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Ernesto Luis PIANA
Investigador Principal CONICET, Centro Austral de Investigaciones Cientficas,
Houssay 200 (9410) Ushuaia, Argentina


Investigador Principal, Asociacin de Investigaciones Antropolgicas, Bartolom Mitre 1131,
7 G (1036) Buenos Aires City, Argentina

Formaao dos concheiros em o canal Beagle (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)

Abstract: In the Beagle Channel Region more than a thousand shellmiddens are known. Some of them have been studied, covering
more than six millennia up to ethnohistorical times. All the studied and sampled shellmiddens include traces of multiple daily
activities. Ring-shaped ones, almost all of them within a 4 m diameter, are the most frequent form and show a tendency to be
clustered in large sites. This paper discusses their formation process based on results obtained from four different research lines:
archaeological, etnohistorical, experimental and actualistic observations. It underlines the role of human activity carried out on the
spot as a spatial attractor and as a more important variable than landscape features. We conclude that the first settlement on a
specific place might have been produced by a high variety of reasons, but soon the shells and other debris accumulation provoked
microtopographic modifications that called for new reoccupations and conditioned the use of the space for future visitors.
Key words: Shellmiddens, formation processes, Beagle Channel, Yamana, Yahgan, experimental archaeology

The Beagle Channel Region (Fig. 30.1 a) is the 30.1 c). Archaeological sites unrelated to shellmiddens
southernmost portion of South America. It has a high are also known, but in a small number.
density of easily visible archaeological sites because: a)
most of the known sites are shellmiddens (Orquera & All the studied and sampled shellmiddens of the Beagle
Piana 1999a, 2000, 2001); b) the region was continuously Channel Region include traces of multiple daily activities,
peopled by sea nomads since some 6300 uncal. 14C years as lithic and bone tools and their fragments, ornamental
BP (Orquera & Piana 1988, Piana & Orquera 2006); and gear in shell, bone and teeth, stone chipping and bone
c) modern population has been scanty up to the 1980s processing remains, faunal remains, hearths, scattered
and remains urban concentrated, so recent anthropogenic charcoal and sometimes even burials. Unlike mounds of
impact is low. The aim of this paper is to present an some other areas, the Beagle Channel shellmiddens have
analysis of their formation process, rooted in archaeolo- not resulted from specialized activities, be them just
gical, ethnohistorical, experimental and actualistic obser- shellfish processing, out-of-settlement garbage dumps,
vations. burials or any other type of activity. Actually, such non-
specialization of the space use is coherent with the
From nearly a thousand archaeological sites with environmental characteristics. Of course, coastal
shellmiddens known just in the Argentinean part of the environment is not entirely homogeneous and local
mentioned region, circa 500 were systematically recorded. landscape characteristics are related with different costs
A similar density was recorded in Navarino, Chile of access to different resources. However, from a regional
(Ocampo & Rivas 2004) and they extend down to near standpoint, staple resources for the survival of the sea
Cape Horn (Legoupil 1995). Current surveys show that nomads at the Beagle Channel Region were rather evenly
more than a 90% of the shellmiddens recorded on the distributed within a half-a-day mobility from any possible
Beagle Channel north coast are located within 300 m encampment location, be it in canoe or by foot. This
from the coastlines of their respective antiquities. Even favoured the human distribution in the minimum viable
though they were looked for, sites further than 1 km from social units and high mobility within small ranges
the present coastline are poorly represented. (Orquera & Piana 1999a and references herein included).
The survey results turned to be consistent with the
Four shellmidden types were identified in the region expectations derived from such assumptions.
(Orquera & Piana 1991): 1) isolated thin lenses; 2) flat
accumulations (overlapping of many individual lenses Since many ring-shaped mounds may be clustered in a
with an extended flat or undulated surface) that do not single site, several thousands are known: almost all of
display the characteristics of the following types; 3) them have some 3 to 4 m as diameter range. A statistical
dome-like mounds (rounded or oval like base and highly analysis made on a smaller series of sites (n = 318)
convex transverse section) (Fig. 30.1 b); and 4) ring- (Barcel et al. 2002) confirms that ring-shaped shell-
shaped or annular mounds with a central depression (Fig. middens are the most frequent feature, with a tendency to


Fig. 30.1. a) Beagle Channel Region; b) dome-like shellmidden; c) ring-shaped shellmidden; d) ring-shaped
shellmidden profile, depression to the right; e) ring-shaped shellmidden profile, note that the soil was not dug
to form a pit-house; f) dome-like hut (taken from De Agostini, 1933); g) huts and adjacent shellmidden (picutre
taken from Mission Scientifique du Cap Horn in 1882-1883); h) camps, normally clustering but a of few huts


be clustered in large sites, with or without associated rather than trunks. The use of thicker poles is not
dome-like ones. However, isolated ring-shaped mounds or discarded (more still, it is supposed) but the traces that
small aggregations of them also occurred with some may result from them may also recognize other causes, so
frequency. As for domes, they have a tendency to be it is not possible to establish such relation beyond
isolated and in small sites, but some are aggregated and it reasonable doubt.
is frequent to find domes within clusters of ring-shaped
mounds. For all of them, the shoreline was the main An important part of the Magellan-Fuegian sea nomads
spatial attractor they are statistically unrelated to fresh diet was supplied by shellfish, mussels (Mytilidae) in
water sources while protection against wind is neither a particular. Nevertheless, time and effort required for their
positive nor negative attribute. All kinds of sites are near gathering and transportation are unbalanced by the energy
shore, but not all the sites are located there. Grouped and yielded by them. Their main offer is proteins and
large sites are positively attracted to the shore; minerals, the amount of fats and carbohydrates being very
conversely, when relatively far from it, sites are smaller, low. So a diet based only on shellfish would be
isolated and less complex. Ring-shaped mounds have also dangerously low in calories, especially in long lapses.
a positive tendency to be located near the woods though Moreover, the debris rate is very high and, when
out of them, while the majority of the domes is within transported, a large part of its weight is water. From the
todays woods. calories provided by all of the resources consumed in the
sites, mostly sea lions, the mussels range goes from
Even though the correlation between mounds and around 6% to little more than the 20%. Even so, mussels
nowadays woods is statistically positive, it is an spurious were massively exploited all along a six millennia
one woods type, stage and limits vary through time, sequence, so they must have offered important and lasting
they are not stable at all, and had to change many times benefits. Those benefits were not as much in terms of
along the last 6000 years. The recording of the relation food income and energy yielded as for being a risk
between sites and the todays woods was planned to reducer factor or security valve, capable of neutralizing
obtain a statistical result of a known false relationship, short stress situations caused by the lacking of more
which we use as a comparative standpoint for the nutritive resources (Orquera 1999). Their location is
unknown ones. predictable, they are available in the largest part of the
regions shore, mostly grouped in large beds with many
The first settlement on a specific place may result from a individuals and minimum seasonal variation, their
high diversity of reasons. Based on a thirty years of gathering is neither risky nor requiring any special
continuous research in the region, our interpretation for technological means, skill or force.
sites development is that after the first occupations the
traces of human activity left on the spot transformed it in Other than the high refuse rate when transported, the main
a spatial attractor, both calling for new re-occupations and problem raised in the region by the Mytilidae exploitation
conditioning the later use of the space. Such assessment, is the long time required to reach edible sizes. In natural
as well as how and why it occurred, outcome from the conditions, the archaeological media size implies two or
previously mentioned four different interlinked research two-and-a-half years. In controlled conditions when
lines: archaeological, etnohistorical, experimental and commercially produced to reach a media of 5 to 6 cm
actualistic observations. takes 18 months. So, a small group of persons that daily
ate some mussels and staid in a place for several weeks,
As for the archaeological data (summarized in Orquera & or a large aggregation of people in just one site, would
Piana 1999a, Piana et al. 2001, 2004, Piana & Vzquez mean the loss of the security valve of the native
2005), the same settlement patterns are found from some economy. This means that small groups dispersal
6300 years 14C uncal. bp to the XIX Century (Estvez & combined with frequent mobility was a way to decrease
Vila 1995, Piana et al. 2000). All of the dug or sampled survival risks.
shellmiddens, with the possible exception of the Ajej I
site (Piana et al. 2001), resulted from multiple reoccupa- It is very probable that the access to Mytilus beds had
tions of the same spot. As it has been stated, such occu- played an important role in selecting places for settlement
pations left behind the remains of multiple daily activities. and also for their abandonment. The excavation technique
They display a patterned distribution that denotes the developed by us (Orquera & Piana 1992) enables to
same specific use of the space; v.g. the hearths from recognize shellmidden subdivisions in the size order of
different occupations overlap, the end scrapers are single occupational events. The preserved faunal remains,
commonly found outside but near the shellmiddens, etc. and specially the mussel ones, represent the consumption
during a few days by a small amount of humans. This
The studied dome-like and ring-shaped mounds were suggests very frequent mobility, although not necessarily
formed by the raising of shellmiddens and not by surface to long distances.
digging (pit houses) (Fig. 30.1 d-e), this being important
because the amount of effort involved in digging should A large review on the ethnohistorical data related to the
call for its later use. When found, traces of old hut poles Beagle Channel Region is summarized in Orquera &
in the ancient soils are thin, implying the use of branches Piana 1999b. Some of such information is meaningful for


this topic. Conic and vaulted huts with simple poles or two ceremonial huts, one at Remolino ranch (Argentina)
branches frames and related to shellmiddens were and the other at Navarino Island (Chile) (Gusinde 1937).
recorded from the earliest moments of the Native- Within thousands of known archaeological ring-shaped
European contacts (Fig. 30.1 f-g). People dispersion shellmiddens, only one is oval and large.
commonly happened in one or two families groups, while
large numbers got together only in non-cyclical special As previously stated, the almost exclusive size of the
occasions as a whale stranding or a foreign ship nearing. archaeological ring-shaped mounds is circa 4 m diameter.
When pictured since the XIX Century, huts were isolated Even though such reiteration was formerly considered as
or up to four together (Fig. 30.1 h). Hut sizes mentioned resulting from repeating the same social decision time
by foreign observers or shown in pictures are in the order after time, according to experimental analysis it may be
of the already quoted sizes for the ring-shaped mounds. inferred that they are the result of environmental
Huts were used like camping tents rather than houses: limitations. Due to competition for sunshine, Nothofagus
places to cover from weather inclemency, to spend the woods in Tierra del Fuego undergo a cyclical process:
night, etc., while most of the daily activities were from renewals (tight small, long and thin trees) to open
performed outside. When abandoned, huts were neither woods (where mainly old big and branched trees remain).
turned down nor damaged, so with little preparation they Near a renewal, the type of poles available enable to erect
were ready to be used by any new occupant. Human both vaulted and small thin poles conic huts. Near old
mobility was highly nomadic but along short distances; woods, only conic huts might be built.
transport capacity was provided by canoes. Several
observers said that daily harvesting and consumption of Besides this long lasting experimental research, some
mussels and other resources was one of the main causes actualistic observations were done in order to cover larger
of the great mobility. time spans. Different sorts of wooden shelters made
without industrial materials as nails, wires, ropes, etc.,
As part of our archaeological project, we also developed were searched. Several shelters made by fishermen,
an experimental research line that unexpectedly lasted 15 hunters, military patrols during survival tests, loggers,
years and included the building of 22 conic or vaulted etc., were located and recorded. Just a few examples are
huts (Fig. 30.2 a). Shape, size and constructive pattern herein included. Pictures taken in the early 70s by Ph.D.
were based on both archaeological and ethnohistorical Natalie Goodall to the lasting poles of a hut made in
data. Variables included were: poles/branches structures 1903/4 for a rite du passage attended by Lucas Bridges
(weak vs. hard), leaves and branches cover (thin vs. (1947) (Fig 30.2 e) prove the high durability of some of
thick), exposure to winds (with some protection vs. the logs of conic huts. A timbermens hut erected ca.
unprotected, this latter to constant winds or occasional 1950 proved to last more than 50 years when controlled
very hard ones) and maintenance (without any by us in 1999.
maintenance vs. with maintenance of the cover). Of
course, variables were changed just one at the time. Many recorded cases show how the human activity in a
Disregarding wind exposure, cover thickness, and spot calls for reoccupation and determines the use of the
maintenance, the usual factor of destruction of the huts space. Two examples are herein given. One case is a
structure was the fragility of the dried branches, reached loggers hut made ca. 1965 that still stands (Fig. 30.2 d),
in around four years. Thick poles may last longer and located in an open field at the border of the wood and near
therefore conic structures have more resistance. The a dust road (so it is easily accessible). After the
branches and leaves cover lasting depends on wind timbermen departure, the hut has been used by campers,
exposure, but it is easy to repair. Some of the replicas archaeologists, tourists, etc., in spite that camping may be
were turned down by causes as cattle, kids playing or done on any place around it and very near there are better
vandalism, but even in these cases the huts lasted for places to encamp (v. g. closer to a fresh water source).
more than a year. This lapse is enough to enable the Diachronically and with different life styles, we all used
formation of microtopographic features by just the adding the space in the same way for instance, lighting the
of shells and other debris during their use. same inside hearth, daily activities were done in the
adjacency of the hut and no traces of occupation were
One meaningful result was the finding of factors that recorded further than some 50 m around the hut.
restrict the huts base diameter to near 4 m. To raise a
lasting vaulted hut, at least two structural crossed poles The Roca Lake north coast has many very small rock
have to be both ends wedged into the soil. Basal shelters. During a storm in the early 70s, a fishermen trio
diameters of some 5 m or more require larger poles, but covered the entrance of one of them with a few poles just
such length available ones are too thick to be bent. Conic for temporary protection (Fig. 30.2 g). Within 500 m each
huts with bases of some 5 m on result too high as to stand side, more than 50 of such rock shelters are available, but
facing the regional winds; if the base is enlarged but not the poles protection called for the reoccupation of this
the height, the poles frame collapses. The only way to particular spot and not of the others. Sport fishermen,
enlarge the base is with vaulted structures of oval bases: cattle workers, National Park guards, military patrols,
in the ethnohistorical period, this was the case of at least tourists from many different nationalities and, of course,


Fig. 30.2. a) experimental juts; b) experimental shellmidden by a hut; c) grass cover after seven months
form shells dropping; d) loggers hut built in 1965, pictured in 2003; e) selknam hut built in 1903/4,
pictured in the 1970s; f) tourists fireplace within a ring-shaped shellmidden; g) Roca Lake rockshelter


archaeologists, used time after the same rock shelter, FORMATION PROCESS INTERPRETATION OF
displaying a similar use of the space. Since this rock THE RING-SHAPED SHELLMIDDENS
shelter is in the Fuegian National Park, near the Chilean
Argentine frontier, which was not clearly marked there, Shellfish produce a large rate of garbage volume and due
the shelter reached further significance A summitry (plus to their size they have to be eaten in large numbers. This
additions minus losses) of refuses some of them implies a fast rate of debris accumulation in significant
transported from Europe, Japan or North America was volumes (Orquera 1999), so no long periods are to be
found there. The poles cover was last recorded in 1987 expected before soil surface changes occur. The huts
and nowadays the rock shelter is not longer used: the lack walls did not hinder the shells dispersion due to the
of visible previous human activity in the spot stopped its separation between both structural poles and "netted"
function as a spatial attractor. branches; consequently, the accumulation around the hut
base could result from intentional deposition or just from
A different line of actualistic observation can be argued. cleaning the inside pushing outwards the debris. Be it
Shells accumulation implies a high amount of C3OCa intentional or not, the fact is that the major part of the
within the soil, as well as a different drainage capability. debris accumulated around the hut in a ring-shaped
The C3OCa mainly selects certain vegetation and mound is formed mainly by shell refuse, but also by other
modifies the grass colour, giving great visibility to places remnants as faunal remains, broken bone, lithic and shell
with shellmiddens. The ancient inhabitants of the region, tools, lithic debris, charcoal, etc. As the experimental
the Yamana, recognized this for they had a special word research shows, both conic and vaulted huts may last long
(ucurhshuca) to refer to a special type of plants that only enough as to enable the formation of that ring-shaped
grows on the settlements (Bridges 1947:67). On midden.
shellmiddens, grasses do not have a specific colour but it
is always different from the round about seen tones. When As long as a hut was still stand, it would convoke for
known, such vegetation colours clearly pinpoint habitable reoccupation of the place and hut repair might occur (Fig.
places. This phenomenon does not depend on the 30.3 a c). Meanwhile, in its periphery shellmidden
antiquity: it is observable today on shellmidens whose debris accumulated be it intentionally or not and
upper layers are thousands years old. The larger the increased its volume. Once the branches frame decayed or
shellmiddens are, the higher their visibility is, so a lot of collapsed, being no longer repairable, the round
them are recognizable at kilometres of distance. shellmidden feature still lasted and it was a better place
Consequently, the larger a shellmidden became from than the surroundings to raise a new hut, because it
different reoccupations, the more potent was as a spatial offered basal shelter from wind, surface water flux and
attractor. snow accumulation.

When local campers or tourists light their fires, they In each reoccupation new volumes of refuse were added
commonly do so into the ring-shaped mounds central to the ring-shaped shellmidden, but problems were to be
depression, because it is a place somewhat protected from faced. The new debris could not be added exactly on top
wind (Fig. 30.2 f). They even prefer such depression to of the previous accumulations without enlarging the
the flat natural adjacent soil. Having no conscience of shellmiddens ring diameter (Fig. 30.3 b d). Being the
being on an archaeological site, they are convoked by the inside depression used again, the new shell aggregations
microtopography and finally their fires overlap the got disposed on top but outwards, on the external slope,
archaeological ones. enlarging the upper diameter of the mound. Profiles of
excavated ring-shaped shellmiddens (v. g. Imiwaia I
Experimental research on shellmiddens formation shows Fig. 1 d; Shamakush I, VIII and X) clearly show this
that after a short time of exposure the upper shells outwards growing process. But, according to the
interlock themselves, forming a surface with physical experimental research, available raw material and
properties analogous to that of fibreglass: short environmental conditions limit the huts basal possible
interlinked fibres or shells form very resistant surfaces. dimensions to near 4 m diameter. The enlarged diameter
Consequently, the shells later dropped on the spot do not of the ring-shaped shellmidden would then be useless,
mix with the previous ones. This phenomenon results because rain or snow melting would necessarily drain into
from several observable processes. For instance, a the hut. When a ring-shaped mound reached such
somehow hard wind disperses the loose shells but not the impractical size, a new adjacent one could be raised
interlinked ones; a grass cover, that may be reached in having part of the previous mound as basal protection
short periods, also prevent the new dropped shells from from wind and rain (Fig. 30.3 e). When a ring-shaped
mixing with the older ones (Fig. 30.2 f shows a grass mound reached an impractical size, a new adjacent one
cover grown in 7 months); likewise, trampling and other may be raised having part of the previous mound as basal
human activities compact the surface. Those stratigraphic protection from wind and rain (Fig. 30.3 e). The new ring-
planes of discontinuity are recognizable during the shaped shellmidden would undergo the same process and,
shellmiddens excavation, enabling to subdivide and when enlarged by debris accumulation, would also turn
understand the site formation process (Orquera & Piana itself impractical (Fig. 30.3 f). According to archaeolo-
1992). gical profiles, in many cases the debris mainly accumu-


Fig. 30.3. A branch frame long enough as to allow the formation of a first and low ring-shaped
sehellmidden (a-c). After the branch frame decayed, the same spot was used to build a new hut due to the
existence of the previous shellmiden ring, but later occupations enlarged its basal diameter turning it
useless for occupation (b-d). A new just as raised by the already useless one (e), until this new ring-
shaped shellmiden also became useless (f). The process went on and on (g), up to form a large ring-
shaped cluster of shellmiddens (h)


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diversity of reasons. Notwithstanding, once settled, the
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attractor that calls for new reoccupations in different ORQUERA, L.A. and E.L. PIANA, 1991, La forma-
moments and conditions the later use of the space; cin de los montculos arqueolgicos de la regin del
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Acknowledgments ORQUERA, L.A. and E.L. PIANA, 2000, Composicin
de conchales de la costa del canal Beagle (Tierra del
This research was developed as part of several grants of Fuego, Repblica Argentina). Primera parte. Relacio-
the CONICET. We deeply thank Ph. D. Dnae Fiore for nes de la Sociedad Argentina de Antropologa XXV:
her assistance with the English version of this paper. 249-274, Buenos Aires.


ORQUERA, L.A. and E.L. PIANA, 2001, Composicin PIANA E.L. and M.M. VZQUEZ, 2005, El Sitio
de conchales de la costa norte del Canal Beagle Shamakush VIII: puntualizaciones sobre el uso de
(Tierra del Fuego, Repblica Argentina). Segunda recursos y la gestin del asentamiento en el canal
Parte. Relaciones de la Sociedad Argentina de Beagle. Paper read at the XV Congreso Nacional de
Antropologa XXVI: 345-368, Buenos Aires. Arqueologa Argentina (Ro Cuarto, prov. de
PIANA, E.L., J. ESTVEZ ESCALERA and A. VILA Crdoba), accepted for publication in Actas.
MITJ, 2000, Lanashuaia: un sitio de canoeros del PIANA, E.L., M.M. VZQUEZ, M.R. LVAREZ and
siglo pasado en la costa norte del canal Beagle. In N.S. RA, 2001, El sitio Ajej I: excavacin de rescate
Desde el pas de los Gigantes: Perspectivas en la costa del canal Beagle. Paper read at the XIV
Arqueolgicas de la Patagonia. Tomo II, pp. 455-469. Congreso Nacional de Arqueologa Argentina
Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. Ro (Rosario, prov. de Santa Fe), accepted for publication
Gallegos in Actas.
PIANA, E.L. and L.A. ORQUERA, 2006, Diferencias PIANA, E.L., M.M. VZQUEZ and N.S. RA, 2004,
regionales y temporales en el litoral sudoccidental de Mischiuen I. Primeros resultados de una excavacin
Sudamrica. Paper read at the VI Jornadas de de rescate en la costa norte del canal Beagle. In
Arqueologa de la Patagonia (Punta Arenas, Chile), Civalero, M.T., P.M. Fernndez & A.G. Guraieb
accepted for publication in Actas (eds.): Contra viento y marea. Arqueologa de
Patagonia, pp. 815-832. Buenos Aires.


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