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Mathematics Department

Course Outline : Algebra II (Gr. 9-12)

Teacher : Mr. M. Castellani
Student Name : ________________________

Unit Titles :
First Quarter - Chapter 1 : Equations and Inequalities
- Chapter 2 : Linear Equations and Functions
- Chapter 3 : Linear Systems and Matrices (part 1)

Second Quarter - Chapter 3 : Linear Systems and Matrices (part 2)

- Chapter 4 : Quadratic Functions & Factoring
- Chapter 5 : Polynomials and Polynomial Functions

Third Quarter - Chapter 6 : Rational Exponents and Radicals Functions

- Chapter 7 : Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Chapter 13 : Trigonometric Ratios and Functions

Fourth Quarter - Chapter 14 : Trigonometric Graphs, Identities and Equations

- Chapter 8 : Rational Functions
- Chapter 9 : Quadratic Relations and Conic Sections

Evaluation of Student Achievement :

First Semester
First Quarter (42.5 %) + Second Quarter (42.5 %) + Midterm (15 %) = 100 %
Second Semester
Third Quarter (42.5 %) + Fourth Quarter (42.5 %) + Final Exam (15 %) = 100 %

Final Mark = First Semester Mark +

Second Semester Mark

Quarter Mark Scheme : Class Mark ( Homework, Participation, etc. ) 20 %

Quizzes, Assignments & Extension 40 %
Tests 40 %
100 %

Course Materials :
1. Three Ring Binder, paper (lined and graphed), pens, pencils, ruler, protractor, compass and a
Graphing Calculator. A Graphing Calculator will be used throughout, students are required to
purchase and bring one to class daily. The Mathematics Dept. requires a minimum of a TI-83+
Graphing Calculator for all mathematics classes in the High School.
2. Course Textbook – Algebra 2 (McDougal Littell Publishing)
- Students are expected to get their textbook properly covered

Class Time :
Students are expected to come to class each day prepared, which means students arrive on time
with the necessary Course Materials. Generally, the days lesson will be on the board and students are to
enter the room, open their books and begin working/copying the lesson. There will be a lecture presenting
the new material, followed by discussion with ample examples to be provided, with the solutions being
worked through together for understanding. The format of the class will be deviated from when the class
will be exploring topics by means of activities, projects, extensions or assignments. Additionally, students
are to have their homework out as it will be checked daily. Any problems with the previous days homework
will be taken up before the beginning of the lesson (for approx. 10 minutes at the start of class), but it is the
responsibility of the students to ask for help or correction.

work LOAD :
Students should expect to receive Work Assignments will be given out daily and on average day
should expect approximately 60 – 120 minutes of Mathematics work each night. For students to receive full
credit each work assignment should start on a fresh sheet of paper and include the student’s name, topic
information (unit & lesson), textbook page and information identifying the question number. An attempt on
all questions must be made for full marks and to be considered acceptable work must include the question
listed in the textbook and clearly identify ALL the steps used (not simply the final answer), including any graphs,
diagrams or charts. To properly learn and understand Mathematics is to accept a basic principle that Math
is not simply about the answer, but about the process. Work is critical to your success in the course and in
addition to being mandatory, should be viewed as an opportunity to strengthen your understanding of the
material and not as a task for completion. Note : students must have an understanding of Academic
Integrity regarding work assignments.
Absence :
If students are absent from class, they are expected to contact a classmate to get the missed work
assignment and any class announcements regarding upcoming dates and information. Please be aware of
not only the rules outlined in the Student Handbook, but the following classroom rules as well. If you are
absent, read over the missed material in the textbook and if possible attain copies of the notes (available by
email request). It is the student’s responsibility to catch up on any missed work. If there are problems with
the subject material, please contact me and make arrangements (for extra help). Additionally, students who
know that they are going to be away in advance must make the appropriate arrangements (regarding
materials, work and assessments). Please refer to the schools policy when absent on the day of an
assessment (test, quiz, assignment, etc.).

Classmate’s Name Phone Number

Contact Information :
If for any reason you or your parents want to contact me, I can be reached at the following email
addresses anytime : or

Student’s Name : __________________________________________

Student’s Signature : __________________________________________ Date : _______________

Parent/Guardian Signature : _______________________________________

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