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Instructional Planning: Unit Plan (K-12) Template

Unit : Cells
Subject/Course: Biology
Title: Cell
and function
Name: Ms.
Grade/s: 9-11

Stage 1: Desired Results



This unit will cover the parts of a cell and their functions as well as the relationship between these parts. In
addition, it will cover the relationship between these parts and the differences between plant/animal cells
and prokaryote/eukaryote cells. In addition, the function, structure, and impact of bacteria and viruses on
living things will be explored.
Supporting/Repeating Standards:
Content Standards:
Quality Core Standards
B.1.a: Analyze the similarities and differences among (a) plant versus animal cells and (b) eukaryotic versus
prokaryotic cells
B.1.b: Describe the functions of all major cell organelles, including nucleus, ER, RER, Golgi apparatus,
ribosome, mitochondria, microtubules, microfilaments, lysosomes, centrioles, and cell membrane
B.1.d: Contrast the structure and function of subcellular components of motility (e.g., cilia, flagella,
E.3.e: Distinguish between and among viruses, bacteria, and protists, and give examples of each
F.1.c: Discuss the role of beneficial bacteria

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that
What is life?
Medical advancements are all based on the
knowledge of cells What are the organizational steps of the
building blocks of the human body?
Knowledge of cells, their functions, and
cellular division all lead to new medical How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
solutions such as cures for Cancer or HIV similar and different?

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Unit Plan (K-12) Template 1
Knowledge of cells originated from Can students relate advances in the
advancements in microscope and this will microscope to the discovery of cells?
continue as advancements in technology
continue to grow What are the major organelles in the
eukaryotic cell and what are their functions?
Plant and animal cells have many similarities
and differences that explain why we are both How do systems of specialized cells within an
alive but have completely different function organism help them preform the essential
and processes (ex. Photosynthesis for their functions of life?
energy and cellular respiration for us)
How might a failure or mistake within cells
Eukaryotic cells are much more complex, impact intracellular interactions?
therefore explaining why bacteria carry out
simple functions How are plant and animal cells similar and
different in structure and function?

Students will know Students will be able to

Explain the origin of the cell and the three critical

Major organelles of plant and animal cells components of cell theory
Similarities and differences between prokaryotic Use the microscope to observe and identify plant
and eukaryotic cells and animal cells
How to identify cellular organelles Use the microscope to identify and draw
How to create a basic model of a cell structures that are visible in onion plant cells and
How to use basic functions of compound-light human cheek cells
microscope Draw and make a display model of a typical
Three parts of cell theory cell(plant or animal choice)
What defines an organism as alive or not alive Construct a table or drawing to show how the
Organization of body from cell- human body structure of each organelle is related to its function
Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic
Compare and contrast plant and animal cells
Evaluate the failure of a specialized cell or its part
and determine the impact it may have on the
overall function of the cell
Explain how the structure of cellular parts
facilitates their function
Describe that cell-> tissue -> organ-> organ
system-> human body is the correct organization
of our biological building blocks

How do these desired results align with your class vision?

My main goal for my students is to prepare them to think critically and problem solve outside of the classroom using the
skills and scientific method we cover in Biology. Being able to compare and contrast information in graphic organizers
for plant and animal cells and prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells will allow them to do this with other information. I also
want my students to understand how knowledge of cells connects to real life. If processes do not go as planned within a

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Unit Plan (K-12) Template 2
cell, thie can have devastating affects such as mutations that lead to Cancer. Most of our students know someone who
currently has Cancer or passed away from Cancer, and knowledge of cells leads to medical advancement which leads
to cures for diseases like this.

Scoring 80 percent of higher on quizzes and assessments will connect to our big goal of college readiness. If students
are able to achieve 80 percent or higher, they will understand this is an A/B average necessary for college admittance.

A final goal I have is for my students to pass the EOY course exam for Biology once they transition back to the regular
high school. If they can master the content in this class and understand the importance of this in their daily lives, I hope
this increases student buy in, investment, and therefore, student achievement.

Stage 2a: Assessment/Evidence

Explain any performance tasks you will use (major projects and core task, i.e., common assessments):

Microscope quiz and test on functions/founders that led to the discovery of cells

Model of plant of animal cell- students will choose plant or animal cell to create a candy
model. Students will choose candy to represent each organelle and make a key to go with
project. Attached there will be a writing assignment where the function of each organelle is
describe and connected to how a cell is able to carry out functions

Analogies competition- students will practice creating analogies for cell organelles to think
about this content on a deeper level. For example: The cell membrane is like a bounce at a
club because it keeps materials from entering of leaving the cell.

Cell city brochure- project at home where students will use the analogies we practiced to
create a brochure of a city, where each part of the cell represents a part of the city

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Explain other assessment evidence you will use: (quizzes, tests, prompts, work samples and observations):
Summative assessment
At home project with rubric
Candy cell model (in class) with rubric (will have sample work for students from previous

How do these assessments measure your students progress toward your classes big goal(s)?

Students will aim for a score of 80 percent or higher and we will stress in class the WHY of
achieving an 80. (college readiness and high GPA)

Multiple question types: multiple choice, true/false, matching, free response, filling in venn
diagrams, labeling cell, explaining importance behind the discovery of cells and how it will
help science/medicine/society in the future

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Unit Plan (K-12) Template 4
Stage 2b: Summative Assessment for this Unit
Create and/or copy/paste the summative assessment that accompanies this unit here. Note if you have created the
summative assessment for this unit in another file, you may zip the two files together to submit to the gradebook.

Explain how you have designed your assessment, so you can easily track mastery by objective. You may
explain this here or if its easiest to track changes in your assessment and explain why you organized it as you
have, please feel free to do so.

I have designed the assessment below to activate student thinking in a variety of ways including multiple choice,
true/false, matching, free response, labeling a cell diagram, and filing in venn diagrams.

Name: _________________________Period_____

Unit Assessment: Cells

1. ____ Prokaryotic cells are different than eukaryotic cells because they
a. have a nucleus b. have mitochondria c. lack a nucleus d. get their energy from the sun

2. ____ The two types of eukaryotic cells are

a. plant and bacteria cells b. plant and animal cells c. bacteria and animal cells d. none of the above

3. ____ Cells that were the first living things on earth were most likely
a. eukaryotic cells b. prokaryotic cells c. eubacterial cells d. plant cells

4. ____ Most functions of a eukaryotic cell are controlled by the cells

a. cell wall b. ribosomes c. nucleus d. mitochondria

5. ____ Which of the following organelles is found only in plants?

a. ribosomes b. nucleus c. mitochondria d. central vacuole

6. ____ Smooth ER is different than rough ER because smooth ER

a. lacks ribosomes b. stores energy c. is made of protein d. transports organic compounds

7. ____ An internalized cell structure that performs specific activities for the cell is known as a(n);
a. ribosome b. mitochondrion c. organelle d. nucleus

8. ____ A system of membranes that move proteins and other substances within the cells is the:
a. mitochondria b. nucleus c. lysosome d. endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

9. ____ One function of a lysosome within a cell is to

a. use enzymes to break down proteins b. make energy c. transport molecules

10. ____ The organelle that captures energy from the sun to make organic compounds such as sugar are
a. lysosomes b. vesicles c. vacuoles d. chloroplasts

11. ____ The function of the golgi apparatus is to

a. control the cells functions b. package and distribute proteins
c. store water d. allow things in and out of the cell

12. _____ The organelle that is responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP is
a. lysosomes b. chloroplasts c. mitochondria d. the cell membrane

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13. _____ A small membrane-bound sac that can carry various items to and from the cell is called a
a. vesicle b. lysosome c. vacuole d. nucleolus

14. ____ The function of the central vacuole is to

a. release salt b. package proteins c. store water and nutrients d. absorb waste

15. ____ Ribosomes are created within the

a. mitochondria b. golgi body c. Rough ER d. nucleolus

16. ____ One difference between plant and animal cells is that
a. animal cells have a cell wall b. plant cells do not have mitochondria
c. animal cells lack a cell wall d. plant cells do not have a nucleus

17. ____ The function of ribosomes in the cell is to

a. make hormones b. release water c. make proteins d. transport molecules

18. ____ The role of the cell wall is to

a. support the cell b. protect the cell c. provide a rigid structure d. all of the above

Suppose that Ms. Masters has shrunk you down to 1 nm tall (thats VERY tiny). The reason for this is so that
our class can get a once-in-a-lifetime tour of an actual cell! Let us pretend this is a plant cell. To our surprise,
visiting the cell is very similar to visiting a small city or town. Based on the functions of cell parts, match the
organelle with the city jobs on the right.

19. endoplasmic reticulum___

a. The city post master- the manager of the citys post office.
He packages items for distribution.
20. Golgi body___
b. The mail man- he drives around the roadways the city
delivering packages.
21. mitochondria___
c. The solar plant- this factory acts like a greenhouse
22. cell membrane___ to catch energy from the sun.

23. chloroplast ___ d. The power plant- this factory converts the energy
captured from the solar plant into a form of energy
that the cell can use.

e. City border- this border surrounds the city. If you want to

leave the city, you have to pass through the border!

Numbers 24-25 are short answer questions.

24. Name the three parts of the cell theory:


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25. Explain why you think it is important we continue to research cells and the functions their
organelles carry out.

26.)Using Venn Diagram, compare and contrast a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell, which must
include at least 3 elements in each category: (9 pts)

27.) Using a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast plant and animal cells, including 3 elements in each

category. (9 pts)

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The figures below represents a cell. Use it to answer numbers 28-33. Label each component of the cell
correctly. (6pts)

Word bank:
Cell membrane
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

How did this exit ticket make you feel? Circle how you felt and explain why (2 pts)

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Unit Plan (K-12) Template 8
Microscope and Cells Unit combined:

Day 1: I can relate cells to tissues, organs, and organ systems, and the entire organism: Human body probe
sheet-he purpose of this probe is to identify students' thinking regarding the cellular makeup of the human
body. I want to know if students recognize that the human body is an organized collection of cells (Herman's
answer - everything is made of cells - student reply 1, student reply 2), and not cells inside "coverings" (Felix
and Diandra's answers).

-Will discuss as class and will ask students to hold on to until the end in case they want to revise their answer
after the lesson
-Powerpoint on cells being the building blocks of life
Each student will represent a cell. Each student will be given a piece of string. They will tie a piece to another
person or a group of three. I will explain how there are more than one cell connected now to form a tissue.
They will then tie their group to another to form an organ. Then to each other to another group to form an
organ system. They will tie it to someone else one last time to form the human body
-sorting exercise strengthens the physical model the students created by allowing them to develop the same
concept of a system within known contexts - a human, a plant and a building
-sorting worksheet( will turn in as exit ticket)

Day 2: I can familiarize myself with the parts of a microscope and understand how they work: warm up:
How do we know what our body is actually made up of if we cannot see anything smaller with the naked
eye? Notes on microscope types and parts- pre lab sheet for lab tomorrow

Day 3: I can familiarize myself with the parts of a microscope and understand how they work (cont):
Microscope lab where students will cut out letter E from magazine and view under microscope practicing
settings and directions from lab sheet

Day 4:buzzfeed- what is that microscopic organism game? Students with most correct earn candy- in groups
complete microscope review sheet

Day 5: I can achieve 80 percent or higher on my microscope quiz: Quiz on microscope parts

Day 6: I can use my microscope knowledge to conduct a lab to look for my own cells: warm up
-We will go over objectives for the lab as a class and split into two groups- Ms. Masters supervising one and
Ms. Hunter supervising the other.
-Students will follow microscope procedures learned last week to find own cheek cells using bromothymol
blue to stain cells.
-Students will answer questions about why they need the dye to view the cells, and sketch what they see for
dyed and undyed cell samples for each objective lens magnification (4x, 10x, 40x)

Day 7: I can state the major components of cell theory.
warm up- Why is it important we learn about cells? How would science and medicine be different if we

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Unit Plan (K-12) Template 9
didnt know about cells?
Ms. Masters will hand out guided notes packets and discuss the warm up questions. Will show this
Ms. Masters will lecture on cells and students will take notes.
Exit slip at end of class.

Day 8: I can state the major components of cell theory.
Group reading activity, answer questions, and discuss as class

Day 9: I can identify the organelles of plant, animal, and bacterial cells and describe their functions:
students will use Ipads to complete cells alive webquest. Students will complete interactive lab either
independently or with a partner. Students will learn about the similarities and differences between
prokaryotic (bacterial), animal, and plant cells by labeling their organelles and describing their functions.
(can also do gizmo in place)

Day 10: I can explain the similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells: Students
will be assigned either a prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell to read about and take notes. At the end of the
period, they will have to be the expert on their cell type and help partner fill in their side of the note sheet
and complete venn diagram and jigsaw questions. Discuss as class and fill in class chart with each groups
contributions. This will be turned in as their exit ticket

Day 11: I can construct analogies to demonstrate my understanding of plant and animal cell organelles.
warm up: students will be given a sticky note of a characteristic of a prokaryotic cell, eukaryotic cell, or both,
and must tape in the correct place in venn diagram on board. Will briefly discuss as class as review of

As a whole class we will read about cell organelles relating to the parts that make up a whole school- TLC!
After, students will break into partners or groups of three and work to answer the mystery descriptions to
figure out which cell organelle fits into the analogy. There should be discussion between partners and can
use notes as a resource.
We will go over as class.

Students with the most analogies correct will earn class money!

Students will need to write two analogies of their own in as exit ticket. (any organelle from plant of animal.
May not be exact from worksheet or will not get credit) At end, students will quiz rest of class and we will
see if we can guess each others

Day 12: I can create an accurate model or a plant or animal cell and describe the importance of each
Warm up: analogies of organelles will be on board, and students must decide which organelle fits the
description. Will discuss as class and introduce project rubric.

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Before receiving candy, students must fill in key and functions of each organelle and have approved by Ms.

Once completed, may begin working on model. (day one project)

Day 13: I can create an accurate model or a plant or animal cell and describe the importance of each
organelle. (cont.)

By today students should begin working on cell model (plant or animal cell) Will turn in at end of class to be
graded. For extra credit Friday, students may stand up and talk about their cell model and why they chose
certain candy to represent the organelles. (day two finish)
Optional long term project to complete in class or at home.

Day 14: I can explain how knowledge of cells helps us make advancements in the medical field towards
cure for diseases (such as cancer)
Will ask students to raise hand if they know someone who had/has cancer? Will explain to students how all
of the things weve been learning are crucial in understanding how cancer spreads. Ted Ed video (how does
cancer spread) will ask probing questions throughout video. Cancer reading and questions. Will come back
as whole class to go over and discuss.

Day 15: I can review for my cells assessment with a goal of 80 percent in mind.

Jeopardy review in teams. Team that scores the most points will receive a prize! Answers will be printed out
to quiz each other if finished early or to fold up to put in pocket and study at home.

Day 16: I can review for my cell structure and function assessment with a goal of 80 percent or higher in
Study guide
Go over as class
kahoot review game if finish early

Day 17: I can achieve 80 percent of higher on my cell structure and function assessment.

Students will spend class period taking cells test (no notes unless many absences during unit) This tends to
happen frequently with the alternative school

Day 18: I can review and correct my mistakes from the cells assessment. Students who achieve 80 percent
or higher do not need to do corrections but if scored below is mandatory. Extension crossword for students
who passed ad students who did not must do corrections: Students will write missed question, correct
answer, and in 1-2 sentences explain why it is the correct answer choice. May be done by restating question
or using notes as support.

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Unit Plan (K-12) Template 11

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