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18INow2017 17:10:42 Andbank Asset Management #352 27125484 1182 (Phi luc sé 06 ban hank km theo Thing te 36 155 /201S/TT-BTC nga 06 thang 10 nam 2015 iia B6 Tat chinh nudng dén céng 66 théng tin ten thi ireing ching Khon) (Promulgated with the Circular No 155/2015/TT-BIC on October 06, 2015 of the Ministry of Finance guiding the Information disclosure on seeuritles markets) CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM —=———__ Déc lp - Ty do - Hanh phic SOGIAO DICH CHUNG KHOAN THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM }—TEHOCHIMINN Independence - Freedom — Happiness pin 5 See Naty: dEL AMAL) . er ALG gay 15 thing 11 ndm 2017 Lins hé so sé: | wy 15 11.2017 'CAO-VE NGAY TRO THANH/KHONG CON LA CO BONG LON, NHA DAU TU NAM GIO TU 5% TRO LEN CHUNG CHI QUY DONG REPORT ON THE DAY BECOMING /NO LONGER BEING MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS, INVESTORS HOLDING 5% OR MORE OF CLOSED FUND CERTIFICATES Kinh giri:— - Uy ban Chimg khoan Nha nude + S6 Giao deh Chimg khodn = Céng ty dai chiing/ Céng ty quan ly quj: ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONSTECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENTCORPORATION To: ~ The State Securities Commission - The Stock Exchange ~ The public company/ The fund management company: ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONSTECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENTCORPORATION 1, Th6ng tin vé od nhiin/té chite du tu/ Information on indlvidual/institutional investor + Ho va tén cé nban/Tén 16 chitc diu tx / Name of individual/organization investor: HALLEY SICAV - HALLEY ASIAN PROSPERITY ity: Luxembourg Thé can cuse (46i v6i cé nhfin) hoe S6 Gily ching nhin ding ky doanh nghigp, Gidy phép host ding hoi gidy tb phép ly tuong dong (di v6i 13 chic), gay fp, noi cap / 1D card/Passport No, (in case of individual) or Certificate of business puBLiC 18INow2017 17:10:42 ‘Andbank Asset Management #352 27125484 12052 2, Ngudi c6 lign quan cla cé nhfn/té chére ddu tw (dang nim git cing loai cd phiéwehing chi qug) / Related person (currently holding the same types of shares/fund certificates): ~ Ho va tén ef nha/Tén 18 chite od lidn quan / Full name of related individual/organization: HALLEY SICAV - HALLEY ASIAN PROSPERITY + Quée tich/ Nationality: Luxembourg - Sé CMND, H6 chidu, Thé cain cude (d6i véi cé nhfn) hode $6 Gidy ching nhén ding ky doanh nghiép, Gidy phép hoat déng hoge gidy ty phap ly tuong duong (doi vai td chitc), ngiy cp, noi chp / 1D card/Passport No. (in case of individual) or Certificate af husine 3. Tén e& phiéwehimg chi quy/ma chimg khodn sé hiw/ Name & code of share/fund certificate owned: ~ Tén cd phiéw/chimg chi quy sd hiwName of share/fund certificate owned: ELECTRONICS — COMMUNICATIONSTECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENTCORPORATION ~ MB chimg khodn sd hinwSecurities code: ELC 4, Clo tai khodin giao djch c6 clting khodn néu tei mye 3/ Trading account number with shares mentioned in paragraph 3 above: Tai cng ty ehtg khosn/In securities company: 5. 86 lugng, ty 18 ob phiéwehing chi quy nim git truée Khi thyc hign giao dich’ Number, ‘ownership proportion of shares/fund certificates held before the transaction: 4,195,842 cb phiku/chting chi qui/ shares/fund certificates, trong img/ equal to 8.24 % 6. Sé Iuong 3 phigwehimg chi quj 4% mua/bAn/cho/ting/duge ting/thira ké/chuyén nhugng/nhin chuyén nhuong/hoan dbi tai ngay lam thay doi ty 18 sé hifu va tré thanb/hote Khfing ein 1 oA Aéng Idm/nha du tu sé hitu tir 5% chimg chi qu? eva qu? déng/ Number of shares / fund certificate purchase/ sell/ give/ donate/ donated/ inkeritance/ transfer/ transferred/ swap at date on which change of ownership ratio and becoming/ no longer being a major shareholder! investors holding 595 or more of closed fund certificate happened: 4,195,842 ob phiéu/chimg chi qu{/ shares/fund certificates 7. $6 lugng, ty 18 cb phiéu/chting chi quy nim gitt sau khi thyc hién giao dich (ho&e thye fn hon 4bi)/ Number, ownership proportion of shares/fund certificates hold after the transaction (or swap): PUBLIC 1@INOWI2017 17-10-42 Andbank Asset Management +352 27425484 13182 0c6 phiéwichimg chi quy/ shares/fiund certificates, tuong img/ equal to 0.00 % 8. Ngiy thc hign giao djch (pote thye hin hodn 48%) lam thay di ty 1¢ s6 hitu va tré than cb déng lén/khBng cin la cd dng Jon/nha ddu tw nim git tir $% chimg chi qu? cia quy déng/ trading date on which change of ownership ratio and becoming’ no longer being a major shareholder! investors holding 5% or more of closed fund certificate happened: 14/11/2017. 9. $6 lugng, ty 1¢ cd phiéw/chimg chi quy ngudi cé lién quan dang nim gitt) Number, ‘ownership proportion of shares/ fund certificates currently held by the related person: 10, S6 lugng, ty 1¢ 08 phidu/chtmg chi quy cing ngudi cé lién quan ném gitt sau khi giao dich! Number, ownership proportion of shares/fund certificates held by individual/ organization investor together with related persons after the transaction: CA NHAN/TO CHIC BAO CAO! NGUOIDUQC UY QUYEN CONG BO THONG TIN NAME OF REPORTING ORGANIZATIONANDIVIDUAL/PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO DISCLOSE INFORMATION (Ky, ghi ro ho tén, déng ddu—néu cd) (Sigruture, UI name une seat ~ in case Uf urgunueusion) We Kur oe PuBLic

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