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Angels of God

Angels of God
By Ace Orense


Angels are non-corporeal beings or spirits who are ministers, serv ants,
and messengers of God. They do Gods bidding and serv e God for eternity . They are often perceiv ed as beings
with wings of swans and of beautiful countenance. In art, they are often drawn with swords, spears, shields,
lilies, or scrolls and are sometimes depicted as children with wings as often miscalled as cherubs. Cherubs are
not baby angels but fierce angels with flaming swords as detailed in the book of Genesis in the garden of Eden.
Angels hav e alway s been a part of human history as they play ed the roles of guardians, messengers, and
rescuers of the holy people of God.
The rich art has alway s had angels in paintings, drawings, sculpture, and icons. In literature, angels were
accounted for in poetry , stories, nov els, essay s, books, and scrolls. Ev en in music, angels are also recorded in
songs and hy mns such as My Angel Gabriel, Saint Michael hy mn, Cherubic hy mn, and in other angelic songs
and hy mns.
The angels were created, according to the book of Enoch, on the second day of creation, while other sources
say on the fourth day of creation.
According to the book of Enoch, the angels were formed out of fire.
For the heav enly troops, the angels, God looked at a hard rock, and from the gleam of his ey es, lightning
struck the hard rock and he cut off a great fire from it. From the fire, the angels were formed. Ten troops of
angels were formed from the fire. ~from the book of Enoch

Ex cerpts from the Catechism of the Catholic Church About the Angels:

The angels, according to Saint Augustine, are spirits by nature. Their office is angel. The angels are serv ants
and messengers of God, with their whole beings. They alway s behold the face of the Father in heav en. They are
the mighty ones who do Gods word, hearkening to the v oice of his word.
The angels are messengers of Christs sav ing plan: Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to serv e, for
the sake of those who are to obtain salv ation?
There were numerous accounts of the angels interv ening with man accomplishing Gods div ine plan:
The angels closed the garden of Eden. The angels protected Lot; sav ed Hagar and her child; stay ed Abrahams
hand from slay ing his son Isaac, communicated the law by their ministry ; led the people of God; announced
births and callings; and assisted the prophets. They protect the child Jesus in his infancy , serv e him in the
desert, strengthen him in his agony in the garden. It is the angels who ev angelize by proclaiming the Good
News of Christs Incarnation and Resurrection. They will be present at Christs return, which they will
announce, to serv e at his judgment.

The Hierarchy of Angels

According to Pseudo-Diony sius, there are nine choirs of angels.

This is the angelic hierarchy he formulated:
The Nine Choirs of Angels:
1 . Seraphim
2. Cherubim
3. Thrones
4. Dominations
5. V irtues
6. Powers
7 . Principalities
8. Archangels
9. Angels
This angelic hierarchy is the most accepted of all the other angelic hierarchies formulated by great
theologians, teachers, and thinkers.
The Roman Catholic Church accepts this hierarchy .

The choirs of angels are div ided into three spheres:

The First Sphere:


The Seraphim are the highest choir of angels created by God.

They are the burning ones.
They are celestial beings who surround the throne of God.
They hav e six wings, two to cov er their face, two to cov er their feet, and to for fly ing. They cov er their face as
modesty . They cov er their ex tremities as alacrity in Gods serv ice. All this for rev erence of the div ine
majesty .
Isaiah 6:2-7
I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, with the train of his garment filling the temple. Seraphim
were stationed abov e; each of them had six wings: with two they v eiled their faces, with two they v eiled their
feet, with two they hov ered aloft. Holy , holy , holy is the Lord of hosts!
they cried one to the other. All the earth is filled with his glory ! At the sound of that cry , the frame of the
door shook and the house was filled with smoke. Then I said, Woe is me, I am doomed! For I am a man of
unclean lips, liv ing among a people of unclean lips; y et my ey es hav e seen the King, the Lord of hosts! Then
one of the seraphim flew to me, holding an ember which he had taken with tongs from the altar. He touched
my mouth with it. See, he said, now that this has touched y our lips, y our wickedness is remov ed, y our sin
The Seraphim, according to the third book of Enoch are four. They are said to burn the tablets of Satan which
accuses the people of God. It is said that the prince of the Seraphim is Seraphiel. Seraphiel is said to hav e the
body of an eagle and the face of a man. The seraphim are said to hav e an enormous height as big as the sev en
heav ens.
Some of the Church Fathers proclaim that Saint Michael the Archangel is the prince of the Seraphim.
The Seraphim are incompatible to mortal sin for they hav e the ex cess of charity . They burn with the flames of
the lov e of God.
Members of the Seraphim choir are:
Seraphiel, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Sealtiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel, Jehoel, Metatron, Lucifer(before his
fall) ;(according to v arious sources)


The Cherubim are angels of God filled with div ine knowledge and are fierce angelic warriors armed with
flaming swords. The Cherubim means fullness of knowledge. Most of the cherubim were loy al to God but
some of them fell from grace. Cherubim is compatible with mortal sin for they are filled with knowledge and
knowledge is compatible with sin.
Accounts of the Cherubim in the Holy Scriptures:
After he drov e the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword
flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. Genesis 3:24
.. and in the fire was what looked like four liv ing creatures. In appearance their form was that of a man, but
each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and
gleamed like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had the hands of a man. All four of
them had faces and wings, and their wings touched one another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not
turn as they mov ed. Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a man, and on the right side
each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox , each also had the face of an eagle. Such were their
faces. Their wings were spread out upward: Each had two wings, one touching the wing of another creature on
either side, and two wings cov ering its body . Ezekiel 1 :5-1 1
Members of the Cherubim choir are:
Michael, Lucifer(before his fall), Gabriel, Raphael, Raziel, Kerubiel (according to some sources)


The thrones are angels who minister to and bear the throne of God.

The Second Sphere:


The dominations are angels who regulate the cosmos and the univ erse.

V irtues

The v irtues are angles who inspire the children of God to become good, holy , and obedient to the Holy Will of
Members of the V irtues choir:
Jehudiel(according to some sources)


The powers are warrior angels who constantly battle the ev il forces of Satan.
Members of the Powers choir:
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel (according to some sources)
The Third Sphere:


The principalities are chief angels who are in command of the third sphere of angels, the choirs of the
archangels and the angels.

The archangels are chief angels who are in command of the last choir of angels, the angels. Archangel means
chief angel. They are warrior angels who do Gods bidding. They are ministers of God who are often sent to
the people of God on earth. They are messengers who giv e important messages to the holy ones of God, to his
prophets and to his people.
The Archangels are chief angels who are in command of the lower angels.
The Archangels are the angels often sent by God to accomplish missions on earth and are sent to the people of
God to giv e them messages, to inspire them, to rescue them, to defend them, or to instruct them.
The Archangels belong to the eighth choir of angels.
Members of the Archangels choir are:
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Sealtiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel, Metatron,
Lucifer(before his fall), Prav uil, Raguel, Sarakiel, and others. (according to v arious sources)

The Angels belong to the ninth choir, the last choir of the third sphere, of the angelic hierarchy .
These angels tend directly to humans.
Of this choir belong the guardian angels.
The angels act as guardians for humans.
They protect, inspire, guide, warn humans of upcoming dangers, and accompany humans throughout their
entire liv es.

The books of Enoch record a hierarchy of angels:

The Hierarchy of Angels According to the Books of Enoch:

1 . Irin and Qaddishin

2. 8 crown princes
3. Serafim
4. Ophanim
5. Kerubim
6. Chay y oth
7 . Merkabah
8. Tafsarim
9. Shinnanim
1 0. Erellim
1 1 . 7 2 Princes of kingdoms
1 2. Keepers of the 7 Halls
1 3. Princes of the Sev en Heav ens
1 4. Angels of the Sev en Heav ens

For an in-depth line of details, read the third book of Enoch.

The Angels


Saint Michael the Archangel is one the most prominent angels. He is one of the chief princes or one of the
highest angels of God. He is in command of thousands or millions of angels. He is the chief warrior angel of
Gods army of angels.
In the end of day s, there will be a war in heav en and Saint Michael and his
Angels will fight against Satan and his angels.
Rev elation 1 2:7 -9
And there was war in heav en. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels
fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heav en. The great dragon was hurled
down-that ancient serpent called the dev il or Satan, who leads the whole world astray . He was hurled to the
earth, and his angels with him.
Saint Michael the Archangel belongs to the choir of the cherubim.
Michael means Who is like God?. Other v ariations for the name Michael is Mikael, Micael, or Mikhail.
Michael is the captain of the Lords army . He is the v anquisher of Satan and all his minions.
Accounts of the Archangel Michael in the Holy Scriptures:
At that time Michael, the great prince who protects y our people, will arise. There will be a time of great
distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. Rev elation 1 2:1
But ev en the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the dev il about the body of Moses, did not dare to
bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, The Lord rebuke y ou! Jude 1 :9
Saint Michael can be inv oked during demonic attacks. The Pray er to Saint
Michael the Archangel would be helpful.
Michael is said to be the prince of the sev enth heav en, according to the third book of Enoch.


The Archangel Gabriel is the chief messenger of God. Gabriel is one of the sev en angels who stand in the
presence of God. Luke 1 : 1 9
Gabriel means Strength of God.
Other v ariations of his name are Gav riel and Jibril.
He was sent to Mary to announce that she will be the mother of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
In the six th month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a v irgin pledged to be married
to a man named Joseph, a descendant of Dav id. The v irgins name was Mary . The angel went to her and said,
Greetings, y ou who are highly fav ored! The Lord is with y ou.
Luke 1 :26-28
But the angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary , y ou hav e found fav or with God. Y ou will be with child and
giv e birth to a son, and y ou are to giv e him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the
Most High. The Lord God will giv e the throne of his father Dav id and he will reign ov er the house of Jacob
forev er; his kingdom will nev er end.
Gabriel will announce the Second Coming of Christ.
In the book of Enoch, Gabriel sits on the left hand of God.
Gabriel rules ov er Ikisat, paradise, and the cherubim.
He rules ov er all that is powerful.
Gabriel is the angel of fire.
Gabriel is the prince of the six th heav en Makon.
~Book of Enoch


Raphael is the healing angel. Raphael means God heals.

Raphael could also be spelled as Rafael.
Raphael is one of the sev en angels who stand before God.
Tobias 1 2:1 5
He accompanied y oung Tobias on his journey and helped him restore his fathers sight.
He taught the y oung Tobias that dev ils can be driv en away by the smoke of the heart of a fish on coals and that
the gall of the fish is good for anointing the ey es, in which there is a white speck, and it can cure.
Saint Raphael the Archangel can be inv oked to heal the sick.

The Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are the three only named angels in the Holy Scriptures.


The Angel Metatron is believ ed to be the prophet Enoch who was taken up to heav en and was transformed
into a fiery angel.
Metatron means one who occupies the throne nex t to the div ine throne.
When Enoch had liv ed 65 y ears, he became the father of Methuselah. Enoch walked with God 300 y ears and
had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Enoch liv ed 365 y ears. Enoch walked with God, then he was no
more, because God took him away . Genesis 5:21 -24
Two angels of snow took Enoch to the heav ens. He was toured to the ten heav ens. Upon arriv al at Araboth,
the tenth heav en, God asked the Archangel Michael to clothe him with div ine garments and anoint him with
oil. He was transformed into an angel. His flesh and his whole body became a liv ing fire. His height grew as
big as the height and width of the earth. 7 2 wings, 36 on each side sprouted on his back. He was giv en 365
ey es.
He was giv en a throne and a crown by God patterned after his own throne
and crown.
He became the 9th highest angel after the 8 crown princes.
~from the book of Enoch 1 -3
Enoch pleased God and so he was taken up to heav en and was transformed into an angel.
The Metatron is one of the highest angels who was ex alted because of his good v irtue.


The Angel Sandalphon is believ ed to be the prophet Elijah who was transformed into an angel.
Sandalphon means one who wears sandals. Sandalphon could also be spelled as Sandalfon.
Elijah when he was taken up to heav en by div ine chariots of fire and horses of fire was transformed by God
into the Angel Sandalphon.
As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire
and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heav en in a whirlwind. 2
Kings 2:1 1
Sandalphon is the Master of Heav enly Song. He is said to chant heav enly songs, giv ing praise and worship to
The Almighty God.

Lucifer who once was a resolute angel, out of pride and his desire to become equal to God, fell from grace and
became ev il. He deceiv ed a third of the entire angels and led them to rebellion against God.
Lucifer once belonged to the angelic choir of the Cherubim.
Here is an account of Lucifer in the Scriptures:
In the pride of y our heart y ou say , I am a god; I sit on the throne of a god in the heart of the seas. But y ou
are a man and not a god, though y ou think y ou are as wise as a god. Ezekiel 28:2
Y ou were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty . Y ou were in Eden, the garden of
God;.. Y ou were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained y ou. Y ou were on the holy mount of God;
y ou walked among the fiery stones. Y ou were blameless in y our way s from the day y ou were created till
wickedness was found in y ou. Through y our widespread trade y ou were filled with v iolence, and y ou sinned.
So I drov e y ou in disgrace from the mount of God, and I ex pelled y ou, O guardian Cherub, from among the
fiery stones. Y our heart became proud on account of y our beauty , and y ou corrupted y our wisdom because
of y our splendor. So I threw y ou to the earth; I made a spectacle of y ou before the kings. By y our many sins
and dishonest trade y ou hav e desecrated y our sanctuaries. So I made a fire come out from y ou, and it
consumed y ou, and I reduced y ou to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching.
All the nations who knew y ou are appalled at y ou; y ou hav e come to a horrible end and will be no more.
Ezekiel 28:1 2-1 9
Lucifer means bearer of light. His name was changed to Satan, which means adv ersary after iniquity was
found in him. After he has fallen from grace, he was cast into hell with all of his minions.

Raziel is a cherub and one of the first angels God has created. He is also one of the highest angels.
Raziel is the keeper of the secrets and my steries of God and the univ erse.


Radweriel is the 5th highest angel, nex t to the Irin and Qaddishin, according to the third book of Enoch.
He is said to utter praises to God, thereby giv ing birth to angels from the words of his mouth.
He is the father of many new-born angels he giv es birth through his mouth.
His height is of a colossal size.

Seraphiel is the prince of the Seraphim according to the third book of Enoch.
Seraphiel means Seraph of God. Seraphiel could also be spelled as Serafiel.
He is said to hav e the body of an eagle and the face of a man.
His height is as that of the sev en heav ens.


Kerubiel is the prince of the Cherubim, according to the third book of Enoch. Kerubiel means Cherub of God.
Cherubiel is a v ariation of the name Kerubiel.
He is said to hav e four wings and four faces, of a man, of a lion, of an ox , and of an eagle. Kerubiel has a
colossal size same as those of the other Cherubim.


Barachiel is the dispenser of the blessings of God.

Barachiel showers div ine prov idence to the people of God.
Barachiel is an archangel.
Barachiel means Prov idence of God


Uriel is the punishing angel. He is one of the fiercest angels.

Uriel is the chief angel who punishes demons and souls of the damned in Tartarus or hell.
Uriel means fire of God.
Uriel is an archangel.


Sealtiel is the incense-bearer. He offers the pray ers of the saints and of the faithful to God.
Sealtiel means Seal of God.
Sealtiel is an archangel.


Jehudiel is the dispenser of Gods mercy .

Jehudiel pray s for those who are seeking or who are in need of Gods mercy and dispenses Gods mercy
towards them if God wills it.
Jehudiel means mercy of God.
Jehudiel is an archangel.
Irin and Qaddishin
The Irin and Qaddishin are the highest of all the angels according to the third book of Enoch.
The Irin and Qaddishin constitute the supreme council of heav en.
The Irin and the Qaddishin are as big as the sev en heav ens and they are the biggest angels in heav en.
The Irin are two. These angels are the twin sentinels.
The Qaddishin are two. These angels are the holy ones. They are also twins.
Daniel 4:1 4 By decree of the sentinels is this decided, by order of the holy ones, this sentence, that all who liv e
may know that the most High rules ov er the kingdom of men: he can giv e it to whom he will, or set ov er it the
lowliest of men.
The Irin decrees while the Qaddishin sentences ev ery case in the court of heav en.
~ From the third book of Enoch


Anaphiel is one of the 8 crown princes, therefore one of the eight highest angels according to the third book of
Anaphiel means Branch of God.
Anaphiel is the angel who punished the Metatron with 60 lashes of fire when he did not stand when Acher saw
him on his throne in heav en.
~From the third book of Enoch


Ophphaniel is the prince of the Ophanim.

Chay y liel

Chay y liel is the prince of the Chay y oth.


Rikbiel is the prince of the Merkabah angels.

Sopheriel the Life-giv er

Sopheriel the life-giv er is the angel who giv es life.

Sopheriel the Killer

Sopheriel the Killer is the angel who takes away life.

Prav uil

The archangel with the quickest wit. He is one of the angel scribes who record ev ery thing that occurs. He was
the angel who instructed Enoch using the books form the storehouses of heav en.
8 Crown Princes

The 8 Crown Princes are the 8 highest angels according to the third book of Enoch. They are the most ex alted
of all the angels of God.
They enjoy a rank superior to that of Metatron.
Members of the 8 crown princes:
Irin, Qaddishin, Anaphiel, Radweriel, Seraphiel(according to some sources)


The Tafsarim are chief angels. They are in command of the sarim.
Members of the Tafsarim choir:
Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael (according to some sources)

The Four Liv ing Creatures:

The four liv ing creatures surround the throne of God.

They unceasingly say : Holy , holy , holy is the Lord God Almighty , who was, and is, and is to come. They giv e
glory , honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who liv es forev er and ev er. Rev elation 4:8-9
The four liv ing creatures, if they are angels, must be the highest of all the angels. They were recorded in the
book of Rev elation by Saint John.
The four liv ing creatures hav e six wings each. The first was like a lion, the second was like an ox , the third has
a face of a man, the fourth was like an eagle fly ing. They surround the throne of God. Rev elation 4:7 -8
The four liv ing creatures are the highest of all the creatures of God.

Four Angels of the Most High

Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Phanuel

These four high angels surround the throne of God and they are almost alway s in the company of God. They
escort God wherev er He may go.
These four angels are the four highest angels of God. They are the roy al angel princes.

The Heav ens

According to the books of Enoch, there are ten heav ens.

The first heav en is Shamay im, the closest to Earth.
The fourth heav en is Machanon.
The six th heav en is Makon, ruled by the Angel Gabriel.
The sev enth heav en is ruled by the Archangel Michael.
The ninth heav en is Kuchav im.
The tenth heav en is Araboth, the abode of God, ruled by the Angel Cassiel.
According to other sources, there are about 955 heav ens.

For detailed information regarding the heav ens and its rulers, read the first three books of Enoch.


The number of the angels is innumerable. Their number as accounted in the Holy Scriptures is a thousand
thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand. They are approx imately 1 01 million.
Throughout history , the angels hav e been in participation in the serv ice of God in the ministry of Gods sav ing
plan through their messages, through their sav ing missions, through their angelic inspirations, and through
their assistance to the holy ones of God.
Angels are lov able. They are instruments of Gods lov e. We should pray to the angels and inv oke them, and
ask for their inspiration, guidance, and protection. We should thank God for giv ing us angels who serv e as our
guardians and protectors.
Together, let us unite with the angels in one bond of lov ing, serv ing, magnify ing, and glorify ing the Almighty
God. May the blessings of the holy angels of God be upon y ou.
May God send forth his mighty angels and illuminate man with Gods light.

For more references, please read the books of Enoch. The story of the angels, its creation, the watchers, the
archangels, the fall of some, the creation of the univ erse, the ten heav ens, the meeting of Enoch and God are
written on the first two books of Enoch while the hierarchy of angels and the transformation of Enoch into the
Angel Metatron are written on the third book of Enoch.


May this book inspire y ou to seek assistance, guidance, and protection from the holy angels of God.
May God inspire y ou through his angels to do good to ev ery one and to glorify Him by serv ing His Son Jesus
Christ on earth as it is in heav en by
spreading kindness and by giv ing lov e towards all, and by spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all
mankind, and by liv ing the ex amples of Christ.
Let us be in union with the holy angels under one bond serv ing God.
God Bless y ou.
~Ace Orense

This book, entitled The Angels of God, was written on

December 1 , 2008 by Ace Roland Orense.

Jesus Is My Shepherd
Composed by :
Ace Orense

Jesus is my shepherd, I shall not want,

He tends the herds in green pastures, I offer him my chant,
From rocky roads and struggles, he rescues me,
From distress and pain, he deliv ers me,
From storms, lightning and rain, he shelters me,
His lov e will nev er wane, deeper than the deepest sea,
More v ast than all the galax ies, way more than a billion centuries,
Though I grow weak and weary , I know he cares for me,
Diamonds, gold, and rubies, would nev er amount to thee,
Bend down all knees before his majesty , Christ most holy ,
To God be the glory .
Jesus is my Shepherd,
Whom Shall I fear?
Jesus is my Shepherd,
I know he lov es me dear.
Christ laid down his life for us,
We ought to lay down our liv es for our brethren,
Coz we all Gods Children,
Lov e one another, lov e one another,
Believ e in the mighty name of Jesus Christ,
In his presence let us arise,
Y our sins hav e been forgiv en on account of him,
Those who obey his commandments
Liv e in Him and He in them,
Christ has come in the flesh as an atoning sacrifice for our sins,
We liv e in Him and He in us,
His lov e is made complete in us,
Son of God, Sav ior of the world,
Liv e in lov e, Liv e in God,
Believ e in Him, Listen to His Word,
Believ e in the name of the Son of God,
That y ou may hav e eternal life,
He who has the Son has life.
Jesus is my Shepherd,
Whom shall I fear?Jesus is my Shepherd
I know he lov es me dear.
The Life of Brother Ace Orense

Ace Roland Mendoza Orense or Brother Ace is a lay man of the Roman Catholic Church, who env isioned
establishing The Y eshua Mov ement, an organization meant to glorify Jesus Christ and to prepare mankind for
his Second Coming, under which are the Fraternity of the Knights of Christ, and the Sorority of the Sisters of
Christ, established for the kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He was born on September 28, 1 97 9 at Makati
City , Philippines. He is the firstborn son of Orlando Rodriguez Orense and Marlene Mendoza Orense. He was
baptized as a Roman Catholic on March 30, 1 980 at Don Bosco Parish Church at Makati City , Philippines.
Here is a description of Brother Aces appearance and stature: Ace is 593/4 feet in height, has a body mass of
around 220 pounds, has av erage build, has dark brown hair, has brown ey es, and has a fair complex ion.
His family is from the comfortable middle class. His father, Orlando Orense is an engineer while his mother,
Marlene is an ordinary housewife.
Ace grew up in the city of Las Pinas, Philippines.
He studied elementary and high school in Catholic schools like Elizabeth Seton School and Saint Francis of
Assisi College in Las Pinas City , Philippines. He was an abov e av erage student who often was ranked among
the honor roll. When he was ten y ears of age, he joined the Knights of the Altar as a sacristan or altar serv er. It
was then that he first felt that inner calling to serv e The Master Jesus. He serv ed the Holy Church as a
sacristan from 1 0 y ears until 1 5 y ears of age and then 22 y ears until 28 y ears of age. All in all, he has been a
sacristan for 1 3 y ears.
Brother Ace studied in colleges such as Mapua Institute of Technology , taking up Electronics and
Communications Engineering, Saint Francis of Assisi College, continuing the same course in engineering,
AMA Computer Univ ersity , taking up the same course in engineering and Information Technology , ABE
International College, taking up Tourism, and at NIIT, taking up web designing. He is to further continue his
Brother Ace worked at different establishments as a factory worker, computer technician, proofreader,
waiter, call center agent, and as a teacher.
He was also an entrepreneur. He ran a billiard center at the garage of his house in Las Pinas City , Philippines.
Brother Ace was a romantic lov er. All in all, so far, he had 1 1 girlfriends.
Brother Aces earlier life was filled with merriment in the company of his friends. He lov ed party ing in clubs
and engaged himself in other social activ ities.
Brother Ace was a rap singer and a composer. He composed rap gospel songs such as Jesus Is My Shepherd,
Gods Children, Angels of God, Blood, Two Thousand Y ears, What Profit Is It For A Man, Armageddon, God Is
Lov e, Tomorrow, and many others.
The gospel songs he composed were all inspired by his deep lov e for the Master Jesus.
Brother Ace is a literary writer.
Brother Ace is the author of Books of Ace, a compilation of inspirational Christian books composed of books
such as Y eshua, Second Coming of Christ, The Div ine Warrior, Angels of God, Children of God,
Teachings of Master Jesus, and many others. To date, Ace is still writing many a books for the
ev angelization of the people of God.

The My stical Life of Brother Ace:

Brother Ace has alway s dreamed of being a saint. He desires to become an angel one day . One of his dreams is
to go fishing on a boat, on a blue lake with Jesus, his master, the person he lov es the most.
Brother Ace first felt the presence of Christ on the y ear of the Lord, 2002 when he was 22 y ears of age. The
Lord Jesus Christ would speak to Him either as The Santo Nino (The Child Jesus) or as the adult Christ, His
dual manifestations. Master Y eshua would speak through Him by a manifestation called div ine possession.
The Master Y eshua would continually sav e Brother Ace from perils brought about by Satan and his minions.
And when in the company of little children, Brother Ace would be possessed by The Child Jesus narrating
them stories about the Holy Scriptures like Noahs Ark and preaching to them to be good and to be obedient
to their parents.
In the y ear 2003, Brother Ace went to a faith healer as told by the Master Y eshua. It was the time of the
conflict between the Master Y eshua and Satan. The healer roared like a dev il and was possessed by Satan
Lucifer while Brother Ace was possessed by the Master Y eshua. This was the conv ersation: Jesus: Away from
my throne. Lucifer: I got here first. Jesus: Y ou are ev il. Lucifer: Thanks. Jesus: I will ex plode the Earth
for man has become ev il. Lucifer: Ex plode it. Jesus: 1 , 2, 3, The Earth will ex plode (singing).
The conv ersation was said in the Filipino language, in Tagalog.
Then Brother Ace and Jesus left Satan and his medium. Great is the necessity for Brother Ace to preach the
gospel to the ends of the Earth for the End of the World is near, Jesus declared it. Latter, the same y ear, The
Master Jesus, once again took possession of Ace for the message of warning. Jesus shouted out furiously to
groups of people on the road this ultimate message: Change, all of y ou, The Earth will ex plode!!! Then
Brother Ace was taken to the hospital and was injected by the nurse with V alium.
The dev astation of the Earth was prophesied many times in the Holy Bible. To cite a few, read 2 Peter 3:7 by
the same word the present heav ens and earth are reserv ed for fire, being kept for the Day of Judgment and
destruction of ungodly men. Read 2 Peter 3:1 0 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heav ens will
disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroy ed by fire, and the earth and ev ery thing in it will be laid
bare. Isaiah24:1 See, the Lord is going to lay waste the earth and dev astate it; he will ruin its face and scatter
its inhabitants. Isaiah 24:1 8-20 The floodgates of heav en are opened, the foundations of the earth shake. The
earth is broken up, the earth is split asunder, the earth is thoroughly shaken. The earth reels like a drunkard, it
sway s like a hut in the wind; so heav y upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls-nev er to rise again. Isaiah
65:1 7 Behold, I will create new heav ens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will
they come to mind. This is biblical proof to the words of Christ regarding the End of the World.
To continue, Brother Ace was sent to rehabilitation centers for sev eral times for a few months each time
because of his strange behav ior. He was prescribed to take medicine for depression for an indefinite period of
This did not end Brother Aces mission for God. February 2007 , Brother Ace went to Baclaran Church in the
Philippines to hear mass. Then, the angels began to sing through him in angelic tongue. When he went outside,
he saw an old woman begging for money . He treated her at McDonalds a cup of coffee and a piece of
hamburger, then gav e her 1 00 pesos. Afterwards, he went outside. He saw a crippled, lame boy begging for
alms for it was his birthday , the boy said. Brother Ace suddenly touched the boy s legs and cried out,Abba!
Abba! Dios! Dios! Dios! Then, he asked the boy to follow him by walking faster and faster then inv oked The
Angel Raphael while touching the legs until he made him run and jump. Hallelujah! A miracle performed
through the power of God. Not only that, a Muslim policeman saw the miracle and he narrated what happened
to two passers by , an old woman and an old man with ey e disease. The cop brought the two old folks to
Brother Ace. Brother Ace asked the old folks one after the other to open their ey es and not to close it while he
blew on his index fingertips while uttering an angelic incantation unknown to him and touched their iris.
Afterwards, the old womans ey es dropped a lot of tears and said she could see better. The old man could also
see well after the healing.
Other accounts of the miracles performed by Brother Ace through the power of Christ: He made two old lame
men walk on separate occasions, one in Las Pinas City , February 2007 and one in Pandacan, Manila, March
2007 in the Philippines. He healed an old woman sick with fev er in Baclaran, month of February , y ear 2007 .
He healed a man with lumps in Cav ite, y ear 2007 . He healed his mother from witchcraft, y ear 2003. He
healed a woman from witchcraft, y ear 2004 in Las Pinas City . He healed a man with a weak aching leg, y ear
2007 in V alenzuela City . He healed a teen-ager with a foot cramp, y ear 2007 in V alenzuela City . He casted
away an ev il spirit from his friends body , y ear 2007 in Las Pinas City . All of these miracles were performed in
the Philippines.
These were miracles and liv ing proofs that any one can be used by God to show His mercy unto those who are
sick and who are in need of help.
February 1 4, 2007 , Brother Ace went to a v isionary in Las Pinas City , Philippines, who could see and talk to
God. The Master Y eshua appeared to the v isionary and anointed Brother Ace. Jesus laid His hand on Aces
head and touched his cheeks, making him smile. Brother Ace felt His presence and his mother ev en raised her
right hand while it occurred. Brother Ace pleaded that God may make Him into an angel. Jesus said y es. He
inquired his new name. The v isionary spelled out Cristel, meaning Christ is God. The v isionary said that
Brother Ace will be the third highest angel and that he will be giv en two wings of an angel.
That night, holy angels possessed Ace and deliv ered this message to him and his mother and sister: Y our son
will be the Archangel Cristel. Y our brother will be the Archangel Cristel.
Prior to that, the y ear 2003, a healer told Ace that he is the Angel Gabriel, and because he is good, God will
make him God.
And in the y ear 2008, this message was flashed to Brother Ace while he was pray ing in the Adoration Chapel
at Las Pinas City , Philippines:
GABRIEL IS Y OUR NAME, with tex t in red color.
Ace could either be the Archangel Gabriel or the Archangel Cristel.
Whatev er the true identity of Ace is, he is a true serv ant, prophet, and son of God.
On March 2007 , Saint Michael the Archangel spoke to him through him by possession on March 2007 .
Afterwards, this appeared on his left thigh in red marks: ACE TR 444. 444 is an angelic number for the angels
were probably created on the fourth day of creation. This might mean that Ace is or will be an angel.
Brother Ace has mental telepathy , mediumistic capabilities, and telekinetic capabilities. He could talk to
people from far away places. He is a medium of Y ahweh and Y eshua. He could mov e small objects by merely
pointing at them.
He usually mov es flowers held in the hand and mov es it by pointing his fingers to it.
On March 1 6, 2007 , He said Body , show unto me what happened 2,000 y ears ago. Then he slapped his
forehead to activ ate his command. Suddenly , his body mov ed and he appeared to be tortured, whipped, and
then crucified while he kept cry ing, Abba! Abba! Abba! And he was suddenly speaking in Aramaic, re-speaking
the words uttered by Christ during his crucifix ion. His clothes were taken off during the process with only the
underwear left. Afterwards, his palms and toes began to itch, and then triangular nail marks appeared. Ace
obtained a bloodless stigmata.
Sev eral y ears prior to that, this appeared on his left wrist in red marks: El Y ulo El Y ulo when translated
means The Y ule. Brother Ace might be the Y ule of the Second Coming of Christ.
The Master, Y eshua will return soon as prophesied by Brother Ace.
God the Father Y ahweh manifested Himself to Brother Ace.
Y ear 2003, Brother Ace was accompanied by his parents to CCF, Christs Commission Foundation, a Christian
Church in Sucat, Paranaque, Philippines.
There, two women gifted with the Holy Spirit pray ed ov er Ace. When asked to close his ey es, there appeared
the v ision of God the Father. He was dressed in the cleanest white robe and He was wearing a cone-shaped,
spiral, golden crown cov ering Hid head while a picture of Jesus pray ing was flashing. The Father has white
complex ion and His hands are stretched towards me. He was bare-foot. Brother Ace was in perfect bliss and in
ecstasy for he has seen the beatific v ision. The Lord Y ahweh appeared to Ace. He jumped and shouted out for
joy . Blessed are the clean of heart for they shall see God.
Y ear 2007 , The Father was so angry with the ev il of man. He possessed Brother Ace in his house in Las Pinas
City , Philippines in the middle of the night and shouted out Why do y ou worship money ? If the nearby
Church will not be filled by people in the morning, there will be an earthquake in Manila!
Brother Ace went to the nearby Church to inspect if the Church will be filled by mass-goers. At 6am, luckily ,
the Church was filled by people. Then Y ahweh said: For y our sake, I will spare y our people.
Y ahweh is The Most High God. He is infinitely good y et he could be prov oked to just anger if we would
worship other gods. For Y ahweh is a Jealous God.
Brother Aces heart is alway s close to the poor. He would often giv e alms to the poor and when he has money ,
he would treat them with food. There were a number of occasions when he would giv e what he has to the
needy .
Mark 1 0:21 If thou wilt be perfect, go, sell what thou hast, and giv e to the poor, and thou wilt hav e treasure
in heav en; and come follow me.
The my stical and supernatural life of Brother Ace has led him in the spirit of prophecy and healing and
charity , establishing The Y eshua Mov ement, the Knights of Christ, and the Sisters of Christ.
He is inspired with a burning lov e and zeal for God and for his Master Jesus to write books, compose songs,
sing praises to God, and pray unceasingly to God.
Brother Ace is a prophet and a serv ant of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Brother Ace continually serv es, honors, magnifies, and glorifies God through his many gifts, his ministry of
preaching, prophesy ing, and healing.
The life of Brother Ace prov es that any one who wishes to serv e God will be aided, guided, inspired, and
protected by God and his angels.
Serv ants of God will be ex alted and glorified and will be rewarded in heav en, in the company of God, his
people, with the angels and the saints.
All those who lov e and serv e the Lord shall be called sons and daughters of God.

Brother Ace Orense

Prophet, preacher, healer, and Serv ant of God
Founder of the Y eshua Mov ement, the Fraternity of the Knights of Christ and the Sorority of the Sisters of
Author of Books of Ace, a compilation of inspirational Christian books
Author of the books Y ahweh, Y eshua, Second Coming of Christ, The Div ine Warrior, Children of
God, Angels of God, Teachings of the Master Jesus, The Life of Brother Ace and many others
Composer of the rap gospel songs Jesus Is My Shepherd,
Gods Children, Angels of God, Blood On The Face Of The Moon, Armageddon, The Four Horsemen,
Change The World, God Is Lov e, Tomorrow, Two Thousand Y ears, What Profit Is It For A Man, and
many others
May The Almighty God bless the life and works of his serv ants and make it bear fruit. May God inspire, guide,
sav e, and instruct his laborers for his kingdom.

Let us altogether worship God who created the heav ens and the earth, the seas and the fountains, mankind
and all the beasts, the birds, the fishes, and all the creatures and the whole univ erse and all of his wonderful
creations, our Father Y ahweh.
Let us altogether worship the God who died for us the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, Our
Lord and Sav ior Jesus Christ.
Let us altogether worship the God who giv es life, who keeps us holy and acceptable to the Father, The Holy
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are y ours, Almighty Father, forev er and ev er.

Kindly send copies of all these written to ev ery one.

All this for the lov e of Thee, and for the glory of Thee, Master Y eshua.

Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, One God forev er and ev er.

Come Lord Jesus!

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