomass materials generated at a high
M6N-N2 2.89 6.73 e
heating rate in a drop tube furnace (DTF) under N2 and CO2
M6N-CO2 2.52 6.11 e
NZ-N2 1.63 8.01 e atmospheres and they found that similar morphology, optical
NZ-CO2 2.67 11.84 e texture and specic surface area were shown by the biomass chars
TPIN-N2 1.82 2.16 e generated under both atmospheres.
TPIN-CO2 2.30 3.18 e The reaction rate of a char under an oxygen atmosphere is
DAB TPIN 1.08 3.50 e
usually very high and in the present study the reactivity was

516 M.V. Gil et al. / Energy 48 (2012) 510e518

Table 4
Comparison of the activation energy values obtained in the present work and in previous oxy-fuel combustion studies.

Sample Atmosphere E (kJ mol1) Model Reference

Coal chars 30%O2e70%CO2 116e171 kJ mol1 nth-order gasesolid models Present study
Coal chars 30%O2e70%CO2 117e127 kJ mol1 nth-order gasesolid models Gil et al. (2012) [35]
Pulverized coals 20%O2e80%CO2 109e248 kJ mol1 CoatseRedfern method Niu et al. (2009) [5]
Coal chars 10%O2e90%CO2 115e147 kJ mol1 Isoconversional model-free methods Liu (2009) [36]
Biomass chars 30%O2e70%CO2 118e129 kJ mol1 nth-order gasesolid models Present study
Coal/biomass 30%O2e70%CO2 136 kJ mol1 nth-order gasesolid models Present study
char blend

measured in a high oxygen content (30%) atmosphere, which may curves calculated according to the additive rule from those of the
have concealed possible differences in reactivity between both individual components. The dX/dt curves for the individual
chars and may explain why no differences were observed components of the blends were also included. The theoretical and
between the chars obtained under N2 or CO2. Vrhegyi et al. [39] experimental dX/dt curves of the coal/biomass blends were
studied the coal char kinetics in O2/Ar and O2/CO2 atmospheres compared to nd out whether the components of the blends
by non-isothermal thermogravimetry and concluded that the interacted during the oxy-fuel combustion process. As mentioned
char reaction rate was proportional to the O2 concentration of the above, the theoretical dX/dt curves of the blends were calculated
ambient gas and was not inuenced by the presence of high according to the additive rule of blends, i.e.:
amounts of CO2 since char-CO2 reactions have much lower rates
than char oxidation. Niu et al. [6] conrmed that for O2 concen- dX=dtblend x1 dX=dtcoal x2 dX=dtbiomass (17)
trations of 30e40% in oxy-fuel atmospheres, the reaction process
is mainly dominated by the diffusion of the O2 to the surface of where (dX/dt)coal and (dX/dt)biomass are the reaction rate of the
the solid coal and the effect of the carrier gas is not very individual fuels, and x1 and x2 are the proportions of coal and
important. biomass in the blend, respectively.
The relative reactivity of O2 with coal is much greater than CO2 Fig. 4a shows that when the AC high rank coal and the TPIN
with coal, which suggests that the char oxidation in the present biomass are co-combusted under oxy-fuel atmosphere, two inde-
work was predominantly due to oxygen and a possible gasica- pendent peaks are observed in the DTG curves of the blend.
tion reaction due to CO2 during the reactivity experiments would Furthermore, no signicant deviations are appreciated between the
have not existed under these conditions. It was also noted by experimental and theoretical dX/dt curves in the case of the
Saravanan et al. [4] in their study about the reactivity of coal chars AC TPIN char blend at the three heating rates. This suggests that
during oxy-fuel combustion under different concentrations of no signicant interactions occur during char oxy-fuel combustion
CO2, who pointed out that the effect of CO2 concentration on the with 30% of oxygen, reecting the additive behaviour of blend
char oxidation rate in the presence of oxygen might be only due components during the combustion process. This means that it
to the bulk resistance offered by CO2 during the chareoxygen should be possible to predict the experimental reactivity curve of
reaction, although this fact would require more additional the blend, on the basis of the experimental reactivity curves of each
studies. individual component and their percentages in the blend. The
absence of synergetic effects during the char oxy-fuel combustion
4.2. Comparison of isothermal and non-isothermal reactivity tests

In a previous study [35], a kinetic analysis of the oxy-fuel -4.0

combustion of the HVN-N2 and HVN-CO2 char samples had been

carried out by the authors at constant temperature. The results
obtained using the TPR technique were then compared with those
obtained from experiments performed at constant temperature.
From the isothermal oxy-fuel combustion experiments, it was
concluded that the best model for describing the behaviour of both
] (s-1)

HVN samples was RPM and the parameters estimated using this
model by both techniques were therefore compared. Following the

indications from Miura and Silveston [15], the values of k0eE/RT
ln[k 0e

were calculated using the kinetic parameters in Table 2. They were

plotted on an Arrhenius diagram (Fig. 3) and compared with those
obtained in the isothermal experiments [34]. A good agreement can
be observed between the k0eE/RT values estimated by both
HVN-N2 TPR RPM model
methods, indicating that the TPR technique provides reliable
-14.0 HVN-N2 isothermal RPM model
kinetics parameters when data from the three heating rates are
HVN-CO2 isothermal RPM model
4.3. Interactions between the components of the coal/biomass 0.0010 0.0011 0.0012 0.0013 0.0014 0.0015
1/T (K-1)
Fig. 4 shows the experimental dX/dt curves for the coal/biomass Fig. 3. Comparison between the apparent oxy-fuel combustion reaction rates for HVN-
blends (AC TPIN and DAB TPIN) under the oxy-fuel combustion N2 and HVN-CO2 obtained from TPR data (at heating rates of 2, 3 and 5 K min1) and
atmosphere studied, together with the theoretical reaction rate data obtained from isothermal experiments [35].

M.V. Gil et al. / Energy 48 (2012) 510e518 517

thermal reactivity. The temperature-programmed reaction tech-

a 0.0018
2 K/min experimental nique employed in the analysis of noncatalytic gasesolid reactions
2 K/min theoretical
AC+TPIN was applied at three heating rates to estimate the kinetic param-
3 K/min experimental eters which best described the reactive behaviour of the chars
3 K/min theoretical during oxy-fuel combustion. The best model for describing the char
5 K/min experimental oxy-fuel combustion of the AC and HVN high rank coals was found
0.0012 5 K/min theoretical to be the RPM model, whereas the VM model better described the
original AC char reactivity of the DAB, M6N and NZ bituminous coals, the TPIN
dX /dt (s-1)

original TPIN biomass and the DAB TPIN blend under oxy-fuel conditions. The
0.0009 kinetic parameters showed that no differences in reactivity under
a typical oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere (30%O2e70%CO2) exist
between chars obtained under CO2 and N2. No signicant interac-
0.0006 tions were detected between the components of the coals-biomass
blends chars (90-10wt%) with 30% of oxygen.


0.0000 This work was carried out with nancial support from the
500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950
Spanish MICINN (Project PS-120000-2005-2) co-nanced by the
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). M.V.G. and L.A.
T (K)
acknowledge funding from the CSIC JAE-Pre and CSIC JAE-Doc
b 0.0015
programs, respectively, co-nanced by the European Social Fund.
2 K/min experimental
DAB+TPIN J.R. acknowledges funding from the Government of the Principado
2 K/min theoretical
de Asturias (Severo Ochoa program).
3 K/min experimental
3 K/min theoretical
5 K/min experimental
0.0010 5 K/min theoretical
original DAB [1] Deutch J, Moniz J. The future of coal: options for a carbon-constrained world.
dX /dt (s-1)

original TPIN Massachusetts Institute of Technology Interdisciplinary Study; 2007.

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Durante la oxicombustin el carbn se quema con una mezcla de oxgeno y gases de

combustin (CO2 y H2O) recirculados, siendo la concentracin de oxgeno mayor que la del
aire. El objetivo de este trabajo ha consistido en la evaluacin del efecto de la atmsfera de
combustin (O2/CO2/H2O y aire como referencia) sobre las propiedades de ignicin,
combustibilidad y emisiones producidas en carbones de distinto rango. Para ello, se han
realizado experimentos de ignicin y combustin en el reactor de flujo en arrastre descrito en
el Apartado 2.3. En el presente Captulo se presentan los resultados correspondientes a
ensayos de ignicin y combustin de una semiantracita y un carbn bituminoso alto en
voltiles en el reactor de flujo en arrastre, en atmsferas de aire y de oxicombustin con
reciclo hmedo y seco.

Los gases de salida del proceso de oxicombustin estn compuestos por CO2, vapor de agua
y hasta un 5 % de oxgeno como componentes mayoritarios. En un proceso a escala real los
gases de combustin se someten a una etapa de control y retencin de las partculas de
cenizas, procesos para la desulfuracin y desnitrificacin de los humos as como la
condensacin del vapor de agua. Durante la oxicombustin la toma de gases para la
recirculacin de los humos de salida puede realizarse en distintos puntos del proceso, variando
consecuentemente la proporcin de sustancias recirculadas como SOx y NOx as como la
proporcin de vapor de agua en el reciclo.

La recirculacin de los humos puede tener lugar tras la condensacin del vapor siendo
entonces el reciclo seco aunque todava con una cierta cantidad de vapor de agua. En otros
casos el reciclo puede realizarse previamente a la condensacin del vapor, reciclo hmedo. El
hecho de cmo afectar este vapor a los procesos de ignicin y combustin que experimenta
el carbn es un aspecto que ha sido poco investigado hasta la fecha. La proporcin de vapor
presente en un reciclo a nivel industrial depender de las caractersticas de diseo de la planta
as como del combustible empleado; se trata de un parmetro que presenta gran
incertidumbre hasta la fecha, ya que no existen instalaciones de oxicombustin a escala

En este trabajo inicialmente se plantearon reciclos con unos contenidos de 0, 5 y 10 % de

vapor de agua en la corriente oxidante. Dada la baja influencia que report la presencia de
estas concentraciones de vapor se aument la proporcin de vapor de agua introducida en la

Captulo 5

corriente de los gases reaccionantes hasta un 20%. Este valor de concentracin es muy similar
al obtenido en algunos estudios que simularon la oxicombustin de mezclas de carbn y
biomasa [Jurado, 2013], as como de ensayos realizados a escala de planta piloto [Beisheima,

En los dos artculos que se incluyen en este Captulo se ha estudiado el efecto que ejerce la
adicin de vapor de agua, a los gases de entrada al reactor de flujo en arrastre, en lo que
respecta a la ignicin de los carbones empleados, el grado de quemado obtenido y las
emisiones gaseosas producidas durante la oxicombustin.

5.1 Ignicin y Oxicombustin

La ignicin de un combustible es importante dado que influye en la estabilidad, forma y

longitud de la llama. En la prctica, el comportamiento en la ignicin de los combustibles
slidos es crucial para determinar la posicin ptima de los quemadores en las calderas de
carbn pulverizado. El aumento de la proporcin de reciclo en los procesos de oxicombustin
produce un empeoramiento de la ignicin [Strmberg, 2009]. La geometra de los quemadores
est diseada para producir turbulencia tanto en el interior de la llama como en la zona
perimetral. Segn lo observado por Khare et al. [Khare, 2008] debido a la recirculacin de CO2
en oxicombustin, cuando un quemador trabaja con flujos bajos y por tanto menores
velocidades, existe la posibilidad de que las llamas, que son normalmente del tipo 2, pasen a
ser llamas de tipo 0. Ello implicara un desplazamiento de la turbulencia hacia posiciones ms
alejadas del quemador y sin reflujo interno. Este efecto se puede evitar mediante un diseo
adecuado que asegure la turbulencia y que restablezca las llamas de tipo 2, comnmente
empleadas en las aplicaciones industriales.

Se ha observado en experimentos de oxicombustin a escala de planta piloto, un

empeoramiento de la ignicin por lo que se ha tenido que ajustar el grado de turbulencia y la
concentracin de oxgeno en los quemadores para tener una ignicin adecuada y una llama
estable. Por esta razn es necesario un estudio detallado del fenmeno de ignicin en
atmsferas de oxicombustin. Taniguchi et al. [Taniguchi, 2011a] desarrollaron un modelo
para predecir la forma de la llama y la velocidad de propagacin del frente de llama en aire. El
modelo puede ser empleado para analizar los efectos de las propiedades del carbn, el
tamao de partcula y la composicin del gas circundante. El modelo ha sido adaptado para el
diseo de quemadores de oxicombustin a escala piloto [Taniguchi, 2011b].

Smart et al. [Smart, 2010] evaluaron el efecto de los gases de oxicombustin en las
caractersticas de la llama, mediante imgenes digitales tomadas en un sistema experimental
de un quemador de carbn pulverizado de 0,5 MWth. En los ensayos realizados se observ que
la elevada proporcin de CO2 en la corriente de gases recirculados retardaba la ignicin y la
combustin era ms inestable.

Ignicin y combustin en reactor de flujo en arrastre

Khatami et al. [Khatami, 2012] determinaron el retraso del inicio de la ignicin para dos
lignitos y un carbn bituminoso, en atmsferas de O2/N2 y O2/CO2 con proporciones de O2
entre 20 y 100 %. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en el dispositivo descrito en el Apartado
3.2. Estos autores observaron un retraso en la ignicin de todos los carbones en las atmsferas
de CO2 respecto a las de N2 con la misma concentracin de O2. Para ambas atmsferas el
aumento de la concentracin de oxgeno supone un adelanto de la ignicin. Zhang et al.
[Zhang, 2010] obtuvieron unos resultados similares al quemar un carbn bituminoso en
atmsferas de aire y O2/CO2 con concentraciones de O2 entre 21 y 27 %. Al aumentar la
concentracin de CO2 se produca un retraso en la ignicin de los carbones y como una parte
de los voltiles permanecan inquemados en el contorno de la partcula, se favorece la
oxidacin parcial y la reaccin de gasificacin del char por la presencia de elevadas
concentraciones de CO2.

5.2 Emisiones de NOx

El nitrgeno presente en los humos de combustin en forma de xidos tiene dos orgenes.
Una parte proviene de la combustin de las partculas del combustible, ya que el nitrgeno
est presente en su composicin, y otra parte es el llamado NOx de origen trmico. La
proporcin de los xidos de nitrgeno procedentes del combustible, estar determinada por la
cantidad de nitrgeno en la composicin del combustible. Los NOx de origen trmico se
producen por la oxidacin del nitrgeno del aire a temperaturas elevadas. En los procesos de
oxicombustin la presencia de N2 en la atmsfera de combustin ser debida nicamente a
infiltraciones en la cmara de combustin y las etapas de molienda, as como a las impurezas
del O2 introducido en los gases de entrada. Por tanto, la formacin de NOx trmico ser muy

La formacin de xidos de nitrgeno est muy influenciada por la atmsfera de

combustin, segn sean las condiciones oxidantes o se encuentren zonas reductoras. En
condiciones de baja concentracin de oxgeno con gran concentracin de hidrocarburos de
cadena corta y CO, la formacin de NO ser muy baja. A medida que aumenta el exceso de
oxgeno la formacin de NO se ve favorecida. Esto se ha corroborado en los experimentos
realizados con diferentes excesos de oxgeno.

Captulo 5

5.3 Compendio de resultados:

Se ha estudiado en un reactor de flujo en arrastre, el efecto de distintas atmsferas de

oxicombustin sobre las propiedades de ignicin y de combustin de carbones de distinto
rango. Los resultados obtenidos indican un empeoramiento en las propiedades de ignicin en
la atmsfera 21%O2/79%CO2 en comparacin con la ignicin en aire. La ignicin se ve retrasada
al sustituir N2 por CO2 para la misma concentracin de O2 (21 %) debido a la mayor capacidad
calorfica del CO2 y a la menor difusividad del O2 en CO2. Sin embargo, al aumentar la
concentracin de O2 se produce un descenso en la temperatura de ignicin, y para una
concentracin del 30 % de O2 se obtuvo una temperatura de ignicin menor que en aire.

En condiciones de oxicombustin con recirculacin hmeda de gases, se observ un ligero

aumento en la temperatura de ignicin con la presencia de vapor de agua en las atmsferas de
oxicombustin, es decir, un retardo en la ignicin de los carbones estudiados. Sin embargo la
presencia de vapor de agua no ejerce efectos muy apreciables en la evolucin de los gases
durante la ignicin de los carbones.

En lo referente al proceso de combustin global del carbn, se estudi el efecto de la

sustitucin de N2 por CO2 para la misma concentracin de oxgeno (21 %), sobre el grado de
conversin. Se observ una disminucin en el grado de conversin, debido a las diferencias en
las propiedades fsicas de ambos gases. A medida que la concentracin de O2 aumenta, el
tiempo de quemado de las partculas disminuye y esto se tradujo en un aumento del grado de
quemado en los experimentos realizados en el reactor de flujo en arrastre.

Los voltiles liberados durante la combustin del carbn bituminoso alto en voltiles
reaccionan rpidamente, alcanzando temperaturas elevadas en los primeros instantes de la
combustin que sumado a la mayor reactividad del char respecto a los carbones de alto
rango, permite obtener valores de grado de quemado muy elevados. La semiantracita tiene un
menor contenido en voltiles y es menos reactiva, por lo que este carbn requiere mayor
exceso de oxgeno para alcanzar niveles de quemado elevados, en el mismo tiempo de
residencia que el carbn bituminoso.

Al aumentar la concentracin de oxgeno por encima del 30 % mejora el grado de

quemado, pero tambin aumenta la produccin de xidos de nitrgeno. No obstante, la
cantidad de NO por gramo de carbn quemado (o unidad de energa producida) sigue siendo
menor que la producida en aire. La atmsfera 30%O2/70%CO2 es la que muestra un balance
ms equilibrado entre grado de conversin alcanzado y cantidad de NO producido por unidad
de energa.

La presencia de vapor de agua en las atmsferas de oxicombustin no ejerce efectos muy

apreciables durante la combustin de los carbones. Se observ un menor grado de quemado

Ignicin y combustin en reactor de flujo en arrastre

en las atmsferas con 10 y 20 % de vapor de agua, nicamente para el caso de

concentraciones de oxgeno bajas.

Las emisiones de NO son menores en las atmsferas de oxicombustin que en aire, incluso
en las atmsferas con mayor concentracin de oxgeno. La presencia de concentraciones
elevadas de CO en las atmsferas de oxicombustin propicia la reduccin de NO para formar
N2. Este hecho, unido a la ausencia de NO de origen trmico, produce un descenso notable en
las emisiones de NO. Las emisiones de NO en las atmsferas de oxicombustin en presencia de
vapor disminuyeron ligeramente, debido a que el vapor podra interactuar con compuestos
intermedios actuando como agente reductor de NO. Por tanto, el efecto de la presencia de
vapor de agua en las condiciones experimentales empleadas es muy limitado, sin embargo
sera deseable evaluar el efecto que pudiera ejercer en condiciones de temperaturas
superiores a 1.200-1.300 C.

5.4 Publicaciones relacionadas:

V Effect of oxy-fuel combustion with steam addition on coal ignition and burnout
in an entrained flow reactor,
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera, Energy 2011. 36 (8) pp.
5314 5319. doi:10.1016/

VI NO Emissions in oxy-coal combustion with addition of steam in an entrained

flow reactor.
L. lvarez, J. Riaza, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Greenhouse Gases:
Science and Technology 2011. 1 (2) pp. 180-190. doi:10.1002/ghg.016

5.4.1 Publicacin V

Effect of oxy-fuel combustion with steam addition on coal ignition and burnout in an
entrained flow reactor,

J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera,

2011. 36 (8) pp. 5314 5319.

Energy 36 (2011) 5314e5319

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

journal homepage:

Effect of oxy-fuel combustion with steam addition on coal ignition and burnout
in an entrained ow reactor
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera*
Instituto Nacional del Carbn, INCAR-CSIC, Apartado 73, 33080 Oviedo, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The ignition temperature and burnout of a semi-anthracite and a high-volatile bituminous coal were
Received 10 February 2011 studied under oxy-fuel combustion conditions in an entrained ow reactor (EFR). The results obtained
Received in revised form under oxy-fuel atmospheres (21%O2e79%CO2, 30%O2e70% O2 and 35%O2e65%CO2) were compared with
10 June 2011
those attained in air. The replacement of CO2 by 5, 10 and 20% of steam in the oxy-fuel combustion
Accepted 18 June 2011
atmospheres was also evaluated in order to study the wet recirculation of ue gas. For the 21%O2e79%
Available online 20 July 2011
CO2 atmosphere, the results indicated that the ignition temperature was higher and the coal burnout
was lower than in air. However, when the O2 concentration was increased to 30 and 35% in the oxy-fuel
Oxy-fuel combustion
combustion atmosphere, the ignition temperature was lower and coal burnout was improved in
Pulverized coal comparison with air conditions. On the other hand, an increase in ignition temperature and a worsening
Steam addition of the coal burnout was observed when steam was added to the oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres
Ignition though no relevant differences between the different steam concentrations were detected.
Burnout 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Entrained ow reactor

1. Introduction O2/N2 atmosphere of a conventional coal-air combustion boiler,

because CO2 has a larger specic molar heat than N2, and the coal
The use of coal in power plants generates a large amount of CO2, can be gasied by the CO2 [3]. The replacement of N2 by CO2 may
which is the chief contributor to global climate change. However, affect the operation parameters of the combustion furnace. The
coal is the most abundant and geographically the most widely propagation speed and stability of the ame and the gas temper-
distributed fossil fuel. The stability of its supply and its relatively ature prole may decrease or the unburned carbon content may
low cost ensure its inclusion in the energy mix in the foreseeable increase. During the oxy-fuel combustion process, this problem can
future [1]. be overcome by increasing the oxygen concentration in the oxy-
Several strategies for the reduction and capture of CO2 from fuel combustion atmosphere (up to approximately 30%) in order
large-scale stationary power plants are being considered. The main to match the combustion performance achieved in air, in relation to
problem is that the concentration of CO2 in conventional coal-air ame temperature, ignition time, heat transfer, gas temperature
combustion ue gas is low (typically 14e16%) and its direct prole and char burnout. This would also contribute to the overall
storage is not economically feasible [2]. As an alternative, the oxy- efciency of the oxy-fuel process [4]. The exibility acquired by
fuel combustion process has been proposed as a new promising adjusting the O2 concentration in the feed gas to control the heat
technology for CO2 capture from fossil fuel power plants. This ux and ame temperature would have an additional advantage in
technology entails the combustion of coal in a mixture of oxygen that it would allow a more exible selection of fuels, especially for
(instead of air) and recycled ue gas (RFG), which mainly contains coal-red power plants [5].
CO2 and H2O. The net volume of ue gas is reduced and a highly One of the advantages of this technology is that it would prevent
concentrated CO2 (95%) ue gas is produced, which can be directly the formation of thermal NOx due to the absence of nitrogen. It has
stored in a supercritical state by means of compression. been shown that a reduction in NOx emissions can be achieved with
The combustion of coal in the O2/CO2 atmosphere of an oxy-coal oxy-fuel combustion compared to air-ring [6e8].
combustion boiler can be expected to be different from that of an In addition, oxy-coal combustion allows the capture and storage
of carbon as a retrot technology in conventional pulverized coal
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 34 985 118 975; fax: 34 985 297 662. Although oxy-fuel recycle combustion requires that some
E-mail address: (F. Rubiera). modications are carried out in the existing pulverized coal

0360-5442/$ e see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

J. Riaza et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 5314e5319 5315

combustion technology that has well-proven reliability and and short residence times. A diagram of the experimental device
industrial acceptance, it is a promising approach for continued use used is shown in Fig. 1. The reactor has a reaction zone with
of coal for electric power production [9]. However, the successful a maximum length of 1700 mm and an internal diameter of 40 mm.
implementation of O2/CO2 technology in conventional pulverized The EFR is electrically heated and is able to work at a maximum
coal boilers requires a full understanding of the changes that occur temperature of 1100  C. The coal samples were fed in from a hopper
when N2 is replaced by CO2 in the combustion atmosphere [10]. The and the mass ow was controlled using a mechanical feeding
ignition of coal particles is an important preliminary step in the coal system. The samples were introduced through an air-cooled injector
combustion process due to its inuence on ame stability, the to ensure that their temperature did not exceed 100  C before
formation and emission of pollutants and ame extinction [11]. entering the reaction zone. The gases were preheated to the oven
Thus, the study of the reactivity and the minimum gas temperature temperature before being introduced into the reactor through ow
for the ignition of coal particles will be very important when straighteners. The ow rates of N2, CO2 and O2 from the gas cylinders
designing the boiler and for controlling the combustion process were controlled by mass ow controllers. The steam was generated
[12]. by a vaporizer, in which water was heated up to 250  C. A high
Although previous work has already dealt with the oxy-fuel performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) pump was used to
combustion process in entrained ow reactors (EFR) [9] or drop control the ow rate of water towards the vaporizer. The steam was
tube furnaces (DTF) [13,14], and simulation studies have been mixed with the inlet gases before they were introduced into the pre-
published [15e17], the presence of steam in the oxidizer stream has heater. A water-cooled collecting probe was inserted into the reac-
not received signicant consideration [18,19]. Recently, Smart et al. tion chamber from below. Nitrogen was introduced at the top of the
[20] showed that the combustion of coal in an O2/CO2/H2O atmo- probe to quench the reaction products. Particles were removed by
sphere, in relation to ignition, burnout, ame stability and emis- means of a cyclone and a lter, and the exhaust gases were moni-
sions, requires further clarication. tored using a battery of analysers (O2, CO2, CO, NO and SO2).
In this work, an entrained ow reactor was used in order to study During the ignition tests, the reactor was heated at 15  C min1
the effect of replacing N2 with CO2 and of enhanced levels of O2 in an from 400 to 800  C. The gas ow used in these tests ensured
oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere upon coal ignition temperature a particle residence time of 2.5 s at 500  C, and the excess oxygen
and burnout. The addition of steam has also been evaluated in order (dened as the O2 supplied in excess of that required for the stoi-
to study the effect of the wet recirculation of ue gas. chiometric combustion of coal) was xed at a value of 25%. Ignition
is the initiation stage of combustion and it is dened as the
temperature at which the heat generated by the reactions exceeds
2. Experimental
the heat losses by various mechanisms of heat transfer. The crite-
rion for determining the ignition temperature was based on the
2.1. Coals
rst derivative temperature curves of the gases produced. The
ignition temperature was taken as the temperature at which the
Two coals of different rank were used: a semi-anthracite from
rst derivative temperature curve, normalized by the maximum
the Hullera Vasco-Leonesa in Len, Spain (HVN), and a high-volatile
derivative value, reached a value of 10% [12].
bituminous coal from the Batn coal washing plant in Asturias,
On the other hand, the combustion experiments were carried
Spain (BA). The samples were ground and sieved to obtain a particle
out at a reactor temperature of 1000  C and a particle residence
size fraction of 75e150 mm. The results of the proximate and ulti-
time of 2.5 s. The burnout is dened as the loss of mass of a fuel
mate analyses and higher heating values of the samples are shown
during its combustion and it is expressed as the ratio of mass loss
in Table 1.
during combustion to total mass in the input coal.
Four binary mixtures of O2/N2 and O2/CO2 and several ternary
2.2. Experimental device and procedure mixtures of O2/N2/H2O(v) and O2/CO2/H2O(v) were employed to
study the behaviour of the coals. Thus, for the ignition and
An entrained ow reactor was used to study the ignition and the combustion tests, air (21%O2e79%N2) was taken as reference and
oxy-fuel combustion characteristics of the coal at high heating rates three binary mixtures of O2 and CO2 were compared: 21%O2e79%
CO2, 30%O2e70%CO2 and 35%O2e65%CO2. The addition of 5, 10 and
20% of steam was also evaluated for all the air and the oxy-fuel
Table 1
Proximate and ultimate analyses and high heating value of the coals.
combustion atmospheres, as a substitute for N2 or CO2 respec-
tively, in order to study the effect of the wet recirculation of ue gas
Sample HVN BA upon coal ignition and oxy-fuel combustion.
Origin Spain Spain
Rank sa hvb
3. Results and discussion
Proximate Analysisa
Moisture content (wt.%) 1.1 1.2
Ash (wt.%, db) 10.7 6.9 3.1. Ignition tests
V.M. (wt.%, db) 9.2 33.9
F.C. (wt.%, db)b 80.1 59.2 The ignition temperatures of coal BA and semi-anthracite HVN
Ultimate Analysis (wt.%, daf)a
C 91.7 88.5
under the different atmospheres studied are shown in Fig. 2. The
H 3.5 5.5 ignition of HVN took place at higher temperatures than that of BA in
N 1.9 1.9 all the atmospheres studied, in accordance with coal rank (Table 1).
S 1.6 1.1 The reactivity of the high-volatile bituminous coal, BA, was higher
Ob 1.3 3.0
than that of the semi-anthracite, HVN, which caused the heat to be
High heating value (MJ/kg, db) 31.8 33.1
released earlier and led to a reduction in the ignition temperatures.
sa: semi-anthracite; hvb: high-volatile bituminous coal; db: dry basis; daf: dry and In the case of HVN, when N2 (21%O2e79%N2) was replaced by
ash free bases.
The proximate analysis was conducted in a LECO TGA-601, and the ultimate
CO2 (21%O2e79%CO2), the ignition temperature increased (Fig. 2a).
analysis in a LECO CHNS-932. This can be attributed to the higher specic molar heat of CO2
Calculated by difference. compared to that of N2. Before ignition, the coal particles were

5316 J. Riaza et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 5314e5319

Vaporizer Feeding system


Cooled injector

Mass flow
Reaction tube

Gas analysers

N2 O2 CO 2 CO
SO 2
CO 2

Gas cylinders

Sampling probe To vent



Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the entrained ow reactor (EFR) used in the experiments.

heated up by the ambient environment, after which the release of

coal volatiles occurred, the radiant heat from the particles causing an
increase in the gas temperature. The fact that the specic molar heat
of CO2 is higher than that of N2 would produce a comparatively
lower gas temperature and, therefore, a reduction in coal particle
temperature during oxy-fuel combustion in comparison to
combustion in air at the same oxygen concentration (21%). The
result of this would be a decrease in the burning rate and a delay in
the ignition of volatiles and char under a 21%O2e79%CO2 atmo-
sphere, as pointed out by Liu et al. [21] and Molina and Shaddix [10].
However, when the oxygen concentration was increased (30%
O2e70%CO2 and 35%O2e65%CO2), the ignition temperature
decreased to below that of the air conditions (Fig. 2a). If the O2
concentration increases, the mass ux of O2 to the coal surface
particles, the rate of devolatilization and the oxidation rate of
volatiles will increase. This shortens the coal particle auto-ignition
time considerably [14]. In contrast a reduction in oxygen concen-
tration retards the ignition of volatile matter and char [22].
Fig. 2b shows the ignition temperatures for coal BA under the
different atmospheres studied. It can be observed that, when N2
was replaced by CO2 in the atmosphere with 21% O2, the ignition
temperature also increased, indicating a delay in ignition under this
oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere due to the lower gas tempera-
tures caused by the higher specic molar heat of CO2. It should be
noted that a marked difference was observed in the ignition
temperatures under both atmospheres, possibly due to the high-
volatile content of coal BA (Table 1), since CO2 decreases the rate
of devolatilization because of the lower mass diffusivity of the
volatiles in CO2 mixtures [9].
On the other hand, when the oxygen concentration was
Fig. 2. Ignition temperature of HVN (a) and BA (b) coals under different atmospheres increased, the ignition temperature decreased to lower values
(the H2O(v) is added as a substitute for N2 or CO2). than that in air (Fig. 2b). Nevertheless, it can be seen that the

J. Riaza et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 5314e5319 5317

ignition temperatures of coal BA (without steam addition) under 3.2. Combustion tests: burnout
the 30%O2e70%CO2 and 35% O2e70%CO2 atmospheres were very
close to that reached under air conditions. The high-volatile Coals HVN and BA were burned under different levels of excess
content of coal BA may have caused a substantial accumulation oxygen for each atmosphere studied. The fuel ratio, dened as the
of volatiles in the vicinity of the particles prior to their ignition, ratio between the coal mass ow rate and the stoichiometric value,
which in turn may have affected the availability of oxygen [14]. If was used to determine the excess oxygen during combustion.
the cloud of volatiles persisted on the char surface for a long time, The HVN and BA burnouts, with and without steam addition, are
this would cause O2 depletion on the char surface, decreasing the shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. The coal burnout decreased as
rate of devolatilization and delaying the ignition process. Stan- the fuel ratio increased due to the lower availability of oxygen at
more et al. [23] also observed serious oxygen depletion in the higher fuel ratio values. At low fuel ratio values (high oxygen
volatile cloud during coal combustion in a drop tube furnace. This excess), the BA burnout curves showed an asymptotic approach
behaviour was observed in this work after N2 was replaced with towards a value of 100% (Fig. 4). However, the HVN burnout showed
CO2 at different O2 concentrations for the HVN and BA samples an almost linear dependence on the fuel ratio in both air and oxy-
both with and without steam addition (Fig. 2). fuel conditions (Fig. 3). Even at low values of fuel ratio (high excess
On the other hand, Fig. 2 shows that the replacement of N2 or oxygen), the HVN coal showed low burnout values, reecting the
CO2 by steam caused a slight increase in the ignition tempera- lower reactivity of high rank coals.
tures in all the atmospheres for HVN, but no signicant differ- For the HVN coal (Fig. 3), both with and without steam addition,
ences were observed between the atmospheres with 10 and 20% the burnout obtained under the 21%O2e79%CO2 atmosphere was
of steam. In the case of the BA coal, the ignition temperatures lower than that reached under 21%O2e79%N2 conditions. Liu et al.
increased after the addition of steam to the atmospheres with [21] observed that, when air was replaced by 21%O2e79%CO2, gas
21% of O2, whereas no differences were observed when steam temperatures dropped signicantly. As mentioned above, CO2 has
was added to the oxy-fuel atmospheres with 30 and 35% of O2. a higher specic molar heat than N2, which implies that when N2 is
Nozaki et al. [18] found that the ame temperatures were lower replaced by CO2 the heat capacity of the gases increases, leading to
when a wet recycle ue gas (16% of H2O) was used compared to lower ame and gas temperatures. According to Zhang et al. [14],
a dry recycle ue gas, and they concluded that drying the gas the specic heat capacity of diluent gas is one of the principal
improved ignition stability. In our work, it was the addition of factors affecting char surface temperature for any given O2 fraction.
steam that probably led to lower temperatures, causing an Therefore, the particle temperature during the 21%O2e79%CO2
increase in the ignition temperatures under atmospheres con- atmosphere can be expected to be lower, causing the combustion
taining signicant water vapour content. rate of the char and the coal burnout value to fall [24]. Bejarano and

Fig. 3. Burnout of HVN coal under different atmospheres at different fuel ratios (the H2O(v) is added as a substitute for N2 or CO2).

5318 J. Riaza et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 5314e5319

the char particles. However, the diffusivity of the fuel vapour or

small hydrocarbons throughout the volatile cloud and CO2
boundary layer would be retarded when the N2 is replaced by CO2,
thereby reducing the rate at which the volatiles are consumed [14].
Under the 30%O2e70%CO2 and 35%O2e65%CO2 atmospheres,
the burnout of HVN was higher than in air (Fig. 3), since the higher
oxygen concentration produced an increase in the char combustion
rate. Though the gas temperature increases only slightly when the
O2 fraction in bulk gas is increased, it is likely that the increase in
the mass ux rate of O2 from the bulk gas to the coal surface at
higher O2 concentrations promotes the consumption rate of the
volatiles [9], providing extra heat feedback to the coal particle to
enhance its devolatilization, ignition and combustion [24]. Liu et al.
[21] found that coal combustion in 30%O2e70%CO2 matched the gas
temperature prole of coal combustion in air but that it showed
a better char burnout.
Increasing the O2 fraction in CO2 up to 30% is still insufcient to
match the specic heat capacity of air. However, coal burnout in the
30%O2e70%CO2 atmosphere reached a higher value than in air,
which means that another parameter must have changed to offset
the negative effect of the specic heat capacity of the gas. According
to Zhang et al. [14], in atmospheres containing CO2, the extra CO
derived from char-CO2 gasication increases the reactivity of the
local mixture of fuel and oxidizer gas, which may account for the
explanation of the increase in the coal burnout. Homogeneous
oxidation of the gasication-derived CO would generate extra heat,
which would in turn increase the adiabatic ame temperature and
the oxidation of both the volatiles and the char. Zhang et al. [14]
underlined the importance of the extra CO and its homogeneous
oxidation in the vicinity of the char particle, as it would enhance
thermal feedback to the char particles, in the same way as volatile
oxidation does. The char gasication reaction would also be bene-
cial for coal conversion.
For coal BA (Fig. 4), both with and without the addition of steam,
no signicant differences can be observed between the different
atmospheres studied because BA reached a very high burnout
under all conditions due to its high reactivity.
In order to facilitate the comparison of the behaviours of these
coals under air and oxy-fuel atmospheres both with and without
steam addition, the burnouts were interpolated at a fuel ratio of 0.8
using the curves shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The results for both coals,
HVN and BA, are shown in Fig. 5a and b, respectively. It can be seen
that the burnout of HVN in air and under an oxy-fuel atmosphere
with 21% of oxygen, decreased slightly after the addition of steam,
but no relevant differences were found between the three steam
concentrations (Fig. 5a). The lower burnout observed after the
Fig. 4. Burnout of BA coal under different atmospheres at different fuel ratios (the
addition of steam seems to indicate the combustion temperature
H2O(v) is added as a substitute for N2 or CO2). under these atmospheres was lower. The higher specic molar heat
of H2O(v) compared to N2 would explain the decrease in burnout
Levendis [4], when performing combustion experiments in a drop after the addition of steam to the air atmosphere. However, under
tube furnace, found that coal particles burned at higher tempera- oxy-fuel atmospheres, although the specic molar heat of water
tures and shorter combustion times in O2/N2 than in O2/CO2 envi- vapour is lower than that of CO2, no increase in burnout was
ronments for equivalent oxygen fractions. In the present work, observed when steam was added to the 21%O2e79%CO2 atmo-
the ignition temperature under the 21%O2e79%CO2 atmosphere sphere. This suggests that other factors must have inuenced oxy-
was higher than in air, resulting in delayed ignition and a longer fuel combustion with the addition of steam. Thus, enhancements in
combustion time. thermal radiation or endothermic radical formation (O, OH, H, etc.)
Li et al. [13] studied coal combustion characteristics under oxy- might explain the reduction in combustion temperature [25]. High
fuel and air conditions using a drop tube furnace. These authors proportions of H2O in the furnace gases may have resulted in higher
attributed the different behaviours under both atmospheres to the gas emissivities due to the high emission capacity of water vapour
fact that the lower diffusivity of O2 in CO2 than in N2 affects the via radiative heat transfer. Wall et al. [26] estimated that total
transport of O2 to the surface of the particles, leading to a reduced emissivity due to the joint emission of the gas and the particulate
combustion of the volatile matter released from the coal particle was higher under wet oxy-fuel conditions than under a dry oxy-fuel
and reduced char combustion rates under oxy-fuel conditions. atmosphere, and it presented the lowest value in air. Nozaki et al.
Furthermore, once a coal is ignited, the ame formed provides [18] found that drying the ue gas increased the gas temperature
a vast heat release that consumes the extra volatiles evolved and near the burner by about 150  C for the same volumetric gas ow

J. Riaza et al. / Energy 36 (2011) 5314e5319 5319

concentrations. This could have been due to higher losses of heat by

thermal radiation.


This work was carried out with nancial support from the
Spanish MICINN (Project PS- 120000-2005-2) co-nanced by the
European Regional Development Fund. L.A. and J.R. acknowledge
funding from the CSIC JAE program, co-nanced by the European
Social Fund, and the Government of the Principado de Asturias
(Severo Ochoa program), respectively.


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5.4.2 Publicacin VI

NO Emissions in oxy-coal combustion with addition of steam in an entrained flow reactor.

L. lvarez, J. Riaza, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera.

Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology
2011. 1 (2) pp. 180-190.

Short Communication

NO emissions in oxy-coal combustion

with the addition of steam in an
entrained flow reactor
Lucia lvarez, Juan Riaza, Maria V. Gil, Covadonga Pevida, Jos J. Pis and Fernando Rubiera,
Instituto Nacional del Carbn, CSIC, Oviedo, Spain

Abstract: The NO emissions of a semi-anthracite and a high-volatile bituminous coal were studied
under oxy-fuel combustion conditions in an entrained flow reactor (EFR). The results obtained under
oxy-fuel atmospheres (21%O279%CO2, 30%O270% O2 and 35%O265%CO2), were compared with
those produced in air. The replacement of CO2 by 5, 10, and 20% of steam in the oxy-fuel combustion
atmospheres was also evaluated in order to study the wet recirculation of flue gas. The NO emissions
during oxy-fuel combustion were lower than those in air-firing, and a slight increasing trend in NO
emissions was observed as O2 concentrations in the oxy-fuel atmospheres increased. Similarly, the NO
concentration was reduced by the addition of steam, both under air and under oxy-fuel atmospheres,
but no relevant differences between the different steam concentrations were observed.
2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Keywords: entrained flow reactor; NO emissions; oxy-fuel combustion; pulverized coal; steam addition

Introduction In recent years, the oxy-fuel combustion process,

which consists of the burning of fuel in a mixture of
he combustion of fossil fuels results in the oxygen and recycled flue gases (mainly CO2 and

T formation of nitrogen oxides (NOx), either via

the fi xation of atmospheric nitrogen (thermal or
prompt mechanisms), or by the conversion of nitro-
H2O), has come to be regarded as a very promising
technology for capturing CO2 from fossil fuel power
plants. The exhaust flue gas consists of approximately
gen-containing structures in the fuel (fuel-bound 95% of CO2 on a dry basis, the remaining part being
nitrogen oxidation). Coal is a cheaper and more mainly excess oxygen from combustion, nitrogen and,
abundant resource than other fossil fuels, such as oil to a lesser extent, pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides
and natural gas, while at the same time being a (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx) (approximately 0.1
reliable fuel for power production.1 Coal is part of the 0.2%). Control of these contaminants is required for
greenhouse problem, since the main emissions from emissions into the environment, since NOx causes
coal combustion are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, acid rain and formation of ground level ozone, and
particulates, and CO2.2 The mechanisms behind the potentially for CO2 storage.4 In oxy-firing, nitrogen is
formation and destruction of NOx have been the excluded from the combustion and the volume of flue
subject of extensive investigations for a long time.3 gas is reduced by around 80% compared to air-firing.

Correspondence to: F. Rubiera, Instituto Nacional del Carbn, CSIC,

Apartado 73, 33080 Oviedo, Spain. E-mail:
Received February 15, 2011; revised March 7, 2011; accepted March 7, 2011
Published online at Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ghg.016

2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 1:111 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 1
F Rubiera et al. Short communication: NO emissions in oxy-coal combustion

Table 1. Proximate and ultimate analyses and high heating value of the coals
Sample HVN BA
Origin Spain Spain
Rank sa hvb
Proximate Analysisa
Moisture content (wt.%) 1.12 1.20
Ash (wt.%, db) 10.64 6.91
V.M. (wt.%, db) 9.22 33.86
F.C. (wt.%, db)b 80.14 59.23
Ultimate Analysis (wt.%, daf)
C 91.68 88.44
H 3.49 5.48
N 1.91 1.93
S 1.58 1.12
Ob 1.34 3.03
High heating value (MJ kg-1, db) 31.78 33.08
sa: semi-anthracite; hvb: high-volatile bituminous coal.
db: dry basis; daf: dry and ash free bases.
The proximate analysis was conducted in a LECO TGA-601, and the ultimate analysis in a LECO CHNS-932.
Calculated by difference.

Furthermore, most of the flue gas is extracted for with CO2 in a combustion atmosphere, and the effect
storage and only around 10% of the gas generated is of enhanced levels of O2 in an oxy-fuel combustion
emitted to the atmosphere.4 atmosphere upon NO emissions from coal combus-
It has been shown that a significant reduction of tion. The addition of steam was evaluated in order to
NOx can be achieved with oxy-fuel combustion in study the effect of the wet recirculation of flue gas.
relation to air-firing.5,6 This substantial NOx reduction
is partly due to the suppression of thermal NO Experimental
formation due first to the absence of atmospheric N2
and, second, because recycled NO is reduced to Coals
molecular nitrogen after being introduced into the Two coals of different rank were used in this work: a
flame zone. Nitrogen oxides include nitric oxide (NO) semi-anthracite (HVN) and a high-volatile bitumi-
and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). NO is the most impor- nous coal (BA). The samples were ground and sieved
tant nitrogen-oxygen product of combustion, but it to obtain a particle size fraction of 75150 m. The
could be further oxidized to NO2 at low temperatures. results of the proximate and ultimate analyses and the
A number of previous works have already dealt high heating values of the samples are presented in
with NO emissions under oxy-fuel combustion Table 1.
conditions,69 in which it is shown that lower
emissions can be achieved with oxy-fuel combus- Experimental facility and operation
tion than with air-firing. However, the use of steam procedures
in the oxidizer stream has only occasionally been An entrained flow reactor was used to study the NO
mentioned.10,11 Recently, Smart et al.12 pointed out emissions in oxy-coal combustion at high heating
that the combustion of coal in an O2/CO2/H2O rates and short residence times. A diagram of the
atmosphere (including ignition, burnout, flame experimental device used is shown in Fig. 1. The
stability, and emissions) was a topic worthy of study. reactor has a reaction zone with a maximum length of
In the present work, an entrained flow reactor (EFR) 1.7 m and an internal diameter of 0.04 m. The EFR is
was used in order to study the effect of replacing N2 electrically heated and is able to work at a maximum

2 2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 1:111 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short communication: NO emissions in oxy-coal combustion F Rubiera et al.

Vaporizer Feeding system


Cooled injector

Mass flow
Reaction tube

Gas analysers

N2 O2 CO 2 CO
SO 2

Gas cylinders

Sampling probe To vent



Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the entrained flow reactor (EFR) used in the experiments.

temperature of 1100 C. Coal samples were fed from a Four binary mixtures of O2, N2 and CO2 and several
hopper and the mass flow was controlled using a ternary mixtures of O2, N2, CO2 and H2O(v) were
mechanical feeding system. The samples were intro- used to study the behavior of the coals. Thus, air
duced through an air-cooled injector to ensure that (21%O279%N2) was used as reference and three
the temperature did not exceed 100 C before entering binary mixtures of O2 and CO2 were compared
the reaction zone. The gases were pre-heated to the (21%O279%CO2, 30%O270% O2 and 35%O2
oven temperature before being introduced into the 65%CO2). Moreover, the addition of 5, 10, and 20% of
reactor through flow straighteners. The flow rates of steam to the air and the oxy-fuel combustion atmo-
N2, CO2 and O2 from the gas cylinders were con- spheres, as a replacement for N2 or CO2, respectively,
trolled by mass flow controllers. The steam was was evaluated in order to study the effect of the wet
generated by a vaporizer, in which water was heated recirculation of flue gas on NO emissions from the
up to 250 C. A high performance liquid chromatog- oxy-fuel combustion of coal.
raphy (HPLC) pump was used to control the flow rate
of water toward the vaporizer. The steam was then
mixed with the inlet gases before they were intro-
Results and discussion
duced into the pre-heater. A water-cooled collecting Coals HVN and BA were burned under different
probe was inserted into the reaction chamber from levels of excess oxygen for each atmosphere studied.
below. Nitrogen was introduced at the top of this The fuel ratio, defined as the ratio between the coal
probe to quench the reaction products. Particles were mass flow rate and the stoichiometric value, was used
removed by means of a cyclone and a filter, and the to assess the excess oxygen during combustion. The
exhaust gases were monitored using a battery of NO concentrations (mg NO/mg burned coal) of coals
analyzers (O2, CO2, CO, NO and SO2). The experi- HVN and BA under the different atmospheres
mental errors in the measurements were around 5%. employed, both with and without the addition of
During the combustion experiments, the reactor was steam, are shown in Figs 2 and 3, respectively. A
kept at a temperature of 1000 C and a particle decrease in NO concentration was observed as the
residence time of 2.5 s was employed. fuel ratio increased, since the lesser amount of

2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 1:111 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 3
F Rubiera et al. Short communication: NO emissions in oxy-coal combustion

Figure 2. NO concentration of the HVN coal under different atmospheres at different fuel

oxygen available at higher fuel ratios would reduce increased. For coal BA, the differences in NO emis-
coal burnout. sions between the different atmospheres studied were
For a better comparison, the behavior of coals under not as great, but a slight decrease in such emissions
air and oxy-fuel atmospheres, NO concentrations were after oxy-fuel combustion was detected.
interpolated at a fuel ratio of 0.8 using the graphs In order to facilitate a comparison of the behavior of
shown in Figs 2 and 3. The results for both coals, the coals under air and oxy-fuel atmospheres both
HVN and BA, are presented in Fig. 4. For HVN, the with and without the addition of steam, NO concen-
NO concentration (mg NO/mg burned coal) obtained trations (mg NO/mg burned coal) interpolated at a
under the 21%O279%CO2 atmosphere was lower than fuel ratio of 0.8 are shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that
that achieved under 21%O279%N2 conditions. In the the NO concentration of HVN in air and under
30%O270%CO2 and 35%O265%CO2 atmospheres, oxy-fuel atmospheres decreased slightly after the
the NO concentration for HVN was slightly higher addition of steam. There were however small differ-
than that in the oxy-fuel atmosphere containing 21% ences between each of the three steam concentrations
of O2, since higher oxygen concentrations increase the (Fig. 5(a)). For coal BA, the differences in NO concen-
burnout value. However, the NO concentration in all tration values for the different atmospheres were
the oxy-fuel atmospheres still remained lower than smaller (Fig. 5(b)).
that in air. Therefore, only small differences in the Under air conditions, the thermal formation of NO
reduction of NO in relation to the O2 concentration in resulting from the reaction between molecular N2
the three oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres were and O2 may occur at high temperatures (>1500 C).
observed. Nevertheless, a slight tendency for the NO In this study, this route would make only an insignifi-
concentration to increase was detected as the O2 cant contribution to the formation of NO due to

4 2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 1:111 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short communication: NO emissions in oxy-coal combustion F Rubiera et al.

fate of volatile-N and char-N becomes crucial for the

formation of NO, and, hence, for determining the
concentrations of NO in coal combustion systems.
The volatile-N is transformed into either NO or N2,
while char-N reacts through a set of heterogeneous
reactions as the char is oxidized.
On the other hand, two opposed mechanisms affect
NO concentrations during coal combustion: first, the
oxidation of fuel-N by oxygen and other oxidizing
agents and, second, the reduction of the NO already
produced by reducing agents.10 Consequently, the
nitrogen product distribution will be largely depen-
dent on the competition between the mechanisms of
NO formation and destruction.13
As already mentioned, at the experimental tem-
peratures used in this work, the predominant
source of NO will be the nitrogen bound in the
organic structures. A significant proportion of this
coal-bound nitrogen will be released during the
initial stages of combustion (devolatilization) as tars
and as light gases such as HCN, NH3, and HNCO.14
Evolved HCN is considered to be one of the most
important volatile N-containing species formed
during coal devolatilization at high temperatures
because it is one of the main precursors of nitrogen
oxides. In the presence of oxygen, the oxidation of
HCN via NCO produces NO:
HCN + O2 NCO + OH (R1)

NCO + OH NO + CO + H (R2)

NH3 may be formed by direct release from the

solid matrix or from the hydrogenation of HCN on
the char surface. Thus, by adding water vapour to
the combustion reaction gas, Schfer and Bonn15
found a parallel conversion route through the
hydrolysis of HCN into NH3 (temperature > 650 C)
(R3), followed by a subsequent oxidation reaction
Figure 3. NO concentration of the BA coal
under different atmospheres at different fuel
HCN + H2O NH3 + CO (R3)

2NH3 + 5/2O2 2NO + 3H2O (R4)

experimental temperature conditions. Under oxy-fuel
conditions, the thermal formation of NO would be However, the same authors also found that the
impossible due to the absence of N2. Therefore, fuel-N parallel formation of NH3 by hydrolysis (R3) not
would actually be the main source of NO emissions in only led to the formation of NO (R4) at medium
the conditions established in these experiments. temperatures (650800 C), but also to the decom-
Nitrogen in coal is converted to volatile nitrogen position of NO at elevated temperatures (800
and char nitrogen during devolatilization. Thus, the 1100 C) (R5), according to the following reaction:

2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 1:111 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 5
F Rubiera et al. Short communication: NO emissions in oxy-coal combustion

21%O2-79%N2 9.3 21%O2-79%N2 6.1

21%O2-79%CO2 6.5 21%O2-79%CO2 4.8

30%O2-70%CO2 6.9 30%O2-70%CO2 5.6

35%O2-65%CO2 7.4 35%O2-65%CO2 5.2


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
mg NO/g burned coal mg NO/g burned coal

Figure 4. Comparison of NO emissions of the HVN and BA coals under air and oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres at
a fuel ratio of 0.8.

10 9.3
mg NO/g burned coal

8 7.4
6.7 6.9 6.9 6.8
6.5 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6
5.9 6.0
6 5.5

2 HVN+10%H2O
21%O2-79%N2 21%O2-79%CO2 30%O2-70%CO2 35%O2-65%CO2

BA (b)
10 BA+10%H2O(v)
mg NO/g burned coal

6.1 6.1
5.8 5.6 5.4
4.8 4.6 4.9

21%O2-79%N2 21%O2-79%CO2 30%O2-70%CO2

Figure 5. Comparison of NO emissions of the HVN (a) and BA (b) coals under
different atmospheres with and without steam at a fuel ratio of 0.8 (the
H2O(v) is added as a substitute for N2 or CO2).

6 2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 1:111 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short communication: NO emissions in oxy-coal combustion F Rubiera et al.

NH3 + NO + 1/4O2 N2 + 3/2H2O (R5) On the other hand, Park et al.17 found that the
reaction of char-N with CO2 mainly produced N2
According to Normann et al.,4 HCN and NH3
with a very high selectivity. During the reaction
react in a series of reactions and finally end up as
with CO2 char-N may be released as NO at short
NH and N, while subsequent reactions, which
contact times, but this NO would rapidly be re-
determine whether NO or N2 is formed, are heavily
duced to N2 by reaction with CO (R10), which
dependent on the O/OH/H radical pool, which is
would be produced from the reaction of the char-C
related to flame conditions (stoichiometry, tempera-
with CO2 (gasification reaction) (R9):
ture, and composition).3 The oxidation of HCN is
controlled primarily by the HCN + OH reaction in C + CO2 2CO (R9)
case of increasing H2O concentration. The oxida-
tion of HCN starts at lower temperatures and the
conversion of HCN to NO is inhibited by increase NO + CO 1/2N2 + CO2 (R10)
in H2O concentration.16 Park et al.17 also found that if the reactant gas was
In addition to volatile-N, varying amounts of coal H2O, the major species formed were HCN and NH3,
N are retained in the char matrix and only released with lower concentrations of N2. HCN would be the
during the burning of the char. A full understand- primary product from the reaction of char-N with
ing of the reaction pathways for the conversion of H2O, and the other products would result from
char-N has not yet been achieved and is still an area reactions or interactions of the HCN with the char
of ongoing research.1 Park et al.17 studied the surface. Therefore, HCN may be released not only
chemistry of char-N release and its conversion to from coal devolatilization, but also from char-N
nitrogen-containing products after reacting with when H2O is added to the reactant gas, since the fate
different reactant gases: O2, CO2, and H2O. These of the char surface nitrogen, C(N), will depend on the
authors found that if char-N reacted with O2, the availability of hydrogen on the char surface. Accord-
major species formed were N2 and NO. NO would ing to Park et al.17, hydrogen may come from H
be the primary product via the oxidation of the atoms on the char surface, C(H), or it may be pro-
inherent nitrogen char surface species, C(N), (R6), vided by gas phase H2, gas phase H atoms or steam:
whereas N2 would result from the subsequent
interaction of NO with the char surface (R8), as C(N) + C(H) C(H,N) HCN (R11)
shown below:

C(N) + O2 NO + CO and/or C(O) (R6) C(N) + 1/2H2 or H C(H,N) HCN (R12)

Meanwhile, new nitrogen surface species, C(N), The exact nature and structure of the C(H,N)
would be formed by the reaction of NO with the species still requires further elucidation. The forma-
carbon char surface: tion of HCN becomes greater at higher reaction
temperatures; above 900 C.19 The fate of the HCN
2C + NO C(N) + CO and/or C(O) (R7) formed from char-N will be determined later by the
reactions R3R5.
Finally, N2 would be formed by reaction with the On the other hand, the NO may be reduced to
gas-phase NO: form molecular nitrogen in an environment of low
C(N) + NO N2 + CO and/or C(O) (R8) oxygen content in which the reduction of NO may
occur. The reactants most likely to react with the
Aihara et al.18 and Ashman et al.13 proposed the NO in a reducing environment would be the
above reaction mechanism for the formation of N2 hydrocarbon radicals formed from the released
during coal char oxidation. Glarborg et al.3 added volatiles (reburning) or char-C. Andersson et al.5
that under kinetic control the reaction of char-N pointed out that the char could play an important
with O2 (R6) is much faster than with NO (R8), role as a catalyst for the destruction of NO, either
whereas at high temperatures the reaction of char-N directly, or by reaction with CO or H2. The surface-
with O2 becomes diff usion-limited, favoring the catalyzed reaction between NO and CO was illus-
reaction of char-N with NO. trated above by R10.

2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 1:111 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 7
F Rubiera et al. Short communication: NO emissions in oxy-coal combustion

Moreover, in the high-temperature regime, the atmosphere, accompanied by a higher level of CO

reduction of NO on the char surface may be en- formation and lower NO concentrations than under
hanced by an increase in the concentration of CO, air combustion.
since CO may contribute by removing oxides from In our work, gasification of the char with CO2
the surface of the carbon as follows:20 (R9) may have contributed to the increase in the
production of CO during oxy-fuel combustion.
C(O) + CO CO2 + C* (R13) Alternatively, in the flame zone under oxy-fuel
where C(O) represents a surface carbon oxide and C* conditions, CO2 may dissociate into CO and O2 via
a free site, active in the reduction of NO. CO could a strong endothermic reaction as follows:
result from the gasification reaction of coal char with
CO2 (R9), or alternatively the char may also interact CO2 CO + 1/2O2 (R15)
with H2O to form H2 and additional CO (gasification
However, as Toftegaard et al.1 pointed out, there is
reaction) (R14):
a difference of opinion among researchers as to
C + H2O CO + H2 (R14) whether thermal dissociation (R15) or the gasifica-
tion reaction (R9) is responsible for the significant
In this work, a significantly lower NO concentra- increase in CO concentration in oxy-fuel combus-
tion was obtained under an oxy-fuel atmosphere tion compared to air-firing.
with 21% of O2 than under air conditions (Fig. 4). Figure 6 shows the CO concentrations (mg CO/mg
This was the case both in the steam and steamless burned coal) at the outlet under the different
atmospheres (Fig. 5), probably due to a higher NO atmospheres studied (at a fuel ratio of 0.8) corre-
reduction under oxy-fuel conditions as a result of the sponding to the HVN and BA coals. It can be seen
reaction of NO with CO (R10). Andersson et al.5 that the CO concentration was higher under the
found that the formation of NO from fuel-N in 21%O279%CO2 oxy-fuel atmosphere than under
oxy-fuel combustion was the same as, or even slightly air conditions, surely due to the larger amount of
higher than, in air-firing conditions, whereas the CO produced from reactions R9 and/or R15. Hecht
destruction of NO was about 50% greater in oxy- et al.23 showed that CO may be formed by the char
combustion. It can be inferred therefore that the NO reacting with CO2 in an oxy-combustion environ-
emissions during oxy-fuel combustion were lower ment. If that was the case, the CO produced under
than those of air-firing due to the increased destruc- oxy-fuel conditions would have reacted with NO
tion of NO formed under the O2/CO2 atmosphere. (R10), since a lower NO concentration was found
Okazaki and Ando8 also concluded that the reduc- under the oxy-fuel atmosphere with 21% of O2 than
tion of NO to molecular N2 due to chemical reactions under air conditions. It is also possible that incom-
in the combustion zone under oxy-fuel conditions plete combustion occurred at the lower gas tem-
was the main reason for the overall decrease (50 peratures under oxy-fuel conditions (21%O2
80%) in NO concentration. Liu et al.7 found that the 79%CO2) leading to the production of additional
higher CO concentrations inside the oxy-fuel com- CO. This would be explained by the high CO
bustion zone and within the vicinity of the combus- concentration observed under the 21%O279%CO2
tion particles resulted in a further reduction of NO. atmosphere (Fig. 6).
Moreover, Mendiara and Glarborg21 reported that In the presence of steam, the reactions R3 and R15
an increase in the CO2 concentration affected the form additional CO. However, in general, no impor-
concentrations of radicals (O/H/OH), and increased tant differences were found in the CO concentra-
the probability of formation of N2 from NH3 (R5) tions after the addition of steam, either under the air
instead of NO (R4). On the other hand, Gimnez- or oxy-fuel combustion conditions for the HVN coal
Lpez et al.22 concluded that high levels of CO2 (Fig. 6(a)). The differences between the CO concen-
compete with O2 for atomic hydrogen, through the trations under the different atmospheres studied
CO2 + H CO + OH reaction, thereby reducing were also very small for the BA coal (Fig. 6(b)). In
the formation of chain carriers via O2 + H O + fact, the CO reacts with water according to the water
OH, thus inhibiting HCN oxidation. These authors gas shift reaction (R17), which probably happened to
also observed a lower HCN combustion in the CO2 the CO formed in the atmospheres with steam:15

8 2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 1:111 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short communication: NO emissions in oxy-coal combustion F Rubiera et al.

21%O2-79%N2 (a)

mg CO/g burned coal 3 30%O2-70%CO2


2 1.8
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4

1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
1 0.8
0.7 0.7

HVN HVN+5%H2O(v) HVN+10%H2O(v) HVN+20%H2O(v)

21%O2-79%N2 (b)
3 30%O2-70%CO2
mg CO/g burned coal

1 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6

BA BA+10%H2O(v) BA+20%H2O(v)

Figure 6. CO emissions of the HVN (a) and BA (b) coals under different
atmospheres with and without steam at a fuel ratio of 0.8 (the H 2O(v) is
added as a substitute for N2 or CO2).

CO + H2O H2 + CO2 (R16) air-fired conditions. However, they found only

small differences in the reduction of NO with the
Although Figs 4 and 5 show only small differences different O2 concentrations in the feed gas (25, 27,
in the NO concentrations under the oxy-fuel and 29%) under oxy-fuel atmospheres.
atmospheres with increasing O2 concentrations, the As for the addition of water vapor, both under the
NO emissions seem to increase slightly with the O2 air and oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres, a de-
concentration. The conversion of fuel-N to NO is crease in the NO concentration was observed for
expected to grow with the increase in O2 in the feed HVN when steam was added, even though no
gas due to the fact that a higher oxygen concentra- relevant differences were observed between different
tion in the feed gas causes a significant rise in steam concentrations (Fig. 5(a)). In the case of the
temperature. Andersson et al.5 found that NO BA coal (Fig. 5(b)), the differences between the NO
emissions per unit of fuel energy supplied fell under concentrations under the different atmospheres
oxy-fuel combustion with 25% of O2 compared to were very small.

2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 1:111 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 9
F Rubiera et al. Short communication: NO emissions in oxy-coal combustion

The lower NO concentration after steam was Conclusions

added would be due to the formation of additional
HCN in the presence of H2O (R12) followed by the NO emissions were lower during oxy-fuel combustion
formation of NH3 from HCN (R3), which in turn than in air-firing due to a higher reduction of NO by
was due to the presence of H2O, and subsequent reaction with CO. A slight increasing trend in NO
destruction of NO at high temperatures (R5). In the emissions was observed as the O2 concentration
presence of O2, the HCN and NH3 produced from increased in the oxy-fuel atmospheres. However, the
H2O could also have been transformed (R1, R2, and NO concentration fell when steam was added, both
R4) to NO in the gas phase.5 However, Schfer and under the air and under the oxy-fuel atmospheres, but
Bonn15 observed that the rate of NO formation no relevant differences between the different steam
from HCN is delayed at temperatures above 710 C. concentrations were observed. This would be due to
Likewise, these authors stated that the reaction of the lower formation of NO, since steam prevents the
NO with NH3, formed as an intermediate from oxidation of intermediates from forming NO, and the
HCN, could contribute to the release of N2 (R5), higher reduction of NO by reaction with these inter-
since NH3 may lead to an additional formation of mediates, whose formation increases in the presence
NO at medium temperatures but to an additional of steam.
decomposition of NO at elevated temperatures
(8001100 C). Acknowledgements
In our study, therefore, the NH3 formed from Work carried out with financial support from the
HCN could have contributed to the reduction of Spanish MICINN (Project PS- 120000-2005-2)
NO concentration under the atmospheres with co-financed by the European Regional Development
steam. Moreover, if char gasification with H2O Fund. L.A. and J.R. acknowledge funding from the
(R14) had occurred, H2 had been formed, contribut- CSIC JAE program, co-financed by the European
ing to the reduction of NO concentration in atmos- Social Fund, and the Asturias Regional Government
pheres with steam. However, it is thought that this (PCTI program), respectively.
effect was only minor, since no relevant increase in
burnout was observed after the addition of steam. References
Cao et al.,24 by means of computational fluid 1. Toftegaard MB, Brix J, Jensen PA, Glarborg P and Jensen
AD, Oxy-fuel combustion of solid fuels. Prog Energ Combust
dynamics modeling, showed that a high concentra- 36:581625 (2010).
tion of nitrogen intermediates in the combustion 2. Balat M, Influence of coal as an energy source on environ-
zone which can be achieved by wet recycling due mental pollution. Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Util
to the presence of H2O favors the reduction of Environ Eff 29:581589 (2007).
NO. Payne et al.25 observed that the reduction of 3. Glarborg P, Jensen AD and Johnsson JE, Fuel nitrogen
conversion in solid fuel fired systems. Prog Energ Combust
NO through reburning appeared to be greater in a 29:89113 (2003).
wet recycle than in a dry one. Stadler et al.10 found 4. Normann F, Andersson K, Leckner B and Johnsson F,
lower NOx emissions in wet oxy-fuel conditions Emission control of nitrogen oxides in the oxy-fuel process.
than in dry oxy-fuel combustion after the numeri- Prog Energ Combust 35:385397 (2009).
5. Andersson K, Normann F, Johnsson F and Leckner B, NO
cal simulation of the NO behavior. This is because emission during oxy-fuel combustion of lignite. Ind Eng Chem
less fuel-N is converted to NO in wet oxy-fuel Res 47:18351845 (2008).
conditions, as water vapour prevents the oxidation 6. Croiset E and Thambimuthu KV, NOx and SO2 emissions from
of intermediates from forming NO, and favors the O2/CO2 recycle coal combustion. Fuel 80:21172121 (2001).
reduction of NO from these intermediates. These 7. Liu H, Zailani R and Gibbs BM, Comparisons of pulverized
coal combustion in air and in mixtures of O2/CO2. Fuel
authors also found that an increased oxygen con- 84:833840 (2005).
centration could undermine the positive effect that 8. Okazaki K and Ando T, NOx reduction mechanism in coal
the increased water concentration would have on combustion with recycled CO2. Energy 22:207215 (1997).
the NO emissions, as it is suggested in our study. 9. Tan Y, Croiset E, Douglas MA and Thambimuthu KV, Combus-
The findings of our work also showed that the tion characteristics of coal in a mixture of oxygen and
recycled flue gas. Fuel 85:507512 (2006).
addition of CO2 was more effective in reducing NO 10. Stadler H, Christ D, Habermeh M, Heil P, Kellermann A,
emissions than H2O, in agreement with the results Ohiger A et al., Experimental investigation of NOx emissions in
of Park et al.26 oxycoal combustion. Fuel 90:16041611 (2011).

10 2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 1:111 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short communication: NO emissions in oxy-coal combustion F Rubiera et al.

11. Le Cong T and Dagaut P, Experimental and detailed modeling

study of the effect of water vapor on the kinetics of combus- Luca lvarez
tion of hydrogen and natural gas, impact on NOx. Energ Fuel
23:725734 (2009).
Luca lvarez received her MSc in
Chemical Engineering from the
12. Smart JP, ONions P and Riley GS, Radiation and convective
heat transfer, and burnout in oxy-coal combustion. Fuel
University of Oviedo in 2008. She is
89:24682476 (2010). undertaking her PhD studies at
13. Ashman PJ, Haynes BS, Nicholls PM and Nelson PF,
INCAR-CSIC in Oviedo. Her research
Interactions of gaseous NO with char during the low-tempera- interests involve oxy-fuel combustion
ture oxidation of coal chars. Proc Combust Inst 28:21712179 modelling by means of Computational
(2000). Fluid Dynamics techniques.
14. Wargadalam VJ, Lffler G, Winter F and Hofbauer H, Homo-
geneous formation of NO and N2O from the oxidation of HCN
and NH3 at 6001000 C. Combust Flame 120:465478 Victoria Gil
15. Schfer S and Bonn B, Hydrolysis of HCN as an important Victoria Gil received her PhD in
step in nitrogen oxide formation in fluidised combustion. Part Environmental Sciences from the
1: Homogeneous reactions. Fuel 79:12391246 (2000). University of Len, Spain, in 2007. She
16. Shoji M, Yamamoto T, Tanno S and Aoki H, Miura T, Modeling has been working as a postdoctoral
study of homogeneous NO and N2O formation from oxidation researcher at the INCAR-CSIC since
of HCN in a flow reactor. Energy 30:337345 (2005). 2009. Her research interests embrace
17. Park D-C, Day SJ and Nelson PF, Nitrogen release during energy production from renewable and fossil fuels, and
reaction of coal char with O2, CO2 and H2O. Proc Combust the gasification of coal and biomass.
Inst 30:21692175 (2005).
18. Aihara T, Matsuoka K, Kyotani T and Tomita A, Mechanism of
N2 formation during coal char oxidation. Proc Combust Inst
Jos J. Pis
28:21892195 (2000).
19. Orikasa H, Matsuoka K, Kyotani T and Tomita A, HCN and N2 Jos J. Pis was awarded a PhD from
formation mechanism during NO/char reaction. Proc Oviedo University in 1976. He joined
Combust Inst 29:22832289 (2002). the INCAR-CSIC in 1979. He was
20. Aarna I and Suuberg EM, A review of the kinetics of the nitric Head of Department, and also Vice
oxide-carbon reaction. Fuel 76:475491 (1997). Director until 1995. In 1999, he
21. Mendiara T and Glarborg P, Ammonia chemistry in oxy-fuel became a Research Professor. His
combustion of methane. Combust Flame 156:19371949 (2009). research involves from the character-
22. Gimnez-Lpez J, Millera A, Bilbao R and Alzueta MU, HCN ization of carbon materials and the design and optimi-
oxidation in an O2/CO2 atmosphere: An experimental and zation of pilot scale reactors.
kinetic modeling study. Combust Flame 157:267276 (2010).
23. Hecht ES, Shaddix CR, Molina A, Haynes BS, Effect of CO2
gasification reaction on oxy-combustion of pulverized coal
Covadonga Pevida
char. Proc Combust Inst 33:16991706 (2011).
24. Cao H, Sun S, Liu Y and Wall TF, Computational fluid Covadonga Pevida graduated with a
dynamics modelling of NOx reduction mechanism in oxy-fuel PhD from Oviedo University in 2004.
combustion. Energ Fuel 24:131135 (2010). Following her postdoctoral work at the
25. Payne R, Chen SL, Wolsky AM and Richter WF, CO2 recovery Universities of Lyon and Nottingham,
via coal combustion in mixtures of oxygen and recycled flue she secured a position as Tenured
gas. Combust Sci Technol 67:116 (1989). Scientist at the INCAR-CSIC in 2008.
26. Park J, Kim S-G, Lee K-M and Kim TK, Chemical effect of Her main lines of research involve carbon capture by
diluents on flame structure and NO emission characteristic in adsorption processes and oxycoal combustion.
methane-air counterflow diffusion flame. Int J Energy Res
26:11411160 (2002).

Fernando Rubiera
Juan Riaza
Fernando Rubiera received his PhD
Juan Riaza is a mining engineer and from Oviedo University in 1991. He is
has an MSc in Energy Engineering currently a Research Scientist and
from the University of Oviedo. He has Head of the Department of Energy &
recently been awarded a PhD grant to Environment at the INCAR-CSIC. His
conduct his thesis on the subject of main research interests embrace the
co-combustion of coal and biomass co-utilization of coal and biomass, and pre- and
under oxyfuel conditions. post-combustion carbon capture from coal.

2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 1:111 (2011); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 11

La biomasa es un combustible que puede sustituir parcialmente al carbn con

modificaciones menores en las calderas convencionales, siendo por tanto viable la
cocombustin tambin en oxicombustin. El combustible biomsico suele tener menor poder
calorfico que la mayora de los carbones, por tanto la energa liberada en la caldera por masa
de combustible alimentado es menor. Esto puede dar lugar a una menor potencia de la caldera
si no se modifica adecuadamente el sistema de alimentacin.

Por otra parte la biomasa libera gran cantidad de voltiles. Como se ha indicado en el
Captulo 3, la combustin de los voltiles de la biomasa requiere tiempos ms largos que la
combustin del char, lo que constituye la diferencia ms importante entre la combustin de
carbn y biomasa. La biomasa presenta adems un rendimiento en voltiles mucho mayor que
los carbones, en condiciones de elevadas velocidades de calentamiento y elevadas
temperaturas. Esto condiciona la velocidad de reaccin global. La liberacin de una mayor
cantidad de voltiles debido a la adicin de biomasa, provoca cambios en los fenmenos de
ignicin y en el transcurso de las reacciones de combustin, lo que repercutir en la estabilidad
de la llama, la temperatura, el grado de quemado y las emisiones contaminantes. Adems, la
reactividad del char de biomasa es tambin mayor que la del carbn. Los estudios de
cocombustin en aire as como algunos trabajos previos llevados a cabo en nuestro Grupo de
Investigacin [Arias, 2008] alentaron a profundizar en los efectos que induce la adicin de
biomasa durante la oxicombustin con carbn.

En los tres artculos que conforman este Captulo se presentan los resultados
correspondientes a experimentos de oxicombustin de mezclas de carbn y biomasa en
distintos dispositivos experimentales (termobalanza y reactor de flujo en arrastre). Se han
llevado a cabo estudios de ignicin y combustin de carbones individuales y sus mezclas con
biomasa en distintas proporciones, y se ha evaluado el efecto inducido sobre el grado de
quemado y las emisiones de NO.

En el primer artculo (Publicacin VII) se ha aplicado la termogravimetra para evaluar el

efecto de la adicin de vapor durante experimentos de oxicombustin de mezclas de carbn y
biomasa. El efecto combinado de la biomasa y el vapor de agua es muy novedoso ya que no se
encuentran estudios en la bibliografa donde se haya evaluado su efecto de manera conjunta
en atmsferas de oxicombustin.

El segundo artculo (Publicacin VIII) de este Captulo describe la ignicin de mezclas de

carbn y biomasa en atmsferas de oxicombustin. Este estudio se realiz en el reactor de

Captulo 6

flujo en arrastre. Se realiza un estudio de la ignicin por mtodos indirectos, mediante el

seguimiento de los gases a la salida del reactor. Este mtodo fue descrito por Essenhigh
[Essenhigh, 1989] para la ignicin de partculas de carbn en flujo de aire, sin embargo, es
perfectamente extrapolable a las atmsferas de oxicombustin. Esta metodologa fue
empleada tambin en este mismo reactor en estudios de combustin en aire de carbones de
distinto rango [Fandez, 2005].

El tercer artculo (Publicacin IX) que compone este Captulo expone los resultados de la
oxicocombustin de mezclas de carbn y biomasa, en el reactor de flujo en arrastre. Este
estudio se realiz determinando el grado de quemado y las emisiones de NO, para diferentes
excesos de oxgeno, con proporciones de biomasa en la alimentacin de 0, 10 y 20 % en masa.
El grado de conversin alcanzado en la combustin depende del tiempo de residencia del
combustible en las zonas de altas temperaturas y del tamao de partcula. En los experimentos
realizados, estos parmetros se mantuvieron constantes, por lo que el nico parmetro que
afectar al grado de conversin ser el porcentaje de biomasa en la mezcla y el exceso de
oxgeno. A medida que aumenta el exceso de oxgeno, aumenta la disponibilidad de O2 y
consecuentemente el grado de quemado o burnout.

Las emisiones de NOx tienen relevancia en oxicombustin no solamente por su posible

emisin a la atmsfera que podra ser evitada con los sistemas de control de NOx, sino tambin
por su efecto corrosivo en los sistemas de transporte de CO2. El perjuicio en bombas y tuberas
de transporte e inyeccin hace que su concentracin deba ser controlada y evitada. En
ausencia de aire, el nitrgeno del combustible ser la principal fuente para formacin de NOx
y, por tanto, se denota un acusado descenso de las emisiones respecto al aire. Sin embargo la
cantidad de nitrgeno presente en el combustible no es el nico parmetro influyente. Este
hecho se comprob en la Publicacin VI, en la que el carbn bituminoso, con una mayor
proporcin de nitrgeno que la semiantracita, dio lugar a unas concentraciones menores de
NO en todas las atmsferas de oxicombustin. Esto se debe a la diferente distribucin del
nitrgeno entre los voltiles y el char, y su liberacin en la forma de NH3 y HCN. Esta
distribucin es muy distinta en los combustibles biomsicos y presentan un elevado potencial
de reduccin de las emisiones de NO cuando se mezclan con carbn.

Efecto de la adicin de biomasa en oxicombustin

6.1 Compendio de resultados

El anlisis trmico es muy til, ya que es relativamente sencillo y de rpida aplicacin, y slo
se necesita una pequea cantidad de muestra. De esta forma, se han podido llevar a cabo
comparaciones en cuanto a las propiedades de combustibilidad, de distintos carbones y sus
mezclas con biomasa en distintas atmsferas de combustin, aire y O2/CO2/H2O(V). Los
resultados obtenidos a partir de los ensayos realizados en termobalanza han permitido
concluir que la adicin de biomasa da lugar a una mejora en la combustibilidad, respecto a la
combustin del carbn, tanto en aire como en las atmsferas de oxicombustin.

Todos los carbones y sus mezclas con biomasa mostraron un empeoramiento en sus
propiedades de combustibilidad al sustituir N2 por CO2, para la misma concentracin de
oxgeno (21 %). Sin embargo, se observ una mejora en atmsferas O2/CO2 con un contenido
en oxgeno del 30 %, con respecto a lo observado en aire.

El efecto de la presencia de vapor de agua en la corriente oxidante, en los ensayos llevados

a cabo en termobalanza, se traduce en un ligero aumento de la combustibilidad, con un
incremento en la velocidad de prdida de masa, y un acortamiento en los tiempos de
quemado. Sin embargo, no se observan grandes diferencias entre proporciones del 10 y 20 %
de vapor de agua. Estas observaciones al sustituir CO2 por vapor de agua en condiciones de
oxicombustin, se contraponen a los resultados obtenidos en la combustin en reactor de flujo
en arrastre mostrados en la Publicacin V. Esto es debido, fundamentalmente, a que las
condiciones en la termobalanza difieren mucho de las del reactor de flujo en arrastre, que son
ms cercanas a las existentes en una caldera industrial en lo referente a velocidades de
calentamiento, transmisin de calor o tiempos de residencia. Por otro lado, estas divergencias
confirman que el efecto del vapor en la oxicombustin se relaciona con diferencias en la
transmisin de calor ms que con reacciones de gasificacin para las condiciones estudiadas.

La termogravimetra sigue siendo una tcnica muy til a la hora de realizar un anlisis
preliminar del comportamiento de distintos combustibles en condiciones de oxicombustin,
pero es necesario llevar a cabo experimentos en otros dispositivos, que puedan reproducir de
forma ms adecuada las condiciones de operacin de una caldera industrial. Por ello, se han
realizado experimentos en un reactor de flujo en arrastre, el cual reproduce de forma ms
adecuada algunas de las condiciones existentes en una caldera de carbn pulverizado.

El efecto de distintas atmsferas de oxicombustin sobre las propiedades de ignicin y de

combustin de mezclas de carbones de distinto rango y biomasa, se ha estudiado en un
reactor de flujo en arrastre. Al igual que en los experimentos de ignicin del carbn, en las
mezclas de carbn y biomasa se observ un empeoramiento en las propiedades de ignicin en
la atmsfera 21%O2/79%CO2, en comparacin con la ignicin en aire. Estas propiedades
mejoran con respecto a la ignicin en aire, al aumentar la concentracin de oxgeno en la

Captulo 6

mezcla O2/CO2 por encima del 30 %, con la misma tendencia observada para los carbones

La sustitucin del 10 y 20 % de carbn por biomasa produce un descenso en la temperatura

de ignicin tanto en aire como en todas las atmsferas de oxicombustin respecto al carbn.

En lo referente al proceso de combustin global de las mezclas de carbn y biomasa, se

estudi la sustitucin de N2 por CO2 para la misma concentracin de oxgeno (21 %), sobre el
grado de conversin. Se observ una disminucin en el grado de conversin, debido a las
diferencias en las propiedades fsicas de ambos gases. La biomasa libera gran cantidad de
voltiles, produciendo un efecto positivo en la combustin del carbn; adelantando el inicio de
la combustin de la mezcla y aumentando la temperatura de las partculas. De este modo se
facilita la combustin del char y se obtienen conversiones ms elevadas.

Este efecto es ms notable en el carbn de alto rango que en el carbn bituminoso de alto
contenido en voltiles, ya que este alcanza un grado de quemado elevado antes de la adicin
de biomasa.

Asimismo, se observ una disminucin en las emisiones de NO, debido a la reduccin

heterognea de NO a N2, favorecida por el aumento en la concentracin de CO en la atmsfera
de oxicombustin. Al aumentar la concentracin de oxgeno por encima del 30 % mejora el
grado de quemado, pero tambin aumenta la produccin de xidos de nitrgeno. No obstante,
la cantidad de NO por gramo de combustible quemado (o unidad de energa producida) sigue
siendo menor que la producida en aire.

Efecto de la adicin de biomasa en oxicombustin

6.2 Publicaciones relacionadas

VII A study of oxy-coal combustion with steam addition and biomass blending by
thermogravimetric analysis.
M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Journal of Thermal
Analysis and Calorimetry 2012. 109 (1) pp. 49 55. doi:10.1007/s10973-011-

VIII Ignition behaviour of coal and biomass blends under oxyfiring conditions with
steam additions.
J. Riaza, , L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, R. Khatami, Y.A. Levendis, J.J. Pis, C. Pevida, F.
Rubiera. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 2013. 3 (5), pp. 397-414.

IX Oxy-fuel combustion of coal and biomass blends.

J. Riaza, M.V. Gil, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Energy 2012. 41 (1) pp.
429 435. doi: 10.1016/

6.2.1 Publicacin VII

A study of oxy-coal combustion with steam addition and biomass blending by

thermogravimetric analysis.

M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera.

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
2012. 109 (1) pp. 49 55.

J Therm Anal Calorim (2012) 109:4955
DOI 10.1007/s10973-011-1342-y

A study of oxy-coal combustion with steam addition and biomass

blending by thermogravimetric analysis
M. V. Gil J. Riaza L. Alvarez C. Pevida

J. J. Pis F. Rubiera

Received: 23 November 2010 / Accepted: 11 January 2011 / Published online: 12 February 2011
Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, Hungary 2011

Abstract The thermal characteristics of pulverized coal Introduction

have been studied under oxy-fuel combustion conditions
using non-isothermal thermogravimetric analysis (TG). The Interest in coal as an energy source for the future has
atmospheres used were 21%O2/79%N2, 21%O2/79%CO2, recently been revived due to the stability of its supply and
30%O2/70%O2, and 35%O2/65%CO2. Coal blends of coal it is relatively low cost. For these reasons, it is likely that
with 10 and 20% of biomass were also studied under these coal will occupy an important position in the energy mix in
atmospheres. The addition of 10 and 20% of steam was the foreseeable future [1, 2]. However, the emissions of
evaluated for the oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres with 21 greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from coal-fired power
and 30% of O2 in order to study the effect of the wet plants are very high and their effect on global climate
recirculation of flue gas. The results obtained were similar change has been acknowledged worldwide. Various strat-
for all the different rank coals and indicated that replacing egies for their reduction and sequestration are under study,
N2 by CO2 in the combustion atmosphere with 21% of O2 including improvements in the efficiency of existing power
caused a slight decrease in the rate of mass loss and delayed plants, the introduction of advanced combined cycle power
the burning process of the coal, biomass and coal/biomass plants and the capture and storage of CO2 [3].
blend samples. When the O2 concentration was increased to Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered one of
30 and 35% in the oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere, the rate the most realistic options for reducing CO2 emissions from
of mass loss increased, the burning process occurred at fossil fuel use, particularly from large-scale stationary
lower temperatures and it was shorter in duration. An power plants. The main problem, however, is that the
increase in the rate of mass loss and a reduction in burning combustion of fossil fuel in air leads to a diluted concen-
time and temperature were observed after the addition of tration of CO2 in the flue gas stream (typically 15% by
steam to the oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere. No relevant volume), rendering it unsuitable for direct sequestration in
differences between the 10 and 20% steam concentrations a supercritical state by compression, a process which
were observed. requires a high concentration of CO2 [4, 5].
As an alternative, oxy-fuel combustion is considered as
Keywords Oxy-fuel combustion  Pulverized coal  a promising new approach for CO2 capture. Oxy-fuel
Biomass  Steam  TG combustion technology involves the combustion of pul-
verized coal in a mixture of oxygen (as opposed to air) and
recirculated flue gas (mainly CO2 and H2O). The advan-
tages of this approach are that it offers a way of avoiding
the excessively high flame temperatures characteristic of
fuel combustion in oxygen, carries the heat through the
M. V. Gil  J. Riaza  L. Alvarez  C. Pevida  boiler, reduces the net volume of flue gas and substantially
J. J. Pis  F. Rubiera (&)
increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the flue
Instituto Nacional del Carbon, CSIC, Apartado 73,
33080 Oviedo, Spain gas. A flue gas consisting mainly of CO2 (8095% by
e-mail: volume) and water vapour is then generated. The water


50 M. V. Gil et al.

vapour can be easily removed by condensation, making it steam addition was also evaluated in order to study the
easier to purify the remaining CO2 [6]. effect of the wet recirculation of flue gas.
The successful implementation of O2/CO2 technology in
conventional pulverized coal boilers depends on a full
understanding of the changes that result from replacing N2 Materials and methods
with CO2 in the oxidizer stream [7]. Although many pub-
lished works have focused on the oxy-fuel combustion Materials
process [812], the effect of adding steam to the oxy-fuel
combustion atmosphere has hardly been studied [13]. Ten coals of different rank [25] were used in this work: an
Alternatively, biomass is a renewable fuel which can be anthracite (AC), a semi-anthracite (HVN), two medium-
used for reducing CO2 emissions. This source of energy is volatile bituminous coals (UM and SAA), and six high-
considered carbon neutral because the carbon dioxide volatile bituminous coals (DAB, SAB, M6N, BA, CAB,
released during biomass utilization is recycled as an inte- and NZ). A biomass, olive waste (OW), was also
gral part of the carbon cycle. The combination of oxy-fuel employed. The samples were ground and sieved to obtain a
combustion with biomass could be used as a sink for CO2, particle size fraction of 75150 lm. The proximate anal-
and therefore more knowledge about cofiring coal and ysis and the high heating value of the samples are presented
biomass under oxy-fuel conditions is needed [14]. in Table 1.
Thermogravimetric analysis (TG) is one of the most
common techniques used to rapidly investigate and com- Apparatus and procedure
pare thermal events during the combustion and pyrolysis of
solid raw materials, such as coal, woods, etc. [1522]. The techniques employed in this study were TG and
Although extrapolation to other devices at a larger scale derivative thermogravimetry (DTG). Non-isothermal TG
cannot be performed directly, the information obtained was performed using a Setaram TAG24 analyser.
from the combustion profiles in the TG could be used for Approximately, 5 mg of sample was used for each exper-
an initial evaluation of the behaviour of the combustion on iment. A small amount of sample and a slow heating rate
an industrial scale [23]. This would contribute to an were used to avoid heat transfer limitations and to mini-
understanding of coal combustion behaviour and prove mize mass transfer effects. The samples were heated at a
very useful both from a fundamental viewpoint and for the heating rate of 15 C min-1 in different atmospheres from
comparison of samples [24]. room temperature to 1000 C. The simulated air combus-
In this work, TG was used in order to study the effect of tion atmosphere was 21%O2/79%N2. Three O2/CO2 oxy-
replacing N2 with CO2 in a combustion atmosphere and of fuel combustion conditions were used (21, 30, and 35% of
enhanced levels of O2 in an oxy-fuel combustion atmo- O2). The addition of 10 and 20% of steam (as a replace-
sphere upon the thermal characteristics of different rank ment for CO2) to an oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere
coals and coal/biomass blends. Oxy-fuel combustion with containing 21 and 30% of O2 was also evaluated in order to

Table 1 Proximate analysis and high heating value of the coals


Origin Spain Spain Mexico South Africa China South Africa Mexico Spain Colombia New Zealand Spain
Rank an sa mvb mvb hvb hvb hvb hvb hvb hvb
Proximate analysisa
Moisture content/wt% 2.3 1.1 0.4 2.6 2.9 2.4 1.8 1.2 4.3 11.5 9.2
Ash/wt%, db 14.2 10.7 21.1 14.9 10.9 15.0 30.2 6.9 4.4 2.9 7.6
V.M./wt%, db 3.6 9.2 23.7 25.6 28.8 29.9 30.6 33.9 39.6 47.9 71.9
F.C./wt%, dbb 82.2 80.1 55.2 59.5 60.3 55.1 39.2 59.2 56.0 49.2 20.5
High heating value/kJ kg-1, 29160 31818 27826 27952 28825 27780 23057 33081 30965 27943 19905
an anthracite, sa semi-anthracite, mvb medium-volatile bituminous coal, hvb high-volatile bituminous coal, db dry basis
The proximate analysis was conducted in a LECO TGA-601
Calculated by difference


A study of oxy-coal combustion 51

study the effect of the wet recirculation of flue gas. The the greater the RC value, the higher the combustion
total flow rate of all the mixtures of gases was 150 cm3 reactivity.
min-1. The steam generator consisted of a CEM (Con-
trolled Evaporator and Mixer), in which water and O2/CO2
were mixed and heated up to 175 C. Liquid and mass flow Results and discussion
controllers were used to control the flow rates of the water,
O2, CO2, and N2. The derivative curves (DTG) of the Combustion characteristics of pulverized coal under air
samples were represented as a function of temperature. and O2/CO2 atmospheres

Determination of the combustion parameters DTG curves for the AC, HVN, DAB, and NZ coal samples
under the different combustion and oxy-fuel combustion
From the combustion profiles, the following thermal atmospheres are shown as example in Fig. 1. The DTG
parameters were calculated for characterizing the com- curves for the other coals (not represented) showed similar
bustion process: initial temperature (Ti), final temperature behaviour. From the combustion profiles (Fig. 1), it can be
(Tf), peak temperature (Tpeak), temperature corresponding seen that coal combustion in the O2/N2 atmosphere differed
to a conversion degree of 50% (T50), maximum rate of from that in the O2/CO2 atmosphere at the same oxygen
mass loss (DTGmax), average rate of mass loss (Average concentration (21%). For all the coals studied in the
DTG), and coal reactivity index (RC). The initial temper- 21%O2/79%CO2 atmosphere, the curves of mass loss rate
ature (Ti) and the final temperature (Tf) were taken as the shifted to higher temperatures in relation to those in the
temperature values (after the initial loss of moisture) at 21%O2/79%N2 conditions. This implies that there was a
which the rate of mass loss was 1% min-1. The peak delay in the burning process, which may have been due to
temperature (Tpeak) corresponds to the temperature at the higher specific heat of CO2 compared to N2, leading to
which maximum rate of mass loss occurs [26]. The tem- comparatively lower gas temperatures and in turn to a
perature value at the maximum rate of mass loss is usually reduction of the fuel particle temperatures during oxy-fuel
considered inversely proportional to the reactivity and combustion in comparison to combustion in air. Li et al. [6]
combustibility of the sample [27], whereas the maximum found lower rates of mass loss and higher burning times for
rate of mass loss is considered directly proportional to the a bituminous coal after replacing N2 with CO2 from an air
reactivity of the sample [28]. The average rate of mass loss atmosphere, indicating that the devolatilization rate of coal
(Average DTG) is the ratio between the burnout fraction was lower under a CO2 atmosphere than under a N2
and time during the temperature range of initial to final atmosphere. These authors thus concluded that replacing
temperature. The coal reactivity index (RC) was used to N2 with CO2 was unfavourable to coal combustion.
evaluate the burning performance of pulverized coal, On the other hand, if the oxygen concentration was
defined as: increased under the oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres
RC 1=m0 dm=dtmax 1 (30%O2/70%CO2 and 35%O2/65%CO2), the DTG curves
moved to lower temperatures, and the rate of mass loss
where (dm/dt)max is the maximum combustion rate, and m0 increased whereas the burning time decreased in compar-
is the initial mass of ash free sample. It should be noted that ison to the values achieved in the 21%O2/79%N2

Fig. 1 DTG curves for coal 0.4 21%O2/79%N2 AC 0.4

combustion under different 21%O2/79%CO2
DTG/% s1

30%O2/70%CO2 0.3
DTG/% s1

atmospheres 35%O2/65%CO2
0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 200 300 400 500 600 700
Temperature/C Temperature/C

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3
DTG/% s1

DTG/% s1

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700
Temperature/C Temperature/C


52 M. V. Gil et al.

combustion atmosphere (Fig. 1). This may be because a Combustion characteristics of biomass and coal/
higher oxygen concentration enhances the devolatilization biomass blends under air and O2/CO2 atmospheres
and combustion of coal samples. Under a lower oxygen
concentration, the ignition of both the volatile matter and Figure 2 shows the DTG curves for the biomass sample,
char would be retarded [8]. OW, and the coal/biomass blends under the oxy-fuel
Table 2 summarizes the combustion parameters for the combustion atmospheres. From the combustion profiles
AC, HVN, DAB, and NZ coals, whose results are similar to (Fig. 2), it can be seen that the combustion of the OW,
those of the other coals studied. It can be seen that the 90%HVN ? 10%OW, and 80%HVN ? 20%OW samples
initial temperature, Ti, for the coal samples was similar or in the O2/N2 atmosphere differed from that of the O2/CO2
slightly higher under oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere with atmosphere at the same oxygen concentration (21%). As in
21% of O2 compared to air. However, Ti decreased as the the case of the coals, in the 21%O2/79%CO2 atmosphere,
O2 concentration increased in the O2/CO2 atmosphere. The the curves of mass loss rate shifted to higher temperatures
same tendency is observed for the final temperature, Tf, the in relation to those in the 21%O2/79%N2 conditions,
peak temperature, Tpeak, and the temperature corresponding indicating that there was a delay in the combustion process.
to a conversion degree of 50%, T50. In contrast, the However, for the biomass and coal/biomass blend samples,
Average DTG and DTGmax values followed the opposite when the oxygen concentration was increased under the
tendency. They were slightly lower under the air atmo- oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres (30%O2/70%CO2 and
sphere than under the oxy-fuel atmosphere containing 21% 35%O2/65%CO2), the DTG curves moved to lower tem-
of O2, but they increased as the O2 concentration increased peratures, the rate of mass loss increased and the burning
in the O2/CO2 atmosphere. Table 2 also shows that, in time decreased with respect to the corresponding parame-
general, the coal reactivity index (RC) in the 21%O2/ ters in the 21%O2/79%N2 combustion atmosphere.
79%CO2 atmosphere was slightly lower than that in the Figure 2 also shows that an initial mass loss occurred
21%O2/79%N2 atmosphere, but was higher in the 30%O2/ between 25105 C for all the samples, due to moisture
70%CO2 and 35%O2/65%CO2 atmospheres, these two evaporation, after which two mass loss stages occurred in
atmospheres showing similar values of coal reactivity. the OW and blend samples, compared to a one stage mass
If the characteristic temperatures for all the different rank loss for the HVN sample (Fig. 1). The second mass loss
coals are compared, the order is the following: AC [ stage in the OW sample was possibly due to the release of
HVN [ UM = BA [ SAB = SAA C DAB [ CAB C volatiles and their combustion, while the final mass loss
M6N [ NZ. This order approximately coincides with that of may have been due to char oxidation. In the case of the
coal rank (Table 1). blends, the second mass loss was very small, due to the low

Table 2 Combustion parameters of the coals under different atmospheres

Sample Atmosphere Ti/8C Tf/8C Tpeak/8C T50/8C DTGmax/% s-1 Average DTG/% s-1 RC/% kg-1 s-1

AC 21%O2/79%N2 560 732 625 634 0.261 0.141 53996

21%O2/79%CO2 561 734 633 636 0.248 0.139 50849
30%O2/70%CO2 545 707 608 613 0.303 0.146 65117
35%O2/65%CO2 540 696 600 603 0.333 0.154 71177
HVN 21%O2/79%N2 482 644 567 566 0.301 0.149 60252
21%O2/79%CO2 484 650 570 569 0.287 0.147 55352
30%O2/70%CO2 470 627 547 547 0.358 0.157 78894
35%O2/65%CO2 465 616 540 539 0.392 0.163 77706
DAB 21%O2/79%N2 357 588 516 499 0.229 0.105 48817
21%O2/79%CO2 360 593 520 503 0.222 0.103 45983
30%O2/70%CO2 351 576 501 490 0.255 0.109 55768
35%O2/65%CO2 346 567 495 483 0.265 0.111 56410
NZ 21%O2/79%N2 293 504 410 405 0.267 0.104 49585
21%O2/79%CO2 294 506 411 405 0.260 0.103 49821
30%O2/70%CO2 288 497 406 400 0.293 0.105 57537
35%O2/65%CO2 283 486 395 393 0.399 0.107 73462
Ti initial temperature, Tf final temperature, Tpeak peak temperature, T50 temperature corresponding to a conversion degree of 50%, DTGmax
maximum rate of mass loss, Average DTG average rate of mass loss, RC coal reactivity index


A study of oxy-coal combustion 53

0.4 21%O2/79%N2 OW proportion of biomass in the blend, the last peak closely
21%O2/79%CO2 resembling that of the coal sample, presumably because
0.3 30%O2/70%CO2
coal was the predominant component of the blend.
DTG/% s1

The combustion parameters for these samples are sum-
marized in Table 3. In the case of the OW and blend
0.1 samples, the parameters were calculated only taking into
consideration the last mass loss stage, so that they could be
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
then compared with those of the HVN coal sample. For all
Temperature/C the combustion and oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres, it
can be observed that the highest values of Ti, Tf, T50,
90%HVN + 10%OW DTGmax and Average DTG corresponded to the HVN
samples, followed by those of the 90%HVN ? 10%OW
DTG/% s1

and the 80%HVN ? 20%OW samples in that order. Small

0.2 differences were found in the Tpeak and RC values of the
samples. The addition of biomass to the coal caused a
decrease in the combustion and oxy-fuel combustion tem-
peratures. Biomass is a fuel with high reactivity and high
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 volatile matter content (Table 1), which can lead to a faster
Temperature/C reaction and to an improvement in the combustion behav-
0.4 iour of a coal in agreement with the results of other works
80%HVN + 20%OW
[18, 29, 30].
DTG/% s1

Effects of steam addition upon the oxy-fuel combustion

characteristics of pulverized coal
Figure 3 compares the DTG curves for the AC, HVN,
0 DAB, and NZ coal samples under the 21%O2/79%CO2 and
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
30%O2/70%CO2 oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres with
those corresponding to the same atmosphere after the
Fig. 2 DTG curves for the combustion of biomass and coal/biomass replacement of CO2 with 10 and 20% of steam. It can be
blends under different atmospheres observed that the addition of steam shifted the DTG curves

Table 3 Combustion parameters of the biomass and the coal/biomass blends under different atmospheres
Atmosphere Sample Ti/8C Tf/8C Tpeak/8C T50/8C DTGmax/% s-1 Average DTG/% s-1 RC/% kg-1 s-1

21%O2/79%N2 HVN 482 644 567 566 0.301 0.149 60252

90%HVN-10%OW 465 641 565 561 0.282 0.132 62291
80%HVN-20%OW 455 623 559 546 0.278 0.129 58044
OW 367 520 475 302 0.118 0.064 24636
21%O2/79%CO2 HVN 484 650 570 569 0.287 0.147 55352
90%HVN-10%OW 469 645 570 564 0.264 0.130 54590
80%HVN-20%OW 460 628 565 552 0.269 0.127 55948
OW 370 522 475 305 0.118 0.064 23807
30%O2/70%CO2 HVN 470 627 547 547 0.358 0.157 78894
90%HVN-10%OW 453 619 545 542 0.337 0.142 69394
80%HVN-20%OW 452 608 545 535 0.308 0.131 61221
OW 371 514 467 308 0.122 0.067 31640
35%O2/65%CO2 HVN 465 616 540 539 0.392 0.163 77706
90%HVN-10%OW 453 611 540 536 0.358 0.145 76386
80%HVN-20%OW 448 601 535 529 0.335 0.137 65442
OW 365 509 461 302 0.129 0.067 25639
Ti initial temperature, Tf final temperature, Tpeak peak temperature, T50 temperature corresponding to a conversion degree of 50%, DTGmax
maximum rate of mass loss, Average DTG average rate of mass loss, RC coal reactivity index


54 M. V. Gil et al.

Fig. 3 DTG curves for coal 0.4 21%O2/79%CO2 AC 0.4 HVN

combustion under oxy-fuel 21%O2/69%CO2/10%H2O
0.3 0.3

atmospheres with 21 and 30%

DTG/% s
DTG/% s
of O2 containing steam 0.2 30%O2/60%CO2/10%H2O 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 300 400 500 600 700
Temperature/C Temperature/C

0.4 0.4 NZ

0.3 0.3

DTG/% s

DTG/% s
0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600
Temperature/C Temperature/C

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6.2.2 Publicacin VIII

Ignition behaviour of coal and biomass blends under oxyfiring conditions with steam

J. Riaza, , L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, R. Khatami, Y.A. Levendis, J.J. Pis, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera.
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology
2013. 3 (5), pp. 397-414.

Short Communication

Ignition behavior of coal and biomass

blends under oxy-firing conditions
with steam additions
Juan Riaza, Luca lvarez, and Mara V. Gil, Instituto Nacional del Carbn, INCAR-CSIC,
Oviedo, Spain
Reza Khatami and Yiannis A. Levendis, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
Jos J. Pis and Covadonga Pevida and Fernando Rubiera, Instituto Nacional del Carbn,
INCAR-CSIC, Oviedo, Spain

Abstract: The ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends was assessed in air and oxy-firing condi-
tions in an entrained flow reactor. Four coals of different rank, an anthracite, a semi-anthracite, and
two high-volatile bituminous coals, were tested in air and O2/CO2 (21-35% O2) environments. For all
the coals, deterioration in ignition properties was observed in the 21%O2/79%CO2 atmosphere in
comparison with air. However, the ignition properties were enhanced when the oxygen concentration
in the O2/CO2 mixture was increased. Coal and biomass blends of a semi-anthracite and a high-
volatile bituminous coal with 10 and 20 wt% of olive residue were also used in the ignition experi-
ments under air and oxy-firing conditions. The ignition behavior of the coals improved as the addi-
tions of biomass increased both in air and oxy-firing conditions. In particular, the effect of biomass
blending was more noticeable in the ignition of the high rank coal. Since industrial oxy-coal combus-
tion with a wet recycle would result in higher concentrations of H2O(v), the effect of steam addition
on ignition behavior was also studied. A worsening in ignition behavior was observed when steam
was added to the oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres, although an increase in the steam concentra-
tion from 10 to 20% did not produce any significant difference in the ignition characteristics of the
2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Keywords: biomass; coal; ignition behavior; oxy-combustion; steam

Introduction reduce atmospheric CO2 to below 1990 levels.1,2

During oxy-coal combustion, coal is burnt in a
he use of coal in power plants generates a large mixture of oxygen and recycled flue gas (RFG),

T amount of CO2 which is the chief cause of global

climate change. A diverse power generation
portfolio including carbon capture and storage (CCS)
mainly CO2 and water vapor, to yield a rich CO2
stream, which after purification is ready for sequestra-
tion.3 In addition, biomass is a source of energy which
technologies and renewable energies is needed to is considered carbon neutral as the carbon dioxide

Correspondence to: Fernando Rubiera,Instituto Nacional del Carbn, INCAR-CSIC, Apartado 73, 33080 Oviedo, Spain.
Received July 2, 2013; revised August 5, 2013; accepted August 5, 2013
Published online at Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ghg.1368

2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 1
Juan Riaza et al Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions

released during its combustion is recycled as an The ignition of solid fuel particles is an important
integral part of the carbon cycle. The combination of preliminary step in the overall combustion process
oxy-coal combustion with biomass co-firing can help due to its influence on the stability, shape, and length
to increase CO2 capture efficiency.4 However, the of the flame, and on the formation of pollutants. In
successful implementation of the oxyfuel technology practice, the ignition behavior of solid fuels may be
in pulverized coal boilers depends on fully under- decisive for identifying the optimal location for
standing the differences that may result from replac- injecting them into industrial pulverized fuel burners.
ing N2 with a mixture of CO2 and water vapor in the The ignition and combustion behavior of pulverized
oxidizer stream. In oxy-firing conditions, due to the coal particles are not inherent properties of the coals,
higher concentrations of CO2 and H2O(v), compared as they are dependent on the operating conditions.15
to conventional air combustion, several aspects such In the oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coal, poor
as heat transfer, flame ignition, pollutant formation, ignition quality has often been observed during
and volatile matter and char combustion are af- pilot-scale burning trials when operating with sub-
fected.59 The use of biomass in existing coal power stantial flue gas recirculation.16 Several efforts have
plants requires only minor modifications compared to been made recently to understand the fundamentals
the construction of new biomass-only fired power of ignition (i.e. particle ignition, flame propagation
plants, making the co-firing of coal and biomass an and flammability) in oxy-firing conditions when
easy and cheap way to obtain biomass energy.10 designing combustion systems.17,18
The application of the oxy-combustion technology The present work studies the influence of fuel type,
has been implemented at a higher scale in Vattenfalls CO2 dilution and oxygen concentration on the
30 MWth oxyfuel pilot plant in Schwarze Pumpe, temperature and ignition mechanisms for a wide
Germany,11 which was constructed in order to investi- number of coals and coal/biomass blends (up to
gate the oxyfuel firing process. The combustion 20%wt biomass). It needs to be appreciated that, when
investigations have focused on the radiation heat flux blending different fuels, certain aspects such as
behavior, NOx formation, as well as combustion ignition behavior, burnout or NO emissions cannot
performance and reaction rates between air and always be estimated from the behavior of the indi-
oxyfuel operation modes. Details on the operation vidual fuels.19 As Smart et al.20 have pointed out,
with three different burners (one combined jet-swirl another important aspect to consider is the effect of
burner and one swirl burner both from Alstom, and wet recycling in oxy-firing conditions on coal ignition
one swirl DST-burner delivered by Hitachi) have been and flame stability. In the present work, the effect of
provided and it was found that the operation of the adding 10 and 20% of steam on the ignition charac-
oxyfuel boiler with the three burners tested so far has teristics, under air and oxy-firing conditions, was also
proven to be very reliable and a good flame ignition studied.
and high stability over the entire load range has been
achieved.12 Experimental
The recycling of flue gas and the injection of the
oxygen add more complexity to the design and Materials
operation of the oxyfuel burners and boilers.13 Under Four coals of different rank were used in this work: an
oxyfuel conditions, the burner geometry has to be anthracite from Cangas del Narcea, in Asturias, Spain
modified in order to achieve a stable flame attached to (AC), a semi-anthracite from the Hullera Vasco-Le-
the burner quarl at oxygen contents in the O2/RFG onesa in Len, Spain (HVN), a South African high-
mixture close to that in air. In this regard a series of volatile bituminous coal from the Aboo power plant
test runs was performed at the oxycoal test facility at in Asturias, Spain (SAB), and a washed coal supplied
RWTH Aachen University with the aim to achieve an by the Batn coal preparation plant in Asturias, Spain
experimentally confirmed database needed for (BA). A biomass, olive residue (OR) was also em-
development of a swirl burner able to operate at a ployed. This biomass is the wet solid residue that
wide range of O2 concentrations (from18 to 34% vol. remains after the process of pressing and extraction of
O2) under oxy-firing conditions. Thus, a new burner the olive oil. The coal and biomass samples were
concept based on aerodynamic stabilization of an ground and sieved to obtain a particle size fraction of
oxyfuel swirl flame has been developed.14 75150 m. The proximate and ultimate analyses

2 2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions Juan Riaza et al

Table 1. Proximate and ultimate analyses and During the ignition tests, the reactor was heated at
high heating value of the fuel samples. 15 C min1 from 400 to 900 C. The gas flow used in
these tests ensured a particle residence time of 2.5 s.
Air (21%O2/79%N2) and three binary mixtures of
Origin Spain Spain S. Africa Spain Spain O2/CO2 (21%O2/79%CO2, 30%O2/70%CO2 and
Rank an sa hvb hvb - 35%O2/65%CO2) were employed to study the ignition
Proximate Analysis characteristics of the coals and coal/biomass blends.
(wt.%, db) Also, several ternary mixtures of O2/N2/H2O(v) and
Ash 14.2 10.7 15.0 6.9 7.6 O2/CO2/H2O(v) were employed. The addition of 10 and
V.M. 3.6 9.2 29.9 33.9 71.9 20% of steam was evaluated for all the air and oxy-
F.C. a 82.2 80.1 55.1 59.2 20.5
fuel combustion atmospheres as a substitute for N2 or
CO2 in order to study the effect of the wet recircula-
Ultimate Analysis
(wt.%, daf)
tion of flue gas on coal ignition properties.

C 94.7 91.7 81.5 88.5 54.3

Results and discussion
H 1.6 3.5 5.0 5.5 6.6
N 1.0 1.9 2.1 1.9 1.9 Effect of the coal rank
S 0.7 1.6 0.9 1.1 0.2 Fandez et al.21 have stated that ignition is character-
2.0 10.5
ized by a rapid decrease in CO production, a signifi-
Oa 1.3 3.0 37.0
cant consumption of O2, and an increase in the
High heating value 29.2 31.8 27.8 33.1 19.9
production of CO2 and NO. Prior to ignition, at low
(MJ kg1, db)
temperatures, the production of CO increases due to
an: anthracite; sa: semi-anthracite; hvb: high-volatile bituminous the release of volatiles and incomplete char combus-
coal tion. The production of CO2 and NO shows only a
db: dry basis; daf: dry and ash free bases slight increase, and there is some O2 consumption due
aCalculated by difference
to the evolution and subsequent combustion of coal
volatiles at low temperatures. The criterion for deter-
mining the ignition temperature was based on the
together with the high heating values of the samples first derivative temperature curves of the gases
are presented in Table 1. produced. The ignition temperature was taken as the
temperature at which the first derivative curve,
Experimental device and procedure normalized from the maximum derivative value,
The ignition characteristics of the coals and coal/ reached an absolute value of 10%.21 The ignition
biomass blends were studied in an entrained flow temperatures, derived from derivative curves of the
reactor (EFR), which has been described in detail gases, for coals AC, HVN, SAB,and BA are shown in
elsewhere.8 Briefly, the reactor has a reaction zone Table 2. As can be seen, coals SAB and BA tend to
140 cm in length and an internal diameter of 40 mm. ignite at lower temperatures than coals AC and HVN.
It is electrically heated and is capable of reaching a This may be due to their higher volatiles content
maximum temperature of 1100 C. Fuel samples were (which enhances subsequent char combustion), and to
introduced through a cooled injector before entering their higher reactivity.22
the EFR reaction zone. The gases were preheated up Wall et al.23 tracked the changes in gas composition
to the reactor temperature before being introduced during the ignition of pulverized coal in air in a
into the EFR, where they passed through two flow laboratory scale drop-tube reactor, and associated
straighteners. The reaction products were quenched by these changes with the homogeneous ignition of
aspiration in a stream of nitrogen using a water- volatiles and heterogeneous char combustion. In
cooled probe. The probe was inserted into the reaction general, two types of mechanisms have been observed
chamber from below. Particles were removed by for coal particle ignition:24 gas mode ignition (ignition
means of a cyclone and a filter. The exhaust gases were of the volatiles in an enveloping flame that surrounds
monitored using a battery of analyzers (O2, CO, CO2, a devolatilizing char particle), heterogeneous mode
SO2, and NO). ignition (which often signifies char ignition) or a

2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 3
Juan Riaza et al Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions

Table 2. Ignition temperatures (C) of coals AC, HVN, SAB and BA under air and O2/CO2 (2135 vol.% O2).
Coal 21%O2/79%N2 21%O2/79%CO2 30%O2/70%CO2 35%O2/65%CO2
AC 757 782 767 761
HVN 700 723 669 642
SAB 543 565 524 498
BA 509 554 498 490

combination of both. The ignition mechanism is of volatiles. The second change involves another
closely related with the particle combustion mode. In decrease in CO concentration which takes place at
a recent paper by Khatami et al.,25 the authors em- around 670 C. This is accompanied by a sudden
ployed the term two-mode combustion to signify decrease in O2 concentration and an increase in NO
events where the gas-phase (homogeneous) combus- and CO2. These latter events correspond to char
tion of volatiles in an enveloping flame that surrounds ignition, which is confirmed by the constant increase
a char particle, is distinct from the ensuing heteroge- in the CO2 produced after the ignition event. The
neous combustion of the solid char, as it occurs in ignition mechanism of this coal is the most difficult to
homogeneous ignition. On the other hand, the term unravel, i.e. it seems to be homogenous since the
one-mode combustion was used to refer to events ignition of volatiles and char took place sequentially.
where either (i) the combustion of devolatilized char Coal HVN is a physical blend of approx. 90% anthra-
takes place or (ii) the combustion of the volatiles in citic and 10% low volatile bituminous coal from the
the proximity of the char surface occurs with, pre- same mine. For the ignition mode of semi-anthracite
sumably, simultaneous burning of the char, as in HVN coal, see also Fig. 2. As observed in the cin-
heterogeneous ignition. In the present paper, the ematographic records, some of the semi-anthracite
ignition mode was elucidated from the gas evolution HVN particles burn heterogeneously, but for other
profiles. Examples in the air atmosphere are provided particles a small surrounding flame is observed
for a better comparison between coal samples. corresponding to the combustion of volatiles. This
The evolution of the gases during the ignition tests enveloping flame burns up prior to the heterogeneous
in air conditions for anthracite coal AC is shown in combustion of the char. However, in the EFR it is not
Fig. 1. The CO concentration increases up to a value possible to appreciate the ignition of single particles, it
of ~750 ppm. At around 760 C there is a reduction in can only be seen that, globally, the stream of HVN
CO concentration, which is accompanied by a drastic particles burned homogenously (although much less
reduction in O2 and a sudden increase in NO and CO2 volatile matter was released in comparison with hvb
corresponding to the ignition of the char. This is coals (Fig. 4)).
confirmed by the continued decrease in CO after the The gas evolution profiles for the SAB ignition tests
ignition event. The coal ignites heterogeneously as a in air are shown in Fig. 4. Above 400 C there is a
result of the direct attack of oxygen on the surface of significant increase in CO concentration (due to the
the char. For the ignition mode of various coal ranks, higher volatile matter content of SAB, the amount of
see also Fig. 2. As can be seen in the cinematographic CO released is much higher than for anthracitic coals).
observations, most of the AC coal particles burn Also a continuous decrease in O2 concentration is
heterogeneously, there being no evidence of the observed, which suggests that part of the volatiles
burning of the volatiles. released are oxidized. At a temperature of 530 C the
The gas emissions during semi-anthracite coal HVN CO concentration starts to decrease, which suggests
ignition in air can be seen in Fig. 3. Above 400 C that coal devolatilization has ended, and that more CO
there is an increase in the CO concentration due to is being consumed than formed. From Fig. 4 it can be
coal devolatilization (the major devolatilization inferred that the ignition of the char takes place at
products are CH4, CO and CO2). Two changes in the around 545 C (i.e. there is a sudden decrease in the
CO profile and its derivative value can be observed: concentration of CO and O2, and an increase in NO
an initial decrease in CO concentration takes place at and CO2). This suggests that the ignition of high-vola-
around 625 C, which corresponds to the combustion tile coals takes place via a homogeneous mechanism,

4 2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions Juan Riaza et al

24 750 1,2
20 625 0,8

16 500 0,4

NO, CO (ppm)
O2, CO2 (%)

O2 0,0
12 375
NO dCO/dt
8 250 -0,4
4 125 -0,8
0 0 -1,2
460 510 560 610 660 710 760 810 460 510 560 610 660 710 760 810

Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

22 0,1 12 1,1

20 -0,1 10 0,9

18 -0,3 8 0,7
CO2 (%)

O2 (%)

16 -0,5 6 0,5
O2 dCO2/dt
14 -0,7 4 0,3

12 -0,9 2 0,1
10 -1,1 0 -0,1
460 510 560 610 660 710 760 810 460 510 560 610 660 710 760 810
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

300 1,1 750 0,9

21%O2/79%N2 21%O2/79%N2
250 0,9 625 0,6

200 0,7 500 0,2

NO (ppm)

CO (ppm)

150 0,5 375 -0,1

100 0,3 250 -0,4

50 0,1 125 -0,8

0 -0,1 0 -1,1
460 510 560 610 660 710 760 810 460 510 560 610 660 710 760 810
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

Figure 1. Gas emissions and normalized derivative curves of gas concentration during ignition tests in air for anthracite
coal AC.

with the sequential ignition of volatiles and char. combustion of coal SAB includes particle devolatiliza-
However, the ignition delay between the extinction of tion with ignition and combustion of the volatiles in a
the volatiles and char combustion is much shorter flame that surrounds the particle, followed by the
than in the case of semi-anthracite coal HVN. For the ignition and combustion of the resulting char.
ignition mode of bituminous coal SAB, see also Fig. 2. Coal BA is a high-volatile bituminous coal whose
As can be seen from the cinematographic records, the ignition mechanism is also homogeneous. Since its

2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 5
Juan Riaza et al Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions

Anthracite (AC) Semi-anthracite (HVN) Bituminous (SAB) Biomass (OR)

Heterogeneous Homogeneous

100 m

Oxi 21%

Oxi 30%

Figure 2. High-speed, high-magnification cinematographic images of single particles

(75150m) of various coals (anthracite AC, semi-anthracite HVN, a bituminous SAB)
and a biomass (olive residue OR) in air and in two different simulated oxy-fuel conditions
(21%O279CO2 and 30%O270%CO2). In each case, a particle is shown prior and after
ignition takes place. Different coal ranks experience different ignition modes.

gas evolution profiles are very similar to those of coal volatiles content also have a considerable
SAB, they are not shown in this paper. influence.15,25
It should be noted that in this study the highest
Effect of the O2/CO2 atmosphere increase in ignition temperature was observed for coal
In order to evaluate the effect of the presence of CO2 BA, the coal with the highest volatile matter content,
in large concentrations, ignition tests were conducted due to the lower mass diff usivity of the volatiles in the
in both O2/N2 and O2/CO2 environments. As can be CO2 mixture.28 It can also be observed that for
seen in Table 2 higher ignition temperatures are semi-anthracite and bituminous coals HVN, SAB and
required when N2 (21%O2/79%N2) is replaced by CO2 BA and for oxygen concentrations up to 30% or 35%,
(21%O2/79%CO2). Stivers et al.26 and Khatami et al.27 the ignition temperature is lower than in air, even
observed a delay in ignition in an O2/CO2 environ- though the heat capacity of the gas atmospheres with
ment compared to an O2/N2 environment with O2 concentrations up to 3035% are still higher than
identical O2 concentration. They attributed the longer the heat capacity of the air. In the case of anthracite
ignition delay partly to the effect of the volumetric coal AC which has the lowest volatile matter con-
heat capacity of the gas mixtures. The temperature tent- increasing the oxygen concentration to 35% was
rise during ignition is inversely proportional to the not enough to compensate for the negative effects of
heat capacity of the surrounding gas and, since the CO2 on ignition temperature.
heat capacity of CO2 is higher than that of N2, a From the values of the ignition temperatures it is
reduction in gas temperature occurs. However, the difficult to determine whether the worsening of the
heat capacity and temperature of the surrounding gas ignition properties under oxy-fuel conditions is due to
are not the only factors that affect ignition properties; the reactions affecting the char, the reactions involv-
the oxygen concentration, the heating rate of the gas ing the volatiles, changes in heat transfer or a combi-
and devolatilization rates of particles, and the coal nation of all three factors. For this reason the ignition

6 2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions Juan Riaza et al

24 1500 1,2
21%O2/79%N2 21%O2/79%N2
20 1250 0,8

16 1000 0,4

NO, CO (ppm)
O2, CO2 (%)


12 750 0

8 NO 500 dCO/dt
4 250 dO2/dt
0 0
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Temperature (C)
Temperature (C)

22 0,1 9 1,1

20 -0,1 7,5 0,9

18 -0,3 6 0,7
CO2 (%)

O2 (%)

16 -0,5 4,5 dCO2/dt 0,5

14 dO2/dt -0,7 3 0,3

12 -0,9 1,5 0,1

10 -1,1 0 -0,1
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

450 1,1 1350 0,7

21%O2/79%N2 1125 dCO/dt 0,4
375 0,9

300 0,7 900 0,1

CO (ppm)
NO (ppm)



225 dNO/dt 0,5 675 -0,2

150 0,3 450 -0,5

75 0,1 225 -0,8

0 -0,1 0 -1,1
400 500 600 700 800 400 500 600 700 800

Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

Figure 3. Gas emissions and normalized derivative curves of gas concentration during ignition tests in air for semi-anthracite
coal HVN.

mechanism of the different coals was inferred from ignites heterogeneously due to the direct attack of
the evolution curves of the gases. oxygen. The only difference between the air and
The gas evolution during the ignition of anthracite oxy-fuel atmospheres is the larger amount of CO
coal AC in two of the oxy-firing conditions studied formed, which may be attributed to char-CO2 reac-
(21%O2/79%CO2 and 35%O2/65%CO2) is shown in tions. Pyrolysis experiments for the coals studied in
Fig. 5. The ignition mechanism is the same as that the N2 and CO2 atmospheres at 1000 C have been
observed under air-firing conditions; i.e. the char carried out previously in the EFR.22 The results for

2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 7
Juan Riaza et al Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions

24 6600 1,2

20 5500 0,8
16 4400 0,4

NO, CO (ppm)
O2, CO2 (%)

12 3300 0
NO dCO/dt
8 2200 -0,4
4 1100 -0,8

0 0 -1,2
400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

22 0,1 6 1,1

20 -0,1 5 21%O2/79%N2 0,9

18 -0,3 4 0,7
CO2 (%)

O2 (%)

O2 CO2
16 -0,5 3 0,5
dO2/dt dCO2/dt

14 -0,7 2 0,3

12 -0,9 1 0,1

10 -1,1 0 -0,1

400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

360 1,1 7000 0,3

21%O2/79%N2 6000 0,1
300 0,9

5000 -0,1
240 0,7
NO (ppm)

4000 -0,3
CO (%)


180 0,5
dNO/dt 3000 -0,5
120 0,3
2000 dCO/dt -0,7

60 0,1 1000 -0,9

0 -0,1 0 -1,1
400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

Figure 4. Gas emissions and normalized derivative curves of gas concentration during ignition tests in air for bituminous
coal SAB.

volatile yields are presented in Table 3, and they show increase in CO concentration occurs due to the
that the volatile yield is enhanced in a CO2 atmo- devolatilization of HVN at temperatures above
sphere, as the CO2 reacts with the resulting chars. The 400 C. In the 21%O2/79%CO2 atmosphere the
high amounts of CO which persist as a thick protec- combustion of part of these volatiles takes place above
tive sheath, even with oxygen contents of 35%, prevent 625 C, as in air-firing conditions. The ignition of the
particle ignition. char (i.e. a marked reduction in O2 concentration and
The gas evolution profiles for semi-anthracite coal a marked increase in CO2 and NO) occurs at around
HVN in oxy-fuel conditions are shown in Fig. 6. An 725 C. The ignition mechanism is the same as that of

8 2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions Juan Riaza et al

90 1125 1,2
21%O2/79%CO2 21%O2/79%CO2
80 1000
70 875
60 750 0,4

NO, CO (ppm)
O2, CO2 (%)

50 625

40 NO 500

30 375 -0,4 dCO/dt

20 250
-0,8 dO2/dt
10 125 dNO/dt

0 0 -1,2
650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

80 2400 1,2
35%O2 /65%CO2 35%O2/65%CO2
70 2100
60 1800
NO, CO (ppm)

50 O2 1500
O2, CO2 (%)


40 NO 1200 0

30 900
20 600
10 300 -0,8 dO2/dt
0 0
600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

Figure 5. Gas emissions and normalized derivative curves of gas concentration during ignition tests in oxy-firing conditions
for anthracite coal AC.

air ignition. However, higher CO concentrations are volatiles released remain partially unburnt and form a
obtained. These higher CO concentrations contribute thick envelope cloud. Also, higher concentrations of
to the deterioration in ignition properties, via the CO are formed, partly due to the incomplete combus-
formation of a persistent cloud around the particle tion of the volatiles, and partly as a result of char
that prevents the oxygen from gaining access to the gasification by CO2. To compare the intensity and
surface of the particle. As other authors have ob- brightness of the burning coal particles in air and
served25,29 in a 21%O2/79%CO2 atmosphere, the CO2 atmospheres see also Fig. 2. From the cinemato-
graphic records, when N2 is replaced by CO2 for the
same oxygen concentration, the burning particles
Table 3. Experimental devolatilization yields appeared dim, which is indicative of slow oxidation.
at 1000 C in the EFR under N2 and CO2
atmospheres. The brightness and intensity of the coal combustion
increases drastically with oxygen in the O2/CO2
Coal Volatile yield-N2 (%) Volatile yield-CO2 (%) environments. The combustion images of the
AC 3.6 4.2 30%O2/70%CO2 atmosphere resemble those of air.
Since the gas evolution profiles corresponding to
HVN. 6.0 7.2
30%O2/70%CO2 and 35%O2/65%CO2 are similar, only
SAB 44.9 53.1 those for the 35%O2/65%CO2 atmosphere are shown in
Fig. 6. At temperatures above 400 C the process of
BA 49.9 62.2
coal devolatilization starts with the consequent

2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 9
Juan Riaza et al Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions

80 2000 1,2
70 1750 21%O2/79%CO2
60 1500

NO, CO (ppm)
50 CO2 1250
O2, CO2 (%)


40 1000 0

30 NO 750
-0,4 dCO/dt
20 500 dCO2/dt
-0,8 dO2/dt
10 250

0 0 -1,2
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

80 2800 1,2
35%O2/65%CO2 35%O2/65%CO2
70 2450
60 2100
CO2 0,4
NO, CO (ppm)

50 O2 1750
O2, CO2 (%)


40 NO 1400 0

30 1050
-0,4 dCO/dt
20 700 dCO2/dt
-0,8 dNO/dt
10 350

0 0 -1,2
400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

Figure 6. Gas emissions and normalized derivative curves of gas concentration during ignition tests in oxy-firing conditions
for semi-anthracite coal HVN.

increase in CO concentration. As in the case of the N2 tilization, which are later oxidized at temperatures of
and CO2 atmospheres with a 21% oxygen content, the around 545 C. Subsequently, char ignition takes
CO starts to oxidize above 625 C. The ignition of the place. The ignition mechanism is therefore homoge-
char occurs at 642 C. Thus, in these cases ignition also neous with the sequential ignition of volatiles and
takes place with the sequential ignition of volatiles and chars. However, the time delay between them is much
char. However, the time delay between volatiles and shorter than in the case of semi-anthracite coal HVN,
char combustion decreases as the oxygen concentration and becomes even shorter with increasing oxygen
increases and ignition occurs at a lower temperature concentrations. Also larger amounts of CO are
than in air. Khatami et al.25,27 have also observed that produced under oxy-firing conditions. It can be
the ignition delay in O2/CO2 atmospheres becomes observed in Table 3 that the volatile yield in CO2 for
smaller as O2 increases. The ignition and combustion coal SAB is much higher than in N2 in comparison
of volatiles provide extra heat that enhances the with coals AC and HVN. These findings are in
ignition of the char. However, this effect is not ob- accordance with those reported by Zhang et al.29 who
served for coal AC due to its low volatile matter have found that the replacement of N2 by CO2 en-
content. Also, when there is sufficient oxygen, the hanced coal particle pyrolysis prior to ignition, as
combustion of CO to form CO2 provides extra heat. CO2 reacted with the resulting char to form addi-
The gas evolution of bituminous coal SAB during its tional combustible gases, i.e. CO, in the vicinity of the
ignition in oxy-firing conditions is shown in Fig. 7. particle. The cinematographic records showed an
High amounts of CO are released during coal devola- increase in both char and volatile burning times in

10 2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions Juan Riaza et al

80 8000
70 7000 21%O2/79%CO2
21%O2/79%CO2 0,8
60 6000

NO, CO (ppm)
50 5000 0,4
O2, CO2 (%)


40 NO 4000
30 CO 3000
-0,4 dO2/dt
20 2000 dCO2/dt
10 1000 -0,8 dNO/dt
0 0
400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600
400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600
Temperature (C)
Temperature (C)

80 2800 1,2
35%O2 /65%CO2
70 2450 35%O2/65%CO2
60 2100
NO, CO (ppm)

50 1750
O2, CO2 (%)

O2, CO2 (%)

40 1400 0

30 O2 1050
-0,4 dO2/dt
20 CO2 700 dCO2/dt
NO -0,8 dNO/dt
10 CO 350
0 0 -1,2
400 420 440 460 480 500 520 400 420 440 460 480 500 520
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

Figure 7. Gas emissions and normalized derivative curves of gas concentration during ignition tests in oxy-firing conditions
for bituminous coal SAB.

the 21%O2/79%CO2 atmosphere in comparison with appeared to have impeded the ignition process. In the
air-firing conditions. Also, there is a decrease on present study, coal BA has the highest content of
burning times in the O2/CO2 environments with volatiles, and therefore it releases more CO than the
increasing oxygen concentrations, and a decrease in other coals. Also, as can be seen from Table 3, it shows
the time delay between the extinction of the volatiles the highest volatile yield in a CO2 atmosphere (not
and char ignition. shown). When the oxygen concentration is increased
Bituminous coal BA experiences the highest ignition to 30% or 35%, the oxidation of CO to CO2 is favored
delay, when N2 is replaced by CO2 for the same oxygen and, as a consequence, ignition takes place at lower
concentration, of all the coals under study. As for coal temperatures.
SAB, during its ignition in 21%O2/79%CO2, the CO
concentration remains very high over a wide range of
temperatures, preventing the oxygen from gaining Effect of the addition of biomass
access to the surface of the particle and causing a big The effect of blending coals and biomass on ignition
delay in ignition. In a recent paper by Khatami et al.27 behavior was studied under air and O2/CO2 (21-35%
the authors observed coal and char particle ignition in O2) conditions. Two coals of different rank, the
O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmospheres. They found that in a semi-anthracite HVN and the high volatile bitumi-
N2 atmosphere the presence of volatiles accelerated the nous coal SAB, were blended with the olive residue
ignition process, as the coals ignited faster than the OR. The ignition temperatures are shown in Table 4.
chars, whereas in CO2 the chars ignited faster than the It can be observed that the addition of olive residue,
coals, because the presence of a thick cloud of volatiles OR, causes a significant reduction in the ignition

2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 11
Juan Riaza et al Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions

Table 4. Ignition temperatures (C) for blends HVN-OR and SAB-OR in air and O2/CO2 (2135 vol.% O2).
21%O2/79%N2 21%O2/CO2 30%O2/CO2 35%O2/CO2
HVN 700 723 669 642
90HVN-10OR 636 662 615 567
80HVN-20OR 574 612 551 503
SAB 543 565 524 498
90SAB-10OR 510 532 491 455
90SAB-20OR 461 478 444 425

temperature of both coals in all the atmospheres does not affect the ignition mechanism because it
studied. This decrease is proportional to the amount remains homogeneous, so their gas evolution profi les
of biomass in the blend and is more pronounced for are not shown in this paper.
the HVN-OR blends. In any case, a significant reduction in ignition
As can be seen in Fig. 8, the ignition mechanism of temperature is observed in both the air and oxy-fuel
the HVN-OR blends in air is homogeneous (i.e., with atmospheres when coal is blended with biomass.
the sequential ignition of char and volatiles). For the Biomass is a highly reactive fuel and has much
case of oxy-fuel combustion, the addition of biomass higher volatile matter content than coal. The

25 2500 1,2
90HVN-10OR 0,8
20 2000

NO, CO (ppm)

15 1500
O2, CO2 (%)


10 O2 1000
CO -0,4 dCO2/dt
NO dO2/dt
5 500
-0,8 dCO/dt

0 0 -1,2
380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

24 3900 1,2
21%O2/79%N2 21%O2/79%N2
80HVN-20OR 80HVN-20OR
20 3250 0,8

16 2600 0,4
CO, NO (ppm)

O2, CO2 (%)

O2, CO2 (%)

12 1950 0
-0,4 dO2/dt
8 CO 1300
4 650 -0,8

0 0 -1,2
385 425 465 505 545 585 625 665 385 425 465 505 545 585 625 665

Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

Figure 8. Gas emissions and normalized derivative curves of gas concentration during ignition tests in air-firing conditions
for blends HVN-OR.

12 2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions Juan Riaza et al

24 3000 1,2
20 2500 0,8 90SAB-10OR
16 2000 0,4

CO, NO (ppm)
O2, CO2 (%)


12 O2 1500 0

8 NO 1000 -0,4 dCO2/dt

4 500 -0,8 dCO/dt

0 0 -1,2
415 435 455 475 495 515 415 435 455 475 495 515
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

24 3000 1,2

20 2500 0,8 80SAB-20OR
16 2000 0,4
CO, NO (ppm)
O2, CO2 (%)


12 O2 1500 0

8 NO 1000 -0,4 dCO2/dt

4 500 -0,8 dCO/dt

0 0 -1,2
420 430 440 450 460 470 420 430 440 450 460 470
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

Figure 9. Gas emissions and normalized derivative curves of gas concentration during ignition tests in air-firing conditions
for blends SAB-OR.

biomass OR will release far more volatiles when it is occurs at lower temperatures as the biomass content
devolatilized than coal HVN, and this is reflected in in the blends increases. For coal SAB the volatiles
the higher CO concentrations observed in the coal/ ignite at around 530 C and the char at 543 C (Fig. 4);
biomass blends. As mentioned before, the ignition of whereas for blend 90SAB-10OR the ignition tempera-
the volatiles and char takes place sequentially. For tures are of 500 C and 510 C, respectively. In the
coal HVN the ignition of the volatiles occurs at case of blend 80SAB-20OR there is a marked reduc-
around 600 C (Fig. 3), whereas for blends 90HVN- tion in ignition delay between the volatiles and char
10OR and 80HVN-20OR it takes place at around ignition almost to the point where they seem to
530 C and 510 C, respectively; whereas the com- happen simultaneously at around 461 C.
bustion of char occurs at 636 C and 575 C. In Although there is a decrease in ignition tempera-
summary, the addition of increasing quantities of tures for both char and volatiles when increasing
biomass leads to a reduction in the ignition tem- the biomass percentage in the SAB-OR blends, these
peratures and in the delay between the ignition of decreases are less influenced by the addition of
the volatiles and char. biomass than in the case of HVN-OR blends. Th is
From Fig. 9 it can be seen that the ignition mecha- suggests that the effect of the addition of biomass
nism of the SAB-OR blends in air is homogeneous, as on the ignition temperature of coal is more marked
in the case of the individual coal SAB. The ignition for high rank coals. When two fuels are fi red as a
mechanism for oxy-fuel conditions is also homoge- blend, the ignition properties of the blend may be
neous (figures not shown). Furthermore ignition different to those exhibited when each component is

2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 13
Juan Riaza et al Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions

ignited individually. 30 The ignition properties of observed between the results for 10 and 20% of steam.
high rank coals, which have far fewer volatiles and It should be noted that in the case of coal BA no
are less reactive than low rank coals, will be more significant differences were observed when steam was
easily enhanced by the addition of biomass. added to the oxy-fuel atmosphere with 30 or 35%
Fandez et al.19 have observed that, when blending oxygen content.
fuels with different volatile matter contents, the Figure 10 shows the gas evolution curves during
ignition of the higher volatile component of the the ignition of coal HVN under air and oxy-firing
blend enhances the ignition of the lower volatile conditions with 20% steam addition. Similar gas
component. However, when both fuels have similar evolution curves were obtained for 10% steam
volatile contents, they compete for the oxygen addition (not shown). The addition of steam does not
available. As was shown by Khatami et al.25 when affect the ignition mechanism of coal HVN. How-
biomass particles are burned, large volatile flames ever, higher CO concentrations are observed with
are formed. Th is also happens when burning low the addition of water vapor. In the atmospheres with
rank coals. The simultaneous burning of biomass lower oxygen content (21%), the CO concentrations
and low rank coals leads to a competition for are higher and they remain higher over a wider
oxygen and in some zones oxygen depletion will range of temperatures. The reasons for these high
result. Consequently, the enhancement of ignition CO concentrations with the addition of steam are
properties will be less marked than when biomass is not yet clear. They may be partly due to unburnt
blended with high rank coals. volatiles. Binner et al.31,32 observed that the ignition
In summary, the ignition mechanism of high rank of a volatile flame was delayed during wet coal
and low rank coals does not change when they are combustion, as well as a decrease in particle tem-
blended with biomass (up to 20% by mass). However, perature. The same authors also observed that steam
the addition of biomass improves their ignition gasification of the char could take place to some
properties, i.e. the coal and biomass blends ignite at extent. As was observed for oxy-firing conditions
lower temperatures than the individual coals. without the addition of steam, the CO preferentially
remains in the vicinity of the particle surface,
forming a thick protective sheath. If the CO remains
Effect of the addition of steam on the char surface for a long time, this will result in
In order to study the effect of wet recirculation of flue O2 depletion on the char surface, delaying the
gas, ignition tests were performed under air and ignition process. When the oxygen concentration is
oxy-firing conditions with the addition of steam as a increased, the combustion of CO to form CO2 is
substitute for N2 or CO2, respectively. Two coals of favored and, the ignition of the coal particles is
different rank, a semi-anthracite (HVN) and a high enhanced.
volatile bituminous coal (BA), were chosen for the A similar conclusion can be drawn from the evolu-
ignition experiments. The ignition temperatures are tion of gases during the ignition of coal BA in air and
shown in Table 5. The partial replacement of N2 or oxy-firing conditions with steam addition. The
CO2 by steam causes a slight increase in the ignition ignition mechanism remains homogeneous for air and
temperatures, but no significant differences are oxy-fuel conditions, both in wet and dry conditions.

Table 5. Ignition temperatures (C) for coals HVN and BA in air and O2/CO2 (2135 vol.% O2) with steam
addition (the H2O(v) is added as a substitute of N2 or CO2).
21%O2/N2 21%O2/CO2 30%O2/CO2 35%O2/CO2
HVN 700 723 669 642
HVN+10%H2O(v) 713 733 682 657
HVN+20%H2O(v) 703 730 678 656
BA 509 554 498 490
BA+10%H2O(v) 529 560 499 491
BA+20%H2O(v) 548 566 498 492

14 2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions Juan Riaza et al

24 1500 1,2
21%O2/59%N2/20%H2O 21%O2/59%N2/20%H2O
20 1250 0,8

16 1000 0,4

NO, CO (ppm)
O2, CO2 (%)


12 O2 750 0
8 500 -0,4 dCO2/dt

4 250 -0,8 dCO/dt

0 0 -1,2
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

80 1600 1,2
21%O2/59%CO2/20%H2O 21%O2/59%CO2/20%H2O
70 1400
60 1200
NO, CO (ppm)

50 CO2 1000
O2, CO2 (%)


40 800 0
30 NO 600
-0,4 dCO2/dt
20 400 dO2/dt
-0,8 dCO/dt
10 200
0 0 -1,2
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

60 2400 1,2
35%O2/45%CO2/20%H2O 35%O2/45%CO2/20%H2O
50 2000 0,8

40 1600 0,4
CO, NO (ppm)
O2, CO2 (%)


30 1200 0

CO2 dCO2/dt
20 800 -0,4
O2 dO2/dt
CO dCO/dt
10 400 -0,8
NO dNO/dt

0 0 -1,2
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
Temperatura (C) Temperatura (C)

Figure 10. Gas emissions and normalized derivative curves of gas concentration during ignition tests for semi-anthracite
coal HVN in air and O2/CO2 (2135%O2) with steam addition (the H2O (v) is added as a substitute of N2 or CO2).

Also higher CO concentrations are observed with conditions with and without steam addition. The most
increasing steam addition. important conclusions of this work are as follows:

(a) A significant increase in ignition temperature was

Conclusions observed when N2 was replaced by CO2, for the
The aim of this work was to study the ignition charac- same oxygen concentration for the four coals
teristics of coal and biomass blends in oxy-firing studied (an anthracite, a semi-anthracite, and two

2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 15
Juan Riaza et al Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions

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16 2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions Juan Riaza et al

20. Smart JP, ONions P and Riley GS, Radiative and convective
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Chemical Engineering from Oviedo
Pis JJ, Ignition behaviour of different rank coals in an
entrained flow reactor. Fuel 84:21722177 (2005).
University in 2012. She is currently
working as a postdoctoral researcher
22. Gil MV, Riaza J, lvarez L, Pevida C, Pis JJ and Rubiera F,
Oxy-fuel combustion kinetics and morphology of coal chars
at the INCAR-CSIC. Her research
obtained in N2 and CO2 atmospheres in an entrained flow interests involve oxy-fuel combustion
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23. Wall TF, Phong-Anant D, Gururajan VS, Wibberley LJ, Tate A Fluid Dynamics techniques. She has
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25. Khatami R, Stivers C, Joshi K, Levendis YA and Sarofim AF,
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has been working as a postdoctoral
Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems. Clearwater, FL, researcher at the INCAR-CSIC since
June 710 (2010). 2009. Her research interests embrace
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degree in Mechanical Engineering from
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30. Arias B, Pevida C, Rubiera F and Pis JJ, Effect of biomass
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Tehran, Iran in 2005. He worked for the
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31. Binner E, Zhang L, Li C-Z and Bhattacharya S, In-situ
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32. Binner E, Zhang L and Bhattacharya S, Investigation of the current research focuses on the single particle ignition
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conditions, 26th International Pittsburgh Coal Conference.
Pittsburgh, PA, September 2023 (2009).

Yiannis A. Levendis
Yiannis A. Levendis received his PhD
degree in Environmental Engineering
Science from Caltech, in the USA, in
Juan Riaza
1988. He joined the Northeastern
Juan Riaza is a Mining Engineer and University faculty in 1988, and he is
has an MSc in Energy Engineering currently a College of Engineering
from the University of Oviedo. He is Distinguished Professor in the Depart-
undertaking his PhD studies at ment of Mechanical and Industrial
INCAR-CSIC in Oviedo on the co- Engineering. His current research is dealing with
combustion of coal and biomass conventional and oxy-combustion, alternative energy
blends under oxyfuel conditions. sources, air pollution and acid rain prevention.

2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg 17
Juan Riaza et al Short Communication: Ignition behavior of coal and biomass blends under oxy-firing conditions with steam additions

Jos J. Pis Fernando Rubiera

Jos J. Pis was awarded a PhD from Fernando Rubiera received his PhD
Oviedo University in 1976. He joined from Oviedo University in 1991. He is
the INCAR-CSIC in 1979. He was currently a Research Scientist and
Head of Department, and also Vice- Vice-director at the INCAR-CSIC. His
director until 1995. In 1999 he became main research interests embrace the
a Research Professor. His research co-utilisation of coal and biomass, and
involves from the characterization of pre- and post-combustion carbon
carbon materials to the design and capture from coal.
optimization of pilot scale reactors.

Covadonga Pevida
Covadonga Pevida graduated with a
PhD from Oviedo University in 2004.
Following her postdoctoral work at the
Universities of Lyon and Nottingham,
she got a position as Tenured Scientist
at the INCAR-CSIC in 2008. She is
currently Head of the Department of
Energy & Environment at the INCAR-
CSIC. Her main lines of research involve carbon capture
by adsorption processes and oxycoal combustion.

18 2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol. 3:118 (2013); DOI: 10.1002/ghg

6.2.3 Publicacin IX

Oxy-fuel combustion of coal and biomass blends.

J. Riaza, M.V. Gil, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera.

2012. 41 (1) pp. 429435.
doi: 10.1016/

Energy 41 (2012) 429e435

Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect

journal homepage:

Oxy-fuel combustion of coal and biomass blends

J. Riaza, M.V. Gil, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera*
Instituto Nacional del Carbn, INCAR-CSIC, Apartado 73, 33080 Oviedo, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The ignition temperature, burnout and NO emissions of blends of a semi-anthracite and a high-volatile
Received 14 October 2011 bituminous coal with 10 and 20 wt.% of olive waste were studied under oxy-fuel combustion conditions
Received in revised form in an entrained ow reactor (EFR). The results obtained under several oxy-fuel atmospheres (21%O2e79%
23 February 2012
CO2, 30%O2e70%CO2 and 35%O2e65%CO2) were compared with those attained in air. The results indi-
Accepted 25 February 2012
cated that replacing N2 by CO2 in the combustion atmosphere with 21% of O2 caused an increase in the
Available online 28 March 2012
temperature of ignition and a decrease in the burnout value. When the O2 concentration was increased to
30 and 35%, the temperature of ignition was lower and the burnout value was higher than in air
conditions. A signicant reduction in ignition temperature and a slight increase in the burnout value was
Biomass observed after the addition of biomass, this trend becoming more noticeable as the biomass concen-
Oxy-fuel combustion tration was increased. The emissions of NO during oxy-fuel combustion were lower than under air-ring.
Ignition However, they remained similar under all the oxy-fuel atmospheres with increasing O2 concentrations.
Burnout Emissions of NO were signicantly reduced by the addition of biomass to the bituminous coal, although
this effect was less noticeable in the case of the semi-anthracite.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction important advantage of this technology is that it avoids the

formation of thermal NOx due to the absence of nitrogen gas in the
The role of coal as an energy source has attracted renewed combustion atmosphere, with the result that NOx emissions are
interest due to the stability of its supply and its relatively low cost, reduced. The amount of NOx released also decreases because the
which will probably guarantee its inclusion in the energy mix in the NOx in the recycled ue gas decomposes as it comes into contact
foreseeable future [1]. Until renewable energy sources can reliably with the ame-generated hydrocarbons and the reducing atmo-
produce signicant amounts of energy, the immediate energy sphere near the ame, a mechanism to which Scheffknecht et al. [7]
demand is likely to be met by conventional fossil fuel combustion, attach considerable importance.
such as coal. However, coal combustion produces a large amount of In addition, the oxy-combustion of coal makes it possible to
CO2, which is the chief contributor to global climate change. To capture and sequester carbon using technology already available in
meet future targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) conventional pulverized coal boilers, and to capitalize on the
emissions, CO2 must be captured and stored. Several strategies for enormous quantities of money invested in existing boilers. What is
the reduction and capture of CO2 from large-scale stationary power more, oxy-fuel recycle combustion requires only a slight modi-
plants are currently being studied. cation of the existing pulverized coal combustion technology that
The oxy-fuel combustion of coal with recycled ue gas is has already demonstrated its reliability and won widespread
considered as a promising option to ensure the continued use of industrial acceptance [5].
coal for electric power production [2e5]. Conventional pf coal-red The combustion of coal in the O2/CO2 atmosphere of an oxy-coal
boilers use air for combustion and the nitrogen in the air combustion boiler may be expected to be different to that of an O2/
(approximately 79% by volume) has the effect of diluting the N2 atmosphere of a conventional coal-air combustion boiler,
concentration of CO2 in the ue gas, which is present in concen- because the CO2 gas is denser and has a higher specic heat
trations of 14e16% in air-ring conditions. However, during oxy- capacity than N2 and because coal may be gasied by the CO2.
fuel combustion, fuel is burnt in a mixture of oxygen and recycled Consequently, the replacement of N2 by CO2 will decrease the speed
ue gas to yield a rich CO2 (95%) and water vapour stream, which of propagation and stability of the ame and gas temperature,
after purication and compression is ready for sequestration [6]. An while increasing the unburned carbon content. It is for this reason
that a high oxygen concentration in an oxy-fuel combustion
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 34 985 118 975; fax: 34 985 297 662. atmosphere (up to approximately 30%) is generally used in order to
E-mail address: (F. Rubiera). match the combustion performance achieved in air in relation to

0360-5442/$ e see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

430 J. Riaza et al. / Energy 41 (2012) 429e435

ame temperature, ignition time, heat transfer, gas temperature 2.2. Experimental device and procedure
prole and char burnout.
On the other hand, biomass is a renewable fuel which can be The ignition and oxy-fuel combustion characteristics of the coals
used to reduce CO2 emissions. This source of energy is considered and coal/biomass blends at high heating rates and short residence
carbon neutral because the carbon dioxide released during its times were studied in an entrained ow reactor (EFR), which has
combustion is recycled as an integral part of the carbon cycle. The been described in detail elsewhere [12,13]. Briey, the reactor has
co-ring of biomass with coal is an environmentally friendly a reaction zone of length 1400 mm and internal diameter 40 mm
method of coal utilization since it reduces harmful emissions and which is electrically heated and is capable of reaching a maximum
provides an alternative to land lling [8]. One of the main temperature of 1100  C. Fuel samples are fed in from a hopper
advantages of co-ring biomass and coal is its relatively easy and through an air-cooled injector to ensure that the temperature does
cheap application in existing pulverized coal power plants, that not exceed 100  C before entering the reaction zone and the mass
requires only minor modications compared to the costly ow is controlled by means of a mechanical feeding system. The
construction of new biomass-only red power plants [9]. The gases are preheated to the oven temperature before being intro-
combination of oxy-fuel combustion with biomass could afford duced into the reactor through ow straighteners. The ow rates of
a method of disposal for CO2 that has only partially been studied. N2, CO2 and O2 from the gas cylinders are controlled by mass ow
Preliminary works have been carried out employing thermogra- controllers. A water-cooled collecting probe is inserted into the
vimetric analysis [8,10] and an entrained ow reactor [11] with the reaction chamber from below. Nitrogen is introduced at the top of
aim of studying the co-ring of coal and biomass under oxy-fuel this probe to quench the reaction products. Particles are removed
conditions, but more research is required in order to introduce by means of a cyclone and a lter, and the exhaust gases are
this practise at industrial scale. monitored using a battery of analysers (O2, CO2, CO, NO and SO2).
In this work, a biomass derived from the olive oil production During the ignition tests carried out in the present study, the
process, olive waste (OW), was utilized. It is the wet solid waste that reactor was heated at 15  C min1 from 400 to 800  C. The gas ow
remains after the process of pressing and extraction of the olive oil. used in the tests ensured a particle residence time of 2.5 s at 500  C,
The objective was to study the co-ring of coal with this biomass and excess oxygen (dened as the O2 supplied in excess of that
under oxy-fuel combustion conditions in an entrained ow reactor. required for the stoichiometric combustion of coal) was set at
Air conditions were used for comparison. The ignition temperature, a value of 25%. The criterion for determining the ignition temper-
burnout and NO emissions from various coal/biomass blends under ature was based on the rst derivative temperature curves of the
air and oxy-fuel environments were determined and, in this way, gases produced. The ignition temperature was taken as the
the effect of adding biomass upon the oxy-fuel combustion of coal temperature at which the rst derivative temperature curve,
was evaluated. normalized by the maximum derivative value, reached a value of
10% [14].
2. Materials and methods On the other hand, the combustion tests were carried out at
a reaction temperature of 1000  C employing a particle residence
2.1. Materials time of 2.5 s. In order to check the constant gas temperature over
the reactor height, a temperature prole along the reactor was
Two coals of different rank were used in this work: a semi- measured with a ne wire type K thermocouple, while the gas was
anthracite from the Hullera Vasco-Leonesa in Len (Spain), HVN, owing, and it was found to be 1000  10  C. Burnout is dened as
and a South African high-volatile bituminous coal from the Aboo the loss of mass of a fuel during its combustion and is expressed as
power plant in Asturias (Spain), SAB. A biomass, olive waste (OW), the ratio of mass loss during combustion to the total mass in the
was also employed. The coal and biomass samples were ground and input coal. Fuel mass loss during the experiments was determined
sieved to obtain a particle size fraction of 75e150 mm. The proxi- by the ash tracer method. The experimental errors in the burnout
mate and ultimate analyses together with the higher heating values and NO measurements were 4 and 5% respectively.
of the samples are presented in Table 1. Four binary mixtures of O2/N2 and O2/CO2 were employed to
study the combustion behaviour of the coals and coal/biomass
blends. Thus, for the ignition and combustion tests, air (21%O2e79%
N2) was taken as reference and three binary mixtures of O2 and CO2
Table 1 were compared: 21%O2e79%CO2, 30%O2e70%CO2 and 35%O2e65%
Proximate and ultimate analyses and higher heating value of the fuel samples.
CO2. The addition of 10 and 20 wt.% of olive waste to the coals
Sample HVN SAB OW was evaluated for all of the air and the oxy-fuel combustion
Origin Spain South Africa Spain atmospheres, in order to study the effect of adding biomass on the
Rank sa hvb e
ignition temperature, burnout value and NO emissions.
Proximate Analysisa
Moisture content (wt.%) 1.1 2.4 9.2
Ash (wt.%, db) 10.7 15.0 7.6
V.M. (wt.%, db) 9.2 29.9 71.9 3. Results and discussion
F.C. (wt.%, db)b 80.1 55.1 20.5
Ultimate Analysis (wt.%, daf)a
C 91.7 81.5 54.3
3.1. Ignition temperature
H 3.5 5.0 6.6
N 1.9 2.1 1.9 The ignition temperature of the semi-anthracite HVN and the
S 1.6 0.9 0.2 bituminous coal SAB, as well as their blends with OW, under the
Ob 1.3 10.5 37.0
different atmospheres studied is presented in Fig. 1. Both coals
Higher heating value (MJ/kg, db) 31.8 27.8 19.9
showed the same behaviour in relation to the combustion atmo-
sa: semi-anthracite; hvb: high-volatile bituminous coal. db: dry basis; daf: dry and sphere. However, the ignition of the HVN coal took place at much
ash free bases.
The proximate analysis was conducted in a LECO TGA-601, and the ultimate
higher temperatures than that of the SAB coal in all of the atmo-
analysis in a LECO CHNS-932. spheres studied, in accordance with its rank (Table 1). The reactivity
Calculated by difference. of the high-volatile bituminous coal, SAB, is greater than that of the

J. Riaza et al. / Energy 41 (2012) 429e435 431

This will shorten the fuel particle auto-ignition time considerably

21%O2-79%N2 [18]. Molina and Shaddix [16] observed in single particle experi-
800 HVN 21%O2-79%CO2 ments that the particle ignition and devolatilization properties in
an atmosphere of 30%O2 in CO2 were similar to those of air.
Information on the effect of high levels of CO2 on the ignition of
700 35%O2-65%CO2
Tignition (C)

coal/biomass particles is important both for understanding how to

prepare existing burners that operate in air for operating in O2/CO2
600 mixtures, and for the CFD modelling of the performance of
pulverized coal burners in O2/CO2 systems [7].
From Fig. 1 it can also be seen that the addition of olive waste,
OW, caused a signicant reduction in the ignition temperatures of
both coals in all the atmospheres studied. This decrease became
400 more pronounced as the biomass concentration in the blend was
0 10 20 increased due to the fact that because biomass is a highly reactive
% OW fuel and has high-volatile matter content (Table 1), it will react
b faster and improve the ignition behaviour of the coal. As the
percentage of biomass is increased, more heat will be released
21%O2-79%N2 earlier leading to a greater reduction in the ignition temperature of
800 SAB
21%O2-79%CO2 the blend. Arias et al. [11] observed a substantial reduction in the
30%O2-70%CO2 ignition temperature of coal/biomass blends in air but only a small
700 35%O2-65%CO2 decrease under oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres. They explained
Tignition (C)

this because biomass has a lower heating value than coal, and so
less heat is generated during its oxidation in the ignition process,
and CO2 has a specic heat higher than N2. Thus, when CO2 is the
major component in the surrounding gases, the heat released by
500 the biomass present in the blend generates a small increase in the
temperature of the gases and so the ignition properties of coal are
less affected. However, in the present work, a reduction in the
400 ignition temperature of coal/biomass blends occurred both in the
0 10 20 air and oxy-fuel atmospheres, in agreement with the results of Gil
% OW et al. [10], who from a previous thermogravimetric analysis,
Fig. 1. Ignition temperatures of the HVN (a) and SAB (b) coals and their blends with
observed that the addition of olive waste to the HVN coal caused
olive waste (OW) under different atmospheres. a decrease in the combustion and oxy-fuel combustion
Decreases in the ignition temperature of 75e54  C and
semi-anthracite, HVN, as a result of which one would expect heat to 139e111  C were achieved when coal HVN was blended with 10
be released earlier and the ignition temperatures to be reduced. and 20 wt.% of OW, respectively. When the SAB coal was blended
The behaviour of the coal/biomass blends under the oxy-fuel with 10 and 20 wt.% of OW, reductions of 43e33  C and 87e73  C,
combustion atmospheres was similar to that of the individual respectively, were achieved. These differences can be attributed to
coals. Thus, when N2 (21%O2e79%N2) was replaced by CO2 (21% the different reactivities of these coals resulting in much lower
O2e79%CO2), the ignition temperature increased (Fig. 1). This may ignition temperatures in the case of the SAB coal. The ignition
be attributed to the higher specic molar heat of CO2 compared to temperature of coal SAB was therefore less affected by the addition
N2. Before ignition, the fuel particles are heated up by the ambient of biomass than that of the HVN coal. These results suggest that the
environment until the combustion occurs. The radiant heat from effect of the addition of biomass on the ignition temperature of coal
the particles then causes an increase in the temperature of the gas. is more signicant in high rank coals, which have much lower
Because of the higher specic molar heat of CO2, more ambient heat reactivity values than the biomass.
is needed to increase the temperature under an oxy-fuel combus-
tion atmosphere. This results in a comparatively lower gas 3.2. Burnout
temperature and, therefore, a reduction in the fuel particle
temperature during oxy-fuel combustion in comparison to Coals HVN and SAB and their blends with biomass were burned
combustion in air at the same oxygen concentration [13]. This at different levels of excess oxygen for each atmosphere studied.
should lead to a delay in the ignition of volatiles and char under the The fuel equivalence ratio, dened as the ratio between the fuel
21%O2e79%CO2 atmosphere, as pointed out by Liu et al. [15] and mass ow rate and the stoichiometric value, was used to determine
Molina and Shaddix [16]. Liu et al. [17] observed a longer ignition the excess oxygen during combustion.
delay under the CO2 atmosphere than under N2 in an entrained The burnout values of HVN and SAB, and their blends with olive
ow reactor, which they attributed to the higher volumetric heat waste (OW), are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. It can be seen
capacity of CO2 inhibiting the local thermal runaway. The reduced that the burnout value decreased as the fuel equivalence ratio
diffusivity of oxygen in CO2 may also have contributed to the delay increased due to less oxygen being available at higher fuel equiv-
in ignition. alence ratio values. For coal HVN and its blends with OW, the
When the oxygen concentration was increased (30%O2e70%CO2 burnout showed an almost linear dependence on the fuel equiva-
and 35%O2e65%CO2), the ignition temperature decreased to below lence ratio in both the air and oxy-fuel conditions (Fig. 2). Even at
that of the air conditions, both in the case of the coals and the low values of fuel equivalence ratio (high excess oxygen), the
coal/biomass blends (Fig. 1). If the O2 concentration was increased, samples showed low burnout values, reecting the lower reactivity
the mass ux of O2 to the fuel surface particles, the rate of devo- of this high rank coal. However, at low fuel equivalence ratio values
latilization and the oxidation rate of the volatiles will also increase. (high oxygen excess), the burnout curves of SAB and its blends with

432 J. Riaza et al. / Energy 41 (2012) 429e435

100 100
90 90
Burnout (%)

Burnout (%)
80 80

70 70 21%O2-79%CO2
60 60 35%O2-65%CO2
35%O2-65%CO2 SAB
50 50
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Fuel equivalence ratio Fuel equivalence ratio

100 100
90 90
Burnout (%)

Burnout (%)
80 80

70 70 21%O2-79%CO2
21%O2-79%CO2 30%O2-70%CO2
60 30%O2-70%CO2 60 35%O2-65%CO2
35%O2-65%CO2 90%SAB+10%OW
50 50
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Fuel equivalence ratio Fuel equivalence ratio

100 100
90 90
Burnout (%)

Burnout (%)

80 80

70 70 21%O2-79%CO2
21%O2-79%CO2 30%O2-70%CO2
60 30%O2-70%CO2 60 35%O2-65%CO2
50 50
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Fuel equivalence ratio Fuel equivalence ratio

Fig. 2. Burnout values of the HVN coal and HVN OW blends under different Fig. 3. Burnout values of the SAB coal and SAB OW blends under different atmo-
atmospheres at different fuel equivalence ratios. spheres at different fuel equivalence ratios.

biomass showed an asymptotic approach towards values close to

100% (Fig. 3) due to the high reactivity of this coal. factors affecting char surface temperature for any given fraction of
In order to facilitate a comparison of the behaviour of these coals O2. Therefore, particle temperature in a 21%O2e79%CO2 atmo-
and their blends with biomass under air and oxy-fuel atmospheres, sphere can be expected to be lower, which will cause the
the burnout values were interpolated at a fuel equivalence ratio of combustion rate of the char and the fuel burnout value to fall [11].
0.8 using the curves shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The results for both, In addition, Li et al. [19] attributed the different coal combustion
HVN and SAB, are presented in Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b, respectively. The behaviours under both atmospheres in a drop tube furnace to the
burnout behaviour of the coal/biomass blends under the oxy-fuel lower diffusivity of O2 in CO2 than in N2, impeding the transport of
combustion atmospheres in relation to the air atmosphere was O2 to the surface of the particles and reducing the combustion rate
similar to that of the individual coals. of the volatile matter and char in oxy-fuel conditions.
For both coals and their blends with biomass (Fig. 4), the Under the 30%O2e70%CO2 and 35%O2e65%CO2 atmospheres,
burnout value obtained under the 21%O2e79%CO2 atmosphere was the burnout of the HVN and SAB coals and their blends with
lower than that reached under 21%O2e79%N2 conditions. Liu et al. biomass was higher than in air (Fig. 4), which is explained because
[15] observed that, when air was replaced by 21%O2e79%CO2, the the higher oxygen concentration caused an increase in the char
gas temperatures dropped signicantly. Due to the higher specic combustion rate, together with a decrease in the ignition temper-
molar heat of CO2, the heating capacity of the surrounding gases ature. The lower ignition temperature means a higher combustion
will be higher, which in turn will lead to lower ame and gas time, which will lead to reach higher burnout values. Though the
temperatures under this atmosphere. According to Zhang et al. [18], gas temperature increases only slightly when the O2 fraction in
the specic heat capacity of the diluent gas is one of the principal bulk gas is increased, it is likely that the increase in the mass ux

J. Riaza et al. / Energy 41 (2012) 429e435 433

than coals HVN and SAB and so the burnout of the blends was
improved. This indicates that the coals were not negatively affected
100 21%O2-79%N2
HVN by the modication of the oxygen and temperature proles due to
21%O2-79%CO2 the biomass combustion, i.e., the availability of oxygen was not
95 30%O2-70%CO2 restricted during the combustion of the blend.
The improvement in burnout after the addition of biomass,
Burnout (%)

90 especially in the 20 wt.% biomass blends, was more noticeable in
the case of HVN than SAB. This may be due to the fact that the
individual SAB coal had already reached a high burnout degree
before blending, so there was less margin for improvement by
adding olive waste to this coal. The addition of 20% of biomass was
therefore less effective.
From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the addition
75 of biomass had a greater effect on the ignition temperature than on
0 10 20 the burnout, especially with high biomass concentrations in the
% OW blend, all of which underlines the importance of the devolatiliza-
tion and gaseous phase after the addition of biomass. On the other
hand, since biomass has a lower caloric value and higher moisture
SAB content than coal, the ame temperature may be reduced and the
radiative heat ux impeded if the concentration of biomass in the
95 blend is too high. This would then reduce the oxidation rate as
Burnout (%)

Smart et al. [21] suggested. However, these authors have shown

90 that the positive effect of co-ring with biomass on burnout is
dependent on the type of biomass and have observed signicant
85 21%O2-79%N2
improvements in burnout value when biomass with a high reac-
tivity is used.
80 30%O2-70%CO2 3.3. NO emissions
75 The NO concentration (mg NO/mg burned fuel) values inter-
0 10 20 polated at a fuel equivalence ratio of 0.8 for coals HVN and SAB and
% OW their blends with olive waste (OW) are shown in Fig. 5. For both
coals, the NO concentration obtained under the 21%O2e79%CO2
Fig. 4. Burnout values of the HVN (a) and SAB (b) coals and their blends with olive
waste (OW) under different atmospheres at a fuel equivalence ratio of 0.8. atmosphere was lower than that achieved under 21%O2e79%N2
conditions. The lower NO concentrations in the oxy-fuel combus-
tion atmospheres than in air are partly explained by the suppres-
rate of O2 to the particle surface at higher O2 concentrations sion of thermal NO formation since there is no nitrogen gas in the
promotes the consumption rate of the volatiles [20] and provides combustion atmosphere. However, under the experimental
extra heat feedback to the particle, enhancing devolatilization, conditions of the present study, this explanation does not seem
ignition and combustion. applicable. Under air conditions, the thermal formation of NO
It can be seen that under the air and the three oxy-fuel resulting from the reaction between molecular N2 and O2 occurs at
combustion atmospheres studied, the addition of olive waste, high temperatures. In this work however, this route could make
OW, caused an increase in the burnout value of both coals, this only a minor contribution to the formation of NO due to the
increase becoming more pronounced as the biomass concentration temperature used (1000  C).
increased. Smart et al. [21] also observed an improvement in It would appear, therefore, than the lower NO concentration
burnout by co-ring coal and biomass (shea meal and sawdust) obtained under the oxy-fuel atmosphere with 21% of O2 than under
under both oxy-fuel and air-ring conditions. air conditions was probably due to the greater NO reduction under
Previous studies on the co-combustion of coal/biomass blends oxy-fuel conditions resulting from the chemical reactions of NO
have also shown that the addition of biomass to coal can improve with either CO or with nitrogen species (volatile-N) and hydro-
the burnout efciency of coal to a certain degree [22]. Since carbon species released during devolatilization. Andersson et al.
biomass has a higher volatile matter content and a lower ash [24] found that the formation of NO from fuel-N in oxy-fuel
content, devolatilization and gaseous phase combustion can combustion was the same as, or slightly higher than, in air-ring
acquire more importance than in the case of the combustion of an conditions, whereas the reduction of NO could be up to 50%
individual coal. Munir et al. [23] studied shea meal and cotton stalk greater in oxy-combustion. In the present experiments therefore
as potential fuels for co-combustion with coal and also concluded the lower NO emissions during oxy-fuel combustion than under
that the co-combustion of biomass with coal is benecial from the air-ring must have been due to the increased reduction of NO
point of view of burnout due to the greater reactivity of biomass under the O2/CO2 atmosphere. Okazaki and Ando [25] also
char. concluded that the reduction of NO to molecular N2 due to chemical
If the reactivities of two fuels which are burned as a blend are reactions in the combustion zone under oxy-fuel conditions was
different, there will be differences in their combustion, as the more the main reason for the overall decrease in NO concentration. Al-
reactive fuel will react faster, thereby reducing oxygen concentra- Makhadmeh et al. [26] found that the reduction of NO is enhanced
tion and increasing the temperature at the top of the reaction during combustion in O2/CO2 compared to combustion in O2/N2. Liu
chamber. Any improvement in the burnout of the less reactive et al. [15] found that the higher CO concentrations inside the oxy-
component will depend on the oxygen and temperature proles in fuel combustion zone and within the vicinity of the combustion
the reactor [11]. In this work, olive waste, OW, was more reactive particles resulted in a further reduction of NO. Gasication of the

434 J. Riaza et al. / Energy 41 (2012) 429e435

values was smaller. The effect of co-ring biomass with pulverised

12 coal on NOx formation is highly complex and is dependent as much
HVN on the relative reactivities of the fuels as on the inherent nitrogen
10 contents of the individual fuels [23,30].
mg NO/g burned fuel

Since the HVN coal and the biomass used in the present work
8 showed similar values of nitrogen content (Table 1), the lower NO
emissions during co-ring cannot be explained by the dilution of N
6 in the mixed fuel because of the lower nitrogen content in the
biomass. However, in the case of the SAB coal the dilution of N may
4 have had an effect since the nitrogen content of SAB was slightly
higher than that of the biomass OW (Table 1), which could have
2 30%O2-70%CO2 increased the differences in NO emissions after the addition of the
35%O2-65%CO2 biomass.
0 Skeen et al. [31] studied the NO emissions during coal/biomass
0 10 20
combustion under air-red and oxy-fuel conditions in a laboratory-
% OW
scale combustor and found that NO emissions were reduced with
the addition of biomass under air-ring conditions but not under
12 oxy-fuel conditions.
21%O2-79%N2 A reasonable explanation for the decrease in NO emissions after
SAB 21%O2-79%CO2 the addition of biomass has been provided by Liu et al. [32] in their
mg NO/g burned fuel

30%O2-70%CO2 study on conventional co-combustion of coal and biomass. These

8 35%O2-65%CO2 authors believe that lower NOx emissions may occur during co-
combustion than with individual coals because most of the
6 biomass is released as volatiles (about 75% at temperatures above
800  C) and the fuel-N in the biomass is predominantly liberated as
4 NH3 which may on the one hand form NOx, but also act as
a reducing agent in further reactions with NOx to form N2. Since
2 most of fuel-N in coal is retained in the char and is then oxidised to
NOx, the NH3 originating from the biomass may lead to the
0 reduction of NOx, since the high amount of released volatile matter
0 10 20 from the biomass combustion produces a fuel-rich condition in the
% OW atmosphere which would favour the reduction of NO [33]. Akpulat
et al. [34] studied the co-combustion of coal and olive cake in
Fig. 5. NO emissions of the HVN (a) and SAB (b) coals and their blends with olive waste
a uidized bed combustor and they attribute the decrease in NOx
(OW) under different atmospheres at a fuel equivalence ratio of 0.8.
concentrations to the percentage of olive cake in the fuel being
increased by the higher amount of volatile matter evolved from the
char with CO2 may have contributed to an increase in the olive cake, and to the generation of high levels of hydrocarbon
production of CO during oxy-fuel combustion. Furthermore, the radicals and CO formation (reducing atmosphere) in the freeboard
recent results of experimental investigation on NOx formation region.
during the oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coal published by In the case of the SAB coal, its higher volatile matter content may
Shaddix and Molina [5] and Sun et al. [27] lead to the conclusion have contributed to the creation of a reducing atmosphere that
that fuel-N conversion to NO in O2/CO2 is lower than in O2/N2, and favoured the consumption of NO, which would explain why the
that this may contribute to a lower NO concentration. Yoshiie et al. reduction in the concentration of NO was greater than in the HVN
[28] found that the NO emissions and conversions of fuel nitrogen coal. In general, it seems that the effect of the addition of biomass
to NO under oxy-fuel combustion conditions were lower than that on the NO emissions from coal is more noticeable in low rank coals,
under air combustion conditions without adding NO in the fed which have a higher volatile matter content.
atmosphere. Also, Jiang et al. [29] shown lower NO concentrations
under oxy-fuel combustion atmospheres than in air without gas 4. Conclusions
In the 30%O2e70%CO2 and 35%O2e65%CO2 atmospheres, the NO The ignition temperature and burnout of a semi-anthracite and
concentrations were similar to that of the oxy-fuel atmosphere a high-volatile bituminous coal and their blends with biomass
containing 21% of O2 (Fig. 5). In none of the oxy-fuel atmospheres (olive waste) were studied under oxy-fuel combustion conditions
did the NO concentration reach that of air. Only small differences in in an entrained ow reactor (EFR). As in the case of the individual
NO concentrations under the oxy-fuel atmospheres with increasing coals, the ignition temperature of the coal/biomass blends was
O2 concentrations were found in the present study. Andersson et al. higher under a 21%O2e79%CO2 atmosphere than in air conditions,
[25] found that NO emissions per unit of fuel energy supplied fell whereas the burnout was lower due to the higher specic molar
under oxy-fuel combustion with 25% of O2 compared to air-ring heat of CO2 compared to N2 and the lower diffusivity of O2 in CO2
conditions, but they found only small differences in the reduction than in N2. However, when the O2 concentration was increased to
of NO for different O2 concentrations (25, 27 and 29%) in oxy-fuel 30 and 35% in the oxy-fuel combustion atmosphere, the ignition
atmospheres. temperature was lower than in air, while the burnout value was
For the SAB coal (Fig. 5b), it can be seen that the NO concen- greater than that achieved under air-ring. This was due to an
tration in air and under oxy-fuel atmospheres decreased after the increase in the mass ux of O2 to the surface of the coal particles.
addition of biomass, this decrease becoming greater as the biomass The addition of biomass to the coal improved the ignition
concentration was increased. For the HVN coal (Fig. 5a), the same temperatures and the burnout values in both the air and oxy-fuel
tendency was observed, but the decrease in NO concentration combustion atmospheres under the experimental conditions of

J. Riaza et al. / Energy 41 (2012) 429e435 435

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Debido al elevado contenido en voltiles de la biomasa, la desvolatilizacin cobra
proporcionalmente mayor relevancia en la combustin de la biomasa que en la del
carbn. La combustin de los gases liberados durante la etapa de desvolatilizacin
tiene una cintica mucho ms rpida que la reaccin de combustin del char, por
tanto, los tiempos de combustin de partculas de biomasa se acortan en gran
medida respecto a los del carbn. Adems, el char de las biomasas estudiadas es
ms reactivo que el de los carbones lo que provocar una reduccin de los

La sustitucin de N2 por CO2 para una misma concentracin de O2 (21 %) conlleva

un empeoramiento de la ignicin, reactividad y grado de quemado. A medida que la
concentracin de oxgeno aumenta se produce una mejora de los parmetros
anteriores, y para concentraciones de O2 del 30 % se obtienen mejores resultados
que en aire.

El vapor de agua no ejerce un gran efecto sobre las combustibilidad de los carbones
estudiados, aunque se han obtenido resultados contrapuestos en el reactor de flujo
en arrastre, donde se retrasaba la ignicin y descenda ligeramente el grado de
quemado en algunos casos, con respecto a los obtenidos en termobalanza, que
indicaban una leve mejora en la reactividad al adicionar vapor de agua. Dadas las
condiciones empleadas en ambos dispositivos, los efectos observados parecen
tener ms relacin con los mecanismos de transmisin de calor en el reactor de
flujo en arrastre, que con posibles reacciones de gasificacin del char con vapor de
agua, que requeriran temperaturas superiores de 1.000 0C.

Los experimentos de oxicombustin con adicin de biomasa han dado lugar a

mejoras en la combustibilidad de las mezclas, con respecto a los combustibles
individuales. Esto se ha visto reflejado en distintos parmetros como son la
temperatura de ignicin, el grado de quemado y las emisiones de NO.

En los experimentos llevados a cabo con carbones con elevado contenido de

materia voltil y elevada reactividad, su mezcla con biomasa produce un efecto
menor que en el caso de carbones de alto rango, en los que la adicin de biomasa
produce un aumento sensible del grado de quemado, contribuyendo a elevar la
eficacia en el hogar de combustin.

Captulo 7 Conclusiones

La combustin de char de biomasa junto con char de carbn no entraa ninguna

mejora, es decir, no existe interaccin en la combustin de los chars. Sin embargo,
cuando la mezcla se realiza con las muestras originales, sin desvolatilizar, se
observa una mejora en la ignicin y combustin del carbn. Por tanto, los efectos
sinrgicos observados en el grado de quemado se deben principalmente a la
combustin de los voltiles de la biomasa.

En los experimentos de oxicombustin en el reactor de flujo en arrastre, se produce

una reduccin homognea de los NO debido a la presencia de mayores
concentraciones de CO. La adicin de biomasa potencia este efecto, disminuyendo
las emisiones de NO en las mezclas de carbn y biomasa.

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Zolin, A., Jensen, A., Storm Pedersen, L., Dam-Johansen,: K: .: comparison: of: coal: char:
& Fuels, 12, (2), 268-276, 1998.


Tal como seala el reglamento de doctorado se exponen a continuacin el factor de

impacto, segnJournalCitacinReportdel ao 2012, de las revistas en las que se han
publicado los trabajos presentados en esta tesis:

I Single particle ignition and combustion of anthracite, semi-anthracite and

bituminous coals in air and simulated oxy-fuel conditions. Combustion and
J. Riaza, R. Khatami, Y.A. Levendis, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J.
Pis. Combustion and Flame. 161 (2014) 10961108.

Factor de impacto Combustion and Flame: 3,599

Posicin en el rea segn ndice de impacto:

Thermodynamics 3 de 55
Energy and fuels 15 de 81
Engineering, multidiscipline 1 de 90
Engineering, chemical 8 de 133

II Combustion of Single Biomass Particles in Air and in Oxy-Fuel Conditions.

J. Riaza, R. Khatami, Y. A. Levendis, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J.
Pis Biomass and Bioenergy. doi: 10 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.03.018.1

Factor de impacto Biomass and Bioenergy: 2,975

Posicin en el rea segn ndice de impacto:

Energy and fuels 20 de 81
Biotechnology and applied microbiology 48 de 160
Agricultural Engineering, 4 de 12

III Kinetic models for the oxy-fuel combustion of coal and coal/biomass blend chars
obtained in N2 and CO2 atmospheres
M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Energy 2012. 48 (1)
pp. 510518. doi:10.1016/

Factor de impacto Energy: 3,651

Posicin en el rea segn ndice de impacto:
Thermodynamics 2 de 55
Energy and fuels 14 de 81

IV Oxy-fuel combustion kinetics and morphology of coal chars obtained in N2 and

CO2 atmospheres in an entrained flow reactor.
M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Applied Energy
2012. 91 (1) pp. 67 74. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.09.017

Factor de impacto Applied Energy: 4,781

Posicin en el rea segn ndice de impacto:

Energy and fuels 6 de 81
Engineering, chemical 6 de 133

V Effect of oxy-fuel combustion with steam addition on coal ignition and burnout in
an entrained flow reactor,
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera, Energy 2011. 36 (8) pp.
5314 5319. doi:10.1016/

Factor de impacto Energy: 3,651

Posicin en el rea segn ndice de impacto:

Thermodynamics 2 de 55
Energy and fuels 14 de 81

VI NO Emissions in oxy-coal combustion with addition of steam in an entrained flow

L. lvarez, J. Riaza, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Greenhouse Gases:
Science and Technology 2011. 1 (2) pp. 180-190. doi:10.1002/ghg.016

Factor de impacto Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology: 2,679

Posicin en el rea segn ndice de impacto:

Energy and fuels 26 de 81
Engineering, environmental 12 de 42
Environmental sciences 57 de 210

VII A study of oxy-coal combustion with steam addition and biomass blending by
thermogravimetric analysis.
M.V. Gil, J. Riaza, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Journal of Thermal
Analysis and Calorimetry 2012. 109 (1) pp. 49 55. doi:10.1007/s10973-011-

Factor de impacto Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry: 1,982

Posicin en el rea segn ndice de impacto:

Chemistry, analytical 37 de 75
Chemistry, physical 75 de 80

VIII Ignition behaviour of coal and biomass blends under oxyfiring conditions with
steam additions.
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, R. Khatami, Y.A. Levendis, J.J. Pis, C. Pevida, F.
Rubiera. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 2013. 3 (5), pp. 397-414.

Factor de impacto Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology: 2,679

Posicin en el rea segn ndice de impacto:

Energy and fuels 26 de 81
Engineering, environmental 12 de 42
Environmental sciences 57 de 210

IX Oxy-fuel combustion of coal and biomass blends.

J. Riaza, M.V. Gil, L. lvarez, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Energy 2012. 41 (1) pp.
429 435. doi: 10.1016/

Factor de impacto Energy: 3,651

Posicin en el rea segn ndice de impacto:

Thermodynamics 2 de 55
Energy and fuels 14 de 81


Comunicaciones a congresos realizados a partir del trabajo de esta tesis doctoral:

L. lvarez, J. Riaza, F. Rubiera, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis. Co-combustin de mezclas de carbn

y biomasa en condiciones de oxicombustin. X Reunin del Grupo Espaol del
Carbn. Oral. 9-12 Mayo 2010. Gerona, Espaa.

J. Riaza, L. lvarez, F. Rubiera, J.J. Pis, C. Pevida. Co-combustin de mezclas de carbn

y biomasa en un reactor de flujo en arrastre. X Reunin del Grupo Espaol del
Carbn. Pster. 9-12 Mayo 2010 Gerona, Espaa.

L. Alvarez, J. Riaza, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J. Pis. Co-combustion of coal and biomass
blends under different oxy-fuel atmospheres. 8th European Conference on Coal
Research and its Applications. Oral. 6-8 Septiembre 2010. Leeds, UK.

J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J. Pis. Evaluacin de la

combustibilidad de carbones de distinto rango en atmsferas de oxicombustin. XI
Reunin del Grupo Espaol del Carbn. Pster. 2011. Badajoz, Espaa.
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J. Pis. Co-combustion of coal and
biomass blends in an entrained flow reactor under oxy-fuel atmospheres.
International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, ICCS&T2011. Pster. 9-13
Octubre 2011. Oviedo. Espaa.
J. Riaza Captura de CO2 en centrales termoelctricas de carbn y biomasa. I Jornadas
de doctorado Universidad de Oviedo. Pster. 15-16 Diciembre 2011. Oviedo. Espaa.
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J. Pis. Oxy-fuel ignition and
combustion of coal and biomass blends in an entrained flow reactor. NQUESICCE.
24-27 Junio 2012. Pster. Sevilla. Espaa.
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, J.J. Pis. Ignition of coal and biomass
blends under oxy-fuel combustion conditions. 9th European Conference on Coal
Research and its Applications. Pster. 10-12 Septiembre 2012. Nottingham, Reino
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera Ignition and NO emissions of
coal and biomass blends under different oxy-fuel atmospheres. International
conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies GHGT-11. Pster. 18-22
Noviembre 2012, Kyoto International Conference Center, Japn.
J. Riaza Combustin de mezclas de carbn y biomasa. II Jornadas de doctorado
Universidad de Oviedo. Pster. 29-30 Noviembre 2012. Oviedo. Espaa.

J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Coal and biomass blends
oxy-fuel combustion in an entrained flow reactor. Clean Coal Technologies CCT 2013.
Oral. 12-16 May 2013, Tessaloniki, Grecia.
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera Oxicombustin de mezclas de
carbn y biomasa en reactor de lecho en arrastre. XII Reunin del Grupo Espaol del
Carbn. Keynote, 20-23 Octubre 2013, Madrid, Espaa.
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera Effect of oxy-fuel combustion
with steam and biomass addition on coal burnout in an entrained flow reactor. 3rd
Oxyfuel Combustion Conference OCC3. Oral. 6-9 Septiembre 2013, Ponferrada,
J. Riaza Captura de CO2 en centrales termoelctricas de carbn y biomasa III
Jornadas de doctorado Universidad de Oviedo. Pster. 19-20 Diciembre 2013. Oviedo.
Otras comunicaciones a congresos en las que ha participado el autor de esta tesis doctoral:

J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera Co-combustion de carbn y
biomasa en planta piloto de lecho fluidizado. XII Reunin del Grupo Espaol del
Carbn. Pster. 20-23 Octubre 2013, Madrid, Espaa.
L. lvarez, M. Gharebaghi, M. Pourkashanian, A. Williams, J. Riaza, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F.
Rubiera. Modelizacin CFD de la oxicombustin de carbn en un reactor de flujo en
arrastre. XI Reunin del Grupo Espaol del Carbn. Oral. 2011. Badajoz, Espaa.
L. lvarez, M. Gharebaghi, A. Williams, M. Pourkashanian, J. Riaza, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F.
Rubiera. CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion in an entrained flow reactor. Fifth
International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies, CCT2011. Oral. 8-12 Mayo
2011. Zaragoza. Espaa.
L. lvarez, M. Gharebaghi, A. Williams, M. Pourkashanian, J. Riaza, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F.
Rubiera. Experimental and numerical investigations of oxy-coal combustion in an
entrained flow reactor. International Conference on Coal Science & Technology,
ICCS&T2011. Oral. 9-13 Octubre 2011. Oviedo. Espaa.
L. lvarez, M. Gharebaghi, J.M. Jones, A. Williams, M. Pourkashanian, J. Riaza, C.
Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Prediction of volatile and NO precursosr release in the CFD
modelling of oxy-coal combustion. 9th European Conference on Coal Research and
its Applications. Oral. 10-12 Septiembre 2012. Nottingham, Reino Unido.

Otras publicaciones en las que ha participado el autor de esta tesis doctoral:

L. lvarez, M. Gharebaghi, M. Pourkashanian, A. Williams, J. Riaza, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F.

Rubiera. CFD Modelling of oxy-coal combustion in an entrained flow reactor". Fuel
Processing Technology 2011. 92 (8) pp. 1489 1497. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2011.03.010
L. lvarez, M. Gharebaghi, J.M. Jones, M. Pourkashanian, A. Williams, J. Riaza, C.
Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera. Numerical investigation of NO emissions from an entrained
flow reactor under oxy-coal conditions. Fuel Processing Technology 2012. 93 (1) pp.
53 64. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2011.09.011
L. lvarez, C. Yin, J. Riaza, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera Oxy-coal combustion in an
entrained flow reactor: Application of specific char and volatile combustion and
radiation models for oxy-firing conditions Energy 2013. 62, pp. 255-268.
L. lvarez, M. Gharebaghi, J.M. Jones, M. Pourkashanian, A. Williams, J. Riaza, C.
Pevida, F. Rubiera CFD modeling of oxy-coal combustion: Prediction of burnout,
volatile and NO precursors release. Applied Energy 2013. 104, pp. 653-665.
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera Ignition and NO emissions of
coal and biomass blends under different oxy-fuel atmospheres. Energy Procedia 2013.
37, 1405-1412, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2013.06.016
J. Riaza, L. lvarez, M.V. Gil, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera Fundamentals of oxy-fuel carbn
capture technology for pulverized fuel boilers. Combustion: types of reactions,
fundamental processes and advanced technologies. Book chapter. Nova Science
Publishers, Inc., 2014 ISBN 978-1-62948-969-8
L. lvarez, C. Yin, J. Riaza, C. Pevida, J.J. Pis, F. Rubiera Biomass co-firing under oxy-
fuel conditions: A computational fluid dynamics modelling study and experimental
validation. Fuel Processing Technology 2014. 120, pp. 22 33.

Energy Processes and
Emission Reduction Group

Instituto Nacional del Carbn

Francisco Pintado Fe, 26
33011, Oviedo

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