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What are the drivers of social success?

Originality is still cited as the most important feature for a successful social campaign
A worthwhile cause 5.0
Originality, followed by humour and understanding
Humour 8.3 of an existing brand personality, are the features
considered by the authors of shortlisted papers as the
Irreverence 6.7
most important to social success. This was certainly
much in evidence in the top-scoring case study, the
Originality 10.0
Grand Prix-winning KFC Dirty Louisiana campaign,
Understanding of an
Dont make dirty good, make clean bad (see p.20).
existing brand idea
Understanding of an Prizes, a competition, challenge or puzzle have
existing brand personality suffered a decline, from being evident in 33% of
Prizes, a competition, shortlisted cases in 2015, to 17% in 2016, to just one
challenge or puzzle case study in 2018, Bics Champenships (see p.29).
Public contributed / generated 5.0
content / customised Celebrity involvement continues to rank highly, with
Association with an event, many campaigns particularly from Asia and the
sport, show or game Middle East choosing to take this path.
A useful product 5.0
message or service
A free offer or 3.3
promotional incentive

Experiential / sensory 5.0

Celebrity involvement 6.7

0 2 4 6 8 10

8 Social Strategy Report 2017 Copyright WARC 2017. All rights reserved.

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