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Photophysics of indole derivatives:

Experimental resolution of L and Lb transitions

and comparison with theory
Maurice R. Eftink*, LeRoy A. Selvidge Patrik R. Callis,
and Aden A. Rehms
*Depfjj.tment of Chemistry, University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677 and 4Department of Chemistry,
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717

Fluorescence excitation and anisotropy spectra are presented for a set of methyl and methoxyindoles at -50C
in propylene glycol glass. These spectra are interpreted in terms of two overlapping ii electronic
transitions ('La and 'L). Semiempirical molecular orbital calculations are presented to correlate with the
observed spectral changes caused by methyl and methoxy substitution.

1. INTRODUCTION low temperature fluorescence anisotropy and excitation

spectra for these derivatives, and, using the arguments
The luminescence of tryptophan has been widely of Valeur and Weber (5), we have attempted to resolve
used to study various kinetic and structural aspects of the 'La and 'Lb transitions. The questions addressed
proteins (1, 2, 3). For this reason a thorough under- are whether methyl or methoxy substitutions change
standing of the photophysics of indole is of great the electronic/spectral character of indole (i.e., the
importance. The accepted description of the photo- relative energy level, strength, vibronic structure, or
physics of indole is in terms of two overlapping it angular separation of the 'La and 'Lb transition
7* transitions, referred to by the Platt labels 'L and moments). We compare experimental results with
'Lb (2, 4, 5, 6, 7). From studies of the angular molecular orbital calculations for the derivatives to see
dependence of the absorbance of UV light by oriented if the observed spectral features can be predicted.
crystals of indole, Yamamoto and Tanaka (6) deter-
mined that the 'La and 'Li, transition moments are 2. MATERIALS AND METHOD
approximately orthogonal to one another in the plane
of the ring. From measurements of the low tempera- 2.1 Materials: Indole ard its various methyl
ture fluorescence anisotropy of indole, Valeur and and methoxy derivatives were obtained from Aldrich
Weber (5) were able to resolve the excitation spectra or Sigma Chemical Co. Indole, 2-methylindole, 3-
for the 'La and 'Li, components. methylindole, 2,3-dimethylindole, and 5-methoxyindole
were sublimed before use. 1-Methylindole was vacuum
The 'La transition is found to be much more distilled before use. L-Tryptophan was recrystallized
sensitive to its environment than the 1J transition. from water. All other compounds were used without
In the vapor phase the 'Li, excited state is lowest in further purification. Spectral grade 1,2-propanediol
energy for most indole derivatives, but in polar (PPG) was obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co.
solvents, the 'La excited state is preferentially
stabilized and the latter becomes the lowest excited 2.2 Ex ' erimental Methods: Low
singlet state (8-12). The greater interaction, between temperature (-50C) fluorescence excitation spectra and
the 'La transition and polar solvent molecules, is anisotropy data were obtained with an SLM 4800
attributed to a much larger change in permanent fluorometer, equipped with a Dewar flask having a
dipole moment associated with excitation to the 'La quartz finger. Excitation spectra were corrected for
state. the lamp profile. See reference (15) for further
experimental details.
In addition to their different solvent dependencies,
the 'La and 'Lb transitions are thought to have 2.3 Theoretical Methods: Semiempirical
different vibronic patterns. The 'Lb absorption appears SCFMO-CI calculations were performed using an
to have a strong 0 - 0 transition, with less intense INDO/S (16) package obtained from Dr. Michael
vibronic peaks at higher energy. The 'L absorption Zerner, University of Florida (16,17). At least three
appears to be broad and featureless (5, 6). calculations were performed for each molecule: (A)
about 25 singly excited and 170 doubly excited ivir*
If this model of the photophysics of indole is valid, configurations were used with Ohno-Klopman (OK)
it should also be able to describe the photophysics of repulsion integrals, hereafter referred to as the SDCI
simple derivatives of indole (8,10,13,14). Here we basis; (B) 196 singly excited configurations arising
present studies of the photophysics of a thrge set of from all possible promotions from the 14 highest
methyl and methoxy indole derivatives. We present occupied MO's (HOMO's) to the 14 lowest unoccupied
both experimental and theoretical studit of the effect MO's (LUMO's) using Mataga-Nishimoto (MN) electron
of these substitutions. Specifically, we have obtained repulsion integrals, hereafter referred to as the SCI

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basis; (C) same as (B) except 200 singly excited 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
configurations which were those possible using the 10
HOMO's and 20 LUMO's. The geometry chosen for Shown in Figures 1 and 2 are fluorescence
the indole frame was that found from the tryptophan excitation and anisotropy spectra (broad band
crystal structure (18), except that the N-H and C-H emission) for indole, methylindoles and methoxyindoles
bond lengths were taken as 1.08A. When methyls in frozen (-50C) solutions of propylene glycol (PPG).
were substituted for hydrogens a C-C bond length of In Figures 3 and 4 are shown the emission wave-
1.52A was used; for methoxy substitution the ring C- length dependence of the anisotropy values, for
o length was taken to be 1.36A and methyl C-O different excitation wavelengths.
length was taken to be 1.43A. The C-O-C bond angle
was always 120.


Figure 1. Fluorescence excitation spectra (solid lines) and anisotropy spectra (solid lines, lighter ink) of indole and
methyl indoles in PPG at -50C. Resolutions into L (....) and Lb (---) spectra are shown. See text for details.

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3.1 Methylindoles: The methylindoles (Figure nm region, corresponding to the peak in the excitation
1) all show excitation spectra which are similar to that spectra (the 0-0 Lb transition). For 1-methyl and 5-
for indole. That is, for most derivatives a peak is methylindole the 'Lb peak (295 nm) in the excitation
seen near 287-291 run, which corresponds (see below) spectrum does not correspond to a dip in the
to the 0-0 transition of the 'Lb oscillator. 1-Methyl anisotropy spectrum. For 1-methylindole there is a
and 5-methylindole are distinct in having this 0-0 'Lb dip in the anisotropy spectrum, but it clearly occurs at
transition at a longer wavelength of 295 nm. Some a lower wavelength (292 nm). As we will argue later,
methylindoles, particularly 3-methylindole and 2,3- the Lb oscillator appears to be the lowest in energy (or
dimethylindole, show strong, slowly rising absorbance to be of nearly equal energy to the L) in 1-methyl
above 300 nm, due to the 'La transition (see below). and 5-methylindole.
The anisotropy spectra of most methylindoles The emission wavelength dependence of the
appear similar to that of indole, itself. A plateau anisotropy values for the methylindoles is shown in
between r = 0.30 - 0.35 is seen at wavelengths at or Figure 3. For indole, 2-, 3-, and 6-methyl-, and 2,3-
above 300 nm. This plateau has been interpreted as dimethylindole, the anisotropy values decrease or
resulting from selective excitation into the 'L transi- increase very slightly between 300 and 380 nm, and
tion of indole (4,5). A dip is seen in the 287-291 the gradual trends are similar at different excitation

>- 0.
0U) 0.30
zF- 0.
240 260 280 300 320 260 280 300 320
Figure 2. Fluorescence excitation spectra (solid lines) and anisotropy spectra (solid lines, lighter ink) of indole and
methoxyindoles in PPG at -50C. Resolutions into L (....) and Lb (---) spectra are shown.

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290 320 350 380290 320 350 320
0.35 - 380290 350 310

0.25 Indole
_; .
:-- 4Methylindole




.:;;;.-' . -.
6MethyIindoIe 7. Methylindole

...0.05 : : : ; : :
290 320 350 380290 320 350 380290 320 350 330

Figure 3. Emission wavelength dependence of the anisotropy of indole and methylindoles in PPG at 5O0C. Excitation
wavelengths of 267 nm (0), 277 nm (), 287 nm (s), and 297 nm (A). For the 4-methylindole, symbo' A is for
excitation at 292 nm; for 5-methylindole, symbol is for excitation at 295 nm.

wavelengths. For 5-methylindole (and, to a lesser drop, between the red-edge plateau and the minimum
extent, 1-, 4-, and 7-methylindole), the anisotropy anisotropy region, varies within the series. For
values vary significantly with emission wavelength and example, 4-methoxyindole shows only a drop from r =
the trends depend on excitation wavelength. A 0.29 to r = 0.25 between 290 nm and 275 mu. 5-
dramatic crossing pattern is seen for 5-methylindole; Methoxyindole, on the other hand, shows r = 0.35 at
between 350 and 360 nm the r value is roughly the red edge and shows a negative anisotropy at 260
independent of excitation wavelength, whereas at nm.
lower (or higher) emission wavelength the r values
increase (or decrease) with increasing excitation The emission wavelength dependence of the
wavelength. The pattern observed for 5-methylindole anisotropy values shows only gradual trends for all the
(and possibly the other mentioned methylindoles) can methoxyindoles. These trends are similar at different
be interpreted as arising from dual emission from the excitation wavelengths and do not indicate the
'L and 'Li, excited stated. existence of dual emission.
3.3 Resolution of L and Ltitnsitions:
3.2 Methoxyindoles: Similarly, we show the Following the procedure of lPaleur andWeber (5), we
excitation and anisotropy spectra of 4-methoxy-, 5- have analyzed the low temperature anisotropy spectra
methoxy-, 6-methoxy-, and 7-methoxyindole in Figure of indoles in terms of contributions from both the 'L
2. Here the spectra deviate more noticeably from that and 'Li, transitions. The procedure will be described
of indole. 5-Methoxyindole and 6-methoxyindole show in detail elsewhere (15). Essentially it involves
very red excitation spectra, whereas 4-methoxyindole selecting values of 8,, the angle between the 'L and
and 7-methoxyindole show relatively blue excitation 1Lb transition moments, which give subspectra which
spectra. The anisotropy spectrum of each of the are similar to those found by Valeur and Weber for
methoxyindoles shows little similarity to that of indole. indole. In Figures 1 and 2 these resolutions are
A plateau is still approached on the red edge, but the shown and the 8, values are given in Table I.

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The resolutions in Figures 1-2 were made without Table I. Parameters Used to Resolve the
knowledge of' the theoretical e to be presented in the Excitation and Anisotropy Specfra of Indoles
next section. It is thus encouraging that we experi- into Component L and L, Spectra.a
mentally find relatively small (<600) values of 8 for
4-methoxy-, 6-methoxy-, and 7-methoxyindole; the
semi-empirical MO calculations predict small 8 for
these methoxyindoles (see below). Also, some of the
above mentioned methylindoles (1-, 4-, and 7-), for Indole 0.35 70-90 (90)
which we find poorer agreement with indole, are ones 1-Methyl- 0.35 50-70 (50)
which the MO calculations predict to have relatively 2-Methyl- 0.35 60-90 (90)
small 8bii Indole and most of the other methylindoles 3-Methyl- 0.35 60-90 (90)
4-Methyl- 0.22 60-70 (50)
(2-, 3-, 6-, and 2,3-dimethyl) show the expected 5-Methyl- 0.35 60-90 (60)
resolution with O values of approximately 6O09O0. 6-Methyl- 0.35 70-90 (90)
The 'La transition is the lowest energy transition for 7-Methyl- 0.35 50-90 (90)
these. The red edge plateau in the anisotropy spectra 2,3-Dimethyl- 0.35 60-90 (90)
is most evident for 2,3-dimethylindole and a value of Trp 0.35 60-90 (90)
0.35 is reached. For 1-, 4-, 5-, and 7-methylindole, the NATA 0.35 60-90 (90)
resolutions show the 'L and 'Li, transitions to have 4-Methoxy- 0.29 20-30 (25)
nearly the same onset (with 'Li, probably being the 5-Methoxy- 0.35 70-90 (90)
6-Methoxy- 0.35 30-40 (40)
lowest energy for 1-methylindole). 0.29 40-50 (50)
The 'Lb transition appears to be the lowest aCofl&tjofls. in PPG at -50C. Values of in
transition for each of the methoxyindoles. The sub- parentheses were used in the resolutions shown in
spectra for 4-methoxy-, 5-methoxy-, and 7-methoxy- Figures 1-2.
indole, in Figure 2, show the fine-structured 'Li, type
sub-spectra to be to the red of the broad, featureless
La sub-spectra. Table IL Calculated Transition Dipole Moment
Directions of Indole Derivatives Using INDO/SSDCIa
and ]NDO/S-SCJ?


4. THEORETICAL RESULTS Derivative degrees degrees
4.1. Transition Moment Directions: The most 'Li, 'L 0ba '14 'L 0ba
striking result of the calculations is the great
sensitivity of the transition moment direction to
the nature and position of substitution, and, in 2,3-dimethyl- 51.5 -41.2 87.3 36.1 -29.7 65.8
2-methyl- 42.6 -39.7 82.3 20.4 -26.6 47.0
contrast, the slight and opposite response of the L 6-methyl- 34.7 -43.9 78.6 9.2 -31.4 40.6
transition moment as shown in Table II. (The angles 5-methoxy- 49.3 -53.3 77.4 44.5 -43.8 88.3
are defined as in Figure 4.) The entries in Table II 5-methyl- 57.3 -50.9 71.8 51.6 -36.7 88.3
are arranged in order of decreasing absolute angle unsubstituted 59.2 49.9 70.9 49.4 -36.7 86.1
between the 'L and 'Li, moments. These theoretically 3-methyl- 69.4 -51.4 59.1 >3.8 -39.2 67.0
calculated values for the angle are to be compared 1-methyl- 67.9 -55.8 56.3 66.3 -42.9 >0.8
with the values determined via the above fluorescence 7-methyl- 80.1 -57.4 42.5 88.4 -41.6 50.0
anisotropy measurements (in Table I). 4-methyl- 87.8 -54.7 37.5 103.5 -40.7 35.8
6-methoxy- -8.2 -38.8 30.6 -8.8 -25.3 16.5
4-methoxy- -52.2 -62.8 10.6 130.3 -47.8 1.9
In both sets of calculations, the 1L and 1J 7-methoxy- -63.4 -67.6 4.2 106.5 -50.5 23.0
moments are predicted to be nearly parallel (8 = 0-
30) for 4-, 6-, and 7-methoxy derivatives, while 4- and
7-methyl are consistently predicted to have = 36- a) Results from -.25 singly excited and -.170 doubly excited
50. Unsubstituted indole, 5-methylindole, and 5- 1r7r* configurations and Ohno-Klopman electron
methoxyindole are consistently predicted to have the repulsion.
'Lb and 'L moments nearly perpendicular (8,, = 70- b) Results from 196 singly excited configurations and
90), and 1-methyl and 3-methylindoles are predicted Mataga-Nishimoto electron repulsion integrals.
to have intermediate values of 8 = 60-70. c) Angles are measured in degrees CCW from x which is
1.4 from the line bisecting the 5-6 bond in the direction
of atom 2. The y axis is defined by the line from atoms
4.2 Band Separations: In Table III is shown 6 to 5. (See Fig. 5).
the theoretical energy separation between the 'La and
'Lb states, ab given by INDO/S. They are
presented in order of increasing
calculated using correlated with those in solution if the solvent induced
the SDCI basis (column A). The pattern is quite shifts are reasonably uniform. Figure 5 shows a plot
similar for the SCI basis (column B). These numbers of the numbers in Table III vs. the separations experi-
should correlate with separations of the 'La and 'Li, mentally deduced from the anisotropy and excitation
absorption maxima in the gas phase and may be spectra.

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Table III. Calculated LaLp Energy Differences for
Indole Derivatives.

a) Derivative Aa Bb
(cm') (cm')

2,3 dimethyl 5624 2909

3-methyl- 5717 3234

yx 1-methyl-
(5813) est.
7-methoxy- 6424 4305
Unsubstituted- 6584 3905
4-methoxy- 6607 3942
4-methyl- 6646 4284
7-methyl- 6710 4464
5-methyl- 6958 4680
Figure 4. Conventions for the indole structure used in 5-methoxy- 7347 5069
this paper. (a) shows the numbering system, the
definition of 8 (i = a,b) defining transition dipole a) From INDO/S-SDCI (Series A of Methods Section).
directions and the Platt-Petruska spectroscopic b) From INDO/S-SCI (Series B of Methods Section).
moments, t,, for the L, transition. (b) shows the t
for the L, transition.

The fluorescence excitation spectra and anisotropy E
excitation spectra of the 13 compounds in Figures 1-2
are nearly all distinct. Their similarities and 0
differences provide a rich and revealing statement
about the two electronic states comprising the ..'28O
nm absorption band of indoles. The results are -j.0
largely understandable within the traditional frame-
work of two distinct Born-Oppenheimer vibronic -J0
manifolds, independent in the sense that individual LU

vibronic states of one electronic state are only weakly 0

coupled to those of the other by vibrations and .4-,
substitutent perturbations. E
The 1J transition apparently causes only small 0.
geometry changes and thus has a narrow envelope LU
with a dominant 0-0 band with weak progressions in
only a few Franck-Condon active modes, which in Calculated ELa _ELb iO cm1
solution are manifest as additional weak vibronic
structure to the blue of the dominant, sharp origin.
In contrast the 'La envelope is much broader with Figure 5. Comparison of the experimentally observed
little structure, especially in polar solvents. Its (via resolution of excitation and anisotropy spectra)
breadth allows its "0-0' to be close in energy to that and theoretically calculated energy differences between
of 'Li, even though its maximum is always at higher absorption maxima of the L fld L, StthS TheU
energy than that of 'Lb. The broad, slowly changing points compare vapor phase experimental data from
spectral curve of 'L allows the structured 'Li,, envelope references (8) with the present theoretical results.
to be observed even when the two bands are The points compare the present experimental results
completely overlapped. with the present SCI calculations. The A points
compare the results with the SDCI calculations. The
This independence means that solvent and following symbols identify the indoles: I = indole, 1 =
substituent perturbations can shift the entire 'La and 1-methylindole, 2= 2-methylindole, 3= 3-methyl-
'Lb envelopes relative to each other, changing the indole, 4 = 4-methylindole, 5 = 5-methylindole, 6 = 6-
order and spacing of the two origins. The substituent methylindole, 7 = 7-methylindole, 2,3 = 2,3-dimethyl-
perturbations will also change the characteristic indole, 40 = 4-methoxyindole, 50 = 5-methoxyindole, 60
transition dipole directions and lengths uniformly = 6-methoxyindole, and 70 = 7-methoxyindole.
within the respective envelopes. These parameters

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dictate the characteristic anisotropy excitation 5.2 Relative Transition Moment Directions:
spectrum for a given molecule. If the above picture is In some cases there is a reasonably good agreement
substantially true, whether the 1] or 'La is lower in between the experimentally evaluated 8 and the
energy will determine, by Kasha's rule, which state angle between the dipoles predicted by both sets of
fluoresces predominantly. Thus, whether L or L, is calculations. Looking first at the methoxyindoles in
the lowest excited singlet (S,) should make a major Figure 2, one sees what is one of the most spectacular
difference in the anisotropy spectrum. results of this study. r is relatively high and nearly
independent of wavelength for 4-methoxyindole and 7-
5.1 Identity of i! For most of the spectra in methoxyindole, but shows almost the maximum
Figures 1-2 the anisotropy reaches a limiting high possible excursion for 5-methoxyindole. The relatively
value of 0.30-0.35 when exciting the red edge. This is high and nearly constant value of r for 4-methoxy-
unequivocal evidence that the absorbing and emitting indole is very strong evidence that the two transition
transition dipoles are virtually parallel. In most of dipoles are nearly parallel. For 7-methoxyindole,
these spectra the anisotropy drops to much lower whose excitation spectrum is very similar, the drop in
values when excitation is at shorter wavelengths, r is also small, whereas the drop in r for 6-methoxy-
indicating a substantial angle between at least some indole is about half the large drop seen for 5-methoxy-
of the absorbing and emitting moments. In such cases indole. From Table II it is seen that this pattern is
it follows that the absorbing state for red edge robustly predicted by semi-empirical MO calculations.
excitation j the emitting state, S,. This occurs mainly because the 'Li, transition moment
direction is particularly sensitive to the position of
The sharpness of the 'Li, origin makes it substitution whereas the 'L direction is only weakly
identifiable in each of the spectra and the anisotropy affected and in the opposite sense. With either
excitation spectra divide neatly into two categories: parameter set employed in our calculations, quite
indole derivatives for which the anisotropy exhibits a small values of are predicted for 4-, 6-, and 7-
narrow minimum coincident with the L, origin, and methoxyindole, while a large value is predicted for
indole derivatives which show no change or a 5-methoxyindole. These observations affirm the
maximum of anisotropy at the L, origin. The former benzenoid character of the indole 'Li, transition, which
case we interpret, like those before us (5,19,20), as has been asserted previously on theoretical grounds
indicating that 'L is S1. The latter case evidently (7,21,22). Elsewhere we will further discuss the
corresponds to 'Lb as B,. INDO/S results and compare these with predictions of
the Platt-Petruska theory (23,24).
By this criterion, 'Lv, is B, for all the methoxy
derivatives (and perhaps 1-methylindole). Dual Regarding methyl substitution, 2-methylindole, 3-
emission from the 'La and 'Li, states apparently occurs methylindole and 2,3-dimethylindole have 'La bands
for 5-methylindole, and may also occur for 1-, 4-, and which are the most red shifted, presumably becanse
7-methylindole. For all other indoles studied, 'L is the 'La transition has a large component in the 2-3
evidently S,. double bond. This is especially true for 2,3-
dimethylindole, which has a pronounced broadening
The 'La'L, energy gap from the MO calculations and by far the longest high anisotropy plateau at the
should, in principle, provide predictive power regarding red edge.
the relative energy of the 'Li, and 'La origins. The
calculated energy differences correspond to vertical The remaining methylindoles fall into an
excitation in a vacuum and should corre'ate with the intermediate class characterized by having their 'La
difference between the 'L and 'L,, absorption maxima and 'Li, origins nearly degenerate. This is particularly
in the vapor phase. From Figure 5 it is seen that evident for 5-methylindole, for which the emission-
vapor phase data, when available, correlate well with wavelength dependent r values, low red edge
the calculations. In the polar PPG condensed phase, excitation r values, and shallow excitation r spectrum,
the 'La oscillators are all expected to be stabilized and strongly indicate that emission occurs from both the
thus red shifted with respect to the 'Li, oscillators. If 'La and 'Li, states. Dual emission from indoles in rigid
there is a uniform red shift of the 'La band for all solution has been previously reported (19,25,26) and
indoles, the experimental EL -E1 energy gap values it is reasonable to expect cases where the 'La and 'Li,
in Figure 5 will shift downwthd133r an equal amount. origins are within kT of one another.) The near
Since the red shift probably varies somewhat even degeneracy of the 'La and 'Li, origins thus leads to an
among the methylindoles, a perfect correlation should explanation of the unusual anisotropy patterns for 5-
not be expected, even if the theory were exact in the methylindole and the other methyl derivations of the
vapor phase. Nonetheless, theory clearly points out benzoid ring (i.e., the red edge excitation r values for
the extremes and correctly places 5-methylindole these methylindoles are lower than 0.30-0.35 due to
relative to the other methylindoles. The theory, if dual emission). The INDO calculations also predict
taken literally, appears to fail by inferring that 4-, 4-, 5-, and 7-methylindole to have E,-ELb gaps that
6-, and 7-methoxyindoles would have 'La as S,. How- are intermediate (see Figure 5) between the dominant
ever, as just noted, the theory does not consider the 'Lafluorescing chromophores (e.g., 2,3-dimethyl-, 2-,
solvent effect, which may be less for the methoxy- and 3-methyl-) and the dominant 'Lb-fluorescing
indoles than for the methylindoles. chromophores (e.g., 5-methoxyindole).

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6. CONCLUSIONS 4. Weber, G. Biochem. J. 1960, j,, 335.
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the properties of the 280 nm absorption band for all 1972, j, 1362.
methylindoles and the four methoxyindoles substituted 7. Callis, P.R. Int. J. Quant. Chem. 1984, , 579.
on the benzene ring. The methoxyindoles exhibit a 8. Strickland, E.H.; Horwitz, J.; Billups, C.
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the lowest excited singlet state in cold PPG, whereas 9. Andrews, L.J.; Forster, L.S. Biochemistry, 1972,
methyl derivatives of indole's 5-membered ring have II, 1875.
'L lowest (predominantly). Methyl derivatives of
indole's benzoid ring show an intermediate photo-
physical pattern. In particular, 5-methylindole
10. Sun, M.; Song, P.S. Photochem. Photobiol. 1977,
11. Tatisheft, I.; Klein, R.; Zemb, T.; Duquesne, M.
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The experimental observation that 4-, 6- and 7-

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12. Rehms, A.A.; Calls, P.R. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1987,
13. Hershberger, M.V.; Lumry R.W. Photochem.
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in a direction depending upon the substitution site E.W. J. Phys. Chem. 1989, 93, 6646.
because of the benzenoid nature of this state. The 'La 15. Eftink, M.R.; Selvidge, L.A.; Callis, P.R.; Rehms,
moment direction is theoretically seen to be far less A.A. J. Phys. Chem. 1990, (in press).
sensitive to substitution at least partly because about 16. Ridley, J.; Zerner, M. Theoret. Chem. Acta. (Berl.)
half the intensity comes from an ethylene-like 1973, , 111.
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18. Takigawa, T.; Ashida, T.; Sasada, Y.; Kakudo, M.
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7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 19. Zimmerman, H.; Joop, N. Z. Elektrochem. 1961
65, 61.
This research was supported by National Science 20. Konev, S.V. in "Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
Foundation grant DMB 88-06113 to MRE and National of Proteins and Amino Acids", S. Udenfriend, Ed.;
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21. Evieth, E.M. Theor. Chim. Acta., 1970, j, 22.
22. Lami, H. J. Chem. Phys. 1977, , 3274.
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