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aos! Conference on Medar Ten in Cl Enginetng-Nor-09 Peparment of Ci Engineering, Dr Sivas Aeanar Calle of ay mei Tachendr ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE PSEUDOSPHERICAL SHELL STRUCTURES Soja.RJ ', Ramesh Kumar.R*, Ramesh Babu.C? ‘Student Mepeo Schlenk Engineering college Sivakasi, > Head, HPD, VSSC, Thiruwananthapuram, “Lecturer, Dep of civil engineering, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Sivakasi ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis work is to analyze a buckling and bending behavior of ‘posite psedosperical shell due to axial loading, The psedosperical shell analyzed here 4 composite shell structure having a negative Gauss curvature and can posses a state of ‘ere membrane stress, once loaded along its meridian. A computer program is developed senerate the co ordinates ofthe psedosperical shell. The model is generated and static sis is done using a general purpose finite element sofovare ANSYS, The critical load she psedosperical shell is compared with a eylindrical shell of same radius, thickness ‘72d height. 1s found out that the critical buckling load depends various factors such as Dect ratio, geometry, support conditions, material properties et. Comparative study is 2% using metalic and honey comb struetves and this shows that the honeycomd racture is comparatively more efciontand economical than metalic siructures. INTRODUCTION Composite materials ase wsed in most of the aero space structures due to is ‘sereased load carrying capacity, less weight and good thermal properties But the usage of posite materials is limited to the most important parts due to its high cos. ‘The pseudo sphericel shell isa structure with volume equal to the volume of @ ‘ular cyfinder of same height and radius but the area is less. This redices the usage of ‘atrial md hence reduces cost. This thesis work deals with the analysis of a peeudo ‘ehercal shel subjected to axial compressive forces. The provision of proper end supports ‘Soteases the load bearing capacity of the shell OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE ‘The objective ofthis project isto model and analyze the buckling behavior of a udo spherical shell under axial compressive foes using the finite clemem software SNSYS. The behavior of the PS shell is compared to that of a repulareyiindrical shel ‘me radius, boight and thickness. The effect of end suppor in the load bearing capacity shells also analyzed, PSEUDOSPHERICAL SHELL ‘A pseudo sphetical shell can be defined as a shel of revolution formed by a tractix as enertor, A tratrx i a curve, which possesses equal tangent segments drawn from any int oni fo One ofits directrix. In other words, a psedospherical shell can be defined as 8 85 National Conference on Modem Trends in Civil Engnezrng -Ncu Depart of Civil Engineering, Dr Swvanth Adana Cllege of Engewsing Tock shell of revolution formed by a equitangential curve. The shell surface is anticlastic ‘each point forming a saddle center. COMPOSITE MATERIALS A composite material is defined as a combination of two or more mate combined together to form a useful material. The advantage of composites that usually exhibit the best qualities oftheir conctituents. Due to thee high strength wo we And high stiffness to weight ratios, they are used in weight sensitive applications suc airerafts and space vehicles. Advantages of composites are '* Composites possess high strength and high stiffness. * The fatigue strength to weight ratios as well as fatigue damage tolerance of = ‘composite laminates is excellent. * They possess high internal damping, which leads to a better vibration exe ‘bsorption within the material + In unfavorable environments, metals are usually. suscepti ‘composites have non-corroding behaviour. * Structures made of composites are lighter than those made of convese materials FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING AND ANALYSIS Tite element analysis i a method for numcical solution of field probes Geld problem requires that we determine the spatial distribution of one or more depend variables. Mathematically, a field problem is deserted by differential equations © rp Imegrl expression, Finite elements formations, in ready to use forms ae cone general purpose FEA programme. Individual finite element can be visualized a a Pieces or form infinitesimal elements used in calculus. In each nite elmer a'® quantity is allowed 10 have only a simple spatal variation, perhaps decree Polynomial terms up tox”. ay and y?. ‘The actual variation in the region spannee we lement is almost certainly more complicated, so FEA provides en approximate solaaea, ANSYS ANSYS is general pupose finite element software in which the the finite cis ‘modeling and analysis of structures is done. Various types of analysis problem suck asd static analysis, Eigen buckling analysis and modal analysis can be done using thie soma ‘This software enables the modeling of composite materials also let corrasie Provision of Fa ont Covers on Mode Tai CEng -netest Dipset Ciel Enpmetng De Sat At Caley a gece en relaforcement ‘cial sel of I hick with one end spy saporad and othe fee i anaveed. Here an exra thickness of mai provide ont sss concen ‘sex. The provision of end enforcement do ‘cig fad I ncronad, exes the ffectof beng an hence th (ties sess 2675 Ninn ‘Variation of rita tres eto change in height and (RA) ratio Caza aca Boundary Rh Height —ARSWS] Theor condition aio (am) rele vaboenee 2 Si 7 One end [ar 6 780 spy 100 80 30, support San zn8s tater 30 au 2188 ed foe 3s_ [Te 20 Composite material Using of composite material ceases the load canyng capacity with oot Increasing eetve weight of te sctare Merial Terie ess (Som) Single peed 207 isoopie Siapered Metic 386 “ona con am ‘Nant Cotes on Moien Teds Ci Exper Nee) Dept of Ens Svan Adina eee Emm Tee PSEUDOSPHERICAL SHELL (Cuspidal equator radius ofa pseudo spherical shell "om he ig i may be noted tht the tangent segment length, C forms 8 cusp for the actin meridian when ii a 90? with the dean hen the ecumereal redo + ‘ofthe pseudo spherical shell atthe cusp wil be oqul the tangent sezment length. The radius scaled caspdal equator radius Of aPS shel Fs = DERIVATION OF THE EQUATIONS FOR A PSEUDOSPHERICAL SHELL. ‘The governing equations for aPS shell are derived from the sretural synthesis of| the structure with reference 1 the prota] fabrication ofthe structure, Conventional ‘squatons regarding pseudo spherical shell geometry in rectangular peometic system ‘erved ae ry stch 9,605 8 Yie rsteh sind Zi= 28) -tanh “The values of sn @ are taken from 3010 90" ANALYSIS OF PSEUDOSPHERICAL SHELL, ‘The co oniates ofthe pseudo spherical shell are calculated by developing a _ZOzFAM. The pseudo spherical shell is modeled in ANSY'S by roan the parabola oaad ‘Be focus by an angle of 3°°A eylindieal porion ix provided at the middle secon ‘Fide the required height of 180 min (Ceca buckling oad Asele | cotca sess (Nim) 45 168 0 1136 75 1817 “The pseudo spherical shell with 60? angle is chosen. His structurally ste and ‘5s:rtd to te functionally god: The etal sues ofthe paso spherical shell with 60 mr tl Esme Ada ee oh es tha hat pure yn shel of sme ses cto the chang lathes sone Vartion of ral zs With change in ickaess By keeping the constant rads a eight he PS sels signe in 60 nwa thine, is fun ot thatthe ciel sts erste with tear cos send height Te vriton of xt Behavior sina to eae ae se Sil clos | Ghai mas (omy (mm) ia Tse 7 Ta a 6 Adional reinforcement Adina enforcement provided on areas wre the sess i high Tit rede ‘eet ofbening and ts inereanes th cia fod athe arte 270 Ni Mara ‘Creal ese (sie) Sing gered op 136 ‘layered Metalic laminate | 214 Honeycomb Ba ; nd support bok Soiuible od block and soppon conditions ate proved to ierake the lsibcon of load and is inraes the load caryng capacity of scare, ‘ypesof end Soper: wl inthe PS sl ae 4X 0. ent Ceres Mader Tei hl ging “NOTE Depurien oCv Engetng. Br Sah haar Coleg ef Ears aes RESULTS AND CONCLUSION ‘The governing equations for a PS shell ae derived fom the srucaual symthesis of the srctue with reference othe practical abicaton ofthe stare ‘The modeling and analysis of pseudo sphrca sll with layered laminate metalic 1nd honey comb materials are done using ANSYS. I is found out thatthe honey comb materials a more preferable than metal stsctures for thigh load carrying cacy ind ess weigh ‘The analysis results shows tat dhe PS shell has les etl buckling a sarrying capscty compared 0 the zeaulr cylindrica shell of same rad in onary Sondions. But by providing proper lal distbution system and proper set Gt teil, ie erical buckling Wad canbe increased ‘The usage of the PS shel decreases the material consumption and tease ‘edees the overall cot. Thus th PS shell canbe sed inthe upper parts of space maces viding proper suppor condos REFERENCES (01 Cadatine, CR, 1998, Theory of shel sractres, Cambridge press, chapter S812 (21 Flege W, 1973, teses in shel, Speingse-Verag, second edition, Bern [31 Bathe, K. 3. Ho, L. We, "A simple ad Esetive Element for Analysis General Shell Structures, Computers and Structures [ALR.M. Sones, Mechanics of Composite Material, MeCiraw Hil Publishing (51. N. Realy ad A.V, Krsna Moory, “Compote Strctres, Testing, Analyis and Design (6) Haris, J, W and Stocker, Ht" Hypeboloid of Revolution” Handbook af Mathematics fd Compatonal Science, New York: Springer Verlag, p 17] Biber, D. and Cot Vossen, S. Gsaetr and the Imaghnatin. New York: Chelsea [8] JavaView. "Classe Surices from Differential Geometry: Hyperbolod paw 8B math saviewlderal om i

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